Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, March 27, 1846, Image 4

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tit4tisportati on Lincs.
Independent Portable Boat Line,
For the Transpariatiou of Producr,
and lifrrchandisr. 1,, and from
?if 4p . Transhipment
THE sobvelib.,t, .‘•...r . 11. lira number of the h t .",
Portal:as fterat- fo..niott It termer daily Line, he
tweet ritubure,ll anti tire Eastern chit..., mill be filth .
proper. d. On the opertint , of ilAviglllloll. to .hip a large
errrpaat of Prober and .711erettitteli..0 dei-tottclt
and on aei:etectedatirtit a.m.\ 4.
The greutwccr%whir6 hnr rirtrtcteri.r;hi,, mode
of iiinelstertritine on the Penn.,' CPeralv and It
dining the !1011. Couryeao:, not ll,' opt)
sitters of jou btfabrivbed eampaniev. and i. t pretty
soro-rosorioo of it. superiority over the old !Oan or
trastebiapiAglit the difforent teitnitton• of camels and
tsilroa4s... -
We tittleibitwe stilt for rho Indepernient Boat
Line=rel,shnre of pntronttge.
P or Niertbarafine cnradtzned to us fur ship.
moot will be (urinal ded immediately on arrt.al tree of
Vey Cbs t r.ge for eornmist.ion, ot
1.44i0g transmitted, utel all ittuructions prompt
17 aueaded µ). .
C S. Co,
Canal Lavin, Fountain noAr Lil•erty
Pitt AIM rgli
Bhagimies Transportation Liao,
• • E.TOlt
W4l. RI NOll /f 4,
Taos- BISOHANI, 11yt A. s'Sri.Art.,x.
Ccuiduattal an - Sq6bith-kerrin,e principles.
THE PWip'rlithrit btthe'iNid Atabli4.4l Line hive
tianattbirataraised and renewed their stock,
and aresatettlia forward Produce and Met
chandiao waStus-epateinto( navigation,.
The long etPerienee of the Prnp"riet.r. in the car
rying business, with they watchful attention to the in•
terostsseT en4totTeta,.tadut , 's th re
em , h.pe that the
paonage twrw e
or9re a tendeil ollittentm's Lioe"
will be:ei:ltittued anti it reared.
Dees ig lbe ;la I sett•glorifylug stie of adverri , ..
ins toci".ekbiord for imitation, sell believing the pith
farrentrriers we need no - self-coMmendatirar,. Ke
wooldlne'rely invite such an Knee not heretofore
patronised our Line,"tin give us a trial.
Our . reirs'orfreiglit emit at nil time: he an low a.:
the loarest that urn charged by other r ,:pon ible Lines
PrvJo've a 4.0 Merchandi,e will Le reeeiv'ed end c.-
araide4 irithopt any charge for advertf.ing, Storage
, ur Cotaitatisalon. 11 . 01.4 of lielipg promptly forwarded.
and artlary diioetiun carefully attended La.
App tO, or 'addrosi, WM. 111 Nci td Apt,
CWt Lla,in, cot Libertr and Wavne Pittnlq
No. ‘276"
No: =Mirth llowutd -tr..et, Baltimore .
5,,. 10. Vt'e,t :I,•et. N.,. York.
Retiree' Pit/aii*rg) 2i the Easier& Ci
glints old fund i .gesubli.hed Liae innitinigOnear
ly doubled their capacity and facilities for car
coods, are now preparing, in receive produce
and l'issoroistandiso to any amoont tot 810+o:writ East on
The boats of this Line beinor all four secti•n Porta.
laic Boats.arentraasierred in anon:anal tu Rail,nad,thus
..awing all tnaiabiputont Or Xepara. I 11,1. of cauda. Of the
.00di are neversemored till their arrii.ul at Philadel
phis or Plusburgth.
This Liosbelog the rtoneer in this incide acarrying,
after a sloolassitsl Operation of ei I t years, ore ennobled
wiikesmsbdeuisa to refer b), all mere.hants who have
luortiaensi patronized them. SVe.in c a „, e
espoctfully requested to girt' till , . Liar u tt nal, un esic
irseitice will be useil to render satisfaction. Mer
chand* and Produce always carried at as low price,
on as fair :ems, and in as short limn, ashy any other
Lion. Produce cuosie,ined to our house at Philudel
phis wiilbo sold no liberal ;rims.
Goods consir,ned to eii r our hon. , nt Pittoburghnr
Pialit n Jelphiu, fora ardod prompt!), and all retluisita
charges paid,
JOHN McFADEN Co., rent, street,
Canal Rain,
JAS: M. DAVIS, & Co , 241 and 251,
mr. 25. M•oket-i . Philadelphia.
subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
' 11 4.7 7 4t grateful sebsowledgements for [he liberal
patronage bestorreclon him for yews past, and par•
titularly to those who so generously ritronited him
since big misfortune by the late lire. Having eon
sidarably enlarged bls businat by associating with
Wm 13 Roberta' ery a partner, ho would earnestly so
licit a continuance of former feat rs to the new firm of
Roberts & Kane, and h' tru,ts that by prompt -eaten
-1.1011 to busioats they vrillgive general sathfactiun.
M. KANE, Jr.
The subscribers would respectfully inform their
Meads and the public that they hese removed to ;heir
alit Warehouse on Third between Market nod Wood
streilitkinntiti side, where they trust, by strict HUCOliati
106•1171•••111, to merit a Ither• of public patronage.—
andieit attention to their extensive stuck 00 =trdlidlikes ham been got up with great Came 111 We
1••••!•411 , and most substantial snminer. consisting
isrlitillolibla following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes;
. " Dressing Bureaus:
Book Case & Secrelaries;
" Section Beck Sofas;
Plane do;
" Divans,
Victoria Chairs; .
French de;
Plain do;
"Centre Tables;
, Card do;
" Bateau., of user, deseri pylon:
End Table.; --
Marble Tor Pier do;
Center do;
Soils do;
I.)ressing Bureaus;
" .. Wash.Situlds; .
