• ny*—,Z9l",,lS4 erranspartatiou Lino. Mitt/a184 5 OWN hem's Trensportatiiin Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EAST ERN CITIES. PROPRIETORS , JACOB I)ocr., WS. BINGHAM, Wu. A. STHATIGN THOI. BINGHAM!, Cohered on Sabbath-keeping principles THE Propfietors of the old established Line have thoroughly recruited and renewed their stock, and are well prepared to forwurd Produce und Mer chandise on the opening of Ittivigation. The long experience of the Proprietors in the car rying business, with their watchful uttent ion to the in terests of customere, induces them to hope that the patronage heretofore extended to "Bingham's Line" will be continued nod increased. Deeming the usual self-glorifying style of advertis ing too absurd for imitation, and believing that with former customers we need no ecif.commerintion, we , would merely invite such as have not heretofore ' patronised our Line, to give us n trial. Our rates of freight shall at all times be as low us the lowest that are charged by other r esponsible Lines. Produce and 'Merchandise will be receised and for warded without any charge for tulveitisine, Storage I or Commission. Bills of lading promptly lorwarded, acid every direction carefully attended to. Apply to, or addret?, WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, cur. Liberty and %I:eyrie Me, BiNGHAM, DOCK, and STRATTON, No. 276 Market street. Philadelphia. JAMES W ILSON, Agent. No. 122 North Howard street, Baltimore. WILLIAM TYSON. Agent. jy 2441. Nu. 10, IYe..t street. New York. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 1845. FOR TRANSI'ORTAI lON OF GOODS EMEE=EXIII=I2 WITHOUT TRANSHIPPING. ri %HIS old and long established Line having near ly doubled their capacity and facilities for car rying goods, are nosy preparins, to receive produce and mcrchandize to any amount fur shipment East et West. The boats of this Line being all four section Porta. ble Boats, aretransferred from Canal to Railroad, thus saying all transhipment or separation of goods; as the goods are never removed till their arrival at Philadel phia or Pittsburgh. This Linebeing the Pioneer in this mode of carrying after a successful operation of eight years, are enabled wish confidence to refer to all men-harts who have heretofore patronised them. Western Niel - chants a t e espectfully requested to give this Linea trial, as evs y exertion will be used to render satisfaction. Nler rhandise and Produce always carried at as low price, on asfair terms, and in as short time, as by any other Line. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel phia will be sold on liberal terms. Goods consigned to either our house at Pittsburgh or Philadelpbia, forwarded prompt), and ell requisite charges; paid, JOHN McFADEN Sz Co., Polio street, Canal Basin, Potsbore,h. JAS. M. DAVIS, & Co , 241 and 251, mr. 25. MarLet.t , l'hilsaeb his FARE REDUCED! 1 Goo L A d latent D Fast rasa for Pll-11E'LP OT 'SPLENDID NEW TROT TICIT.T COACIIFs, AND RAIL ROAD CARS, Leave Pittsburgh daily, at 1 o'clock, P. 1N RIJN:SENO TIIIIOUGII IN 4S tioutts, ASCENDING 1 - 11.. HILLS WPWT❑ SIX lIORSES AND POSTILLION From Ciamberiburs by Railroad to PlLi:addrica:a. In splendid newly built Eight Wheol Cam there COll - with Mail Cars for New 1 - 0:6: ni,o be!sburg with Mail Lines direct for BdiLlf110(1 , and Wl.birirzt on City. tgrOaly Otftee for the above Liao, next d.wr tc the Exchange Hotel, St Cleir street. june 12 W. R. MOORHEAD, Ae't. FARE REDUCED TO 63 Opposition Good Intent Fast Line for YEIC111,9):- OF SPLENDID TROT BUILT _~ ~~~ Limited to Seems PaseeeFeri Lev Pittsburgh daily nt 1, t'. V. RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 tiouits, A3cenilingthe mountain with SIX HORSES AND P05T11.1.70.‘ ONLE ONE NIGIIT OTT TU CIiAMBLI4BL,4H, Thence by RAIL ROAD to Plilind.•lphia, (being tde only Line, running their own cars on tie road.) connec ting with Mail Cars for New York: also nt 1....1,1rn1wra• burg with Mail lines direct to Baltimore and Wash burn City. Often three doors from Exchnnen Howl. 0ce2.5-I , r A. HENDERSON. Piano Fortes ALARGE and splendid assortment of new ini proved grand action Piano For tee, on bend ei,il or sale by F. Cur. Penn and St. Clair ate., opposite Ex. Hotel. nosl7. N. 11. The above tin-Its:tin...int: are warranted t o tand any climate, and keep in order as lung as an) maitufnclurnd. They will be sold lan tiir r.). F. 2E °limn Attachment. TWO new Improved Grand nctlon Mann F,,rtr: with Coleman's Atiachinent.jn.r ad and fur sale' F. JILL:NW. Cor of Penn an d Clair P.ts, opposite Ex. Ilutel. novl7. For neat or Sale /11HE subscriber wishes t) lent or s., It JR. Stand in the borow , h of heaver : of cll. Peisiery/vanid House. The stand is a4ooi one, ami boy person wishing to purchase or rem will tied it airable. Terms easy JOHN LIGHT. Boater, Dec. 3, 1245. dcc.. 5. tr. N. D. Fur further informa'.ion enquire at thig office Still they Come. READ TILE FOLLOWING; THIS is to certify thst I have fully tested the Vir tues of Thompson's Camino/ire. !laving been troubled with a very severe pain in my stomach and diarrlura or summer complaint for several weeks ad wale perfectly rest fired by using one Bettie. GEORGE ADDISON, of New Oilcans Sold by WJackion Agent. corner Wood and I,ilier y streets. nctri PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Silos for Carriages 41 Eastern Prices. rip H 3 snbscribermanafactures and keeps constant _L. ly on hand Coati', C and Eliptic Springs (war. ranted f )..ktniato Iron Axles, Silver and Braga plated Dash intrues, Brute end plated Hub Banda. Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver end Brasa Lamps, Three•fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Dour Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the ratron• age heretofore bestowed upon the enahlishmeat. WILLIAM COLEMAN, jen 4 St Clair et., near the Allegheny Bridge. Port Pitt Works, Corner of O'Hora and Etaastreria, Fifa Ward DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Freeman, Knap & Totten. is this day dissolved, by the tale of the entire interest. of John_Freeman iu the concern, to Charles Kean, Jr. 110Willien3Totten,whn will eentinee the business under the name of Knap.Sc Totten, and will settle all claims nr,ainotthe said firm, and receive all debts and demands owing to the enme. l'ittih - gia, Aug. 18, 18154,428 nee.. JUST RECEIVED NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET. THE subscriber having returned again from ihe eastern cities, is now opening his fall and win terstock of goods, exceeding in variety and extent any thing heretofore offered in this city. Thankful to his friends and the public fot thy favors ha lots received, and which hits induced him to pur chase mare extensively than before, he again invites their attention to the cheapest, best selected and most extensive assortment which he had ever Mute offered among which aro • French, English, German and American Broadcloths', flack, Blue, Invisible Greco', Olive and other Colors, Which are all of a averior quality. Also, a Splendid USSUI tmetit of VESTINGS OF ENTIRE NEW STYLES, FR.ENCII PATTERNS.. Alen, a fine lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSIME:RES of ovrly shade, color, and pattern, which cannot WI to please the various tastes of hie coetornere. Aieo. a New Style of Deaver and Twccd Clothe, OF BLACK, BLUE, INVISIBLE GBERN, GOLD- EN MIXED AND OLIVE, FOE SACK AND FROCK COATS, Tngether with ft lot of Makibidoo and Blue Blank. et Coaling, Pile: and other goods suitably for over coats. These goods will be sold rowdy nrwle, or will be made to under in u nape riot style. as low us Call Le bought in this city. lie has also the usual variety for gentlemen's wear such ns Shirts, Stocks, Suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Scarf's, Bosoms, Culiars, 4.c Haying in los employment se‘ernl of tho belt known an d most popular cutters in the city, he feels confident of giiing s atisfnction, and would especially ins its the uttention of persons wanting their garments made in n superior attic and of the finest materials, to his stuck of TitENCII CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND YISTINGS, Which he has selected with the utmost care fur this particular branch of business. lie will take pleasure in showing these goods to any one will, will favor him with h cull, feeling confident that the great variety of his stock and the style to which they are made, can• not be suptutsed in 1114 city WAR. WITH MEXICO DECLARED! MONONGAHELA CLOTHrN G STORE. No 2, WOOD St. Second Door from the Corner of %Voter Street. COOLEY & LAIRD, PROPRIETORS, The undersigned taken thin method of announcine to their customers and the public genertilty, that the) hove just receive,! di tint the East, •nd iitTer fur sale ut the shave oared st bilge nod well selected o,sortrrwut al Cloth., CZIMFIRIvreA, V s . o l s igit no d mntor i n is of e descridtiun, Ir tiug been t•uretssed for c.idi on the most nilvantageims terms, they ore onn ittsd to o d or at , et+ CAP no con be sold in the IVestern Counts Their usstitt meat of READY MADE CLOTHING, is lane, and has been manufdetnted from the brat tnatcrials, and by excellent atm kmen. Tis) base constantly on hand anti will manuiticture to older ull °nick.. of OLAFtint, which the) will u at• runt to besmatie in the beat manner and most fsaition able They invite the public to call and examine thel stock of goods, tta they are confident lino, can and ()1) ♦aT !CIA.; at ',lice, whir 6 Cat.llol tail to plea.o Remember the p!aee. NO. 2. WOOl) r sEcoNt, uuoß FROM TUE CORNER ttit WATER. sept S. MORRISON, Liberty St., between Market nod Virgin Alley. HVING I rnturned fi sin the Eagt, the sub!criber is now menu , g lea and winter r.r e oafs. e•reeding in Nar.e , , and extria “I'y :hi i.g v.hich has heirtot , n , eberii tarred in thi! cite. T1.41.1.1t.: to his niends and the Trih'.l. f.n Inc las, • he La* l ecei‘cd, and winch has indi.red bun to IJIA - Cl/ 1 , .. 11 more CIICOPIVE /LW, t/1 - 1 - .,C, N. 7 1 1 .111 their tittrilti.m to theciitupt-st, !..rst sr6ctrd and i..•. exirn,se ctortnrtnient which ha has cart bcfoie .niCit arc Trench, 'English, German and C mer scan Broadcloths, Black. Blase. Invisible Green. and other Colors. 'Ur. ti er nt of Vebtings of Entire new styles, Fit I: /I PA T R.% n fv.o lot of FtII:N..II ANI) ENGLISH CAS".1.\11:1:1:S of esrn• nfid l ooltoo. C.4lll.litot ILIC, I•/ 1 , 14 . a,3 t6u 41',(13 lust,/ at lEEE= New Sly' , Bearer and Tweed Cloths of Black, Blue, Inririble Green, Gulden Mixed and I llire,for Sack and Frock Coats. To:rtller wish u!ut oupe[i , ” :11 NE11411)1)0 .1N I) BLUE: \ C4).1 TIN (;,, fo, These t...• 3 °141 ready m ade toyr,ier in et to low as ran be bonailt in this city. lie Ilita also the lltrUJI for Gentleman . .. Wear, such its SHIFTS. STOCK'S, CUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS SCARFS, BOSOMS, COLLERS, &C The attention of per.orei wanting their garment,. cell inadii. arid in .uperiiir le. and of dm beat ma terials, is invited to his fine itock French Cloths, Cassitnerrs and Vertings, Which lie lies ,elected With tl.e utino.t cure fur ti it liattieulai . utetieli of Leineee. He will tike plen•ure in ',Lowing these g.,u to i,ny ant• s)10 V. ill favor liiro wish t. call, feeling c.e.foiont that the greut ,if en.) Wilk); they are made, cut.- nut be ettrpu...til S. ITh)rtRISON, Liberty it.. ort Thompson's Carminativo, For !hr cure of Choiir •Cholera Moritta, Xtonmer Complaint. o!:,ntery,Dieurhea,.l.c. CIER riFtcATEs of pr.on, who have used the e cor.ling thick and fast. The rn igirial document, fini!, be wen at the Ageuey,u, well u. the beet of City Reference, given. 