Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, May 30, 1846, Image 1

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dt erUidng,
,Vertus ui Ag.
SQ,1.1&10, Turtv
Orie $5 00 ,
Two do, 0.00
Three do, 700
Four do, 8 00
Sis do, 10 00
_One year, 15 00
bac' inaartieir; = • :$0 50
Tivii‘;ilo, • '0 75
Thrici, do " 1 00
One - week, - I'so
Two do,. 3 001
Three do, 4 00 :, Ycar3y.Adti:
Ong Sqw.tre,-
Sik . $l5 00
OrieLyear, 20.00
Laiger . advcrtiecments i
• - Taco. Squares.
Six months„. $2O 00
yac year, 30 00
'Fug 1,014 .a1ta a Year
, • 111.agraw.4 Maintglat, T
-,. _ ItORSENS AZ - LAW, 0 iLikgrerrio•red to dte
- - residence of I.l..S.Dlagrisf i rjri Fourth it., one
from Cherry Alley. ' ' ap2l-y
- • Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth at., between
hfield and Grant. • utarld-y
Eanattrid Rutissde,u,
TTORNEY AT .LAW, office in the building on
.11i, the North East corner of Fourth and Smltlatleld
, nov2l-y
• • , r- C-Bhasinots.
'TTORNE.X AT= LAW, Greensburg, Wesionosc
:_tl;; land county, Pa... will pitictice- in the West
moreland, Indiana and . Cambria. courts. decS.-y
' boa & Seaway:, 4,l'n,
TTORNEYS dT LdW r olfiee ill Fier street, in
new , baild*s, loetween Wood and
Smottilfield,streets. • .. _ oct29-y
• :Shaler Simpson, -•
- -4
. TTDRNETS AT LAW, office in the building
,formerly Gem:Tied by the IL S. Dank, Fourth
et,_betereett Arlarketbbd Wool eta.,.. mar2l-y
i - flanailt , dia & Bruce,
Aiths- :--TTISSIMYS- AT 'l 4 MA:office North side o
• : Fiftlfetrettibetwe, en Wood and Smi th field sta.,
tktirgb;2.-Pm... Collections made on rea.sonable
terms.. -A • - ties.l-y
.•• . •
R. 31orrow,
Li office north side of Fifth street
betwemi Wood - aid Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
,seplO-Y •
Andrew Burke,
A' TTbRNEY AT LAW, office, Smithfield street,
i. betwenn,rourth street and Diamond Alley, op
ponle Mr. Geo. Weyulan'a tobacco naannfactery,
TTORNEY AT .LANY, office in the chambers
.1 - 1 occupied by Alterman itilllasters,on Fifth at.,
between wood and. Smithfield.. 5plSl
lll'Gs.nd.Lrkis I,l , Clure.
office on Fourth street, opposite R. & It. 11.
Patterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y
Forward ds Swartzwader.
- A TTQRNES B AT LAW, Fourth street between
Wood and Sazithiaold, oppoaito Yattorsou , s
ery stable. . aP7'l
, C.OrlaudoLoomis,
A TTORNEY--4T- LAW, efface fourth. se-,above
A BEELF2I has removed his commission and for
2i. warding business from. the Canal Basin to his
flea warehouse'on' Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office. sa l t' o't'
Atchard Comran,
ATTORN'EY AT LAW, o ffi ce in Suarve.build
' inas Fourth ist abovc.Woo:l- junell4 l ,ry
o .#
John W.. Burrell,
.TTORNEY AT LAW, hay*: returned - from
his European tour has taken an office on the
north cast corner of Fourth and Smithfield stn. Per
sons haring had business and papers in the bands of
Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the
above, as all the unsettled business of Mr. 'Kihgston
has been left in his hands. Inars-y
Charles 'AL
4 TTORNKY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com ,
raissianer to take the, proof and acknowledge
ment, of .ileeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other
writings;'to be'rteorded 'or used in 'the States et'
Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Office No. SO,
Stuart's buildings, Fourth street.
James !!.Crafty
• . .
. Pittsburgh, Ps.,having resigned the office of
etary, P. Nay. and Piro Ins. C 0.,, will attend spe
cially to collections and - business'connected with'
_ . . .
naiigation„inaurance, accounts and, real•estate. Bu
illness - hours; 9 A. Di. to'9 .1 0 .11. Office, No. 1,
Stuarts buildings, (No. 80, Fourth , et.,) second door
essi'of Wood street.. fetal
Edwlss C".Nl7llsors,
fr,anklin,Yenango county, Penna., will attends
promptly to all 'business entrusted to his care—col
lections made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson '
J . A. Stockton & Co.
liLtirphy; Wilson it Co.. Pittsburgh.
• John:Bigler,
llon.:James . Kinnear
micalin:nt„ Franklin.
Ifirn.laineir Wilson, Steuherrvi le, Ohio. juy23-y
John A. Parkinson,
ALTIERBEA..N,Fifth -Ward, Penn. street, butwean
- . Walnut and O'llara streets,.wheie he-may be
oned at:idl times. Those having" houses or. other
:propeity,to sell or rent, can have the same punctu
ally Attended to;, debts" collected, and the duties
of an Aldermastivill receive prompt attention..
oct27-y .
- - , H o lmes & SOn r
BANKS arid.deilers in , Foreign and' Domestic
AftleOf Exchange, certificates of deposit bank
notes and specie. - Drafts and notes collected and
•rbinittanees made to any part of the United States,
NO. 55• Market street., jan7-y
Jedaiston & Stooktoui
KERS, No. 414 Market street. sep 10. y
- „
Born) Setieibler,
cro. 115 Wood street, three doors 'below Fifth,
Pitisbtrgh, Pa. • • jan7-y
Jaiires Pittersono
of First and VerrL streets, Pittsburgh,
P.i., manufacturer of loc , 'hinges and bolts,
fullei, mill and - timber - Screws, housen
'screws for; rolling itc. seplo-y
EIM.ST, has removed to the place of his for
meryesidenee in Penn street, two doors below
[ qin
Jt 41. Manta,
71 - NEALE.R ;IN . Dir4.crOODS, No. 114 Market:
iLt near Liberty Pittaburgb Pa julyt-y
• 11. V. Gonstable,* I
reAX.Eri:in Fetir:y_ruad Staple . Dry Goods,-113
31,erket street, Ptttaburgh. novlo-y.
Eibgar, Thos's
AUG _and Family bletlieine Store, „corner: a
Xert.6 And ?OA a4ee:ta,.Pict.lliiiTh, Pa., • Ph v
syeiana, preseriptionaiectiratelicanipauadad. Madi
cidea can be had al.„411„ hours, of the day •
Z:3!Feeitt, ,:
ich)otft#l[s, !a-
JUF forme hi & f4entle,,end-lillflhikstiVhetittiytirish
Is:mice ,:iliiilio.hit-eiskettlth',Offici oni Smithfield
}tce two doors from sirKi Otherele viill kcitie .
ttdne of the teeth in the beit.T4l44ll,lM
not#o., Office .hstte!gco/31
and from 2 to b.,
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BrowneviilLr. - Jviviiiita: Iron Works.