Mahogany ‘Vork ' Stands;
-..."- . Hat RackAr
" Rocking Chairs;
" Sewing den
Music Stools;
" .Ern Chairs;
ii French Bed-,lead.,;
Butlor'i tray-;
Mahogany, cherry and poplar Bedsteads, warranted
prustc against. bugs, and rope; Lir to any thin. , now or.
fervid to the public. Alto, a var iety of WioLor chairs
of thiihast quality and a new st‘le of in rm chairs, null!,
spet4aelst, well adapted for Aces or societies, with
is trollty of other articles too numerous to mention.
Wt . itliol at a considerable expense int i ,rl urea i nto
our new:Factory on Front scree', a steam Knginit with
Machinery. which will enable us to sell 551,,,1”,a1e a n d
retail, at reduced prices.
The attention of Western Nlerchants and persons
moving west, is invited to our new and extensive es
tablisbusest. Western Cabinet.makers are also re
quesurdcergire us a call, as they will 6.1 they can
.. (zoo us for Ices than they can manufacture.
0 A distance wi ll receive prompt attention,
.rtatnitufe will be carefully packed. e w
slid Hotels lurid hed,at the shortest n,r
lice on favorable terms.
1 11 11 B. - U9Raolffillkillg in all it. tofILLIChe4 uttroded
MATCH SLL'S series of Outline Maps, for Schools
-Uslf.sl titaliaarilas, consisting of 24 distinct Maps
ottAlitty 'Peale, and preparel on canvass, with a Key
o f foraisnotioni, deacriptinus, lesions, &C. &c., for the
use Of Teeeheia and pupils.
Thssebove series of maps are now in use in nearly
eviittrieffiectable 'School in New York, and the East- .
.are respectitilb: invited to call and ex
amine' theist.
for ale by
• m - ' 1 4 4 7 ' 4*. 5 7 7:7# 11 %
1011.Jy• flii3olllN ot CALV
Kaughphy ,'" Mills,
'Vilna •
--_ - -.,.-..:___,-.:::
v ,_. to
',;-....-...-- 11:1! ~.e., el
U -- . . 0.,..' ta
perr nf. r Front 4' Grant sts.. Pitt s burgh, P 4
_Pitt-!Jurg,ll,_Feli2q, I'd 4f; —lf-
J Aron Tl4wit
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.
The (higittaland-Vpinine Preprationr
C0u,7,1”, B(Ontlit I*, Liver Cotepie int,
Fipiiiiog Blood. DiffiCutty . .of,Ertallaing, Pain tie
Side and oast, Palphaticie of the Reid.
lidiuense; Goup, Broken Consiliu: on,
Snie TbroaCZ - Plitivis
- and diseusesuf tltu Thru9t,
Breast awl Lung , ; the
tuont aterterel and
speedy core
THIS "Celebrates' ftemesiy" has now, by its its•
trinsic virtues. riciptited a celebrity which can
rover be othakon by the loony triack No. 101111111." with
which tha c,iintry The public urn feat
!veining lino tl ...is the ooh, remedy con he telitA
upon in ihe.:roedy anti permanent cute of all diseases
u( :he Lungs, It is literally sweeping Coosumption
(icon the lint"; wherever it is introduced hut disease
d into inaignitictutoe. The public hate •Ittine
1.043.41 lon_ enough, and now resort to a ntedieihe
%Lich the testimony of the moat eminent phv,icians iu
hind hat placed beyo:l,l the reach rut
t equit es Lo buisterihg up, by publishing rolumnallll
forged certificates—hut it is enough to let the publ.c
know whets it can be ulitaillvd. and one trialwilleon.
since all, of its great eCGcacy in curing those distres
sing diseases above named, which have "mined the
skill of the Icutned practitiouet for ages here
Dr. Sirayne's e:: , enpound .C . yrttp rf Trikt Cherry
was the first repel ation rrum that valuable tree which
was ever introduced to the puLlic, nail ample proof
is afforded of its success Sy the country tieing flooded
with •• Balsam," "Candies:* and "Mixtures . ' of
Cherry, hot ooe of which is prepared by a seguiar
phvsician,althomgh they have assumed the names of
respectable plitsicians to give currency to their "Nos
from; " Therefore, the public should ho on their
guard, and not have a worthless mixture palimsd npnh
them fur the Utiginrti and geboinr preparation", which
is only prepared by Dr. SW AYNE. N W. corner of
Elgin h and Race streets, Philadelphia.
ConJurreptires. or those whose Lungs are affected
slightly, should take this Syrup without delay, by
which they mny prevent the fixing or that dire disease
fully and firmly. Floa important, thee. innsoid it
live a day ninth a cough when chi. SylUpCtai be
-hail, nod you tire nen, i:, retrain, with ' , sops.: care, to
avoid destruction by Consumption.
Dr Strayne's Compound Syrup of Inld Otters
i. n compound of Vegetable Remedies; it is called
' Wild S;herry," because that article is dm ba.is of
the Pleparation. It is a combined with tither ingre
dients, Hist the utmost efficiency is g turn to ils vivid
trent iett, as a supporter and preserver of the powers
and functions o f lif e , it h is no equal .
Remember, all preparations put pertit.g to contain
1114 . 71Clit1,1111i1.1001.1ntelien. except
that i>earing the WIIILCII siw'itature of Do.
Great care should be übseryrd in purchasing of :he
authorized ngents. The nnly agents in Pittsburgh for
the sale of the genuine medicine are, Wm. Thorn, 53
Market ; Ogden & Snowden, corner of Wood and
2d sts.—arid S. June., IGO Liberty st., where it can
he obtained gcnititie, wholesale and retail, at proprie
tor's pi ices. Sold by John Mitchell, Allegheny city;
13. Hinman. Cincinnati; Dr. Mcgoilin, Mercer; J. '
H. I.latinn & Co. Erie; J.S.Nlorris S. Co., Louisville;
Dr. E. Masterly &Co.. St. Louis; Andrew Oliver &
Co., New Orleaas, and lty regularly appointed arena
in nearly all the principal towns is the United States.
IRPCmintty storekeepers will find it to their ad
vantage to have a supply of this popular family medi
cine. Jan 29-ly
RESPECTFULLY informs his friend, and, the
public, that the following atilt:lee eau be Lod at
his Islnnufactor3, on Sundusky street. Allegheny city,
et hie Sale Roost, Diamond Alley between , the
Diamond anti W..0tl z to wit:
Wholesale Dealers, Steamboat aid House
ers N.. ill and it to their advantage to deal with him,
as he is deLermibed to sell his articles at such a
price as cannot fail to please.
ar Job NVork fa my line promptly attended to,
on the ahmiest notice. &eel.
