Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, July 02, 1846, Image 2

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    : 44ki'MBUR011 011%7,5 T
4 4 9- 11 /tll!aWill a 4 , t r f
Allegheny County Demurs* TOket:
. -Or BRADFORD CotrifF : ; •
Sheriff, - • '
PUMP PATTERSON,of,Lamncp/6...,
Aasainbly, -
fihItiITFL:.W..BLACK, of .piitibitrgh.
ROBERT. H. KERR, of Alleghe4 -
JOHN H. 31'ELHENNY, of Jefferson..
;Commissioner for 3 years,
ROBERT DONALDSON, of • Higvis;.: •
- Commissioner for 3- Yenys
•WM BRYANT, of Pittsburgh.: -
Auditor for 3
WILLIAM.EWING, of 4(ditton.
Auditor for .1 year;
4•T. 'PATTERSON, of .Bironngh4m.
".2-LEWIRWEYMAN, Allegheny.
../01.Pcir Latest Neaa, see Postscript ; on second
page:: 7..
*::-•;1'.'' , :-;" e_ f•
4. :k .
_,,-, , - g:l=The editor of the Post winces under our ie
f-f....,..::.,-<huke. We predict he will have little more to say
l'iV-..,i;y 1 - ',about the uAllegheny Delegation."—Gazdtc bf
~....giA''', yesterday.
t::';' , ZA ' : . We. told the editor of the Gazette .on Tuesday
. 51 1 ......:: : . Morning, to ''crack his whip and go ahead. -3V14
.„..?. has ke not clone so, after threatening to_make- dia.
` 42 '.,2- closures of the most important character?, Has
~ . .l'' the editor been advised not to make the publica
-4-t.4::.: tion which he so&auntingly threatehed in his paper
of Monday morning? We can assure the editor
4Vll' that 14:will find us at all times quite willing to
1 ..1.'z'. 2 speak 'freely about the Allegheny delegation. By..tht..
„''t&''l''4l.l' .. witiY;wlien will the editor let the -public see - 11.1 i:
.":',-'''.( HAMPTO'N'S renunciation, which he says first.np-:
..l'-'4. - 1 . '. , t-- , geared in the Somerset Herald, on the 3th-oflune,
, .'i. 1E32.
'Writ with Maico—Wcbster's 'Sp eh. -
.4 . oNillington Union of the 27th Jane con.
: e r;r l-? tain s :ol t*iery able review of the speech Made in
some days before by 14fr. Wsesczn.—
ik . - ir,S, ; ,..:*s.ll9 — gret that we cannot find space fir the entire
but will give our readers as much of:it as
we4iiiiAltd.room for this morning. ThnUditor in
. 1t .,. 4 .,...i.-_,..refertsestto the position of the-Whig party on the
says:—For some time it has not
very to understand the position of the
• Vhig.party in relation to our war with %Mexico.
When' they are etterjed,tyAih, opposing the war.
--- r the ch4g
a as " -- r"..„,:" sure imputation on
thvy rusen
it L tanplained bitterly
th ew ' tom Yet t - er
some time s in ce; a nd they, ernplain non, because
f / ... theirielals of:the administration as k e d Congress,
enthe,Vtil to provide lan and money 1 ° carry
4 -t came up, t o r eco gnis e in = " L ' -
... 43 °h etrar eco
e in its prt
halthtw xi s ted by the act o f mexwo• The
s„; Wi l *wtr
e then so patriotic that they insisted 'to
-. tb
arrinalf:at they would lute toorgarAztatty thou
' --..* ' "4-i'VPitriteers
_and to disburse fen millions of
"2 := ''
, , - .cro : ltacs for the war-prodded only - 6 attkaffrends
i the athiumstraton would leace it to ,
. T..e I
... rie
-‘'''' -. "
6ht if w ee.was no war, or that our government hod
That is,
gt: r. rg4le a'S
171egan44 1'44°4"1aw43 / w
r . - ..., 0. ogress would, by its silence. ad m it tba'f tile
Wae "u'af a g g r e ssive r and --indefensible rasa:' a" the'
- te th e men and money
ViThigt'svotdd eheerfullY vo
'' •• to fight it OUtt 4 '-` '- - l tidal
r .n. t ott ,m o t . L t - ra t of whig Pa To
I=i ThiCwa 3- Ine Y- .
...„ t r to mexican invasion react,
after- Ihe ' VWs v 2 * " 3 the
.'" e•s having reeogmEe'
4 - 'Sinee th 4 titrke—Cengr II e wine
‘.sese - iris == by the act of Masan— 1
.0 , -' ' ..,- - tin' loss:'what to say of
'mare seemed to be rather ate
anion, has horapf, rather than sett le d,
it ' s. " 1 z . " 1 4 ,... --g2s>- 1 smatte r . ' At last, hoo m er, the leading
413.. ' .. 'l'7
little shining and veering
widitiouinals -after no .
k * 43,..43.th' e w e a ther guage of popular
. °P h an e '
;- ' - 1 -1 . a nd, to have-,'quite.
1....,. , to
,Goom a ght o nt c ear y,
4' irembracmg their v,ew , of the
''''' jeae6ll / 4 a°P ted 'nullsubstanthepro
, -'' whole subject; three distinc t a
' ' p sitionr, d
,-- - ° 4 ttrtans unneccuarib an
L iit. -It .* lot- That' our wnr r unjust
„ er , naen r without
was commenced by our Greco. ti e 4 0
~- of la wand i n tnttron of tlg co nsiguison•
, warrant uia
tobe prose
'.....-- i., t the war, b a d as it 1 S o u g ht
a . ' r ”
- rufed will 2 rigor for the purpom of• securing
Anil 3d. - Tlrstyn this view, ue 0 ght: now to .
AN p ,Thelßal ond prefer negottutzon
Ti? —laying . out of view the craiiness of the
N Y. , r-c i h iule , w h ic h seems anx i ous to constitute
'-:... itself a party i .- ' '
, of one ' umn the whole subject, 'and
~ '•
'...- which gets so soundly cuffed and bera ted on all
~...,,..I. sides for its pains, as to make even the applause of
'''' v,,,---' tu t abolitionist in the Liberator onman&
h t ted at
' . 7 = V• f ?.. cienr Consolation-4/ as-ti e ° l c !, a ' seems
s, as
" to
!•• - be atont - the sum and • substan ce of the whag
c .. .,
slew, as we find at set forth in the leading win!
u nals , This Is the, meaning, as nearly as w
it out, of three or four , columns of se
nspiuous vihig papers, which the
jectijanslrota•c° c
e say
-11 encer sofa a day ortwo smc ,
t Pka V. - , ,, . 4 -- Intlohallte i g 9'
way vii:roitts4Vonly a very fe s• words lay of min-
"tilg ta
f - -- j ;berth definitely expressing, its endorse.
r '
'''. - a .:lltaadNV' 0=
Itis tutaimneceEsag t a P ata t
,-, -e 1 "- (1-
' - 't the:t}guiditeiconstatenty of t h ese se veral proposy •
' :ironswitb each other.
_4t,l .. Ortu ~.r rately we
e '
Bhave now higher authority
il . v.: -filter newspapers to inform us of the
7:',... „.--,. tflat"" '
to take in relation to
-• ."Asad - wlaieb the w l na mean -
... 'Now therefore, the v, hig policy upon
..e.. '' ''.- near
' ec'lar war , K ing„ policy upon
- Vit} —nl " there is a
14. t,, ''
the subject--ig brought out clearly, an d , o f
-...'.. .r. - .4=Cielgi. o ll,, 1410 advantage of statement Let us
r= 7'...sef. iw-his.4t is
l a Webster; though: the deliberately re
. nature 'and uharacter of the war on our part, says z
'-`" -4 '
"ng- ab;ut its aggresitveness or twortetttutio u l
-I,i, iiuch to the annoyance, we think, of the
wbiguotgans," wlldch are thus put wholly out' of
f.tme4 he gives u/t
this point, or at least - be seas fit
10-IMI4al- t men non of it, at a m oment when such
' I'ly a substan tial roues/non o f
. .r,„ -
.t,int, ant aistli a. l° e
e nntt o n the con o
sr Mr;lV 3)Ster"Wi ,t ao ,,,y,tha t our . "invasions
, - OC-Mexico is unjust:" Going still farther eien; he
':: . . , elhe -- ,Preirlynt, by two messages—onerir - the
:fatlt hr di1t3616 A 4-witther of the 1 1 3th of ,
sr,gMfiee that ire - 4
e is ready to treat with Mexica
.T;,l‘.l'?;-. — car tenni - of pane; While it appcare, of least sofas
Y 1 qs 'akar= now, that Mexico is not willing to treat.