"UIDWAItD ILLiCFIES manufacturer iron and
nails? warehouse, Smithfield ibove Fourth et.
GROCER; Sraithiteld street, next door
_L" to the ritth.l!resby.tecian june6-y
C. A..24. , ..tianity dz. Co:,
Gamin Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. • mull
fii, orge .coarra . ns
N0.'26 Wood st.,Pittsba b nor°7-
rg _ y
Reynolds . ..L.' Shea, ‘.
fur the Allegheny Mier trade, dealers in groce
ries, produCe, Pittsburgh manufactures, chloride of l
lime and paper. The highest price in cash paid at all
times for country rags'; haling rope, and cotton waste,
corner of Penn and Irwin ate., Pittsburgh, Pa. waste,
GEO.'S. SWARTZ would respectfully inform his
friends and customers that he has removed to
No. 106 Market street, between Fifth and Liberty sts.,
east side, where ho is receiving a large and well as.
sorted stock of spring goods, to which he would re
spectfully invite their attention. ap3.4lGra
"ITAS removed a short distance above bis former
.11:- location; on Smithfield street t near Seventh,
east side. jani-y
S. BOSWORTH it Co., No. 43 Alarket street,
next door. to. Third street, are just opening a
new and extensive assortment of Books and Station
ery, which they will sell, wholesale and rctal,at the
lowest prices. aPIS-Y
Union Hotel.
TN connection with my sou, A. Eicher, I base this
day, opened my House in Virgiu Alley, near
Wood street, where those wishing the choicest ro
freshincnts can always be.accommodsted. Eitensive
Stabling fir rent. EENT:Y !METIER, Sr.
1'674 ' _
17Vu,O'flarn. Rolotpxon,
-vrt . ., U.S. Attorney, has remote(' his office to
No. 8 St. Clair a. ' • sept 1-y
T UMBER. MERCHANT , office on Penn street,
j 4 between Irwin and Hand tits., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All cmumissbans will be promptly attended to. mart-y
School Book and Paper "Warehouse.
UKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisber,,booksoller and
bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Pilkintores Unrivalled Blac. erg,
ATANCTFACTURED and sold wholesale and re.
j tail, Smithfield at., between Siath:and Virgin
allcg• cct2l-y
21. C. Edey,
fANUFACTCRER. of Lard Oil and dealer in
2 Star. Candles, Fifth igscet, scar :.larlet, S. W.
side- -inar2.4.l
car.tilAN. JOllll Jr.:ircrscs. JAS. W. au.uxari
Coleman, Hallman .14. ,
Ir.iNLIFACTUREES of Carriage Springs and
'Axles, A. D., and spring stxel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every,description, manufactory ,
on St.,Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
. osite' St. Charles Hotel. jan23-y
Vitus Glass Estssnlisnatent.
AITLVANY E:. LEDLIE tnanufacture and keep
constantly ou hand cut, moulded and plata
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner'of 31arket and Water streets, Pittsburgh.--
Our storks continue in full operation, and we arc
constantly a.ddinz, to our stock, which enables US to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to call and esamine prices and terms.
t rANUFACTUItEE or INcouncrtists. TEETH,
Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street
Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full inaortment of
Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate, Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Gum teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. All orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash:
Platingalways on hand. ooyls-y
• Etr. Daniel
in i FFICE on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st.,
Piusbusgh. declo-y
Dr. George Watt,
OFFICE, No. 71 Smithfield area. near Suth it.,
—Pittsburgh. eng2l-y
George Pelts,
11ILICTISING PHYSICIAN, office. on Smithgeld,
nenr Seventh et. iuly26-y
- . —.- r. mewl.,
Tvat.mok WWI'S% marrafaetarer and 'dealer in Mu
_E- goal Instruments, No. 112 Wood street,. near
Filth. VitOvl9-y
6eerrgo Ballet',
- 1 - ILL'IIBEit, and manufacturer of Pumps axrd Hy
r drauts, which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the city. Please to call and examine for your
seles. Fourth street, between Smithfield and Chnr
ry Hydrants and pumps repaired. janv.
I it. U. Sellers, M. D.
E.IIOVE,D to Penn it., between irstils u Mad
_,LA, streets, five doors below Hand at. aplsl
Hugh Arters, •
CI.;II.GEDN DENTIST, 11$ Liberty street, a few
doors below St.. Clair at., Sttaburgh, wpfal
(Laden dr itrrowdera,
.sale aid retail druggiats; and• manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second eta., Pittabursh. Pa. nosla-y
Martha Smith,
SUCCESSORS to Irvine 8: Martiu,,wholesale gro
cera, produce and communion merchants, and
dealers Pittsburgh manufactured articles; No. 56,
Wood . itreet; Pittabusgh., Ph., ' apB-y
rytatan. AND CLOTHIER, Liberty st.:,..between
I, Sixth street, az4 Virgin Alley, south sidb.
seplO-y .
Aiderm:ato. ()ince.
pur.. undersigned begs leave to say to his friends
and the public generally, that he has removed
his once to Penn street, near the , canal bridge, oppo
site the United States Hotel.
U. A. Irsihixestitck & CO., ,
WHOLESALE and retail.D;tiggiets, corner Sixth
and Wood streetx., sept2-y
. STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh. ap Ft-y
s retail d
and La g l u e o rs r.) in frei
Market street. sps-p
NIO.LESA.LEGROCZRS, importers of tin plate
and quecnsware„araidesicre in copper and
Pittsburgh manufactured articles Nes. 112 and 114
,:nd.st.7,bctween'Wonfland;Smithficld jal4-n14.1
• "i Lansbnst SAipton,i
Commission Merchants, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh nutnufactures,Nos.,l33 and 13i Wood
street,.Pittaburgh, feb2,y.
Dr. Gco. re/lx
New Book Store
L. 'Willa/art
Otto Kuntz.
Thomas Miller's
Sterrett de. Co.,
James Park, Sr., S. Coy
- a!olan Scott .17 Cb r
VII Merchants,. No;_?; Commercial Ilpw„ Liberty
street, Pittsburgh.
J. & J. WDevltt,
NfrIIOLESAIE GROCERS, dealers in produce
`and Pittiburgh manufactures generally, No.
'22 , 1 Liberty; opposite ltb street, pittsburgb.. ap2S-y
WILOLE&A.LE DRUGGIST, and dealez in dye.
stuffs, paints, 'Dili, van/tidies, No.. 57,
Wood:street, Pittsburgh. .. ; , - oetSly
• John 11. Nen •
'WIWFF4A•LF: oott retail scaler its Mhsic 11116
illilnOnwitnts, ' Piano FOrtes School
I!22`Woint-ire4 , 3 Pitts'
burgh.. •
- '4:44 . !Hi . 4 ,., :1'..:i',i , 1 . „ . ?
