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Z.- -, t, 0;'" tP 2 ''''''' '' j4 ' ' ' ' - ' ',,,' ; ,' , i,.,...''7;e:''',' ', ~ -, : r . ::/... t '%.,4 , 1 :! , -, '' -. , ~\ :, • ;':-.---•-:,/,'/„•',:' -: ' 7, 5 -t '''-1?. ' - tt i. .`;'• ' , ''` • ..; ..- '.';'%-:::'' - ' '.." , \ T,'' 2 .':' :: , -,t"- , ,,. , _ `.• '‘' • L VgatißGß-- BAIR DIGNMiIOSTv 111GL SNEVRDAYP MORNINGS MAT so, 1640 • V— B. Paptan„ Agent for eountry newspapers, j~ the Agent:for -the Pittsburgh Morning Post, "and Weekly Meriury and Manufacturer, to receive "adsertiseinente and subscriptions. He .has-offices in _Hiss:Yalta, at die Peal Office, ao Ann i stp 3ot, (ad joining the Tribune. Office.) / - Borrow; No 'l2, sweet. • - • Vau,sant.fitia, Heal - Estate and Coal Office, 59 'ine street • , • •Bmzusonn, S. carrier Baltimore and Calrerts, where our paper can be seen, and terms of adverti nin,g learned... Sstl'A Cabinet Shop on Wylie st, near-Washington st, was destroyed by fire about half past :9 o'clock last night It is supposed to 'have been - the work of - an incendiary. 0j We undeistand that.the Hughes Family will give another Concert' at the Odeon on Tuesday next. - Thp Thtatre. The Theatre was well filled ,last night s to wit nesstheperfomtance of , OrrraLio; the part of la go by the_celebrated tragedian Bourn. He looked, .ected-.1 Ciati'red the character with thrilling _effect; he is in ,truth, a great old Man, and as lago,we . prestitne, rib:superior in the:Thiited States. - Mr 7.llomuit acted the part of•Otitelln ,4 4t is unneces sary to say !hat it was well performed; Morris is a.lwayil altar, lettisa rieltillt, 'as Desdcmona was much admitedi - sizeris always perfect in her part, and never fads to give evidenee that she has stu died The other characters iu the piece were also well performed. The company is a good one throughout, and worthy of patronage. Boors lakes a Benefit to-night, upon which octagon he will perforin the part of Richard the .. , .ItvlawAt.--A., hope attached to a little wagon • W , ell loaded with' bottles, ran away, yesterday af ternoon, in plftb street. The ry the bottles flew was "a caution." , The . wagoisr" was • smashed cs - ome," . itid • several posts on the'lside-walk near Musgra.vifs.,ldotel, were hroken..down. Theo SATS ' OF B.EAI ESTATE AND BANK, t STOCK, Br JOHN D. Divis, Ativrionsrm..—The — aitentiOn - of - those disposed to 'purchase ratualde property:in the vicinity -of Birmingham . , is reques ted to the sale which is to take plate this afternoon ttn per „ advertisenient ofMesbro Gregg & Eatnu,. _ . Also,those 'Dank of Pittshtirgh Stack to the sales of 101 share, by order of Eitecutor, at If o'clock this evening at the Commercial :suction 3iooi4s, gtet which Willbe'sold one dwelling 611,14. . . :and lot in the 6th ward, and those 43 beautiful build • situate,l - tiear the last mentioned properti I;i_EidvAtiac4 ig this paper, dir4i llou.sr.s Alf D Lors.-,-Perliaps a more favorable opportunity has not been offered for - years to , persons who desire to obtain for them selves:snug little homes and lots,, situated in busi ness parts of the city, than they will have at the Orphatis Cotitt sale of the real estate of B. Me- Leman, Esq., deed., which-will take:place nex ;Nliinday, at 10 o'clock, A.M. The sale will corn : Inence On the property at the corner of Grant and Sixth streets, and thence proceed to the proper at the `corner 'of O'Hara and Penn streets, Ft _ . . . Person's . wishing to see a. plan of the prop erty and obtain frrrther information as to the price, payments, &c., than is afforded by the advertize merit iti this gaper,,' tkill please call on ;111e sr_'. • Blakely &Mitehel. , Biu..tußy -NEETINS:r . . meeting 44 the 6th_Regt. of Volunteers will be held at twee Of ?Major Fickeison in The - .Diamond ;on Monday evening the first of June al t , 7 o'clock. — Yertelital' and - general attendance of '::o 4 eleittieeniand, men is eime.itly requested: By. order of Cid. TItOVILLO,-, Adjt; •.. - - ruy3o.2t I'DP.IOCRATIC MEr''l.NG The Democracy will meet this evening at 8 d st .-thell'ishingtoa Hotel; to make arrange ments ceiclirate outs National - Birth day. Let theielie 4 - general attendarieii. n ay 30. ALLEGIIENY CEMETERY ....TholAnntialmeeting of the Corporatom cd . the .'Allegheny.Cemetery•will be:held at the °thee, on the grounds, on Saturday, the fith of June, at 3 o'- ciciek; P. M., at which time a -Board of Manager 6 fur the ensuitig year will be elected. maY2S T illik• 3. CAROTHERS, Secretary. . . PlasbutlO. and Ccquyellsvllle Rail Raved „. - conalpiolyv. - k - mee L tin,g - nf the C'eorniais.4inners will be held at ,the Board ofTrade Rotitrison Tuesday, the -.3nd :day of June at :3 o'clock; P. - . 14. - RO33BINSON, Jr., Prefit: Gaszant, See. &war -coated - Vegetable rilia.—An dis easea_.hayc their origin in_ mpurity of ,hlood.— Uowever excellent the general health, there is no security against fever, u - here the blood is impure, •6s'- - indicated _by enaptiona of .the skits, vertigo, headache, lassitude, &c. The best purifier of the blood is cliekner's Sugar-coated Pills, which is sD skilfully ;eon - pounded, thatit does not cause , grip• ing, the gliat objection to all TheenVelope —of sugar prevents nausea, so that, save. from the powerful, yet easy operation, the patient would .hardy be awate that he had taken. any -medicine ." at. all, .-Sowell convinced is. Dr. Clicknar of the efficacy of his pills in all specified cases:that he is "pledged to return the money, when the "promised effect is.not produced. '- "Sold , by Wm. Jackson, Winer or Woolf and Lib e4.4 streets; .who is general Agent for pi. :Aar'sPills in l'ittidsurgli and vicinity.. . al•BAware of =limitation article called "fin „.. preced.Su,sici•-Coatici.Pifis,! purporting to be pat .... ;cited, as.both the pills and pretended 'patent are forgeries, got 'uliby a miserable , quack in New York s who, for the last four or five years, has made his Irving:by counterfeiting popular Medicines. ..: The . Deptocra4c.„ < randulate fir. Congros.—The - *nominee of the Democratic Convention should be, if pm:Able, the very strongest man in the county.. •-• We require not only an able - man, but one who ~•= -unites 'both ability of the first order and general popularity: Such a man is Col. WILSON Mt CANDLESS—Iet the "Detn.ocracy rally upon this . able writ eloquent champion of .their Trinciples, and success- is certain. - The people of this Dire • *riot require his services in Congress, and will not • b e denied' • MANY DEMOCRATS. fiIiERIFFALITY Mr..Edifor:--Having been a devoted friend_ of - ...Rody Patterson, for the office_ ;If Sheriff, in a for. • - meroccasion,l beg leave tu'bring him before the 'Deni6cratie convention again, for a nomirtaiton for ' °MO . :I feel - confidentthat if, placed before the people, by the county Convention, be will be tri. unaphantlyele.cte& 'DEMOCRAT. • lkfr .Editor:—You are liereby authorized - to state that the =ate of Gen. Josaxarr Lotries,..et Jeff. ' ersbnr Township: will be presented to the Demo cratic conventioft - as a. ,candidate - Tor the office - of aeriff, Gen. Large if elected, will:make a cor rect and , efficient officer; he is known to the ; people , and rtomirvitecil xeceivartbe,warni -0-PPqrt of .THE , PEOPLE. . • c iat-,We are alltherized to state, thit JAMES CUAININGUAM,•of Miffiin township,..iviil he a candidate for the tegielatarit if nerainated by the Democratic Convention. .. - ray2s - • • ; - CORONFA. _ We iii;re, been *Whorls:Pt state that Devil) Hamm ,Feg,, ,be aeP Torre-election-to the:office of Roreeteivsubject tolhe 'decision of -the PM°ollosCPttlaan*ooll: " E mayilf, dis .,..A.lK:track-,-,,t0 Ante_ Eruptions and beautify Colored valuable discovery briChemietry has been ,made lately Vesprini, an Italian Chemist,for curing all' eruptions, _ and for. Changing Th e color o f dark, yell O w. . or discolored altin•to a fine juvenile and youthful cletvuess. He hag made this in the convenient fOrm of a beautiful piece of Soap. For any old cases of eruptioit, such as scur vy, salt-rheum, erysipelas, &e. it cures wonderfully; also, freckles,-tart, sunburn, rnorpltew pimples, blotches, &c. See.that lady,. what a fright; . . Jones's splendid Lily White- • • Would give her skin a natural alio,. But you note,- in spite, of talk, She will me 'the common chalk; lints you see her face is blue. If that same lady, and many others, had used Josss's Lily White, her face and cheeks would have had (a natural),life-like, alabaster white. . Sold at .1 ACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware house; SO Liberty street, head of Wood. Mankind] at least that part of you • With scalp quite bald and bare, You can have splendid—indeed, 'tis true -Most glorious silky hair. If you hare dandinfon the scalp; If the Mir. turns white or gray. To cure the scurf, and make it dark • You've but three Bits to pay. If your head is bald, the hair weak or falling, And you would have it live, Why, try at once a bottle ofJoiie's Hair Restorative. I:UTlirce shillings only for a trial bottle. War rant it to possess the following qualities. It will force the hair to grow on any part where Nature in tended hair to grow, stop it falling off, ruse scurf•ar daudruf, and make light, red or grey hair grow dark. For dressing the hair soft and silky nothing exceeds this. It is indeed the most economical, yet superior article made for the hair. It is cheap er than the trash called hair oils, and it will keep the hair hi order with one application ) twice as long any other article. mold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware house, 89 Liberty. street, Pittsburgh head of Wood. (C•Principal Office, sign - of the American Ea gle, S 2 Chatham street, New York. IT NEVER IMED—IT NEVER WILL FAIL if it is used as directed. It has hcen thorough- ly tryed by thousands; many of whom are your neighbors, or friends, ask them if it has failed in their case. Besides it is warranted to care .or money refunded—therefore you run no risk. And further, if they are not acquainted, by calling on the pro-' prietor. the names of some of the most respectable citizens of Pittsburgh will be given, that 1)r. Thomp son's Carminative will cure the most violent cases of Dysentery or Flux, Diarrhea, or Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and Bilious Chelie, whereit is not , out of the Power of rneilicine to cure. For the convenience of citi zens Dr. ThOmpSon's Carminative and Pills have been placed with the following Drug g ists: It A. Fahnestock m & CO., John D. Morgan, J: Schoen. maker & Co., Jonathan Kidd & Co:, R. E. Sellers, gratin & Reitir, and the the - retail stores generally. .Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by the pro prietor EDGAR THORN: ' prOggist, niny. • Pittstafrah Pa To Capitalist■ and Others. E will incest one fourth to one half the , prop • I - city of which we are possessed amonnting to morelhan.sl3o, o o o in Iron and Cotton Manu facturing; in connection with a company of busi nesshouses of this city, capitalists and practical and successful Manufacturers. We will make the investment in property atfair prices, or we - will sell ! a sufficient amount to maize. cash within the time it will be required. Apply to, or address either of the. undersigned as early as possible when more particaars can Le given, and that an arrangement -perfectly satisfactory can be made. , 0. ORMSBY . GREGG, • ISAAC GREGG, • MOSES F. 'EATON. We tits° Wish to have one or more squares 01 good Brick. Dwellings erected for which property will be given. • may ^S-7t_ AITANTED I.3?SiEDIATELY—Two good shirt makers. apply,at Mrs- KENNEDY'S on fiat tn between Wood and Sniithfield! my' I To To innieeis and Others going to the Rio Grande. QU ace going to a.coontry Wheat, and eta sea .% . son when, you will be liable to very sudden BILIOUS and other attacks upon your unacchinated Itystein. .There can be no safety but in the- timely use or the great preventative remedy, DR. SMITH'S IMPROVED :INDIAN V EGETABI., E _ (SUGAR COATM.PIE.LB. None should go without at least one dozen bones. - Leon, JACKSON CO., Itlicn. TO THE AFFLICTED. For ten years past my health has been poor, and gradually on the decline, from a Bilious Nature, owing -t6 severe pains and accidental attacks of fe ver. 1 at once made up my mind to travel in west era climes, thinking I must die if a change of eh - mate did not have the desired effect. Soon after myl arrival in Michigan (the pastatason) I was soddenly. attacked with a chill fever, which. tun me so low itr I two days that Lgave up and supposed I must die, being very bilious at the Lime. Not . having any se quaintanceslo .whom I might safely entrust my feel ings, and in fact, not-having any sensible feelings, I informed my nurse that! must die;aid was immedi ately canal in, among whom was sit elderly man, who immediately said there was some. hope. He asked me if I - was in the habit of taking pills. With a great exertion and pain, I replied that it seemed as if I had taken sufficient of all kinds to este any man of any disease. After much persuasion, he prevailed on me to take on box of -Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Indian Vegeta ble Pills, saying if they did not help me, he would have to give me up. One dose of sift pills was im-. mediatels gifen. For four hours I lay in a stupid stale; Soon after an immense quantity of billions matter followed,: and I felt much relieved. It was then I ellt some - hopes.. I immediately took six more of these pills, arid in two hours my pain so far abated that 11 was able io sit up a few minutes; soon after, anoth ,er discharge of-the bilious-matter followed, which caused nay appetite - At() revive. Every night and mor , ning six oftheso pills were given, creating such a ilia ' charge of bile, and cauaing snch perapiration as was, astonishing to myself and. all present. Daily I in-r 1 creased in health and am now-considered a well trimt, ,cun truly say that my life has been spared by the timely use of ,these pills. No family shoed be.witoont them: Since my rec.overy, 1. have made use of them in small doses, and find that I am gain ing fiesh and strength. - - NIRUM OILBOHT. We.are persontilly acquainted' with the aboie facts and consider it a wonderful vase, and we have used these. pills in our families with the greatest satifac- Oen, . L. M. WEAVER, Esq.., ' • - JOSEPH BRINKER, • • NATHAN HALL, M. D. • . Principal office 179 GREENWICH at., N. Y. Al- SO can be. had in New. Orleans, under St. Charles.ilo teL Price 2.4 cents por box; b for $l. my 2 .3A . JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, . 