164 MIBLISHED AND EDITED BY 111104aiLassamits &use&ms* W. weer of Weed owl Fifia &reefs. isawes....lies idlers s year, payable is advarce. Us &limn will tweartelAy 'be required If Dot paid within Ibe par. -1 144bial oke Two CZNITII — Air sliest tits amain et die Odle* alba by News Boys. Ttbii Walkly Diercusir pablisimd us the same office, ca do e , l* medium &met, es TWO DOLLARS • year, in advasoe. Sin- Sia astimt, Sit CENTS. .Tllll9 l l ll Or ADVIIIIIIIIIBMI. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINE'S OR LESS: .Deeissertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two do., 075 Two do., 600 rb ri pe do., /00 Threedo. - 700 Dna Wee'4, 1 50 Four do., 8 00 two do., 300 Six do., 10 00 tiwootw., 400 One year, 15 60 ' - 'YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. csaacia.tatz •T PLIASIIS.Z. - Goss Sqrsare. Two fiqueree. Sin•arensie. $lB 00 Six months, S2S 00 It se Omer, 25 00 One year, 35 00 (Larger advertisements in proportion. ti'CARDS of four tines Six Dot-Lees a year. EMEND SNOWDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FIC F. in the building on the North East corner 'kJ a lamb and Smithfield streets. necitly _ P. O. SHANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Gree. a bw o , WePtcnoreland County, Ps.,—Will pm:ice in the Weatmomland, Indiana and Cambria deed ly. J. G. 111/01OR .111031• Rol N____ II & &RADIO*, ITTOBNEYS AT LAW fliftiCk: in Fifth street,io Barr's new baiMiiag , be. NW mesa Wood and Smithfield streets. mat' I y. • WM. O'HARA ROBINSON, IL AT 6 V. S. ,er•ur rJ HAS removed his Ofide to No. 8 St. Clair •trees BDWIIf trAIIRLSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Fraiadia, Vonengo County, Prima., WILL weed promrair a all iraioess entrusted to kid care—eolieaticias muds is Wasedia, Claris Kati !Jerson csitnties. REVEL To S. A. StoCILTON, & CO. Idoosor. WlLsoit, &Co.. )Pitr.burgb. Joan Swum. Hoo..lootss KINVIAR, Franklin , Hon. Acta. I.ITAL.IIOIOI, Hog. Jolts %Insole, Stenbeovillo,Ohio, july 23-Iy. o.oaLampo Loostp, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °lace, Feartkitreet, tame SaidSmAil july l.ly , m*GaLW a INVERIGIETv ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removes their office .to the Mr evert Howe, ie theroom over the Sherif Naillios. ap Law Mak*. ANDREW BURKE, r‘PFICE removed to Smithfield earoll..between eo IV 4th street and Diamoni Alley, opposite Mr G Wepnaa's Tobacco biLerosfee • eft 16 "NA" ARON & WASHINGTON, Attorneys at Lass; ariee on the north side o Wytie st., 3d door. East of the Coon House. ap 17 Saar Nods*. I AMU CALLAN Emerememd w time:breams mll/ eeemdnl by Aldermen lote.Vlaatacro on Fifth it. between Wood and Smithfield. ap 18 REMOVAL. G. L. *AWN is lIIL VVVVVVV .1 Ta. If 'MAIM 'sowed their oil= to Gnat west, a IA short distance from Seventh street. towards the Court hones. pad other 'muslmano( =Wag ionciegg"r"ll":l_proui eseeutea. ap2 M'CANDLESS & BCOLUSE, Arillierimlrs SP. Ooh at Saw, puree ea Fourth street, opposite 8 & 11 H Patter son's Livery Sable, Pitubsugh• rep la Ws. L Austin, 4Mo:soy at Law, ntsdkuseds All, Office is Bakesvell's &gilding, Grant at., lir WILLIAM E. AMIT.I3I, Esq., will gime kis SLUM lion wee, unfinished basiaeas, End I. reeenuasetai him taaka nttecop of my throb. sip i 10-y WALTER FORWARD Ina & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly ocenpiedby the Uni tad Stases bank, itla street, between Market and Wood streets. m2l CMAIILLIS 11111.1..alt rowLaD al"11". omll.ls4dmin,Mftmnyst iolm Office on Fourth street, between Wood psi Sini:l44l. Ml.Conveyaocing and ether instruments of wri ting-legally and promptly eseouted. Inar2l-tf 3. 4. FIAMILTo4. R. Z. 5T44L140. & STIBLINa, Attoraaao at Galt, OFFICE, iortb tile of Fifth area, between Wiwi and Smithfusid areas, Pataboriek, Ts. Ceilfctions made es reasonable WWI. 444 My.' fobs W. Murrell ATTORNEY AT LAW. HAS in consequeeee of the late fire frtnn Third street to Baltemoll's Buildings, opposite 4e the Court House. a • 16 Irissuis Omaghby, hawse" at Law, Slfwa.aear the Court House, in ,Velleg's builikags aser Onta wadi Elio at Fifth moot, between Inroad and Sadaidield. Pigaborgh. ..pt‘-.d Pr. Georg . Watt, .Office, No. 77, Saida& attest, Bear Sixth, -.Ai 21. I"tyrsitusait St. D. suss, a.. Stiono co Peon street, between Irwin end Nuideuvets. five loot. below Heed street. =OR MIMI" SURGEON DENTiIt• us Liberty street. A. raw doers below St, Clair et., Pittaipargla. tip 2844 Wa. Ai Wirt 111411 M, fin reanared.vi tke plow of Ids .fesssor residence, is m an ias; rue door below Irwin. AP AN U. DUO, VAISITZ, PRACTICING JKYSICIAN. Oita au near Seventh Asset. "uly zsa-tr 8111401talll 0 ift ri paktuig esumissioa inertias," so. WOOD STREET, MSTEWBVININIG novIT 1 Avor.7.l — i -- 1 4 i1 47 7 .' 