10ai1u Acirning post. PITTSBURGH, PA. THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 26, 1346 CORRESPONDENTS In reference to communications which may appear in thin paper. we have one or two remarks to make.— We will insert none without the name of the author be ing flint made known IOU!, and when inserted, mustal• ways be taken as expressis col the views of the writer, and not the editor of this paper. unless the views MI expressed are editoriallyrentarked upon and approved. M ATOR'S OFFICE, Wednesday Feb2s Four cases up this morning before his honor, three forked over their fines and sloped, the other sent to t he bill. All were for di unkeness and disorderly' con duct. BIBLE PRESENTATION To THE SONS OF TEMPERANCE The ladies of Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, will present a Bible to the Ocean Wave Di‘ision, No 133, of the Sons of Temperance, on Friday evening the 27th inst. at 7 o'clock, in the sd, Presbyterian Church, on Smithfield above 6th st. The ladies will be represented on the occasion by Rev Pasevant, and the Bible w ill he receivod on the part of the 18.140 n by P 8 White E.q, of Philadel phia. An excellent choir will be present and per form some pieces selected particularly for the occa. lion. By order of the Committee. ccb26. RELIGIOUS NOTICE A sermon on bible Baptism. will ve delivered in the Grant Street Blpti.t Churrh, by the pastor. on Thnr.day nicht next. at 7 o'clock. Thme whn a o. interested i n !h. li.rue.>,1 +t. 011 In l'lrlynont bank of SI. Clairstrille Clinton bank of C'alow.hus Colvmhiona hank of Sew Lisbon r.'irrlerille (Lan•rence, cashier) ( Warren, cashier).. ...... Chillicolbr hank Coomerrio, hank of Lake Erie. nonton hank...-. ..... ..... Pr 4,11. lin hank of rolunhns._... .. _ Farmers' and Merhanirs' hank of Steubenriile..l Farmers' hank of Canton (7enn::•er G,..lnrille !fa .nilton l.a.n railer Marietta ..... 11, rhanir4' and Traders', Cincinnati.. r. 77.. .. Years .. ........ 7:.r ne srili • Ran/ of INDIANA, cilt, honk et:td branches Si.te Serif KENTUCKY .411 bo nkt baolk flunk of Minos', Siairitri torn pc, rirrinia 1 Rank of Errs, Lank of Virginia Nor'/1- Worterre hank o f .Ilcrchanta'and.llcchanira • bankof Bank at Marganlown 1 rvec‘, A 1 111~(i~ • 1.2 MARYLAND Miliimorr City hanks.. All other solvent Ilanks.. NORT II CAROLINA All sat rent I, a SOUTH CAROLINA, .111 solten tba A. A. NIKON 411,,,0;rent banks_ )InbilrL 7nks.. Coantrg bank, LOUISIANA. Ntv Orleans banks (road)._ TENNESSEE .4'1% 1 lks - . Bank of Clair St. Clair Bank of the Rirl , r Raisin. Monroe 10 Farmer's' and 3/relit:nice Bank, Detroit 10 Michivin liisr.ranre, Co. Ds!toil Oakland Connlo Bank, Pontiac Valuable Real Estate fur sale, 1311 1I AT very de s irable property formerly a part of the Ilnitiold farm, owned by George Bavnrd.) extehding, fowl, the 80, ler toad to the Allegheny River, containing six acres, on which is erected nn eaten-ice Rope Milk, having a steam engine and machinery complete for making Ropes of the Ingest sire. There are on the premises a block of Brick dwelling, houses and a tow of six Ironic tenements. Tltil biautatifol and improving ptoperty, abich will no doubt at no very d Pala period, be annexed to the metropolis of weittern Pennsylvania. is now of•red for attic nn advantageons terms. awarding art opportunity of profitable investment for manufacturing purposes— or tintbdivision into lots for private residences. Fo r term, apply to GEO. COCH R AN. ftiltlB Nn 26 Wood rt. NV. 11. GARR 111 D Valuable MIMEO and Lot for Sale. WE err out hori.erl to sell that three, story brick house, and the lot tin which it is erected, situate on the western side of (Stant st„ above fitlt, at present occupied by Mr P Dekny, as a dwelling. The house is larce end commurlicost nod contains ten splendidly furnished rooms. For further information respecting the property and terms of ante npply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, cor Penn and Smithfield at. Rooms and Steam Power for Rent rrrwo Rooms, (2rl and 3d (loom,) each 35 feet 1 front, by 80 feet deep. wel'. lighted, and on the beat business part of Smithfield street. ALSO, J 1 3d story Room, 18 feet by 60 feet. The above rooms can all be furnished with steam power on the most reasonable terms. Apply t. BLAKELY & NIIrcHEL, jan`26 cor of 4th and Smithfield sts., story.) "NEW YORK STORE." CASHMERES. Paris Reps. M. de Leine' and Alpacas, direct from New York. F.U. CORNER Of THIRD A$D WOOD ITR.F.P.Ts so sale no sale ILLINOIS GEORGIA AL Ar, AMA MICHIGAN iiiiliMEMil ►V. H. GARRARD, 79, Market street, Patronized by trerybody. rtln 4 Pre 4 prey,. 