9 -1111 S 'medicine has already proved • itself to be'all that it has been recommended, by those %silo have'gii . en it a fair test in this country, and the demand for it increases daily. We have just heard of an important - cure of Asthma, which has bcert effected by the use of it in a neighboring town— the case was that of a female'who had for a long `time been undir the care of a physician, hut had received no relief,' and her case was considered hopeless. As.a last resort she purchased a bottle of-Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, which caused her tol expectorate freely, gradually eased her cough, and rapidly:restored her to health: We have no hosita Lion in saying that this preparation of Dr. Jayne, for the cure of Coughs, 'Colds, Influence, Asthruc i Consumptions, &c., is the' most valtiable medicine ever offered to the.Anierican'public. 'There is no' quackery about Jayne is one of the most skilful practidng physicians; and wherever his va rrious preparations have been thorougly tested, hp is looked upon as a' great public benefactor.-.. Scmcrsct (Mc.) Tourer!: • For sale iii - Pittsbrugh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72. Fourth "s„ near Wood, ' ' 1 . 5-480 v Joseph Knox x rormeily gkrvietsburoh,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cm:lisle, Pa.,4rillprac lice to histitofession in the copzties, of CJitti berfand, Daimhin, .Adams, Perky Mitt Juniata. Business in those counties intrusted to him be atienteti to with- promptness. , • - zny234l3m&Wy. - :; . . • . ~ • '•Wrat,,ied.' ttio" 114,4viezal, ViCiterk andlefs -- alid harness X kers, Ten or Fifteen, _Filers and*Fitroln, and foarPacksmithiiind-11e1Rers to v4om,thobigheet wllkbe givennn ma. putiediate.mlication the co omCeri,' may 2441 0 46 4 15e • , _~•~y~ ~~ ~~~:~. ..:~ .~~ .... . ~.,• „.....,--,,,..,,,....,,,:.-._ ~,.., ._,• .. -• • - - - • HY-LAST_ NlillirrS MAIL From the fi'aihimfoiti frisk - di—May.2 7 . - AriVINTMENTS SY THE PRESunawr . By and teifit the advice _and consent-of Pie Senate. Resolved, That the Senate advise =4 consent to the follovving nr4lointments in the army of the United States, in the regiment of 'mounted 'rifle. men, or third regisnent,of dragoons, as antharized by the act approved. Bray 1,0; 1846, -Pcrsifer .F, Smith, of IyauiSiatta; to be colonel. John' C, „reanoilt,gf the army, to be lieutenant colonel. ' - - " George , S, Burbridie, of Kentucky, to be major TVilliam II: Loring, of Florida, to be captain. Winslow F. Sanderscm, of Ohio, to be captain. Sdmuel nf Texas, to be captain Henry C.. Pope, of Kentucky, .to be _captain. George B. Crittenikn, of Kentucky,* to be cap Stephen TMason, of Virginia, to be captain. John B. Simonson, of Indiana, to be captain. John B. Barka' tstoss, of Illinois, to be captain Bela lt.f. Hughes, of Missouri, to be capain. • Stephen S. Tether, of Arkinsas, to be captain. Benjamin S. Roberts, of lowa,,to ,be first lieu tenant. Thomas Ewell, of Tennessee, to be first lieu tenant . Jlndrae .Porier,-of Pennsylvania, to be first lieu tenant. Michael E. Van Bursa, of .Michigan, to be firs litutenant. Deux/len Tones, of New York, to be first lieu tenatil. Noah Newton, of Ohio, to befitst lieutenant. Thomas Duncan, of Illinois, to be first lieuten ant. IFilii‘tin W. Taylor, of Indiana, to be first lieu tenant. • Andrea- J. Lindsay, of Mississippi, to be first lieutenant. Jahn G. It'uArr, of Missouri, to be first lieu tenant. Spear S. Tipton, of Indiana, to be first lieuten ant. • -Timms Clairborne, jr., of Tennessee, to be sec ond lieutenant. Thomai 'G. Rhitt, of South Carolina', to be second lieutenant. -Charles L. Denman, of New York, to be second lieutenant Wimhiegion .73. Elliot, of Pennsylvania, to tie" second lieutenant. Thotnap Donis, of Illinois, to be second lieutenant. George McLane, of Maryland, to be second lieutenant. Murray Morris, of the District of Columbia, to be second lieutenant. lewellen Rague, of Ohio; to be second lieutenant. Fratieii S. K. Russell, of Michigan, to be second lieutenant. Minn May. of the District of Columbia, to be second lieutenant. Jnmea G. Sritrgruti, to be military storekeeper vieedZir/iiird B. Butter, removed. THE REWAHD OF MERIT. We understand that, as e.nvii as the Vie,ident he United States received the official - row General Taylor, he. 10e..t no time in testifyin. he - kith re, - pect in which he h•otds the 'ineritoriou services of that distinguished In conformity with his wishes and his duty, he yesterday nominated,to the senate of the United States, m the rank of major General' by hrei et , in, the army of the UMW States, Zachary Taylor, now a brevet brigadier githeradfor his gallant con duct and distinguished services in the successive victories over superior MP.Vitall forces at Palo Alto. - and 'qte,•.aca de to Palina, - on the Sth and 9th day of May, 1e.40, to take'rank us such from the last-mentioniA day. This nomination was im mediately and unanimously confirmed by the Senate. We undesstansl, aIo, that the Pident nom rated Captain Walker, of the Texan gangers, who liats distinguished hims.elt on seNetal oceasions, and particularly in the rrnuitetivnts and attire's on the Rio Grande, as a eaptaiti in the new regiment of dragoons. ' The reader will petteiVe from the complete list of aprinttiont4 in corpF., in the nutnhcr of the that Captain W.. 6 nomination has this day been confirmed by the t'eliate: The Preiiiilent of the United States A%lll tale some early opportunity of .testifying his high res pect for other diitinguibhed officer," an the artny of General Taylot —lb. From the N. Orleans ri;:ayune, May ?.0. FURTHER DETAILS FROM TILE SEAT OF The news received by thin Jame,: L. Day yester ay is interesting, and more. important than a rst glance we had supposed. The arrival estahlishes the important fart tha. the report brought by the Galveston that imniewire reinforcements had been received bj-the :Mexicans was unfounded, or at least exaggerated. General Taylor arrived at his camp the evening 0: the lath instant, without molestation. Bp the way, me find that the camp opposite 31stamoras has been chris tened "Fort Brown, - in honor of the Gallant Maj. Brown, of the 7th infantry, who fell in itgalefence. The 'fortification at Point Isabel is n styled 'Fort Polk, in compliment to the President of the .I.Tnited States. We trust we may now safely say that communications between Fort Folk and Fort Brown have been permanently re•established. All eyes are now turned towards Matamorits.