ri lie maitt jtiornho4.ls:iist. MONONGAHELA ROUTE, VIA CORRESPONDENTS. BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA In reference to communicationswhich may appear (Only 73 Miles Staging.) in Shia paper, we have one or two remarks to make.— THE SPLENDID FAST RUHRING STEAMERS We will insert none without the name of the author be- CONSUL, — m at 'rig; fitatmadeknowntous,andwhen imerted, munah LOWS M'LANE ',ways be taken as expres:iiveof the views of i}..e icrlter, sap !Ind not the editor of this paper, unlesi the riews so, MEDIUM, iispeAled are cifitc:inily tern:arkeJ tipon'aild approved. Have commenced making their regular trips be tween Pittsburgh and Btownsville. The morning bout leaves the Monongahela wharf above the Bridge. prescisely at 8 o'clock. Passengers by this boat takes the stages at Browns ville same evening at 4 o'clock, and the splendid cora of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Cumberland, next morning, at 8 o'clock, reaching Baltimore the' same evening—only 32 hours through from Pittsburg to Baltimot e and 40 hours to Philadelphia. The evening boat leaves at 4 o'clock. Passengers by the evening Boat, will lodge on the Bout in com fortable State Rooms the first night; will pass over the beautiful mountain senery In daylight; sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The Proprietors of this tout, in order to make the connection complete between B rownsville and Cumbe rland, have placed on the Road 50 splendid Troy, Alba ny, Concord and Newark coaches, of the most improv ed model's, and fif , y tenors of the best young horses the country affords in addition to their former stock they feel satisfied they will be able to accommodate and give satisfaction to all who may patronize their Roots. By our tickets passengers have choice of either steamboat or rail road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and bare the privilege of stopping et Cumberland and Baltimore, end resume their seats at pleasure. Pm tickets apply at the o(fice, st 'the St. Charles Hotel, Wood at., or at the wharf beat. feb3 J. MF:SKIM EN, Agent. PITTSBURGH, PA. FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 1346 TEIIP,CRIEICr. LECTURC.—The distinguished end popipar temperance lecturer, Mr. Charles D. Church, will Lecture this evening, in Wesley Chapel, Fifth Ward. The deserving popularity attending this' gen tleniau's Lectures iri the Eastern cities; will, we trust, ensure hint a full and respectable audience. Liz WEATHER is rather cold, and the mow is nearly a foot deep. Of course, the sleighing is excel ',cnt, and the people (always excepting the printers) are enjoying it extensively. Since the above paragraph was written, it Imacom thenced snowing again, and it is still coming down in splendid style. Tut: Laos STLAhI SNIP.—We understand that the Secretary of the Navy has instructed the officer who. is superintending the building of the Iron Ship a the PipetownYan;), to call her the Alle , leny. This compliment will be properly appreciated by our citi zens, and it will be the more gratifying to them from the fact that the vested which will bear the name of our county, is considered, by those who are good judges in such matter, one of the most noble and complete pieces of naval architecture that has ever been constructed. On Thursday morning, 19th inst, by the Re• Fran cis Herron, D. D., Lieut. A Lax. HATS. U. S. A.. to Amts, daughter or Mr. Juo. B. M'Faddcn, of this city. Tee Htaeaxt• GRCENS.—Thi. spirited and ex cellent company have, wo understand procured at con siderable expense a magnificent new flag. and with great propriety they hove ch )3en the blab day of the Father of our Country, on which to receive it. The ceremony of presentation will take place at the Exchange Hotel on Monday next, et 11 o'clock, A. M. Samuel W Black, Esn., i s selected to deliver • .- .. the address. O:7A Protracted Meeting. will be held, dco volen te, by minister? of the Church of God, iu the Council , ,Chamber of the old Court House, in the Diamond of Pittabhigh, commencing on Friday. the 27th of Feb ,.ruary, at half En.t. 6 o'clock, nod will continue every evening . ?tfring the week, and three times on the 'Lords day, at ;.hd'reg.ular preaching house. Alio, it 'will continue eyery evening during the next week. febl7 G D HARM, V D M. RELIGIOUS LECTURES Rev Dr. Powell, minister of the new christian church (Swedenborgian) will continue his lecture* ih ro3sgh i week, on Tuesday. Thursday and Friday evenings all o'clock each evening. Also, next Sal,- *oath at 10i o'clock A, M. and ut 7 o'clock in the e vening. subjects to be considered--Tuecday, the necessity of a new dispensation of truth on account of the chris tian church, as manifest in the various relations of hthiness and professional life. Thursday—the same, front the moral date of the world and the efforts out of the church to reform mankind. Friday—con cerning the promises of the second coming of the Lord. Sunday eveni-tg—the demon entering into the herd of swine. The public are invited to attend. Lectures free. Lecture room, Rev Mr Todd's seminary. Federal st., Allegheny city over Mercer ,S; Robinsoes store. febl6 ~The Sixth Regiment of Volunteer,' will naiseokole for parade, in Liberty street. on Monday the 23d day of February. et 1 o'clock, P. M. By order. ' JAMES G. REED, febl4. - ' Adjutant. Dr. IVis lar's Balsam of Weld Cherry.