et i e Mailp Morning pot. FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1346 In reference to communications which may appear in thin paper, we have one or two rematt..,..4 We will Insert none without the carob of ilk '‘,"Thor be rig East made known to us, and when inserted:mustal. Ways be taken as expressive of the views of the rriter, end not the editor or this paper, unless the views so Expressed ur terially remarked upon and approved. MAI)LUZ 8LA401:3 LASS SOIREE is advertised for this evaniair. 'rho annoancment thnt it is poutioely the lasi of a most pleasant and populnr series of par ties, will no doubt increase the usually large attendance with which thee have been favoured. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY The anniversary of Washington's Birthday will be celebrated at the Washington Hotel, by a supper.— The following gentlemen will act as a committee of arrangemeor. C M'Kibbin, .1 Cunningham, ?slain; Allen Brown, Geo R Riddle, John Small, John Taggart, Alex Hue, M Kane, Jr, H Ray, 6th Ward, L G Robinson, Hugh Bean; Jacob Tourer, B Weaver, • John Andregg, S W Black. J K Moorhead, H S Mcgraw, P Tianor. P M'Kenna, Wm McElroy, John Bigler, Henry Sproul, John Coyle, Thomas Hamilton, Wm Musgrave. M Patrick, Capt John Hanna, R NI Riddle, Eris Mama, Thomas Philips, F Blume, Jas Bighorn, Andrew M'llwaine, Dr A Black. Elijah -Tiovillo, Saml M!Kelvey, John Cormick, M O'Honlon, •Wm E Austin, Wm H Whitney, Robert H Kerr, Jas Hero, R Watson, James Callan, Col John Watt, Joseph Watt, The foregoing committee will meet at the Waah•i ington Hotel, at 7 o'clock, P M, on Saturday next, the 14th, to make suitable arrangements. feb 12 Coughs and Calds—ln all cases of coughs and coldn, the sufferers will find a pleasant but powerful remedy in Clickener'sSugar Coated Vegetable The fume of this medicine has already •pread for and snide. Over five hundred thousand boxes of these pills were sold last year, having been used in all as certained cases with perfect meccas. For liver corn plaint, affection of the lungs, palpitation of the heart, influanza, asthma, scarlet fever, fever and ague, drop sy, typhus fever, and other disease,. This pill is coat. cd with floe white sugar, so that the medicinal ingre dients are imperceptible to the taste. To children, they may be administered without difficulty So well convinced is Dr Clickerier of their efficacy in all speci fied cases,. that he pled:ien himself to return the money when the promised elect in not produced. Sold dackion. corn.•r nt %Voo.i and Liberty streets, who is get.eral Azeid for Dr Clickener's Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinity. l:Crfleisure of un imitation article called "Impro red Smgar-Coated pith," purporting to he Patented as both the pills and pretended patent arc forgeries, got up by a miserable quack, in New York. who, lot the lest four or five )ears, has made his living by counterfeiting popular medicines. feb 13• PENN INSURANCE COMPANY The "lf welfth Instalment on the stock of this Com pany, (being 12 50 per share.) will be due on Satur day, the 14th inst. J. FINNEY, Jr., feb 12 3t Secrestv. Religious Books. INWSON'S Plea for Religion; Butler's Analogy; Reich's Demonstrations; " Land of VineE'll Vital Christianit); Life of Summerfuthlt Gaston's Collections; The works of Leighton, :sies ton, llooker, Chalmers, Bush, Barnes and others, for sale by BOSIVORTII & FORRESTER, feb7 43 Market street Splendid Property for Sale TUE subscriber desirous of removing to the city, otters for tale, the house and lot he occupies in the 4th Ward, Allegheny city, beautifully situated on the second bank. ranging with the nropertles of Judge Irwin, Rev Dr Pressley, and Mr Hop:. The house is built in Cottage style; rooms large, airy, and Giusti ed in the best manner; an excel:act pump nf wattsi,nt tho door, and every convenience. 