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L."' /..f r 'r' • 4% t,:' `, ••••,i.••1/4 „1 ‘l.l. • I' 4 o l V5 V17.1.1 2- * t 4 f t , r 4 1.7* . 1% r±s l ".• 4 1. '44'l', tfi t I r c ? ictylki q`*-0:t t l' 4 ` ? t r " - ,cs [4vr= 4 : .7,T5 1. .1: 4 ' t. 2 „ tt; ••1' •, 1 -41 1 4. e.• , • • • 3 $ -‘,/ t • .fe -`• `C . c t ' rI • t. " ' I - • sa ,k4 at • r 1, 3 y - 4 1 7 t, .4= - • r, '`• , , ' . • - ," • e '- • r , , =RE 1161131 1 , , ~. ' - I r ', 1.,. ~~ ,! • ; MIS 4-% MEE ''ttlit9portation Eincs3: Mc'lance Porta:plc Boat Line 1 . 4z1 . G. F OIL tra usp ortint goidbe t xiiPi hand the t..ti.viti outnshipping. This old established line (being the oldest portable boat line on the canal) is now prepared to receive produce and merchandize for shipping either East or West. The boats by ‘this line are commanded by skilful, expe rienced and sober captains, and provided with good crown . Boats and cargoes are transferred from and to canal and railroad, saving all removal and bepara non of goods. Trips made in as abort time, and goods carried on as fair terms as any other line. Thankful for, and respectfully soliciting a continu ance of the very liberal and.growing patronage here tofore bestowed upon this line, we with confidence assure those merchants disposed to favor us, that their business shall be done to their entire satisili...tion. Goods carried by us, consigned to either of our houses, will be ahippsd to their destination free of charge for shipping, storage or advance of charges. As we hold no interest in steamboat srock, merchants may depend upon their goods always pews forwarded without delay, upon good boats and at the lowest rates of freight. Produce consi g ned to our house at Philadelphia for sale, will be sold on liberal terms, and ads anew made either at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. JOHN' McFA DEN & Co'., Penn St., C inal Basin, Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS & Co., 219 and 2.51, aprlo-iiin Market at., Philadelphia. lairtezieviden rPortable Boat Lime. 18 1 • - TIOR the transportation of produce and rnerchan dice to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Pailadelphia; no transhipment. The subAeribers, agents for a number of the heat portable - boats, form ing a re;nlar daily . line between PlitAbur.o and the Etstern cities, will be tulle prepared on the openiitz of navigation to ship a larJe amount of produce and merchandize with despatch and on acconi.nodating terms. l'he great success which has characterised this mode of transportation on the Penn'a canals and rail roads during the last few years, notwithstanding the opposition of lea; established comps:lies, and is a i . pretty sure indication of its superiority over the old plan ortraushipping at the the ilifferent terminus oi canals aitd railroads. We therefore ask 'for the Independent Portable Boat Linea liberal share of patronage. Produce or merchandize consigned to its for ship ment will be forwarded immediately on srrisal, free of any charge for commission, storage or insurance. Rills of lading transmitted. and all instructions prouttly attended to. EARS, RAYNOR S Co., Broad at., Philadelphia. ROSE, :MERRILL &: Co., Smith's Wharf, Baltimore. C. A. AL.:ANL:I.I'Y & Co., Cacal 8a5.21, Fount tin nt.., near L.beTty, P.mburgli mar3-y PittOturgit Portable Boat Lille, n s. ~ • r freqk Pitt -9- J 3 titC zr):l3plrtit.ln of burg!' and th^ .atlantic v!,l Peua3ylvanla Ita?royemouts aul 1)3. 1 .0 :flare and 1-...usqueitann4 The Proprietors of this old estsbli,shod :ine, having completed thew arrani;etnants, are prepared to for ward 3oola to aad from the East (en the o,somng of the canal navigation,) oa as reasonab:e terms as any other respona,Ole line, and are determ ued that no c ire or atoatioa on the.: part shall be wanang to se rare a coat:nu:Lace of th it patronage so hberaPy be etowellvo,: the:a for several years past. The decided success of the portable boat system, so man:fest in the re-suiartty and 3 elpatch experseneed . . • - . - . in the delivery of;Dodo, tne ahsdade dr all r.E‘k of delay, breakage or other damage, incident to the o!d eystern, where dooda have to be burn ed!y transhipped throe tutted on ' the way, and thl merchanta'dle order whizh produce has been avowed!! detoured by Lieu), has induced the proprietora to incr.:: ise their ernes cous•derahly this season. Their eatenaive warehouie9 at each point, tudeaqua!lci by any other lined a:furde them facil:tiee to condout