. - i:,".:',:''Z' , .*',..;;' .-- : .‘,.;',:rf:': '-''',,'-7-:f,.!.:.-.';;':::-* '' '' '- i• -`" '''' -• - • ft; •- -- CORftESPONDENTS. , _ ~.:,....,,_l- , ~, fa ., I I t nsreferanie t o communications which' may appear -: '';':`,.' :;i].. :-' `...‘51,41 1 In llia.PaPer, we haveone. or two remarks to - make.— .., ~ ,i -. . , . ..; , , ; We will insert none without the creme of the author be .:', ,:- 2: - : .. :i• , :t,;, , ,;!..',7,• . ,' *tlii• ', ing fit st nawie known to us, and when inserted, mutual ~......,,...,.....,,,, ,r , „ ~. ,z, ,, -,,s ~,, ~ ..„g3 1 ways be taken as expressiveof they iews of th e miler, ,',:::,;:%'; - ;`"f..4'..1..;',.'.."' , 3 1 1 and . Mat tbe editor of this paper; unless the views so L.; „..,-, . . L'2 , ..„,;‘ ,- ,n. r -....',-',:i.':. ,t.''''' ea Hassedareeditoriall remarked upon and approved ~...,:::•,: , ,: : , . ,,,,7,,,-•', ' .., . ~:,.‘:, , :; . ,.4t 1 THE -A - Tit - Last evening being ,for the benefit of ~,, ,, >.„, • -f.",L-`,", - .',,-: z IMr Artois( - tat Theatreices much crowded. The "' .' ~',... `.0,,,.. - ,,`" 4..,,, , ;;4!., , $, .0 1 '','.'',,, ' v;,,; , „„zi '•.: - •-:',.t....y.e.,',!• , dress circle presented a most beautiful appearance, T.,;fr.,,,,,1,,,:ir.-4:,.;;1=`,.,,-,T' being -Well 'filled with the fashion, beauty and ',',• : ', " '": , . ,4 )....,•, ‘ 1,;,7..: ; .r.',,,•''' e i.(1 , :.' 4 , t ,,•:1-0,1 gallantry of. the city. The play went off, with all the, 4-;,,;, ~ i :1:!. . ::4: ` iT,,,i . .4 success which has .distinguished Mr Addames ea : •;,-.; ii : , ..:!: . ,4:', , t,; ; , , ,, , ,, , ,,-;;0-4 ( 1 , gagement. It is unnecessary to say that the different 1'. ‘1 ,,,, ~di!".44, 1 -,,..,itt characters were well fillod and well performed. Z , -t. , •-•‘-' - '‘..';' ) ;"-rr;'''.',Pi...*T- 3 .i344 Mr Adilarns has now closed one of the most sue. c ;' '-'.:'''.',, ttlt s 4, ~, •••,-.-',., .i 0 ' ' ; • • - - :1 ~ :rj : ', et , 4:',..7. ia ; ''.,,0 cessful engagements we have ever known to be per i.: '; . ..!;‘;.i.: 1 'T.:...,FS I farmed by any actor iri Pittsburgh; we never saw a .. .;.%,,:.1:f..;'',i.•.:• - i.',,, 4 1`;'..,,,e4 .-- man labor more to 'gier; his different characters their ~;t! ! - L,( , ,'.r. L ''',.', i , ;: t .:.,„,,i ,- ./-. 4 - -:V full effect; • liii_Mading last night in some parts of ..- '''' — ..-V "' ~ '''"' -•,• '• , .:': r ,':,•. I =‘ , - , 41 -, .".: " - - , .."-.7 . -,* Macbeth, was admirable, while his heavy scenes were ,_,,,-., :, .,, ,; ,'..'--,':• ''.l-.% thrilling , the estreme,passions he exhibited after I-" ",, 47 , ;.-":: ~ ;'. t ' .': : - ,:'-' % . : -. 0 `; ' t the murder of "Duncan" and at. the appearance of : : :' , .:,*,',;,•4 : ;!:: , •F. , ,?• :- 7 ....:-.' :::;.1.- ~ the Ghost. of "Banquo." were absolutely startling. 1 ..;::. ; , -.Z!',,:••"t ~.-.; '.' Z , -..": ' We hope are long to have another opportunity of be r,,,.,;.fr,,i`1,,:',..1,:',C; ...T. 44'"1 '6, 1 ' 5 ;;;:.ri 1. 4 ..: 4 holding, this great actor; his talents are fully appreci. '• ..,,,„,'‘. 4.4 .: ----'-- , Trift;„...,,-,,,"'' ; ''1.: 4 -,t'il.'l .t,','l aced by his Pittsburgh admirers; he ought therefore ''.., ~.r..• u, `• 4- • - "."* , t - 1'••-;''1',, ~., 44'!;;T L : 1 : 1 4 . - ; ::',.,,,..,,Tf40 1 ',4i,,,e , make it a point to call Ind see us at least every season. •: - ''''.::.:::.!,t ' ,.r :: "' 2 :i - _,-,, 1 :,,z 1 :!:1: 4 '..`r.,' ! P. S. It will be seen by the bill that uur enterprising . .",i';'! -- ',',"•:',..!...f.:., r fitri: ,...4 ' ; :j Manager , `Whei.is always sure. to give us the richest ... 1 4 , , ._,-, P r , , ,; • • ::7C,.., F.11?:' .0 -; ..- l, -: :4 . ,t7 entertainments possible,bas induced Mr ADDAMS to .:'' 4 7.:Z . ,/ ,, %;,.. -- :,:t ........;,,k1 remelt! for two nights more. This will bo gratifying 1 '...:',:: , •:--.` .- t.;, 1 " . -. :, ''.. •.l to a great many, particularly when they leaf° that he ...4. is to appear to-night in the very affecting play of the 1 Stranger. - I : OREM • r !"'"i.' , -:• . 7.; ~:.,.,7'.,.,::•',:-,-;.,j:W.•:::':-.;,.'''... =ZE=E EDEN ' • -• I r ` - • ' ' • 1 - MBE ENE -: ,;~~. 'tl,d.'. ~._ .. ''e,~,'. rqe BEE ;'= ` u . • • =ZS %~I:: . '~.l'; BM MEM ~ii : ::^,.•,:/...,. :!,$-: 40 - 1:. . -I,i.''' ~ ~:..,'''. . :.:":,::;;.:".,-',!:' x' 4 ' ..:1,:• ~ Pi' ~: 7:~.~ _...y. ~ 4 . ~. ~. .. .. .. '..1 ~... -. . 4. / •'' = • „, • -, ... - 2.': . .., ~ • - ), ,p , . I. c h,.; ;-”' •7 :.7 -47i.4\' -;',,l' 14Pti'4 '' e t..ect;.+, 41,1 7 ‘-‘, A'...,:_...'7'kr4VY ;• W.: 'k. ,' 4 ' : ,4 ':'',,,,..'?tA.-1-7 i,' 4 ' t r• 4 .F'; '-•,,, t:a ~ ` ? .''r .‘ !:,: .';1 14 14 . -^,, ,-%A's r,e... 4. . A i ,A 1! A' ;<''.;' ;`T ., l' '• : 3 , " ~..,4''?Zt•'''-‘:,'-;';';;',.i..if .1 -2.1 ~, ..::,•,.., :7.} t;.*a^:„, k ...Ll-rp t, .••;t7,..- • •.. 'l7 ~- , -40 fi,.: :* ..-'' it: : , ..,f ss. • ,-. . ,.. -12....,'t• - , I.P. , • „..._... • _ , -...,-, -,; . ~(41-•:'''ig.,;4l"'h:''..:'4l,;:4': ••,. 1 . il jk ,_ t,,.... ~,,, `'''':''''..l:4:"Ylt'....i'A'.4 . d e' -1, 4,.;' '-'4l'.'itr:'''' ' r3',%.,.71N,,.;ra-; -4.4k•-:.,-.:;l4i"C` e' 14:.' rli n"i't. • -0-1 -.1rp.14.'`, ''.o4 V.:ll.•^Als .71y., •.i,,,,!: ''P. C. 7. '--!-- , , --, ',..,-.."'“)1•••v.12/1:„,..'-'-F ;101. 4 ......41 L ',„,:.c.'''':it,-,,-;;,;:',:.,,,r":"11.:‘,1,W... -A "L". • f„,',o, - ~,,'. ,•- i , - tom, ),- .' . ' ''''`A, ',...f.,--- •':`,,...,..., t, ,x, f 4t..- 4,, e:,, ..-...‘ -4:'4,-1,•,-.l"tv, „..--,:-..;'...,.'n ~ ,~~.~ • 'PITTSBURGH PA. FRIDAY MORNINg, APRIL 24, -1846. SI t..311 - F.E. it in town; and in to appear at the Theatre 'sent week. Look out for fun! • MATort's OP/ice, April 13th. Ninecnstomers up - before his honor alb morning. were committed to the hill, four paid their fines, and: one case of larceny committed fir trial. The Weather.—Yesterday . was really a warm soy;. itbad very, much the appearance of raiu in the evening.: It would be much more pleasant if it would .leain re; a felv hours and lay the dust. Cecie cLoTtitsa:—Our friend-Mr SOLOMON STU , /MB, whose advertisement will be found in another colttose,duis an. hand a spletatlid lot of most excellent Clothing, MAO he sells at the very lowest prices. Givit tnro 11(eNtl, at NoBo, Wood street; we know you will mit coma away without buying. re Mr. H. Moirison, No 150 Liberty street. has a large and splendid assortment of Clothing, at prices too low to be named. Give him a call end see. once saw a lady with deur laughing eyes, With a brow high and lofty-she was sad, and her sighs Told the tale of ber woes; that sweet mouth, and chin dimpled, Why, why was her face thus so freckled and pimpled; Why that neck famed so swan - like, 'twas proud do you I Yet ',twos yellow, and .freckled, disfigured and deg k; Those eyes that t spoke of, glonc'd such lore, oh such flashes, Were minus of eyebrows or silky eyelashes; The hair on fair bead—;.'twas e fine noble head— Was dry, short and dirty, rough, wiry and led. • Look . rti on that picture and on this. Ono month now has pan and the lady's fine features Are White clear era healthy; she the loveliest of cree -1 tunes, ' And the pimples and freckles and skin that was dark, Have all disappeared—for she used, do you mark, A cake of, that miracle of which I've oft spoke, It is called Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. She has eyebrows and eyelashes now too, that Ike, And Were made by the Jones' flair Restrorative. She has hair Ego, aye, dark flowing, soft, silky tresses For which she a three shilling bottle now blesses Sn all who'd be like her, old young or in teens, Can hare 'it by using the very same means. Sold at JACKS )N'S Patent Medicine Warehouse, 99 Liberty street. head of Wood—at the sami'place it soldthe . Moorish Hair Dye and Spanish Lilly White. 