'ICAO THE FOLLOWING: lows, T., FORT 11A1 , 130.5. Aug 3, 1845. Sir:—When I was pro trig through Pitt-burgh twit weeks since, on my way home from the East, I culled in at your Store, and poi chased two bottles of —Thomp son's Carminative," for my Chil , ben, who wore sick of the Summer Chropluint, and as'l told your boy that sold them to me..l would write and let you know how they operated, I do Ad now with pleasure; they oursd them perfectly. and Mrs D. (my wife) says it's the bent Medicine she ever u•ed, and recommends t very one to use it for their Children. • I remain, yours, very renperttfully, J. W. D. W M. JACKSON, Wholesale S.: Retail Agent, car. of Wood& Liberty sts., Pitishisrgh. N. B. All orders addressed an above, post paid. AuglGrf DR. A. J. THOMPSON'S Antl-Dyspeptle, Tonic and Ciathartie rill F.SF. PILLS, while they cleanse the Flomach they re'tore its originalione without creating de bility. Tlwy IS kew .e produce all the invigorating and strengthening effects of a roost approved Tonic; thus acComplishinF n desideratum of a Cuthnrtic Alterative and the best ever known Tonic medicine, whose use fulness can be celled upon in all those diseases oritina tingfrom the detangement of the Alimentary Canal directly, or Biliary Secretions indirectly: finch ros Sick Ileadache, Dyspepsia, Hemet fluid. or Piles, Chronic Diarrhea, Sick Stomach. liarthurn, Vertigo. Depra ved Appetite arta foul Stomach, Surfeit from intem perate F.srting or Drinking,&e., Warranted Purely Vegetable. P RIC E 35 CENTS PER BOX. Prepared by the proprietor, A. I. THOMPSON, M. D., And sold wheinle and reta%l by -my Agent, Jlcaaoa at his Pntent Medicine Warehouse, corner of Wood and Liberty ft.., l'ittslourgh. auglyZF RESP ECTFULLY informshisfriendsend allatose who wish his services that he has taken an office in Smithfield street, 2d door from Virgin silley,wbere he will now attend all operations of the Teeth inthe Lest manner and ut the shortest notice. Office hours from i till 12. rind from 2 till 5. may`?—daswt F. . _.--„,.....---,,--_:::„..„ _-_,_-- Fl,,f3f IR 'IE , .....,:t.:_,TT.. ._ „---- FURNITURE WARE ROOM N. 8. 11. RYAN, HAVING completedhis machinery for the 'MA \- ITACTURE OF CABINET FURNITURE, is now prepared to offer to the public till articles in his line, at wholesale or retail, vet y low for CASH; he wurronts every article mode lit his estnhlishment to give satisfaction, us none but the best workmen pro employed, and every cure taken in the selection et instet Turning end Sawing (lone in the twat manner. Also, an ussortment a turned material kept on bond. inch us Wagon Hubs, I.luut , c Columns, Sewel's and Balusters, Bench Srews, Bed pied+, I Sluirel end Fork Tublo Led., &'. Handles. The suli,crilier hes in addition in hip large Estab li,lanent, nine Brick houses, with shahs running through them, which ho Alit Rent for iShop, with Steam POW, no fficient to propel sin It machinery rho mac be put into them, it much late., than steam p ower c oo Ire rrodueed lion small engines. Pts tebnillll at any time. ituje2S-ISiw RE-BUILT AND AT WORK! PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE. j~1•:BP1:21 ULI.V informs his friends t nd thu ft public generally, that he hac taken the NEW STORE At the corner of Wend nod Water st reels, MI the site occupied hy Mr S. SdlOyCl. pleviou. to the Great Fire, where he ii pmpured to furnish nll ui Lial, ill the lieu of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, On the most modernte terms, and at the iihurteat no tice. Hi, stock of Goode i, ENTIRELY NEIL', And has been selected with much care to suit the mar ket. lie has in his employment sonic of the best workmen in the city, and from long experience in the business, he bores te give general sotislactiun to those whet mity favor Lim w ith their custom. A 'urge is surtment of P. DELANY, 49 Liberty et reel Clothing suited to the Season. con/fisting of Cloth, Frorl, Tina I)et,s Coots, of alluvium our ious q ualities. He offers to the public as A. sn• ecribliiitirnent in the city. lie has alp., a large strict: of Shins. cntlonand silk Cut vat t. Scat ft and linnilkorritielit. o micli b.• is ir.•loemd to sell lots Cot cash, end c 3.11 only. flaying secured the ti reices of nil ettce;leitt Cotter, lie is hi••pemd to miirmlitetur, garm.ait. of all kind, to order, a sucla a Mantle( OS t, colder the CI.OTIIING STORE wormy of pU l d.ll., NVlor,.l,:e. Il.•d arid examoo• O r then" TT FI TAF reiniflt m:1 ~,nrrtr nnod Lis ()1,1) 11 Sr AN I), bt .. ..11 , erl Mar Fill. Mid Fl ITN 414.. Vll, e Ire r. I be pleased to see kris old costumer, and fr S!enn,bont, and Bell. of every size, from 10 to 10.000 pooad, e.l“ from patterto ai flue a ;pro , . ril models, turd , A..tear,trd tube of the best mu- Nl:nrial Wwer Purnp4,Conntrrok . wi.k every v3ll , , /f li, COS C . a.ting•, If re viled. turnrd nndfini-hed in tku nenn , tt manner. rFA. F. 14 1 , 4 , i r ngrnt for fla!Aqq . , Anti .4'l'ft:it - tiny. Mega!, psi•ti) . C1 . 1 ,. bta , . • ./ 1 , , the Teriur [s.,n of fi intl., in mnrinnery.-- . 11:n Buxes bin! C..in nonl cnn hr lint of kim u• ad time, non 13 ly LOCK AND VAULT' DOUR 1 tr7Z - : - .. - -‘::_-•.;:...c . --;.—"" ~-,3L- ' ''''. --1 1 C . 7....„ '' . -.7• 111 1.1 1y 1 1' . 1 --"""^"...`, ti1.; . :41' :---- • :...(.. -,,,_, 2 ., _ .:c yyy i . z. - ,,;.. -'-- , t„,... .4" •- i ,- i ~,,,, -' ,--,:1 i ., . . .: ~,-, l' ~::ccr...:. , qil in 1 i- , ,-.-: : _i.,-,- , __-__- , _ ~ ,„,; • ' i ' „ CC: _ -.'. _r ~i .1 •• -! :.' . - 1 . 1 ) ::- .' `; , u ~ „..,,,,...,_...,„_........:,....,,,. ~,,,, [3l:sri:ci lAA if,f,tio. 1,1. (co nod the I) fol ttrlti;c• vrt, be Lid 11l A:10,11,1i) rt'y, s,fle e n , Diamond .111.• y ne,...eeo j the Dnitnond anti W.,,Jd .[nest, Potslligh, w wit; KNOII LOCKS AND LATCHES, vAt.. r Douit CONES, STORE III) DO. MORTICE LOCKS AND LATCHES; KNOB LATCHES. SHUTTER BOLTS & FA‘TENINIS, SLIDINtI 1)0011 FURNITURE, STORE DOOR BOLTS, VAULT DIJOI(S, IRON RAILING. IRON CASTINGS, each no W AGO:si BOX. SASII wi:IGIITS. &c. hiiiissule (/valets, 51e.11,11k.111 wail !louse ere se ill fi f iti n to 01,4 4.1.1 A I with Iti he.. it determined to soil it article, at stele priro its cannot pliant. Kr.ll,l,lVorls in my line promptly attended to, en the shotiiist not 1. . _ Burnt District Hotel. T SAM; MURDOCK, lormerly of the Union until Oil water rtreet,l.oit,g beyo ia,)rnt otlt, hits built LI 10'W and hai.d,mo thane rx ptv.nlV fo r t h e (ice ., modetion of Tin‘elets, rat the corner of Second and So-whiled! idreete, which will be Inman as the Burnt District Hotel. He is now pi spared to offer every ncrommndation, and every comfort to the travelerof eery minleratg chut pea. Heil pravidod with ainplo and convenient Stabling. riecl2.ly. . THE subscriber, having bought out the w Olio known Livery Siable kept by C 13 Doty, the r ‘Cod, respectfully info:nig his fr fends at the public giffieraily, that ho will keept at all times. sleek ofihe hest description of Hiding Horses, Dui C,,,,i ngrs o