----- e7rtmsprittation tines. ftik-1"0111 l-845 Blank Biagham's Transportation Line, BETWEEN PITTERN SSURGCITIES.II AND THE EAST PROPRIETORS WM. BIcaHAM, J c9 ,- .4 TFIOS. Biscitam, Wx. A. STIIATTOS Conducted on Sabbath-keeping prineiplei. THE Proprietors of the old established Line base thoroughly recruited and renewed their stock, and are well prepared to forward Produce and Mer chandise on the opening of navigation. Tho long experience of the Proprietors in the car rying business, with their watchful attention to the in terests of customers, induces them to hope that the patronage heretofore extended to '•Bingharria Lice" will be continued and increased. Deeming the usual self.glorifying style of advertis ing too absurd for imitation, and believing that with former customers we Treed no self-commendation, see would merely invite such as have net heretofore patronised oar Line, to give us a 'firth Our rates of freight shall at nll times be as low a i the lowest that are chargers by other responsible Lines. Produce and Merchandise will he received nod for • warded without any charge for arkerti , ing, Storage or Commission. Bilk of lading promptly forwarded, and every direction carefully attended to. Apply to, or address, IV BING 11 A ,N 1 , Canal Basin, cor. Liberty and avne sts., Pittsh'g. BINGHANI, DOCK, rind ST TON, No. 27ti Market +trert. Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent. No. L 22 North bloward street, Baltimore ‘VILLIAM TYSON. Agent. jy 24-11 No. 10. West street. New York. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE EkM21845.11 21 FOR TR.3.NSFORTATION OF GOODS Between Pittsburgh and ail the Eastern t.:ztire TRANSHIPPING. Tills old and c -tubitdoni Line Laing raw ly doubled their cup.s.rity and facilities for car , rying goods, ore now prepa tint to rreeke pro 1:.00 and merchandize to any a mount for shipment East of -West. The boats of this Line being tdi ft.ur sect io n tt, rt ,„ tile Boats, are transferred ft um Canal to Itiatbnad , tl,ur boxing all transhipment Si separation of goad.; ns the goods are never removed till their arrival at Philade! phia or Pittsburgh. rids Linebeit.o the Pionterin this mrieofca-rving, after a successful operation of eight yearA, are entibled with co:di:klieg to refer to nil neireinuts who have beset:tit:re rntroniz , d own,. We-11., eie eSpeCtfeHy requested to give tLis Linea tt id. a. cv: y exertion will bo used to render satisfaction. Mer ehandise and Prod ore atwrs s essrieti ,at us ; price. nn un fur ;ems, and in as shoo time, ' ,shy on, Produce c o n signed to not bi.p.,e Lit phi, will be sotd on liberal 1e1171 , . Ge‘sis con:kigued to eitLer our house at Pit tsidtrch of Philadelpitia,forwarded pro m ptl , :red all requisite charges paid, JOHN McF ADEN Ai. Co., Penn street. Cann! Basin, Pia -dar_dt. JAS. M. DAVIS, & Co.. 24.1 an,l •251. rnr Market sd. FARE REDUCED!! Good Intent Past riail.fn L :13 L of APLKNOID NEW TROY 131;11.T C•JACO AND RAIL ROAD CARS, Leave Pittsbn.r.ek daily, at 1 o'clock, P. DI RUNNING THROUGH IN 4R 1-101:11-S, •SCE,‘ DING THC 1111.L5 WITII SIX HORSES AND POSTILLION --••• 41.; an 7 . From Cliainbe r arg by Railroad to ti a. In splendid newly lto:it Eight Wheel Cars, 011 - 1 - 1` netting with Mail Cars for New Yoik; nino at b- - burg whh Mail Lines direct for %Washington Ciiy. EV'Only 011.-e for tiie e d Exchange Hotel, St Cl iir rtn ct. jun.- 12 W. It. :11ltitill117.Al.). g't. FAREIZEDUCEDI Opposition M Good Intont Fast Line for l_ri 70 IEI I .1 - 0 :D. 1K art.sauin itIOT Lt.:Lr Limited to Serer. Passenzer,F. Leave Pittsbargh daily at 1. N. N.l RUNNING TIIROUGII IN 48 1101:ft , , Airendingtlw rnwinrain SIX HORSES AND POSTILI.IO:\ oYLr oNV. SIGHT I r Cri.ol:lLttuuGti, 2V.•. f; *i n Zr" -ffg 4 I • Thence by RAIL ROAD to Philadelphia, (being nu only Line, running their own cars on the road.) ring with Mail Curs far New York; tilsost C6urnber.4 burg with Maillines direct to Baltimore and IVusl. nron Cite. r'"Othce three doors from Eaehanze oct ^s•lv A. HENDERSON, Az.mt. James Cavanagh, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER. IN fine Jewelry. Cutlery silver and German stivro Spectacles, gold and silver Pencils, Fiiver Thim',l , Scillsors,Tweezer3, silk arid :cunt Su.spor,lers, sills and bead Pur,,r, carpet 13a4s, Hosiery, children's Cloaks Beats Or!, Beef .Mctrow, castile, cream and palm Soaps, &c. in't mistake the place, NO. 61. M 4RKET STREET, East side, between Third aid Fourth sts , SiTillOW, Row. Piano Fortes A. LARGE and splendid assortment of new 1., proved grand action Piano Forte, co hail „,,,i or sale by F. Cor. Pearl and St. Chor Ex. nor 11. N. B. The above itpitrilm , nti; arc lrriroed o. land any climate, arid ill o r der 114 long an t nanufactured. They sill be sold low for e-e.b. European Agency REMITTANCF:S of money on moderate terms, can be made doting my absence in Europe, to every part of Irelan I, Finglatel, Scotland, \Vales or the continent of Europe. Legacies, deka, property or claims recovered: sit, cites for wills, titico documents