1 Principe/ aftcc—Sight of the American Eoglq,' 83 Chatham at., New Pork. , To Mothers.—The difficulty which every mother experiences' in administering medicine to infants, is entirely obviated by Dr. Clickener's prepanst ion, called the SugarConted'Vemtable Purgative Pill. The pill encosted with fine white sugar. so that it resembles and Castes like a sugar plum, which no child ever yet reftised to swallow. For worms this is an assured remedy, end itbas been used with' excellent effect in tosabing. The matron of the Farm School writes to Dr..Clickener that she has used for some time, his Su gar Coated Pill in both these complaints, and always with entire success. Sold by - Wm Jackson. iorner of Wood and Liberty itreets, who is general Agent for Dr Dlickener's Pills is Pittsburgh and itrßeware of an imitation °tilde called "Impro (pa &Tar-Coaled Pills," purporting to be Patented tilioth the - pills and pretended patent are forgeries. get up by a miserable quack, in New York, who, for the- last four or five years, has made his living by counterfeiting popular madicipcs. apr 24. Whit makes trtj , hair so dark, that 'once was gray, Aid rusty, dirty, scurfy, harsh and wiery, What makes my hair so lovely, soft: but stay, What'makes your hair so short, so red and fiery, AMd seemi, by somebald spots, as 'twere fallidg al ! avray, till you honestly—l only had to pay The tritlioth sum of three poor single shillings, Xdy hair grew lovely as now,—and if you're wil ling, ForJonee'm Hair. Restorative, to pay that sum, Your ruity, dirty hair will soon benoma SO lovely, that men will say, as they look end stare, Share - goes the-man with a lovely head of hair. ?It is an honest truth, that a 3s. bottle of Jones's 'Coral Hair Bestoradve will give any one a good head •othalr: It 'forces the hair to grow, stops its falling off,.cures scud, and dresses the hair, keeping it in order, thrice as long as any thing else made just try it.' Sold - at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware -89 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head ef Wood— aCtitedsame place is sold the Moorish Hair Dye; Span ietiLilly White and Italian Chemical Soap. OTTrincipal Office, sign of the American Eagle, 8 Chatham street, New-York. Dr. Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.--nis celebrated remedy is a compound balsamic prepare. tion of the Wild Ckerry and Moss of Iceland. com bined by a new chemical ptogress with the Extract of , Pies. - So salutary have been its etreets in all ca. ies "when adminisired for Coughs, Asthma, Consomp titm, or any disease of the lungs, that many of the most distinguished physicians have approved and recore. mended it, and openly acknowledged it Lobe themes( valuable medicine ever discovered. It istruly a valuable medicine, and is effecting an immense amount of good in the relief of suffering humanity., rirgee Advertisement. GO IT BOOTS. _ Great Bargains at 70, Wood et FRESH ARRIVAL. THE subscriber respectfully invites the attention .Of Ladies and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh and the werroundingeountry, to. his large and splendid as-- Syntment of BOOTS. SHOES,: PUMPS and PALM LEAF HATS embracing almost every shape, form; style end variety of goods in this line, made to order, expressly for him and this market, warranted et ;prices that shall 'not be beat, alien by the Jews. No 70 Wood it, 5 doors from Fourth, East side. aprla; 1846,.61. • J C KIMBALL. New Cotilliosts. LLEGHENY Cotillions. arranged for the Piano Fone and dedicated to the Ladies of Allegheny and Pittsburgh, by John C. Mowry. Published and for sale by JOHN 11 MELLOR. 1= Wood st. -., .~.yr~ra's ~~. ~ t ~1 . . - , 4 ~ 1 i f441 1 ..4 t 1":-, 1- *; - ': , '' '---,,r..,:,:ii.j1.-;:ii-i...:•:T.'f'i::'::;!7::.-;.,,''--,' ,!. . r, ... ,-7-,, :f?.. 1 ; , : - ;:' , .'.t', , : . ,:,,',:.; - 2 - ,.,-.t . .,-: . '4' : - i. - ,'! ; .v:.,-f,..;:: :. ::,. L ,.. ..,.::•;,•:?;:,,!.:,,,- !f : ,.' l ...i'tiTgii.;.'o - ",". .i... - ....: .. ...4 , .......::z!.:. , .... ,- .:.',......-.::::;',:k . .' , "V t . :a.,,,, ; 4.,... ~ ..... ~., . ....,.....::....._.,,_.._._.... 0 1 ' BY LAST NIGHT'S MAIL. From' the Sulditlore Sun IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE! ARHIVAL STEAM 11 . 16:1 SHIP CALEDONIA. F ROM EUROPE The Great English Victories over the Siks—Twelve Thousand Slaughtered—English Annexation in the East—Probable end of the Polish Revolution —ln. crease of the:British Army and Navy—Activity in the Dock Yard—State of the Cotton Market—Stag• nation in the Corn Marts—Financial Affairs, .Ic, &c, &c. The steamship Caledonia, Capt Lott, arrived at Boston on Monday, with advices from Liverpool to the 4th, and London the 3d inst, both inclusive. The news was brought by express to New York from whence it came on by regular mail. The only paper received is the European Times of the 4th inat, from which we are compeled to make all our extracts. The Oregon question in England seems to have lost its attractions fOr awhile in the smoke of the Indian The victories of the English over the Sikhs appears to be the principal feature of the intelligence by this Tho ...daughter of the Sikhs wns terrible. Ten or twelve thousand of these bt viva fellows and nearly two thousat.d English troops wero slain and wounded. The cotton market %VMS apparently dlpresaed; yet on the 3d Mat, American demiptions improved ono eight of a peony The money, market was in an tatsettled and unsatis factory state. There appearato be a stagnation in the corn mar kets, in consequence of the movements in Parliament ielative to the corn laws. It is said that the Oregon quextion vri!l cot of, to o large extent, the emigration horn Germany team Uni ted States. Indian corn continues in arrive in Eng,land and gain The English tariff and rho Irish coercion bill übsorh the proceeding in Parliament. The Polish revolution appears to In at an end Poor, unfortunate Po!and There is no news of importance from France: The Ftencn papers do not say much about the Oregon question. it is the opinion there that Ms Poll• is in the wrong. Spain continues in an ngitated state. The minium iul crisis in Belgium is not yet phased The packet zhip Montezuma, Capt Lowher, art ived at Liverpool on the 26. h ult, but she was bent.