Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, May 30, 1846, Image 4

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    . ,
t ransport ttiot; Jmca
. tt..r.s.ilgello e xtra-Portalste *-7
18446, --41 ta
11.traavorting good between Piithlsurgli and the
-ii,caterzriWities without transhipping,. This old
esSattlished line (being the .oldest.pcultibl e boat line on
;thccanal) hi now prepared to .receive produce and
Merchandise' for'ahipping either East or %Vest.. The
), aa ti'bjr.thli lino are commanded by skilful, cape
ritneed aniTtober captains, and.provided with good
craws. ' 'Boats' and cargoes are transferred .from-and
te'erinal and railroad, caving all removal and separa
lidri `cif goods.' Trips made in _as short time, and
goods carried . on as fair terms as any other line. ..
Tltankfut for,"and respectfully soliciting a, conthin
.:..aftfee;Of the:very litieral and growing patronage here
tofotialiestowed nava this hue, we with, confidence
acclaim thaseMerchants disposed to favor us, thattheir
busines4 shall 1 - .5 done. to :their entire satisfachor,.•
ly us, consigned to either of our
louies,twill be shipped, to their destination fief: of
-eitirkefor storage 'Or. advance of . charges. I
;'Ait we hold , no Interest in steamboat stock, merchants I
, taay depend upon their goods alwayabeixig forwarded
•isetiout- delay, upou good boats an' at the lowest
Aritem of freight.:
- - .
Vtoduce consignortosour house at Philadelphia
will be sold on liberal terms, and advances made
either at Pittsburgh cir - Philadelphis--.'
• .101(N 3IeFADEN 3r Co., Penn 5t,,,.
. . • Canal Basin ~Pittsburgh.
•'..TAINtEq:}, M. DAVIS & Co., 2•19. and .251,
ipilo.6m . Market st., Philadelphia.
Filiid'Orebictent P.Ortable. Boat Line.' •
• 011;the".transpritta.tion. of produce and tnerchan
' dire- to -and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore and
Philadelphia; 'no :transhipment.. The suberibers,
Igents for &number of the best portable boats,form
;tog 4 tagular daily. line between Pittsburg-ft. ai l d, the
"East.ensoltiee;will be fully prepared on the-opening
of liavigtitiorr to ship a large amount of' produce and
ItimAandlae with despatch nal on accommodating
The great success which has characterised this
made of transportation . ow the Penn.'s canals and rail
toads daring the last few y cars, notwithstanding the
.opposition..of.long.estalilished companies, and is a
pretty surodndication of its superiority over the old
.planof !transhipping at the the different terminus el
...".5.ina.141 and railroads.'We therefore , •
ask for the - Independent Portable
AlaatLiiie a:libiralshare_
of patronage.'
rradttce - er merchindize consigned to us for ship
s -ident will be for Warded immediately on arrival, free
,of any charge. for commission, storage. or insurance.
— Bab. of lading 'transmitted, and all instructions
prOrntly attended to. 'MEARS, RAYNOIt $t
Broad st.,
T . Smith's Whari; Baltimore.
. C. .1:11e-kiNULTY St Co.,
: I ' , Ga6td"Bardn;Tountain it., near Liberty, Pittsburgh.
rittsbarglx Pc!rtable 1304 t Line,
M 11846 ma= y -
the transportation a freight between Pitts
; ';llb.uralrard-tlie _ttlantie cities, via Pennsylvania-
Improvements and Baltimore and Str:Squehanna rail
road. - •
-The Proprietors of this old established-line, having',
VeOthpleted their arrangements, are prepared to for',
irctgooda to and from - the •East *(on the opening or,
f•"j'the anal navigation,) on as reasonable terms as any
:;-irtliefliesponsible. line and are determined that no
or erten:kin on their part 342.41 be wanting taw-
Mire a continuance of that patronage so liberally be
stowed upon them for several years past.
fie - ritei - ded success of the portable boat system,
so manifest in the regularity and despatch experienced
itlithe delivery of goods, the absence of all risk of
delry„breabager or other damage, incident to the old
sygenr,-whereveds Imre to be horrietily transhipped
-.:4hreet times 011,the way, and the merch.mtable order
*which produce hes heea avowedly delivered by
them, has induced. the proprietors to increase their
stock considerably this season. Their extensive
-warehouses at each point, (uneaqualleal by any other
line,)affonls them facilities to conduct their bush:ens
with despatch; and .to shippers the convenience of,
:Lime storage, if required, until their arrangements are
'..,complete -7-while their long experience iit the carry
dng trade, it is preiumed„will be sufficient guarantee '
to their patrons and the public that they will success•
fully esart themselves to give general satisfaction.
Produce received.forwarded; steamboat charges
. " . 104,70.11,a b4lilading transmitterdfree of charge fur
-- _,commie on , advancing or storage, and all cominuni
' 'cation; to the folloWing agents promptly attended to:
• - ' Cor. Penn awl Wayne sts., Pittsburgh.
278 Market street, Philadelphia.
•-• OONNORS & Co.,
• • - North st.
.Bingham's Transportation Line.
1846 7---81=-g-
}.•.D on strictSabbatli:keepingprincipleg,
'thOugh not claiming to be' the onlyline that is so
conducted. Tlie proprietoM of this old established
-' line' Wave put their stock in the niost cotriplete order.
l'''`ind'arethoroughly prepared to forwarl produce and
.iiii'irChandize to and from the Eastern cities on the
opening of navigation.
Wktrust 'that our long erperience in the 'carrying
bizzinesi, and zealous attention to the interests of cus
tomers, will secure to us a continuance and increase
of the patronage heretefore bestowed on 'Bingham's
Lute '
Our airangements will enable us .to carry freight
with the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always
be as low as the lowest charged by other responsible
':,f'rtdrcc and merchandize will be received and
icsried east and west \vithOut any chargc.fur adyerti
_ ~,sin't„ststiage or commissiOn.
Bills of ladingl'orwaxdel, and every direction
progiptly attended to. . •
Address, or apply to .- --WM. BlrtiOn32lf, •
cf.,* ,ELlairt.Aur. Liberty and Wayne sty.; Pittab'g,
No. 275 Mark6t at., pliuumphis,
No 122 North Iloviard st.,llaltimore
, . • No. 10 West st.,Now York
'WoistefliTran3portritiqn Company-.
. . (4 ,..- . _,,
1846 : a
. .
LEECH Rt co.'s old established transportation
i lines,, , (being,the first one on the 'Pennsylvania
71 Calargl between -Pittsburgh; Philadelphia; Baltimore
::. .litili Stfr York . ; aro fully prepared to transact any bu
ll/JIM that may be confided to them, in such a manner
mast giro general satisfaction. Their.stock con
,...sists-of, a double daily, line of Pennaylvania boats and
=iaroad earn , (all owned by themse lves,) which ena
bles them' to carry a large quantity of freight with cer
tainty and despatch, in as short time and on as livor
--abletertai as any: other responsible line.
Prodocc or merchandize consigned to any of th'e
iisidaisigned forwarded free of any charge or corn-
Mission or storage. Tobacco for. Philadelphia, car
' lieilliyntitlinc; will be delivered at the city Tobacco
I.. Nrarehouse,Doek street, in the cars, without drayogo.
Tliebosimms of theie lines will be conducted on
Sabbath-keeping princ iples.
Address or apply to . D. 1.,8EC11 8. Co.,
, ' -Canal Basin, Penn bt., Pittsburgh.