7;" 41; 4 7 17 :, i t 4 r 1" 4 f impqr .or- V—..4—J111.h44 . 4 •f, 4 *.a.. :4 twlf. t, • *4:lf‘ r a 4 * * 1 4 +1 16 4 '. 4.4V t '4. te, 4 111t IV I 1,;:41:‘ . . , , 4 • 4 .. . ' ' i .6. - - , ." • . i , I i . • J 1 . ~ , , .•• 1 1 .1 It 'l'l b ..•.•• , . . . _,... .. . , M . ~ . • • .‘\.. I i , , ~, 1 4 L , L irg , e-rning I) 0 i ;°l4l ( -it DAILY, B N. SOLIIKS & SON, BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN Vomits' and nosiestlt Bills etligehange. CERTIFIC MI ES of &pees Sink notes end Spe cie. Draft/Isla boles cal/mm(1, 1114 re , larLs l4. " made to any part of the United Steles. janit-ly No. $lll Marilee. Sweet. 11. ;. ittlaMt. 3/ICOII STIMIITT & 00., WA*levee avid Retail Dealers is Pereira awl DOlllt/lie Metes mei L . ivisors, No. ia Market sheet, eve door above Front. Pirrsavassi PA. RN • LA ii 14, WHOLESALE GROCER. PORW4ILDIIIO AMID Coltillllllloll NICRICHAST. Des( er is Pease/ end Pittsirerird. Mensifacierec Now 133 and 13 3 Wood street. rtirfssumt, OCOROE OODIP iIIIVEL INOWDEP. OGDEN & SNOWDZIN, SUCCESSORS TO AVERY, OGDEN & CO., WROURSALS & RETAIL DRUGGISTS A ND Mettofactaters of White Lead, Red Lead, 1 9 1 &ad Lytharp,comer of Wood sod Seeood Pittsburgh, Ps. no. 13.1• £l4maam'n Mice, rink Ward. OHN A PARKINSON. Alderman Fifth Ward, ihnso 'met, between Walnut and O' Han stresta. whem be may futmd at alt times. Those haven Houses or other property to sett or rent can hare the same punctually attended tut: debts collected, end all the duties of an Alderman will receive callat • tendon. *Mumma , * OMlee. THE: undersigned begs lees* to say le his Wood. and the public generally. Lima be bat reanonla hi. office to Penn street, near the mot War. 0 11° - lite the United States Hotel netl6 ALONZO W. IWO, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS. lANUFACTIIRER and dealer la all kinds a Totacen, Setoff and Sept.". actil J. O. SIONITZ. DEALER IN DRY poor", Na, 114, Market *treat star Liberty jail) , 1- ly PITTSBVIRGAI, PA Wholuals Grocers awl Clesuabiskra Mr eksats, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, al9-1 y -Pittsburgh. iota menarrrr, :eats 34, & J. M'VIYITT, WHOLESALE OROCCRIS, Deniers in Produce sad Pittsburgb ttuutufactures gnirrstly, N 0.224, Liberty, °mutt. lel Street, Pitt*. burgh. re. apttly Ihisiata Ulm liVerkm, Sassari brerlies, lilosolfseturer of free sal Moils WareNouse, Suaithilela elms. Fourth street. sap WM, JOHNSTON Jk STOCKTON, Beebalers, Pf WW2 as& Paper Illtabats, Na 44, Market tame. rep 19 CASK RAG WAREHOUSE, °Weer of P d Irvin erects, rittobstrich. The highest price paid in cash for Country Rasa, Riding Rope and Cotton Waste. Moo, dialer in Chloride ot . Lime, Paper, Twine, din., at cash prieee. july 14. d Iy. J. VKias & it s r MICAIiTECTS AND BUILDERS, Ofbev, Ssiatifidi ..95.aer.,corricr of 01411119 K Ailey. PLANS sad Specificstioas Asiaed in the imst style and at the shmtest notice. ftsreasectst Logan & Kennedy. H Childs & J Wooderell, A Kramer, W 8 &airs cod Col tart& Wirer*. jan. 1845—dly. Dessibsr Staid Ofilas la fit* spent., between Wood 43111 forvidiforia streets, Piaokourea. dec 10—y ZARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Reel deer to the Fifth Presbyteries Clew*. ono e. =t===l Lira mums II LICRIBER, GROCSRIER, PRODUCE, FOR THE ALLEOHENY RIVER TRADE Comer of Teas an& Irwin streets, L. 0. RZYIKILDS, t IPITTIVOIL 4 9. L. WITAURTR. y NlllllllOOll STOIII. BOSWORTH as FORRESTER. No. 43. Market streetotext door to Mira street. ARE Jost *pooh% a new and 111011•41 , 11aseortment of Books and Stationary, wlsieh they will sell, wholesale and retail at the lowest prices. ap23 Ty AVE Ftemoved to No. 2, Watee street, near the center of Wood, sod near the Tat from whence they wore lkirren chefwe, where they will be happy to see their old customers. iYI9. Corner of Ist and Ferry street.. Pittsburgh, Ps, manufacturer of locks, binges and bolts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber scams; house* screws for sop t on g D Mmairral. NAIL WM. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST, bas removed to St. Clair swot, nest door to the Ekr:baor Hotel Buildings. sep 1 Jobs WOloskey, Taller asil Clothier, Libertyareet•lrecwee9 Sixth street 014 Vico, s iley 9 343 th side. sep 10 • Madill IL lay HOLESALE and Retail Boekeeriler, Paper W WV Beeler, Stadonee &aid Bookbinder, corner of Wood nod Tbird streets. septlB COMMISSLON XERCHIL?fT, As. 14,1Mais Street, RICHMOND, VIRCHNII Refer*. rits&ergh is Wm. Lipp's*** & Bon, and John Grier. oforearne e. stneksre, JAUI Z. LEDLII4 • Mat V Vier a LIDLIMI, 111,WCWACTOtUt AID =MIT CONSWITLY ON MaMD, Cat, alliallialtdl34 Plain FLSPfT GLASSWARE, Sr &Lt trf vousslia4 is Tana wilt/lawns, Corner of lassicet aol water Sweets, PITVIIIPV RAI& Pr Ow Works continue in full epnrsties,ped wa aro asininatly to•our stock, which 04104 1 PP ta;fill wain with promptness. and Furobssows irpapeetfully idioits4 40 4.04. 0•11 oisolors pekoes and taros. , SARGENT St BIGLER, JAMES BLAKNLT _ JOHN SCOTT &Ca, REYNOLDS & WILMARTH, LAD PITTSBURGH D4ANUFACTUREB, @EMOVAL. COOLWT & LAIRD, Afcrekaat Tai/ori, iraMtS Patterepa r 3L, eIIOYM&X WINITOX FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1846. T THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY ! cut VIRIAT REINLIDY TOR DUCAUS or THE LUNGS AND BREAST ! TESTIMONIALS: TeTas PUSLIC.—Ii accnrdanco with the prevail ing custom, and in grief to show tho virtues of this medicine more fully, the following certificates have been selected; and as it Is not our wish to tat, with the lives, or health of thosesfßicterl, we Piedra our selves to make no assertions, nr '.FA LSE STATE MENTS" of the efficacy nor will wo hold any hope to miming humanity which facts will not warrant. THE PROOFS ARE HERE GIVEN--and we solicit an inquiry from the public into every cam we publish, and feel assured they will find It a medicine well de serving their patronage and confidence. CCFREMARKABLE CICIRES..O Of atlas cures !Lai Uri, yet aces recorded, Owe art none equal to acme mentioned below, wlich plaisly ii/JWS A. curability of Conramption, even in sow of its tiara forms !!!! Mrs. GOULD, oronother proof added ! ! TM& COlee rIMPORDILD if WISTAIVO uumtm Or WILD astaar, •RI AITOPIADIUIG Tat WilLo. TO THE SICK AND AFFLICTED. Mar bike pleasure in communicating shower you. to all wheel it may concerti, and she pub lics generality, the astonishieg efect your truly Iron timid medicine has bad opus me. I base not enjoy. perfect health for four or five years. Physicians told MC my liver was diseased,--and that I might some day, die with Comumption. Last September, 1841. I took a slight cold, which produced a hacking nought this motioned until Factory, 1845, when I died souther cold; my cough increased, I even kW my ap petite, and my strengsh failed; fur six week. I mold eat Heeler one side; I sweat very mach at sights. Mewl essawddemble bleed dialog the winter sail entail mist speak a loud wonifur two weeks. Wisbell these ' bed symptoms, I bed weep awns psis. is art *MP, sad between my ahetal3mc emend deshility felkessed. 1 wan me fined tom, room sheet tithe weeks. I bad buried a sister endisretber, both died with Commenm ties. 1 expected t die ors self; my friends ohm et. paired of my life. At Ibis time, en uncle, whaled Imre iheersfited himself, advised me to take Dr Wismar . ' Salmi* a Wild Cherry. 1 aecordiney procured ■ boar, took is, and felt some better; obtained a n other, and a third: tore loosed to Heed. sad my cough was blew; but wiy disease was on deeply meted. I was obliged to continue taking she Salisain, emit I bed ta ken wren bodes. I ran bomesly read truly say, I believe Dr W biter's helium .1 Wild Cherry eared my hie Mad. MARY R. GOULD. We ere personally srqueimed smith Mrs Gould.— amassed le oshirsg care !X her dining her 'Sebago's.— twisters, and knows iseetatement to be true. Ma*. P. C. Paxscott, Mats. S. A. BACINIKLIIIII. No. 1, Commercial at. Bosuns, Mare , Sept 14, 1845. ANOTHER VOICE FllOll Woonsowavou, Me.. July NI, 13113 Dear. .r,-1-hwing espetienced great benefit from yeer irmahrable medicine. I feel it way itan y and privi lege to kt elm world know whit it has lane fnc me rosseread of • Pt, erg constitution naturally. I had en- Scrod penfeCt health precious to the spring of 1313, when I was washked with s diftenly in my loft skis, +needed lei* considerable pain. Sowirtiew I was slakeehtssameill with • cough, which continued until fart there i was confined to the house eight months tithing solids time wry cough was very Nevem I fre quently had of coughing which lasted too hours, ...daily raked Urge quantities o fdisagreetible metier. accompanied wkb blood; sometimes I raised • quart of blood at celeste. I consulted three physicians, all of oboes Sews their best to restore ant,—gsm me up,— staid *hp avid to no more far must was immoral* far me to lire but a *heel tirrw; one of them said my lens were gone. At this critical mo ment, when ernaihseraphyskians had rammed their skill, friends dlemiired of my life, me own hope of re. .coserrat anon/, I resorted to Or. Wienti's 8.1,am ol Wild Cherry; when I bad taken one and • half bottles, those were spelk.ofcenghing were recurred I con tinued Liking ehe'Bslnm until opting, (April, 1844.) when I ceased to bleed at the lung*. my health aM strength improved so that I left the house. but was not able to work fora year. Now my health is good.; I am able to do • dal's woes every Any on ms false, J AMES COMF.HY. Witnesc T 11001•11 B 73 . ; - 14r 41 ' .