Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, June 19, 1846, Image 1

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N. W. Oorner of Wood and Fifth Sts.
. .
Tintms.—Fit l e dollars a yeax, payable'in advance.
Six dollars will intlariably be requiied if not paid.
within the ; ycai•. ' •
Single copier, "11F0 - cErrn—:-for sale at the 'cuunter
of the Office and by News Iloys. •
Is putdished . at the Same office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWQ DOLLARS a year, in advance; sin
gle copies, SIX LEIMS. " •F.
, Terms of Ads - ertinfmg,,,
rza sclo.No.r. or TWELVE LINES OR LESS
One insertion ? ) '-$0 50 , One month, '
Two do,' ' I -- -0 '75 Two do,
Three 'do, - . I- :1 00 Three do,
Ono week, : - - 1 50 Four do,
Two do, i: -3 00 •Six - do,
Thread°, -, -' ,, 1 00 , One year, '
•tektri yi'Aitircrtiserrierxts,
. . , .. ..
. .. ettAtir.xtix.r..s.x SLEASIIRE.
One Square. , „ Tiro Squares.
Six month., .. 1 '
. $,.1.5 00 Six months, 820 00
One year, .. : 20 00 One year, 30 00
Larger advertisements in proportion...
""0 - • CA.iii , x df Toni tiles; rivr DOLLARS yOar.
: • • •
4 TTOMStE f YS- AT LAW, Office removed to
residence tlE'll..S.•Ma,,n•raw, tin Fourth st., <me
door frbm •• : ap2l-q
'OATAIa ek,
h. Tort,,kyssrsm couNsELLbr , A AT LAW,
Piit-41nagh, Pi... _OfriO6 on Fouit.Y..iit.;,!!etwoen
Sinttlifield and . ,
A TTORNEX - AT LAW, office in thO , biiiidiiii;
thb East Corner of - Fourth dna SuaithOolil
streets:' ' - • • • 'nor 11-y
r. Shnatixon. '
TTORNIT,.'Y .At LAW, Grcensburg,, Weatinore
li_ land county, Pa., will practice,iu the WestL
naoreland, Indiana and. Cambria.-.c_nurts. deckl-y.
-. 31 5 31a1tbn 45:.• Se'anor, • .- -
. TTpßiqr' YBI.I.T . LANV, office in Fifth street, iii
A.l3ares 3icw buildiud . .9, beticcen Wood and
Smithfield streeti '
S4-aileY Si!BPs° lll •
•TTOILNEYS..AT LAW, office in ,the building
formerly occupied by the LT. S. Bank, V,otirth
st, tretween.Abirket and Wood sts. . • . naar2.l-y
IFiamllton d,•• Bruce,
A:FTORNFTS AT LAW, office North silk or
-Fifth street., between Wood and Smithfield sis.,
Yittsbargt~, ha- Collections • made on reasonable'
eerms., •' • dc4-y
. .
• •
liffEttlNlAN, - office nortlr side" Of Fifth street,
11_ between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
. i -.;fiLndreestr . Burke;
-TTORIVX Al LAW, office, Smithfield street,
Il L beiw eau Fourth street and Diamond Ailey, 9p-
Gers:WyttlOi's'toliacee manuractory.
dpl6-y _
• •
- ' Jumeiecalum,. 1 '
TTOrtitY AT LAW-, ti the cliatnliers
oc,otri4d bY.Aldepn'an.7.ll • 74 2 .ster riall St,
betwc'en:Wtiud and; L..
artCatidieu.dt , RlMLure
office On Fourth - strei, opposite R. & It., H.
I atersoesl.irerx-Stable, PitiOurgh. • eeplo-y
Forwart & Swarteweld.e.r,
1701t14F.YS.AT LAW,. Fourth street between
1 - 1 Wood iatid Smithfield; opposite Pattemou'a liv
ery stable. • ap7-y
C. Orlando LOOllll6, •
TTORISUX AT. LAW, office. Fourth st., above
Stoithold. - julyhy
A ItEELEN remitted dim commission and for
_lrk-. warding buSiness from the Canal to Ids
on Third street, nearly oppolite the
Post..„Office.l , - - • • ritay3Cky
Rlcflard. C ow nn,
A 'rTOII.IOEY IT, LAW, office, in 'Stuattts
ings, POurth,st., ahbve Wood : jblielp-dwy
Jose'phOno's4 formerly of Pittsburgh,
Tp:itt'sEY AT LAW, CMliele, Pa., willprac
tice•td his pr'ocet‘sion,"in the counties of Cum
berland,D4uphim 'Adams, Perry and Juniata. •
:Busines4;iu tho;,e,counties intrustil to him will
be .attented to-with' promptness.
TTORNPV. 'AV LAW, having returned from
1 - 1 his EUkopeatt tour has taker' an office on the
north east corner, of Fourth andSruithfield Per
t...MlS Waving hid bUsitieas and papers in the hinds of
Samuel Kiit6ton,l Esq., deceased, will Call on, the
above,, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kinistoti
htihecn left. in hislatids, ' . • mars-y
Gliagles M. nays,
TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com
,missiOner to take - the proof and acknowledge
ment of Aleeds, leases, cordracts,.deposites or other
writings, to be recorded or used in the States of
Kentucky, ;In'diang.and Tennessee. Office No. SO,
Stuart's buildings, Fourth street. marl2.-y
James S. Craft,
Pittsburgh, Pa., haying resigned the office of
Secretary P. Nits. And Fire lns. attend , 9/IC
cially to collections and business connected With
navigation; insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu
siness hours; 9 A.M. t0.,9 P. M. Office, No. 1,
Stuart's buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.,l second 'door
east of Wood street. , • . Ibb9-y
Edivin C . Wiixony
,Venangp county, Penna., will attend
prom ptly.t,o all buineas entrusted to his carecol
lections.niusie in Warren,. Clarion and Jefferson co.'s..
J: A stocltton & Co..
Murialy, Wilson 8, - Co. ~ Plttsburgli. .
John,Digler, : . . . )
lion. ,)anies Kinnear, Franklin.
Hon. I ( Vex. ill'Calmont, ' ,'
flo)i...i,i.tßesWils9ii,Steuhenvi le, Ohib. jily2.3-y
• ..
John A.Pner,lnson,
. . , .
.A LDEAMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn sty e et, between
Walitut etreets, wher he may be
found-at ; times, „T/wig. Main houses or ,other
property to sell. oi rent, can have the iiaine punctu
rilly.attended toi debtiv collected, and all the duties
of an Alderman Mill reeciyo prompt attention.
oct27-y .
• ! • Halmos a:Son, . •
11011A.NICi.B.S and dealers in Foreign and Dothestie
•DiDs!of Ereliande, ceitilicateS of deposit; bank
riote •an 4 itiecie.! Drafts-and ;notes collected, and
remittances made to any parcoF the United -States,
55 Market street. - jan7-y
Jop.p.stora & .Stpeiiton, '
JD, KERS, No. 114 Market street. sep I 0-y
. . SeTlba &
OOKELLEfig, tr.WTIONERS .41 4 1 D BMW:11S, !