• • .Dros• 13 and 15 South Third street Philadelphia.
...10S. 'TAYLOR & SONS,
111 and •=-.'North HOward bt., Baltimore.
. P. 0ItICK; 7 West st. New York.
- • PlokwortliPs - Line, -
The proprietor of the following
t•-• Canal-Boat, have, at the solicita
tion of a number `.oh. Merchants in Pittsburgh, and
'route •of Caual,made arrangements to
•, - . : -.*•forma-regutar,daily line for the transportation of all
Binds - of- IVerchandize.,_ to., and from , Pittsburgh,
-. , ....:Slairavilleijohnstown,Ralliclay . f6nrg,. ;Vetter .street,
: and all intermediate placea. . . ,
L I One boatwill-leave the. warehouse...of C. A.;1+1 , .A.m.
'laity& Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, every day, (ax
„<tept -Sunday,)- and shippers, can. depend on having
their-goods forwarded without delay and-on accorn.
xiceciating terms. ••
We respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage:.
:. rao , axEToES.
J. PICKWORTII, boat Niler • • : '
• - • • • - ••••,‘ Exchange; ' •
.4 •
If:I.4IABSIES, Push; •
,:- . •
i,L-PICKWORTH;Johndto*h; •
•-• , AULLEB , HoilidaYsbatk•
ap2l _ ,
' • •ii Leech iC comi- 7
. _
'Votnil'ut , w-t . ipolli the itittP4 , 6 Espressi'which has been
: - ,potablieticd,rotthe cqnieyance of valiableihitkages
• r n ze „ Bank antes; jewelry; &c. ;
vtiltresience limning on Mondaj; 6th April.
Aa'lron Chest will be dispatched daily; during the
traveling season. Apply to D. LEECH & Co.
ay 9.3i0 - corner Pima it. and Canal.
4h t '
Cri „:17; ' .4.4
sErnk xftton £iue£ .
1 8 4 6 44
11.1..3KELY IttlTCll47,,:Arehts.
MMITTANCES to and Passage to and froth I
Great. Britain aud Ireland, by the Black Ball, or
olct Lined Liverpool Packets. Sailing: from New 1
York'end Liverpool on the lit and 16th' of every
month. • Arid by first class American Ships (Sailing
Weekly:lf, - . • .
Perionit Sanding to the "Old Country> , for their 1
friendif; sari AiLike the necessary, arrangements : with
-the subaaribettl, and have thein.brought out .in aity,of l
the ei&b.tiiltipi
,cornprising.the Black, BattorOld Line'
of ;LiverpOol Pickets; (aailing from Liverpool on the ,
Ist and 16th Of every month;) also by fast dais ships,.
sailing:hem' that port weekly, which 'our Agents,
Melissa. Jame 4 D. Roche & Co., there. Will scsalout
with - QUI - delay, • • 1 •• . '
' Should those seutforzet come out the money will
be refunded without any, deduction..
The :"Black Ball, or old Lime of 'Liverpool Pack
ets," comprise the following. magnificent ships, and
will sail front Liverpool on. their regular appointed
day, so f(dhlWB :
Fidella, Cin ,Dit• ",it May, tat Sept.
Europe, .. .. . .... .16th " 16th " 16th ' "
New Ist Feb. , Ist June. ' lat Oct.
• Pith " 16th " 16th ff-
Y0rk5hire,.......J.;,.... let Mar. lot July. Ist Nov.
~ -16th 4 ' 16th " 16th Dec
Oxford,. •Ist April. Ist Aug. Ist "• 1
Montezuma, 16th " 16th " 16th " 1
Antics(—lt is well known, that the Black Ball is
the very beat conveyance for persons to get out their
friends, and as other passenger agents advertise to
bring out passengers by that Line, the publics are re
spectfiilly notified by the owners that no passenger
agents, hut Roche, Brothers & Co., and Blakely &
3litchel, arc authorised to adyertisrand Lo.b.ring, out
passengers by that Liue.
We hate at all times for the Drafts at Sight for any
amount, direct on the Royal Bonk of Ireland,. Dub
lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co.,
Bankers, London, which. asspoid free of discount, or
any charge,
whatever, all the principal towns
throughout England, I rel Scot] and and Wales.
Apply to,. or inltlrcas,if by Letter, (post paid.)
No. 35, Fulton street New York.
(Next door to the Fulton Bank.
JAMES D. ROCHE. & COsti Office,
No. 20, Water street, Liverpool.
Or to . BLAKELY & 31ITCHEI.,
Fenn street; near the Canal Bridge,
myll and Smithfield at, near sth.
Tapsoott's General Emigration °Tee.
IIIinITITANCES and passag to
IRELAND, by W. dr .1, Tapscutt
75 South street, corner of Maiden Laue, New.. York,
aad Waterloo rocs! Liverpool.
The subscribers having aeceptra the ageWey of
Cie above house, are now prepared to make arrange
ments upon the must liberal terms, with those desi
rous of paying the passage of their friends front the
old Country, and flatter theraeseives,fleir character
and long standing in business. will give ample as
surance that all their arrnageswents will be carried
out faithfully..
Messrs. fir 2. T-Tapsetrtt, are len and favor:i
-d:11y known 14r the sirperior accommodation
and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships. The
inPOOL, and ,SIDDONS, two. of which lense ea ch
Port - monthly, from New York the gra and 26th and
Truitt Liverpool-the 6th and 11th, in addition to which
they hare arrangements with the St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets to insure a depar
ture from Liverpool, every fiv edays being thus deter-
mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their
creasing patronage, while Mr. W. Tapscott's constant
per-senai superintemdance of the trasincso in Liver
pool is an additiorral security that the comfort and
accommodation of the passengers will be .particu
larly attended to.
The-subscribers being (as tistvaly extensively enga
ged in the Transportation Business binween Pittsburg
and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take
charge of and forward passengers - immediately on
their landing, without a chance Of disappointment or
delay, and are therefore prepared to eontrad. for Os-
sage from any sea port inGreat Britain or Ireland to
this City; the nature of the business they are engaged
in giving them facilities fur carrying passengers an
Gtr inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ne:
cessaryo forward passengers furthm West by th,
best mode of conveyance without any additional
charges for their trouble. Where persons seat for
decline coming-out, the amount paid for passage trill
be refunded in full.
The subscribers arc also , prepared to give drafts at
sight, for any amount payable at the principal Cities
and Towns in England, Ireland, Scotland and
Walm; thus affording a safe and expeditious mode of
Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons
requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to
avail themselves of.
Applicatiou (if by letter poat paid) will be prompt
ly atteuded to
- - - -
Forwarding and Commission Mercibuitn,
mar 27 d&wy. Pittsburgh, Pa
No . 4G.
Market street, 3 doors above Third street.
AItROWS& TULLY Klt are now receiving their
stqck, coniplete, of new SPRING AND sCrlll-
NIElt GOODS.. Package containing the choi...est
Dress Stuffs, Shawhs,&e.&c...are received at No. to
by almost elery arrival froth the East; so that at
alt times may be found, not alone the nen est and
most brilliant desiggi and filluicks, but also a great
variety of family articles, which we feel confident
will meet the highest expectation.tif our friends Luxi
all 'purchasers:
New and beautiful Paris primal Lawns;
One package (extra rich) Balzurines;
Plain and striped 'corded Lama Cloths;
Two packages of new and splendid Dress Silks,
of the latest importation; ,
Splendid Exposition Berages;
Pyramidical graduated 'Organdy Robes;
Superior French ernbroiderel - Ginsharn Robes;
Ombri shaded Mous de Lanis;
White dress Goods, beautiful variety.
