Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, March 06, 1846, Image 3

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gig Wail!) filoniinq post.
In reference to communications which may appear
in this paper. we have ono or two remarks to make.—
We will insert none without the name of the author be
lot fun made known to us, and when inserted, must al
atr!tya be taken as ex presstveof the views of the writer,
19d not the edit or of this paper, unless the views se
eix.pressed are editorially remarked upon and approved.
An exhibition will take place at the Fourth Ward Pub-
School room thin evening. The exercises will, we
are assured, be quite interesting. The public are res.
Tactfully invited to attend. Ttckota can be had gtat
)l by applying to Messrs Lake Loomis, Dr S Jonei,
A G Reinhart, C Yeager, R E Nl'Gowen or \V NW
Wallace, school directors for said ward.
rive cases before his Hoaor this morning. Two
for drunkenness committed for 24
.Moan each. One
fordloorderly conduct fined $2 and cost. Two for
driUsioseness were discharged on a promise of tefor-
To TILLYILLERC—We have been requested to
'Pate that the proprietors of the Good Intent Fast
Mail Line, have established a new office on Wood st,
adjoin; the St Charles Hotel, for the accommodation
of the travailing public.
The neat meeting of this Association, will be held
ert East Liberty, on Friday the 13th instant, at I I
'o'clock, AM. TheTemperenco societies throughein
the county are solicited to send delegates to the conven
ion% the President and Vice President of each socie
ty, benaHr members of the association, and every soci
ety is entitled to send three delegates.
WM LA RIMER, Jr, President.
• TUN BTLIL, Chairman Ea-Corn. m 6.
Thaw desirous of celebrating the approaching an
ativersary of Ireland's Tooter saint, will meet at the
Emmet Hotel. (Ureeney's)in Allegheny city, on Sat
everdeg nexiTthe 7th inst., at 7 o'clock. for the
purpose of appointing committees, and making the
oseestery preliminary arrangements for the occasion.
It is hoped that as many as conveniently can, will
lie present. MANY FRIENDS.
'Conks and Colds—ln all cases of coughs and
;colds, the sufferers will find a pleasant but powerful
remedy int lickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pill.—
The fame of this medicine hoe already spread far and
wide. Over five hundred thousand boxes of these
pills were sold last year, baying been used in all as
wertained cases with perfect success. For liver com
plaint, affection of the lungs, palpitation of the heart,
tafleensa, asthma, scarlet fever, fever and ague, drop
', typhus fever, and other diseases. This pill is coat
ed with fine white sugar, so that the medicinal ingre.
silents are imperceptible to the taste. To children,
they may be administered without difficulty So wel l-
convinced is Dr Clickener of their efficacy in all spec
fled cases" that he pledges himself to return the trt,ney
when the Fromised effect is not produced.
Soldby Wm Jackson, corner of Wood and Liberty
stmt.', who is general Agent for Dr CI ickener's fill.
its Pittsburgh and vicinity.
'Beware of an imitation article called -leipro
*ea Swear-Coated Pills," purporting to be Patented
aeli both the pills and pretended patent are forgeries,
Tot up by a miserable quack, in New York, who, for
the fast four or five years, has made his living b;
tries terfefting popular medicines. mar 6
Dr. Wistar's Devlin of ;Vold CAerry.—This
celebrated remedy is a compound bakernie prepara•
don of the Wild Cherry and Moss of Zeeland, co,-
Need bye now chemical Negress with the Extras.'
of Pied.' So salutary have been its effecia in all co
ati when administred for Coughs, Asthma, Consomp
Ron, or any disease of the lun;s. that many of the mast
diatieguished physicians hove approved and recom
mgaided it, and openly acknowledged it to be the m o st
via/Wyk medicine ever discovered. It istruly a valuable
isedieine, and is effecting an immense amount of
goal in the itlief of suffering humanity.
raPSee Advertisement.
Office on Penn Street,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
(Iran Commissions will beitromptly attended to
SEVERA.L Burns of money. to borrow, for sevet sl
persons, who can_ give the best securn!.—with
lawful interest and a bonus. %Yarned soon, a nutn•
ber of good cooks, chumharmaids, and nurses, and
girls foe all work. Wanted, places for a number of
clerks, salesmen, warehousemen, coachmen, waiters
and laborers. Also, for a number of boys as appren•
tines to good trades and to bile out. All hinds of
Agencies attended to fur moderate charges. Please
apply at HARRIS' Agency
feb4 6[ and Intelageoce Office. No. 9. 5(11 •t
For Sale
400 CUTS of carpet chain; 500 dozen well
assailed window sash and window glass to
suit; bed cords; plough lines; matches; all 5i7521 of
aroadenbowls; cast steel axes and hatchets, shovels,
epodes and hulls, and a variety of Pittsburgh manu
factures for sale low for cash or approved produce.
and Intelligence office, No 9 sth st.
CO.—An election will be held fur President, six
Managers and Treasurer, of sal I Company. on the 23ih
day of March next, at 2 o'clock I'. M., at the Toll
House or said Company, near the corner of Price et.
Gb27 td
Attorney, Counsellor & Notary,
HAVING resign,tbe office of Secretary P. Nev.
and Fire Ins. Co., will attend SPECIALLY to
Collections and business connected with Navigation.
instuastce, Accounts and Real Estate.
Business hours 9, A. M. to 9 P. M.
Office. Nu I Stuart's Buildings, (No 80 Fourth st,)
second door East of Wood street. feb
Just Published,
ING; containing the art and science theroof;
practically adopted and carefully prepared for the
mercantile and commercial business of the United
States, and applicable to all kinds of business what.
enter, in which some new and very decided improve
ments in the practice of the an are set forth, exempli
fied in two sets of Books kept by doable entry, taken
from real business trausactiens, to which are added
remarks recommendatory of a very superior system,
calculated for the most extensive busines in the whole
range of mercantile transactions—with forms of the
auxiliary Books, Balance sheet, &c, and an appendix,
containing a complete system of Steam Boat Book
keeping, by John Fleming, accountant.
