Qlransportalion Fines. 1846. rz" . 4 3 * 12..111. Independent Portable Boat Line, For the Transplrtation of Produce, and Mrrchandisc, to and from B ImORC AND 1111LUELB111 I. No Transhipment III; sirlisclibers, Agents for a number of t h e hr P 011.01310 Boats. forming, a regular kiln Line, he tweet) l'ittsbur,o and the Eastern cities, will be fully preparod. on ihe opening of navigation, to , hip a large andiont of Proditee 0011 Merchandise with despatch and 011 11C.00111011aCng Wires. The great success which hits chlracterised ihis mode Of transportation on the Peron' Canals Anil Railroads, daring the last few , yea's, notwitlistataling, the „ IT ,• erf lung established companies, and i. 11 pretty , sure indication its superiority over the old plan o' transhipping at the dairont terinitiou• of canals and railroads. thenct - oroattli fog the Indattendent Portable Boat Linen liberal...lmre of patronag.t. Product. or Mereltartlitto c0n...1 , 211M to it , for ,bilt rn-itt will be corwardel buole:ltately un nurk al flee or any charze for cornllll.,loll, ',nage or itatitrance.— Bill., Lading, ttetratrni , ted. tin.l all Institictiont, hr..mhl• ky tittendvl to. C A Ms:ANCI.TY & Co, canal F near LiherlV Pitlslourgl; z -- --_"7:*AlB46Eatti Bingham's Transportation Lino, BEnrcEs PITTSBURGH \ND THE EAST ERN CITIES PROPRIETORS \VM. JACOB i) ,, CK. Thus. BIN , UI k'd tCy k Corld.clOti S.th!,:olohoepin! , _ V ii Ptoprietto, of the old eAtaldedted t,ine lute thornughle rerittited and renewed tle , ir stork end are well prepared to forward Produce and Nlet chundke on the opening of nuvtgation. The long I, re, iene.• of the Proprietors in the cat ryiog InpdoeSti. with Iln•ir watchful 111 tett? toll to the in. terosti of cuitomerA, induces titer!, to hope. that the patronage heretofore extended to “Binghant . % Line' will be continued and iacrettAed. Deeming, the aliiurel tar imitntian, and that 0 ith harrier ruii.tinnerii We need no self.coalatethlarion. t• Wtelhi merely ins ite 1,00 nor helrtof rinttioniie‘l our Line, to igiNe e. n I i rd. Our rate. offieight -.1/.111 tit nll Ire ac h,a 0, the Itta . o.st that tie cha,tlh.,l by her re.hit.akiNe Produce aunt .Nlerch Indi.u . will he tneeked Hlnl Gn tvnr.Lrd without any rh.”4.2 for utlverli..intt, tiroin,c, nr COTTIOII,I,aI. Bill• of rromi):l forwarded and ever) direction rarefull tillendea to. A r“. or addr...4, I Nl; I I.‘l, Cktoql I;c,ortk 31 , .. iliNtill AM, DVK, Ana SrliAl TON, No. 274; \ latLct tr,t. .LIMES 1V LSON, :Pro- No. iroul t• W 11.1.1 lM \u.10. AVe.t Nev, 1'401.. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LIN/. MiaollB46.EitEn FOR TRANSPoR OkoDS Between PiThburzie .r!! th• Easfrrn WI Ifiut: 1 rit \SMITING TINS old and lang h rsingni•nr• ly dnuhlcd flwir and firiiities for car. vying good., are noiv preparint, io rereke and merchan lite to any wt,uuta lot ,hiprnent Set r. The boat , . of this Lino boric , •111 loot :ertiei, I'man hie BoatF,aretran-birred Itudroad. tip). rising all transliipmer.t of ceparwion of goods; risthe goods are never I einoxed till their art ival phiu or Vittithurgii. This Linebeiiig the l'innner in this modeofca•rs int; after a successful opera!i•.m 1,1..i;111 yea,. are enabled with confidence to refer to all toot , bant, who has,- Itcretoc.tre patronized them. We-!ern Meridiant• air espegtfoily requested to give Hi', Lino it u iii, ti, v y exertion will be use.l to render satisfaction. Mee chandine and Produce carried at as linv price. on di fair terms. and in a. .hurt time, a- h) an ) other Line. Produce consigned