R. &b
THE subscriber would offer his grateful thanks to
the firemen of the several companies for their
prompt and etrizient services yesterday, in subduing
the fire, and saving hit property from entire desire*
lion—also to the many other friends, for their kind
assistance. .
Those Easitrg business- 'Kitt him, may find film at
ills reiiidersee in td st., corner of Ferry and Liberty,
opposite-the fkl Pres, Cbutch.
fe62. 4 W. W. WILSON.
LEC.:11.K3 4 . C. 03
5M1Z13.2,11. 5 T10Til I
fur •ul,
the disett:es
DR. 8 WA. Z 8
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
800 13, •
.• fc !C 0 St .
• .". !..
I -
Refflittifteasto,ved Pastore 10 andiron'
Black Ball, or old Line 'Liverpool Packets,
Sailing from Nme York and Liverrol on the
11/1. and 16th of ever} month.] And oy
Fir st Class stataricast Ships tSailirg Weekly.]'
PRRSONSaentling to the-" Old Country" for their
•Ftietxli, tan maks the beeessery arrangement,
with the subscribers, and have them brought out
in any of the eight Ships comprising the Black Bell,
or Old Line of Liverpool Packets, (veiling from Ltv
erpool Emilie let and 16th of every inmob,) also. by
Finst Cleve Ships. sailing from then port weekly,
which our Agents, Messrs. James 0. Ruche & Co.
there %ill send out without doley.
Should thine sent fot not home condos Money will
be refunded without any deduction.
LIVERPOOL. PAC ICETS,-"comprise the follow.
ito , nsagtollrent ships, and will sail from Limpool
o theft te,sulat appointed day, us fullows:
FideLa, On lot Jan. Ist. May. I.t Sept.
Europe, Ditlt " Nth " 16th '•
New York, lot Feb. ha Jonc. Ist Oct
A met icon IGth " 16th " 16th "
Yark.llll,, lit Mar. IA July. lot Nov
Cambridge, 16th " 16th " 16th Dec
Oxford, lat April. 1,1 Aog. lot "
Sionorzonia, 16th " 16th " 181 h "
No/ica'—li ie well known, that the Black 801 l is
the ve.y hem mreresstrice thr perianth to get out their
fi :ends, and as other passenger Agents wives tise to
bring out passengers by that Line, the publieare se.
fireetfully notified by the owners that no Passenger
Agent Roche. Brother.. & Co., and Blakely &
M itchel, are authorized tosaivertfita and to out
Pessengess by that Line.
We have nt all times fur solo D,hfa at Sight fora"
amount. direct nn tho Rural Bank of Ireland. Dub
Af...0 on ttle4irg. Presoott, Grote, Ames & Ca.
Banker., Lund„", wbkh *repaid ft-re of diecuunt,
any charge 111 fintrver, in undo pi-Mein/II toarnatbruugh
'out England. Ireland, Scotland/tad Wate.A.
Apply to, or address. II hp Letter, (po.t pnid )•
11110.'8 & 'lit,.
Nu. 3;, Futlon street, New York.
(Next door to the Fulton 1 b
J A5l ES D. ROCII E & Co's Oft - e,
- No 20.1Vati.r sheaf, Lireriwl.
l'con street, near the C.nal Bridge,
Or corner and Snintsfied ate, (2,1 story.)
jall 17 Pittsburgh.
E old and well known Ve .
ian Blind Maker, former
of Second Red Fourth sta.
'tea this method re inform
many friends of the fart
it his Factory s now in full
'ration on St Clair , near
old Allegheny Bridge,
in, a eoriadant aepply of
Inds of various colors mind
is conatualy Lein
nand and at all prices.
)m twenty-e.eots up to twit
it reqtrit..—. is o iii Lc put up so, that in
Cale of alarm by fire, nr otherwise, they may he
moved WM:GUI the aid of a screw-driiet. and with
the same facility ;hat any other piece of' furniture can
be removed. and 1% I thUUt any extra expense.
i. , 24.1&v:
THE under hisolti patrons end
the public iii genere I, 11.111. Dalwitka.nding t hr
g vet intenemeni in lin' therm question, he still eon-
I limes In nth Isiuctiire Cfo rn ING of all kinds to
order .eh-raise, in Aupvtior Style. He has lately
recekrd u lurr, lot Of
JEANS, &c...
Which fur !wanly, fa.hinn,Juialiiliir and eh•apnesa
are unstirpas.ed in 1110 Western maitiet • Aiming the
above wdi be Mond nanny goods of entirely net. style
11S to tritium and color. These the f`f•xtos AL. Mould
reapccitullr tnviie his old customers and the public to
call and examine, confidimtof his ability to please Mull
Hs has als3 on hand a variety of fancy
For sertingr at all pilots, which he is prepared to
Make for customers in a stile muurpassable.
Hr ha. also
Shirts, Collars. Bosoms, St.tenders, Cra
rats, Stocks, Handkerchiefi, Drawers.
And eve!), other articleappertaining to men's wear
all qualities, marl prices in great variety.
In returning Li.l thanks to the public for the very
liberal pa - renege. heretofore extended to him. the un
dersigned would observe, that ilotWithwanding the
great quantity of mean) gut up by roaht be ~XQ
establirliment be still continues to glide along on the
low pre,euie system, and defies competition in all the
various branches of hit business, viz; in the fitting ;le
per, ment; wart.mansbip.fashi.in, +re. I have mill Olt
hand a few cloaks; nveirenell and other article., of win•
ter wear, which I will sell at unusually low prices.
National Clothing Store,
6•b:l.d C ur 165 Liberty 4t.. S'd door b'lo., sth
Dr. D. Meritt, Dentist,
(Of the Burnt District.)
RESPECT!' LLY informn hi. frirod • and all those
who wish his services-that he ha• taken an affirm
in Smithfield street,2d door from Virgin nlley,where
he will now attend all °potations of the Teeth in the
Lest manna and at the shortest notice. Office hours
from 9 till 19, and from 2 till 5. may2—davrtf.