Retail price, $1,25; a liberal discount to thosepur
ehYitag tO sell again. Just published by
rety2B-6t. Itnoksellera, Market at. near Diamond
BORAX REF.-3 cases just received for sale by
57 Wood st.
P TURPENTINE-5 bbls just received and for
0 sale by feb2B R E SELLERS.
JJAPAN'VARNISH—I btil Smith's best Brown,
just received and for sate by
feb 28 R E SELLERS.
SWEET OIL-4 pipe just received, for sale by
HALK BALLS-10 bx.s perfumed, just waived
V and for aleby feb2B R. E. SELLERS.
VLOUR SULPHUR-2 bbls just received and for
sale by feb 28 E E SELLERS.
-Att°racy at Law,
office in Burlie's Buildings., 4t6 street, near Market.
june 19-d&wly
That Sellers' Vermifugc is Ike best in vs( ! !
ERE is tho proof—
]Licking Station,Ky., Dec 17, 1843.
11r. R E Sellers: I have the pleasure to inform you
that I have used in my practice your celebrated Vermi
fuge, with the most happy results I have formerly
used Fulnestock's, but being persuaded to try yours, I
have found It far superior in even• respect, and can
say without the fear of contradiction that. your Vetmi•
fuge possesses more virtue than any I ever used, and
most cordially recommend it to the attentian of the
public. I will state a case where I gave one vial of
yam. Vormifuge. My brother's child was pining and
toeing to a mere skeleton, in 36 hauls after I gave
the Verinifuge, the enormous quantity of upwards of
six hundred worms were passed. The child that
was given up For lost, is now as well and hearty as
any in the neighborhood.
1-a" Those who tsi.h ran see Dr. Arnett's letter
- - - -
The Groat Worm Medicine of the day.
PARENTS read the following, and if your chit•
dren are troubled with worms, get a vial and try it:
Licking Station, Ky, Dec 10, 1845.
Mr R E Sellers:--1 purchased of B Sc 3 H Gard
ever two vials of your truly valuable Vermifuge, two
of my children being sick at the time. Your Vermi•
fuge proved more than I could have expected, from
one child there passed nearly 300 worms, in about
40 hours; from the othersome 200, in about the same
time after the Vermifuge was given. I heartily re•
commend its use to all families, and I think once
tried, no family will ever be without it.
Yours respectfully,
Prepnred and cold sholesale and retail by R. E
Sellers, No. 57 Wood street, and also by Kerr & Moh
ler, 142 Wood rt., L Wilcox, Jr, end Wm Thorn,
Market street, Fess St Caiuel, sth Ward, H P
Schwartz and John Mitchell, Allegheny city.
Worthy of Notice
TMPROVEMENTS and Inventions are the order
1 of the tiny. This cony well be called the age of
improvements, fir scarcely do we hear of one before
some other is presented before us conic wunderfullhan
the last. Now it will be acknoa 'edged by :very o n e
that the Invention of a vegetable composition, capa
ble of relieving and effecting a permanent core of the
numerous "ills which flesh is heir in," is a decided
blessing to the suffering community; and the inventor
lauded as a philanthropist (or ought to be) as much
so as one who bequeaths his thousands of his ill got
ten gold to charitable purpose., (which is perfectly
right,) which he has nut the power of taking with
him. The composition of Thompson's Tonic Anti-
Dyspeptic and Purgative Pills. combine all the quali
ties requisite fog the release of the suffering thousand,
from thei • nitrous complaint+ by removing the impo•
rides from the system, and substituting a Iteallby and
Round action to nil the different functions of our bu•
dv. Persons rating these Pills wit+ never he troutiled
with the Headache, Vertigo, Nausea, sickness at the
stomach. pimples on the face, indigestion and C(.111V,
nest. By the use of them for a few month., the
most inveterate case of Dcspepai , will ) field. They
act mildly and effectually, cauttng no uneasiness or
sickness which these Pills are apt to do.
All the Proprietors asks for them is, that they mar
be judged according to their merits.
Prepared and cold wholO.sale and retail. by the Pro
prietor, EDGAR THORN, corner Hand anti Penn
streets, Pittsburgh.
N. B. E. T. is isl.n Propri....r of Tharp...Ws
Carminitive. All orders for either of r hick must tx
directed a. above. post paid.
BE. CONSTABLE re.pectfuily a r Wino his
• customers that he has just recrised a part ot
first spring stock of Fancy and Stuple Dry Goods a
tnongst which are
Rich colored and black silks fur dresses of the new
impcutotions,beautiful style.
Cashmere and Dr Leines.
Ilundaorne French and Gingham.
Bonnet Itibln)no. a tarp. a.,,rtment.
Calicoes and tbintres at 12. i. 181 an.l `..55 cts.
B E C will be recriNneg esery day of two for the
next two week. a further add it fon of the richest amt
newest goods of the sen,ne. Irk 27
Llarper's Illuminated bible, Ne. 50.
AND 510ItE NEW WoliKS.
{ILL'S S.lttPril ,f Lniiic.
ill_ The fihiinr) of John Mart i n, a Sequel to the
Life of Henry Mrs 5i:cr....m.4.
Philanthropy, or My Motile'', Bihje, found d on iv - 1
incident which happened in N.-ia Yufl,
Memoir of the bite lien Alen l'rotatfit, D D. nil!,
Selactions from his Diary and Correyondence, and
co:leetions of hi, Life, Du John 11 Frsib, h, II .
minister'of the Union Clutch, Newburgh. With a
F , recicle Tom, by Mr. Dana.
