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'.‘ 41Z, conducted on strict Sabbath•keeping • though not claiming to be the only Line that is so conducted. - - - THE proprietors of this old established line have put their stock in the most complete order, and are thoroughly prepared to forwari Produce and Merchandise to and from the Eastern cities on the . opening of navigation. - -._ We trpit that our long experience in the carrying business, and zealous attention to the interesti of cus - corners, will secure to us a continuance' and increase orthe patronage hitherto extended to "Bingltam's Line.'_" - Our areangements . will enable us to carry freight with .the atm:ea despatch, and our prices shalt always be as • low as thelowest charged -by other responsible lines:' Produce and Merchandise will be received and for: warded eastand west without any charge for adverti sing, Storage or Commission. Bilis °finding forwarded, and every direction Prompt ly-attended to. Adress, or apply to. CV:V. BINGEIAM, Canal 13asin, can Liberty and Wayne sts., Pittsb'g. BINGHAM'S, DOCK. and STRATTON, No. 276 , Market sttect, Philadelphia: JAMES WILSON, Agent. No. 1.9.52 North.Hownid street, Baltimore. WILLIAM TYSON, Agent. No. 10, Weststreet, New ,Yetk. . - --------.- - . ~,.- Western ' - - - D. 01(1 Esta, .. . (Being - . .. : T'irtri PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA. . • ,- DA TIMORE AN W D NE YORK IN . itE ully prepaTed to transact any bu,lness that may bsgconraled to them, in such a ingnner us must ' • give genercPtiatitfart ion. Their t.tock consi•ts of a : 11 ' . " dostble daily ' eof Pennsylvania Boatsand Rail ;,,, .. . Road Cars. (al owned by themselves.) w pith r nobles .'-' - . them to carry it la e quantity of freight with certain. lyand despatch, in • short time, and on as favorable . . teims'as any otherre.pon.ible Line. Produce or Merchandise coneigned to any of the . . ' undersigned forwarded ft e. of env charge for commis. sitm or storage. Tobacco, far Philadelphia, carried by Mir Line, will be delive cd at the city Tobacco „4 . .;? 7.: ~. Nifirrelrotse. Duck - s:reet, in lb \ cars, without drayage. ~.?-_•:-.,'...1- 1 ..tr- .. . . . The business of these Lines Nit 1 , 1,,, be conducted on Sabbatlekeeping principles. lgr Address or apply to \ • .. ~..• - .., ... . D. LEE C. 41 arr Co., Canal Basin, Penn at: eet,\Pittsburgh. HARRIS" & TUSTIN. Noll 3 and IS South Third St., Pkilntra. JOS. TAYLOR & SiOrstS, LH and North Hower.' st., Baltiattyro. W. P. ORRICK:\ BOrn d 3 7West al., New ' ~.....- .. ... . ENE file Canal being now open, the above Express, which has been - . ..'establisbed Co: the conveyance of valuable packages of theirct. Maize, specie, Bunk notes, jewelry; &c.. will -recommence running on Monday, 61 h April. An Iron Meat will be dioputcbed daily, during the season. Apply to „ - D. LEECH & CO., - - -op9-3ni cur. Penn st. and Canal. ~{; .. •~. r,.:. •:. t ~`. mar . 3 lEEE r'l_ 40. S.: SWARTZ would respectfully inform his Vrfriends and - customers dint-.he hne removed to Diii!:lo6‘Marketretreet:, - between fifth and Liberty straelst (east side) Where he iti receivingEa large'and welt assorted stock of spring GoOds, to Which he would respectfully finite their attentian.• ,a - r 3 d6m lEEE evasportation t 1 f 3 i.46llllfilial m ninghatns' Transportation Lian. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. • elltiM FOR TRANSPORTING GOODS Eetween Pittsburgh and the Eastern Oillee, WITHOUT TRANSHIPPING. tillS uld established Line (being the tildes; Port ' able Boat Lino on the Canal) is now prepared to receive Produce and Met chandite ror shipping eith er East or West. Tin Boats of this Line urn corn. ininded . by sl.ilfttl, experienced and sober Captains, and provided with good crews, Bunts end cargoes are hansferred from and to Caind and Railroad; saving all tetnoval and separation of goods. 1 . 1 ipr, made in ns Short time, and goods carried un as fair terms no any other line. _ - Thankful far, and respectfully soliciting a ;amnion . ante-of the very liberal and growing patronage here. tufom bestowed upon this line, we with -confidence as. — ware those merchants disposed to favor us, that their husineis -shall be done to their entire -satisfSetion Got:Oa-cart led by us consigned to either of our hour . will - be shipped to their destination, free of charge --for shiPping, storage or advance of charges... As on hold nu interest in Steamboat Stuck, Merchants may depend 'upon their goods always:wing fortvattl with .nut, delay. upun good boats end at the lowest mates ti freight. • . Produce consigned to our house nt.Philadelphia for sate, will be sold on libetol terms, andadvatices made citlyr at Pittsbergh Philndeltdda. JOHN Mt:FAD - EN & Co., Penn street, Canal Burin, Pittsburgh. J DAVIS, & Co., 219 and 251, aplO Gm • Morketst.. Philadelphia. D. LEECH & CO,S. PACKAGE EXPRESS TO PHILADELPHIA • 1846. 71,* Independent Portable Boat Line, For the Transportation of Pr - wince, and , illerchandisc, to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA No Transhipmont,;, mm FIE subscriber!, Agents fora number of the best Portable Boats. forming a regular daily Line, be 1 tweoo Pittsburgh and the Eastern cities; will be fully , pier:l'mA. on the opening of navigation, to ship a large 1 amount of Produce and Merchandise with despatch and on accumed,iting tet ms. The greatsuccess which has charactei ised this mode of: transportation on the : i Penns' taunts and Railroads, during the laslfew years, notwithstanding aho oppo sition of, long established companies, and is a pretty sure indidationsof its superiority over the old plan of transhipping at the different term:mous of Canals and .We therefore ash for the Independent Portable Boat -Line share of patronage. ;Produce or Merchandise consigned to us for ship- ment will be forwarded' immediately on arrival flee 0 tiny :charge fur commission, storage or inpurance.— ,Billalading tiansmitted; and all instructions prompt ly,uttended to. • _ . - MEARS. RAYNOR & Co.. Broad sr., Philadelphia. ROSE, MF.RRILL di Co., Smith's Wharf, Baltimore: CA McANULTY & Co, canal basin, Fountain et, near Liberty, Pittsburgh. _FARE REDUCED!! Go6ll Intont Fast Mail for of lIIILENOID NEW TROT BUILT COACHES, RAIL ROAD COIS, A tiNft a Leave - Leave Pittsburgh daily, at 1 o'cleck, P.M. RUNNING TIIIIOUGII IN 48 BOUM, - SCO4Oll'7O TUC HILLS WITH! ~ScIX HORSES 'AND POSTILLION. . -I: ProAvOharnberaburg by Railroad to PAiladdelphia, Imsplenaid newly built Eight Wheel Cars, there con nentirg- with Mail Cari fur New York; also at Cham •bo:sborg with Mail- Lines direct for Baltimore and Waithinpol3 City, ialf"Olfices for the above Lioe, next (bort! the Ex. diz tf igo Hotel, St Clair weer, and opposite the St. Charles Hotel, IYoud'street. Anne 12 W. B. MOORHEin. Ag't. REMOVAL. ~... ~ . :.,... -. , ;,. ..7.;:r.:,.:4Qz..tit;•T' 'v.... -- -• •••',-,,...,vi,i; ':-...,,q...'kf.