Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, July 22, 1846, Image 1

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VOL. 11.--NO. 1.
N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Sts.
Tnnits.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance.
Six dollars will invariably be required if not paid
within the year:
Single copies, TWO cErrrs—for sale at the counter
of the Office, and by News Boys.
Is published atilt() same office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year; in advance; sin
gle- copies, srx CENTS.
Terms of
One insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00,
Two do, 0 75 Two do, 6 00
Three do, 1 00 Three do, 7 00
One week,. 1 50 Four do, 8 00
Two do, 300 Bix do, 10 00
Three do, 4 00 One year, 15 00
Yrarly Advertisements,
One Square. Ttco Squirts. .
Six month, $l5 00 Six months, $:0 00
One year, Q 0 00 One year, 00 00
Larger advertisements in proportion.
10 - C.uuss of four hues, sure eiot,Lias a yiar.
Magraw & 211.1,Knight,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Office rernovoi to the
I l i residence of H. S. Magraw, an Fount st., one
door from Cherry Alley. ,afC2l-y
Wills & Donnelly,
Pittsburgh, Pa- Office on Fourth st, between
Smithfield and Grant. marll-v
Edmnnd Snowden,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office iu the haling no
the North East corner of Fourth aniSmithileld
streets. ! norl 1-v
P. C. Shantion.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greensburg Westmore
land county, Pa., Avill practice it the West
moreland, Indiana and Cambria courts. tlecS-y
111 , 1lahon & Scanor,
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, office is Fifth street, in
Barr's new buildings, betwein Wood and
Smithfield streets. octM-y
Snider & Simpson,
ATTORNEVS AT LAW, office it the building
formerly occupied by the U. S. Bank, Fourth
at, between Market and Wood sta.. mar2l-1
Hamilton aC Bruce,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, office North side o.
Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield its.,
CoLlectio.as made ;ea reasonable
-wilond Alley., op
• •.ro manufactory.
„ -
office te thamlttrs
lnan ALlTasterg, on Fifth at.,
tithtield. aplB-y
7; &less & 111,tinre,
Fourth street, opposite R. & It. 11.
.11rEjilivery St ab l e, Pittsburgh. sepia-)
' r iht • d
- myriar_ Swartzwelder)
KEYS AT LAW, Fourth street lietwe_:en
and Smithfield., opposite Puttersoes iiv
try', '2l)-1-Y
C. Ori&ali6 Loomis,
A t.NEY AT LAW, office Fourth st., above
A ELEN has removed his commission and for-
IlLtrding business froth the Canal Baku to his
etc srlousc on Third street, nearly opposite the
Post :e. may3o.l
Richard Corritit,
A "JILVEY AT p.w, arice in Stuart's build
-11 t o 'Fourth st4' above Woof. junel9-dwy
Jolt K x, tornteriy of Pittsburgh,
A•DRNEY , LAW, Carlisle, Pa. will prac
tto his piolession in the counties of Cum
berlatiJauphin, Adams, Perry and Juniata.
Busss in those counties intrusted to him will
be atted to with promptness.
my-d3ro&wy. -
Johri W. Burrell,
A •:ORNEY AT LAW, having returned from
ta_ is European tour has taken an office on the,
urtnast corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. Per
ms had business and papers in the hands of
Kingston,mvl Esq., deceased, will call on the
ovs as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston
2 Oen left in his hands. mars-y
Charles Al. Hays,
TTORNEY AT. LAW, Pittsbur g h, Pa. Co
L missianer to take the proof and acknowledi;e
it of deeds; leases, contracts, deposites or other
:logs to be recorded or used in the States of
ducky, Indiana and 'Tennessee. Office NO. 80,
'.! irt's buildings, Fourth street. marl2.-y
James S. Craft,
e _ Pittsburgh, Pa., haring resigned the office of
retary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend ape
' ' r !) , to collections and-business connected with
igationi insurance, acoounts and real estate. Bu
ss hours, 9 A. M. to'9 P. M. Of f ice, No. I,
- .l , rt's buildings, Cio,Bo, Fourth at-0 second door
Ward street. fob3-y
Edwin C. Wilson,
I tFranklin, Venangd county, Penna., will attend
to all business entrusted to his care—col
ds trade in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s.
A. Stockton & Co.
:irphy, Wilson & Co. } Pittsburgh.
on Bigler, _
En. James Kinnear,
h. Alci. M'Calmont,
John A. iarhinson,
ALgRMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between
't♦lnut and O'Hara - streets, where he may be
found Mal times. Those having houses or other
I property° sell or rent, can have the same punctu
ally atteled to; debts collected, and all the duties
of an Altrman will receive prompt attention.
N. Holmes
BANKILS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic
Dillaf Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank
notes andipecie. Drags and notes colicctinl, and
remittance made to any part of. the United States,
No. 55 Maiet street. jan7-y
j'ohnston Stockton,
KERSNo. 114 Market street. sep 10-y
ficribn & Scheibler,
No. I t . , three doors below Fifth,
vittsburgh, 1.. jan7-y
O r R. a NTE ., ci",.reets, EittOurgh,
And bolts,
obacco, fat ' k Fw. , lusen
ewe for rol seplol'
▪ rqesrl
, I leld sta. ja14n144
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MIEMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next door
I . ` to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. . juficfi-y
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. mar3-y
George Cochran,
No. 26 Wood st., Pittsburgh. nov27-y
for the Allegheny River trade, dealers in groce
ries, produce, Pittsburgh manufacturesi chloride of
lime and paper. The highest price in cash paid at all
times for country rags, baling rope, and cotton waste,
corner of Penn and Irwin sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
QEO. S. SWARTZ would respectfully inform his
friends and customers that lie has removed .to
No. 106 Market street, between Fifth and Liberty sus.,
cast side, where lie is receiving a large and well as
sorted stock of spring goods, to which he would
spectfully invite their attention. ap3-d6m.
ri - As removed a short distance above his former
u_ location, on Smithfield street, near Seventh,
east side- ian7-y
11S. BOSWORTH & Co., No. 43 litaiket street,
. next door to Third street, are just opening a
new and estensire assortment of Books and Station
ery, which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the
lowest prices.. ap2.5-y
Wm. O'llara Robinson,
T ATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his office to
j NO. S St. Clair st. sept,t-y
LUMBER MERCIIANT, office- on Penn street,
between Irwin and hand at Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions will be pnlinptly attended to. snar4-y
TAKE LOONIN, Agent, publisher, bookseller and
bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Pilkinton's Unrivalled Blacking,
A T ANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and ru
in tail, Smithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin
alley. oct2l-y
ATANUFACTCRER of Lard Oil ,and dealer in
ill Star Candles, Fifth street, near Market, S. W.
side. Inar24-y
Will. COLE. L JOHN. F. JENNINGS. J.S. W. iill.ll-11-kl,"
ATANITACTURERS of Carriage Springs and
1 Axles, A. D., and spring Mee!, and dealers ih
coach trimmings of every description, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
posiM St.. Charles Hotel. jan23-y
Flint Glass Establishment.
