Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, March 26, 1846, Image 2

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    -r 5 ,,y,.. y ,., .
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lic ,darning past•
r4F . Vli P• LIM . Agent for country newspapers,
is the Agent for the Pittsburgh Daily Morning Post.
and Weekly Mercury and Munufacturer, to receive
advertisements and subscriptions. He Mni offices in
N lEw YORK, at the Cunt 0tfi,3,30 Ann street, (ad
joiningthe Tribune Office.)
Idosroa, Nn. 12, Stale mreet.
PHILAPICLPHIL, Real EntaLe and Coal Office, 59
Pine 0 reet
B•t.TtttoKF, S E corner Baltimore find Calvert si ‘,
where ourpaper can be seen, and terms of adverti
sing learned.
The Right of Way
rar We learn from n passenger who arrived last
evening, in the "Goal intent Fast Line," that the
"Right of Way" bill ens under dkrussion in the
House of Representatives, on Monday. It was
thought that the vole would be taken on ()mum day)
-160.-3 he proceeding. of a very numerously attend
et! Right of Way meeting held in Washington un the
21.1 inst., will be found in the Post of this morning.l
Tito reasons given in the pi Nimble nod tesolut ions in
favor of ilia Right of Nit'n)" nte unanswerable, awl :
manifest on the part of rho pettple of Washington a
patriotic devotion to tit genet al good, which cannot he
too highly commended. The gentlemen acting as of
firers of the meeting and cony oising the committee
to perpate resolutinos, are among the mot.' intriligent
and influential citizens of the place, and opiniolii antic
tinned by lbllll, as :two,' in a publi: meeting, cannot
fail to have great ildlocttec at Her tislongh.
CLA RION RIYKR.—IV' hope that me net cs i I bt•
taken without delay by the Legi,latute, to remove the'
obstructions to the salit navigation of this stream.—
Much lost has been itu,tainett this season, by the chi
tens of that, section by the sit Ling of boats loaded
with pig metal and other valuable pinpvlt
RIGHT o► W•T NICITI , G Al ntQHT.-11'e 'UM"
only room this morning to ray Ow the meeting at the
Old Court House lust night, was numerously attended
by the hardy Yon" of the Nt !111 ra , u , iu this
city attending to busnws,
OPINION!. 01 , THI: ENGII,II Ptsrss —We give
place in another to extriicts from vat ions Em
ghat papers, for et-WON(' is:e in iebted to the Bill',
mote Sun. The toile of il•e.e strides on the Oregon
question, it will be seen, ii not very penciiful; some
the remarks med.., indeed, are vile abusive and in .
molting. It would seem from what is s yid by the Eng.
lish props, that it moos cotilidently expected the Ameri•
can Government would, irritation, agree to
On,CFsE LCCTI Ftr.s.-1 crnnti jury of Ph ilAdrl
liken," and we think they will again find tht•ir ' t ures I.hittit 37, fouutt a true bill nguin*l Do. 11 , 01,,k
basted, if they tinticipt te a “enmpromisr" which IA in C°"" "1 hi ` Ir""" on " Il e °' g in of Life " "eh"
parallel. gisen I ,Ontl bail to appear and anawet.
yield to them the let ritury north the 49th
"ail:titration." Well, it i.'•nn to be mi.
rtS NSYLVANI• Co t, BVSIN EPS. — There err es.•
' , ovations of an imm , msc bu.oners doling the approach
log summer in the l'enris3lvania Coal Region. The
Rail Road Company have made contracts for 1500 new
five ton Iron cars, and 31 new Locomotivrs, equal in!
-611 4:1ei xelit. iilel fail,. on th , oil stock. a loch will girt
to this Company the c ipacity of trinsporrio o
during the present year from 1.200 000 to 1.300 000
ton. of Coal. Thin, in addition to the aupply that will
he sent by Canal, after completion, it is supposed will!
be equal to the quantity the market will require Itorn
SAitylkill the present year. The Company had re.
oeired applications for cars from the operators
dent VI transport two millions fire Aundred thou tand
Loss during the year.
MORI MURDER Dr 4 C1.1.51M/ 9.—Wo inlerstand,'
says the New York News, by passenvers, in the West
ern train yesterday, that the ',cent high water at Itie,
ace has disinterred a hox containing the bodies of a
woman and child, horribly rruinglcd and
They have been identified as the wile and child
man who was tried a few weeks since fur their übduc
lion, and sentenced to the Auburn State pri,on for It,
years. It was supposed at the lime that toe had
been murdered, but as the bodies could not be found,
he was only tried for a baser oflenre. The name of
the murderer is Edwoid II Roll, ff; he resided clout
two miles from Ithaca, and kept a school, and was al
so a practitoner of Lite Thumpsunian systcin of meal
RAIL ROAD BRIDGE ON FIRF... — We learn from the
Philadelphia Sentinel, that on Saturday morning about
fifteen meet of the roof of the wet span of the Rail
Road Bridge of the Stste road at Peters' Island, woo
destroyed lJy fire. The bridge t uk tire ft urn the
■parks of the locomotive of the fast paa•erger train
which had jlitit passed over. It was extieguivhed
ore it got any great headway by the washer from the
'THE Dusts SHALL SP:!AK. ! —Dr. Bartlett, writing
from Vienna to the Lowell Courier, gives an interest•
ing account of the progress made at the Berlin Insti!•! r
tutioni under Dr. Mullen, in teaching the dumb to!
speak, and in elevating imbecile children and youth s
to rational. intelligent men and women! A girl born
deaf and dumb, was shed how many brothers arid'
sisters she had, which she readily answered, and then
gave their names. She then told the color cf the ta
ble, its shape,—saying it is not round, it is square,
—the kind of wood of which it was made, and so on
The plan of instruction is very simple. The pupils!
by placing the hands or fingers on the throat of the!
teacher, so as to feel the voice, and then by plscingl
them on their own, for the some purpose, by imitating
the motions of the teacher's lips, and tongue, and
jaws—aud by similar means, come at last to utter the
elementary sounds. They are then carried along from
the easier and simple methods of speech to the more
difficult : The idiots arc educated with the same won.l
derful simplicity. Dr. Bartlett say:—"One little fel-
low, with a now thoughtful and intelligent Ewe, inter-
estod us exceediegly. He was very intently and
earnestly at work, writing upon his slate; and for three
months after his entrance, he was unable to fix either
his attention or his eye upon anything. Another boy
considerably advanced,—we cannot nay in the recov
ery, but in the creation, or devalr,pement of hip reason,
was endeavoring to instruct a third, on whose face
still rested the blank and void expression of idiocy.
WHET I.V ICMl.—Accounts from lowa teuritor)
represent the growing wheat crop as in a suffering
condition. The winter, up to last accounts from the
West. has been a singular one; mostly pleasant. But
very little snow had fallen, and there was no sleighing
to speak of. Much wheat is represented to have been
killed, and many fields arpear to be dead, though it
arts hoped a spell of favorable winter and spring wea
ther would revive them.
