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PALSIEII, Agent for country newspapers; is? the Agent for the Pittsburgh Daily Morning Post, and Weekly Merctiry and Manufacturer;: ter receive advertisements and subscriptions: He has•offices iri ,•• Nzw Yonz, at the Coal Office, 30 Ann-street, (adz : joining, the Tribune Office.) Dotronr, No. 12; S6te Street. PELELADELPRIA, Real 'Estate and Coal 'Office, 59 Pine • street. 'flairrment, S. E. corner Baltimore and Calverts„ where our paper can be seen, and terms of adverti • sing learned. ATTEMPTED SLICIDE.-A laboring man, named James Barry, attempted fo commit suicide on Sat urday evening, between five and six o'clock, by Throwing himself from the railing of the Monon gahela Bridge onto the stones at the base of one of the piers. His face and body were horribly Bruised' and mangled by the fall. After lighting on the stones he rolled into the.river, and but for the timely assistance of some young men standing on the shore at the time he committed the rash act, Who immedietely procured a skiff and went to his assistance, he would have been drowned; they, luckily, arrived in time to save him from the death he so recklessly sought, and brought him to the' shore. He was carried to his boarding house on Grant street, where he now lies in a very precarious situation, but little hopes, we believe, are entertained of his recovery. The unfortunate man, we understand, has been laboring for some 'time past under the effects of insanity. - - POTATOE Ror.—We learn that the rot has seiz ed upon the potatoe crop in various parts of this c : : . ,+ CO - Costiveness, cludis, indigestion, have long baffled Physician's skill. A medicine, however, has been discovered, and is now offered to the wurld,'which is a quick and perfect cure for them, to which nearly every respectable practitioner in New York : will be.ir willing testimony, as they have abandoned all other remedies for its use. The remedy spoken of is Clickener's Sugar 'Coated Vegetable Pills. A medicine which is as palatea ble as sugarplums, never gripes or nauseates in the slighest degree, and yet is the most searching and positive purgative preparation ever discovered.— Such is the excellence of Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills that the proprietor warrants a cure if they are taken according to directions. and binds himself to return the money if the purchaser' s is not fully pleased with them. The great excite ment which their appearance has produced is not .a false one, but is erected on the strong foundation of truth, and will never pass away; for so long as costiveness, cholie, and indigestion remain attend ant upon the human race, so long will their only positive remedy continue to he popular. Said by Wm. Jackson, corner of Wood and Lib- Arty streets, who is general Agent for Dr. Clicke ner s Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinity. BIM= SONG FOR THE PEOPLE. Ao3.—"f dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls." _I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls, With pimples and tan on my face; .And I thought that at parties, at so ireeian d balls, I was termed a repulsive disgrace. I had riches enough, but, alas! could not count On pbssessing, a healthy skin; Yet I thought that a whisper said, you may surmount • Disfigurements, be they hateful ayin. dreamt that suitors now sought my hand, But they all did repudiate my face; For they cried, Though her features are formed mild and bland, The yellow neck and pimpled skin are disgrace, Then I thought that I cried in a voice void of hope, "Cure my pimples—make my skin white and fair;" voice answeed, "Use a cake of the Jour...vs famed And - your mind will be free front despair. -- " Then I dreamt that - I - vatxl , igOrtict moment of bliss!- My skin changed from its 'yellowish hue; IV 1 neck was made clear, and my face made to kiss, lhough an angel might claim it his due; The pimples,-the freckles, the blotches, the tan, • Had decamped, and a voice by my side S lid, indeed you will now be the glory of man, Ay, the virtue, the hope, and the pride. Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse, 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg head of Wood. 9;1-Principal Office, sign of the American Eagle, 8:2 Chatham streolew York. Arg t— '" 4 !."• iso Gentleman." EIKE . you a prime new Yankee song, made in a Yankee State, , Of a fine old Yankee gentleman, who'd got a bald old pate, And who would not try to stop the same before it got too late, But used all sorts of useless stuff at a very expensive rate, Like a fine old Yankee gentleman, &c. This fine old man was loved by all, was reverenced by the fair, But ales! he could not boast of wearing, his own natural hair, But was forced to wear a nasty wig, at which all men did stare, For his features -all were noble, and his mind was good, not rare. In a fine-old Yankee gentleman, &e. • At length this good old man was told to go straight off and give, Three shillings for a bottle of Jorrzs' Irma Resro. RATITE, Which, though the hair had long been dead, 'twould force again to live, And grow dark, soft, and beautiful, like a plant or an olive, On this fine old Yankee gentleman, &c, He used but two small bottles, and his hair grew dark and long,- No dandruff filled the scalp, for the roots grew heal thy, ay, and strong, And he says at last he's found the right, though he's often tried the wrong, And that JONES'S HAIR RESTORATIVE is all that's stated in this song, Of a fine old Yankee gentleman, &c. Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse, 89 Liberty street, head of Wood. je27 Notice to Stockholders. AT. a meeting of the Directors of the PENN IN SUILLNCE COXPAST, it was ordered. That all sums remaining due for instalments on stock, un paid, on Saturday the 18th day of July, insL be placed in the hands of the Solicitor of the company, for immediate collection. From the minutes J. FINNEY, Jr. jyl4-t5 Sec-y. Penn Insurance Company. THE seventeenth (AND LAST) instalment, on the stock of this company (being $2 5U per share) will be due on Tiednesday the 15th July inst. I. FINNEY, Jr. jyl4-5t OIL & TAR -15 bbls N. C. Tar; 20 Tanner's Oil; In store and for sale by MARTIN & SMITH, jelB 56 Wood st. FAMILY FLOUR—A few bbls of family flour, of a very superior quality, in store and for sale by MARTIN & SMITH, jelS-d&w 56 Wood street, bet. 3d and 9th. MARE NOTICE ALL THE PEOPLE—Ai:reser REmovso—The celebrated medicines of Dr. T. G. Evans of Brownsville, Pa., are now for sale wholesale and retail, at Jackson's Medical Depot, No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied. - .Dr. Evans' 'Sovereign Tonic and Grand Restora tive, a certain cure for the Fever and Ague.. Dr. Evans' Vegetable and Anti-Dyspeptic pills, price .25 