.-- (11.1)e Mail!) . „Morning pop JOHN BIGLER, EDItuR PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 Vfl PAL MICR. Agent for country newspapers, is the Agent for the Pittebursh Dully Morning Post. and Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer, to receive advertisements and subscriptions. lie has offices in NEW Yuatt, at the Coal Office, 30 Ann street, (ad `,otningthe Tribune Office.) Hos rus, No. 12, State street. PiiiLaDCLPutL, Real Estate and Coal Office, 59 Pine street. BACTIXORE, S E corner Baltimore and Calvertsts where our paper can be seen, end terms of udverti sing learned. "Rally. then, Antimasons and Whigs, to the polls. littlly in solid column. Let there be no splitting of tickets. Let us rote fur our nominees, thus strength eci gig our hands for fut ure efforts. Let us send up word to Washington that Pittsburgh understands the differ ence between a party willing to truckle no the Tariff question, and one that is as true fur protecting as the needle to the pole." The above is from the Gasert. of Tuesday, and, we presume, it is fair to infer that the Whigs did "rally in ti.did column." as recommended by our neighbor, for , to purpose of seeding "up word to Washington," of the feelings of the citizens of Pitt.burgh on the Tariff question.. Well, the "word" has been sent, and we would like to know how the G.tette likes the "man tes of its going." Does he still insist that the Tariff petition was the issue of the contest, and will he ad mit that the drfeat of the vihig candidate is equivalent to senditg up word to Wushinton to "throttle the This system of attempting to make the Tara the leading question in ell contest, is a piece of party strategy that lure whip are continually resoiting to, and nine cases out of ten, they get from the people a condemnation of the issue they make up. They do nut appear to have learned any is isdioni from ex. patience, but they still go on blundering and merrep• resenting in the old way, and assuring the [1.113111, Ifn if they do "sot rally on the fond'," it every election, from Pressdent down to a ward Constable, the coun try will be ruined and its enterprising energies crush. ed by the baleful influence of fete trade doctrines . Nuts Ith:unending the many proofs shit they have ; had to the contrary, some whigs have still the lolly t o . Prestil, nt ,J K Monet-tem I), of API gle ny suppose that they can !educe a portion of the cm tzene i to believe the ridiculous conies of rum and their...l Vice Pleselenta, Wm N Waif, of El le. JuseFA that they ere continually putting funk . i; has h. , n / Gray of C ran for I, L Roleinson of Ei ie, 17 Barthel p their cry for the last quarter of a centre). trod dining t"" i ' w "f ‘‘ erten, James It'lll of Ftuolsku, It' 7' ! •Norice -The ea - thereby heretofore exisun 4he most of &bet ti me the giver em 4...10 en 0, 0 e Deurherty of Bedford, NHale of Centre, Isaac between John Bull and Broth. lonachn o in th e °CCUg Sugar-10 laid. N 0 mime wild from seem et fiic Pe r lb slid 10 bloc's do fair at 6c. pillion of the 0,, gore Ten 'tory will he hencefuoth aucLets-40 d u e Aoki at $2,50 per doz. hands of the Democracy end deweite the clamor and Un g ar " f S''me"' t • slf 1 CM'Kdoben Secremrtea S 11 Barclay of Be or . Cm,,i L ,„ , youriracted by Bomber Jonathan, solely on hia own New York. Jan 15. mierspresentattens of the federalists. aloe cottony has 11 Sulk ' in the dime market, $5 75 is o ff ered Ica shipment been moving on .o g ". l „ ess en d Hoe , ~,,,e , ,r nid a d 1 Alle3 lll ns 1 C 11 Den ell of Cembier, John . , ri•A caries' ' m o an ,. o f I l i , o f o , ~,,,, an d 04 ,,,,,, -$3 87 1 2 asked. Georgetown, Richmond, Bahr in the history of the world. None tit an i liat math! 1"" " 1 II " Ihr ' j B j " h """ "I; Erie. I 1 Mr Moorhead , on tithing the 1.11.1 r, Mode s few pm 1 anon of ideas 111311glnal lon and my mory. we Foisted in tome and Brandywine, $5 75e56 11 . ,a flour, $1,25, believe that them is a peiticle of trutli in the charger I / timed remarks, thank cog the cone...ion, in a tine I the ease of eke celebrated ES iscartes He fernier nor. Jersey meal s4€llll 25 that form the burden file Whig presses al 0111111 clion / mariner, for the honer Cu. farm upon lam Tke 'h I mei a got Iwk, al listed, and was always affected Sugars are dell and the ripply for New Orleans in• times. They have never undertaken to show cabs the Idiom man. on motion of the Ho n Jere m i a h S Bl ec k "iii, straleinmei isle, 'peeking iii lira creamorig• A few gales of New Orleans at Vid6 3-4 . Democracy sheulddeetres to brio:rum mum thy• country • l eppointed the (aliening committee on resolutin. r m . rn . g0, .,,, t. ,.. A..r.ph ~ ~..,01, i r, 'f he Stock market i• stricken wi th a panic Ohio tit to establish measures that would crush tie industry P"' • /IS fell senerday 1, Illinois 6• I. N 0 Trust, i f Canton, ; lion 2 S Black of Somo rust, Col Robinson of All, ,, ,e ,„ ~.. m i. c ,, col , „ A , OW etsterpriae of the people. elend Hon Thomas ' i ' "i ° rll"°lrria ' " " "2, Lola, 2 I :2, Lung Island, 1 2,i I ithenr, 3 C Plumer of IVesting: No one will deny, not even the -editor of the G 4 t %%bile ~f lief ta„a. D II litiffive ot Bedford, hi Pa eni Ira* now been risePus°d; 6) 'bid' inielirgrrise may 13 atomism., January 14th i n c n e for trammitted U. rapidls as ot fulls from the lip• ill a Beef „ o , e saute, that the democracy have at weep en ortereet in \ „ c ut -There were 450 head o • tfe.ed at the 1 h.•an 3 Y J•mes of Warren, J anus Murray of; speaker, et (r :nn the fx.o of • taped remora • the prosperity of the country as the Whig pane . - ' 1 scales yesterday . 258 head of which were sold at pin ILerroboia C L Ronlatod of C ukord,G B Ham ilton 1 They form the great body of the operatives and the , . 1 c , ,,,0n ri° • I lir floe Sec rr of Me Treasury was teased a coo ces rang ing from 4ro lb net, per Letilbs, euxordlng to ('I :"tun, J I) Dunlap of Erie Jas Keened , ' of great wealth of the country and as rapid advance -! Butler, H r s oe, tore o ports inn ructieg them to place quality, being an advance on last weeks rates Of those Cumb. Hand Go n 1 M Yur‘inece of F ' c'th‘ "C 11 f mem in ever ciente y p calculated to add g " reIIII;e " I° Boat f Dtoming lion C 13 Penrose of Lancaster , 1 vessels set lying item ill departing to I esas on the name left over , 70 were ists en to Washington , end 22 bead Its character , is Elite product of their lab a fl e inn. H G ~ . • Elk, f) f mime with reseals clearing fat ur art Wieg from ohm wore left on fungi unsold. The quality was rather bet • jority of our mechanics tied farinera-the real wealth " lII° °' " I "'" gl4 " ° ' L " II;n4IIII ' II r U. 1 I Won Irvine of Centre, 1% li 11 Intresse of Lebanon. S. Po"' I ter than she (*Erring' of last week. of a nation-are members of the dernocr tire pan e.- A, , Hogs-The demand for live hogs has slightly ins pout to o'clockto morros. I ned 2 1 Most Eat R1431.P.11/IfrtZ -I lie munTter ek.•Teton 1 They are the first classes that would feel Inc eflo rem I cteaseah sales are making at 5 2545 :ill per Led Its . 