Fifth gueet,
lILVANY & LEDL[E manufacture and keep
111_ constantly on hand cut, ,moulded and plain
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
Comer of Market and - Water streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works continue in full operation, and we are
constantly adding, to our stock, which enables us to
fill orders \cit.!), promptness. Purchasersare respect
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
ANUFACTCRE ft or Lscoanurvietc TEETH,
ill Smithfield street two doors below Fifth street
Pittsburgh, * Pa. Always on hands fell assortment or
Plate and Pivot teeth ; of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate, Molars and Itiscuspidatoes,"G inn teeth,
gcnnv Pivot teeth, &e. TereN and blocks tootle to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro-
Cession. All orders from abroad ror.4.t be accompan
ied by the cash.
Dr. baniel Dl `Dirac.
OFFICE, on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth tt.,
Pittsburgh. declo-y
Dr. Oetorge Watt,
FFICE, No. 77 Sinithfield street, near Sixth st,
Pittsbuirgh. aug2ll
Dr. George Felix,
T)RACTISING PIiYSICLAN, office on Smithfield,
sear Seventh st. july2,E-y
PIAlslO FORTE manufacturer and dmder in 'Mil
sical Instruments, No. 112 Wood Street, near
Fifth. novl9-y
PLUNDER, and manufacturer of Pumps and llv
drantii, which are superior to and cheaper thin
any in the city. Please to call and examine for your
selves. Fourth streetibetween Smithfield and Cher
ry Alley. hydrants and pumps repaired. janl-y
H. D.. Sellers; H. D.
ItEMOVED to Penn at., between Irwin ind Hand
streets, five doors below Hand aL apial
Hugh Axtere,
SURGEON' DENTIST, 11S Liberty street., a few
doors below - St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
sale and retail druggists , and manufacturers o
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
SUCCESSOILS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro
cers, produce and commission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. bU,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y
Jdliu ra'Cloakey,
rpAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st., betFeen
J_ Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
rrIHE undersigned.begs leave to . tay to his friends
and the public generally, that he has removed
his office to Penn street, near the canal bridge,oppo
site the United States Hotel
U. A. Fahucatdek & ea. ;
AITIICiLESALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth
V and Wood streets. sept2_y
W i s o T L O E R sp . . L c E O r 4.
e a r E . T
Wo L
o l d % A a n Y
t C r E e
e R u T
Pittsburgh apl4-y
, Ohio. juylt.3-
HOLV.SALE and retail dealers in foreign and
domestic Wines and Liquors, eielusirely,
No. 18 Market street. apaqi
WHOL.V.SALL and retail Grocer mid dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No. 6U Water
street. seps-y
, Commission Merchants, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh nianufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa., tbbry
Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Ron:, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. al9-y
WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce
and'Pittsburgh manufactures generally, Np.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. - ap2B-y
ohn U. Mellor,
SALE and retail ilealar in Music and
WllMust Piano Fortes, Scliool
Books and St Wood street, Pitts:.
.urgh, . jantl
ie for
-4 Trniatr
+ ooAvy ane
Martin Lytle,
C. A. 211 , AnnIty Co,
lloynolds . & Sheep
Dr:Vco. Felix
New Boole Store.
L. NV aruart
School Book and Paper Warehouse
M. C. Edey,
Coleman, Hallman ,S.: Co.,
Otio Kuntz,
F. Bluxite,
George Bailey,
Ogden ,54:,Sitowden,
Martin tk.. Smith)
Alderman's Office
T !Lomas .111111er,s-
Stetett & CO.,
P. Ca ittarttrla
Lambert& Shiptont
John Scott & Co.,
J.: itJ. IThevitt,
& Co,
rnportcra of tin plate
.;;Alera in copper and
IWand 114
vances io.lai. old
tiSelect Scl6ol.
~..." e,it, in ~
4.,....„.. „..-
t ir,llo
J. D.
nO Wood street r eorner of Wood and Fifth
streets, Pittsburgh. aprS-y
R. E. Senursy
AITHOLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye
v stuff's, paints, oils, varnishes-, &c., No. .57,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. oct3-y
Dr. IVin.lll.. Wright,
E crr i s s j ' a °l l l , ,e v e dt d rs re do e ‘ n y c L e a i t:- '
crty, near the Exehance Hotel.
Econontieds, Rend Thin:
rr II E subscriber is now selling Hats of the
Lest quality at a reduction of ten per cent. be
low all others. Ile is now manufacturing line
Neuter Hearer Hats with patent mirror in the lining,
a beautiful article very low. Fine No. I flesh Hats
same style and - finish; No. I. Bush do; and every
white va
riety of pearl, blue, andhite eas,:iincrc .
Wood st. bet. Birth and Liberty.
Franklin llott.e, Fourth htreet,
Between Smithfield and Grant Streets, Pitlasburgh
011RISTIAN MCILIIERTZ, Proprietor, respect
k) May informs his friends and the public general
ly, that he will open the above splendid House on
the let day of May neat,.
The House being new, and finished in she most
commodious and convenient manner; and having it
furnished with the newest and most heutiful style of
furniture; flatters himself that he will be able to ac
commodate his friend's and the tritAciling public, iva
manner not inferior to any similar estairlishnacat in
the city.
As the 'iciest is situated near the Court House, ar
rancnients have been made to serve up meals at any ;
hour in the tlan this Will be great convenience to
those who are in attendance at court.
03'llefreshinents of all kinds can be had. Bear
dere taken by the wy.!..k of day:
Itn - Lunch r.ter3- day at II o'clock}
'AV asshingtozs
TAMES mors-ritoNa, Proprietor, Corner of St.