to our house at r thia will be Antd on liberal term.. Goods consigned to either our hour ot ritt•horrli or Philadelphia, forwarded promptly, and all reTii.iie charger paid, JOHN McFADEN Penn JAS. M. DAVIS, & Co., '.2-1 t and :11.1t Lot •t.. FARE REDUCED!! Good latent Fast Mail 17r PYJOL[i\DZ,LI,DI-I]A, o► APLENDIO NCW It:./V BUILT CUACIIL,, AND RAIL ROAD CARS, Leave Pittsburgh dailv.at 1 o'clock, P.M RUNNING THROUGH IN 1H HOURS, ♦SCENIIING THE'. HILLI Wirt! SIX HORSES AND POSTILLION • •••••• -•••• ••:-.;ftritir• . • .:.1; ' From Chambrrrburg by Rail roal to Phitaddelpzia, In splendid newly built Eight bee; Car., there con necting with Mail CON for Sew York; oleo at Chore be. burg with Mail Line, direct for Biltimurc and Wroihington City. HPOnly Office-for the above Line, neat door ic the Eitriange Hotel, St Clair rtreet. June 12 R. MOORHEAD, ,% 9 't FARE REDUCED! Opposition Good Intent Fast Line for 2 3 al A'D 11 1) Xl XA , OF SPLENDID TROY BUILT COACHES, w 4 -4 t *- Limited to Seven Paxtengers Leave Pittsburgh daily at I, P. M. RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 HOURS, mouniuin with SIX HORSES AND PON TILLIOA ONLY ONE NIGHT OCT TO CHAMBLIISLIUGH, , prtl, Thence by ItA IL ROA I) to Philadelphia, (being the only Line, film - ling their own r4r,. on tlin turd,) connec• Ling with Mail Car, New York; Itl , o tt . (211amhera burg with Maillitie direct to ISaltimorcand Wamie nton City. igrOilieethrec doors fr,, , n oct 25-1 v A. ITENDEItSUN, Agent. Take particular Notice THAT the Franklin flo4ise, foot of Irwin greet, Pituoburh, by ft Ii Dt,tono, iS )110 moot r lighlc establishment for traniiient traveller, or thoiie who 100) wink a longer renidence in the cite, his accomodal ions are excellent. We know from expecrnce and heartily recommend bin honor; an worthy of poll-mune. Hush Kirkland, Freeport. Wm Connelly, Ben,gamin J Niblork, II II Webb, Cochranton. Jno Hamilton, Ohm.). John Reiley, New York. (Borders accommodated by the day er week, trionth or yearly. oct Ia MITCHELL'S OUTLINE MAPS H ELL'S series of Om line ,N 1 aps, for School+ and Academies, consi , ting of 24 distinct Mops on a large BeCile, and prepared on canvass, with a Key of explanations, descriptions, lessons, &c. &c., for the use of Teachers and pupil.. The above series of mops are now in use in nearly every re,pectuble School in New moth, and the East ern states. Teachers are respectfully invited to call and cx amine them. For sate by jan JOHN 11 !MELLOR, 122 Wood street BLANK LEASES, OF FverY svperior form, for salt at this Of fi ce. jau 20, IS4G DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry The Original and Genuine Prepration! Coughs, Ctilds Asthma, Litonchirk, List.' Complaint Spillina Wood. Difficulty Id Pain in the Side tool Btt,,t, Podpiimitm or the Dealt, Croup, Broken Ctiostimituts, Sine Nervous Debility, and all diseases of the Tlitoat, Dicast and Lungs; the most' eirorttiiii and speedy cure ever known • for any of the abors disease; is D It. SW .111NEIS Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Tills "Celebrated Remedy" h a s by i t , i„, irinsic cUtuee, acquired a celelitity which can never be shaken by the many voids NO.01.111711,” with which OW 11,0110ry übounde. The public are fast lent ni chat )bid. the only remedy thti Call be wiled upon it, tln` nj'eedy and permanent cure diseases of the Lungs. It is literally .weeping Ciinstimptinn from die lud: wherever it in in , r1111111•,1 dint d141•11Sli thViillll4-. into I:lSigllifiCallre. The public hate 'bull) lolgv.tr 1, , a2 