- -4 _
,• Charles H. Kay. •
Paper Dealer and Bookbinder, corner of
Wood aud.Third-streets. sepidl
W.M. GLENN, Bookbinder, has removed to the
corner of Wood and Third sts., above C,
Kay's, where he is prepared to do every description
of ruling and binding. • ap3-y
Select School
WM. MOODY respectfully announces to hispld
friends that he intends opening a Select School
in this cityoni the first Monday of April next, in the
basement or the Third Presbyterian Church. truull'Af
P. C. 31 arthx,
WHOIXSALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Forpign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., N 0.60 Water
street. seps-9
J. D. William.',
TJ o l f lL W G .. " , ( l )C ai 'E u l i t
W 1 11P1‘ ..E o S o L tgx E c A e t iC e p or itE :
-strcets t Pittsburgh. aprB
• Dr. W rel. M. Wright,
DENTIST, Office and .residence in
St. Clair st., a few• doors below Lib
erty, rrpi near the Exchance Hotel.
House, Fourth street,
Between Smithfield and Grant Streets, Pittssburgh.
CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect
fully informs his friends and the public general
ly, that he will epeu the above rAend.id House on
theist day of l‘layr'nest.
The House befog new, and.finished in she most
commodidus and convenient mariner{ and having it
furnished with the newest and must beutiful style of
furniture; flatters himself that he will be -able to ac
commodate his friends and'the travelling public, in a
manner not inferior to any similar establishment in
the city.
As the /louse is situated near the Court House, a
rangements have been made, to serve fig meals at an:
hour in the day, this will be great convenience to
those who are in attendance at court.
igtßefieshments of all kinds can be had. Boar
ders takeri by the week or day.
every day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
licastaturgtent Hotel,
TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner`of St.
*) Clair3.o44nm streets, Pittsburgh, the priikie
tor begs leave' to rtiturn his most grateful thanks to
his friend* and the public for past favors, and hopes,
by attention) to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The. houise is isloasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a
large mein fur public memings,linner or supper par
ties. -,-
Refreshatiats always ready, or prepared on the
shortest with the choicest the Market will af:
ford. Glitters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters; received every day during the season. The
greateit Care has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers arc regularly
filed iu the establishment,
P. S. 4. Hot Lunch served up everyday at It, A.
M. ap IS-v.
Cuual float
BDOSSETT, Pcnn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
Boarding and lodging, by the day or meek, on
the ruostrtssonable terms. Strangers will find tto
their adenntagetopatronite him. Perseus travelling
east or West will tind this house a convenient loca
tion—it within one inindsed yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the *warding houses.
Every information given tolron Manufacturers in
all branches of the busineis.
Home brewed alt can'at all time: be had at the
bar. nut 10-y
r Lafayette Itetreatory•
XTOS.. GI and G 2, Wood street, under Lynda :Luc. ;
IN tion store. The subs gibers have fitted up the 1
above place in superior style, and they reel assured
will give comfort. and satisfaction to all who may I
visit them. ...
Arrangement:l brie been made to have a constant I
supply of Fresh Oysters, winch will be served up to
viscors,and families on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies, fruit and pastries of the choicest
kinds always on hand. Thor Bar is filled with the
best brands the market can a ff ord; and Regalia, Cas-
I tello, Principe and Ravenna Cigars of superior qual
ity. Drery attention paid to visitors. Their motto
is, every luxury in its season. Prices moderate.
_novlß-y OGDEN U GIBSON.
Burnt Dialect Hotel.
IS IiAC 'MURDOCK, formerly of the Union Hotel
on Water street, having been burnt out, has built
a new and handsome house expressly for the accom
modation of travelers, M the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, which will be UMW II a 9 the Burnt
District hotel.
/1c ili now prepared to offer every accommodation
and eYery comfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. Be le provided with ample and convenient
stabling. des 12-y
Estimate* Ilotel,
day. Thou ndersignifil, formerly of the Merchants
llotel,l corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
this sitperier establishment, and furnished it anew
throughout, with new beds, new bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to fill his cel
tar with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus
and altiaggne wagon are provided for the use of his
guestT i and a Porter will be id attendance at allltoura
to moct the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this busittess,soures
him till% his easnest purpose to satisfy en whei call,
canndt be unsuccessful. Ire feels altogether at lib
erty tO promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal entertainment, and.a hearty welcome,
at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN.
ILLIAM COLEMAN having, on tlid fftirr dtry
I January, inst., associated with him Jas. W.
Haan:an and John F. Joinalngs,mulor the name and
styleimf , Coleman, Irailman & co.; will now have in-1
crealied facilities for manufacturing Steel Writings,
hamtnered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
&c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
•solicited,,and hope by strict attention to business, to
'merit a•contlnuuncw to the - new firm the favors so lib
erally bestowed upon him- Factory on St., Clair at.
—warehouse 43 Wood st. opposite the St. Charles
Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of
,Springs, Axles, A. B. and Spring Steel, and Coach
Irimtnings of every description, together with Iron,
Nail and Pittsburgh manufactured artioles. MrThe
t highesiprice paid . for scrap iron. jan22
Forty:bre Window Blinds.
rIVIE subscriber, having competent workmen, and
a large stock of Venitian - Window Blinds, will
sell "Portable Fastner," the only one in .
the XTriited States, is tiro best and most convenient
plan ever used for private or public buildings.
cal and examine samples at J. W. Woodwell's or
G. Singer's. Old Biintle put up with the Portable
Fastener at a. twill charge.
West End Hand st. Bridge.
kN the, 'Eight day of June next, I will sell the
above named lots at auction, on the ground in
. said , town of Ohio.
OHIO situated at Bird's Point,.at the mouth of
the: Ohio river, in Mississippi county ,on- the Missouri,
shOre . , and above the bar that maker attbe•mouth of
the rivers in•low water. The land is higl4 beautiful
ly situated;natl never known to.overffew. Adjourn-.
ing and rear the town, is choieu timber land; and the
county adjacent is a ricirvolovated section of the.
State: Ten mileihwestia. long Ptaric, East Prarie
and Mathew's Prarie, all of which are thickly , ant.llo4
and improved in,the most desirable manner.
IC'The Levee is 500 feet Wide;the streets SO, and:
100 feet wide„ and the lots .212 k• by 20-feet,. With', am al
ley in rear. PE PEARSON-S,for proprietorir
rtraturilis macehitiet '
TIE subscriber having been removed by the
- great fire to Allegheny, is prepared to make:
ham and - Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
iesses, for.oil,.tobacco or any other - purpose, and
inch eery generally. &S. WYNNE,.
Franklln..lHachine :Works,
Vitebccii; street and Bank lane, West of federal
(street, Allegheny city. .
Onion left inLPittiOurgit *Jul : Dre r
ittitbeat,An 3farket .street, .2. dNra below :1:144
meet ivith‘prompt attention.
