.7....•:!.....:.v0u 7 : 7J - ,:. :: - - -...No-,;:444 . 9... PUBLISHED AND EDITED. BY .- - - EVIG44EI3,SAIZGVNT &DIGLEI2, • N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth. Streets. • T Wet:S.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. 71.Mz dollars win invariably be required if not paid within the year. • Singlonopies Two CENTS—for sale at th 9 counter of the (Mice, and by News Boys. ' " • ---- Nu, The Weekly. Mercury and B7.annfacturer is' published at the same office, on a doable medium sheet, at.TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle-copies, SIX CENTS: - '' : • ". ~t .•. • 'TERMS -OP ADVERTISING. - PER. SqI.IOAI.E OF. TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Oneiliertion, - .- $0 50 .onemonth, $5.00 Two9llllo-, ' - ' 075 TO.o do:, 6.00 Mite do:, • . - - I 013 Threedo. , -. ... 700 One week, . .1 $0 Four do., , 1 8 00 Tito. do., • - 300 Six do., .1. 000 Three do., . 400 One year, 15 00 - YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARGEABLE AT PLEASURE. One Square. Two Squares. 31X months. $l/1 00 Six months, $25 00 - I . le yea!, 25 00 I One year, 35 00 larLargef advertisements in proportion, IRD o our ince to BoLLABS a year EG,:fa N.;..4 - 11,, - AT TORl4fi r s A/LA*li: OFFICE. rernostrobtrr;tteleVidenco of H S MA 611 AM. on Fourth street, one door from Cherry ep 211 f • tVfLLS & :DONNELLY, - AZTOILNETS, AM) ,ce*Ei,toßa AT LAW, PITTSBUitGH, Qffice on Fourth at, hAroecn. Smithfield. and Grant. mar 141.dif . --Wl:taxies DI hays ' • A T 0 T. .1. A IV,. . PLLTSB~TPA. ft.l 10a1 p rentrind jockno iv l edgernent"or Lynes: Contoteks,;Depesi tionseebther caritines,to be.reearded or -used' in the state or Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. - - Office NoBQ Stuart's Beildings, Fourth street. merle dly *Loney, CAAtllor & Notary JAMES S*CRAFT. 4 , rrrysagitGu, rA. TJAVING resigned the office of Secretor: P. Nay. I.l.2nncf Fire fits . ..,Co., will attend SPECIALLY t. Collections and business connected with Nairigation 4 io , 4urance, Accounts Lind Real Estate._ ,Businessjtours 9, A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, Nu 1 Stuart's Buildings, (No 80 Fourth st,) second door East of Wood street. • :;feh 3-tf EDMUND SiNOWDEK T ATTORNEY AT L 4 IV, FFICE in the building on the North East corner O of Fourth and Smithfield streets. nuvl.l-ly - ATTORNEY - AT ,LAW, Greensburgh, Westmoreland County; practice in the Westmoreland, ind'esna and Cainbrin Cnuits. • decS ly. . . .... J. O. SELNOII Iffal&UON • & SEANOH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE in Fifth dtreet.,in Barr's new building, be tween Wood and Smithfield streets. . oct29•ly. WM. WHARA I.I.OIIINSON, • - (LATE.I7. S. ATTORNEY,) HAS removed his Office to No. 8 St. Clair avec sept 4 - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW - F'rank/ia, Vowing° County, Fennel., WILL attend promptlyto all business entrusted Y to - his care—collections made in Wauen, Clarion aint,tolTerson counties. • REFER TO .1, 4. STOCETON, & Co. esiurtria, Wu.sou, &Co.. ? Pittsburgh. JOHN : BIGLER:, • • HOR.J AMES KINN EA R, Franklin. HON, ALEX. M'CALAIONT, • 11014'11.31/3 WILSON, Steubenville, Ohio. ‘23-Iy. O. ORLANDO LOOMIS, • - • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourth atrect, above Smithfield. joky 1-Iy. • Lam Notice. ANDREW DUREX. OFFICE removed •to Smithfield street, between 4th streotand . Diamond Alley, opposite Mr. Geo Weyman's TobaccoManufno•o •. np 16 Lzu , Notice. ' TAM ES CALLAN ha,removed to the chambers OF occupied by Alderman McMituters on Fifth st.. between Wood and Stbithfield. ap 18 . . REMOVAL. . G. L. Robinson & DL Dritrido, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AVR'removed their office to Grant ritreet, a MAL short distance - 4nm Seventh street, towards the Court House. MConveyanciagand oiler instruments of wilting legally.and promptly executed. ap2l . .M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office on Fourth'street, opposite R & R H Patter son'e Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. sep 10 V. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pluqburgh Pa. Office Ofw on 4th street, between Wood and Smithfield. MP WILLIAM E, Aesrtri . , Esq., will give his awn fion to myunfirdshed businese ' and I recommend him tofhe patronage of my friends. < eep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Shales; .& Simpson, Altontoys at Law, Moo at the buildieg formedy occupied by, the . UM tad States hauls . , 4th - cemet, betwoenMurketand Wood streets... • • m2l CHARLES !MAGEE. : - EDWARD SIMPSON. Good S. %Aden, Attorney at Law; Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield. gaP'Conveyancing and other instruments of wri ting legally and promptly executed. , tnar2l-if . . 11. HAMILTON. R. B. STERLING. 114DIILTON & STERLING, AttorAeys Law, OFFICE; North side of. Fifth street, between Wood ,stal Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. collections made on reasonable terms. dee 4-ly , , Et. Mairour, Alderman, Office. hoith side of Fifth - street, between Wood and . • .Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sop 10-tf • •'DII.'CiEIO; PEILII2I, • • T_TAS removed a short distance above his former L e l locEition, on Smithfield street, near Seventh, east _ jan 7 Dr. George Watt; Office, No. - 17, StitithAeld moot, near Sixth, aug2l.. Plrrinerßcu SEILIdEIitS,.M. tMGYED- to Penn street; 'between Irwin ~„- a liandstreets. five: doors below °Handstreet.: ap 15 , • 1 0 '. • 4.,}4 .J.;.; , • • -' ,0=4, --1 441Leioi? - -.are set - AP y?*-• 4 ,• ' . _ • _.• - - - I r 4 x'lsl , ;ri p. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLEB SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER-.-.OF'WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE TKOS . . DOtiszt.Lr P. 