Ir t mishits this; Imiust say that, in znyjudgemen /,
if this' lie the state of the cage, lifcaiea. is 'finingl
?' Y entirely get: inrentele and eeinetne .part; and Me
ristrientlif the fTuited.SPidee e ' act
. , 111 •
P ;':X .- ' witip,pgper on—that is to-say; gni - the -war - does
the -American gOveenhient ready to
tes4;_. - .witfuiUtitiescribing ternis, - so as to show!
ifiittliefienus would In unacceptable, ant/Mexico
. • decline/1 to.treat--why then / shy, so far the con
7k, .. rtlnctof the .. United States is reasonable, and the
conduct of Mexico unreasonable and , senseless."
AO again:
"Nothing can meted. rlat:e atwaye thought, the
ii6stinrvy and scusrlexi_4...sa"*mfeeted 4,Mezinn.
fret m many years, in refusing to acknowedgithg
,d7endence.nf ,Trzas. 'A torresprunience - between :
this government, and Mexico upon that subject took
t ',place' at a:time-v/tett / int/ senttelhhirtrillp With
tlut4.ltninitifi : iiiiiili.;46!6a.::icif.. - Oeitilian ivai par
tidal:tidy directed tellie;4elidise'tif. conduct ..,pla .
sued• hy Whi c h me • reserabling,
though itwaß minelitimtersenaless—the conduc t
of . Old Spain in attempting; for .many years' to re-'.
-conquer the people' of the Low canaries .:after ,
they had. declared their independence: •
'Mexico must be taught3hat it is. necessary; for
her:to treat for peace uport ; considerationis ;Which
helOng to the present state :10,1hingt,... - ,XtfAittitel
justalainie - against
hersellin the;most.solemnsform 9t .treatY;;Stitni4t , :
?lions. She *44 . to .
:silent of Otirtieih'ginA44lkl- 1 81:1047 1 . MUST BE •
We •piays{h. 4 eattst. attention . of our friends,
the lust few We
hate putt qt to cupttats, sa that, they•tridy catch
the eye:More — iess baVe'had: - oieasion to
• use jusplie!sastle?,phroseseveratlittieiin just the
same ,•comistation; attd tiport:gheSeitie•;i4l;jeCt;
when used by oa , the':phrase : always *seemed to
.those4tot4 s ..whibllt..vngne..and•...iisitisfait'orY;
erl;l:Ant. -sot • m rong-doin. on the.purc of
Of . • i • • ' • •
our goKcnivant We tritattltak.tlie.,,.sume words
Webster'sol lips willi.upp§aPhitiiitt'il.t.*
s , qiiitc; explicit -iutil••tiltegetlier .proper, Odd
satigiacteq. Butlest this: may. nitt . he ao,.we soh !
• .
join One : passage more in Mr. Webster's own words,
. a
both-heenune they may-belisefu as comment ary
on the •. preceding extracts , anal as they express the
whig . view us .16'the proper course to be pursued
at preSent our - governMent: • •, . •
-The: neswpapers Speak : of mediation. I doubt
whether there is • much : truth that; if, 'Mom** ,
any offer of Mediation - 11610de. the hest....friend
Mexico has, it Must, come: down to this - at last;
that she must iteat for peace. • Fur - One, I Would
pole for wimp:anion of hostilities to the cad d r at ne
gotiation might take ptare•Coiii if Ticeir:o . ridris E j
semi& say, make her an offer of ct,funiud
I would be for keeping ourselves entirely in the
right. We can afford to do so; we •can•loose noth
ing in dignity by it. •It is not stooping on our
.because all the world knows that the - contest
in very unequal. If she Will consent to this, I
say, meet her in negotiation - , and in the amid time
.11fILITARY 0PP:4770113. :Bat
if she will not do this; if - she peisint foolishly and
sense:l43ly in. 'carrying on the war; if.lhe prefer
War to peace, ,
then, of course,: she' mud hare war,
..VIGOADUSTV:III3, until she be compelled to adopt
'll'dg:resealdine of conduc I."
. . .
Here. we have the -whole Whig platform of opin-•
ion on the matter—nay more, the whole whig pro
gramme of operations, In the whig view, our inva
sion of Mexico is'not unjust. - She has acted a sense
less and unreasonable . part. We have acted a prop
er part. Mexico must repair her wrong-doing to.
words us. She Smut be brought to justice. And to
- this end she must have, if necessary, war,•rigarolis
war, till she.eto so. But,- meiunime. we must aci
credit another. minister to her, and dispatch a'"for
:Mal embassy"_ forthwith; and this, though far
as we now " -Mexico is not willing to treat
with as;"' and for the sake of sending another min
ister in:this slide of things, we "must suspend nil
itary operations!"
We ask, in, sheer astonishment, is this the delib,
erate language of Daniel Webster in his place in
the Senate! Accustomed as we are, and as the
country is, to look with high and habitual respect
upon the eminent ability with which this experi
enced and distinguished senator expopilds and en
forces his opinions in all their changeful aspects,
conceal our wonder at this astounding
wopositlott_ It sums up iu a few comprehensive
words Jiri; g 4t at/ the most manifest errors on this
Putiee4:**.We have seen for some time floating
about columns of the Whig press.
'Suspesidlour...tailitary operations now. and rend
3 formal atildtaiiadoilli 31exico, while, so far as
appears, she retuicsull negotiation I Why look
at 'the propOsition in a ini/trarty - point of view! We
haie no professional kifenvledge of the subject, and
we'ttuppose that Mr. Webster pretends to none.
But there are some poiats in the case clear to every
mans common sense. Here we have an army of
ten or twelve thousand—soon to become, under
orders already issued, probably twenty or thirty
thousand volisaterrs in the field. They are new to
the camp. Their camp is in a region at some sea-
Sons unhealthy, and the Unhealthy season is com
ing on, Inaction will be the bane of these volun
teers. Their enthusiasm will flag, or'may break
.out in breaches of discipline, Aiuy considerable
delay will tend to demoralize such an army even
if they escape disease, which in inaction they in
their present position can hardly escape, and which.
if it so comes upon them, will surely break them
up. Before them, and within reach, lies the high
and healthy table land of Mexico. Let them gain
that and they are safe. And now this advice is,
with our army in such a state, to enter upon the
interminable delays and shins of a Itlexican nego
tiation—nay, to send a minister to seek out such
cause of delay, while Mexico raises negotiation,
and meantime - our troops in an unhealthy region
fall -a prey to inaction—itself the epidemic of
camps! - "But it is needless to enlarge upon this
point. Suspension of operations on our part to
seek a negotiation, means the ruin or the compulso
ry rdreal or our army. And the retreat of our ar
my at this juncture is beyond. all question the sure
defeat of all negotiation.' The result of such a step
is certain, unless all past Mesita? history, and all
recent indications, utterly belie the Mexican chit--
-actor, and 'especially the Mexican diplomacy. In
a military point'of view alone, then, there is an
end of the question.. •
We find a spechnen of the. Mexican feeling in
lation to peace and negotiation,in the followin
precious document, addiessedlby the commander
in chief of the department of Tamaulipas to the
troops under his Command:
ureit.oW-Somitsais: The afternoon of the Bth of
the month, our brothers .of Matamoros have fought
with intrepidity and . enthusiasm in the Tontine
del Rarnerino. On the 4th they charged egain with
the Same ardor. But fate has not crowned our. of
The enemy passed from the fort; favored
by the dense smoke of a'wood on fire, which protected
them from our shot. , Thus have our enemies escaped.