ela , llll, rind now rnsairt to it medicine which rhr les:4 - lions of the m.o,e eminent dal lath! ha, ldaced Leyland !lie leach rif /I 11, 1 ,01 e• 1 0 ttol.tvli,.g nit by pi/W.14.0g nrhunn , u( lorp'd to let din !nadir 1•1101 V it can be tartan...J.l°lcl unr nett ,t ill 1,1, iner c.ll, of its great roflnry i /11,,e fitraVe the skill of learned in rank.. r, (Lir ag e. l a i r , talow. Pr Su ,- ,yne's S?,rnp rf ('h r r r y wan the fir-1 prepai at ion front dint ,alunhle In, which W 1% r.er introduced to the public, nod amide tawtl is .01 . ,a11..11 soeee., Sy the country twine d with ••Balsam," "Candies,'' and "NI mimes" of - Cherry, lea one of whirl, it prepared .41)111101 they have 1111•1111Itnii the b a n,. pht,sicians to give cut rettry to ••Nos. minis Therefore, the public should lye on their euard. and not I.uve a wotthless mixture p a lmed von them riir the original and eeimiste ra rß tion. which is viols piepared In Dr. SW AIN E. N IV. cot tat of and Race etteet•, - (*ensawrityrit, or those whose Lung. ore afterted ,h.add tithe this S.iott without delay. he w Mich lin V may peeNent the toting of that di, d,sea>r iuIIV vin•{ llrndc. How impstr , nitt, then, to a‘ot,l it Ne,, I,Ne ti it') a itli it it.ingtl ee inn; this Syrup eon I.s• had, and NMI are nearly eel lain, a nit rioter rat,, to d.,truction In Cett•ioniv 1 1 , Swayne's CrminFinrlS4,rtfp rti Inf.! CA,,lti t ia n (onliiiinii of Vttgetilit:t• I{^flinditt*: it is no '.eni • 1\ ill ...lug bvral:se that Lwir the in•i• of Pir.parati.m. It i s . i ts ramhlued with .11ent•, 111 , 11 ihr totnu.t glven to 11l gtioti trtstiticAt, its d let and pte,rrer aC the power. nroi runctio, of Itht. no ctl'ittl. R. tnern'.•-r nli pr•-rmrlti , .ll• i n 11 i C II I , 31, fitlitinu, ', 1 ., !I, .1'.11n:: II.•• (;,oni t:n-• , ~t •• ile :N ;.•I kW, NllO kr; 4; ; c.ll rn.• 4 ‘1'.,.1 , rs , to.'. 5.4,1 L. Jotvi ch: 1.. IS. I Iltal.ll. 1...im-Inirtnii; I Ir. 11ev.i1;,. rc••:. I. 11. FS,rl,ll 116 , ;.! S. Nl,, , E. E 1 ; 0,1.; :11,111, ;;'•,rl, 1 , 1 ir,clp,l Ow 1 7 .1,i v 5rttrr5... , •1..•1% v,l I I.L. I .t ,E•i ratlL.l,gc 10 La‘ , .. 3 i•! C.„„, I LOCK AND V:1 LLT DOOR tr%,----- .-:.Arei ~-, - -,.....14, ...- . ( r s,, -, --- - -,, ' 4 p-: .- :K.: .-:-: -'' ' t 1 f If ' e, If .... ~ i t r : , . . 10 k r -..". if: ) , . -:: . •:" . - ; i i ; f i.. i .c t lrt' " r' - ; . L.: - _ -,- -,.- - -- - ..--_-.------.- -----.1i../ ' - ` - ic---.- -- JaTAliv THOMAS ARNOLD, D i.:srEcTFULLY itlform hi+ frit•nd• and the I -' the lullur inG tirtirlea ,110 I , l` hall at hi. llauuhrrt~,r , on Samhz.kr Aileghen!, Sell , DLarn.,•,,l Allpv 14`,C1,1 the Dlarno.lllllll Pli1, 1 ”11g11, KSURLUCKS AND LATCHES, vAri,T ouutt Lui‘Kt4., FrFORV. HO DO, MOIrTICE LUCKS AND LATCIII;S,: ]Noll LATCHES, SHE FT ER CULTS .S; EA`TEN IN :IS, SLIDING 'Wog FCRNIICitE, STUB., I )00 It BOLLS., VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING. I RUN CASTINGS, ouch ns AfJON Box. ES, SASH WEIGHTS. 445 t, , Wholesale Dotiless, Ste nod I itinsr find it to their tsdvantstge to deu i with hill/ Its he is determined to sell his uttielea IA I lit' II price as Cannot full to please. IrieJobWoik ix my line promptly attended In, on the Alioitest notice. decl. rSAAC NICE DUCK, forinetly of the Uninn hnhil 1 on %Voter ffitreet, litillS built a new and liand,oine Hunan exiire,ml2, fin - the liC,llll ininlntion of :it die torni•r of Sr ron.l and erne. trhin, v‘ ill lie nun a us OW Burnt District flotel. lie is now piepared to offer ••very nrcommodation. and every comfort to the fiat:Her at roy model-art