Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, February 11, 1846, Image 2

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    ";,‘ •
the eutuungli devoted glen of these very potions bet
silent in II e dtff.ront crenated, started sec:anima to taste ,
as they think. 0, Philadelphia, thou city ofbrotherly
love' then lowest thy brethren, the farmers, do-, o f
the country,because they bring thee the produce of the
sweat of their br ows , end pay thy State bill., burdened
upon the yeomanry by the State improvements, to
please thee, end beet-thy expense. when thou at t. sick
wi I, i, it., lam a lndrnpb"bins But thou hatcst thy
sharer i ii ie. because thee deal in tee, au , ar and coffee
and take tome of thy cuttomero—l by policy Is If thou
wilt not deal with me thou shalt not deal at all; thin .6
FM! rude, by which 1 dell with my brethe-n of the coun
try and whit sifter cities—marl. ties seater Pittsburgh
and brothers west .
But why is it that any railroad s hoold be a llo w ed to
Pittsburgh, Sce The lesion in plainly this. \Vi,
know that the Legislature of Virginia has panted
the fighoof wily to the Baltimore and OM , Rath ,11.1
to 1•15 through Viiginta terminating at Parkersburg,
or dome each place. This is a point about 200 miles
below Pittsburgh, and the rniirond will pit at c. r
tainly be made to that point below Pittsburgh , as cer •
thinly ea the right of nay will be denied to Pittsburgh .
The consequences will undoubtedly be that all the
w, stern communication of traveling and transporta
lien will stop at the point or the termination of this
railroad. And if this point helm d below l'lttoburgh
a• It now ha. the privilege of Virginia,thee Pittsburgh
receives a deed blow. and with it, our elate improve. ,
me i tit. for all tiansportatten of the Meat will then
pass over that toad through Vito lola Maryland. Bal
tenure end thence come to Philadelphia, ...tune our
stele wok. in a domino condition • and with it all
western Pennsylvania, unless we add another folly to
the many follies, of making alto a radioed along the
carnal to Pittsburgh In order to catch some of the
travelers to owns this wry, who will, as it now is, not
spend their day. in plickete on the canal, when they
con tis over the mimed* with locomotive speed
Itittithereh and western Penneylventa would in vise
the point of tide railroad terminated below Pittsburgh
receive in fettles• no opera! retie. from Comma., to
keep steam heat navigation upon the Ohio nee, an far
Mr. Bier IFt —I hand s ou for pehlication• no art- es
nd i s t , " se b i ti u r h gh, t — e t u he rSrtiecte„, would
i kt, tiec for w l i ren it ee diali letter ,
de tenon from a deresor t ie newspaper, from Be. le he, a p tlitoal woe to Pste•ylietua and the for li, et
counts. The li ire st fanner. of ad Berke,are wide to general , would hare leen len, th, r way to get t , the
awake to the allies of th s i lk stocking gtnity of Phil- F.nsi why should they Imes user this hoed demo
adelpLie 1% ny cannot other sections ot the State
le i ti t i r i e c , :It " i rai l o itu t 1,0 "" Ba th e ltii t io t t h r a ut t n u n d is O 't l i : a .
i L r
ri o i t l t ° K e l t: the
he brought to act in the same matter, en that the its richt of o g . te Pittst Lee/ and no farther,to order to
poems and base salkshreees el Phila I. Iploans mtv, promo the dow nfall of Pittsburgh, and wettenn Pero
h e k nown item one .... c o on 0 f t h e ~0 00 tr, to t h e other 11 \ Isas a en ,l ,n k ep up our State intproyements
And mnrk
Their opposition to the right of tens 14 ,her8.1,,,,,,,1179 mites et do. toad are ah e ad., come
flt ted lan a will gt 1. th e Ohio river through 111
and Oh l , Rolland Company,is a thorium to the
jabbers that if the bill gra:lung the tight ot way is g lees, it we d , not allow 1. to gr. to Pittsburgh
eivOlzatier of the age , and wort h. rely ofm•n who . I In el posit en to dot stow, it it aired that it will do
/ejected. theta will be such complaints ( t o rn to our date %aka bit would that not be ten
other as the Bete. co tett paper so a ants ear trtilei It t rigt ti r":
sections, and we much mistake the spirit which is feel prelim usury to Penn ts .ir a and her stn pr Ise
Ii noted, Sr. d carried o the fi se,thg operations ut the
ed among the people, if the means to mi i ts it that railroad sh ale pasi through % trete. to
now aroused
p a y }Girar d en d U eel S to tt . Bank. I sas, thee • that I i t noseis o , 2nu inie , i hoot* , p iit , ii „,, g , i But 1 ,,
sourest upon the immense public debt is not found far I
their oppotio in to the right I was, is 11 1 ualy mien tmeepartatosnuo the r i ser Ute tecone up to Pititburgh
short of the sum required, shout 1 farther legislation anti au ,, , cantemptL;e, but hut its . tree ;r, the lien it is m•oh nearer teat, ktler 111. Clll l 3 user the
be necessar when pay day comes. The eel It NIP
.same a pt ~ of shuck o Pennsylvania canals &c thin by the way of itatJ rall
ypub' 1 1 , tit .1 VS yl spectilatt in
not willingly bear buithensome 'melon to till the ro n arl and
loutsi k gs ee u p , 0 u r A r i r i t, ii tt i. e s .l .ll g ii et more
l ira .
e s i ,
n i f o e , :
which vamps
pockets of people who are using teary means "fair great irts ett• ef the Sew. en's to destroy them li gene tti re jU i r l?:lrteleri ratirria 1 route and il g there P t ens owed
and foul," to derma the best intermits of the vole.— t o t e e tome spirit, which has prever ted the est:at/11th a ratlroad from ' itemhe.burgh to intersect this rad
Let them 100 toin time, Let them not forget that melt in any par of tie • ere the Insurance competent roe t a d i stance of only 23 roles II eu tern a I this
la a
there is a point beyond
which “Forbearance ceases to ci;o.li. r stain . that Ph Iselellittta tens hos t the m" travelling colt finally ''''''."" tile Per "" 1 "'"'" l '"'
of 1,1110•Jd. as 1 is much nearer horn the pont ofcon
be a virtue:" nape sof the• same- b i ii not il s per h er o f the wtnir orettOn t . Ive Al 44 10- Cll rcs 'OG 111 U Pot, solsente rail
• i
I arouse to the., i";.e• i.. a i seer, tile. sleek pelt. toed then le Baloniore
Bass VI.TO -r-GOlr Shank's veto of the loll) char- lira that it is on, they cease Ina r operations. The! , rte '')"' of the purple "1"" thin "K i t f en s
note Is far In to doing any Inter) ie the brats work.. Correspondent.