'The house has a front of 43 by 47 feet deep, basernsnt story, polished stone on both fronts. The lot is 1.0 f.; feet front,ing on Washington street. running to the Penn. Canal; near 400 feet, well improved, with a choice -collection of various hinds of fruit. Any person whishinv to see the property, will please call at my stole, No G 9, Mar ket street, when it will be shown to them, and ttic terms made known. Only part of the purchase mon ey trill be required. H. McCL ELLAN D. jan TOLEN from the stable of the subscri. S ber, in Holmes county, Salt Creek cp.. 7-"rn nowt 6 miles from Mont Eaton,on Monday night, 2.1 inst., at about 8 o'clock, 2 mares, one of them a bay Mare, about 16 hands high; heavily build ball in the forehead and the two hind legs white near the feet, one more so than the other; mane and. tail black, and the fore feet shoe; aged Biwa': 6 years. The other is a dark cheenct Sorrel, about 12 hands high; mane and tail white; bull forehead, and both of the hind feet white; aged 12 year,. The above reward will be paid for the recovery of both HONCS and Thief, ore reasonable reward for the horses alone. and all necessary expen+es. REINHART Holmes county, Salt Creek Tp., Ohio. feb7•Jlw. I. O. RETNOLDS. J. L. sHEE ELEYNOLDS /lc SEIEE. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Por the Allegheny River Trade. DEALERS IF GROCERIES, PRODUCE PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES Ciloride of Lime and Paper. The highest price in cash paid at all times fur coun try rags, baling rope, anti cottton waste, corner of Penn and Irwin stn. Pittsburgh, Pa. jan3o-tjyl4. WM. ALEXANDER & SONS, UNDERTAKERS, No 30. adjoining the Exchange Bank and opposite the 2d Presbyterian Church, Fifth street. rpHEY ARE PREPARED TO offamm o ., I. furnish COFFINS of all kinds and sires, of which they keep an assortment constantly ready made to be had at all hours. Funerals will be attended on the shortest notice, u'td every requisite therefor furnished, if required. rtiIV•TE RESIDINCE, until the Ist of April, San dusky street near the canal bridge, Allegheny, where orders will be received. REPERENCIte. Rev. Dr. Swift, Dr. Reynold*, Rev. Dr. Herron, Dr Speers. Rev. Dr. Dunlap, Dr. Brook■, Rev. Mr. Lee, Dr. Courtney, Sharpsbg' Rev. Mr. Murry, Shurpsburg, Rev Mr. William*. Spinning Wheeihons. 20 -GROSS for , !ale by GEO COCHRAN, _ . 26 Wood at MACHINE CARDS • OF eastern manufacture for wool carding machine comb plate and tacks for sale by GEO COCHRAN, 26 Wood st. Manure and Bay Forks. DOZ. just receiveii ,from the ynanufacturera; for stile by OEO. COCHRAN, No 26 Wood it. • Scythe Loathes. 30 DOZ., foreede by GEO. COCHRikilf, No 26 Wood street 4 ;,! PITTSBURGH, PA. CORRESPONDENTS $2O Reward janl 4-tmdSzw 1846 VIONOZIMANELA BOUTE, %IA BROWNSVILLE, TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA (Only 73 Miles Staging.) THE SPLENDID PAST RUNNING STEAMERS ci at CONSUL, l at LOUIS AVLANE AND MEDIUM, Have commenced making their regular trips be tween Pittsburgh and Brownsville. The morning boat leaves the Monongahela wharf above the Bridge, preecisely at 8 o'clock. Passengers by this boat takes the stages at Browns ville same evening at 4 o'clock, and the splendid cars of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Cumberland, next morning, at 8 o'clock, reaching Baltimore the same evening—only 3'4 hours through from Pittsburg to Baltimore and 40 hears to Philadelphia. The evening boat leaves et 4 o'clock. Passengers by the evening Boat, will lodge on the Boat in com fortable State Rooms the first night; aril pass over the beautiful mountain scenery in daylight; sup and lodge in Cumberland. Thus avoiding night travel altogether. The Proprietors of this lout, in order to make the connection complete between Brownsville and Cumber land, have placed on the Road 50 splendid Troy, Alba ny, Concord and Newark coaches, of the moat improv ed models, and fifiy tenth. of the best young horses the