An ANcian r Buttmum.—The President's house of
Flervatd College, recently occupied by President Quin
cy, is, according to the most accurate accounts, about
one hundred and thirty years old. The house first
built for the Presidents, and once occupied by old Pres
ident Dimmer, first Ptesident of rho College, is still
standing, and ea& built it is believed, previous to the
seer 1610.
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Correspondence of the "morning Pest."
Harris/mirth, Mara 22, 1846.
Early this morning, Mr WATSGS keeper of the Dau
phin county prison, on going the rounds as USUSI, found
that the colored man named Gibbs, the same fellow
that attempted an escape some weeks since had bror
ken out of his cell; as soon as tie keeper had entered
end locked the door after him, Gibbs stepped up to
him and demanded nine keys, stating, that his death
would certainly ensue if In• refused, and immediately
clinched the keeper—a senifil I took place, but Gibbs
being a powerful man grit Watson down and was thin•
king him. Tine keeper grasped the culprit closely and
during the struggle drew Item his pocket one of Colts
revolving pistols, and whilst in tine embrace of the
monster, shot him tis ice in the side, but did not seri
ously injure hint, 'I his ...nosed Gibbs to relinquish
his grasp. Both immediately rose to their feet, the
prisoner retreated rapid!) to his cell, fur the purposti.
as Mr Watson sopponned n ipnncurirg some bar on bolt
with which in take his life. Mr W. then fired liar
third time and shot Initn through the heart, aniline died
instantly. anhins was an old offender, having served
eleven years in tine Eastern Penitentiary, and was sen
tented for toue yentas more in the pr isun of this county.
coronet's Jury is now in session, and there is a
great emend inn front of tine jail.
P. S.—Yen diet el the C on oner's pin y—" Justifiable
homicide." Yom 0,
1:U11w ‘‘. , 11‘11,1 ch...led ufl temallotbly flue 3e.•
terdny. '11:c sun nl,unc (MI knight Mitt watm, and !he
!cuts wvte cnns drd will 1/11/1 , s; )1,1 i until 11111.111
turn a unmet' without meeting, iOnle fait not; they all
Seern ' ti in Coyly the fine Neat her exCeraingly. 11,e
spi I.u,rue, Ira,: comment et]; their: is an utniso
number of cann • ry merchants in town*, they all ln,)
freely, nod what is better they on the cash sysiem.
The luerchar.ts run Malkei and NVood streets, aa.l nn
Water also, are ns busy I,es.
AO'MCC! 1171111. P:Nrt arah:t. —A noble spit oh
turol entel prise IS now on fOot for impniting intoilot
country that vat iety of the Peruvian sheep known it.
the Alpaca. 1 hey will !horse well at the South, and
companies base been ha toed in Kentucky and ether
Stales. and funds ratisai, and a vessel will 50011 pro
ceed on a vop3ge lot imporiing the Alpa:u.
T he popohoion of Holland in January, 1845, via,
3,019, 743; about 400,000 more than that oldie:row.
of New Yuck
JoUttn•L. nthice. the dlicovery of bite
new metals, r.dopinm, Niobiloon, and Rutllroi.llll.
1./ in, lug compo,ittr: tell, .1.1 to ~Li
ult. luutiet Nou II) iI
THE Rapp:111.111.)cl. cle r l ui Nrw Uilo,
nn the 4th iuii.. with u caig.. "1 thv bulk "I 4JJO
bales cotton, the largest ever cleared from tliat plare
etful NIT., Kean. are id iyin‘g an engagement at
at the St. Charles, Near Wean,
:Miss . Turnbull is ‘l..liglaieg the ve.,ple 01 L.,.1
Ch.,love C.i.bm.n wai pletmg Romeo. awl
ni the 11.1 . ) Nlatket
emtlte lib ult.
Edw-in Forrest, the great ledgetlidn, i• in I'diis
Dan Mat ble is in \rw Orkun■
A.lloalrly to 11,...111f1i tub e.• a 1816, ntimber 1.1 tle
Citizens Bolnoght "1 Iv a illington, Penti”lvalon
Ityrntild.. to din f and the intuir.ts rl
‘Vrstern c,•n, I J at Ow Hunan.
on .landau evening 110.- '23.1 :‘larch, I he owet
ing wa. by railing Hon. .1 )IIN GRAY
SON to the Chair, and oppe,intinG J D Li ET, Esq.
Thu abject of the meeting I. jug %last i h r the
on metion the halow tug gtnlir meu NfIP lirpOlnlrd
Commini io pirrsite ,r.cdriions expres,i‘e of fhr
of minning ,w: General Alfred Creigh.
Alexander 1.1 , 9 . Col. domes !Rutile, l i me..
Vanurn, and Gen Andrew Shearer. The Con,
mitt, e having retired, after *rime lime returned, and
reported the following preamble and resolutions
through their clrirrnan.
To protect out tearn is n or right nod
our deny—belie , we" - fleet us citizens 01 IVa•leingtore
Cooney. to deliberate upon ihe best plan of protecting
those eights—and conseeporntly veal-ding the ngrireel.
tura!, matoefneten ing and commercial onereyts not only
o f thi s county. bot also of the city of Pittslongle, and
the whole interests of Western Pennsylvania.
The Baltimore nntl Ohio Ilailrond Company haring
determined tint the Reilnend shall be extended from
Cumberland to some point on the Ohio Rivets—and
th- Legislature of Virginia, at iia recent session. hay
tog removed every re,,ricr ion that wes heretofore
placed upon the extrusion of that Railroad, soil one
granted the rigla if may through the state of Virginia,
making, the city of P. heeling the terminus, it becomes
every Pennet)lvonion to determine whether the city
of Pittsburgh and its m innfav wing eseablishment•
shall not only cearn to furnish !he surrounding coun
ties with a market for tho purchase of the 'unpins
production of their farms—but riko to build rip n
neighboring city upon 114 ruins of the modern Birm
ingleurn. Pennsylvania neterests ! State Pride!! noel
our great viicult tool and endnufactuting inlet gists fut•
bid ii !!! Therefore, be it
Resolved, That ion-much an the Senate of Penn.
Kylvania, in their ornind discretion rind wi4dom, has
passed an act onehorizing the Right of Wily, and no
I definite action hat yet been lead in the House of Rep
retentretivee;—th -t nor Representatives be and they
I are hereby iusilurted not only to mite for granting I h;•
right of way, but to line 1111 honorable means to Of, t
the same.
Resolved. That in rase the Baltimore anti Obin
Railroad CIIMIIII 41p, hoold lie refused the right of wa y
to Pittsburgh, it will diser t the trade and travel from
within our own burden—' bo ft aught with the most
injurious consequences" and compel the Legislature
to resort to AIIEIT lONA I. taxa ion to sustain the re-1
potation and credit of our state.