- -
Lard Oa at, 0; Itetipit.4, Price
- • - , _
Tr FIE subscriber would tespeetthlly inform his
friends and the public In genefal x that his new
Factory is now complMedi, and with n large addition
to his machinery, he .ie prepared to' make considera
ble quantities of a superior articleof Lard Oil,
which he is determined to italchtstp,-Al* apprecia
ting the old proverb; that , t, _itixpexice is
worth more than a slow - shillimpo :lie feels confi
dent that consumers woulditisdrkto theitOrantate_
to give him a call and ezzunhon for theinsnliek.
Woolen manufitentreor, ounddithrtailta utbersl are
respectifilly invited to estuniotehis,anperiervil, Fifth
street, near Market, opposite litnakera Codfection
ary store, and Messrs,: Sautttel - 31'Clurkeu & Co.,
Liberty street. • - , 14.X...F.11FX,
Pittshurge Laid Oil Distinfiteturer.
A superior quality of StarFandlee, alwayaon hand f
, of assorted sizes. •
Or nom e Intel asir Work
MRS. dtEriTER, Trig Maker,
~ ~-2 ," rr.. , :i'..`e Allegheny City, six &ors from tie
1 tr'......t"E*4. ..lijurrinct, opposite the Callectors
i l i • , ...V 1 '7;:.1 Office , wlshe,4 to inform the pub
cl.' Itfir He that she has just commenced
ki , ,,, - ; . .. " 4., th e Otnamenial Hair business,
..,I,' : ii.?', ~,,, Vv. and has rt very superior stock, re
ioNA.l7.: 11 .- 1 , ... ceived from the Eastern cities and
Az..:,' ,- '%. 1,.. .Faris; and she is prepared to till
, ~. all orders at the shortest notice,
and in a manner that cannot be
' ... lZ,'_`"-- A excelled by any .iin , lar manufac
turer in the country.
-She has on hand and intends keeping, a large as-
Sob:dent. of Ornamental Hair Work, such.as. Ladies'
Wigs, Bands, Braids, Curls, Necklaces, Guardb,
-Bracelets, Finger Rings, Sm. Gentleman' Wigs,
Tanpries, Scratches, &c. ' . _
Mrs. R. has been fel manv years engaged in the
business in France and the Cc uited States, and• from
her long and experience, shefeelsconfulent ha being
able to giro satisfaction to all who will favor her
with their patronage. Her prices arc more liberal
than have been offered in this city heretofore.
niar 17-ly
TT AVE the pleasure to announce to their friends
1 - 1 that they again occupy their, old stand at No.
83, Wood ratet, where they have opened an exten
sive WALL ' , Avert WAREHOUSE:, and will Lave
contently on hand an extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand-,
some patterns for papering halls, parlors and chain
They manufacture, and-have on hand at all timer,
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—‘all of which they offer
' for sale on the most arcommodath , terms, and to
I which they invite the attention or merchants and
ALSO--Blank Rooks ofall kinds and the best qe.s.P
ity, Schou:rod:l; altrayvett hand and for sale
as aboie. aug 23
Landielles Warranted Garden Scedst
DIRECT FIW PlillADELE'lliA. Each paper
bears the label and zwairdtity Of DattD Len
ourru. For sale by F. L. SNOWDEN, .No. 29 Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Derry.
Extract from the '* Ite?ort of the Visiting Committee
of the Planzwyls"atis Derticeltural fiesiety,' unani
mously adopted and ordered to be printta.
"These extensive grounds arc on Federal street,
near the Arsenal. • • • 'lle earliest collec
tion of Camellias was made here. Sonic of those
now in posseszion of those distinguished uerseryraen
are tea feet high. • " The selection of
GN EL4-11013E r.t.As-rs is traluable and extensive- • I
"The. Nurseries are 'gm entreaty wattage& sup
every part of this Union, a detail of which I
would occupy too much of our space, we therefore
content ourselves with stating that the stock is very
large, and in every adage of growth, consisting of
a collection of herbacceous plants,frait trees of the
best kir.g and most healthy condition, large beds of
seeding apples, pears, plums, tie., an stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a•plan very superior so that sr]
working upon sockets, which carry with them into
the graft all the diseases of UM parcut stock. • •
4•Garine" Saens of the finest quality have been'
scattered over the country from these grounds, and
may always be depended upon. The seed
mant of liras Ilorticulturista is one of the most ea
tonsive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain
ed from year to year.
"To obviate the chalice of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have established
another nursery at a sttimble distance, so that degene
ration cannot take place, and,which secures to the
purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture ef every plant,
the supply from their grounds is reto"Xereadard with
'great coutidence."
.• Since the date of the 'Report' from which the
above ix extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellia.' em
braces all as:t finer kinds,and consists of some Vane ,
sands of various irises; in likewise with Roses, and
other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit
trees,, &C.
The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the
whole is, as it ban been for more than half a century,
under the successive management of father and sou,
the most prominent in AMerica.
Vr Orders received by F. L. SN'OrTiEN, from
whom catalor - he received giatis. marfi-y
qIIIE substriLer begs leave respectfully to return ,
his grateful acknowlesements , for the liberal pi
tronage bestowed upon hmi for years past, and par-
ticularly to those who so generously patronized him
since his misfortune by the latefire. Having consid
erably enlarged his butanes by associating with Wm.
8. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit ai
,continuance of former favors to the new litm of
Roberts tr. Kane, and he trusts that by prompt atten
tion to business they will give general KAN
M. E, Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have remove.l to
their new warehouse on 'third between Market and
'Wood streets, south side, where they trust by strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They aolicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which ham been got up with, great care,
in the•latest style and most substantial intone: r ano!.
sisting_in part of the following articles, viii
• lirahogany Wardrobes,
Dressing Bureaus,
Book Case and Secretaries,,
, Section Back Sofas,
Plano. do.„,
" Ottomans,
" Victoria Chain.,
" French do,
Plain do,
"- tetras - Tables,
" Card do,
" Bureaus of. every description,
End Tablea,
Vffi.rblerTop Piet , dos
4 - Centre do,
" Sofa do,
" Dressing Bureaus„
ac Wash. Stands„
Mahogany Work Stands,
flat Racks
" Rocking Chairs„
Sewing do,„
" Music Stools,,
" Acta,Chairs,.
" French Bedstead's,
" Butlers , Trays.
hratiogany„cherry and poplar' betlattatuis, warrant,
cd proof againstbugs,apd superior to•anty now offer
ed to the public. .tilso,a variety of Windsor chairs,
of the best quality ,and a new style of arm chair with.
spring seat, well adapted for offices or Societies, with
a.variety of other arcielesstoo.numerons to mention.
We hare at considerable .espeuse introduced into
our new factory on Front street,a steauf engine with
machinery, which will enable, utr th: aell o wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices..
The attention, of Western lifirchants l and persons
moving West,is_invited to. our .ucw and extensive
establishment. Western.Cabinctmakers are also re
quested to give us a call,att• they will, find they can
purchasccfrotn. us for losw than they can manufac
ture.. Orders from -4 .distmee will receive prOinpt
ettention,,and the furniture will,be carefully, packed.
