Pt Iratin monoug 'pot; PITTSBURGH, PA. MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1846 CORRESPONDENTS In reference to conamunications which may appear in this pup:wove have one or two remarks to make. We will insert none without the name of the author be ing first made known to u., and ,vhen inserted, must al ways be takes as espressi ve of the views of the writer , and not.the editor 4 this paper, unless the views so expressed arc editorial) , remarked upon and approved M•Tuft's OFFICL, Jan. 3lat, 1,346 The burglers, Poindexter and Johnson, have been committed for further examination. The arrest of these two noted rogues will probably load to the de• section of a gang of thieves and pickpockets that have infested our city for some time past. Much credit is due to officers Scott and O'Brien, for ferreting out the head quarters of this band of burglars. A young fellow by the name of White 113111 arrested this morning, charged with stealing a pocketbook, con taining several valuable papers and ten dollars in mo. Eliza Ross was bropght before the Mayor, charged with drunkenness and vagrancy; committed fur thirty days. M Twining, committed twenty-four boon for drunkenness. Dr Thomas Cooper and John O'Brine charged with drunkenness; fined $1 and discharged. John White and James Jones were arrested for as sault and &titer); fined $1 50 and discharged. RIGHT OF WAY The people are requested to meet in Masa Meet. my at the old Market House, on Tuesday, 3rd Feb, et 7 o'clock, to give another unanimous expression for the "Right of Way." Let all 'attend, as the interest of our State, demands the passage of the bill. feh 2 MANY FRIENDS. (Daily paper copy.) Ofee of the Allegheny Bridge Co, } Pittsburgh, Jan 20, 1846. IllegfP'An election for one President, ten Managers, oneTresueurer and Secretary, of the Company fur erec ring a Bridge over the Allegheny River, opposite Pitts burgh, in the county of Allegheny, will be held at the Toll House, on Monday the 2d day of March next, to commence at 2 o'clock, P M. JOHN HARPER, Treasurer. jan 31-dlaaw3t. To Moilters.—The difficulty which every mother experiences in administering medicine .1.9 infants, is , entirely obviated by Dr.Clickener's preparation, called I the Sugar Coated Vegetable Purgative Pill. The pill is alienated with fine white that it resembles and tastes like a sugar plum, which no child ever yet refused to swallow. For worms this is an ensured remedy, and it has been used with excellent effect in teething. The matron of the Farm School writes to Dr. Clickener that abe.has used for some time, his Su get Coated PllLin-both these complaints, and always with entire goerzese. Sold by Wm Jackson. corner of Wood end Liberty StreetS, general Agent for Dr Clickener's Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinitt. (13',2lewitre of an imitation article called "inspre red Apgar-Coated Pills," purporting to be Patented es both the pills and pretended patent are forgeries, got up-by a miserable quack, in New York, who, for ,the fast four or five years, has mode his living by counterfeiting popular medicines. fob 2. Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.—This celebrated remedy is a compound balsemic prepara tion of the Wild (leery and Mots of Iceland, com bined by a new chemical ptogress with the Extract of Pitt. So salutary have been its Keels in all ca• sea when administred for Coughs, Asthma, Consomp (ion, or any disease of the lungs, that many , of the most diatinguiahed physicians have approved and recom• mended it, and openly acknowledged it to ha the moot valuable medicine ever discovered. It is truly a valuable medicine, and is effeeting an ,immense amount of peal in the relief or suffering humanity. rijPSte Advertisement. FORSA LF.,—A few copies of the American, Freu: - lin, Farmers and American Temperance Alma nacs for 1846, sacred songs, Watt's psalms and hymns David psalms, Sibbett's counterfeit detector, the Amer can Pioneers,2 vole, cOnfession of an Inebriate, boys' emperaticebolts, Deacon Giles' Distillery and a large tssortment of temperance publication. school books and paper, all the Pittsburgh newspapers, &c, fGr sale daily. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and jan3 I 6t Com Nferchant, No 9 Fifth it. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, HAVE for Sele—A House ead Lot in George Ledlie's plan or L.., in the upper part or Alle gheny city,2.s feet front by 200 feet deep. The house is substantially built, (not quite finished.) The late owner beiog dead, it will be sold low to close the Estate. Ako, 7 Lots uf-G cound, sach 24 by 100 feet, in O'Hara villa. Also„G Acres on Vogtly's run, (Spring Gerrien,) 'kith suitable buildiugs. Also, a Houso and Lot, 24 INy 100 feet, near o'. Horn at. Also, 2 Lots on Pike strext, on which is erected a very extensive stable. Also, 5 building Lots on Penn street. incinding cot ner Lot. Also, a Frame house(on Lease,) near the eld J'hcr.• nix Cotusa Factory, (stb Ward.)' Also, a Lot of Ground on Liberty Meet. .51) feet front by 160 feet deep.(frothing on 2 streets) on which is ereetea a nuciber Of Tenementi. Also, 8 building Lots nn Penn ard Locust streets, Also, a Farm containing 125 acres, situate in Fay ette Township, Allegheny County, with House, Barn, Orchards, and other improvemenu. Also, 3 Building lots on 3d st.,between,,Smithfield and Grant streets. Also, a Farm, near Yonvitown, Westiarelard County, containing 208 acres, highly improved. Also, 13 Lots of Land on Chartier's creek, non-; taiMng each from 10 to 15 acres. Also, 2 Lots of Land, each containing 20 acres, on which are erected Cottage 'Houses, Barns, fine young Orchards, &.c., within 5 miles of the Court House. Apply u above, Office on Penn st... and corner of 4th and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. jan3l L. 0. RLYNOLDi. d. L. IRIEL; REYNOLDS & SRE E. FORWARDING AND COMMLS.SION MERCHANTS, For the Allegheny River Trade. DEALEBS IN GROCERIES, PRODUCE. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, Chloride of Lime and Paper. The highest price in cash paid at all times for coun try rags, baling rope, and cottton waste, corner of , Penn and Irwin eta. Pittsburgh, Pa. jan3o4jyl4. ROMPS and Steam Power tbr Bent rp WO Reims, (2d and 3d floors.) each 35 feet JL. front, by 80 feet deep, well lighted, and on the best business part Of Sfllifflf.jd street. Also, a 3d story Room, 18 feet by 60 feet. The above rooms can all be furnished with swam power on the most reasonable terms. Apply to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, jane6 eor of 4th and Smithfield its., (2d story.) DB. CEO. PELEE, HAS removed a short distance above his former location, on Smithfield street, near Seventh, easr s ide. jan 7 hicqat NDLESS & McCLURE. HAVE removed to Fourth at., opposite Ft & R H Patterson'a Livery stables. jan7.3m Old Worm Illileotkixtosmstst.starid back. Parents read the following: MRR E Sellers:— As lanf getting another vial Of your vermithge, I will tell you that some time since I gave a vial of your vermifuge to a child - amine, aged 1 year, and she passed 110 worms,-70 of them o a large size. I recommend your Vermilugelo ail pa rents who may need such a medicine for their children DANIEL DOUGHERTY. Wilkins tp, Allegheny Co.,Ta, Jan 6th, 1846. Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS, 57 Wood street. Sold also by Kerr and Mohler, 1.47 Wood at. L Wil cox, Jr, and Wm Thorn, Markin et. Fess 4. Cassel, sth ward, and H P Schwartz aid .1 Mitchell. Alle gheny city. jau29 it,•• • Nil t„ ' 4 , 4 11' .*! ° 0, * "e• • 4. ! ' * # .Bl* 4% °- ° " 4.‘ . . • '•••„" t1 QED - AND COMFORT!! iscaiiiiiiGasz sours. FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA Till SPLENDID l'AsT RUNNING STEAECRe CONSUL ANT, LOUIS 2 , 4'1, ANE, s ARE MAKING DAILY TRIPS. One boat will leave etety afternoon ut 3 o'clock, precisely. mot FARE—Pittsburgh to Baltimore, $lO. Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, $1.2. Passengers by these Boats will lodge on board in comfortable state-rooms the first night. wits pass over the Mountains (only 73 miles) the following DAY, it; in Eastern-built Coaches; soli and lodge the second nightin Cumberland, thus avoiding night travel alto gether. Tickets will entitle Passengers to stop at Camqr land or Paltimore, if they wish, and resume theit seats at pleasure. Extras furnished, for a full load, to run as Passen gers may desire. For seats, or entire roaches for apply at the office, two doors from the Exchange: and at the National Hotel. abovethe Monongahela Bridge. 0ct2.1. J. NI ESKIM EN, A gent. ALONG TRAIN of nervous systems generally at tend on Dyiipepsia, such as a loss of appetite, nausea, Heartburn, Flatulency, Acid, Fcetiti Nido- rous Eructations, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, a geese of constriction and uneasiness in the throat, with pain in the side, so that the patient at times can only lay on his right si le. great toslirenett, paleness of the esuntenance, languor, !owners of spirit, it, palpitations. disturbed sleep. Thompson's Tonic, Anti• Dyspeptic and Putgative Pills, will be found to contain all the necessary prop• erties for the permanent cure of the above symtoms, as well as useful in all complaints requiring a yegete• ble purgative. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail. by the pro- prietor. EDGAR THORN, ApubLecary and Draggiat, cnr. Penn and Hand Its Splendid Property for Salo THE subscriberdesirous of removing to the city, .11. offers for sale, the house and lot he occupies in the 4th Wart!, Allegheny city, beautifully situated on the second bank, ranging with the nmperties of Judge Irwin. Rev Dr Pressleyt, and Mr The house is built in Cottage style; rooms lsrge, airy, and finish ed in the first mnnner; nn excellent pomp of water at the door, and every convenience. The house has a front of 43 by 47 feet deep, basement story. polished stone on both fronts. The lot is 109 feet fronting on Washington street. running to the Peon. Canal; near 400 feet, well improved, with a choice collection of various kinds of fruit.. Any person whistling to tee the property, will please call at my store,No 69, Mar ket street, when it will be shown to them, rind the terms made known. Only part of the purchase mon ey will be required. H. Mel; LELL AN El. jan 20 Classical Teacher AG F.R MAN Gentleman just nrrived from England where he was three yents Professor of the Latin. Greek and German languages, at n university college. would be happy to re-engage in n puirlic ins , itutien or with a few private families in Pittsburgh. or it, VIC i nity. He is highly qualified to:each German, French. I' 'Jinn. Latin, Greek, tiebrew.and any other of modern accomplishments. Being a native of Rhenish Prossis, after having finished his studies (philological and ori• ental, especially.) at the best colleges and universities of Prussia, he applied himself three years more to the oriental and modern languages in the university of Pa ris. and travelled four years in Switzerland and !Illy. Hie method of teaching. sedtcted from the hest E a r n • peen system', and founded on a long experience is easy for the students, and attended aith astonishins, so, cess. Ho teaches any of the ahoire I angtoiges h nue, the medium of Getman, French. English. !minim arid Latin, all of which he speak• fluently and correctly. Terms for private lessens in town: One pupil, #l2 a quarter, in advance. Two " 10 " each " Three " 8 earn '• —and so on, in proportion to the mother of Highest rekrencey teill by giym, for which apply t Anthony Da Lk:e'en. McNlest and I' eiald, Esq, at %V Martin & Co's. Further pattsroldrs may be had (rum 1' J Fonder, aL Mee Ooutbitt . ., boo r house, Fourth at, 'hod Lou.. on the ie:% St.nEil field, from 10 to 12, and Gum 2 to 4 o', tuck. jan 17 2w. James S• Craft. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, corner of Fourth end Wood streets, above Sibbett Jones. Entrance on Fourth. not James Park. Jr. & Co WHOLESALE Groan's. importer of Tin Pilte and Queensware. and tknlera in Copper nr.d Pittsburgh manufactured atticle•. N 112 a•ol 114 S e c on d %L., between Wood end SrlllOlll42lLl a;ree;s. janl4-uovl4 ly. Removal. BAGALEY & S:1111 Ii have rvrri..ved to their 11,1 warehouse, Nos 18 and 20 VYowl stret. (elst side) where they will be pleased u, in.ite the atrenti,e of their friends and dealers renerally to a large to-,t well selected assortment of Groceries and Nitt,;,nrgh N7.anufactores. nnv 10 3m 13AGALLEY SMITH, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 18 • Nl5 `2O Weep STREET, PITT4IIVROH. MITH, RAG:sLEY si. - CO., Whebisele G:- , cers S antrPrrduce dealers, Ne '223 Market street, be tween sth a nd 6th, Netth side, l'hila.delphia. norlo.3m ssa►ovaL A .BEFLEN has removed Lis Comrnisv,on and • Forwardingidusiness from the Cane] Idavin to his new Warehouse, on Third street. nethiy opposite the l'ost Office. Inn V ;SO. MITCHELL'S OUTLINE mApn. MITCHELL'S series of Outline Mips, for School. and Academies, consisting (.12 , 1 distinct Maps on a large scale, and prepared on canta•s, aish a Key of explanations, descriptions, lessons, &c. &c., for the use of Teachers and pupils. The above antics of maps are now in use in nearly every respectable School in New York, and the East ern•states. Teacher: are respectfully invited to cull urJ ex amine them. For sale by JOHN Id MELLOR, Jan 7 W0.,.1 street. PHILAUI•;LPHIA GROUND NUT CANDY. roil HE only place where this article can be found in .11_ the city is at the corner of Fifth and Smith field streets, whore it is constantly kept on hand, to gether with all kinds of Fruits and Pastry, ttc also supetior Hafrana, end prineipe cigars. G. SCHNECK. Co-Partzership WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day of January, loot, associated with him Jas. W. Hallman and John F Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Heilman & Co, will now have in creased fscilties for manufacturing Steel S pring s, horn meted Axes, Americnn Blicer and Spring Steel, &c,, to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solici ted, and hope by strict attention to business, to morit a continuance to the new firm, the favors so liberal be stowed upon him. Factory on St Clair street—ware house 43 Wood street, opposite St Charles Hotel, where can be found a good assortment of Springs, Axles A B, and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of ev ery description, together with Iron, Nails, and Pitts burgh manufactured articles. ['The highest price paid for,Scrap Iron. jan23 WM. COLEMAN, JOHN 7. JENNINGio, JAN. W. HAALINAN COLEMAN, MAILMAN do CO., Manufacturers of Carriage Springs 4. Ailes, A B. D Spring st.eel & dealers in Coach Trimmings Of every description, manufactory on ST. CLAIR Wareliouse,43 WOOD SreF.ET, opposite St 'shades Hotel. Jan 23 For Sale THATcornmodious and delightfully situated'!" residence, on the elevated gr.,und fronting the ca nal inAllegheny ,city, recently occupied by his E%celleoey ,Qpteraor Shuck, and at present by J udge Patton. The price will be moderate and the terms of payment as easy as may be desired. If not sold by the lst of February, it will them be for rent. Apply to tbe subscriber at. tbe. Unica Cotton Factory. • der-It-Lai .W. Ii..OIPELAND. M=lg; . . - _ - BY LAST NIGHT'S MAIL. From the Baltimore American. TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. SENATE. WASIIINGTON, January 30, 1046. The Senate was nut in aession to-day. 11017 SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. A Resolution was reported asking a Select Com• mitteo of five members in reference to tho three per cent Revolutionary land fund of Ohio. A Bill fur the erection of a monument to the mem ory of Gen Wart en %as referred to the Committee of the Whole. Mr Campbell of N T, asked leayo of the House, to otTer a Resolution in relation ;:o the Sub-Treasury. He asked that the Six-marl of the Treasury should report to the Douse a statement of the various de positories of the Fol.hc money, whether institutions et individualn, the amount of money deposited with cash, aiso specifying what amount of security the Govet nment. has fur the safe-keeping of said mon eys, enumerating the security by ouch depositor and giving the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury as to its sufficiency. Tim Housu refused to receive the resolution. OREGON DF.I3ATE. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the elute of the Union, when the debate upon Ore Oregon rp.P.MI.III we. resumed. Mr liege, of 111, a very zealous member, who goes fur the whole of Orgon, continued the debate. The fluor was given to Mr Johnson of Tenn, and the Orrgen 'Resolution waa laid cl!ide. POST ROUTES IN TEXAS. Mr Hopkins rnnved that the Testis Post ()filen and Post Rome Bill be taken up which was agreed to. Mr NI, Connell rose in his peculiar way, end made n speech aft ew M . . , 11011t, full of blood, fury, noise, caLing the member from New Yolk by !lame', not 'viper:lid to repent, and receiving tho loudest plaudits of iho.e around him. Adjourned. The elec.:ion for State officers under the new (-moat tution took place in Loot-ism' on the 19th inudnt. The democrats ',weeded in the city of New Oilcan", the only digrici beat difrom. In Riving heir candidate for governor a hunil.inne ninjui ity. Thu sole at tln Clow. a the pull stood as follow": .I,iiinrun (Democrat ) 3.431 De flu)s (Whig) 3 035 alljot 3-G dornocralci 71se hlp.o I.lrce,led in e7.ctiar, a Majority of :11, morabors of rim !oz7.l‘to BR.TON'S Antitorny Nlelanchol i ; Sontiments of Flowers, with '24 groups 11,w ers.dravi ed and colored by Joints A ',hew, Lund ;r1; I' rcr ..1 Flower. 0r,,1 Flaw er. of Poetry, Pnivtry and Flowers: Poems, 'lift nod gilt; Mrs Sel,rt Works; Ite!ig.., iu Arneri,•um by Dr fi, i i r d ; ;:At recelsrd by ,BUSIVOILTEI S FUR Ett. jarc.!7. 43 Market Em;merrs' Companion; Li \l_,liwii g s rot liOSNUiiTH S. FORRESTER. r 0.7. 