4,Frem The 'Wonderful Vegettlhle Purgatives- FOR THE CURE OF Ileadnche. Giddiness, filieumati;m, Piiev, Dispepsia, • Scurvy. Small Pox, Jaundice. l'ains in the Back, In ward ‘Veakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Rising a the Threat:, Dropsy, asthma Fever of all kinds, Fr mole Complaints, Aleasies, Salt Rheum, Heartburn, IVorma,Cholera Morhua, Coughs, Quinsey, Whooping Cough. Consumption, Fits, Liver-Compluint,Erysipe Lis, Deafness, Itchinga of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gray el, Ner vous complaintaand a variety of other diseases, ari.ing from Impurities of die blood, and obatructione in the organs of digevtion. [Prom the Agent et Quebec, L. C.] DISEASE OF THE LIVER. D E Fr Stn:--Agreraide to your desire, I write to keep you apprized of the prospect of the Clirkener Sugar Contt-d Purgative I'lll, in this city. You ma) , recollect, when I first commenced selling yrair meths. rine, which was in May, 18-A, we little dreamed of the surrest that would crown the undertaking. Our premises lord been so completely flooded be the one thousand and one unsaleable remedy fur every posai hie Complaint under the sun, that I sei hausly cent...tn. platedhaving nothing mime to do with any thing of the ' kind. However, at the most urgent aolicitat ion, we !consented to make a trial of yours. At first we found iconsiderabledilEculty in nut acting public attention to wards. them. People had been so often deceived by I the vile compounds which have tbroded the country for I the lost 15 years or more, that they determined, if possible, never robe "taken in" again; and the conse quence was, they could hardly he persuaded to accept of the Pills, as the saying is, for 'love nor money." Thus min terra proceeded for n meek nr t oo,when, as good lurk would have it, "Mrs. ti a lady of our citv, who had Icing suffered from an affection of the Liver, accompanied by indigestion atilt. most ob st incite character, was persuaded tonecept of a box, on conditinn that nothing wns tribe paid for it, if they did not affitrel her the necessary relief. I must c onfessl we ouraelves had very little faith in the matter, know. ing as we did, that her complaint was one of long standing, and had been unaurcessfolly treated by the MOM eminent Physician• of this and several neighbor ing towns. But we had determined to give the medi cine a fur trial, and if it pra,ved to be wnnLlesi , it would be a source of satisfaction to know it, both to you and to us. No less to our joy than strrpri-e, how ever, only a few days bad elapsed, when the lady again presented herself at our counter and enquired for nnoth ler box. "I really think, Mr. William.," says she, ' that your Pills are beginning to work n great change lin my health, and altogether fnr the better. 'When I took the second rinse. I began to feel much betterthan did at First; the pain in my side was considerably re lieved; my appetite began to improve; and the blood seemed to circulate through my veins as it did in any 'youthful days. Since then, I hare taken the remainder of the Pills, and my improvement has been sensibly progressing at every repetition of the /10,...e. i have nn doubt that is few more boxes will effectually cure me." 'f ha result was as she predicted. Her health is completely restored. The Iltith of youth and bean ty has returned to her cheeks, and the prospect of a Long ardi a happy life is before her. 1 am satiafied she will never forget the Clickener Sugar-towed Pills. As might naturally be supposed, the news of tide ex trnordinarY cure was rapidly disseminated throughthe city and adjacent country; and acareely n week had elapsed, before enquiries began to be made for Click ener's Stigar-Cnated Purgative Pill-; and the demand Las abeam-1y incensed to such on extent, that we find the grantee; difficulty in supplying it. In fact, if it did not norm likes exaggeration, I might almost say chat