Resolved, That the people composing this meet•
ins ere i n habitants of the Borough of lVushingr on, sit
irate on the National Road—and although the can
structiim of the Railroad will take off the road, the
lines of stag...rand partially utfect oar Borough—yet we
are widiot, far the public good arid the general inte
rests of Western Pennsylvania, to deprive ourselves
of whatever benefits in iy accrue to advance greater
interests, the interests of the whole people—being
well aware, that let the road terminate uL Pittsburgh,
Wheeling, Parkersburg, or any other point on the
Ohio river, the effect on our B•rruugh will be the same.
Resolved. That the objection made to the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad Company being granted the
" r i g ht of way," because it is a foreign corporation,
is u political humbug of the day, calculated to alarm
timid legislators whose interests are confined to lora/-
lac:and look not to the interests of their immediate
• - •
Resolved, That n copy of these proceedings he for
worded to our members of the House of Representa
tives, and request them to present them in the name
of the citizens of Washington.
On motion, Resolved, That in the event of the
question of the Right of Way through this State,
being again presented to the Senate, that E. G. CREA•
CRAFT, Esti ,our Senator from this county, be, and he
is hereby instructed to vote for the right of se.q.
Resolved. That these proceedings be published in
the papers of this Borough, of the city of Pittsburgh,
stk . ! in all papers friendly to tho same, and editors
are 'ecispectfully requested to do it, , .
J D \k,et,r, Secretary.
CEIVED IT THE HIBERNIA.—We make some addi
tional extracts from papers received by the Hibernia.
She arrived at Boston six hours after our express via
Halifax reached that city:
Tke Oregon Question.—The Patrick Henry on
rived on the 2d of March carrying out intelligence of
the refusal of this government to übitrate on the Ore
gon difficulty. The news was sent from Liverpool to
London by express. Not much was said in the Lon;
dun journals on the subject, though they publish oh.
streets of the correspondence between Messrs Bt.-
chanan and Pakenhum.
The London Standard says thnt the President has
"abated none of that rabid violence which has cinrnc•
terizod all his official proceedings in regard to Eng
land," and adds that there can be no clearer indica
tion of Mr Polk's wishes and intentions thar is to be
found in his answer to Mr Pukenham's offer. The
Standard adds:
"Rut will the American Congress condemn the in
solent and unwarrantable tore adopted by this brag
gnrci! We think not, If we are to form any judge
ment of the opinons of the Amen imp' people genet-ally,
in repod to thin qnestion, from the most respectable
portion of the American press, there will Le no war,
fur nine of these journals out of ten denounce the con
dor( of Mr. Polk in terms of strong, and we doubt not
niticere teprobation. America :an gain nothing by a
wet with :his countt); oliilnt her sartilices, as the
New Yolk Enquirer has shown, must be enormous.—
, If slog calculates no far on the pacific disposition of
England as to attempt to obtain the vantage ground by
insolence and Inaggnolocia, she will have bitter rea
son to repent of her misstake.
bNI Dl'l%
"Ii is with regret we pion publicity to the inielli
gence this ;lotionl communicates, inasimieli es it is of
nth:Ai - newt n-lonli completely reversestotr former hopes
of n peaeelal settlement of the Oregon differences.—
M r . Volk and his Mb/131'13 Lave now rushed
inn extremes, and appear t:etei mined to place tbe
whole nintiri in dio most position w England.
[he I ieuldenl its corrimuiticated a special message
to Cwing . ress in an....r Tim tlw demand foi information
as to the col tesponilence and state of the negoeint ions;
necoiding to Ibis message, awl accompanying iis
desiatches. the American government posh ionly refs
ses to refer the question ui iirldirotion. and declares
that England has no rights wit miner in ',pent to the
_on 'lids is going to the Pill esti rme of his previous
declaration, as made in Ids first message; and is the
more determined and offensive, as coming in the shah
I of a reply to atnieuble and linnotaLle ovet titres (loin
10/1 nlilli.le/
'File Standard stow, m vnty strong and elm:Ter:llnd
ten nt The surpri••• e‘rovil in !hut country ut
hut nibilinii.on bad been rt jrct.•d. It in taken (or
!ranted 'but ihn pilot bout Rorner clan - feted by
he British Minister to convey the intelligence to the
Bralith Government, and iho Standard remark:, that
"well informed nautical non would taco told Mr
l'alienham that the Pot rick Henry so, uld be the hist
ve v sel to machEngland."
The Lon lon Sou an evening paper, of the 3d of
Maid, has
‘mt•tical3 it , . 1013 token tha public coin.
plrtrls hy mirpi i.e. It was not espi•cteil to be of such
n .1%1 like , !hough some few people protest
ei l iertained thn milion dim f , rtlicr delays and
would 04,011 11. 6/11 1 di•ru.e. 6.1A - ern
I rnrnoro, are finally arranged. Theposi
is,. ni, •i' in which the New Turk yininals
• 1 1tie ey . et 11th ol 01 mediaiion by the
;••0,10. In.. I,loloCeil • strong feeling of
aiming .nor c.imm , reial Lock.; and tho.e wii.. hese
all sl:ug itil.oroted the inexpieiliency of woe, on IC
twin, oil merrviiiile corinelions, 1101/1 openly claim
10‘11Ci0100 of lie 1•010/1" of the country at the hand.
Jinn evermive. It if pietty geneial'y believed thm
we ale as well piejiaied for war as ill , Arhelicao.;
and if there is to be a “briish" between us, to try the
sgength of their respective iloWel/ 1 , 11 wou ldperhaps
. he as well that it $11.”11,1 oaks p: l ,n Ka speedily as
possOile. In tli., rendin; 1 . 00111% and cotirt-e boufe•
this mtelligeriee is the peat topic of Tons . ..Tsai:on.
eserwliete is that having shown
a. 111116 6116,11 - WNW a+i, c.mpnullr her .tabor,
in the sc. ' ', of oat ons, is uow called upon in treat
the proceerlins,.• of the American logishoure with the
t ti.... sh,er,e. OM , OW gauntlet thrown
doss n, small difficulty exists in lineasv,s... se, -.ors
"rhe Englith fun.; a have "ellen one per tent since
ihe publication of the American inteligener. The
speculators have heen extemaire sellers on the ex
! rectation of near."
I n .ponLinq of the prospect awl rroltalile issue t,t
war. Ow London Sun sac.:—
'I he money market is riither ittinettled by the hos
tile tone ui A met iCall arcoulils retieised
even conlineiCial ittimeit dies nut seem to krr p stir
E.ticiniie of the Butted State,imilon tea...enable
ti, reslsects its pretensions. 'malt MO,
Illotlier Jonathan would Inae I t a wnr than we Should,
le" in,a ail! abundantly show. Llst year the SP. •
tregilie vale, of the import. in, the Celled Stet.,
hien firma [Slit:do wit, lU. Putt.etto dolla r ., a n d O w ,
was a large falling off sit the importaime of totion man
idactittes, txee fa Now the Vitillsers Stippla
a all none predilels than INur, and manifestly, will
lie the Meal ne.sele still'ellstS I) a Nal."