cents-per box. Dr. Evans' American Vegetable Verm(fuge, price 25 cents per bottle. Dr. Evans' Tonic Eye Water, an infallible cure for sore eyes, price twenty-five cents per bottle. Rev; Dr. James Biters Black Syrup, for the cure of Coughs, Cold, 'Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis and 'Consumption—prtce one dollar. • Remember Dr. Evans' only Depot, is JACKSON'S, No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood. - jyt 1 ROUND PLASTER—We have, and will be con 'Ur stan'tly supplied with a first rate article of ,Ground Plaster, which we= will - dhvose of by the ton or barrel, tosuit ptirchasen, MARTIN 6t SMITH, ' .je " • 5614T00d, 3rd.and 4;h sts. ~:; -_~ JUST received per Canal Bo— a 10,000 feet inch poplar; LEMONS -75 Boxes Lemons; for sale very low, by _jyl4 SCENES AND ADVENTURES IN. SPAIN, from 1835 to 1840, by Poco Mos, bound in paper and muslin. A SUMMER'S JAUNT ACROSS THE WATER, including visits to England,lreland,Scotland, France, Switzerland, Germany, „Belgium, etc., by J. Jay Smith, Librarian of the Philadelphia and Loganian Librariee, 2 vols., b9und in napet. and muslin. JUIN, received and fovea:by' JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, 43 Market st. 1 MAP OF MEXICO, showing the Seat of War, Just received and for sale by , JOHNSTONM N & SCKTONi 43 Mallet at. Slukelp rind Offices on Penn toni sts. GENTS' tot the Old Black Ball Lind of Liver - : pool end New_York Paeketa. ttances made toe ustial.to England r jraland, Scotland anti Wales, in sump of one pound and - upwarda—payable in any town - of . ,imPertance inGreat Britain and ireland:•_. - • . • Persons wishing to send for their frietuls'ean- haye them broukht out by the above spleodid line, on the 15th Mid -Ith of any month. jy7- I v lzr - di. pip &L e l ti pur LIQUORS— 'y. - " -- e ß liench'Brandy,dif.:biatids; 2 , " • Rolland Gin; • 10 quarter " . -Port,,Winer. 2 4 . as Madeira;.'- 5 bbls Peach Brandy-, -8 years 4 " M. 11. Whiskey " 2 it t, 1f ,11 35 .. Rectified Whiskey; Partof the above -Liquors on draught and Carlisle by. ' P. C. MARTIN, je29 60 Water et. _ Now Books 11'UST RECEIVED—LErrtas FRON Mama, Asia "Minor, by Mrs. E. C. A. Schneider, with an essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our duty to them, by Rev. B. Schneider, and nn introduction by Rev. E. Heiner, A. M. Published" byftev. Saml. Gutelius, Chambersburgh, 1846. For sale by SCRIBA St SCHHIBLER, 115 Wood St. CONSUMPTION and Bleeding at the Lungs cured by the use of Da. DUNCAN'S EYPECTORAFT REMEDY. Miss EMELINE MEAGER, aged seventeen years; was taken, when at the age of sixteen, with a slight veld; which she neglected until the LUNGS fell 4 prey to that seeking destroyer, CONSUMPTIONy when application to a physician was made, but to no effect. He considered her case a hopeless one, and prescribed but little medicine for her. In the mean time she discharged great quantities of blood, with much expectoration of thick phlegm and cough.— Her bodily frame at length became reduced to a liv ing skeleton. Her last was anxiously looked for by her friend:ll:that her sufferings might end by the pangs ofdeath. During the time ; her physician frequently called, and as the last resort, determined, to test the virtues of "Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy," having noticed some extraordinary cures performed by the tnedicine in similar eases: He at once obtained two bottles; and administered it to her. The fourth day he found some change ) which gave hopes. Ile continued giving the inedichie for eighteen days; at that time she was rendered able to be walking in her bed chamber, to the astonishment of her friends and relatives. She Continued using the medicine for eight weeks, when she declared herself entirely free from disease and pain, and now pursues her daily occupations in perfect health: tr:r A small pamphlet accompanies this medicine, which gives a full description of diseases, the man ner of treatment, &c, &c. Dr. Duncan's Western Office, 150 Sycamore st., Cincinnati. D'ls BLEACHED SIIEETINGS AND SIIIRTINGS. JD" The attention of purchasers is invited to our geral stock of theie Goods. 4-4 superior Sea Island Shirting Muslims; 15-16 " " " " 7-8 " LC 12-4 Hamilton Sheeting; 5-4 " 4IC 9.S CC mar 17 SHEA & PENNriCK. Lake Superior. PEOPLE visiting the copper mines of Lake Su perior during the season, will find it to their advantage to Call at Hays & Brockway>s Drug store Where they can procure such remedies as the pecu liarity of the climate require. Any information re lative to the country will be freely given. HAYS & BROCKWAY, No. 2 Commercial Row, Liberty at HEAVY white Linen Drill, for gent's pants; Tweeds and Summer Cloths; Gent's Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Do. Silk do. Do. Hernani and Silk Cravats. An invoice of the above received this day by je 31 11. E. CONSTABLE, 83 Market. st J ECEIVED this day Parasollettea and Sun- Shades)., Ladies Corded Skirts) do Sea Grass do; SI Black liernani Shawls; Berge Scarfs, and Shawls; For sale at . E. CONSTABLE, je27 83 Market et: GRADUATED Stripe and Plaid white Muslin Robes; Graduated stripe white Mustins; Mull Mustins; Nainsook do. Jaconet do. A large assortment just new to-day B. E. CONSTABLE., je27 No. 83 Market et. COTTON -103 bales Mississippi and Tennessee Cotton, just arriving and for sale b. NT AILS-200kegs "Darnasons" Nails just reed I and fur sale by M. 1.1. RHEY ffi Co, 1 1 E rna l r l v ElD opc L u ß r E is ß ti G an C D A . T et E ri C4II . S . M . , se o t ri a by ini t m h; German Reformed Church, English and German.— For sale at our store, No. 115 Wood st. Pittsburgh. jell SCRIBA & SCREIBLER, Booksellers. E IMICK-14,500, a superior article just finding and for sale by M. B. RIIEY & Co, 57 Water St Gold and Silver Watched OF thebest manufacture, both of England and Geneva, in large variety and for sale at the lowest prires---patterns, new and of the latest style. Also, Diamond pointed Gold Pens, another large supply, just received of thebeseinake. Also, Silver Ware, Jewelry, Fine Table Cutlery, Spectacles, Pen. oils, Tea Ware j Lamps, Military Goods &c W. W. WILSON, corner of Fourth and Market eta Cheap Music. QUADRILLES from Leonard, 25 cents Operatic Gems, 25 Kind, kind and gentle is she, WI Seven Songs for Guitar, 121 Far away in my own bright land, 061 Inebriate Waltz—Flute and Piano, Ailem Mavourneen 061 0 shall we go a sailing, 06) 12 popular quicksteps, 25 Let no thought of care oppress thee, 66.1 Thou art lovelier, 121 New quadrilles by Stranss, 12) Dermont Astore , 121 Opera of Fra Diavolo, 25 Here's a health to thee, Mary, 061 Little Nell, 06; Light of other days is faded, 06; Rest spirit, rest from Amilu, 061 Opera of Massaniello, 25 Le Desire Waltz, 061 T. Haynes Bayley's Songs, 25 Chimes Quadrilles by Tulein, 25 We have been friends together, 06; 20 airs trom Bohemian Girl, (Flute,) 121 11 ~ 4, Fra Diavolo, 121 . Love Not, by Mrs. Norton, 06) Love's your dream, 061 Opera of the Enchantress, by Balse, 25 Opera of Guy Mnnnering, 25 Morris's Melodies, 25 Seven Mayurkas, 121 La Cracovienne, 111 For sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, je3o 12 Wood at. SUNDRIES. -50 math cassia; 6 doz. Olive oil; 2 4, underwoods pickles ass'd; 2 4 ' rose water; 2 4, pure extract lemon; 20 " Kentucky mustard in canisters; 10 boxes star candles; 100 kegs pure lead; 50 " No.l " For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS, 110 Wood et, jylo For Sale At the iVhari. 