—This cclebrnted r.medy is a compound balsemic prepara• t ion of the Wild Cherry and Moss of Ireland, com bined by a new chemical progress with the Extract of Pine. So salutary have been its effects in all ca• zes when administ red for Coughs, Asthma, Consump tion, or any disease of the lungs, that many of the moat distinguished physicians have appreved and recort mended it, and openii iscisnow/edgoi it to be tho most 'Valuable medicine ever discrwer'ref. istruly u Valuable medicine, and is effecting en immense I sivnt of good in the rtlief of suffering humanity. [See Advertisement. Conghs and Uolds—ln all , :fsea of coughs and colds, the sufferers will 'find u pleasant but powerful remedy in Cilckener'sSitgar Coated Vegetable The fame of this medicine has already spread far and wide. Over five hundred thoUsand boxes' or these pins were sold last year, havlngheen Used in ell as certained cases with perfect success. For liver corn. plaint, affection of the lungs, palpitation of the heart, influenza, asthma, scarlet fever, fever and ague, drop 2y:typhris fever, and ether diseases. This pill is coat: ,d with fine white auger, so that the medicinal ingro clients are imperceptible to the taste. To children, they may be administered without difficulty. So wel convinced is Dr Clickener of their efficacy in all speci fied cases" that be pledges himself to return the money when the promised effect is not produced. Sold by Wm Jackson, corner of Wood and Libert streets, who is general_Agent fur Dr Clickener's Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinity. ffßeware of en imitation article culled “/rnpro ved Svgar-Coaled Pills," purporting to be Patented as both the pills end pretended patent are forgeries, got up by a miserable quack, in New York, who, l'or the last four or five years, has made Lis living. by counterfeiting popular medicines. feh 20. Law Offices to Let- SEVERAL commodious Law Offices, on Fourth h street. Fur terms apply to BLAKELY 4. NIITCHEL, febl3 cor of 4th and Smithfield streets. RICHARD COWAN, Attorney at Law, office in Burke's Buildings, 4th street, near Market june 19.dikssiv L. O. RIMOLDi REYNOLDS & SEED: FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the Allegheny River Trade. ne•Leas it GROCERIES, PRODUCE. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, Chloride of Line and Paper The highest price in cash paid et all times fur coun ..ry rags, baling rope, and cottton waste, cornet of Penn and Irwin sta. Pittsburgh, Pa. jan3O•tjyl4. Proclamation. BY virtue of a precept under the hands of the Hon. Benj. Patton, Jr., Presidenta the Court of Common Pleas In and for the Fifth Judicial Dia. trict of Pennaylvania, and ju'itiee of theCoort of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In and for ti said District, and Wm Porter and Wm. Kerr, Esq., a Associate Judges of the same Courts in and for „Il the raid County of Allegheny, dated the 12th day of .11 February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight ••hundred and forty •ir., and to me directed, for holding r_ a a mutt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delis. ; ery at the Court House in the city of Pirrsirurgh on :e. fourth Monday of March next at 10 o'clock A. lid.— „ 1 ,:, Public notice is hereby given to .4 mines of tba Psape as Coroner Bud Constables of the County of Allegheny, ~,11 that they bo then and therein' their proper 'Persons with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations„ and other rememtrandes,' to iie those things which to their respective offices In their behiarappertain to be done—and ilso'those that will prosecute the Prisoners that: now are °rimy be in the jail of said county of Al legheny, tai be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just.' .1 • - ' Gives darn . , nay hand in Pittsburgh this twelfth day , • of Fetnsiery, ihr 413484 uf,. oP r lArdi .1 848 i: RAO ... -. of the ,con3tioeutelth . the 67 do. • I, fell-1d - ELTJAH ipOVI LL 0, Sheriff', rdarripd, ENE= M!ISE 1846 BROWNSVILLE, TO AT COST, AT COST. THE subscriber, at the caper I. t larket and Thitd streets, still continues thesnje of Dry Goods, at reducer prices, and is now' offering greater induce ments to purchasers.' Toe remainder of our Cloak inge, Alpaccas, Merinoes, Muslin de laines, Calicoes, Flannels, Linseyrzt, Joane, • Caseinette, Blankets and Shawls. together w.ith many other goods. We have concluded to close or at cost for a few dare, in or. der to reduce our stock previous to Spting. Pomba sees !fill: exceedingly this rare opportunity of obtaining Goode at exceedingly low prices. Cull early and se cure a good bargain. jan 14 A A. MASON. Co-Partnership WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day of January, inst, associated with him Jas. NV. Hallman and John F Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Hallman & Co. will now have in creased facilties for manufacturing Steel Spring•, hum. naercvl Axes, Americnn Blister and Spring Steel, &c, to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solici ted, and hope by strict 'attention to business, to m ti it a continuance to the new firm, the favors so liberal be stowed upon him. Fa.:tory on St Clair street—ware house 43 Wood street, opposite St Charles Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of Spr inns. A %les A B, and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of ev- ery description, together with Iron, Nails, and Pitts burgh manufactured articles. 17" The highest price paid for Scrap Iron. jan23 COLEMAN, lIAILMAN Ar Manufacturers of Carriage Springs 4. Axles. A B. •:4 D Spring steel& dealers in Coach Trimmings or every dcm.ription. manufactory .mt ST. CLA I R Sr. Warehouse, 43 t% LIOD SI [LEL r, oppo.i , e St Charles Hotel. •an‘2l T ° 65!.El) 01.1RKET STREET, Between Fourth st.. and the Diamond. RECEIVED BY EXPRF.SS, VIA. The Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, A large and extensive assuilment of Shawls. sir Super. ail wool Brusha; Printed Tinker' rind Cnsl, mere, tiik embroidered Turkeiy, B;k and Mode color ed silk fringed Thibliet, Sipe, embroidered Thibbet. Damask and sins wurste I. linick and colored Me•flrlo and a larzo assortment of Plaid and Wieden Shawls. All of which will be sold nt a urns!! eii,snee Eastern ['flit. A BSOLU.M MORRIS. jnn I NO. 6L. Cricket on the nearth HARPER'S NEW MISCELLANY anJ other new works. at Cook's 85 Fount) Sr. Cricket on the Hearth, by Chas. Di:kens—three e ditions from Ci to '25 ms. Slackerot,i3's Magazine fur January. This is the beginninz of the volume; persons u ho are desirous of subscribi : - .g can noy avail themselves of :Fze opp.trt u oily, The I.V.taig Aimanaz for 1848. Snowden, a novel, by Theodore llools. Philosophy of 51,stery. by Dendy. IVhewell'a Elements of Morali y, two parts. Life