--:•,--.•••.i:•:.s4-•,,•.7.,- : • •-. ': ..,::.:::.',.;:::•4.:•:.-.:_?,,,,7:Ic4.!..:.:-.44.,:•...;.:1,:,i:-.. ..-..;,:;:-.:::-. ,-- . • -.:„-4-,'Y''',L.:1.'...1'.'.4.-)k••••••-a..'•,'4%•,:.:•71.-•-t;•,••:::•:••••••:.r.'z:•'''' - ' • -1„.-:,.ZyeC1,.W,;'Z'$,,,,;:i,*-li.::f,,..:'„----:.,-.:_."$-.-..',:::-,--- --•- - . . Pittsburgh Portable Boat Liao, 1846. TIOR "dip transportation of freight , between Pitts- Istergh and the Atlantic Cities, via Irenasyliania . Improvroad.ements and Baltimore and Susquehanna Batik' Tbe Proprietors adds old established Line, hay. int completed their arrangements, are prepared to for ward goods to and from the East (on the opening of the canal navigation,) en as liberal terms as those of any other responsible Line, and aro determined that. no care or attention on their part shall be wanting to secure , a continuance of that patronage so liberally bestowed upon them for several years past. . The decided success of the Portable , Boat system, so manifest in the regularity and dispatch experienced in the delivery of goods, the Absence ofell t isk. of delay, breakage or other damage incidapt to the old system, where goods have to be hurriedly transshipped three times on the way, and the - merchantable order. in which produce has been' avowedly deliniered by them, has induced the proprieicirs to inereA their stock considerably this season. - Theirextensive warehouses at each point (unequalled by any other. Line). affords them facilities to conduct their bueines*with dispatch; and to shippers the convenience of Free storage, if re quired, until their arrangements are complete—while their lung expetieuce in:the carrying trade, it is pre sumed, will be sufficient - guarantee to their patrons and the public, that they will successfully exert them selves to give general satistaction. Produce received and forwarded. Steamboat char ges paid, and Bills Lading tt enameled free of chatge for commission, advancing of storage, mid all commu nicationsto the following agents promptly attended to. TA AFFE & O'CONNOR, cor Penn and Wayne sts., Poisburgh. THOMAS BOK BIOG E, '2'7B Minket street. Philadelphia. O'CONNORS & CO, North !Meet, Baltimore. mnt:lo y FARE REDUCED! Opposition good Intent Fast Line for TEXIgID:Fig.I2O2.Z.O or SPLENDID TROT GUILT COACIIIIS, Leave Pittsburgh daily at 1, P. M. }LIMNING THROUGII IN 48 [LOURS, Ascendingthe mountain with SIX HORSES AND POSTILLIOA ONLY ONE NIGHT.OUT TO CHANII3,I:OSI3EIiII, Sura" t'Ait "=" Thence by RAIL ROA I) to Philadelphia, (bring the only Line, running their own cart nu the road. )cunnec• Ling with Mail Cora for New York; also at Chamber-- burg with Maillined direct to Baltimore and ‘V anh intuit City. tar ()Two second door below the S' . .t Chat les Hotel 00l sweet. oct ^_4•lv A. HENDERSON, Agent Dr. Wm. TM Wright, Dentist, Office and Rasadenre "I St (.lair it. A mew &lora Wow Liberty, near the Exchange llotch. marl I IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. /THIS day frCCIACII, I,OSU oper.irr,.:, ft .pl , endli asvartment of Fine. flair; anti For, -1 C:ulorv.l CLOTHS. CA:SIM:RES, •VESTINGS. &c All of the choicest selections. The subscriber is now °petting his stork rf C l ,rio x G o od s , whi c h, for v ar iety. taste, style awl quality, ho. sever before been offered in this city, Tito very flat• tering patronage bestowed upon this establishment the past year, has induced the subscriber irt make on unusual large putchase. Mary of the.e Goods are of a superior quality and texture. nod of a hind never brought to this market by mw other esiabli.hment.— He would respectfully solicit the ra tent ion of his ft i end. rind the citizens generally. who nee nernstomed to having their garments mode to order. for some time punt paid particular iittehtion to iii. 111 and, Of hi. business, and havine, secured the u.:inrrs;n• of the mos, competent rind fassionable Cutlets, some of w ore established and well known as rucb in 1111. coin intinil). It would he difficult, in a common advertisement, to enumerate the various articles comp, ;sing thi• itt but it consists of every description of goods suitable for gentlemen's wear, sorb as Superfine. Plain and Fancy Color,' FRENCH AND ENGLISH BROADCLOTHS. CASSINIERES;of entire new styles; sarioustiaal hies; VP:STINGS, of every description, a few expressly for "Dresser Party Vests;" FINE TWEEDS, of various styles and pr i ces -, Olive. Brown, Black aml Gold Mixed CASH NIA BETS. FINE SACK SHIRTS, with linen bosoms nod col In rs; SILK UNDER SHIRTS. DRAWERS,splendid Satin Scarf., Liandliercheife, Suspenders, &c , &c. He will lie pleased at all 'lines to show these Goods to any wishing to purchase, feeling confident that 110 n furbish any garment in his line on as good terms, an in betme style. than at any other establishment Weskof the Mountains. An examination o: the stock and •t\le of worknaanship will convince say person of the edviqtages to be derived by purchasing at this en abliehmelu. P. DELANY, NO. 49 LIIWItIY 5 I ItLET. tThe Sew York tool Philadelphia Fashions arc this day receiv4l,. enar 19 WE BEM' THE JEWS AND 'F., - '.s!! GREAT WESTERN LOTHING STORE!: P. OWENS, PROPRIE roit, RETURNS thanks whin 41 cutorners and ft iend., for past favors. Flo in 'vow ' , reposed to sell clothing lower, by ten per cent, thin any other estah• lishment west of the mountains:and, keeps constant • ly on hand a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, such BO Over Coats froin $3,50 to $3O, Cassinett Pants fkom ic $4; fine 'Ctahimere Pants from $3.50 to $6; fine Satin Yenta foe $1.7%; fine Mon bazine do for $3: and nil kinds of W I NTEIFV ESTS, SHIRTS, DRAW FIRS, STOCKS, SUSPLINDERS, and 01l articles in his line. Those who with to purchase, o ill do well to tive him a call, as he is ',reputed no furnish clothing on very cheapest te-ma for rash. Don't forget the place; GREAT WESTERN ciAnwsu STOttE, NO. 143, LLI3ERTY STREET, opposite Brewery Alley. oct2/31f. I'. OWENS. CLOTHING STORE! Water Street, Three Doors below IVood. THE subscriber respectfully informs his custo mers and the public generally, that he has open• ed a variety of seasonable clothing. at the above stand, which he offers as cheap as can be bought in the city. Thestore in charge of Mr It PEW. °neer the best cutters and most experienced NTOI Linen in the city. nand. P. OW ENS. RE-BUILT AND AT WORK! PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE. WILLIAM B. SHAFFER, MERCIIANT RESPECI FULLY informs his friends nd the public generally, that ho has taken the NEWSTORE At thecorner of Wood and Water streets:On the site