Tie eLIOVe hooka are all jo.,bi.hed in the Harper,
br,t style, end fur seem Cco.4's, 85 Fcurthiorret.
nr, 5
Corner of ir0,41 and Third St retl.V.
D. R. MILLER. l'!:ol•RIET0R.
TIIF. .LJ!)eri 11 , r 11:!:. :if
an.l thy that 1,0 h.t: lakt it t!,O 11 ti •
Mod al letdp.l 1101,1 ereCtlti rare Ow fro IN ( ' pll , l
JafT. , "3 55 ' .0 , 1, 111 the COlll,lll 11', .t 1 al .1 1 hind rt•.
on the site of the old Nlerrl a r,r•' 11 here
prepared to accommodate the It as p e t,oc and Uth.
erg, in rho he.t et. In.
The Hotel is in the central dart Of the city. but 1
squares from the Steamboat Landing. end a situated
upon the principal business street ul the roy. The
building tins been constructed with every COll Veil let ICC,
greeially for a first class Hotel.
The proprietor has furnished it in a ay le which he
hinks cannot fail to please, and a ill insure the pitimpt
and Careful attention of setvant• eqipl iyed
about the Hotel. D. IL. MILLER,
feb 26-Im Proprietor.
Per Rent.
AL LARGE and con,enit•nt two atom brirk dwrll
ing homie on the corner of Factory and Penn pt.
sth ward.
A frnma cottage in Allegheny cii), immediately be
low the canal.
A room in the first story of brick building on the
corner of sth and Union at,
Also. thn second and third stories of same building
Apply to JAMES MAY,
A Card
THE Attention of Hotel-keepers and Culfee•houses
is respectfully directed to our fine assortment of
Foreign and Domestic %Vines and Liquors, which we
offer at the most favorable pricer, wholesale or retail,
18 Market street, one door above Front
Allegheny Cemetery
PERSONS desirous of purchasing lots in this Cem
etery are referred for information to the Superin
tondent on the groneds, or to E Thorn, Druggist, cur
ner of Penn end Hand streets, Pittsburgh.
By order of the Board, J. CHSLETT.
dee 11 Superintendent.
lopir SACK feathers;
44 2 do wool;
4 do flex:
1 Lbl beeswax received pr str Miser for sale
e 1,25 91 B RIMY & Co.
Spring Pashion for Bata.
111"11111C. H. PAULSON, No 73 Wood street,
one door above 4th street, will introduce,a%
on Saturday, the 27th, the Spring pattern of gentle
men's Hats for 1846, to which he invites the nublic
and hia customers to call and examine. feh tv
9000 LBS assorted barns, sides and ghoul.
dere received pr str Miner. and Cur tale
57 Water at
45 KEGS Nails, for sale at manufacturers
I prices, by M. B. RH EY & Co.
1 PUNCHEON Jamaica;
1 1 do Antignea do (II years old;)
1 do N. E. do for gale in quantities
to suit by STERETT & Co.,
mar 3 18 Market street, one door above Front.
OLD Rye, Rectified, Trish and Scotch Whiskies,
for sale in quantities to suit,
No 18, Market street,
rnar3 one door above Front.
A LL persons indebted to the County of Allegheny
as Collectors of Taxes, or otherwise, are reques
ted to settle their accounts on or before the Ist day
of April next, after "which time suits will be immedi
ately entered against delinquents.
• Commissioners.
Commissioners' Mice, ?,
January 23, 1846. inn27-ciSza•innl
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
General Quarler Sel , sions of the Peace, in and
for the rrounty of Allegheny
The petition of W Hutchison, of ictilirson Town.
ship, in the county aforesaid humbly sheweth, that
your petiuner bath provided hirm..ll‘,4ll materials for
the accommodation of travelers and others, adds dwel
ling house in the Tp. aim esaid, and prays that your
I (emirs will be pleased to grant him a license to keep
a public house of mitertniument. And your petition.
et-, as in duty bound, N ill pray.
We. the subscribera, citizens of Jefferson Tp., do
certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for
honesty end temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommodation
of travelers and others, and that said tavern is necev
W. T. Peterson, Jas. Lobb,
E. Percival, Jos. Carrel,
F. Roads, W. Lowrie,
Isaac Large, H. H. M'Elliiney,
Jona Large, S. Huth, Jr.
Francis Blair, Jesse Lobb.
mar Cat
To the Ifonorablrlh. Judges of the Court of G eße
rat Quarter Sessions of the Peace, its and for
Me County of Allegheny.
The petition of Samuel M u ay, 4th word city of Pitts
burgh, in the county aforesaid, humbly shevreth, That
your petitioner hnth provided himself with material.
for the accommodation of traveler. and others, at his
dwelling house in the city aforesaid, and prays
that your Honors will be pleased to grnnt him a license
to keep a house of public entertainment. And your
petitioner, as in duty bound. will prnr.
We, the nutincriliern, citiners of the 4th Ward,
do certify that the ribose petitioner. in of good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommodation
of traveler. and Other., and that said tavern is neces
James McAfee.
James Armstrong,
Simon Small,
Math Lesslie
John Stnaid,
marl 3
Jnrnes Mathews;
lVrn Cntr , ,ll,
J Visn,livenJer,
M 11 hit more.
A Weaver.
Tli.,mus Reel
To the Honorable the J.dr.. of the Coon of (;enef
Quarter Seasions of the Peace, in anJ for the co, n
T of AllErhrnv
The petition of John Sl n .t c,of Wilkinit itirrnohir.
in Ow county nforrani.l. humbly Ahewe.h, that y.,ur
lit proald,-.1 him-rli with in•terlal• fOr
the acc•rnmodution of II 0'6,4, • :4.1 het hi.
linr.house in the toven•hip •forvaanl; OA prays 11141
vntir Honor. will he pl.-aar.l to grant urn a he.•nae in
keep a plih:le Infuse of e,tertatfirnent. And your r r•
tilioner, as in duly lauu.A. will pert
cor1:1 t , :t1,1., I. .I Pet
for b0n...1!, an.itairtrwran,,, 1. 4,1,1 7 , rl,l,teti Kit h
ho sr 100111411 A (-I.,er.rturr • 1.,r a,
of triwelels and otha... and :hat .aid user n 1$
Perrhrryent. Jae J.m.-st,n,
m T•*r,
J rha Ni'Crae.ktn
mar 4-,13L
SA fr. !