Steamboats - And betels fhinished at the shortest-tics
tire, and owfaverable terms. • ROBERTS
tindertekingan.ail iti,,bionahes 'attended to.
rosilo.y ,• • , • .
Tyiew TABLES;--IVlnibre Top on hand and for
low,: bale at thi -.. Vutnituro ,ivarebonso of '•-
- • YOUNG S. c 0.,.
'Zito" oiroot:.
'S '
:.mar.. 7 .'`' ~.~ ;~
.s+ rr :~'~rF; ,• :~ ' c.-r s ~'^9'%.
~, _.
James !toward S•. Co.
pica =ay
5. Card
Nelv shiaeirig.
91HE subscriber would respectfinly inform his
friends and the citizend generally, that he
has kased We. stand formerly occupiedby Weber
Fortune .&
Sons on F'ourth street, four doors above
Snaithfield, add intends carrying on the &Wye bu
siness in all its ; branches, having employed first
rate worlimen,„ and beiug. a practical mechanfc
hituself,.gentlemen sending their lion-dm his shop
may depend on having their work well and prompt
ly done. As fintend to give:the business my un
divided .attention, I ; hope to have a liberal share
of, public patronage. CHAS. BAN.N.Err.
Franklin :Medical College of rhiißde.t.
yay HE.
r find. annual couise of lectures in thisinctitt=
• bon, will be opened on .Monday, the twelfth
of October next, (the second Ntonday in October;)
and will be continued until 11th vnd 4r , th6. ensaitig
PAUL BECK GODDARD., AI. D.—Anatol:ay arid-
C.lttlif i J31,D.--•Principtcsandpractice
of Surgery.
• MEREDITH CLYMER , L 0."... Principles and
practicemif Medicine.
ica and Therapeutics.
DAYID HUNTER TUC. I KER, - M.R.—Obstdricks
and 'diseases of women and children.
LENTN S. JOTT.IES, M. D.—Physiology and-legal
I JAMES IL ROGERS, M. D,--Cveneral and Organic
3011 N BAIteLAY BIDDLE, M. D.—Dean of the
'- JOSEPH LEIDY, Al. D.—Demonstrator of An
The Franklin Medical College was incorporated
in the Legislature of Pennsylvania., by an act ap
proved 2Sth January, 1546, and is authorised by sec
tion third of its charter, "to grant the degree of Doc.-
tor of Medicine to any such persons at shall possess
the qualifications now usually requited of candidates
in other Medical Colleges in this State."
For each course of lectures, $15,00
Slarticulation fee, to be paid once only, 5,00
Diploma fee, 10,00
Additional information respecting the course of in
structioo, or other matters connected with the Facul
yr, can be obtained upon application, peraonally r ur
6y letter, to J. D. BIDDLE., 3.1. D.,
Dean of the Faculty, N. E. comer of Quince and.
Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
- mar 11-d6na 1
Found at Last,
Servs Thausuur bites of obstinate Pulmonary Com
plaints cured in one yea.r!
We ask the attention of the candid to a few con
Nature, in every part of her works, has left indeli
ble marks of adaptation and deau,git.
The coast:mums of the animals and vegetables of
the forest, is sirch that they could not endure the
Cold of the frigid zone, and - vice vesa. , I
In regard to diseases and its cure, the, adsption is
more or le sa striking.
The Moss of Iceland, the Wild Cherry and Pines I
of all Northern latitudes (and "Dr. Wirran's Ds:t
aint', is a compound chemical extract frees thesed
have long been celebrated far complaints prevalent
only to cold climates. Indeed the most distinguished
medical men have iivcrredthat nature firrnishes in
c very country medicines for its own peculiar diseases.
l'unsionplion hi itit.confiarned and incipient. stages
Cauths, Aiihma, Mukalla Liter Comp/rani feral by
far ths most fats), class of diseases known to our
land. Yet evcu these stay be cured by means of the
simple yet pont:rani resnodiez )named abovej and
which are scattered, by a buntitcieut Yruvalmacc,
wherever those maladies prevail. -
Wiirtivr's liviaaat or witm Curany,alivays trium
phant! care follows cure is its uuward victorious
)5.1 VTON, Yeb, lith, 1345.
J. IV. ll'ilitswrc.—Dear Sir: As vouare thc reg
ular Alltburiltud agent iu Dayton, for the gale Ut "Dr.
rj.tant Jr Cherrv;' , l' take this ineth
oil of making a statement of tiers to you twhich I
hope may be published- us the world) in reference to
an almost miraculous cure, wrought to m'y case by
means et' the above Invaluable Balsam.
Language fails to describe the salutary erects it pro-
duced, and the great benefit I derived from its use.
The citizens of Dayton and vicinity, well recut-1
Wet that on the' bth of August last, I received seri
ous injury from the explosion of a cannon. A par-
tion of its contents entered my right-Ade and hreaats , l
and in all probability some fragments or splinters ofi
the ram-rod passed through the -plum," and pierced
the Lungs.
After the lapse of about six weeks, I was attacked
with a &striating cough and a violent pain in my I
right side. Svinu ten days after this when in a par- I
ctrysnyi suddenly and utota broke, and,
a large qiiantity of very offensive matter, inked
with blood, was discharged; most of which found i
passage through the opening of the would. From!
this epening there`sequently passed a quantity oil
air, supposed to issue from the lungs. During all;
' this time my sufferings were almost intolerable.,
My physicians, meanwhile paid. the striotetsoatteh-
tion to me, and did all iso their peiwes for, nry reeev-
Cry: But with all their skill they could nut reach I
the seat of distress, after the Lungs had beton.* affect
ed. I was visited during this time by at least twenty
ft was now reduced to a certainty, that ingrimation
of the lungs was rapidly taking plane) and thut this
would terminate my life in a very short time, was in
the highest degree probabie.
At,thie critical stage, a messenger was despatched
Cincluriati, and a deletrated Physician' of that,
place was consulted. When he was made acquaint..
ed with my situation, he remarked that nothing could,
be done by medical aid, if the constitution itself was;
not sufficient to throw oft the disease.
My friends now despaired of my recovery, and
• .
. .
had no earthly ground of hope to survive many days.l
leortimatelv at. this yanetnae,, I saw one. of Dr. Wis-i
tar's Pamillets, entitled "Family Medical Guitle,"l
or "Treatise on Consumption of the Lungs." As I
had often heard of dying men "catching at straws,"
I felt this doing so myself. By the consent of my
IPhysiciarcs, I sent to you for a bottle of the medicine'
described via: " wistar , s Balsam of Wild Ciferryli
I•whicti• relieved me almost immediately. Atter I
had used some five or six bottles I safer rerbzered a.i
to be up and about. My cough ceased; and my lungs
' were restored to a heilthy state—all from the heal;
ing and balmy in/Ito/tee and polverftd medicinal viri.
toes of litistaes Balsa.m. ,
Were it not from the external injkay l , reeelved in
,nay shoulder and arm by the explosion, I fuel conft
dent that I might have been- working at my trwle
(which is blacksinitking,) . but this has prevented.-
By exposure; )' have since ti.ken several severe
colds,.ane My only remedy has been "om-6a/stmt.? ,
'And I now most cbrdially rettanmend the genuine
tVistar , s Balsam to all who arc afflicted with Colds,
Coughs, or Lung Complaints. I consider it an inval
uable medicine---a real blessing to the world. Addy
person desiring further- inforination,,may call on trio
any titte. yours frilly,
. City of Dayton, I . .
