>.;~:~ ~ VOL, .1-NO, 168 PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE Nang WEST CORNER O F WOOD A ND rpm STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY SICILEII,IIABGEPtT & N. W. toraer of Wood and Piftk Streets Txnere.—Fire dollars a year,payable in advance. Si: dollars will invariably be required if not paid within the year. Single copies Two Cis T 3 —for sale at tha counter of the Office, and by News Boys. The Weekly mercury and litaanfactuyer is pabliahed at the same office, oa adouble medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. TEEDIS OP I'ER SQUARE OF TW Doe insertion, - $0 .50 Two do., 0 75 [brae do., 1 00 One -week, - i 50 Two do., 3 00 tree do., 4 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. , C All CLEAILLY •T PLZASURr. One Sinseare. Two Squares. 'ix months, $l.B 00 Six months, $25 00 T.ne year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 Oriesser niivertisementsin 'proportion. time lines Six Dot.tats a year. HIMUM SNOWDZIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE in the building on the North East corner of Fourth and Smithf.eld streets. nos I I- ly P. C. SEIANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, kireensburgh, Wenmoreland County, Pa.,—Will practice in the Westmoreland, Indiana and Cambria Courts. decB-ly. WY. Jell/. N0V.... J. G. SEA.NOII riIeSTARON & SEANOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE in Fifth street,in Barr's new building, be tween Wood and Smithfield streets. ost29-Iy. W5l. O'HARA ROBINSON, (LAT/I U. S. •TTORtitiY,) HAS removed his Office to No. B St. Clair street septa =WIN 0.11,113021, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Franklin. Venange County, Penna., WILL attend promptlyto all business entrusted to his care—collections made in Watten, .clarion and Jefferson counties. REFER TO J. A. Stoccrom, &Co. MURPHY, WILSON, &Co.. ), Pitt.burgh JOHN Slater., HON.JANIES KINNEAR, Franklin Hoe. ALM M'CALSONT, Hoe. JAY El Wu.son, Steubenville, Ohio. july 23-Iy. 0. ORLANDO LOOMIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourth street, shore Smithfield. july I.ly. MAGRAW & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their office to the New Court Howse, in theroom over the tdheritrvOdice. ep 17—tf. Law Notic e. ANDREW 13.URK E rIVFICE removed to Smithfield street, between 4th street and Diamond Alley,oppoaito Mr Geo ‘Veyman's Tobacco Mehtifite•ory. ap 16 'Removal. MAHON & W ASHINGTON , Attorneys nt Law; office on the north side of Wylie st., 31 door East of the Court liouse. ap 17 -.icy Notice. 011 AMES.CALLAN hasremoved to the chambers occupied by Alderman McMastera on Fifth at. between Wood and Smithfield. ap 18 REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & M. arßrido, ♦TTORSZT6 ♦T Law, Li AVE removed their office to Grant street, a it IL short distance from Seventh street, towards the Court House aPCoaveyanciogand cther inatrumentsof writing !etally and promptly executeui. ap2l M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office on Fourth street, oppositeJl & 11 D Patter son's Livery Stable, P . ipt,stuirgh. sep 10 Wm. IL Anstin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa- Office in Bakeweirsbuilding, Grantst., IgrWit.t.Lax E. Anglia, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I reconameni him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Stealer & Simpson, Attorneys at 1.11117, Office at the building formerly occipied by the Uni tad States bank, 4th street, between Market and Wood Geo. S. Belden, Attorney at Law, Oft co on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield OF'Conveyimcing and other instruments cf wri :log legally and promptly executed. mar2l•tf J. S. HAMILTON. R. B. STIRLING. MULBLIELTON & STERLING, Attorneys at Law, i rk FF ICE, North side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 11. Collections made on reasonable terms. dee 4-1 y John W. Burrell ATTORNEY AT LAW, LTAS fomovedin consequence of the Tate fire from 11 Third street to Bakewell's Buildings, opposite the Court House, ap 16 Titania' Daaauslly, Atter:Lay at Law, thrice, near the Court House, in Mellon's buildings nir7 *aroma, auervisa, Ofbee mob aide of Fifth street, between Wood end S ..itiitfield, Pittsburgh. cep 1 o—tf Or. 51serire 111Ta#,. Office, No. 77, Fe:adageld *rope, 'near Sixth, aug 21. Pirrasuana H. D. PEX4443,/11.3:0-, REMOVED to .PerataLreet, between Irwin and flandstreete. five sleets below, Hand street. eip 16 UUGU MITEIII4S, SURGEON - DENTIST. 118 Liberty Alrect. A few doors below St Clair it., Pittaburgh ap 28-Iy. Wm. d Ward, Dentist, Has removed to the place of ,hie fotmer residence, i t Venn street, two doors below Irwin. ap 18 DR. ORO. ,FDLIX, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Office Du Smithfield, near Seventh greet. 28. 1845-tf GEORGE 00ORRA,N, For ward tag rusd • Cams I Won bliarckfult, NO. 'ail • WOOD STREET, nGS. G -,Ar27 • $ 01 1 , e l . tt: r . , t 41 , AP.'" ' 0 , 4 . • , ;,, ! , ”r: t • '4 P - 0 4 , , 4 1 , • - P` ' 7 " a. ' '." " =MOE VERTISENG LVE LINES OR LESS: One 1114 65 00 Two do,, 6 00 Thmedo. 7 00 Four do.. S 00 Six do.. 10 00 One peps, 15 00 - 1 - IESIRY LAMBERT, WHOLESALE GROCER. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MICRCifAST. Decfler in Produce and Piiesbargit Mastsfaeistru, Nos 133 and 135 Wood street. jan 5 PITTSBURG!, PA. GEORGIE (XiDIP. 