The London Slopping Gareth. SOS,:
"flie Dead from the United St ates. whir h lint been
received ibis morning, is of a murlt lets pacitic eller
serer than that bt ought by Oro late arrival,: and jusit
ties lite irs repetimtily expee••ed the
determined smelt of hostility winch pet vaults a pow
et fel patty in tie. United Slates. It appallas from
these nil tiers that the Government id the United
Sluts, flail) declines to ft fer the Oregon question to
arbitration, sal insists that Englund possesses as
claim whatever on that territory. The newspe•
pers of the Coten, entirely opposed as they are to the
offensive position towards England which has been
assumed by their Government, profess to regard thi.
latest of its ilemonsti emits with unfeigned alarm,
end to regard it as an act of defiance which will put
an end to all flirt lier pacific negetiations • •
• • The present aspect of affairs i.
any thing but satisfactory."
The Liverpool Courier uf the 4 , 11 inst. say.;
''The news by the Patrick lienr!,, thouth not de•
cisive of war, is still very important. Two offers were
mule, on the part of the English government, to leave
the ()repel question to the fleets inn nf arbitrators, and
bosh have been tefuseil the American government,
on the ground that to consent to such at bittat ion
would be to admit that this country possessed some
claims to the diApteed territory. lire reason is ab
stout; and Ike Clinsetpleia e to which the refusal may
lead Ina) be most ealiiinitious. flat the Americans a ill
only have themselves to blame if a war should ensue,
fur f:itela nil has done all in her power to bring matter,
tun Satisfactory and penetful
"Tho tall, news by the picket is idle; important.—
Nlesiert, it seems. is determined to refuse assent to the
annexation of Testis to the Oohed State•; and if at
tacked, she will n [peel to the governments of England ,
France, anal Spain for assistance.
The London Mot vi rig Pont oh the 3d says:—
"The American question, though Still unsettled,
messes little present uneasiness. It may lie said in•
deed, to have been generaly dismissed (rem the minds
of speculators. as an element of disturbance in a mon.
etary point of view; hut while the great agricultural
innavntion meditated hangs over the markets, provis
tonal committees will, as a matter of course, feel mach
timidity in making investments at the range of prices
now asked by the jobbers."
The Journal Des Debate dwells upon the evils that
would result to both countries, and especially to the
United States, from war between them and Gteat Bri-
tain. The Debuts points out at length, bum our corn
mere.° would suffer, and thinks peat efforts would be
made by England in the South for the emancipation
of slaves.
_ -
40 Drums fresh Smyrna Fig.;
20 boxes bunch Raisins;
5 boxes Lemon";
1 bnle Botdeaux soft shell Almonds;
100 boThels African pea nuts;
13 boxes 8 x 10 glass;
25 half chests GunposvJer, Imperial and Y II teas;
8 Cattier do. du. do.;
100 reams wrapping pnpet;
10 do writing and lever, de;
50 boxes pipe.;
20 boxes starch:
1000 lbs dried beer;
50 dozen blocking;
20 dozen broom•;
With a full assortment of every thing in the grocery
line, too numerous to mention, for saki or barter,
by P. C. MARTIN,
msi26 Water st,
-.- - ------ -a
J. Matitholl. R. Bell. J. M'Devitt
Cambria, Forsyth, Cincinnati;
WiKonsin, Gruco, du
Colorado, Gormley, do
American, Nashville;
Revenue, Maitland, Louisville;
I 3luml racket, Wheeling;
Michigan; Boieo, Beaver;
Louis Nl'Lane, Bennet, Brown3v
Consul, Bowman, Brownsvilh.;
New England, Pap, Cincinnati;
M,mniaincer, Well., St Lassie,
Putnam, Haslet, Zanesville;
Defiance, Deval, Cio;
Nlichigon, Boies, Beaver;
Coniml, Bowman, Btawis,iviile;
Medium, Gregg, du
Cincinnati on Monday the 234 inst, at 17 minutes of
10 o'clock, A ; came to New Richmond, 22 miles
in 1 hour and 51 minutes; to Brooks Bar. 68 miks
from Cin, in 5 hours sod 57 minutes; to Graham's
Station it 24 hours, and lost 4 bouts in fog on tl e
night ef 234 inst. Arrived at Wh , titlirt; at 15 min•
toes of 2 o'clock A 111, on the 21th. Making 40
lidos nut from Cin..Lrft Wheeling at 2 o'clock
lt,st hours in fog, between ‘Vhoelittg, and Steul,en
villa. Attired at Pittsburgh ut 7 minutes to 4 o*.
Time mit limn Cincinnati, 51 linui s.
1,.. 1 Time, li how, fog
Running time. 951 "
r The Gentlemonly cl tk of the 5 learner Cam
bma; will plenty accept our thank.' kit late Cincio
outi pullets, in nth Lille(' of the moil.
"[lie Mes.iemter and Circassian !eft l'itisbuigh on
Saturday at 10 o'clock together, and the Cartier at
rived at our landing )esterdsy afierimon about 3 o'-
clock, belong the latter one hour and ten minutes.
We much Gnat ihnt some serious accident will turrets
if this facing is persisted in.—Cin../nig. 231 thst.
llrThe Cincinnati Union of the 23d inst., says that
the river at that point, had Fallon two or thiee feet du.
ring it a last twenty-four hours—leaving a full channel
howet er—there being still over twenty feet of water
rippor-rin 'bit city. The weather wan gloomy and dull
--ntrii d considet able grianiity of ra in fell during the
At St. Lulli. , 1.. t duteN 1S feltt ruler in the
vhalake-1, and il.ing slimly.
1.01:Ism/le-1'r str Revenue; 3'2 hags feathers, E .
Harehon; 7730 pieces bulk pork, W & It 51'CutrIt
eon; 4 boxes mat lite, W W Wallace, 41 hags fe a th et .t.
Carson & M'Knight; 44 do cotton, II Voegt ley, 40
King & Pennock:3s hints auger, Pnitodettcr & Co; 20
do. NI Leech & Cc, 33 do, J & lt
Br. firaArtar—Pr sic Omani; 3g hoses, 10 hales, 4
itunks, For,yth & Co; 14 Mixes, M Allen &
Co; 33 boxes, 9 bales, Henry Graft; 5 do, II & 13, 1
Douglas's; 3 do, Shaciatod & 111.11;67 boxes, 13 bales,
9 kegs,`_ cask s, J W Butler & Ben; I box, L Ilutchin•.
son & Co; 18 do, A G 'Mort; 4 do, 1b01e.2 rolls oi l
cloth, Church & Carother.; 19 hover, 1 truhk, 2 bale,'
Atwood, Jones & Co. 19 do. sPCurdy & Loomis; 1
do, 2 bales, A Morris; 2:1 du, J Plummer, 30 boxes
rat.ins. 2 sacks peanuts, J Honker; 2 hoer., tro lxo, P
Meade, 10 do, Clarke & Cline ; 13 bales. 4 kegs nails,
Gici..o:; 70 boxes D nays vi 0 , 9 61.1.