New and splendid styles Berage;
New style Paris printed Cashmere;
Wrought and plain silk fringe Thibet;
Plain B Gro de Rhine Silk;
Ombri rhaded Mous du Laine;
Superior striped and plaid Stunlillas;
Ombri shaded and figured Cashmere;
Ombri watered Ottoman Silk;
Rich figured; Damask Silk;
Satin striped and figured de Laine:
7-1 and 8-1- Henniquirfs sup. black Merino;
Superior China Pearl Braid;
do lace edge Florence Braids;
Royal patent Dunstable;
Superior Rutland and Tuscan;
Misses different' patterns.
. Superior English pedal llutlands;
do • French , Lace,. (new article,)
French Gimp, Rutland Brilliants, &c. &c.
RIBBONS.--Seieral boxes, embracing all the
style and fashion of tha day, in both high and low
Ladies' rich Fancy Cravats; Revere Linen Cam
bric Hdlcfs, Bajou'S beet make; Paris Kid Gloves,
in all shades and numbers; sup; silk and Lisle
thread do- '
Parasols, Parosoletes and Sun Shades.
or Domestics is unusually large, poSsessing great
advantages to the perchaser, - comprising in part—
One lot Irish Linen, at great bargains;
Superior French Counterpanes;
Bleached and brown Sheetings and Sliirtings;
Furnittire Checks, 'fickings, Diapers, Crash,
CALICO PRINTS.-10 cases Chintzes and
Calicoes, embracintinore.than 300 direrentstyles,
from-the most celebrated manufactories in Ameri
ca; most - of them new _designs, warranted fast col
ors: - 2 cases beautiful , styles," lightantl dark shades;
price, 123 cents.'
• .
Fussell -C.:Luz-in— : 4lns Black, Invisible Green,
Fashionahle../3rown, and Other shades..
French and English Cassirneres k stapler slid fan
eyi superior and low priced. • ,
Rich Fancy Vestings Garnbrooirrs, Linen
Goods, Sul:timer Stuilit; styles:)
Four Packages Gents extra rich Dress Scarfs
and Cravats, satin,
,sup. boiled silk Swiss, ¢c. &c.
Gent's •largo sizes Linen: Cambric from
cents to the hest articleinTtise;
Made=up-.Shirts f.incy and plain, celebrated make
of G. •13-'Pricy, N.- Y. Price, frona $lOO to all
grades Superior
Silk - Suspendert;
_Satin Stocks, &e. '
Wholesitatu3i - ersand lllllninhaiters'of 'Dry
G; ti
in‘upon us, at our number,' 46, and examine
and prices. BARROWS & TURNER,
myl 46;Market street, Pittsburgh.
.77 L'.."7-•-•--
11 .,, t,
- .
Good Intent Fast NAG -for Plidlridelphln )
, Cf.SPiendid:.neto Troy built : Coaches, . and .
Leaves Pittsburgh daily; nt 1 o'clock, P. Id. run•
ning through in 48 , hours, ascending. the hills with
six, horses and .postillion. Front Chamberabtug by
Railroad to Philadelphia, in splendid -newly built
,Eight wheel Cars; there connecting with Mail Cars
for New York; also'at Charubersburg with Mail Lines
Baltirnore and Washington City. •
01•01lices for the'abore Lille, - next door tothe
Exchange Hotel, St. Clair street; and opposite the
St..Chades Hotel,. Wood street.
july2-y. ' W. It. 310ORNEAD,Agn.
Oppoaitlnn Good Intoiit Line
Leaves Pittsburgh daily at P. NI. running
throth• in 46 hours, Ascending the mountain with
sir horses and postilion.' Only one night out to
Chanibersburgh. thence by Railroad to Philadelphia,
(being the only Line, running their own ears on the
roadoconneeding with Mail Cars for New York; also
at Cbambcraburgh with nail lines dilect to. kidthnoso
and Washington City.
0j Office second door below the St. eliailee Ho
tel, Wood street.
184,6. .
V PIII-LADELIMIA, only 73 miles staging. The
splendid fast running steamers, Consul, and Louis
MLane have commenced making their regular trips
between Pittsburgh and Brownsville.
- The morning boat leaves the Mouon•":diela wharf,.
above tliti Bridge,. preaisely at 8 o'clock.
Passengers by this boat take the stages at Browns
ville same evening at 4 o'clock, and the splendid care
of the 13altimore and Obi* railroad at _Cumberland
nest morning at 8 o'clock, reaching Baltimore the
same evening—only 32 hotirs through (ram Pittsburgh
to Baltimore, and 40 hours to Philadelphia.
The 'evening boat leaves at 6 o'clock. Passengers
by the tmening-tont will lodge on theboat in comfort
able -
able staterooms the first night; will pass over the
beautiful mountain scenery in daylight: sup and lodge
in Cumberland. Thus avoiding night travel alto
The Proprietors of thia mote, in order to make the
connection complete between Brownsville and Cum
berland, have placed on the road 50 splendid Troy,
Albany, Concord and Newark Coaches, of the most
improved models, and fifty teams of the best young
homes the country affords, in addition to their turn
er stock; they feel satisfied they will be able to ac
commodate:2nd give ratisfaction to all who may pa
tronize their route. By our tickets passengers bars
choice of either steamboat or railroad between Bal
timore and Philadelphia, and have the privilege of
stopping at Cumberhunl. and Baltimore and resume
their seats at pleasure. For tickets apply at the of
fice, at the St. Charles Hotel, Wood street, or at the
wharf boat. J. NIESKIMEN, Agent.
No. ac, Slnapson's How.
J UST received a general assortment of se-asoctable
fancy awl staple Dry Goode, bought from man
ufacturer, awl importeis, (and not at Auction) at
the Loved cael prices, all of which will be warrant
ed sound and perfect.
Pyramidical Graduat&l Rubes_
Embroidered and Striped Tarlatan Robes;
Organdy Graduate
Sup. Sup. French Lawns.
Embroidered Bera ges.
Polka and Mazurka Berages.
French Gingham Lawns.
French, Scotch and American Gingliants.
Black Satin Striped Berages.
Black and Colored BUTOrineS.
Fahey Dress Silks, Plain, Figured and Striped.
Plain Black Silks.
Watered and Striped Si!.ks
Silk Warp Alpava.
New style De Lainee.
Fine Chintzes.
Swiss Muslin, plain and figured.
Bisluali Lawn, Jaconet.
Plain and Barred Cambric,
Nansook and Victoria' Lawns.
Color,' Barfield Linen Cambric Ildkfe.
Revere Bonlered Cambric thikte,
Mara tick Cambric Handkerchiefs.
Tape Bortleld
Mull, Sr, iss, Jacunet and Thread Edgings and
Linen Canibrics.
Inside Cullum
Outside do
Rifp Styles of Bonnet Ribbon,.
Shacklefunde importation of Light Dark Kid
Long awl Short Nett Gloves awl Mite.
Litre Thrt-al and, Embroidered Silk Gloves.
Plain Thibet, embroidered, new style Cashmere,
embroidered De Laine,printed, black fillet Eoeltwa
aint Bra . age Shawls,Scarfs and Cravats, black and
colored Silks, &c..
Made to ord, all the new and improved styles,
of J. & M. SAUNDERS, .:SLinufacture.