country affords in addition to their former stock they feel satisfied they will be able to accommodate and give satisfaction to all uho may patronise their. Routs. By our tickets passengers have choice ul either steamboat cr rail road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and have the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, and resume their sent, at pleasure. For tickets apply at the CACe..2rla door above the Exchange Hotel, Clair st., or at the wharf boat. (feb3) J. M ESKIM EN, Agent. AT COST, AT COST. THE Subscriber, at the corner of Market and Third west,. still continues the sale of Dry Goode. at reducer prices, and is now otiering greater induce ments to purchasers. The remainder of our Cloak ing 4, Alpaccas, Mei inues, Muslin de lain,. Calicoes, Flannels, Linscys, Jeans, Cassinetts, Blankets and Shu.wis, together with many other goods. We have concluder . close off at cost for a few days. in or der to reduce our stock pre% ions to Spring. Purcha sers will find this a rare opportunity of obtaining -Goods at exceedingly low prices. Cull early and se cure n rood bargain. Jan ltl A A. MASON. Co-Partnership WLLIAM COLEMAN having. on the first day el January. lost, associated with him Jos. W. Hallman end John F Jennings, under the name rind style of Coleman. Heilman & Co. will now have in• creased fecilties for manufacturing StrelSpringa, ham. mered Axes, Americnn end Spring Steel, &c, to which the attention of dealers is respectfully WiICI ted nn I hope by strict atrenrion to hntine:s. to rr a COlllirmalice to the new firm, the Loior., hire r a l b e . stowed upon him. Funory ort St Clair street—wares house 43 Wood street, opposite St Charles Vlore], o herecan he found a goad rt.tortment of Springs+. Axles A IL and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of et • try de.cription, together with Iron. Nails, and F.rr s . burgh manufactured arttcies. highest price pyiri for Scrap Iron, W. COLEMAN, JOHN ?. JENNING4. JAS. W. ITAILMAN. COLEMAN, 11A14.11.iN & CO.. Manufaclurer I of Carriage Springs 4. Asps, A ii. AN D Spring steel& dealers in Coach Trimmings Of es en' de , crirtlon. mannfacters on ST. CLAIR sr. Warehouse, 43 WOOD S l REEL orouti.s. St Charles Hotel. CfZir 6 5 I ..C1) .71.1RKET STREET, Between Fourth st.. and the Diamond. RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, { - I A . The Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, A large and extensive fltiOr!rll,q. of Sill% le. %:t Super. ail wool 8r0.d14; l'rin:ed Totkell and Cnol. mor e . Jill r.rnbronh.rvd Turketv. 11:k and ed milk fringe! Tiltbbet,Slll,er. ertil,lidored 1.)nm.341: and .ilk worst^d.b!ack e nd c.,;•,red Merlno and a krze 11,9.111m• • nt of Plaid All of wl:tcli WI.I Le sold nt n an,lll Eastern el/m... A BSOLOM NI( MBAS. Jan 1 NO. 63. Nt)TI( F ALLL persons lridt•htcti to the ( . 01In'y of Mleclieny nrt C“llectors t.lTl.llte4. of uther% aro I. 1.:•••• led to ftettin their 505.009; I,:i or fore the lat dna of April noxt.niter winch ttrnt , ..tiltS NI!! lie 110,15.11 , stts,l: riELlnst d , iirlqt; ,;,‘)IES c[NNINNIIANI, WI 1.1 1.1.1 NI GILL. l o us i c t)( )t1 ELL. Curroritudonerl. Carrird,rsionrr.' Office, January :3, 1846. Sa•„; dSwinpl HO, .7 0 R R E .G 0 N ! IHE undersi;r.ed would inform hia old pitror d and the public in general, that. not.ithrtnedin 4 ihr g .aat excitement on kheorecon, be eon• tinues to mar.ufacture CI.O 1 11 ING of 1.11 I..itid t tr. order and tri.h>rwir,e, iur b[ylq He has lately received a large lot cf CLOTHS, CASSIJIFRES, SAT TINKITS .5 GANS, Which for beauty, fashion, doralsditv esti creinrines• are unsurpassed in the Western inszictit. ATUIJI/g the above will be found many goods of entirely new stele as to texture and color. These the IS AT MI L would respectfully invite his old customers end the public ill call and examine, confulantof alr-iity to please inAll department. He Isms also on hand a