of I'nul Jones. by Mackenzie. Life of Mozart. Dick's Astronomy. lir Love tn a G7m.lola, by Victor Hugo. ;The Lead of the Varna., un old' F:riglisli Story, by Henry W Herbert. Mull l s 'ittler, 'the Fortune Teller of oleic by lbf anchor of "The Carpenter of Itoutn." ,Kar torn Papers for this week. Jest received and for sale at COOK'S, 85 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, and at Berford's Literary Depot, Federal street, Allegheny C i ty. • feb 11 UNION HOTEL. Iti connection' with my 1:1t1, A. lit.Legn, I have the day, opened my House in Virgin Alley, near Wood street, where those wishing the choicest retreshtnenti that are furnished by well conducted Cuflee House., can always be accommodated. We have juat received a large assent:eon: vii - the be quality Cigar., . ' Junto Sang; Clinones, - F. de la-Cruz; Regalia; Superior Maranon: Cnzoibri-es; De Supari,r Cutido.d. Primere, Etereive Stabling for Rent. feb 7-tf HENRY KLF.I3ER, Stet. Splondid Property for Sale . . TH E subscriber desirous of itimuving, to the city, offers for sale, the house and lot he occupica in the 4th Ward, Allegheny city,eur.nifully situated on the second bank, ranging with the broperties ofJudgc Irwin, Rev Dr Pressley, and Mr Hogg; The house is built in Cottage style; rooms large, airy, and finish. ed in the beat manner; an excellent pump of water at the door, and every convenience. The house hos a front of 43 by 47 feet deep, basement story, polished stone on both fronts. The lot is 102 feet treating on Washington street. running to the Penn. Canal; tear 400 feet, well improved, with a choice collection of various kinds of fruit. Any person whishine. to see the property, will please cull at my store, No 69, Mar ket street, when it will be shown to them, and the tetras made kuown. Only part of tho purchase mon ey will be required. H. McCLELLAND. jan 26 PH ILADELPILLATiROUND NUT CANDY. IIHE only place where this article can be fuund in the city is at the corner of Fifth and Smith field streets, where it is constantly kept on hand, to gether with all kinds of Fruits and Pastry, &c. &c., also superior Havana, and principn cigars. G. SC El N ECK. N9IIcF ALL persons indebted to tie County of Allegheny as Collectoriof Taxes, br otherwise, are reque, tea to settle their accounts on or before the In dny of April near, after which time suits will be immedi ately firttelcd against delinquents. ' • JAMES CUNNINNHAM, WILLIAM MAGILL, JQHN McDPWELL, Cornmidsioneri. Comrnissioaerj' Qffice, January 23, 1846. jan27-d&wtapl HENRY LIMIIV.RT JOHN SHIPTOII LAMBERT &813IPTON, WITOL.E,SALE GROCERS. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS • Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh lianufectures. .15loa 133 and 195 Wood street. PITTSBURGH, PA • 0 :11:4 tam. , • ~.. BY LAST NIGHT'S M , IL. In the Senate, today, the riefiate un the interesting and all-exciting subject of the notice was continued. Mr Colquitt ■poke for one bout and a half, express. ing himself emphatically in favor of the 'motice," which was a yeAtion entirely distinct from !bat of title. The notice was a peace measure—it ought to be ut once given; and then as to the settlement. of the question of title, he desired it to be allowed to remain in the hands of the negotiators, relying confident!" On the wistiom and inteirityof the Presidea:... • Mr Dix has the II tor to-morrow. • The House was hard at work during the entire aes vion. The committees wero for reports, and en opportunity was atTortled to Coe Staten laid ever yesterday to introduce the; resolutions. The bill for the payment of revolutionary and other pensi9ners wan panned w i th certain amendments. After which' the House, in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. made rapid headway with the Indian nrprcpriot.ion WasAingtoa Union, Feb 17. VIVE VESSELS WRECKED ON SQUAM BEACH. Sixty Liver Lost.—Wc are indebted to the enterpri• sing editors of the N York Sun, fur un extra, eon- training on account of the loss of live %tinsels and the destruction of about sixty live,, during the storm of Saturday night and Sunday morning. The news VON conveyed by an overland express from Spam Beach, expressly for that paper, and insued in an extra ut half rut five o'clock on Nlenday evening. It is supposed that sixty lives have been 1031 b) these disasters,the unfortunate crews and passengers per ishing in sight of the hind ur in vain tifert• to reach the shore. The following is a list of the vessels, and the bum ber of like 100 cn each, as fur ae could be ascer tained up to the hour our mediengerd left on Sunday night. Ship John Millen, Capt Starkey, New York and New- Orleans packet, driven ushora on Sunday morn ing about 6 o'clock. Five of thn sailors and une passenger reached the Aura much exbdusted. Cap tain arid a ife, their child arid servant, and thirty-sev en persons, pasSengers, or sailors, perished in at totni, ling to save themiielvea. Ship Orleans, Capt N VOr:: and N leans packet, wus driven ash.:re on Saturday night, soon af ter the :now storm commenced. Total Inst. Saved and missing not usuertuint.d. Schooner AloLama, from Philadelphia. fur N Yurk, went oohore on Saturday Night during tho i.rig,La of the storm, and entry soul on board !o ithed. Seten in all. Vessel a total lost. Brig —, came ashore on Smut day night, and still held together on Sunday at sundown. Name, whetelrom, cargo and destination aril:mown. Schooner —, came ashore ahsu on Ssturday fig ht,anii remained in the same l unitiou as the brig —neither hosing had any e thr1111,:t•11:1U11 NII h the stivre—surf vet y high. Ie ::::rgo of it, .1,11.11 g cottou, 41r. rtiohtsies oral Ithd ',lit. Cal go 1,1 the Oz lean, tiol,tiown. The Alabama is es luetled with liquors, alocrs, loaf sugar, uuii.. hides, &c. All lu•t. Ihe person: sased ssi.