f all kinds, and in short, every I hit required in his line of business. A considertd,lii portion of his stock is new, and 1 is rnriiident (but nu stock in the oily will be ■uperi to Ilie Stable is on Liberty et., a few doles above tl Canal lirldge, where he respectfully solicits a share pal.lir, potrobag,. GUAM...ES COLENIAN. is also provided with an elegutd Hear, whirl, will be furnished when required. occ2stf ALLEN KRAMER Erchai of Mad and Third sin and Soi :rut Bank nottm, bougi che.k s on the EuMern cities, for and REFERENCES WM. Bell C. Co., Swhn D. Davis, F. Loren..., J. Painter &Co., Joseph IVoodsvell, Jamea May, Alex.Bronson&Co.. John H Brown&Co. Jemr M'Candlees. J. R.M'Donald. W.ll . Popo, Esq.,Prce't 'Bank Dr. D. Meritt, Dentist, (Of the Burnt Distria) WILLIAM EL SHAFFER, GOOD BARGAINS A. IT DELL AND DR ASS FOUNDER. AIANUFACTORY THOMAS ARNOLD, Fifth Ward Livery Stable lIIS TERMS WILL BE MODERATI. nee Broker, corn,. •eits. Gold, Silver, lit and sold. Sight slide. Drafts, not EIMM PALL *DID imi=n 021 aa CID cCich Mt Lt V 3 Ql9. THREE BIG DOORS! No. 151, LIBERTY STREET PITTSIIIIRGIS. • Honorable dealing insures honorable success." .THE immense patronage that has been bestowed upon the subscriber's establishment for many yearn past, by all classes of the community, in unquestionable evidence that his articles have given satisfaction to all his customers, and that his efforts to pl..rase the public taste has been successful. His stock of Fall and Winter Clothing Is now prepared for the inspection of his friends and the public generally, and from the variety of his stock, the superior quality of his Cloths, and the style and taste in which all his articles are made, he feels con fident of plonsing all svho may favor him with a call. It would be impossible to enumerate all his articles in a single advertisement, but the following will suffice to show the public the variety from which to chose VERY SUPERIOR CLOTHS. Of every quality and price. CASSIMERES AND CASSINETTS, TWEED, SATTINE'rS, VELVETS, &C. 01 French, English and American Manufacture. Ili• stuck of READY MADE CLOTHING, C.,igta in part of DRESS COATS, Of CN pry quality and price. "SIL" r illr :NO 9 Of ever) quality end price, and made in the mom FaahtnutlLln et)le. Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks, In greet variety, and eel l et unpri cedenily low prices!. Overcoats of every Description, A new and splendid uteor r mem or FR ENC V EST• ING PATTERNS. Alen. a fine lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSINIERES of every shade, color, and pattern Now Style of Deaver and Tweed Cloths OF BLACK, SLUE, INVISIBLE GEEEN, GOLD EN MIXED AND OLIVE, FOR SACK AND FROCK COATS. Together with a lot of Al akibido and Blue Blanke Coaling. Pilot and other goods suit Ale for over COWS. Ho has also the usual variety for gentlemen' wear, such as Skirls, Stocks, Suspenders. Handkerchiefs. Scarfs, Bosoms, Collars, 4.c. The above nod tall other utticles in the Clothing line he oilers for sale lower than they cantors purchased at env other establishmeists in this city. Ile boo SEPERATE CUTTERS for every depart. merit in clothing., and u= they ate all workmen who base been employed in the most FASHIONABLE HOUSES. In the counuy, he can warrant his patrons that THE CUT AND MAKE Of all articles from his establishment will be in the most modern style COUNTRY ;MERCHANTS Are I e‘ltectfully invited to call, as the proprietor buds ciardloot dad. lie Carl s. ll !hem Goods in cudh term. ti nisi' II Ili thoir ads dotage to purchase .rt V.; Doors. In roi,:o•l , n, I svot:ld say to public, when you e . til tat rri stone you has,, only tout own suit to pas for, for I ..eil t'ot cash only. grit. are purchoseri tai (prom tt it's (torn the importers, anti of course I can .Q 601111.1; at ' , MCC prices than the smaller deal• tvi!., are compelled to buy from the jobber. Then. loom the large amount nt sales, I am enabled to sell . .t a lc,, per cer.t•sge. Some Clothiers inn:, third: it —Ding u i ~ deal when I say that I can and will sell you good. ;! as low as they con buy them for, but ail 1 I .sk es a lama of the fort is I lie pleasure ni l a cull. Bear in mind tbenumber.— ' us 151, Liberty street, better kniiwa as the inner s ty n".,R.," sent JOHN MeCLOSKEY. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS NATIONAL CLOTHING STORE, 160. Liberty Sired, - 21 door below Sizth. THE ist]hent , er ha vir,z iuit returned from the E. k o rro Is-nu!d inrtte the .itteot ion of tie pub- tho ! itco nn.l sek. a••orrmeot of 1",,1.0niab1., now In.peno•m of Ins r~ th!•l, , ,not,t. 111% cock corw.sts in the tnu.t Elnhi,/n ta-lunand co:ors Broad, Beaver, Pilot and Tweed Wool Dyed Cloth*, Striped. Liarrcd and Paniy Foreign and Ilome! , tic Ca,siinere‘t C AND CA SS I VER ES FIN IS I E D I: NT R A St:PEI:FIN ESATT !SETTS, ALL COLORS. Plain and Fancy Sattinetts, all Colors and Qualities; A 1:1:\1' PIErES CASSINIERES A NI-:%S. 111:\1'1' AN0111:A1:111..1. AKI I• Lur IN 1111-1(11i; s a tin. v t deneio, woollen and SOL: Velvets, Cn.hinereo.. Le. lor Vllllll{.' Iheo• logg.ther with u 111";. , vlitely of Sisters. Cr a. Sot Su.per.der•, it 4, andesery other article aline,- T.inng loCentlecnen . , arar. Inc under 4lg nrgi. pared I t te'd 111 Ti reduction of over ten per cent: under prio.,. Ile al,l irrpared to maltul d c. tune all hind. I.) iotler. alter the mt.( up. pros ed Easterti at.d Pants faslotions, whtch he re. ut the shortest not is,e, end on the turns Ihe subscribe. would Co, 111111101101 lie never has crooked a leg uu shop boa rd. he ran het up a better fitting. and a hem., made gar ment, than some of Mose alto, after spending the greats et pun Of Ihrtr Imes cross legged, art so iginsrant of the fitting department as to tee obliged. is hen they want a co it for themselves. to Fall in II crook 1,, CUT it ha them, Mr want of ability to do it thern.elvv•. He would Caution the public against tieing humbugged by those who talk so largely about competitionfroni those I who never noticed them, ut til a it bin a few days his attention st as directed to en advertisement m one of the 'topers. a ritten bs sore conceited tr rson a hose niiiienrance might he itsprrrt rid by using slime of the soap he talks so much about. Th,.. in t i im i tber has made art arrangement in New V in t, by e l it e}, l i o a ill rereis e. in the course of a few week.. it large simply of Shirts, at prices varying from 50 rent., t $l,OO. Country merchants and others to put-thaw by the (also or dozen, still have their orders. if accompanied by the cash, attended to with promptness anti despatch. Thankful for the very littoral patronage extended roe the short tirne I base been in business, I am determined to sell new and good clothing at well paces as will render it o the loll:mange of purchn.ers to cull nt 111, , NATION AL CLOTHING STORE below going el,where. JAMES B. MITCHELL. 