"Soldiers: Another time we shall conquer. Such is
the fair of war—a de:eat to'-day, and glory to-mor
row; that glory which will be ours.at the end 'of
this holy struggle. The god of battles is trying
our valor; but be has not abandoned us. t64 know
I ow to corquer, and we know how to surer.
'Soldiers: Vengeance for our brotheral glory
for our children! honor for our country!
"We will derend . those cherished feelings. Do
suot fear: I swear, to you that if the !lay be a lobo.
riousote,our earl . , will . be.stoeefer; but glory we will
!lave, and your geiteral and companions will attain it
toilkyour royally wander: ;
- '• ".INASTA
“tampico,_.Nay 13;::0:46."
• Tids now it :the spiritiu ifiew of. which si; are
now_to•.sdspend - rafrinry operations, "'and send a
tine - later Vises:: negotiation Which We have alrea
dy sought in-Tedtvand wiiich-ive are at this .rno
meat offeri iS soolfas it &Lail be t e nder
In view at . all this says-the editor of the Union,
‘ , before, the war: citiClose Mexicci: must relinguish
her absurd territorial. pretensiOittcp r .-must provide for
the-full payment of the ihdemnitywhich she owes
to our citizens—m. rendertiefull justice iti eve•
ry respect—and, finally, establish peace with
us upon conditions and'gnaranteCs - which shalLse
cure its permanence. This 10.(cli:of the purposes
or the . administration- we gain
. fro* the character.
of its.tecent action, and from tails public declar
atiorts...Beyond this point we do not intend to'
proceed. Dioido lye belicre that the country will
- -
ask of this jnitett.o,46:4A
midst of ii,..War;44at9l-Auirtting more;°l74l-17:110-ii
of pacificatioii-Ayo4i:a . War agaittet.-the*tt
1 party in Mexico r toTite - Mitokitqust peace. - 41.?...0tk
.er than a just peace* Veirionelutlo.-
I iiutt will sanction . na oilier. - --AllTh - eit'3l:insito4hoi
proiler suitable terniei:tliey card.
vied. Till this - ' - bir:gitie; 11mire11-
*tea:dity and vigorously, .
lie lanai of blexicoit marcli
to , priivince; and from - liinanglioliLta 'steonglicip%
until finally' it , - shall dicti s iie*-IS
successor, ifneeil beja comptilsory peace, o.i prop
or terms, within the44lipl
A report.Of 'the.Flnance'Conimitte in relatinn
to the 'Metal issue or 'City bonds Was read and kic,
:Th4i . report :states Abet..the amount. of+ illegal
bend's. issued is $2.1,0c10. -Twelve thousand +dollars
of the bonds have been cancelled,;the other sl2 f ;
000 have been pladgaarby s gilivOnt FlUghes,-iof
Brownsville, as collateral eeeurity for:a loan of
$lOOOO To'secure the city "from 4bility
Hughes has given negotiable paper to the amount
of . $10,1387-62, having not more than four mouths
to,run i and a mortgage, with power of attortiey'te
enterludgetnent on the notice of protest of any
thiamegotiable paper, fur $:25,000, on the Ilnivr
villa Iron Workti, which is considered ample seen
rilyfrir the $12,000 yet unctuteelled; this is a total
of. $3 . 3.000 security. . •
The following resolution was read and passed;
Retialvcd, That the present City Treasurer beaittl
he ishereby authorized and directed to take progiipt
measures to ascertain what amount oftity Bonds
were fraudulently issued by the late Treasurer, and
laythe same beliare Councils, in order that genuine
bonds maybe issued in their stead to the inuocent
holders thereof. ..;
_ . . .
A communication from tha Vigilant:
Company was read, antra" report adverse to erect ,
big an Engine Douse on the present lot, mad' and
excepted. The Committee recommended the bay
ing or leasing a lot similar in size to that of
Duquesne Enghie, - for the Vigilant. •
The Committee on cityproperty were anthrir
ized to adVertise the - "lay Scale lot and the. old
Water Works lot for sale. • - - '
The same Committee were atithotised to select
a suitable lot for the Vigilant Engine Company,
and to report at next meeting of the Councils, ur
A resolution instructing the Canal CoMmittoeto
obtain permission from the Sitriervicit,..tddiaw fl it
the water, in order to cleanse:the canal, was p9s
A resolution authorising the erection. of two
plugs oo Wood and Market • strive between let
and 4th streets, for the : !purpose of prucuting wa
ter to water the alive to,wot pattod o thU reitt for the
same to be paid by those using.thewater;.
Me. oara.---Speaktng- of Booth, the fr . agethen
the St. Louia Revielle, of -the '23d . just.,
"We read in the Loaisyllte papers: that ninth, nf-
ter playing through his engagement,- beatifully. —
had got on a "bust."--His first visit to St. Lou- To Mothers.—The difficulty which every mother
is has been marked by no such token of Consider-
experiences in Administering medicine to infants,,
)entirely obviated by Dr. Clickner's ooaration '
ation; the "bust" has, come first. He openes) called the Sugar-Coated Vegetable Purgative" Pill.
last night to a splendid house, and disgustees The pill is encrusted with tine white sugar, so that
them as is too often his wont. The managers it resembles anittastes like a sugar plum, which
no child ever yet refused to !wallow. For wOrins
in jusgce to themselves, should wash their hands
of him fore‘tr. Ile ruins their business the firs
. t this
remedy,and it has been used
withexcellent effect in cases of teathing. The
night, but is forgiven, forsooth, because, perhaps, matron of the Farm School writes to Dr. -Cliche
upon the second, his geniotts flashes forth to—empty
_!,;;iiiktat she has used for some e,
benches! The man's infirmity , we pity , as it prtie . 4.' 7-- ' ...:A l' th these.mn l iluiuts ' and always with
... :., .
trut es himself, but as it interferes with theyfiv im. Jackson, corner of Wood.and Lib
peetations of the public. and - the prosperitiofk
~...... -.A, who is general A.gent for, Dr. C
theatre, we have no patience with it: — --- 7 - —4.,lferiti'illellreittsnumb and vleinity.
al.l3eArare of an imitation article called ' , ./m.
Since the above was pnt in type, we learn.thitt
the managers have acted ♦with n.proper deferenee f t , n r l e d,t d ag Sli g bo ur t fr e e p d iifsille'n purportingre ;n to
patent lle
p a ' r t
e .
and respect to the public'in withdrawing the ail- forgeries, got up by a Miserable quack in New
nouncement of Mr. B.'s . second appearance. ! York, who, for the last four or five years, has made
his living by counterfeiting popular medicines.
A hear roe rue waas.—We have many
stances of the hest men in the country voltuiteering
for the Mexican campaign, but that of Judge Wil
liams of loWa, is the most remarkable of aIL A
volunteer 'company paraded in front of the hotel
where the judge was lodging, and the. captain in
formed the judge that lie had marching orders.
Judgo Vi.. at once offered himself as a volunteer.
"The company is full." was the reply. "Perhaps
you want a musician," said the judge. The cap
tain said he wanted a fifer. "I'm your man," said
Judge IV. and he at once donned his uniform and
started off playing Yankee Doodle like a regular.
(0. On Sntorday last Mr. Evans, a farmer r:e.
siding in St. Clair county, Illinois, shot himself, and
expired immediately. No cause is assigned for
this suicide.
co- A country newspaper, bragging on the
girls in his neighborhood, calls them "corn-fed
roses." •
At a meeting of the printers, held in Allegheny
Hall, on Saturday evening last, after the adoption
of a Constitution and By Laws for the government
of the Typographical Association, and transacting
other business of minor importance, the following
resolutions mere proposed and ordered to be pub
lished in the city papers.
