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L-" • ' -.. ;;;.' ‘..'"" - '.... ,;:;• " r ` --'; ' - . ::•':4,•-•.'" ,;4,; • -: ' _ :.,......:;'.:`.`? •••;',',:t .*;:l'' .'--.; **.• 't:•'_•;T''' ' --,:••='• ,' -. ;, ; ;,'•:, ,•• -- 4,;,„•..,4: ,:..:7 ..,_, :: ;t,.;:''.. 02.1;.'-', .2.:,; -1:'••A:."-•- -.- " W'.;-%'"- -- • -,iy.'l/40-;, i ' ' . ,;,-„..."':-•-4•''''.•- , i:' '''': t'-z-'4'-'-* 't:' ,- .• "F*'---;''' t,'., ' ' -:''''''' 5..%. 't;;• - • . , •• ; NEM EINE ~,.. iy ., , MESI • .• : •• ' ' • , • • O A ' 2 ief t ,y' tnereniang patronage,; Statile-Mk. sy, scant personttl siuperintendimaepf the bushess orpoot additional security.thai the catTiforKente--,.; accommodation of die pauienge is will .stranded • !: _ The subscribers being.o:l4.usnal) e d i n th e Transpartntion Business beta tee Pittatturglt and the Atlantic Cities.; are therehi`entibled la take' charge' of end fuitstriii-dr-Plisengers ikrunedfuloix eq their landing without al chance - of disappoitittheni 'delay, and are therefore rufpared tiscontract farppßa• sago fawn any sea Port in Gritet.--Pritalit-oititelatiitr to this City; the -nntizro of tha huslUoullbei ani on gaged in giuingtliehilliellitiei6l earrying„paistnerre,:,'-:.- so far inland not OthertitisOtittainahle,r-tindt-teilli:(if-::.._-. neCi3ssaiy.) foreadi pnssenirris „,fittther west , by tbsti. -, =, beat Mode df cdrivCyrinee ititheuinny additional cher& . es for their irouble. Where persons Sent . far declino.:',, corning out, the amount paitl'fdi passage funded in full. REMITTANCtS: - The subseribers ere 'tits° prepa MEI to glee drills: at-, sight, for any amount pnyublo atiheprincipai and Towns to England, fielitUd,,ScintlandruldWalasi: 'thus affording a safe- and ejspeditiotta tootle - of Remit ` ting . .fundsto those Countries, - whickpertnit ring Bach will find-it Jhdir interest ..tivniG-* thetnietcei . . - • Application (if by letter poAt poitt)willba.iii i, ly attended to an applicntion tn . --- - - _ , TAAFFE &O'CONNOI,ks- • kormirding tra Conithission Mereti - Orito:Z; :nor 27.d&wly. Patronr:zed by Everybody • boxof GENUINE EitIGAR. COATlialt upon.it 4 , 7 , OViutte ,reßl A ari ". 10; cont; ' 7. c o 'veattne; noli..i.e.s..af•th•rdeliaCeors forgo Satoth•rn Ow. alteverati:,.,, The Wonderful Vegetable PurgatliTeii , ..,'. FOR.THE CUitF, OF ::. • I Headache, Giddiness, Rheuniatism,Pilel,fiiSpepSig,-... ; • Bearvv. Small Pox: J aundiee,• Pains in the Beck, in• went Weakness, Palpitation of the Doerr,' Bildrien.! . .'„,?..• • the Throat, Dropsy, eithMe. Fever. or :511 .•` male CoMplaints, Meastel,Selt Rliepm treiribUirt, Worms, Cholera Morbii4;Cciiiihs. Cough, Ccinitinipilati; t its,'.Liver•Cirtrilaint; E.iyalpe dos;Dertfnesi: lichings•Of the Skin,Colds, Dent,-.Bravi•'- • el, Nei vairecOriiplaints,end a Variety of otherdiseiseit, arising frOm impurities of the blood, and ebstrectiOns i•• in the organs of digesticin..: • .•.; • • ..; -::•-•. . . [From the Agent - st•Quohleit:r.l.. •• - • DISEASE . . DEAR Sam—A preside to - your•rleAriii.l.e-eltilrleA•r. iz :. : koop you apprised of the proripects - oNiho',Clicitifikk.ie : .r.'..• Sugar Coated Purgative l'ill, in ; this'citi..''.l4o? - eraje::':';.::. recollect, when.' first commenced selling your fnMl+`"'" vino, which was in May, 18,4; - we little dreamed•.Of 7 •; , ••••_.: . the success that would crown the undertakiog,- . „ . 0.4.:. - r. premises had been so completely ficioded the •inio.,.• • •.... thousand rind crab, tinsdleritilii•Mmerly ; for every . ..Out.' hie complaint wider ibo sun, that 1 set cOntem . -:: plated having nothing more to do with any tbiogif the: . kind. • . However, at - the most urgent solicilation,''we - -i consented to make a trial of yours.- . 'At first we.foend • • corisiderabledilfitulty in auraclingpublic ertenHooto .. .• words them: PeCiple land been' so often deceived by • the vile compounds Milt+ have donded iliecountrifOr ;,...„.• the last, 'l5 years or the{ • they ; determined. if.; • - possible, newer to be "taken in" again; and the cense- - • (pence was, they could hardly ho persuaded to accept •••• - of the Pills, as the saying is, for " love nor money. ".• -.Thus mattertriptemeded for a week or tn.°, When,: as • -• i!good luck Would hare if:, "Mts. N--•=•- - a • 011, city, who had long suiffered from an erection of •• . the Lirer, accompaniedby indigestinn of the Most of-. ideate character, Wll3 persuaded tneccept of a Lox, nit • . condition that nothing Waite be paid for it, if they did not afford her the necessary. -relief. I • nitlit - cOnfeass• • weoureelves had very little faith in the matieri - know--. • - . leg as we did, that her cemplaiet,yrea one of-long • • .