teng the Armstrong County Bs , k, which ..111 be people ofAil-every ', like these , f Old Berke nod i • tatitowl was gianted toll.lt ' v our I . et•latustr ' From oar Washington
ri ocoa in our columns this morning, is en admirable %Seel:re reler Ire mitres • base hard hand., and it to st ii seats ago they now task only a renews; of that I %% ..111.1TeN,1 Feb.ett 4 1E46 1 ALIPORTSI BY RIVER•
document, and should be read' and retlectd won by peens , and • ii e.tett lobs ... m.,, bff ert , ones t 6 i' ~.. gnat—sues it lust epee lea. ago . 'henit i. so now , su ( -.Pots Lew. earn the operch et Mr tbompson, I New Orlesms—Pr etr Milweukte. 200 bags ceffee
every honest man. The resuiettons which the Qr. set thin Ulllll3 0 di a i. g t .t, trlLltury nod Leese , . 1 e h' ii : h 'i. ' r
: ',:,1:, rata
, T ii " io t ar t o ' er t"' e r , C ir l e ' l ' ` i ' i m ,,, e " , ' , ,'" 'r saes,rep me ' l " l ' ir i e , '" Ike , ","'" " 1 the 30 bhdesugar, Buthrtdre Watson& Co. 9 bales COI •
etElOr dunk" 11110111 i be placed upon all limb charters , ohs f ew
~ ,, , ,,,b,„. in p hon 3„l l hit ~ lin.. thief
ntg ,,
5,,,,, , i,,11 t
~b,i., , I met Arnow , an toe Tee:nes wince have been
''' m ade on the au' ect et (began—end , las her t re I.", Rerno'ds &1% ilmerth,9o MAI augur, Bagaley
are stub ea are demoted by the peep !e; and will If i e•et woo et the right of way to the [Wo rm , e , d tile , are r•eliided !hese . once•. o . i get ich i mei ', "there have heenarvesal”—none, in my ,pin -I & Smith; 9 crates rags, Forsyth &Co, 343 hides. 3
properly enforced, protect the community from ■• re , Ohio Railthed Colleen>, rs , otonvii, test by their own soy p a y un ,h of the tax which we nue have to ray on, so fairly hits the nail tea the bead as this. lie Laughlin; 10 Mots sugar, Jos Daleell. 100 bbbi whit current:a of the rem and distress that have heretofore memern o. ' th e ., they so tte rd : d eer ', eeee l eo , all , l'"'""'" ''"'t "" T"'",.." 1 • "I"I xis injure i'''' ed s se an American patriot loves to bear an Ameri
Stet° radr tot as loth • at the nes thee end the, key, A MA - ride, 1 bale cottoo yarn, J K Moorehead
followed the explosions or mismanaged Beni. if s.ir the State. A PIT IS BE, RG El E R can 'talesman tall. when the honer of his route
ratlrtmd On it a elle, han I it will by means of tie 5 bole hewed nil James Harrison, 30 Ibis
stockholders are individually liable fur the issues and I I ...need in the suLject of a rontroverty We hate, s i c, ' I 4 Co,
CI srnieiraisterT toed be a great eueiltery to out State , rig been seemlier:oLO to hearing our Congressionall whisker , 14 Mitchell, 200 bbls pork, W Bingham, 22
deposits tithe Back , they win 1 eke good care to hate F rom th , rt.. e , e eaet , j w erom D em oiet woks , and Oa-lefts I fever( the downfall of Pittsburgh raw ,. s a ri , *le d,. t h e emeireetent p won en d re 1
hued es:Keep iron, J Shoenberger,l23 bbls whiskey,
the losthution properly conducted, and vent agates! Baltimore and Ohio Bailrogut. eel ...urn Pennoslear te, and tee suite renal. .Sce sources Of Est eland—we mad Foglish book. 40 mush'
I W & M MitClieltteta, 14 boxes mdse , 1 trunk do, .1
wt chwt I evi de nt l y come t , past thou i 113 . rued t
every doubtful speculation, which, in case of Collura, Friends r 1; d Fettn. I t tzens to tit tiClualol, even of oar OWn— our laViril and (Uri
, s e" I r tuch I, pg, t• 1 ILIVO Id orar• been an ad• team ,„„ are at II se l arge l y regulated ~..1 guided by IMC adder', GO bile whiskey, John Parker, 18 sacks
might embarau or ruin themselves. If any portion lon are to i t t ewe: , that person. 1 i the Leg ...elf in favor of the State er ',lts lam so, stillhers iii 1 ,, a nd dstilloats.B bd• 15 I & Co;6 bbls corn, owner a.
a , it preju di ces custortnr.--SO we are sob Ur rI g I 14011 0,
MAI» commun i ty must bans Banks to speculate with, ed e ture•re ed. -, t , in err tuners,remonstretieg eget tit ith era r a;1. 1 INTICF IN DEFENCE apt re ter beans to regard England as "the mother Jaeard
a bill whirl, grant. Lee Baltimore and or r st lair .11 .......-
let them be placed on the were rooting with their rag , I country," that tbow who are Amer-teens in earnett are
the rig h t of 1/1 1 11 1 t 1 $ .Igo ii, part of Peen. se la or lli IiKS COI 11Y is%% Aht Brower:e ll e—Pr su Louts McLane, 3 Ibis beans,
money commodity, that o th er buster. men are with b II rare v refreshed t, the p. meal of ouch sturdy A
urinating at r Ittatheigh 1 ties- Folio, ,ris aria ceasing T.W Grier, 18 Lea glass, McCurdy & Loomis. 1 box
. ~, eno ng when-eta or these gentlemen who so mertran thoughts and Pe
cif len as th we w h ichso
more useful articles of trade, make them amenable to Is d.voed tro p e ts , nt ...4 i y I. it a ,l,,J i I,, ahs •o ;d 0 h
. 3 ~
ni , ~,,,,,„ „, ~ t fl cur,
; el I I . tarl C u proe aid the ILI .reinently etterac.erree it : i. sectul, lb , tg, its and mit,Breading Shtpton Se Hogg, 19 bbls cur,
the laws an oar merchants, manefecteiere, farmers era,for no other papt e h . to gull the e 1 tint and lei States hank ere i t Ar ,to dere , r the h ow. t rne I Pd • parrot me i j said. ~,e , ,h, e e' the I )Ur i Graham 100 has glass Hampton & Smith, 8 bill
some leetilatois out 01 nn act 41 ja. re and Jl,
aid mechanics are and we wtll soot be rid oh the curl ''''' ``l yea/. en. of gene' 11`, w re .1 - /1 , r 1 , 4 11 , ear ot when the fl4g of our country was tint pledced to
i n to another act ea tele:. 1 I , ion our S at , at efis glass, 16 do rags 3 bbls elmerseed, owner aboard. 21
of swindling banking ins outions it I" sta. I rel., en 11 t"4•,1 tt r I • • rri 1r ii I t the hart en r I the are, and 01
i and the Yresieln pert rl It nets i•att. VI r h a v r t ~ , h , p 1 1 1
' L ee ' k "' ' ''''
' l t In 1 A ' batL di Co, 7 bbls cracklings, II bee
rnrl 411 e , I, I c• 0 1" t. Lll at 111 Mel . 0 ITM ( 1 1 011 f p le dg e t.trt..ll“ .
'mad. slice Is tee rent ‘ art, t pleasar l'i 1 .i.i.,,
t " ,t ire ni Sr, waking uo and nee big to be s s long.,' Alter Lai, or setting foutb our F te ki to the tati..ll glass Ido apples. 2 entry rags, 3. &R C Walker
41 , w hereby the State Ir is teem mulled in d Li. et er
Correspondence of
the " Blond" Pc--" i, i an ti rent and Men too reties hate with al ;Lairdoe led VI ) ail thr shr et f lira tacks,' l.er pop, I Ile tett rot t , , I Orrg nto f.4J 40m the d ff, Browasartlie—Pr au Lc mut 3 bales maze, Forsy th ,
11•RaiSatieeti, Feb 7 1846 r z ,,i. 4 ,
Th. ,
las, :; ,,, ,. .. 1, l ;•,,,,, i•1i111 i i rt. 1 ;6 0 •111 to i
a ir f .. t i er, 1 y li atood i c i tees it, rhowt. of asserting and maims ning
d 'i s, C o; 3 bbls oyster., Geo Beal, 3 kegs mils, Geo
To day. in II e Senate, the bill granting the B & „ est . ne s. re has set lel • yid Mint 1,1 411 Ills eas n „ a oe , 7„ I ° , ' „', 1 1 ' l y: ° „„ po i nts
I,i g in h it ' s 6r c e nt O el :1.14 1 I r n l is i Ilvi m il.t r, ti b lse . ,l ,. o i f ,
04 E:: tie .
.. d on !y
Coclaran, ~42 plough wings, 353 bars iron, Berbridge,
0 R the reit of wee, was again under c. 'rename preset t, g item forhea' with 11. lei ,Ia —I . tone , i i n y r „ e , e , , ~, 1r v de. air :art. bra i• and on t't • point he reastms w l rtll My own op :noe l 1% deer , & Co, 22 blots flour, 45 bush oats, 2 sacks
Lieu. Mr Crabb spoke to the hour of adjournment— to stop are pause.—lt is
i ud f lel far us to work against r)1 a, 1 1 toe rot t) ts to o tci a'. Ste 'h a flier ad hat always horn that on hail far more to hop, from rats, R Mul.en
forth nature and paw, to 0 .