effected, art.i other European lausitte-is trim , acted by applying to J,l,:les May, Water meet. Pitts burgh. f 1 KEENAN. oetl2 Atzont a7ll llt Low. Pitt-liursh Take particular N otice THAT the, elanklin Ileuse, foot Ira in stmet, Pittsbnrh, b Ii B tt.,x o, is tha trot ettablishment for transient !rasa. rg tho-e %slut rimy wish a longer re‘idence in the city, It,, accom.l3tions lire excellent. We know from expel ionce and htturiil recommend his liotrAl as worthy of Tettronartc. Hugh Ki dam,' Fr,erl.rt. Wm Connelly, Franklin. Bengurnin J Nibloek, Buller. H hi Y: ebb, Cochranton. .1 no liamilton. ibio• • John Belles . , New York. riPl3orJerd accommodated by the day or week, monlit or yearly. or? 15 . _ A LLEN KRANIER Exchanzo Broktr, corer A of IVood and Third sireela. Gold, Silver, anti Solvent Bank obi,, bought nod sold. Sight elz.n.ilti oath() Etistern citiin;, Coracle. Mulls, not css and itilhi,collected. RIC.FERENCES. Wtn. Bell G. Co., Jelin D. Dovi4, F. Lorenz', J. Painter ,SL Co., Pa. Joeoph WOOdiVell, jainc,l4 AIe:S.BreMSOnSICo. . John H Brown&C;n. Piolarle;rhia 81== J R. Donald. }St. Lori NI W. Pope, Rep, Prre't Bank Ky. Lookville t ;~~, ~*` ON tIgnIPTII @,'A DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry The Original and Genuine Prepration! Collat.:, Colds, Aitlimn, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint Biosisl. Ditriculty aC Breutiiiiig, Bojo in tic. Sidc ,11$d the Henri, Croup, Bliilsen Thloot, Nervous toil nil ilisensris, Breast :mil Lungs; cti,ctual and pertly cure I=l 11,E. ahoy•• ti;,: e; n SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Tilts now, by its. in. yittne.r..scquited u celebrity which can never he .11aketi by the many quick Nostrum," with which the country nhoun,l4. The public ate fist lent nil. 7 ;hut did; in t h e only remedy that can be relied upon in the opeed, nn .l I‘l . l motion'. cute of all o f the It i., literally nw ecpina Coo,urnption from the bind; wherever it introduced thot .li•••nSe dwindles into insigniilcance. The inilorc hose. 'huts' buzzed' lonz imine;dt. nod now re,,,rt to a rnedicire which the testimony of the ;nos; eminent phsdyian• it, the land lio; plnce, 7 l beyond the tench of cr iric',m.— In ft - quilts 1.0 bol.leting up, puldidting whams. ./f forged certificate,—lnit it is co scs It to let the piddle. know where it can be &drained, and one Ilia! is id yince r.ll, of it- trlciiry io curing tho-o -jug hafil ',I the of the tithed pl",t , tllllr is far age. het, tofore. p r . s•ca,oc's r—nr76on..? Surup (..nes t s th, fion, litra dt!,. wam '.ll, nod .11111.• Of the 1/1.11! ,m.' \\ l id Cherry, ret 4.f is t,r01,11..1 teguhir althorcli they , hay ,• 11 , 411171,1 !i.e I g:ve to N Crum; " t l,or, CH, thou f,l the p ,! 1,"11 is 001, 1 .1,,,,,11.y 1)r.5 \VAI NE. N EiE.doh and e 14 , it,t• are ,1E , 1 . 1.11 Si;Chtly.nhsu'.dulloot detuy, h. which thes 111,1 1,1,1•111 e1',1,4 It( true. duc,i,.vusr fully tidy. Never u Inel. ii• .1 so ; ore p 5;.,/ ••1 t• 11. • 1.••-• 11 111 • !..•rry,- of l't ,•• b,. 1 / 1., r .c.1•1r•••1 ,%•'ll • I!lrrr.rt i. EtA, '2laal a ..•IppATlt•t -ar• I ta.,i i lia. 110 ••• '• •er. :11.• 3 pni nom , N " In ri•nfli 1111.1. ( it, Pt ..1? •• a”: 1 tt 1::••• ••:-1• or•JR• •If Ur. S ,•• •:1•••1'.1 1, ••••,•,:t•Ci ••1 • r •• fA A I • 11.. t; S. `lo,ri• - •.. t ri r..h t t•!, hit th- itt It rtt , t: 10,1 , I , I .1. ll.hi it to tltt it \,• dits ! t h 1:1 , •di • • ) 1 TAMES cocur.AN, :7orne- r (1.11 • 1';//a, Pr F. .„1 TA Nur rf 1 h,„. i),r. (3, ,t<•• r:11.1 11,11! , ,);.: 1101. r, I.• \11 .. .•.•ni 11,11 ne . .4, AI E I, n . ! ri ! f • ,11,1 1)1- I 1.• I 1 I'. (, r !AA ••••:: MI!. I i:N111.!•(;11; r • hor •.1 v.)•••••1••;,1,•,„ „,; 1, .! I y LOCH AND VAULT DOOR MA NI . F.\ CTORI'. k•-• t ' •--- LA; - _ THOMAS ARNOLD, r) EsParFuLLY aDd I_ll, 1.111 d:!.•. Ilia; Ow 1",':.41,...in4 tide, CHU too :qatialar!or), Ali. y 1,21 ced W.,"JP H h1•rg11,1 , 4 44 iv. !NOD LOCKS AND LATCHES, VAu ur uooll LUCK, SToitt.: UU DO, MORTICE LOCKS AND LAI K,NOB L \ TCH TS. SHC I II:it I;oLTS A-Tl:Nrc - is, sLii);Nc.: ft' BNI I RE, sTt , ;;I: DOOR BOLTS, A . \ LT pool; IR( ,N RA 11.1\ 4 j. lIUIV (•AsTE6s, AVAGON BOX Es, S \\TIGHTS. Vti,/!.••"11 , , Ltiti 11 1.) ih it 3,11 with him, ,it•terrLi , .1 t,, ut sUCIi t, cannot fail Err? \V01 . ,. i I In) In, rrnrncoly nits ncivtl In Zurrit /District fortnri ly of u., Chinn both 10.1 i•oi, 1,111 leirr.t out, his built and Li! d.nme I for the aceuni . /1.111011 i'l Tinsclrt of t hp. corrwr of Seco,' and Stlllli.f , 1,1 hiCll N di be known Ili the Burnt !I tat]. • Hr is SOW p,,•parcd t•, trfft•l , 'Very 1111 y 1..111,1[ to 11,..! ilVI•101 . ut srn' Cll , llTt S. lit' 1 , 1.P.1111 %%jib umpio una ewl,erlient A Farm For firac, ONSiSTI:so; ~1 ,W,oir 130 Etert,, filly of which clk,Ved and mle(' f , nea, smutted about three miles From the city of Allegheny, betyvecn the Frank lin cod Pew:yr roads, well wateted. told udjoininn lands of Arthur Gallagher, James Ketr. the late Da vi,, Eto l , Ileb , tt. Davi, and Sutoutd Isavitt. This tract of land from its proximity to macho in ere int - it:cornettist° Gardner', Farm er;, Blllikrn or Mutmittettmers. Price low and con dition:. easy. For-totticularsenquire of SARA It II FETTERMAN, JAMES C CUMMINS, Pittkurgh Pa. Glory,'Gratitudc and Patriotism. The Jackson Wreath, or National Souvenir. ANational Tribute, commemorative of the crest civil victory. achieved by the people, through the H m n of New Odeon , . containing a map of the United SWOP, a .portrait of Gen. Jackson, it view of the bat tle of Near , Orleang and the Hermitage. Just rerei'mcl end for AO? by JOHNSTON eic•tTOCK TON, Market street. -ate.