43 llnrLet XIACSINAW BLANKETS. b,i•le anti grven for 111 o,geomts,just t•ce l va,l nrul for ardp. or mrie up to or 1, by () tr. 23) %V Si. 11. SHAFFER. CASSI ERES— A at., , rttneta uf C“,•111,,ve j,t o!xne.l Sa lo by %ANL II MUFF:R. ASSIMEHE' , AN!) C k.SSINEI is, in anrietv, *Liked to the sinvson, L.r wide by InnT3 WM. B. SIIAFFER. S UM IS-- it fin.• muslin 4.;rle, wive I tosulna end %%11013,1, Jo.' rP , rioi en.l for sulc 1% NI. It SI I IFF Pitt•lorth j,r128 corner of %% 0 ,1 n aver iv. :i()O " ing " FIIIIDGE WI LSON & C. Loaf Sugar. in 4) I, 1,1;:ar trfi :; +,l Sugnr!. a•.d for 11111. S l'exell IL ndy J.J.t i ecetv: .1 per 401„., IL/ L1,J1,1 .al Lc - S OGS ENo 1 Lard just rec,ved nod for sa:. , by MILLER & RICK E 1 SUN, 179 Libvrtv qt. 1 1 . INKS. BRANDIES AND GIN. 4 11A1.4 plpes Old Cognisc Lifundy.'Nlartel.' finer. Cast'llun & Co Godard & Cu. °turd Dupuy Dordra.rx J J Dupuy & Co. qr caaLl Ene 2 2 piper, " r. 1.; Niczhwy. 2 •• Itoehelie A Seigoutte. pipes Holland Gin. fish brAnd. ! pun old Irish whiskey, fifth proof, on draught 1 pun Jamultra spir.t., nn drought. 10 hullo llpurl r wino of vnrio.J., undo, 5 qr casks WIMP!' L P Madeira winn. Together ,vith a geileralniisort merit rif Al l tt,c erent kinds ti! NVinet,and Liquors, lcr !air+ by cask, barrel rind,iemijohn by I:II.LER. ItiCKEVSO7:. No. 179 Liberty rt. 014 Rye Whiskey. BARRELS Monongahela 1V hi ‘ key, (16.39) warranted all Ilye,iu at9ro and fna •ale by til ER FITT LC.. Nlnehro nenr Front. MALE LLA WI N S Ili ice; Oliverit & Cu, 1114chbarn; I,,ntion A snpply titl the above fine 6ri111411 in e,i,ike and bot tler. Fur isle by titeileinijim, or dui, r 1 by ,ST Err s, CO, janl9 Mnrket 11AUFF, Gordon & Co's Btown; Duff, " Cortes' For sale by the demion re. (brave, by STNRETT & CO., 13 Market it AT Wholesale or Retail by STE RETT &CO , jan6 18 Market street, oue door above Front. CA LABRIA AND OPORTO WINES, at whole sale end retail, by STERETT & Co. No 18. Market street.. jawB one floor above Front. LISBON WIN ES.—At, wholesslo or retail by STERETT & CO., jnol9 18 Market it. IT~HE subscriber would call the attention to persons who may be suffering with Dyspepsia, to Thomp son's Tonic Anti-Dyspeptic and Purgative-Pills; they are, without exception, the best article ever offered to the public for the immediate cure of that disease . Try themonoe and you will he sure to recommend them to all who may be afflicted. -For sale wholesale and retail by EDGAR T4 - IORN. Druggist, juin .cor Penn and.H and sta. gMl;=ll= SUB•TREASURY LOUISIANA ELECTION Now Books. MI LLEIi & HICKETSON. 179 1,0,1 y IT,AC:II lIL L M!I:LE It S.° [llO - 10.:11i0N, 1710 (.01,,t ) 4, LARD, Sherry Winc TENERIFFE WINES To the Dyspeptic Roonn, snowsuss & oo , s A wit ;dist brts rent . .._ ~. ~.. . . . • • . . . . _ .. . . ... 0 • 4 il et• . . , a ., wi - 4 — lft ' 1 846 • ,,...1Y:11.11Y BLAKELY dz. MITCHEL, AGENTS Remiteancra to, ancl Paasage to and. from GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, BY THE Black Ball, or old Line Lirerpol Packets, I . Sailing from New York and Liverpool on the let and 16th of every munth,Ei And by First Class American Ships [Sailing Week/y.3 PERSONS sending to the "Old Country" for their Ftiends, can make the necessary arrangements ,vith the sub , cribets, and have them brought out in any of the Eight Ships eemmising the Black Bull, or Old Line of Liverpool Packets, (sailing fr o m Liv• erpool on the Ist and 16th of every month,) also by First Class Ships. sailing from that port weel. l y, which out Agents, Messrs. James D. Ruche & Co. there will send nut without delay. Should those sent for not borne outthc Money will be refunded without any deduction. The "BLACK BALL, OR old) LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS,"compri. the follow ing magnificent ships, and will sail (roll Liveipoul on their regular appointed day, as follows: Fidelin, On Irrt Jun. lgt May. lit Srpt Europe, 16th " 16th " Itilh " New York, lit Feb. Jut June. Irn Oct Arnericun, 1611, " 16111 " 16th " I'm kalirt., let Mur. lit July. lit Nov Cambridge, 16th " 16th " 16th Dec Oxford, Jet April. lit Aug. let " Montezuma, 16th " 16th " 18th " Notice—lt is well known, that the Block Ball is the very beta conveyance for persons to get out their frit rids, mid as other passenger Agents advertise t‘t bring nut passengerit4 that Line, the public are re. speetfully noticed try the owners that no Passenger Agents but Roche, Brothers & Co., and Blakel) & Mitchel, are gattlioiired to advertise and to bring out PeAgertgers bythnt Line. We have nt nil times Or sale Drafts at Sight for any amount. direct on tho Royal Baok of Ireland. Dub lin. Also on /losors. Presnott, Gime, Ames & Co., Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or arty charge a bytever, in all the pi ineipal tow os through. out England, Ireland, Scotland and Apr ly to, nr address, if by Letter. pna paid ) itOUHE, BRO.'S & N o 31, r u lton street. New Yink. (Next door to the roltini Bank, JAMES D. 4‘. uter street. Liverpool. Or to Ll./14E:IA & Perin street, near the Canal Bridge, Or co: tier and So:id:fled its, (Id sterj.) jan 17 WM. ALEXANDER & SONS, UN DERTAKERS, No 30 , adjoining the Exchange Rank and opposite the :2 d Pre,bylergan Church. EVA A beet. riptlEY ARE PREPARED To do rm ixim flirni-h' COFFINS ,•f• ell kind., and 1117. e.. o hieL thy jeep an a 4 11.)rin1,31 conger), 1Y really made to be Lad 41 LH lemon. Fonertda %ell; he attended on the ..horteft nod terry r.o . w.ite theref, furnintn•d, PIIIVATC Rr.•lntaCk.. Until the Eat of April, 500 Fishy n Erect near the cane! bridle, Aiiecheny. velour orders will lye rereined. ItEtnEFFCRS. Ren. Dr. Se De. Revno:d., Rev. Dr. Helton, Pr Sronierp. Rev. Dr. Dunlap, Dr. Brooke, !ten. Mr. Lee, Dr. Courtney. Sharritqt, ' Rev. Mr Murry. Shutrelturg. Rev Mr. Wultetn.t. jar,' 4•lm.dkee QUEEN AND DLACII TE 45 PEKIN TE.► STORE. No 72 Four-1A :;Thr - re,t, near Irot4 pHK subseribai ha. mule airongemaiii• aOh the 1 Now York 'Taunt Tra CoarPriar' l,rt tiie ex• iif !heir itaa in Pittaialiph and AlirOreny cone., aroi he has now • full .reply , Mall din nod ridnlii its impoited by this witeTimi‘i7 Con. dune up in q caner poun.l, ball * pourni, 1.41:14 Floe. rm.] CRlllcour. Tba first ~7 to. k.