° out by the new and splendid ship Marmion, Captain Ed wards. The American Mini4ter was prevented by indivo. tine from attending the Queest's draoing room nn the 9th ult, but Mrs M'Lann, the lady of his Excellency. was present, and also the secretary of Le g ation, Mr Gansevoort Melville. Victoria's visit to Prance.—Tho preparations for the visit artier Majesty, Queen Victor in, to the King and Queen of the French, were proceeding without intermission at the ruiner, Neullty, St Cloud and Versailles, and particular ly at the Trianon. Warlike Preparations.—The greatest activity continues in all the dock yards in England, and the recruiting for the army is still going on with great spirit. 6000 soldiers were ordrred to India, 3000 cf whiCh were to proceed by the overland route. It is now stated that order will be rescinded. There is a rumor current that an additional number will proceed to Canada. The British. Tariff.--Since we last addressed our readers,'says the European Times, the " great and comprehensive measure r ' of Sir Robert reel has passed through another stage in its progress towards its legislative finale. The second t4ading. after a week's debate, was carried bye majority of 88, which is a diminution of 9, as compared with the first great great. Parliamentary division that followed its intro- duction into the House of Commons. Undoubtedly, great uneasiness, and o hat is worse, great misery, accompany the present transition state. Trade, through all its branches and ramification., is keenly susceptible of the present prostration. The Pt imier appears to have his heart in hi e work; and weconfess we see no reason to question his sincerity. All great changes, all vast ameliorations ; must be pprchasectiv some individual suffering; but !Fir flub , ert Peel es' nnot fairly be held answerable for evils which he has been doing his best not only to mitigate, but entirely to extinguish. TFIE undersigned has removed his Pi ano Forte Manufactory and. Music Wareroom., from St. Clair st to 112, Wood street, 2d door above Fifth, where he will keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pia los nod Music, and Musical Instruments of every kind. He respectfully solicits the attention of Musical Amateurs, to his Piano Fortes now on hand. They are of the lot ist patterns, made of the best materials, and have all the latest improvements. They are war ranted to stand any climate, and to keep in order as long as any manufactured. F. BLUME, 112 Wood st. 2d door above Fifth. N. B. To those who ore not judges, he can only say that he warrants the Pianos in every• particular, and if they do not give entire satisfaction, will refund the money. mar 23. Cough Balsam. Pittsburgh, Jan. 8, 1845. IDO certify that I procured a bottle of B A Fab nestockk & Co's Pneumonic or Cough Balsam, which 1 used for the removal of a severe cold, attend ed'by a disagreeable cough. I had not taken the Balsam but about three of four times, when I ceased to cough, and Jound my breast lightened of the un pleasant feeling which a severe cold generally produ ces. I am entirely free of a cough; others to my knowledge, who have used it, have also found relief. SAMUEL YOUNG. This may certify that I have been troubled with a severe cough since last fall, until about two weeks, when procured a bottle,of B A Fahnestock & Co's Cough Balsam; which bas entirely relieved me. E. YOUNG, tt h st. This may certify that some time since, list fall I =tight cold, attendedby a cough which was so trou blesome as to prevent me from getting sufficient sleep -thocough would mune on:in paronisrns which would last half art hour. Last month procured a bottle of B A Fahnestock & Co's Cough Balsam, which has am titely removed the cough. . ,WM TRANTON, nedi- Crogitravilla.. In order to bring the aboie valuable medicine;witb in the reach of every person, it has been put rit the very low price of twenty-fivo cents per bottle. Fre i !. pared and sold by:, BA FAHNESTOCr & CO, anr2 cor .6th and-Wood sts. 4TIERCES fresh Rice, for 1411E14' ' OAS - J p WILLIAMS . . _..; .f.-1 • •7tt,t;tl,,,f - W I***.' , SSA , t i fitpll44 4 . k ' ,••L • , INCE , " -r - ' • r. SIXTEEN DAYS LATER Removal. Piqsburgh, Jan 30th, 1845 Pittsburgh, Feb 13th, 1845 :-Reitu4kid Wedne;d4Y., .• - Msil FOR CINCINNA T I • TILE well known fast running steam : . ei,CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, blaster, s 11l run as a regular plaket, !raving every Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock; and Wheel. ing at 10' PM, the seine day. Returning she will leaveCincionati every Saturday at 10 A.M. • For freight or posanfin apply on board. or to • FORSYTH & CO Agate, apl6 ; No 30 Water at. For StLouiEL-ItegOar Packet The know and splendid passenger -Litz., steamer, BRUNP.TTE, Card Perry, _ will run in the trade frOrn Pittsburgh to St Louis during the season of 1846. Tbe•Bronetfe was built expressly for the trade end is elegantly found in every respect. For freight or passace nap's on heard. op! I . FOR NASHVILLE—REGULAR PACKET. The new and splendid light draught •4 steamer SAM SEAT, Capt GREEN - tkE, will run as a regular Packet to the above port durin g the season., The Sam Seag rbai built expressly fur the Neale, ville trade, and will make her trips regularly during the .eason. ohll Fur freight or passage apply on board rir to J %V BUTLER & BRO.. Agents. SATUR 3A Y PACKET - • THE regulnr mail and liassenger steamer CIRCA SS I A N. , Capt Isaac - Bennett, will iun as a regular packet beween Piitaburgh and Cincinnati. leaving tltia poll every Satuiday nt 10 AM. and Wheeling at ILI M the same day. Retinnin.. ' , she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday at 10 A M. For freight orpasonge apply on hoard. larThe Circaasittn was built expressly for thin trade and 4lffer+ to her possnnrrs every nomfnrt and uccn;nmudation. untr23 SATURDAY PACKET sakiThe regular nr.il and pnssenger steam .... er. MESSENGER, Card. Linton!, will run as a regular packet between Pitlitbririlz and Cincinnati. leaving this port every Saturday nt 10 A M. and Wheeling at 10 I' Si. the same clay. Retaining she will leave Cincinnati every Tuemlay. at 10 o'clock. A M. For fteiglit nr inousare apply on holm'. Tim Mrs-wager wits buih PXl , mgaly for trade and offer:, to her passengers every comfort arid iirenm modal _ notr:iit MONDAY PACKE r use. THE regal •r mail and passenger steamer MONONGAHELA, Capt. Stone, will rim as a regular packet s)e tween Pittsburg/saw., Cinrinnati. leaving this port every Nlotaltly at 10, A M, and Wheeling nt 10 P M. of the same day: Returning. she will :cave Cincin nati we . ry Thursday at 10 A M. For freight 01 Fi.i.oeige apply on hoard. The Ninnittignitelit W/11{ letill extireteily f..r this trade; and offers to the passengers every comfort. nod superior arcomm•alntiona. mar3l TUESDAY PACKET. THE regn , ar moil and pn4sPnger nimor HIBERNIA, Cnpt. John vt ill run aft n rep,ulur pack- et bemeent Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leasing this part every Tuesday nt ID A M, and Wheelints, at 10 M, of the same day. Returning, site will leave Cincinnati every Friday at 10 A AL Vet ft eight or pttssage apply on hoard. 