All the celebrated xnakessillorteneh and Eng
lish, Cloths; 3-1 and 6-3 doe shin Cassimere-, diago
nal cord Cassimere; new tltylpitlressmi French
Cassimere, inimitable; with a variety of English
airf Americau Cwitiluere; a general •• ..a.ssurtment of
Of the meat impruNt..,.l makes, dres.e,Land undress
ed or soft finished, hand spun aidgi.la3 bleached,
warranted all flax.
Parasols, ParasoletS and Sun Skiirds.r.
Superior Cheeks, Cottonandiatifltrn together with
a stock of domestic and Staple Goods; not suriras
sed by any other house iu the west. Buyers are
earnestly requested to call and 'examine the stock
previous to purchasing elsewhere.
myl2-5m No. 00 Market st., Pittsburgh, Pa.
WESTY.RVELT, :the old and well known
Venitian Blind Maker, formerly of Second
and Fourth ats. t takes this method to inform his many
friends of The fact that his Factory is now in full op
oration on St. Clair et., near the old Allegheny
Bridge, where a constant supply pt' Blinds of various
colors and qualities, is constantly kept on hand and
at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers.
N. B. It' required, Blinds will be put up so, that
in cam: of alarm by fire, or alteswise, they may be
removed without the aid of a screw-driver, and with
the same facility that any other piece of furniture
can he remored, and without any extra expense.
2 _44 JOHN D. MOIWAN, Inokrate.and Retail
Druggist, No. 93/ Wood street, one door South
of Diamond Alley, PittsburglL—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, coaksting of Drugs of : all kinds,
Dye Stuflk, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,
&c., together wilt all such articlesas . are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his artitles both
as to quality and price,will please such as may fa-'
rot him with a.call. . my'J• y
. .
4ohn 41. Townsen4,, •
ket street, three doors ahoie Third street; Pitiii
buro4, will have constantly on'hand a well seleetOri
assortment of the beid - and frethestMedidirieS t - Whieh
sell 'on the , most 'reasonOble terms- -, Physi
cians sending• orders will beo-promptly attended to,
m sdsupplied wit# articles. they -dray: r e ly 'upciti as
. .
Physicitercl., prescriptions! , wilt be accurately. and
peatlyprepured 'from the test at any hone
of ihe day or
ibr eale, a large stock of flesh - rued good
perfumery. des 30
nl' = ~ __
-:Y ~
.:. , :'.:•;.:.'-'7'.4.ti( . :41.01.4; , :.1,;ii','",:',:-]:
Of splendid nog built Coaciles.,ana
Monongahela Route.
Voultlan Minds.
- New Drug Store.
#ifito . uranit
Intitemattg ngalnot.loss,or damage ttly'Rlre
,MultiaC,Priticfple' Coribined,titathe ciddlifaiud
• semi - list of. a Stoek Capita:
of Phila.-Charter Perpetual.
Goorge'W. Toland,':'' John M. Atwood,
TliomasC. Mahal,- :Lewis R. Aahliiirsi;
Win. It. Thompsen,-- George N. Baker;
GeoTge M. Stroud John J. Vanderkemp,
Georgcy: Carpenter. ,
. _ . .
make insurance agabutt , damage by
V Ere, - l'ittifburgh _and 'vicinity, on Houses,
Storeo.and ether:buirdlngs, and ow Fnmiture, Goods,
Wares, and. Merchandise; limited or perpetual; in
town or;country;fon the moat &storable terms,.
The Muteal Prbsciptc, 'doMbined with a Stock
Capitaloinch die 'other provisions of .ilie Charter of
this Company,. isttlit out unusual inducements,_.biith
of profit and safety, to those desirous of effecting ilk.
surance, to which the Company ask the attention and
examination of those interested.
The Capital Stock of the Corepaziy-is invested in
good and sufficient securities., 'After providing for
thelooses'accruing to the Company, in the course of
its business, the stockholders are entitled to receive
out of its income and profits an interest not exceed
ing six per cent, per annum on the Capital Stock-act
ually paid amount. or which interest, itis ex
pected, will be :supplied by funds invested—and
thereafter, all the remaining profits are to accumu
late and be held,. in like manner with the Capital
Stock,. for the better iccurity of the assured. But
certificates bearing interest, payable anntralty, trans
ferable on the books of the Cortipany,and cows% erta
bin at any time into Capital Stock, will be issued
therefore to the Stockholders and insured members,
in proportion to the amount or Stock held, or premi
um paid by them respectively, agreeably to the pro.
visions of the Charter. '
Those effecting insurance with this company have,
besides the usual protection against loss, by the ordi
nary method of - insurance, the additional advantage
of a direct participation in the profits of the CoMpa
ny w•ithmuaany liability. --
GEO. W. TOLAND, President.
11. M. IliNctrusis, Secretary..
The subscriber who in dull , authorized Agent for
the above inameSCompany, is prepared to make in
surances, at the Office of the Agency, No. 2, St.
Charles Hotel, a: Third street, a few dtiors above
Wood street, and will give all further information
Pittsburgh, May 30, 1345. derry ileta
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company
GIIARTER PERPETUA L. $400,800 paid in oi-
See 101, Chestnut st., north aide, near Fifth.—
Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against
loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of
every description, in town or country, on the most
reasonable terms: Applications, made either per
sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to.
C. N. BANCEER, Prest.
C. G. DAIPCKER, Sec•y.
Charles N. Dandier, Jacob R. Smith,
Thomas Hart, ' George %V Richards,
Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Boric,
Samuel Grant, David S. Brown.
WARRICK Manirtre, Agent, at the Exchange Wine
of Warrick Martin, & Co., corner of Third and Mar
ket at:vets.
Fire risks taken on building! and their contents in
'Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country.
lin marine. or inland navigatiCariahn taken.
aug l-v.
_ _ .
Fire and Marine Insurance
WIRE insurance Company of North- America, of
Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent,
the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited
Insurance on property, in this city and its siellUty,
and on shipments by the canal and risers.
Arthur C. Coffm,Preal. Samar! Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith,
Edward Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown,. Jacob M. Thomas,
John White, John R. Ned:
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,
Win. Welsh, Henry Sherrard,Sec`y.
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the'Uni
ted States, loving been chartered in 1.7-1. Its char
ter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long
experience ' ample means, and avoiding all risks of
an extra h azardous character, it may be considered
as offering ample security to the public.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones Ex Co. Wa
ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh.
1. Philadelphia—Charter perpetual--Capital 500,-
paid in. Office in Philadelphia No. 52 Walnut
street—Wm. Davidson, Pre t; Frederick Fraley,
Sec'y. This old 'and well established Cempauy con
tinues to insure Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture,
and Property, not of an earl hazardous character,
against loss or damage by Fire.
Applications for Insurances in Pitts ,and its
neighborhood will bu received, and risks taken
either perpetually or for limited periods, on favora
ble terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent,
dcc '2l No. 26, Wood street.
,)gents at Pittsburgh, for the ikkneare Mutual
Safety insurance Company qf Philadelphia.
FIRE RISKS upon Buildings and Merchandise of
every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls
or cargoes of vcssels,Liken upon the most favorable
Office at the warehouse of King & Holmes, on
Water st.„ near Market street, Pittsburgh.