11 Clair and Penn streets, the proprie
tor begs leave to return his most g rateful thanks to
his friends and the public for past f avors, and hopes,
by attention, to merit it continuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the at
change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a
large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par
Refreslunents always ready, or prepar ,,- -iltin the
shortest notice, with the choicei.t the Ilarket Iva' af
ford. (liters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received every day during the scnison. The
greatest care has been taken in the selection tie wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly
piled in the estatilishinent,
I'. S. A Hut Lunch served up every day at I I, A.
M. ap Isl.
Count Boat noose.
It. DOSS Err, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
Boarding and lodging, by the day or week s on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to
their advantage to patronize him. Ireratius travelling
east or west will find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, aud convenient to the forwarding houses.
Ete.iy information given to Iron Manufacturers in
all branches of the business.
Home brewed Me can at all times be had at the
bar. noritl:y
Laiiiyette ReCrectory.
NOS. 61 and 63, Wood street, under Lyntrei Auc
tion store. The subscribers have fitted up the
abo.e place in superior style, and they feel assured
will give comfort and satisfaction to all who may
Visit them.
Arrangements hate beim made to hare a constant
supply of Fres/i Oysters, which will be served up to
visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries. Ali the choicest
i kiiicii - ett'erays - nii i iii...L-: T-hisie.it.t...is . Blisid-with ; Dm
best brands the market can afford; and ltegalid, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior gnat
; ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto
is, every luxury in its season. Prices moderate,
. . _
Beirut District lintel.
merly of the tfuion Hotel
on Water street, having been burnt out, has built
a new and handsOme house expressly for the accom
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt
District Hotel.
Ilc is now prepared to offer every accommodation
and every comfort to the iraveler, at very moderate
charges. is provided with ample and convenient
stabling. deel2-y
EOM itilleil Hatay
LEN BROWN, PROPHirroa.—Terms $l,OO per
day. Thou ndcrsigned, formerly of the Alerchauts
Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
this superior establishment, and furuished , it anew
throughout, with new beds, new bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to fill his cel
lar with the choicest viands. A handsome ,oninibus
and a baggage wagon arc provided for the use of his
guests, and a Porter will be iu attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
pericnco of the undersigned in this business, assures
him that his easnest parpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be•uusucceastul. lie feels altogether at IiIN
erty to promise his siSitote a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a moderate expense: . ALLEN BROWN.
WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day
January, inst., associated with Min Jas. W,
; Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name. Mid
style of Coleman, Hallman & co., will now have in
creased facilities fur manufacturing Steel Springs;
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
&c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib
erally bestowed upon him; Factory on St: Clair St.
—warehouse 43 Wood at. opposite the St. Charles
lintel, where can be found a - good assortment of
Springs, Axles, A. 3.,and Spring Steel, and Cnach
Trimmings of every escriptioir, together'with Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles trr The
highest pride pdid far (temp iron. jan22
A. Fulton,
DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old stand, No. 70
Second, bet Ween IVlailtst and Ferry streets, where'
he will be pleased to see his old customers and
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns 'of the most
approved models, and warranted. to - be of the best
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c.
together with every variety of Brass Castings; if re
qttired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction
Metal, no justly celebrated' for the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
be had of him at all times. hovl3-r
John . Cur twr ght
C UTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive
assortment of Surgical and Dentdl instruments,
Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dressers' and Tait 7
ners' Patent Shears, Saddlers' Tools, Trusses,
je24 . .
TILL continues in his old business iifmanuflactuic.
ing Wagons, Carts, trays, Timber Wfieels,
Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, ort.Fifth Street, between
Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in the shortest notice, any
amount of work, by the best d workmen and good
materials, and at pricei..te suit the times. ,Those
engaged in the Santa Fe liade, and Furnace men,
are requested to give hint :n call before mtrefiasing:
elsewhere. . ag'gy
kegs:Plug :robaoto; • • -
5 cc. Ladies' Twist, do; • e
10 -cc Va. 'cc do. '
10 "i 0 Cavcd, is Lump, do;
n store and for ssle by J. fx. J. McIfIP.VITT,
24'W — 222 Liberty st.
R.A.B . CIDETt-20 barrels Crab Cidei, for aale low
by . , • P. C. MARTEN,
60 Water street.
- 4703:—.1 - Tevi-i u de s of Missisqippi ,Cirtton, Tor
„?. yak low by , c , r,dr,pE. cOCHRAft,
. o t+ _
. ,
Lard Oil at it‘ Reduced Pilee
111111 F, subscriber respectfully inform his
friends and the public in general, that his new
Factory is now completed, and with a large addition
Ito his machinery he is prepared to make eimsidera
i ble quantitiol of a tUPekipt,'ffticle 'Of Lard Oil,
which he is determined totell 'cheap, fully apprecia
ring the old proverb, that "a nimble sixpence is
worth inure than a slow Ati feels coon
den t that consumers- would-find it 155 iheir ad vantage
to eke him a mill and examine for thelitibltes.
Woolen manatetnrers, machinists and others, are
rapcetfully invited too:amine his superior oil, Fifth
street, near Market, opposite llitnker'a Confection
ary store, and Messrs, Samuel 'M'Clurlien S Co.,
Liberty street. 141 . C. EDEY,
Pittsbiim . e Lard Oil Maitufacturcr.
A superior quality of Star Candls,, always on ha nd,
of assoand mar24-y
Ornumcntal k•Alr:ork
4. MRS. RENTER, Wig Maker,
„0" 4, 010 . 10, Allrglamy City, sir doors from the
Aque,luct, opposite: the Collector's
Office, Nvlslica to inform the pub
lie that she lutenist 'commenced
the Ornatnental Hair bustiless,
?. •an hgs ¢very e snyerio r r stcmk, a re ,i
romd astern
„ Paris; and sho prepa.rcil to fill
all orders at the shortest notice,
and in a manner that cannot be
candled by any similar manunic
' turer in the country. t
She has on hand and „intends keeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental flair Work„,stich at Ladies'
I V , „' „ Bands, Braids, Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger Rings, &.c. Gentlemen.,' Wigs,
l'anpries, Scratches, Ere.
Mrs. It. has been for many yena; engaged in the
bit:Micas in France and the United. States, and from
her long and eaperience, she feels confident in being
able to pie satisniction to all Who will favor leer
iNith their patronage. Iler price/I:are more liberal
than have been offered in this city, heretofore.
mar 17-ly
Jamvs Howard d;;:co.
AVE Ow picassre to annouiMe to their friends
I . that they again occupy their old stand at No.