C. CONSTABLE respectfully acquaints Isis
. customer. that be bas just received a part of his
first .prins, stock of Fancy and Staple. Dry Goods a
mongst which are
Rich coler,•d and black silks for dresses of the new
im.uiiiutiot.,benutiful style.
t:'uslimere and Do',eines.
rlandsome French and Twill'd Gingham..
II eat Ribbon., a large assortment.
Calicoes and Chintzes ut 124. 181 and .2.5 cts.
13 Li C will bo rereivirg carry doy or two for the
next two week+ a further addition of the richest and
newost goods of the season. feb 27
A Farm For Sale,
CONSISTING of about 150 acres, fifty of which
is cleared and under fence, situated about three
mil es from the city of Allegheny, between the Frank
lin and Beaver roads, well watered, and adjoining
lands of Arthur Gallaz,her, James Kerr. the late
David Chess, Hugh Davis, Esq, Robert Davie lad
Samuel Davis. This tract of land from its proximity
La rr.krket trade, are inducements to Gardner's Farm
er*, Butchers or Manufacturers. l't ice law and con.
ditious easy. For particulars enqu ire of
Pittsburgh Pa.
No. 45 Market at. 3 doors above Third si
WILL have coustantiy on hand, a well selected
assortmentof tiniest and freshest medicines,
which he will sell on the most reasonable terms.—
Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended
to, end supplied with articles they may rely upon as
rir Physicians'. prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the beat materials at any hour of
the day or night.
A lao, for sale, a large stock of fresh and gond perfu•
mery. dec3o
Loss Credit.
FrHE subscriber offers for sole tbirty-ona building
lots on ncredit often years. These lots are situa
ted on Grant, Wylie. Fifth,Roas and Dinmnnd streets,
in the 3d Wuxi of the city, adjoining the New Court
House. Persons disposed to purchase, will find these
iota favorably lowed as"6.crbeiath, convenience to bu
siness, ilea' will ultinteteJi be the centre of tbe'efty.
For part**, esavissiaAtMAX C. Cummins, or
t. -trztr-tttt:3,
` ."
The preceding figure is given to represent the is.
SEN stat.w. is the great evacuation
fur the impurities of - ave-body. It will be noticed that
a thick cloudy mist issues from all points nfthe surface,
which indicates that this perspiration flows uninter
ruptedly when we ate in health, but ceases when
we are sick. Life cannot be sustained without
it. It is thrown off from the blood and other
juices of the body, and disposes by this means, of
neatly all the iniputitirs within us. The language of
Smiptere iv, -tu the Blood is the Life." If it ever
becomes impure, it. may be ~AM directly to the stop.
page of the insrnsible perapi,alion. Thus we see,
all that is nccro,ury when the blood is stagnant, or in
fected , it to open the pores, and it relieves itself f r om
all impurity instrotay. Ls own beat and vitality are
11 , 11ECIelit, without one particle af medicine, except to
open the pore. upon Oak Judea:. That we see the
folly of taking so much internal remedies. All practi
limier', however, direct their offorts to restore the In
tensible Perspiration. The Thompsonien,fer instance,
aleanu, the H vdropathist shrouds us in wet hlanketil,
time Homopathist deals out infinitiesisaals, the Allope.
thist bleeds and doses us with mercury, and the blus
tering Quack gorges us with pills, pills, pills.
To give some idea of the amount of the Insensible
Person u t ion, e will state that the learned Dr. Lcwen.
hock, ascertained that five-eights of all we receive in
to the stomach, passed off by this means. In other
winds, if we cut on drink eight peed' per clay, we
evacuate five pounds of it by the Insensible Perspire•
This is none other than the used up particles of the
blood, and other juices giving place to the new and
fresh ones. To cheek this, therefore, is to retain in
the system five-eights of all the virulent metier that
nature demands should leave the body.
By a sodden transition I rum heat to cold, the pores
are stopped, the pet spirat ion ceases, and disease begins
at once W develope itself. Hence, a stoppage of this
flow of the juices, originates so many compluisita.
It is by stopping the pores, that ovensbelms man.
kind with, coughs, colds., and consumption, Nine
tenths of the world die from diseases induced by a
stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration.
Let roe salt. new, every candid mind, what course
seems the most sCsomible to pursue. to unstop the
pores, after they are chased. Would you give physic
to eartdp the putes? Or would you apply something
that statild do this upon the surface, a hero the clo g .
ging actually is? And yet I know of no physician
who makes soy external application to ,fleet it.. Ult.
der these circumstances. I present to physicines, and
to all others, McAlister's Oisiment or
be World's selve. It has power to restore perspi
relax, on the feet, on the head, around old sores, upon
the chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whether
s taxed sliglidy or severely.
It has power to cause all external sores, scrofoh,us
humors, al, to discuses, p,isonous wounds, todiecharge
their pot rid tortes. and then beats them.
It is a remedy that sweeps 141 the whole catalogue
of cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle
to its healthy (one,tions.
It is a remedy that fothid4 the necessity of so many
and d•leteriotts drugs taken into the stomach.
It is s remedy that neitlwr sickens, gave. inconve
nience, or is dangerous to the intestines.
It pre4ers es nod defends the surface (torn all de
rnneement of its functions. Thu surf tee is the outlet
of fire-eighths of the bile and used up matter within.
It is pica veil with millions of openings to relieve the
intestines. Stop up these p,ires, and deaf& knocks
at your door. It is rightly termed All Healing., for
there is scarcely a disease, external or internal, that
it will not benefit. I have used it for the last fourteen
years fir all diseases of the chest, consumption, liver,
utmost danger and responsibility, and I
declare before, leaven and man. that not in one single
use has it failed to benefit, when the patient w as
Nri I Ilia the reach of mortal means.
I hove had physicians, learned in the profession; I
have had ministers of the Gospel. ludges on the
bench, Aldermen and Lawyers, gentlemen of the
highest erudition and mattittedes of the peer, Ulla It
in every variety of way, and there has been but one
voice—one united and universal vuice—saying "Mc-
Alister, your Ointment is good-
Henn hardly he credited that o salve can have any
effect "pun the lungs, tented as they ure within the
system. But if placed upon the chest. it penetrates
directly to the lungs. seperstrs the poisomars
ck, that ars consurnirl them, and expels them from
the system.