1-I?Ttitt Hibetniu wits built uxpnawlv for the trade mid wtfers to the rutssettgersevery comfort and supe rior accorridduli‘titAt apt WEDNESDAY ET THE regular mail and eisssenger steatnar NE Al ENGLAND: Copt S .. . B Page, will run us a regular pelt.' between Pittsburgh clad Cinciunati, leaving this port et ery Wednesday it, 10 A M, nrul Wheeling it 10 I' M, the same day. Returning, she will leave Cin einnat i every Saturchty a 10 AM. For r;eight or pa...age apply on hoard. CCrThe New Eng'ati was built expte4rly for tl,i. ttcvle. and girl-taro the pa...enceis rvery ccmft.it nu,l operior ureornmodatiollll. DlFir'26 FIiWAY I'ACKEr .....4 E; : : ,.. : -s The ree nine mail and re, etasenee Ateum ~; r :i er, CLIPPER NO2 col:Mist ei oaks. ......, .....—,":',01 tun as a re,vilar packet between Cineihnaii and Pittsbnrck-lenving this hart every F,idny Itt 10 A NI .and VW hem lillg at 10 I. Nl,, he same day. Returning she will leave Cincinnati every Mott dav ut ID o'clock, A M. For freight or passnge apply on board. The Clipper Nu S trod builtexprestly for this frnile end offers to her passengers every comfort and accron minlidinn. mot 23 REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET The new U. S. Mail steamer ACADIA. M. E. LtICAII, wills un as a regular Passenger Pocket between Piit,bmgh and the nhove pot!, during the season of 1846; leaving every Thursday at 10 o'.-lock. A. M. The Acadia is new and has superior accommoda tions. Fur freight or passage. apply on board. of to .1. NEWTON JONES. Aft. Per Louisville. The fleW and snlerrlid light draught ottrutarr PACIFIC. Cnpt. Campbell, moor,. will leave for die °have and all ntermediote landing , . on Amin) the 2gill inst. at 0 o'clock. A M. For freight or lIIISSIIge npply onboard 18 16 MONONGAHELA ROUTE, VIA BROWNS VILLE,•,TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA (Only 73 Miles Staging.) THE SPLENDID VAST RUNNING St EAMERS CONSUL, LOUIS M'LANF • J. Asp MEDIUM, Have . commenced making their regular trips be tween Pittsburgh and Brownsville. The morning boat leaves the Monongahela wheal above the Bridge. prescisely at 8 o'clock. Passenger-by this boat takes the stages at Browns. vine same evening at 4 o'clock. and the splendid cars of the Baltimore mod Ohio Railroad at Curnberlund, next morning, at 8 o'clock, reaching Baltimore the sameevening—onls 32 hours through from Pittsburg to Baltimore and 40 hours to Philadelphia. The evening boat leaves at 4 o'clock. Passengers by the evening Bout, will lodge on the Bout in corn fortuble State Rooms the first night; will puss over the beautiful mountain senery in daylight; sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The Proprietors of this tout, in order to make the connection complerehatween Brownsviile and Cumber land, have placed on the Road 50 splendid Troy, Alba ny, Concord and Newark coaches, of the mostimprov• ed models, and ilf•y teams of the best young !wises the country affords hi addition to their roamer stock they feel satisfied they Will be able to accommodate and give satisfaction to all who may patronize their Routs. By our tickets passengers have choice of either steamboat ct rail road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and have the privilege of stopping at Cuthbert* and Baltimore, and resume their seats at pleasure. For tickets apply at the office, at the St. Charlds Hotel, Wood et., or at the wharf boat. feh3 J. M F.SK M EN,' Agent. Real Fatale for Sale. WE have for sale a neat, well finished 2 story brick house, with stone basemeet. together with a Lot of ground; 20 feet front on a wide street, extending 100 feet deep to a 20 foot 'street, situate on Beaver et. in Allegheny City. This property is in a delightful situation and will be sold low and en reasonable terms—it would suit a person doing busi ness in the city. A pply to apl4 BLAKELY if MITCHEL. A Notice. LL persons indebted to the underiigned, arts re quested to call at Mr Backoftn's Book store. Lib erty street, and settle their accounts. No one should pay any on the account of the late firm of N & G Clete, before Further notice. Dr GEORCit CttiS' Pittsburgh, April 13, 1846. Mlegheny Cemetery. DEMONS desirous of puichaSinglots in this Cern _L etery are referred for infcirmation to the Superin tendent on tho grounds, or to E Thorn, Druggist, cur 'nor of Penn and Hand strects7Vlttsburgh. By ordor of the Board, - J. CHSLETT. deo 11 • . c -- - ' +ndent. ' .• • • - • • , „, „ , • . as Wit, tte.1 54. v..444 1 , • - •-•1g . ' >.l , r 1 1' „IMPORTfiRQ _ ACID Oi#LERS. , till Bardwi . a!rei Cutlery. Ssiddlett; At;; 1-73 Corker Liberly and St Clair slreetl . . PITTSBURGH; A RE now receiving per ships 'Saransac,' ‘Siitaine. 11 henna,' and 'Alhambra.' their spring iniporta-' lions oftlardwam, p u rchased for cask, ditect from the manufactories of Binatnatuat and Surrn ELI). Mao a 'general assorysti4a. of American' Hltrdware from the ; manufactories of the Bag. and' West. • • • . Buyers are respeo (idly invited twee examination of our stock, as we are determined to sell low for Cash or approved credit. ; . npl6 2w. SU D 1 MERlCaps ror WI b.o.Ystit at es cents tidy. Having already rectivrd °large shire of public pat ! mange, and desirous to intrense it 1011110 re, the tiub• act iber offers to the [Ostia tho lirOst and most com plete assortment of cntm ever =natant ured in this city. and at the most moderate prices. . • - Persons purchasing therrotelves. ocaending - persons to purchase for thern,y not aatiolied. can have their caps changed,or the Money returned; the subscriber engaging himself to WO rho best made' cups, and of the hest materials. - All caps, taliother cktahor l'or, revisited so as to be ss good as new. Those purchasing I'dr cash to sell again. will find i their Interest to call npi.o the subscriber us he is dew, n- the Eitst. His matlll6.llll.y it !!in Niurket street. bet Ween and streets, j I dudr from Johnson & Stockton' heal:store. He wilbuku keep uti ban.' cep trimmings of ull de •ctipii..na. at very te.l4e e d price.. 0.1.10 lin ANTONIO NARDI. 1110 8061/1713 Now alien [by tiflpri.s..] floating bit of emprohler ed Gingliam•, nail. flail Landau M 1 fier‘, Widd will be sold 'ill ufuni luw price. .1 CST I..rzecoliect ims aZtligiTrei 61.1iiunnhie Sono, Wnhz,v, • rintions, &c, for thri 11 " n, nt F BLUME'S np6 W,od t , and &Kw nh os , 511, WHOLES LE sson STORE. H. CHILDS & CO., AKE now frceking spring •applies, consist ing of on. of t h e Intge.t cheapest nod Lest nosortnieht of BOOTS and S1101:3 that they have ever been able to being to this flunk r. A 1.,,. and Misses Ehrem.