Montgomery en., State of Ohio 5.
Subscribed and. sworn- t 0,,. before nteiJustice of
dic Bcace r this bfith day of Feb. 1545.
Testimony of thdee highly creditable citizens !f .
Dayton, in confirmation of the atone.
We. the undersigned, beht intimately atquaint l d
with Mr.S myth, and having seen and watched ov r
him during his late illness, do not hesitate to a y'
that the foregoing is by no means an; exaggrralidf
statemcnt,,but htontitled-to.full .
.. L. dit STOUT,- 1
. s. 13. 11. DODSON,. 1
.I:}'The true and genuine ..,"fristar's Bakarn I.,if
Wild Cherry," is sold at established agencies in all
parts of the United States,- I
Sold in, Cinicritutti on the corlter of' Fourth dud
Walnut strcets,by , SANFORD & r.i.r..K4
General. Agents for the Western States. .
'for stile by II WILCOX Jr.,.S. E. one. Marketst.
tad the Diamond Pittsburgh.- ' inayft-yr,
- • - Lon& Credit..
rr..subsoriber offers for sale..thirty-one building
lots, on a credit of ten years. -.'Fliedlots 'are
situated on: Grant,,Wylie; Fifth Ross aruf - ThaftiOnd
street:4.in' the-third' NV:aid. of th'e , oitiyedjOininethe
New *Court 'House: Persons' :disposed to p 'utelise
will and'these'lote' favorably - 10eated -as to' healer;
convenience to busitiess,.and 4i1.1 - ultimately j tie the
centre;of thei , cityi. , For pasticulats etiviiro or Jas.
C,,Cettiniiiiti,rori • 11111,1111..B..FETTZ:aliiiii,t,
A ~"~'~~"~'nt z~ tea* ~ ~S - `~ i'~~ '~a~F'aY
StreetP Itch Furtaltei e W isreroakus
r HE subscriber would most respectfully call, the
attention of the public to his stock of Cabialt
Ware t possessing adrantages toter ails other manu
facturing establisfunent iii the'dity. l c is enabled
to scalds Waseisittmuch lower prices;_therefore # he
would remind those who Want good Furniture at a
fair kie. - trot to forget the right place, No. V, Fifth
street. .(niar Zkllkwy) - H. RYAN.
itua Comtglisv Art Moral
• _ onapnws.7.
TN pursuance be the act of Assembly to incoporate
the:Pittsburgh and ,Conuellaville Roiltoed Com
-gany and the severrl acts amendatori of the saine,
authorizing the. said Company :to extend thd'said
Railroad from - Connellsrille, to any point ou the wa
ters of the Youghiogheny, within this State, Books
will be opcmed for she subscripflon•of stock in said
Railroad CompanY, at the following placesc i viti •
InFthe eiti•edPittabtirgh at the reams of the Board
of Trade on Monday.the 2501 day of.May.insti at 10
&chick, A.
• At West Newton, in Westmoreland county; on
Tuesday the: 9111 day of June Xiext,,it the house, of
S. Brenneman, at, 12 o'clock, Al:
• AiCiiniellatille, in FaYetto.county, on Thursday
the 11th day of June next, at the ban= of : 1 1, G. Mc-
Cormick;at 2 o'clock, P. Id, • • •
NJB:Craig, • ' Itarmai Denny ;
Georgie Darsie, - • :John B. Butler,
Thomas Bakewehi, A limekenridge, -
Joarres S. Craft, W. Yerward,
sm.-Bell, .Jesse Carothers;
James Kelley, • ';'..Tarnesi:Crossan,
W. B. Roberts, -.D. Pettis - M '
stioob Forsythe, teirepliPurlock.
Chas. Shaler,
W. A. Penniman. Z. 11.•Coston,
mmiittet bthat.r.o.f Contmissioners. -
W. ROBISON, Jr.; Chrn:
B _
.130.A.13.1),5,--5000 16a ; melivm Sat
Binders:l Jar IS, receivedavd far sale
122 Wood street.
Allen U.ramer,
r,XCEIANGE BROKER, corner pf Wood. and 3d
streets. Gold, silver and , current bank , notes
tMeght and sold. Sight cliecka on the eastern cities
for {.lc. Drafts, notes and bills collected.
StICI. Dell &
John D. Davis,
F. Lerenie, Pittsburgh, Pa.
J. Painter & Co.,
Joseph Woodwell,
James May,
.I Alex. Bronson tk Co., Philadelphia.
John H. Drown S C 0.,,
James M'Candless, Cincinnati, 0.
J. R. IVPDonald, St. Louis, Mu. •-•,
W. IL Pope, Pres't Bank of Ky., Louisville.
Saod Stove.
1 IL CIIILDS & CO., are now redeilingtheir
-; spring supplies, eonsisting of one of
Ijthe largest, cheapest and best as-
stuuneut of Boots and Shoes that they have ever
tieetrible to bring to this Market. Also, Ladies and''
klisses FlorenCe Braid, and Straw Bonnets, Of the
!utist style; together with a' splendid assortment - of
Palm Leaf Hats, mews' and boys' summer Ctips.
Also, alarge lot of New York Tanned Sale Leather,
rIl of which having hen` Parnased at tht lowest
rates, and selected with great care for the western
trade, will be sold at a small' advance above cost and
charges. All merchants wishing to purchase will
fund it to their interest to call and examine their stock
ltdere purchasing elarewher.
K. LOGAN, has removed to No 83, 'Food
IT. street, one door beloW Diamond Alley, to the
tore lately occupied by Clark: & Cameron ,-where he
has opened a 'Wholesale and, feetall Dry Goods Store,
and having just returned from the Eastern Cities, is
Opening a new and well selected stock of Goods,
consisting of French, English and American cloths,:,
tall coloro,) a great variety, of new style Cassimeres '
Satinetts; Cashmaretts; (a new style;) Oregon
passimere, a good stock of summer chillier of all
kinds; late style VestingS; also, a great' , variety' of
Lawns anti (Dinghams; Pyramidical' Graduates and
other fare y ;is:darns; a variety of prints G. to 26 cents
per yard; a very superior let of white goods, Consist
ing of India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric;
IVictoria Lawn striped and plain Mull; Swiss LaCe
!and barred Muslin*. figured and plain Bobinets; black
land blue black Shy -plain, figured and striped; a
'large assortment of ' frish, Linens; bleached brown
I Muslim; table Diaper; ltitatseilles. Ca•unterpanes,
(large size;) blereen; a good supply of Umbrellas,
Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large as
sortment of men, women; !and children's - Hosiery; a
very fine' article of Lisle; Thread Hose and Gloves,-
and many other articles not enumeratedi. fie would
respectfully invite his former customers and the pub
lic generally, to an examination of his stock, to
which he expects to make additions regularly..
ttevistost or Pittsborg...