we are literally besieged by women and children, labor: ing under every possible ailment a Melt "human Flesh is heir to." The halt, the lame, rind the blind; the asthmatic, ecneumpt lye. and dyspeptic, are.thronging oar doors in pursuit of the neyer•failing Panacea._ Testimonials of its salutary efi%-ets are voluntarily flowing in upon us from mcry riwartt.r. Ono person inlorms us he has been relim e d of a most obstinate Dyspepsia. Anon} to end I CM...fed from a seri rotaeir of Apoplexy. A Ildid hues st.craederi in expelling from his system the •cr•plotns of Jaundice. And a fourth Las josh recovered f, lu m an stud, o f Pith monnrs, Consumption. as whip it 1.3/i COlifiried Lim 10 Ir Led for many months —Souse go lire do not fail to keep us supplied. fle•ides nor het ail Trade. we hose standing milers from the ci , nr.tty to a large amour,;. Send 30 Gros, at year earliest convenience lours, &e. 11 . If. WILLIAMS. Qatbcc, L. C., April 11, 1145. pa > par pal par par . pa, P' 77 ... ....... . par .par par pa, par par REMEMBER, DR. C. V. CLICK‘F.NER, is the otieinal inventer . of the Sugar Coated And that nothing of the sort w i . ev er henrd of until lie intro- duced them in June, 1E43, U 3 Hill La seen hs the fol. PRE Al I U . ' . This Diploma was nwarded by the AMERICAN . INSTITUTE, at the Annual Fair, held in the city rif New York, October, 1343, to C. V. CLICKENER, fur the invention of SUGAR COATED PILLS. JAMES TA LLNIA DG F., President. T. B. W A ICEMAN, Cm re.ponding Secretory. GUR Dot: J. LF Ells, Recording Secretory. To A vulD Coll liFF.l7s.—Putchnsers moat olaays ask fur Clickener' s Sogur Coated Vegetable Pills. and see that earl. box has upon it his tignatare; all others are counterfeit. WM. JACKSON, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, is Dr. Clickener's ti,;ent for Pittsburgh and oetfi Proclamation. B Yvirtue of a precept under the hands of the Hon. Benj. Button, Jr., President of the Court •of Common Pleas in and Itir the Fifth Judicial Dio. 'tic! of Pennsylvania, and justice of the Court of Over and Termine r and General Jail Delivery in and . for -aid District. and IVm Porter and Wm. Kerr, Esq., Assoctate Judges of rho same Courts 'n and for the said County of Allegheny, dared the IZth day of February, in the year of our Lod one thousand eight hundred and forty nix, and to me directed, for holding a mitt of Oyer urd Terminer and General Jail cry nt the Court House in the city of Pittsburgh on fourth ittinnday of March next at 10 b'clock A. Public notice is hereby given to Justices of the Peace Coroner end Constables of the County rf Allegheny, that they be then and there in their proper persons with their rolls, records, inquisitions. examinations, and other remembrances, in tin three things which to their respective offices in their behalf appertain to be done—and also those that will prosecute the prisoners that now are ormay be in the jail ofnaid county. of Al logheny. to be then nod there to prosecute against them anoball be ju et . Given under my hand in Pilr.burgh this twelfth day of February, in the year of nor Lord, 1846, and . of the Coma imw-enh it the 67th. fehdri ELIJAH TfIOVILEO, Sheriff. New Wprks. TRAVELS IN MEXICO, over the Table Lands and Cordilleras of Mexice,duting the year 1845 and 1844, including a description of California, the principal cities and mining dktricts of that Republic. and the biortaphies of Itothidu and Santa Anna; by Albert M. Gilliam For sale by V OTTEN ON MOICTARS.—Earaya on Hydra*. lie and Common Mortara, and on lime burning, by J. G. Totten. For sale by jan7 OLLE'S PHONOGRAPEIIC DICTIONARY, B —an explanatory pronouncing Phonographic Dictionary of the English language, with a vocabulary of Gteek, Latin, Scripture and Geographical name,. also, a collection of phrases often used by English wri• tors. For sale by . _ RESIDENCE AT THE COURT LONDON, comprising official and personal incinclems. For sale by C. H. KAY. jani. COT OPT of Wood and 3d sta. ANIERICAN ALMANAC FOR 1846. The American Almanac and Repository of nacrel knowledge for the year 1846, just received and for sale by C. IL RAY, jan6 cor Wo,d and 3d sis. C. TI. KAY, cnrrer of Wood and 3d it? C. 11. EAT, rnrnrr of Wood end 3d BIS C. H. KAY. earner of IVond and 3d Fat TO LETS