10,000 ,4 seasoned; 45,000 4x4 Scantling . . JYe L. WILMARTH ./y ll MOtilaiM 11•T -- 14$T , •::NWIRt 7 MML. The ele'en:lei Cailahria arrived.at Boston on the aiternoonof the ,17th, The PERI. Ministry hai - retired and it is said that Lord Joan Russ's'. is to be the new Premier. We nit give the news by the Cambria in full to-morrow. The Gelyeston News of the 9th inst. saysi "The mein body of the volunteers, with tile econd regiment of dragoons, were encamped on 'the field of Palo Alto. The Texas Advocate, published at Victoria, says that a good looking Mexican, not long since, went into a settlement above Victoria, and, by represent ing that horses would sell in Matamoras for the large sum of $4OO each, pursuaded some young men to go with him, since which time they have not been heard of, and it is supposed they have been murdered. It is also stated that about two months ago, some people from the same neighbor hood went to Gen. Taylor's camp with several wag on loads of butter, eggs, &c. From the camp they started to Point Isabel, but have not been heard of since. No doubt is entertained but that they were murdered by Mexicans on the road. "-Captain Newcomb," says the Austin (Texas) New Era of the 20th ult., "arrived in our city last night, direct from San Antonio. Ile says that Chi co, the Lipan, has arrived at that place from Rio Grande, and reported that he had been sent in by the Camanches to inform the people that a large force of Mexicans were concentrating at Presidio Rio Grande for the purpose of marching against San Antonio; and that they said they intended to lay that place as low as they had La Bahia, at the commencement of the war." The Mexican army at Monterey is reported to be in a deplorable condition, suffering from disease and hunger, and desertions are daily becoming more prevalent. There art constant arrivals of Mexicans at Ma tamoros from the interior. The population in the city of Ittexico are in great disaffection; they im agine the Americans are in full march lbr the me tropolis. At Monterey. where General Mejia coin mantle, the palace of the bishop had been turned into a fort; it is situated as to command the town and its approaches. A correspondent writes as follows:— . --"A letter has been received here, (at Matamoras,) stating that . a wealthy proprietor of Mexico had placed in the hands of the government two millions of bars and twelve thousand horses, and that the clergy had pledged themselves to sustain the coun try in (hiving the invaders from the soil, Paredel having given publicity to the contemptible false hood that we were the enemies drid sworn destroy ers of their religion." _ . ALLTANIORAS, July 1 : IS4Ci.—lt seems to be the general belief in camp that Paredes will give our army another brush ere long . That he is on his way to this region is notdoubted- , —that he can muster an army of 30,0110 men is pretty generally believed. In the Senate, the treasury note bill, from the House, was taken up and discussed fur some time, and then passed over •informally. The tariff bill was next taken up. and Mr. Da vis resumed and finished his remarks in opposition to the bill. Mr. Reversly Johnson has the fluor for to-morrow. The remainder of the day was spent in the consideration of private business. The House, thereto moved by Mr. Daniel, devo ted the day to the consideration of such private bills as awaited final decision on the Speaker's ta ble. A great number were passed.—Union, July 17. BRISTOL BOARDS— Cap Bristol Drawing Boards; Demy • Medium " Royal " Perforated For sale wholesale and retail by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, jeg ' • cor. Market and 3d sts _ rOLASSES.-50 barrels N. O. Molasses recei lift ved per str Tonnalouka, and for sale be je22 M. B. RHEY, & Co. 57 Water street. UNDTUES 5 bags Ground Num; 1 bale Almonds; 1 cask No. 1, Madder, a first rate article. 2 bbls •; I 6 6 Cloves; • t en Chocolate;lo keg;;;;;ta34 15 boxes Fancy Soaps; SO mats Cassia; 5 bags Pimento; 2 bbls Snuff,. (superior); 20 `boxes Ground Pepper; • 2 bbls Ginger; 3 " Brazil Sugar; 15000 half Spanish Segars; 20 doz. Manilla Cords. (long;) 15 66 Plough Lines; ' 10 kegs Saleratus; 2000 lbs. Cotter Yarn, assorted Nos. ' 500 6' Batting; 25 boxes Raisins, &.c. &c. &c. Just received and for sale by MARTIN & SMITH, jelO 56 Wood street, between 3d and 4th. JULES HAUEL'S PATENT EAU LUSTRAL ej 1141. R RESTORATIVE.—This universally ap proved and admired article, tree from ardent tmirits, pungent essential oil, and other destructive mrials cleans the hair expeditiously, renders it beautifully bright, and imparts to it the delicate fragrance of the flowers. Hair washed with this Extract soon be comes pleasantly soft and lexuriant in its growth, and it will positively bring in new hair on bald heads by its use; and hair that has been made harsh, and is turning gray and falling out, by the use of spirits or other improper preparations, will soon be restor ed to its natural color and brilliancy by a few appli cations of the Eau Lu.sfral. irrA Premium awarded at the FRANKLIN INSTI. TLITE. .Y & Co, 57 Water et 57 Water et Sold by B A FAIINESTOCK & Co., jyB Corner of 6th and Wood streete. 11013ACCO-10 boxes 16F, 12s, 8,, ss, 1 lump TOOM•CO; 19 Kegs Pitta. trgh cavendish; 5 " " plug; 4 " No. 1 6 twist; For sale by J. D. WILLIASIS, 110 Wood st. CANDLES -20 boxes Stearine; 10 Star; Just received and fur sale by THOS. MILLER, jelB cor. Wood &4th ate PALM SOAP-40 boxes Cin. just received and for sale by THOS. MILLER, jclB cor. Wood & 4th eta. FRUIT-10 boxes M.R. Raisins; 15 Drums S. Figs; 12 Jars fresh Prunes; Just received and for sale by THOS. MILLER, cor. Wood & 9th sts. MACKEREL. -20 bbls. No. 2, South; 10 half bbls. do. 10 bbls. No. 2, do. 10 " No. 3, North; All of superior qualities, in store and for sale by JelB MARTIN & SMITH, 06 Wood et SUCCESSORS to Irvine & Martin, wholesale gro i cora, produce and commission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 56, Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa. lelB Paper. 25 tf)mg: c medium rown wrapping paper(to straw;wo . 