charges. fie i. provided with ample and ronvenient Stabiing,• deelti ly. CONSISTOG of about acres, fifty of which eloared and under renew, sittrued 211,01/1 three miles from the city of Allegheny, between t lon Frank lin and Beaver roads, well watered, and adjoining lands of Arthur Gallagher, lumen Kerr. rho late David Che•+, Hugh Davis, Esq, Hobert Davis and Davi+. This tract of hind from Um proximity to market trade, are indsreemenrs to Gardner'. Farm erg, 1111 1 111e1Sor Price low and con• ditions easy. For par tieuhirseraprire Of Ee „ Gold and Silver W atchcs. _ . J K Logan, corner. sth .S% Wood its. HAS re i rei r d \s an t in i voice of Gold and Silver Pat ent A few Gold Engli,li Intent Levers. Two Gold Anchor Levers, 13 Jewels. One Silver " " 13 " Three " Eng,liA " All of which will be sold very low. fbl3 JOHN M. TO%VNSEND, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY No. 45 Market st. 3 doors above Third 81 PITTSBURGH. WILL hove constantly on hand, a well selected assortment of the hest and freshest medicines, which he will sell on the mo.t reasonable terms.— Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as enuine. r s 7Thysicians' preemiruions will be ncenrntely and neatly prepared from the beet materials at any hour of the tiny or night. Also, for subs, a large god( of Leah autl good perfu mcry. dec3o O(9)H@RDLOPTIItIN g MANCEICTuR Burnt District Hotel. A Farm For Salc, SARA flll FEITERMAN, or JAMES C CUMMINS, Pittsburgh Pa ROCHE, snorut-us a, CO'S ARRANGEMEICTS !OR 4 r4:474 .3 - 1846. 4. BLAKELY & MITCIIEL, AGENTS. Remithn,r,s tr, and Pasmage to and from GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, BY THE Black Ball, or old Line Liverpool Packets, 1-7 Sailing from New Yolk and Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of ereov tnonth._l:2l Aid by First Class American Ships. [Sailing Week/ y,] PERSONS sending to the "Olt( Country" for their Fi tends, can make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, and have them brought out i n an y of tho Eight Ships cumpt icing the Black 8011, or Old Line of Lherpool (sailing f t um Liv erpool on the lit and Nth of every Inual:i.) also by First Floss Ships, sailing from that port wetd.ly, which oat Agents. Messrs. dames D. Roche & Cu. there will send out withoilt delay. Should 1)103 , " Sent fi.t not borne out the. Money w ill be refiinded without any deduction. The "BLACK BALI.. OR OLD LINE OP LIVERPOOL PACKETS," comprise the follow• gt tn,t4niticent ehipa, rind will dal] (roll Live! pool on ILeii tegtdur appointed dny, as follows: On kt Jun. ht May. ht Sept 16 t h tt It;th " 161 " New York, Ist Feb. Ist June. Ist Oct. A toe, nn. 16111 " 16111 " 1 6 111 " Yin k.itire. l.t M.tr. Ist July. Ist Nov. Cambridge, IGrh " frith " Pith Dec Oxford, Ist April. 1•t Aug. I.A. " I.llurflevirna, 11:1. " 1611, " " ,Y,Jtice—lt is vie!! Loos n, thin the Black Ball is the very 1,4,1 cola. for persons to get out their friend.. and 0.. ther I , altertgrr Agenis advertise to hr ing out pn , ..•rt 'bat Line, the pulthe urn re . spectfulls nor itied In the on tier, that 110 l'asseng..r Agents but Barb.•, Brothels & Cu.. nod 111.k e l Mitribel, ;Ate ad a s'i lifie and In bring out l ' eSieng,f. 62. ilist Lin.•. 1,,i% I. al all tirn , -* onl.• Draft. at Sight Cor any urn , ,unt. mtiho ~1 i)„b. ha. A1.,1 Arm, & Co., Eta rd,erl. Lot Addi, 1 , ., 11 ate paid lrre no-%,i IHI E .• .A 11411,01,111 tio« pricip.rd t.da di ;land, 1,1ar..1. Sc.., id and \Val.... A 1 1 , 1) to, of tt , l,ltotot, 11 1,, L. tror, (1.1• I i..nd ) No 35. Ft,,,t00 ,01,-I , t, N 1,4 Volk. ( Nt t.t the J ANI P.S I). 