° Braid, and Straw BONN ETS, of the Intro 'tyle; together aid, •e velendid ;.I.4ortrnent, of l'A LM LEAF HATS, mean' and loys' vuloner CAI'S.— A 100. a brge lot of N V•,ek Tanned SOLE LEATH. 1-:11. nil of attic!' haviii4 been pnrchn•Led nt tha lowest rates, and 'elected with great Care roe (11.1 Weaterti trtir, will be Id at u small advance above cost and clottges All mrrrbunt a a fishing to purchoso will find i' to thrir into, eat to call nod examine ti.cir .IeCL before toorboviog riser, here. • anut 97 if JuSiAli lUN3. J. VI:.NET , ILING do riarxxsv, Ar,,o. al Pillxburgh,tfor lde Dr!aware Mateo/ ly Cowpony of Phila. VIII I: RISKS uponluildings and Mereliandi.e of esesy anti MARINE RISKS upon Hulk us cargoesof vessel . , taken upon the MOM favor• aisle term, rel./like at the emmiesu.c of Kiag & Holmes, on fate, 414 eel Market at rect. Pittsbugh. N. 13. King & Finney invite the confidence and put rrinrir, of their friends and the community at lar.te to the&Austere M. S. InAernrme Company, as an in. ..yitution among the most ,floitriSlting in —IAA having a large paii,l in capital, which by the operation of hs charter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his doe sharp of the profits of the Company. bout involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by hint, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of evety obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive fn m. 7 noir 141. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Beaver Poitit and Bridgewater. i*AVER COUNTY, PA. Proprietor and Agent of Steamers, L ,HE ERIE, 11 4 AND Daily between Pittsburgh and Beaver. WILL bo prepared on earliest opening of Canal navtgutiun, to receive property at his Wharf Boat or in %Vat-choose, flit . all points on Erie eaten. don.ci ',as cut and Obin Canals. for all points on Lake Erie and upper Lakes, tisalto forward' produce, &c. by l'onn'a improvements.; Apply or uddremt .1. S. DICKEY, fel/24-tf. Beaver. Storott & Co., HOI.ES A L E and Dealers in Foreign V ami Domesou Winr.sonil Liquors, exclusively. No 18. Ninri.et street. niiB WINES MO LIQUORS. VM . BRACING ammo 1.1 the choicest brands and L vtatages , , is °Pied f) or MOO at a siight advance ST & CU., apB N , . In, Matket street, 500 ,„Biullsfil-L"Lrsa,cbteg...n.faßpg,c7ittimona,r(l7tprice srEitrr r &c.. . )8 18 Market street, r . 2 BOXES M IL/ 5 DI ums Sm) rim Op; " Sultana 3 bbls Lunta CUrrillia; at by J D WILLIAMS. 110 Wontl at mow.. 5 BBLS New Orlean!; MUilll6e3 I 2 •• Sugni lioeuQ heceived find (or stilelby Alum and:popperas. 15 MILS Alum. 10 du Copperns, in store and for sale by & RICKETSON Dried4PPies• 1 ft BB LS Shied Apples. UP 20 sacks do dn; just received and for DOZEN corn brooms assorted quail ILI toes fur sale.by BURBRIDGE, WILSON & CO., Water it, 700 BAG Prime Green Rio Coffee, on hand and for snle by SURE/RIDGE, iLSON & Co., Wetter street. 10r''asaleBib? x ru f3tineh Raisins, just ritceived find ..SIMBRIDGE: WILSON di CO., mar 24 Water et. AL LARGE and convenient two moil brick dwell ing with carriage house on the cutnei Of EtictOry and Pennell,. sth ward. Also,,a room in the third:story of a brick house on the comae' of sth and thatia std. frimicdiate titissass ion given. Arply to -spa Capel Capin Great Ear gains in thvAti Silk; Urrege• Lawnl; 1111 17Alines Gingham; Rolwi French & Stow! NI Ile Laines. Silk, Alerino,Thi t , Caitimere Berner, Ifi-ocite and O'Lnine Shawl.. Ribbons; Flow'rd; ClWeed; Mind; Ilusier3; LOCI`.; Thread and Idle Lecei& Edgings Shiru, Collars, W II G it RA iti). .tn•rt. 1'4.411,1,2h I. S. DICKEY, iivE: ‘VANTED .1 D WILLIAMS, 110 Wood wt 1 or t & RICKETSON For fent- 'DAMES MAY; A -1 4 ' : OR11.111ANCE, prOvidiriToi:'i*-lnereistief the Revenue of the-city Sac 3 Be . 1. - it ordained arid enpmed by the citizens of - Pitlersiis, in Select and Common Counejli as sembl ,That the of the power vealiii in the Couneile of the City of FittSburgh, by en act of the General Ainembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "en act teldtite to the assessment and celleetion of votes in the city Of Pittsburer." j approved on' the 7th day 54 Match, A. D. 1846, there shall be, for the pri.ent year, and annealll hereafter, _a tax of one third itifzinil mill on the rfolldi,.leVied and assessed upon the amount of sales of all deeds; wares and met chanditte, and upon all articles , of bade and commerce; *gm in the thud city, whether sold Auction or oth erwise; said tax to be collected from the renders of said article, at the same time, andiiWtha Minh ihanner as other eity Mies are now leviedanr.collected. Be it further. ordained, That the City Assessor is beteby required to make an assessment forthe present yearend'anntml/y hereafter, of the amount of sales of every individual or firm engaged in the sale of said articles mentioned in Sec. Ist of this Ordinac et., and shall have the same completed un or before the let day ufJuly in each year, and leave with the City Tiensoxer a written list containing the names of all such dealers in each ward, arranged in alphattethall circler. and the amount assessed to each. Sec. 111. lie it further oldaiticil, That it shall be the duty of the Treasurer within .one week after the list aforesaid, shall have been left with hint by slid Assessor, to give notice then of by publicist ion for t oreks, in at least three Juily papers printed in said city. calling upon all persons interested, to examine said list. Sec. IV. Be it fa, ther ordnined, 'flail if upon ex. ' ,smination of said list, any pewit shall think them !wives aggrieved by said assessment, they shall stole the same in an affidavit shall also:contain a statement of true amount of their sales us near as can be &seer mined; said affidavit to be muds and lift with the City Treasurer within two weeks front the date of the first publication of the notice afaresaid. Sec V. Be it further ordained. That it shall be rho duty of the Treasurer to notify in writing, she Chairman of the Financial committee when the time for appeals from the assessment Made by the asses sor in pursuance of the provisions of .this Ordinance shall have expired. nod lie shall ohm tit the entire t inn% 111111.1 over to the Chuirmun of the Finance committee, all aillitlivita left with him. The Chuirtnaltitf the Finance committee .hall then cull a meeting of the said committer, at the earliest day titinvettiem. to decide upon the appeals taken by persona aggrieved. Sc.t. VI. Be it further ordairod, 'flint no appeal shall Ito taken, but by the affidavit of the person or firm aggrieved ; said affidavit when presented to the Finance committee, tube conclusive evidence of tbe facts stated in relation tit amount of sales. SEC. VII. Be it Nailer ordained, That it 'Allan be the duty of the Tll,lB l / I , r to place copies of the as• sessments made in pIIfFIVIAM with the pmvisions of this Onlinance, in the hands of the Collectors of city taxes in each ward wi.hin one week after the appeals are deeidendby the Finance 