Tito. 115 Wood street, three doors . ,
Pittsbtirgli, anl-y
James Patterson, Jr.,,
ORNP.B. of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
Pa., Imanufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts;
tobacco, ; fuller ;-. mill .and timber screws, lionsen
ecrevorfoirollinginills, &cc. sep 16-y
- Wm: 'A. Ward, ' .•, •
. • -
- rIk'ENI7B'T, •- fris removed to the place of I?is for
-mertrealdande in Penh Mreet, two.dmaia . below
E.Ar.R .- iN DRY- gOODS, No. 114 Market at.;
,nca. Pittsburgh, Pa. julyl-y.'
STE! Colastable4
TIBALER in Yttacy.iand Staple Dry Cool
-Market street, Pittsburgh. nl
• : ' Edgar Thorn's • .
TVALIGrand Family 'Medicine Store, co '
J Penn and Hand streets, Pittshurgh,.Pa.,l
sycians) 06=h:don's =el - irately compocmded. I
cine 4 can be had at all:fttiars of the day or nigfi
. - • .
, . .
~.; ' ~ • ' _ •
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. , , • .
. - ?' - '..•?.''' . 7.''''."',.`.'•7 4 ' 6 ,..••?":"''''-'''' " ''''' --- ''''' • , - ''''. 6--,-• ••••" - ' ''''"':. '2•• - ,',-'''''',.; - .•'"i'i"". - ..2::.' - .''''."."''''.'"'' -.!..:-'-' 7'."F",:st-'--7-''',"•'-'..--!'''''-',,.,-"--,7"-rf",•-•,f-,,,,,,,--••••••" - ,-- -;',- ""--"• • - •" - ",''- - - 6,-- '7 , -r -6, A ,- ,•,-",-•-• -- , .. , ',......7 . • ~- ,;•.,, ..:6.,-,,,;:. -,,,, , ,,i,-,.....-,, , ,, , ,,, , ,.. , -- ..;•,,,, .1. , -,,-,..; ;; -, ; A l i b .:-..- , ---- , •-• , •- • -.-,.-;•,--,:;• .:. ,; . ..,
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.',.. .., ~-.. .: .. ..' , ~.4. ..:-.
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.. 1
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.. , ' . .. ..... . ... 8 .
BroWnevllle Jniqato• Iron AVork4i.
EDWARD HUGHES manufacturer of iron and
1 . 14 nails, waxehouse, Smithfield . above Fourth st.
seplo-y •;. • : .1
AMILY CROCE% Smithfield street, next door
to the Fifth Presbyterian 'Church. june6-y
C. A. lll , Anulty & Co.,
Czotil ;Basin; Pittsburgh; Pu. mar3-y
George Cochran,
No. 26 Wood st., Pitlslatigh. nov27-y
Itsynolo Stet,
for the Allegheny River trade, dealers in groce
ries,. produce, Pittsburgh manufactures., eldoriiiii :of
lime and paper. The highest price in cash paid at all
times for country rags, baling rope, add cotton waste,
corner of Penn-and Irwin sts., Pittsburgh, Pa
$ i 00
6 00
7 00
8 00
10 00
15 00
Frrukkliu Home., Fourth street,
Between &nit);lield and Grant Streets, Pittssstirgh
CIIIII.STIAN SCIINTERTZ;P r oprietor, respect
fully informs his friends and the nubile general
ly, that he will open the above splendid house on
the Ist day of Max next:
The Home being new, and finished in she most
commodious and convenient manner; and having it
furnished with tbe newest and most. beuliful style of
furniture; finttors himself that he will be able to ac
commodate his friends and the traveiling public, in n
,manner not inferior to.any similar establishment in
the city. .
: . .
Sew. ppok Store. . ''
I As the House is situated near the Court llunse, ar
lIS. BOSW H ORT & Co., No, 43 Marltc l . 6 tret't .k.rangements have been made to none up men-la ht any
. next door tcr!Third street, arc justopening a rtrourin the day, this will be great CellVeillellte to
new and extensive assortment of Books and
,Station- those - v.llO are in attendance at court. ''
cry, which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the irr IterrOlncuts of all kinds ran be had. • "
lowest prices. .'.
_ f al' 2s- Yi tiers livltre week or day.
_______ taken-,....
r ‘ rrlmucli every ay at 11 'o'clock, A. M.
ap3o. , ^....,,,,,„,
r.o. S. SWARTZ would respectfully inform his
Ur friends and customers that he has removed to
No. 106 Market street, - hetween Fifth and Liberty sts.,
oast side; where he is receiving a large rind well as
sorted-stock of spring goods, to which he would re
s ectfull invite their attention: ' ap3.4l6in
Dr. Gii:Wrelix
11AS - faitioved a short distance abOve hls Sinn&
locatiori, on Smithfield ttinef near Seventh;
cast side: _ •
Avin. cvnttra notditson,
JATE U. S. Attorney Las removed Iris °Rice to
4 NO. S St. Clairif:'" .6'11141
- --- -
. . .
lEMBER 'MERCHANT, office on Penn street,
a between Irwin and Hand ets., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions will.beprompily attended to. mar4-y
geh'ooT Book and Paper Warehouse.
TL KE LOOMIS,-Agent, publisher, bookeeller and
.11 bookbinder, No. b^3, Wood street, Pittsburgh
Pilkintionts Utirivalled 131nolaug,
V.I.4I.IFACTIIRED and sold-wholesale and re
tail., Smithfield at:, between Sixth and Virgin
M. O. Edel-,
ATANUFACTUREIt of Lard Oil awl dealer •in
Ill_ Star C.:mulles, .Fifth Arcot, near Market, S. W.
Hide. . inar24:y
COLE'..ItA:J. JuitTIF.*.TEN7II...46S: ItAILMAIs.
. .
Cole inriix, liuilrnau - & Co.,
rASITACTURERS of Carriage. SPringa Old
Ili Axles, A.. 13., and spring steel, and, dealers in
coach' tritnruings .of every description, manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street , Op
posite St. Charles lintel.
c.AlFois .Pstablbiltment.
AirULyANY & LEDLIE manufacture And keep
111 eonstantly ‘ on hand cut, moulded and ptaia
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warejipose•
corner of . Market and. Water, streets, Pitt*sligh.—
Our -works continue in full operation, anil we are
constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
till orders with promptness. Purelzaseri are4-olpect
fully solicited to call mid examine prices and :mons,
sepli-y • • •
111 . Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street
Pith:burgli, Pa. Always on hand a full aSsortmont of
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades; as
simple Plate, 'Molars and Biscuspidatoesi Gum teeth,
Screw Pi , iOt teeth; Etc.: , Teeth and blodka made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. All orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
tc'-Plating always on hand. -
Dr. Daniel ll'Alctil.