'o "
•'' L'' . . ' ''' 1 ' .4 1 dose a I ogs • asa: t of harness t ro n , r rt.`, Ire t e ars o f England In It during her to at t Jesus In
he has now been two days on the floor, vomiting
justice to ourselves 110,1 Its 11.11 state at large. But to
lie woks tut IA 11 111 ft rt,e the ca nal would be eit is matter thee Item her lease of right. I /mow
fury against all who favor the bill Mr Dersie vile • 1 rite tom iect treat hensfe ' ' D , leo eiethe ero reell• .oppose i the at o su l it pr. :tenon •of that p trer—l know the
learn, reply to him en 'Monday, and I presume the Popular re mu I conventions hese of Isle been he ld . ' I
that the h rot democrats of the State ate so eat IV 1,1111, with vete h she inseufeciu.es clams to such
queettrin will then be taken The bi ter ess of the c' c't , floe i IT • r,nt r ,utt 5 • , ir From', i ~ nt , ,„ ,I
r r i ti e ao i , ii l g oli ti tt; i t i c: “ P i t i t i t. l rirah item Haerithur hto Pitr , - -' I 1 torito y located on what spot teo.mr of the globe
Philadelphians knows no bounde. they are deterenieed yit,ch el 1g vrm• d arn Mg C. nrrUntcs 111 111 t •i I ) se. t nu , be a. her I owe. or embalm may indure her
(rum Sorkin toleria from themhe g rebiegh t . ./
to defeat the bill , be the conaequencet what they may i the Baltimore and Oleo Re, read nee than of grant- cal
, of tit f oi 1 e
r.. r i t r. i f . rho ed : i
li , a d aid k n i tt...ti to e rcii,k--1 e. ter new h regi ii,enni of the
rieishi.ii. i a
id ra chic F
•• est.!. been it eseendlng lien
If this improvement is now denied to the Southern ing the BuOirn re and Ohio Railroad this right otwey ni ' it ?„ oic (in tin " r at ' r k : ' , i4 „, ~,, , ,,,,,„,,,h esg e . a r, tt . nn i nia i n t •
d :minion.,
vet I ketone eke fears iervqf to ol
bed' of counties, we hope the Legislators will take I through . part of PenariNl, ann. terminating at Pit [.• Isar ni , ,„ „ 0 ~ , It* ,„ ,I
„ and ill 3 toes I they • eme h ar t i i • co os , pres• her claim (or a few
burgh , is „ roo t the, e I t e r ., eteoes i f mie t At.. tu fillre n c 'lt ,:erotica: erotica. If e nit images to evert tnt .. ot snow"in Oregon to the limit of war
immediate measures to relieve them from the heavy how ,
the t im 0 meet. tit r e cot , ace. rallroar' I :acing whena wn w th us would eat off her main resources
burthen of taxation which they heave to bear in order world be a great int or to the State *mkt nod the , ear Is pita lel a 111 tale Cir 31 which traverses Om h r 11:e employment d } p er laborer prior at h tom t
to Meta theanterest on the state debt. It r. certainty I riiirrns in grnerah and tve Ch i• 11)110(1111,i patinae '
stole 1,, 00 apparent 1 , ... g ar es p,stilon '
„,std LI 1111, shone lab men 'tartrate t on her s tpport I
not fair to compel them to bear burthens, and deny ''' llu ti ' l ' d r t 1 ' ' 1
i ' h n e ' i t ' s ) ,, n ,r," i g "I n T i t i i -,, g b r '' : R. ” lir al y that it cto it f ly dre ••r'/0 cosmos's . t 1 11 t I :lei I ern leaving the •rguments of 11r.
them the benefits oT state and other improvements I road, ° wo:l7 re an injury t t i O ;ft: puietc ti e
,r r f. t r
' ii
r equire es you ti , A ratio ay re r , rented lo he ~I lb 01110108 fur 171 own speculations. lie thus con -
eat s grades , oh nor tit n the It iltim 're mei ot 1 draws the rises et/eel 1- %lead would run should she!
But little was done in the House. Mr Kursk le, of I t h e , petition talk. much 1 neerseesie increased ta x,- " Re - tan sash 1.11/.. .e alon e , r coast.rso ....... .1 l e cr ew e t o h e t,:
Dauphin, made. ;ably of himself by offering end IMO* iron floe LI the right of cony be panted At the
tu t... 1 . 10 . 111 0 Slate ...loch e re '• t .' o a eo. , ~
t r-"- ..,1 gentlemen the cahoot day ki d us that her per I
potting the fallowing resolution: . same lime le cloven wolf foot can b, .ern trim unit, , . irc ~r , ,,,,,..