13th Jen t o'clock. f eind in Want i'c'on Co, Tennewsee, same hie or 60 of tb e distress which the Guzette and other Limited I Nothing doing in killed hog. . C om entism re am•fabled " f Le comsoitire on r. 0 i fr„t below the surface of the earth, of a man et least prints, charge the dymocrucy a ith endear outig b. iv, h 11 Floss,-fire dour market is still without any *cue euitons have reported 1 hey are too ion; to be In , Ifie fth AI h I r. n ea Co' te ii. non vs ex ti ti mat. as in e bring apon,iliecountr), and yet throe sager loos tour f. I f g ood mixed brands Howard street pull: word my or letter . You a 01, however , have them to and the Nashville ll'isre cep t,,t,s lo the fact Ibe 11 1 nolo boldly assert that they ate elid e to ' " o d g $5 P 2 bblalthoug h a ell were made y eater ay at i per ~ o. to n. down a policy which, according to whip pmts mime Iseirss°"‘"s'a "fie" A sr " si"irirrid debate averse thi g h hone of th is giant is 6 feet 6 inches, so that Gen ; get rally have been and aie now asking $5 -.. "floe Inn the 5111 renithitt no, Jorg e 1 ItOMN O I I of Efio op •••, , ,,ke in fln unit - am co 1.1 hose marcher! between the Irons, could be certain to mush in its fall , those eh. i • rte. iet price is $5, with moderate receipt. Sales of •,...,, R. ra...ge ' legs ft. did ,tile LIII outs bete.. n are most deeply interested in 115 c,.,,i gn,lnnre II • Pn 3l , iltbi4 1 . 1 rrr of Lane I 11 bite of Ito li. o t"'" 1 . I Gulliver'. several pascals City Mills 11 our since Saturday, •t $5- t isi , co I aster, N i) i An, Al tit., sLe'efooa. gelf.lllll l , I , lokeil upon as a shot journalists ate to be believed, the dr•mocrithe , 1 ^5 which rice holders were firm on askin •Y' g this muin, 1 I "well of Cam trumhug, at the ann....nee , t ( Ka cloreat Vll, is un ;- ' pasty have been puraumg this policy en yr einem the I s °mu's° of sirser.eisre ."4 ' and P T 1 1,„, h0 „ . „ 0 ,„ 0,,,,, of ,1, 0 , 00 ,„ Th .,,,,, ,,, „ inc../ 00 ,. mg e iihout ot i cultic sole s. ..11•1. 311105 of first quality formation of the Government, end the cuuni„ i. not brl° p Iri"Paie , , ll I lies °I n;" I° add another "r" I rye flour at $4 .5 • 0141,1, PENN ern times It n ill rff ord an calicos flu 0(9,, 11l al n ruined yet and it is doubtful wh, tlirr 'hat :impose Bt 11ALO, Jan 13 . oe I roe Inn ito ;an d cats ran , elan nil • nlv go hack to will ever be accomplished. Bat est may i. et no m NflV 101 s (.1% CHI so Pon raor -lice Legisla , iii. GI ,r prude.. market hes again or lapsed into a state red that our opponents will sound 11.. a!:0 r n lit oven _ 1•f \r. 1.,, I. o n 1 4 Atrinesilay lan, imam i ow- ly adept ;he " Id ' " /I' lure ' -I i 1 ‘ l4 ‘" e e`-'r P.m" its • Li.'" ill gine...nee, and noiliteg or id h cur.'s. y ester da y not! y does •• recurring election, and that in 1916 then Vl.l'l be ri n g. ed the fellornrig reeolutem• of ~vie. We coalmen our quotations of (Lour at 4 354 mg forth the SUMO charges of ruin and distress that It...kril I hat our 'irritator. end R „ preitentatiwe.' • r .., e t ee e -Leith, (m il e„ ,b,. carne t „f ,1,,,, 5 ,,,,, 0 500 (01" good nestern brands. The market bur pro ,61 use wit h ~,, ~,,,,,,, ~,CINIZ M AS be r, • yin ctrl to war their Lea yoideesn 110 i, a t ~, I ,A, hill h.. 1, „ It,, 1,, , ,,, 1utu, , Vl3OOlll le bleu w about 'easement, and pumas continue aloe It ;n es, le DM 11011.1141 e '3' lit' Mt(' 0110 01161 ~, t they will be about as near their •ertficutem then as Lehr vu hls 111 Pete' . thin t•rOnli l MS Of will .11 con nithout Munoz,. flow former tuotations N. , 1.illf• run deny 11011 1110 prealeot Pustsp. Lan is " '' they are now. Pthr talons- 1 here is u fair demand fur hoe( and !Lad e,,,,3 , ~e, nil ~, it. 0,0 m/,,,,, ~,,I that while 0 bor . s NW/. a 111.11 aril 111.1 per not amp towards the rcatoth - • leak We quote at the following prices: Baltimore IHIL Ten Iry •t, 0 rue 0 , , " 11011 Of Itc Cleall a b a st e m a it i / I packed new mess pork $14,50'S $l5, and prima .124 er was mocha set of bunglers in pointer trim, purl's. I•sinnti t toe, it tom fly fails in being us useful to Ow , 1 (4471 , XSi I Krns Aft: 1111 A Al r,l^ 50 Nen mess her( 10• Si 10 50 No 1 8 sWeeB 75 were orgentzed, as the whigs n a y 1.