Wood Mreet, where they have opened an eaten
isivt WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE . , and will have
contantly on hand an extensive asiortment - of Satin
glazed and plant PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet add
Imitation Herders of the latest style; and must hand
sonic patterns kir papering halls, parlors and cham
bers. •
They Manuflicture, and have us hand at all times,
Printing; Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,
linnnet and Fuller's Boards—all of it hich they, offer
Cur sale on the must aLcumniudating terms, and M
which they invite the attention 64' merchants and
utfri , rs.'
ALSO—Thanknook's of an kinds and the best qual
ity, School I.luoksi always on hand and 'Or .ate
as above. ati;g'2s
Landreth's Warranted Garden Sectls,
i k U ECT FltOltl PIIILADELPIIIA. Each paper
bears the 'slid and warranty - a - Wait, LAN
meet-a. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.29 Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry.
Ettract from the ‘iteport °Mlle Visiting Committee
of the Pennsylvania llettitultaral Society,' unani
mously adopted and ordered to be printed.
' , These exteusise grounds are on Federal street,.
near the Arsenal. • • • • 'rite Earliest rolle
tion of Camellias was made here.' Some of those
now in possession of those distinguished nurserymen
are ten feet high. • • • • The selertion of
onr.mi-nrittsz ri...uips is valuable and ostensive.
"The Nurseries arc very correctly managed, sup
plying every part of the Union, a detail of which
would occupy too much pl our .p.ace, we therefore
!cement ourselves with stator:. that the stock is %cry
large, and in every stage, of growth, consisting of
I . :1 collection of hetbacceous plants,fruit treesof the
n.. ti . ltiosi..an ,, l - itst.nactvottilty-o..s.dititis.y.l arrte ..l. m i u _
I seeding apples, pears, plums, St.c., as stocks for bud-
Iding mud grating; a plan very superior to that sf
worhiug upon stickers,
,which carry.with them title
the grad.all the diseases of the parent-stock. • •
Steps of the fittest quality have been
scattered over the country free; these:,grounds, and
may always be depended upon. The seed establish,
merit of these Horticulturists is one of the most ex.
tensive in the Union, anditsreputationis well sustainer
ed from year to year.
"TO'obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have, established
another nursery at a sititatdn, distance '
so that deg ene:
ration cannot take place, and which s ecures to the
purchaser a tgenuide article.' Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture of every plant;
the supply from t heirgrounds is recommended with •
great confidence."
Since the date of the <Report' from which the
above is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Cam ille's ein.'
braces's') the finer kinds, and consists of seine thou.:
sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and
other desirablc,plants , both tender and hardy;-fruit
trees, &c.
The Seed Gardens ulone cover fifty acres, and the
whole is, writ has been for more than half a century,i
under the successirs management of fathern - nd sun,,
the most prorninent'in America.
LGr.Orders received by F. L. SNOWDEN. from i
whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar -y I
A Card. .
111 HE subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
his grateful acknowlegements for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon him for years past, and par
ticularly to those who so generously patronized him
wilco his misfortune by the latclire. consid
erably enlarged'his hostiles by, associating with Win.
It. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a
continuance of former favors to the new firm of
Roberts & Katie, and he trusts that by prompt atten
tion to business they will giro general satisfaction.
M. Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have removed to
their now warehouse ou Third between Market and
Wood streets, south aids, where they trust by strict
attention to business, to merit a share at public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in 'latest style and most Substantial manner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz;
Mahogany Wardrobes,;
tt Dressing Bureaus,
" . Book Case land Secretaries,
It Section Back Sofas,
Plane ( 1 0 . 3 ,
Divans, "
It Ottomans,
Victoria Chairs,.
" French do;
" Plain do,
" Centre Tablea,
" Card, do,
" Bureaus of every description,
" End Tables,
.)Marble Top Piet doi
• Centre do;
• " Sofa dd.;
bressing Bureaus,
" Wash Stands,
l' , laliegaity Work Stands,
" 11at hacks,
ar ltocking Chairs,
a Sewing do,
" Music Stools,
" Arm Chairs,'
" French Besteads,.
But!era' 'Frays.
Mahogany, cherry and,poplar bedsteads, warrant
ed proof against bugs; and truperiorto any nom: , offer
ed to the public. Also, a ,variety of Windsor chairs,
of the best quality,and a new style of aria chair : with
spring seat, well adapted for offices or soeienee„ with
a-variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
We have at considerable - expense introduced into
Our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with
;machinery, which will enable us .to sell, wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices.
The attention of Western_Merchants,and persons
moving West, id invited to Ott. now and extensive
estabitshrneiff. Western Cabinetmakers are alto re
quested to give us a call, as they will find they can
purchase from -- us for less ;than they can •manufac
tare. Orders from a distance will receive prompt
attention, and the furniturewill" be,parethlly. packed.
Steam:Moats and hotels furnished-at the shortest .00.
tice,And on favorible terms. ROBERTS & KANE.
2i. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to.
marlo-y . • 11.&
IDINDERS BOARDS.--. 5000 lbs medium Straw
,V,Bindersßoards; received and for etr.rlU,by
122 Wood stiot.
..a;~.__. <~
New Etctablishmeni--iiorso ShiCejng..
rriyE sobscriWr would tinpectfully inforni Ids!
1. friends and the citizens generally, ; that he
has leased the stand forrneily occupied. Ly Walter
Fortune & Sons on,ourth stieet. Fnii-doors above
Smithfield, and intends carrying on the above bu
siness in all its branches, having y employed .first
rate workmen, and being a practical mechanic
himself, gentlemensendingtheir horses to his shop]
may depend on'6viiietheii work well and prompt
ly done. As I intend to give the I.Ms:iness rny un
divided attention, I hope to have a liberal sham_
of public patronage C.HAS:'..BARINTETT.
Franklin Dletllcal College of Phlladel
FARE first annoal.course of lectiires in this institn
lion, will be opened on Aftniday, the twelftl
( 1,, Y of October ileAt, (the second Monday in October,
and will be 6intiatird until the end .1 - 41 . the eueuhr.
P.tPL BIXK GODDARD, M. D.-.. , Anatouly and
Ifistol fogy.
C. C. VAN WYCX, M. D.-- , -Prniciples and practice
of Surgery.
NIEIIEISI4'II CLYMER, M. D.—Principles and
practice of hioditnne..
- -
J 01174 BARCLAY BIDDLE, M. D.—Matcria•Med
ica and Therapeutics.
and diseaseq of women and children.