occupied by Mr S. Schoyer previous to the Great Fire, where he is prepared to furnish all articles in the line of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, On the most modernie terms, and at the shortest no tice. His stock of 'Goods is •ENTIRELY NEW, And has been selected' with much care to suit the mar• ket. He has in his employment ! some of the best workmen in the city, and from long experience in tho business, hn hopes to give general satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A large as• sortment of Clothing *stilted to the gleanon. consistingof Cloth, Frock and Dress Coats, of allcolors various qualities.. HO offers to the public as 1. GOOD; BARGAINS . Ai any establishment In the city. lie has also n large stock of Vests, Shirts, cotton and silk Cravats, Scarfs and lintulkerchiefs, which ho is prepared to sell low for cash, and cash only. Having secured the services of nn excellent Cutter, he is prepared to manufacture garments of all kindsto order, in such a manner as to render the •• ! -' • PITTSBURGH CLOTHING 'STORE worthy of public patronage. -The 'public 'are invited to call and cxamino for thainselves r jr...441 ...?:: '. j• . :.: .1: 1',...-.: ? . ,.'.:-: , .::',,,': : .::: c•i : :: i . ... '..",,:';-'.::'.: T..:•:::-..- - ::11. - 1.. - ..:: . ):& - it:. ,',- :j.';' ,.- .:; . ,:.-..: . ' , -:;•:.: : : ::'::...':-..2 •.%. , " .. :L , :- - % - i -- ',''''"'"'s.*.miit.t7;" -- '7"";'" 1 " . ." - -t- - ...-' 6 " - . . RaMM .TRREA.4I4:I4IOIItI CLOTHING STORE NO.ISI I I.IBERTY STREET. TProprietor of this old and highly po mitt!. es tablishtnent informs his friends and the &Win at large, that a portion of his SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK READY MADE C-LOTHING, Is now prepared fur their inspection, and-he respect fully invites all who contemplate purchasing articles in his line to pay him a visit. His stock this season is peculiarly rich; comprising all the latest FASH DNS AND PATTERNS,end all his Goods, bay. ing been s elected by himself in the eastern markets, he can with confidence recommend them to his customers as being of the very best quality. H is large assortment of DRESS COATS, Is mode in the most modern and improved style, and the workmanship cannot be excelled. Pants of every description, Salin 4. Fancy Vests lie it,, a rare and beardifid assortment of VESTINGS, To which be would call the attention of the public as he believesthem to be more BEAUTIFUL A ND CHEAPER, Than anything of the kind that has been offered here Twordand other coats, for Summer wear, In peat variety and &Lade in every style, Fashionable Shirts, Latest Style of Stocks, SUSPENDERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONS, HANDKERCHIEF'S, and every other apicle ne cessary fot u FASHIONABLE DRESS. He has a very large and excellent assortment of SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING, which will. be snit lower than it can be purchased at any other place in the city—to which he would invite the ettention of wot Ling men and others who wish serviceable clothing for every day's wear. Having in his employ some of the BEST CUTTERS AND WORKMEN, Chat the ;newly can produce, and bring provided with a steel: of (;.owls, which fur excellence and u• Hely CANNOT BE EQUALLED, ho is prepared To znako Clothee to Order, At the shortest notice, and in a style that CANNOT BE SURPASSED Do not Pass the THREE BIG DOORS. IL i. not considered any - TROUBLE TO SHOW CLOTHING, And the ptiiiirietoi facia confident that after an rx aminatiun of his *Vick, all At ho desire to piochario will find it their intrieat to deal at his eatablishment. The proprietio would take this opportunity to ten. der hie sincere thanks to the public fur the to.prece.- dented pat ming° bestowed upon his eatubli.hnient, and ar the sucetni ho 1/3.3 met 'Vial is an indication that hi. effottri to please his patrons, have not been onavuiling, he pledges himself that nothing .hell be omitted on his part to aerate diet, kindness for the fu• JOHN MeCLOSKEY, Three frrrr Doors, 151 !Airily at. Ltbsrl7-ti& HO, FOR OREGON! 711 E undessignes, *'onhl inform his old par rons and the public to gorier-al, t hut, notwithstanding the eat eavitement on the Oregon goestion. still eon. liners to nw,ufact ore C1.01111N( of all kinds to order and sols-rmise, in superior style. He has 'mei) received u large lot of CLoTIIS, CASSINIF:RES, SAT FINETTS, JEANS, &c., Which fur Lranty. fuxbbto.durnbility and /-heapnees ere unsnrr n rxd lii the Weitere trirket. Among the taros, ‘vtil he found many paid. of ent i r rt .1 ) i n U.. to 'extort , and rater These the NAi tox L could respecttully invite hi. old euxtomers mind !be public to ca II and examine, confident of his ability to please its oil depart thew. I Iv Lon .11,, on hand n vitt Ivry of hinny SILK VELVETS, CASIMESES, VALENCI AS, ETC. F‘tr v.. 41 toga 01 011 1 , 1 , which La i. propare•l to 1114 kit lor caldiraera in a.lllu artiarpaaaatic. 11c bus 11140 Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders, Cra rats. Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Drawers. Atari even• other anicleoppertaining to men's wear ell yriaalities, and prices in rent voriety. In returning his thatth it to the public for the very liberal patronage. heretofore entended whim, the un dersigned mould obtet re, that not. itindanding the prat quantity of steam got up by recald-beinG establishment he ft ill nom tunes to glide along an the IoW pr c,.ute system, and defies competition in all for various branches of his business, tin; in the fit: mg de• pat !meta; workmanship, (a Olio., 4-c. I base still tot Ira nd a few cloaks; -net coot t and other ai of win ter wear, wined' I .ill well at unusually low priews. JAMES ft MITCHELL National Clothing St o re, fetid A.Czyv 165 '2,1 door below .5111. Dr. E. Mcritt, Dentist, (Of thr Burn( DiaOirt.) RE.:SPEC:TF . I2 LLi informs friendiiand rillthose ho w i 4, 6ia itervicea that he ha• taken an office .n Smithfield stiret, 2d door from Vit gin alley, where he will now attend tif I oprt al tuna of the Teeth intim best manner anti it the thorteid moire. Office hourit from 9 till II!. and from _t ill !t. may if. HemovaL WM. GLENN, Ilookhh.d.l, lino removed in Ilse earner of %Vooi and 'Fiord e 1.., ohoio C. H. where he i.• prepared to do every deGcriptlon of Ruling and flioding. op 3. _ a Farm For Sale CONSISTING of about 150 acme, fifty of %ditch is cleared and undertones, situated about three :rifles from the city of A llegheny. between the Frank lin and Beaver roads, well watmerl. and adjoining hinds of Arthur Gallagher, James Kerr. the late Day.' Chess, Hugh Davis, Esq. Robert Davis and Stainuol Davia. 