- 0 EW r‘ ~ ` {~,~?, CO I ' at - ,ii - my. TAose rig Coveter/est a good medicine for the purpose of adding a few dollars to their pockets, are far worm than the marinfecturers of spurious coin. For while the latter only rubs us of our property. .the fanner take property and health and life aw•y Ur. Militia's Bekaa 4 Wtd <>Leery is awn mitted r-- bythessands of disinterested witnesses, to have erect ed the moat extraordinary cures in cases of a pulmo nary and asthmatic character ever before recorded in the history of medicine. The ?ming, and beratniful, the good. all speak forth its praise. It is now the favorite ntesliotae is the most intelligent families of our country. Such* high stand in public estimation las been a allayed by its owe merits alerts. And so long es • dimming public are careful to get Wistar's Bel• east of Mid Ckerry, and refuse with scorn counter feits, and emery other article Trill - erred to them as a estetieme,so long will cures--poinititre cares—cheer the fireside of a depaioing family. WWGl'he tree and pepsine “Wistes's Salaam of iterr iki moil at estalgishel agencies in all parts of the United States. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, that not only sulkies hut cures! [Price $1 per bottle, or sir. bottles for $5• For sale at Cincinnati only by SANDFORD & PARR. 'Sold in Pittsburgh by L. WILCOX, Jr. Southitastoer. of Math% at, sod the Diamo:id. jenl4 WASHIIIIGTON HOTEL, Corner of fit. Clair and Pence 4WIN/44, Pithtikrell, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. THE proprietor begs lave to worn hismost grate -1 Cul thanks to his friends andabe !medic for past favorr, and hopes, by astession,to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; It has acamtmodaitioes for travel- , ers, and • large room for public meetings, diaper or supper parties. REFRESHMENTS Always resdy, a prepared on the shortest swim, with the choicest the market will afford. Oyster* and Oyster Soap, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve. ry day duriagitieetiosaa. Tbegyeateateare has been taken in the .demon of wine* and liquors. A. varie ty of newspapers are regalat4filed in the establish ment. 'P. S. A Hot Lunch seerelep every dayat lt , A. M. a it. • Moldlast BassiWig aerie. FRANKLIN HOUSF.. THE susbcriber respectfully informs his &Maui and the public, that he * opened a Hotel and , Boarding House, corner of Sim n et rest and Cherry alley, where trirrellers and cabers will be accommoda ted an the most reasoaahla terms. Doe boom is spacious, and ha* been Jaya ur at oonaktorahle ex pense, sad every antangament w muds sbar.will *n ame the conifers sod tether satisCaatioe to boarders and ledgers. A share of peiblicpstressim qq is respect , folly solisissi. atitISTLII24 SCHMERTZ. E312=2 J.-..,...... W E bats at No 41111 • few pitterna 6 4 pinin and figure! Sv.is• tialtiiol; 6-4 plaid ata/ striped SWIM Mullins, magnigitent patterns. Also, Ilallarines ertafflarages, rringnifinent patterns Swiss, Book and Mull Moslin• in great dorm arrows &Turner. _ Boa Toll, 85pt. 10. 1845 100 PleCtll sea/ti Silk Hawakeecialefa. BARROWS AND TURNER HAVE now in stove, an extensive end hesitant gado) , of Oinsdrenan's Silk Haadkerohiefa, comprising the die:teem new styles, and most desire We pimento new in mow—. Bon/Imm* Damask—Extra rich; Rama Cerahe—Plein `raved, beam/ Asti Twilled SpitalSeld—wery lergn flinches.' of espeder goalitt Bandanna and Primed Pongees in pest wanes); Together with a full 'apply of Gelllielleurs Rick Satin Scarfs and Cravats; " ramey and plskl silk Cravats All of which are *lead at extraordinary low pri • ors at 'lmam cash home of dee IS SARROWS & TURNER. EZ3ZE 46 CLEARING OUT SALE 46 AT THZ "DOWN TOWN" . CASH HOUSE. 117 g E • V . ..