LEVIN S. JOYNES, M. IX-:-Pliyalnlou and legal
JAMES B. ROGERS, M. D.—General and Otgaiiic
JOHN BARCLAY BIDDLE, M. -130:—Dean of the
..101.;21.1 LEIDY, M. D.—Demonstrator of
army. • -
. . ,
.... .
The Franklin Medical College wail incorporated
in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, by an act ap
proved ?.Stir January, 1546; and is authorised by sec
tion third of its charter, "to grant the degree of Doc
tor of Medicine to any such persons as shall possess
the qualifications now usually required of candidates
Or other Medical Colleges in this State."
For each course of lectures, $15,00
Marticulation the, to be paid once only, 5,00
Diploma fee, 10,00
Additional information respecting the course'of in
struction„or, other matters connected with the Facul
ty, can be obtained upon application, personally, or
by letter, to .1. B. BIDDLE, M. D.,
Dean of the Faculty, N. E. corner cif Quince and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia. mar 11-d Gin
'Tis Fouud at Last,
Scree Thoosond cases of ohsßeale Pulmonary Cunt-
'We ask the attention of the candid to a few con
Nature, to every part of her works, has left indeli
ble marks of adaptation and design. . •
The constitution of the :Lai:Oils and vegetables of
the forest, is such tlmt they could nut endure the
cold of the frigid zone, and vice vase.
Iu regard to diseases wad its cure, the adiption is
more or less striking. """
The Moss of Iceland, the Wild Cherry and Pines
of all Northern latitudes (and "Dr. WISTAD,'S Bard
SAM" is a compound chemical extract front these,)
have long been celebrated for coniplaints prevalent
only in cold climates. Indeed the tnostdistinguished
medical men have averred that nature furnishes in ,
every country medicines for its own peculiar diseases.!
Consamptien in its condanied,and incipient stages
Coughs, AstJana, Croup and-Liver Complaint form by
far tho wost fatal class or diieins known 'to our
land. Yet even these may be cured hy:ineans of the
simple yet powerful - remedies (named above) and
which are scattered, by a beließeient Providence,
wherever those maladies prevail.
WVTAICS BALSA 31 or %rut) Clickfty, always
4:441:..4,-....a.cire in its onwar‘i rivt,Orloos
DArrox, Feb, Ilth, ISIS.
J.-,TV. Whitmore.—Dear Sir: As yociare the reg,.
ulcer auliiiiriputi Lent in LayLuil,, iiir the sale uf ,4 1.1 r:
Wistars Balsam of Wild Cherry," 1 take this meth-
Oa of making a statement of facts to you (which. I
hope May be- published to the world) its reference to
an almost' miraculous cure, wrought in my case . try
means of the above Knealtudde Balsam. ..,,..
Language fails to describe the salutary effects it pro=
duced, -and the groat benefit I derived from its use.
The tfitllell3 of Dayton- and vicinity, well recol
lect that on the Rth of August last, 1 received seri
ous injury from the explosion 01 . . a cannon. , A por
tion of its dOuteuts entered my right aide and breast;
and in all probability,:somo fragments or splinters of
the ram-rod paised through the "Mara," and pierced
the Lungs. •,..
After the lapse of about six necks, I -teas attacked
with a distressing,: tough and a violent-pain in myl
rigid tilde. Some ten days after this when in a par-1
ozysm of cou g hin g , suddenly and ULCF;a brake, and I
a large quantity. of very offensive matterh,mixeil
with blood, was discharged; most of which found
passage through the opening or:019 wound. From
this 'epetihrg there frequently passed a quantity of
air, supposed to issue from the lungs.. During all
this time My stflferings were almost intolerable.
My physicians, me awhile paid the strictest atten
tion to ine, and did aftsin their power for my recov-,
ery. But with all their. skill they could notruaeli
the seal of distress, after the Lungs had become offect-
ed. .1 was visited during this filue'by. at leastkteenty
r ,
I It was now reduced to a certainty, that inAinint ion
of Me lungs• was rapidly taking place; and-that this
would terminate my-life in a e ery short time, lea's in
the highest degree probabie.
At this critical stage, a messenger was despatched
to Cmcninati, and a celebrated Physician ue,xliat
place was consulted. When he wastlfade acquaint
ed with my situation, he rentarked i thiti nothing dould
be done by medical aid, if the constitution itscqwas
not sufficient to throw ofrthe disniSe.
- - ,
My friends now despaired of my reiivery,!alid
had no earthly ground of hope to survive many days.
Fortunately at this juncture, 1 saw one of Dr. Wis..
.tar's Pamphlets, entitled "Family bledical Guide,"
or "Treatise on Consumption of the Lungs.?' As I
had often heard of dying men "catching at,Otraw,"
I felt this doing so myself.. By the coitsen't of my
Physicians, I sent In oii for a bottle ofthe - inedicine
described viz: "Inititi^ , 3ll2lsam of Wileltherry,"
which relieved me ahnoit. immediately. 'After I
had used some five or six bottles Iso far reeorersst as
to be up and about. Aly'cough ceased, and my lungs
were restored to a healthy state-,,aH from .thelical
fag. and balmy influence andpowerfue mezligpsal ,vir
ues qt Wistar:s Balsam. . I
Were it not from the external injury I receiver in
my shoulder and arm by, tho ey.plosion ) I feel confi
dent that I might have bCen working at lily trade
(Which is blacksmithing,) but this has prevented.
By exposure, I have since taken several severe
colds, and my only remedy has been "lit4octisam. ,,
And I now.most, cordially recommend .the genuine
Wistar's talSainto ail who are afflicted with Colds„
coughs, or Lung Complaints. I consider it an inval
uable medicine—a real blessing to the world. ''Any
person desiring'further information, tray call oh me
any time. yours truly,
City Of Dayton, -I
' • Montgomery co., State of Ohio f
Subscribed and sworn to, before me, Justice of
the Peace, this 11th day of Feb. 1843.
Testimony of 'haze highly creditable citizens of
Dayton, in confirmation of the above.
We. the undersigned, being intimately . ampiairited
oithlir.B myth, and having seen and watehed Over
hint during his late illness, do not hesitate to, say
that the foregoing is by no Means an e.rciggciated
stateir.cnt, but is entitled to full crediti,,, , J ,
I •
itethe trite and genuine 44 11"istar , ..s ,Hakim, cf.
Wild Cherry," is sold at established agencies
parts of the United'States. -
;Sold in . Cinicnnati on the corner of Fourth and
Talnutetreets, by SANFORD &PAR .