11''..'5 or 30 good hund4 will receive good truces and constant employmet. by culling soon at the Nn• tional Clothing Store. None need apply but those ended as being Ode to do IES. 13. MITCHELL. N. B. If required, Blinds will he put up so, that in case of alarm by fire, or otherwise, they may be re moved without thu aid of a screw-driver, and with the same facility that any other piece of furniture can be removed, and without arty extra expense. je24-d&wly. Pittsiu,t g h, re rpnE.ubseriberhasopened the Cititen's Hotel on 1 Penn dt fret, as a house of public entertainment, in that large Mirk house, formerly the Penn House, near the canal bridge, where he is provided for the ac commodation of the public, and will , be glad at all times toner hhr Welt& art:: I -dthciatf Philadelphia. Cincinnati , St. Loui., Mo. y. ) Lonisville. FRESH ARRIVAL AT BLINDS. lELVEILT, Eold and well known Ye' In Blind Maker, fortneri Second and Fourth at.. ..s this method to inform many friends of the .tact his Factory is now in full -ation on St Clair st., near old Allegheny Bridge, •ro a C4itipirint supply of ids of various colors and lilies, is constantly kept hand and at all pricrs, In twenty cents up to suit turners. Citizen's "foto! BENJAMIN F. KING EXTENSION OF PITTSBURGH. Rare Okase,o for good . Divestments: THE subscriber has laid out, and now offer. for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms, One hundred and tea building Lots, on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Monongahela river. They are about one-third of a mile from the city line, and are situated in that part of the first city district which will probably soon be annexed to tho city as the Seventh We'd. No pro pertyi n the suburbs possessessuperior advantangos, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an al. lewance of wide streets; Braddock is from one hun dred and twenty to about one hundred and ninety feet wide, and Beelen, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets all wide avenues. Most of the lotshave two fronts, and as they are of various sizes, and will be gold, one lot, with the privilege of four or five; early-1 apolicants can be accommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons who desire to build or to make secure investments in property that is sure to advance in value, and particularly those who intend to erect munufactories, would do well to view these Lots, and examine the draft, before purchasing else where. The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the tail road survey by the State of Penn s)lvania were both made along side of this property, and it is ger.ertilly considered that Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route for n Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the East. Coal can be delivered on thispropetty at a much less cost than on the Allegheny r fiver, and there is always deep water at this part of the river. E. D, GAZZAM, ang2s4. Office Market between 3d .1.7. 4th sts. JOHN M. TOWNSEND, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY No. 45 Markel st. 3 doors above Third st PITTSBURGH. WILL have constantly on hand, a well selected assortment of the hest and freshest medicines, which he will 5..11 on the most reasonable terms.— Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as eenuine. • . r-V^l'hysicians' prescriptions will be accurately and neatly prepared from the best materials at any hour of the day or night. Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good perfu mery. dec3o Tr GEORGE BAILEY, iL% PLIINLISEN, AND MA.NDFACTIIIIEN OF 1 Pumps and Hydrants. Which arc superior to and cheaper than any in the city. I Please to call and examine for youselves. FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN SMITHFIELD &CHERRY •LI.TY• ,?Hydrants and Pumps repaired. 7nnt-ly European Agency REM I TTA NC ES uf money on moderate terms, can be made dating my absence in Europe, to every part of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales or the continent of Europe. Legacies, debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills, titles and documenti effected, and other European business trans acted by applying to James May, Water street, Pitts burgh. Li KEENAN, Itc:l2 Arent nn.l Atterneynt I,lw, Pittsburgh John Cartwright, CCTLER and Surgical lnsu ument Manufacturer No 140 ouil street, two doors from Virgin al ley ,Pittsburg, l'a. N. B.—Alivays on hand an extensive assortment 51 Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dri.-ster's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, TruF•ses, d c. je 34. 4 NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. 1111111 6 CHAS. H. PAULSON, (I.sTr or TUE Mot or rAULsoN L GILL.) H AVING opened his new store at No. 73. Wood Street, Next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufactur log and receivinz• from the Eastern Cities a very large assortment of HATS and CAPS, of every de.crip tion, writ-anted to be made in the best manner, and of the best materials. Otter,Seal, fine and common Muskrat, Scalene, lairScal, Plush and Glazed Caps: Also. a fine assortment of Ladies' Furs, such as. Lvox, Fin-h, Genet and Cones MUFFS AND TIP PETS AND FUR TRIMMINGS. nil of which he offers fir sale at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, both wholesale and retail. Country Merchants will please call and examine my stoek before purelastsiug els.ew here. CHAS. 11. PAULSON. N. B. The Fall Fashion fur Hats and Caps recciv ed. seri:l7 PERPETUA L MO HON! WILLIAM T. ALBREE & CO. - I" EA LERS in all kinds and qualities of Pitts. 