'C. SHANNON, 13110W1rt C. WILSON, 31111GX1 MITERS, S U,lt , dE9N - DENTIST• - , 118 - Liberty street. " A few doors below St. Clair st, ap 28-Iy. As Ward, Deatist r . Ha; removed to theplnce of his folmeriBsirelnlrie Penn street, two doors below 'lrwin, ap 18 Da. GEO". rvLix, . PRACTICING•PIiY§ I P, office . ou Smithfield, near Seiconth'street. inly 26. 1845.15.je1r. Docto? Daniel Diofileal, Otrice on - Srriithfield street, throe doors frorn.Sixth street, Pittsburgh. dec 10L—y GEORGE COCHRAN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, NO. 26 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. nnv27 L.wsz.'manTri, LUMBER ,MERCIANT, Office on Penn Street, BETWEEN IRWIN b.: UAND STREETS Pittsburgh, Pa. • . r p All C o mm i ss i on, will be promptly attended to mttr4 • N. HOLMES & SON, BANKERS• AND DEALERS IN rersigai and Borrestie Bills of Exchangc. CERTIFICATES of deposit Bonk notes and Spe cie. Drafts and notes collected, and remittances made to any port of the United Stole, jilt 7-1 y No. 55 %diet Street. R. F. STERETT. e JACOD WEAVER. STERETT & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and • , - Domestic Wines and Liquors, -No. 18 Musket eirdet, one door above Froni, P/TTSBURGIR PA. dna° James Park. Jr. & Co WHOLESALE. Grocers. lm . porters Tin Plate Yr and gneewrrtro. and dealers in Copper and rittsburgliniantdbettned articles, Nos. 11.'2 and 114 Second at., between Wood and Smithfield streets. jaill4-novl4 GEORGE OODEV SArdt/F.I. SNONVDVI & SNOWDEN, iff , b , ff..SSOßS TO AVERY, OGDEN & CO., ‘VIIOLESALE dc RETAIL DRUGGISTS 4•ND litunuTacturoya or Wltitet=triol, Red Lend, anti Lytitarge,coroer of Wood and Second sta., l'ittsbure = h, I'a. nov 13.1 v Aldp . iirtaa'a Office , Fifth Ward. 011isrA14.111fritACSil, Alderman Filth Ward, reran street., between Walnut and O'Hara streets. where he may be found at all times. Those having 'louses or otber property town or rent, can lihvetlie same punctually littended to; debts collecter4.-and al' the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt ot• tentinn. ne1.27,1 Iv 61dcrt►an's Office. rrillE undersigned begs leave. to say to his friend.• and the'isblic generally, that he has remoyed, his office to l'ennstreet,-near the canal Litidge, Quo. site the United States Hotel. an tiaNt, • JAMES BLAKELY. IM=2 LAMBISBT & SHIP TON, WIIOLESALE GROCERS. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS DeiderA in Produce and Pittsburgh Maunfacturcs Noi 133 and 135 %Von.' sTreet J. G. MUNTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Market street, near Liberty juiy 1-ly PITTSBURGH, PA JOHN SCOTT & CO Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, No 7, Commercial how, Liberty street, Pittsburah. JOHN rteDV,VITT, J. & J. IYUDEVITT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Dealers in Produco and M 156417,11 manufactures generally, N 0.224, Liberty, opposite 7th Street Pitts burgh; rn. np iB-ly Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourili street. , sep 10—v JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44, Market street. sep 10 lIIARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. kine 6. - NEW 8008 STORE H. S. BOSWORTH' S. CO., No. 43, Market street nett door to 7'hird erect, ARE just opening a new and extensive assortrnrnt of Books and Stationery, which they will sell, wholesale and retail at the lowest prices. ap26 Jamos Patterson, Jr., Corner of lst and Ferry streets. Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; housen screws for rolling mills. &c. sop 10—y Sohn BTOloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Libertystreet, between Sixth street and Virgin alley lath side. seple Charles 11. Hay WHOLESALE and Retail Bookseller, Paper Dealer, Statidner and Bookbinder, corner of Wood and Third streets. sept 18 GEORGE WINSTON. COMMISSION MERCHANT,' No. 14, Main Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. - Refer at Pittsburgh to Wm. Lippencott &Son, and John Grier. noy2o.finii* SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY Corner Ross drui Front streets. - 911 HE undersigned haiing completed their machi nety for rolling Steel and Iron, aro ptepnred to manufacture and furnish Spring and A B si zes Slab Steel for Prairie Ploughs, Hot, and Saw Steel, Plates rolled and hammered, hay and manure forks, Sthel, and Canine Springs apd Hammered Iron Ax. lee, and aro prepbred to do all kinds of Job Rolling, and Forging. They also keep'on hand Carriage Hurd ware and Trimmings of every description. • NB. Tho highest price paid in cash for iron and , Steel Scions. - JONES & QUIGG. IN ALL ITSNARIETIES, AT THEIR WAREHOUSE, I feb 20.d2m. • - - FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. P. MOLVANY, JAmEs E. LEDLIE MULVANY & LEDLIE, MANUFACTURE AND KEEP CONSTANTLY ON RAND, Cut, Moulded and Plain FLINT GLASSWARE, Corner of Market and Water Streets, PITTSBURGH. • MT . Our 'Works continue in full operation, and we are constantly adding to - our stock, which enables us to:fill orders with promptne.ss. Purchasers are respectfully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. seph6-ly Pilkington'allnrivalled Blacking, IVIANUFACTUREDand sold wholesale and retail, 11-1- SIXTH sritErr, ono door below Smithfield. oets2l—,ly. Removal.' A BEELEN, has removed hie Commission end '..tV• Forwarding Business 'from the Cattaraitsin.te his dew Werehoutse, on Third street. needy epesite the Post O ffi ce. a yl 30: MIZEINI •• - • - "- ' • WISTAIt'S BALSAM OF WI/D CHERRY . . , , - , -THE . GIE.AT..I7.EXEin FOR, .D0EA5.E9...,01 THE LUNGS:AND R 1 E - A4T ...1 0 TESTIMONIALS: .• ' "" • _ To nig' c..