The subscriber hatilaid out, and now offers for
sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating
terms, one hundred and:ten building. lots, on that
handsome level ground bdtween Braddock street and
the Monongahela riier.:; They are about one-third
of a mile from the city line, and are situated in that
part of the city district which will probably soon be
; annexed to the city as the Seventh Ward. No pro
perty in the suburbdposSesses superior advantages,,,
nor has any heretofore been.laid , csit with so libera'
an allowance of wide streets Braddock is, from one
hundredand twenty to about - Me hundred arid ninety
feet wide,- and Baden • Commerce,: Brady, - Columbus
and Water streets, all wide avenues. Most of the
,lots have two fronts, and las they are 'of various sizes,
and will be sold one loti...ivith the Priuilegdof Cont. or
five, early applicants ca.a , be accommodated to. suit
'their own views of improvement: Persons who de
sire to build or to make: sedurcinvestmentirin.pro
perty that is.sure toadvance in I:slues:and particular
ly those who intend to erect manufactoneir, , would
do well to view these lots and examine the draft be
ford purdhating elsewhere.. The survey. fortheVai..
timore and Clue railroad and the railroad survey by
the State of pdansyhvaii:d , wer.d , both madtralongside
of this.property, and it .is generally oorslideratl that
Braddock street,ar theground immediately alongside
.of it, afforda, the only eligible . route, for: a railroad
from Pittsburgh to the East.. Coal can• be.delivered
on this property at a much less cost than' on the Al
legheny river,, and there in always deep water at this
part of. the - river.. ' ; E. D. GAZZAM,
augatf Oflice;Airliet,:between 3d and 4th stst
AVUIACtURER and importer of Wall Paper ;
Fire Board Prints, Borders, landscape Paper,
Ornamental Designs,,Transparent Window Shades.
Fac., and. Dealer in Writing' and Wrapping Paper,
Bonnet and Binder's Boards, 5tc.,N0.47 ,- Ararket at.;
between Third and Fourth sticets, , Pittsburgh, Pa.,.
has had at nn farmer Period:a:Stock so extensive .and
'well assorted, an that to which ho new most respect.
fully - invites - the, attention of purchaser:E.:lt cola=
prises French and Americon parlor; -hall,. Office,.
.chaMber and cOOntingd rooMpapor of every. quslity.
The colors are brilliant and dura.ble,Aud the style of
Patterns unsurpassed., By the 'regular line of pi:theta
between ilavre.and New York r and from the Facto
ry, which is always in active operation, and uniform
ly supplied.with ttie hest workmen the country'can ,
frequent 'additions; duriag':thic:Spring r and
Summer, will be mado to the goodsria store..Prieei:
moreover; will be.so extrotaely,lo.od4ate, as to meet
the - vieWsrol-the most economical, and satisfy uter
i chants laid housekeepers disposed to. .einroine 'and
jedgpfor themseives,:that lthetoilitereits4ill be es
oentiall7 sableived.Oi beying' - at this .establishment.
.Ifai3s,ovi and yinrleke scYapq taken n .trade or
OVit. prices ' :nctir'23-chm
.• = :
PRICE ; rwo etiNT
• Nose Stock of Rick SprtneL.,4Roo.lir..- , -r-r
T 621, Illarkbt atreet,, bitivdera ,
Uri Mkt.
Piiurth streets . The substaiber has taken thii
ahove spacious and well lighted. oldie in , Siiepsou>>
Row, wherdhe.hairariverl, and now oPtnin..ak
extensive assortment of Rich Pancy
Goods, which,have been recently purchaed
lmporterdat fie* Tprk and Deston, and Of theMar k u.."
factarers of Nevi', England: 'Edrehasers are:4 l l o 4w
to call and examine our assortment, whly:li wdi ho
weekly replenished with. the latest -styrei tot'Gondi,
and or as choice a rarhity_ as can be foumd in Oda
c ity, all of which, IWl.l,be fold St the most tstremati-'
low Micess:
DRESS GOODS.-Rich-figured Ombra', strip4stand
plain Paris . I .duslinir,.Preach tinghams, French
ages Dalzarines,.Printed Lawns ,- Gingham Mnalinat
Graduated striped Muslims, plain . andpatled,._,Gl:l4 4 .
hams, Muslin db.-Lan:As; English
a large is of White Good:I:.
SILKS AND SHAWLS.-Slacli. dio3 -
Silks, f-2; and 7-S rich Distrii, brlka,t4.74kid
pressiv ntrined; fignred T.Trdthr
Chanieleon Silks Gro le Paris, and elletted:#6 : , fgt
faucv dresses, rich, WUol; and
tireeite Shawls; io fashinitabliidolora
dens, together with a large assortment ofynnyt'llid
rich styles of thinner Shawls, such 4 , 4
ni and Stradella .Silk and Worsted Nett, Barag
'BONNET AND CAP . 11ISTIONS..- 1 -Grumrprtatti -
Shaded And Taffeta .#64,1J0m. , ,` Onzibre ‘ Wifitite ,
with fringes. Gro de Nap and Oro de'iNranlendis t i
with double fringes. - Also,-rich fringed tiil. : Para
sole,rich 'nalloped itir k et:
(Edil,sun.shades, km, 4e. • ,
ALSO—lfeeiciv 'end. Groves, fancy Cravats' aiin
Scarffs;r-faMcylWs....liiieta'cambric do, licei *galled
do., Paingee and: 5§ Atlelielff. Frepall. -Prints;
Laces, Green )3arage, lade - Veils/ ltntl Pic Nie.
HOUSE-REEPING GOODS.—Wlite. And ' - bro'es
Table Cloths, Irish .Linetts, , "Naplina;
eolorcd Maroons, worked Thunasirs, colored
dotton and worsted 'Table Covers, Toweling;- Van
kets, Counterpanes, .Pitneties, t.hiatzes , 'bleaehtd
and .brown .3luslins, Flannels, Tiekionly,
Also; Nankeens, indigo'blite Croton
Drab &Ere, Cailuneretts, Deninnt. Piniteloon
gtuffa, tlcittoliaderi;
Cloths and Cassinierert, Sada Vestingsi..ZlAteilles oecel
light fancy Vestings, kc.
N: B. Alwdys.on hand, a large stock of dalicaee.
may 9 .A. A. MASON, 62 Market street:
.refit attrac
i at the New
-k Store.