variety of fancy SILK VELVETS, CA3EOOI3IEIS, VALENCIAK, ETC. For vastings, at all prices, which lio is prepared to make for customers in a style ansarpasaat Ic. He has also Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders, Cra vats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Drawers. And every other articleappertaining to men's wear, all qualities, and prices in great variety. In returning his thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage, heretofore extended to hint, the un dersigned would observe, that notwithstanding t he great quantity of steam got up by establishment ho still continues to glide aloe; on the low pressure system, and defies competition in rill the various branches of his business, viz; in the fitting de part meat; workmanship, fashian, 4-c. I have still on hand a few-cloaks; overcoats and other at tides 0f.% in ter wear, which ! will sell at unusually low prices. JAMES B MITCHELL, National Clothing Store, feb3 dSzur 165 Liberty st., 2d door below sth. UNION HOTEL IN connection with my son, A. KLEIIItII, I have this day, opened my House in Virgin Alley, near Wood street, where those wishing the choicest refre.htnents that are furnished by well conducted Coffee Houses, can always be accommodated. We have just received a large assorment of the bent quality Cigar*: Justo Sang; Canones, F• de In Cruz: Regalia; Superior Maranon; Cazadores; De Suparior CaMad, Primera. Etersive Stabling for Rent. feb 7•tf HENRY KLEBER, See. DR. GEO/ FELIX, HAS removed short distance above his former location, on Smithfield street, near Seventh, east side. jan 7 McCA ND LESS & McC L U RE. HAVE, removed to Fourth et., orrosite -R & R H PetterAon's Livery ptablex. jani•L'm Allegheny Cemetery. ERSONS desirous of purchr,sing lots in thin Cern P etery are referred forlitOrmution to Ole Superin tendent on the groueds,'W E Thorn, Druggist, cur net of Penn and Harni streets, Pittsburgh. ,By order of tho Board, J. CHSLETT, dec 11 Superintendent. TO LET. WO two-storied brick bonsai wi,tbdining T room and kitchen back, on Wylie stmt. near Washington attest, pavement all the way. 'ow , .sion given on the Brno( ApriL Enquire of ALEX BLACK, feb7.lw on the premises. MiNM 06:144J/qv./ * 91 - - BY LAST NIGHI"S MAIL. Tat. NlExtco.—The repo, ted Bova. lution. The New Wertz., Picayune comities full par titulars of the news brought hy the arrival of the U S brig Somers atfensacola. The dates are from ire. ra Cruz to the 29th, and from the city of ',Mexico to the 18th ult. Mr 'Slidell was still at Jeloppa, but would soon procceed to Vera Cruz. It was said that Gen Arista had arrived at San Louis Potosi and de clared in favor of the former order of things, and in vited all to join him in putting down the tevolutionists and those who would destroy the peace of the coun try. It was added that Arista had taliri Tampico and levied an additional duty of 6:2 cents to support his troops. This intelligence is without 4loubt nethen . tic. Santa Anna, it is alleged, is becoining more pop). lar ever diy, and wueli be readily receiced in Mex ico. 'not folio', it. g is the vote taken in the House of Iteltresenintises,un the Oregon Resolutions: Stores Moine, New lintni,hire, MomPacli.ezts, Vermont, Rhode I s:o rah Connecticut, New York, 20 6 3 2 1 New Jersey 2 1 Pentiryleatihr, 12 8 2 2 Delir‘‘ are, Mar:, hind, 4 5 NorthCantiitirt, 6 Setelt Cut °firm, 1 S Ohio. 13 6 7 1 3 6 Fennes.ce. 5 6 1 3 5 3 Alabama, 4 1 2 Arken-as 1 4 Florian MEXICO. 1 he lAl,Aing speed, uf l'art,dr3 on belne in auguratA 1 Ilepre.entatives of the Depiltrnrntt —De•ignated by you i•t,.rtai.o. J !ly to contra; the detolitios of the . I.Fltiorl, I bare ju.t talson 110 01dh bef.,re the. :Supreme Boil g. eb tch prove• 10 y0u0.31 I have no %id: deceive toy fe::uw citizens by falaci ,us p(toili•us— ehich the peo;•le receive with indifference. Lverause they are gener„ll wit6nut rq,ct. 'Xi...a llt sl, t.