%0 lung id .nut I,H.ph of 1 , .."1,,e. as was at first nett, opined lo ; 1 . 0 ,,,, a n ,,,,,, h , rof con ..' ° " m i .. "'" ---M I "" " ' g (' ram i them. writes and prime b 26,50. The bacon market is dulLen tempted to take the TentT under th. • ir specie: guer , rap er , s 011 0 1 1 r. Dann and we coo i lc' be phoned to see I 0,„ i i i i snowing letter t• the editor of the /I ashsegten eales arc made O nly in small parcels. W. quote ad dianship, and have stormed iloat the only .16 ty for Ic„„ 8 „ „ a , i n , , ~ ~,, 0 ,.,,, ~,., p ,,,,,,,,,, , Unin, neatern shoulders 6 cent., sides 7e2,74, and hams7Z that policy was to be in their athoca.•y of it - ' There is one Manch of .uric I.•eidative gri• rn et 8 Stiles l ßaltimore • m n c I.I. new more cured sliaukiers at 7c The fact that their found "liment" mice compoomise.l i 1 -1 7 7.1 " /l i' e I ''' " I 'e rhu n "i i 0 I"" 'l'm d'lm'ed I" A" ~ r , in ‘lllO.ll AMI 0 11111111 d, 110 , 131 11 / of it away, and that their teeth re Lase Men found soling 'I" ilie '"" h s' fur ri "'"""m'r ""h he"'" 6'." I "t 1 „„ ~. em, Amee,e,,,, am/ oold,. re a e nd ~" , 7 ,r1 7 , . .1 sides at 7 I '2, and i hams at 9e, Lard Is doll at sea jct.- N. 1 in kegs; and 7 3 Irl in Wt. against it on the mo,t cr.( icul occasions, did nth, to ; "Mrl l • ''•' " • ` lll n" Wel. the oio, neat end p • l n / lam tice . sins in rev into of our 110411111110n s . Take i , el a r Ton fn i t s and it bro il er tin) 4101 1 A ni t i UM] MO, ; o roar: a man is norlilnated lov th e 1 - reside i a h, r en; Whookiv-S des of blits Sre DO w,be.lig m e d., et 25, this State, et least, check their ns.uniptionis of t xclu tootlgll 1.F.111f1 d with. I ti!-11A.0.1:11,,11/:„{fii,11,es,tr a a nd a ! , 1 , r , :in , 7 , ... / possible rectum mom' and ill Ithds at 2lt SF gal. Sales era fre ely made at tine fi wedeln p fur the Tunic - . I hey stoutly duns that hope. " 1 ' 1 I. mii oc the obi_., • / the niorl - 113 • 1 01 1/1111k. Nll4ll Yllllll3 tin I( Anfalllollel lac I. 1,.1 110" . "11.10110,*al p sr. I. of bes to defeat I::: :t o e:ft:M t : :t i n j Ll'a9 'at". the democtate have any regard fu to, and labor net, lag sesnonlies d Aill•ti and blotted the 1 - 1111 face of 0 ; Sc 111. r the II emu., nor Ins friends can be heard in show that the democrat, are free ' . a teal which they never exhibit In an Lur es[ rause men. Non hie. to I With all um heart we sty, ...SIIfCCI IS 10 ' Cad and ii,. do fence or race see the dunce., oi learn alto trade the suppose that the wings con/ orl obtain belief for th I, as- D` m rier ' m Y nails them, menunittion Is def. noel 11,.. no the Such a era. ',,.., - - eont se inquisitions and of i s tann% 711.•5G, • Yr TRI/F.'-.1 corn •peraleat "way v. *elpes on this point-suppose they road clothe ibe reeding the peopl e ill one day, sooner or hoer, s tm t • people shroud, and especially the members of Crn down ~, old v,, g1 .,, y ".. 1.0 ,. to n . ili,. folio,. ing .r,,,,er is h -Jahn Pale. - grey belies° that the rice-man of Dr Ibialt teas a Free r,,,,, of tau lying . 11 western man and an e intro i Ete 1 H a r di n , the , ci, tija ,rh m o n ..uid,,,d S ecretary of State of 'Kee Trade Victory in the manufacturing city of thus man. under took to tell Iles far a sager, f n hell girl • burgh, what good effect would it have on the Tari ff , ', lan of heank„ , ra n a „ p h pe . tl:ncco e has from Frankfort ) The person VALl cot.ki tell ihr in at j was ,oc h e, sudden as published a What would the Conte...min 1.1110 are uncemeitio il I , mproimh , ry story to win the 1r unr It was arca 4(bl I f 1 e nu q 14, tint nantion rt nivisel . Ile sod Gus, Onsley have or wavering, think, if they mold be brought to creditl , , li