CIFFICI: on Sruithneld,three doors from Sixth st.,
Pittsburgh. deo WI
N0.,77 Smithfield street, !gar Sixth et:,
kJ Pittsburgh..:aug2l-y
Dr. , George
ERACTISING pftysiclAN, office on ;Inithtield,
near Seventh st. . ul
P. Blume,
pIANO FORTE manufnetoret and dealer in' 11N
sical Instruments; No. 112 Wood street, near
1 - )LaqBER, and manufacturer of Pumps and Hy
drants, which are superior to and cheaper than'
any in the city. Please to call and examine for your
selves. Fourth street, between Sinithheld and Cher
ry- Alley. Hydranta and pumps repaired. janl-y
-1.1.13. Seller's, M. D. . .
E*illtH to Penu Ht., between Irwin and Haid
streets; five doors below Hand st. n;ils-y
- -
• • nag]. Arttrs,
L'II,GFAIN DENTIST, 118 Liberty street, a few
0 doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. art2B-y
salearui retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second sts., PitishUrgh, Pa. nowl3-y
SIi,CCESSOIiS..to Iririne S.: Martin, wholesale gro.
cers, produce mid commission merchants; and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, :tio.kti,
Wood street, Pittsburgliid'a.. . apBl
TAILOR 'AND CLOTHIER', Liberty Ist , between
Sixth Street - and 'Virgin Alley, south side.
rimiE urolcrsig'ned'bega leave to say to his friends
and.the public generally, that he has removed
his office to Penn street, near the canal bridge, oppo
site the United States Hotel
Fahuestoels. & Co.,
WHOLESALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth
and :Wood streets. • sup-y
W HOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCER Y STORE; corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh api4-y
WHOLESALE and retail dealem ti
in foreign an
domestic Wines .and Liquors, exclutively,
No. 18 Market. street.
AV ii i ( ? i o L vTgn i. n .l d ani j i .Th r m O e ta s i tli G c Nvi c li C e r s ,' mad a
and de Li i ii c ti r or i s n
Foreign and Domestic Frui;,Nuts, ES . ..c.,'No. GO Water
street, sOps-y
and Pittsburgh inanuracturea,Nos. 133 and 135.Wiiod
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . ;feb2-y,
IA Merchants, No. .7 Commercial Roik, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh; . al9 -y
WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh "inanufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
. .
TAT.IIOLF.SALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye
V V stuffs, paints; .oils, varnishes, .k.c4 No. d 7,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. • • • • oct3-y
. , . .
WIIOLESALE and retail deale in Music and
.11,Iusleal Insti-Ornents, Piano Portes, 'School
Bookir and Stationery No. 122 WOod street, Pitts
litirgli: . .. ,
110 Wood streetieorner or.Wobd and Fifth
streets; Pittsburgh.. • aprB-y
11' ~ R oper Dealer. and. Bookbinder, corner of
Wood mid Third streets, eeplB-y '
• "4-i,•34."'1'%* -
, •
Mi6% - 610
artin Lytle,
Dr. George Watt,.
George Bailey,
°Tideft & Snowden,
Martin. &...giatithp
Aldernatin 7 s Ofllcie
Thomas Miller's
! Sterett &VG.,
r. C. Martin,
•Lambert dr. Slziptott,
Jolpck Scott 4-, Co.,
.E. Se
John H. Mellor,
J. D. Willit!.mst
charles.H. Kary
James Park, Jr., - & Co.,
'll7 - 110LESALE GROCERS, importers ortin plate
I V and yucenawaxe, and dealers in 'copper and
Pittsburgh rnalnifactured articles, Nos. 112 and 114
2nd St., between Woad andSmithileld sts. jun-2114-y
Ari. ,Bookbinder, bait removed to the
coilL ENEremoved ier
o7WOod 'hnd Third sts.; abOve C. 11.
Kay's, where he is picpared to do every description
of ruling and binding. ap3l
Select Sehocil
NXTM.. MOODY respectfully announces to , his old
friends that lie:intends opening it Select School
in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the
baserneirCof the Third Presbyterian Church. inar2l-tf
Dr. 1V in. N. Wright,
DENTIST, Office and retidence in
St. Clair Et., a few doors below Lib
)' erty, near the Exeliance Hotel.
marl 1-y
• - .
Amhin g to,
Clair and Penn 4treets,
,leave to return ho. .auks to
his frieadsand.the piddle for pant throw. and
by attention, to merit a continumon of their patron
age. Thr h.uis,, in pleasantly ,seated near the Ex
ehangerit has areinummintions for travelers, and a
large room Ibr public meetings, dinner or supper par-
Ilerreshnierits alwava ready, or prepared 'en the
shortest notice, witlttire choicest theitarket will af
ford. Gysters and Oaten Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters,, receiNed every day during the season. The
greatest care has been takeu in the selection of wines
and IiqUOIN. A. variety of newspapers are regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hot Lunch served up every day at 11, A.
M. ap IS-y,
Coital Boat llOust.
BY R. DOSSETT, Penn street, Pitt.lburgh, Mina_
. .Boarding and lodging, by the day or
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will finil it to
their advantage to patronize hint. Persons travelling
east or west will find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
Eveiy information given to Iron Manufacturers in
all branches of the business. • •
• •
flume brewed ale can at all times be had at the
:bar. novlo-y
Lafayette Ref - rectory.
NOR. GI and G 3, Wood street, under Lynd's
tion store. The subscribers hove fitted up Ili' ,
above place in superior style, and they ti:el assured
will give comfort and satisfaction to all who may
visit them.
Arrangement; have been made to ha:e a constant
supply of .rre,lL Oystas, v,hich will be served up to
visitors and landlit - ;s on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of the ehoieeet
kinds aliyajli on hand. Their Bar is tilled with the
best brands The market van afford; and Regalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of ruperior qual
ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto
is, every, lu;ury in its season. PliCt'S inoticrate.,
nursat Dletriet notch
ITSAAC :111jRDOCK, formerly 0r the I.llLion Hotel
on Water street, Miring been burnt out, has:ull
a new and handsome house expressly fur the aceoln
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smithfield birce.ts, which will be known as the num
District lintel. . .
Ile is 11 OW prepared to offer every accommodation
and every romfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. He is provided with ample and convenient
stabling.. dcel2.-v
E xctinucc
V.; LEN BROWN, Pkovntr.ron.—Terrns $l.OO per
day. Then ndersigned, - formerly of the Merchants .
fluid, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
this superior eStablisliment, and furnished' anme
throughout, with uric beds, new bedding and new'
furniture. Great care has been taken to Till his cel
lar with the choicest viands. A hand:erne omnibus
and a baggage avag,on arc 'provided for the use of his
guests`, toil 'a Porter will be in attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned M this•husineas, assures
him that his eatenest purpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. tic feels altogether at lib-.
erty to promise his visitors a con - We:table and cleanly
abode, liberal entortaimnent, and a heart , : welcome,
at a moderate expense. ALLEN
r COLEMAN haying, on the first day
iv January, inst.,. associated with Into Jas. W,
Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name - and
style of Coleman, Heilman & co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing Steel Springs,
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
Sc., to, which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business; to
merit a continuance to the new firm the favors no lib
erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair et.