1•111Utt. OGDEN & 'SNOWDEN, SUCCESSORS TO AVERY, OGDEN So CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS AND Manufacturer/ of White Lead, Red Lead, and Lytharge,corner of Wood and Second eta, Pittsburgh, Pa. nov 13-1 y Alder:ma's Office, Pith Ward. OHN A PARKINSON, Alderman Fifth Ward, SP Penn street, between Walnut and O'Hara streets, where be may be found at all times. Those hating Houses or other property to sell or rent, cap hare the same punctually attended to; debts collected, and all the duties of en Alderman v. ill re,:eive prompt at • tention. oct27-dly rPHE undersigned begs leave to say to hls friends -L and the public generally. that ho has rem oved his office to I'enn =act, near the canal Bridge, oppo site the United States Hotel. nctl6 JAMES BLAKELY. ALONZO W. ING, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS. MANUFACTURER and dealer in kinds of In. Tobacco. Snuff and &Tars. oci4-v J. G. MIINTIK, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No. 114, Market street, near Liberty July 1-ly PITTSBURGH, PA Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mor. chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Rl9-1v P:itsburgh. Dealers in Produce nod Pittsburgh manufactures generally, Nu. 2 . 24, Liberty, opistaite 9th Street, Pitts bnrch. lea. •p 28-ly Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward /furies, Manufacturer of Iron and Naiis Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth street. ter 10—y JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44, Market street. cep It) Corner of Pennand brrin streets, Pittsburgh. The highest price pod in ce.th for Country Bak P. Baling Rope and Cotton Wm3le. Al. , denier in Chloride of Lime, Paper, Twine, &c., at call) prices. July 14-d I v. _ . Office, Smith/se/a Street, cornerof Diamond PLANS and specifications fini tiled in the bext style and at the shortest notice. RE/CRFNCti: Loran & Kennedy, II Child* & Co., J Woodwell, A Kramer, W B &alio acid Col tart & Dilworth. jan. 14, IB4s—dly. Doctor Daniel 1111c1Real, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smitl.Feld streets, Pittsburgh. declG-y MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. igne G. REYNOLDS & WILMARTII, Forwarding and Commission Diemlnuits, AND DEALERN IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, FOR TIE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE, Corner of Penn and Irwin stref,tq, .L. 0. Itcntotns. L. WILXARTH. NEW BOOR STORE. BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, No. 43, Market sireetotext door to /lied street, AR" just opening a new and emenclyeassonment of Books and Stationery, which th , :y r.•;11 sell, wholesale and retail at the lowest prices. • ap2s m2l EDWARD SIMPSON. HAVE Removed to No. 2, Water street, near the corner of Wood, and near the spot from whence they were driven by the fire, where they will be happy to see their old customers. iYI9. Corner of lit and Ferry streets. Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful l*, mill and timber screws; batmen screws for rolling mills. &c. sen 10—y Removal. - DR. WM. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST, hes removed to St. Clair atret, nest door to the Exchange Hotel Buildings. sep I John llTCloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Libe s tystseet, between Sixth s Erect and Visgin alley Sauth side. sep 10 - - Charles FL Say, . WHOLESALE and Retail Bookseller, Paper Dealer, Stationer and Bookbinder, corner of Wood and Third streets. aeptlB aloonen WINSTON• COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 20, Main Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Refer at Pittsburgh to Win. Lippencott Bon, and John Grier. nor 20-6 u, L FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. P• NUL:PAINT, E• GEDLIK MULV&NY & LED.LII3, MANCYACTUXE ►ND KW CONATANTLf ON NAND, IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, AT THEIR WA.REBDUSE, Corner of Market and Water Streets. Kr Our Works continue in fug operation, and we are constantly adding to nos stock, which enables us to' fill *rim with promptalissi omba/era ere respectfully solicited to call and e xamine prices end terms. erpl6•ly .. ~. !SIM N. ROLM:ES & SON, BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN Foreign and Donlestle Enna of Exch.snge. CESTIFICATES of deposit Bunk notes and Sp . e.. cie. Draltrand notes collected, and remittances made to any part of the (Jolted States. jan 7.1 y No. elar Market Street. JACOB WEAVIR /). F. STERILT7. STERETT & CO., gaolesale and Retail Deaf , : in: Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 16 Market street, one door above Front, PITTSBURGH P• Alderman'N Pffice. JOHN SCOTT & CO., S. & J. WPD;III7TT, wIJOLESALE GROCERS, 1.1.. SHE E 'S CASKRAG WAR 1.7.11 UUS 1: J. Void*. & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS REMOVAL. COOLLY & LAIRD, Merchant Tailors, Janes Pattassen, Ir., cut, moulded ud Plain FLINT GLASS:WARE. PITTSBURGH. A A ._ _ Af ~~ ti;. _ ~4 WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY TUE GREAT REMEDY FOR DI3EAIE9 OF THE LUNGS AND BREAST ! TESTIMONIALS: To Toe PUBLIC.In accordance with the prevail. log custom, and in order to show the virtue; of this medicine mote fully, the following certificates hove been selected; and us it is not our wish to ttiile with the lives, or health of those afßicted. we pledge our- selves to make DO assertions, or STATE MENTS" of the efficacy nor will wo hold any hope to ' suffering humanity which facts will not marmot- THE PROOFS ARE HERE GlVEN—and we solicit an inquiry from the public into