• Is tr.a•i, tho rreroori wrapper is au , ;, and the third or u..,:sdJa wrapper is of eddiir‘e nuru • bvt t . URI good wli.i. Itiprs I.‘r fllnfirlfr, nil ul t lo , rn growo th , it.ut t It di•ttlet• of Cit . ptts. and ai itt lower than Ilia same tiu.4:ll/ of Tess hat, eye( 14,11 ~tarred in this market.. Proprintoro ci Siratott 11 rtela and itri , tate (tundra are it ted to gibe Lit a cal A marl to Tt a Dr. ktrs ---j1;o Pekin ,:t.a Com Frio•. havr impol tr 3 inter t6it mor;:rt •01rtrc•J thon.iartil elnl!ars Cr ado, Marx Tea., griinin in th.• 1"0. done tl;, in all Ow Int . !itt,,, fa lie!, vino (.'t in;ziniuity ran invent it i. n r ,i, rge to tn,y trl• uc ILI. , and '1 drink therm, Tin.) seii only • --New loric Empom.rn. ihe lineal apecimeiis 01 green unit Lints ever in ttie r -witty, are import , l it I hr . fe,i Ci , tn;ine:.. 74 F , 110,1 Thesis le, N." 11 el••,; le4ll et tctiNulldLit' pIiCVS. Wtl 4INHN p - t them !he, LN I Tri6;,tr. W ., hncr 16,1 Co^ ,m r )rted 6y the , if .1 , w 1!!,):ilt•tn atv *.•1;i1 :Ow rn ;t!.111 wr .i.aa —New York Err,i4g A JAYNES, Agent. 2, F wirth ntrae t, Dear NN l'ittabt.f4h. : 14 ,30 d 1,4,43:. 41.1. persons inikhreci to thely of ns Collectors i.f Tose., or otherwise. are reque., led in settle their tIC,III/1r on or before the Ist dss of April nett, niter which tone suits will be immi..ll ately entered agftirist tiehtlyient, .1 At NikS CUNNINNHAM, ‘AILLI AM MAGILL, JOHN McDOIA ELL, Commissioner, CM7lllllo.lioncrs ' °MCC, Janu•ry 23, 1846. S 'ol,l^7.die.wtn7l - • D Y a resolution of die Board of County Commis ') sioners. warrants on the flee surer will be drawn hereaftnr only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sidutdoy each week. Cummi.isonFr's Office, itinuury 23,1846. II E octieralgoctl aro moor-trued in tha Practice T of the Law. Their ofcc ie in the new house of It. Woods, Fourth street, ttear Graaf. RICHARD BIDDLE, inn 2.6 rltnwtf.: tf ItOBER'f ROODS. GREAT EXCITEMENT !! TARIFF REPEALED!!! THE gliding exado principle abandoned and t ho minimum LtLindard adopted at No. 92 Market Street We have been receiving for the last week or two. n fresh supply 04' seasonable DRY GOODS, &ought from the Nlanufactixers, Importers, and at Auction at tbe lowest cash mice'. ,(laving bad an eapecienced Agent in Philadelphia ant: Nes; Y 3:k...f0r some months past picking up bargains, here and there, ena bles us to Wier to the public a splendid stock of Goods with almost an imperceptible pair Our stock con sists in part of the following Goode— . Shawls—a great variety; L French.Talkeri Shawls; English do do; SplerOid coolie and. Cashmere Shawls; • Damask du; Black and,Embroidered Terkeri do; Super Black Thibet, Silk Fringe du; Ladies' Super Cashmere Scarfs; - - Plaid Woollen Shawls of every variety; Also a great variety of Cashrocre,p'Ecosse; Plain de Lain, and barred and figured de Lain; English and French Merinoes; Alpaccas and Coburg Cloths; Bombazines; plain and fancy dress Silks; Irish _Linarts—Cotton Alpacca and Cashmere_ Hose: CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, and VESTLNGS. Also, an excelleot assortment of domestic Goods. All of which we offer, Wholesale or retail, at such pri ow as we think cannot fail lo please. Call and ea+ amine for yourselves—et No, 92 Market street. MOSES COREY. -A'~.'k. No RC/. NOT D, F I AS. GORNILY, Clerk 1111'27,18002w Law Notice • 250 PACKAGES Y. H. Imrieriu& G. P and Poucbusg Tea In cbesta half•chesta, catty beans and canniaterain store and rut sale by IL LAMBERT. 133 lind 135 Wood et .450 $B BAGS S i p n a r s t t o p r ri o m a u rroere by LAMBERT. 133 and 135 Wood et Tobacco. ik BOXES Is 5,§ 12a We and 329, Richmond Am/ 1.1 1J Tobacco in atom and for pale by 11. LAMISERT, 133 end 135. IVo thied Fruit. pC BUSH Dried Apples; A we" 10 receivet: etay xnl for dale by H. LAMIIERT. jans 133 end 135 11'oal .a Fish. 175 bbl, No 3 "south" "Mackerel; 30 " I and 2 5 half Ws large No 1: 6 barrels No 1 salmon; 30 " Alewives (Hertings;) 15 " Gibbed " 12 casks Prime Codfish; 120 boxes Scald Herrings; In store and fur sale by IL LAMBERT, jan 5 133 and 135 Wood at Sundries. 30 Ws Tanners Oil; 40 bbls N C Tar; _ 50 Chipped Logwood; 20 " Span Whiting; 25 No I rosin; 5 " '• Lovering'," Crushed sugar; 30 boxes Chocolate; 30 do White Clay ripei; 10 bbl. rock candy; 2 casks Ohmro Madder, 3 ceroons S F ludic(); In .ton• and fur sale by H LAMBERT, jans. 133 and 135 Wood st Dissolution. rir HE connection heretofore existln: in tho 4Vhole. sale grocery business between Henry Lambert and Henry Nl'Cullough was dissnlved on the 15th inst., by mutual consent. The business will be souls d up and nontioued by Lambert & Shiptnn. HENRY LAMBERT. HENRY M'CULLOUGH. l'ittsbetelt, Jemmy 31st. 1846. Sugars. WHITE 'lnsane Sugar in Roses; White BrArit ditto in !Ms, In store and for sale by J. S.: J. YPDEVITT, arc 20. 224 Liberty et Pittsburgh faanufactcirod Tobacco. 20 KEGS Plug T,.bacco; 5 .• Ladies Twist, do; 10 " Vs. " do; 10 " G4 , ...,1, 14 Lump, do; :;.;re and l'or sale by .1. & J. NI'DEVITT, tier 20 2'24 Liberty sr Ground Spices. CANS Grminti Peitilvr; 10 Cons Gniund Cinnamon; Con: Grind A:spice; S di: ,1u In Aturi!;..n.l fur sa;c by • dor':;(j . 221 I.ibert) PLAID CLOAMSGS 21'S.. new carol beautiful .1, pen ern*, j.:,t rented rtt No 42 Nlarliet st.cot tier 1 , 1 Third, t, dee 12 iL,I'JNELS/ FLANNEI.A! 1 00 ' I'S. Rod, Yellow and White Flonnel. of trn-k p 1 / I KACA 141 Whole.ale and Rok toil, mkt mei,. tk..: iki:ces, by A A M ASON. de,: is No 4 Market at A SIIAIVLS. S 512P.F.R14 /Ft Brorhn Sh,wll4. just, received sol 4 very tow. I,v A A MASON. No 42 Niarlivi 1 CASE CRE N t titc. per art! at A. A. NI %SI t5'S, .1. , 12 42 Mai Let At. Ll4floll. 