“; bospi to t*. nested Iry tho people of Point Pitasant, at Stoic :.Inl es er ) uueotion ed upon them that their dt.plooshie rondttom :nutted. The surf atts still numing eery Llgh on Sunday night. aid au Cumrauni:att,.n had been to ;d w,th thye vessels that snit hold together. (Inc of the bodies, that of a young man, from Om schooner Alabama : was found tin the !witch on Suuday morning, having came e.ltore in t . he night. The snow storm of Snturdiv night and Sunda), tsss tho most severe ever gown in that ‘i..tittity. EtpAELY & MITCUEL, HA VI•7. for SO , — A limo,. and Lot in “etters Le4ho'. par, oC L.ds n the upper pnrtAne• fly cify,t2.s Gum by 200 feet. deep. The hour ie oubstarnitt:dt (rant Tin.. finished.) l'he late owner b(no th.erl, it v.'tl he of Inv. Ir. clot° the Estate. AI•o, 7 Lou .!lino n,!, oacli '24 by DM feet, in O'flnir•ille. • ' Aka 6 Arte, un Va 21 1 .• tan, (Spdng fiartien,) with tiutt.tili• Alen, it 9.1 ie•n, near ()'• Hera el. A 1.., 2 Lnas on elected very extensive •.inble. Ako, 5 huildiry. Lo:s on Penn •trent im in fine COT• tier Lot. Also. a Frame homie (on Lease.) othir the nl.l l'hr'• as Cotton Factory, (Sib Ward.) ' Mao, it hot td Ground on lAseny street. AO feet Goat by lair fe,t deep,Orontingoo2 duvets) un urbieki is erected a otanber of Tenements. Al., a building Cats nn Penn ea-A1 Liwurt oreehr, Also, a Farm rontaining 121. adreci, 1115111541, in Foy• cite Tuwn.hip. Allegheny County, with lion., Barn, Orchards., and other improvements. Also, 3 Building lots on 3d at., between Smithfield and Grant streeto. Alio, a Farm, near Youngstown, Westmortlued County. containing 24til acres, highly lc-limo:ed. Also, 11 Lots of Land on Cltaritee's Creek, con taining each lion 10 to 11i acres. Also, 2 Lots of Lanil, each containing 20 apes, on which are ; erected Cottage Houses, Barns, tine young Orchards, within ri miles of the Court House. .apply an alit 011 ice on Penn at.. and corner of 4 Is and Smithfield sot., Pittsburgh. janll K -ITFS Cuflvry, Ivory, Ebooy,..t.r. for link, Lv JOHN W. Ilf.Alft, OuEN INC; 1.111.1 .1, 1 y, another lot of Brodie Shawls. Al.,ip on hood, u few splendid Reach Broche Long Shawls, (all wool) which will to sold u pea: 1,41. gain, et the New Yotk 'tore. \V. 11. f; IMAM), 79 Market •trext. To the .Gentlemen A FINE tworitnent of it Car.simete, and Ve>tings; a Iro Scarfs, Cravat... Star ki,S it i t s, Drawers • tlnderreto, and Hosiery: uko a few'of the "Shaker'• Flaunel Drasv'ere, and Eltrrti, at' the "Neu% York Store," 79 Illarkel . gt.t•et. ' noV I W. H. GARRARD ri wuliscrito.r;q rent:ng out several largo rooms in ills estithliAliment with tite!im power. lit low ii H RYAN. . Three Valuable Building Leis for Sale. NO. 71, 72 an,d 73, in litirt'A plan, cuntainint ; 21 feet in width and 132 feet in length ()Mein% adjoining John 13. 'Butler, E.g., in the Sixth Ward, If not dui,' at privat6 ;ale, they will be offered dt Fate un the premi3e4 on Thutsdny the ^tl., d April, 1816. GEO. COC.HRAN, rates to good tenants ,dun 17 DWELLING HOUSE FOR RENT. A NEW and convenient two story (iwellingri ta. fur rent, enquire at this oilier, or S NVKINLEY nnv 92 ' St Clnirst. Law .Notice. 11l II E: undersigned aye associated in tlia Pia( do of the Law. 'TheirVlTice is in tho new honici of Woods,-Fourthetroot, Rear Grant. RICHARD BIDDLE, jan 2filitaw&vrtf ROBERT WOODS. McCANDLESS & McCLURE. HAVE removed to Fourth it., opposite ft & R H Patterson's Livery stables. jan7-3n3 ISM CONGRESSIONAL lir'orttl ,t To the Ladies. Executor of Aaron lien, deceased .11-2,1!"..4= Is the COUfg of Commas Pleas of 4118,0eny County. IN the miller of the voluntary ali t signment of Samuel Fahnestock: 1 169, October, 1839. And now, Jan. 23, 1246, William Simpson, assignee, having filed hie up • plementery end final account, liniment is confirmed nisi, and it is ordered by the Court, that unless ex ceptions to the same are filed on or before the first Monday of March next, the same be confirmed abso lutely, and that upod such confirmation the said as. signee have leave to depdsile the•htildnco cf moneys in his hands in Court, and be (other dieChaYged from the execution of his trust, and the nurt order that nut l et , of the filing of said account with the above ol der be published in the Daily .Commercial Journal," and •'Daily. Morning Fest " weekly for four succes sive weeks, the f tvt publication to be made thirty days befpre the rime 44polikeil for the confirmation of the above account. ~ is • • yri,n2 the Record, • • GEORGE. R. RIDDLE, jan3o.dlaw4t Pro. HO, FOR OREGON! rp HE undersigned would inform his old patrons and -L the public in gonerul, that, notwilli.tanding the great excitement on the Oregon goestion, he still con tinues to manufacture CLOTHING of all kinds to order and oilv,rwise, in superior style, He has lately received a large lot of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TTINETTS, JEANS, &c., Which for beauty, fashinn,durabilitv and cheapness are unsurnassed in the Western rentl:et • Among the above will be found many goods of entirely now style as to texture end color. These the NertottAt would respectfully invite bis ald customers and the public to cell and examine, c.onfident of his ability to please in all department. Hu has alga on hand n variety of fancy SILK VELVETS, CASFINERES, VALENCIAS, For vastings, et all mice., which he is priTared to make for customers in a style unstopassolle. • tic has olio Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders, Cr.,2 vats, Stocks, Handkerthieft, Drawers. Anil every other e r t ieleappertaining to men's wear all gnalities, and prices in greet variety. Ln retutniag h'ai Wanks to the public for ihn very liberal pat ronu o -, , . ber Ant e E.:Tended whim, the un dersigned would absi've, Oat' notwithstanding the Great quantity of steam gm up by irotacTbe-BICI establishment he still continue, to glide tilting on We law preatote syftem, rind detiee competitkm in all the variutui branches of his business, viz; in the de pat' ment; wurkwanship,fashian, 4-c. I have still on hand a few cloaks; ovetcants and utter at ticles of win ter ::.ear, which I will sell at unusually low prices. .iAMES B MITCHELL, National Clothing . Store, feli3 d i 65 Liberty at., 2d door below ruh. To the honorable the.iudgesof the Court of Geaer. a! quarter Seisians of the l'erxe, in and for the County 0: Allegheny. The putitimi qf D. . Carponter, of Piit Town ship, in the coLoty aforesaid. humble slieweth. That your petitiotizriimli pies tiled himself wiiit materials for the riceionr,-,htjation ut travelier,and otherii, at his ilieeiling house fn t6a toutiship and !trap that your lionn,t'sdill Le pl. n.ed 'to gi.mt him a license to keep a liouirti of entortaininent. And your petitionei . , LI I'l &ay hound, wilt pr,V. D. F. C A itt,ENTER We the suipterit-rs, 1,!" Township s to c riif., that the atm,: pfl it f tat , r,ta of good repute tut honesty and tempertirLe,a.A i s pro,idt.d with 1010/C ntom and convenit , ncett for the of travelers and IA bet a, end Clad t,uid tavJta very.