I need not say that it is curing persons of Consump•
lion continually. although we are sold it is foolisness,
I core not what is said, so long as I can cure several
thrum..nd persons yearly
_ _ _
The Salee hes cured persons of ibe Headache of
10 year. standing. and who had it pe gutarly carry
week..to that “nmiting often took place.
Deafness and Ear Arlie are helped with like success.
Consumption. Liver eomplsint, pains in the chest or
side, falling off the hair, one or the other always sc.
cempsMes cold feet. It. is a sure sign of disease
in the system to have cold feet.
The Solve will cure every case
I n Sernuils. Erysipplas, salt "Ileum. Liver complaint
Sure Eyes. Quinsy, Sore Thiont. Bronchitis, Broken
or Sure Bream, files, itli Chest Discs..., such as As
thma. Orptession, Pain, also Sure Lips, Chapped
Hands, Tumours. Cutaneous Eruptions. Netsous Du
eases, and nf; the Spine there is pruhably no medi
cine now known sugood.
Is G thedwat thing in the world for Barns. (Read
he Directions around the box.)
Its rivets etinn is to expel all humor. It will not
cease drawing tilt the face it free from any matter that
msy be lodged under the skin, and frequently break
ing out to the surface.. It then heals. When there is
nothing but grossness, or dull repul.ive surface. it be
gins to soften and soften until the skin becomes as
smouthand delicate as a child's.
If parents knew how fatal 11104 t medicines were to
children taken inwardly, they woull be slow to resort
to them. Especially "mercer ial lozenges" called "me
dicated h , ,enges,' •vermifugee'. pills, &o. The truth
is, nu one can tell. invariably when worms ate present.
Now let me say to parents that this Salve will always
tell if s child hos worms. ft will d.iveevery vestige of
them away. (Read the directions around the box.)
There k ptub,ibly no medichus on the face of the
earth at once so sure anal so aide in the expulsion of
Although J. have said little about it as a bair renter
ni 1,11 set I. a ill stake it against the, world! Tbey may
bring dick Oils far and near, and mine will restore the
heir two cases to btelr one.
That some Sores sse an outlat th impurities of the
system. is, beceese they cannot pass offthrough the na
tural channels of the Insensible Perspiration. If such
sores are heeled up the impurities must have some
ot her outlet, or it will endanger life. This salve will
always provide for such emergencies.
It removes almost immediately the inflammation
and swelling, when the pain of course ceases.
In all eases of fever, the difficulty lief in the pores
being locked up. so that the heat sad perspiratioe
cannot , pass ed. If thehrect moisture could be started,
the cries hes passed, aad.tha denims over.. The All.
Beane. - Oiotaieota It all costa of fevers almost
instead; Whack the skin and bring forth the pang)].
, have "owed CAWS , thou ' . actually &fled every
hitt itievoo, es well a 3 of bassi onwtoty
- 0 ;
doetore. One man told ahe Nei 'spent 1.506 on his
..ibtrimirlimmet edry iiimefit, 'rhea alter heitaltaLlbe
'' • meet into& that': e:•t-f - .e. . -—• e , n- ;
•.4 - ! , •ii - - --.- . CORM& • 1,...5 .- -i?";-: "..
lticeraltmel bil'Of illd'Oletment wilt taemirl beep ,
corn" knit Rioting.' -11 1 / 4 4ple mired 'wirer be 'rambled
with the If they-N.IIY Magic; ', * _ • - • -- - •
AS A FAMILY mgiptcmv
No man can meteor, its veiee. SO loos a s the stare
roll along over the Mein ns —to long as men trecds
the au th.subject to all larmitree of the elerh—eci
long as disease and sickness is known--gist a loog
will this piel ()Missions Ise isiseff and esteamed.—.
When cosset:owes from off the earth, them the demaud
Will cease, mad not till thee. ..
Sole prnpr4tors of the above Medicine. Price 25
cents per box
As the All-Healing Ointment has be greatly'
enunterfeited, we hive given this Caution to the pub
lic that "no Ointment will be genuine unless the
names of James McAlister, or James McAlister
4 Co.. ore %VA ITT EN with a FEN upon r.VIRY babel."
Now we hereby offer a reward of $5OO to be paid
oft conviction in any of the constituted cootie of the
United States, for soy individual counterfeiting our
name and Ointment.
Aaatsts.—For sale in Pittsbnrgb by Braun & Rei
ter, corner of Liberty and St Clair els., and by J H
Cavil, corner of Walnut and Penn sts ; Hays & Brock.
way. (Druggists) No 2, Commercial ROW, Libertyst-;
L Wilcox, jr., corner itisrket and the Diamond;
P Schwartz, and J Sargam, Allegheny city: J G
Smith (Druggist) Birmingham. I Schoonmaker &
Co., (Druggists,) No ill, Wood st.; are the wholesale
agent, mar 20.
' Jamem Cavaamria,
IN fineJeeelry, Cutlery sillier and German s met.
Spectades.gold and silver Pencils, silterThinikles
Scissors, Tweezers, silk and gum SU'PODier", and
bred Purses, carpet Bags, flcsdery, ehildrsn's Clucks,
Beats 011, Beef Mr flew. tuule, cream and
Soaps. dt.c.
ra'Dun't tnietske the Wane, NO. 61. MARKET
STREET, Kist s ide , betwen/ Third and FLOW 04. •
Simpson's [to r . jam 16
F r i " -- 43A‘'
MACH THL 10ABILL 411 D WAlltaktiTl AI
F UR sale by - F LSNOWDEN, No-99 Water et:.,
et the need formerly occupied by Geu A Berry.
Eattett from the" Report" of the "Visiting Commit.
tee of the. Peoneyhrania Horticultural Society,"
uneelmouely ad vied, and ordered to be printed.
Landreth's Nurseries and Gardens.
"These extensive grounds ens on Federal street
near the Arsenal. " " • • The earliest coliec •
lion of Camellias WIN mule heir. Some of 'Iwo!,
now in P....session of those distiegubdied nursery
men, ate ten feet high. • " • " The selection
of CIKEiN HOUSE rt.•:. rs is valuable and extensive.