:Resolved,- Vat after the fourth day of July this
Association µ•ill publish the names of such em
ploying printers as shall refuse to sign the Bill of
Prices. . .
Regained, That this Assomation adjourn to meet
again in this Hall on Thurilay evening, the :id
July at 7 o'clock. J. INGLIS Chn.t
F. H. Cooit.sr, S.e&y. -
In pursuance of, the above resolution, the mein.
hers of the 4, Pittsburgh and Allegheny Typograpi.
cal Association," will meet this (Thursday even
ing,) in the Hall of the Allegheny Engine House,
at o'clock, for the purpose of electing officers.
Those printers who have"not yet become members
of the 'Association are requested to attend and
evince by their preience *disposition to to co-ope
rate in the preterit niutuat movement between the
employers and the employed, to better the condition
of the craft. By order,- ;
.F. H. 000LEY,
On-Tuesday, the 30th-inst., by the Rev. Dr. r.
Hinron, Mr. JiNIES A. M'RxronT, to Miss MAR-
Tn. A., second daughter of GEOTWE Oonr.R, all Co
this city.
AND MORE NEW WORKS, at Cook, ,Literary ,
Depot, 85 Fourth street.
Napoleon and his Marsha by J. T. Roadiely;
dedicated to Gen. Winfield Scott. 2 vole.
•Vestiges of the Natural' History or Creation and
Sequel. New Supply.
Columbian Magazine for July, ISM
The Gardener: an account of every vegetable cul
tivated for the table by the plough and spade.
The Lives of the Felons; or American Criminal
'Ca.lender. • • ••
A Lo're Tale, tho Jewish Maiden of Seals Citadel;
or tho Eastern Star and the Alhanian Chief.
Fanny Dalai or a Year Atter.Marriage: by Arthur.
New edition.
.The Horan Doctor; the Habits, - Diseases and Min
ageinent.of the Horse, in - the Stable and on the Road;
with advice to purchasers. • -
..Gieham , slKag:azino for,July.
''Xady!,l.l3ook;* - '
listrpees compietn.
Knights 'orthe:Foreat; a novel.
The'Knights of ittalti;
,ittiplenilid'sn'itti:! • iltolt:-
OnrThc above and a groat satiety orElounilltro:okii
and Cheap Publications can be had at c06k , 6 - 85.
Fourth stient. • '
; 4.
Conticik • ;_ z
..Mtisp.s.r,•June.2.l.3.; •
Napoleon and hi. Marsha Us.
-,:-.... z4FT , .?zicir
•,-,,,,,,----,7W 4
• - -....' , #: , .(v1t.111- - M:p - .,ttic. , -,
- cif4l3tATur, "oh 3111. T. • •.
S. ,
Sjupfon- .
P.OWIt sp IP, I Tltovup —•_
P - 2 - FEET 4 riciiia crizrxr. i
AitRIVEi •?
, • Michigan, Boiei, Beaver,
Louis MLane, Bennet, BrOsynsvillci
'Consul, Mason, Broi nsville. - •
Lakia - Erie, Hoof's, Beaver.
. North Rueen,Sroziii,'Wellsville: ", •-.
;Belartjon, Vooinies;St. Louis.
Hudson, Ebt)eit,-,Wheeling. ' . •
' Be - -
. . ' • • •
I DEPARTED:: •"_ •'' ' • •
Lake Erie;Moops; Eftaier-, •.
Consul, Mason; Ilrcvirnsville.
Louis McLane, Bennet,
Michigan, Boies,l3eaver.. '
New England; page, Cincinnati.
llnclißen, Cravriord, *heeling..
"- Banta 4,
Corcotte, -.-, Cincinnati: ' -
gj. the gentlemanly clerk-of.the
Declaration' trill' accept cope - thanks for late river
. .
St. Loi!is—Per strTom - Cpriiini 19 bhds tame-
Cif. 73-tierce and 2 bbls bacon; 2691rales berni, 50
bola molasses, 11 packages mire, 4 sacks
feathera, bales peltrie., 1 cask : hog skins, in!
dry 'tides, 4. bxs le:ad, 39 lib's sundries, 2 trunks,
11l bbli apples. . •
Cincinnati—Ter etc California; 74 hhdlisiik*
bbis bacon, 3 bas mdEe, 15 . 11xs raisins, 8 tads
gar, 12 bxs tobaccO,.2balekskirui.
.Eridgrport—Ter str - Uudeleao2;:idals tupac.
eo, 32 lamb wool, 7 -. A'sankll 05tk 1 . 7 .* 5 - 1 0er .
Jfihunigalgela happrement.Z—PeriAti ID:onaili . 2
Mte Indic, 20 hhds tobacco, tans
pig metal, 101 bls flour, 13 bxs
Per lig3:ouislllLane; 40 !Malone, 4 elleela
Can' Censuniptioir be nsred.—Tbis. question is
asked by many anxious souls who, perhaps are in
the last stage of disease, or have some or valu
able frienda thus 141,ficted.to this answer,, painful
as it is to say,. thaffew., ever recover. Dath can:
not be deprived of hi prey, when disease has knitted
its fatal threads upon the vitals. It is therefore of the
utmost importance for all persons who may have bad
Cold Cough pain in thebreast and side, sorenessof the
throat, difficulty of raising up the phlegm and mat
ter that accumulates upon the lungs, in the prima.
ry stages, and to Consurription - when not re
moved. To such as are afflicted, .1 —Would rc•
commend them to procure at once a few . . bottles
of Dr. Duncaiis Expectorant. Remedy, which is
certain to remove all the first symptoms that so
oßen hang so long to the system, and finally des.
03Forsale ACKSONS, corner of Wood and
Liberty streettiiPittsburgh.
Ann— , . T.ie fine old English Gentleman."
'II sing you a prime new Yankee song, made in a
Yankee State,
Of a flue old" Yankee gentleman, who'd got a bald
old pate,
And who would not try to stop the same before it
got too late,
But used all sorts of useless stuir at a very expensive
Like a fine old Yankee gentleman, &o.
This fine obi man was loved by all, was reverenced
by the fair,
But alas! he could not boast of wearing, his own
natural hair,
But was forced to wear a nasty wig, at which all men
did owe,
For his features all were noble, and his mind was
good, not rare.
In a fine old Yankee gentleman, Etc.
At length thhi good old man was told to go straight
off and give,
Three shillings for a bottle of Jorms , HAIR Rssro-
Which, though the hair had long been dead, 'twould
force again to live,
And grow dark, soft, and beautiful, like a plant °van
On this fine old Yankee gentleman, &c.
He used lint two small bottles, and his hair grew dark
and long,
No dandruff filled the scalp, for the roots grew heal
thy, ay, and strong, • .
And he says at lasthe's found the right, though he's
often fried - the wrong,
And that Joaces HAM Itrsroasmc is all that's
stated in this song,
Of a floe old Yankee gentleman, &c.
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
89 Liberty street, head of.Worxl. je27
Ain;---"l.dreluat that I dwelt in marble halts.”
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls,
With pimples and tan on my face;
And I thought that at parties, at soirees and balls,
I was termed a repulsive disgrace.
I had richei enough, but, alas! could not count
On possd&sing a healthy skin;
Yet I thought that a whisper said, you may surmount
Disfigurements, be they hateful as sin.
I dreamt that suitors now sought my hand,
But they all did repudiate my face;
For they cried, Though her features are formed mild
and bland,
The yellow neck and pimpled skin are disgrace,
Then I thought that I cried in a voice void of hope,
"Cure my pimples—make my skin white and
A voice answeed, "Use a cake of the Jorms's famed
And your mind will be &co from despair." •
Then I dreamfthat I used itiO, that moment ofblisal
My skin changed from its yollerwish hue;
My neck was made clear, - and my face made to kiss,
Though tut angel might claim it his due;
The pimples, the freckles, the blotches, the tan,
Had decamped, and a voice by my aide
Said, indeed you will now be the glory of man,
Ay, the virtue, the hope, and the pride.