11010 eh PS. DiskandLight plaid .le tains for eLil ,41110 411 , dr en 3orne lois nh 20c. per yard, For sale nt N. 4 - .! Market at. Ly 17 A. A. MASON, Scorchings J.l Li IS c, hoini and for .a le. by 1 i,L I B 1:: IVI I,S()N ).. iVotier Pig MctaL AnkTl I an;pn; Ruck" Metal, on hand end '.y BI BRIDGE, XV,I r.suN & co. Weiler et. Inen'A Merino Shirts and Drawers. i) cio sEks v.. 111 tit.d It St.oa l'ennottk'A jj t..i rot..ortrpent i11t.11 . 4 SI j tilliVrCrl, nnJ n..,1 Mot ti. A ko, Cot top, .t .t ot,t 1).•'. FLA K S 01 CASES No 3 Oow it Ecoaomy Blaoketr Just re:ci,ed arIJ ror dec6 SHEA .5.3 PENNOCK. Just Arriced at the 44 •Netv York Store," ' Kid Cuh ( )0 'and N. B. Nouu but Ow but G!uve3 kept at 79 Markel foreet. nov W. H. GUIRARD. New Works. TRAVELS IN MEXICO, over ihe Table Landis and Cordiheras of Mexico,during the year 1843 and 1844, including a do.oription of California, the principal ch ire and mining diaricts of that Republic, and thn hiog,nphies of Iturbide and Santa Anna; b) Alheit M. Gilliam C. H. KAY, r,orner of Woo and 3d stx Fur sale by 3a n 7 rgiorT EN ON :11ORTA RS.—Essaya on Hydrau lic.l and Common Moitard, and on lime burning, by J. Totten. For sale by C. 11. KAY. .iln7 corner of Wood and 34 on. 111OLLE'S PHONOGRAPHIC DICTIONARY. JLJP —an explanatory probot.cing Phonogtaphii Dictionary of tile. English langiire, with a vocabulary of Glad', Lniin, Scripture and Geographical names also, u collection of pbraft, often wad by English wri- (OMF. For sale by C. H. KAY. rorner nr Wood nod 3d stg RESIDENCE AT 'rift. coma LONDON comp' iding official and porlonal incindentß. For 8010 by C. 11. KAY. jan7. corner of Wood and 3d ote. AMERICAN ALMANAC FOR 1846. The American Almanac and liepositury of nieful knowledge for the year 1846, just received and furinle by • C. H. KAY, jan6 cur Wood and 3d sts. POSTEIUMOI2} Nlimoirlil of his own Orrin, by Sir N W. Wrilaall. For sale, by C. U. KAY, jan 6 corner of Wood and 311 Ribbons. -Velvets and Satins, ivr OW Oki, (by express) soother lot or Fashions /3 able Ribbons, Bonnet Velvets andZstins atthe Now Ycirk store, 79 Market street. - decl3. W H GARRARD. To the Ladies. OPENING this day, another lot of Broche Shawls. Also, on liand,A few splendid French Broche Long Shawls, (all wool) which will be sold a pea* bargain, at the New Yotk. store. W. H. GARRARD, novlB 79 Market street. To tho Gentleman A FI NE assortment of French Clotha.Cassimeres and Vest i ogs; also Searfe, Clawats.Stocka, Shi eta, Drawers, Undervests and' Gosierp also a few of the "Shaker" Flannel Drawers and Shirts, at the "New York Store,"7B Market avow. nevl2 ' W. 13, GARRARD. • •• ... _ ..:i ~aY'~:'li::e+: , i» y....'-urn A New Bistorfeal Magizine! NEVI LL E B. CRdTG, ESQ. EDITUr THE OLDEN TimE, A morrLy rERIOPIOT, devoted to the pre scrvation e , f (lotto - mud °thew authentic marion, in ',lei.", in the fir , : Vi.j . • Ilf F.,:ropeans to be licri'ver Ohio Willey; of he +I itltitle between France ud Gredt lit iluin t'ur it+ mt+.tesaittitt :fit. first settle •uerit, and Of it+ gradim I rulor nre and improvement. iif the pulttienitun Iteit,g t 0 give, in a pinin rind popular :winner, a history of the country, near the Aileglienv, Moriorigairein and Ohio rivers, from dite dote of tire fir,t vi.iia L L I E.triipenns down to the present time. CoaTENT+ T/lr. MaaT (.I.+NUA.RY) Ntrunsr...— Introdoctinn—NotiCf , of rhr C of France and of Great Britain to the Ohio —lndian occu pant? in 1750—First Collisions between the French rle. English—lnstructions of Dinwirldie to Washing ton, &c.—Washina ' ion's Journal during bin JOUrnPy to Venango and LoLceuf—Extract from Gist's Jour nal—Arrival of Major Washington at Laurel Hill— Death of lumoville—John M'Einnev's Description of Fort Duqueane- 7 Contrast—Sceitmiwat Allnehi•ny— The lVire Suspension Aqueduct over the Allegheny river—Death of Cornplaster. Teems—The "Ot.nes Ttaz” will be published regularly on the 15th day of each month. Each num her will contain 4£ large octavo pages. pi!sited with gotal type and on fine paper, at Two DOLLARS PER mirm.m. payable io advance, and at the end of the year will form a book of nearly 60 plats of choice' blottorical matter. Address .8, W. COOK, Publisbrr, jan23 85 Fourth str. IMPORTER AND, W FIOI4.:SALE DEALER, IN fine Jes.elry, Cutlery. silver and German silver Spectacles, gold and sliver Pencils, silver Thimble• Scissors:twee:Fre, silk and gtirn Suspenderi, ilk and bead Purses, carpet Bags, II osiery, children's Cloaks. Beats Oil, Beef Mr rrovr, castilo, cit'eara and palm Soar, &C. 11.3 - D. , n't mistake the place. NO. 61. M RK ET STREET, East aide, between Third and f curet] SiMplloll ' S Row. Jan 1G MLAKELY Sr. MITCIIEL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS & CONVEYANCERS. CONTINUE to attend to the purchase and tale of City and Couniy Property, and all other business connected with Real Estate. They will also prepare Deeds, Bonds, ,Mortgagis and all other legal instru moats of writing. on moderate terms. For the con• ',enlace of the public, they have two offices—the Law office of John J Mitchel, corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, (2d story,) and the office of James Blakely, on Penn street, neor the Canal Bridge, sth Ward. [ jan23 6m.] PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. A N a grceable cordial and effective remedy foi Coaghs, lioarsene.s, Colds. Pains in the Breast. Inflnenza, !lard Breatbing, and Difficult Expecturd tiun. For adults in children and cold climates and warm. The proprietors . arc awaie that there are many tern edies furcunghs and diseases of the lungs; some nu doubt are good; but it has remained ma late day to die cover an snick so admirably fitted to thepecomplaint an powerful and effectual and )et so perfcily innocent and mild. Th.. proprietors are now making rapid arrangements to have this article in the hands of every druggist and apothecary in this country. It may be known to be genuine by the following signature ua below. of the Rev. Gentleman sad Physician, who is the tovitur ut it. It is w dh great pleasure that rho proprietors ere ena bled thus to bring forward an at 00.'60 truly nieritori: oug as this ”r up, and from such a rOUrCe, and