= accordance - with the prevail-, .. tog custom, irror - to.snow the virtues of this medisitie more fidly,, lowing certificates have been selectrdonnd as is no our wish to ttifle with the lives, Or hAtTiWIIK thoseafflicted, we pledge our selves to make no assertions, or ~ FA TATE IIENTS" of the effick j y npr will tv&IIN • hope to suffering humanity which (nets willnoi warrant. THE PROOFS ARE HERE 6'lW:lC—dna' we solicit an inquiry from the public into ev7 l l ease we publish, and feel assured they will find it a medicine well de serving their patronage and confidence. Of al 1 the cures that have yet beeiareciirelrd, there ale none equaVto those menlionrd below, which ploiOy shows the curability of Consumption, Coca in: some of its worst forma !I!! Mrs. GO ULD, or another proof ,added ! ! THE cusiw% rEnroiimEn Cy WISTAR . 4 11.11. s AM Or WILD CHERRY, ARI ASTONIsIIING THE WORLD. Direr Sirr—l take pleasure in communicating through you, to all whom it may concern, and the pub. lin generality, the astOnishing effect s:9!ir truly won derful medicine has had upon me. .1 have ant enjoy. perfect health for foul' or five yea's. Physicians told ate my liver was .diseosed,—and :that I might some i day, die with ConsamMtinn. Last SepteMber, 1841, I I took n slight cold, Which prOduced a hacking. rough; this confirmed until Febt um v, 1395, when l added' another cold; my cough increased, I scan lost my np• petite, and my strength failed; fur six weeks 1 could not lie upon one *id.:: I so'eot very moth at nights, raised considerable blend dur ing the winter and could not speak a loud word for two weeks 'ilia nll these had symptoms, Iliad very severe poia Tayside, and between my shoulders; genrca9 deb . • followed. I was confined to my cacao abouteight ..eeks. I had buried a sister and hi-tither, both died with Co:wimp tion. I expected t.s die myself: my rileall4 also des. paittrt of my life. A t t his. time, an uncle, who had been benefited himself. : ndvised me to take Dr Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. I accordingly procured a bottle, took iv, and frt some letter obtained another, and a third: tiv'n I cen.9,l to bleed, and my coon h was b etter ; but my disease was so deeply rooted, I was obliged to continua taking the Balsam, until I had ta • ken seven bottles. I. can honestly and truly any, I believe Dr Willer's Balsam cf %MI Cherry saved my life MRS. MARY B. GOULD. We are personally orrioninted with Mrs Gould,— ansislcd in inking core of her dining her sicknc,s.— onti know the statement to be trite. Mits. P. C. ratt,.COTT, MRS. S. A. PAcite.l.l/Fll, No. 1, Commercial st 13 ,, 5t0n, Mass , Sept 12, 1315. ANOTHER VOICE FReht.....i Vroonnottouctl, July 30, 1345. Y ` Mai" Sir,—lttiving , exprt leered groat benefit fro vont invaluable Medicate, 1 my';duty and plink !ego to let the world !mow Veruit it bas done for tr russet sed of a el. Ong constitution normally. I had em joyed perteshealth Previous to the spring of 10111 r when I was troubled with 'n thlfieuly in ray m ltA i cish '' arp.. pain. tsmeti Icl 1 waaspiAlsly IA 11 tolnrr . Wllll cough , continued tai l no I itas confined to the house eight months i slitting which time my rough sins very sevrrr.. 1 quell: I; ;pens of enirghing a Lich !mord —doily raised hogerpontities mutter. necninparried with sometimes I ER1144111 quits' EA of blood at time. I consulted three pliy,ir inns, nll of horn done their hest to restore me,—grve me nm— said they mead do no more for me.—l musi die,—it was impossible fur tar to live but a short tim e ; ono of them said my tongs were gone. At this ci it ical mo ment, when emminent phvicians bosh ex.orsle,l their 51:01, friends dispaired of my life, my wen hope of re. corny at an ens - Li - testified to Or. Vilistar's of Will Cherry; x hen I had taken one nnd a 1,111;11,4'11es, those severe spells of roughing were removed'. I con• tinned tahinz am Balsam until am ing, (April, 1844.) when I retried to bleed at the lungs , my health anti strength improv-il so that 1 left the houre, but a, mil t am e l e wok fo. n tear. Nom my health is good; I um able to do a day's mot!. every d.tyon my Gem JAMES COMEDY. Witues.: Tttnu ns BENNER. jrA533 AI.DIKVITT 17" Those mho Con'oterfeit u medicine for the purpose of adding a few dollars to their peel:eta, ore far worse than the totted/x.l{ll.ms of spurious coin. For while, the latter only 1 - 44 u 4 of oar property, the former take property and Wealth and life nway.— Dr. Wl3 TAW* Balharn ri r f MO Cherry is ndmieted try thousands of disinterested siitnes,m.i, to have efreet ed the must rYtnronlinury curer iu ets, , es of tt' peke.- nary and asthmatic character ever 'before recorded in the history of medicine: The yoting, and beautiful, nil ,peolc fruit, itv pruise..lt in nnw the termite medicine in the must intelligent families of our rout. ry. Such ik high ',tend in public estimation has been a chin ved by its non merit, alone. And s o long on a discerning rubric urn careful to get Wista) m a of rr y, and refuse with acorn counter feits, and every other article rruferred to them us substitute, so lung will cures—povaire cures—cheer the fireside of a derailing family. , ITho true and genuine "Wistet's Balsam, of Wild Cherry" is sold at established agencies in all parts of the United States. wts - r AR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, that not only relieves but cures! r7"Price $1 per biotic, or six battles for $.5. Fur sale at Cincinnati only by • SAN UFO RD & PA lIK 'Sold in Pittsburgh by L. WILCOX. Jr„ South•east or. of Market, ft. and the. Diamond jan.l4 FITTSBURGII STEEL WORE S t N D ALLEN KRAMER E . xci,ienge Broker, corner . fVood and Third streets. Gold, and 'Solvent Bank tunes, benefit and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities; for sale. Drafts _ notes andbßis,collected. ' nErEnEscze F In L r 3. D. n cD z i l & e a , v J. Painter &Co., Joseph WoOdirell, Jamoo May, Alex..l3rcalson&Co. Johnlißrowa&Co. jp,mes NrC4ndlgair. 