110111 r. & (. 0 %, N. , 1, , ,, 'pool +.K111.1 . A "`II rwtst U r Cane! and I ••••+l.l FALL AND WINTE II (IN 12. a Lt: Ut). D(4)1 ZS! No. 15 I . 1. 11: TY S 7 El: 7 Tall and Winter Cilothinr I. L. =EMI =MEI I ' VERY St• PEILIOR CLOTHS. " I tsiD \ EEI) . \ NETS, \EL \ ETS. READY MADE ct.tyriDNl;, DRESS COATS, lII' .:‘111: Patti 4) t , t./:/!? ; :.•` L/ tTlf•, Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks. Overcoats of every Description. P.li 1I- \ • FM A\[) 1"\ ril 1 , 11 ji rr, .1 1,1 tVI,II New Style of Beaver and Tweed Cloths, IMF I;LAcK, ?Litt., VINIBI.r. Gr:E}:N, EN MIXED ANC, ('!.!VF lon K AM. YRocK unAT, Tog•-ihrt whh n t( ~ 1 .1/fsZt6,/,, ,„,i Cootitdc, "r"I o'ditt goods s,,Oddo r,, r „,, e du. “ico tie usuui %fit ICI) lot golille,nC” . . PeUr, ~ , rll n 4 Slatrto, S'✓ris,,C,uprndrrs IlandkrrrA,rfs.Srl,f, abvse (10:1;ing• hno hr trtl;•ro. fol 111-I!.' 10.er than the!. ("MI h 0 inn othvi rp , ,1 , 1i4).m,r0, iu tir. r in'. llr S F:l'Eft ATE CUT l'EftS . r.r meta iu clothing, and 34 the,' lite nil WO; Linen ii ha‘e Leen ernidt, ) ,l in the nw.t 1101'SES. In the country, he run warrant 1.1, pntinn s that THE Cl' .INf) 41 NKr. Of nll at I iclen Iron Iti. e.tabli,lun•.nt ir ill Le in tlir flln'l modern hR 0 COUNTRY MERCIIA NTS Are renpetifil.ly intitnd to C.lll, On 010 proprietot IvelAconhtlerit flint he enn sell them 4041 tot ins an will mill ., ad:antage to v111(.113,0. at 11,i, Three lug Dimes. In cmiclu•i , xtt. I svn,lid y when roll till int my stow }nn have unit )1.1 uwa .urt b, pa) for, for I sell for cash only. Niy are porchased in yintirittea limn the itmotriers, tool of ellOrne I trio .ell you c lothing at lower prices than the smaller deal• ern, who are compelled to buy R um the jobber. Then, from the largo amount of sales, I am eionl,led to it'll at n luss p er r en t ,g••. Some clothier, may ile i nkit.i• saying, in good deal when I any that I can and will sell you goods as low on they can buy them for, but all I ask us a proof of the fact is the pleastoe of in call. Bear in mind the number.—'tislsl,l,thc i t ) street, better known tot lhu " IIIREF:1116 on„," septs2od&wlf JOAN Mel.; LOSK , citNITURIt. it+ now prepared to oder to the public till articles in Lie line, at wholesale or retail, vet y low for CA,tt; warrants every article ;nude at Ms establishment to give sutitifaction. as 11)4110 lint the best workmen nre employed, and every care taken in the selection of material. Turning and San log done in the hest manner. Also, an assortment of turned material kept on hand, ouch as Wagon Hulls, Ilauie Columns, Newel's and Balusters, Bend) Srewo, lied posts, I Shovel and Furk Table Lego, &c. Handle,. The subscriber has in addition to his large F,otah lishment, nine Brick lain-es, with shafts running through them, which he will Rent /or Shops, with Strain Power sufficient to propel such machinery no may be put into them, at much lower rates than steam power can be produced ft om small engines. Possession given et any time. alig2B-d&er UST received at the Three Big Door+, the tart , - '" eat and beet useottment of Shirts, ever offered in the l'ittaborgh market, which will be sold whole. sale or retail on reasonable term,. ocar. J Ju N M'CLOSKEY. HO, FOR OR.HGON! M undersigned would inform Mania patrons and the public in general, that, notwithstanding tho vent excitement on the Oregon question, he still con tinues to manufacture CLOTHING of all kinds to order and otherwise, in supeaior style. lie has lately 'received a large lot of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, JEANS, &e., Wbich fur beauty, fa+hlon,dmability and eiteupnetot ore unsul passed in the Western market. Among the above will he found many goods of entirely new etyte as to texture and color. Them:the NATIONAL would re.pectiully invite hit old cu.stmrier, anti the public to cull mid examine, rontitittitof his abilit) to pluuse iu all department. 