- standing, and had been iinliiecessfully treated by the .most eminent Physicians of this and several •abighbor• -- ing towns. Bet 'wel bad determined to give. the Mein* eine a fair trial, and if it. proved to be • Worthlesii, It••••• - • :• would be a some° of Satisfaction tokneMit,.bottitis:...:•::;', youNo loss to Oar jey than su - rPrlse, - hiltir ever, iiniYir feel' days had elapied, When'this presented herself sit aureounter ruideneirirell'Per nook er "1 'really. ..think;..Mr. that your Pills are beginning to work a greet - in my health, end 'aluagetherlforthe herteti: tool: the second demi( begento root t did-,et first; the pain in•mY Side was Jinve; niy appetite begin to imtinaii4%.tireitiehlaull.::-,,•.• seethed to circulate throegh my veins as it did in say . : - .• :•• :youthful days. Sincatlien; 1 have tidrenifiereitiaindriC . • Hof . .kb - finis,' - end my ititprcivement has. bee n progressing at .every repetition of the rinie...!l:: nab:iota that a few more boxes will effecrindly tors me." '.‘Tkis result was at she predicted. Ver. health :isCornpli . teli , restored. • The flush of•youth end beiti.: -. :•;• - • ; :•:•: I 'ty boaretrtrned to her . cheekk.and the prospect of-'i: • ,' • .• long ar,d a.,litippy life. is - berate fierv: . ...l. am. slue will nercrpOrget fins Cllticiner .Sirgar•Corited As might naturally be supposed, the news of this . • . traordinary care was rapidly disseminateathnsughtlte-• city • and adjamot country; :.and scarcely n creek. had •:•-...•• • elapsed, before etieuirieS began to be made for -Vlick •.2 ener'i Sugar-Coated Porgauve Pills; and tini*.nninid•' has already increased .to suction -extent..thei 'we; fied".. - -..• the greatest difGerilty to supplying It. In fact; if. it seem like.exritteretion, 1 might ate literally:besiege/I>y women, and childreb;Tebig.s','....:• : - . . ing under every possible which ; :•••• is heir Id." • The halt, ilea •larnn, nod the -blind; that asthmatic, eeniiimptive,and dysPeptic; itie•thi - Ortitte../: Our doors le pursuit of:the neier•failing Pseteea Te . dtiriininis of its • salutary . effects -- i; flowing in ulloo its from - every •itarter. .:01Mpetsott infoims.us - he - hes beenn-relieved or o most - ..ototostei,... Dyspepsia. Another:has just recovered frem d sea s. • • rm attack of Apopleik A tbird. halt succeeded.. • : . . . 'expelling from his system the syMptorna of Jarmdme.: .:. • And a Court h has just recovered from on attack • ntenery Constlrtiption - iVildeh had confined Jvitri- to his: •• •. bed for many nionths.•- 7 80 we ga. BUtsde. not fall to . keep us • supplied.. Besides oar getail . - Trade, . we have standing. orders froth : the country to: a lair! • amount. Send 30 Gross at your earliest convenience .• 'Votary, .11.;H: tVILLIAMS Quctic,.L.C.; April 14,1843. -• • • ltENlghifteß, .DRt• C:IV. . . , original inventor. of the.arigaz Canted PHI•i and nothing of the isort wee bier- heard of Mall he intro. ducod them in June, 1843, ei will !m ac= by.tho fOlti towing: P R •::. This Di Mama was awarded hithe :A lid ER -; NSTITUPE, et the'Artnuul..Faii% held in the - airy . New Yot)c, October, 1843,i0 C. V. CLICKENER, for the invention or SVGA ircoATED • JAMES TALLMADOR-,:*Preiideei T. B. Mtss!tatits,CeireipondingSecietetyli GoßbOti J.' Recording Soo retery.....: To atotn:Conariatstrs. , —.Puicheiers - musk"; aiwaye Tisk for Clickbnei.'i Suter. Coated Vagetahle:.:.. Vide, and see that each boa his.alton iihis 7 idgeePrei all.etbers are countrefe!L • 'Witt. JACKSON; :cornet of 'WOW- Sled streets, is Dr. Clickenees. agent for Pittsburgh..aart: • viainitp:., . In ilthe Co r.e of COlll 01T Ptc4s . o,f 4 4lligken coup=:,, " EY, of AO Term. / 04 ` 2 ..i., 1 Y 4 /9 6 t .. 7.7":-: - . . ' . • .IN the matter Ot We' :iolhtititry 111 , - .. • Itiglllitebt. O ‘teraon St..lraDdyke. . . .. .,... .... ~..,.. . ... Si \ z_ '- ' • :tiftli . l,.- 18, 16 - :"AV..illieicii4Vills• if.- 1... 5 ) • , - , : the n'. - hAving filed his eccount....:. '-- - " •;:itrid.:,olting _l6 beiliechargrd; it it oic:. '4p:ea -thqc .ncitici thereof be:tivert.in:. the b aii.iNioriiiiig:Poif; publishe t l- in the eity'rif Pitti-. burgh, ror';acweeki, °lid if no . objectiotta ore Tema° :,' tbe iistigaege ! .iircireliitici . will -bb diicloirgrd. iitito IIIi11: .trust. :... '-- Front:therl44.brit '' ' .'• _.. • • .- . triar6-titi;v - - .- ... .. GEORGE li. "ELI ppLE.-froo,.- -.. - • rgt:Awlmp. MMZI =IV