they trust the community who have occasion Piz its use may nlwnca tied it within their reach, both as to the place. at which it may be found, and the low prices at hit+ it di sold. New Yrittg. January 12. Riving need Dr. Bnrtbolomew's Expectorant Syrup in my family, it has produced a imlrahl- effects. One or the r I cmirere of ri.v term y wee troubled with a die tressing rough for three years, and after trying many things wit bout being beneCted..l length bou 6 ht o book of the above earned syrup, which, after three days, entirrh cured her: SIMON C LANNON, No C. White eireet. For eale by B. A. FA;INESTOCK & Co: jaw - 23-.134w corner Cub and Wood sts. A A MASON AT COST, AT COST. THE subscriber, et the corner of Market nr.d Third streets, still continues the sale of Dry Gonda, at reduced erires, and is now offering greater induce menu to purchasers. The remainder of our'Cloak. legs, Alpaccas, Merinoes, Muslin de Nines, Flannels, Linsey*, Jeans, Cassinetts, Blankets and Shawls. together with many other goods. We have concluded to clove oil at cost for a few days, in or der to reduCe our stock previous to'Spring. Purcha sers will find this a rare opportunity of obtaining Goods at exceedingly low prices. Call curly and se cure a rood bargain. Jan 1 4 . es. MASON. .71.IRKET STREET, Bet:eeen Fourth st., and the Diamond RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, VIA. The Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, A largr• rind extensive 114.nrInztent of Shawls. vie: Super. ali wool Bridihn: Primed Turkel an: Cash alt re. BB; eirblinidere4 Torkray, [llk and Mule crier ed .ilk fringed Tiilibet, Super. embroidered Inibbet, Darna‘k and silk ‘vorsted, black and colored Merino, and ola ti,:e iwortment of Plaid and Woolen Shawls . . All of which will be sold at it small advan.-e above Eastern cost. A BSOLOM MORRIS. jail I NO. 65. FOR the cure of CurTdot,Coldr, How sorebs Info coon and Whooping Cough. EXCHISOL HOTEL. tVr. Editor:—Having been for some time past much afflicted with a severe cold and nlmostcnnstant cough, and having tried various remedies, such as cough candies, syrups &c. and all to no effect, I we. induced by my esteemed and worthy friend %V %V Wul. lace, of this city, to make trial of It F. Sellers' C.ugh Syrup, I did so, and to my great surprise I received almost instant relief. JAS. H. PORTER. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by F.. E. SELLERS. 57 Wood st. "Sold also by Kerr & Mohler, 145 Wood et., L ‘Vil rost,Jr. and Wm Thorn, Market at. Fesa & Cassel, sth Ward, and H P SChwartz, and J Mitchel, Ailegho. ny city jan23 PERSONS desironeof puiehusing lots in this Cem etery ure referred for inforciation to the Superin tenJent on the rtroutnis, or to K Thorn, Diuggist, cur flier of Penn nod Hand streets, rittebotelt. By order ut the Boat& J. CHSLETT. deo It Superintendent. on want to purchase any bedsieds,tables, chairs, settees, Or any thing else in the furniture line, you cant du better than to call at the furnitare ware room of T i 3 YOUNG & CO, decl3. fiend st, between Penn and Liberty. Dressing and Plain Bureaus, IF youwant to get a good article cheap ao not for get to call at the Furniture Ware Ronni of B YOUNG & Co, nov2l Tim) ta. between Liherty'and Penn. Sofas. ALPAIR of plain neat .of on hand and for sale at the Furniture %Vare Room of T B' YOUNG &Co. nov2l H and it. betisten Liberty and Penn. "ro 1351.413,,5s Floncos. A CITIZRN leaivog fur the South and Havanna will attend to 'any hosineo, entrusted to him.— A(fdreis Athreqgh the Post Office. der: 13 --- DWELLING HOUSE FOR KENT. A NEW and convenient two story dwelling LW for rent, enquire at this office, or S NITINEEY, nnv 9.1.1 St Clair st, LIEN WV ,LAMBERT boa reccovpd to the ware house nos t 33 end 135 Wood trivet betweou Fifth and Sixth streetd, where he respectfully solicits slm. of public patrune: jans PIG LEAD. 1 200 P I I . G n S I 4 LE AD, Vizeb,l MAY 'Samos Cavanagh, Rev. Dr. Bartholomew': U'"65!.0 IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP Allegheny Cemetery Furniture REMOVAL, Patronized by Everybody. The Wonderful Vegetable Purgative, FOR THE CURE OF Headache, Giddiness, Rhcumatkrn, Pifes, Dispepaia, Scurvv, Small Pox, Javdice, Pains in the Back, In ward Wedlcnee4, of the Heart, Rising n the Threat, Drops;, sthma, Fever of all kinds, Fe male Complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heartburn, ‘Vorm,, Cholera Morbui, Coughs, Quinrey, Whooping Cough, Consumption, Fits, Liver-CoMplaint,Erysipe , las, Deafness, Itchings of the skin, Colds, Gout, Grav • el, Nervous complaints, and a variety of other diseases, ari.iog from impurities of the bloo)., end obstrtttidne in the organs of digestion. [From the Agent at Quebec, L. C.] DISEASE OF THE LIVER. DEAR Sid:—Agreeable to your desire, I write to keep yob apprized of the prospeets of the Clickenet Srfger Coated Purgative Pill, in this city. You may reeollect, when I first commenced selling your medi cine, which was in May, 18.14, we little dreamed of the success th..t would crown the undertaking. Our premises hard been to completely flooded by the one thousand and one unsaleaLl6 rented:. for every possi ble complaint under the sun, diet I setiouslv content platedhaving nothing more to no with any thing of the kind. ITtinvever, at the mn.t urgent solicitation, we consented to ro.att' ea ;rial of yours. At first we found considerablerlaculty in at ti actine,pehlic attention to wards them. People bud been an often deceived by the vile coinpounds which have tleaded the country for the last 15 years or more, shot they determined, if possible, never to be 'taken in" again; and the conse quence won, they could hardly be persuaded to accept of the Pills, es the saving is, for "love nor money," Thus al:Werra proceeded for a week or two, when, as "good luck would have it, "Mrs. IN—, a lady of our city, who bud long suffered from an affection of the Liver, ne.ornpanied hr incligeution of the most Or stinnte character, was persuaded to accept of