10 do medium Tea paper; 20 do writing piper, ruled; Just received and for sale by MARTIN & SMITH. jelS 50 Wood at. I NERAL WATER— "Sparkling and bright Ilts liquid light.• not only "sparkling and bright,' but for its delicious flavor, Bays & Brockway's Mead and Min eral Water is certainly 'unrivalled" and the syrups, are equal to any that ever graced the Mineral Fount. Call and see, at No. 2, Commercial Row Liberty at.. JAMES MAY Pittsburgh - mad Conneilsyllie Railroad Company .MEETTNG.of the Shareholdera in the Pitts burgh .and Connellaville Railroad Co. will be eld at the Office of the Company on Thursday, 6th Auguat, for the purpose of 'enlarging the capital stock and authorizing the opening of books of sub , ' scription.• By order of the Board of Director& -W. ROBINSON, Tr., President; Pittelntrgb, July 11, 1846. jyl3-cliftwtut ARKVAL tg' THE CABRIA. From the Seat of War. CONGRESS Martin and Smith, E=tM!M! ESSOMEJ Abl3.-4 4eks prbie hams for by g je26 ...-JAMES MAY . • . • , . . 0 lIQT-,-49 tga . .hotituta . d:..ticat. fat Bale by • je26 - , `tort i3ci9to Furnace pig hitt Tor sale by (,j(;26)1, - . --TAXESMAY. IVEWORLEANSSUGAII..--20hlula 4 1 7:.'0.:'• Sugar ..L1 for sale by. '(Je24)"'; • , JAMES MAY. CORk—i 17 eels Coral tor'aale- by -- le26 ' JAMES . MAY. . - IDES-411 Missouri Hides; for sale low to close ■ consignment. 1026 Stestalliolit for Sale. THE staunch; well built, light draught steamer Revenue Culteri will ho sold low and ;A. good term/: Apply to Je24. SAS. MAY - VINE SUGAR CURED HAMS--Just recd and 12 for sale by THOS..MILLER, jelB Cor. Wood & 4th sts. ItOSL-10Cr barrels 'No 1 Rosin just received and for sale by jyls I MILLEfi. & RICKETSON. LINSEED OIL-10:.' barrels Linseed Oil now landing and for sale by ' jyls MILLER & RICKETSON. M A an D d llF fo ß r — sal l e cask 'superior Madder in store • jyls MILLERIc I.ICIih T60:3. LAWNS—( FAST COLONS).—Another lot of Lawns just opened at A. Morris's, No 65 Market st.— warranted fast colors—which we are selling at 12;r: per yard. jet Lawns 1 L &WWI 11 CI EU. S. SIVART7, has:on hand a lot of fine Lawns Ur which will be sold at the very low price of 18l cents per yard;persons who want a good article, at a low price, would do well to call soon. Also on hand a good stock of Nansook muslins for Ladies Dresses very cheap at • jel3 No. 106 Market street. ➢insgneto Netts. EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of very su perior white and colored Alumina° Netts which will be sold cheap at No. 10G Market street. jel3 LIOAPS—I 10 boxes No. I Rosin; 20 6 , Almond, Toilet and Palm. 50 '' Hyder Shaving. In store and for sale by my. 22 LAMBERT & SIIIPTON COTTON. -19 bales Mississippi Cotton receive/1 per Dominion, and for sale by j 023 M. B. RHEY, & Co. 57 Water st. eIOW TAILS, a small lot received, per !sir. eassian," and fur sale by je22 M. B. &Co. lOTTOY—A few bales of Mississippi Cotton, for sale low• by I.IEORG F: COCHRAN, No. 2U Wood st. I;CONOMY CIDER-10 bbls Economy Cider on 14 hand, and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON TEIV CALICOES:—Another lot Gingham pattern prints—large and small plaids, beantithl styles, received :it N 0.46. BAIIROWS & TURNER. COFFEE—GiI bags prime green Rio. 10 pockets old governmentiava. Arriving and fur sale by LAMBERT S StIIPTON, rnv22 133 and 135 Wood st. 100 BBLS P.teli, for sale on consignment, and will be sold cheap, by TAAFFE & O'CONNOR. _ BOXES of prime, picked Sicily Lemons for 0 sale by (jels) TAAFFE & OTONNER. I - 140TAS11-26 Casks Potash; a prime atticle, for sale by MARTIN & SMITH, jy7-d&w .56 Wood, between Maud dtL sty. - DI UTTER & HONEY -13 5 Jars Honey; 25 kegs Butter, put hp in first rate style, and fur sale by MARTIN & SMITH, jclB b 6 Wood st. • BEST •JAVA COFFEE, ground and put up in pound package, received and tor Bale at the Pr. KIX TEA Sloan, 72 Fourth irtrect, near Wood. je29 EALAI 01L-1506pounde Palm Oil in store and for Bala by MILLER & RICKETSON, Jen 170 Liberty st. 13LAYING CARDS, IlitterS, Pepermint and Cigars, I always on band at AIT RAPPING PAPER-150 reams Crown and medium wrapping paper, reed and for sale by M. B. ItHEY & Co, 46 IVater st. Lawns Cheaper thnn Ever T A. MORRIS'S' No. 6,5 Market st. We have A IL now on hand the cheapest lot of Lawns ever uttered in this market. Such as are usually sold at 371 cents we are selling at $1,50 the Dress Pattern, (9 yards.) Call and look at them. jr2 A FAILNLSTOCR & Co's Chlorine Tooth Paste for cleansing and preservmg the teeth, and causing a sweet breath. Perfect satisfaction has been given in the use of every box, when all other remedies fail. Try the Paste. Prepared and sold by B. A. FAILNESTOCK & CO, jy 2 cur. Gth and Wood stn. Fourth Street Property. W e hstraevee for u s T a e l ea lo t the of Mayors gro u nd offi e o e a n nd I°t 7rll Smith field street, 30 feet front by 85 feet deep, on very reasonable terms. Apply to v 4 BLAKELY & MITCHF.L. AV - ANTED—An experienced Salesman in a Dry V Goods Store on Market st. Apply through Box 123 Post Office. QCOBCITINGS.—ti barrtiti in store and for sale br ciy.l) M. B. RHEY, & Co. TIOTASII.-4 casks received and for ante by M. LI. RIMY, & Co. or Sale. A LOTof Ground on sth street, 30 feet front by it 120 feet deep. Also, 2 lots in Pine st., 20 at front by 01 feet deep. Also, 2 lots adjoining the above on which is built 2 large and substantial frame dwelling houses. Also, 5 frame dwelling houses on Locust at. Apply to jy4 BLAKELY & MITCHELL. Allegheny City Property for Sale. Wlifelvt"dl e s e e p ll a . t Lot ua t e o f o, i ground, Perry if.ront Alleghe ny 58 t t City, on which is erected a double frame dwelling House, &c. Terms easy. Apply to jy4 BLAKELY & MITCHEL, INDIGO—I case tnanilla; 50 lbs S. F. 25 " Fig Slue, For sale by J. D WILLIAMSI 110 Weed at: EW MORE LEFT—Same Sort.—The balance J: of those splendid Benige Shawls, which have commanded ready sales ats s,oo—and great bargains at that—will be closed at the reduced price of $3,75. An early tall will steare 3 bargain at No 40. OyS) bARROWS & TURNER. 'FRENCH COUNTERPANES—of qualities, Su l' perior, Medium and low priced. The balance on hand will be sold at bargains. BARROWS & TURNER, jyB 46 Market street. RUIT NUTS, &.c. FOR THE FOURTH OF r 200 big prime Sicily Lemons, in good order: 50 bags Pea Nuts; 2 " S. S. Almonds; 2 " Cream Nuts; 2 " Filberts and 2 bageWalnutsj 5 baskets Olive Oil; I case Canton Presvrood Ginger; 10 bxa Raisins; for sale by- retail and wlitilesale where parties can get a chdap supply at ' P. C: MARTIN'S, 60 Water st Light in Dark:Places. , pV.P.SONS wishing to - Mit the value of a' bright light in a dark night, will at the Drag Store of Hays & Brockway, and purchase an article called Catania= Orr.. Tt is death to darkness and a "!error to evil doers?) No. 2, rommercial Row, Liberty street. ' jyls 'lll-IXLADELPI3A STRAltifintUP, 6. fine arti cle: Just reed and for tiale by 11105: Ctir, Wood & 4th sta., and rairatiamsavats A NH - 2110112 - 11FAr - VA - MRS,Eat ,- -Cooks Literary Depot; 85 Fourth street. .Napoleon • and: his Ildarshalls: by J. T.