01111111ittCe; soul= tors shell item lee the same compensation fur collet: ling the taxes imposed by this Ordinance, as they now receive fur collecting tie' other taxes of said clay. The said Ass 'Astir-shall receive Gar making the as easements and lids aforesaid, $1:10.01:i• in addition to the compel:mann now 'tertian) by him'. . Ordained and enacted into a law- Councils this Oh day of March, A. 1846. Arma: MORGAN ROBERTSON. E.l Hubert*, crk. C. Pres. C. C. THOS. lIAKEWELL, Pres. S. C. Mexller, Cll S. C Hp2l. The Pittsburgh accountant's Institute Corner of Filth and Markel 'streets, UPWARDS of twenty sears experience asa prim' Li acid accountant, enables MR DUFF io qualify persons for taking chat ge of books in thernost expedi finals and efficient manner. Sogettertilly has tha pro ficieney of his numerous pupils estahlidaed ilia reputa tion, as a teacher both of Mercantile !Ind Steamboat Book Keeping. that Merchants and Steamboat owners now frequently make it a condition that their book keepers shall undergo the training given in his Acad emy previous to their obtaining !Ite..dtuncion. Ladle% writing etas. in a comturtable prim; hours, 2 to 4 P. M. 'splay Silver Ware 11 i LY of Shyer T T L . ' 0 ble and Tea spwna, 41 1; , rgLe v i ;sc o t hand and fur sale at the lowest cash prices. Citizens and others who may be in the habit of semi int, East fur their silver ware, would find it to their advantage to tall and examine my assortment and pri res. as I possess every facility of manufacturing a loe., as in tho eastern cities. All silver warranted standard. %V W WILSON, np4 ear of 4111 rind Market at. WALTER ToRWARD. MARARALL AwARTZwELDEIL FORWARD & SWARTZ W EIMER, Attorneys at Law. Fourth street. between Wood and Smithfield, oppo. site Patterson's Livery Spible. op 7 AHLoN MARTIN. WE. H. SERIFI. MARTIN & SMITS, (Successors to Irvine 4. Nortin ) WHOLES.% I.E Grocers, Produce and Commis sion 51erehams, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 56 Wood street, Pitts burgh. Pa. aprB. O. a. WIcANIILTIr & 00.1 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Easin, Pittsburgh, Pa. 6. mgrll Removal VM. GLENN. Bookhit.der, has removed to the It corner of Woos and Third ate,, above C. H. Kn) . s, where he is prepared to do every' description of Ruling end Binding.' np 3. Pittsburgh Manufactured Tobacco. 20 KEGS Plug Tobacco; 5 " Ladled Twist,do; 10 " Vu. " do; 10 " Cav'd, ii. Lump, do; In store and fur uule by J. &J. M'DEVITT, 224 Liberty st Ground Spices. 10 CANS Ground Pepper; 10 Can. Gruund Cinnamon; 5 Cans Ground Alvice; 5 do do Cloves; • In store and fur sale by 3 $d 3 Mef/EVITT, 224 Liberty at Wll 11 K a runa Sugar in Balm.; Whit° Brazil ditto in In tootle and fur tale by J. &J. M'DEV ITT, 224 Liberty et BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. The attention of purchasers is invited to our large stts&k of these goods. 4 4 Superior Sea Island shitting Muslin, 15 16 do do du do do; 7 8 do du du; 12 1 Hamilton Sheeting; 5.4 do do; 9 8 do : du. marl 7 SHEA & PENNOCK Cloths, Casnacres and Vestinr. WE have Just opined a large stock of cloths, nets simeres and vestings, consisting, of Black French Clotho; Brown and Blue do; Black French Cassimeres; Fancy do do; du Vestings, &c, at prices to suit the times. marl 7 SHEA & PENNOCK. A Cara HOTELS and Steamboat Bars fitted out at the shortest notice; on accommodating terms, with every thing in the way of Liquors, Glass fir:luris, 4-s. 4.u. P. C. frIAWIIN mar 26 60 Water street. Leather. 5000 LBS New York Sole Leather, for sale at Easteta east, carriage added. by P. C. Al ARM, - SO Water at. BARRPIS of the choicest Apples, just re -7e.„/ carved por str North Queen, anti for sale by P C MARTIN,' 60 Wider itmet. SELECT SCHOOL NXTIVI. MOODY rospectrully announces to his olit V V friends, that he intends openirr , a &lett School in this City, on the Ist Mondaj, of April nett, in the baaethent of the Third Prcsbritedati Church. niar2l-11. ffNINI 14E7 665 id! JEt E S BTi The Baltimere & ()We Rail Road , A large and spl .nclid assortment of RICH Au .D VASHIONAREIE SPRING-DRY GOODS% Comprising all the new and beautiful ttpring styles' of the, latest impertillionb purchased in the Etistern cities, from the Iniporters and ManUfacturers;ai ihe lowest Cash Prii*s, embracing in part the foildWing articles: LAD' :S' DRESS CODS. • New styles Par t ii , printed lawngt dd. do. Orgaddy lawns, do balsurin komlio i brocha berages; Marqu4es shaded betages; Ilrench gingham lawns; graduated Organdy robes; watered and celdred t.arltuns•'tiguied and plain Swiss; ',Sidle corded Swiss b ook, mall and bishop lawns; jammer, eatil;klc. and tiansuoks; rich brocade dress silks; chameleon plain, • poalt de wi; satin striped, do; block wal.eie. l ,4 o ; ar,nbti sled do Rhine;bluck satin striped 'gr.° do armour, fa; warps alpaccas; Le pins blank and blue,black hcriila nines; ombri shaded de laines; 14ml' cordeciiibrago;g: g ;atin ..triped bera4s black satin striped and plain di' SHAWLS Chomelenn Plaid shawls] Ombri shaded do, Plaid berage do; sat ine stripe "wage do,iblacltfillet do; bluek figured silk do; satin ,striped bernge scarfs; plaid'lM.:l ombri shaded herndnna shawls; ric hstyle Paris printild cashmere do; tin jlo de lain Ids; embroidered silk fringed thibbct shawls; plain do'rla to; plain embroid ered trolton do; ombri shaded berege scarfs. BONNET RIBBONS IN GREAT VARIETY. New style fringed hese embroideied, glassie, striped anti figured pooh tle soh ' A boautiful asan i rrtment of plaid antl umbri sill: friagra parasols, parasulets and sun shades, with pyr amid tap 3 ittosriErts. ' ' ' We have a!rery fine wrrriment ,ct El ne le style of spring Bonnets, viz Florence Braid Lillie Lame anti. 6rilliuut Lafayetne rind 'Yienna, Desqln A t eh Gimp. render) Lace and Misses ,cultur e t; Brazi lian Gypsies. I - LADIES' SHOES. The Ladies can bow be suppli e d iriith Ryan's new style of premium Ydlka, French and Eng hi& Kid SHP. pens and Buskins, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND ,VESTINGS.! Bis,lli y'a French' Black, Bron4t, Blue and Green Cloths. various gnJlitiee, %Vest of England Black Invisible Green, Brown, Blue, 644 and 3-4 French Dire Skin Cessimeres, a good asstirtment of Vesting, Stocks and Gents Fancy and BlaCk Cravats. ! Irish Linens, %Vetere.' 'Mures vatioui c010r,4 and a stock of Domestic Goods, elan' to any store da the Wes.. Wholesale buyers, are part lcdlary reltierited td cull and examine . our' stack, B. A SA LOM MORRIS, ap7 No 45 Market street. THOMAS MILLER'S, WHOLESALE AND'RETAIL FAMILY GIRO'CE/Ot STOU Corner of Wood and Fourth streets, BATS! HATS!! SPRING FASHION. 