• . • as fl'. MM'S hia.irk, Jacol. Pupl.;p, Thortg• Noxell , Charles H miltp. 11 iclinci En r,ler, l'hllif. ()thin, Leopelil 11,.s pae r , Peter Krnt,-• , pe, He-Iry Walk J nm.•a H. 131,11 N J•lhn .11,11)n.on, [ankh He, 1 hl9 w 31." To mkt IloworaMe the Judges Cot.rt of Urneral tjtiarter ties s iuns of [he Poce, to A.T.L...1 fv, Ike t:o...air .garirir.y. The petition of Wm. Bross::litit‘t 5 it Wn I tl, nits ty l'ittoburvli in the roomy afore.w.l humid) N,Ur pe1,11,•,.•1 lurn.q.t tho nc,-tonntocktion of hustlers and otlo n, rt Ilia in the city ul.ncsaid, 1.171 ~1, lonors will be Flcased to gru.t him 0 il censeto keep a public house of entettaintn..iit. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will prey. WILLIAM lIROAIIiII RAF. we, the tuh , ort Cifitoillyi she Sth lV,lrd, do wally. that Wm. Broadhurst, the til..n.vep,iiiioner is of good repute for honesty and temper tern., and is well no idr,i Nllll itoosu ilium, 4114 C,lllVefliences fOr the uceotnir.od4tion of tiliVClOrf un,l outer., and that said I,,,set !I ti 11.•re•Snry, II Tll{lnr, A Maas, Edward Faher, Wm. Leluner, John Mucl..en, Wm. Wilson, Jame. Dean, Henry Jackson, James M'Clane, John Stubbs, John Nl'Crarken, l)aniel 'Taylor. febl9 I o Ilse Honorable the Judges of lise Court of Crn• ern! gun •It r Sessions of lac Psace,l. clad Jar Mr County of Allegkeny. Ti m .. 110611.111 1,1 James Kearney mt . the si), Wald, rite l'ittsborgii, in the county nfioesei I, huni!,ly fdtess • eth, Iliac your irwtitioner hush provided himsolf 01111 the ncrotntnothatiun of trnteller4 and oth ul his tiVreiling house in the city. nfort•:oid, aryl prays that vo.tr I I4,nors will he pleaycd nt grunt 11im n 11u•n.e to {.:esT a house of puhlicentertainmeat. And yotir'pelit loner, up in duty bound, will pray. JAMES Iik:ARNIA. r.'e.t.lie subscribers, citizens of dirt sth Ward: do that the above itetitioner,is of gond repute 1 , 0( loonyrtnd temperance. and wolf provided *Hi house room and a.nvenvoncelfor the accommodation of u.s.selers and others. and that said tavern is neeess, Thnmas 1:1,N),1 Samuel Bitimm John Mitchell, Wilion, Wm 'Jolty Markin, • Jame 'John MnerncLen, J S klentilttmi 'Alex Gillis, Jame. M'Llane. felinol&W3t. To the Honorable the J. , 4,1; es of the Gomel of ne rat Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in unit for the Connti of(!ifegken i . The petition of Unary Item, of the eith weird, city of in Oho Guiltily aforesaid, humbly show eth. That your pettititmet harit proyhjed himself with inateriala far iii necommOdistion 'of travelers and others, tit his dwelling hue.e, in Lho city and ward aforesatd:and play, that your Honors will he pleased to c runt hi a 11-cone to keep L house of public enter !ohm-lent.' And snot petit inner, n; in elniv bond. will prey, It ...A. We. the suiiierilvirs, citivins tho Cth ward, do certif . ) that tlio abovo petitioner, is of gci..rd repute for liouesty and tettiperance.lind is well piiiviiied viith 11,111,` 111 , 1111 and conveniences for tie uecomcmdwion of travelers and - others, cod that ;aid tave.:o nary Alex. Coppice, .14. C. Corrmiux, Alrx. Thos A. Rowley, Jux.M'Carthick, lone, Dobbi, ' Robt. M'Kelvy, G. L. noel , . P. M'Kxona, TVillinm Wooth, Robt. Lafferty. lubla-d`o't&w3t T'o the Honorable the judges of the Court of general Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the (Autrey 'or dllegheny. 'The petition nt . James M'Connell, Ross Township, in the county aforesaid humbly shew eth, that your pe tioner herb pravided himself with materials for ac commodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the Township aforesaid, and prays that sour Honors will be plocsed to grunt him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petition• cr, as in duty bound, -v. ill pray. JAMES M'CONNELL. We. the subscribers, citizeos of Ross townsliip, do eertifyohat tlw above petitioner is of gold opute for honesty and temperance. and is well provided with house room and conveniences for 'the accommodation of travelers and others, mod }hut say :aver, is ctoces. : • Joseph Anderson, Deti;rid Anderson, Tho Mas Swords, Patrick N'Cunley, Robert Thomson, Jai Thomson, Jr. Wm Andersen, Jas Campbell, Christopher Brennan, John Lamina, James Thomson, Samuel Meteor, febl3 d3tokw3t* Bank Noteg . emb exchange. CORRICTED DAILY BY A. SEANIXI2, EXCHANGE BROILER, coRSZR DT THIRD AND WOOD lITRILISTS. • • SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants and Ma nufactur ers'Scrip ...par Exchange Bzei r k Scrip .. Currency Becks County S k -,rip 1 SIGly T OnPhilorietphia. • • prem New York -A Pre Boston prem Ballimore prem SPECIE Gold. prem. Silrer TENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburgh paf ,Verchants and Manufacturers' bank Exchange . ... . ...." ...... ....par Do. Hollidayaburgit PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North. America Do Northern Liberties.. Do Pennsylvania ......... ....par Couimercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank par Kensington hank .pat Mann farturers and McckaniCs: • par Mechanics Moyamcnsingpar • • Philadelphia bank pnr • • Sch uylkin ..par South : car* • par Western • ~..par Bank of Penn To to nskip Girard bank par I U. S.bank and branches COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown " Ch.:4'er county • pap DetaWareconnly " Montgomery county " NOT a:umber/and par Partners' bank of Buc,':s county-- . • par Patton ha air • Doylestown bank ... ... ........ . —• . par Franklin bank of ltrashingior ......._.pa, Bank of Chambersburgk....-.......... ........ 1 4 ' 'Middletown ..... ....... • .... 1 ilettysburgh . ..... ...... 1 1 " Susquehanna county Berksecutly baak no sale Columbia Bank and _Bridge Company.... par Corlislebank ' F:rie back • Farmers and Drovers' bank • bank - of Lancosttr • " IT.onkof Reading llarrisbulT bank .. Honesdale " Lancaster " Lancaster co. " ... : .... ........ Lebanon Miners' bank of Motion rahela ba n k of Brownsville 'lee Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 Northampton bank..._. no /OM Towanda bank no salt Il'yoining bank ...... 1 West Branch bank .. 1 York bank .......... ........... .........1 Lehig-k couuly ba::k . -.5 OHIO. .. • • Belmont of St. Clairsvili,; 1 Clinton 1.. n -k of C01umbu5........ 1 Coln mbi.rna bank of Neu. Li5b0n..........._.. 1 Cireierille ( Lawrence, rashier ( IS'arren. eashier,.._ ..... no sale Cincinn ........ Chillicothe bank. ..... ..... Commercial bank of Lake E;:ie .1 Dayton bank.... . ...... .'.:.•...._ Fru nk.'in bank of Colum. I rarrilerS ., V l Mectusniee- bank of Steutonviile..l Farmers' baulrof Canton no Gran a_A . ... . 4 .... . reillOn -.......-. 111 Lahr, 31nrieM , 1 iJ,nrril!on . tirrhnni.,' and Traders', c , ;1 , / 0 .Vor walk / - mitna,a :1 S:an.briky .................................1 Prban.- .. , Venia .. 1 Bank of - /Nln ANss. • State bank and hranekes .........1 State Scrip ••• • ...... ENTUCKY All banks • ILLINOIS State bank • .. . Dank of S..utenet town 75 1111firtir.l. flank of thr Weir:" 1 flank of ' • ••! 1 Exchanee lank of ....... rarmers' Gaga of Virginia.... ........... 1 Nor/h- Western/Yank of Aferrh an til'a nd Meehan bank of Virginia.... I Bank al tiforgantaien 1 MARYLAND Baltimore City haNks. All other rob , ent banks NORTH C AR O LINA All solrent banks.— . SOUTH CAROLINA All solreftlbanis.. . GEORGI/ AlLzolvent hanks ALANAMA If e 1, a nks Country banks LOUISIANA Ner, Orleans bank, (g00d) .... TENNESSEE Bank of St. Clair St. Clair, Bank of as River Raisin, Monroe J O Partner's' and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit 10 Michigan Inskrance, Co. Ddroit, 5 Oakland County Bank. Pontiac. 10 New Works. TIIRAYELS TN MEXICO, c,ver the Trails Lands and Cordilleras of Alexico, during the year 1843 and 1844, including a description of California, the principal cities and mining districts of that Republic, and the biographies of Iturbide trod Santa Anna; by Albrtt M. G illiam For Ball! by C. H. KAY, jan7 carrier of Wood and 3.1 sit. OTIOTTEN (IN NIORT A IN.—EAsays on Hydrae ..l_ lin and Common Mortars, and on limo burning', by J. nitro. For rule by C. H. KAY, .Para corner of ‘Nrood and 3.1 sis. PHONOGRAPHIC DICTIONARY, 1.10 —an explanatory prlinouncing Phonographic Dictionary of this English language, with a vocabulary of Gieett, Latin, Scriptuto and Geographical namea. also, a colkctit.n of phrase:, often bscd by English wri- For sale by C. Li. KAY. jaia. ' corner of Wood and 3d stn. RESIDENCE; AT TOE COURT LONDON compsir4 official and persunal incindentc , Fut sale by ► C. li. RAY, ,jan7. cruller of Wood and 3d 4s. AMERICAN ALMANAC FOR 1846. The American Almanac. and: IRopositary of neeful knowledge for the ytar 1846, 'wit received and fur sale by - C. H. KAY, janG cor Wood and 3d et 4. Mon's Morino Shirts and Drawirs. - LLIICHASEkGS will find, et. t shea- t Prnnock's a P full ei‘nortmeilt of roca'.4 Merle. draweiv; end double and eingfe breeitted Merritt) ihirte. 'Alio, Cot t"..do* Yitailnid and un*dcbe,cl.. BLANKETS. 2CASES No 3 . (10w Fricbd) Economy Blankets Just received Inc! for salmi:re dna " • SiIE I A & PENNOCK% BLANK LEASES, OF very superior lora', for as at Ibis ORice km 20, 1840. _~..:..~__~~~...5: . . Attorney, Counsellor - 16 Notary, JAMES S. CRAFT. PPITSBURGII, PA. HAVINAVING tesigni the office of Secretory P. Nov G end Fire Ins. Co., will attend SPECIALLY Collections end huffiness connected with Navigation. Insurance, Acronnts and Hen' .tato. - E fiusineseilhntitis A. M. to Li P. M. 011ico, Nal ..Soittit',ll3eildings, (No CO Fourth st.) .tecond d.. r Krg( of Wood efecet. •' fel. 3-if ENRY HIGIDY, Dealer in Chinn, Glass and Q.ensware,•hus removed to No 1'45 Wood. be tweet] Fifth street and Virgin Alley, three doors from the corner of Fifth, nt which nlace ho respectfully in vitee the attention of his friends and the public gener ally io his assortment of goods in the nbove line, which he fe - els confident will give satisfaction us to prices and quolity. febt? PITTSCURGH, Jan 2f t , 18 1 ,6. PROPOSALS will he receivedby the subscriber at this place until 'mon of the 16th February next fur furnishing_and deli verng at the navy yard at Pen. .iacola, on nrivfore the 20th cf A pril nevt, two thou sand tuns (2240 poutida each) of the bent bituminous lump coal eLdtable for steamers. par The seid'apal most be of tho very Leif qualify. and pats such insOction at the Navy Yard, Penvacolv, av may be directed hythe commandant of said yard, and if direct¢d by hint, any i.ortion — of it wltich may not be va=tsfaafeq, is to be itnmediately sepal-w e d fr om t h e otheiL nt tha exiie'rtae of the „:ont tnter. • Satisfactory bonds, with' two suretieS. in half the ;mincer of ISO Gontrart. will be requirnd for it! Nth. rot peifofnitipce, in addition ton I..,ervation of ten per centurn, for all hills wltlelt me) , he approved. o hick) reset vatien,.ttill not be paid anti tl:c completion of t hec6ntritct. ace - .rdi:tg to is tetina • - In case of fallure on We part'of the contractor to deliver the cord within the period limit( d rot its de livery. the right id reserved. to direct purchase, to be madii•to supply defieiecried, .and the contractor and his sureties ara to•be liahle fur any excess of coat. over the contract juice, and the tett per rents reserved to be forfeited to the Ude and &env& Of the Cuited States. • Palmetto will be made no dely approved by the Cummandst,tof the Navy 'Yard at Pen3nculn, by such of the 11. S. Navy Agents' tie the connector may prefer within thin-dada tiler the bills are presented . to him, " HUNTER, jan9.B-if Lieat. 