4. R.M'Ponald. V.H. Popo, Esq., Proet,Bank PITTSI3URGII. MoNDAT, APRU 27, 1846 'REMARKABLE CURES.]j!I BOSTON, Slpt, In. 1815 TO-'THE SIC-K AND AFFLICTED COUNTERFEITS. Pittabutgli,rat Philadelphia: Cincinnati;o., St. Louis, Me, Cy. }Louisville. , . -~~. IMMINE • JAMES .13 W. 1113.21 & CO. AVE the pleasnro to announce to their friends Hthat:they again annum , their old stand at No: 83, Wood street, sberithey have opened an oaten. sive - • - WALL PAPER IVAREHOUSE, And will have consicinily on - hand an extensive assert mPtit of Satin•ghmed Awn] Tqain PAPER HANq- INGS, Velvet and ImitiltianDniders,of thWlntest style; and most handsomo patterns fdr papripg halls, .pti larA and chamber.a. They rhanufncture,pna:hnvo 'on bond et all times, Printing, Wriling, Leter,lirrappien• n and Tea Paper, Bonnet awl Feller's Bmei ofwhich they offer no sale on the mnst iceinintwcinting 'terms, and to which they inviti* the attention 'or 'merclytms.ttml others. A LSO —Maid; 13 , 11110 of all kinds and the, Aect gitnl• it,y, Sarno! Blinks, & always on had and for sale. as °hove. ane, 25. C.) CO MS''')U 51 1 4 PT I! 0 IN DR. SWAYNES Compound Syrup .of Wild Cherry. The Onginal and Genaine Prepralion! • Cniv2bs, Ciddn. AP:afoul, Mont:l.4lk Liver COmpl a i n t, Spitting BIWA. Breatltin,7 Pain in dm told pinto; ealpitation of the Flrart, I Croup, Broken Cons.t it tit ion, Sore ?biotic Nervoutt and all dunes of lilt' Monist ond Long.; the = tong' droctual and . speedy rum ever known ftir any of the Aar, di4c , ase.s is DR. swArN Compound Syrup or Wild Cherry. THlS“Colebratedltemetiy” has now, by its in. trinsic vitturs, agnitired a celebrity which ran never be 'shaken, by tha many (pack NostrllMS" Vlilll which the,comitry aisnuncls. The public are Gist lieu ning thntihi 4 is thionly remedy that cnn bo relied upon it. ihe gpeerly and permnnent cure of all di s ease s of the I.turgs. It is literally sweeping Consumption from the l frith wherever it is introduced that disease dwindles into insignificance. The pubic have 'hum• bugged' lung enough.: anti now !wort to it, medicitie which the testimony Of tie mnsi eminenk pl,Ysicinns in die kind ha. plated beyond the reach o f criticism.-- In requites i ir b.,l4Tesiog up, by pfthlishing, column+of forged certificates—but it i+ ennup.h to Irt the public k now w h er e it c an l ie Ann mil. and our trial will eon vivre r.II, of its gren( efficacy in curing those distres sing diseases shove named, which have lthfiled the of the mu.: framed prolitionet: for ages here tt,fOre. 1) r ,S,rarie's errmporind 'Syrup of Wild Cherry was the lino prepititiun loin that valuable tout which Wan ever introduoM..to the public, and ample proof is afforded of ha tirietrzss by the reentry being flooded With - . Balstop,”!lier," and "Mixtures" of ,W ild cherry ih u,s!%Tte . hicli is prepared by a regular irS'sifl.tais,tdrivitigfr they have . assumed the mimes of Apecrithle - pliSticlarut to give COrmory to their ..tima trum4 " Therefore:the , piddle islionld Lai on their and not have a worthless mixture palmed 'won them for the ntiginal and genuine preparation, which la only prepared by Di. SWAVNE. N W. corner of „Eighth and Rare streets:, Philadelphia. Cousuarptires, or thou. whine Lungs ern effected slightly, should t u be thin Syrup - .without delay, by wlilch they may pi event the fixing of that die e disease filly - n0d . 144y.. lfre important, then, to nvpiti it-- Never live it this with n cough when this Syrtm can be and you ore nearly eel lain, oilh proper rare, to avoid dettiartion 6t Consumption. Dr Srrerynr's Corapon,na Syrnr of Wild Cherry is n romptattal if Vegetable Retnediet; it is culled ;;Iterry," berm:sir that nrtirde is Cho batit of the Preparation. 1t in en cornblerd with other ingre dients, that the utmost eflieiency is given to its good y 1411144, its a snopotier and preserver of the powers and tonrtions of i , has no equal. Remember, all preonrutions purport iag to contain Cur MIT, fire fictitious and counter feit. except deo. ;tearing the written signature of Dn. Ser11::1 , :. I (ireat caw should tx obterked ire porchnsing of ;he mainitized agents. The onlyattents lu Pitishrogh fur the saleof the genuine medicine are., Wm. Thorn, 53 Market ,r.; Ogden & Snowden, corner of Wood and 2.1 sta.—and S. Junta, ICI Liberty lit.. where it can hat obtained genuine, wholesale nod 'cod', at propt ie. tot's Nimes. Scald by John Mitchell, Allegheny city; E. ii. I linmen, Cincinnati; Dr. Megolfin, Mercer; J. O. Burton & Co. lirierJ.S.Merrit & Co., Louisville; Dr. E. Easterly & Co., St. !mob.; Andrew Oliver & Co.. New Orleans, and by regularly appoinokl agents in f1 , 1 , 1v nil the principal towns in tins United h Stiltes. IM"tonntty storel,repers ow . find it to t eir od• vantage, to haveto supply of this populist homily meili. ciao. inn 99 I y WASUINGTON HALL. Alal ket arra, Slenbomillo!, Ohio. JOHN IRONS. PROPRIETOR 'plus moutiliNtmient lino been token by the zit nntler.ignett eti re,peully to Inform hi: friend, anti the ithblie r,,enerally that it trot bens tenth,' ion! Minithed in n at) I' not aurimosed by 110 V boom in this rlace, and, ut leant equal to any in he Woo. 11V11.11ing1nn 111111 i 111 1 1 1 .111,1 in the Innlinenn ( tar t of tie ion., Mist Let nioor, neatly oppesite the Court end buildings, and within n few steps of Ilin Nlei lift. it, in the most elevated :1 , 1 public leitixe in Town, commanding rr view of the Hi ret ['fir several miles above and below. An Omnibus, unit ...events, is at ali times lie in readiness to convey losseingrs and iluitt baggage to ar il from the stennibete landings. Every accommodation which the publi c ha ve a right to expect may•now be bad tit the HON, on terms reasonable as ofTeted by tiny oilier good house in Steubenville. As the proprietor will spare no pains or expense to tender general