\.-D. King & Finney invite the confidence land
patronage of their friends and community at large to
the Delaware M.S. Insurance Company, as an testi
tution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia—
ns having is large paid in capital, which, by the oper
ation of its darter,: is constantly increasing—as
}lidding to each person insured his dne share of the
profits oC the Company, without involving him in
any responsibility , whatever, beyond the premium
actually paid in by him; and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle ivested of every obnoxious
feature, and in Rai:sant attractive form. nov Irtf
Agency of the Franklin Fire Dimaratire
Company -at Philadelphia.
N. E. earner j Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
PPM. assets of the company on the filet of Jamu
-1 ry, 1.40, all published in conformity with an act
of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were
Bonds and 31ortgages, $6l/0,615 93
Real Estate, at cost, ......... • . 100.961 77
Temporary. Loans, Stocks and Cash,... 207,499 72
Making a total of • $909,683 •L"
Affording certain assurance that all losses will be
promptly met, and giving entire security to all who
obtain policies -Gan this Company. Bilks taken at
as low rates as are consistent with security.
oct 8 • . WARRICK MARTIN, Agent.
Stammering , Cured.
V. I: are requested to give notice that Professor
-KING has arrived in this city, and will open
his institution for instruction in ELOCUTION, and
die permanent cure of STAmmEntno, LISPMU, and
alt ether defects in articulation and the voice, on
Monday, May 11th, at Mr. Shinto's, .1 doors above
the, footof Penn street, Mr. K's stay in this city is
limited to four months, therefore early application
will : be requisite. The. system taught is, purely
philosophical, and •.varies materially from all other
The original of the following recarrunendation
i s i n t h e possess i on o f Mr. King, signed by the Rev.
Dr. J.lll. Wainright,, Rev. Wor, Ware, Wm. For
rest, Esti.; end PrefesSor John Giiscom.
. •
• New Yonx, 314' 31;1831.
We cheerfully recommend W. D. King to the
public as fully corripetent to coirec titamineri ng, and
and - all Other impediniente of speech, having
ncsicd 'thc - rjjrcts of his instruction. W have
known Mr: King for 'severaliyears as a successful
teacher of Elocution.' .
sazi-A - pamphlet voritiiiiiing - certificates' of cures
from 1830, and taniinoniaisind recommendations
of the highest re : liectability, will be forwarded
when requested, and may, be had at the institution.
Terms moderate "`AU letters offiltquis3- 7 —post-1
paid-will meet With„proMpt-attelition. •
ClDASeligitElogution will be formed. Six per:
sons iii ems Will receive 30 lessons for $3 each.
For a course of private, ins:tructions-,3o.lessons—
for $3O, ' inay 1 1
I UST rieeiYork,ayrd from New largo quantity
llavanna4nd Princifie SegaM . of, the , most
popular and superior brmnle.noW in use.. AlsO ' an
excellent article of clii . Wink 'Tobiieii and -'several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for, sale.
Nm 66, Third street, two doors from the Poii
rs+.;.s-r~2z, - rr ~K= ter. - .:.:_ -~. c:. - ..:.,sz.
• •
0 .T S. ,•• „
Q . CIIIE-Droggists are misled into - the error otbuyr
td . Di. Smith'eStig,ar 7
Coated Indian Vegetahle 'Simply because 'the
can purchase the ripiuriouscheaper. ah . allie all
cases'expOSe tiachAialers. thiongliout - the country,
.whei;;after beingr . dtity-informed of the rascality of
these imitators, buy•and attempt to. impose upon the
public with such worthless trash: -,lr.iOxiot the
,coating, alone that .e.onatitutea_ile value of my
bat At is my -invention,-for. which .1 claim ; the
173 Greetiwiekif. and 2' Water et...BOSton.
READ AND . JUDGE:-. , •lloonr..42vT.FACTS.
We, the undersigned, Whelesale
isville, Ky., are satisfied, from all the information
that WOcan'Obtaia, that Dr.. G. BENIAMINSIMITH
is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coktetl ?ilia.
We are prepared to supply - dealers at the New
York.price. • . - •
Robinson, Peter 4--Caraj,'492l.lain. street.,
J. S. Morris,* Cal, - 461 Main
Rupert * Lindenberger, 511 Main •
George Lapping 4- Co. 79 Fourth at.
— Dull 4- Alden, 81 Four th at. •
The following from druggists in New York'sfois
I invented--the Sugar Coated Pills in 1843: ;-..-
New "lurk, June leth„
We; the undersigned, never:saw or heard of -”Su. :
gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G. Benjamin Smith man
ufactured and exhibited them to us about a year since._
Rushton* Co. 110 Broadway and 10 Astor House - .
Israel Randolph, M. D. 86 Liberty st
Horace Everett,. 96 Hudson at.,
John Castree, 97 Hudson st." ; '
David Sands, 79 Fulton st.
I have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most ag
gravatedibim for thrift years past, and found no re
relief until I Used - Dr. G. Benj.- Smith's "Sugar-Coat
et! Indian. Vegetable Pills." Ater using six boxes of
said Valuable pills, I entirely cured. •They' are
a general remedy. J. K. LE.E.MAN..
Paducah; KY. Nov. 9,1845. .
We certify to the above facts.
Dr. Smith's "Sugar-Coated Pills" are universally
esteemed in this vicihity. •• _ • .
• HODG.EGIV - WiS & Co,Merchant , .
Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19, 1845. , . • •
At the request of Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's agent
we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Dr.
Smith in September last, while in New-Yoth, and
found him to all appearance carrying oil a very ex
tensive business with his Sugar-Lleatd Indian Vege
table 'Pills. The extent of his establishment-would
astonish any one not initiated in the rays:erica of this
pill trade.—Louisville Journal.
.• (From Dr. Singleton.) •
Smithland, (Ky.) Feb. 24,.1816.
• Dr. G'. Benj. Smith.—Dear Sir: Nothing has ever
been introduCed that has sold so well and given such
general' satisfaction as your Sugar-Coated Improved
Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully, yours;
(From Bull & Alden.) • -
(Ky.)Feb. IStb, 1648.
; Dr. G. Dent. Smith—Dear Sir: Yru will please send
us 12 gross of your valuable Pitts. From present in
dications we shall sell a large amount of them.--;
We find that they go very quick. • Your frieudi,
. ( From Wilson, Starbird & Smith.)
Louisville, Feb. 13th,1849..
Dr. Smith—Dear Sir: About Iwo Week s we
bouht 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat
ed Pills. Though business is dull 'here at this time,
yet we have sold them all. Yoe will please send us
10 gross through Messrs. Lawrence & Keese, of your
city, who will forward them - to us via Pittsburgh - .
Yours, respectfully,.
We have forty letters from different dealers solicit
ing the agency of my Pill, iltbongh they had the spu
rious in their store—one is particular from New Or
leans, which we shall publish.
Principal Offices:---New York, 179 Greenwich st;
Boston 2 Water at. -
0? G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written, on the bot
tom of every box of genuine "Sugar-Coated Pills."
Rogers—William Ifenderson Druggist, 205 Liberty
street - Pittsburgh: John Sergeant Allegheny city.
mayl647m. •
StLU Raoules Wonderful Ctiii of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, l
Spitting Blood, Difficalty of Breathing; Pail& in
the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart,
Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution,
Sore Throat, Nervous Debility,
and all diseases of Throat. •
Breast and Lungs, the
most effectual and
speedy curets-sir
known for
any of
- above diseases • ,
Dr. Swayer—Dear Sir: I feel it a_ debt of
gratitude due you—and a duty to the afflicted gm:-
erally,-to offer my humble testimony in favor of your
Compound Syrup ofPrunus.Viiginia, or Wild Cher
ry, or rather of Its medicinal virtues. Some three
years Xmce I was violently attacked with cold 'and
intlaniation of the Lungs, which was accompanied
wi, very distressing cough, pain in the breast and
head a very considerable discharge of offensive
mucus thus the lungs, frequent from them, especial
ly from changes of weather, however alight. At first
I felt no alarm about my condition, but was pretty
aeon convinced that I was rapidly going into con
sumption. I grew daily weaker, and at length was
scarcely able to walk about.or speak above a whis
per, such was the exceeding weakness of my lungs.