General Agents for the Western States: •
For sale by L WILCOX Jr.; S. E. nor. Markeist.
and the Diamond Pittsburgh. may9-y.
rrAßLEs—Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ
"; - ent. patterns. If you want a good artielu chimp
call at the Flaxnitue Warehoune of
10LEDSTEADS—kahogapy, Birch, Niiiple, Cher ry J_ls , and Poplar high and, low Vast bedsteada4l-
Ways on hand and rot etd lOw at the-Fundture
'warehouse of B. YOUNG Co./
plaints cured in one year!:
31 Hand st
- Warehosise. -
THE undersigned having bought-the paper Ware
house add wall' paper manufactory, date,of
Buldship & Browne, have entered into a co-partner,
shlp, under tlichairre and style of Hill Ft Wrowne, fur
the purposb of learrying on the husinestriti all its va 7
ricties. They will have always on hancta.coMplete
of their own' Manufacture, and their stock will be
improved and l enlarged , with pettodifeal additions
fttan the best.Prench factories, - • ' -".•-• •
. Agents Air,lhel well-known Clinton Paper MB,
StenlictiViik,trona. which' they 'will he' constantly
simplied.avith' WRITING; WRAPPING, PRINT--
ING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, &c.; all of which •
they otter 'wholesale and retail; at their' Store, No;
.37 Wood street,Yinidway between Fourth and Dia
mond Alley, where c - nantry merchants and dealers
are invited tot "zll:
j e29-16nt
Selling off at itecinceil Prices.
62 Market st.," Simpson's Rote,
rivir. subscriber offers WI large and well selected
Stock Of gooils,'a greatly prices; in order to lower
it for fall trade. It is complete in every respect and
will be sold at A GREAT DISCOUNT, front ktincr
prices and a great saving to' purchaSers,
Paris ! Muslins for 2S cts per - yd, forum- Mice 371
French Baras 23 "! " " ," " 4.2
do' Ginghams " " " " 31
Printed Lawns 23 ‘, cc 37}
Gingham Muslin 23 31
M de Lain as low as 18: " " ": ." " 28
Alpaca Silk Warp 50 " " "_ " 75
do Cotton do 30 -" R " at " 5Q
Bombazine 75 " " " " 100
Cashmere ShawlS 550 " '6 " " 8,00
do' do 900 " •.'
" " " 12,00
Parasols 150 5c " " 2,25
150 Linncn 121 " " " " Ifft
Hem Stitched do 42 " " "„ " U2S•
Bonnet Ribbons 181 - " cc" " 28
Also, a good assortment of ViThite Goods, Dress
Silks; Shawls, Sca,rfs,t Dosiery and Gloves, Cravats,
Ildkfs. French prints, 'Laces, Calicoes; Bleached
and Rm. Mishits Tickings, Chintzes, Dornestits,l
flannels, Blue Drillings, Denims, Apron Checki, -
Mililary Drillings, CotiOn4dep, Moreens, Damask.'
Table 'Cloths, Irish Linens, Napkins, Diapers Towel
ingsi'Mankets, Coanterpaines.
Nankeet4,Clotbs and Csssimorns,Vestingt its great
variety; together with every other article usually
found in a Dry Goods Store; which we will. SELL
AT A REDUCTION OP 25 PER CEN'T.;frorri usu
al prices; thus offering, indectinents to purchafers,
rarrly to be met,with. • A. A. MASON,
Pittsburgh June 17, 184 t
• '
a.mara LAY, ELY,
: ,Attorney at Lam.
CONTINUE to attend to the selling and rentin7
of Real Estate in the City of Pittsbeirgh and vi
cinity. 'Hating determined 'to devote a large portion
of their time to this branch of business, they with
confidence solicit a share of the patronage or the
public; from the facility they possess and the experi
ence they' bare(the Senior partner having-been en
gaged in the Real Estate Agency for near 20 yes.rs,)
they believe that they will - give general satisfaction.
Office on Penn st., near the U. Hotel, and Sniith
field et., between Diamond Alley and Fifth street.
iy7 • .1 • •
, .
: tene A d
p r e, few s
L I s p . e b doorsL cit r L: fl g v a - i ' . 1‘
. 1
1 I i°
tja .s il
I L I 61
aboven, a l d i itn6avobii .Liberty
' t
o at Ysi o t head li lre td Ve i t oe tA t S ph rl i tß e c a : yc i pV t ilz hr o e: o s n d. ,
er o s
t.:l at.
.0 d ::
-store .
sale of Boots & Sillies of all kilWs and finalities, ema
prising an extensive assortment or Ladies, tlentle
mens'...3llisses', BOys', Vouths'..and Childrens , wear,
all of which ginaL they - are - are - Fiiraind 's'ell - Fe4
low for cash. _
They would rauffectfillly solirit a tall from all in
u - ant of noot.i, Shoes, Trunks and Carpet Bags ' &c.
&c., of any goodol that are usually kept in a Shoe
Store, ae they are confident that they will be enabled
to please both in the quality and price. je2o-tf i
kJ-which stand.i unequalled. by any Medicine
known for the' curo of Liver Com Plaint, and other
diseases brisini, _from a deranged state of the Liver.
This medicine has - been in. public use for about 8
years, and has acquired a reputation for curing
the liver. Complaint which haS never been equalled
by any retnedy,.beretofore offered to the public.
As an Anti-bilious, or Purgative ; Pill,. they are un
surpassed and should be used in place of the com
mon pills of the day. Give them a trial and the
truth will appear.; Piepared and sold by.
jy- 13. t . v 7 -Wood sreet.'
111.1 MeDCCALD, ..Be 1 1 and L'Yas.!
i1...,_ :. ,, ...I ,
ro il n o
t r
b ,
Le i First
In s
s tr
an eet
d , n sh e o ar it .N es l t ar u k o e ti t, eg is .
preparod to make Brass Castings and
i Brass works i generally on' the most
`- ,Ile invites Machinists end all tho.s.
using brass works to gi‘ellitri a call. as he is de.
termined to do all l work in his line new low.
may )7-1 y
lIATS ' at; nn.ooKAirilY
No. Cimunarcia/ Pew; Liberty st.
,tItE now.opeitipg at thcir..cieiv wholesale and
, - ,
retail Drag Warehouse; aopiendiclassortment
of goods and merchandise,,Whieh have been selected
witlithe'grciateat•Chic in Philadelphia, NeW' York
add Boston', consisting of rhegs; - Medicines Paints,
Oils, Varnishes ' Sc.;,
together- with* a splendid lot of
Perfumery, Fancy Soaps; 'Tooth, Hair and Cloth.