"The Nurseries are all very correctly managed,
supplying every part of the Union, a detail of which
would uretipy too mach of our space: we therefore
content ourselves with stating that the stock is very
later, end in every stage of growth. consisting of
whh a eolleetiOn nC herbaeceous plants: FRUIT
THI:C3 of the beet kind and most healthy condition;
[nip, beds of seeding apples, pears. plum•, &c.. as
stocks flr budding and grafting: a plan very superior
to !bet of working upon suckers, which carry will,
them into the graft oil the diseases of the parent 'tack.
• •
"G sn nes SILDS of the .finest quality have been
ccatteertf over the country from these grounds, and
ma) always be depended upon. The Seed Establish
ment of these H.oticulturiots is one of the most ti•
treeive lit the Lltrion, and its re' utation is well sus•
'aimed lion year to year.
"To el:elate the chance of mixture of the farMs of
the plants of the same family. they have established
another oursely, eta suitable distance, so that degen
ration cannot take place, and which secures to the
purchaser a '•genuine article." Knowing thus the
age, quality and processor mato:sof every• plant, the
supply from their grounds is reouromensled with great
•• Siuce the date of the !'Report" from which the
above is extrorted, the entire estublishmem.bas been
greet ly enlarged. Thecollem toe ofCameiliasembraccs
all the finer kinds, and consists of sontetirottiands of
various size.; so likewise of Roses. and other desirable
plant., both tender and hardy; Ft-nit Trees. &c.
The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acre* 'al the
whole is, ea it has been fur more than half • century.
under the sucerasive managetnent of tat het sad 1104,
the mnst prominent in America.
Or Older. received by F. L. SNOWDEN. from
whom catalogues may be obtained, - gratis.
RESPECT FULLY Informs his friends od the
public generally, that be has takea the
At tbecoroar of Wood and Water inrreicon the eke
occupier) by Mr S. &boyar previous to the Great lire,
where ho is prepared to furnish all articles in the boo
On the most moderate terms, and at the shortest no
tice. His stock of Goods is
And has been sett-veil with much care to suit the mar
ket. He has in his employment some of the best
workmenin the city, and from long experience in the
business, be hopes to give general satisfaction to those
%homey favot him with their custom. A large as
sortment of
Clothing suited to the Season.
-,:roc- a-- -me ...r
oats,of colors
various qualities. He offers to the public as
As sny establishment intim city. He has also a large
stock of Vests, Shim. Guam and sills Cravats, Scarfs
anti Handkerchiefs, which he is prepared to sell low
fur cash, and cash only. Having secured the services
of an excellent Cutter, he is prepared to manufacture
garments of all kinds to order, in such . a manner uto
render the
worthy of public patronage. Tho patine are invited
to call awl examine fur lbw:metros. jy24-tf.'
RETURNS thanks to his old customers end friends
for past favors. He is now prepared to sell
clothing lower, by ten per cent, than any other
lishment west of the mountains; end keeps constant.
ly on band a' large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S
CLOTHING. such as Over Coats from $3,50 to $3O,
Cassinett Pants from $2 to $4; fine Cessimere Pasts
from $3,30 to $6; fine Satin Vests for $1,75; fine Rom
bagine do for $3: and all kinds of WINTER VESTS,
and all articles in his line.
Those who wish to purchase, will do well to give
him a call, as be is prepared to furnish clothing on the
very cheapest terms for cash. DOn't forget the place;
143, LIBERTY STREET, opposite Brewery Alley.
oci2Blf. P. OW ENS.
Water Street, Tiree Doors below Ward.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his- custo
mers end itet.ntificerenerelly.itwit be has open
ed t variety of Deliverable cletMn.-ss the above .
stand, which he offers es &cep iws can be bought is the
The sons is in charge of R PEW, one of the beet
curers and utosteeporionued workmen in the city.
oct2Eltf. P. OW ENS.
- • ••`• 4 ' •• ‘ * Z -t• 4 •vt *-.4 • *••• • • •
• k..~Y ''
inintrantc - tompaineg.-
koirmOrErir A0411411T will' OIL DAM.
- - 'lll - 8Y WIRD. -
With sey ore STOCK
- z Mutuaillas':Co: . -
• •Dirterroaa •
George W. To - le nii , Jobe 11.1.: AiwiroOdJ
Themes Lewis R. ekaltharst,
wm. R. It wawsori., Gawp N. Baker,
George Zd. Stroud, John J. .V.eadarkenap,
George W Carpenter. - •
VjLL make insurance against Loss or Damage
hy Fins. it) Pittsburgh rid vicinity, on Finasee.
Stores and oilier buildings, and oa /131011Onl, , GOOl 1 / 4
Wares and Merchandise, i invited or perpetual, haulers,
OT cifunt ry, on the most fasoinbie tern, , .. •
• .
The Mutual Principltycombined witha Stool Capi
tal, and the other pruvisioos of the. Chaster tot,ibis-
Company, hold out unusual ifldUCClllOnte,bothitiirolk
and safety, to thUse desirous of effecting . linnets's', to
which the Company ash the attentioa judsamoriutOn
of those interested.
, •
Tbo Capital Stock of the Compan y is invested in
good and sufficient securities. After providing for I
the losses accruing to the Company, in the course of its
business, the stockholders are entit led to receive out
of its income and profits an interest not exceeding six
per cent. per annum on the Capital Stock actually paid
in—the amount of which interest, it is expected, will
be supplied by funds indented--and thereafter, all ibe
remaininy, profits are to accumulate and be held, in
like manner with the Capital Stock, for the better oe
curity of the assured. But certificates beginar inter
est, payable annually, transferals/poodle boOks of the
Company. and convertible at any time isito Capital
Stock, will bo issued therefor to the Stockholders and
jointed members,in proportion to the inseam lof Steck .
held, or premium paid by thorn respectively,agreeality
to the proviAtms of the Charter: .
Those effecting insomnia with this company haii,
besides the usual protection spina isea, by tho ordi
nary method of insurance, the additionai advantage of
a direct perlicipstion in the profis of _the Company.
without any liability„ .
PBO. W. TOLXND, President.
B. M. HINCIMAN, Secretary. •
The subscriber, who h the duly einhorised_ Agent
fur the Rtove nnmed Cot-ripens , preriared trimake in
surance, at the Office of the Agency, No. 2. St Char
FiriteLonT bird street, clew doors above Wood street,
end will give all ft:tidier iorormatinn desired.
Pittsburgh, May 30. 1845. (jes•ly.) slec3
JOllll./1 IC IR G. J. /Mat, in.