every case we publish, and feel assured they will find it a medicine well de- serving their patronage and confidence. • B:7I2P.MARICABLE CURE3.4i) Of allthe cares that have yet been recorded.,there are none equal to those mentioned belay, which plainly stows the curability of Consumption, even in some of its worst forms tilt Mrs. GOULD, or another proof added ! THE CURES YERFORMED BE WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, •aa. AaronjsHjnp THE WUNLD. Dear take pleasure in communicating through you, to all wham it may conceru, and the pub. lip generality, the astonishing effect your truly woo derful medicine has had upon me. I have not enjoy perfect health for four or five years. l'hysicians told me my liver was diseased,—and that I might some day, die with Consumption. Last September, 1841, I took a slight cold, which produced a hacking cough; this continued until February, 1845, when 1 added another cold; my cough increased, I scan lost my ape petite, and my strength failed; fur nix weeks I could not lie upon one side; I sweat very much at nights, rained considerable blood dining the winter and could not speak a loud word for two weeks. With all these had symptoms, I had very severe pains In 63y side, and between my shoulders; general debility followed. I an. confined to my room about eight weeks. I had buried a sister and brother, both died with Consump tion. I expected td die msi.elf; my friends also des. paired of my isle. At this time, an uncle, who bed been benefited himself . , advised me to take Dr Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. 1 aceutdingly procured a bottle, took it, and felt come better: obtained another, I and a third; then 1 ceased to hired, and my cough was better, but my disease was It, deeply rooted. I was obliged to continue taking the Balsam, until 1 had ta kenl seven bustles. I can honestly and truly say. I believe Dr Wistat's Balsam if Wild Cheri) saved my life MRS. !OAR] . B. GOULD. We are per-to:laity acquainted with Mrs Gould.— asideted in taking care of her timing her aickneu.— believe, and know the atstement to be true. Mem P. C. Prmscorr, MRS. S. A. B•CHILDLR, No. 1, Commercial at. Boston. Mau., Sept 12, 1845. 171= ANOTLJER VOICE FROM MAINE Dcar S;r,-116,ving experienced great benefit from your invaluable medicine, I feel itmy duty and wird iege to let the world know what it has done fur me. Possessed of a strong constitution naturally, I had en. joyed perfect health previous to the spring of 1343, when I was troubled ...fib a ddificuty in toy left side, attended with considerable pain. Sometime in July, I lons violently attnecid with a cceigh, which continued until fall; hen 1 was confined to the house eight months during which lime my cough was very severe. I fr. , fluently had spells of coughing whirl) lasted two hours, —daily raised large quantities of doing reeriblo matter, accompanied with blood; sometimes 1 raised a quart of blood at a time. 1 consulted three phyormans, all of whom done their best to restore me,—gave me up,— saal they could do Do mom for me.—l must die,—it was tmpossthie for me to bre hut a short time; use Of them lola my lungs were gone. At true critical mo merit, when mmr.invnt ph•sic.ans bad ex nested rhtetr sl.iil, friends illi2a.red of my diar, my own hope of re cos, y at an rid. I resorted to Wistar's lialiam of Cherry; whim I bad taken one and o halfbertles, those severe spells ofeorl,l,if.c were removed 1 eon tinued taking; tire ikalsom unid apt 1844 when I ceased to bleed at the lungs. my health arid sinmerh inapruv,i ep.o that I left the house, but on not utile to wok fora year. Now my health is g oo d; I am able to do a day'• work. every day on mr farm JAM S CUMEItY. Witioeto.: TtIONAS Btsivin. Those Tr/lo Countrrfrif aa, eel inedic for the ourpose of adding e few doilur. tic th.•tr ricSirts, art. far worse than the metale t. er. ‘1 %purities cuin. Fur N bile the latter only lobs 114 of our property. the former take property and braids and life away.— Dr. Wise WI; Pahang' of Wild Cherry is admitted by thousand, of wenr,.ra • to hose rtfect• cd the most eat taindinery cure, in rose■ of a polmo. nary and n , thmutir character ever before recorded in the history of medicine. The yoUng, and beat:4.ll, the good, all speak forth its pia*. It 10 now the favui tte ine.hcine in the most intelligent families of our country. Such a high stand is public estimation hes been a chis red by its own merits alone. And so long as a distotning publir, arc .eareft.l to get IVistar's Bal. lama' Wad Cherry, and reruse with scorn counter feits, and every other article preferred to them as • aubstitute, zo long will corer.-poritive curet—cheer the fireside pr a depaiting family. laC'The tri.o and genuine . •Wir.tei's Balsam of Wild Cherry":ts:atld et establish«? agencies in all parts of the, Colted States. WISTAB.O,.B4LSAM OF W ILD CHERRY, that not only relleves hut cures! 