tt sllllO esteem melt ,should open ilia contest. Heim ma d e it up, in ts s ew, the assertions so industriously circulated by the whigs . ; Kiln 1. stating the till., mg sweeter us cu r , m ire . of democratic hostility to the measurrl Does no r e '''' A fen• days since . " yti Ihe •'l was standing upon IT P The Sc,,l Bell Ringers were performing to think the effect would be athantageous to ilivi 1 ootiff I 1 ,,, li ~ k ~, f am so , I io• henna river, and on lock ;/ the cam.ens of Lhelleatcp on the 3 1 inst. policy? We du not et/lipase that these 13,1111101, tog up the stream I aim a strange craft corawse dew Booth is in G ...Peal i Hr a P pp areil on Tum or democratic bonder. to the Tariff coed I obtain cit e, , , I 1 100 lA. JAIL Intl, ato 11,1. tannin came oppente n to met, 1111- dence. Nor is it possible that Congress us wild s I,•e I t , .11 a ...tilt time, it float, d doe n to sheie I nes at un d 1 il"; at tit° Nat "ill "bey° lie is iiis ploy for a fee our city election us an expression against , has th rill, ', fig, and I disconeth I three 11111.1 and d 310.0 women ' nights. - much as the %big s have done toward. enfore.rm such an weirs ton hotrod it. line .of the moon was &find, atinth ( -- fP 1 lie F akir of 1% it has left Cincinnati and gone idea. They un lei stand things better et 11 ushington er errs without nem., and the third Mid no cleave ; r""h"r west' But still the clogs can see chat severe Mons tlw2 on The blind man looked down, noel saw a half 11131 1 oserer's keport-T bays been dealing the Loaf if their assumptions sad tar piece at the brim of the riser, the man withoutl c ' ' c cc I" Ibe dilieence of ooir Harrisburg correspondent, ne are en statements could obtain belief. ;arms reached down and picked it up, and the one that aliled to precent to day to our readers this important saes naked too document, omitting sumo of the details of the tables tools itsfrom him , and put it in his pocket." file western men fainted, and wken he -recovered, a n; p whrep ai i ,b t is y ll e u v d e e r g y „ t o w n , l i l n b le e t r f e o . u t n , t i l i wor i thy of genet bought the Imiler. He was so terribly• shucked that lof our Coinononwealth• The veryeacellenrsuPggesrictunntYs he 13.5 110110111 a he nonce • will meet the approbation of the public, and douMless will rlaim the attention of the Legislature. The poi t,...:,..,, e Fix HOST.- ' I4IC I'OrIMITIOUII / JOIN-' icy of consolidating the vario la loans I, urged with 1 f eel Ails... 011ie ritunt of the chase of lithos by mite I rcc 1 b tr " '"/ propr iety. Ihe issuing of bonds In suita nioitre 101 the .I 'siren I.l. • idroa 1. Poor Reynotol too l n l ino It u e " l ' in ; ll b°e"" tc„eyeenuinspaayt t ri a , c e l n ie t r f l o r r o t r ax t e la s e . ,: ,d oite tiel:t , like th e W . Itthr a rail., o r more, b u t was finally over-I debts due the State, e t a very imin,rtant inggestionu I taken, and us he turned hie need to eecape fium 1114 and would offer strong inducement for ibis tax payers to bey, rine the owners of our funded debt, A 3 an in. 00, were can airsick by thy engine wheel, and cluothed to sleuth. v, smarm, nothing could he more convenient or dente _ tile 1 hei inters •+t could then as well be prod quart r Tr as semiannually; it would make no diff. TAS A....earl) -111e*eetetney oi the froustiry t i i ; le Treasnrs, and much LaMar, es .11 and ris k en"' to Ihas Isaac' a -nr i t t la r to th e collect ors of customs di be saved to all concerned. SI o I ild"the Leg islature t Ire. ling !Nu all vessels arriving from or depart t eg t o t adapt such a provision, the leatolioldeia tftlit to be ports in l eau., from and after th e Mai of a..u.r,,' permeted to east..ES deter choice, ''Nether to receive I ire