••••111.1 Barrows' & Turner ARE now closing 4 at greatly reduced prices their remaining stock Ladies' Dress Golds: Colored Reps sal Twilled Cashmeres; Rich styles Mous& Leine.; Alpacas, blue r bigick and other colors at decided bargains; Flamm tisa, Lowts, Cases New style pmts, beautiful patterns: W Sib general variorland seasonable goods at No. 46 Market st. • deci9 tialifialad Parties NOW II ?Ns ONLY TINE. ANOTHER GRAND RUSH FOR GOLD PENCILS AT BARROWS & TURNER'S riIHE teat let received and willing off tackle. the A stock. Those penman, who are nut supplied will now meet with the last opportunit)—as we do not in tend to continue in the trek, therefore those that we have will be disposed of and no 11101 V received. The assortment is 'first rate' made up of the differ• ent siege, suited to the wants of every persoo ord. in quality wo warrant them equal many ie use. Bu)ers at wholesale, may never again meet with tbelike ormortlnity, the stock will Ise disposed of in leas se suit the Cllll4,oTefll, and at prices leas than canto psweleused elsewhere. Call and examine a rm. No. 46. Metket St. BARROWS & TURNER. SHAWLS! gnaw LBt ALEXANDER be DAY, Se. 75, Market 4t., N. Jr. Corner of toe Diesseld, TITTO4.TRGIff, HAVE oow open a huge assortment of Shawls, a. mons which maybe fettud. Splendid Brocba and Cashmere Long Shawls, All wool do do 511181110 Very superior French Terkeri a. Scotch and Engkeh do Damask Silk and Wool dv Black end mode embroidered Terkel i 4,1 Super English and French Nein do Plaid Woolen Sterols 11.4, 44.6 4,8 4 end le 4. Upwards of four hundred of the above Shawl. hare been received from Boston, New York and ['Minded. phis, within theism month, which enables us to offer the owlet splendid woe:neat in the city, ausA as many of them harsher!' purchased regale*, at Aachen, we are prep ared to sell them wholesale and retail at a great reelection frovi the opening prices of the sea. on. The attention of porchnsers dee 21 A LF:XANDER& DAY. ?boat: Saha sal Vomits. TE undersigned infie attentive to tbe follow in; oneariste: - - - CERTIFICATE The undersigned baying been requested by Messrs. Conmable & Strickler, to be present and superintend • teat, by fins, of one of their recently invented Phre. nix Fire Proof safes. sail deeming the stikiect one of very great public impareance. hive carefeiby set winked the progress of a test, vro a hich one said clherts was sutler:nod. The eineetwas supported at each corner, at an elevation of ll to 72wchrs from the ground • Ire df llitamitoosespolainil Ire was made over and around and kept *comity burning Si consecutive hours. The furl carisunied was about 80 bushels of coal, and one eeed of wenk the hest all the slide be ...girlie intense, and in she 'Tinian of the undersign ed much greeter three safe is likely to sustain in trey ordinary house nurture, On the removal of the tire. at their regrow the chest was opened. and greatly to the astonishment of the undersigned and the large number of eitzens present. • Blank Book with Sundry Beek octet within its fold , : • piece of Dry pine Wood and the inotsrlining of the safe, which is of Wood, were kerne warm in deed, but not in the Slightest legossehrorred or inju red, some mattusetiet en the Book as legible as be fore the teat. The undersigned are u• animus' in the conviction that a foe proof chest is practicable; and that the ingenious and enterprising manufacturers. whose efforts for some months past in producing this desideratum have proved so entirely successful, de serve the public confidence and patronage. JOHN ANOF:RSON, L. R. LIVINGSTON JOSIAH KING, WARRICK MARTIN, EDWARD HEALELTON, JAMES PARK, Ir. Ir. the character of the above named gentlemen, the public have a guarantee against deception, in the test which was made of our Pixenis Safes, rind we there fore feel the utmost confidence in recommending them as • reliable protection against fire, under any ordina ry circumstance. We weld *mare those interested, that there is no wood about these Safes, but what is necessarily connected with the shelves and drawers. We make Vault Doors in the same manner and up on the same plan. One of these can he menet Reese C. Townsend & Co's new building. For the workmanship of our Vaults. they can be seen at the following 'places. Ides. Short , & Co., Church & Carothers, Wm. Larimer, King & Holmes J. N. Davis,P. SP_Cormick, sod W. Mortis: , P IMiserefecterry ltd street, between Wood and Sniiiitfield. CONS BL TAE. Air. STRICKLER, Pittsbureh,October 15.11 laihwetts NM ei is 43, WOOD 111M11.111 1 , Linder Lynd's Auction Sittre. rT H 1 subribers have sited up the above place, in superior my's, and they feel assured will give comfort awl satisfaction to who may visit them.: Attrancansents have been made to have a con. rent supply uf FR EBll 0 TER 8, whieb will be served up se visitme and famiies,lies on the short. net notice. Other luanciesecand &viol aid pas tries of the clitdcest binds shim," on kkinell. their. Bar is filled with the best iirsode tbe esealsets can af: ford; and Regalia, Ciwunile, evinGiPe laavana Cigars of superior quality. 