—warehouse Wood . st., opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, where can be found a good assortment 'id*
Springs; Ai,les, A. 8., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings, of every description, together with IroW,
Nails and Pittsburei manufactured articles. f.;,r - The
highest price paid fir scrap iron. jan:22'
Portable "Window Minds
r lIIE subscriber, having competent workmen, and
a Ihrge stock of Vcnitinn Window Blinds, will
sell IoW. His "Portable Fastner, ,, the only one in
the United States, is the best and most convenient
plan ever used fur private , or pnblic buildings.
Call and examine samples at J. W. WoodwelPE or
G. Singer's. Old Blinds put up with the Portable
Fastener at a small charge.
.1. 'K. EENDEBST.)ti,
West End'7tand•s-Cl3rid;;e...'
A. Ett
BELL AND •RRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old . stand, No. 70
Second, betiveen Market and Ferry•streets, where
he will he pleased to see his. old customers • and
friends: • .
Church, steamboat, and bells of.ncery size, from
10 to 10,000 pnitricEs,•cast from patterns o . (the moist
approved models, and warranted to' be or tbebeSt
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Raill'og„,& - e.„
together, ofttn every v:trtety,c
,Drass Castings ,
qtnre'd;'tvnncl and AnislierV tiegteif !banner.
A. B: ;s the sole, agent rot:flab - E./It's Anti-Attrdction
Ilfelca,,so, justV celiltrat,el.l for the reduction of_frie:
lion in titaelinery. The,box'es and donaposition can
lie bad of hint at all tithes. novly
'John Cartwright.
StirgMal Instrument Manufacturer,
k.,/ No. 1:10'Wood stied, two. doors frona:Virgin al
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive
assortment of Surgical and Dental instruirients,
Dankeis', Tailors', liatterti'„ Flair Dressers' and Tan
ners' Patent Shears, Saddlers' Tools, TruSiies, &e.
iiatts t Hats!:
4 SPRING:. FASHION.—just received by _
exprees Rom New .York, the Spring Style
of fiats. All those in want of a neat , superior Hat,
are respectfully invited to call. S. MOORE, •
• N 0.93 WOod at;, 3 doors below Diamond Alley.
• - marlf-dw •
Dr. E. Meritt,
WITIST, ( or the burnt district,)respectfully in
forms hie friends, and all those who may wish
his services, that he has taken an office on Smithfield
steet, two doors from Virgin Alley, whOro he will now
attend all operations of the teeth in the heat manner
and at the shortest notice. Office hours from 9 to 12
and from 2 , t0 5. may`i•dwt.
~y-R--....~..4 .~~_ :~:SE~'aRW^v7 i _-.~_ 7
'.l~".`Y~r : ~6:l:H£~'lx.~:i+~'ss< ~~"~~.i`~?"~'
.: _ 1
Lard: 011 at et. Red ccd Prkee. -
THE subscriber, would respectfully, Inform ,his
friends and the public in general, that. his new
Factory is now completed, and with a.large,additiOu
to his machinery, he is prepatecrto make considera
ble qualftithis of a 'superior article of Lard Oil,
which ha is determined to sell elieap, fully apprecia
ting the old proverb, that nimble sixpence is
worth more than a slow shilling:* He , feels con&
dentthat consumers would find tt to their advantage
to give him a call and examine for thetrselves. -
Woolen manufacturers,.machipists and others, are
respccft'ully invited to examine his superior oil, Fifth
street, near Market, opposite Vaulter's Confection
ary store, and Messrs. Sumac]._ & Co.;
Liberty street. C.-F.DFIY,
l'ittsburge LsriitOiFMattdfacturer.
A superior quality of Star Candleti;always on hand,
of assorted sizes. ntar.74-y
Orunnicntnl iltal*,Work
MRS. JUNG: 11, Wig Maker,
,/ t - Allegheny City, - six doors from the
i :
i , , ..iguedurt, opposite the rollector's
1-, q; e.ev--.
..0 .. . office; NVlfillet , to inform the pub
'fis:::_, ~i.,. --I,iir lie that she has just commenced
11,F, , ? i',o.* the Ornamental Hair business,
fi;...,..`,.:ift,. and has a xery,superior mock, ro
*i: ":••. - --ql. ceived from the Eastern cities and
,;'...•.' -::'- Ve . . 4 ": 31. ' Paris, and she is prepared to fill
A all orders at tlic shortest notice,
. LA and in a inanaci 'that cannot be
---." ;.,L,5"i2.:k exCelled by any similar manufac
turer in the country. ' •
She Ilai on liana and intends keepitig, a.large az
aortnieut of Ornamental Hair Work, such sv Ladies'
Wigs Banda, Braids, Curls, Nee-Uwe:l, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger Rings, &c. Gentlemens , ,,Wiga,,
Tanpiries, Scratches, &e. •
Mrs. It. has been for many years engaged in the
business in France and the Uniter States, and frOm
her long and experience, she feebi • Cortfident in being
able to give satisfaction to all who will fitter her
with their patronage. Her prices are more liberal
than have been offered lb this city' heretofore.
mar 17-ly
Jamis iloward a.CO.
TA VE the pleasure to antimitiee to their friends
that they again oeenpy their old stand at No.
Wood street, where they have opened an exten
ltve-WALI, PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have
eontatitly-oit hand an extensile aubrtment of Satin
glazed and PAPER Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest :;talc; and ino4l hand
some patterns fof papi - iritir , halls, parlors, and chant
They manufacture, mid have ofilnind. at 01 times,
Printing, Writing, .1.. - Ater; Wrapping and-Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Fulier's Boards—all of 'which they offer
for sale on the most acconimodatingAernis, aneto
which they invite the attentimm or znerchants and
ALSO--Blank Books of all kinds and the hest
iv, School Books, Ste., always on ha. 4d and for sale
as above, ang -J
rigs Pontid at Last,
&Ten 7 - ' - hou4c.nd eases of olsiOnati Pulmancitif
hints cured in one year! - t.
We ask the attentioit-of the candid to a few Con
Larldretles W arranted Garden Seeds, I Nature, in every part oilier Warks,lnts loft indeli
itEut FROM PHILADELPHIA. Each paper I L& Marks of adaptation and design. •
Lean. the label and warranty of Davin lAN, The constitution of the animals and vegetables of
uncrit. For sale by F. L.SNOWLINJI)io. 2.9.Water l
.such that they could not endure the l
st., at the staud.fonutrly occupied by tdeo. A. Derry, cold of the frigid zone, and vice vesa.