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
89 Liberty' street, Pittsburg head of Wood.
IrZr Principal Office, sign of the American Eagle,
82 Chatham street;New York,
LA FAHNESTOCK Sr. Cots Chlorine TootliPaste
for cleansing and preserving -the tenth, and
causing s . sweet breath. Perfect satisfaction has
been gives in the use of every box, when all :other
remedies fail, Try the Paste. . ,'
Prepared and sold by •
jy2 cor..6oiithdrlSTAMl
ClOTZ'O e m o — w i
by fet . '-ff4e ; c iORGE'O6EIIRAIsr":'..
11:4 • „ Wok 26 Ntomeit•
.INE.IF.GOOD§ 'Mad - .FORNlTUREint4netiori,
at Ittrenria!s Rissehlii i Ngt-1 7 1 Wood
street, third' crcier!froith-stTtlivi,moillng, , f o . 4o .
o'clock, will be itirie".apiifenent of
,goode, . among which ',are a .10,; of;.Cinthe. Visa
netts,Flannels, *ci Ale.s4irtni-§,ltitt(tgid Clothing;
•At 2 o'clock, P. I!4., l '93l4vstelie Table, with
Balls. Tjuteaus, Chairellining find Breakfast Ta:
. s
bless -}I'KEN NA,
jy2 Auctioneer.
j 4
-;• r r; • ... '
3 tt` -
• •. • -
u,Kk e Tt. r .7par:Aptitzt
=4o4, :ptralrpalit Witt Pb- 4y,t,
mante - 04r(ered , #).
d iirry lor,that day. -
4wl- - 1 ` O'r
Enquire cm
p. ALAI:n . I,O S,
60 Water Ifteet
• TO; GAUDIME 4.72T1 , 0TJXF J!
serrn.:. Sereeltale . SDAC-r.D.
V HE schen-diet offnarSiciala a trait of land oboii t
11 three iiilesfrimi the4ty.oCAllegbeny,betWeen
the Franklin : and' Heiveerenidi4.o9'nteinipg.oils-hen
ed . . - This lanais offired'at.tedueed . ,•pribegiaid.?will
be sold eithevin
purchasers:: From ite - convenience to ine:ski - Wei - Odd
be a very
poses, pasturing,pattle Or for gardening.. •
Se venty.hve building Lehi on a credit or ten, years.
Theie Lots are' Situated .on Wy li e, - s
Roes and Diamond - aroma i n- the third ward. , of the
citY'of Pitteburgh, adjoining the- 'New :Ccidr . tilemse-;
Person* disposed to will ' fi nd these lots
vorably lot/tied. as to health, convenience ' to '
nese, and will soon be in the centre of thecityY'. FM.
particulars enquire- of S. C. Cummins, or
TPOR . SALE---Writieg, letter, wrapping paper.and
hangings; American Pioneer in. 2- vole;
7 vole, or the Lawn s& Pennsylvania Irma. 1790 to
1800; A quantity • oC School Boolui ; and Stationryl
Philadelphia Enquirer daily.on the certain; All the
publicehons of the-Atnerican. Toniperince Helen,
and the weekly anitdaili Pittsburgh papers; Sibl,ttts
monthly Counterfeit Detector -
• • - Is.tAgrllAßßls;
. . .
. • Agent & Commission Merchant,
jy2.4t •'. • • er:NO. I;ist.. Clair e:
• ... . .
1 0.000 -"Do' : Cruz,i , 'Prinelpe, imported;
- I,oooalturd,". Regalia, - -
. '5,000-Madoarci Lobelia, sa
. 2 15,000 Justo Sone, - priucipi;• a •
4,000 - Caitellos; . . . • •
• - . 20,000 Half Spanish, by tho tfr
- Together with - a finoastortnient of the most cele
biated brandi of Tobacco, itieluding "Bees Sr/14,a
aArematie," ;Better Stine.- Stog,"&c., at very low,
ratca-ncall and see, at tho - Wine Store of
iY2 - ' " ..:018Iptik et st;'
GROUND LOAF SUGAR-.--We ber . .qohstaht.:-
". supplied with this excellent sugar, not: tiaing
ground to powder, it is the -very.firtiele for HuteJe,
Coffee Houses &c.; for sale by
.TETtitETT & C 0.,:
ripuE members and friends the•PiltiGurgh.2kftt
• j sical Acackini are hereby'nOtified that the an
nual elention - for officers Will take.place in theirltall
(cOrner 341 and 'Wood its) thii;'Thursday., evening,
at 8 o'clock. . ; •
A general attendance of the .members isrequest
ed and those wishing to connect themselves with the
institution are requested to.be presenv. 7 By ordm. ;
jy2. •.. ' :• • Ree:;Stlik:r.
• • . ,
1 Rcatoven--The celebrated. medimnes of .
G. Evans of Brownsville t Pa., 'are ,Mow for: : eale
wholesale and retail, at Jackson's i edical TlPpot.
No. 85 Liberty street, head of Wood,' Pittsbargh :
Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied. .. • -•
Dr. Evans' Sovereign Tbnie and Grand Ilislc.ra
rive, a certain core for•the Fever and AgUe,.
Dr. Evans' , Vegetable' and Anti-Dyspepiii pills,
price 25 cents per bolt. • , •
Dr. Evans , American Vegetable Vermifuge, price
, .
25 cents per bottle. -- .
Dr. Ecana' 'Tonic" Eye Water, an infallible cure
for sore eyes, price twenty-five cents per bottle.
Rev. Dr. James Estep's Slack Syrup, for tIM cure
of Coughs, Cold, Asthma ; Croup, :Bronchitis and
Consumption—price one dollar. ••
Remember Dr. Evans' onlyDepotiii JACKSON'S,
No. S 9 Liberty street; head of. Wood: jy2.-
BY virtue of an order of sale, - issnetl..out of the
District Court of Allegheny County, andio" me
directed, will be exposed to public Sale, at the Court
House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Monday, the
27.11 day of July, A. D. 1846, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
the following' roperty, to wit: All that certain' piece
of land situate on the Ohio river; in Moon township,
Allegheny . county, Pa., and bounded as follows, to
wit: Adjoining James 31 , Cabe on the north, the Ohio
river on the east, and other adjoiners, containing one
hundred and three acres, .striet measure, with the
appurtenances, and on which are erected a dwelling
house and stable. Terms- of sale as follows: 'one
third in hand, one third in six tuonths„ with ,merest,
and the other third hi twelve 'months,, with interlist,
and the two last payments to.he secured biniortgagm.
FILIJA.II TROVlLlo,..Shmviff...
Sheriff's Office, June 30, 1846—jy:2wei..
BY virtue of a - writ Fieri .Facias, issued ont o
the District Court or Allegheny. County, and to
inn directed, will be exposed to public sale'at the
Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Saturday;
the 25th day oflnly, A. D. 1846, at 10 o'clock; A.M.,
the following preperty, to wit:
All the right,. Utle, interest and claim, of Robert
M'Clure, of, in, and to t and out of the following de
scribed piece, or tract:if land, situate in Mifflin town
ship, Allegheny county, via: Beginning bridattliew
M'Clure's corner, en the Monongahela river, thence
down the 'said river 104 perches and-8-10 to a post,
thence north 161 degrees, west. 352 perches > to
post, at West &.Whitaker's corner, 'thence north 4
degree, east 350 perches and 610, to the ,place
beginning, containing 102 acres and
,a half, with al -I
lowanee, being the same tract or piece of land which
was devised to the said Robert 34 , Clere, by the will
of John N lClure, dec'd., registered; in-Will kook,
vol. 4, page 56'. Seized and taken in .execution as
the property , of Robert M'Clure, :alb, snit of the
Bank or Pittsburgh. . E. TROVIELO,BIifir
Sheriff's Office, Juno 30;
• Orrice Or 711 E ALLZGIITXT fintnce Co.,
Pittsburgh Jolyfind; 1846.