the sheep SKID *hen it stereo concerning thou reef e'''' ' sew Joe on II ft n trth et echee ...se ler three thou
A unite. ,faire triyelle 1 nerd .heater
Resolved, That a con marea , o r t h r ee he appoint ' / roads, •titt IVA remit iit t., tht• sole authority , ttrlJ nut, ' 1 "" Llt " sand mr that tunes c estateed as many square miles'
to enquire and report to this House, by
whom Or at ,d uct the ,so i.sise co . er I I mir own Lege:l.:me tend, ll t ' m e C i r" ,l * o 7, e l t O „ 1" ,, ' head ,
it,,17,..',,1, right
,e a l T il _ n g tit , a. the heel. ! States . IS ill she risk tilts? 11 by, sir, I
atoms smtancean aranonycno Is consrourneettern entitled 1 woul I ""fiord 111" f, Ones tithe., to 3 afforded ti ,
„0,, l i '
the ` loca l '„,, t 4" ‘l, ii gin proposes to stems a ll
„ this to herself in nine
' Ms thels eel lick u," ' des. • (geese laughing.) Lut • seriously , wood she'
"Bellmore and Ohm Railroad,” and purporting to be I these IN°lmsid '''' "'id° r business aie '4 'h" l"' '" I set any Messes Copt S. ever risk their immense possestoes 101 . li 1 1 ate osition
551 ate! . a 1 11 lillA m e an} Sllll. cur .1,09 totture /
from the Barka county Jefferoon Democrat, was laid I i 1 , I
of C , the too an eci i s r f such r road are tau epr arrta ,f' ~ f,„, I,ated , t , 4of latitude north of the C , emb a
, make l:M/1e canals an, rail entail, t v. ~.. lit the
to need reinottion
this moroingrs%%l s sir, the I iss of her American passe...ions e oil
upon the desk of members
l atate,erel dowel v Invoke tit "lett still deepe r 11110 i) p i 0 , 1 , ii hio „. ~ ii i , sop pose „ t l i ,,, 0,, I ron, .i , , 0 i 1 i 6
.1 d e w
nil II Will
Tbe communication which has so much excited the beeper in debt? I La, here .o the knot, when the pet: rj,,,, Crane or the St•tt are its •plles to fel tate .0011 the i r li t e sk e i t i e ? (i
W iii , r l gctrit i . " ..m iii e . r i t i whi i t i have apotr ipteced
ire of "the gentleman from Deepbm " was a n en tre e """' a d il Li J t ii , d iii w iii i r i t i r i " .t ‘ ii ti ii, " ls ' * 11 i "r't
awls .... , If !toy tiro" • , they solt find their rn •Adltte I r .59.,,, hi , 1,, that
cull not
o f toisr—
in favor of the " right of it ay,"
In which tin writ- t r.rti re sementt end rarlr eels thew maki ngpe tepe e, :t renteriemia. 11"" sou"r" " awake,"" i '' . ''''''',,,i'l'de i'' one 11l my °tenon Mr. Chairman , she would . certateli
yr warned the people again.' the effort. of the i'l ile • silen a• dun , L Joe, re th 0- th te I.. late oh the Remy f t,
s id ,, ,,,t il t .,, , , :it
0 ,, , . , :1 , 1
i a o h :w and
it he rn. e t ui: . r: ler , ; tae these poste stens It she goes to war with us, as
delphia bond holders and stock jobbers to deer-lye the rt c.m non i ' 'm' "' making st" 1411 ' . "t li by tl''• e r , r 7, i e i l " ( u leais un I. rtte .1 Is nutrho l It mat lam stn , dung on this II eer New Brunswick,
" ''" Nose Scotia, Upper and Lower Canade would all be
them in reference to their real interests . If Mr . stare But wt. Le, boada II bet 11 the slate meld — tag th e ree l e k ooret .th,• re o
,15 loch 1, the lir llorl tins wish? Why thus can be
,li It lost to her f reser' 31ichlgan will Meets be eepected
Kunkle docks he can stifle inveengatton by G. t tie riser:lid mace ohne and near ore public
' flea " . " ' seen by the mosemelos of one of these Noladee h s in pefrorm all this, but it V/111 be perfectly within the
resolutions of enquiry, he will f i nd himself much , Mta • and Huntingdon re Ithati comenitons of whiclifitlii:i werk• end then fell t e r.
f te l. g f i i •lao re tale:
" I ti, '"" rk power of the t olun
taken. The people, will, le their own wae cum n u Hen JaeCl trite was elreumen rind lion Jobe C Buell rit ' o li tt im iia P y ru i l e e Y l7: r i r ea n s „ i d ~,ke i ii i i ,l „ ” , i , v , s ni . ,„," „ , ,:i i : i 1 "Hai commerce , i ton, what of awl Gentlemen
tame their wishes to their representatives , and till • e t r c Secretar y'. a c t.;
i i i t rail i r v ie r la iL l, n tng A • i t i d. e.l. 7r our slate tenets
In y tor own Ivan it ~11,1 ultra yen can menage both rive us
u n s , w°,3i.'"lugHpelicatuiireiois i o d f t hii h @ he injury rn nn t l u i ogurinsaiin„the endo
the resolutions Mn Kunkle can write dui irg hit Isle P itts b urg ,, t
t te tt tst to u eet 110 11 1 11 i 1 . 111111111:4 1 r, n th!: ti ll; a i d ' '''''''" l" '''' the
i ' "'
""°l*" havin g would it not sutler as much as ours? If Injury to corn
time will not deter them from eonfirring fret y v tilt Itf thew peto tons reato th e benefit , and the state May . That
dr l'hs what the
i P": i t ,i " ti ' n n T o e f an c , iii b y
ri.tiii t i " ti o L o r r e k llmeree be an argument to Induce a sacri fice of right.
their llama in the Legislature pay for it end spol and plunder her owe mottle land " Berke co e u 'r ety u l s ):M .f ro fats ends rstend the matterand I Illr part will It have no 08. t . countervail nitres
sum on the part of lengleedl 'Chia is an argument •
ts 11 . eetteinly, would he the ca. B ase , ' en't( m
-- improvements. •ft .00 Out '' the ab o ve, "r. t h e Rend ing which, if it may be spelled to tla, has much greater
should the Huretneit re retie le, grantee VV ens the
rett snEtritis,Feb 7th , 1346. object of these to IA one I , present this route , then D em ocra t.
't 11 ''' A '''`G e :" force w hen applied to her, because her commerce is
tin tre extenone and because it is more important to her
An individual named Henry S Soles with the ros it hey world be in p ie., but whilst tsy spool. of aro GOVERNOR ONLINE'S VETO. ' tit ot us 55' ,11 she rob het:commerce?
mantle alise of Frank Rivers, was ihts morning held I then, du little ur .1) li, tr) il , iltßOCatoi the Hun To ,1., 5f,, ,, o and if ~,,,
of Rwegon,/,.,
"l" ~i
~B , ,
. I ut air, tit re Is Ireland. V. ill she risk Ireland?
to 12000 bail for his appearance at the r net Court, to i ringd In roues very strung
the rottmontt - caltit of Pettruyloanta m
lath talt o lily wettest to retain 111 The standing
most poisonousiOlll ) If 11 I doer ',toe of e,linie ina '
answer a charge of bigamy. It appear" Its the est
,* rou t e.
denoe adduced, that on the 30th 01 IdnuarN, 1337 1 !Ste . r•on+ aecue silt., L ases Ptltanirt, 1 and ring the Armstrong County Bonk el. resent. d for liter,Will she redo
ta b s flit there? FM she knows
eon• the would most theyt ao by going tower with us
quite nine yearse , , the defendant retooled a 11 .. al;o rourn Pennsylvania.i. et pees, nt it•is,.l in O 1 11 me signal ii i re on I , llo .i l i b u t k i d t ay i oat
Brink .%ll l i aii K t
iiiin l i t inin
Elisabeth s i i,,,,, t h orn after being with h e , a l „ tot ai .„ i der a t d i fi i ll condition,
n o, i t i i ft e li t i tli
i nt itt i i r o f ii tte n yin i . i . • to t
t ty: i i i i i t ilii CUir t it ' il ' t ,' f I ts ili mann I doll. .1 which me g y eo,Naltr,rirglihotmtpisno.nonne,enttai:teleanntoFtrliaennpnecualtii•irdronlgaltaionnds
years and basing two children, he deserted her white ~' ;'l l , n tr ' e t: '''
e l u arrn ii ueribereli to Poo: i ron gli, soli t i‘ i. s sir le, ti re ...e Ito one ba n ked thousand Joilisrs, at the and the manner in which those relations would beef
pregnant with her third child It wan also proved, I decide upon the destiny of Pitt/burgh, and with it ell I plent , a,r ut ld sr Itteekh /lit rs
i routed by a foreign war by either power, and con
tbat on the 29th of
April, 1243
be was married be i dle w o
western emote. A railraud, Pittsburgh will flith Ilmvolves the Pol ley of increasing thebank. eludes this portion of lite speech t h e. :
10 t'capit dof the Start and the establithreent of now B
the Rev MI Qulnan toe Miss 'Elizabeth Pigot, and I 11.0 i, ti n ::
1,0,, 7 . %
h : S: c,, ti f.t.