El:tract from. the 'Report of the Visaing Counninee lii regard to diseases and its cure, the adaption
of the Penns'l‘ania Horticultural Spciiity; /mat- more or less striking.
mously adopted and ordered to be printed. ' : The Moss of Iceland, the Wild Cherry and Pines
L.S.NDP.ET lI'S NT RS FIR lESA ND 6./.4firit.N.R. o N
f all orthern latitittles (and "Dr. IVISTAA'S Bat-1
"These extensive grounds arc on;Federal street., 8.,'‘3" isa compound chemical extract - from- theset) I
near the Arsenal. • * • * The earliest btollec- t have long been celebrated for; complaintseprevalent
tion , t - c ae . o .ui„ wi s mu t e h ere . . ca f e t he se ouly in cold climates. Indecell the most distinguished
now in possession of those distinguished uniservmeu medical men have averred Card nature furnishes-in
am tin feet high. • • • • Th e „„k et i en CAC ry country medicines for, its ‘citvit PeCuliar diSenSCS:
GREr.:4-11017SE rt:aters is valuable aud.extensive. t Con.sumplio22 ill it conftorn«t and incipient stages
"The Nurseries are veil correctly managed, 31)1.1 C° ( 4 .4. • A4APUIt (rmtpa ti t l .complazirt fortnby
plying every part of the Union, a detail of which ha } mast .fatal cla4s 4igeases kiaown to our
would ocenpy too much or our spare, we therefore } land ci'en thMml#s; Carol hi means of the
conteet ourselves with stating that t h e got , i s
,simile vet powerful remedics ("tamed - above) and
lame, and in even- stave of growth, consisting o r ovhiel, arc scattered,diy, beneficiont Providence,
FA EST AND CRNAMENI s- AL TREES, EVER- wherever those maladies Prevail;
a collection of berliscecotis plants, fruit trees el.the Ms-rands Bataan or artt.n CIIEURT,
king and most healthy condition, large beds .of 1" Thant! care ; follows cure in its onward victorious
seeding apples. pears, plums, E.ic.,:as EnOclis for , bud- Nareerl . •
ding and fire tin t .; a plan very superior to that . Darrart, Feb, 11t1),1545.
working upon suckers, which ~varry Witlithein htto Ir. initmore.---Dear Sit: As yonare the reg
the grail all ilis.,ases of t o le pwait.stock . • • . &ar authorized aeent in DaytOa, for the sale of "Dr.
'Seri:et - of - the f l itest quslity inase been , svi e t a f s Itr.'..e.ua.;t• Wild clirty,.' Lto a this tncth,
scattered over the credos). from'these grounds, and ( 0 ,1 of making a ;aatement of facts to you twhicii.l
may always be depended upon. The seed es:reddish- !hope m ay be published to the world) in reference to
merit of these Horticulturist., is one o f the most ex- an alinerri- miracidous cure,wrought in my Case by
kursive in the Id is inn , sad its reputation is well sustain- means et' the above Intid:une Balsam.
ed !'rem year to year. Language fails to describe the rratutary effects it pro
"To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have es tablished
another nursery at a suitable 161.1111:C, SO that degene
ration cannot take place, and which secures to the
purchaser a ‘geituine article.' Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture of every plant,
the supple Ibein their grounds is recommended with
*,„' Since the date of the 'Report' from:which the
above is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em
braces all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou
sands of various sizes; no likewise with Roses, and
other desirable plants', both tender cad hardy; fruit
trees, Sth.
The geed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the
whole is, as it has been for more than half a century;
under the successive management of father and son,
the most prominent in America.
fr.)" Orders received by F. 1.. SNOWDEN, from
whom catalogues may be received gratis. mar9-y
A Card
riinE subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
his grateful acknowlegements for the liberal pa
tr. rage bestowed upon lain for years put, and par
ti :idarly to those who in generously patronized him
since his misfortune by - the late lire. Ilaving consid
erably enlarged his busincs by associating with Win.
13. Roberts an a partner, he would earnestly solicit a
continuance of former favors to the new firm of
Roberts & Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten
tion to busiriess they , will give general satisfaction.
The subscribers would respectfitlly inform their
friends and the public that they have removed to
their new warehouse en Thinl between Market and
Wood streets, south side, whore they trust by strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa.
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz:
:MallOgany Wardrobes; • "
• Dressing, Bureaus,
Dook•Case and Secretaries,
Section Back Sofas,
Plane do.,
Divans, • •
" Ottomans, • •
Victoria Chairs, •
" French •do, . •
" Plain - do,
" ..Centre Tables,
tt Card do,
" Bureaus of every.description,
" End Tables . ,
.Maxblo Top Pier do,
" Centre do, ,
" Sofa • do, --
" Dressing Bureaus,
" Wash Stands, ' •
Mahogany Work Stands,
" flat Racks
" Rockingßacks,
Sewing (10,
" Music Stools,
" • Arm Chairs,
French Bedsteads,
" ButlerS' Trays.
Mahogany.'elicrry and poplar bedsteads, warrant ,
cd proof against bugs, and superior to any now olTer r
cd to the public. Also, a variety of Windsor chairs,
of the best quality,and a new style of arm chair with
spring scat, well adapted for offices or societies, with
a variety of other articles too numerous to mention.
We have at considerable expense introduced into
oor new factory-tra.Front street, a steam engine with
machinery; which will enable us to sell, yvholeaale
and retail, at reduced prices..
The attention of Vtrestern Merchants, and persons
muting West, is invited 'to our new and extensive
establishment, Western Cabinetmakers are also re
quested to give us a call, as they will ,finiiihey can
purchase from us for -less thin • they can manufac
ture. Orders from a distance willreceive prompt
attention - , and the fluniture will-be carefully packed.
Steamboats and hotels furnished, at the shortest no
tice, and on favorable terms,' 'ROBERTS & KANE.
N. B. Undertaking in all ita.branehes attended to.
mar 10-y R..
BINDERS BOARDS.-5000 lbs, medium Straw
Bindersßoards, received and for sale by
mys 122 Wood street:!'
. .7.147
';'.',. - ,i-,'.;':. , . ,, T ,-. .:;.,i, ,,
New Ustablishxneut--Horse
r .
I-IE subscriber would . respectfully inform his
friends, and
.the generally,„ that he
has leased the stand formerly occupied by:Walter
Fortune& Sons on Fourth street, four doors above
Smithfield, and intends carrying on the above bu
siness in all its branches, having. employed first
rate workmen,-,and being a practical giechanic
hirnrelf, gentlemen sending their horses to his'shop
may depend on, having their work well and prompt-,
ly done. As I intend to give the business my un 7
divided attention, I hope to have a liberal share
of public patronage. . . GIiAS. BARNETT.
ayl 273 m.
Fiaiiltlln Medical Coll.ege of Phtladel+
. .
riiHr, first annual course o . f rectum; in this institu
tion, will be opened on Monday, the twelfth
day of October next, (the second Monday iii -October,)
and Will be continued until the end of 'the' eusaing
i .. • PROFESSORS. . .
PA BECK GODDARD, M. D.—Anatomy and
IlistOlogy. ~ ~.
CI. VAN. wyc4, M. D.—principles and practice
of S i r geri.. ~. .
MEdiEbiTH 'CLYMER, , M. H.--Principlei and
practfee of Medicide.
ica and Therapoutim , . , ' ~ - ' ' • '
and diseatms of women and children. - , i
. -
JQYNES, 31; D.---Phyeiolagy and legal
Nledieine. . , ,
7114 E 5 B. ItodErts;xt. D.—General aid orgaz.4c.
Chemietry. '
• 'JOHN DADCL4ILDIPIILE, 1% , 1; D.—Dcau or tip:
faculty. •
- JOgENI • LEIDY, M. th—Detnonstrdior of An
atomy. • • .