"Wes, owner aboard; 1 bale %V SVClintock; 3 do
Vuegtles & Co; 5 do. C T Ras4ell, 2 kegs, R H Pal
mer & Cu; I truck, Hays & Blurt, 24 Wit flour, Jim
sti American; 9.13 lorini ention, For.
svth & Co; 7 sacks b:lgging , 23 .arl, fnmln,•, W
Smith; 13 Has laid. 3do armlet, lihrkey 4. Co; 30
bid, ticrces, 2 pieces ttcrelp troll, ri picceS Cafllngs.
1 1 -,lctrt In. Hailnt,to & Denning.; 9 c.tititct simll., Lk
lispoon, Cem; 117 itit.ce,bucmt, 1 le.o, Iti
%V II Hays 1111,1..)gar, W
C1111.,h; ItRIO 3 - 2 ton. pig, metal.
Nl'Einglit;ll.•ttsks Jott Scott;
Chlitrit C Catotlict•;l lot plough
l'enllloa. AL CO.
ctrL• agZul,l;
Itleeliug —Pr 1.1a..41 Par Let; :17 sacks oats. 3
114galy A. Smith, 3.15 AM. 11 , ,0r. A NI
Wmli r ,gfo r d, :99 S %%right rnan; 41 4..11 do menl
11 .11ort.i, 13 bales fur., J 31Tulludv 139 sack..
and meal, 9.3 sucks corn, 133 sacks du. 80 bbl.
Ilene, 9 ,acks coin menl,owner aboard.
Flour—The transactions base been fur home eotr
siimption, 6-tieser $5 63 a 5 75, Hovratil Street, $5
124, cash. 1 - futile's of Southern decline selling large
parcels till eller the arrival of the English steamer.
Cotion—Sales of 200 and 300 bales of New Or
leans nndLilt. at 84 u 84c, and l'rtomtit a 84c
I-4-r pound
Gatlin—But few sales and market Wildly so firm—
Vciloss Corn 73 a 74:, per bushel, measure and 69'
70 do weight—White 64c do do.
Provisions—Prime Pork is in ilemand ai $lO, :ash .
and $lO 50 4 months. Prime Beef about all out of
packers' hands, and prices are improving.
Sugar—tllle late arrivals of Cubs box—new crop--
have found ready buyers among the trade at al a ale
per 16, for brow a, 6 mos.
Peach Brandy
1111I,S more of 'hal excellent Peach Brandy war
+) ranted 7 yenr otd, soma of which is on draught,
for sole by P. C. MARTIN,
mn19.6 60 lVater et.
Old Whiskey.
A FEW flarrelg of old Nlononnht-lii
ti from 6 to II years old part u r drought, fur dale
P. C.ll ARILS.
60 Water fit.
A Card
HOTELS and Steamboat Bars fitted out at the
shortest notice; un accommodating terms, with
everything in thu way of Liquors, Glass fixtures,
,c.c. r. C. A1..1C1 IN
mar 26 60 Water street.
2 pc BB LS choice Apples, just received nod for
CP sale by P. C. MARTIN
60 Winer st.
000 LBS New Yutk Solo Leather, for sale
tor at Eastern coat, carriage added. by
60 %Voter at.
tilt HALF Pipes dark and pale of diffutent brands,
ft. just received and for sale in quantities to suit by
6U Water it.
lc) QUARTER casks Post and Mader for sale
LI in quantities t.l) SUlt by
2 PIPES Holland Gin just received and for sale by
60 Water et.
A FEW Isartvl3 un hand and fur sale by
Inat26 GO Water at
._ .-~ ~....t,. _...
New York, March 16, 1846
To the inkabitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and
the surrounding country.
OTIR attention has this day been directed to an ars
tide that appeared in the "Pillsbstrgk Daily
American," under date of sth March instant, headed
as above—and which has also appeared subsequently,
in several of the Pittsburgh newspapers. We hasten
to reply thereto.
We find that through these media we are successive.
ly charged with flagrant violations of the principles
of truth and justice; but we are prepared to 'give you a
triumphant vindication of our character. We, howev
er, exceedingly regret that in so doing, we shall hove
to allude to our !expected contemporaries the "Pekin
Tea Company of New York"—their position—their
history, and their manner of doing business will nc
cessarily, in some degree, hare to come underexami
nation. All that we can do is to endeavor to keep
the following developments within the limits of your
neighborhood; out of which locality, we trust, for the
credit's sake of whom it may concern. the questions
at issue may remain undiscussed. Far from having
amnlicious intention in what we are about to divulge,
we do so merely from the very justifiable motive of
self protection—we would fain tender good for evil; 1
this we ardently declare. Taking this laudable stand
we reply, first, to the charge as follows:
" They ( he Conies Tea Company) have publish
ed a handbill, in which they have appropriated. word
for word, the favorable nor ices of the Pekin Compre
ny's teas in all the lesdieg journals of New York and
other ci•irs, simply alter ing the name of the Company
from the Pekin to the Canton Tea Company."
And farther down in the column this charge is re
rented, though modified tsio
- ibis handbill bears the imiireas of the Company,
and appears miliave been i,.ued, if not by it, at leant
upon its author sty."
Now we deny ever issuing—we deny e v e r °whnr•
izing—we deny ever prr,sing such n handbill
'Fluty we cannot always control the actinns of ant
agent a. fit a remote distance, in relation to the meth-
ids they employ to facilitate the Aide of our Tea.: hint
uy soon as w e discover any thing improper in thi. re•
specs. we invloriably disernintenance it, and nrgt. !lot
M. strict regard to honor and uprightness might char:re-
Foible all the means they use for their disposition
By one of our remote Agents, probably, the handbill
in rprovtion mac have been is.oreil, but we deny that it
ever had our sandlot, or authority.
We cannot, lion ever, dismiss this subject without
touching mom the morality of these notices. 'I hey are
represented Sfs erninating, sponioneovay, from th e
Editors of New York and other Newspapers, and to
tr i te fr o m an impression of the great commercial ar-t
rangementr. end general appreciation of the teas of
the Pekin Tea Company. We beg loave to set you
right on that subject. We are prepared to prove, on
oath if riluired, that every favorable notice in the
' New .York papers, referred to, were cutting by I
llke Pekin Tea Company TH "1.1. Y Csoind that arm eat
in every case the said New York papers were pun,
for their insertion. When thi- was not literary the
case. the said —favorable notices" were insetted i n
co trident ion of an expcnsive advertisement being le.-
' stoned upon the papery whetein such editorials appear
ed. All this we ore prepared to prove—first by the
admission of one of then own Agents (fiumilton)—
secondly. by the advertising Agent they formerly Ern
i played—thirdly, by the testimony of most of the New
York Editors themselves. Sir mind' for their "favor
. able notices in the public prints."