MHO President and Managers of the Company
for treLing . a Bridge "tsar tho r'vrr Allegheny,
opposite Pittsburgh; in the county of Allegheny i have
this day declared a Dividend of seven per centum on
art capitals ock of said tom 'any, out of the profits
0' the last six montbs, wh ch * wui be paid to stick- .
holders, or the;r representatives, on or alter
the 10th instuit. JOHN
jy2-1.12w&w21 Treasnrer.
20• -• • •
BASKETS Cbampaigne llT.ine;'various ffrands
and vintages. •
60 casein Marmarant" St. Julien Giant, a kuperior
article, at . a low" price, - • --
25 cases "Family use" brand; • ..
15 " Rheniih wines, variOuirbrande;' •
15 doz. Blackburn' Maderia, very old and rich;
10 " Brandy lid a celebrated wine; '
t 2 a Stai do
25 Duff Gordon & Co., Sherries, Cotten &Lo
bo; ' • '
14 ..‘ Pure Port, for inealidsprith s general ate.
sortment of the finest wines imparted to this country,
on draught or for sale by the orig inal package at the
Wine store of 'STk.ttETT - Itc
jyl No. IS Market skeet;
FRENCH .CORDIALS.—Among which Winne
Orange, Ana'sett° do Sorderrax '
dames, Parfait Armour, Creme de Idokn, Eandyierta
Stomachinquo, Mule de Perms, Hirde do rose,.kinle
de Adis, etc. &c., tty the bottle or cute at tho wine
store of ' • STEftETT, & Co. ••
I , 18 Market at.
O -
12 dos , old Pale Maglory; very auperior.. '
.12 " ~ .Nectsr 6, "
10 " " DarkCogninc; "
9 " , 1 Peach "
8 CC CC Ch err y , I(; it
10 " W• Jamaica spirits; " "
Mao, embracing a largo,variety of Brandies, Gins,
Whiskeys, Rums, itc. on dratighl. and in original
packages at the wine and liquor stem of
jyl STERETT 7 .9ito. .18 Market:
UOUDTH OF lULY.-VOTlCE.—Tickets.fbr- the
supper to be given' at the Rona,
°flit.. Thomas lintne4.tn. the 'ismer or the 4th,
be obtalned'atiAldeiman Steelisitr,Dilw'orth , s,
Mr. Thomas Oliveriefoot .enderkeit'st4-Maj.
Larimers - Exclnutg&-'effiCe;.iusdlit•lint Post Office,
Allegheny eity.-.Th&triends.orTemperasce are re.
spectrally invited:f twimitleittatet: hi.thi 'celebration:
Mr. Thos: hits ; been .appointed' treasurer,-to
to whoui all monies mast Supper to be.ser
vo iv 8 o:Cloelc. )..
jyl4 S..liltAVOßTlt;''Olen.• Coth. Ai.
for salo:by
ARLE-Wf . 1213 :-'bijetieta IlitrreY;•fak
`•_•••:..' • . -
• r
:lw-Liberty it -I
PALM 4 ) 1 c 1,--1 5 0 6faiin: 4 1 Paiiiitifinlia:siul-pn:.
seVCIIEWAri: . ."- -
- I
1.7 . patine; jut IFerbired and tor tale t
' -.7XILLEIV iticxgrsorip
je 3o ;:' 170 Liberty :at.
. .
Musical Notice.
Sheriff's Sale.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bottled Wines.
s~~ ~ :~:
t" tift
-1 - #l4, ir*A - 0 1 YEPt
OP* mirfitt Na Blllt Z wont e d. VOtow 6'4 fAn4,..4lwy
prit - of t OEN;l5ll:4istR tof but artirir
for sale in - atry-Atitliity•tgiuitAtiOmeikt:
- • ,',3"AgyvAeltgodutr-Akt\V,...."..%
i -LEOPOLD•PV.NYER . ,:respeetfulli informsthe..
Litdiq ana. - Ovitlemen:Ol,
givii'GßANDCONCEßT t oikaliureday:Zeini4
Tiny 2d 1540 firthe TliedtrO,peing the onlyAiiiihe
large .enough fOr, - hhi 7Stehistee InstnirnenWfro`lif
Errardz Celebrated
will assisted by: HERB SNOOP ,- - the
Perfornrer of Kin; George
tee 4th ,
Seats map be iiroeiired - it - the - box ibico from 9 A.
r0'.12, soul from'2_to".so.elaek; y. Thuroy %
For OoetiOAlars ; jyi
.11J''''Illui.Sittnie Flake;
Nalnres Oelna;
. . .
The.Rofie . or Shame; - -
The Sentiinent
.The Ltuign4go Flowere;:..... . .
The, Latbos . Book of•Poearyo4 flowers; „
;Poems Of Eliza COok; ,
PoOts Gallery of. Beauty;.
:Ziodensßeiutieti orthe PoOtri
Yallol . lll fancy editibiti.offootieol.nlorke; for sale by
If. S. BOSIVORT'HA,CO4:43":3Iarket et.
gitpOrikii;- - 1. •
visiting the teit*ttkeitietr of .J.eke Su;
gorier during this tsessor47;sig:fisidAkt tp-theio•
tuiTintagirtir call 'at gays es:;l3roeinsayWDrut
*hire theyean . probare eve h-, - rigdeitiekv=ithe p4Otgt.
trajity.or the .040.0e4,tquire......Ani. fitrorrOetiooP'.
Nave toiihw - cs,ixqtbe :will o:eelyliten:', l •-
' "- - • HAYS:IfrI3,IP3CX-WATi : '•
h o 2 Coaim nrciil: ow, liberty at.
. . .
iinvy to keep.slieyossktir c olf.,.l!4r.
Mayth3.-Washingtonil;lit*iikiifof Rase
burgh Willcelebrate
tenlnclepentlelceol • : thegrcivetatolnintAlhaV4'S;
Arsenal.. Thviservices.:ot..thClTaxvyill s cornine*:
M...SeVpin.ll4l . l.dreinies will Verde
liSereilkby'elonsent speakers; si-good be .In
:litienilance and, refresh - month nada* to ii;Tensper
ii.upefertiriiwill he , furnished Wall:Who may' desire
to' partake-of them:. - SOnirtibniSseis. - are constantly
running between Pittsiiurgh andLawrenceVille, end
for the acc.onsmodatielii of those who prefer a water
conveyande a Boat Will be in readiness on the Alle
gheny river at-the. month of Irwin sireet:
The friends of the c.,aase are invited to' ttend,.
jao 13y. THE Corasirrizi
.'.Cheap 31u, . ..... - .
iTADRILLES from Leonard, - 25 dints
Operatic Gems, -- - - .25 .. .
: . hid, kind and gentle to she, .. ... -..
m, , .... - .
- • Sesen - Son for Guitar,: .1. -. . - ..'.I . 21 . : • ,
'Far away in my own:bright land ? ' , .. -
.. 94: .•
'lnebriate' Waltz. 7 -Flute and Piano, • - .
~.. Allem Alavourneen ;
,o shall, go a.8411g,. 06 }..-
12 popular quickstePs, z?
Let no' thought of •careoppeis tbee; Oii
. .
' Thou arf.lovelier;.l". .. . ~. •. • -' 12k
New quadrilles byStrauss, ~ -, _ . .....
. Opera of Fra Diaioloi . - ..;
7 .
~ _ : .
Here's a health tti'theeihtary,.
.. . Ohl-
Littio - Ne)l, ..--. ~. • .. - -. . - "igi •
.Light-of otlici.iiiya is ftdml,' - , Ohl
Rest spirit, ireat. from Arnilu, '- . ." 4 , ciqt . -.
Opera.of Massaniolln, -
.-.-. -.'.