Tow opening
most • splen
1 assortment
Ladies' Dress
boas, Alantilas,
Nufs,. Shawls,
l Embroider
. ever offered
Pittsburgh, at
sual loti . pri-
Please call
exarniuo for
)urselves, at 79
baulk Lend:Job Printing 01. lice. .
N. W. ,CO,RNED, 02 WOOD ANI3. 212124 Szszexts:-.:
1111 IE proprietors of the Morning Post-Miti.,4lel
- cury and Manufacturer respectfully - infer/1i ttielf
friends atut the patrons of those: papers,. that; they
have a large and well citeien assortment or • • -
Necessary :to a. - Job.Prititin;:.•Qffic.t 4 ; arei tithe *ay
are prepared .to ;execute _ , , -
LETTR ri.LSs ent.teritto, OF EVERY npetttevort.
B!titiks• - of Lading, ' - Cirenlany
' !Made, chzds,
Handbills, Blank Cheons, ; Hht Tipt,
All kinds of Blanks, Star, Steam boat chid Cotaal
Boat Dias with appropriate Olds; printed city , the"lllzo-1
test !lotion and most rensonable terms. ,
reap&trally ardi the pratrOringenf - OW
and, the public in general in thin branch of odi
Sulf:Z,t 2S-3.
Market street, Steubenville ;aim,'
711111 S establishrirent has been taken terthier
unriersingued, who respectfully begs.
leave to inform his friends and the public generally
that it bas been refitted and fandshed-iri s stylemot
burpused by any house, in this place; ainliut.least
equal to naryin the West.: 1 ,
Washington Hall is located in the , business Pirit
thelown, on lYfarketstreet, nearly eppesitetlifiCouri
House - and public linildingli ; and withinnfewsteps of'
the Market. The siteatio - e id the inost ele.vated. - of
any public. house in Town, commanding a vie* Of
the River flit several miles above oxiti bol
An. Omnibus, and seivants,..will . - at all tints's' be in
readiness to convey passengers and' 'alai bastage to
and from theateamboat knifings.
Every accommodation 7itich the - public have a_
right to expect may now be had at the tennis .
as reasoriablousorfered ney
,other geed house in:
Steubenville; Akilifi proprietor will 'spare no pains
or expense-to reader genera) satisfaction, this)- with
his long experience in the busines, will snake it tile in
terest of those who come this way. to "Aive/rfrp.st
eatt.” ' • dvest.-r.. ,} 4 ritoNs:
Ffeth ii'.trcri. - Irez-S, btiiGl'
THE subscriber,. having bought mit . the
well, known' Livery Stable kept by d. B.
Doty, in the filth Ward, respectfully tutbrans his
filends'and the public generally; he will keep ae
all times a , stock of the best description or
horses, buggies; carriages of all kinds,. and in short
every thing required in' frii line of bilshiess:
A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he ,
is confident, that no stock in the city, vn.,5.. 1 be: di4crioa
to his.
. His terms will be moderate . His ifablels-cirLib.
ert-lv- street, a few doors above the .canal. bciilgT„
where he respectfully solicifs 5 share of public pa 4
1:1:7r1fe i 9 also provided
tut -, • ilcga#Hearse,
which *ill be.furiii.sted when required. ..0c54.f"
. •
etCH S..
H. POHLSON, (late of the .fins t , r
Poulson & having opened ItiS •
new:store at No. '. , 3, Wood street, nett duor to than
comer of Fourth, is now manufacturing add recei--
ring from the Eastern cities a very large assortmen.
of hata.and.capa of etery description;-warranted to
lundeln:the- beet tanner and of the best materials.
Otter; Seal; 'find' zed 'common' Aluskiat, Sealette,,
Hair-Seal and Glazed Caps.-
' Side; s' fine' asacrtment of ladies; fUrsi such' as
'Lynx, FitchiGenet and - Coney 'Muffs 'end'Tippettt
and fur trimmings, all, of which he: offers for Mile' att
eastern. prices for cash; both wholesale and retail.
Country merahants will please` calland eXtimitmt ..
my stock before purchasing elsewhere: ,
N. B. The Fall Faslicon for Hats and Caps receiv
ed. etp27-1(
ELL AND BRASS FOUNDER,. liter-rebuiltandl
commenced Mildness, at his old stand, No. 711
Second, between Market and Ferry streetsovherel
he will be' pleased to see= his. old CUStOracrfi . and:
Thettds. •
Church, stearnboat; and belle of oWty sire, fronn
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved inedels,_ and, warrarrtml , t6 be of the best
materials. ,
Mineral \Voter Pumps, Cinititeis;l`Miling,.
together with evert variety of ,Brass Castings,-if re-.
mired, turn_ed ariSlinished iu the'neatest Manner:
1:-F. istheabl. agent for Babbit.P.sAnti-Attinction:
141404 so justly celebrated for the'reduction -of fric
tion inmachinery. The boxos'ayld composition can,
behind of him at all
• A. C. Sargdut -
1100EGS leave to inform her friendii• slid the public
jpor generally - that her Select Lchool foe Yottlq• La c
dies and Misseowill commence the winter masted-ow
Monday the Bth of Septetilber,•it her School room ini
St.-Clait street,-nearly opposite:the Exchanger liotel.:
She refers to the following gentlemen:.:.,,,•
Non. Jbhn Bieden,• _Rev. W. A"::Pissaiant.
Awl. S. bilblock, Wilson 315Candiqpiii-Esq.•
Rev.S. Young, _ - ..klletugserceriEW
Jacob Mechling, Esq. Wm. Jack, Esq.,
• Butler,- Pw.•
•• Any information as to terms at'., can bWohtsistdi
callifig.on , Allew Kramer, .Esq.- • •
. .
AucTioNtra M COB. 1" SSIOX vrtittqN,,
'Corner of Wood streets:Pittslnargto
is readrtozceeivenietehltr.dizof etery clenctiptKon
on.consignmentfol .7 public or private sale,.and from'
long esperiencelri the . aboVe busines4latterihirnatdf'
that he will be;able:to give entire satisfietien.to aLV.
who nifty "faNsor hitrCwith,their
Regular sales on lirondayd and Thursdays of Diy
Goods and Fancy articles,-at
Of, Vbeeries,. PittsburgVniiimifactured -articles ) ,
new and second hand ftirnitide; &c:;aetwO'.o 7 clock,,
'Sales every evening at earligas-light.
ailb.2l-vartvirr l gtutf %
OUTLE.ll:and.Surgio4 !iasircunolif , ivlnnitfactatet.l
No 140 Wood streOt,taro boor from Citgtnal -
ley, Pitt iburgh; Pd:. Aleveyn.otr
assortment. 'of Surgical, and Dentit''inettitnientilit
Bankete,;-Tailoreilinttre,;lli4.Die6irif and Tan.:
nem' Patent Shcard Orrokiies lee
r 1
je.24t: !.-,
:.'-':_ . li . ,l;',.rt-' - .1. - .:1gF...f.111'.,•;a .
New a?Ligi.Cap Stpre.;,.
John'. D..DaTiss."
~° ~'': a