--, All our letters indicate that the next step to be taken by General Taylor is to reduce that eity, and that he Vial making attire• preparation's to cross the Rio Grande, We loam from an gent correspondent that the stexicatut anticipated that an attack would be tuade upOn the town on the Wth, immediately upon the victoiy achiev ed on the 9th. In consequence all their posts ivere strengthened, and every individualwho enter ed the city was de and pre39W into the ser trice: During the action of the Sth the housm-tops in Matamoras red with the people, and the bank of the river was ' led with spectators, but, writes a brr ve, though facetious correspondent, ‘.a huzza frombrought forth by a despatch messenger, who rode in to announce our victory, made them all slope.' Frorn anllllt.er-who was not in the fort from the lst till the 10th inst., ve learn that while it was invested. during General Taylor's absence, with the ater part of Geu. Arista sent into it tiasnrnonis to sUrr'ender upon , the score of humanity/ ThriNas aftei the action- of the nth, and before the issue issuetsf it Was known by these in the fort. The greatest anxiety war of course felt by them as to the result, becatise .their fate was to depend mainly upon the Success of the army. !gnorant of what had happened, - and a large ar my awaited Geri. Taylor, and that it would be im possible for hirn to reach , the fart"—thus awaye by anxiety, hope, confidence, and fear--no! not fear —that brave band refused to Surrender.. What their fate would have been had General Taylor been defeated, and the whole Mexican hdrde beleaguered the fort, thehistory of all . .I.lex.- . imui warfare too fearfully pressages. ' While upon this theme, .we feel constrained to say that the Mexicans dealt barbarously:upon those. Americans who dell in the action. No officers were taken prisoners, and those killed were hideously mutila ted. All the letters we have read state the fact that the persons of the dying and the dead were ot.respecte d. News from the Amy. The' Baltimore Sun of the 28th Bays, further, advices arc momentarily' expected, and are antici pated, to.bO of much importance, as detailing the success of the expedition against Barrita, as also cif:Gen. -Taylor's movements'-towards'quartering his army in the city of Matamoras. reincy Soaps. rp HE subscriber, having just received from the .1 East a full assortment of Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Extracts, &c., from the very-best and ap proved manufacturers, is is prepared to sell them at as low prices as any other establishment; in the West. In the assortment May be Ibund Extracts de Portugal, Englatine, Cedra, Keseda, de Mousse- lined limpret de Caroline, de Patehouly,-RoseXer raniurb, Rouselle'S Pornade, Philcornme, Roustille's Indian Hair' Dye, H.stiers Livia - Nair Dye, Etat Liston! Ociorante, for washing. and 'cleansing the Hair, genine Bear's Grease and Chl. Cirlog.ne, rida, Lavender and Orange Flower Waters, Pearl and poilet'Poivdeis, - Tooth, Nail wad Hqirarushes, and mattiothei articles . '-.PlettO mai; exatirine and judge 59r.3'610elves. EDGAR THORN: • magi . ' • ' - C61'47:9f -Hand OFFF. Fe 7.65 ~QpeCliets. ol4 o Fgeoeviaj tivonio .9.givuu & attd ; tbr sale by SHIPTON, mp 2 133 and 135 Wood SOOS-11Q 4 .0 gimond, Toilet and BO . ffyder Shaving. la store and fcir sale by my 22 • - LI,LIDERT & SHIPTON _ SII°4'IIIIIF,A,De-A large, assortment, together with Shoo Findiogs and Icitt of all kinds, ;just re ceived by JOHN W. BLAIR. my2o 120 Wood 'street. ustotn.--50-eana .Illeatabt 5 each, just re caved and for wale .by, " rnayl9 .11111;LEktc EICKETSON: EPSOLNI. SALTS.--I 0 htf bbls Epiwm Salts, just received and far sale by ~ rn ID MILLER Ik'RI.CIMTSON. • IVI iCKEREL-40 half bancls; No,l Mackerel; 111. 10 Kitts mess Mackerel, put up for family use, and for sale by mayl9 MILLER & ittex.rrsoN. Q. ALT PETRE--IrdO ke. b s refined Salt Petro, just 1..) received mid for side:by. • may 19 • MILLER & RICK ETSON. - - . (AILS-1900 gallons unbleachedFalland Sperm V Oil; • 1000 " bleachedc do. do. do; 1800 pounds Palm Oil; 10 baskets super Olive Oii; Just received'and for sale by ma 'l9, RICKETSON: L.p luis. ET-1 Hluis. Claret; . V 10 Boxes Superior do.;- 5 do. very sup. do4= In store and for sale by MILLER: & RICKETSON and SALT. -150 bbls No. 1 Salt, just receivedSALT.-150 for sale by my 19 MILLER & RICKETSON. COFFEE—Frirrie green and pale Rio; " Old Gov, Java; Lagnayra; • " Maracaibo; For family- use, and for sale by 'MOS. 3IILLER, corner of Wood and 4th btg. 1 , FAS—very fine Yining Hyson, Imperial and mark. For sale by ma • 1(1. TRW. ',MILLER iris—Filberm erearn''''Nutst, , • ... , LI Eng, Walnut!, Pecans, Almonds. Fur sale by THOS. MILLER, ma • 16. cor. Wood and 4th util RUITS---Orange , 3, Lemons, . Raisins, Figs, Prunes. Fur - iale.lyy may,l4. ' THOS: MILLER; At I t ANGES 4 LEMQNS;- 100 tires Lenlous; do Oranga;—in store and for P C MARTIN, 60 Water st. ChItA.NCES.--60 !vases of svreet (ll) Sicily Oran. ges just received and for sale by P. C. MARTIN, Water street. LURE WINES A NDLI4ITORSiery quality- always on hand and', for sale by P. C. MARTIN, map . ; 60 Water street. NTEW GRADUATED' GorGitAm ROBES, AT MORRIS!..-.The Lathes are requested to call and examine a new and beautiful assortment of Grad uated Gingham-Robes at No 65 market at. Just re ceived by D. Leech & Co's Express. ap2'. PEIRAfiF. SHAWLS AND SCARFS.—Another lot or Handsome Berstge Shawls and Scarfs, now opening at No. 65 Market street, by a. 27 A. MORRIS. 4 TRENCH LAWNS.—A large lot of line French Lawns, ;new style) just received li A MORRIS, `...q • No. 65 Market st. IN'tittASl LAWNS.—ltecesced this day by Es -1„:11 preen—a splendul assortment or Gingham Lawns, new and desirable tityles, • aprl A moil fug • 'Fo. 65 Markin RI FULL SPKIND SUPPLY DP NEW GOODS AT ALE XANDER & DAY'S, .No 75 Marled sired. 1 IM have just opened the VOICES?, nr-v r NE- Y V 17:CTE,I) and cpexpairt assortment of Spring, and Summer Goods which they hive -ever brought to this city, The senior partner- residing in Phila delphia, and having 3 long experience in and Duo rough knowledge of the eastern market, gives us a great advantage in purchasing, and his attention for the last two months having been exclusively devo- Wilt° making our stock eornplete--enables us to nf fer a much greater number of Now York and Phila delphia Auction bargains than we have ever before': offered at one time. We would therefore -reSpeet fully invite the attention of the public to our stock.' aimillifiug as it does, almost every article in our litidPlWof which we are selling at prices which can not be beat, included in our assortment, are the fol lowing seasonable shorts, viz: LADIES DRESS GOODS. A great variety of style and quality, splendid lawns of tvery description; such as super, organdy, balzarine lace stripe, ombre shaded, embroidered, &c. Super balzariners plain and satin stripe bar gacs and hal-rarities; ginghams of almost every de scription,ehintzes of the latent style and of superior quality. SPLCVMD Sots.—super, blk and blue blk striped armure silks, sup. rep. do; also a very large assort ment of fancy silks, among which are several new styles of extra width and superb quality. Sitswtai.