... ....' 26
Le Desire .Waltsi'.." - . .. .. •
.-..-. - _ ' o6} - -.
'l'. Haynes Baylers-Son 4 s, :-': - -..- '46
Chimes Quadrilles by Soleil);:
.. 25:
'We have been friends together, •- - -.;061. -
20 airs trem Bohemian Girl, (Flute,) ....:-. 121
11 a ." Fru Diavolo,- - - • . • ,- - 12 1- - '• • '
' Love Not, - by.Mri. - Norton; • -.' ' --- :.-7061; .;
Love , s.your dream, . - . -.....-- -00.1. ----
"Opera.of the Enchantress, by 1.!a1e.,. - ....245:.
Opera of Go y , Mannering ; .. ,
....... .
.. .
Morris's Melodies, ". . - .. -,...' - ..: . 2 0 - :
Seven Hoyurkas; ... - ... . ,:.-..-....,f" .. L'-',121 .--
La Omenvienne, -• • . ..... - -.*. .--- . .111 .
For sale by . . -• . -..- - JOll - $. IL MELLOR, .-,
je3o -, .• :. .- -, 1... : - ..-- . 120 . 964•9t;
.. -_ -..---
- -
"Ile who . in pleastmeeiaparny.aime • . •
. .
Neer losilishealth, or yenthfultehiMms,
A hero livesi,44jusay.sii-;;
eiaklseholdSti ,
tILING A TRIAL.. .or xidnibar
hate. beih•fouitti
uablilietnedy eases of indigesxio.4,' b il io4
plaints; for derangements of the digestive Oitarmind
obstructions, a'slugg,ish ashen of , the liver and4ow
els, which occasion more oilesi the folloWing
turns viz:' heartburn,' giddiness, acidity ;- head-ache,
sickness, spasm, and flatulent disteiition Of the:stom
ach and bowels, 'drowsiness and dimness of sight,
an' nneomfortable'senaihon experienced at the piCoC
the stomach soon after eitiiig;withnfeeling of *eight
or oppression, appetite impaired, biseithinedifficult,
tenderness about the region" of theKliter;lowels ir
regular, soinetimes „obstinately costitie:i.vrithlsoguor
and depressiOn of Spirits. Price 25 coati per hos:
Prepared by theiiole 'proprietor;
: • EDG.Alt:THORN,,Druggiit;-
corner Hand and Penn ats., Pittsbutgli ; f_PL.
- Also sold by all the principal druggiSts in. theelti..
Blit:'l,l3FPS - •
, . .
and Writirißoolipi;Aol*ei
1111111 Ififfiti!atTryd•rtsufsttet;
! in Western , Permaylvanie
where the theury and practice of. Bdo Seeping can
be learned ineuch'perlbction iii'teeiMble the learn,.
er to apply the science:at once tinaitica.v.. J
unacquainted witliAr. can
have. any number of i:eferenees:to: persons CIO
laity who are now keepintiociliii and who Main been:
qualified : for the business' ' t rainin g
they. reCeived in his academy. • :110UM :of , Euiinese
duringr trumpet, from 2 to . .4 . and 71 t 0.9;
110..)41.V1MAT-ER7 . ;-• , .
i ; ..... l tftypirkling and bright
-; in its liquid light.".
not only ..eparkling and hright,! init. for its
delicious flavor, Hays & Brock*ara.Mead and gin.
Oral Wateria certainly !!iiiirivalled” and, the syrups
' are: .equal.: to; any: that ever ' , graced -the Mineral
Fount:. Call.. ind,lseci at.lVo. ComMereial
• I ole over tke -Table-44nd'. lialka:Mittlinerae
Meiico; during: the year6lN3Attd.e44i. inhluding
description of Californiar:thti.rprineipai -.cities and
Mining Districts of that republlei.iiid bictraphies of
the. ex-erriperer,- Sr. -.D:.Antonia..--Lopet , De - Seribt .
Anna; illtiatrated 'the' tnaliit:Ot
Upper and Ltiiver .
Parts of British America; with Pates deseiiptive:
.scenery Alio building - 44;04 ,portruits-:arltir
bide and Santa Anna; by-Albert ;U r
Consul to California, for tale bq
jeB. . • . eor*Market and
• -
F the a :p l e d t m ita ttu a ut S ac il tiTre e t .7
:;ieth of F,+iggland and
G.eneva, lanci-ru'l Y na or d.
the latiet ety e.,
ate et the
ieuio,Prkel l attvn nt s e'd' e jcld Pens, another- :net
Zotthe.beii . inake4r
auPPIY 14d.
r t ece Fine able Catlett ; Specta cles, :
w ere , „Towe,u,.
oils, TenWnr*?2 l " 2 m.
L EMONS= -80 =-80 Setdonti; jut - Tee% an
js2li NO
.. ,Water st
' • Tereat:Theigatte tor,setteg .:;"
fi hive-for:ear& , ste; , et e enedk; Rinmiiilosiste,
, • .bielt Ana fsehatesiSeirlesaffir We o CAtikant
cyof the owner,- eontaleg,:fine,futtshod. eeenne and.
jethlchii cellar, il.:4;mrith a :Otstdenn(eaketeckisbrith
fitittites and vine4jlot '3O leet,iront--runislog.tieelt
to the Mennen The lease 1339 fears ,uesiirlar
ground':ient.' it is -- :eittested_.•l4lCirtudgiti
hethloa;tif the Celanese ppaart of:the cltyrieftte4l'Eet.
tiehtvery-Joir;and itiuhediate itongieeb - P,
''`ltin'ilY • to "HTAK rarmrscazt..
%:~`i`=:rZ'-!fit:. ..
: 301 1104
I R • 1:
41 0114 3 11 .
• fritlikar:OrAtt
ni ••• • )i„.
It.t.4 l 4 l lntirtitibd o
tSO.-27 2 '.eart*Itgl_
1 4 -77 1 1 1 titmeii 10t
‘, C , `. t • iiiO4.
icrior.-Bert 691 a, !V .
if :
ripittiii: gill Ef:2 : • •-•".•
ttliPX4ll' s
4taxiikk - ei . rgaik*ideosU - A. ,
• •
6 Intrititii*ObitiM4iltie s ay.;.dielbl6o4- 3 - 7*
.' ,'- ' 9ffilte no 44l l9 l l/ter . "s::# 4 l,!. •
. e .i'•.,ViiiKri - Z...: - ';f 14 Y 1, 471 •
2 . - . • •;;;; - .31.- , 1.‘%-•.. • .. •
la. , Pteicb - Bra tidy - ;
4 • 41 M. ii whiskey
_ ; ss '• • • sr .• • 11, • :
35 4 , net tified Wflisk ()yr; • . •• -. f
Part or tile atiove Liquors pti
by C REARTtcrld•-yri.g;
hanela C
An•cIAER!"- • Chy -
• . •
.r •
• --4•4!"47:' •
''•-• •
; 4
- 4,14.4.rzt*
nd Ci63jiA"':
.. . . I
• .
1'62.9 .
Splendid ZStevr
. T 44;4'.
the Cob* etchd Math* ...k . 1104,,100411t . ir. - 4;''
Wood and - Fifth Ai - , t. - cks of - U9lO/4,oolkmpthiic„,
hew octayo,'grand.action Rianci:zrortei:sits
'Charles Boescrt
litany Case, Metalio•Phittrapdlcridkeiniiiii444.
AG Opt nality„ . yhich: may, kits exampifd. - tIO tpiA f
.1000ils . to Sal .
e. - -.••• ,
fi - 493.0 '
2,00G.-EPsELE at .Auctioe At 2'-
Thu teddy, the'2ids
rooms' corner
efaVtiod streette,"Will be sold wit hout , re.
aerie twojtthiiiiiiiiidliit4tiele abelled ccirtiin aacha, of
goodATia4ty..Anif good sordety.. ,
x JOHN Ko: , DAVIS AacuoaCer
ttoEST s 4 , Oailad untl.:l4l
sale.olPat 4JA
- VA'
utd:Nteltagee,... received and roe.