i t ( l = h
vi e r ii tLn h d a s i v n e s iii t e i t ;l i
, hank, in vinous secterns of the Comma...3oth, a• i factu e
utt,str, in war with u i s, h i re are the h mine
i r re
far a considerable time pres mut to Illi detection, he I outstretched arms aimed iat her, and which will pit Wl"' which I base expres s ed my views et large In
efxr.striglirldowtowgitiltlsitlllangproyideowagenainnstt etitarrvetionslmottra
lived in the lower part of Boutheark less than a 1 her to destruction fur men Of this the greater part the message t f rar l iornitte Ito the Le gislature at the tom
at feat agates:. such serious injury? Wbere will she
mile from the home of his deserted first wife. Thelof rho State is ewer, an d ray Pittsburgh lies suffered ri'''; i "z' met.",
nott n r i r i : i 7 ti n t i t li t : s h "r ni n n
thing In the con •
seepiefone of Mrs Stiles, were aroused by teeing 1
the % i e .: e t,.
ri lf re s . h i c o g l e ir o n i o hi t
1, 1 , 1 , I t t i e in s t s
i i , 7 a
, t . ' , l , "'" "
in Pursuit. and Fes mos of the people of Ann• South Cithrolinale
lax. r c e ii l f t is h r at a t n h d i s
that ssill i h h e n a n m u rs i t i
defendant in the street with another woman, and on
road which el rot luth e ur no livery to the state im I et , ' 'Z county, deterir g from thole: of many other
be et le ' s ef ° lh t rFt e outh will again ate not only be a secure
enquiry, finding out the facts gtvon abuse, doe' men , provements, yea obtcli benefits the same The. are c 'uties in the State, within limo lim fo i r ts tki n: l o ra t n a k b a h e s x h.
basal -coot k against the enemy, but will townie us the
ed to redress her grievances,by calling-upon the strong t truths which the Q sakert r or ofhPbriladelplettiheennot i i a n t nn e t which recant to pAc i : h ia;
u g rs it uTare meant: t ally gs vict "" ' er him reat merriment I Will England
arm of the law to punish the offender. During
I a de nd nY erid it easor e t n o P w " l u ii r s e tle rho Pittsburgh 1
people'na::gof I ricUitiiral tiler') of all the industrial employmentsaca not ß ibink of this—o t ber man
the u t c a tu n re ce r eof being beaten
But, lastly , there comet
Inveattgation of this case, the office of Alderman Da
, the right of way, and to sing them into th e Hunting - I the poupli receive, and happily require, the leataben. V Id she
--heresy /tot end dragoons. lou s t h in ko tat
via has been thronged with the friends of the parties 'ion route , theiel a d from bank accommodations Will the contest with Hercules in his cradle be forgot
and others bummed by the circumstances attending it• I Dill ia they will nice:cod,et Huweso- useful banks may be, to factleatieg corn
'rtl'" right °1
" ° mere' ,I transactions, expenence haesholiwn that those ten? In infancy we achieved cur acklependence, and,
The first, wife is a lovely woman, and with her threr iz i r , r s te a d o , d io rr ec rn , :to ns p is b a t ix
ec en , d ,.. o t i
t v h i c ew , , ,g t h he t y uf ee . n a t y pe O ti n - 1
egruulteral districts which have been furthest remove I trust, disenthralled a cono t ae an n i t h -I n i y r ou o t w h o w r e
e ta ,: t i n a ed re
intereating children, presenus a family greop which t rine paper, In this re toy for eta demnerats to ',age el from their influence, Ilene su ff ered least fi om panics r i i ,c, g t i:r u r
c s ha v n ict cr o,ry n . ora w . hi
"' bright g er ei
success as probes
an y man might be proud of. The seep= wife, ton • t h e m and if they serceed in il t , then Pittsburrh will and pe. emery einbarrasments
tid ble—nay, certain?
dared miserable For life , b 5 the rECOOkI , d a meted I, under the painful necesstr, of going Ithowise for the
i t
the i i ne b re t tu n ti ° llg meau n i u c f i a ir e t t tt u i r it t:s lici t n il A t h inott; i n r gacgountiv" I hate not room to follow 51r Thompson tbrotsgb
crlimeslav of the husband of her choice,
" or
C11'4 1 14 •1 i ie m e i l i v ng yv t it ' i n ch r t cl u b i' s ai P i hTlerio n'e l ni pb e i ri a i : f art itils"ch:t,errygl'i'mtejnt , Where capital et so immediately produeteve g , require the whole of his reirrerable speech. I wept, huwas.
er, (oilman quoting the elcquent conclusion
a reepssemble family in the district of Soutliwte Is end ihtist ,'„ eel , ,„ ,y, r.,,,,,0. 0 „ 1 alio
o r. ay, t h ey wi ll the aid, or would be materially benufatecl by the estate
is revile/tented by these who know her , to be no t m • ' then strike their bon net and sing and lead f o r the 1 ( 'libelant of a bank• Chine business trantecoone eon. In conelusion, sir, let, member( 'to the value nfOr
burgh, th e great market for their him egon. It has beautiful valleys and fertile soil; bet in
frocuen persohel attraction to his lira. wiro. The i lluntingdon rout . And _what a chorus there will bed I
cl anT ra oi te l otter P t i •csi tts uction. At that p aint theyl th e this celeste. not its great rake. /em not a prophet,
A seer thug in chrome sang winch will endoubtedly ,
second wife ts elan the mother of one chid, telitch 13 • d i ri
I dB ' d
bl h aY
d likelyever will be, but, sir, Ilmediet and
foue tithe. o ore an eota ut claims to arecen. an most n
succeed end rein the State ell her coppers tit the ex
rendered i llegeireme by the guilt of its father. The
pricent dt woo log her averse:tile - went° , ts Th 'MeV "' 'lntlmil believe that the London of America is deatined to
defendant in oleo or a thseeeinE le (omits and tiny b. :I Repeat etrang. but it tri the er root Pod volt= of. The creation of 'thank does not, under any mourn he bulk on the coed of Oregon, at o- near the
Q - .l)e Daily litorning Post.
:ORS 1110LER, EDIToIt.
lar VII Patten. Agent for country newspapers,
Is the Agent for the Pittsburgh Daily Morning Post,
and ii'etekly Mercury srsd Manufacturer, to receive
advertisements and subacriptions. lie ha. offices in
New YORK, at the Coal Offine,3o Ann street, (ad
jnining the Tribune Office.)
Borros, No. LI, State .treat.
PHILADT.LPIII.I, Real Estate and Coal Off.ce, 59
Pine street.
BALTltsane, S E corner Baltimore and Calvertst.,
where our paper can be seen, and terms of adverti
sing learned.
CONYZPITION —The Democratic Convention will
meet this Morning at 11 o'clock, at the New Court
From Herrisbutgh that the oppnnews of the right of
way are now confident of the defent of the measc. e.
They feel sanguine that should it even pass the Ben•
ate, its fate wilt be seated In the Honor, of Represen
tatives. Wo do hope the Representatives 0 , the in
terests of the people of Peans)tvania, will not make
every thing subservient to the avarice of Philadelphia.
The Bond holders and Stock jobbers of that city, not
• only demand the rejection of the right of way bill,
but they actually are asking the State to give them a
-charter to construct a Railroad ea the bank of the
main line of our Canal, and to surrender to them the
Portage Railroad, and also the bridge over the Sus
quehans at Clatk's Ferry. t% hilt we Lave no object
ion to the continuous Railroad, we protest against
giving any company the control of the State Works
referred to above. The trith is, the acti,ms of Phila
delphia are more than can or oughtto be endorsed.—
. the time has come for the interior, especially the
southern tier and western counties of the state, to
take a determined stand against the unreasonable de
mands of Philadelphia. A few days since a petition
was presented from that quarter complaining of tax
ation. We can tell the Bond holders and Stock-
&_ ..
requi. ed kir his aiipearanese i was given by bill rela
bona without much
The Grand Jury of the present term of the Court
of Quarter sessions, made their final presentment this
morning and were discharged.