1..1 burgh. Ptiilailelpliia and Boston manufactured Biiotees, Shoes and Slippers. Also, u new and splendl 1, rent, lizilt and durable article of miner- Ihred sprinc-tompered Grim Shoes and Over Shoe., al 7:1 NIARKET STREET, between Fourth •tteet and the Diamond. N. D. A fine assortment of Boys', Vomits' and rens' Long Boots, of fine and C0111'!C finality, now store. oct`2s.3m I tw. --- Glory, Gratitude and Patriotism. Tie Jackson Wreath, or National Souvenir. A Natio:ail Tribute, commemorative of the great A yietuty. achieved by the people, through the Ile'. of New Orlen On. runt (lining a map of the United Srites, n portrait of Gerd Jackson, a view of the bat tle of New Orleans and die Hermitage. Just received and for Pale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Market et reet. WE 81-AT THE JEWS AND GENTILES!! GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING STORE! P. OWENS, PROPRIETOR, • RET NS thanks loins old customers and friends for past favor a. Ho is now prepared to sell elothlng lower, by ten per cent, than any other ciattb• lishinest wost of the mountsins; and keeps constant• Is an loyal n large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. sych as Over Coats froms3,so to $3O, Cmoomit Pam. from 42.1(44; fine Caisimero Pants from $3:50 to V; tine Satin 'Vests for $1.73: fine Rom harine do for $3; and all kinds of WINTER VESTS, SHIRTS. t) RA WE,RS, sTOCKS, SUSPENDERS, and all articles: imhis Line. Those who yelsh to pureinue, will do well to Lire him a cull, as iSt , a prepared to furnish clothing, on the I very cheapest te. nun for rash. ;Don't forget the place; GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING STORE, NO. 143, LIBERTY STREET, opposite Brewery Alley. oct'23tf. 'PAM ENS. CLOTIIING STORE Water Street, Three Doors below 'Food. Mil 11 subscriber respectfully informs his costa l- tners and the public generally, that he has open ed a variety of seasonable clothing, at she above stand, which be offers ascheap as can be bought in the city. The store is in charge of Mr R PEW, one orthe best cutters and mostexperienced workmen in the city. oct`Btf. P. OW F:NS. Take particular Notice TII AT the Franklin House, foot of Irwin street, Pittabuth, by R B Dosottn, is the most eligble establishment for transient travellers or thtt,e who may wish a longer residence in the city, his necemodations • are excellent. We know from experience and heartily recommend his house as worthy of patronage. Hugh Kirkland. Freeport. Wm Connelly, Franklin. I3engamin J Niblock, Butler. H H Webb, Cochranton. Jno Hamilton, Ohin. John Kelley, New York. Borders accommodated by the day or week, early. oct 15 month or y A Farm For Sale, CONSISTING of about 150 acres, fifty of which is cleared and under fence, situated about three miles from the city of Allegheny, between the Frank lin and Beaver roads, well watered, and adjoining lands of Arthur Gallughen James Kerr. the late David Chess, Hugh Davis, Ken, Robert Davis and Samuel Davis. This tract of land from its proximity to market trade, are inducarrbents to Gardner Farm. era, Butcher's or Manufacturers. Price low and con ditions easy. For particularitenquire of SARAH a FETTERMAN, or JAMES C CUMMINS, Pittsburgh Pa so. k-41a,14.',;.i4V.-'1:X: linsuutrice QtOtante.s. INDEMNITY AGAINST . LOSS OR DAM AGE EY FIRE: THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the additional security of a STOCK CAPITLL. The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. of Phila.--Charter Perpetual. DIRECTORS: Gcorgc\V. Tolnnd, John M. Atwood, Thomas C. Rockhill, Lewis R. Ashhurst, Wm. R. Thompson, George N. Baker, George M. Stroud, John J. Vanderkemp, George W. Carpenter. WILL make insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, in Pittsburgh and vicinity, on Houses, Stores and other buildings, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, limited or perpetual, in town or country, on the most favorable term.. The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capi tal, and the other provisions of the Charter of this Company, hold out unusual inducements,both of profit and safety, to those desirous of effecting insurance, to which the Company ask the attention andexamination of those interested. The Capital Stock of the Company is invested in good and sufficient securities. After providing for the losses accruing tb the Company, in the course of its business, the stockholders are entitled ,to receive out of its income and profits an interest not exceeding six ' per cent. per annum on the Capital Stockactually paid in—the amount of which interest, it is expected, will be supplied byfunds invested—and thereafter, ell tire remaining profits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stock, fur the better se curity of the assured. But certificates beginar inter est, payable annually, transferable on the books of the Company, and convertible at any time into Capital Stock, will be issued therefor to the Stockholders and insured members, in proportion to the amountof Stock held, or premium paid by them respectively, agreeably to the proviAions of the Charter. Those effecting insurance with this company have, besides the usual protection against loss, by the ordi nary method of insurance, theadditional advantage of a direct participation in the profits of the Company. without any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President. B. M. lIINCHMLN, Secretary. The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent for the above named Company, is prepared to makeim aureate, at the Office of the Agency, No. 2, St Charles Hotel, on Third.' street, a few doors above Wood street, and will give all further information desired. T HOS. .1. CAMPBELL. Pittsburgh, May 30, 1845. ( jeS-ly.) dec3 EEEMEIE SING & PINNEY, Arias of Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mt teal Safety Insurance Company of Phila. FIRE RISKS upon buildings and Merchandise of every description and MARINE RISKS upon Hulls or cargoes of vessel, taken upon the most favor able terms. rr"Office at the warehouse of King &Holmes, on Water street, near Market street, Pittsbugh. N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their friends and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. insurance Company, as an in. S 6111601) among the most flourishing in Philadelphia —as having a large paid in capital, which by the operation of its charter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his due share of the profita of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever; beyond the premium actually paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. novl-tf. Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of ehiladelphia. N. E. corner of Third and Wood sta., Pittsburgh. THE assets of the company on the fi rst of January, 1845, as published in conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Bonds and Mortgages, Real Estate, at cost. Temporary Loans Stocks and Cash, Making a total of $909683 44 Affording certain assurance that all losses will he promptly met.and giving entire security to all who ob tain policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with security. oct3 WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. Firs and Marine Insurance. Inmtance Company of North America, of Philadelphia. through ill duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, effers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in thin city and its vicinity, end on shipments by the Canal and Rivers. DIRECTORS, Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Tnvlor, Saml. W. Jones, Saila W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff, Thomas I'. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D.Sherrard, Sec' y This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, having been chartered in 1794. Its charter is perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, ample means. and avoiding all risks of an extra ha tardous character, it may be considered as offering amplo security to the public. MOSES ATWOOD. At Counting Rom of Atwood, Jones Co., Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. 0ct23.1y, The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. $400,000 paid in, office 1634, Chestnut et., north side, near Fifth. "fake Imurance, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by fire, on Property and Ef• fecta of every description, in Town or Country, wake most reasonable terms. Applications, made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to. C. N, BANCKER, Psest. C• G. BASCKIR, Sec'y. DIRECTORS: Charles N. Bancker, Jacob R Smith, Thomas Hart. George W. Richards, Thomas 3 Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E Boris, Samuel Grant, David S Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY WARRICX MARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Of fire of Warrick Martin & Co., corner of Third and Market oticets. Fire ti:ks taken on builclingv and their contents in Pitt,Murgh. Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. aug/•ly'. INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE The Citizen' of s Mutual Insurance Company Pennsylvania, No. 152, Walnut Street, PAileulelphia, WILL insure houses, stores and other buildings; also merchandise, furniture and property gen erally, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, agai nstioss or damage by fire, for any period of time. Char ter perpetual. No marine, river nor inland transportation risksare taken by this Company. It makes ne dividends among.stockholders. After paying the necessary ex penses of the office, tho whole accruing premium and interest are appropriated exclusively to meet losses. It is thus enabled to insure on terms not surpassed by any other Company. JAMES TODD, ,President. DANIEL B• NIILTN en, Secretary. • Agency at Pittsburgh, in Burke's .buildiug.on 4th street, at the office of Eyster dz,Ttruchanan. je3. JAS. H. ,BUCUANAN. JOSH DUNLAP., No. 11 MARKET .STREET. WHOLESALE Dealer in Win Plate, Sheet and Brazier's Cooper, Block Tin,-RussiaSheetlron Sheet Zinc, Slab Spelter, Sheet Braes, Iran and Brass W ire, &c. Also, Manufacturer and 'Beaferia every variety of Tin and Copper Ware, Foreign and American Britan nia, Bright and Planished Ware, Fancy and Plain Treys, Waiters, &c, Foreign and American departed Ware, Foreign and American stamped Brass Kettle's, Ornamental Square Slide Feeders, &c. &c. which he will be happy us supply his customers with on the most reasonable terms. Wholesale buyers will find it to their interest to call and examine the above de 4.nribed goods, in connection with others in the Hard ware line, as all of which will be sold at a very light advance clothe 'manufacturer's prices. not 19.2 UL JOHN DI3NLAP. INGSENNAII AUCTION DIAII NO 84 MARKET STREET, Between Third and Fuurth sts., Simpson's Row, n•es tho New F'ost•O(fice, Pittsburgh. THE urnimsigned announces he has found analyst commodious Mercantile House, nt the above lo• cation, where he willbe hoppy to set his friend., and all those anxious to avail themselves of every dascrip tion of _ _ _ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, FANCY ARTICLES, and all other varieties of the best conduc- ted Auction Stores. The undersigned will be supplied from the East ern cities with a stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods, which country merchants will be induced to parelatuii on ascertaining the prices. Arrangements are in progress by which [trireme will be made on consignments, and every exertiest made to advance the interest of those who confide ba siness to the establishment. Prompt and speedy sales made and closed. To friends at a distance, the undersigned would sal that although he is a member uf "tho Pittsburgh burnt family," yet his zeal, industry and husinessligh• its are unimpared, and faithfully will they be devoted to the interests of these who employ him. r....ISALES OF REAL ESTATE will command as heretofore, the heat exertions of the undersigned Property disposed of by him, from time to time heti always hi ought the highest prices, and much exceedec the calculations of those who employed him. P McKENNA , The Old Auctioneer. N. B. Having passed the fiery ordeal With thou sands of neighbors, the old establishment, revived a the new location will in future ho designated "THE PH(ENIX AUCTION MART,' By