to he ((Teethed us %easels turning or departing, i them to that form or not. The marinate tax ef ten cents per ton of coal, lot pouts in any of the States of the Conon• will probably meet some oftections, althoa.gh 010 con • SUICIII3 -Nir Bone then Lamberne, a respectable' ;" :1; :i „, "" 1,- or ,, nr i ",b" pay ' s ie t of t would hard l y thatl,ycolia wi t h some te . citizen of Loudtho Glove, Cheat. county, Pa., corn &t r aitor] of ernsong lens, nor resources t a i te so s m u e ffi nt em i lt Imtued suicide on Satutoley night late Vallee infacting for all the engagements et the Cominonn ealth limn vet , e number of severe wounds upon his persen,he wall,' ? Pr _Th PerlY l urge* lire% Creation . or at making fund lot , tnegoosnua. extinguis h ment ot the ueot. rd about half a mile to a stream, irso winch ne-thren 1 P, easy/canters. himself That, and although the water was only two feet in depth he was drowned . WHO TURKIC° THE BINLIC OUT or 71IC ColH MON COUNCIL CH•NOCIIT—Thi4 a %rry ini portant question, and to those pious gentlemen who evinced so much zeal for "our Bible and our Flag," during the memorable earnest of 1844, it shored be very important. Thin questi ,n a risi:a from the fact that when the Common CUM, cil - 'was being" organized yesterdiy,there w as no Bible in the room to swear the members on, and a con-oder tibia time elapsed before ono could he proc u red. We ware astoni•lied to see that a nitinber of gentlemen present who acre great Bible Champions et the Ittot Given:Wei election, appearedquite Indifferent rth.sut the mistake. We hope our pious opponems are not fall. ing off in the foyer of their attachment to the inTired volume. MZETIOIO o• CoOrCILS.—The newly elected COW,- cils met yesterday at their Chambers in.the old Court House. After the members were properly qualified and officers for the ensuing year elected, the .vath of offlca was administeled to M tynr Kerr, in presence of both councils, by the Hon B Patton. Our newly elected Chid Mmvairnte enters upon the duties of the office to which Ire hit, been eleveted, Pith th, 13. it fiwiing• of his felli,w-cilizen i i for the tuc oa.• of la. ddinilliallittit)ll. His daried will be ardu D oi and rberplezing, but we feel confidant thtt be has the talents and energy to itilcitur;e them in a man n., that will ha credituble to himself and playable to hi. constituent 6. • 4 • 1 r - 1 rol 1::;-• • Correspoodoacc of do "Morning Post." IhRAIIIBURGIN, Jan. 12th, 1846. Dear eir:—The conference, of which I spoke in my last, has just terminated: the result is, Dauphin and Phihuielphla will not be represented in the con vention, the delegates from these countiu refusing to sit in consequence of , their rigid opposition to the "Right of Way." The delegates from Philadelphia are especially zealous and obstinate in opposing it.— I observed one of them actively engaged in distribu ting pamphlets among the crowd assembled in one of the public bar-rooms. They are straining every nerve to gain over delegates from the western counties. The Convention is now temporarily urgrlntxrd, Wm. M. 3VATTe, of Erie, in the Chair, and S AI Barelny of Bradford, .1 B Oliver, of Westmoreland, J B Thompson, of Erie, and Joseph B Weaver, of Frank lin, Srermaries. There is a great number of dale- gates in attendonce, repremenling, us 'leer as I run ascertain, about twenty fine counties. The Court house in which we are gathered, is densely packed.