sittisfaction. this, with his long experience in the 'bOsiness, will maize it the interest of these who come tide wfiy, In "give him a rail." sera-if. ,NO. IRONS. WM. CoLEMAN, JOHN F. JENNINcIs. JAS. W. HALLMAN. COLEMAN, MAILMAN & CO., Manufacturers of Carriage Springs 4- Axles, A B. AN D Spring stool & dealers in Coach Triminings 01 every description. manefitetery on ST. CLAIR SP. wurehouv, 43 WOOD S FREET, oppo,ite St Ciliates Hotel. jein23 Fifth Ward Livery Stable. E subscriber. having bought out the well ' MIN known Livery Stable kept by C B Duty, in the hitt!' Ward, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he will keept at all times, n stock oldie best desctiption of Riding Horses, Bug gies, Carritiges ofalikinds„and in short, every thing required in his line of.business. A ennsideruble pnrtion of big stock is new, and be is confident that no stock in the, city will be superior to his. HIS TERMS MU, 'BE MODERATE His Stable is on Liberty et, a few dores above the Canal Bridge, where'lie.respectfolly solicits a share of public patronage. CHARLES COLEM AN. Ho iv also provided with tie elegant Hearse; which will be furnished.. Ace required. oet2stl MISS &.C. SARGENT. BEGS leave to inform her friends And the pubic gen orally that her Select School for Young Ladies and.hlisses. Will cciremenc,o the Winter Session on Alonday the Eth,of September. at her school room in St. Clairst., nearly,oppositetho Exchange. Hotel.— She refers to the following gentlemen: Hon John Breden, ,`Rev W Al'assavant, Rev J Hiblock, Wilson McCandless, Esq., Rev S Young, Allen:Kramer, Esq., Jacob Mechling, Esq., Win. Tack, Esq. John Bigler. , Pittsburgh: Any i nformation ailoternis , Seo, can bo obtainedby cnlllrig or. Allen Kramer; Req. ' Rug 22 ~.:_- , TREASURY DReARTITE.!::T, March 27,. 1346. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this department addressed to the SeCretary of the Trea sury, (enveloped and distinctly endorsed “Propretals for Revenue Steamers," until 12 o'clock noon on the 30th day of April nexqor the following matorinls, work; and equipments required for the iron revenue steamers Polk and Walker:pow under construction -at Rich mond, Ye , and Pittsburg, Pa. It is to be distinctly understood that all The work shall be executed in the bftt manner, and subject; to the inspection and approval of the superintending or other officer ordered by this , department, and that all thematerials nod equipments' shall bo - of the best qual ity:and subject .to like inspection rind itpproval -at the places of delivery—Richmond and Pittsburgh-461i package's necessary in the - transpnrtnt ion to be provi ded at the expense of the contractors. Printed forms ef proposals, entoterating. the arti cles reiptired nod ;character of - woilc for each clasi, and each vessel spin:timely, will be furnished to persons desirous -of bidding on application' to the collectors of the customs at Beltimote, Philadelphia, New Yorh; nod _Boston, or to - Captain Henry_ D. Hunter, at Richmond, or Captain Richard Evans, at Pittsborgh. ' Mr. Copes, conliFitetlon at Richmond, will exhibit plans of the work,:and give yyery information requir ed at thet place. and Mt.-Carpenter.-constructor at Pittsburgh, may be consulted on the same subject on application to the :collector of- Ilia 'etistoms - ut. New York Item the 3011i.dny of Much (instant) to the 7th day of April, and; to the collector of the customs at Poltirnoie Nara the 10th day of April to the 17th day of April, nt. which l places Mr. Carpenter will attend on those dates-, and Rom tho 2lst dny of April to the closing of the contract at Pittsburgh, Pa. Shipwright's work; Sails and sailmakeen Joiner's work, . ; store., Rigginz. Ship-chandlery, Rieger's work, Nautical instrutnents, ruinter's.wot k, Spats, • Blocks, Sufficient notches will to required for the faithful performance ofdtecontracts; and any difference at ising relative to the qtrality ofartieles furnished or clomtrter of work executed, eltall be submitted to the decision of two arhit ra ono to be chasten by the' govern ment and one by the contrUctor--.t.vho, foiling to agree, shall C1.U.40 a thitd, and their decision shall be final. R.. 1. WALKER, Secretary of rho Trensury.. Three limos a week moil April ffath it(ttlitt Wash ington Uttirin and Imvitigencer, l'hilathdrihitt Key stone. Richmond Enquirer, New' York Gtolre. Roglon Pest, ihtilimnre Argo. , anti Piawthitreh Morning Demeerntie New Era, Pottamouth, Va. Mareh al-31nw5w. It NEW HAT AND CAP STORE,. tift PAULSON, -, (LivreTUT: rtn3l oF ratrisuN & H AVING opened Ids new store at No. 73. Wood Strect, Next door to the corner of Fourth, is now re anufactur in andreceivingfromtb.e Haitern Cities very larg,e assortment of H ATS nod CA PS, of- every daeriii tion, wrrrantal to be muds in the best manner, and of the best materials. Otte!,Seal, fine itnd common Muskrat, Scidette, Pit-hand Gin-zed Ceps Also, n fine assortment of Ladies' Fors, such as Lynx, Fisrlt, Genet 'and Coney MUFFS AND TIP PETS AND FUR TR:OINH:CGS, nil of which he offers for role at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, hodi %%botanic nod retail, Country Merchant:. will pinnAo cull nral examine my stock before purcha,ing elsonliore. CHAS U. rAuLsoN. N. B. The Fall Fa‘hion for lints and Cps recriv p 7 GEORGE BAILEY, 1 KATRIBEIZ, AND MANTIVACTITRER. Pumps and Eryttrants, I 1, Which are superior to and cheaper than lany in the city Please to call and examiiirpr !massive:. FOU RIM STREET, SMITIIYIELD JeCIIERRT I Oallydritnts and Pumps repaired. jani•ly Last Winter Session—Dancing School. MA DA ME: 11 L AIQUE'S lag ses , ion for the pres• eat winter. will commence nn Friday afternoon, February 13th, at 3 o'clock. P. M., at her Room in 1 the Lafayette A svembly buildings. In tomouncibg the te-ntgnnizatiori