'MPrice St per bottle, or Fix bottles fur $5 ale at Cincinnati Gni, by _ _ _,SANDFORD & PARK tirSold io Pittsburgit by_ _ . . L. WILCOX, Jr., South-east cor. of Market the Diamond jxtll4 Corner of Si. Clair cad Penn :reec,v, Piiisburgk, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. TH E proprietor begs Nave to return hismostgrate• ful thanks to his friend. and the public for past favor., and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; it has accommodations for travel, era, and a large room fur public meetings, dinner of supper parties. Always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the market will afford. Oysters and Oyster Soap, also Fresh tilhell Oysters, received eve; ry day during the season. The greatest care has heeri taken is the selection of wines and liquors. A varie ty of aew•apupera urn regularly filed in the establish• mane. P. S. A Ho:Lunch served up nvery day at 11, A. M ap 18. THE sasheriber respectfully informs his friendn and the public, that he Etas opened a Hotel and Boardirq, House, coiner nt Shun street and Cherry alley, wheretravellers and others will be accartmoda. ted on ohs tnorit reasortainla terms. The house in spacious, and has been fittAd contidendile ex. penes, and every arrangement joined/3 - that will en. sore the comfort and render satisfaction is Itcatdars and lodgers. A there of public patronage is :tesPeca fully solicited. ap22-tf ~: :~...; 8153 M PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, 130sToN, Sept. 10, 1845 TO THE SICK AND AFFLICTED. Woongoanuon, Me., July 3D, 1845 COUN WASHINGTON HOTEL, REFRESHMENTS Hotel and Boarding House. FILANKLINHOUSE. CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ LIFE INSUB/ANCE---Capital $2,500,000. rP HE insured entitled to „participate of profits on JL butte European and Adiericun policies. National. Loan Pond Lifo Asanronoo So. nits*, Landon. • United States Board 4 , 1 Local Directors. (Office 74, Wall street.) JACOB HARVEY. EMI, clan. John J ralmer, Es+. ^: Jonathan Goodhue, Esq., James Boorman, gsq.. e New York. George 13arclay, Esq., Samuel Howland, E Gorham A. Werth, EAlt Samuel M Folc. Clement C Biddle, aq., SflrS C Welker. al., . riuladelpnia. Louie A Godey, Geo Rex Graham,„Vse., • - J LEANDER STARR..: , Manager and Genera Agent for the United Stateilimi 13ritisti N. A. Col onies. 4 BANK S. 7.44 Arercka44l Bqiit of New cork SOLICITOR, William Van Hook, Esq., 39. Wall street. The followidg are among the advantages held out by this institution, which wit be found most advanta geous to the assured, and which are seldom offered by Life Insurance Compuniis, viz: The peculiar advantages severed to the assured by the principle of the Loan Detartment, thus blending the utility of a Savings Ba with life insursnce. A large sum to be permanently invested in the United States in the names dr three of the Local Di• rectors, as Treasurers, available always to the assured as a guarantee fund. The payment of premiutssi annually, half yearly, quarterly or monthly. No charge for stamp duty. Thirty days allowed after etch payment of premium becomes due, without forfeitate of policy. Traveling leave extensive and liberal, and eater premium. on the most moderate scale. Conditions in the policy less onerous to the assured than usual in cases of life assurance. (See pamphlet.) The actual and declared profits (published in ounces. sive Reports) affording sore data for calculations of; the value of the "bonus" in this institution. These I proofs will at each division be paid in cash if desired. Being unconnected with Marine or Fire Insurance. The rates • for life with profits'.ure lowertlein those of any other foreign company ncccting Life Indurunco in New Fork. The public are respectfully requested to eitumir.e the distinguishing principles of this institution. their tables of rates, their distribution of profits, and the faculties of by their loan department. before deciding- to insure elsewhere. .1 LEANDER STARR, General agent ['The qubicriber, being, duly appointed Agent for !Le above named Institution, will give any info:- rnation required, and receiveapp;icatiuns for insurance . , at the count ing•roum of Atwood. Jones L Co., ‘V ate; Street. wad. 1' JONES. nor 18-law3m SHAWLS: SHAWLNI ALEXANDER & DAY, .1'0.75, Market it., N. W. Corner of the Diansold, HAVE now open a large *saw crnent or Shoals, a swing which may he fouad. Splendid Brocha and Cashman, L.nng Shawls, All wool do do SC, : llal e glar) Is, V a ry auperiaa Wrench Terlastri du Scotch and English do du Damask Silk and IVool Black and modaembruidema Taint do Super English and French Plain do 114,1 W.1 . 1)1r.n Shawl+ 3-4, 4-4.6-4.8 4 maxi 70 4 Upwards of four hundred of the abuse ts Is hase bee n irce, wed from Bost o n, N-s- York and within the last mouth, witt-it etteo.de• 111 to offer the most spleudid nittOrt Tent in the city, and us romoy of them harebeen purchased rf Py low, at Auction, leo ac• prepare...l to s ell them tstude s ste Otto! retail at great reductian from the tre h i er; prices uf the sea• ha alliftelon of purehtsers her• ALEXANDER S 4 DAY. Phonic Safes and Vaults. rr un!..rogt.eil invite Etrht:on to 'Lc fuliuw 1:: 1 ; certlf:t.tt: The un.irtaigne.l ha.ing been t / queeted by Woo., CollOaltle t!lz. Strickler, to be pritOtitt and soprr intend a tttt. tr, I . lrv • of tole Of the, ft , ,,ltly trivt•titt . tl DIN Fite Prouf antes, and de,ning our oC ktry great r.blic tan poeinnee. lnyrcarriulll set et intact] r•togle.. of a teat, to nn, rd suj,l chesu was P,,!..yrted. 1 to. Cheat Pa. a“rportc6: U fejt Corner, or an e!eva; inn of ICI lit It: (torn the ground it coal and hot at rrndo over and mu: .1 alitl k.•pt actively burninz ";:dti eons...ClO jar hours. Ihe fuel conv,mmi Was about lto Ateohek of cool. urn nne rotd of wail; the hoar al: the tal, to Itt . • lite 11111ir into nx,fir/fl In the ttptvitto ttf unde,;ltn el even Futter than a safe is sl.lStatr: t i on) 011133, hero.., norni"•. On rho tem•,,1 4 1 of the lire. al elicit 11 . 