- Headley; dedic.ited 'to Oen. 'Winfield Scott. 2 vols. Vestiges of The -Natfirai 'Unitary of Creation and 2equel. Neiv Supply. Colienbiari'Magazine for July.,-1346.. The Gardener: an account of , eicry mcgetable cul tivated for the table by the 'plough tiMl spade. The Lives of the Felons; or. American Criminal Calender. A Love-Talei the Jewish Maiden-ofSeois Citadel; or.the Eastern Star and the Albanian Chief: •_ Fanny. Dale; or a Year Afterliarriage: by New edition, JAMES MAN Th 6 Hared Doctor) the habits; thseases and Man agement of the Horse, in the Stable and on the Road, with advice to purchasers. Graham's Magazine for July: Lady's Book. National Magazine. • Harper's Illuminated Bible complete. Knights of the Forest; a novel. The Knights of Malta; a splendid written Book. MrThe above and a great variety of Bound Books and Cheap Publications can be had at Cook's, Sri Fourth stieet. iY2 TUE - atibscriber offers for sale a tract of land abrnit I three miles from the city of Allegheny between the Franklin and Beaver roads, containing one hun dred and forty-one acres, about 44 of which is clear ed: This land is offered at reduced prides and will be sold either in a body ttr divided into Lots to suit purchasers. From its convenience to market it would be a very desirable location either for llirming, pur poses; pasturing cattle or for Gardening. ALSO, Seventy-five building Lots on a credit of ten years. These Lots ace situated on Griint, Wylie, Fift h, Ross and thaitiOnd stre?.ts in the third ward of the city of Pittsburgh; adjoining the Mew Court House. Persons disposed to purchase will find these lots fa vorably located as to licalth, convenience to busi ness, and will soon be in the Centre of the city. For particulars enquire of J. C. Cummins, or jv 2 SAIBAfI B. FETrERSTAI4. JUST RECEIVED—Another large addition to my stock of Diamond pointed Gold Pens of the hest makers and for sale at the lowest prices. Also—A large assortment of Gold and Silver Pen cils, Tooth and Ear Picks, Tweezers ; &c. &c. W. W. WILSON, 57 Market st. lIIIIIE~EP~`V in Western Pennsylvania where the theory :old practice of Book Keeping can be learned in such perfection us to enable the learn er to apply the science at once to business. Those unacquainted with Mr. ll.'s plan of instruction can have any number of references to persons in the city who are now keeping books and who have been qualified for the business by the previous training they received in his academy. flours of business during summer, from 2 to 4 and 7; to 9,P. M. Jc23 TCST received from New York by Adams & Co's tr I:spry:7,, the following Styles of Ladies Dress Goods, which for beauty and cheapnesg, cannot be surpassed in any of the Eastern Cities, viz: Embroidered Gingham Robes, (new stylesd Graduated Orgaudi do do; Rich Ombra Ituages (silk arid wool) very cheap; Balzarines, every price and quality; Rich styles Rep. Cashmere and De Loins; Preach Gingham and Gingham Lawns; Paris Primed Ilernaniu Cobaltine, (a new arti cle of Dress Goods, very beautiful.) Graduated 31 eel iu Robes; White Embroidered do; All the above goods have recently been purchased in the New York market since the great reduction of prices and will be sold at a small advance above Eastern cost by A MORRIS, je2 • No. 63 Market st. ECEI VED—Per Canal Boat Great Western 100opes Cherry Scantling-5,.5 and Lights Windon Sash siiitahle for the oestern trade, 10x II! and b., Joe tale by je6 L. 'WILMA RTH. 1 , 4•14014.4111.41. Act et Gong/1, In Ito 7... tr 1111. 47 C. V. C.,a1m... Each Ina of OENffißt SUGAR. []DATED PILLS La. 111 , 012 411.44VW$110Zikt , , 44 71•Miedirrleila . 1 " .. aAers t h. :Or corm h.""t"*. ----- TICRTZTT CILICKENER'S SUGAR COATED VEGETABLE ~/ PILLS are the first and only Medicine ever known that will positively cure Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt RIIPUM, Rheumatism, Piles, heartburn, Worms, Itispepsia, Scurvy, Cholera Mori., Small Pox, Jaundice, Com - dis, Quinsy, Pains in the Back, , Whooping Cough, Inward lVeakness; Consumption, Fits, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Rising in the Throat, Ervsipelas, Deafness, Dropsy, Asthma, Itehings of the Skin, Fes era 01'4111 kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Female" COmlilaints, Nervous Complaints, A nd all other vLseanes originating from impurities of the blood. P. C. MARTIN'S, GO Water street ' Kr They have cured, since their introduction, 01 er 2,000 persons, who have been given up as hope less cases, by the most eminent Physicians. irr They are patronized and recommended by men of the hi g hest distinction, among whom are— Hon. David It. Porter, Hon. Henry Clay, lion. John Q. Adams, lion. Daniel Webster, lion. Martin Van Buren, lion. J. C. Calhoun, Gen. Winfield Scott, Col. It. M. Johnson, lion. James K. Polk, Gen. Lewis Cass. Cc;r• Their virtues are so infallible that the money will be rerbrned in all cases they do not give univer sal sanstliction. Although but two and a half years have elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first intrmluced to the public, the sale of them in the Eastern and middle States has far exceeded Dr. illickener's most sanguine expectations. During the past year, alone, no less than 10,000 gross of boxes has e been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 in Peneuvlvania, 1,000 iu Maryland, 3,000 in New .Ter ser,2,lloo in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New England ' States, requiring the constant employment or 27 hands, exclusive of printers and engravers. In the same period, upwards of 200,000 copies of the "Family Doctor" have been ordered by agents in every section of the a- muntry. These facts must show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickener's Sugar Coat , edPills, besides being the very best medicine in the world, are held in the highest estimation by the public. We might extend tinn publication to an indefin itelength, If we decided it expedient to publish all tersiruonials we have received, not.only from agents but individuals and families, who have experienced the benficial effects of Clickenees Sugar Coated Pills; but we deem it unnecessary. The most in-• comestible evidence of their unprecedented success, are the numberless Imitations and Counterleits which have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pe riod they have been belbre the public. Even some of our staunchest pill makers have had the audacity to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise the ingredients of their vile compounds, and palm them off for the "real simon pure." Such paltry shifts cannot last long without exposing their hideous deformity. Truth and honesty must inevitably pre vail over rascality and deception. For sale in Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, No. 89, Liberty street, head of Wood st., Pittsburgh. Price. 