of her classes for the mast sviir.er sert•on, Madame B • hopes it will not be nut et - pace in convey to her kind patrons her 1- I : . grateful aclnowledgment r f the liberal support they have hitherto extended to her. She cannot hut feel highly flattered nt the evidence they adduced of their i eminent appreciation of her nervier, rt,t a Teacher, 1 in the crowded state of her C1a,f.51, an d s h e lecke: me i fident the simple nOnitunrement of the re-org,aniza dun of her ctn..... bu sufficient to secure to het a continuance of their flivors. In orde r to give thnt e. hit to the Examiltatiort he ' , reposes closing her minter labors With, and which tho presence of nil her 'pupils con only secure, Om offers the followin,g imincement to her patrons, in the te4hicti.in of her icrrns to $l3 each: to those [mob; who hare attended the two previous ses- LA FAYETTE .ASSENTRI.Y ROOMS am abu t/. on Fuprth ..trect, tiNo don s from the flay SCllle3. N1;161110 B. will lent the above named rooms for pub. lie and private supper parties, Concerts, Soirees &e. Th. above rooms are finished aid lifted on in Ihe most n"ri elefmnt and approved style, will, .dre.ssinr, rooms, and ever• cowienience for ?he necntarnOutiun or %isitors, amt we num, open for inspection. • Important to GoatLamm. At the so!icitation of eevesnl geollemen, btwdnme B. wit; open evitninr, clit..aos, for ihstrigction in the Polka,. Polka Quadrilles. &c. nuur. of tuition—M.l'l44y, Wednesday and Fri day evenings of each work, from 7i In 9 r Her subscription list is now upon for subscribers at her rooms on Fourths', near Wood. fob 21 tf UNION UOTEIL. r N connection with myson, A. KLEBER, I have this 1 day, opened my Hoes° in Virgin Alley,nenr Wood street, where those wishing, the choicestrefreshments that are furnished by .well conducted Coffee Mime, can always be accommedated. Etensive Stabling for Rent. feb 7.tf HENRY KLEDER, SEN. L- 0. REV:OCM. J. L. sHEE REYNOLDS & SEMI): FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the Alice:milt River Trade+. TIEALEII3 IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, .Chloride of Lime and Paper. •• The highest price in cash paid at alltimes for coon try tags, baling_ rope, and cottton waste,corner of L'enn and Irwin sta. Pittsburgh, Pa. _janoo-tjyl4. Co-Partnership 'WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the firitday. TY of January, Mat, associated with him Jas.'W. Heilman and John F Jennings, under. the name end 'Style - of Coleman, Hallman & Co, will now, hava in creased ficilties for manufacturing SteelSpring,s, ham; meted Axcs , Americnn 'Blister and Spring Steel, R.x, to which the attention or aeon's. is respectray solici: ted, and hope by strict attention' to business, to inarit a continuance to the new firm, the favors so libeial be-' stowed - upon him. Fectory on St Clair it reei--Wem.: house 93 Weed-street,' opposite Sr Charles 'Hotel,' where can be found a good assortment of Springs, A ilea, A 11, and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of ev ery description, together 'with Iron Nails, and Pitts: hurgh Manufactured articles. 10F . 'The highest nrice paid for Sciep.lron. - - • . jun 24 , books; and charts, Bouts, 'Cabin and r ard•room fund turf.. „ 'I I ,=:f!t ; -7,' ::,,- - • i:;. _~~>_ • SohoolEiciukplaci Papor Ware.hottstu. ILUNt E • LOOMIS, ..40131111t Publisher, • "Bdok-Seller Book-:Bineler, NO, BR,. Woo D STlEt'r, PiTTSBIIOO7I.. 0 Kh . :EPS constantly en hand a general assortment of elLilia - Schonl Books in common use; together with the - publication of the PresbYterinn Board of Poh: licatinn, , and other Mi;cellancous Bibles. and Testaments in great Variety, from thefolio size to small pocket editiona. • Cap. Demy and fideditim Blank Books of my own manufacture, embracing Day Books, Journals, Ledgels and Record Wool,s, of the , different sizes Of paper; and . containing frtim two ;neigh' quires of paper. Plat Cap, DemY atitiMediurnytitl ng Paper rilways on hand, of superior' quality; cart - at shart notice be ruled to pattern and bound to order. ALSO_IN STORE -250 reams Cap Writin:• Paper, different qualities ruled 'end' plain; ' 20 reams Quarto Post; ruled and plain, (soma very fine); ' 300 rms CroWn flug.tind Straw Wrapping Parer; 150 " Medium" • " 20 'Double Crown " . - • .80 '' , ..,llledium' Tea Wrapping. different qualities; fa rms b otitt Post WALing; different 70. gross Bonnet.Bottro4, drab, ,white, on& bl uo and • White; 4 ow priced Printing l .. riper,:of the 91 by 32 201 by 234 inches, ht; 22 10 by 24 inches, 21 by 28 inches, r hy'2ditiches,.22 by 27 inches. . • • . : Conininily on hand .(nf A Bortentsna's manufac • turn) Print i ng.Pti • pe r of the following viieg Extra Supettne anti 'Hem::: for Job Punting, 20 by 24 inches; News ilting.; .22. by 42, 24 by 311.27 if:Kiwi:l,, Sized, or Stearnbaqt and other Bills, 20 by: 42 and and 22 by:2s inches; - -• • l'ost Office ;and other. Envelope Paper,- different: sizes; : • : . _ All of which wilt be sold et lowest prices, at salioin sale or retail, for ,Cash, Paper Rags and Tanners's Scraps. mar 23' • • . A. FULTON,: lIELL .I*D BRAS 9, ,FO.IINDER. HAS rebuilt and commenaed businesa at his OLD STAND, NO. 70. between Market and Ferry wheve he will be pleased to see his Old ctistrrmers Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every sizo, from 10 to 10.000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved model& and warranted folio of the bent ma- Mineral Water Pumps,CllllnterA. together with every variety ofßrass Castings, if re q , lired, turned and finished in the neatest Manner. reA. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti Attraction Metal 4 so jostle celebrated for the ;Atm don of friction in machiriery.