'Ellis tract of land flout itslitoxirnity to nitirLet trade, are i oducoments to Gardoer's Farm• era, lIIIICIIVrS or Mtiouructlicers. r,ice low and con- Luaus easy. For jutiticular‘onquire of SARAH FETTEttmAN, or JAMES C CUMMINS, , N European agency. REMITTANCES of money on moderate terms, cao,bn made dating my absence in Europe, to every part \of Ireland, England, SeMlantl, Rules or the continetit,ol Eutope. Legacies. debts, property or claims reettered; searches for wills, titles end documents efFect,and salter European business trans acted by applying,to James May, \Voter street, Pitts burgh. II KEENAN, , oellil Arent mot Attorney nt Lew. Pitiolmrgh Franklin Medical'Collcga of Philadolphia. I E first annual course of lectured in this in•ti tution.will be opened,p, Monday. the twelfth day of October next.the second Monday in October,) and will be continued um!! the'und of the ensuing Feb rusty. PROFESSORS Pant Beck Goddard, M , D.—Anatomy and Histol ogy. O 0 Van Wyck, M. D.—Principla and practice of surgery. Meredith Clymer, M, D,—Principl es and practice of medicine. John Barclay Biddle, Al D.—Matinin meAipa and thernpeutics. David f hinter Tucker, Al. D.—Obetetricks'nnif &ceases of women and children. Levin S Joynes, Af. D.—Phisiology and legal med ' James B Rogers, M. D.—General and organic chemistry. - John Barclay Biddle. M D.—Dean of the faculty. Joseph Leidy, M. D.—Dcmonstrator of Anatomy. The Franklin Medical 'College was incorporated in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, by an act approved 28th Jnnuary 1846, and is authorised by section third of its oharter, - "to grant the degree of Doctor of Medi- cine to any such persons as shall possess the qualifica tions now usually required of csndidates in other Medical Colleges in this state." FEES, For enclicourse of lectures, $l5 00 Marticulation fee, to be paid once only, 5 00 Diploma fee,' - •- 10 00 Additional itithrmation tespectinithn course of in struction, or. other matters connected;with'tho ty, can be obtained upon application, personally; or by letter, to . • - J BID DLE, M. D. Dean of the Faculty, N E corner of Quince- and Spruce atreet. Fhiladelghia. marl I ti6m: .... , . ,„ . , : ,,,,,,,,,,,, zf - ,Q.54 -, :kzy,.-,,, :. , ~,,,14.ft4F1A.5-,i7:li'i,::f.?,-.q.g-i-t'":l';'47:-. - r Furniture Wareroorne. reHE subscriber would most. respectfully cell the , auention of the public to his stock of Cabinet Were, posSeisingadvantagei over any other manufac tering establishment-in the city. He is .enabled to sell Ijis water at much lower prices; therefore he would remied those who wantgood Furniture eta fair price not to forget the right place, N 027 Fifth street. mer 23. - - H. H. RYAN. VENITAIIN BLENDS. AgIVESTERVELT, 1E old and well known Yr inn Blind Maker, former! >f Second and Fourth sts.o :es this method to inform many friends of tho fact tt his Factory is now in full 'ration on St Clair st. near I old Allegheny Br idge, Imo a constant supply of lads of various colors and tildes, is constantly kept hand and at all prices. I m twenty-cents up to suit Itomord. le will be put up so, that in ~.arm by . _Merwise, they may be re moved without the aid of a screw-driver, and with the dame facility that any other piece of furniture can he removed. and without any extra expense. je24-d&wly. JOHN M. TOWNSEND, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. 45 Market st. 3 doors above Third st. PITTSBURGH. WILL have constantly on hand, a well selected assortment of the best and freshest medicines, Which ho will sell on the most reasonable terms.— Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended to; and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. I...V . Physiciens' prescriptions will be accurately and neatly ',fevered from the best tnatetialt at any hour of the day or night. Also, fur rain, u huge .rock of fresh and good perfu mery. dec3o Removal. Dit A. M. POLLOCK. but removed to Wylie otrerl,nehr tho new "Court House." • up 1-116,11 kvs a 4 C) 4R 'N' D taistt.'o, DIRECT FROM PIIILADELPIHA ,ACH PAPER RP.IR! TIIV. LAIIEL 10D WARIUNTI OP DAVID LAMM:II3TB. . r i N OR ink by F LSNOWDEN. No 29 Water at., ][. at the stund formerly occupied by Geo A Refry. Extract from the -Report" of the "Visiting, Commit tee of the rennt)lsunia Horticultural Society," unanimously adapted, and warted to be printed. Landreth's nurseries and Gardens. '•These extensive gruunds nre on Federal street nenr the Arsenal. • " • " The earliest collec tion of Camellias was medic hete. SOME of those now in Po•session co those distinguished nursery men, ate ten feet high. • • • • The selection of (111CVN noose PI.ASTS in valuable end extensive. "T Nureeries we nil very Correctly managed, .applying every past of the Union, n detail of which %%mild occupy too much of our spare: we therefore content ourwlyes with stet in; that the stock is very (urge, entyn every *mgt. of grist th r conshit;ng of FOREST AND ORIN ENTAI. TREES. EVER OREENS. VINES AND CREEPERS, .•nh 9 collemton of lscih,trcerms plants: FRUIT TREK% 111 tlie bent kind and moat hraliby conditi o n; Isig, bed. 111 PeCding apple.,Lean. plum+, &c., building unit grafting; a plan very superior to that 01 winking upon Fucker*, which curry with them into the graft all the dimanie• of ilia paront • ~ G Aa rue St voi of the finest quality have been sealteted over the comer!, from these g roun d., and may & wa y s he depended olio, The Sred Estritilish• meet of the•o fiorticulturists is one of the most ex tensive in the Union, aqd its ref utation is well sus tained from yell to year. ''To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of the plants of the same family. they have established another norsety• at a suitable durance, in abet degen• ration cannot take place, and a hitk secures to the !mit im r a •'genuito article." Knowing thug the age, quality and process of culture of every plate, the supply from thrif grounds is recommended with guest coitidence." •.• Since the date of the "Repent" from a hich the above is extracted, the entire establishment has been grest:yerdatged. ThecollectionaComellinsembraces tall the finer I.lnds, and consists of some thousands of various sizes; ice of noses. and other destrnble linth tender and Itsidy; Fruit Ttees, &c. The Seed Gordent alinic cover fifty acres. and the whole is, as it has been for more than hair a century. under the sticeessivo management of father and son, the most prominent in America. UV' Orders icceised by F. L. SNOWDEN, from WitOrTlCl4lllit.gllei; may be obtained, grails. mor9.if A CARD /1111 E subscriber begs leave respectfully to return his pluvial acknowledgements for the liberal fo th onaga b e atowerl nn him for years past, and par• titularly to those who su generously ptitronisell him since his misfortune by the late lire. Having con !Mei-ably enlarged his busiress by associating with 11'ni 11 Roberto as a pother, be would earnestly so licit a continuance of former favors to the new firm of Robs.. t. & Knee, and be trusts that by prompt atten tion to bu.inuu the) will give general satisfaction. M. KANK, Jr. REMOVAL The subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removed to their now Warehouse on Third between Market nail W0r,..1 streets, south side - , where they trust, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. .1 They solicit attention to their ostensive stock on hand, which has been got up witb great cote in the. latest style end most substantial ,manner. conststiog in purl of the following articles, via: Maimgaoy Wardrobe.: Dressing Bureaus; Book Case & Secretaries; Section Back Sofas; U lane do; 1.1 Divans, Ottomans. 