J 1) N1,1 01 , 1,-
T, hie 'able Ihr. Judf:f• of Mr Of (irn•
7171 Quarter 5c,,.,.. of (Ar Prate, in and f.
lAr Cou4ty ef Alirria(my.
The petition of I:r , Liril Bert,. W tow
in the rtwoi) wiorrvid. liumt , k st,uvre , t; that Jour r..-•
pr.,/ lava I..rnt• ]t.
!!h ritn—rod. for I),
li k or ; ornio io;;;:n 01 it MVI•11. 711,1. , ,t, St bat 11.9,::1[1,
h9 , 1 1 / 1 99 . 1,1f. nr..ret t ..tl,9:J N 99. ILO. yo,
H ••• 60 pirs...,l v,• Irl . I,in 9 .1". • :10. t.t k...'
4 Loos, of putillc
;n kiw) born,' 19 pt9l,
‘{",, tlw un,lo f .ignej r,,,sena ut %1, tr,A
thil tl.e 1111.rne 1.0./;!...1 . 1 .1 IA r.)okl
and trrypera,,r.•nti is in. f•fgee V% ,!!
h. trlorn and c,,nrenl,-,,a, 1,. / th e
tra.rarr. ALA utter., •Ilvi that •aidta.ern i• Tit
J ,I n She .r
VI I' I 111,(
A HA,.
51 , 1.1. , rs
J., Ir. ilry,••:.
J N 1 I,llw,
rn.tl I
I' 11 ,, I lutuaatde J I t!, i:out tlienr I •
a: 41,1rter D•.‘f, PC.IC , , Ir anti for (tat
of A lie;
4 Cr,. ,
in the w-Ir
cnot••01 0,1 V",
Jr i.l/1:••• t Witt,,,real. fT
t,tr:t.r• I .Hl , 4.0
hoc I••• Om.
f ,1,1 1..“1 te,•.e .
Lejr a pu!..., , , ,•1 ettleittittlt7l4,ll. )1A ,.. -1 rtt•
1111011er. all In I, or
‘Ve. ihr rad•es Idet • ftlin•111
jj,,,j pet...girl' I. ‘,I g••od repnc
1; , 1 h“licily Si , emperancr. and t. wet, with
CONVellienridl (~r the acemnrrtidmi..ii
rnt .-i.•r, arid an.h..l n, nild OM( nail (aren't
Vincent NI Neville, Michael Irart,
Iticbc, flathum, Jr.se 111411 e.,
I'll+ Itx Campbell, Samuel Nle.k.lams,
J II lieu ker, A Itred Curev,
Nlichnel Kehuvr, CM,I., W Corny,
Jew Sill, Wm I. Miller.
mar 4 31i1' Cbrnnirle rnpv and dial-ae iii. office
Toth,' Honorable the Judges of the Court of General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the Coun
ty of Allegheny.
The petition of C. lin rtwell, 3d Ward. city of Pitts
burgh, in the county aforesaid, sheered' that your pent.
Lipner hath provided himself with materiels for the ac
commodation of travelers and others, and his dwelling
house in the city aforesaid; and plays that your Honors
will be pleased tc grant him a license to keep a public
house of entertainment. And your, petitioner, us in
duty bound, will play.
We, the undersigned. citizens of the 3d ward. do
eertify,that the above petitioner is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommodation
of travellers and others, and that said tavern is fleece
sary. .
William Mackey, William Biddle,
William Dilworth, Jr., Moses Criswell,
James D Kelly, B F King,
James K William Jenkins,
James Montooth, James Mackerel, -
William Lehner, James B Barr,
mar 4 d3t
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gen•
eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for
the County of Allegheny.
The petition of Andrew Craighead, Jefferson town•
ship, in the county aforesaid, humbly sheweththat your
petitioner path provided himself with materials for the
accommodation of travellers and others at his dwelling
house, in the township aforesaid, and prays that your
Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep
a house of public entertainment, and your pctitional,
as in duty bound, will pray.
We, the undersigned, citizens ofJetTerson township.
do ceetify that the above petitioner is of good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommodation
of travelers and others, and that said tavern is neces
ndrew Bedell, Joshua Ferree,
Jos. Lowrie, M. Snee,
W. T. Peterson, Jas. Payne, Jr.
Hugh Kenedy, Samuel Heth, Jr.
Paul Clutter, • H. H. M'Elbinney;
E. Percival, Jesse Lobb.
SKATES, Cutlery, Ivory, Ebony, &c. for sale by
120, Wood st.
`_ .a ~:~5: ~: _
1 -CON SU L, •
c at
Hoy° commenced making their regular trips be
tweet: Pittsburgh and Brownsville.
The mornin g ; boat leaves the Monongahela wharf
above rho Bridge, prescisely at B o'clock.
Passengers by this bout takes the singes at Browns
yille same evening ut 4 o'clock, and the splendid care
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Cumberland,
next morning, at :3 o'clock, reaching Baltimore the
same evening—onb 32. hours through from Pittsburg
to Baltimore and 40 bouts to Philadelphia.
. The evening boat leaves at 4 o'clock. Passengers
by the evening Boar, will lodge on the Boat in corn.
fortuble State Rooms the first night; will pass over the
be a utiful mountain emery in daylight; sup and lodge in
Cumberland. Thus avoiding night trnvel altog ether.