-a-• - • .~.:,. lit 0 a - Ul3, BROTIIMIIS & C S -4= 1846. t 9. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, AGENTS RelniHan, sro, and Pargagt to and from ffitEAT Burrirsi AND IRELAND, BY THE Black Ball, or old Line Liverpool Packets, from New York aria Liverpool on the hof etery inunth.„l -. . - 3 And by 1 Ciass American Ships [Sailing 11'eckly.] D Enstois to the • Ohl Country" for their I'iii:r4..rten rmil , the nvrei•iliy tirritngoinent the and hat , :hem brought nut in :my of 00: Eight Ship-. ecropt he Work Bell, or OA I.inv of Liverpo Pacheil•. In pool n, the j , Z. and Lilt o ftwei'y by roofing from that port wci.is'y, vhiieii Nie , r 49. James D. R••• - lie & out yen) fm 11. t home ttutthe Money sill be r0111,41,1i ttl'll.ll uny deduct ghee I:L:ICK 21.11. 01; OLT) LLYE (IF tir.ERPooL K E I..hott. 01! evil Clot Lj...c, p o ol 01 thirif regular appoint. 41 follow,: Fidt•ha, On I`.Lay. t " " " New otk, Ist Feb. .Tune. 1,1 0.1. A ft.t•riC,n, IGth " 113:11 Yul 1.1 M'.r. 1.1. July. -t Nov. Ifi; •• lee}, I-1. 1-t Aat. " MotAt..lut, ICth " Molt 111• h " NOtift —it !lit. vr I 1t•,1 CLuis .t per..., to ;44.1 out 111 , 11 ..tia A. 11 , 3 Lriag ~ L I: hy 11.'t are I', y OW!II,f , thatlto Sc Cu_ n 110;1,1, hunk 0,1 _ . We 1, ,w•ni un , . C r•,!, 1),41 . , dtrett cf (;.,,:e , gir ,1.1.1 t FALL A r•ID cs . % (1,..) ,2:11 .t :Or THREE BIG 1)(101iS! /10,,, 01. c ..r %. I • 4. , • .k ki sk• it• t. “..‘ • ; -I.,kk.k kk.• •• S., if t:if f f f f-ff, VERY SUPERIOR CI.OTIIS s'r ccL,!'.f..h fl r! r WEED. SATTINETS.VELVET:•'.. SC E.EADV Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks. LTEMIE New Sts le of Davy 3 Ind Tweed Cloths, \il It! i. 3 4 , 13 .• • - llr 1,/•• /kr r S t I itt, ur, - ,••• 1110 11ti 111.1.1 ri W. 1., • -1,,;:•'411,,N1.1 IE ti 1 HIS GM eVI 1it,P41.1 meat in 111.11 8* then kru., In thtt ro'lllll. 1., in \l'Ufrall/ 111. 1.31101/3 that 'IIIE Cl'l ANI) MAKE: (tt 1.11 ntttrb , • kohl lira tt.ttatit-htnent titt in the tn avl tnadei ..ts:e. COI.'YTRY IIERCIIANTS IteLl to call, us he NIT! II • tI l l 11/•tl. he (111 then) •1/I • I 114 ill II tlv•ir advantage to 1.1111.1,1/ I Ill! la cone:n.lol,, I %. onid ,ay to the r ,tdir, when yon c.. 1 a! no, stole OWII f,,r, for l -1• II to,i7-I,h Ilftiy. NI% purchase d ,itiatti a.- II gun Cm, impot tore, and of cow-, 1 ran al loss, in ;cc- 11, LII OW .111 111,1 k 1,11; jilhiSi,r. Th.•II, orn 1,1,1,;•• 101101110 ilt Ilt•r1, I amcoal,l , •ll in soil at a 1.•55 171•TrOlihi L C, SWCIO ChlihiVf I:\ Chill it 1.• Irug d.otl wh..11 I no, butt I run and ssa!l %,,1 4 urnl. IT. low H. In laly illern for, hat all I !WIC& of 010 1,11-1 is OW ph•t1 , 1110 ..f a e“ . I. Ii at mindl.oll.lllr I 1,1,1 Lnn..0114 this tittt:t. 111, -." N. id It re q tored, be pinup an, Oda! in ca, of oho m by fire, or otherwi,e, they may be re moved without the aid of a acrew-drisei, told with the mtnte facility that any other piece of furniture can be ,emoved. and without uoy extra expense. it'.2.l-d&W r subscriber Int,opened the Citizen's Rotelon 1 Penn +treet,ne n house of public entertainment, in that large hi irk holed', formerly the Penn House, near the en nut bridge, where he is provided for the at,. cutnmodatioa of the public, and will he glad at all timrstnsee his friends. ap.2l-d&wif BENJAMIN F. KING. ♦6RANOEIIY.Nif 1011 .11. u, 1, pn, , l 1 au , 'S S C.,. (.\ • %, JAMES 1). P,):111: P.I. I.Y ! . 11 Ft FIE., ;•,:tr C,;..t! 111,:20, / 1' S 'FE E'/ PITTE3 I 72IG H. Fall and Winter Clcthing MADE CLOTHING, ('Olll'S, ZIE .1121 k. 6 . '_,ILL` Qti e, ,• :,• t !r; Overcoats of every Description, I.RE\Cfi VES.7 I\ ,; I'll 11.1115.-; I'l{ :\II -.\l s 1 r iNvi!..:l3Li: 111,1 v Ell= I' A S N A ISLE u(2 s s VENITI AN 111,Ut/S. WESTEIIVELT, I I 0:11 nu I wall known \`e ot: in Illinit .\lnk''r • lo t tn .,. col Socond o nil l'oartli 444. nLcs this 1111 . 1!“..1 to ithforn (11.1tly friends of i 6.• l'act lint Ilk Focool!. is (111 W ;II 101 l gretutionon St Clair noar n' old Viii‘no a oon.t.tra ~'pply iii 01 various col, tool l oaiillo.4, is cotooantly Itypt nod at all prior•n, 'rant twenty-cents up to suit Citizen's Hotel 't UST received at the Three Big Doors, the larg 1/ eat and best assottment of Shirts, ever offered in the rittnhargh market, which will be sold whole sale or retail on.ressan ab le terms. oet2s. .JOHN M'CLOSKEY. avArA . ,. =MI Barrows & Turner, DRY GOODS EA-MJ IBIBS7. NO. 46 MARKET STREET. Prices Reduced for Thirty days BEING desiruus of reducing their present stuck as nius.li :Is possilile, presions to the opening of the. Spring trade, make known to their numerous custo mer:, and all purchasers of Pry Goods, that their emir, mi.:au:tent now in store, will be utTered the lICII 111111 p :I i . lit Re dared Prises. Press Goods —Rep. Cashmeres, Cashmere Lacensae.ii\lolislili de Lai flea 181 to 2.Zicts, per yard, one lilt exit a ill A'paror —So polior silk warp warranted 5.1. 