I The method we adorned in prosecuting oat bUsines.
boing e.sentially at variance with any InmiinCat lon of
rtKa f tan. Win never resort to the publication of •itelt
out ices. Every business Man in Now York is well nr•
yu ,lard o rill the origin as well a, the merit...l such
editor onicg to which its ullhity here has long
s t n e e ceased, and it rather dirmni-hos I han add: to the
respectatority of any New York est a idiThm en s,
W e next review the paragraph wherein we are
, cio,rged ns ftatolul+nt ont/ar,,a , of the Pekin Com
11.1ny. It wit be found nearly Al the head of the said ar•
trete. It read; us follow,:
"It is well known to most of our readers that
Pekes Tea Company of New York. nn Association of,
heavy cal - testis's of that city, have established Beets
ere* in I'ekin and Canton for tie porpose of selecting
Teas, and putting them up there, from whence they
are shipped direct to the Company at New York.—
] hese teas have obtained a bight reputation, arid hive
Lareonte the subject of fterpierit notices in the public
prints. The sureyss of this Company has, induced
the oigiao,tioir of another railed the 'Careen Tea
Company,' who admit that they are not impanels. out
pUrehasa their - fees fl OM the promiscuous arrivals ie
New leek, where they are put up in a manner to im
itate those kf the Pekin Tea Company."
Now, in the latter part of this pat agrnph instated n
fatsekood ar glarine. that an attempt to support it in
any Atlantic city would sultjsct any editor to unisersal
and in New York he would be mended as
ista/neat , knave, if me on absolute madman. We
are :t w o ,' d o .' to feel tire ;toy Pittsburgh editor, hay.
log access (as mu.t necessarily be the rase) to New
Yolk journals for serifs past. can he so deplorably ig
norant of the fact that the GilffliON Tea Company knee
been established en New York VIVI, YE A its!—and alto,
dint the Prism Company hoer only existed T V.
PI 0 .7 , lII ,' —and that the latter homee was established!
wholly in consequence of the ince( ss and reputottoni
of the former. Hem then is a fraud truly unblushing
—nay, serifs abominable.
We ate also reflected on as being an inferior ron•
re rn. because "we select our Tea. Iron, the promisee ,-
11114 cargoes which arrive." How rr,uch more coin
men d a bl e to come out with the plain truth than to
resort to such vile fa/aekoods as appear in the begin
ning of the paragraph now under review. The words
are -The Pekin Tea Company of New York. an asap
rim tort of heavy capitalists in that city." Ric.—( Let
the reader refer.) Is it possible !hat the inhabitants
of Pittsburgh can swallow all this! In this city (New
York) entry counting-house lad. of fourteen yeui 3 OH,
knows better. Let any individual who would satisfy
himself on the subject, refer to the files of the Courier
and Enquirer, Journal of Commerce, or Commercial
Advertiser, which he may find at any large Hotel in
Pittsburgh, and see, if in the lists of imported merchan
dise, he can discover that any entries of Teas have
been made at the New York Custom House for such
a firm as the "Pekin Tea Company." We defy them
to prove that they ever received Teas direct from
China! Who ever believes such a barefaced eraser•
lion are deservedly humbugged. As to the fact of
their linvittg an "agent in Canton," wt deny it. Who
is het But the idea of thour having another in Pekin,
is an absurdity so monstrous, and a falsehood so gla
ring, as not to deserve consideration. Who ever
heard of 'Teas being selected and shipped at Pekin?
Outrageous nonsense!
Wu happen to know that the' fine Teas which their
neents in Pekin and Canton select, put. up and ship
dime( to New York," are selea.:tard in Front street, in
this city, at the store of Beebe & Brothers, and other
wholesale Grocers, shipped thence by their carman to
the store 75 Fulton street, then packed in imitation of ,
the Canton Tea Company's Teas by Frenchmenand
Germnns, in the upper putt of the building, brought
down stairs and thence dispatched to Pittsburgh and
Ala rci :I
other places.
Lastly—Who in the association of New York cap.
italist s, called the "Pekin Tea Co," professing to have
$500,000 eneag , d, in tha trade? The agents and
ss!esm •n, Messrs Douglass, Callender and Roe,
were previously emplcyed at the New York Sun News
paper establishment. Mr Hamilton, the out door a
gent, was formerly subscription cleik for Messrs Ed.
mond Charles & Son's Bunk Note List; and the only,
and exclusice owner and proprietor of the whole estub
lishment is Henry Wyk ojr, publisher of a paper cal
led the "New York Republic," now extinct, and well
known to the would as a controversial antagonist of
James Gorden Bennet, of the New York Herald.
Ve exceedingly regret the necessity which compels
us to come out no promptly;—WC aro, nevertheless,
ready to procure the proper affidavits, certified before
the New York City and State authorities, in confirma
tion of all that we have now stated, if called upon.
New York Canton Tea Company,
I:4 l *Our Agents in PITTSBURGH are Messrs.
BELL & GRANT, corner of Liberty and Ferry sta.,
where choice Teas of all descriptions are constantly
for 'rile.
G. F. THOMAS & Co . 93 Fourth at., Cincinnati,
OBED MITCHELL,I39 Chesnut, and 339 Market
st.. Philadelphia.
Principal Office in New York, 125 & 125.. Chatham
st., 163 Greenwich at. mar_'6-Inul
60 Water et
JUST received by express from New York, the
Spring Style of Fists. All those in want of a Neat
Superior Fashionable Hat, are respectfully invited to
call. S MOORE, 93 Wood at.;
null d&w 3 doors below Diamond Alley.
Manager and Leszee, MR PORTER.
Acting and Stage Manager, MR FRE:DERICKS,
First Tier of Boxes, or Dress Circle, 50 cents
Second Tier of Boxes, 37i
Third Tier, 20
I'it. _ .2 5
Gallery, for.Coloreil Persons, 25
Fir.it time of ,he celebrated Comedy of A NEW
This Evening, March 26th, 1846.
Will be performed, the Comedy of
With apowerful cast.
To conclude with the Laughable Farce of
ErFor Particulars, sts Bill, of eke day
rrDoors to open at before 7, to commence at 4.
past 7 precisely.
re' the Box office will be open from 10 o'clock
A'tto 1, and from P M to s—et which time and
place, seats can be obtained for any number of per
All demand against this establishment will be paid,
punctually every Monday morning.
A strong and .411,:ient. Police have been engaged to
nreserve order at all times. mat 26
TUE regular mail and passenger
steamerNE ENGLAND, Capt S
B Page, N
will run as a regular packet
between Pittsburg% and Cincianati, leaving thin
port e‘ cry Wednesday a-. 10 A M, and Wheeling at
10 I' M. the name day. Returning, she will leave C in
cianati every Saturday a . 10 A M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
tcrTh. New England was built exptessly for this
made, and offeis to the passengeta every comfort and
011.14'111r accommodations. maro6
In the Court of Common Plena of Allegheny coun
t y,of June Term, 1342, No 106.
0 IN the matter of the volnntary as
signment of Patterson & Vandyke.