Brushes, , Ice.-;&c. All of which, together with
general assortment of altsuch,articlea.as are , usually
kept in a whOlesale and retail Ping store, we now of
fer to sal as low as any ether, house in this city.
We hare confidence In asking the public to call
and see our stock before Making, Perchases else
where 3 and judge of the qdality and price of our
goods limn ached onservation:,'. " - -
Country hterchantOand_iiidividitals coining in trout
the country, ; by the Canalowill find our house more
contigioiis to the Itifsin OOP any other; Drug_Ware
house, and inay probably find it td, their ailvantagei
(as. well as ours) to'call at the , ."B/o. Got.oht" Man
Orders 'accompanied by the cash, pretnntly . and
cheerfully attended' t0....- - IFejnlly and Physidians4Pre
scriptions accurately 4 CompOundect cieslthoUrs. Our
store, which'isnewly and neatly fitted tfpkii in No:
2, Conierciar , ,Row, Liberty et., where we - may -be
found at all tinieereadyto; wait upon our customers.
Igr.gind the Place; No 2,1,'C0rn:11.45w; near-Ranal•
-- • -
LAN - V.4 SAI:R*:.A.T -;
1 0R
ryintrubscribet offers for sale - a'treet of land about
11 three miles ,fi - ortt the city of - - Allegbeny between
the Franklin atid-rßeaier - roads,
containing: one hun
dred and forty,one acreii-alput4l4. - ofvehleb is clear
! ed. 'this • land:JS offered.at reduced!.ptieds and will
be ,pold - either in a body 41.iyided into Lots to suit
, .
purchasers: Froth its toriyenionee - ta market it - would
be a very desirable loCatitkir..either for fainting . pur
poses; paStaring; r eottla•tir for . clardaning,,'
Seventy , ;fivebirilding-Lots on a Credit of ten .years.
Those ';Lots are; situated on j,Grant;:Wyße, , Fifth;
Ross and' Diamond streets in! , tbe third ward atthe
city of Pittsburgh 'adjoining the- - Nen-
Persons disposed_to purchase will find the se hats-fa, '
vorahly locatedlas to
netts, and will soothe hctl4.centrOoroo;c4v4,Torf
particulars enquire of ii C. VitirirninS, or -.
-IY 2 ; SARAH .11.;;PETTP.R.Ntilc.,
John D. Dttivt . -
Corner ofiVoodandFifilt;streatsqittshurgit,
is ready to reeeivOnaerchandiae . Of-eyery 44oriptiolL
on consign - facet let 'public' or prorate sale, end &am
long•experience in the shove bdsines,ilaltera himself
that hc, be able. to tire entire satiidactiOn,tci all
who may - favor hid,` with thehr *mice:age. :
Regular sales Oreliondayi„Euid iThttradayei of Dry
Goods and Fancy;artieles atief f e , Claelsk - L":
Of groceriesi:Pittsbutili .lnuttifcht* articles,
new and sinondVand
l'airellg;t Perim. '
• EPUBI,iCATION OF the E. 446071 Quarterly
JUls itevicta, the Etlinftrgh .housw, the Foreign -
QUiertod . .9 the IVisintinster littiiew, and -
BlorAncoorrs Edinhurgh .11.1agazine.z2The above. P
eriodicals are reprinted in New l'Ork; iininedietely
on their arrival by the Irritisii steamers, in a beau-
tiful clear type, on fine white paper, mill are faith
ful copies re the. origin als---:Eleekwood'e Magazine asi exact fac-simile of the Edinhargh
The wide ; spread fame - .of, these -splendid Periodi
renders -
cals it needless to sayinnehin tleeir praise.
As literary organs, they stand far in advance of
' any works. of a slinilar stamp now published, while
the politienrconapioxibn of; bach - is Marked by' .a
dignity; t andor and forbearance pot often found in
works of a party character. •
They eutbratk the views a. the_
three gleat par
ties in England--Wliig," and
“thackwood" and " the "Loudon Quaiteily"
Tory; the *Edinbure+.-; Review,:' Whig; and the .
!li r e.stmintster," Ratheal. ' The , Toreign Quarter- •
ty" is purely literary, being devoted to
criticisms on foreign Contineril Works. [ •
The prices of the Rn 7 ertinrs are less thin one ,
third of those of foreign copies, and while they
are eqtzally - well got up, they afford elf th,it'advan
tage to the anwrican over the English reider". -
For any one of thi, four Rtviews, .s3,9oper annum
For any two, _ o. ~5,00
For any three * , liO. 1,00
For all four of the Reviews, - 8,00 it
Tor Blackwood
.s 300
IFOr.rdickwood and the 4 Reviews, 10 00 . 4
Four copies of any or ail the shrive works will,
..to one ; address on payment the regale!
suliMription for threethe fourth copy being gra-
IlemittanceS and communications"niuSf
made in alI cases without expense Icishe_publish- ,
ers.—The rormCr May always be done through's., -
Postmaster by handing him the amount to f be re
mitted, taking his - receipt and forwarding the re
ceipt, by mail, Post-paid; or the. money- may' bit
enclosed in a letter, Post-paid, directed to the pubs
N. 8..5-- , The Pastage On all these Periodicals
reduced by the late Post Otfiee law, 145 about on
third .the former rates, making a very *portant
saving in the expense to mail subscribers:
• .*- rh, all the
.prineijAil "cities - and
Mit the United - States to tbAirh there is aSiiiict Rail
Road or li r ater:conuituairati6n frem tAi eiti of ffeto
rork, these periodicals will be deliber=al FREE Or
V 0111)0IsCr finalrior speak like your . sidf with .
- - Your teeth , oittfaagurti .. .iho,o4., ir, tha
manner....G. W. BIDDLE, Dentibt, five doons
above the Canal Bridge., Penn , strees, perfOrms 'all
operations on the teeth, in a. siiperior manner. -
'Fifth Ward .I;tvelY Still-kit , •
fee • THE subscriber; having bought . .
well known Livery Stable kept by C tic
Defy, in the /fifth
Ward, - respectfully. informs his
Riends and the public generally, that be will keep:at
all times a stock of the best description of - riding
honiei, buggies, carriages of all, kinds, andiin.ishort
ever/thing rerittired - in bin line of business. -
A considerable portion of his stook-Pi - hew, Mid be
is confident that no stank ilktbe City will be stiperior
to his.