67 eta; Wore libick la attea, 37A to 40 et color a et every dirseripthir lit eta. Bornbastli,:i.—.l,lllllll't• brat at the luivsst mires. French, Thibet of the :cry be.it or'- lire. 41. Arrri:oi.—Ellack, blue and ail oilier col or- rit rts. Sline-'s beautiful patterns, $ t :2a13; Ten li-b si t ', . , 7 Me: ram t $.1,40ii10 Ladies' Cravats velvet, satin and Fancy silk. spl,ndid can, iv. best Paris Lid, in all sliades, prices 6 . 21 silk, wool mid Lisle's I // es i t rind wind 21 tii 42 wer.til, tint'll t. - Go.'d Voids.—S' er.di I pauerr , , fl 1 -1 e t, 1114.1 P1.:n.114 or Iti Le . o.ke I . ,en fain ke le eel f leece p Peiv 112 4 friiai $., 1 1 usually ; 1,60 in 1.7, C 5 to 31 cts. extra 331 3 ot.. L:I . Sl:pt r /1,11 Ird in ads IA es , ‘14 , . I, o ‘‘ 31 C . , 1),•11 , LI.C. Gtrt Pt ; I -1:t• l•- t 0,11 I; 1•1 t ;-".1 , s t 1.1; . ii, :2, 3-4 qi,zs—lir,wn and b'eaciAl dl N, id:lo4 an.: (i• Pr;,Trf, , , l -.1 :41,,i..,.•11117;:.:•, , Al , ll fir'; • a.. /1,41 C/%01 , , i,i WI. ii1"01:1.11 eve,y ,•2,111 .111, •OLO - 1 knsrr.'; i• tl , f:r.! 1.11; _ , l• ;:i•• /1,;: II ri•.1•.1:• U.. 1, t. 40 t. ,I• 1111 tat! 11,4va W t 1/(11 M 111152127 No 46. Threo doors above Third et. L. ...„..4„.:.•., r m., „ ,:,, .... ~ ._ 7 Nl'l Fitt: IVAIt I: ItOOM'. U. U. RYAN, I-I 1 ; 1 I t , r ; I N t i t:. =Mr , ,!I•'t 01 ri .1 11 , 1, at V.11 ,, i1 • ••Itt • 1 4 :, m...., .F•ly ttIVO. " In. a. b:a V• 1111.11,11 tire ar.d c,-1) CUIC in the pel,twn - IThrn.g Vein, done in the Ile•t rnaotier. Alto. lon rt..eeimenv rnatetitil kept on h J.• 11 ., ;74 , 11 itnt'.. /1121/SC CO/n/n 4 / 2 NCR CC, and Bed 66„v e l end Fork ,Sze. Fl,O o)er ref 1,.;t1, to Itrge 1 II hilt; I( • 11., ,1•1, it R , l Shop, P.:: ilri ei ou.eut it, propel Nut ..t .) be ,t11.1:liOnl. tat 'W WII an te rater than at , alM Er o,,•1 Call f r 0,1. J c ,•,1 Isom .mail cnoinr.. ‘l, pit, lit Dr. E. tYleritt, Dentist, ( tLe 11._rut 1):.t; tit-) I.II.SPECI I C1.1.1 . 1,C0rr1 , 1 r. - jj►%,! kl 1 , :kit / . 2. hit RE-1;l'ILT AND AT woßi PITTSBURG 11 CLOTHING STORE, .411,111 ',it` K. p 1 I $ 1.4 i 11 LA, 1,..:0;,.• h, At ti,,,-,ncr .•1' ,-11 ,711.1 r s • 4 . Nos., ,s 1" r 11•• tt Ler, i••• tho GENT S (' I, OTIIIN 'ii the mast molt-tut' , ant} ut 1..1v ttltttrte , t !wt.. stock of GOO.:r EN7'II:ELY .\E It', woo: ryttielt cute tttutt Ow nal h. r. fir ,4 m his 4`.r.i,;t,111.•1.! mum, ..f %1111 . 10,1111 • HIN'. anti ft um itttt;.: t X 1 ,4, tortt t , htttln it .tltt-.., tut t ., it- tgrstt gt_•tit t.ll . .1..1 it, loth° ho mac fart, him N% Jai thelt .\ n Clothing suited to the Season. co VUIIUu9 II ,011•1, t., is i; p, (;AINS eal/lhh , hrr.ent iri Cot. cnly. llr h ft, Ve.l4. Sit:ll, Crlk 111, SIC II 1,11111141:11`Ithlit ohlnil • n • pnitd t;; 11 lo 1;; c;;-11. and Cll,ll ILO .V 1 .111,11110 ,C 1111 I•XCI 1.1 , 1,1 0 111 , $ 11.111111 ' .•111 ;;;;;,-;,;.;;,., of all kit,d, to otdor, a./Ch u ntat,nrr 117 , I , l r lht•l' tlm I'IT'I'StiI:RGII CLOTIIING STORE 'HI,. ;;;;• ;;;,;;;.d t;,;;Ii WI: 1,1:A r \ • (; I NTILE," GREAT WESTERN cLoTittAG P. ()‘VENS, 1.1;011;1E1'1)H, PETUIINS t”Li. Cot rt...t 11, 2 1.11,10111,1 In C:0011114 10.41 r. be lii por rent. l thin ant totter t•s111,- ‘st...t of the inountuii,;3l.l 1-0,114 le on nr,,,,trnt•nt itt (;E_NT LEN! VN'S (2',()Till NG, b.,1, I'3o, (2,,Oinit rent. t'ino from 23,50 10$(1., roo. Sal in V,o. I 1 , 17111 e all ki,al; IVIN'ITIZ. ES'I'S, sill ICl's, 1 is 11\ E(:S, STUCIiS, SUSI'ENI)I:RS, tool all tcticlo.: illlia ThUrC writ rUrChn , e, will df , will to zicr he FiTaIVII to filrni-helffibing on the CfNellpeht 10 , 111,f0c Ctlol. fOrg."! ph,c,•; GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING E, NO. IC, LIBERTY STREET, oppusite Brewery Alley. 0ci 4 2.3,f. P. OWENS. CI()THING STORE!! Water Street, Three Door, below Wood. lIE subscriber respectfully informs Ido C. 1151- -1- -niers and the public generally, that he has cpen ed a variety of gen eonable clothing, at the ohove stand, which lie ("tiers Ilb cheap as can he city. _ _ _ The store is in charge of Mr II PEW, oiroorthe best cutters and tnostexperienced workinco in the city. ort2.3ti. P. OW ENS. ABF.F.LEN has removed his Commission and . Forwarding Rosiness from the Canal Basin to his new lVarehouse. on Third street. nearly opposite the Post Office. stay 30. Ulf .I• • tnen! t4l, WILLIAM B. SILIFFER, IN 1: IS S () It F acatoval EXTENSION OF PITTSBUR G H Rare Chance for-good Investmeats! THE subscriber litts laid out., and now - offers for sale at reuSonabkt prices and nu accommodating terms, Oh , hundred and ten building Lots, on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Miiiier7,ithela river. They are about one-third of 1 mile from :Lc city line, nod are situated in that part of the first city district which will probably soon bii annexed to the city us the Seventh Word. No pro• perry i n the suburbs possessessuperior advantanges, 110 r has any heretofore been lidd out with so liberal an al lowance of wide streets; Braddt.ek is from one hun dred and twenty to about one hundred and ninety feet wide, and Beelen. Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Weer streets all wide avenues. Mont of rho lots have I,ro fronts, and us they are of various sizes, end will : lie sold, one lot, with the privilege of fciir or lice; curly spolicant; can be accommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons isho desire to build or to make secure. invest Mehtf , ifs property that is sure to advance in value, and particularly those who intend to erect inandamories, would do well to view the- , Lots, and examine the dt,ft, lAefore,pwcha.nnr, where. The survey for the B.illinurre cod Oilio Rail Road cad die tail rood AU rocy by the re of Penn- Ivania were both made Moncside of this property. and it is generaliy con-idercd that Braddock street, or the ground immediately along-hie t.l it, inTii“ls the only sooty for a Bail Rio td from PU1,11 , 11 . 01 to the Ea,t. Coal ran be dolivrrcden 11:17: prOr , 'l: , r much loss cost than on the me! there is always deep water lit this rot of the river. I:. U. GAZZ 1 NI. tvc22s-it. Msi'Ketlictw - con ;E:1 S. dth,to, JOUN TO'LVSSUND, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY No . 45 Markrt st. 3 doors abort Third s! PITTSP.GRGII. WILL have eunstanliy on hand, a well s ele r linl assortment of the bettt and Ireihest medicine?, afd.Ah he will .ell on the urea ren , onabie terms.— PnyilChlt!4 *ending orders will be promptly attended tu,arti supplied with articles they may rely aims] us -icy prp.rtiraions hr arra' a..e!y and (min tie bent tnutt‘tiala at aay hour of 7'.t. a ti ; ;• it.,ck or c,<,4110.,] 1 1,0 G L l Oll6l, BAILEY, ;• I'LTS7 , II;iIE, AND MANI7FACTUREIL OF rumps and Hydrants. — b ... ii ,.. Whir,h !II t. 5,i.,1 ,ti:' 1.1 iiloi Cheaper !Lull 1.. ' 11 fly 111 el , . C;fy. $. Pteas etc, ra !! ,/,-. lex a, i.,.r, !,,, u s eh• es. t. FOC Hill srrt Er. F. t: 11F TWF.CS ..' , I IT 1111 1' 1.13 Et CP.F.ILT:I A f.[.l. Y. `,STell yAr.O.t , r.1,.1 Pr;-r .r. ]..rire.l. i rol .1 y (7(,rner of 071.:ro art Ern , : _'riot's, nm Ward DISSOLUTIAJN. T E a ip is this Ow Ow entire ileert. , l i -•••• Ow Ct 3 J r•. L„. J. ,•., I:I • ~" I' 'CA r, I [he 4 ~..74,,z,.. ... 1 ,1 - .:,...,il HAT C 11' S (1!11:. CHAS. S. PAULSON IAV/M 1 Ido• 73, Wood Street, 1:3" . t ., 1) C:1 iL • A:L VCri HATS aroi CAPS. of oVen tip ire mole in C., mana.•r.ai: I of 11, he tr. ta•ri 114, „„mm S,A!, :141E - St,l, 111,111,1 (311.7.,d A;,,. a lii rrle,l! of L . 1111, ' Firs. such us G.,14.14d1 Con”y MUFFS AND TIP. PETS AND FUR TRIMMINGS. nll of which he wdorx f t sale nt EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, Couniry Ilerehum , sill please call and examine me ~took before purcia,di.s vi.ew h ere. CII AS. 11. PACESON. N. B. The Fall Fashion lon Hain and Cal., ronoiv JUST DECEIVED NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET. I,avin4 r. turred reiitoin rtiite ti.e 4 now „pro 14,1 41. i,- irrsto,ck of cool, ex corriinz in varict2, nod extent At ,y thin ; ; otio,il iutiJ, city. Ili,: %lei to ie. friend- anti the int 111 Q (.coi n t v 1.1.ic!1 13 1 ) ;,-, to pnr rut 11,11 tin.! d nl'r.l ..• T ,11 French, Etagli.li, German and American Broadcloth., Blaek, Blue, Invi•iihle Green, Olive and other Color , ' ziro..,'! 1.1 u A:.o, INC'S OF' ENT I I{ll N E‘V I' I; 1: P .1 7' 7'l: I,!A'S . •0 ...; FIIV.V . II AND ENGLISH Lk ES Of sic It!.•. c o lor, . 1 ,1 p a tr. cd,,,,t t, ‘ario•l 4 tastes ot . lue ca , t.anta-. Al,. a Now Style of Beaver and Twc..ed Cloths, or BLAuli, BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN, GOLD- EN : , lIXED AND OLIVE, FOR S.1(21; AND FROCK COATS, awl Blue Blank ••, Coaf;nz, IYol and uthi r suirabl, for over • ,••,•I, v.lll bo ../1•1,7 M•lae, or bk , WI le superi••l n ,„ hnv as can he , ‘,.;ht in thin ri!y. lie 111,, the usualvariety fur gi.l,!l , no , l ' s %%ear such as S!oe!. - s.,S,7ercdrrs. If amity reuitirfs , Scarfs itt eirmlittnent sei.eral of the liea hotte n u a L l troptiit the city. lie nt ,m a f o lmit of gisi: , g sali-larnaw, and ‘‘mll,l e.re,Mtlly im it, the atteetian of pet aritinc, their garment. re :mole in a ..itio•rioe ..t)10 arid of the finest material, to to of ritENCII CA,SIMEREs AND VLsTINGS, IVhich he I. -wlect , d a ith 111.• Utmost a.tre parlicakir I , inach ,•1 ,u-ine:,:. Ile 11.,0 wty 1.110 It a et• !lat. Ow groat vali,ty or 6ic.tock at.,l the to wiacl: are made, can. ill II ci BELL AND L R A f:S FOUNDER. FT.