'Superintendent. 83 MARKET sTRF:ET 83 11 -4 Dion plaint yel _ low do; best 11)10 niCrUicoeit, at 7, Et & 121 cu, worth 9, 121 and 1.3.1 nenti. !' A few pieces of tiolurd A lapaeas, plain, figured, and T hese, at prices lower than can be had at any other place west of the nicam,tains. janl4 B. F,. CONSTABLE. 83 MARKET STREET 83 SH A W LS, Turkerri, Broche and Tbi;e - t; Real Welsh Flannels Domestic do; Ca.ltmere D'Ecosse, MuuAlin Deleinee; Black Alpaca, Lao res,and Orleans Cloth Black and mole colored French Mctinoo.; • ConslablelTers the above at priors very desi gable to rhos° who have. not complete,' their winter oirchases, in fact 4farhelowthe Thesnooda era of dm latest: purch.sses and best stales. janl4 - MITCHELL'S QUTLINE MAPS. xi ITCH ELLltieries . O 4 fOnt line M n its, for Schott). LY and Acntlemies, consisting of 24 distinct Maps on a huge erble, and Ftrepsro un canvatts, with a Key of explaout ions, 4r iwrir letisonsAc. &c., for tUe use of Tenetlwrs and pupils. The'ulutve SPliem of maps are now ir, :7aa i n nedrls every tespectablo School in New York, rind tile EaA ... orn States. Teat:errs ore respectfully invited to cull and ex amine (hem. • • For sale by JOHN H NIELLOR. inn 7 122 IVood street. • Manure and flay Forks. ' DOZ. fast received from th 3 mondhrt••rers; Oto — star: wuri rut ATti l f.b 5 No 26 Won fit. Spinning Wheellrons. • 41 - 1 GROSS fur 61e by • '" GEO COCFi RAN O F easier') m.rinflicinre for wool carding machine comb rhste and tacks fur sale by Scytho Sneathes. cr.z. 30 D.,..f.vr-5a;,1,1, GE , S, , . COCHRAN, Cc 5 - No 9.ClVeaci Al,eet TF 'on want to r.;:thase any bedsteds,tables , claim settees, or any• fhing else in the futniture line, you cant do better than to call at the furniure ‘4 4 3re room or T 3 YOUNG & CO, dell 3. Fiend st, bet wren Penn and Libe:rty. Dressing and Plain Surpass. F you want to get a good article cheap do not for grt to call at the Furniture IVore Room of Sofas. A. of Olin n. at sofa; on hand and for sale . at tl,o Furn;lL;re Ware Room of • T U YOUNG S, Co. onv2l 11 and gt. beim...eon ,Liberty end Penn MACKINAW BLANKETS, blue and green fur lu o‘eicouts, just received and fur A.lllO, or made up lo order by (jan2B) WM. B. SHAFFER cASSINIERES—A fine assortment of Cassimeres just °pled and for solo by jari.2B. W.M. B. SH %FFER. ri AS:OIEIIES AND CASSINETTS, in great k r / variety, suitesJ to the season, for sale by inn;s WNI. B. SHAFFER. Q Hitt fS---A lot of fine muslin shirts, with linen bosome told wrtstbands. just received nnd(or rule by - - WM: 8. - SH AFFER, Pillsburo elotilin g , store. jan2c, corner of IVuodlind ‘Vntfyr et. Sugars. WIIITF: !invent Sogar in Boxee; White 13roxii ditto in bbli, In atom end fur saleby J. Sq.:WOE:VITT, dee ( 20. 294 robao;neeicetu„.reind Tobacco. 2 P o tts KsF lYar :(::•S g l k licud ra le, Twist, do; 10 " Va. " d o ; 10 " Cav'd, I F Lump; do; In store and for sale •••• ' • J. & J. M'DEVITT, '224 Liberty sr Ground Spices. • 1 0 CANS Ground Pepper; 10 Cann Ground Cinnamon; s.Cona Ground Alspiee; 5 do do Cloves; In atom and fur sole by .1 & J McDEVITT, dee2o 244 Cibenyst 20 PS. Mid Chakinp,' new and beautiful imliertifi, just recived at No 42 141 - -arket steal ner of Third, by A'A MASON. • dec 12 1 On . W I'S. Red, Yellow and hite,Vlannels improved makes at Wholoirtln and Rti-i tail, at very low prices b 1 ' .A A MOON. dec. 12 No 42 Matkot 13ROCHA 1 ST •-• • rERILIEf Brik.haSlia*lA, just received. be POW very low, by A A MASON, ace 12 'No 42 Market sr. Cit;SE FPRNITURE PR I MI'S Selling at die. per ya-all at. - - A. A. MASON'S. dee 12 42 Market .t. '• De Laines. • • 2 PS. Dark and Ligthuplaid de lainA for eLiii• dren aomoltalo*aa 20c. per.yaid, For sal., at'No 42 Market st. by . . . ..,..• .•04112. , - t - = A. A. MASON. LARD. = ' • 488 Ls prime Lard, jam received and Car *ale by Mb 9 JAMES MAY. gemovaL 2: IYn,,d s MACHINE CARDS GEO COCHRAN. 26 Wood it Furniture T B YOUNG. Co, Hand at. between Liberty end Penn PLAID CLOAKINGS , kiiitroodiged kir Everybody. , The Wonderful Vegetable Purgative, 'Port Tt3E cuftE OF ' • Headache,Giddineas,Lheurriiiitizm, Piles,Pivepsia, Srorve. Small' Pox, Inumlicei,l'aitis in the Back, In ward :IVeaktietis, Bulpitai kin of the Heart, Rising n iherniroat, Prop.3y, Asthma, Fever of all kinds, Fe male CoMplaints, tleadei=, Salt Rhos m; Heartburn, Worm 4, Cholera Morbug, quinsci,Vhooping Cong.h, Consumption, Fits, Li ver-ComplaintfErysipe Ins; qectp . es7, itching] of the Skin, Colds, Gou'f,'loniv el, Net .6u,, co[nplainte, nd a variety o 1 otherdise~ses, ari.inCertir; Impunities or the blood, and ohatructiona in the organz,o;.dige...,rlon. [From the Agent at Quebec, L. C.] DISEASn OF TH . E LIVER. Be s n Slll:—Xgroi , j'aic to your desire, I write to keep %nit Orprized of the prisspricts of .The Clickentr Sugar Coated Purgative Pill, in this city; You may recollect, when I first commenced selling your media eine, which was in May, VIA, we little dreamed of the success rhos would crown the undertaking. Our premises had been so completely (leaded by the ones thousand and one unsaleabla remedy fur every possi ble complaint under the sun, that I set lourdy.contern plat ed having nothing Morel° du with tiny Thing of the kind. Hci.vever:nt.tite most 'urgent solicitation-, wo consented to' Make a filet of yours. At first we found ennsiderebi:dniult , ; in attracting public attention to': wards them. '''''Peopc., h a d been 50 alien deceived by , the vile compounds which have flooded the country for the last ifi - years sir mOte., that they determined, if possible,lsever to be "taken in"-again; and the conse quence was, they could hardly be persuaded to accept of the Pills, as the saying is, for 'dove nor money." Thus matterre proceeded for n week or two, when, as "good luck would have it, "M rs . I.l—, a 1,,,d ) , Of our city, alai had long suffered frOm En - affection' of 1 the Liver, aci...' - or;:enniod by' indigestion di the feast obi _, stinnte el/al-trier, was persuaded tonecept if tam art condition that nothing was to be paidfor it, if they did net aflimrl het the necessary relief. I