Agents at Pittsburgh., for Me Delaware Maud,
Safety inserusce Company of PAila.
FIRE RISKS upon building. and lblereltaml ise M
oveny description and MARINE RISKS. upon
Hulls or carpet of vessel, taken upon the most fartir
able terms-
tgroffice at the warehouse of King . & On
Water street, near Market street, Pitisbegti. ' •
N. S. King .& Finney invite the confidence and
patronage of their friends and the community at large
to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as ae in
atitutiOn among the moat flourishing in Philadelphia
—tut having a large paid in capital, which by the
operation of its charter is constantly increasing --La
yielding to each perama insured his clue share of the
profits of the Company, without. involving him in any
responsibility whatever; beyond the premium actually
paid in by him, nod therefore as possiessing he tltluuna
principle divested of every obuozieus feature, and in
its most attractive form. - nor 14f.
Agency of tire Franklin Fire lasainsce
Company of ebliadeipkia.
N. E. corner of Third and Wood *ls., Pittsburgh.
THE assets of the company on the firma January,
1845, as published in conformity with an act of
the Pennsylvania Legislatureosera
Etorutt and Mortgages, $600,615 93
&eel Estate. ut cost. 100,367 77
Temporary Loans Stocks and Cash, 207,499 72
Making a total of $909G83 42
Affording certain aaturance that all looses will he
prornpi ly met and giving entire security to all who ob
tain policies from tlOs Company. Rieke taken St WI
low rates as nreeonsistent with security.
Fire and ELsrine insurance.
TV HE Insurance Company of North America, or
rbiladelphia,thcough its duly authorized Agent ? .
the sobArriber, offers to make permanent and limited
Insurance on property, is this city audits vicinity, and
On ahipments by the Canal and Risers. _
Arthur G. Coffin, Prenet. Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles-Taylor,
Simi. W. Jnnes, Sarn'l. W. Smith,
Edward Smith; Ambrose White, .
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,
John White, John R. Neff.
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, • Henry D.Sherrard, See.,"
This is the oldest Insurance Cnmrsay in the United
States, having been Ebartered In 1794 Irs charter it
perpetual. and from its high standing, long experience,
ample.means. and . avoiding Rir lisks of mintrtre ha
sardotis character, it may be cbthidered- its offering
amplu security to tin public. • • -
A t Counting Rom of Atwood, Jolley - 3s Co . .. Water
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. oct23-Iy,
The Prank lin Piro Insurance Company of
CHARTER PERPETUAL. $400.000 paid in,
office 1634, Chessmen st., north side, near Fifth.
Take Insurance, either permanent or limited,
against loss or damage by fire, on Property-and Ef
fects of ete7 deweirptlert, in Town or Country, on the
most reasonable terms. - Applications, made either
personally OH/ letter, will be promptly attended-to.
C. JIANCKER, nest.
C. G. Bascsaa, Beey.
Charles N. Banker, Jacob 11 Smith,
Thomas Hart, George W. Richard',
Thomas J Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolpbi E Dario, ,
Samuel Great, David S Broivo.
WARttfci MArrtpr, Agent . , et the Ezefien-e Of
tice of Warrick Martin & Co., corner of Third and.
Market streets..
Fire risks taken on buildings and their contieke in
Pittsburgh, Allegheny and thesurrounding country.
No marine or inland navigation risks taken.
The Citizen's Mutual Insurance Courioany
of Permulyivsutis,
No. 152, Walniit,Seroei :
WILL. insure houses, atom and other buiklings;.
also merchandise, furniture and property gen
erally, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country,
against loss or damage by fire, for eel peoirAl of time.
Chatter perpetual.
No marine, river nor inland transportation risksare
taken by this CoMpany. -It makes no dividends
among stockholders. After paying the necessary ex
!senses of the ogle*, the *bole szerniurprensium and
interest are appropriated exclusively to meet losses-
It is thus enabled toinsure on terms not surpaesed by
any other Company.
JAMES -TODD, Presides's.
DANIEL B. POOLTSF.Y, SeCretary. • •
'stoney at Pittsburgh, in Burke's building on 4th
street, at the office of Eystor & Buchanan.
ja3. , , JAS-. W. BUCHANAN.
Ants:imp Tire Inset:mice' Oompaay
0 111-11rADELPIA,
Oilesres Philadelphia, No. 7F2, Waintast.;
ritornicn FltAilt, &ley.
THIS old and wellestabfiseed CiegniPanY tontint , " .
to insure Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture
and property, not of an ewe- hazardous character,
against loss or damage by Nees
A Tlications for lasuraneenis Piusborgh and its
neighborhood w ig b e recoi l Ted, sTrisihks taken sti the/
perpetually or for Bunted periods, on-fasreatige y am ,
.fiEO,COc-FLILAN, Agent.
thest . 416 Wood at.
lißeitli*Ojabgeitiai 4 11
yuniuto Col:dimly of rhibbdeJpbXotabsoibi $0
lasurnoce agaivat loci grimier by AMP;
le terms, at his old stand _
GEORGE COCliiitAlti• ;
Na %Wood it.
INSURANCE STOCK.—A number of sharait..fat
• _IL galena joint stock company, wills
,a caToi;3 l 4 l‘
$4490,1410, and power ;to increase. h to $l, r '
witi.i4t-ii abort/9 toga into operation.wt. kins
(mired large business of a mutalcompani.w -'-
acter it wine/nano from the cant* princlibt is -- ‘ '.-
of joint mock alone; cbarter perpetual.,
..._. :: 4
T bis stuck company will thus possess the acmiiiii t'
tof an income alrendy.serured i and as it parpbssiammipi-
lining its operations to the
,bets descripioo c r t:. 44,
the stock prcsents a insurable prospect. for profitilllik I ll "
inrestmsnt. '' '', Nit--......
or particulars apply soon to roe, at toy offion.
ne r of Wood and Fourth streets, over Sisubet Ss/Whoa *
entrance ua Fourth street. JAS W BUG/111101C - •
Jokrt D. Davis,
CO, ner6f Wood and Meg., Pittablvrg%,
IS ready tnieceive merchandiz eof eVery deseripdos '
on eoneipunent, for public or private sails,. OW -
from Long experience in the above business, flatter
hiniselfthet he will be able to give entire satialanfiOt
to all who may favor him with theirpatronage.