P. McKenna, 64 Market St. PITTSBURGH. PA. P, Mcr:. may 2-tf AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'I Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, T S ready to t eceive merchandize of every descriptii'i onconbignment, for public or private sale, arA from long experience in the above business, flatter himself that he will be able to give entire satisfactict to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regularsales on .MoNner sand Tit ortsnsYs, of Dr; Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghmanufactured articles,neW and second ltandfurniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearlygas light. aug 12 y IMPORTANT TO BANKERS! NEWELL'S Patent Parantoptic Permutation Bank . Lock, To Prevent Eiobbery. THE subscriber has accepted the agency, for the' above celebrated and well known Lock, which WARK•NT ED tO defy the most consummate skill of the burglar, or even the inventor himself. This assurance may be deemed extravagant; but a critical examination ot the principles on which this Lock is coast: timed, will satisfy any one having even a limited knowledge ot mechanism that it is well-founded—and the actual inspection of the Lock for a few minutes will remove every doubt that may arise in any mind. He has numerouss certificates, from Bank officers, BrAters and (several in this city) who have used the abuse Lock, which he will be happy to exhibit, and give every explanation to those who may be pleased to call. JAS. COCHRAN, Fire Proof Che, , t and Vault doer Manufacturer, Corner Liberty and Factory .ts., sth War je24-tf. J. ,INSET, JR fi l m , VERY LOW FOR CASH. qiHE subscriber offers for sale -4 large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of differentpatterns, warranted to be of superior workmanship, and of thebest materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any in the country. F. BLUME, Corner of Peon and St.Clairstroets, opposite the Exchange. 1600,615 93 100,967 77 207,499 72 TH F. Imbscriber offers for sale a large and splendid assortment of Piano Fortes, from $2OO to $450 each. The above instruments are of superior work. manship. and made of the hest materials; the tone is not to be excelled by any in this country. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St Clair streets, opposite Ex change Hotel. ap7 For Coughs! Colds!! Consumptions!!! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. THIS pleasant and certain cure fur coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has some difficulty in keepinga supply for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, groceries, drug giste,cuffee-houses, and even bars on steamboats keep a supply on hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this: every one who has a cough or cold by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons at a distance,by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by the stick, Gi cents; 5 sticks for 25 MS; and at wholesale by WM THORN, Druggist, 53 Market st, where a general assortment of Drugs and medicines may always be nov 28 THE subscriber has invented and manufactures a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made of malleable iron, and superior to anything of the kind now in use in this city, and, he believes in the United States. To be bad at any uf the Hardware stores in the city. and at the manufactory, 'Smithfield sti,cor nor of Diamond alley jan 14-dly. OFFERS for sale at reduced cash prices—Axes Hoes, Mattocks,.Manure and Hay Forks, Spades and Shovels, Coal end Grain Shovels, Sickles and Scythes, Window Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons, and varbus other articles of Pittsburgh and American Manufacture, which he is constantly receiving from the Manufactories. Also, Cotton Yarn and Checks, Cassinetts and Broad Cloths. tan 9. WEhave received , and will hereafter keep cor.- standy on hand, a full supply of Printing ink, in large and small kegs, which we will ho able to sell cheaper than it hasheretoforr been sold 111 this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash fle . ALL cescs) will be promptly attended to. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, Jy26—tf Office o the P,,At and Manufactug er. A MPLE experience bas proved that no combine" tion of medicine has ever been so effectual in removing the above diseases, as JAYNE'S ALTER. NATIVE, or Life Preservative. It has elected cures that havo been truly astonishing, not only of Cancer and other diseases of that. class, but has removed tho mast stubborn diseases of the Skin, Swelling, Livez Complaint, Dyspepsia, &c. . . This medicine enters into the circulation and eradi cates diseases wherever located. It purifies the blood and other fluids of the body, removes obstruction in the pores of the shin, and reduces enlargements of the glands or bones. It increases the appetite, removes headache and drowsiness, invigorates the whole sys tem, and imparts animation to the diseased and debil itated constitution. There is nothing superior to it ip the .whole materia medics. It is perfectly safe aza extremely pleasant, and has nothing of the 'disgusting nausea accornpuning the idea of swallowing medi cine. Prepared and sold at Na 2.0 South Third Street, 'Philadelphia, Price $1 a bottle. For sale in Pittsburgh at the Agency Office, Third street, doora east of the Yost Office, adjoining the old banking house of the 'Bank of Pittsburgh.' Dr. Jayne's Fumily Medicines fur sale at the above place. 126 11Q EGS leave to inform her friends and the pubic- gen. X) orally that her Select School for Young. Ladies and btiaaes. Will commence the Winter Session on Monday the Bth of September, at her school room in St. Clairst., nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel...—. She refers to the following gentlemen: Hon John Breden, Rev W A Pasaavant. ftev J Niblock, Wilson McCandless, Esq., Rev S Young, Allen Kramer,laq, Jacob Mechling, Esq., Wm. Jack, Esq. John Bl i ster. . Butler. Pa. " Pktabargb. Any information as to terms dr.c., can be obtainedly calling on Allen Kramer, Esq. sugn John D. Davis, Piano Tortes. Improved Shutter Fasteners. J. VOGDES GEORGE COCHRAN, To Printers Cancer, Scrofula, &c MISS A. C. SAEIGENT.