25c. per box. Dr. Clickener's principal office is 81 Barclay street, New York. (cr' Beware of an imitation article called Im proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to 66 patented, as both the pills and the pretended patent are for gerMs, got up by a miserable quack in New York; who, fdr the last four or five years, has Made his living by counterfeiting popular medicines. 0::r Remember, Dr. C. V. Clickdner is the otitinal inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of, the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them', in June, 1843. Purchasers should, therefore, always I ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no other, or they will be made the victims of a fraird. utay 9 . I)SALMS Sr. HYMNS, for the iwo 'of the German -Reformed Church in the U. S. of America, Es glish and German. For sale by SCRIM. & SCHEIDLER, Ilb Wood st. ENEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very best V- quality, for sale at H. .11. RYAN'S Cabinet Ware Rooms, No. 31 Fifth stmt. jylo , rPHE Philosophy of Reform, in which ate exhib ." ited the design, principlei and plan of God, for the full devolopinent of man, as a, social, civil, in tellectual and,inoral beingrtherebyelevating him the scale of being to the, position . lia vine : Created to oecupy: Rev, d. .14..Strijth: For sale by . - Lukt.A.ooMg, Agt. • jy.l6 Journal copy,— e.~::-, ~:~ -- TO GARDENERS AND OTHERS: LAND FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES Gold Pens MR. DUFF'S and Writing Rooms, cornet of Fifth and Market streets. This is the only Institution Security to Purchasers UM;=i Pi2liosophy ,-.- ..`t,' . .:';' : : „ 7: ,- ; - .. ,, '?:;..1 . : 0 ';',: - .T - zr:'' , ' . .."4 -- -;' , 7 . • ,- :: . - - '":' , .- - - - ''.',' '. ,- .' - *:':: - -" : :'''' , :''. --, -'::::'-'1.:'... - ` . .i . ..'"':' , .:' - '1.. 7. :::'i::: - •:- .. - : -. .. - 4 - : , ;:. . ~ , . , „ ....... „ _.. _ . :. _ 'For Cin6iikiiiitiiind Si. Louts The passenger steamer PALESTI N E, Capt. Witliatps; - will leave for the ah °Ye anintermediate perm r6gularly. • roc keight or passage hptdy on board.. ' e...9': fal Per Cincinnati and Lnulavi RECULAII PACXVE. I *. The ifeiv and splendid pasaenkof er C L USI3 dA, CoIVEAi, Muter, will leave lot the above and intermediate pOrta,, regular . • , Fin freight or passage apply on board, .or to jei - D. 'WILKINS, Ag,e.th . , Tuesday Evening Pit s oket. Themew and splendid pasdenger boat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhoes, will run asa regular packet between'Pittsburgh 'and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday, evening at 3 o'clock. Returning she will !cave Cincinnati every Friday evening at 3 o'clock. The Declaration offers-superior accommodations to passengers. For freight or pa'ssage apply on hoard; ' jet MOS - 157c17 — P.Artiff • • regirkir mail and pasenger ktearn, L er UNION Captain Maclean vvill run; as a regular packet bebiTen Pittiburgh and Cinein nati, leaving this port every Monday: at_ &cloak, P. M. Returning she will leave Elininnati every Thursday at G P. M. The Union was built expressly flit this traile, and affords every accommodation. For freight or passage apply on born]. inciy9 JINNATI. y 4, ‘ The well known fist running steamer -1- C , A.MIIIII. A, W. Forsyth, Master, will run as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the tame day. Returning, she will leatie Cincinnati every Saturday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply on hoard; or to FORSYTH & C 0.,: Agents, - No. 50, Waal' itreet. The rigularmail and passenger stearnet ~,, -. 7=', 7" ,CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Igaac bennett, will rnn as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh. and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Salgrday, at 10, A. 31..,.ancl Wheeling at 10, P. N., the same day. Rettirnin. she *lll leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10, A. $l. t For freight or passage apply on board. The Circassian was built expressly for this trade, and offers to her passengers every comfort - and ac commodation. mar 2:3 SATURDAY PACKET. _The regular mail and pass . cmger sieniner _+• ,,, _.4,ATEssErvrut, Cnpt. Linford, will run as 4 regular Packet betiveen Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. 1., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day.:i Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 o'clock. A. M. For freight or passage ani4 on board. , The Messenger was boat expit , ssly for this trade, and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac• coininodation. mar TUESDAY PACKET. I THF.retpilar mail and passenger steatri ,.- or HIBERIsHA, Capt. John' Klinefelter, will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. leaving thin port every TueSday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling •at 10 P. M. of the same Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Fridayat 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade, and offers to the plssengers every comfort and su perior accommodations. apt FRIDAY' PACKET. ~. ff ...., THE regular mail and passengersteam '''_ er CLIPPER No. 2, Captain !Crooks, will run as a regular packet between Cincinn'ati and Pitts burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day: Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 &clot, A. M. For freight or passage apnly on board. • The Clipper N 0.2 was built expressly for this trade, and offers to her passengers every , coMfort and ac commodation. mar 23 REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. THE new U.S. Mail steamer ACADIA, M. E. Lucas, Master, will run as a regii lar passenger packet between Pittsburgh and the above port during the season of 1545, leavinr , every Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M. _ . The Acadia is new and has superior accoinmoda tions. For freight or passage ample on hoard, or to p 9 X. NEWTON JONES, Agent. mogls:cf-PUILT. • Thereeularmaii and passenger steamer MONONGAHELA, Capt. StOne, will run as a regular Packet between Pittshurghl and Cincin nati, leaving this pi;rt every Monday at 10, A. ?%T., and Wheelieg at 10, P. M., the same day. Return ing. she will lMaVe Cinc!inmiti every Tltrsday, at IQ, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board.! The Monongahela was built expressly for this trade, and offers to the passengers comfort, and su perior accommodations. [ ,mar 31 WEDNESDAY PACKET.; THE regular mail and nassengersteam -1 er NEW ENGLAND, Capt.' S. D. Page. ,411 rein as n regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. leaving this port every Wednesday at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. BT. the same day.