During this rime. I had tried various preparations and
prescriptions, but found no relielL-Irowing all the
tune worse. Jus t here I was advised and persuaded
by a dear friend in Wilmington, to inhke trial of
your Syrap of Md. Che rry; I mast confess that pre
viously I had been prejudiced against patent medi
'eines, and am still against those coining out of the
hands of 'empirics, but understanding your claims to
the. profession and practice of medieine, and having
implicit faith in the say so Of, my. friend, I forthwith
purchased of Dr. Shaw,4llrbr your agents, a few
bottles, and commenced its use. My disease at
this time was of 20 or - 24 simptha etallding. conse
quently, was deeply' seestillent• therefore required
time and a number of &Mee to effect a'ure in my
ease; I found, how ever, considers relief from the
first four or five bottles. - But-htWa publicspeaker,
1 fiequently attempted to preach with my increasing
strength and health, and thereby raptured those yes._
eels that had already began..toltehl, in this way,
doubtless, my, care was greatly retarded, ILI =Use
que:nce of acting thus imprudently,l had to use 12
or 15. bottles before I was perfectly restored. I h ave
no quistion; a much .smaller.ber of bottles
would have made me aorind i - butibi -- the'abeire indis 7
credo's. The Syrup allar Cid the feverish-habit, done
away-the distressingtmgh, put a• stop to 'thodis
charge of matter from the lungs, and gave them and
the entite system, good health. Thanki botoGod,
who. is, the source of all health, and to Dr. Swayne
for it.. I would ,recommend the Syrup to all per
sons whe'esay he affected with colds, cough or con
sumption. Iverily believe it will cure consumption
in the first and 'second stages, and in the lid, will
give ease.and prolong life. It is an' excellent'medi-
CLEM. in •eases of whooping. Cough, and is so very
pleasant to the mate, that childrest will cry fbr
have deferred offering this certificate until now, for
the purpose of being perfectly satisfied with the per
manency of the cure, and now that I feel perfectly
well; I offer it With pleasure
'. • REV. 3. P. JORDAN.
Duplin County, N. C., Dec. 13, 1545.
IY.r The (original and only) genuine article is only
prepared by Dr. - Swayne, Northwest corner Bth and.
Race streets, Philadelphia.
Remember, all_ preparations. purporting to contain
Wild Cherry, are fictitious and counterfeit, except
that bearing the written signature of Dr. Swayne.—
Great caroshould he observed Ca purchasing of the
authorized agents. The, only. .agents,. - in- Pittsburgh
foc,the sale of the - genuine medicine are, Wm. Thorn,
i)3 -Market at.; Ogden 6; SnOwden,_cairner of Wood
- and' 2d at., and Jones, 180 Liberty st., where it
can be ebtained genuine, wh - olesale and retail,'at
proprietor's 'prices. 'Sold by 'John Mitchell,
gheny city;-L. B. Hinman, - ,Cineinuati;;Dri'Megolfin,
Mercer;- It." -Bartels-6c Co.; . Erie, Merril 4
Co. Louisville; Dr. E. Easterly - & _Co., St, Leuis;
tew Oliver & Co., :New Denig:k. Son,
Columbus; Boyd, Corns &.Co., Butler; Itlaakenzie; &
,Dr.. Baker; Wheeling, Va.; Wm.
R. Wood; :Maysville, ;.Ky.; hliller, Iliownsrille; Dr.
H. Campbell &Co, UniontoWn; IL E.7ohninair, Cum
berland; .Daybpi . 444.hy agents , :m id! .
parts - of -the United &axes, ' : • -
J. T/lINES, Jit
H. HIGBY, No. 12 Wood, 3 doom from
Fifth stmt. New =Lids of Queensware
.China— r ptst received and now opening, a splen
did ,assortment of rich French, - Gilt and plain Dins
log *td. "ktnware, new and fashionable shapes..
Also, line white lronitope,..and
ti 4 Or* . attvrOM:of- every Y4 1 4 1 /i 49!? Dark
'A9NY-kli , titter a complete together
with .o velleelecitid stock ;o4'nnltunon Tionds,
frop-Spaftirrlsltirl t Potteries, to all of-,*hielChO
would respectfully invite the attention of t his &midi
and the public. nlyt
Neatocti-and sasgical. °Aloe:
Health is' the chaffs( : of life ) r witlibutit gold, -
Love; letters; friends, all, are =enjoyed,
~ uLarly educated physi,,, l
a from ;the eastern: , eft- 1
, would respectfullY
'lance, to the citizens of
ttsburgh,..Alleghetfy and
teinity,- that he eau be
ansulted privately and
tonfidentially,. every day
cuing at his office - on
miond 'Alley,- a few
Jr-' tram Wood street,
towards the market. - -
Dr. Brown gives his particular' ttention' to the
treatment and' investidatiosi of the , following dissa-
All diseases arising from-Impurities of the Blood,
scrofula, syphilis, seminal - weekness,- impotency,
salt rheum,diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism,
'piles, palsey. ,
. Dr. Brown has much pleasure in announcing to
the public, that he is. in possess , ion of,thelate.st is
formation- and improsement _in the treatment of
secondary syphils, practised at the Paris Lock Hos
pital. The modern researches on syphilis, its
complications and comequen - ces, and the improved
modes of practice which have been made known
to the public but recentley, and to those chiefly
who make this busa, of .11edicine, their particu
tar study and practise,
Many new and valuable remedies haveheen late
ly introduced, whichsecures the patient being mer-
curialized out of existence., Strangers are apprised
that Doctor Brown has, been educated in every
branch. of medicine, and regularly admitted to
practise, and that he now confines himself .to the
study and practice of this particular brarteh,togeth
, er with all diseases of a, private or delicate nature,
:incident to the hilmanfrrune. No care, no pay.
F Recent cases ate relieved in a short thrie, with=
! out interruption from business_
o.olfice onDiamond,Alley, a few doors from
Wood street, towards the market.' Corrsultations
strictly confidential-, • -•my.t2-d&wy
Preserv . i the Teeth.
T i tift better isit to cure the tolithache in one Min
_U ate ; by using - Wheeler's Teabeity Tooth Wash,l
than to suffer the aching; also to cure soreness of the-
gums, cure softness of -the -gunae, stop bleeding - , of
the gums, and - always keep the teeth,. gums and
mouth pleasant, and in the , best state of health.
Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TEABERRY
TOOTH. WASH to the public, it is the painful duty of
the proprietor, to state that this article, 11/Ida:is the
original, and only genaine Teaberry Tooth Wash, has
been imitated by numerous Teaberry Tooth Washes
Teaberry Tooth - pastes, arida variety of articles Witg
the mane Tkaterry annexed to them, *fien;in fact,
this article is the first that ever bore the name of
Teaberry, and ls the only one which possesses the
real virtue of the plant, and established all the celeb
rity for it, :which induced ethe . rs to
i make .neef its
intrinsic o
name, though they never did prsent its virl
toes to the public. As evidence that it is the first
preparation of Teabenry for the Teeth - , the Copy of
the certified records of the United . States District
Court is published. ' •
EasternDiatrict of Pennsylvania, to
Be it remembered,- That •on the
second day of Pelnuctry,Amna
'one thousand eight hundreforty_and
4. b • W. wifr.EL2R, I
Of the said District, path deposited is. thistOfface the
Title of a Book, the title or which is in this wcads
following, to wit:
The right whereof ho claims as Proprietor, is con
formity with the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act
to Unclad the several Acts respecting Copy Bights."
Clerk of the Dist: Court.
181.2, Feb. 2d. Copy deposited..
The above Copy Right 'for the Wrapper;of the
Sottle, showing the Title Of the Article in legal lan
guage, aI:M/ranted in the legal form, gill-prove this
to be the Orgmal TEABERILY TOOTII IVASII, and
all others aro but imitations, which bas gone out of
use wherever the Genuine Teaberry .Tooth Wash is I
sold- • Then, remember, none is genuine but I
Certificates of 'the Magistrates of the - City' of .Phi . la
d/4111a. -
Having trader nee - of your much 'celebrated Tea
berry Tooth Wash, I feet convinced that it is the
best article I have ever known, and hereby warmly
recommend' its use to the public in general,: as a
pleasant and efficacious article for preserving the
Teeth and Gums.. , .ROIIIIRTE...rouNsroic.
. .
IFor a number of years iny Teeth and Gums were
so much out of order as to prevent 'ion from eating
with any pkasurei and caused much pain. Having
heard of Wheelers Teaberry Tooth Wash, I do cer
tify that•l tried one bottle of it, and in less than two
weeks my teeth and Gums mem sound and good; I
believe that the use of it would be an advantage to
many others. J. DILA.Z.ER:
Certificates of Members of tleiPhirade/phio Bar. liaving used Wheeler's Teaherry Tooth Wash and
powder, I have found them to possess cleansing; and
purifying properties, and while they whiten and
beautify the Teeth, theylaare a beneficial effect upon
the Gums, by imparting to them free and healttful
action. L F. A. RAYNOLD.
have used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, and
its effects upon my'Teeth and Gums has given to me
a high opinion •of it merits. I cheerfully recom
mcndit to the geiaeral use. IL R.•KNK:LSS.
- • —. • . ,
My - daughter has used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash (and . powder) and has found its effects to be
cleansing and purification of the Gums, and a sweet
ening or the mouth: I have no hesitation in recona
mending it as the most beneficial preparation for the
Teeth I have ever seen. C. J. JACK.
Certtfirates of Lactiei and Gentlemen of Pltil , dephia.
"It is witlOgratitude that I send the following cer
tificate, booing that many who suffer will baled by
a perusal of it, to obtain Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth
Wash; which artible I used, sad it has effectually
cured tooth-ache, soreness of the 'gums, removed
scurf from nay teeth, and I fully believe lias entirely
arrested alI decay of thorn. I trust that all who suf
fer; having either alba same species of complaint ;
will as soon as possible use Wheeler's Teaberry
Tooth Wash, that they may be relieved. •
"Owing to haring taken cold, but mostly in
of the acid of a paint used in:cede:lug prints,
my Teeth became very ankh injured, giving excru
ciathig Pain at intervals for between two and three
years: Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash was used,
and hasi entirely cured them, ...which in certificate
form I send, that those who wish a perfect remedy
for painful teeth; and also desire a pleasant Tooth
wash, may with confidence try Wheeler's Teaberry
Tooth Wash.`, MARY A TAYLOR.
"Wheeler's Teaberry l Tooth Wash , '
.havhag. re.
moved scurf and cured soreness of thrignms, which
had trouhied me for two years lit - belief that it
is a highly useful article, toullhat it is advisible to
those who suffer with the Teeth and 'Gums to make
use of it. MARY SULLIVAN..
"Your Teaberry Tooth Wash cured the tooth-ache
mut also soreness of the gums in my family, and
send you this certificate, that, those who suffer with
tooth-ache or soreness of the gums, may know that
it is a remedy for them, and a - very pleasant Tooth,
Wash. ' ' ' FItAS, PRP...YOST,
W. Meeler. No. 148, Catharine street. •
"Wheeler's Teoberry Torah Wildt"-'leriing cured
soreness of the gums, and - effectrtally stopped bleed
ing of thegums,.i deem it a Obi of gratitude for the
relief which it afforded me; and a duty owed to my
fellow heings x to say . , that it is my firm'conviction,
that those. who will use Wheeler's To:Merry Tooth
Wash, for the Teeth Mad Gums, will find that it is an
important article, THOMAS'S. !WOG - ROY,
No. 235, Callowhill et.
Frout mach severe affliction of myself; andethers
°fitly, fdinily,. - with decayed Teeth 'and sore. Gums,
and then= respectable testimonials highly in favor
w as induced so give it a. trial, after Whiellmj , Family
used it, and I rejoice to say that' it did perform a
thorough and effectual chre for all, and' is the best
article thati Over knew would recounneud
use .to these-who tray be suffering.. - • .
W. Wlfeeler: No. 127 Market street.
Many more testimonials are existing approving Of
“Wheelers TeabenyToothVasii..” -
Sold at IVM. JACKSON'S: Ster.ey Igo: SO, liberty
itrgf, - ;llo4)iiigh - r head cif - Wood street.
Yrinci - intl_Ql4%,Np f , - ..§6,C1ie5124 st Philadelphia.
44 1 . 1 ? tat77 4 31 111 s Virrti46 Niatisupieijok. quit
-7.114 - Aco.ks" ;for 44
by GtitY.tittliltAN;
mays No, 26 Wood stmt.
,'''"'"''','-'4'..-;:.,1•: ..j4:.-LT:i',/';:,..,1,,;•1=i.j.';::',:i&-.*.fl",‘.i::=4--..i:2`.',:-:•:_t.'s,g:',.--.g:.4'..;.,','...-:'.'
n~~. , .yam,-r.y+~ ~",.r.~$ ^T^ ~^'rt^"'..".
rr'siihicribek testteCtlislyMfornis ea
'mere and the peptic generally that- he hatu i lit
retained fromthe Eastern Cities, and: has ieCeive4 4
larigi and well selected 'assortment of Cloth;sa k ad, --
mecca, Vestings„ and all tither niatErrala fOiihe Man;
ufacture of Clothing and hi, prepared tir'trittke . 4p,
ilemen , s Clothind of every descriptiOn - rtt nest; ses r
vicable, and fashionable style.
From Many - jeers biperience in the bisieetar ll lish
is enabled' to select stock with cire .s andtjadgement, -
and as he employs good workmen, hers confident_
of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with
a call. lib stock of Ready; 'ittade largo
welLmade; end manuctured. of the best maieriala,
He has also on:hand-an assortment a Stocks, Susit.
f eeders Handketchiers, and other articles in Ids
His prices are as as those of any other
establistim'ent '
Ills old friends and. the public generally arainritr
edui give linzi a EENRY MORRISON,"
ap2ll3in No. 150 Liberty street. -1
Ass Acrost4e.
. .