—The largest assortment of shawls it. this city is to be found at our establish ment where all tastes can be suited not only in kind and quality, but what is of equal iMportance,in price, as the large proportion of them have been bought at Auction remarkably low, and will be sold at a small advance; among which are sup. French bare egc shawls; sup heavy French cape do; plain fliird and embroidered de laine do; ombre shaded do; blk nettdo; rich plain silk .do; sup fig>d silk do; 3-4 silk fringe de lathe do; ombre shaded cashmere do; hea vy twisted silk do; tine Shetland nett do; and a great variety of other styles, to all of which we would in vite the attention of the Ladies. P.iltasors .+VII PAIVLSQLETtVI74 groat variety, which we are selling at prices greatly below wnat the same style and quality are usually sold for. tiorntrrs, IlonwErs.--Our stock of bonnets is very large, as we' have just- received twenty cases from the manufacturers, and from Auction, which gives a great variety, and all of which we are Selling emi t sually low. Warm Goons.—Our stock of white goods such as plain and striped mull Swiss nansook; &c; also plain, striperl'and barred jaeonets, and sup white robes isj very superior, so that we are dreptued to suit tit Ladies in - that line. - Rumens sato Flowetts-=.4 large and choice as-. 1 sortment of ribbons and flowers. Our stock of -el oth s eassimeres, summer Cassimeres and drillings, tisk ingl checks, =Wins, prints, &c., &c., is very lajge and clioiee, and Mom whole russortment wouldiwe reepectililly 'request the attention of the public,: as we are confident of our goods and prices gun:in:el/- oral satisfaction. • - m_ylB4 in Can't be Beau 1 M . . WHITE has just received at 44 large ..7 establishment, fronting on Liberty and -Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of TwEgm for summer; alse, a superior lot of French Satin YES. TINGS, all of which he is •ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasontle terms as usual. Observe - the corner, N 9 16 . bitted) , and Sixth areal.. myll 111: WHITE, Tailor, Pioprietor. • _ WOOL, WOOL, WOot. LEIS of WoorNvanted for „the highest market 5()0 000 which price in ca sh will he paid, for, the various grades, by SPRINGER HARIIAGGS& At the warehme of. Hannah Sc i Wateranua m .12d1 No 31 Water and;l32Frcutt ste. MPORfiER and Wholesale dealer in French, Ger i, maw and English :Fancy. Variety Goods-of every description; such as Jewelry, table and pocket Cut lery, silk Purses r bemi Bags, silver and german sil ver gpoons, gold and silver Peireils, silk and gum enders dos dos. of Gartnardnwn floes and half do. Trimmin 'of all kinds, and a general assortment of toys, constantly on'hand at !MI, Market Street, between Third and Fourth atreebrOtapsOnhi Eow, Pittsburgh.. - - - my.l3 CIIED SH-AND . 3,11 The attention of inv ited tr con large stock of these Heed . A , 4-4 superior Sea Island . Shithng ril nal h 15 , 46 4. 4, ‘4, it 124 liantilton-Sheeti4; _.ti :~ aaftes Vavanagh: OiWBALWEi COITR.T EtALEI. order of the Orphan's Court of Attegheily — -eeilritty.dated the ninth day of May,A.1).11304.,iti1l be exposed to public. sale, on.theinemises - ori Monday, thefirst day of June trait, it 10 o'clock, ititt. all tho folicrwitvg described property, situated in thtThird and-Fifth Wards-of the city of Pittsburgh, the Real ,Esta,teof Bernard McLennan, late of the city of. Cincinnati, Ohio, deed. Flee contiguous lots of ground, situate on the West side of Grant street in said city orPittsburgh, each containing 20 feet in front, and extending back in-depth SO feet; (preserving an-equal width,) towards Cherry alley. One of said lots is situated at the S.W. corner of 'Grant and Sixth streets, and has a front of Sff feet on Sixth street.: • '- Also, two contiguous lots of ground, fronting each 20 feet on Sixth street, between Grant street and Cherry alley, and extending back - 120 feet in depth towards Virgin alley. • " Also, two contigous lots of ground, fronting each 17 feet on Penn street,. sth Wrd of said city of Pittsburgh, and extending back in depth 50 feet towards . Spring alley. One of the said lots has a front of 50 feet on (Marra street, on which is erected a Smith shop, and on the other a two story frame tenement.. , ' 21 Also, a lot of ground on the comer of O'llarra street arid Spring alley, fronting-on (Marra street In feet, and extending back in deptli,.along Spring a11ey,,50 feet, en - which is erected a two story frame tenement. 4lre—a Ica of ground on the corner of Etna and Factory streets, in Said sth Ward, fronting on Fac tory street 45 feet, and extending along 1.14 a at., preserving an equal width, 53 feet. - 41ao—a lot of ground fronting on a 20 feet alley, near Factory street, 20 feet, and extending backin depth 45 'feet to the rear line of the lot last Min. fior coed, on which is ereeted a frame tenement: Term:Land Conditions , 9f Sale s as follOws:- . --The widow's dower, beim , one-!hind of the purchase money, will remain in the hands of the purchaser, during her life, subject to the payment Of interest. Also, the oar/1/th, alter deducting the widow's one third, will be subject to the same terms as the widOw's dower. The balance to be pitiketie-Italt in hand, and the remaining .portion (seemed by Bond and Mortgage,) in two and three years. G.: H. HILTON, Att'y. in fart for the Guardians and Marx. N. B. Persons wishing further information, will please apply to Messrs. Blakely & Mitchel. may I I- td. iibtorifPli Sale, by Adjourithittit. B' Y virtue of a writ of Levaii Facia `issued out Of the District Court of . :Alleglieni Co.; and to me directed, will be exposed to public sate. at the Court House, - in the city of Pittshurgh, on Monday, the 15th day of June, A. D., 1846, at it) o'clock, A. M., the following property, to wit : All the right, title, interest and claim of Samuel Smith. William Mitchell and Andrew N. M'Dow ell, of, in and to all that lot or piece of ground.' being part of lots numbered 33 and 34, in the city of Pittsburgh, containing in front on Perm street one hundred and twenty feet, and extending back towards the Allegheny riyer. ,ctie_ : .htitidred and ninety feet; bounded on the uortb by : property of the city of Pittsburgh, on the east by Cecil's -alley, on the south by Penn street, and on the west by - lot No. ;32, being part of The same lots which Riclid 130•eu, by deed bearing date the 11th day of No vember, A. 'll, 1830, contesed unto Saninel SMith, Wm. Mitchell and Andre* N. 31'Dcpivell, on which is. erected a large Rolling Mill, Nail FactOry, blaCksmith shops, and a two story brick ware house, together with all the fixtures, engine, ma chinery, tools; Ric.. belonging to said rolling mill, nail factory and shops. t?eized and taken in exe. cution as the property of the said Samuel Smith. William Mitchell and Andfew N. MToivell; ti , the suit Of Richard .Vowen; for use' of John Merange. E. TROVILLO, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, May 23, 184 . 1 : 1—my 26-dts 11 ECEIVED TiIIS DAY.—Received this day, by Green & CON Express, a large assortment of the newest styles of Parasolls, and Parasollettes, Fringed and Plain; which we will offer at prices that cannot fail to please all who waut a beautiful article, at the new Dry Goods !louse. GEO. S. SWARTZ, in 20 • . No. 106 Market street. SHOE PAPER.