Pr.rut . 74;p2i34. - ;
.7pdPett.TERS iott.ciantifacturera 'of::Walt:Pdrier i r ;
. and:teneriF Paper -Warehouse;:ilVo-'B7;-W4O-.
irtnee, Pitt3burgh••;.-
'' ---•.- -' ,- -- - Papik ` - ‘Wariititlthilliti` l l 47
• • • •-. • &•-, - i :.: f ...:•,.. -
• MBE " tindereigned' having bought , the , O-artisew
;A....house and' wall Papet.t.truunifactory;Aitts- of.
/ioldsbip§::Bniwne, have entered Into a co:part:net , :
shlp, odder the triune and styln - of Hill Is Browne‘,l9s - -
the purpese or carryitiror the linsine4W;initll itikiiiii:.
riebes• - They . wilt haVealwnys on hand aconije . ist., ;
assortment of PAT'E.X.IIANGIN'G S AND BOLD 4 i. - ,:
ortheir omr - niiiiiur4ctlite, 'aid .. .their "Stociikii -
improved and entuged- , with - Periodical j addiAtiilliv'
from the'bestrrench fabtorieir." --, -,.. - - , -_ - ... .'
'Agents for the well - known Clititon: - PaPeilll.!
teuhenville, from which they will ler , ePri etge `
laktp. PAPER, BONNET/IDA/0S; &Cliiillifor- whieh l ':
they:offer. wholesale and: retail,. njt their stere,A4:„
al iVned street, iiii"dway_ bet Ween -.Foniiii . r.'aiid
inond Alley, Wheie..conntiy;ineicliantii aid , ' 'firealeia'!
are invited to call. -.- !....': '- • '-: ''' :" '...' .:- •
• GEO. G. BRO. --;, ~ •
,-,_. _ --
. '. €amt;. c...Hitie,...:..:-7-1,-".r.
je29 1 1 46m
aot.only.ba'acaouarof what
about t46at, button, account. of th e ' troi:“Vreirultige..,
froth.their--tie. ihe-follai,ri.niart.t.etimrOlitnar
a citizen jar Birniiimhaxn:,,,- •-= - •
. . S
. . ~ . -:,, , z , - .7., , , a
~i rriliibmn, i iprielah.-.1.840.--.
mr.n:ll:. aiyif-'l:take tliiiirOrpiOttitnitt 'Of toslik -
Eying in fatifr of your invaluahle=niedielliet4abiiiii.
two'years ago I was takendownirith'iiieriritilearai4
tiPIT of the liters and warisia retiudedtimeirkt:
and iatitereffects Oftids drtiadfiii;diiiedtsa:4l4citillitii
was dispaized o 1 Altai otheniakat teltsd , Wled." t..
...tie advised by my Nefsiciarsto:itycfoie • fePitrar:' ,
and I must say that aftertakingsantkOsir , tit 4/11 - ..
hate been - restorml to reaionable,h4lDW . I,selaon .
joy at : this time. . l. therefore take - iileMinkr4farfttoia
mending them to others 'atllietettqWdiseasiTif toe
live._ ..- ~, . . . .'.yikicii4%.,0.01.11,..;.:,.....:
.- .
... . - ...:.;:..• , ,... - •::'46IIIN:•GIVEDiEILt":, -
These Pith stand :viittiiiiiall'eil'Ai:r -, iri. - medkoisto
known ftie`the".etire iiflheitilirAilaliPartifitrif:.lo: '
had ofthitcjat'Oprietor; . l l : - ; - -E. , SellersM^Woodad.r4t-,:;% , "`
and ofli.?. Schwartzand-J. 4itcli.el.l,4llegg2grt :-
To iS;fdge . nllders.
1,0 aibodewzanileiwireEldre.-oiy-t;:_Deer;CAnk;l44
West.Deeriowhahlpi atlltelajtkwing.idAnie,lyizat :
Dennre.Mill, and at Stayiatt!!!"TarlingeWikc..tr-',
calved at the office ofthe.Connty:COturthenonere
to noon of widoesdayrilifieth,ofjitY7iiitiiiis'
and epecifications caribe,acetinttheoffrce
day ...of letting. Bidewillibe - reeetied'ai: tbio stone
work•of the abatmeif tv.l4 - liei6fg . -
ami for the woad- work -linealleat., .
By- orderotCommistaiiniiiti:.;,..-
• - ~ •• - SAVES. GOPSILy;CIerV. , -e.:- -
Coneniasioneit7ioEsse;grin2stl4 IRS& .
. . .
julL asvied: and Supimet:cloth
G eritni - Xin#4 Cambric_
Do. .`lie - •
• - An invoice of -the tho ab ove
' :
je 27 -B. E. Cg1i.5.PW.F.1433...i41!Lr. - ;
- -
shaden. '
. •
Bj. Black
13!reieSeurii'' and
Shaw Is,
'or;aalo at • B.
1621: • sa Market et?: •
SiliP o and -
1 .../i : itsdkeiri. - - • •
• Gaidtiatiji • rtiipe ivhiieNluahus ,
Mall lkinelins'' Nainsook • •
3 Fg e. aesortmentjuat .neiv:tckfri
• ; •• D E CO STABLE,
4 .je2T- - • , NeDrr7dl' it.
T- -ARD 0114.-15 bairils
2 . •
etr Dominion, ariti<lbrugle,br, _
de2,3) - ' Bnipy.y,:tc
.241sifsaii5C seeei!leKt
Nit , Dozpixtiodi sea ',forikelelbt-Y.::' , ..t?. , i..? •
COW - T-alLS;;PAriiiik :l o
, for fglttiy. . '
VroLABSE:4.SO barrels 44.-o—.4ili•iniiieirlreiti
;:rlll,ed per it: frinnalauk t ii arid. roe
je:2.2 , - , I4EY, 4 c • to . .A7 . lViiies: street. •
trim Stockheldei!t ottlie. 1104**,04 atleghelti,
gym sivea.; fano the 64 1 1 - orijited.etreetriii
aotifileil that tha
Manganl; ft-Treaautei aaCSi#o46;.-,iirgww
inoho•Aret lianday.af July neat
Room, north end oftho Bridge, at.,2,,cal or,4:1"-11:2;
at whigle - t*, ; Are telitteated to - atteid.i.e-gf-Z4;il .
- •
je/8-4tll . •
Attu , Boot lima - Shoe Store,
liii.,".lBP - '.eibelifsO'fit,'''''
~..1' iir. (t;43iii:iioy; the Veli f 4 . OrWii4l4:'
...... - r -OLLANSERZ-:.& , :frAywAarr,, - *:910 -
...., feeptctfully: announce to - thiv. chit enie . , , of v
i - pittatuigh :anit - vitgiitl." that ; ihej late - 6 7 . '
Reeeirlikiiie it rtie'abOve. iiitinad•plae:e-ToFtWe. .7
tale Of.lliiiill le show 2(0) kind, air§inilitiel;i'atiK
prisingAn extensive assortment er Ladias?; Geliiis: ~
mthis',, Misses'/ • Boys . , ; :yotitheand ChildiatKires% .
all or which gouda they are :a eferin in eill*.tool:.fetit
lots for cosh. .. •
.!They veuld. fasfiettfulltailicitweitliilitntell . ifs
4ent 'or , nooti;:Shoda;;TtnOtt , viitiPiitietliatiritze•
ate4isp anYgoods that:exti-tinattr Vecit iii - . l43 h'cie'
Snare; ea theraie enifehult that thoy/wilkbe enabled
tixpleaserhotliiikhilAnalitjtoitel prieetp.vaiiigNatta ~
Iroo4- - cIfi4COr7ALW -1;tt;
54.--A.Tiiiitier4OWC: • • '
Wia,341:640"ea.h!,4-vA ! '
th.31,441210.77.1.,1.--r.• el " : '3,
4 m#l - d- 4103