111C11 the rheot war iineried. greatlyln the a•t ,, ,i.timent of the ur.irt.igned and the lark number of ritten• a lld.vd. R s,k welt S B a nk n ,tes ruhur u+ rt piece et . Dry rine 1V0,.l and thi inner 11”11.14 Id the but,. erinic:i t• rA %Sand, were fo u nd ",. d e ed, but 1 ,,,f an the ,S;ighteitt degree charred Of re e l, iiiirne rriJiiteletipt on the hook an legib!ti n• be (ure the lust. 'Clieunder•ipieil are itranimoti• i n !)IC eons ict ten t hitt la tile proof cheat is pt ac.tionhle: and thus the iiigenion• and enter pli•ong munnfactitrer., *lmre effiirt• fir some ni.)nths pant in producing iliir driiidermuin Lure pru‘ed it, entirely tincooutu , , de in rice public confidence and ;int !Linage. JOHN ANDERSON, L It. LIVINGSTON JOSIAH KING. %VARRICK :OAR EDIVARD HEAZII:LTON, JAMES PARK, Jr. To the character of the above named gentlemen, the public have a guarantee against deception, in the te s t which was made of Our Pht.enix Sures, end we there. fore feel Om utmost cootidence in recommending them an a reliable protection against fire, under any 011iin11 ry circumstance. We would assure those interested, that there is no wood about these Safes, but what is necessarily connected with the shelves and drawers. We male Vault Doors in the same resumer and up on the same plan. One of these can be seeola Reese C. Townsend & Co's new building. Fur the workmanship of our Vaults. they can be seen ut the following plates: Lyon, Shorb ,& Co., Church & Cumthers, Wm. Lorimer, King & Holmes J. B. Davis, P. M'Cormlcl:, and W. [TPMenufactory on 2d street, between %Veal and Smithfield. CONSTABLE & STRICKLER, PittAtireh.Ortoher 15. 1845 sm. Lafayette Refectory, N05.,413. cop, WOOD ST/LITT, .Undei iynd's flue[ia : Store. Miir, subriber have'ltted up the above place, in superior style, and they feel assured 1,011 give cumf.irt and satisfaction to all m ho May visit them. Arrangements ha . ve lieem miido to have a con. stunt supply of FR ES H OYS T E RS, which will be served up to vi4tors and families on the short. est notice. Other luxories,candies, fruits and pas. tries of the choicest kinds always on hand. Their Bar is filled with the beet brands the markets can af• ford; and Regalia, Castello, Principe and Havana Cigars of super!ur cuality. Every attention paid to visitors. Their Every luxury in its season. P: ices moderate. O.IDEN & GIBSON. nov10.1) Csma Boat W:4c. By R. DosseU. Penn strnd..,Billsture,,Penna. BOA RDING and Lodging by the day cr week on the most reasonable terms. Strangers' will find it to their advantage to patronize him. Persons tray, cling east or west, will find his house a convenient cation—it is within ono hundred yards ortbe Gettig Basin. and convenient to the Forwarding Rouses. ay. Every information given to Iron Amalie turets, in alltmstrehrsocitbe business. Wilmer AMised can et all times be had at I hrber. ' no‘7o-19 v N - EBRUARY 2, 1846 PITTSBURGH CERTIFICATE 0 .; SILVER PLATING MANUFACTORY; Corner of Market street and the Diamond THE subscriber has located permanently in Pitts. burgh, for the mannfacture and sale of all kinds of Saddlery, Carriage - and Harness Trimmings, silver plated, brass, japanned or tinned, in setts, or separate, to order, of any pattern, and to keep a complete as sortment. Also, buys end sells on commission. The articles made and on hand are the following: Bridle Bits and Stirrups, Backlights. Tenetts and Hooks, . Moulding & Whip Sock. Buckles and Rings, ell?, Iron and Wood Hems, House Trimmings, Stanhope Trees & Pads, Door Plates, - Pad Framps, Door Locks, Saddletrees . ; I Ball Pulls. - - IT Number Plates, Bands for Wheels, Numbers . Body and Dash Handles Trunk Plates, Silver, Dash Irons, part homed. I Brass or composition. Coach Door Handles; • • • Those persons having Brass Trimmings on their Doom can have them taken Oland put ort, and mod- crate charge piale only. ANTED IMIEPIATELY— 4 Apprentices; I good Silverplater an house work, to act es fore man; 1 good Blacksmith, to make horn Hems and Han dles; 1 Wood Hem-miker, or a person to contract for a gunrohy of various kinds; 1 Brass Finisher and Fuondor, 1 Filer; 1 gomi Lathe; 1 Coach Lamp-mnker; I Bridle Dirt and stirrup Plater; 1 Drop Stamp and Screw Preis; G ur 8 second hand Vices, weight not to eicoed 30 pounds- Merchants or ethers having broken setts or odd ar ticks, can sell out or procure deficient pieces to fill up their assortments. I wish to purchase a few setts of Harness, differ ent kinds. Also—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises Saddles, Collars, Sze. Those desirous of selling will please drop a line, and leave it at my store and dwelling, Diamond alley, in rear of Wm Patters sun's stable. Merchants, Saddles, Curriage•mnkers or others wishing to be supplied with the above articles of Pla• will be waited on by leaving their address.— those who are in favor of having our work shops at home, rather than send abroad their invent, will be at• tended to; and to accommodate those who pay in a i:netalic cut Taney. I will receive in payment Iron, Copper, Braes, Tin, Pewter, Lend and Coal. GEORGE THARP, silver Plater. N. b. Messrs Heys & Getty, Market st., between 4th and the Diamond, will show samples of my manufacture and give thither infortnation when called en. G. T. janls4m. muse 4. scirzkiumn, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BINI.Eas, GU. 115, woo SI., 1 - ,IRE r. :...c tons Tii PLTIMAIC6‘II/, PA., Keep constantly on hand a general assortment of ant Enfoth Sc Leltri, Writing, W , apping and Wall l'aper. Their st - rek of fie:man work, in the cliff,rent brlnchei of Science is one oi :1111r.1 , 1/1 in the United Matra, and having made dr- ran,ernents u ith lion. of the met evemiye el47l , t,:l6llrtient. in (sent cry. ihei, are fat!