-- P,eturning. she will leave Cincinnati every Saturday at 10 A. M. For fre;ght nr passage apply on hoard.: Thy New England was built expressly cur this tntle and offers to the passengers every comfort and Rune rior acenmmorlatinns. mar 26 SAINT LOUISPACKET.S.,, FOR ST. LOCIs-REGULAR PACK.ET. - . The new and splendid passri'ng,er steam er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Rather. wil run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du ring the season of 1840. The Tom Corwin, was built expreSsly for the trade. and is elegantly- furnished in ereiy respect. For freight or I•a;,age apply on boaid. may 19. _ FOR ST. LOCIS—REGULA R. PACKET. — , I3RUNETTE, Capt. Perry ' will run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, ;during the' season of 1546. The Ilrunette was built expressly for the trade and is elegantly found in every respect. 1 For freight passage apply on hoard:, apl4 Plllt LOUIS . VI LLE—RF.GULAR PACKET. t M. ..i t The new and splendid passenger steam TONNALEUKA. Capt. J. K. Moody will runin the trade from Pittsburgh to'Louisaille during the season of 1846. The Tonnaleuka was built expressly for the trade, and is elegantly furnished in every respect. For freizlit or passage apply on hoard For eincinnitt I Mr. , ' o w THE new and light draught passenger steamer W TE RN , Capt. BAKEit, will leave for the abo. d arid 'all intermediate ports regularly. The Western draws but l ihehes, and was built expressly to run in the trade during the IoW water season. For freight Or passage, having superior'acleontnio dations, apply on board. 1 jyls "D — ERAGE SAAWES Airtygex - RT - -• • 1 carton black second mourning satin striped lierage Shawls; 1 carton beautiful fancy "Wrap Shawls, ombre fringes; 1 carton brocha rieragc Shawls; extra,handsome; I CC CC Stairs 1 " satin bordered " 1 " herriani twist'd silk " " extra sup. hernarii The above handiotne goods have all been purcha sed lately at auction, in New York andPhlladelpida, at the closing sales of the French importers, and are now offered at a small advance, and lesa than the cost of importation, at the Cheap Cash Store of jets ALEXANDER & DAY. Stotts Vegetable Pills. t t UST received a fresh supply of those In - t/ valuable Pills, to those who know them, no thing need be said, in their favor, for by their in trinsic merit they can speak for themselves, hut to the afflicted who Ave never used them We recom mend atrial, for they have been the means,(under the blessin.• of God,) of imparting health and strength to thousands who 'were apparently draw ing near to the gates of Death, the Inveteratecancer and scrofula have been effectually cured! by them, also, Dyspepsia, Fe'ver and Ague, Intlarnation, Drop sy in the head, Jaundite, Asthma, Sores'of tWenty years standing,Croup, Measles, Storms and .even cases considered Consumpfion hive all yielded - to their highly renovating powers. They are alsit un surpassed their purifying properties, when taken as an occasional physic by cm or young, being as welltuited for the infant - of one day as: ..fort the man mature] in life. -4; :: Ily the express remained of the Proprietor, they are:sold at 12i cents per box: 'of , 2*;:pills, with full directions. - Sold wholesale and retail by SAMUEL LINDSAY, No. 104 Liberty at, jyl7-d2tn, ; MEM 61 * - OTISTA:11--K-Leirdri7s FOll. CINC UMMiIM REGULAR PACKET IMEI2 D.A.lls•Urls A.ll.l3en.ling'iNnta4tel?t•• : ,-. • INSENSIBLE PERSPIRATION. - - THE preceding figure is given to represent the -itiSENSIBLEVfnATIttATIONS. It is the great evar 7 uzltion for. tlio impurities Ortlie' body. , 'lt will be i noticed that a thickeloudy mist issties front all points of. tile surface; - Witi - oh indfeates thilt_this perspiration flows uninterruptedly!whce we' ere- in health, but ceases when vve are sick. Life cannot be, sustained vtithoutit.. Itis thrown off from - tho bleed and other juices of the body, -and-disposes by this Means, of nearly all the impurities within us. The language of- Scripture is g , in the Blood is the Life?w if it ever be comesimpurei it may be traced directly to the PUT' page of the inFensiblgperipiration.- Thus we Oei all. that it necessary_ when - the blood is stagnant, or in fected, is to open the peres, awl it relieves itself from all impurity tnsteinily. • Its own heat and vitalityure sufficient.; without one particle of medicine, except . to . open the pores upon the surface. Thee we see the folly of taking so notch internal remedies. All practionersi libwever, direbt their efforts to restore the Insensible Perspiration. The Thotopsonian, for instance,ifeoms, the liydroliathist shrouds us in wet blankets A the , liombpathist deals out infinitissimals, the Allopathist bleeds and doses. us with mercury,- and the blustering Quick gorges us with pills, pills, pills. • .. To give some idea of the ainonnt of tha Insensi ble Perspiration, we will state that the learned Dr.. Lewenhock; ascertained that five-eights of all we re ceive into the stomach, passed off by this means. In other words,' if we eat skit drink eight pounds per day, we evacuatelivo•pounds of it by the Insensible Perspiration. This is none other than the used up particles of the blood, and flier juices giving place to the new and fresh ones. To check this, therefore, is to re tain in the systenv five-eights of all the virulent matter that nett/so demands shohld reale the bcidy. By a sudden transition front heat to cold, the pores are stopped ; the perspiration ceases, and disease be gins- at once to develupe ittnell. hence; a stoppage of this flow .of the juices; originates st) many cone: plaints.. It is by stopping the pores, that overwhelms man kind with coughs; colds, and consumption, Nine tenth§ of the world die from diseases induced by a stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration. . Let me ask, now, even- candid.mind, what course seems the most foaStinible pursue, to unstop the pores, after they are cloned. Would you give physic to unstop the pores? Or would ~t6ll apply something that would do this upon the surface, where the clog ging actually isl And yet Lknow of 110 physician who makes any external applications to effect it. Eimer these circumstances,- I present to physicians; and to all others, McAlisters .4:l4lealing , Ointment, or the World's Salve. It has power to restore per. spiration ba-the feet, on thelicad old sores, upon the chest, in short; upon any, part of the body', whether diseased Sightly Or Severely. -; It haspower to cause all external sores, scrofulous humors, skin diseases, poisonous -wounds, to dis charge