The l'ropr iet ore of this tout, itt order to make the
connection complete beta yen B rowns?ille and Cumbe
rland , have placed nn the Road 50 splendid Troy, Alba
ny, Concord and Newark couch es, of the most improv
ed models, and fly teems of ale beet young horses
the country afrirda in addition to their (unmet stock
they feel satiAied they mill he able to accommodate
and give satisfaction to all who may patronize their
Route. By our tickets paiAenger, have choice of
either steamboat er rail road between Baltimore and
Phihdelphiti, and here the privileg., of slopping at
Cumberland and Baltimore, and re.nme their seats at
lee our P. F.ir ticket, apply at the office, at the
St. Chat lee I I ot, I, et or nr the wharf boar.
feb3 .1. MESKIMEN, Agent.
Eat Bearer Point and Bridgewater.
Proprietor and Agent of Steamers,
31 i t' II IG A N,
Daily barren Pitatnirgli and Bearer.
J r I 1.1. t , rr•r , :,red on enr•Sett opening of Canal
V nfo.ipiti.m. to re , c,•ive I rovoity fit hill 1V1.131{
11,0 or in Wirlyelrourro. Iv nll poinGt 6n Fri. exten...
tsoint on Lake
r,ll I. . rwurd pruluele.
AI . rot) nr /3 , ,i 11,13
I=WMMI I = 7 T/OrMITr//
IZOI;GEN.s;c O .,
Zl.hlf 1. TIFF('
Cnrnrr Front ra;;; rt:t.vburgh. Pa
Pis •L~.ngh F,-!
Carpeting at Auction and Private Sale.
AR. !.• h a ,
if far!
! tw.
,t ti V t! , 'Y 0,1,1. which be
I.s •11 n p.:l/ • 1 •1, NI rin.l limrs.depi of
a' In ,k .4f or JC, P, .V. And
tt e . rst.ei.t,:, et reten.
•I,r , y I.•se I.j it .1 elt , n.try been
o( VI tllOl en- ~gpvcted
Ive it, a 4. al Milt time prJrCr niXice
I +
1I1'..! , 11 I- I Nl' A.
marLcr. ..•:f 4i 1,11 • di. IP? 11/0 "0101117 .
C. 10,111 IC, :t.ll - tr• .p• i).,evnond
\ LED nt the Col
-41 lect.o . . I qr, until innittet of
the 114th iisty of Votictt ner.t, to t completing
the Ili AERV.illt It, n of . 4.llegbeny
; col ibr p , 11: the work at the
one on tho %V.-stern to the value of 540.000, (thy
amount approprittle.l to the en me ) Pions anti Teri
ficatirins of the aroili to he done .all In, exhibited at
!he acrid office in HollnUyiilittrg, for iirre days print
to the 10th of March, 1340.
Contra( tors are by law f ...lOW,' to give sec-mill to
he appro.:o,i by the Cnnitl Commi•aionvrs in a cum
ettimat to the .slime of the *oh. fir the faithful perfor
MOTO•0 Of their Cotitraftg. It will. themefore, bcl3o
- for hods to be accompanied with the names
sod assent in Temkin: of the proposed sureties, and if
they should not be personally knows to a member of
the Board, n certificate of the sufficiency from a judge
of the court of the county where such moieties reside
will be rcgoited.
By order of the Bean! of Cartel Commissioners,
IVNI. B FOSTER, Jr., President.
Harrisburg, Feb. 11th, 1846.
Tn E .uhocthtr tvo . ul.l offer his grateful thanks to
the firemen of the several companies Tur their
prompt and elli;ient services yesterday. in subduing
the fire. and !laving his property from entire degree
Lion—also to the many other ftiends, fur their kind
Those hiving busine,s wtih him, may find him at
hie residence in 3d et., corner of Ferry and Liberty,
nppniite the 3d Pres. Chute!)
THE subscriber desirous of removing to the city,
offers for sale, tin bails° and' Mt. he occupies in
the 4th Ward, Allegheny coy, beautifully situated on
the second bank, ranging with the nroperties ofJudge
Irwin, Rev Dr Pressley, and Mr liogg. The house
is built in Cottage style; rooms Inrgo, airy, and finish.
ed in the best manner; no excellent pump of water at
the door, and every convenience. The house has a
front of 43 by 47 feet deep, basement story, polished
atone on both fronts. The lot is 10'2 feet fronting on
Washington street. running to the Penn. Canal; near
400 feet, well improved, with a choice collection of
various kinds of fruit. Any person whisbing to see
the property, will please call nt my store,No 69, Mar
ket street, when it will be shown to them, and the
terms made kuown. Only part of the purchase mon
ey will be required. H. McCLELLAND.
jan 26
UST received and for sale by
ebl6 142 Wood at.
(Only 73 Miles Staging.)
Pittsburgh Novelty Works!
/' .1: I, .kr.cuorll,er
Oyirtcra: Oysters!:
Notice to Contractors.
Splendid Property for Sale
184 5 .
THE following statement s hows Ills condition of
the soveral officers accounts to the present time.
all of which have been carefully examined and found
to bo as follows, viz:
To amount of warrant &Imo on Trragu
rer fur Roads, $877 66
Tu amount of warrant drawn on Ttcasu• i•
rrr for Poor, 370 27
By amount expended on Road., $751 66
Salary for 1845, 120 00
By amount expended kw Poor, $3lO 27
" Salury, 60 00
To amount of warrant drawn on Treasu
rer for Roads, $2747 08
To amount of warrant drawn on Treasu
rer fur Poor. 2159 15
13y amount of appropriations
for expenditures on Roads.
on Air District, for 1845. by
the Auditors ■nd Supervi
sots, April 3d, 1845. $l,OBO 00
By salary, 120 00 1,200 00
" amount nverdrayrn. 33 80
" " expended over appropriations, 1513 28
By amount expended on Poor, $2079 55
" snlary, 60 00
" amount over drawn, 19 60
JARED M. BRUSH, Buperoisor
To amount of Wirrent drawn oil Tress-
urrr for Roods. $951 55
To amount of worrinte drawn on Treas.