-100 . reams crown shoe paper, as sorted colors, received and for sale by JOHN U. MELLOR, in Wood st. To the linnarabk Iht Judges of Me Cuurt cf Genera, Quarter &triune of the Peace, in and far the Cuun- ty of Mkgbrny. The petition of August Fa the d ward; Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, 'horribly shew eth that your petitioner - has provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in. the county afore said, and prays thatyour honors will lit Pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of en tertainment, and your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray AUGUST FALLER. We, the subscribers, citizens of the second ward; du certify that the above petitioner is of good re pioe for honesty and temterante, and is well pro vided with house moth and conveniences for the accommodation of travelers and others, and * that said tavern is neceseary. . • John 11. Carless, A. }telly', A Wilson. P. Mar- tin, Wm. Andes - tam, John Cjimick, Westley Grier, M. Kinzer, Thomas Malese, WM. Sanders, Adam: Baker, Wm. Keller. may 293 t• To thc Honerabie the Judges of the Court of Ocncr of Quarter &ssions of the Peace, in and fur the county of 411eghrny. Tho petition of Samuel Mrlelland, 31 vr.ird Pitts burgh, humbly sheweth that your petitioner hath provided himself with materials for the accommo dation of travellers ,and others, at his dwelling house in the city aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitionouty bound will yray. ' SAMUEL MCLF.LLAND. • We, thegit i plistribets, citizens of Pittsburgh, do certify that trlkikcihove petitioner is of good repute' for honesty and teinperance, and is well provided with hot - coin and convenience for the accurm modation of ers and' others, and that said ovem is necessar . • • Thorroks. Elliot, It 13. Alward, John 11. Davis, W. Y OUTIV:4Oe ph Kiser, 13. F. King,:Alx. Hot /stein, John M'Deritt Wm. Stevenson, W:W, .I.4rus, Chatlterinpt, Wm. Mackey, Ge 4. H. Per , . nonan--"'" • inay294l3t To the Honorable the ilidges of the Court of General Quarter Sessioneof- the Peace, in and for the coun ty of Allegheny. The petition of John Hesketh, of Robinson town ship; Allegheny county, humbly sheweth that your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travellers and others, at his dwelling house in the • county atbresaid, and, prays that-your Honors will be pleased, to grant hint a license to keep a public house of entertain ment And your petitioner, as in duty hound, will pray.„ JOHN HESSE:TH. We, the subscribers, citizens of Robinson; town ship, do certitTy that the; above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenience for the accommodation of travelers mid othene and that said tavern is necessary. - James C. Richey, -Williatn Flinn, Ew ing, C. Ml:arland, William Brown, Matthew Har bison, Al.eic. liTKee, Hugh Cowen, A. Liggett, Thomas 'rhornburg, John Nichol, John Harbison. ma 28413 t !l'o the Efonorabti the fudges of the Court of Genes , at Quarter - Sessions of the Peace, in and for c 1 County of .11kgdeny. - - The petition of James Fryer, of East' Wer l'p, Allegheny county aforesaid, Immbly sheiveth, that , your petitioner has provided himsef with materi als for the accommodation ofatriiitelers and l otherE at .his dwelling,house, in the county nforesaid,ani prays that your Hailers will'be pleased to gr. - him license to keeiva public house of enter% mem. And your petitioner, us in duty boubd vm Pray- JAMES FRYER We, the subscribers, eitigus of Allegbeby certify that RIO above petitioner is of good;repute Tor honesty and-temperance; and is well provided witti l hQuse room mid eoilVeniences for the acenin. modation of. travellers and lathers, and tht &aid tavern is necessary. John Robert-Max ell Hugh Terrence, John Alhiou Beale, Jacob ateal,;R,bart, 844, John Young, John Girt, H. Ilit-Rteekt.nridge; JOSeph Adains,',Robeit railyggiat MEE Ufe, Fire and. 'Marine Insiurancert airia _ rn - iajo State:Shia:insurance Compahy; Na.2o Wall strait, York,-ere now prepared, through Spring , er Harbaugh,-their Mithonxed .Agent, to, insure a ' &ail* loss by. Fire; thi damages of the seas and [ inland navigation, also, the loss of human :life, up on terms equal to m# other company or agency in ' thiscity. • Their C9ital is $ . 5(?0,00. 0 Paid in, and invested id: the following manner. _ Two hundred and fifty thorisand dollars in "stack of tho State of New York;one hundred arid:fatty thatissiar del limit! Solids Mortgages. oil gohd productive, city property, and one hundred and ten thouviad dollars in cash at any time: A source at great security adopted' hy this Company is, upon mo.-considers tion, tatakia any for a greater sum , than five thoUsend dollars; also, no two,riskti adjoining, there by avoiding the eriters Which have proved fatal to many Companies.' This . .. Company, also, to 'avoid any diaarrangement .of the:affairs of the insured, pay all losses is soon as satisfactorily arranged; dispensing with the delay of sixty days, oftentimes of such serious inconvenience to the insured. The attention of the mercantile, marine, and personal interests is respectfully called to the ad vantages of this Company.' DIRECTORS Samuel Jones, , Thoinas, David Ames, . Smith Aayinond, Richard Ransom, Thomas Franks, - George M. Hargous, Hulburts, • 4 Edinund Tubers, ' • Peter Rogers, Nicholas Roben3, James Van Renseller, Theodore Floyd, " Charles Livhintcrn, • • James Rem.sen; Daniel Perkins; jarnes Tolbert Edward Lawrence, Samuel. Allen, , , Stephen Minturn, George Morris, Charles,Adams,. ,Fianeis Johnston, , Thomai Dennison, Oliver Hanivants: By order of the Board of Directors. SPRINGER. HARBAUGH, Agt. 'Office at the Counting`Room of Hanna & terman, No: 31 Water and 02 Front street, below IVfarket, Pittstiurgh.rnayl2-16m Dr. Jiieksonte Pile Emlireceitieri. [From the Editor of the Philattelphia Tinies.] infJGHLY IMPORTANT! Jackson's Embroca- F - 1. tion never fails. It is the oniy medicine now sold for the cure of one of the most common and troublesome distrSaes. A friend who hasbeen cured by it asks us,to speak wiarmly in praise" of the efficacy of Jackson's Pile . Embrocation. He describes it as being the very beat remedy of the kind ever imagined by enthusiast iu PhararacY. • ihfr. Ashford's letter must decide the question in the mind of every one. - - _ ' " ' PILESI PILES I PILES 111 ;Rarely a day passes that we do- not get some testi mony, either verbal or written, of the great efficacy of Dr. Jackson's Pile Embromition. Read the fol ldwing - Nit:Att.-Yong, 721 Broadway,l September 2, 1845. • f Dr. N. Jackson—Dear Sir Will you send ate six hottles of your pile embrocation? I wish them part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentleman, a friend of mine, Who has found great relief in using from my bottle two or three times. You remember, when in. Philadelphia; I was sullbring dreadfully fram this tremiudoits Scourge, I only took one bottle from youi thavc . not used it quite all, and am quite well. As you may suppose, I proclaim the virtues of 'your Medicine wherever I go. I tell :every friend &bout it, and it is singular to perceive how many are'suf tering in this way—l believe half of my ecaare more or less aillicted. ' Let me tell 'you that you can sell herd is fast as you choose to make.