His terrds be moderato. Ills stable r is -
erty street, a few doors above the canal bridge,
where lie respectfully solicits a sbara - or pat
tronag. CHARLES COlibliVAN..
.t . (pr lip is also_providod. with eltaiit Hearse.
Which 7 , 111 - be - furnishea W . hen recinii-ea:
dman-le Slave Steiti‘ --
j. CHILDS & .
. COCO, aro.. - Inavv.,,rcceiyibt,v, thei;
spring supplies, cousisting.of one of _____. •
the largest, cheapest and best as: ofilifilital- .
. .
ortinent of Boots and Shoes that they have . 'friei.
'been able to bring to this Market: Also, Ltidies.and
Misses Florence Braid, and Straw Bonnets;
,of the
latest style; together with a spleddid assortment :if
Palm Leaf Hats, .niens2 and boys'- suninant . Capt;
Also, a large iris of New YOrk Tamped Stile Leather 4
all of which having beCdpurchased at
.the lowest
rates, and selected with - great care - ibr the western
trade; will be sold at a small savant's abiie - ttibt and
charges. All inercbants . wishing to perChese
find it to their interest to call and examine'their stock
before ptirthasingalsewhere. • • iiii&Tztf
Allen Islrttnimt, '• '_.- ' • ,
iiXl... •
-3 4.KG.E.DROK.NR., corner of .Wbbil aini.3ll,
4 - -
~...4 streets. - Gold; silvtr, tiotl current bank nOtes . ...,
ought and sold: Sight checks on, the easteiS 'cities
for sale.. Draft's, notes•abd bills collectOd.
; • _ fiv.rilihrw.. t . . , . • -
Wm. Bell & Coq'. _
Johns D. Davis,
F. Lorene) • ' - . . Pittsburgh,
J. Painrcr tit to.i
•• '
Joseph Woodwell;
. .
.. ' Jartida May, „:-..--, 0 - : -:. ,
..-..- , - .. "',.
Alex. Bronson & co.; - -k i - i ii,6 l
John 11. Drown & Cu.. : 1 '
.fanies.M'Clindleg'S ; einbiiinati 0.
J..R.l4 , Donild, St. Louis;3lo: .
. 15 .. 11 .•Dope,'PresIt Bank of Ky., litilytilrn;
- .
. , Book and Job Pirpolio* OditC t
. . •
coarvmrj or wooti 4..firn virruntErs.
41, — .1.1E proprietors of the Morning Fait an' Ater.i •
Cary and 'Manufacturer respeCtfully inforaitheit
friends and :tho patrons of those papers; that the
have a large ' and well chonen:assettinent of
JOB TYPEI ANMALL 0111.kk 51..1171i1AL'a
Necessary to Job Printin Office; :add-that they:
arc prepared. to execute ' '
i...nrra -raps rain -m 9, of EVERY ntsc,mi-frorr.'
Booki; Bala of Lading? CirettlarS, • "
Pamphietsj Heads;'; ' Cards'
Handbills, Blank Chec3o, Hat Tips. I
Alriands of Blinks, Stae, Bieamboat and Canat
Boat Bias SOW ahroprictic cuts, printed on the dui>
test notice and most reasonable terms,'
We itipectfully- ask the patronage of otir ffientbi •
and the public in kintral in thin in•anClibf
etbseifbei having , ' Veen rtintived
. bjr the
,great fire to Atlef i rheilk, is brepared 1d ma.ke,
Steam' and Fire Engines, liydraulio-"ranil Screw 1 . „
Presses; for oil, tobacco or any other
51achinn Works ; "-
On Aebecca street an 4, Tank lane, West afro'oral
street ; Allegheny city.
„. ,••
B. !Oiders left in Pittsburgh •Witli Mr Si,:
Ciktbbert, in "Itarkit street ; 2 floini below 'fhird'
street, will 194ei, , ,,i-ith prompt zitticntion.
- ,
B Alts 11 C. Sargcii t ; _
lr:ave Or irifoimler friends the intblial.:':
generally thafbefSelect I:elm - 0 for Young 4.1....7_,',.. ,- . C 7 .,...'.,
;Ales and Aliases will'commence thowinter pes t ion '9its.- ' , :• . :: : .,..:•'. , e.
Mondaithe Sttrof Sept her4o.liCi school rooni,ht;-....1."
St. Clair stroct nearly-ii osite"theZhingqrntelt
,- ~..
She refers to the follosvi gentlenien::.•.: • ' - ' , ...f - - ..
' '';'.".-:.:
non,john,Bregeni aaeyant
Ref. J. Ifiblochi,
.. . . Wilton At',Candleas;i.l..,.,z
Rev. S. Young.; . . - Allen Kramer , "!,,,tifi,,,, , ::......,;f: : ...-7 , ..- .5:::::
Jacob Dieehling, Mg. ' -Wm Ja4k,,t 5q ., ; ;........ , 1 -,.,.;-,....,..,,,,...
. 7 „ , ....,..,.;
Duller, Pa.. --John ili,Ser,l i it‘htirgli. - ::!:: ;::
Any inforination as to .termsacc,..,S,an bb obtainett..3,j'jj."N7'.'i.
calling on Allen Kranier,'S34% -.-.
' ' ittig' W..": :- ''" :-...'"1:7.3',,c-'.'
New fiat and Cap §Anre, t -
CH& POULsto,lfaia tirblin4l
Poulson laving cippiiair , hit
new store at ho. 73,-Wood street, twitduPe tt:4174. 7
comer of Fourth . , is now, niantifiintering arta*ctia—
riag am the Emtern cities a I,T-rialto:s3pittitietif,',&k:"t‘i,
hats andpspa of. erery.disenptieni _
be inatifiiithi. hint:Laan= and of thehe4ltl:4".'_s.:-.1-.:'..;,.
OtterAoa; fUld -and cominOti
Liiii , Seo;:Plush and Glazed 'Caps.'
r‘ - tne assortmant of ladieV,flitit it ;
Lyrii,,Sitc:lt, Genet and Coney Miff - is:and- Wk..;
and fa. ilintinings t ail of which
eastern prices Ibe cash, both whol
CouPtrizterithibit vtlt pissed
my st4bk
-0 1 1 A 8 .1,1 5 0k,
• .:N:1124'.1-I:Aiii6LiAtia..-.6
IiEONA.RI) SCOTT & Co., litiblishers.
Fulton St, Nevi , York.