'Every ellinlike red to visitors. Their 1130(10 id, E. 1ar 31, 1 424ta ISS 1 " 16 lPrioe* lapießlAL ,OGDEN & GIBSON. axxv.lo.ly rindalre"Vw— trartysilea--Slailidair• LNUF REACTUDand sold wholesale &oilman, .1.71. *MTH STILZIT. otte du below Saslakilldld. aet2l-Iy. EZ=Z'IBM, 11, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE L PITTSBU Rah MI .4Q.1:12. LIP 9 EMI SILVER PLATING MANUFACTORY, Corner of Market street and the Diamond THE subscriber hes located permanently in Pitts burgh, for the mannfarture and sale of all kind, of Saddlery, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, silver plated, bread, japanned or tinned, intents, or separate, to order, of any pattern, and to. keep a complete as. sortment. Also, buys and sensor' commission. The articles made and on band are the following: I Bridle Bits and Stirsups, Backlight', Tenets' and Hooki;" Moulding Sr. Whip Sock Buckles and Rings, cis, Iron and Wood Hems, House Trimming', Stanhope Trees & Pads, Door Plates, Pad Frames, Door Leeks, Saddletrees, Bell Polls, Bends for Wheels. Number Plates. Body and Dash Handles Trunk Plates, Silver Dash Irons, part fi limed. I 01111411 or companion. Coach Door Handles. Thalia persona haring Braga Trimmings on their Doors can have them taken off and put on, •n 4 toad erste charge for plain only. WANTED IMMEDIATELY— 4 Apprentices; L good Silver?later on house worth, to act as fore man; 1 good Blacksmith, to make Iron Hems and Han dletc 1 Wool 11em-maker, or a person to contract for a Tamil., of various kinds; 1 Dress Finisher ■nd Founder, 1 Filer; 1 good Lathe; 1 Coach Lamp-maker; ftridle Butt and Stirrup Platr4l I Drop Stamp and Screw Press; C or 8 second hand vices, weight not to exceed 38 pounds- Merchants or others having broken setts or odd ar tick., eats sell out or procure deficient pieces to fill op their asstwtments. I wish to purchase a few setts of Harness, differ ent kind.. Also--Trayeling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises Seddlea, Collars, &c. Those deeicous of Kiting will please drop ■ line, anhleaye h at my store and dwelling, Diamond alley, in rear of Win Patter son's stable. Merchants, Saddles. Carriage-makers or others "Meeting to be supplied with the shove ankle's of Pla ting, will bo waited on by leaving their addrcis.— Those who are in favor of haring our work shape at home, rather than send abroad their favors, will be at tended to; and to accommodate those who pay in a rrwtalic currency. I will receive in payment Iron, Copper, Drees, Tin, Pewter, Lead and Cod. GCORGE THARP, Silver Plater. N. B. Means Flays & Getty. Market it., between Ith it. and the Diamond, will show wimples of my manefactetre and ere Anther information when ratted ea. G. T. jam 5-3 m. IttCToa scws. 00►TAW11► SCIWALLA. SWIM& & SCELEEBLER. BOOKSF.I.LERS„ STATIONERS, AND BINDERS, CO. 115, woos ST.. 'Mara DooRS BELOW TITTH IT. PITISBI7RGIIIs Keep constantly en howl • general assortment of Gamin and EMtkilk Sattosi Lio.h►J Latta:. Writing, Wispping and Wall raper. Their wick of German work► in the different brioches of Science it one of the largest in the United States, and basing made ar rangements with some of the most extensive Book establishments in Germany. they are fully pre Fared to VI •U orders in the Am-tent time sod en the most rennone‘le terms. Hawing connected with their Bookstore a Bindery, and employel the best hands that could be procured, they trust to he able to do all bookbinding, entsusted to them, with neatness, and not inferior to any binding in the eastern cities. Blnekl:took• of every Iswccip 'ion made to order in the ►borate. time, and at the lowest price. jan 7. THE SECOND SERIES or re c American Sensual of Samoa eat Arts, PROP. SILLIMAN, D. SILLIMAN, J•., AND JAS. 0. DANA, NEW II AV EN, IUrA6 just commenced and will be published in 6 rl 7 4 0. annually, viz.: January, March, May, July," September. and November. I , :sch number will con (lain from 140 to 150 pages, making annually Two Volumes, of about 900 pages, fully illustrated by, Engravings. The price rill be Fiae Dollars a year ia aivaasse.l Tbis Journal •ill tie 41 faidieletectird of American and Foreign Science. The *id of the most able ce laborers beg been secured, and no effort will be { wanting to make this low Dal as popular and valuable as possible. The lit Series commenced in July, 1818, and is just completed with the 50th volume, embritc;ng a petted of 27 years coeval with nearly a generation of men, covering a very.impossent period in the histo ry of Science and the Arts of this country arid the world, and must ever remain an important wink •l neferecce. The first number of the new Series is just issued, and may now be bsd by subecribets .and es.