• iil Lov true. 1 deter mined at Son • [l) ,r• the net kilt ft um disgrace, to miss it to the hotcht of ;weer and c!ot, witch wriethe noh:e ei,d of Ili !ol`u end Itvrbide. Volt tsUb• no me the means of tircom rii.l,lng this riat.nrJ otjrct. which I el!: calpiu, ti, guo.l of our country. overN6llo::`,l .1111 eras a•,d Rod ail her t.oprt." [lasted. It is not amb ii..n that his led mn to this chair whore rates And dangers abound. As I kn.'w a;: tt e dill - le:l:ties of the times, my conduct a sacrifice. and every tiorg ;oho aecriEced to the country last ho:.o is it. ci.,;,t,n, and eArocir.c my ii't• ar,d shed the tieisl of Mute. the h.., ni re n t , un . l e y er , o f rer,to• when called upon tc risk all t.i sa.e nil. glary she!! beta op. n f r rry et , wor nn era 14 barTine•c, and when the rime shell c w!ca may ircel t.i I,ct :ot. I 11 - 1 and gs.e the first etatnple •utirniouun en.: r , . Ape,: eugust. rrnow-coly,ll,' rrceive of my ti•kbaurwi• t•J it n. onJ tn) an:a.tnn tivc:nrotio:l. that or.. my Pr", t rnmera, thew 2;1 rrun. • ICA Vk •1:5.,ut • ;t:es,e,. IMPERIAL (:(it't:il SYRIA V Olt !he Id " I: cilia and \\ Morri e : rcruAN,IC Mr. r. , +ll , 11,nr• pn.t. ~111 G.'Verve.,l.l andni ..‘stronAtkint c. u;;11,:.:1 h.ving 1,4 f nigh c .vu;.. tit. a , .1 n r". rifest. I w•• !nib: Grit by rry rio! elrl o ll 11/1 fl If • rrli 01 IV IV.II - id 111.. cc,. to 1.1 I I( t; top. I Jul nrd !.!!!!)ntirpriy.• I ireeinvd alcr!nt J As. II PORTER. rterv•d cud nr I rol.ou H E. SI:1.1..1.1IS. Woud .t. SUM . 1, " by Kt.t , C Nl,.hler. 145 1V0,..1 .t.. c0x...1r. . and Win 1 istirn, Mucket Ft-.• sth Word, and 11 II S4' -hwarir.,and J Mitchel, Alleehti ny city SIMO,II.B' LONDON %V ATCH ES. N 0.49, King Squaw. JUST received an assortment of Gold and Silver Patent Lev er XV stri:es, of the abovo i n i ctpertur ssh.Jl fcr fn,, wot:: , nanship • . and complete acenracy, are surpassed fry none, and rqualled but-b, one other rook•r. Also, J. or stock it fine Roll and Silver Watch. es; made hy yrt J I „bra, d Cti. T F C,,oper, I: S Med & Co , Jo.ept) I .lots sin, Church verraq! and other gel/nine mul:ets. Also, A hue Ilen,tment of La.l,es' Gold Lover XV otril.,,ond Watch Eigong, Chktios,Ye:,, P.II LLr the ioNest C.J.,il.i , l)Le• • • I,V. lv .IVI I , , rornerof 4th and Market st. r H E c;di tho attordion to rer.on. who rely tie , :If! ringwith Dywerkia, rr I hemp. Tunic Ant i-Dy•irpt le rind Pm gative Pilhe they are, without jell, tile bent article ever peered to the public for the immediate cure of that Try them once and gnu will he lore to recommend them to till who muy be rairted. For enle whoirit E do ari d retail by EDGAR THORN. Diugekt, jan'2l. cur Penn and Hand toil. Something New awl Interesting. A.f COOK'S Literary Depot, 85 Fotirt street.— Zelinkke's Tales, translated form lie Gornen by Parke Godwin. 2d Part. (Library of Choice Reading. Nu 37.) Over the ocean, or Glimpses of Travel in Many Lands, bye Lady of N York. Memoir of Felicia Hernans, by her sister. The Sea Gull, or oho Pirate's League, by Augustus Franklin, Esq. The Matricide, by John K Doer, U S N. Gorley's Lady's Book for February. Annie, the Orphan Girl of St Mary, or the Golden Marriage. Valentines—a great assortment. Recollect the 14th is St Valentino's. Day. Wild Sports in Europe, Asia and Africa, by Lieut. Col E Napier. The Seine of Vienna, a Historical Romance, by Caroline Picheler, author of the Swedes in Prague. Lettere and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, by Car lyle. Complete. The Quaker City. New supply. Story of a Rnyal Favorite, by Mr. Gore. Citizen of Prague, by Mnry Hewitt. feb9. Law Notice. rri II F. uodersigned are tuunsciated in the Practice of the Law. Theiroffice Lin the new house of B. Woods, Fourth street, near Grant. RICHARD BIDDLE, jou 24-dtaw&wtf ROBERT WOODS. LARD. 4BBLci prime Liud, just received end fey sate by Mr 2 &MRS MAY. FMWMA D. W. N. D. W. 