_r prepare,. t , i h:t ail nrdeu in the shr.ricet time and on the niuA re,..m.Arle Having,connected *Hi their 13 , -ot:store n Birhiore, ni.deriyhie .1 the heat hand that could be pi oeureil, they trust in I,•o ail ' , to do all bookbinding, er.truted to. horn, with ne.ttne,s, nn,l not ollerior n, ahy in :he ciher. lihirilsboolso of esery dracril ti:m made to LPIJUr In Ihe sliortei.t Ulna. and at the loatoit pr.cn , Jan 7. THE SECOND SERIES or T r. tunorlcau Journal of Science and Arts, Con ;uct,l by PROF. SILLIMAN. 13. Jr-, AND JAN. 1). 1).AN?".., NEW lIIV N 1 A.!.•; j.tu commenced and will be pubitobed in C NO, ac.,..41:v, Nu: J 11111,1,, Match. May. July, S ..std tetil'4 . l'. ERIC it w ill t - o•m ! id to 1:..0 rages. tmtking annually Two t.d Lbout !WO ItJgcli, fmly itiogtated by pr+cr b, /)_llnrin prat in advance Th.. Jour,' I be a rep i•r.i of Anon ican Foreign Sclenco. The a'rd of the most able co laborers liar, been ',erred, ard no effort will annum.: to maks this Journal as popobar nnd daloable a s po•sible. Ti.t. lit Series reismoneed in July, 1318, and is er•t I . .lrnple!ed a ith the 501 h sidumr, embrai , rig a period of years coeval wrib neatly a gunerittion of men, covering a verb taportant period in the. histo ry of Science and the Arts of this country and the world, arid mint ever rematri an importrot work of refererce. lho best number of the new Se' sea is ?est. ',sued. and may now be had L.: sot-Act:hers and es.- asniaeri by utbcrsat rry store. It II hoped Lbat many new o,lrseriptions viii ho banded in by the sourer. of l'irtsburi.bi and sicirmy. .Subscriptions received and Nos. distributed by W. W. WILSON, Ccrncr of 4th and Market sts., Pittsburgh. u - An noire sett (50 vol.) of the lat Srriev, on hand and for solo by W. W. W. inn 14 Select School for Days and Girls Irjr %WILLIAMS hus open his Select School for VIL• Mules and Females, in the room over Mr Dyee's Gtoomy, and formerly occupied by Mr Samuel Bluod,in iederal street, Allegheny, on Monday, the 16th inst. T ams:—PrimaryClass, $6 per scholar per quarter cr . 11 weeks. 1 unior 8 s.niar RICTERENC6S. Rev. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. D. H. Ric - 110, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., Lion. Charles Shaler, losephY. G.dzam, M. D., Chatles H. Israeli, Esq. sept 1-41 y. Dissolution THE partnership heretofore existing between James K. Logan and George Connell, under the firm of J Logan & Co, is this day:dissolved b!, mutual con,ent. All persons havlrg 'claims against the firm, `will please present them for settlement, and all indebted w ill" please Make payment to J K Logan, who is duly authorized to settle the huoiness of the concern. J K LOGAN, Pittabure,b, August 1, 1845. Dry Goods at Cost. -FAS. K. Logan. corner of Wood and Fifthstreets, • over . J D Davis' Auction Rooms, being desirous of changing his present business, offers for sale his stock of Dry Goods now on hand, at cost, comprising a large assortment of cloths, cassimeres, sattinetts. coatings, prints, muslins, &c., and would respectfull3 invite the attention of those wishing to purchase us ho is determined to close up hisprosent business. • August 2.11345.—aug,4. Fatuuntock's Vermifuge HIS is to certify, that my youngest boy, aged T t.bout,2 jear,;,.wes taken sick with the summer attended by a l'hy.ician Lill Sum, mer, and received little or no relief. About the mid die of November, I gave him some of Fahnestecle, Vermifuge, which broughtvoNay one hundred and thir ty large worms, and gave him immediate relief. Hr . has been perfectly healthy. ,JOHN BAIRD. -7 PRINTING OFFICE, The proprietors of the MonNING POST . and Mrit- CURT ANT/ NIANIIPACTURER re:ipectfullv inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, thLt they hare a large and well chosen assortment of OW CID ABC 711E!3( 7E°' 9 AZID 6112) ataw2lazika Necessaryt o a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute • LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Boost Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, I Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Cheeks, Hat Tips. ill[ Mobs of Blauks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Baal Bills,uia ap propriate cuts, Printod on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of uurfriends and the public in general in this branch of our business. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. July 25.1 845. THE sOscribet would respectfully announce tu his numerous friends and patrons, that he has received within the last few days, a choice assortment cf Vronch and ,Engldih j Seaver Cloths,: .Main Black, Gold Mixed and otherfasbionahlecolors. ad , ipted to the season. Also. every description of IC AIL S SIC I.IIC 31M3111311L11... g Beth plain and fancy, together with a choice assort- Which together with his usualsupnly, comprised the must extensive end best stock at present in this city. Aldo, a complete cssortmeut of READY MADE, GARMENTS, For Gentlemen's wear. CloaLs,Clver Coats, Dress ad Frock Cont,, Vests and Pants. N. B. PARTICULAR attention pail at all times to making up work to order, in a rtsle which will give sati•faction to all, having in his employ, some of the TOM popular and competent cutters in the city. P. DELANY, dec. 24 . 