1.9 Victoria Chairs; French do; y Plain do; Centre Tables; Card do; " Bureaus of every description; End Tablet; Marble Top l'icr do; Center do; Sofa do; 11 Dressing Bureaus; " Wash' Stands; Mahogany Work. Stands; Hat Racks; 0 Rocking Chairs; It Sewing do: IP MUISie Stools; Arm Chairs; French Bedsteads; Butler's Trays; \ Mahogany, cherry and poplar Bedsteads, warranted, prnof against bugs, and ruperin to any thing now of-, fered to the public. Also, a 'variety of Windsor chairs of the best quality and a new style of arm chairs, with ] spring':eat, well adapted for offices or societies, with a variety, \ of other articles too numerous to mention.] We have , at a considerable expense introduce:Tinto' our new Fdotory on Front street, a steam Engine with Machinery. viloch will enable es to sell wholesale And! retail, at reducedprices. The attention O( Western Merchants and persona moving west, is invited to our new and extensive es tabliihment. Weaterp Cabinet-makers are alio re t . quested to give us a oall, us they will find they can purchase from us for leis than they. can menden:sire: Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention,; and the furniture will Ns caiefullypached. Steamboats and Hotelsihrrilthod,at the shortest nO. l lice or, favorable terins. • koßriftTS & HANk. 1 N. B, tlaiidertildeg in all its bonchee.attenclid to. (tniittO) • \ $. ',L. 44. • rffMIM - ' , • - ::'':' , _:',. ,1 77'4.',',..' ,,, ,'F,.... :.'-:.7.'t:.'•:-....;'-i'f.--.-kt!:(we•T...':-'.7[.'-:'.';,3.:., :&ti. - ! , i: E,r.;4:;•: Anus trance ADpnipanito. Jos LAH •IC uta." - J. If l/(N ja. ZING & rIkNET, Agents ai Pittsburgh, for the Delaware .Mutual Safely Insurance Couspany of Phila. FIRE RISKS upon buildings and Merchandise of every description arid MARINE RISKS upon Hulls or cargoes of vessel; taken upon the most favor able terms. 17'0Elice at tha warehouse, of King & Holmes, on Water street, near Market street, Piitsbugh. N. 13. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, ea en in stitution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia —as having a large . paid in capital, which by the operation of its charter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each peison insured his due share of the pi:ofits of the Company, without involving him in any reiponsibility whatever; beyond the premium actually paid in by - him, and therefore as poisessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. novl-tf. INDEMNITY AGAINST . LOSS OR DAM AGE BY FIRE. . THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security of a STOCK CAPITAL. ; The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. of Philo...Charter Perpetual. DIRECTORS o - George W. Toland, John M. Atwood, . Ihomos C. Rockhill, Lewis R. Ashhurst, m. K. Thompson, George N. Baker, George M. Stroud, John J. Vanderkemp, George W. Carpenter. WlfyL make' insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, in Piusburgh and vicinity, on Houses, Stores and other buildings, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares and Merchundize, limited or perpetual, in town or country, on the most favorable terms. • • The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capi !al, and the other Trovisionsi of the Charter of this Company, hold out unusual induceinents,both of profit and safely, to those desirous Of effecting insurance, to Which the Company ask the attention and examination Of those interested. The Capital Stock of the!Company is invested in good and sufficient securities. After providing for the losses accruing to the Company, in tho course of its business, the stockholders areentided to receive out of its income and profits an interest net exceeding six per cent. per annum on the Capital Stock actually paid in—the amount of which interest, it is expected, will be supplied by funds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining profits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stock, fur the better se curity ;.,f the assured. But certificates beginarinter payable annually. transferable on the books of the Company, and convertible at env time into Capital Stock , will be issued therefor to the Stockholders and invited rnembers,in proportion to thcamountof Stock held, or premium paid by them respeOvely, agreeably to the provisions of the Charter. Those effecting insurance with this company have, besides the usual protection'against loss, by the otdi.. nary method of insurance, theadditional advantage of a direct participation in the profits of. the eompany. without any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President. D. M. IlincttstAN, Secretary. The sub.criber, who is the duly authorised Agent for the above named Company, is ptepared to 'peke in ;,,urance, at the Office of the A g ency , No. 2. St Charles lintel, on Third street, a few doorsabove Wood street, and will give all further informatiOn desired. THOS. .1. CAMPBELL. Piltalnagh, May 30, 184.5. i, (jes-Iy.) 'dec3 Agericy of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company .of Philadelphia. S. E. corner of Third and Wood.sts.,Pittsburgh. assets of flit:company on the first of January, 1845, as publkited in conformity With an act of the l'entwilvanta Legislature, were Bontia and Mortgages, $600,615 93 Real E i itate. o t cost. 100,967 77 Temporary Loans Stocks and Cash, 207,499 72 Making a total of $909683 42 Affording certain assurance that all losses,K•ill be promplly met.and giving entire security to all 'a ho ob lain policies from thin Company. Risks taken at an low rates as are consisteot with wearily. oct3 W A II RICK MARTIN, Agent. INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE The Citizen's Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, No. 152, Walnut Steed, Philadelphia, WILL insure houses, stores and other buildings; also merchandise, furMiture and property gen. erally, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, ngn inst loss or damage by fire, for any period of time. Chattel perpetual. No marine, river nor inland transportation risksnre taken by this Company. It makes' ne dividends among stockholders. After paying the necesiary ex penses of the office, the whole accruing premium and interest_are appropriated exclusively, to meet losses. It is thus enabled to insure on terms nut surpassed by any other Company. JAMES TODD. President. DAN Mt B. POULTSET, Secretary. Money at Pittsburgh, in Burke's building on 4th street. at the office of Eyster &Buchanan. je3. JAS. W. BUCHANAN. lISURANCE. American Piro liumrance Company Or FOIL/a/ELM, CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL 500,000 PAIDIN. Office tn Phi/ade/phia,/ 4 /a. Wal,,ett .; %V M, DAVIDSON, Pre!'