their putrid matter, and then heals them: It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue of cutaneous disorders, and restore the entire cuitclo to its healthy functions. It is a remedy that Ibibids the necessity of so many and deleterious drugstakeu into the:stomach. , Iris a remedy that neither sicknens, gives intone-. nience; or is dangerous to the intestines. It preserveS and defends the surface from all de rangement of its:functions, The sniTace is the out let of five-eights of the bile and used up matter With in. It is pierced With millions of openings to relieve the intermits. Stop uptliese pores, and death knocks at your door. It is rightly termed All-Hcaling, fur there is scarcely a disease,exiernal et internal ; that it will not benefit. I have used it for the last fourteen years fur all diseases of the chest, consumption, lir et' involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before Heaven and man, that not in one single case has it failed to benefit, when the patient was within the reabh of inoital irleans. - - I have had physiCians, learned in 'the profession; I have had ministers of the Gospel; Judges on the. bench, Aldermen and"LaWyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition and muttituiles of the poor, use it in every variety, 'of way, and there has been but one voicez-ohe united and universal Voice--saying "MC yew Ointinent iS Alibi/. •- - CONSIIMPTION.=-It can !lei-4k be- credited that a. salve can have any effect upon; the lungs, seated as they are within the system. But if placed upon the chest; it penetrates directly to the lungs, seperaien the poisonous particles 'that are consuming them, and expels them from the sYstem: • I need, not say that it is curing pbrgon.s of emiscinp tion continually, althoegh we are Nil it is foolish ness. I care not what is said, so !bug as I can cure several thousand persons ;cull:. IkEADArIIE.—The - flake 'has'etired - Persens Or the Headache of ten ye:LH siantlititc.. and Who had it regularly every week, so that vomiting often took place. Deafness and Ear Ache are helped with like suc cess. COLD FEET.--Consumption, Liver complaint, pains in the chest Cr side, falling off the hair, one or the other always accompanies cold feet. The Salve will cure every ease. - In Scroufla, EErysipelas, salt l - Ltver com plaint Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Thietit, Bronchitis, Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, all ChqatDiseases, such as Asthma, Oppression,P.ain, slap Sore Lips, Chap ped Hands, Tumours, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine there is probably no med icine now known eo good. , . . . ,BURNS.—It is the best thing in the world for. Bums. (Read the Direhtions around the box.) PIMPLES ON THE FACE—Masculine Skin gross surface. Its first action is to expel all humor. -It will not cease drawing till the thee is free from any matter that may be lodged under the skin, and fre quently breaking out to the surface: It then heals. When there is nothing but grossness, or dull repul sive suiface, it begins to soften and soften until the skin becomes as smooth and delicate as a child!. WORIVIS.If parents knew how fatal most medi cines were to children taken inwardly, they would • be slow to resort to them. Especially "mercurial' lozenges" called "medicated lozenges," "vermi fuges" pills; &c. The truth is, no one can tell, in variably when worms are present. Now let me arty to parents that this Salve will always tell if a child has worms. It will drive every-Vestige of theta a way. (Read the directions around the hoz.) There is probably no medicine. on the face of the earth at once so sure and so safe - inthe expuleion of worm,. TOlLET.—Although I have said little abent it as a hair restorative vet I will stake it against the world/ They may bring their Oils far and near, and Mine will restore the hair two cases to their one: • OLD SORES.That some Sores are as outlet to the impuritins of tne system, is, because they cannot pass off through the natural channels of the Insensi ble Perspiration. If such sores are healed up the impurities must have some other outlet, or it will en danger life: This salve will alWays provide for such emergencies. RHEUALATISM.—It removes almost immediately the inflammation and swelling, when the pain . of course ceases. - FEVERS.---In all cases of fever, the difficulty lies in the pores being, locked up, so that the heat and perspiration cannot pass off. If the least moisture could be, started the crisis has passed and the danger over: The Alb-Healing Ointment will in gll cases of fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and bring forth the perspiration. SCALD HEAD.—We have cured eases that situ ally defied every thing known, as well is the ability ''of fifteen or twenty doctors. One than told us, he had spent $5OO on his children without any benefit,. ,when a few boxes of the ointment mated them. CORNS.Occasional usti of the Ointment will al 'ways keep corns from FroWitig. ripple need neier be troubled with them if they will use it, AS A FAMILY MEDICINE.i. - -No inan can meas ure its value. So long as the stars roll along over the Heavens--sii long as man treads the earth, sub ject to all infinities of the flesliso long as disease and sickness is known—just so long will this good Ointment 'mused anti esteemed. Wheli man ceas es from off the earth...then the demand - cease, and not till then. JAMES McALISTER & Co. Sold pieprieters of above Medicine. Price 25 ceeftg.per box. • CAUTION.—As the All4leiling Ointment has been greatly counterfeited, we have given, this•Catt tion to the public that "no Ointment be genaine Unless the names of .tcimes .111eAlistei, jaws Mc- Alister 4- Co:, are.WiterrErt with i.rett upon r.vmts' label.", Now we hereby offer areiiird of $5O to ,paid on coniition in any 'of the constituted courts of the Unite States, for Oily individual coun ting our naiumed Ointment, • PRICII:2S.CENTS PER,nox. AGENTS IN PITTSBURGH-=Brann',St. Reiter, corner of Liberty' and St: "Clair sts; lire the whole iale agents, anal,. Wile - psijr.eotater Market st:iina the Diamond; Att:ya?'& Brkkn i avriDrizggists Itio 2, Commercial li: Cassel, corner of Walnut and;Peui fitroetr , 4: : Mlemetrd, and sold at the Bookstoie in Stnitliflild'bt.:,-.3a - ilour from Second st;_ • and in Allegheny tit); by II P. Schiyarta, and J. Bar gent, and by 5.. G. Smith (Druggizil BirminFbarm„and D. Negley;Etist, Libeity; Samuel Weiler, Elizabethi - J. i:or.gabela City: N. B. Bowman ringern,' 'Brown - a - Tine, Pa; Dr. S. Smith; Btttfin*Hmei; And. Sobn - Barclay, Beaver Pa. vtar,Sta hhds N.O : sugar; b bbla small loaf; ` , • 5 " crushed and pulverized; 50 gr N.. 0. molasses; • • *•' 5 "sugar house rr .. For sale by D. WILLIAMS; 110Wood•-6tjylav • • MEM