'N 6 1 Pn‘rnen.ta will be mail , on billa dein nvproved by the Cerwrianda I . nt of the Navy no] at Pen; tcalit, by each of the U S Stay Pt cent* a. the conttuctor orty prrier within thirty dap niter the hill, nre pre4ented 2 Ito him. W. W. HUNTER, 120 33 .; 16 37 1 To the Dyspeptic Attorney, Counsellor & Notary. JAMES S. CRAFT. PIITSBURGH, PA. HHAVING resigned theofftca of SecretarfP. Nay. and Fire log. Co., will attend SPECtALLY to Collection/ and business connected with Navigation. Insurance, Accounts and Real Estate. Business hours 9, A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, Nu 1 Stnart's Buildings, (No 80 Fourth .t,) second floor Etl 4 2 of Wood street. fob 3.11 EteminraL HENRY HIGBY, DVOler in China, Glass and Q,enswaro, has removed to No 125 Wood, be tween Fifth stoat pod Virgin A lley, three doors from the corner of FiAlt, at which place he respectfully in vites the ettentina of his friends and the public gener ally to his assortment of goods in Itin above line, which he feels confident w„ill &ive autisfacticm as to prices and qualiiy. feli2 FITTSVIHOH. Jun 26; 1846. ronoPosALs µill lie received by the subscriber at this place mnil noon of the 1 6iliFeltroary next fur furnishing and deli vern t ; nt the navy yard at Pen. sacola, on or before the 20th cf April nest, two thou sand tons (2240 pounds each) of the beet bituminous lump coal suitable for steamers. The said coal mint be .4 the very heel quality. and pass such inspection at the Navy Y ard, Pensacola, as may be directed by the commalphra of said yard, r 11d if directed b) him, ally portion of it edsiclt may nut he yastsfactory, is to be immediately separated from the other at the expense of thy contrdoor. . . ei,ithifitioory Lurid., with two is half the /IMOUtli 0f the contract, will be required for Its faith ful performance, in addition to a teservation of ten per eenturn,for all may be approyeil, ehich reset volion, atII net lie paid moil the comple6oD of theenioract.nerording [elms. In else of failure on the pot of tin contraccr to deliver this coal within the period limited far its de livery. thn riidtit is reAr•rNed, W &Wet purchases to he made to supply ifelici •ocie, and tilv, coorrnnnr and his sureties are to be !elide for any excess of cost. over the contract pr ' we, and the I,n to be forfeited to the use end Lenefd. of the United States. sop,i6l ,,, d•re Co-Partnership F_TAMP TON & SV I I II ilnv- this 4iny ossonla ILI_ 11,1 w.ih them 11'm C NVliiblitn, in the ‘slmis solo 1/1.•7. u Im.inegs. The bu.ins lyr con tinderaocteducted tlio style and firm of Hampton, Smith & Co. Pot.leiroli..lgn 141, 131 n. inn 29 Bw. lIAMP T N SMli a co, WHOLE SA I. F. 11 RI GOODS DE ALE R S, No 51 Wood street, Ptils'”srgh, Pa. lIA% I I : v rf• o 7 54 1' vtlwre 11,y .0: reroive tixir tto c k 1,1 *hill tielnane lit bt , crdirm a toy nil Room■ an4l Steam rower.f - Ji 14 cnt 11‘1:1) 113,0r0. 13131,1 :3,1 ) leet I,nt, te? feret ele• t ep. we b leztuted, u33,.1 on the 3./3•3 , t lliir,“‘ pert of A;•,,, a 3,f ni,,y Room, i..•t by G!) Cert. Th , . 1 , M1f114 CNfi all 1•11 . wrh .t' am bower or, [he moil rl4l,l,lb;• •a r m.. A 111.1K1:1.1 . .% NI I rcliEL, cor r.f lih rtrui . ) For Rant. LARGE an ,nt st•lry ci , 04 t.,lst on the C‘i(llrr of Factory and Penn lir ward. A rinte7,e in Allegheny city, imtnrd&t ely de ,itY, A tlrd •tnry of brick - building cn n , r Id sin rind Ai• 1. •It , m.,1 aril:ll.rd iif g A 1,1 J 1 N!ES 11 A Y, 83 m‘icio , :r sTiu:Lr 83 1.1 -4 t., 12 , 1 1 % d " ,"? h 4 ,4 ! I ' n; , :ee.. Lit 64, , 9 121 ,!• A .I;tki.arag, rilJ.l ht,e,fit NIC. - 111 , wrr o.lrl can ',a had phc-• writ 1,1 liie ar , untill,. 1 , 14 rl.r. (7()N-z.rosi.r. 83 INlth . El' STYLI.[ 83 ` } {(4 A I.` Tr,kerr.firoc!,• ern , l k_ f),11,••“: 1 / 4 :, 1-0,1,11.0re•.tni,1 1 n !1.. Ft t .trlt II IS I :,••'••: , :f . is r. 11110,1. t• /11•• r!. ,1.. o• 'Ott, to :how sttl; ro •t it • tot) 4 1 Cl lan Ihe kr, or I,IN-bite. ar I .t I:114 MIT 111-.LUS OCT IT( ifil.L.S.