\ s n bnilt un.l at ()I,1) STAND, No 70, bo:vveti :11,u' • and F. nc tt Leto Ito ‘‘: . ll to ntO 1115 v.:I cu-tonie:- ali.lfi Si, arn:,,t, and (I€ll4 of eV. t v .Izo, fr•rn 10 to 1(000 pound.. ca at free rivert, of the Trprnved models, and wit ratted to he of the best ma• Mineral Rater PllMl.,Countera. , toz ether with ..very vet jet yof Brute Cast:n3s, it I.e. goired. turn , tl and tini..hod in the a, ute't n::u,te 7, , P A. F. it the sole agent tar ilabbiirs Anti Art rcr hun Metal,s , jw.tly cekbtated I'm . the ;edue• tion of in mat pinery.—The Ito es rind Cam o.:h ion eon hr had of him at all times. nor 13-1 y Fifth Ward Livery Stable. "ffITHE s nbscribcr. having Indigh font t h e we ll known Livery Stable kept by C B linty, in the Fitch \\*aid, r ypertfully jai:tins his friends and the public generally, that he will keept ut tall times, a stock of the best description of Ilitling Ilorsea, Bug gies, Ci,rrialtes of all kinds, and in shurt, every thing re,inired in his line of business. A considerable portion of his 'cock is new, and b e is confident that no stock in the city will he superior to his. HIS TERMS WILL BE MODERATE:. His Stable is on Liberty st., a few dores above the Canal Bridge, where be respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. M'He ie also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. oct2slf Fort Pitt Works, (2i PAUL,,!. lit 1%;:;,-11 b. Colin+s, 4-C P. DELANY, 45) A. 1 , CT LT( ;;; IMl_M=3!=g3W",l 3nourance dompanics. INDEMNITY AGAiNST LOSS OR DAM AGE BY FIEZE. TIM MUTUAL FroNciTLE COMBINED With the udditi i security of a Sroct CAPITAL. The Dehanee Mutnat Insuromee Co. of Phila..-Charier Perpetual. PrIIECTo::S : George W. 'f..• ..I, Jolm U. Atweeri, Thomas C. 11.0e1:.1:1, Le‘vi3 B. A-hlitast, Wm. H. Th.e , :iemn, George N. lial.er, George M. 5;..e..,1, John J. Vanderkemp _ Gemze W. Carpenter. V WILL make insurance against Loss 'or Damage bv Fire, in Pittsburgh and vicinity, on Houses, Stares and other buildiP as, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Nlereliandfle, limited or perpetual, in town Or countrT, on the most [nor - able term,. The Mutual Principle, cmnbired with Stock Curti tul, and the other provisions of the Chatter of this Comoany, hold out unusual inducemems,both of profit nod 4ufetv, to those desirous of effecting insurance, to which th e Company ask the attention nod examination of those inoerest,d. . . The Capital Stock of the Company is invested in guo.l and Fllinejent. securities. After providing for tha losses accruing to the Company, in the course of its business, the stockholders urn entitled to rec*e out of its income and profits an interest not exceeding six h er nett. per annum on the Capital Stock actually paid I in—the amount of which interest, it is expected. will be septilied by funds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining pr;ifits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stock, for the better se curity of the assured. But certificates heginar inter r,t, payable annually, transferable on the books of the Compt,ny, nod convertible at any time into Capital Stock , n ill he issued therefor to the Stockholders and insured rnernhere , , in proportion to the amountof Stock hold, or premium paid by them respectively, agreeably to the nfothe Charter. Those effecting insurance with this company have, heside3 the witsl prdrection against loss, by the ot di nary method at insurance, the additional arivnntage of o direct participation in the profits cf the Cum puny. itlulut any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President B. M. !Iv:CH.IEIN, SeCreUiry. The Nyhri is the duly authorised Agent r . or the ahr,celll Jr.. 11 npri , pier:m..lm make in tiol,ie of the Agency, Nn. .Sr Clarion !1 , 0.0, on &Jure lVond street, srd will give 'LB fulther information desired. TllO5. J. CAMPBELL. Pitt,hurgl., Mu , : 30. 11i45. ( . les-Iy.) dee3 El= ICING & PINNEY, Agents nf Pi/rib:ls:lli, for the Dcl,rare Mnlttal Safely r: ranee COMF , 2I yof Phila. . _ FI fir (INK , ' upcn mai :\lt•rchantli , e eso,v de.crilason and Nl.llll\li RISES upon Hulk or ettrgoos of vessel, taken upon the most favor tittle term:. P . „ - 7,-; 3-1 0:lice at ti:a nraeLou=e of King & Holmes, on \Voter , trevt, ni•or 711arlset N. 11. bang L f'ieney invite 11,e eonthle..ee and patron-Ice of heir Icietol= and the community t.t haze to the Deft,s are M. S. tr,- , onnee Company, as it in ane.ng the In,-t floori-hind in Philo .lelphin a I laid is capital, which by the or, r i. kao,tantiv i,itha,z . to each net: of. insured li, die share of - the pi 0:; • the Coonpony,,vithout )11,11Villg him in any beyond the premium actually rr.l.i hi by hill, an .I ,Fore ar:p.,e,;,:g. Mutual pi inciple divested of every obnoxious featlnc, nod in :is attract,. rn. LOS 1-tl. Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of L.hiJadelphiap N. E. corner of Third and Wood als.,PataburE , .h. it,aet,tl the cJrnirtny on the first of January. 1.345. n. itttltii.hefl in conformity with nn net of the , Pe:::-. 