- ambled by ethers et ray *we. It is kopedziast many new subeariptiens will be handed in by the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Subscriptions received and ?Zoe. distributed by W. WILSON. Corner of 4th and Market its., Pittsburgh. 1/1" An entire sett (50 vol.) ol the lit Series, on hnnd and for sale by jnn 14 Wart School fir Heys and GHrla. W ILLIA MS has open his Sabot School fat `ls Males and Females, in ibe rem over Ali- Dy•l's Grocery, and formerly socufAed by Mr Samuel Blood, in Fedend street, Allegheny, on Monday, the 1131 h inst. Ta 116 Per odlielar peretuaoter of it weeks. Junior Class, " S.nior Class, is .. Reszacn C Li • Rev. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. Rev. A. o.Campbell, D. D., Hon. Charles %tiler, Joseph P. Gta.14113, M. D., Charles H. Ismail, Esq. Sept THE partnership heretafiase esissie l g lietween James Y. Logan anA George Celina, under the firm of J 11. Logan & Co, is this day dissolved by mutual oesssest. ALI persona haying claims against the gm., will please meant them for settlement, and all indebtol will please make payment to J K Logan, who is (Lily assthonissed as settle the business of the concern. 2 K LOGAN, G KO. WWI ELL. Pitinliorgh, Mgog' I, 11541. Dry Gaads at Oast- JAS. K. Logan. termer of Wood mad Fifth streets, over J D Davis' Auction Rooms, being desirous of changing his present bullpen', offer , for sale hi. stock of Dry Goods now on Wuxi, at cost, comprising • large assortment of cloves, cassioseses, sattisetts, veining., prints, muslins, dte, rind waned greipimodully invite theanention of those wishing to purchase ea he is determined to•close up hirpreseat brained's. August!. 11145.—aug4. Irshaestedes iferssiSage. THILS is to certify, that my youngest boy, aged 1. sitoatt years, was taken sick with the summer oomptalot. Bearers attended by a Physician all sum mer, sod seeeised little or no relief. About the mid. rile 4or Novembor, I wire him same af Paairsestoek's Vermifoge, wiiich bossiest away aneiwandsed so d thir vs large warms, %Di gage him Immediate relief. He buten pedimatyiteoildry. JOUN 1111/11D. Conducted try Diu*halm. 111!=SIIIII SOON AND JOS PRINTING OFFICE, /. W. CORNER of WOO 9 4 FIFTH STS The proprietors of the Mosta INC POST and MER CURY AN n MANCFACTUaLSS respectfully isform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of elIP"OU 711L"-W-31E10.31M. &CD alai (DiMOM al ditialuzitaaa rieceaiaryt o a Job Printing Office, and that they an prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY VESCRIPTION• Bills of Lading, Circulars, Bill Heade, Cards, Blank Cheeks, Hat Tips. 11/Sag Pamphlets, Haw NEI tants of 331autts, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat 13illsociat ap propriate cute, P rioted ow the Shortest =rice sad 111011/S reasonable term.. We respoetrully ask the patronag e ofour Mends and the public - in general in this bran ch or nur business. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. July 25.1 845. ARRIVAL EXTRA. THE subscriber wotild respectfully announce to his numerous fr fends sod patrons, that he has received within the last few d .1)s, a choice assortment of French end English I Soaves Cloths,: Plain Black, Gold Mined end other fashionable colors. edspseg to the seftion. Also, every description of IC AL_ SIB 1r lIIIMMEO MB& s. 9 Both plain and fancy, together with a choice assent. meat of Voiding, of . Entirely New Pancras. Which together with his usualsupply, comprises the most extensive and best stock at present in this city. Alio, a complete siserocrosset of READY MADE GARMENTS. Fnr Gentlemen's wear, Cloaka,Over Coats, Dress and Frock Corn, Vests and Pants. N. B. P A RTIC UL ft attentinn paid at el times to making up work to order, in a style which will give satisfaction to all, having in his employ, some of the nowt popular and competent cutters In DELANY the cit. P. , 49 Liberty at. PUILADELPIIIA 51131, ®fit© (911134913 , Umbrella & Parasol Manufactory, No. 104 Market Sir.oet., NEXT DOOR EAST OF THE 01. D STAND, W. H. RICHARDSON 1-las withdrawn from the firm of W.