Replier sales on MonnAvs and Tntinsvi•rs;of
Goooliand faneyarciclea, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Grocerie,, Pittsburgh manufactured artieies.ntra
and secondhand furaiture,&c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sides every eimiinc,atearl y ;Tali light. at t 2 y
Liberty st., between market and.
ITAVIING returned from the East, the sutticellia4 - ' ) ?
_LI is now opening his fall and winter stork
goods, exceeding in varies:lo;und extent any go t .
which has heretofore been offered in this city.
Thankful to his friends and the public fur the fitrde* . '"
he ban received, and which has induced bins tti
,base more extensiveir than befuto, ho again inlidasearn
beirettention to the cbeapeat, best selected atd.nont
extensive assortment which Ito has ever before
among which ate .
French, English, German and: o s
'can 'Broadcloths, Black, -
Invisible Green, and Other
which are all_ of superior quality. Also. a i}43 ,•••
assortment of
0 44,, - • - 4 9
Veinings of Enlire new .
Alan, a fine hit of FRENCH' AND ENGLISH::
CAS:3OIEIIEB of, every *heale r coke, and pawn%
which canonnt fail to plat we the various taatet4l,
materna. s. A lso, a
New Style ,Bear,e,rand, Twei . xl.-Cloar,
of Black, Blue, „Twvirible Green,
Golden lifized and Olive,f9r
Sark and Frock Coats. •
Together with a la of superior D 7 AICIMICZa4
suitable fur Over Coati.
These goods will be 0014. raedt nidallt;l4-.41M1r-'4
made to order in a superior style as IsecAsaAllrst . illn.
booaht in this city. He has alio 'the 'Atitielvaility` , 4
For Gentleman's wear,ssch as
. ,
SHIRTS. STOCKS, susrENDEE. s, aminicitsextselL
The attention of persons wanting their ganwineti
well sande. ar.d is superior style, sod of the tint- an
terisle, is invited to his fine stock o
French Cloths, Cassinteres awd Vettrnet,
which be has selected with the utmost care for We
particular branch of business. He willtsistklmaftra
ip *hewing these goods to any one-who will /writ
with a cull, feeling confident that the great tt — kiietz_gt . ,
bissi:oek sad the style in which they are IL,Aet,
not he zurroissed in this city.
S. MORRISON, Liberty' it.,
oct ti7Gta._ltetst.cett,tVerket kt,lttql.tiritktiAell..Atr
No 2, WOOD St. Second Dopy frogs 114:-'
• • Corner of Water Street. ,
The undenlgned takes this method d'annoultdragr,
to their Customers and the public generally, that' the
base just received from the East, end offer - fat sifts ---
abilramm i
the above stand a large and well eclettid
Of Cloths,Cessimeres, Vesting and nintetiaia of semi ,
cy de-sedation. having been purcbatted for naafi oil*
most advantageous terms, they are enabledtdAtrigt!;
Cti ICA Pas can be sold in the Western Coisatty. .'"---
Their assortment of - . -r - 4- '"'''
READY MADL CLOTant,ii "..•
is large, ands been manufactnred (coin lisa4selii
~. 4,
TT ilat.riuts, atui by excellent workmen.
They hate constantly on band and will rnamtfalems4
to order all articles of Clothing, Which they erill'si
rant to be made in the best manner end 'moat faehinis.-
able style.
They invite , the p.a.blic to call end estaniirms Aide '
stock of goods, as they are confident their elm /en'
coots gam tce.cs at prices which cannot fail to pla
Remember ate place. NO. 2. WOOD - STRERTi -
W ATE R. sept 941 3
ALLEN KEA.MER Ezelesinge Broker, COllllll.
of Wood and Third streets. Gold, Silver,
and Solvent. Bank notes, bought and 501 d... *gist
cheeks on the Eastern shies, for sale. Drafts;nagn
and bills,collected.
Wm. Bell& Co.,
Joann. Davis,
F. Lorene,
J. Pyinter dr. Co.,
Joseph- Woodwell,
J antes May;
John H Brava &Co.
James M'Candleas.
J. R. 111'Doneld.
W H. Pope, Em.,Pree't Rank
• •iC FULTON: . , r
BELL AND BRADS rouNDlese.,,•;
ILT AS rebuilt end commenaed business as. his OLD ,
1,1 STAND, No.lo, between &Nick mid Ascii
Six., where he will be pleased to see MS obiassleseses
and fi lends.
climb, Steamboat, and Bells of every trite, tract.
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the time
lip-p r imed models, and warranted to be of the beet ebb:
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters. Railing, tt.4.4bit.;
together with every variety of Brass etatievi t f V
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Beibbiter
Ai Afetai, so justly celebrated for the tate.-
t i oo o f f r iction in machinery.—The Boxes and Co* .
position can his bad of him at all times. nor 114
To Printers.
WEhave received, and will hereafter keep cop •
stantly on hand, a full sapplyof Printing Ink,'
in large and small kegs, which we will be able to soft
cheaper than it has heretofore been sold in thiaeley:
Orders from the country accompanied, by the twit:
Zia - / ILL CiSts) will be promptly attendatte..
r 52.6—tf Office of the Post alai Mere Facture&
European Agency.
EMITTANCES of money on moderate tura%
can be made during my absence in Eurnittatekat
every part of Ireland, England, Scot/and / Wader;allt
the oontinent of It:mope. Legacies, debts, yeangegg,
or claims recovered; searches far wigs, litlia
documents effected, and other European lonsinermigt,
acted by applying to James May, Wauir street; ,171111 r
burgh. H KEENIA .
octl2 Agent and Attorney at" Law, P•
Take particalar Xetlee
THAT the Franklin Brame, foot of !reit' eotAlit
Pittatinrh, by B Holton), a the s e
establishment rot transient travellers or Wi:
wish a looget resittence in theeity ) hbente
CrO excellent. We knows from
recetnmentrhis botusoxe worthy 141.
Wm Connelly, From
Joo Fiamihee, Obio. 4
Jobe 'Raney. New Yott•
ittri lo o o "" °4l . daled krill. dirk
in o nth o rly!
Pittshugb, P.
Chithumiti, _
St. 1.0146,1tte.
7. >Letanitle. .,