1 vaina Legitilature,ere 801,14 1111 1 Maft2..tgei, $1300,615 93 Rat E.ttate, Si em , t, 100,967 77 Tem po:ary Loans Stocks 6n4Cash, '207,499 7 Making a total of $909683 42 Affording certain asaurance that all loaics will be prompt mct and airing antic,- security to all who ob lola po!tries from thin Company. Etieka taken at rig low rates as are consboent e. it It security. ot•i8 WARRICK NIA RTIN, Agent. Pic and Fiariao Insurance T EE la,ttance Company of North A , nerica, of thrum::: ita aolv nathoi ized Agent, tff , .r. to motto permanent and limited Itfmfaare ua ta c:ty and its vicinity, and on shilmtvnt,t by tit Canal and Itivet 3. DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Ccfrin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks, Ale,. toy, Charles Taylor, Sam'l. V. .ford, Sain'l. \V. Smith, lid,. aid Ambrose \V Itite, Jobo A. fawn, Jacob M. Thomas, J.d.o 4Vliue. John R. Neff. irnas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Henry D.Sherrard, See l y. die oldest Insuranca Company in the United chartered in 1794 Its charter is iierpetiial. and from its iiit ii starallnz, lone experience. avoidinz all risks of an extra ha ardr it inax he considered as offering th , MOSES A 7 \VOOD, .%! 1: - ,11) of At scowl, J um3 W a ter a”.l I ro , ll oct,, Pltll-11Ztl. 0c123-Iy. The Fran:din Fire Insurance Company of rhiladelphia. CI II ItTF.R PERpErrAL. $400,000 paid in, office ltilA, Chestnut st., north side, near Fit. b. Tuke unce, either permanent or limited, nqttinst loss or damage by fire, cn Property nod Ef fects of every description, in Town or Country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to. C. N, DANCKEII, ILesc. C. G. BANCKCIt, Seey. DIRECTORS Chad, N. 13.11 - I^,ker Thom, Hart, Than .1 \ humn, Tobias ‘Vagner, Sat I Grant, PITTSBURGH AGENCY IN, Agent, al. NViiiiick ,V Co., corner of Third and M.ll.rt tddi , t.d.on 011 buildindg and their con'ent in Pitt , dardit. Al: , •lidny and tht• 4t.rrnunding country. No ma•ine n addzation rinks taken. INSURANCE AGAIN:iT FIRE 'rho Citizen's Mutual Pennsylvania, Insurance Company of No. 15'2, ll'ab/ ut S , ce!, Philadelphia, -N,VILL i,tiro re: und other buildings; also Inc reiltindi,e, furniture and plupertv gen erally, in Phu>uur h ;tut, tite sui rounding countty, ugain,t or ilania:;e by tire, fur any period of time. Chattel tali:et:nil. No marit:e, riser not ittland transportation risks are ais,..” Lc tl:i. Company. It make; no Jisidends c.r.a-L holder,. After liming the necessary ex the oftics, the whole accruing premium and are appropristed exclusively to meet lasses. It is tits, enabled to insure on terms nut surpassed by ary other Company JAMES TODD, President. :•11:1. B. Poe i.Ts EY, Seeretaiy. 11 , ..cu0y tit Pittsburgh, in Burke', building, on 4th reel, at the office of Eyster JAS. W. BUCHANAN• GrIORGE COC FFERS for sale at reduced cash prices—Axes O Hoes, :11iolock• , ,Manure and Hay Forks, Spades aii4 Shovels,COßl and Grain Shovels, Sickles and Sc.tlois, indow Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons, and vari,m3 ulti,iles of Pittsburgh and American Maimluctu:,, which he is conitantly receiving from tim Mcilefactories. Also. Cotton Yarn and Checks, Cassinetts and Broad jan 9._ E hare recki‘ed,and will hc•uafter keep CON scantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be. 414 o sell cheaper than it hasherctoforebten sold iu thiscity. Orders from the country accowanied by the cash ` t PI AL L casts) will b , S e promptly attended to. BIGLERARGENT & BIGLER, Jv26-tf Office cattle PostandManufactuter. .1. FINNEY, /it Jncub R Smith, George \V. Richard;, Morderni Lewit., Adoiphi E Burk, )Jo ‘ id S Brown. To Printers DIcEEINNA'S AUCTION MAE NO 64 MARKET STREET, Between Third and Fourth st.., Simpson i tt Row,nen the New Post-OiTice, Pittsburgh. 11-IP, underlie`ed at:not:ace s he has found a most cominmliou,Meummile Hoo,e, at the abuse lo c to, ty!,ere e iiibe. hai,py to see hi s f r i en d s, and ail the anxious to avail thenitteive 3 of every detcrip tion cf DRY GOODS, CIOCERIES; HARDWARE, FANCY ARTICLES, and all other varieties of the best conduc tf d Auction Stores. The undersigned will Inn supplied from the East ern cities with u stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods, wnich courrtri morchants, oil! be induced to pu„ime on ascertaining . the prices. Arrangements ure in progress by which advances will be made o n eon;brornents, and every exertieo made advancethe interest of those who confide b. sine+s to the e.tablidlrrent. Prompt and speedy sales made and closed. To friends at a distance, the undersigned wank' say that although he is a member of "the Pittsburgh burnt family," yet hi; zeal, industry and busines,shab its are unimpared, and faithfully will they be devoted to the interests of those who employ him. r"...SALES OF REAL ESTATE will commend as heretofore, the beat exertions of the undersigned Proper ty disposed of by him, from time to time hae always brought tha highest prices, and much exceedee the calculations of those alio employed him. P iIIcKENNA, The Old Auctioneer. N. B. flaying passed the fiery ordeal with the , / sands of neighbors, the old esutblishment, reeked 'el the new location will in future be designated "THE PHCENIX AUCTION MART,.' By P. MeHenna, 64 Market St_ PITTSBURGH, PA. I'. NlclC. may ^-t1 John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH7 Cotner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, IS ready to eceive merchandize of every de.i!triptia. auctun.ipment, For public or private sale, azia from long experience in the above busincds, flatteo himself that he will be able to give entire satisfactiit to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular ,:ales on Z.IONDAYSttIId THVIIS DA 72 , of Dr: Good.. and fart.: articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of C.rucerica,Pittsburghmanufacturrdarticles.neit and second hand furniture, &c.. at 2 o'clock,P. M. Sales every evening,atearlytTas.light. nug 12 IMPORTANT TO BANKERS! 