49 Liberty at• PHILADELPHIA alaW CIZD (9723. a, Umbrella & Parasol Manufactory, No. 104 Market Street, NEXT DOOR EAST OF THE OLD STAND, WM. H. 111CFLARDSON Has withdrawn from the firmof VV.& IV. H. Rich ardson, and commenced business on his own account et No. 104 Market Street, between Third and Fourth, where he has for sale a full essottment of Pmbrellas, Parasols, Parasuletts and Shades, of the newest style Lind best manufacture, at the lowest market pi ices. Cotton Umbrellas, fair quality, 35 rents. - Sit. do. do: ' $1,50 Other Goods io proportion. You are respectfully inn ned to call and ace them. PkiladOphia, Dee. 19, 1845-4 m. Johnson's Superior Fall and Winter PRINTING. INK. RECEIVED THIS DAY, At Ike Qffice of Ike Pitt:burgh Morning Poat. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. American Fire Insurance Company cIIARTER PERPETI 7 AL—CAPITAL spo,ooo l' AID IN. Ojr.c,:l I'LL:deli:La, NJ. 72, Walnut st.; W M. V I DSON , Pres't. FREDF:RICK FRALtr, Sec'v. T HIS old and well e,ilabli.bed Comianyeantinoes Mei cliandiae, Furnitute not of an extra hazardous character, against lute or damage by Fire. Ahpiieations for lotntrance, in Pittsburgh and its neigitlxirhoral will be received. and risks taken either periteLually or for rn,ted porn.jl. on favottaLile terms tOCH RAN. Agent. No tlti \Vocal la. TliE underAlgned agent 10l the American Fire In aurafiCe Cum pany of l'hiledcipbia, continues to lu,uranCe az , tinst lOU ur dumege by tiro, on fa vorable te:nis, ut to) uld Mond GEORGE COCJI RAN, J 48 Wood .st. INSURANC STOCK.—A number of shares for attic in a joint stock company, with a capital of 00,0t.0, and sower to itic:e..l,e it to $1 000.000, which i> .hertly to go iew operation on the now tic• quired la:ge lousiness of a mural company, whose char acter it will change from the mutual principle to that uf joint stock slimy; charter, perpetual. This stock company will thus posAufs the advantage of an income already secured, and es it purposes con fining its operations to the best description of risks, the stock presents %no/arable prospect fur profitable investment. ,V or particulars apply soon to me . at my Ace, cor ner of %Void and Fourth streets . , over Stbhet & Jones, entrance on Fourth street. JAS IV BUCHANAN. dec2.s. IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No. 12`_' Liberty st. , boo door: from St. Clair street, AA SPLF:NDI El assortment of Fer/r and Winter °oda. The proprietor of this truly favored es• tahlishment announces in the Public, that. ho is prepa red to make to order ail ankles in' Isis lino, at the shortest nol4:e, and in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. H ac ing secured the . scrvioes of one of the REST CUT TERS in tho City, he will in all cases wariant a good fit. lie has a splez ,na assortment of sanato and PLAIN BtA. V It CLOTHS, Also superfine Blue, Black, Brown and Insi,dhle Green Cloths of all quo!. ties end sariousprices tosuit the purchaser. He heti a .plendid iot orvesting of all patterns; Sattinetts in treat satiety: Shirts. Stocks, Boaornk, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sus penders, and every other article in the CLOTHING einchho will sell LOW FOR CASEI. ",CEO. CONNELL The proprietor returns his sincere thm:::s to his old Customers and the Public in genetal,fot the very lib eral tnanner in whiCh They have patronized his emir. lishment, and hopes by st, ict attention to business, and selling them Cheap Goods, to mark a continuation of the same . an g .2.0.6m. C. M'CLOSK EY. Axes. l()Doz Holmes cast 'steel fellinz axes warranted 2 " " " dooble bi:axeg, 1.,r sale by nox2/ GEO. COCHRAN. "NEW 1 1.0.11 K -STORE," ASIEVIERES, Paris Reps. M. de Laines and Alpacas, direct frotil W. H. GARRARD, nor 12. 79, Market street, 3 BOOK AND JOB D. W. CORNER 0? WOOD k. FIFTH 515 ARRIVAL EXTRA. meat of Yestings of Entirely New Patterns FRESH aLTYLY INSURANCE or PiIMADELPIA, Insurance HST RECEIVED AT THE Now is the time for Bargains AS THE - ' . PRICE, TWO CENTS. 83 DIARKET ST . , 83, B. E. CONSTABLE, HAS this day received from the astern markets, '' a large addition of cew and desitablogoosiii for the winter trade at excessively low prises, to which B E C respectfully invites the attention of parthasem A lot of Ladies' Plaid Cloakings entirely nirs; Cas.tmere D'Elose, all tvccl, beat goyim and cheap. Another fresh lot of Turkerri, Thibet, Cashmere, and j - rend; pro:he Shawls. linshrinkable Flannels; Hem Stitch Cambric lidkfs. ',Muslin° de Laines and Cashmeres, from 25 'cu. to 50 cents; Bayndere and other late styles. A large assortment of Whitney Blankets; F:amask Table Linens; Irish 4-4 Shirting's, d o. A fresh supply of colored and block Kid Gloves, Bajous', half Ion; white kid and e!lk cett Gloves; black do. Furnitnte Prints, from it} to lei cts. per yard. Unseyst Cheeks; Bed Flannels; Gala Plaids and some Leantifkd styles of Dress Silks. deco WALL PAPER STORE, Smithfield :tree', one e.ao r above Fourth asreet, Tirrsßbacti, J. SHiDLE, iiirANUFACTURER cf Paper Hangings and ll,ar -111.1 ders of every description. Merchants and others wishing to putchose are in vited :o alland examine his large and splendid %Ivo meat of GLAZED 4- UNGLAZED WALL PAPERS of all the various patterns now in use, and at such raj. ascannot fail to please. GLAZED GREEN PAPER. colored on one or both sides expressly for : Window blinds, ,by the dozen or single piece. Rags and Tanner's Scraps taken in exchange. nov`2l-6m. OTTO HUNZ. MLSCf•CTL'RER OP INCORROPTIFILE TEETH, Sirqh 6 eld Street, 2 doors below Fifth street, Pitts. burgh, Pa., A LWASS on hand a full assortment of Plate and Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades; as simple Plate. Molars and Bicuspidatoes, Gum-teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, &c., Teeth and blocks made to order.