must confess; we ourseises had very little faith in the matter, know: ing as 'we did; that her complaint was one of long standing, and, had Leen unr;Lccess . folly treated by tho . most'erninthit'T hysians of titUs'itrid Several neighbotl. I ing fownS: Bin weliad determined to give the medi cine n hit t?cal; =air it -.roved to be worthless, it would be's searee'of ihti;fiicticits to know It, botii'to .ou and to aS. ' No less to our joy than surrise;tow. ever, only a few days had elapsed, when the lady again presented herself at our counter and enquired feral:rods er box. "I really think, Mr. Williams," says , she, ' that your Pills are beginning to work a gretiectuings in my health, and altogether for the' better. When I inuit - trie'Second dose, I began to feel much betterthext I dider fast; the pain. inMy - side was considerably re lieieci; rni appetite. began to improve; and the blood seslmed to circulate through my veins as it did In my ynnthfifidays. Since then, I is see taken the remainder of fhe Pills, crai 14' imprerVespent has been sensibly progreiiing ai every repetition'althe dose. I have on doubt that n few mote boxes Wiircrectuar i y cure me." The result was as she pfeitlM.ed' . Het health is completely restored. The flush of youth and beau ty has returned 'to her cheeks, and the prospect of a lung amid a happy life is before her. I am satisfied she will never forget the Clickener Sugar-Coated Pills. A. might naturally be supposed, the news °Olds ex trnordinary cure sues rapidly disseminated thrcughtlio city and adjacent country; and scarcely a week had elapsed, before enquiries began to be Made ftsii.elicii ener:s-Spgar..Conted. Purgati.6 Piils; and the demand haselreorlyir'icterised to such an extent, that we find thegroatest difficulty In supplying it. In fact, if it did not seem like exaggeration, I might almost say that we are literally besieged by women, and children, !a1m ja...44..r AVC/V nribde l . la en w le. • i n ~ . is heir to. . The at, tm TT auto, an. Los •t• ; ; t• he. asthmatic, censumrtiee, and ti - Yspepticcetre ihionging um- doors in purs'uir '-ef nhd never-Tailing P-ahanett.,.. Testimonials of its - sakttiry effects are voluntarily (Ina ing in upon es irturftvery quarter. One person inferms. us- jsa had been relieved of 'a most obstinate Dyspepsi ,- . Another has just recovered from a seri ous atter.a 'Of "Apoplexy. - A third has succeeded in expelling from his system the -symptoms of Jaundice. And a funrtil has just recovered Flom an attack of Put monnry-Consamption; which had confined him to his bed for many' months.---So we go. But do not fail to keep us supplied. Besides our Retail Trade, we have standing orders from the country to • Et large amount. Send 30 Gross at your earliest convenience * Yours, &c. R. H. WILLIAMS. • Quebec, L:C., April 14, UM. REMEMBER, DR. CLICKENTft, is the original inventor of Ate Sugar Coated Nis; tinci that nothing of t?le wt . was ever -heard of until he Intro duced Caine in June, 15-43, as will -seep ki the fal lowing: PIIEMIUM This Diplnmn was awarded by the AMERICAN INSTITUTE, at the Annual Fair, held id . the city of Nelw otk , October, 1893, to C. V. CLICKENER, for the inveion of SUGAR COATED PILLS. .3 AM ES TALLMADOE, Preaident. T. B. ill Alcus4q, Cutreapon4ina & Cr etan'. PUltDorl J. ',YEW, Itecnrding• Secretary. Inr To Avoll, COONTCRTLIT3.—PUItbaSCriI rnti#t ahTays ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable rids. and see that each box has upon tt his signature; all others are counterfeit. ‘VM. JAChISO:, , I, corner of Wood and Liberty sireets, i 0 _Dr. Clickener's agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity. oct6 GREAT EXCITEMENT IA TARIFF REPEALED! I ! rptil-: sliding scale principle .abandoned and the minimum standard adopted . et " • No. 92•Slarket Street. We have been receiving t 5? the last week or two. a fresh supply of sea ionable'DßY GOODS, bought ' from the Manufacturers, 'lmporters, ,ii'd'ilt'Anction, at the lowest cash pt ices. Having had eXperience,d Agent in Philadelphia and New r)rk for some months past picking up bargains, here and there, CM ides us to offer to the public a splendid stock of Goods with almost an imperceptible Turitf. Our stock con sists ia.part of the Ulowing Goodst•—. Shaw Is-:a — grrat varier , :; French . Terkeri Shawl.;; English do dot Splendid Brosha and Cashmere Shawls; Damask do; Illack and Embroidered Terkeri do; Super Black Thibet, Silk Fringe dot Ladies' Super Cashmere Scarfs.; Woollen Shawls of every variety; Also a great variety of Cashmere D'Ecosse; !lain de I,ain, mod tarred and figured do Laiu; English and French. Merinaer; Alpaccas and Coburg Cloths:" Bombazines; plain 104.,fancy dress Silks; Irish Linans,-Cotton Alpacca and Cashmere Hose; - CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, and VESTINGS. Also, an excellent assortment of domestic Goods. All of which we offer, wholesale or retail, at such pri ces as we think canrot fail to please. Call and ex amine for yourselvit No. V.l Market street. • dea2 1 3.1. - : ' MOSES COREY. VAlttable Property for Sale. - A cEßrafii lot of ground situate on Penn, be jl lov."S alnut street, Fifth Ward. containing 17 fie 4 fientsin Pens, and extending back 100 feet to ulherry alley, on which is erected a valuable three story brick house, and In rear a two story frame. Also, one other lot on Liberty street, opposite tha Wesley Chapel, in said ward, coomining SS feet front, and extending bark 100 feet, on wnich Is °rut ted a well finished two story frame. Titles indispu table. For farther particulars, as to property and terms of sale, apply to ^ JOHN A PARKINSON, Aid., Fifth Ward. dec 12 tf Ribbons, Velvets anti - Satins. ATOW open (by.expresq.ti3otherr IE4. of Fashions .l.?ll able iCi!bons,,Bonnet Velvets and Satins, edam Ndw York, et.ere,lo Market strepx, de:l3: " • HGA Raft RD. ".dust Arrived e.t the "%et* York - Store ' ' , 100 ni D e G re Z. , a L n e d a . i? i s k ' a G l ov G e e s n o ti f er t un's K t gidtiliaseshh ` N. B. None but the hest Kid Gloves kept at 79 Market street. novl2 W. HfGARRARD.