un.r for Poor, 601 20
B• antenna expended on Roada, $331 55
•• Salary. 120 00
By amount expended uo roof, $641 21
" Sa try 60 00
To •mount of warrants drawn on Treas.
utrr 1 . 0,r rootit,
To •mount exproded oe Poor,
By tampon, eroded on Roads, •98 62
JUHN ELEA, Treasurer
To •mount of Rood Dorlicitly.,
13r antonnt of warrants !gni& $1,654 16
norst•-d in( perty, 18 94
14%,11. 117 53
1 no. on I.)oplicate. 36 81
Etoner.sti-os, 18 55
Cors-m..o"n on $3,387 55 at 6 per ct. 232 25
Ila:ance 2,000 14
.7 , , amou.t of roar Ouplicale, 112 079 19
ft. Inerrant raid,
" unsestrri p r op o o Y,
" lost Tette*,
" ntrnr• on duplicate,
corn Mr.. $ .383 . at 6 per cent, 1 19 01
amount on hands, 232 89
To olwunt cif &Wel Duplicate, 3.130 U 9
fly wimp - 0s paid, $2,171 00
1' rreperrYl property, IY '24
!mat Taxes, 80 96
E r,r• n. duplicate, 33 Sel
cone, at i4ate, 12 93
Commtereurt on $3.123 60, it 6 percent, 187 41
Amount ua bands, 629 05
Expense Accinimil
To amount drawn (or services of Auditor's
end Clerk, 139 54
To Attorney fee*, 35 00
•• Serving Notices, '2 50
Printing. 34 00
fly toryirri of Auditor. and Clerk. 1343 54
' Attorno, fret. 35 00
.. So" log notices, 2 50
'• Punting, 35 00
7'ownsAip vow stook, vs:
- .
To outstanding warrants and certificates
on Road $4.855 54
Do do do on Poor 1,874 12
By 'my!. due G. W. Lang, 27 50
By ain't. due by W. Gilmer, 41127 80
" A. T. Bougher, 305 90
" Alex. Wilson, 47 54
" John Shaffer, 47 75
W llenonald, 53 40
Am't. in bands of Treasurer on Road, 2000 14
Am't. in hands of Treasurer on Poor, 232 89
Ann.. in hands of Treasurer on Schools, 629 05
Township in debt. $3, 9 .57 69.
In conformity to the Law of March, 1844. The
board of Auditors and Supervisors Districted the
Township to the several Supervisors, and levied a
Tax of Fire Mills, for road pnrpoees, and Two and
a half mills for Poor, on assessment of Township by
County assessor—neither Supervisor to expend over
J.l). W. %MITE. '
Pitt Township, March 2, 18.18.
Light litseting.
MISS LESLIE'S Pencil Sketches;
Paulding's John Bull and Jonathan;
Hogg's Winter Evening Tales;
Adolph(); Gill Blas; Don Quixote;
Heart, by Duppere; Joe Miller; Paul and Virginia;
Wandering Jew; Ion; Lady of Lyons; Fazio;
Fredricks Bremei's Novels; Canary Bird;
The Wife; The Maiden; Woman, an Enigma;
Conquest and Self•Conquestl Lady of the Manor;
For sale by
feb2l, 43 Market street.
HAVE removed to Founh et., opposite R & R H
Petterson's Livery stables. jan7-3m
20 801 ES C Itaisene for l fle c b . 7 MAßTlN
feb266o AVater street
• -
Pale 'Drawly.
2 HALF pipes for srle by
(1.1/16 CO W.ter at
CHOICE groceiies, Pliiceo, tobacco, cigars , wines,
and liquors of every, kind Always on hand and fur
side on accommodating terms by . .
fel) r-'6 ea Wrqv; !t.
Port and Madeira Winer.
18 Cat Casks. fur dale by P. C. MARTIN.
fdb26 60 Water st
Old Eye Whiskey.
A FEW Barrels warranted from 8 10 Il year,
11. Old; for sale by . P. C. MARTIN,
1.44'8 60 Water st.
$877 66
ONE Gin.
Pipe Holland Gin, for nnle by
P. C. 111ARTtN,
feb26 60 Water et
1370 27
3PTECES Steubenville Jeans;
15 Barrels Roll Butter,
45 Kegs Lump; in store and for mile by
feb 17 133 and 135 Wood at.
Corn Eirooms.
150 DOZ. alsoned sizes. received and for sale
by LAMBER &SH 1 3 T014.
febl7 133 and 135 Wood 9d.
1 ) KEGS-Lord;
8 sacks prime Fenthers;
2 Boodles Deer Skins;
GO &risen tow Yarn;
3 Bartels dried Apples, received per steamer
Consul, and for sale by
feb 17 133 and 135 Wood at.
38 BB LB extra, for sale by
fob 1G
$2,747 08
$2159 13
150 BUSHELS Oats;
4 sacks Corn;
bbla white Corn meal;
3 " yellow " do;
1300 lbs Buckwheat Flour;
Just received and for vale by
1 00 OF small size and superinr gnalsties,
Forsaleby V D ANDERSON.
$951 55
WM B Sli A FFER. earner of Wood and Water
sr. has
_it'lt reeei:ed a full stock of cloths. Yes
tinge and eery article of gentlemen's wear, which he
will well low. rA2 I
$6Ol 20
VESTINGS, plain and figured al.
(ph.?.l err,- Worwl awl Waft .r
*2B 12
$143 63
C AZJIM cleseriptlonA at.