-- Den;:sts rapplied with all articles used its the profes sion-. All o:ders cm al:road m wtbaarcompanied by the cash. always on hand. nos 15-1 y Portable Window Blinds. THE subscliber, hzving, competent workmen, and a large steak of Venetian Window Blinds, will eel; low. , His "Portable Fastener," the only one in the United States, is the best and tr.o3t convenient plan ever used for private or public building'. Call and examine samples at J. W. Woodwell's ne G. Singer's. Old Blinds put up with the Portable Fastener at a small charge. JAME'S EIOWASZI & CO. HAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends that they again occupy their old stand at No. AlVood street, %there they have opened an eaten sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, And will have constantly on hand an extensive assort xr.ent of Satin.glazed and plain PAPER BANG INGS, Vel•tetand Imitation Llorders,of the latestatylel and most band.loice patterns fur papering hails, pa.. , lora and chambers. They manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Priatii,g, Writing, Leiter, Wrapping and Tea Parer, Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all of which they offer lot sale on the most accommodating terms, and to which they invite the attention of merchants acd. others. ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and best qual ity, School Books, &c. always on hand and for sale as above. aug 25. A DANCING ACADEMY. ATADAME BLAQUE respected!y informs her fries,l3 and the-public generafly, that she has arrived from the East, and will immeth?tely enter upon the discharge of the duties of Ler Parleitig School.— The latest and caost Cashion &Lie Dances, including the Minuet de la Cour, as clanand at the Courts c,f England and France; the BOHEMIAN POLKA, a. danced by 34•rtain; the MAZUBL: A, LA CACHTSC.A. THE TOLICA.,CCTILLIONS, &c., trill be langfit. 151adame B.'s Rooms are now completed, and will be open for the receptions of tlnso ladies and gentle men who are desirous of being instructed in the above dances, on Wednesday evening the 19th inst.. at-7 o'- clock, fur the gentlemen, and un Friday, slut, at 3 r. N. for the ladies. The days of tuition for the E, - entiemen, are as foliows yiedaes,,lay and Salyer/ay eveoings.— For the every Friday from 3 to 5 o'clock, P. u. •nd Saturday from 10 to 12 o'clock a. m. and from 3 to 5 o'clock, p x. LA FAYETTE ASSEMBLY ROOMS an) sha me on Fourth street, two doo s from the. Hay Scales.— Madame 8..wi1l rent the above named rooms for pub. lie and pr.:vote sunner parties, Concerts, Saireoa, The above rooms are finished and fitted up in the most novel; elegant and approved style, with dressing rooms, and even• convenience for the accommodation of visitors, end are now open for inspection. " .T.ladame B. will commencer: series of Cotillion Par ties on Friday, the 28th of November, : to continue through the winter. The ladies will be ticketed. Those gentlemen who are desirous of s u bscribin g will favor Madame B. by calling at her rooms. .The Rooms can be had on reasonable terms. nhv 18.tl. WASUINGTON HALL. Marl:et :zirce!, S.feedient-Zl' Le:Ohio. JOHN IRONS, PROPRIETOR AHIS establishment has been taken by the enders4ned, who respectfully. begs leave to inform his friends. and the public generally that it has been refitted and furnished in a style not aui-passed by env house in this place, and, at leaßclual to any in the Nest. Washington Hall is located the business pan of the town. en Market street, nearly opposite the Court House and public buildings, and within a few steps of the Market. The situation is the most elevated of any public house in Town, commanding a view of the River for several miles above and below. Omnibus, and servants, will at all times be in readiness to convey psasengrs and their brizglge to acd from the steamboat landing, Every accommodation which the public have a right to expect may now be had at the Hall, on terms as reminable as offered by any other good house is StetibenVille. As the proprietor will spare no rains or expense to fender general satisfliction, this, with his long experience in the burdnes3, will make it thn interest of those who coma chi.; way, to '.give hits a call." ded-th JNO. IRONS. To rrizters! SUPERIOR PRINTERS' INIS".—DR. G. LEN- J AMIN swum, 179 Greenwich street, (new Brick Block,) New_York,. keeps c.-mstantly on hand Printerti ore suPerfor quality. at the market 'priee, viz:—Extra News Ink, at 30c.; Book du. 40c., 50c., 60., 75c., and $1 per lb. These Inks are manufac. Lured by steam, and of superior stock. Printers will. favor Dr. G. with a call before purchasing their winter stock, as they will sndi: dochtedi . y to :hair advantage to ileal with him. Reptigf Pilkington'sUnrivalled Blacking, ATANIVACTUREDan:i.soid wholeralP and retail, _L SIXTIi 5171EET, dne door below Smithfield, t To Let, TWO ROOMS, on Fourth street, betwe4m Ferry and Liberty street 3, suitable for an office ind sit ting rantn. Enquire of Geo. Stephenson, corner or 4th and Ferry streets. nr JOHN B. NVFADDF.N, Market 5 ,eet • 4- `..1; .....11krtg.55';',4 J. K. HENDERSON, welt end Hand st. Bridge