4 JUST received by express frovil New York, the Spring Style of Ilats. All those in want of a Neat Superior Fashionable nit, are resPettfully invited to call. S MOORE:,I93'Wood se., rnal I cl&v.. 3 doors below Pianoond Alle • . . Removal.i I A AMA son respectfully informs his friends and the MIL public. rhat he has removed tO the large and spa door' store. No. 62 orket st. SiMpsons Row, where he now offers for saleja large and well selected stocker Dry No, ids. comptisll% every style, fa- the ptesent preaching season, at iirices not surpassed in this citY,oi t eastern markets. Purchasers of dry kooda will doilh i Alto cull and Ot (mine the goods thatlwe tire dully receiving from New Yo k and Boston. opß /Zeta wad- K. LOGA N. Iros removed to No. 83. Welled J • street, one door below Diamond Alley. to the store lately occupied by Clarke& Cameron, where ha bee opened a ‘Vitoleattle and lieraif Dry Goods Store, end having just remitted from thelEastern Cities, in opening a new and will! selected stock of Goods, min• slating of French, Eriglish end Atiterican cloths. (all colors.) a great variety of new stile Cassimeres and Sattinetts; Coshmanitts, (a new Style;) Oregon simere, a good stock Of summer cloths of all kinds; late style Vesting.; else, a greati ':variety of Lawns and Ginghafti Pyramidical Graduates and other fancy patterns; a cutlet' , ; of prints from 6 to 26 cents per 'aid; a very superior let of white goads, consisting of India Linen, Defiler& Plaid,. striped cambric: Victoria Lawnr ' striped land plain moll; Swiss Lace and barred Muslin; Rioted sad plain Bubinetr; black and blue black ISilks, Odin. 64 : tired and • striped; a l a rge assurtmeht or Irish Linens: bleached and brown Muslin.; table Diaper, 'Marseilles Counterpanes, (large size;)' MotvtaNitr g-od supply of Umbrellas, Parasols, ear asoletts and Sunshade:4 a very large .assortment or men, women', and children's Hosiery; a very fine article LisleTbread Huse and Gloves, and many oth.ir articles not He would respectfully invite his fotmer'eustomers and the public generally, to an examination of his stock, to !rich he expects to make additives regularly. arl•ly , ; Tx:toms rAmmre, MANUFACTURER & IMPORTER OF WAL LI API R Fire Board Prints, Borders.'Dan#eape Paper, Or , namental Designs, 7 . 4.ansparet Window Shades, 4-c ,and Dealer in , Writing and Wrappin Paper,; ;Bonnet and Binder's • Boardi NC- 47 MARKET ST, BETWEEN & FOURTH ITS., PITTSBUGIIH. P ~t. HAS had at no further period. a stock so extensive and well asonued, us That to which he now most respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. It eum• prises French and American parlorAlall, office, ehatn ber and counting mum Paper, of every quality. The colors are brilliant and durable, and ihe style of pat terns unsurpassed. By the Begulait Line of. Pack ets, between Miele and Kew YOrk, end front the Fac tory, which is always in active operation, end uni formly supplied with ihe best workmen the country can furnish, frequent !udditions, during OM Sitting and Summer, will be made to the coasts in store. Prices moreover, will IM so exerrtncfy , moderate as to meet the views of the Most economical, and satisfy merchants and house-keepers disposed to examine and judge fur themselves, that their inte'rets will be essen tially subserved, by buying at this :Establishment. 'Rags, Tow and Tannner'siSciraps taken in trade or bought at the regular market prices. march 23.43 m. I John W Barron . .-attor ney at Law. 'Cr AVING returned. Vont his European tour has RAtaken an office orithenorth east corner oiSmith field and Fourth street's. Persons ;having had busi ness and papers in the hands of.Sarruel Kingston Eaq, deceased will Cell Da tha'abeve as all the unsettled business of Mr King s to 'n has been left in hii hands. mars ItemoiPall. rill HE undiirsigned Eiaa retnovedte No. 23. Third 1 street, below perry, where ha will keep on band a large assortment of Tuba, Buckets, Churns ) Half- Bushels, and Peck measurea„brdia henna Cedar Buck ets, ova! Tube and Keelerti, Batiiing - Tubs made to order at ilia shortest notice, all kinds r of atedm boat work always oh hand. {Thankful for Past favors he re; spectfully solicits the attention of ninratints and oat ers; his work will be thade l of the. heit materials, and by the boat of :workmen: can only; any that I will warrant all work made at my Anti, and willatirpau ,any in the ciryi which Will be sold chtiap for edsh. . B. WHIM, lip9illinddi4 I tiantical Cooper. • Pend A siirttaoa lot, width; for ale atl ttpl ' ' e Boards. 6aw,ed nitir9 ihei whart.L - , ' Tapacott's — Gdpera/ Etalgratietti EM peSsege to and from asfq ,, Mimi:to tons Insisnutt, bY.W.- Kvtx, 75 South street, corner of Mtifdeti York, and t l 4 Waterloo road - • The Subscribers having accepted did Oei': abMtehoust.; ore now prepared to Maui. tirttingespeOV , ulnas' the Moat liberal terms With those ffealroutf ofpay4 ing the paSeege of their friends from the oldr Cranny)), and flatter therriselvei their character and lung inane; ing in liusinitis dill Mve ample tissutanee their tirrangerrients out be carried out faithfully. -- • Manors.., W. & J. T.; Tiptoe* ire tang sad ably known for the superior clans, aUcorarriodati f ia and sailing 'finalities 'of their Packet. Ship-i„ The-. QUEEN op Itis WEST, SHERIDO, RoC HES TER, GARRICK. }JOTTING-13ER, RtiSCIUS;., LIVERPOOL, and SIDOQNS, too of which derette'r , each Port Monthly, froth Now York the 2l vt and 2tthi-, mind from Likipcsal the Stit and 11th, in addition which they have iirrangements with the St. George. ,, and Union tines of Liverptiol Pockets" mourn departure from Liverpool, every live days heing determiiied, thehi facilities Shall keep pocU With their,- - increasing patronage, while Mr. W, Tepscon's con; slant personal superintendenCe of the busisesa erpool is en additional security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengets Will be particularly attended' in. The subscribers being (as usual) eittenahrely engav: ed in tile Transportation Business between Pittsburg and ilie Atlantic Cities. are thereby enabled to-take,: r _ charge of and foivaird passengers intittedinte - ori - their landing, without n chance of dis_tippointthentiir: delay, and are thereftire prepared in contract for piss Atige fmn; any sea Pori in, Great Britain et'. Ireland, - - to thii ('by; the nature of business they are ent,. gaged in giving them facilitiei for carrying Passenger. 