The .rranltlin Medical College was incorporated.
iu the Legislature of Pennsylvania, .by an _act ap-.
provert2Stli January, 1546, and is authorised by sec
non third of its charter, "to grant the degree or Doc
tor of to any such,persons as shallpossess
the Inaliflcatiolks nom' - mutiny required oftandidates
Mother Medicaltolleges in this State."
Fer cacti conrre or leetureS, •
Martieulation fee. to be paid once only, - ' 5,00
Diploma fee, 10,00
.M416011:11 information respecting the course ofins
struction, or other matters connected with the Faculs
ty, can by obtained upon application, personally, or
by letter, to J. B. BIDDLE, M. D.,
Dean of the Faculty, N. E. corner of Quince and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia. . mar 11-416 M
duced, - and the great benefit I derived from its use.
The .citizeas or Dayton and vicinity; well meet
leet that on the nth of August last, I received seri
ous injury from the explosion of a cannon. A por
tion of its contents entered my right side and breast;
and in all probability, sonic fragments or splinters of
the ram-rod passed through the "plum," and pierced
.the Langs.
After the lapse of about six weeks, I was attacked
with .a distressing cough and a violent pain in my
right side. Some ten days after this when iu a par- I
imysni of coughing, soddenly and ULCER broke r and
a large quantity of very offensive matter, mixed I
with blood, was discharged; most of which found
passage through the opening of the wound. From
this epeaing there dequently passed a quantity'cif
supposed to issue from the lungs. During:all
Chid time my sufferings Were almost intolerable.
My physicians, meanwhile paid the strictest atten
tion to me, and did all in their pOWer for my recov
ery. Bat with all their skill they could not:reach
the seat of distress, after the Lungs had becemie (Wea r
ed. I was visited during this:time by at least twenty
It was nose reduced to a certainty, that i4darnntiOn
of the lungs was rapidly taking place; andlliat this
would terminate my life in a very short time, was in
the highest degree probable.
At this critical stage, a messenger was despatched
to Cincinnati, and a celebrated Physician of that
place was consulted. Whendio was made acquaint
ed with m v situation, he remarked that nothing could
be done by medical aid, if the constitution Itselfwas
not sufficient to throw off the disease.
My friends now despaired 'of my recovery, and
had no earthly ground of hope to survive many day-s.
Fortunately at this juncture; I saw one of Dr. Wis
tar's Pamphlets, entitled "Family Medical Guide,"
or "Treatise on Consumption of the Lungs." As I
had often heard of dying men "catching at straws,"
I felt this doing so myself, the consent of my
Physicians, I sent to you for a bottle of the medicine
described viz: "IVistar's Ba/sani of
. Wild Cherry,"
which relieved the almost 'immediately. • After I
Mid used some five nr six boitles .1 so for rerMicred as
to be.up and about. My cough ceased, and my lungs
were restored to a healthy state—all from-the heal
ing and halmy influence and Powerful medicinal' vir
tues of Wislar's .Bulsane.
Were it not from the external injury Ireceived in
my shoulder and arm by the explosion, I feel confi
dent that I might have been working at my trade
(which is blacksmithing,) list this has prevented.
Ily exposure, 1 have since taken several severe
colds, and my only remedy has been "the balsanh ,
And I now most cordially recommend the genuine
WistaOs Balsam to all who arc afflicted with Colds,
Coughs,-or Lung Complaints. I consider it an inval
uable,medicine----a real blessing to the world. Any
persoddesiring further information; may call on me
any time, yours truly,
City of Da; ton,
Montgomery ce , ., State of Ohio
. 5
Subscribed and sworn to,' before me, Justice of
the Peace, this 11th day of Feb. 1845.
Testimony of thiee'highly creditable citizens of
Dayton,' in confirmation of the above.
We. the undersigned, being-intimately acquainted
myth, and havipg' seen and watched over
him during his late, illness, do not hesitate to, say
that [Mr foregoing is by no means an exaggerated
statement, but is entitled to full credit,
' A. L. STOUT,
J. B. H. DODSON, '
n - The true and geriatric 4 cWistart's Balsam of
Wild Cherry," is sold at established agencies in all
parts of the United States. •_ -
Sold. in Cinicnnati on the corner of Fourth and'
Wainutererta, by. ,: ;SANFORD & PARK.
genataliAgents for the Western States.
For sale by L WILCOX ,Ir., S. E. cor: Market et.
and the . Diamond Pittsburgh . . •
Long Credit.
THE subscriber offers for sale thirty-one building
lots, on a credit of-teni years, These lots are
situated on Grant, Wylie, Fifth, Ross and Diamond
streets, in the third. Ward of the city, adjoining the
New Court House. Persons disposed to purchase
will find these lets favorably locaterf as to health,
convenience to. business, and will ultimately be the
centre of the city, For particulars enquire of Jas.
C. Cummins, or SARAH B:FF.TTER.IILiN.
'' , :. - '... , Ti;
-,-- . ,...ac.., , : . f- ,, ,,,-17'4t.'-.--,.,: - 4; .`,.':y-_:,!:.::•]:::,1;,.;,,
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company. •••'
rftHE undersioned Commissioners riamain tho
_L Act of the . ,Gencral Assembly of the Corn
monwealth: of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to
incorporate the Pennsylvania-Railroad Company,".
passed the 13th day, of April, one. thousand eight
hundred and forty-sv, being duly qualified accord
ing to the provisions'oe sald'act lIEREBI' GIVE
NOTICE that in 'pursuance of said Act BOOKS of
subscription to the Capital Stock of said Company
will be opened at the time and places hereinafter
designated; in the cities of Philadelphia, Lancas
ter and Pittsburgh and in thelioronghs of Harris-;
burg, Bloorrifield,l Lewistown,,ll.lilllintown, Hunt-.
ingdon, Hollidaysburg,: Ebensburg, Blairsville, and
Greensburgh. and to be kept open si;. - --hours, that
is to say, tram 9 'o'clock ; A t M.,t9.3 p'eloek,
in every juridical day, for the.,tenn of ten days from
the times requietively, hereinafter mentioned, viz:
Alit-PHILADELPHIA, at the Merchants' Ex:
change, on. Monday thm22,l day of:June:nest.,
In LANCASTER at the,house ofi:lleary
din, Swan Hotel,an Monday, the T.id day of June
In lIARRISBUTIG, ,at. Bucher's, Hotel, on 3lon
day; the 22d day kg. June
. next.
In BLOOMFIELD, 'at I.eeky's Hotel, 'on
Wednesday, , the'iNth - day of June
In LEWIsTO?ArIV, at James Turnees•Hotel, on
Friday. the 2tith day of Jape next.
At MIFELLAITOWN, Jitniata cO.; - on the Sth
day of Julyinextt at
.Jo HUNTIINGDON,.BI:AiItIin, Hotel,on
Tuesday, the 7thdayOf July next:. r. •
In BLAIRSVILLE, at Samuel3icArtulty's Ho
tel. on Wedne:.-4y the 1:4 of July next- ' •
At. HOLLIDAYSBURG 411 triLe Calla July next,
LowrY's Tr trl.
At EBEN,SBORG, Cambtia eountr . on Tuesday
the 30W1 day of ifnue fie;il;" - at ithehouse of Wtm
Keno). !