`,"ll.l ot ' (.0ollone Nl3p, for Sch,,l• 1. 7 1. and Ac.i.lunii, • • • lingof '2l nn n :,go 4 , 31 r. 3,1 Nt • vale I t It n 1• •• eHitou l I 1.0,11P11•1(1, Ie.PC-111,, f n Thenb.rf ten of 1,1,14 nnwll4o ill nen , k Sci,ol N,/ y Oork. ;hr Tc, ro are te.rfetitLl:y invited to call and emtf,t , tbrol ♦lkk by JOHN II Nl[ll.l.(ilt. Old Ilye Whlakey. (1 It Afi M.lllll/;.111.!a 1c39 our rbnird all 113 c, in trnaml far Iv S - 11:11ETT Sc. , 13 :11,,rket o, nen r Front AI A DLit A 11 . ES.-11,ce; 1,1 thnera & Cu 5,41; Bittridirn: inttlicuLtr. A sopplr nf thy t-.14:11 ttnl t,• , t rof kale be thedermyln..r date , n by srERETT & Co.. Is NI art.t.t . Sherry Wine 111' FF. Gm & Co . Outi •• Ptile; For *Lao Ly the demijort or d,, z e n , he STI.;RErf Ar it T E.N;E I FTE 117 S ES. WbuieJaio or by gTF:ilE't T CO )a Let ntreor,,Jnr dodr above From L ABRI A AND OPORTO WINES, at ,I - dc euie ilLid retail , I,y ST EI:E . FT &Co. Cif) 13..Alniket 111 innq one door above Front. LSBON %N . IN ES.—At wi,le , olo or retail STER Err & cu., jnnl9 17 Matiout tt. _ . _ • Furniture. Ijo./ want to any bed.le.ln,tab:es,chnint, setter., rir tiny thin; elle in the furniture line, oil runt du bettor than to cull nt the furnit.irc ware riiim of TB YOUNG & Cu, derl3. 1111ntlint, between Penn and Liberty. „Arousing and Plain Bureaus. „L.F you want to get a good article cheep do not for get to call at the Fuzniture Mare Room of • T B YOUNG ,Sr. Co, Hand, It. between Liberty nn,LPenn Sofa* , APAIR of plain twat sofas on hand an d for tale at the FLtniture Wuro Room of T B YOUNG S Co. Hand ■t. between Liberty and Penn AgKINAIN BLANKETS, bl.,e and green (or Overcoats, just received and Cur sale, or made up to order by (jan23) VOL ,B. SRAPF ER. • CASSIMERES—A fine assortment of Cassimeres V just *Dad and for sale by *2B. WM. B. SNIFFER. QASSIMERES AND CASSI,NETTS, in great variety, suited to the season, for sale by jan2B WM. B. SHAFFER. Q HIR ft3--A lot of fine muslin shirts, with linen bosoms and wristbands. just rex:sired andfor sale by WM. B. SHAFFER, Pittsburgh Clothing stare. %AR '•—' - Water as. 4a•Attitwromp, FHE kiikvotioio 441 afttitreii intn en• pultnesuiptLr the lianttevo.i ihn Whirlotar (Jorkry, Pr.ikiCe a n.l G/111 , 4•2‘,1Q4 144.1'0,0, under the alum of HhiiEY f. A !A J6 l / 1 :i :A f uN. 14. b. I F;4t.;• [fel, et . . 4114 , J.,t, LAfrftifiEtT is S RIP TCPT, Il LEEi A E 1 . ; IL I.)CE It 6 , FOIAVAIIDIN6 AND`: I a.- , 11 I Penh r‘ an Produce and Pittebargb Olccafiecturee rc I 3 3 1.0,4 135 ‘4,) , Pltil eel Teas. 250 PACE AGE`i Y.ll. I , nverial (1. 1' nod rennin - nu; Tea In rlifld kalTebeato. cat() hem!' and canniaters in 'aura owl fir eate Lv H. LA NI ISERT, jans 133 and 135 tV mei •t. Ar BAGs part prime Zr , ' , ,;ri 5 irilVll in ,tore and fur A:6.Ly H. LAMBERT. 133 and 135 Wood e t Tobacc 1.1 ri BOXES le 5e 1.2 s nnd 324, Richmond k./ 'l,ibucco in store and fm- gale by LANII3I 7 .IIT, 133 and 13S WOO,l Sugars. WIIITE II avnnet Sognr in Boxeo; rnzil ditto in bblm, In stare an,' :or sale by J, Sr. J. NI'DF.VITT, der 420. '2'24 Liberivnt Pittsburgh Maattfarturod Tobacco 9glk KE(is Phr: Tr,haccr.: • 1.a.1ie4 Twit, de; " Va. " de; " Cov'd, 1. Lump, do; Lt store and fur sale by J. & J. M'DEVITT, 2 . 24 Liberty et eionnd Spices. CANS Gnmmi Peppor; 10 Cln.. Cr.,lnd Cinnamon; 5 Ca, Gr. , . , 1.1 5 do do C10v.•4; In ,toll, Lod lii gat.! by J & J McDEVITT, t; r` 221 Libert).t. FLAW CLOAKINGS 6) gni PS. C.4).tklnz,s, .ew 11 , 1 d Iwnutifol Aar lILIV I. , rern, j , :.itteeived et No 42 M3rliri ct.cot L,or of I bird, 6, dee I'2 FL \ FLANNELS! 1 00 Yellow ard White El tnn.t.inf rhprosel mAket at Wiluleinl.• and nt ‘ety low pricrs,Ey A A M SON. N. 4 . 2 M‘rlter iiituCHA SitAlVt•i. PERIIIII Shlwl4. just received. 1 wh;,ll will be soid vvry low. by A A MASON, dee 12 N , 142 M3rke , 111% 1 CASE F 12 RN 1 rur.E PRI N rs Var.! AL A.. 1. M %SON'S, der 1.2 4.2 ‘1,1..