469 enr Woad end Wntpr
CASSINEIS toduit •11 chutes by
W:bi. B. Sii FFER,
44,21 cnr Wwwl and Water at
C ttA Y A IJ, kat ail kiwis, tar sale cbenp. lry
f 5.621 ror Word and Wat•r st.
81,073 38
(.2 Hiatt). LvdThi-ral3, [urge tut just received
febl..l enr Wr..d snd Water tit
I F y Ott want to resrchase any bed sted s,tablea,chairs,
settee*, nr any thing else in the furniture line,
yon cent du better than to call nt the furniture ware
room of T A YOUNG & CO,
drel3. Hand at. bet wren Penn and Liberty.
$4,079 38
Dressing and Plain Bureaus.
IF you want to get a good article cheap do not fur
get to cell at the Furniture Wnre Room of
n 002.1 Henri •t. between Liberty and Penn
$1,631 53
9 42
53 70
18 44
9 19
APAIR of plain neat sofa& 00 hand and for sale
at the Furniture Ware Room of
nor2l }land it. between Liberty and Penn
WHITE Havana Sugar in Boxes;
White Brazil ditto in bbls,
In store anJ for sale by
der 20. 2'24 Liberty st
$2 Q 79 19
Pittsburgh Manufactured Tobacco.
20 KEGS Plug Tobacco;
5 .• Ladies Twist, do;
10 " Va. " do;
10 " Cav'd. I. Lump, do;
In store and for sale by
der 20 224 Liberty st
Ground Spiro&
1 0 CANS Ground Pepprr;
10 Cans Ground Cinnamon;
5 Cons Ground Alspiee;
5 do do Cloves;
In store and for sale by
dee.2o 224 Liberty st
$3,130 OD
24) PS. Plaid Chakines, new and beautiful
patterns, just recited at No 42 Market st.rot
oar of Third, by A A MASON.
der 12
1 Oak
I'S. Red. Yellow and ‘Yhite Flannels of
111/ improved makes at Wholesale and Re
tail. at very low prices,by A A MASON.
deo 12 No 42 Market at.
$2lO 01
Qral SUSU PERIOR Brochn Shawls, just received, ol which will be sold very low, by •
der 12 N 042 Market sr.
1 CASE FURNITURE PRINTS Selling 'l*. per
yard at A. A. MASON'S,
dee 12 42 Market at.
$6,729 66
De 'mines.
2/11 PS. Dark and Light plaid de 'tins for eliil-
10 , &en tome 10 low as 20c. per yard, For sale
at Nn 42 Market st. by
dee 12 A. A. MASON.
Man's Marino Shirts and Drawers.
DURCHASERB will find at Shea & Pennock's a
full assortment of men's Merino drawers, and
double and single breasted Merino shirts. Also, Cot
ton, do do bleached and unbleached. Dec. 6.
2CASES No 3 (low priced) Economy Blanket,
Just received and for sale by
3,471 97
Jamas Cavanagh,
IN fine Jewelry, Cutlery. silver and German silver
Spectacles, gold and silver Pencils, silver Thimbles
Scissors, Tweezers, silk and gum Suspender, silk and
bead Purses, carpet Bags, Hosiery, children's Cloaks,
Beats Oil, Beef Marrow, castile, cream and palm
Soaps, &c, &c.
Ifne'Don't mistake the place, NO. 61, MARKET
STREET, East tide, between Third and fount) sts.,
Simpson's Row. jan 16
THE only place where this article can be found in
the city is at the corner of Fifth and Smith
field streets, where it is constantly kept on hand, to
gether with all kinds of Fruits and Pastry, &c. &c.,
also superior Havana, and Principe cigars.
THE subscriber offers for sale thlrty.one building
lots on a credit of ten years. These lots are situn•
ted on Grant, Wylie, Fifth, Ross and Diamond streets,
in the 3d Ward of the city, adjoining the New Court
House. Persons disposed to purchase, will find these
lots favorably located as to health, convenience to be ,
'home, and *ill ultimately be the centre of the city.
For particulars enquire of James C. Cummins, or
feb2s der
I. fag Credit.
Patronized by Ever*bid,.
The Wonderful Vegetable Purgative,
Headache, Giddine.s, Rheumatism, Ptles,Dispepidi r
Scurvy. Small Pon, Jaundice, Pains in the Buck, 113-
i ward Weakness, or the Heart, Rising a
the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma Fever of all kinds, Fa
rm-de Complaints, Measles. Salt Rheum, Heartburn )
IVormo,Cholera Marbas. Coughs, Quinsey, Whooping
Cough, Consumption, Fits, Liver-Complaint, F.rysipe
las, Deafness, Itchings of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gin,
el, Nervous complaints,and a variety of other diiertses,
arising from impurities of the blood, and olaitrutfatil
in the organs of digestion.
[From the Agent et Quebec, L. C.]
PEAR SlR:—Agreeable to your desire,, I write le
keep you apprized of the prosp6ltts of the Clickenett
Sugar Coated Purgative Pill, in this city. You 'may
recollect, when I first commenred selling your medt
eine, which was in May, 18-,4, we little (hennaed of
the success that would Crown the undertaking. [Jut
premises bad been so completely flooded by the one
thousand and one unsaleable remedy for every possl ,
He complaint under the sun, that 1 set iously content ,
plated having nothing more to do with any Thing bf the
kind. However, at the most urgent soliciletion,
consented to make a trial of yours. At first we Colima
considerabledifficulty in retracting public attention to
wards them. People hod beenso often deceiVed by
the vile compounds which flare flooded the country for
the lust 15 years or mare, that they determined, If
possible, never to be "taken in" again; and the conse
quence was, they could hardly he persuaded to accept.
'of the Pills, ns the saving iv. fcr 'tleve nor money.'
