~.;°, VOL. 198 PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY SIGLER, SAEGENT & BIGLER, N. W. earner of Wood and Fifa Streets Trans.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Six dollars will invariably be required if not paid within the year. iSinglecopios Two Cxers—for sale at the counter of the °ince, and by Newa Boys. The Weekly Mercury- and Manutacturer 1i published at the game office, on *double medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS: TERMS OP PER SQUARE. OF TW One intertion k $0 50 Two do, 0 75 Three do. ) 1 00 .411 . 43 wee 4, 1 50 Two • de.,- 300 tbree So., 4 00 YEARLY. ADVERTISEMENTS. CEIANGE•BLE AT PLEASURE. Chit Square. Two Squares. Itix months. $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 Tie year, 85 00 One year, 35 00 -11;?"Largar advertisements in proportion. .. 1 $18"C A RIDS • of. four lines Six_ no LLAI.RS a year. - EDMUND SNOWDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VFFICE in tho building on the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets. P. C. SHANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 43reensburgh, Westmoreland County, Pa.,—W ill rraedoein the Westmoreland, Indiana and Cambria 'Courts. doe8•Iy. w*. 1111ABo!(....i,wtSIELNUR. ERIOMILIVIM SEAOII, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE in Fifth street,in Bari's new building, be tween Wood and Smithfield streets. nat29-ly. 1v Al. O'liAltA 110IIINSON, (LATE V. S. ITTORIILY,) lIAS removed his Office to No. 8 St. Clair street sept 4 EDWIN C. WILSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Frank/in, Vcnango County, Penna., WILL attend prornfillyto all business entrusti-il to his care—cullectiuns wade in Waiter), Clarion and Jefferson counties. . J. A. STOCITON, & Co. ‘Y11..30N, &Co.. Pittoiburgh JoHniHacna, ) nos.JkftsgiN,LAß., } Franklin Hon. ALanzlWCAs..nonr, 1401.7..1k:111M WILSoN, Steubenville, Ohio. july • C, ORLANDO LOODIIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourth street, above Smithfield. July 1.1 y; MAGFRAVIT & kftonrigYs AT LAW, HAVE removed their office to the Nefr Coerl Rogue, in therm over the tiheriff — L - e - * Notice. AND It E BURK E O FFICE removed to Smithfoild tree', between 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mr Geo Weyman's Tobacco .Mannfacory. ap 16 I..coar Notice. JAME.S CALLAN hasremoved to the chambers occupied by Alderman McMaster! on Fifth st. between Wood and Smithfield. ap REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & M. Nitride, ATTORPETS AT LAW, KNAVE removed their office to Grant street, a short distance from Seventh street, towards the Court House. .I[V•Conveyancingand ether instrumentsof writing legally and promptly executed. ap2l M'CANDLESS M'CLURE, ' Attorneys and Commliars at Law, Office on Fourth street, opposite R & R H Potter son's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. Rep 10 Win. Z. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Bakeurell's building, Grantst , lOrWttuou E. ACTIN, Esq., will give his atten tion w my unfinished business, and I recommeni him tothe patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Shaler & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uni ted States bank, 4th street, between Market and Wood 'treats. m2l CHARLES SHALER• EDWARD 5 IMPSOPI. Geo. S. Seldeni Attorney at Law, .olrtce on Fourth street, between Ili%AA' and Smithfield ['Conveyancing and ether instruments of wri einr, legally nod promptly executed. mar`,'.l•tf A. HAMILTON • EIAIIIIILTON & STERLING, Attorneys at Law, OFFICE, North side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, l'u. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. dee 4-ly Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office, near tho Court House, in Mellon's buildings tny7 E. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between Wcod and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. seplo—tf DR. GEO. FELIX, LT AS removed a short distance above his former Li location, on Smithfield street, near Seventh, east jan 7 Dr. George Watt, Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, near Sixth, sag 21. PITTIIBURGH El. D. SELLERS El. D REMOVED to Penn street, between Irwin and lL Handatreets. five doors below Hand atreet. ap 15 BMW ASTERS, SURGEON DENTIST. IDS Liberty street. A few doors below St Clair st., Pittsburgh ap 28-Iy. " Al Ward, Dentist, Has removed to the place of his former residence, ic Penn street, two doors bekw Irwin. ap 18 DR. GEO. FELIX, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, july OlEce 1845- ou Su- mithfield, near Seventh street. GEORGE COCHRAN, Forwarding and COMERIBBIOII Merchant, NO. 26 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. nov27 ABEELEN has removed his Commission and • Forwarding Business from the CaC;al Basin to his new Warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite the Pon Office. pay 30. • y *d. • e vt 'se V, •- • .02 • r Pitt burg]) itiorning P ir4l t. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM,PAYABLE IN ADVANCE VIIIITISING. LVE LINES OR LESS: One month, $5 00 Two do., 6 00 Threedo. 7 00 Four do., 8 00 Siit do., 10 00 One year, 15 00 EMM:=I Removal MTEMMI N. HOLIES A SON, BANKERS, AND D'EA LENS IN Foreign and Demotic Dills of Exchange. CEIWIIFICATES of Silo/tit Bank mites and Slin cie. Drafts and not collected, nod remittnocet made in any putt attic, United States. jan 7.1 y No. 58 Market Street. B. V'. STrPIAT INTIMMTT a CO., tiloirs4;, 4.14 Road Dealers in Foreign and Wixes and Liquors, Nn. In Mai ket stn't, one door above Front, Ptri*DUßcin James Park, Jr. & Co WHOLESALE. Grams, Importers of Tin Plate end Queensware, and deulers in Copper nod Pittsburgh manufactured n tides, Nen. 114 and 114 Second at., between Wood and Smithfield streets. janl4-norl4 ly. GEORGE OGDF.N OGDEN'ae SNOWDEN, SUCCESSORS TO AVERY, CIGDEN & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS AND Manufactureri of White Lead, Red Lend, and Lytharge,curner of Wood and Second its., Pittsburgh, l'n. nev 13-Iv Alderman's Office, Fifth Ward. OdIN A PARKINSON, Alderman Fifth Ward. 0 Penn street, between Wulidu and O'lllun streios. where he may be found at all time:. Those hating !doilies or other property Risen or rent, tin bate the same punctually attended to; debts codected, nod HP the duties of on Alderman Bill recetse prompt at • tentiun. oct 27,1 h. Alderman's Office rp H E undersigned begs Ir arc to say to Ids fliet.d4 1. and tho public generally. that ht. Inns removed Iris office to Penn street. near the canal Ittidge, nitro tite the United States Hotel net lb I=3l LAMBERT & SHIPTON, WHOLESALE GROCERS FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Denier+ in, Produce and Pittzburgh Manufactures. No 133 and 133 \V u”,l /Strew: PlTTilit J. G. MUNTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, . No, 114, Market drect, nrar Liiorly july 1-1 y P.l JOHN SCOTT & CO Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. J. & J. OrDEITITT, NV i t 01. ESILE GROCERS Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh inanutuctures generally, Nu. T 24, Libert y, opposite 701 Street. Pius ‘ltlrgh. ra. y, pp ap 28-ly Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Ilughes, annfaeturer of Iron and Nails Warehour‘e, Smithfield above Fourth street. sep 10-x• JOHNSTON & STOCK JON, 1 wicet streK. sep I 0 J. Porde' & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, Satithfieid Street, corner of Diamond 411,y. PLANS andSpecificationsfiniihed in the hem it) le and at the shortrdt notice. REFERENCZ.: Logan & Kennedy, H Chi Co., J Wo