-1 De Lainci. Cont..i rie• L.lOl ftr Air II ;ow as Far SUICI 4'', N! trl.ttt et by d•s A. NI \ sr's, Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers. p 11tCji w:H n.l 9t Shel C relmorle4 1,11 11••,,,,1A 711 fnen'a drilWer.t. and •, , letiortaile,l Merino 111;11.l. Also, es/t. run. 1. , L4r.rd unbleached. IiL.4NtiETS. C N.. jr..v pri,o , t, Economy Bial,Act. J cm: it- vd.. .1 , 15 _SHEA Sr. VEN NW:K• Arrived rtt the , e sew York Store," tZ 0,1 (i.•,.:1 , -nr.t'.• Cl/111- ( ‘ll.l .i I k /1 1 ..1 LI, N. It N.,1, i.ct thn ; 'O.l V VI; kept at 7J ar it 6, A' NeV7 Works IN MEXII7I), ovor Co-liberalt of Mext; I..iusbo: ?t o . vrnr 18,3 no 1 1811. a do., 4/i ell !if .r,a, tVie I; ril; ( . 1. 1 , 9 no I mining di. , . of ih,U ft... v .114w, n• 1 the and Saran Anna; by A;‘,01; Al. liCh..m 9,110 Lv C.r.11 K kV. c II rut 31 os rui,,TTEN rAtts.-1-:,:u r , on I iyir.tu hr and Nld:tdr•, and on lime burning G . 10:ton I. rate b. C. H. K 4‘ , “1 3 I Alla 11'111i: 1)V:ill/N.\ lil 7 . :ring Pb EnZit•h t^ , with it tette th•itary Ll,llll, Si • ript , / t0 1.,111 Geographical a CO , k , ii . llll/11 , ...1Jei often used L 1 English wti• , e4s. C. 11. K. 11". eor , per 11 “.,1 and 3.1 Ate ESLDENCE \•r Fill: cw.ltr LONDON complisinz uAErial and per...4c.111 ,ale. C. 11. K j.w7. cnrnrr of W 00.3 and 3.1 .ta. AII.IRIC I.N LIIAN.IC FOR 1116. The An, ricth Almli I un.l Ropositary or for lha )eat 1316, iLot n.ceived and cilr by 'C. I I. KAY, jethli c ,, rlVoul node I All. p,,t111;31,,U5 11,.moitti of hi.. 0), n Cite, by Sir . . s ; \V. ‘Vnixall. C. H. KAY, orner of lVood Rod 3;1 it.) Fn r s 110 I j tr) To the Ladies. ODES INC; 0.111 day, another lot of El rocho Shawls. Alto, on hand, a few tpletoltd French Brothe I.an4 Shawls, (rli wool) which will ha sold a great hatpin, ut the Nan 'folk store. W. 11. GARRARD, novl 79 Market street. To tho Gentlemen A I.' Iti E assortment of French Cloths,Cassimeles ti nwl Ve , ting.:also Scarf.. Cravats.Stocks.Sltirts, I), awe's, lloderet , ta and tioAiery; also a few of the "Shakes" Flminol Drawers and Shirts, at the "Ne% York Story," 79 Market street. novlt!. W. 11. GARRARD. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS & CONVEYANCERS, .rIONTINUE to attend to the purchase and tale of V City and County Property. and all other bu,iiness connected with Real Fitful.. They will also prepare Deede, Bond+, Niortgeget tel all other legal instru memo of writing, un re.Ddorate terms. For the con venierce of the public, they have two offices-411e Law odlce of John J Mitchel. corner of •Fourth and Smithfield streeti, (2d story,) and the °flee of James Blakely, on Penn street, near the Canal Bridge, sth Word. , Ejdn'23 THE subscriber is renting out, several large rooms in lii . estaliliAlime at wi th steam power, at low rubes to good tenants jail 17 Wanted to Barrow, FOR different periods and fur ditTereni persons, and on the very beet security, several sums from $5O to 15060. Wanted, places, in loam, and on land and water, for a number of clerks, wiles. Men, agents, _mechanics,. farmers, laborers aad.for a number of boys to trades, or stares, or in private tam. tiles. Also, fur a number of wrote and colored cooks, nurses, chambermaids. housekeepers, and girls and boys for all werk. All kinds of agencies attended to promptly fur moderato charges. Please call at HARRIS' Agency feb4 6t and Intelligence Office, No 9, sth st. Three Valuable Building Lots for Sale. O. 71, .72 and 73, in Hart's plan, .containing CQ fset iq width and 132 feet,in length orclepth adjoining John B. ; Butler Esti.,, in the Sixth Ward, If hot sold at private sale, they .will be offered at putt lie sale on the premises ea Timidity the 2.3 d April, 1846. GEO. COCHRAN, iott 2R Executor of Aaron Hart, deceased. Bank Notts Roth (EA-0(11w. CORRECTED DAILY BY A. ratAnnon, EXCLIANGZ =CEEB CoRNER OF THIRD AND WonD STREETS. SPECIE STANDARD 4 errltants and,Slanufacl;at..r.:',s