— When you want a certificate frcitn me yeti shall have it, and you are at liberty to ahow this latter if you Trish, Respectfully yours, LEWIS P. ASHFORD. irr A supply of the above article has just been received, and for sale in Ilittsbergh, at the Pekin Tea store, No Ili Fotirtlt street, near Wood. Price $1 per bottle, or via bottles for $6. AIR. MUFF'S and Writing Rooms, corner of Fifth and. Markel streets. The, proprietor of this estab lishment, is a practical hook keeper of upwards of twenty years experience, and his success as a.teacher °Mercantile and Steamboat Donli.:Keeping, has never been equalled by any-tea cher 'West of the npitintains. Even•the pupils of the Professor in the Commercial College of Cincinnati, frequently find' themselves obliged to go through Mr. Ws. 'course of instruction, before they can con duct their books. It is also, a well kriowh fact that Professor Porter was instructed by one of Mr. Duff's • pupils in the correct solution of a computation in Met , cantilc ..ilithmetic,..whiclk- was .otherwise unable to pcform.- Subtonpticin lista are now open at the Institute and air th boOk stores in the city for Mr. Duff's new treatise upon Book-Kesepittg,, - my. 23 llt KIU rt, OR RENT.-:-We offer for rent, that huge and- r commodious frame house; opposite the residence of Mr. T. McCarty on Cummins streets, 6th ward.— The house contains eight well finished rooms and has a well, garden' and a number of good fruit trees, and grape vines. Emit low and possesiion given immediately. Enquire of BLAEELY & MITCHEL, Ig Real Estate Agents. Scour ty lb Purchasers Icatenoli woceptEaglie Mle( Goaten..l4.4.lmr Eash.box of Gr.iriiißtSEGA& COATED PILLS has Up= 1! 4 Y0.111,1ra0L,,,,..p.i1ajirrja,,,,,, ALL . SILT.= "N. 4 D 4 P • otiusa : ( 4E 6=l== CILICKENIIIt'S SUGAR COATED VEGETABLE PILLS are the, first and only Aledicine ever known that will;positicely cure Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum, Itheumatisui;Piles, j Heartburn, Worms, Dispepsia, Seurvy, Cholera Morbus, Small Pox, ,lartudice, Coughsv Quinsy, Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough, Inward Weakness, 'lloustunption, Fits, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Rising iu the'l'hroat, Erysipelas, Deafness, Dropsy, Asthnia, • Itchinga of, the Skin, Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gtavel, Female COMplaints, Nervous Complaints, And all other diseases, riginating from impurities of the blood, It:r They have - cared, since their introduction, over 2 3 000 persons, whe have been given up as hope less cases, by the most siminent Physicians. They are patronised and recoMmonded by men of the highest distinction, among whom are Hun David. R. Porter, Hon, Henry Clay, . Hon•JohnQ. Adams, lion. Daniel Webster, Hon. Martin Van Buren, H0n..1. C. CallioUn, , 'Gee. Winfield Scott, Col:R. .111. Yohnson, . X; Polk, Gen. Lewis Cass. - -;. —heir virtues are so infallible that the money will be returned in all, cases they .du not give univer sal satisfaction. Altbough.but two and. a half yesrs have elapsed Since these celebrated Pills were first introduced to the public, the sale of them in the Eastern and , middle. States Las far exceeded Dr. Clickener's most sanguine.expectations.. During the 'past year, alone, no less than 10,000 gross of boxes have been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 in IrennSylvania; 9,000 in Maryland, 3,000 in New ler acy, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New England States, requiring the constant employment of 21 hands, exclusive et printers - , and. engravers. In the same period; upwards of 200,000 copies of the trEamily Doctor" have been ordered by agents in every section of the Country: These faCts must show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickener's Sugar Coat ed Pills, besides being the very best medicine in the,: world, are held in the highesfestimation by the public. We might, extend this publication to an indefin ite tenth, if we deemed it expedient to publish all tersimouials we have received, not only from agents but individuals and families, who have experienced the benhcial .edects of Clickener's Sitar Coated Pills, but wo &Cm it unnecessary. The 11103 t in.- cOntestible evidence of their unprecedented success, are the numberless Iditations and Counterfeits which have already appeared, notwithstalatiMg the brief pe riod they have been before the public. Even some of`our staunchest- pill makers have had the audacity to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise the ingredients. of their vile compounds, ancl palm them o 1 for , the "real thrum .pure.” Such paltry shifts cannot last hang 'without exposing their hideous deformity. Truth , ant honesty must inevitably pre vail over rascality and deception. For sale in Pittsburgh by WM. JACKSON, at lits „i Patent Medicine Werchonse, No. 89, Libertystreet, head , of Wood. st:, Pittsburgh: Price; „`2.5e. per box. ,"` Pr. Clickener's principal office is 81 Barclay street, 01 ' Now York. ill;Kr Beware of an . imitation article called Im proved Sugar Coated PAIN purpottim to be patented, as both the pills_ and the pretonded patent are for geries, got up by a miserable quack in. New York, who, for' the 'lest four: of fivo. years, - hai-itiatbi his living by counterfeiting popular medicines, . • 047 - Iteanerober,-Tfr. V Clieltener - istlie original inventor ;of Sugar Coated , Pdlb, and that itochintr the sort was ever, heard of toltillte.introduted them injune;-1843. - .7Pirrchaiort ratolgd.thateicilt,ikraYe mat for Chekener'a Sew Cr,tated.Thgntablerillsi and take ho gtilery t4 .- ty7 l illlAl l o.4e4l.*P or . IVA** - - • - glaY 9 ' . . _ . - vr„ VIAT.ErS OF LA.— coanterimo• "aux mix .A.LLOT KRAMER;EXCLIANGE _ . , catarrn or, ruler& AMA - V.oMsTlitt'.. ,3 ALLGOI9. - delphia Dank , par Slate Dank §r, launches. 40 ugh.. . ...par Shan - noeservn „ ....... ,par nasty. . .par State Bank fictaancl;P:l44 county,....par rralsonott* ry county.. par All solventiranks .r qt,4 -land par 5 . Avrt , s„ citbilos.*. • * ago Co • • par All Solvent trantsi. i 4:4 par par VtVi r 1 0 1 4 103. Ail solvent Inas .aslq ar iTnot long, , : :30d / 4 "' Volk- city ! • •-t , %..PAT •.. Id Country < •t-i 'Ad DtAIIVLARIC, • 13 .2 d Baltimre. „par t'onntry .. ... . rarronsin {Etta. : 'd 74 ''' 4 F , teinco. 1 4ilvV 75 I lactUriAri• - Pane and Alecb bank, .5d AU Other. Solvent, ; , ; afq, New prp l prin Baltimore, • • • prirt GOLD AWD smelt. arantl., Fred erikdors Ten Tbalers, flO Ten - Guilders...., .x.3: 00 Louisafosi.k • • •,,,.4 , 54 Napoleon .. .. r , 3 81:1 c^.) ..2 150 220 Eagle, Ole' 40 ir hew'', • • • /NO_ Doubloon; .s,panish. . Or vo. Patriot, t • , I 5 Guinea. ' 504 rafMS9I.4.VIL3 Philadelphia Banks .. 'pat' Pittsburgh,. ... par t Lancaster ~ • . •'.• • ,par Chester county... . • .par Delaware county, - .• Montgomery county,. par • 'Northumberland par Colambia-Blidge ..par DoylestiAvit . . . —par Reading' - par Bucks e0unty....,... par Pottsville par U. States'Bank • .301.1 Brownsville . td Washingtoti.. 