Thus matterrs proceeded fur FI weep or t wo, when, as
"good luck would have it. "Mrs. N—, a lady of
our city, who had long suffered front an effeCtion of
the Liver, accompanied by indigestion of the most otei
stinate character, was persuaded teaccept of a box, on
condition that nothing was to be paid for it, ifthovdid
net afford her the necessary relief. I must cortfeas 4
we ourselves bad very little faith in the matter, know
ing as we did, that her complaint was one of loth
standing, and had been unsuccessfully treated by the
most eminent Physicians of this and several nedghbOrs
ingtowne. But we had determined to give the medi
cine a fair trial, and if it proved to be worthless, it
would be a coerce of satisfaction to know it, bolh
you and to us. Na less to our joy than surprise, hew
ever, only a few days had elapsed, when the lady igtills
presented herself at our counter and enquired for anoth
ler box. "I really think, Mr. Williams," sank she
' that your Pills are beginning to work a great changer
in my health, and altogether for the better. When f
took the second dose,l began to feel much hetterthab
I did at first; the pain in my side was considerably ree
lieved; my appetite began to improve; end the blood
seemed to circulate through my veins as it did in itiy
youthful days. Since then, I have taken the remaindet
of the Pills, and my improvement has been sensibly
progressing at every repetition of the dose. I have
no doubt that a few more boxes will effectually 'cure
me." The result was as she predicted. Her health
is completely restored. The flush of youth and beat
ty hos returned to het cheeks, and the prospect of
long and a happy life is before her. I am satisfied
she will never forget the Clickener Sugar-Coated
As might naturally be supposed, the news of this ex
traordinary cure was rapidly disseminated throughthe
city and adjacent - country; and scarcely a week had
elapsed, before enquiries begun to be made for Click
ener's Sugar-Coated Purgative Pills; and tine rlethami
has already increased to such an extent, that we find
the greatest difficulty in supplying it. In fact, if it did
nut seem like exaggeration, I might almost Fay that we
are literally besieged by women and children, labor
ing under every possible ailment which •thuman flesh
is heir to." The halt, the lame, and the blind; the
asthmatic, consumptive, and dyspeptic, ore thronging
our doors in pursuit of the never.failing Panacea....
Testimonials of its salutary effects are voluntarily
flowing in upon us from every quarter. One person
informs us he fins been relieved of a most obstinate
Dyspepsia. Another has just recovered from tt seri
ous attack of Apoplexy. A third has succeeded in
expelling from Lis system the symptoms of Jaundice.
And a (mirth has just recovered from nn attack of Pul
monary Consumption, which had confined him to his
bed for many months.—So we ga. But do not fail to
keep us supplied. Besides our Retail Trade, we
have standing orders from the country to a lere
amount.. Send 30 Gross at yeur earliest convenience
Yours, &c. R. EL WILLIAMS.
Qttebee, L. C., April 14, 1815.
original inventor of the Sugar Coated n'nd that
nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he ham.
duced them in June, 1693, as will be seen by the.fol•
- .
This Diploma was awarded by the AMERICAS
INSTITUTE, at the Annbal Fair, held in the city of
New Volk, Ottober, 1843, to C. V. CLICKENEL
for the Invention of SVGA II COATED PILLS.
JkMES TA LLM ADG E, President.
T. 11. WAXlMAN,CotrespondingSect-ettity.
Gonoosi J. LeEns, Recording Secretary.
ar To A earn COUN T RFElTS.—Furchasers mina
always ask for Clitkener's Suzar Coated Vegetable
rids, and see that each box has upon it his signatoret
all others err cnunterfbit.
WM. JACKSON, coiner or Wood end Liberty
streets, is Dr. Clickener's agent for Pittsburgh and
Pros station
BY virtue of a ptecept under the hands of the
Hon. Benj. Patton, Jr., President of the Court
of Common Pleas in and fen the Fifth Judicial Dis ,
trict of Pennsylvania. and jostice or theCeutt of Dyer
and Terminer a nd General Jail Delivery in and Ibr
said District. and Wtn Porter and Win. Kerr, Esq.,
Associate Judges of the same Courts in and for
the said County of Allegheny, dated the 12th day of
February, in the year of nor Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and forty six, and to me dirrcted, for holding
a court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delis.
ery at the Court House in the city of Pittabuty,h on
fourth Monday of March next nt 10 o'clock A. M.—
Public notice is hereby given to Justices of the Peen
Coroner mud Constables of the County of Allegheny,
that they be then and there in their proper persona
with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations,
end other remembrances, to do thoso thins which to
their respective offices in their behalf appertain to be
dont—end also those that will prosecute the prisoners
that now are or may be i n the jail of said county of Al.
legheny, to be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall bejust.
Given under my band in Pittsburgh this twelfth del
of February, in the year of our Lord, 1846, and
of the Commonwealth tie 67th.
feh-td ELIJAH TROVILLO. Sherit,
New Works•
TRAVELS IN MEXICO, over the Table Lands
and Cordilleras of Meilen, during tbe year 184$
and 1844, including a description of California, the
principal china and mining districts of that Republic,
and the biographies of Itarbide and Santa About b 7
Albert M. Gilliam
For sale by
ripoTTEN ON MORTARS.—Essays on Hydras.
A. lie and Common Mortars, and on lime borniner
by J. G. Totten
For sale by
—an explanatory pronouncing Phnnographia
Dictionary of the English language, with &vocabulary
of Gieek, Latin, Scripture end Geographipal moss,
also, a collection of phrases often used by English ssri.
For sale by
C. H. RAY.
corner of Wood and 3d sts
comprising official and personal incindents.
For sale by C. H. KAY,
,jan7. COT nAr of Wood and 3d sts.
The Atnerie.en Almanac. and Repository of
nseful Mew:Ledge for Ito year 1846, justreeriTed and
'fin sale by C. H. KAY,
jan6 for Wood and 3d sta.
C. H. KAY,
cnrnar of Wood and 3d au,
C. H. KAY,
cornet of Wood and 3d its