In GREENSBURG IL at.Folier's Hotel, on Mon
day the Gth'day i of Julynext; and .•
'Li PITTSBURC.I",'at the St! Charles Hotel; on
Wedne , day,- theiStli day of July next. --,
I' Cope,l , James Mothers,
David S Brown, John White,
Thos Ttistin; j Reuben 3iullisoth
' Win A Smith,
Thp's Spaiks,i ' - Jacob Broom
G" ,
CChilds. ' Henry Flanenry,
. Henry Welsh
H. 31 .Watts ..IdSeph -
Algernon S Roberts, Sarnuol 'Hepburn,
Wm.? F W Howie,
Philip 3l{Prive, .Edward Duff,
James 3fi ,, vel, John S Cash
'Abbott Given Robert Allen,
Joel K Mann ; 3loses Montgomery;
John J 3lcCahen„ 'John C Alta er,
C ; ' !Geo W Toland,
Cha.s Kugler,;„ J Geo Miles_
David R.Portei, H Buehler,
31eForlane, J Pringle Jones,
Joseph /31Ant- Horn R Kneass,
Edward Belt.i: John S Littell;
J Fisher LeaMingi-'. E A Penniman,
Robert James Irvin,- '
Wm A - . Y rs. `'• '- Christopher, Mason,
Geo Mulhollan,:jr, GetvW Carpenter, • '
Saml.o Ford, - Win English;
Benj L Berry._ , .Benj Crispin,
Edward Davies, - . Robert Flinn, jr,•
Heory.D;GilPiti, _ John t Myers, .
'rhos P Hoopes, - John "K Kane,
Eityvaid V Gay, Chas Maealester,
James Clarte. a. Jones Brooke,
Williant Laughlin, •
IM. NeDONALD, Well and Biass
rounder, First stre:4 near Market, is
tepared.t.o nialce Bras Castings and
i brass works generally on the most
reatofilible IEIIIIS. and shortest notice.
idvites inndliinists and all thouf;
usin_-;11r:as - siworRs to git,e him "a call, 'aslie is del
termined all:Work in his line very-lovi.
may i
JOIIN ' A. W. naocsway.
No.' 2,i Commercial Raw, Liberty at.
kRP. note Opening at their new Wholesale and
_/retail Drug Warehouse; a splendid assortment
of goods and Merchandise, which have been selected
with the greatest care in Philadelphia,. New York
and Boston; consisting of Drugs, Medicines Paints,
Oils, VarnisheS, &c. together:with a splendid lot of
Perfumery,Fancy 'Soaps, Ttoth, Hair and. Cloth
Brushes, &c. All of, which,; together with a
general assortment oFUII suclirirticles as are_ustially
kept in a wholdsale and.retail Irritg store, we now of,
fer to sell as low as any other house' in this city.
We have:cohfidonce in asking the public to call
and see our etock hefore• mhking purchasci else
where; and: jufige. of the quality ,and price of-our
gaods Promnctual observation:
Country Merchants and'individuals coming in from
the country ; 14 the Canal, will find our house more
contiguous to the. ;Basin than any other - prugWare
house, andfiriay probably .to their advantage,
(as well as ours) to tall'at the "Bun CloinErs ;Mon-
Orders accompaified - tiy thd cash, promptly and
cheerfully attended to. .Fantily zund Physicians,Pre
scriptions.atcurately 'compounded at all hours. .Our
store, which is newly and neatly fitted up, is in .No.
2. Commercial Row,. Liberty st„ where we may, be
found at all times ready to wa t upon our customers.
tr.rMind, the place, No. 2, Corn. Row, near Canal
Basin. j , jc4
kiln Maoliko,o Works
THE sib
great fi
Presses, fdr
)scriber having been removed by the
ire to Allegheny, is prepared to make.
Fire Engines, j-Iydraulic and' Sere*
oil, tobacco or lany other purpose, and .
c'enerally. J. S. GWYNNE, -
I Franklin Machine Works,
!street and Dank lane, West of Federal
l egheny-eity. :
piers left in Pittsburgh 'With Mr. S.
Market:street, 2 doors below - Third
keet viithprompt attention. •
On Rebecca
street, Al
N. B. Or
Cuthbert, in;
street, will rh
Thomas Palmer, A
ertFAt importer of Wall "P'aper
ITlFir t elto, C ar T il Prints, Borders, Landscape -Paper, Ornametal Transparent Window Shades,
&c., and Dealer in Writing and Wrapping. Paper,
Bonnet and Binder's Psiards, &c., N 0.47 Market it,
between Third and Fburth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
has had on, formerperiod a stock so extensive and
assorted, as that to wh ch he now most respect- ,
fully invites] the attention. of, purchasers. It com
prises French and :Aizioricon parlor, hall; °Mee,
chamber and counting room paper_ of every quality.
The colork are brilliant and durable, and the style of
patterns unehrpassed.' By the regular line of packets
between Haire and New 'York, and from the Facto ,
ry, which isalways in active operation, and unifonn
ly supplied with the best workmen the ceriptry,ean
furnish; fijequent additions, during . the lipring and
Summer, Will be made to the goods in store. Priees,
moreover; will tie eo extieniely liblaO'iteas to meet
the siewsnf the riinst' economical, and satisfy Mer
chants and jhousekespers disposed to" examine and
judge for themselves - , that their interests will be es
sentially Subserved by buying at this establisfinient.
Rags, tow and tanners' scraps. taken in-trade, or
bought atithe regular market prices, triar23-43m
iTtICE;' - ''TWO -- '4OViNTS.:..;:' - ..
late of Dolds'lip & Brdwue; on-Mg' to the't3i4••
cease of the managing partner, is for sale, The , '
store, No. 87 Woad 'street conxpriscs'in assortment,
of Paperhanging and Borders, all manufacturod.or
imported Within the la.•it foe months of the best qiial•-•
itieS and latest styles;and includes a large ItrroicW:
of French- papms and borders jest rccilyed
much needed in the market., The VaCtirry cOmpri:
ses the Engi ne; - .Machinery, Patterns and Infirm:tents, -
all- in order for resuming -.operations irontedintely.,—«.
The established custom ~and reputation of this con , .
corn are unequalled by airy West of the mountaini,.
An opporhinity of 'airinvestment of a moderate ea;
pital so profitable is rarely • presented, Apply- ,to
David L. Browne at M. & M. Bank, or to Josiah
King at the Eagle Cotton Works, Alfcrgheny. • '
_jc6-tltl - •••'• • , • •
ECimoxilfsts; Itt itl'lmist
Trl ILE subscriber: is .tow:-selling iiat4 of the-,
- best quality at a. reduction of ten percent. be
low all others. Ile is now manulitetunruz find
"Neuter Beaver Ilats with patent - mirror in the
a beautiful article very low, .:Fine- BuqllEta'W
name style and finish; No. 2, Bush do; and every va-.
riety of pearly blue, and - white Cassimere Hats.
Weed st. het. Sixth-andi.ibertY..
JUST rceeivelfrOniNew-York - by Adams &Co's
Express, the - fbil owing.. styles Ladies Dress
Goods; which for: - beadtv arid cheapness (=not be
surpassed in any of the Eastern Cities , •
Embroidered Gingham. Robes, (new styles,) •
Graduated Org,indi de, do;..