4 •.• •s'• ld All other solvent lilss,2d Scrip. Mer &Alan: bk. Pittli.par, State -Scrip ;r1 • . 2 d' City. and County, .... i. 241 Lancaster` 10kl Hamilton. 15d Granville ......,-::,••1~d' Farmers' Bk Canton..Xid Urbana . ' 40d Scioto.. 5d All Solvent Banks " ELT:737! State Bk Sr. branches, k2;d 44 licrippnz 6 p. 43, .spm - E.Erirucira. All sol Bankse.,..2d Fastern nankY . do. branches. ~ , .. 14d Bearat,Morgopto:4lk. 4.4' IN N A 2 1 ,1 PACK—VI MONDAY PACKET. - THE - regular mail and pasenger steam er UNION, Captain Maclean, will tin:he a regular packet between Pittsburgh aid CineiXi, nati, leaving this port every 3lenday at 6 sisktelc P. M. Returning she willleavo C4iiinjiati.ev•gy Thursday at 6 P. M. ' ' The Union was built expressly for -this 1;640, and affords ev . ery aceomenodation. For - freight-or passage apply.onbotxd; ';:rtayl) It Wix• - c The. ‘ '4%.knowri fast running , -_,PMligit' W. Forsyth, Master, *ill via as are Paeiiet, leaving every Wedn.esday morn, ing at 10 a;cleek, and Wheeling, at 10, P. - M., eta same day. Returning, _she . will 14sio Cineittaati every Saturday, at 10,A. M._ For freight or passage apply on board; or . 4ct FOlkTli & Co.. Agents. _ No. aff, Water street; The regularmail and passengereteamer CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh And, Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday,: 8t 10, A. 31, and Wheeling at 10, P. PrT„ the same day, Returning,tlie will leave Cincinnati every Tpeadny, at 10, A. M. ' For fi-eight or paesage_apply on board.. - _— The Circassian was built,expressly for this prod , a, and offers to her passerigers every cnintnicand - ar, commoirlation. -'mar-.".3 SATURDAY PACKET.: • The regular mail and passenEr steals; er MF.SSENGF.R,Capt:Minford, will rms. al a regalar Pacliet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every. Saturday at 10,A."M. 1 .and • - Wheeling at 10; P. M., the same day- net - inning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesdays ,4/...1 1 1 tvelotk, A. M. • • For freight or passage apply_ on board. The Messenger was.built espressly 7 for thiptrade k and oifers to her . passengers_ every comfort and Ac commodation. mar 2„1 TUESDAY PACKET. • THE regular mail . and passengeratettm, er HIBERNIA, -Capt. Johnlqinerelter t will run as a regular packet between - Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A t M., and Wheeling atlo'P. M; of the same -Returning; elle will leave Cincinuatievery Friday 41 For freight or pasvage'apPly on board.. 'The Hibernia was built expressly for the tia.l3' e, arnroffers to the passepvis_ every cornfort'and":au, perior accotrun pdations.• - • apl • • ..-FRIDAY• PACKET.. 711E'regularkitsitand pasaengeride r arri. er CLIPPER .tio:t;Captain Croolyi; run as a regular packet betweenfincinnati aildPitts. burgh. leaving this port. every Piiatty , at 10 A. 11.1., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day. Iletarning she will leaye Cincinnati every Aimglayat 10 o'clulk t . For. freight or passage apply., on board. The, Clipper No. teas builtexpressly for this trade. and. ONCTS to her passengers every comfort. danitneo cornmodation. . ' _ REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. THE new U. &Mall steamer ACADIA g AL E. Lucas. Mailer, Mill rutras al tttx lar . passenger packet between Pittsburgh. and. tho above port during the season of 134 q, knyille, ( AV - Thursday at 10 o'clock A. .. - The Acadia,is new and has superior nefiointroda- - tions. For freight or p3Molere anolv on board, Or- tq ap9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent, ===l The remdar mail amt. passenger steamer MONONGAHELA. Ca pt. Stone; wilt ruq as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh m1(1.0116'214 . nati, leaving this port every Monday at , 10, M. t and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return, ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thitrsdah_yt For freight or passage apply on hoani. - The Mononf4ahela was built expresslyjor this trade, and offers to the, passengers comfort, and sus , perior accommodations. . -mar.3l - THE regular mail and passefigeVateamTh er NEW ENGLAND, Capt.' S.ll.- e; will tun as a .regtila.r packet between. Pittsburgh-and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10 1. M.; and V.Theeling .at 10 P.lll. the same Hettiruilm. she wilLleave Cincinnati every Sunning at 10 A. Ti _ - For freight or passage apply on board. The New England was built expressl7 for thiiiirade and offers to the passengers every eon:Sart and slim rior aOciamOdathins. trtarlte SAINT-LOUIS PACTLOTII. " FOR ST:. LOTUE—RF.GULARI PACKET. The new and splendid passenger steam, er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bugher; run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louie, dtt. rind the season of 184. The - Torn Con'vin,* was built expressly for the trade, and is eleg,antly furnished in eve.rY, retEetti For freight or passage apply onboard . inay 19. TOR ST. LOUTS--REMJLArt PACKET. The new and splentua passengerstemns er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, wiTlianiti ihFtTn.de from. Pittsburgh to St totdp, during-.the 2 the season of IMS. The Brunette teas built expressly tor the irade 4 arid is elegantly fournished in orpry rispect. - For freight or passa.ge apply on board; - - - _ FOR LOUSVTLLE---REGUIAIt PACKET. The new and splendid passennerateam, er TONNA.LLITICA; Capt. 3; K:Bloody, wt jun in the trade from Pittsburgh to Lottieville, du tir4 the season of 1846. . • The Tonnalettke, was bitilteipresslyTor 'het:rade,. and is elegantly furnishedin every respect ; For freight or passageapply heardl' Remittances is Rrkoi* Icell , Mtit'Sco - t; land and Walics t - - jr TbERSONS - desirous of remitting, mondy to any o the above' countries, cm de so'through-the sub. scribers en the most easy terms, We are prepared to issue drafts for any amount over £l,OO Remittances made through our house any daiWpro the 23d of May, will be received- irilramds', -- hy thq 20th of done: BLAKELY& sritcHELaittsti l , Agents for Roche, Droonk-ett.i. "TC114114#•: myl4 • . 1171, 011. SALD,-The lalge• - tliree story Vick . IC and lot efgrettad brinticlt it is extteDLAantlana. att"ta;bet , Vo4l/ CherrYalleY and SAntAatt7allt.at prest eat oceepled.by Mr: Delany : , Thkr ,nPaz# l Fill be seld.at a great bargain. Enqeire tnylB - • IAAILDLY MT •CIIE4-“. nernittai l s t i:th otriv Qbtl ceqq - t r - " 1 AA ONEY spnt to all parWif.Englana,,l.relandt Scotland i ani,Walog, in molts of Xi mati n aids, to suit purehaiera, ,, , - • . 4.. " • LI.EN" Poker, PaO•willoAiltl'CPT,' 4 •Pf - - 301 1/ I + II YO CEstB. , . --.---- , A" ANOVA '..ArlirliftW,Fttglit***L- -iv '- _-; itittilp., - 6E,4l:oolo.:'N'irtiOfieo444',o4 - 14 - 1 v-argite4:o#o4fitilL Ao4oll(i l it t in c l aq' tot,4ll>;y , :::,.:: -;: :;.-:' - (-'-:4 1 •40,P, F 144 :4 1,1 1 ... '-- • .- - -10.' , :..: -.5 .4.1P:A4:.... ( , ) .1i-' - ' : :: ,-,t;_..z,..;,,,..),.,.,.. , .... ~-4 ,-;-v.,-,:,..-.•.....,,,...-,-,:.:;.:14K:ir,:q..:.:1....,: .:' , ..'. --- ')-iz .-- 5.' 7.1 _VOR — tIIciT,IIA — .TI SAIJRDAY PACKET MONDAY PACK ET WEDNESDAY PACKET