—The Boxes and Corn poghion can be hail of him at all times. n0v.13 1p EXTENSION OC• PITTSBURGH Raro Chanco for good. Investaaents! TH E subscriber Imo laid not, and now olTers . for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms, One hundred and len building Lots, on that handsome level ground bettiesm.Briuldock street and the Monongahela river.. ..Thej are about ono-third of a mile from the city line , and tire situated in that part of the first city il6trict which Will probably soon be annexed o the city as the Seventh Watd. No pyre pertyi n-the suite rbs possessessnperinr advantanges, nor hos any heretofirre been laid out with so liberal an al• lowance of wide streets; Braddock is from one hun dred and twenty to about one hundred and ninety fiTt. wide, and -Beelen Commeiee Brady Columbus and Water streets nll wide avenues. Mast of the lots have Iwo fronts, and as they.are of various sizes, and will ba sold, one let, with the privilege of four or five; early npnlicants can be accommodated to ,sitit -their own views of improvement. Persons who desire fo build or to make secure - investments in properiy that is sure to advance in value. and particularly those intend to erect manufactories, would do well to view these. Lots, and examine the dual, before purchasing. else, where. The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the rail,roati survey by the State of. Penn- Ivrinia tvere both 171.113 alongside of this property, and h is generally considered that Braddock street, I o r the ground immediately oinns ' sirle a it, afibrth the only eligible route fin- a Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the East. Coal can be delivered on this property ate mucls less cost than , on the Allegheny liver, and there is always deep, water at, this part of the river. . E. D. G AZZA nue?..s-tf. , Office Market between 3d Sr. 9th as, John Cartwright, UTLER and Sargipal 'lnstrument Manufacturer Nn 140 Woodstreet, twoidoors from Virgin al ley ,Pittshure, ['it: N. IL—Always on hand an extensive assortment •sf Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's hatter's, Hair DreSser's and. Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusaei, To lams! TO MIMS!! ' THREATENED INVASION or WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA by Cal Strife., with 10,000 men;notwith standing. which, J.N. will continuo to sell CLOTHING' &ever than any hat heretofore been °Geed in the western country, having the lar.est tubliAnnent in the city, fronting on Liberty . nr7d Sixth streets. He is 'now'prepnred to show' to his numer ous patrons, the greatest variety of ClOthi.,Cnssimores, Postings, _ and Clothing of Ott descriptions, suitable lot the np plow:hit-1g venson, that hts ever been offered in this maiket,to which.all can have tho. Right nf.Way.— Observe the corner,. No 161, Liberty and Sixth sus. J. M. WHITE Tailor • mur Ei. _ BLA K i;LY &-mpren.E . t.;•' REAL' ESTATE AGENTS & CONVEYANCERS; . 0 ONTINIJE, to attend to the purchase and sale of V City sn i County Property.n nd all other business connected with . float Eptate, They will alio prepare Deeds, Ponds, Mortgages and ell other legal instru. meets of writog, on moderate terms. Fur- the con venience of the , public., they have two offices--rthe Law office of 1)13W.) Mitchel • corner of Fourth and , Smithfield 61:CCIii (2d. story,)ind the office of James Blakely, on Penns? reet, near the Canal Bridge, sth Word. ' [km9l 6m.1 . GREAT, EXCITEMENTI! TARIFF REPEALED!!! THE sliding 'scale principle abandned and the 1164141111171 standard adopted at N0:.92 L Market Street.. We have been'receiving for the last week or two. a fresh supply el Seasonable DRY GOODS,. bought from the Mennfaciurers, Importers, and at Auction ; at the lowest cashprices. tinning bad an experienced Agent "in -Philadelphia and New Y srk for some months 'past picking op bargains, here and there, ena bles us to offer to the public a splendid stack of Goode with almost an inipirceptible Tatiff. - Our stock coo sista in part of the following Goods: Shawls—a great variety; French Terkeri'Shawls; ' - English do do; Splendid,Broshri and Cashmere Shawls; DaMask do; Black and ~ Erisbroirlcred Terkeri 41:4 . Super Black Thiber, Silk Fringe do;.. . Ladles' Super Cashmere Scarfs; - • Plaid -sYoullen Shawls of every variety; - Also a great Variety of Cashmere D',Ecosse; Pldin de Lain, and barred and figured de Lain; English and French Merinaes; Alpaccas and Cdburg Clother' - - Bombazines; plain anti dress Silks; Irish • Linens—Cotton Alpacca and Cashmere Miser ' - CASSIMERkS, CLOTHS, and VESTIN'GS. Also, an excellent. assortment of domestic Goods. Allot which wo offer, wholesale or retail, at such pri ces as wet - think cannot fail to plcam. - Call and ex ,- amine for yoursel43-1/1. - No. 92 Market 'street. 0 ee n,4.% . I . . - MOSES CORES. PRICEJ, TWO CENT*. "JUST Tlslt 4"011. CIIt.%P.IIAIIAJAINS:! . JUST received, a splendid asjortitoni-of opting:and - summer maids, • v • Uo4urpaised for . quantity, qua;lity..no . • Stylo. The Proprietor of !M I t`,4.t,,b141, - t i wnt Taken great pieusaro iu informing his frienvls• and the !while In general, that ho Is now properod. to Ald alkaTdoei. that hta " Numerims customers ?nay' .favar a , lal‘11 . 1“ . • 04-4;7 m • and • • -.: Travelers would do wolf, in vi4hing ihe '• Iron - City, to_ call end examine hit exionsivO Madtt tone: of ready:'made clotEdni.--_ tiro tt coin, plate nssonment of ' • •-• tnglish which 'he would' Idviteailmniont . . . . also • • ..