& W. It Rich ardson, and commenced business on his own account at No. 104 Market Street,hetvreenlbird and Fort th, where he has far sale a full assortment of Umbrellas, eartuols, Parasoletts and Shades. of the newest style and best manufacture, at the lowest market Pt ices. CottcciUmiseellas, fair quality, 3S cents. Silk do. do. $1,59 Other Goods in pewportioa. Yea Sr. sespeerfully invited tocall sod see them. Plkiladeiplsa. Dec. 19. 1845442. IFRESH SCI PLY M Jettasones Superior Tall and Winter PAIXTING INEO REC EIVED THIS DAY, At the o.fee of the Pitlibretti' Moresiagr Port. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. ...pl7d&..tf INSCILANCE. karmic= rirelasnrazes Company Of PUILLDELPIJ. CHARTER PERPETUAL-CAPITAL 5$LOOO PALD Ojiat 411 PAiladelpthia, .No. 72, Mama rg Wl4. DAVIDSON, Preet. FRCDCP/CIC Fes t.F.T, See]. T HIS old and well established Companyconfinses to insure Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and property, not.of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for insurances in Pittsburgh emd its neighborhood %ill be received, and risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, on favorable terms GEO. COCH R AN, Agent. No 26 Wood et. THE gaderoigated agent Inr the American Fire in surance Company of fkiledelphiß.sontirmea to make iusuranoe •g+inat lola or damage by lire, on fa vorable terra', at bin old wand GEORGF: COCHRAN, No 26 Wood at. INSURANCE STOci:. —A number of shares for sale in a joint stock company, with a capital of 11100,400, and power to increase it to $1 000,000, which is shortly to g e Sato operation on the now sc. Attired large business of a motel company, whosecbar acserit will change from the mutual principle to that of joint stork alone; charter perpetual. This stock company will thus parses, the advantage of an income already secured, gad as it purposes con• .fiolng.its operations to the best description of risks. the stook protease a favoroble prospect for profitable iovesomem.. For particulars apply soon to me. at my Ace, cor ner of Wood and Fourth streets, over Sibbet & "Jones, entrance on Fourth street. JAS W BUCIIAN AN. dea.S. ,CST RECEIVED AT THE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, Na. 132 Liberty at ~two doors from St. Clair street, A SPLENDID merriment of Fall and Wilde, A Goods. The proprietor of this uuly favored es. tablishment a nnounces to the Public, that be is prepa red to make to order all articles in his line, at the eitordect notice. and in the meet FASHIONABLE STYLE. flaring aeourel obe *etc-kern (f one of uhe BESTCUT TERSas übie fig, all maim ~curt a good He has a awies did assortment of emptier. and TL/11111 BEAVER CLOTHS, Aliko superfine Ifilue, fihitck, grown and Invhdhlo Green Cleats of all quid ities and eariousplioes to suit the purchaser. He has a .plendid lot of vesting. of all patterns Sattinetts in great vaiiety: Shirts. Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Bur lenders, and ovary caber article in the CLOTHING LINE, which he will sell LOW fOR.C• SH The preprimor returns his sincere thanks to his old Customers and the Public in general,for the very lib eral manner in which they have patronized his estab lishment. and hopes by et, ict anentionaobusinests, and selling them Cheap Goods, to merit a continuation of the same. aug 20-6 m. C. WCILOSKF.Y. • &tea. 102 fK3Z ,. H•l7 east. ,, steel fdelling a as Le :: s a . ..Tw ee ranted for svi'm novit CIT.O. COCHRAN. New is the time tbs. liargalmt AT VIC "NEW TORY STORE" rt ASWM EWES, Paw aepa M. de Woes and ll Alpaca", clifeet Wm Weir rook. W. H. GARRARD, 79, Market. street. PR - ICE, Two CENTS. ADVANCE. 83. • RABBET ST. 8a B. E. CONSTABLE, HAS this day received from the Eastern markets. a large addition of new and desirable goods foe the winter trade at excessively low Nicest, to which 13 F. C respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. A lot of Ladies' Plaid Cloaking' entirely • naw; Cashmere D'Eloase, all wool, best styles, and very cheap. Another fresh lot of Toriserri, Thibet. Cashmere, and French Brecht) Shawls. Unshrinkable Flannels; Hem Stitch Cambric liclkfs. Mousline de Lainea and Cashmeres, from 25 ets. to 50 cents; Bayadere and other late styles. A large assortment of Whitney Blankets; Damask Table Linens-, Trish 4-4 Shirtings, do, A fresh sur l ily of colored and black Kid Gloves, ilajeus% half lung white Lid and silk nett Gloves; black do. Furnitate Prints, from &} to 11 els. per yard. Linseyw Checks; Bed Flannels; Gala Plaids and some beautiful styles of Dress Silks. dec2 WALL PAPER STORE, 87aitliftela area, one door above Fourth. street, PITTSBURGH, J. SHIDLE, mANT/FACIE RER of Paper Hangings and Bor ders of every description. Nlerchants and others wishing to potchsse are is vited to calland