The Jury in the care of James K Martin, charged
with assault und battery upon the person of Zell, w
intent to kill, terminated on Thoisday afu•rnoun inn
the Supreme Court. but the jury have not yet agreed
upon a verdict. It is doubtful whether they will de
termlne upon any, as a previous jury had to be dis•
charged, in consequence of their inability.
The trial of Dr Strafford fore libel upon Attorney
General Kelley, uttered in a speech before a Native
American meeting, previous to the last general elec•
tion, is now on ti MI at Nisi Pius in the Supreme
Court, Judge Burnside presiding. The language is
not * denied by the defence, but they deny tint Mr.
Kelley's name was mentioned, or any allusion to him
THE ThifATCl.l. — ito received yesterday morning
the second number of this new tinily.
,It is °tilted by
Mr .1 Heron Foster, a gentleman who has had much
expel knee in his •neation, and whose abilitiesto give
a sprightly and interesting paper, are well known
tothe citizens. It is furnished to subscribers at vet}
low terms and is in ese.y respect deserving a lihesal
An Uni
INTERUTINO P*pni.—The Wanhington
on, of Feb 5, cnntainu•g • •cry interesting memoir
upon a.Steava Navy, ntc, which we sh•U publinh in e
dayor two. It in of esimctal Onporttillret to the citi
zens of thin region, who canotit but i leaira w see the
consummation of the plan pniposiert.
- 7 -
stance', present a strictly local queition. Each of
iheseinstitntionsadds its proportion tothe general cir
culation of paper money, and thus affects the curren
cy of the whole state, in the soundness of which all
i re Interested. Our currency is now comparatively
goo d, and I retard it an imperative duty of the Ex
ecutive, as well as the Legislature, to guard against its
deprecation. We are admonished by recent experi
encu of the disastrous effects of excessive banking,
from which the citizens have not yet entirely recover
ed, not to sanction a course of policy tending to produce
like results.
In addition to these reasons for e iritbbolding my ap.l
proval of the more careful consideration than I
found leisure to bestow upon the subject during befirst 1
months of my official duty. has satisfied me that in or-1
der to make the principle of individual liability of;
stockholders effective, it should embrace all the lia
iltiatiry of the corporation. By the provisions of the
[hill, it is limited to note-holders.
It is true thus deposits.s are made voluntarily, while
men are compelled to receive in payment of their dues
iihe currency which is in general circulation. But this
does not affect the rule that stockholders who derive
profits from a corporation should incur a correspondent
liability for all its engagements.
All the contracts of n bank ore voluntary. It may
refuse to accept a deposite, as readily as it may decline
issuing its promissory notes; then why should the lia
bility of shareholders in cafe of failure, not eXtbild to
all its debts. It is true that one contract may be more
lavored by the low than another, in the order of pay
meat, when ..he fund is sufficient to pay all; but I can
perceive no reason for exonerating a solvent debtor
f ro m the payment of all his debts. Indeed the de
positor for seas keeping. is in general regarded as a
creditor of the most meritorious rank, as he bargains
neither for interest nor profit—his debt partakes of
the trust character, which has just claim/ to peculiar
protection. It is true that the Legislature which au
thorizes the creation of • paper cut tency, is under
special' obligations to,. secure from depreciation; this
furnishes a strongground fur protecting the note holder,
hut does not lesson the force of the reason in favor of
the general liability of the sockholrier s.
' It should be observed, that if the circulation of a
bank has a preferred claim upon the corporate funds,
and the alockholdsits are only individyally liable for
any deficiency to those fonds, it will ha the interest d i
the depositer, upon the first doubt of bank solvency, to
convert his deposits into bank notes. This will alwaye
be done by those who may be convenient to the bank,
or are in favor with their officers, upon the first intima-i
tins of its Coiling condition, while those who are more
remote, o r l e ss informed. may be left to witness the'
application of their deoosites to redeem the circulation
ter which the ultimate ;inhihty of the sitx:kholders will
Ire diminished. Ilence it will be the direct interest of
the stockholders in a failing bank, whose liability is
;limited to w rie holders. to protect themselves against
fns., by cancealing its c ondition, until the greatest pos.
ichle amount of individual deposits is arcured. This
furnishes a strung reason for extending the principle
:mall the debts, in proportion to the amount of stock
'held by each stockholder. Until this in done, an ant
i pie pro , holm is mails offord mg to creditors of curpora•
lions prompt and efficient remedies. the great Object
of the principle of individual liability, will not have
!been attained.
'With these ohjertioriai i here directed the bill to be
returned to the House of Representatives. a. lime it
JrruwlT 2.4 1U46.
mouth-of the Columbia., the C A lty that to to MIT
on the commerce with India and China will be planted
there. And notwithstanding it wands wild, Utopian,
a railroad will be made across this continent to the
Columbia—from 15,000 to 20.000 miles of navigation
in the voyage to China and the Indies will be saved
by it—far more titan half the voyage. Captain Fre
mont astonishes us in his description of the great South
Pass in the Rocky mountains. Why, sir, wo can cross
the moonteins without scarcely perceiving the nclivity.
For 127 miles, the ascent, he tells us, is gradual, hard
ly p erceptible; and at the dividing ridge, or apex. the
activity is not grerter than the ascent from the Penn
sylvania avenue to this Capitol. This, sir, will be the
route for the railroad destined to catty the trade and
commerce of the East on its rued to Europe, as well
as into the heart of our own country. The iron horse,
sir, will thunder through this pass, beating in hia long
train the riches of the world, filling our land with
wealth and happiness, the abundant fruits of our great
enterprise. 111 view of these things, I am for the
whole of Oregon, every inch of it, and I heartily de
sire the notice to be given.
My own impressions of the speech of Mr Thomp
son are mainly gathered from its perusal as I was not
so fortunate as to hear it delivered. Bnt many mem
bers have assured me that the stionner cf its delivery'
added much to its effect. One member tells me that
at the time he commenced the House was in that state
of confusion which so often exist. when an adjout
ment-is desired. There are but few men, and those'
of thoroughly established reputation,to whom the
House even in its blandest moments, can be said to
hisecn; but at such a time as I have described even the
oldest members hesitate to try to obtain die door.—
Mr Thompson being a new member, it was several
minutes before he could be beard at all. At length
those near him, catching a few of his sentences be
gan to listen; and the order and quiet grew more and
morn complete, until the tumult became hushed in a
silence which continued until the conclusion of the
speech, interrupted only by peals of laughter as the
House would be surprized by some sparkling witti
' cism or brilliant retort.. No higher compliment can
he paid a member than this; and the reputation of
Mr Thompson as one of the best debaters of the pre*-
, cut Congress is thoroughly established.
N. B. Craig, W. Barker, Robert Woods
li,lotive, Hendrickson, M'Keesporl;
Medium, Comtelly, Brownsville;
Mileraukie, Clarke, N Orleans;
Seivenue, Cin;
Louis WI-sine, Bennett, Brownville;
Michigan, Boles, Beaver.
-Belmont. Dawson, Wbeelingi
Hibernia, Klinefelter, Cin;
Loins M' Lane, Bennett, Brownsville ,
Billow, Page, Cin:
Michigan, Boies, Besse':
rrThose marked thu• • are provided with Evan* .
Safety Guard, a prevention fur the eiploeionofeJilert.