11. has Itlsu in hand It variety of fancy SILK VELVETS, CASHMERES, VALENCIAS, ETC. Fur sesiin2s, at all pticc which ho is prof al, (A to mahu fur customers in a style unautpassabit. He bus ulAo Shirts, Collars. Bosoms, Suspenders, Cra- vats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs., Drawers. And every oil), an kleuppertailiing to 11 wear, all yeilitieg,aNd price, in great variety. 1. retwohig hi 4 ilethk+ to the public for the tMn liberal p.i , rontige. heretofmr extended tohim, the an. del ‘igned would ohieive, that nutwilh.landitig thr great quantity of Flynn) rut up by er otati•brißlGl e,taldillioleot he Fl ill continues to glide along nu the low pre--urn e),,tein, iinddetivi competition in till the VOCIfIII.3 6tanches of hi. 1111,114t,11, viz;in th, fil:int de pacimmt; I Ik.. in .1, 1111 , .‘1,1 ft'W .I.llLa;•mac.eoril, umd other article. oi w in ter ,111111 I will ..`H ur 11/1.1411.11V Into pr.c..!. ./ A NI ES L, I ('1 „ /Lind Stole, 11•1,1 d.4w 165 1,11/0(1) .t., '2.11 dot,' brlow 51b V NITI BLINDS. A. WESTERVELT, Hi I . : old nod will known V.•- Jrinu Blind 1)11 Louisville. A. FULTON, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER. H - - - - - AS rebuilt and commenaed business at his OLD STAND, No. 70, between Market and Ferry sts., where he will be pleased to see his old customers. and friends. Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every• size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the moo approved models, and warranted to be of the best ma— terials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters. Itailinz,&e.&c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re gaited, turned andfinished in the neatest manner. EFA. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti Attraction Metal, so justly celebinted for the reduc tion of friction in machinery.—The 'Domes and Corns position can be had of him nt all times. no.. 13-ly Glory, Gratitude and Patriotism. The Jackson Wreath, or National Souvenir. ANational Tribute, commemorate of the peal civil victory, achieved by the people, through the Hero of .New Orleans, containing a mapof the United States, a portrait of Gen. Jackson, a view of the bat tle of Now Orleans and the Hermitage. Just received and for .vale 1 , 7 JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, NTl,rl.et street. European agency REMITTANCES of :money on moderate terms, can be made durine, my absence in Earupe, to every part of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales or the cuutinent of L'ultope. Legacies, debt:), property or claims recovered; searches fur wills, titles and documents effected,and other European business trans acted by applying to James May, Water street, Pius burgh. Id KEE:NAN, octli Agent and Aflame:: at Lace, Pittsburgh REMOVAL. COOLEY & LAIRD, Merchant Tailors; I_TAVF. Removed to No. F.!, Water street, near the corner of Wood, and near the spot from whence they were driven by the fire, where they will be happy to see their old customers. ,i2l9* F. BLUIIE I'. DLL nge. Broker, corner eels. Gold, Silver, .ht and sold. Sight sale. Drafts, notes Pittshui g h, ra