2/EWELL'S Patent Parautoplic Permutation Dank Loch, To rtevent nclibery. TUE subscriber has accepted the agency, for the above celebrated and well known Lock, which is %WARRANTED to defy the most Consummate skill 01 the hurglar,or even the inventor himself. 'lbis assurance rely be deemed extravagant; but a critical examination ot he principles on which this Lock is constructed, wilt satisfy any one having even a limited knowledge ut mechanism that it is well-founded—and the actual inspection of the Luck for a few minutes will remove every doubt that may arise in any mind. tie has numerouss certificates, from Bank officers, Bresers nod (several in this city) who have used Ow above Lock, which he will be happy to exhibit, and gave every explanation to those who may be pleased tc. call. JAS. COCH RAN, Fire Proof Chest and Vault dory Manufacturer. Corner Liberty anti Factory tits., sth War joiM -t f. VERY LOW FOIL CASH, ' N il" sa. riIHE subscriber ol'ers for l e a. • .1. large and splendid assortment a PIANO FORTES of patterns, warranted t be of superior woikmanship, and of thebest materials the tone not to be exceeded by any in thecountry. F. BLUME, Cerner of Penn and St.Clairstreet::, opposite the Exchange. Piano Fortes. TII Esubscriber offers for sale a large and srlendi assortment of Piano Fortes, from r-'OO to $450 each. The above i.i.trurnents are of superior wni k rnenship. and made of the best materials; the tone is not to he excelled by any in this country. F. BLUMr Cornerof Penn and St Clair streets, opposite I. change Hotel. nr7 Molian Attachment. TWO new Improved Grand action Pianu Forte: with Culeman'e Attachment.just a and for sale by F. BLUME, Cor of Pennand St Clair St 3, opposite Ex. Hotel. novl7. S. MORRISON, Liberty St., between Mgrlczt and Virgin HAVIN G returned from the Eva, the sub—H' H i 3 now opening his fal! and winter 51t.,71. goods. exceeding in variety and extent any trde:- wldcli has he [-adore been offered in this city. Thankful to his friends and the public for he has received, and which has induced him 1., i,i,r rhaso more eirtensively than before, he again i .. . their attention to the cheapest, best selected ! M. , 5L extensive assortment which ho'has ever before among WLich u French, English, German and A mer ican Broadcloths, Black, Blue, Invisible Green, and other Ci which are all of superior q uality. Also, a e•ini assortment of Vestings of Entire new styles, FRENCH PATTERNS, Ako, n fine lot of FRENCH AND ENGI.I6ii CASSIMERES of every &bade, color, which cumnot foil to plemie the various tm,•cs.f customers. Also, n New Styles of Beater and Tweed C: ?. _ a of Black, Blue, Invisible Golden Mixed and Olive, for Sack and Frock Coats. Torzether with a lot of superior mAKIBmon A \!: BLUE BLANKET COATING, Pilot am'. suitable for Over Coats. These goods will be sold ready mad,. of still Iso made to order in a superior style as :OW t: 1 ,1 bolle lit in this city. He has also the u;.1:11 for Gentleman's wear, such as SHIRTS. STOCRS,SLISPENDERS,HAVDRi.iy.TIELFS SCARFS, BOSOMS, COLLERS. The attention of persons wanting tl.zir well made. ar.d in :uperior style, and of :!,, terials, is invited to his fine stock o Frcnch Cloths, Cassimeres a ged which he has selected with the utmost purticular branch of business. He viii trik. -,leasure in showing these goods to anyone wh•: with a call, feeling, confident that o,z, his stock and the style in which Eh.; zna.c 4 ...,.. can not be surpassed in this city. S. MOA.RISON oct 'i—Om between Market et WAR NVITII MEXICO DIX:L.I;MM MONONGAHELA CLOTHIN G STOftE. No 2, WOOD St. Second Door from the Corner of Water Street. COOLEY & LAIRD, PR' + .- t' I_; Bs The un,l-2r.igned takes this mL to their customers and the public have just received from ther.ast, the above stand a large and well of Cloths, Cassirneres, Vcstings a.. I ry descridtion, having been purch.: most advantageous terms, they at... c ttEiP as can be sold in the IVe:', , Their assortment of READY MADE CL' is large, and has been rnanuE—,-- nwerials, and by excellent .:c'.:.. They have constantly ea . .: to order all articles orClothir rant to be made in the best r able style. They invite the public to • u'; stock of goods, as -tley . a.re GOOD AELTIDLEa at prices full to Remember the place. NO. WOOD S. *MEET SECOND DOOR' FROM 'TT - 1 E CORN ER 01 WATER. =ITT Si .