•c Rich •Oinbri Enaged (silk and-wool) very 'cheap;
, . :11.alftrines, serry.priccanii quility. ,
Rich styles.Rep,Cashmere and De I,ailiS; .•.
Fiench Gingham and Gingham Lawilt4 '•
Paris-Printed liernanni Cobaltine. (a new drti.
els of Dress Goods, vary beautiful.)
Graduated Muslin Robes;
'White . Embroidered dial
above goods have recently teen purchased
in tbe,i'New Yorr: market since the•grcat, reduction
of prices and will be sold at a small advaitee . above
Eastern cost .by
its .Ch caper tlartit'
.A _T 1 MORRISS-No. 65: :ildarkot st, • e ,
now mi..hand the cheapest lot of Lawns ever
offered this - market. Such as are itaually sold -at
nt cents we are selling at $1,50 the Dress Pattern,
(9.yarc . 18.) Call and look at them,
enLons).—Another lot Of 1.11.,W111
opened at A. Morris's, No arket
warranted last colort;—wldeli we are selline at
Fifth Ward
THE enlisMilier, haring bought out the
well known 'Livery Stable kept by C.
Doty, in the gifth Ward„.respectfidly intbrrnu 113
friends and the' public generally, that he will keep at
all tines a stock of the 'best -description-of riding
bursas, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in abort
overy,thing reqbired in his line of business. „
A considerable portion of his stock is new, audit°
isbonfident that mistock ih the - city will be superior
Its terms will he moderate. Ilis stableds on Lib
erty street, a few - doors' alimm the canal bridge;
whore he respectfully solicits'a share of .public. - par
f)lr- He is als; provided with an elegant Hearse,.
which will be furnished when required. • tte.t2ii-tf
TXCHANGE BROKER, corner. of Wood and ltd
streets. Gold, silver and current banl notes
bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities
for sale. Drafts, notes and billi collect6d. ••
Wm. llell-&.. C 4.3 - 1 .. ,
. .. . -
John D. DaXiS,
F. Lorenzo, -- -. . • :.PitisbruTK, Pa:
J. Painter & C 0,.,.
Joseph Woodw , 9ll, ,
James May, ' ' . . - - -
Alex. Bronson & Cm, -
John H. B Co.
Brown & : - - .:,
_ .
James I.ll"Candlessi, Cincinnati; O. .
J: 11: M'Donald,;St. Loran, Mo. '-
W. H. Pope, Pre 't Bank of Ky. - . Louisville
.13ook - .And 4rob Printing-Office,
N. W. CORNER ,VCOOD_..iD,l47.ll,mz:rr.T3
_proprietors of the I . l:forning• Post and, Map,
'Cury'and Manufacture?: repectfially inform their,
friendS and the patrons of tilos , : papertythat they
have a lame and well chosen assortment of
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that thej
are prepared to eacchte •
132,01:5, Bals aLitlin g , • Circulars,
Pamphlets, Dill Heeds, - Cartra,
Handbills, Blank Cheols, • Hat Tips: • '•••
All kinds of Blanks Stage, Steamboat and Cana;
Boat Bills with appropriate ruts, ptintell ; an the tho,
test notice and most reasonable terms.
• We respecitbily ask the patronage of our friends
and the public in general imibis branch of our busi-1
July 25,1 2845
BEGS leave to. intbrm her - friends and -. the public
generally that her Select Lchool for Young La,
dies and Misses will commence the winter session on.
Monday theSth of September; at her School room in
St. Clair street, nearly opposite the Exchange , Hotel:
She refers tcithe following gentlemen:
John 13reilen, Rev. W. A.Passavant.
Rev. J. Nibloek, Wilson M'Candless, Esq,
Rev:S. Young, Allen. Kramer,
Jacob WW
elding, Esq. m. Jack, Esq..
Butler, Pa.' Jelin Bigler, Pittsiturgh.'
Any information as to terms Rtc., can be obtained
calling on Allen Kramer, Esq:.
May Arrival.
Great attrac
tion at the lett
fork Store.
• • - • Washington Hutt.: - -
Market stied, Stathenvitle, 01 to
THIS establishment lias been taken by the
undersingned, who. respectfully begs
leave to inform his friends and the public generally.
that it has - been refitted andfurnished in a style not
surpassed by any house, in this placeond, at least.
equal to any in the West. • '
Washington Hall is located in the buSiness part of
the town, on Market street, nearly oppositethe Court
House and public buildings, and within a feiv steps of
the Market. The situation is the most elevated of
any public, house in Town, commanding a 'OM cc
the River for several miles, above and below, •
An omhibus, and servants, will at all times
,be is
readiness to Convey paseerigers and their baggage - tp
and from the steamboatlanding.S. - ••
- Every accommodation
,which the
,public hay.e, 4
right to expect may now be had at the Halls,
on terms
as reasonable as offered by any other good house in
Steubenville. As the proprietor will spare no pains
or. expense-to render general satisfaction, this,. with
his long experience in the busitA, will make it the ins
terest of
-those-who., come this way, to,f 4 gitehi,44
call,dent-f. JNO - . IRONS. ._
Now. opening
the most Splen
did assortment
of. Ladies' Dresii..
Goods. Mantilas,
'Paris Vis its,
Scarfs. Shawls,
and Embroider
ics ever' offered
in Pittsburgh, at
unusual low pri
ces. Please call
and examine for
yourselves, at 7.9
Market street
New 'fat and Cap Stare,
CU-S. H. rout co*" (late of the firm
Poulson having opened his
new store at N0:43, 'Wood street; meit-door to the
corner .of Fourth s is now:manufacturing and reeei.
ring from the Eastern cities a very large assortment
of hats and caps of every description, - wairanted to
be made in the best mannerland -of thehest materiale,
Otter, Seal, Sue. and common Muskrat, Sealette,
, Hair-Seal, Plush and Glated Caps._
Alsoa fine alisoftmert of ladies, Airs, such
. aa
Lynx, ' Fitch, Genet and Coney Muffs and
and fur trimro'ingaif all oaf 'which he offers: for sale at
eastern prices • for cash, both-wholesale andretail.
Country merahants' will pleaie call and examine
my 'stock before purchasing - elsewhere.' • -
, N. E. The Fall rasbion,fitT Hats and Caps receiv.?
ed. sepMl
Corner. of Wood and.,Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
is rearly . to receive ineichandiie of vims; descripixon
on 'consignment for public or private - sale, and-from
long experience in the above buaines, flatters timaelf
that he will be able to give entire aatießction to alj
who may favor him with their patronage
Regular sales on Mondays and Tburedayif of Pry.
Mods and fancy articles, at-l 0 o'clock, B.g. •
or,grficeries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles - ,
new and second hand furniture, &c., at two O'cleck,_
P. M. '--
Sales every evening at early gaa , light. - --• 414141
~., f ~~ .~
Lathes Dress' Dodds,
N0:65 Markefst...
1111 so C. SJirlteut
.Tolth ThDnvis ,