• • . . French cloths pf every color and tionlitr, which.hOla. Ofrolln:tr at a very emall miyancennttotern ttemember at this Stara you are nut asked two pricevt. being Convinced that. !mall pmfitit oint.tihiolt safes. to leetirn o•tomit. flaying tic; his 'eMploY; the boat' worlim'en, he cart' • Warrant • • • . •• . Eetn, art monde nt hiA 'estnidiArnent. to ht And to he of the o woied again hiirintseri geneudly to iive him n cill. . , Before parehn4ine, in one urliTr p l ace -• • - Ai he 14 ion fideru Im . sust b If thim Ai' job& Re.ormble prices osuny ~roase . i~thipcii4 "' Thing Pin rni• as tn.ry a fitttathit la* • • • Ali his Enr.dA lira new ilia of bandsothe.rpt.teri!i put: chased In file east, bat n few treks Aiwa.; !lii;aaliiilrthre. •Now returns his tiia'nka to -his Gin' dsntljdio pubti ingeneral,nnef' • • "' Solitita a•continihnett of ilcrir roverik; Iron ,City d&ging Stom. Ntrinr,,itu'rf:V serer!. C l e ar zI C. *pro:mgt.:it..., • , • . . . CORNER OF.11:1 7 4.1 , I. kIIt,ATRET§•,• . . • ... ... ALLEN:tummy; Pro phetxoc • : • •„_., • • Timms $l,OO Osti, n nidersienpd frme'ls trlstchnnA. l ets. : h . nte,corner or ‘l,,,nittidlhirti:streoo lensed thin superior establishmedi . ; trod anew throughout.' with new. Ws; and new furniture. - Grrot core .hos been *filen tri.6ll hit CeiLarn With the.chnicest viandt. A linprisountsOninit hot- and a haggage Wago n re pnivided for • thi U. of hit guests, end: n' Porter-Will he in etterelanen.al.l hnurs to meet the demands nf the trnvetivr. The '1,0 4 experience ni the undersigned in thin hoshiesr,mssibt him dint his tiorneet pot - note In satisfy . nll rillfiliMlll cannot be onsuecissful. Ho feels altogether in. liberty to promise n enmfortoMe cleanly pbo OP; liberal entertainment, and a homy welcoone.dkjimod• cram expense T• ' • ap3 dtf VICTOR 7CR104.. .00IITAVCIA SC/iCldLitti SeptEl.ll & .SCITLIBLEEL BOOICSELLERS STATIONERS, AND HINDERS, NO. 115, WOOD .ST, TIMER DOORS tm!.olir ' PITTRitt7RCII. PA. '. Portable Wiz'low - 1311. rids- •.. T HE subscriber. haring Compeunw wnilinett; and". e largo stock of Venetian Window Blinds. will.. 8011 low. Flis"Peirtable Fastener,'.' the only one En the United States, is the best and mnstinnvenlonc Oda ever used for privote or pnblic " • Call and examine snmnles nti. Woothrell's a - G. Singer's.. Old Blinds put up with tho . Per/able Fastener at a small Chirgp. attllettlavattagli, TM rOET ER AND. WTIOLESALE 'DtAtEn; TN IlinaJoarelry, Cutlery silver nna Gennan a ' Ni . .1 .Spectncles, gold andsileer Pencils; silrerThrmlile•t Scissors. Tweeters, silk and emit Suspenders, silk and head Purses.oarpet. Dugs, Hnsiery,childrea'a Cloaks, Elealt Oil. Deer ftirrroyr. costae, cresol •and pa/pt Sonp.s. &c. &e.. , - 03'Dan't'mistiike the place, NO. 61. MARKFIT STREET. East side, between Third and Fourth ate., Simpitin's River: jan T 6. WALL PAPER STOVE,:: Smithftele street, one door abinte Fourth street - • J. SHIDLE, iVf ANDFAE TURER or Paperllenslog s arid BOr- /VAL (feta or every description. - Merchants and others - witdring to pinchnse rte in, sited to call and examine his large and splendid - assort,- ment • - ; .• ...- GLAZED 4. UNGLAZED WALL PAPERS • of all the varions peuerrisnciat inuse, and at such on ces ascaanot - fail to plengi , . • • GLAZED_GRFFN•PAPFR, • calmed on one o r bosh sides expressly for Witlitirit blinds, by the dozen or singl e piece, - - ;•; r : E4PRegs and Tanner% Scraps tslten-in etichtinge., • • . MA NUFAeTIIIIER OP INCORRUPtIBT.E. tEkR. T,.' •., Smithfield . Siree*2 doorebeloto Fif[Allred; 11116- 14A LVITAi'S on hand.a foil assortment of Pmts PO ' . :Pivot teeth, ni a vari e ty of "wlities; as idraidit Plate. Molars and Bicu:pidarnes. Gorn 7 tenth, Serour, Pivot teeth, &c... Teeth and hiciairs mnch'i Sto-oodee•—i Dentists intplilied with ail ors icleit need in the protest, it lon. .. All orders from abroad moat boaecatipanied 4y the cash. — MPPlatina always nn liana _____ Long Credit. rp LIE t, ahAcrilter offers for sale thirty•Ont;.baitaing fhts on a credit of teoyenr'a.-. Thew !otsoresi,r.u4. tedon front, m Fifth. Rosa and Diaond stret:ltt4 in the 3d Ward' of the city, adjoining the New Court House.' Persons disposed to pindinse, win find them lots favorably "located as to health; 000vettiotfoo so bd. 'riest,. and wild . uttirnately be, the,cem re of ilia city. ; Forpurtic:vlar 3 enquire of James C. Curnmins,,or SARAH .11.. F&TrPRMA.N. " ft b 25 dtf • Glory,_Gratitgdc and ratriotioza. - The Jackson IVriwth. or 'National Souvenfr: A National Tribute, commemorativeorthe=e t eat .t 1 civil victory, achieved by ihetieopleithronghiho Hero of New Orleans., containing a map of ihe United States, a portrait of Goa'. Jechson, li view of ;the butt tie of New Orleans and the Herthitagn. -4 . .. Just received and for attle . - Lafayetto Ilefoctorstp; - - NOS. 61 di 63, WOOD smtinsr. Ifrrdei _Lyrld'a Arwrion Store% : '9ll-1E subribers have. fitted up the nbevo`plaie,..in. 1- superior' style, end they feadasstired. '&ijitt, comfort and satisfaction moil who may:visit them, - Arrangements hove:-.been been made to have 'a - :cen., : stunt supply, of Arrangements, If OYS which . " will be served 'up to Visitors; antdfunsilies 0060700.. eat notice.'. - Other' litatiriee;witniies, fruits tied pas tries of the ChoiceSt kirrda tildtais.en hantb - - - . Theft Bur is filled with the beet breads the therhets Oan - etf- _ ford; and - Beguile, CastelloPrincilie and Havana' Cigars of superior quality..: - . ' E'Very attnatlerrittelcl visitors. Their motto is, Every lasury in its seamen, Ptices moderate:- 01 - 4 DEN Sr. GiliSatt:' nnvlo.lv Murat District ISAAC MURDOCK, formerly of tie Delon }MA on Water street, having been burnt out, hie boa a new and handsome House expressly-for the- accomr. modarion of. Travelers, et the corner .or Second and, Smithfield streets, which will be knewn as the - Burnt District Hotel. Ho is now plepaCe4 to offer every accommodation,: and every comfort to the traveler at very moderato - cbargis. He is provided with ;MTh) and canvcr44 , stabling, . ,~:. - : _ %LT:EN BROWN • K. ITENDF:kOV • . %vent end Mod et: BriJge PI TTSII OTTO KUNZ niev 1S Iy, JOHNSTON & ITOcKTQN, Minket street