March 21, 1346, William Wile a.
the assignee, hosing filed his account
and asking to be discharged, it is or
dered that notice 'hereof be given in
the Daily Morning Post. published in the city of Pitts
burgh, for sin weeks, and if no objections are made
the assignee aforesaid will be dinhutged Irom his
From the Record,
mnr'26.. , (it
3 Beautiful Lots of Ground at Luctioni
AT 7,1 o'clock I ' . M. on Saturday evening, the 28th
inst., a , the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner
of wood and Fifth streets, will be sold Three Lots of
Ground situate on Centre street in the limongh of
mingitam near the Iron Works of Wool, Edwards
& Mctinigh , , having each a front of twenty feet arul
extending back eighty feet. on one of which IS erected
a two s tory frame Dwelling House.
These lota arc in a thi iving neighborhood conveni
ent to the business pat t of the town and will he shown
tunny pennn di:11'1,1..4i to purchase on application to
Mr .1 "lin Lewis who resides on the 'Opining mortally.
Terms at mite. JOHN I). DAVIS,
mat'26 Auc't
ildj Damao' Sale of Heal Estate
AL I 7,i o'clock, P .1, on Monday the 30th inst, at
tall the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of
Wood and Fifth a 44, will be sold:
That valuable tract of land, situate in Galia county,
Ohm, sixteen miles north west from Galliopolis, arid
thou and one half miles south east of Centreville, con
taining 200 acres in a healthy part of the :ounty; soil
well timbered, abounds with springs of water;
with sufficient meadow land.
A large and emmfortuble cabin is built on the tract
and tire or six acres cleated and under goad fence.
Mr French, wagon in ike on sth str cot, liar seen the
land, and can inform persons who be disposed to put
rha se, with regard to situation and quality.
march 2;
11 20ritam..t.or Plants, Vines 4- Evergreens.42l
I'4 1/1.011t5T3, MANCHESTIM,
FF E RS for sale an extensive assortment of Plants
Trees, Slirtilthery. Running Roses, Vines, Flow
er (toot', Sr. on the most reasonable terms. All or
del, left lw mail or left at their stand. No 38 in the
Dnitnotni Market, on Wednesday and Saturday, or
with Bake well, Fears & Co, Wood sr, will he execu
ted with fidelity and despatch. mai2.5,13,:n2w
Col Strip, with 10,000 men, notwith
standing which, WHITE will continue to sell
CLOTHING cheaper than any has heretofore been
00 - ,tre3 in the western country, havins, the largest. e
alilisittriont in this city, fronting on• Liberty and Sillth
streets. He is now prepared to show to his numer
ous patrons, the greatest variety of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting',
and Clothing of all descriptions, suitable fur the ap
proarhing season, that hts ever been offered in this
matlict, to which all can have the Right of Way.—
Observe the corner, lin 167, Liberty and Sixth at,.
J. M. WHITE, Tailor,
L IVES of Celebrated Travellers.
Eminent Men.
" Jay and Hamilton.
" Signers of Decleration of Independence
Groley's Gecrge the 4th.
Southey's Nelson.
Brew4ter's Life of Newton.
Bush's " Mohammed.
Martyrs of Science.
mar2s 43 Market !.t.
- 1 - 11 YJO/I N U 1)A IS, Auctioneer, corner of Wood
I) and Fifth stteets At 10 o'clock on Thursday
morning, the 26th inst, will be sold without reserve
an extensive assortment tf seasonable, American and
European Dry Goods.
At 2 o'clock P. AI , A large quantity of new and
second hetet household and kitchen Furniture, Car
peting, Looking Glasses, Mantel Clacks, Mattresses,
Glassware, Queensware, Asteland common Lamps,
Leather Trunks, &c. Also, a quantity of Tincture
Bottles, Glass Jars with covers, and Gilt Labels,
Scales and Weights, Show Bottles, and a variety of
Apothecaries' shop furnitu r e, &c.
At 7 o'clock, P. M., a quantity of ready made clo
thing, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps. Bonnets and fancy
Dry Croods, Fine Cutlery, gold and silver Watches,
Plated Spectacles. Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Cap
writing and letter Paper, Blank Books, &o. mar2s
Administrator's Sale,
Of Scarce and Valuable Lois Books, by Gala.
logue, at Auction.
AT M'KENN A'S new Auction Rooms, No 114
Wood street. 3d door from sth, on Friday even
ing next, Match 27th, at 7 o'clock, will be sold by
order of administrators, the largest and most valuable
Library of Law Books perhaps ever offered at auc
tion in the city of Pittsburgh, at least for many years.
Several of the winks cannot be purchased west of the
mountains. Catalogues will be ready on Thursday.
mat 24 P, M'KEN NA, Auctioneer.
WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old
friends, that he intends opening a Select School
in this city, on the Ist Monday of April next, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church.
mar?? l•tf.
fr,", BOXES Bunch Raisins, just received and
tl fur sale by
rna.2.l Water
J UST recei?ed and for sale by
febl6 122 Wood st
Attorney at baw,
office in Burke's Buildings, 9th street, near Market.
june 19-d&wly
EVERY person is interesteed in the fact, that
Thompson's Carminative will cure ninety nine
cases out of every hundred afflicted with either of the
following complaints, viz: Cholic, Cholera Morbus,
Dysentery or Flux, Summer Complaint ‘ or Diarrhoea,
Cholera Infantum, and Bilious Cholic, earl with less
expense, with the advantage to the purchaser, that
if it fails after a fair trial, the money will be refunded
if purchased of the proprietor and only mnnufncturcr,
Corner of Hand and Penn at., Pittsburgh.
Also, Thompson's Antitlyspectic Tonic and }Norge..
live Pills: they aro a mild and pleasant cathartic caul.
log no sickness, incovenience or hinderance florn
Ptepared only by the Proprietor,
EDGAR THORN. Druggist,
Corner of Hind and Penn str.
-.. ,::. i --, I T,
Irtfikt - ,,41F14, .... .....,
- ... -_-,;:....:-.:-.,._..:3.1--g. ..... '-- •
• ' .'- - -- '-- - ---.,,... f -- ---"'-,-1-7;
Furniture Wareroome.
THE subset ibei would molt rc-pect fully call the
attention of the public to his stock of Cabinet
Nam, povmssing advantages ev r any other manufac
turing establishment in the city. He 13 enabled to
sell his %rates at much lower price,; therefore he would
remind those who want good Furniture at a fair price
net to forget the tight place, N 027 Filth street.
mml23 11. H. RYAN.
Tue Furniture of the Exchange Hotel at
Pitt stsuburgh, fur Nes le at Publte Auction.
r p FIEIR lease of the EXCH A NGE HOTEL !we
t_ ing expired, and the Proprietors, Messrs. Mc.
KII3I3EN & SMITH ; intending to retire from the
business, will sell the Beds, Bedding, Furniture and
Fixtures of the same uponaccommuduting, terms; the
og le to sommenco . '
On Tuesday.the 24th day •f Marsh,
On which cloy they will retire front the Horat. Bust
N . .