Fioar—Tnays•illore , - - - $4.000 4,25
Wagon, - - 3,750 3.874
Buckieleat.—per-100 lb* - • 1,25 6> 1,50
Caen Meal— do do • - 50 id 62
Grata—Wheat f bulb. - - 0,00 080
Corn, 45 ra 50
Oat., - • 32 034
Hay—Loose, p ton, - • 15,00 016.0
Oa Lin.pri. itY gall. - • 68 ea 70
Whiskey—l:" gall. • • . •18e 22
Pataiars—Neshannock,e bush. - - 44 0 62
Sait-v-P bbl. - - - - 1,10 01,16
Seeds—Flax, - - - - 1,00 re 1,12 i
Timothy, - • 3,00 03,25
Clover, . • . 5,06.05,25
Lard—NlA .V. 7 lb. • - • - 740 8
Hogs —l:9' lb (ay. wt.) 4 a 5
tiacon—per lb. - - - B'a 9
Cheese—per lb WR. - - - 7 0 8
Butler—Keg and Roll per lb. - - 10 011
Al his residence, in Versailles township, Allegheny
county, on the 30th of January, J •KES E:Y.1.141, Esq.,
in the 7 list year of his age.
Ezecutor'• Notice
ALL persons indebted to the estate of James
Evans, Esq. deceased, late of Versailles Town
ship, Allegheny county. are hereby requested to make
payment to the undersigned. the executors of his last
will and testament, and ell persons having claims a
gainst said estate will present them properly autben•
ticated for settlement. V
fel,' I-31w
ON Draught and for sale by
Feb 11 No 25 Liberty and 3 Ferry us
000 F/Sfi.
500 "s. for -17 ANDERSON,
9CBUSH Sifted, for sale by
fob 11 -B ANDERSON
1.011 Ile BOXES Cin No 1 Soap;
Mould Candles.
For sale by B ANDERSON
feb 11
To tAe Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gene
ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for
the Coney of Allegheny.
The petition of. David Stewart,of Indiana township,
in the county aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That your
petitioner bath provided himself with materials for
the accommodation _of travelers and others, at his
dwelling house in the township aforesaid, and prays
that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license
to keep a house of public entertainment. And your
petitioner, as in duty bound, will pra'.
We, the subscribers, citisens of Indiana township,
do certify, that the above petitioner, is of good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and convaniemces.for : the accommodation
or travelers and others, and that said tavern icueces.
Joseph Esq., Thomu Stewart,
Alexander Speer, Jacob Myer,
Daniel Heber, Thomas Gammon,
Thomu Ingram,
Joseph Westerman,
Thomas Williams,
feb 11-w3t
s:.-a..~.;.~c.a ' i,'~.,.".~ - .. ~+ ~.~~'ti~.; ^ °tea
lllvealair Packet ter Wbefalialrl
li Z ithi
• . THE splendid viiiroar
Capt. Charla E. etarbr, will
run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh end Wheel
ing, leaving this city, every Wednesday and Saturday,
at 3 o'clock.
For height or passage apply on board or to
fob 1.1 J NEWTON JONES, Agent.
ANUMBER of good workmen, who are well ac
quainted with Filing, Finishing and Fitting up
Engine work, and Riveting, will find comanternploy
meat, and the best wages, by immediate application
at tke Kensington Iron ship Yard Pittsburgh.
febll-I.w. J. TOMLINSON.
NOTICE.—Lii pursuanoe of a resolution adopted
by Councils on the 4th inst., notice is hereby
given to all persons holding Warrants drawn by the
Mayor, prior to the 10th April, 1845, to present the
same to the Treasurer, immediately, for HN $ liqON,uir:ation.
febl 1 Iw. City Treasurer.
Treasurer's office, N 0.36, Third sc.
By John D Davis, Auctioneer, corner of Wood
and Fifth street.
AT 10 o'clock on Thursday morning the 12th inet.l I
will be sold without reserve an extensive assort
ment of seasonable Dry Goods.
At 2. o'clock P. M., a large quantity of new and
second hen; Household Furniture, Glassware, Queens
ware, Carpeting, T,ooking Glasses, Mattresses Win
dow Blinds, a day and 30 hour clocks, Fine Cutlery,
Hardware, large Whitney Blankets, &c. &c.
At 7 o'clock, P. M., one superior Bess Violin,
Clarionet, Flutes, Fifes. Violins and otter musical in
struments, Shot Guns, Pistols, Gold and Silver Watch
es, Ready Made Clothiog, Boots Shoes, Hats Caps,
and fancy articles. febll
new works. at Cook's 85 Fourth st.
Cricket on the Hearth, by Chas. Dickens—three*.
d itions horn 6i to 25 cts.
Blackwood's Magazine for January. This is the
beginning of the volume; persons who are desirous of
subscribing eon now avail themselves of the opportu
The Whig Airl3tol4C for 1846.
Snowden, a novel, by Theodore Hook.
Philosophy of Mystery, by Deady.
Whewell's Elements of Morality, two parts.
Life of Paul Jones. by Mackenzie.
Life of Mozart.
Dick's Astronomy.
Melia, or Love in a Gondola, by Victor Hugo.
The Lord of the Manor, an old English Story, by
I Henry W Herbert.
Mull Pitcher, the Fortune Teller of Lynn, male by
the author of "The Carpenter of Rouen."
Eastern Papers for this week.
Just received and for sage at COOK'S, 85 'Fourth
street, Pittsburgh, and at Berford's Literary Depot,
Federal street, Allegheny City.
feb 11
15 CASKS-betas:
6003 assorted hams, sides, and shoulders,
For sale by 11 B RH EY & Co.
febll 57 Water at.
556 SACKS Yellow Corn, received per str Bel
mont. Fur tale by
febl.l M B RHEY & Co.
20 BBLS dried apples.
ln bulb dried peaches for isle by
fetal 1S B RHEY & Co
FOR BALE-150 lbs carpet filling in balls; 10
gross matches; 500 cuts yellow and purple car
pet chain; 400 dozen 8-10, 9 12, 1042, and 10-19
window sash, and glass to.wzit if wanted. A good
assortment of sroodep bowls; tabs; auras; buckets;
keelers; shovels; spades and coffee mills, for sale low
and on accommodating terms, -for cash or suitable
produce. -ISAAC HARRIS, Agent
fedi I and Coca Merchant, No 9, sth street.
rir N. B. Carpet and Paper Raga, Sec.lx)ught
A FEW boxes fresh Siciiy Lemons just received
and for sale by STERETT
febl 0 18 Market at, near 4th.
DOZ of the best make just received and for
sale by W W WILSON,
feblo cur 4th and Market at.
4 DOZ assoc.ed three, tweand one light suspend
ing and side lamps for sale at lowest cash price
feblo car Ith andAlarket at.
Dr. Thompson's Carminative,
IS the moat salable composition ever put before the
public, for the imatediote care of the following
eomplai nts. vice Cholic, Cholera blerboa, Dysentery or
Flux, Diarrlxra or Summercomplaint, Cholera Infan
torn, Bilious Cholic, &c, du. It has never been known
to fail, when it has been geed according to the direr.-
uses, which are few and easily complied with. It has
won a reputation in less than a year, seldom e
qualled and never surpassed. The proprietor wishes
every o to to test it, before they pass judgement, as he
wishes it to be based epon,its men merits. Price, 25
cts per bottle.
Prepared and told by the proprietor.
.corner of Hand and Penn streets,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
LET every person who is afflicted with Sick Heed
ache, Heartburning, Vertigo,-Jaundice, Dyspep
sia, Fevers, Pains in the back, Indigestion.
Colds, and in fact any Disease which may require a
purgative medicine, use Thompton's AntiPytkpeptic;
Tonic and Purgative Pills, and they will certainly
Bice ethrto.tt ilt•lAlll.ftqi , i, causing no Aneasipess, sick
ness or dehflity to the patient. They being a cheap
and conveutent rcedit•ine, no person travelling thould
be e 1010 W them. They are warranted to be compos
ed thoroughly and purely cf ihe,very best vegetable
ingredients, l'rice 25 cents ,prrlxkx.