[. FREDERICK FR•LET, &Goy. 1H IS old and well established Companycontinues 1. to Insure Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighlxilliond will be received, arid risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favorable terms by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent. dec24 No :16 Wood st. Tho Franklin Fire Insurance Company of PhiladOlphia. HA RTER PERPETUAL. $400,000 paid in, C offica 164 Chestnut at., north side, near Fifth. Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by fire, on Property and Ef fects of every description, in Town or Country, onthe most reasonable terms. Applications, made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to. C. N, BANCKEEt, nest. C. O. BANCRIM, Sec'y. DIRECTORS: . Charles N. Banker, Jacob R Smith, Thomas Hart, George W. Richards, Thomas J Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E Soria, Samuel Grant, David S Brown. WARRICK MARTIN, Agent, at . the Exchange Of Lice or Warrick Martin & Co., corner of Third and Market atteeta. Fire risks taken on buildings and theircontents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the sarounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. aug4ll.y. Piro and Marine Insurance. 11l HE Insurance Company of Noith America, oc, Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent," the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and an shipments by the Canal 'and Rivers. Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks, Ales:. Henry, 4 . Charles Taylor, Satre!. W. Jones, Sam'l. W. Smith, EdWard Smith, Asahnise White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thoinae, John White, , John R. Neff, Thoines P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm, Welsh, • HerhD.Sherrard,Se'c'Y. • This is the. oldest Dm:manna Company in the United. &cites; havingbeen chartered in 1794. Its charter ia perpetual; and from its highlstanding, loniexperieoce,, a mple-means, and avoiding .;all , -risks of.,att-extra-ba zardous chartiCtor, it nittY .as offering; ample security to tins public. _1 - 11HOStS At Counting Itnotn-Of-Afwood, Jones & Qm.Walet and Front 5 - 413014, PittSbUtttl.. oet23ly, ; MM= 7777 ,;;;;,7 . PITTSBURGH AGENCY DIRECTORS. MEM Guiimta Iron Works jLEWIS O'HARA-dz. :LEWIS., MiNUFACTUREITS. - THE undersigned, - acting as Agenia fee the ahoy . eitabliahmetit. are now receiving supplies from the,Werks, and will in ft short time be fully supplied w ith nil the various sizes of IRON and NAILS. They 'respectfully- solicit a liberal share of public paronsge, with the confident asstuatice that the quali ty"orthp aiticle will not be surpassed by_any in the tisarket.J -. • ROBERTSON 4. REPPERT. MerSßuilm Agents for the Guituzia Iron Works. • 6stuNglaTSMING i FRAIIDSP 2 - - 1.0 ~.„ OFFICE OF HE CA NTON Tea COMPANY, 1 New Yeas-, March 16, 1846. TO the Inhabitants of Pittsburgh; Allegheny, and ; ; • the surrounding country. O UR, attention has this day been directed to an sa tiate that appeared in the "Pittsburgh Daily American." under dam of sth Merch instant, headed as' arave—'and which has also appeared subsequently, in'severalef the. Pittsburgh newspapers.'- Wo hasten I to reply thereto. ".. .: • ' We find that through these media we a re.successive ly charged with flagrant violations of the principles et' truth;and justice; but weare prepered to give you a triumphant vindication of our character. We, honey er, exceedingly regret thet'in so doing, we shall have Ito allude to our respected coatemperaties the "Pekin Tel Company of New York"--their position-their histnry , 'and their manner of doing business' will ne cessarily, in some degree, have to Come under exami nation. All that we can do is to endeavor to. keep the following developments within the limits of put neighborhood; out of Which locality, we trust, for the credit's sake of Whom it may concern, the questions at issue, may remain uediscussed. Far- from having a malicious intention in what we are !about to divulge, we do so merely from the very justifiable motive of self protection—we would fain render good for evil; this we'solemly declare. Taking this laudable stand we -reply, first, to the chatge - as folloiest ' " They (The Canton Tea Company) have publish ed a handbill, in which they have appropriated, word for mord, the favorable notices of the Pekin Compa ny's teas in all the leading journals of New York, and other cities, simply altering the'name of the Company from the Pekin to the Canton Tea Company." And farther down in the column this 'charge is re peated, though Modified as follows: . " This handbill bears the impress of the Company, and appears to have been issued, if not by it, at least upon its authority." Now . we deny ever issuing—we deny ever author izing—we deny ever perusing- such a handbill.—' Truly we cannot always control the actions of our agents, at a remote distance, in relation to the meth ods they employ acilitate the sale of our Teas; but as soon as we • sco'ker any thing improper in this re spect, we inv iably discountenance it, and urge that a strict regn dto honerand uprightness might charac terise all the means they • use for their dispasitien.