The a rticles offered for sale consist in part of
120 Feather beds, 60 flair Mastrasses, 120 Bed
steads. High Pied and Trench, Bedding for the above
Bedsteads, consisting of Linen sheets, Blankeu and
Comforts, White Marseilles Bed spreads, Quasi' of the
hest quality, 100 Must-piton Bars. Tables, Bureaus,
Sofas, 2 Pianos, Cliche. ings manufacture; 100 pair of
Venirian Window Blinder. 2400 yards of Carpeting,
200 yards of Oil Choh for Floors, 50 Chamber Mir•
rums, 4 splendid Side Boards milli I'll , lll l le tops, 16
large Parlor Mirrors, with Gilt Fratnes, 2 Eight day
dress Clocks 6 stoves of the most modern and ap
proved patterns. I large Iron Safe, Scott's Asbestor,
4 dozen Arm Chairs, 4 di zen Mahogany Hair Seat
Chairs, 4 Hair Seat Rocking Chairs, 4 Card Tables,
mahogany, 2 pair of fine mahogany Dining Tables, 6
Cane. 80110111 Rocking Chairs, 4 dozen Cane Bottom
Parlor Chairs, 12 dozen Dining Chairs, 2 large Read
ing Tables, Desk and Bar Room Furniture. 1 Mangle.
ALSO—The entire Furniture of a DINING ROOM
Ifor n first class HOTEL.
Besides the above there will he sold a full assort•
went of Kitchen Furniture, such as is commonly used
in the liirtte Hotels in the country.
WINES AND LlQUORS—Cbarnpaien and Claret,
imparted in glass, in 1.1336 and 1339 fur Exchange
Hotel. _ _
Grey Carriagu Horsea, and I pair Bay Homes; I Om
nibus, nearly new; 1 Carriage; I Baggage wagon; 1
splendid Sleigh; Harness, Bells, 4 13uffalo Rubes, and
Nets; Stable Furniture; 8 Cows. with Calves, with a
variety of other articles such as may usually be found
at an ex' enske Hotel.
The alvwe articles will herald at Public Auction to
the hnghet bidder, if not previously mild at Private
Sale, on ruosdity the 24rh of March, 1846. A liber
al credit will be given on all purchases over $5O, upon
approved notes. The sale a ill commence at 10 o'clock,
on Tuesd.ly morning, and continue from day to day
until Saturday evening, unless all the articles are pre
viously sold. The sale will take place at the Exchange
lintel, corner of Penn and St. Clair sts. Pittaburgb,
Pennsylvania mar2l
girls NTED— Several e a r i I l
w g o o: k wl .,, c cooks , at.,
House and private families in our two cities or neigh•
borimod. good Journeyman Currier, Baker and
Tioner. Places for several Schoolmasters, Salesmen,
Book Keepers, Warehousemen, Coachmen, Waiters,
Laboring men and Boys. %Vented to borrow—for the
best s .curiiy. and lot short period,,, $lOO, 200, 300.
50U, and 1000. blamed—a place fora good miller
about 10 T re.rs...l with a small family.
Pleas, .poly ut HARRIS' Agency e..d Imolligence
Office, No 12 St Clair at. mar 23-6 r.
CUMP I, -11 NT !—No cure, no pay!—A remarka
ble case. Attention is asked to the following state
ment of Samuel :McCord, or Wel!sburgh, Va.
Wellsbiogli, Va.. May :26th, 1845.
li.reby certify that I was aflicted with the Liver
Co aphiint and Plithisi:. for a long lime; being more
than n year under the care of a physician, tbat the dis
ease, instead of being relieved by the medicines 1 took,
kept gradually getting worse; my body swelled so that
I was unable to stoop low enough to tie my shoe.—
When the desease was at tie, worst, I was recom•
mended to try Sellers' Li,er Pills. I did so, and was
relieved greatly by the first box, end comnletely cured
b • the second. SAMUEL IiIcCORD.
These Pill., which stand unrivalled by any Medicine
knnwn for the cure of diseased Livers. are prepared
and sold wholesale and tetail by U. E. SELLERS,
Nu. 57 Wood at. Sold also by Kerr & Mohler, 145
Wood at, L, Wilcox. Jr. and Wm. Thorn, Market at.
Fess & Cassel, sth Wird. and H. P. Schwartz and
J. Mitchell, Allegheny City.
Three Valuable Building Lots for Bab.
N O. 71,
72, and 73, in Hart's plan, containing
24 feet in widih ana 132 feet in leag,th or depth.
adjoining John B. Butler, 1:.4q. in the Gth Ward.
If not sold at private !Pie, they will be offered at
salepuLlic on the premises, on Thursday the '23d
day of April, 184 G.
Executor of Aaron Hart, dec'd
Pittsburgh Navigation and Piro Insu
rance Company.
Office, No, 21, MARKET STREET.
TH F., Citizens of Pittsburgh continue to be offered
an opportunity to effect insurance upon their prop.
erty, by a Domestic Institution, located among them
seives,ita-ed upon Domestic Capital, and conducted.
by Directors, in whose prudence, integrity and good
faith; hey can readily ascertain, whether they may
repose that undoubted confidence and security, which
should ever attend an insurance transaction.
To persona whose property has, already, been
damaged, or destroyed, by Fire or Water, the adroit•
rage of personally adjusting gloss with an institution.
AT HONE, will be strikingly evident. To.those who
suffered by the Great Fire, this particular corporation
needs no recommendation. The prompt payment of
the whole amount of its losses—..alt•RLT TITO HUND•
11.:D THOUSAND DOLLARS... 49 to therm a sufficient
guarantee of future security.
It is the part of all prudent men, however fortunate,
to anticipate calamity fur the purpose of avoiding its
effects. To such as have hitherto escaped, as well as
to those who have sustained loss, the facility of pro•
tection and indemnity, offered by this institution, will
be the strongest inducement to avoid the reflections
and regrets which must be -stp , .•rienced by those who
suffi.r without Aope of restitution.
M. ALLEN, President.
Roarer FINNEY, Secretary.
Theological Works.
JUST received at our bookstore
Mosheims Ecclesiastical History, ancient and
modern, vol;
D'Aubiguo's Hiitcry of the Reformation, 4 vela:
Davidson'. Connection of Sacred and Profane bit.
tory, 9 vole;
Blunt's Reformation in England;
Blunt's Sermon.;
Blunt's Lilco( Christ;
Kiummacher's Parable.;
Hopkins on the British Reformation;
Blunt's History of Elisba;
Michelet on Auricular Confession;
Bickerstett on Baptism;
Hill's Divinity;
Jeremiah Taylor's SErmors;
Hooker, the philosophy of unbelief in morals and
Together with many other valuable new publications
115 Wood st.
JUST received on consignment a first multilane
el Forte of Mr Myer's manufacture. As to LOU. and
touch and excellent workmanship no bolter Can be
found in this market, for sole low at our boobstote.No
115 Wood area. SCRIBA & SCHEIB/ 4 a"
mar 21.