Preparod_and told by the proprietor.
Positively the Last Soiree
IVY A DAME BLAWUE, returps har .grateful ac-
JIL knowledgements to her numerous friends for their
libtmlyatronag• daring the present season. and sin
caret): hopeaahat oa the occasion of the presentation
of herAinal claim (for the winter season,) upon-their
liberality. she will not be forgotten.
In consequence of arrangements made for painting
and otherwise decorating her Rooms, ber last Soiree
for the winter.will take piece on) r i ida.y evening s Feb.
13th, when, she sincerely hopes, there will be a gene
ral turn out of her friends and patrons.
Tickets to be had at her rooms, on 4:h street, on
the day of the Soiree, and at the door in the evening.
Last Winter Session—Dansitur School.
MADAME BLAKWE'SIut session for the pres
net winter, will commence pa-Friday afternoon,
February I3tb. at:3 o',cloyk. P. M., at her Room in
the Lafayette Assembly buildings.
In announcing the m-organigation of her classes
for the last winter season, Madame 8.. hopes it will
not be out of place to convey to her kind patrons her
grateful acknowled&tneut, of the liberal support they
have hitherto,egtended ,to her. Bhe cannot but feel
highly • flatterea, at the evidence they adduced of their
eminent appreciation of her services as a Teacher,
in rbe crowded state of her classes, and she:feels con
fident the simple announcement of the re-organisa
tion of her classes will be sufficient vacure to her
a continuance of their favors.
In ordor to give that e,..;lat to the .fsantination
Ball, she proposes xl.t:ksing her winter labors with,
and which the presence or all her pupils can only
secure, she offers the following inducement to her
patrons, in the reduction of her terrnato ,6 each, to
those pupils who have attended the two previous ses
sions. feb9
A 1 the solicitation of inset's] gentlemen, Madame
B. will open eveningclasses, for instruction in
the Polka, Polka Quadrilles, 6cc.
Hours of tuition—Mondiy, Wednesday and Fri
day realms of each week, from 74 to 9 P M.
Her atibscription list is now.open for suhscritters
at her rooms on Fourth st, near Mood.
Jacob Mangold,
John Bartley,
John Cock.
. • _ •
Mechanics Wanted
Auction Sales
Cricket on'the Ueartia.
Druggin 4 Apothecary,
car Hand and Penn sts., Pittsburgh
Important to Gg.ntl,iaen.
- -
4 4 i 1 :1**4,7p. • .
-• • -
Witretionse No. U 9 Wood street,
Third door above Diamond Alley.
THE subscribers very respectfully announce t
their friends and tho public, that they have on
hand, at all times, a very largo stock
All of their own manufacture, which they will sell base.
wholesale or retail, for cash or approved paper.
We would particularly call the attention of Canal,
Contractors, and others, to our CANAL SHOVELS,
which we feel confident are oot surpassed by any other*
in the Uniterl States.
Western Merchants, and others, visiting the city,.
will find it to theft advantage to give us a call before
making their purchases elsewhere.
Inr Orders promptly attended to.
No. 99, Wood street.
bbls No 3 "south" Mackerel;
15v 25 " 1 and 2 do
4 barrels No 1 salmon;
25 " Alewives (Herrings;)
10 " Gibbed "
10 casks Prime Codfish;
75 boxes Scaled Herrings;
In store and for sale by
133 and 135 Wood at
121 SACKS Corn and Oats;
12 kegs No 1 Lard;
4 sacks Feathers;
800 lbs Bacon;
100 Deerskins;
25 bush Dried Apples;
11 bbls Roll Butter.
" lump
40 kegs " "
Received per steamers Columbia and Belmont and
fur sale by LAMBERT ¢ SHIPTON,
feblo 133 and 135 Wood at.
pillars' Imperial Cough Syrup. •
Pittsburgh, February 6th, 1846.
MR R E SELLERS—Though 1 do not believe
any further testimonials are necessary to estab
lish the reputation of your justly fumed Cough Syrup.
I feel compelled, as an act of duty, to mention several
cases which came under my immediate notice, in
members of families whom I was in duty bound to
relieve at any cost, complained of hard breathing. a
' severe cough and no expectoration, loss of appetite,
with strong symptoms of Pulmonary Consumption;
I mentioned your syrup and they begged 1 would pro
cure some, which I did. I am happy to report that they
are quite relieved, the syrup having produced the
desired effect in every instance. You are welt as
sured of its good effeets upon myself. Hoping that
this may reach the notice of persons suffering from
icoughs and colds. I remain your ob't serv't
E. F. PRATT, Overseer Poor.
The Syrup is put up in 50 and 25ct. bottles so that
lit may be bought by the poor, as well as the rich. •
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood
street. Sold by the City Druggists generally, and by
J. Mitchell &41. P. Schwartz Allegheny city.
feb9 [Journal and Gazette copy.]
I_ 000 KEGS assorted sizes nails and brads
Tur sale at manufacturer's prices
Water st.
150 TONS assorted for sale at manufacto!
rer s pricey by
Water street.
300 BBLS N 0 Molasses just received and tit
sale by
Water It.
Rice and Raisins.
30 TIERCES Rice;
SS boxes R - Raisins ju , t received and
for gabby BURBRIDGE, WILSON & CO.,
fel7 Water it,
150 HHDS N 0 Sugar, jest received and
for sale by
Water at rerq.
Manure and Bay Perks.
3 DOZ. just received from the manufacturers;
0 fur sale by GEO. COCHRAN,
fsb 5 No 26 Wood st.
Scythe Sneathce.
30 DOZ., for sale by
Spinning Whenllrons.
20 GROSS for sqeby
febs 26 Wood at
OF eastern
,mapofaclgre for wool carding machine
comb place,and_taial;sfor sale by
26 ‘Vorxl sc.
5 BOXES in good order,for ink. by
feb7 60 Water street
1 000 lbs sugar cured hams and shoulders
for sale by
fah,' 60 Water at.
19 BBLS flour for sale by
feb7 60 Water street
F choice brands and fine flavor, in pipes, balfpipea
and quarters, part on draught. for sale in quan
tal to sutt purchasers, by
60 Water st.
- 111ITTERS, Pepertnint and Cigars of all kinds and
LIP superior chewing Tobacco, can always be got tit
_CO Water st.
OLD Rye, from 8 to II years old, also Scotch and
Rectified, in barrels, halves and quarters, som of
which is on tap and for sale in quantities to suit pur
chasers. by -F. C. MARTIN,
fob 7 -60 Water street.
GROCERIES of every kind. green and dry frui,
bath foreign and domestic, nuts and spices of ev
cry kind, at wholesale or retail.
For sale by P. C. MARTIN,
febl 60 Water at.
STEAMBOAT ban and hotels can always be fitted
out with segars, &c. at the 'hottest notice, stk.
on terms to please all wh o may call on
feb7 60 Water at.
10 TIERCES rice now landiag fronkS B Robe
G 1 Morris, for sale by
HePIPES Catalonia post wino now landing from.
S II R. It:Sortie, and for sale by
SWEET m ( ILAg.A. jviNE.
25 HALF bbla M Winomow landing from '3
B R Morris, for saTe'by
feb7 179 Liberty it.
1 BARRELS tinrad Oil, warranted pure,
0 store and for sales by
C A 4US Winter Oil, just received and for sale 1
(for account of Shippers) by • •
40 BLS N .0 Loaf sugar AlotS, 4 and 8,: ;1
recetytui ei.nd Tor se,le by
No 179 Liberty street.
N 026 Wood street
Linseed Oil.
Winter Oil
Loaf Sugar.
' •