-- I r By one of our remote Agents, probably, the handbill in question may have been issued, but we 'deny that it ever had our sanction or authority. - . We cannot, however, dismiss this subject without touching upon the morality of these notices. They are represented as maturing, spontaneously. from the Editors of New York and other Newspupers, - and to arise from en impression of the great commercial ar rangements. and general appreciation of the teas qf' the Pekin Tea Company. We beg Jeave to set you right on that subject. We are prepared to prove; on oath, if' required, that every favorable notice in the New York papers, referred to, were 'WRITTEN, by the Pekin Tea Company TO rtsscves,and that almost in every case the said New York papers were PAID, fur their insertion.. When ibir was .not literary the case, the said -favorable notices" were insetted in cossideration of an expensive advertisement being be stowed upon the papers wherein such editorials appear ed. All this we are prepared to prove—first by the admission of one of their own Agents (Hamilfon)-- secondly. by the advertising Agent they formerly ern played—thirdly, by the testimony of most of the New Yolk Editors themselves. Su much for their "favor able notices in the public prints," The methnd we adopted in prosecuting our business being essentially at varianee with any modification of deception, we never resort to the publication of each notices. Every business man in New York is well-ac quainted with the origin, as well as the merits, of such -editerialism. owing to'which its utilli ty here' has long since' ceased, and it rather diminishes than adds to the respectability of any New York establishment. - We next review the paragraph wherein we are Charged as fraudulent imitators of the Pekin-, Com pany. It will be found nearly at the head of the said ar ticle. It reads as follows:-:- . "It is well known to most of our readers that the Pekireff ea Company of New York, an association of heavy capitalists of that city, have established agen cies in I'ekin and Canton for the purpose of selecting. Tens. and putting bens op there, from whence they !are shipped direct:to the Company at New York.— These teas have obtained a high reputation, and have become the subject of frequent notices in the public prints. The success of this Company has induced the organization of another called the 'Canton Tea Company,' who admit that they are not importers.but purehaie their Teat from the promiscuous arrivals in New York, where 'they are put up inn manner to im ! itate those of the Pekin Tea Company." NoW, in the latter part of this paragraph instated a 1 falsehood so glaring, that an attempt to support it in any Atlantic city would subject any editor to universal ridicule, and in New York he would be regarded as a ' consummate knave, if not the absolute madman. We are astonished to find that any Pittsburgh editor, hay ing access (as must necessarily be the caso) to New Yet k journals for years past. can be so deplorably ig norant er the fact that the Canton Tea Company have been established in New York TM rearts!--and also, that the Pekin Company have only existed TWELVE stoNTHS!—and that the latter honse was established wholly in consequence of the success and reputation of the former. Here then is a fraud truly unblushing —nay, verily abominable. • • We are also reflected on xis being an inferior con cern. beeause "we select our Teas from the promiscu ous cargoes which arrive." 11,0 w much mare com mendable to come out with' the plain truth than to resort to such vile falsehoods: s appear in the begin ning of the paragraph now un -review. The words are "The Pekin Tea Company f, New York, an aaso d • ation of heavy capitalists i et city," &c.—(Let the reader refer.) Is it passifiie that the inhabitants of Pittsburgh can swallow tat.his! In this city (New York) every counting-house lad, of fourteen years old knows better. Let any individual who would satisfy himself on the subject, refer to the files of the Courier and Enquirer, Journal of Commerce, or Commercial Advertiser, which he may find at any large Hotel in Pittsburgh, and see, if in the lists of imported merchan dise, he can discover that any entries of Teas have been made at the New York Custom House for such a firm as the "Pekin Tea Compney." We defy . thern to prove that they ever received Teas direct from China! Who ever believes suc h a barefaced as t er- Lion are deservedly humbugged. As to the fact of their having an "agent in Canton," we deny it. Who is bef. But the idea of their having another in Pekin, is an absurdity / so monstrous, and a falsehood so gla ring, us not to deserve consideration. Who ever heard of Teas being selected end shipped at Pekin? Outrageous nonsense: We happen to know that the "fine Teas which their agents in Pekin end Canton select, pot up. and 'ship direct to New York," are selected in Front street, in this city, at the store Of Beebei& Bonheriottriti other wholesale Grocers, shipped thence by their carman to the store 75 Fulton street; then packed in imitation of the Canton Tea Company Teas by Frenchmenand Germane,in the upper part of the -building, brought down, stairs, and thence dispatched to Pittsburgh and other, places. 'Leidy—Who is the association Of. New York cap italists,'called the "Pekin Tea Co," professing to have $500,000 engaged hi the trade? The agents and salesmen, Messrs Douglass, Callender and Roe, were previously employed at the New York Sun News paper establishment' Mr. Hamilton, the out door a gent,' was formerly subscription clerk for Messrs Ed paned Charles & Sores'Brudt Note List; and the only ; and exclusive owner and proprietor of the whole earth lisbnient is Henry' Wykdr, publisher of a paper cal led the "New. York Republic," now extinct, and welt kfinwn to the world as e controversial antagonist of 'James Gordon Bennet, of the New York Herald. We exceedingly regretthe necessity which compels us to,come out.so the are, nevertheless, readY to' procure . proper af fi davits, certi fi ed before the New:York City and State authorities, in confirma tion of all that we have noel stated, if called upon; -New - York Canton . . Tea Company; Per THOMAS'A.. MONEHOUSE. . . .Qr Our Agents in PITTSBURGH -are -Messrs; PELL & GRANT, corner of Liberty and Ferry ate.. Where choice Teas of WI-descriptions are constantly , -for'sale, .OR EP MITCHELL, 89 . Chesnut, and 339 Market - Office In3gew Yurk, 125 & 125 i. Cl:lath - tiro t.,,l63Oreenwteli et - • mar2B.l:md' pRN4IgEN'EAL . : 4.-:_-*Ag,:ff,.. - q4.-1(' : . MRS. RENTER; pEt 5 EZt-1222a) ALL-EGIIENV - CITY, Six doors from the Arteduiti :Opposite the Collector's Offte:e. ,`: :m the public that she heti jurt, corn. - roenced Atte One estertatar. HAI a Brudness, and his a very aereTier stock, received 'from the Eastern Cities, end Paria4. and she is prepare& to fill all alders the shortest Milieu, and in a manner that cermet ho excelled by any arrfnilar manufacturer in theeountry., She has on handand intendskeeping,a largeitssort.. meet of Ornamented Hair IVork, such as-Ladies' „ Wigs, Baads, Braids, Curls, Necklaces, Guanis,, Bracelets, - Finger Rings, 4.c., Gentlemen's Wigs, , Tanpries Scratches, &c. Mrs it bas treen far many years engaged in thohu. siness in France and the United Staten and-ftnni her long and extensive expetience, she feels confident of • being able to give satisfaction to . all -wile mill faysr' her with their patronage. tier prices, ate More fiber; • al than have been offered is this city heretofbre. . • - mar 17-ly BOOS AND JOll PRINTING OFFICE; N. W. CORNER" OF ‘FOOp 'O;FTSTII STS; The proprietors of the.Mourtrne Post and Miff;._ c URY AND MANDY/I.C.TORXR respectfully leferal theii friends and the patrons of tlaosepaperi, that they have( a large and well chosen assortment of - iffECOMBIC '3lE`r3llr7dE"'3lllEL"'9l - ZII4I42EBUIIIEI/C1 _ . Necessaryt o a Job Printing Office, and that they tire prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, "OF EVERY DESCRIPTION:..... Bills of I,zuline, Cireslarei Bill Heads; Cards Blank Checks,: fiat Tiiiii,. Boos 4 Pamphlets, Handbills, 2111110111 s of 131autts, Stage, Steamboat and Canal,Aoag siiis;toitk ap pr;)aie . !4ti, Printed on the shortest notice and rnoitretisonables We respectfully ask the patrona,ge ofourfriends and the public in general in this branch of our business.. BIGLER, SARGENT- & 'BIGLER. • July t.)5,t . 