their hilliness with deapatch; and to s!nppers the convenience of thee storage, ht require!, until their arrangements are complete—A-hilt: their lung experience mu the carry ing trade., it is presuincl, w.ll be aufliiiient v..u.trantee to their patrons and the public that they will succe.,a fitly ex.irt themaelves to gave general sit:a:tenon. Produce receleed fq.e. - az sicanf,uat charge, pail, and bilia lading tranain tted free of charge fur CUTTILM33iUn, ads- inc,ng or storage, and all cammum nations to the following agenta inn:aptly attended to: Cor. Penn and Wayne eta, Pittsburgh. TIWMAS 130ltliltaid E. 273 Mar Let stre,-t, Pulladelplua. O'CONNOItC & Co., North at., Baltimore. I.llu;sham't, Trauniorintinn Line t0...4-774,. 4 0") r. 4? . b 4 0 . 4 0 fItO:4DuCTEU on si.r.ct Sztbi.wh-Seeping principles, V/ though not cia.m.iiig to he the line that is en condueteil. The proprieti.rs of th,s old edl.ll.lislied line haze put their stock in the most complete order, and are thoroughly prepared to ferivard produce and merehandize to and from the Eastern cit.es on the o,3erling of navigation. trait t;aat our long experience in the carrying buBt se r anj zea:ons attention to the interests of cus tomers, a•:!1 secure to on a conzmuance and increase or the patroanalieretoforc bestowed on 'Bingham's Line.: Our arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always be as low es the lowest criarged by other responsible lines. Produce ani merehandize will be received and l'or warded slit aul west without any charge fur adverti sing, storage or commlssion. . . lithe of lading tOr.vardel, and esery direction promptly attende.l to. Addred., - ; or appli. to WM. BINLIHAM, Canal B tam, cor. LTherty and IV lime stl., P.ttsb , g, BINGHAM:3, D/CS: s srl: AT TON. No. 273 M irket pt., Pnilaielphia, JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 Nortkollawar I st., Ilaitimore, NVILLIAM TYSON, Agent, aprlO.y No. IU West est., New York . Western Traubportation Company *,5 -- • v LEECH i Co.'s old estamished transportation lines, (being the first one on the Pennsylvania C with) between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore and New Vert, arc fully prepared to transact any bu siness twat may be cuniidel to them, in such a manner as mast give general satis:'ae.tion. Their stuck con sists of a double daily line of Pennsylvania boats and railroad cars, (all owned by themselves,) which ena bles them to carry a large quantity of freight with cer tainty and despatch, in as short time and on as favor able terms as any other responsible line. Produce or mercimrid.ze consigned to any of the undersigned forwarded free of any charge l'or cum mission or storage. Tobacco for Philailelphia, car ried by our line, will be delivered at the city Tobacco Warehouse, Doi± street, in the cars, without drayage. The business of these Imes will be conducted on Sabbath-keeping pr.actplel. Address or apply to D. LEECH & Co., Canal Basin, Penn at., Pittsburgh. HARRIS & Noe. 13 and 13 South Tiurd street, Pbdadelphia. JOS. TAYLOR & SONS, 111 aryl North Howard st., Baltimore. W. P. o.lljCfc, 7 We:A st. New York. ap9-13m Plelcsvorth's Line, EXPRESSLY FOR WAY FREIGHT. The proprietor of the following Canal Boat, have, at the solicita tion of a number of Merchants in Pittsburgh, and along the route of Canal, made arrangements to form a regular daily line for the transportation of all kinds of Merchandize, to and from Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johnstown, Hollidaysburg, Water street, and all intermediate places. One boat will leave the warehouse of C. A. M,An ulty & Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, every day, (ex cept Sunday,) and shippers can depend on having their goods forwarded withopt delay and on accom modating terms. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage. FROPRIETORS. J. PICKWORTII, boat Nile; " Exchange; " Paris; " Pacific; D. 11. BARNES, " Push; Ezoinc; J. PICKWORTII, Johnstown. JNO. MILLER, Hollidaysburg apt! C, A. M'ANULTY, Pittsburgh D• Leech .h Co.'s „,„, m PACK AG E EXPRESS TO PHILADELPHIA.—The Canal being now open, the above Express, which has been established for the conveyance of valuable packages of merchandise, specie, Bank notes, jewelry, &c., will recommence running on Monday, 6th April. An Iron Chest will be dispatched daily, during the traveling season. Apply to I). LEECH & Co. ' ap 9-3 m corner st. and Canal. +~mton'?~2~ : 'b~,' ~.t.On''K~r."?-'~j~y?},!gA.r„}x