4 AO fur inland not otherwise attainable, and will,. (if .7,, itehes.saq,) fufwaid passengers fuitber *cal briha best mode of eamrkythieki vitt bout any additional clire. es for their trouble. Where persons selit dentine, comitig.ant, the inniunt Paid fok Paisage will he tilts funded in rdig. . The subscribers are also preptired to give dia ts at Sight, (or any amount payable at the principal -Chic; and Towns in England, ireland. Scotland and Wake; thus affording a sofa And expeditious mode of Remit; !ring funds to those Countries, nitieh person . itequi t iog such facilities, nn ilt find it their interest to avail themselves of. ApplieatiOn (if by le , ier . Piiltpeid) will be prompt* ly attended id tin appliFatioil to. . - •- TAAFFE St. O'CO.Nliqk Porwarding and pommiaJlon Merchants, mar t7•d&wly. Pittsbu , gb, " Patronized by Everybody. Salons weram A.ta. ' DENIIINE - BUGAR. COATED PILLS Nz apoo flagnaton A.LL • °Own •r • 'it Original The Wonderful Vegetattle Purgative,: FOR_THE CURE OF Headache; ruddiness, Rheumatism, s, lel SI i. , Scurvy. &nail Pox, Jaundice, Pains in the Back, In WeakneiS t Palpitation of the 13eart s , Rising the Throat, Drop.V6 aethrha . Fever of all kinds, Fe. male Complaints, Measles, Soli tilieian, Herirthurn,. Werm4,Cholera Morbus, CougliscQuiniey, t'VhOoping Cough. Consumption, First, Liver-Complaint, E4sipe las, Deafness, !ceilings of the Skin, Colds. Goitt,Grnit. el; Nervous complaints, and a variety of other .I geese's, arising from Impurities of the blood, and yliotrvitippi in the organs of digestion.' . . DISEASE OF THE LIVER: DEAR SlM—Agreeable to your desire, I write to keep you apprized of the prospects of the Clieltenei :. Sugar Coated Purgative Pill, in this City. - You milt...- recollect, when I first commenced sellinr. ' pier naedt; '.. eine, which was in May, 18:14, we little dreamed ,a the success that would crown the undertekitig. - : Huh' premises had been eticompleioly fliiutledhy the Cite ' thouientl and one. tuitieleattle remedy for every . poist: . ble complaint udder the sun, that 1 setiouily contetii• -. plated having nothibi more to do with any thing of Cher - kind.. However, at the most urgent solichation',. j ;Vet- consented to to make a trial of yotirs. Ai first we f ound considerubleddlEculty in attracting public attention to , : wards : wards them. People had been so often deceiver! by - the vile compounds which hatre flooded the country for ' the last 15 yeans or more, that they determined, if 1 : ; possible, never to he "taken in" again; and the eoitsti , : , ;'- queerer was, they could hardly.bb Persuaded to accept -, of the Pilti, as the 'adyink.is, f or -- "lovis nor ttioney." Thus matters proceeded for et „;:week or tlii), when, ait..*l4 "good luck, would have it, "51 rs. N—L--", a lady 0f... our city, edio hid longiaiffered from an ciffetvion of - the Liver, aCeoiriptinied bYindigestion ofihe Mast otk; '-: athlete character, was persuaded to accept of a heir; on '.. condition ill& nothing wee tobo paid for it, if tbeydid-Z. ' not afford her the - necessary relief. I must confees! ; .; - ' weourselves hid very little faith in the rootlet; kin:A'. -- ing as we did, that her' ectintilaliii Odic doe of 'Ong'. standing, and had been unsuccessfully treated ,byitte - .- most eminent Physiciansof this. and several neighhor- - - ing towns. But we had determined to give the tneldi.'f tine a fair trial, and if, it proved to be worthless,-it :,..4 . wodid be a source of satisfaction to know it, both to you and to us. No least* tali jay than aurptire; bow ever, only it few days had elapsed, when the lady apart' .; presented herself at our Counter and enquired forenoth.. • '' er box. "I really think, Mr. Williams," tlsytt . dial: ' that your Pilid the beginning to work a great therigiliT : in my health, and altogether for the better. : Whet! U tool the second dose,! began to feel much betteithlia • I . did at first; the pain in my aide was considerithiTre -:., lievdi.iiii appetite began iii fiefiteVel did the Mead. 1 sheOiqd.to circulate th . rzingli raY veins as it did liver§ - youthful dip!: SINES then, I have taken the remainder .-- of the Pills, and iiititnprorment has been tensibly: .- progressing at every repetition of the atitie... - I ' ;intro:- ' no doubt that a few more boxes will effectually' Curer me." The result was as she predicted. - Her-health -1: is completely restored. The flush of youth and - beatt=-:- ty has returned to her cheeks, and the prospect of a' long . long and a happy life Is hefore her. I am Satisfied. : she will etiverforget the Clickfiner Suger-Coeted Pinsk, As might naturally be suppctied, the news Of ill.l'ei - '.! • traordinary cure was rapidly disseminated tbreughtlia city and adjacent country; ana Scarcely a week :had .-. elapsed, before enquiries began taVbe made for Click ener's Sugar-Coated Purgative Pills; 'end the dethee has already incteased to such an extent, that -iVe. - flni .' the greatest diffieulty in supplying it. In fact, if it cif.:": I not seetn like exitgrertition, I might almostray that we • : are literally besieged by wetted and . children; labor , ing under every possible ailmerit w Mai "liiiitain flesh , is heir tO." The halt, the lame, and the: Miedi Alai --- astLirrftic, consumptive, end dyspeptic, are thronging .- our data., in Rehm of the never-failing PaiaCtra., , Testifiloniuls of iis salutary effects are Veltniteilry ... flowing in upon us frchri every . tpiarter. QnePerson ' . informs US he has been reliev ed of a fnimi chithatte „ Dyspepsia. Another has. just recovered mom tz seri ous attack of Apoplexy. A third has succeeded hi: , . expelling from his systemlhe symptoms of. Isundiets:' And a fourth has just recovered fiom an attack of Pill; :. - Mondry Consumption, whiCh had cithfined him to his . bed for many months.—Soave ga. But do not full to- -.' *keep us supplied. Besides .our. Retail Trade,. wtv.. ' have itatiding, Orders from the county to a large.: - .., amount. Sen d 311 Gents et yottt otttliost oqovenlOncO '. . Yours, &C. . , R. H. Wi s b . LIAMS:-=':, Quebte, L. C., April 14, 1845: . :.--,- 0 Market street REMEMBF.R, DR. C. V. CLICKENER r -in _ original inventor of the Sugat Coated Pills; tind ; thiii` nothing of the sort was ever heard of until heintior. - "!. aimed them in June, 1843, es will lie seen bf ihefui?;'.' PRE i Ni This thploma was awarded by s tIieAMERICAM. INSTITUTE, at thB Annual Pair; held la ihrteity 04. New Yotk , October. 1843, to for the Inveaticin of SUGAR, COATED JAMES I'ALLMALIOE T. B. WAKEMAll,CorreeilonclingSecretary. dilation J. LEEDS, Evcording Secretary„,f, rir Tu./mit. Coortlsattits. , —Purehristeks Inuit always elk fdi Clickener's Sugar Conted - Yegetablli.i Pills, and see that each bon has upon it bistigatitakey all others are counterfeit. WM. JACKSON, coiner of World 41,n4 streets, is Dr. Clickaner's agent for Pittsburgh - and-- „,, _ - octS . In the Court of Comiti on Pleat of Alleghinipou!if . ty, of June Term, 1842, Nolo6 . , . . . . IN ihe'mattei of tbe viiiiihriliyiis;.` •,. - ligament of raiterson &Vacid,yit.e . ..-1. , , . ~, .. . • 1 / 4 . - 1 - . ''' _ March .9:1, 1848. William -iVilbr:n; ......l.:,;,._ : ): the assignee c hering filed bis.eionniant: and, asking. to be discharged, it i*nr*. dered . that notice thereof be giVen id : therially Morning Post, pi4blialied in the City ofPitti.:;:. burgh, for ala weeks, and if no ohjectiot4 are-, made. the assignee aforesaid will - be .discharged 'litan...hbi; trust. 2 . . Prom the' Record rixar26•liiiki - : tiEtiltGalt. - .RlDiiii, Pliii __ I. slut of iiroiier LLMART y .. xa s:..~s. `.'r -.r..--x. r~ RkMiTTANCS, r -••• [Frain the 'Agent at ( . 4tieiaie, L. C.] _..`~ y ~~~;: v..~` ~~~ iF-'