845 Removed. TT K. LOGAN, this removed 'to .No. 83, Wood s,strest, one door belovr Diamond Alley; to 'the store lately occupied by Clarke & Cameron, where- he hai opened a Wholesale and Retail Dry-Goods Etore„ and having just returned fromthe Easteur Cities, is opening a new and well selected stock of Goods ,con silting of French, English - and - American clotli;, (all colors,) a groat variety of-new. style Cassimeres and Sattineus;. Cashmaretts, (a.new.style;)..Oregon Car simere, agood stock'of summer cloths of all kinds; late style Vestings; also, a great variety of Lawns and Gingham)); Graduates and . other fa i pcy patterns; -a variety of prints' from .6 to '26 cents per yard; a very superior lut of White.goods, consisting of India Linen, Damai.k 'Plaid, striped cambric; Victoria Lawa; striped and plain !hull; Swiss Lace and barred Muslin; figured and 'plaits. Bobinrtst black and blue black Silks, plain,. figs ured and striped; -a large assortment or IrialiLinetuc bleached and brown 'Muslim); table Diaper; Marseilles Counterpanes, (large sixe;) Moreen; a g,od supply of Umbrellas, Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large, assortment of men,- women.. and children's Hosiery; a very fine article of Lisle Threrid Hose and Gloves, uncipany other articles not enumerated. He . would respectfully Invite his former customers and the public generally, to an examination of his stock,.to, which he expects to make additions-regularly. aptly Canal Boat Bowe. By R. Dqsaett, Peal& street, Pittsburgh., Prii#4., BCARDING and toctgiag by the ;lay- onweeh on . themost reasonable terms. - Strangers cviliSnd it totheir advantage in patronize .hits. Versons . trav eling east or west, will find'his house a convenient'lo. cation—it is within one hundred yards of ^thi Canal Basin, and convenient to the Forwarding Bonzes.. ' rgiP Every information given to. Iron_ 3s:fanatic turets, in all Iminches of the business, . larHome Brewed Ale can at all times bp.had at the bar. • novlo.lv Sohn W EturroU---Attoraeyat Law. ' - u - AVINp returned from his European tour has Ell taken an office on the north east corner ofSmith field and Fourtb"smeets. Persons having had ' hueiJ ness and papers in the hands ofsamuel Kingston Esqf deceased will call'on the above -as- all .the unsettled business of Mr Kingston has been left in his hands. mars Lard Oil at a Reduced Price. T HE subscriber would 'respectfully inform his friends and public in general, that _his .new Factory is now completed. and with a large addition to his machinery, he is prepared to - make .considera ble quantities of a superior article of, Lard Oil, which he is determined to sell-cheap, fully, appreciating the old proverb, "theta nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling." Be feels confident. that consumers would find it to their advantage to give him - a call. and examine for themselves. • Woolen manufacturers, Machinists and others, are respectfully invited to examine hls superior oil, Fifth street, near Market,- opposite Hunker's Confections tyStore, and Messrs Samuel M'Clurken & Cu, Lib _ _ erty street. . . M. C. EDEY, Pittsburg and Oil Manufacturer. A sufterior quality of Strt Candles alstays on hand of assorted sizes. - mar 24. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Cornet of St. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, JAMES ARMSTRONG; Proprietor. THEproprietor beg s ivave to retuni hismostgrate ful thanks to his friends and the publicfor past rumors, and hopes, by attention, to a condonation of their patronage. The house is preasantly - sittutted near the Exchange; it has oecominodations for travel ers, and a large room for publio _meetings; dinner_ or supper parties. REFRESHMENTS , Always ready, or prepared on the shortest - notice, with the choicest tho market will afford. Oysters and. Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters received eve ry d 4grin g - the season.' The greatesteare is been taken Sloths selection of wines and ' A varie ty of newspapers are regularly Med in tea. establish ment. P. S. A. Hot Lunch served up avery dai at 1I ap 18, '.- - WAR WITH MEXICO DECLARED! - MONONGAHELA CLOTHING STORE. No 2, WOOD St. Second Door from cite Corner of Water Street.". COOLEY & LAIRD, PROPRIF,TORS„, The undersigned takes this method of anununning to their customers and the public genemby;tbas they have just, received from ale East, tind,offer for isle at theabove stand a large and well , selectekassertment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings atst materials of eve. ry descridtion, having been purchased.for cash on the most advantageous terms, they are enabledlo cfter as CHEAP as can be atild in the Western "Coutary. Their assortment of , READY-MADE CLOTHING,I is large, and has been manufaCtored • front; dm beat matncials, and by excellent workmen. - - • They have constantly 'on - band and willmannfinetore to order all uncles of Clothing, which they wilt 'Wei , rant to be made in the beat manner and Inostfiabions• able style. • They invite the public to call and exataMe•thelr stock of goods, as they are confident they:can sell . Goon ARTICLES at prices which cannot failut please. Remember the :place:. NO. 2. WOCIDSTREET. SECOND DOOR FROM. THE , CORNER , OF WATER. . • •.11ePt,941 3:l4.l)aoini - AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERdH'T COTnerof Woodandsthato., , pittpbstrsit, IS ready toteceive mercbendiz e of every description oncomignmeot, for public or ;vivant-calk and from long experience in the above businviii ilatter, himselftbat ho will be ablate give entiro satisfaFtios to all who mayfavor him with tbeirpatrimeta , Regular sale son MONDAT and Tl 3 UPDATII,Of Dri Goods andfaxtcy articles,ta AO o'cloob j A...m. - - .0f Groceries, Pittsburgbinaitifectured ArticlOe.nei and secendbrmd flirmture,ekro, at 2 o'Cloik,r3t. Sales every eveningmearl,74asliel.-4.- 0:e **".4;t-