a box, do condition that nothing \vat] to Lo paid for it, if they did not afford her the neceszary relief. I must confess, weourselves bad very little faith in the matter, know. ing as 'we did; that her ceMplafut was one cf long standing, and hail been tznseccgssCully treated by tho most eminent Physicians of this and see, nef4hbor ing towns. But we had determined to give the medi cine a fair trial, and if it proved to be worthless, it would be a source of satisfaction to know it, both to you and to its. No less to our jey titan surprise, hovieil ever, only n few days had elapsed, when the lady again presented herselfat our counter trwrenrefireCt for tinotli or box. "I redly think, Mr. Williams," says she, ' that your Pills are 'beginning to mo t h a great change in my health, and altogether for the better. When I took the second dose, I began to feel much betteithan I did at first; the pain in my side was considerably re lieved; my appetite began to improve; and the blood seemed to circulate through my veins us it did in my youthful days. Since then, I have taken the rernainder of the Pills, and nay improvement has been sensibly prrigre=sing at every repetition of the dose. I have eo :fordo that a few more !Jokes will etrectUaßy core ow." The result was as she predicted. Her health. is completely restored. The flush of youth and' beau= ty lots returned to her cheeks, end the prospect of ft long a,' a happy life is before her. I arh satisfied Ora will never forget t he Clickener Sugar-Coated Pills. As might naturally be supposed, the news of this ex traordinary cure was rapidly disseminated ihroughthe city and adjacent country; and scarcely a week had elapsed, before en...tildes began to be rondo for Click ener's Sugar- Coate d Purgative Pills; and the dentrarnj has already increased io suchan c;aferit, that we God the greatest didirichy'in supplying it. In fact, if it did not seem like exaggeration, I might alinOlL Fay that we arc beiieged wOrnert. and rhlldren, labor ing under every possible arlinent Wide& "human flesh is heir to," The helt, the fame, and the blind; the asthmatic, censemptlye, and dyspeptic, ate thronging our doors in pursuit' of the never-foiling Panacea.— festirrionials of its salutary effects air voluntarily flowing in lipun us from every nnlrtei. One perS(Vl informs es. he has been relieved of a most obminaro Dysperio. Anoti es- has just recovered from a •seri. ous attack of roplczy. A third has succeeded in expelling from his n' stern the symptoms of Jaundice. And a fourth has just recovered from On attack of Pul monary Consumption, which had confined him to his bed for many months.—So we go. But do not fail to keep us supplied. Besides our Retail Trade, we I have standing' orders from the country to a laret .arneur,.. Send 39 Gross at your earliest convenience. ours, &c. R. H. WILLIAMS, Quo I,:c, 1,. C., April 14, 1845. REMEMBER. DR. C. V. CLICKF.NER, is th 3 original iti‘nrour of the Sugar Coated }'ills; and thit not io n , : nr du , SOIL was ever heard of until he intro in June, 1643, us %%ill be seen by tbe Pll E tICM Ti,i Diploma 1 , a3 awarded by H.:2 ERMAN INSTITUTE, nt the Annual Fair, held in the city of New Yolk. October, 1843, to C. V. CLICKENER, Cur the invention of SUGAR COATED PILLS. JAMES T A I.LMA DGE, Preaident. T. 11. WAXEM.ts,Covrespondinr:Secretarkr GURDON J. LFEna, Recording Secretary. [ . . : e" Tn xvoin COUNTERTEITI.—Purc,imIeri mutt alvi.aya Ciic.kener's Sugar ',Coated Vegetable , and see hat each box has upon it hig signature; all others are counterCeit. WM. JACKSON, corner of Wood and Liberty streets, in Dr. Clickener's agent for Pittsburgh and oct6 JAMES COCHRAN; L'orne7 of Liberty on 4 Factory itrret. UM Ward, Pil4burrb Ni -A c N ‘ s A i' rTo R n F. Doors,R o Grates r n iNlg t e a s a i n e d g i a rt a Biro ing Proof c; Iron Doors for Bunk Vatilt.3, Canal and Rail Road-Irons to* ' ethor with every descr;oticn of Smith work. RFT CR r s—M Allen, James May, William flolrneF, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Irwin &Son, Atwood & Jams, A Beelen. A B EZE.EN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corner or Front and Ferry atreet3,, and Mi. G. BEALE, Jr., N t 74; Wend street, are Agents for Pittsburgh; alai Messrs. BRYAN and MILTENAERGER, SF Louis, Nlo., to either of whom orders may be addressed. Pitt.burzh. March 8,1815. • -dly Post Office. Stationcry IN compliance with law and the Orders of aie Postmaster General, sralci:l. Proposals will be received by me until 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday the 3d day of February next, For supplying the Stationery required for the use of thii Post Office during the tree years commencing Jazuar; Ist, 1315, and ending De cmbet 31, 1347. The estimate. for each year, is as collows: 80 Reams Enveloping paper.—Size2oX27 inch es—weight 254 lbs per ream: so Pounds Cotton packing twine; 25 Pounds best scarlet Sealing Was. Coat rumors are required by Law to give bond in a sum equal to double the value of the articles to bo furnished. Pay.-nent will be made on delivery of the Stationery. Ifidders required to furnish samples. CIIAMBERS Postmaster of Pittsburgh, Pa. Valuable Property for Solo AC ER FAIN lot of ground situate on A'enn, be !ow Walnut street, Fifth Ward. containing 17 feet front on Penn, and extending back 100 feet to Mulberry alley, on wbitb in erected a valuable three story brick house, and 111 ;ear a two story .fratne. Also, OZIO other . 101. crt Liberty ettecd, opposite the Wesley Chapel; in said ward, coma:ming 25 feet hoot, and extending • back 100 feet, on zenith is erec ted a well Einithed two story frame. Titles indispu table. For further particulars, as to property tua,4 team et sub, apply to JOHN A PAAKINSO N,Alri., Fifth Ward. SLANE LEASES, OFvery sup,rior form, for - salt) tit this Office jun 20, 1846. ' TO LETS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE it/CHARD COWAN,. Attorney at Law, °Sae in B,urke's Buildings, 4cli street, near Market. jun* 19-d&wly