Just received, a Splendid - assort:Sent of Spring , and 3 / 4
and , Summer goodyf • . ,
Unsurpassed for quaritir.yi.qtmlity or.-
Style. The Proprietor of - this establishinent
Takes great:pleasure irk informing hii friendsand the
In general, that Ise is new prepared t fill al/ or4ra
' that his '- • • • -
Numerous customers may favt7r , hint svith strange
Travelers would do well, in visiting the ,
Iron City, to Call and'easreitie bia . extettatie and walk
Made stock of res.crymadtv.elething...' Ire has a tom.
piece assortnaeut of
English cloth, to. which 'lte . Would invite atteitieta it
French. cloths of every color and . quality, with licit
Offering at a Very sM-sli advance on eastern_ "pricis..•
Remember at this store you are net iskedtworgiriOes o
Convinced that =all. profits and
; quick saleijs t 40 1 ,.
best way to secure custom. ' ' -
Having in his employ the best workmenihe can War ,
Eve ry 'articl e made it his establishment te,fl 4 vitill' t
And 4). be of the hr . ,: materiahrilte
:wotasi,again in.
Ptirchasers generally to - give him a' all '
Iliefeas purchasing in any other plrsce;
At Ike is amid:ern that he can sell them ~7g05n1 goods
Reasonable prices as turyhouse in this efty,
Going so far as to say alittle - cheaper.
All his goods are new, and of hmidiame patterns,."
In the the east but a. few weeks since. ,The.suhscri-
Now returns his thanks to' his fliendi 'and the IMh/ic
in general, and
Solicits a continuance of their favors. _
irrm City Clothing Store, N. lad ifberhriired.'
mar 7 . T. .
Pittsburgh Clothing Store. , .
.f. B. SIIAFFEIt -Merchant _Tailor,: respect-,
11 - T3
y y fully idol:D A hi 4 Aids& and the public gen—
erally, that'hi has taken the new store at he corner
of Wood and Water_streets, on the side oeouPied by
Mr. S. Schoyer previousto•the Great-Fire, where he
is prepared to furnish all nitielei in the line of Gen
tlemen's Clothing, on thernost niodetate terms, and.
at the shortest notice. llis stock of Goods is entire
ly new And has' been' seleCted with much care to
suit the:market. .11e has in his employment some tlf
the best workmen in the city, and from_ long even
enee in the business he hopes to give general oath
faction' to those who may favor hini with their tem
torn. A large assortment of Clothing suited to the
season. Consisting of Cloth, Frock and dress Coats,
of all colors various qualities. Ile offers tqthdpub
lic as Good Bargains as .any establishment'in., the
city. He has also a large stock of Vests, Shirts, cot
ton Cravats,Searfs, and handkeieldefs;
w:hichlte prepared to•sell low for cash, andeash
only, Having secured the services of an:.exeellent
Cutter, he is prepared to manufacture
.garments of
all kinds to order, in such a manner as to render the
Pittsburgh Clothing. Store worthy of public.:' patron
age. The public are invited to ,call and: examine
for themselves. - : jy.24-y
Three Deord Clothing, Store.
le v o. 151 , I,2crtist . reet..," .
rruir. Proprietors of this old and highly popular es
stabNoment informs his &lends and the public
at large, that a portion of hid Siiring . and Summer.
Stoek of, , •
IS now prepared. fur their inspection,and lie respec
fully invites all 'Who contemplate purchasing articles,
in his line 'Le pay hints visit. 'llls stock this season
is peauliarly rftchi comprising all the latest FashiOns
and' atterns, and all his Good.s, having been select
edby himself in the eastern markets, he Mi. with
confidence recommend them to his customers as be
ing of the'very bait quality:" Ills lege assortment at .
Is made in the most modern and improved style, and
the workmanship cannot be excelled:. Pants r f e-o
-ery deraription, Satin ¢ Fancy Ve3fs. fir has a Ore.
and beautifti/ assortment of ' - -
Y.E.STINGS,.., •
To which he would call the attention of public as he
believes them to be more Beautiful and Cheaper,
Than anything of the kind that •has been..offered
heretofore. . ,
, -
Tweed and other coats, for Summer wear, In
great variety and made in every style, Fashionable
Shirts, .Latest ,Styk qt - Stoda, Suspenders of, every
descriptions; handkerchiefs; and every other articlo
necessary , for. a Fashionable Dress. =
Ile has a very large will. exeellent' asiorixnent
Substantial Clothing, which will be _sold loWer than
it can be purchased at any otherplacc in the City—to
which he would invite - the attention ofworkingmen
and others who wish servicable p/othing for civil
days WC3I..
Having in his employ-some thehest Cutters and
Workmen, that the Country can produce,. and being
provided with - stock of Goods, which for 'excel
lence and 'variety cannot be- equalled,' he is prepar-
. -
TO MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER,' At the shortest notice, and in a style that Cannot be
It is act considered any Trouble to show 'Clothing;
and the proprietor feels confident that after an ex
amination of his stock, all who desire to - purchase
Will find it their interest to deal at his eitablishment.
The proprietor wonid take this oppinlanity to ten;
der his sincere thanks to the public for: the .unpiece
dented patronage bestowed upon• his establish:lent,
and as the success he has
.roet with.is an- indication
that his efforts topleas his patrons, have Amt. been
unavailing; he Pledges - himselfthat nothing shall be
omitted oa his part to secure their kindness for the
futtne. • : - .10111 , PAlcCLOSKEY,
151 .Liberty
Arnis t , To' AriiLa
with 0010 men, notwithstanding widely '
White will-continue to 'self-clothing cheaperthan
any had heretofore been offered in the westorn.coun
try, having the largest establishment-in:the city,
fronting on Liberty. and Sixth streets. .I/4 is now
prepared to show to his numerous patrons the great.
eat variety of cloths, cassimeresr vostingo,soad
thing of all descriptions; suitable ;lid approaching
season, that.has ever been Offered in this nuket, to
which all, can.havethe'Right of Way. 'Observe the
corner, No. 167, LPorty. and Sixth streets.
, •
Cf - TILL continues ha his oldhusinew-ofinanisfactur.
ing Wagcms; Carts, Drays, - Timber,`,Wheels,
Trucks, and Wheelbarrows - , on Fifth .street, between
Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in the-shortek entice, any
amount of work, hy.the beat Of. workmen and, good
anaterials; aud prizcs to suit the times ? , Those
engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Farnaceanen,
are requested to give him a. Mall before purcliasing
elsewhere, -
' - - 41.1egbeny Oenttetery.
TIGERSONS desirous of purchasing lots in ilge
_ll - - Cemetery are 'referred- for inforteati4 tit the
Superintendent on - the Tionittls,mr.W.V... nom,
Druggist, corner . .of Penn, and. fiart.d Areetail'itts.
burgh. By order of - the Beard, cppwrx,
• dee 33 = -
' lzra i rc "l'*• l4 •glilk , q s 7•••
jRIVITTIiNCES. of money onmodeia2m terms,
' can he Made during- my absence,irk,r,nrope, to
every part of Ireland, 44land, Scodand,.Wales or
Me continent of•iorope,- I..egacies, debts, property
or cleims leiovered,:searebesfor wi4; , fltles and
documents , effected, and. other turtilMatC - liiminess
transacted, by iialymg to James 24 . 1.:13 , 4 Water street s
Pittsburgh. "
Octl2-. --Agent muLAtmnleyot X.nr,..Pittaburgh,
------- - -
2D iciti,d 1 1bterOble6oi
s'4*l - radieb7 , T6i3;4l,ol",,
rID 4, CalildilltlArtlaPs_4 4 .l )
In store o
and for sale by 1.4 TT,
J. letlirt,
ap2 422 ty et.