— ln numbers ansl respectability it is perhaps one of the greatest conventions ever assembled st Hatt isburgh. On motion of Col. Wm Robinson, oi" Allegheny, it was Resolved. That e cemmittee, to consist of one 1 from each county represented, be appointed, to select officers for the permanent organization of the conven tion. The chair appointed Cul %Vm Rotriason, Lyman liVilmarth of Elk, Hon Jas L Gillis of Clorion, J J Meyer.l of Camberlend, F R Boas of Dauphin, John Linton of Cambria, J T James of Warren. Alex Plumer of Westmoreland, Jas Gray of Erie, J E Bra dy of Franklin, Jno Peters of Indiana, I) Waxho bough of Bedford, C L Rowland of ('raw ford, 11 .1 Ogle of Somerset, Cul Brinker of Butler, Hiram Payne of McKean. ! On motion of Mr M'Collough, of Franklin, the rule. 'id the House of Representurives were adopted fur rho government of the convention. On motion of the name gentleman it was Resolved, That no member he permuted to rpeak more titan twice, the first time 110 longer than twenty mintres, and the second or 10,1• gar than ten The latter reonluiion to highly approved of, eta ii will preclude a greet deal of uoeiess diocuasion. The committee have tatirrord, and repot the lulluu ing officer.: Tec MUNC7IC ATELEGRkPH.—We learn to day that the workmen engaged in excavating the holes Tui r, ISM A Lt. Pox.—ln Now York, last week, the Vorsor. the poola of thelkiagaeticTelegraph, have moda -1 he.coly irossiokiaitford, and are now at .work in inunsber of deaths from small pox was 13—in Phila. delta 16, and in Bsitineote 6. Baltimore ix evi. tire tn 'oetween j Grand sr....thia aide 'B nf latn oom ssnd 'Ne Bridge. The en ew Hoven. sorn Roe rlentls anima rid of this troublesome disease faster, informe ow d will be completed beavil l efore the middle of the month.—New Haven Pal., Jan. 10. than either Philedulphiu or New Yotk. SUPRIMIL (QUIT OF THE UNITED ST•Till—Billk op vs. Moats)* 4. Moore.—We see by the Washing ton papers that this casecame up before the Supreme Court of the U. S. on Monday lest, It is the case in which Miss Bishop received, in the U. 8. Circuit Court, sitting here, a verdict of $6,500 against the National Stage Company, for injury by an upset. it was argued by Messrs. Bledsoe and Cosa for the Company, and submitted on a primed Argument, by Messrs. Biddle and McCandless for Miss Bishop. ligrJuge Randall, of the U.S. District Court. sud denly fell back from his chair in a state of insensibility hile trying!' cause at Philadelphia on Friday last. A medical gentleman was summoned to his aid, and his sickness was said to be a conge.tiva fit, the result of long•su(fered indigestion. At lest accounts be was re- covering UPWe copy from the Comereiel Journal the fel lowing notice of gentleman ribose advertisement ap- pears in our paper this morning. The character of his references is a sufficient guaranty of ability to teach all he propose.: arA gentleman whose advertisement appears in our rolums to-day, proposes to teach several lan guages He has exhibited to keriety of diploma* and cirtificates from institutions of learning in Europe, which entitle him to the fullest confidence as a teach er and a gentleman. One certificate from l'tior Park College at Bath, England, testifies that this gentleman wan for three years, Professor at that institution, of the German, Latin and Greek languages, and that the progress of the coileginns, while under his charge, glees strong proof of his capacity to instruct them.— This cheinment further sweets his morals to he unex• ceptionnble, and adds the he was dt.ting.ti.hed at that institto to:. for regularity, assiduity and piety and left it fur America to the great regret of the set J I ~, The editor o'• the United States Grieve, recently held the (glowing language with reference to Mr. Proff. Fender. The f,trnrsrgres.—A gentleman advertises in nor paper this morning., to reach thr Hebrew, the Greek. the Latin, the Italian, Gelman, and French languages. He speaks the English well. We have seen the gen iitolurnas, and his certificates of ability, suc• fe. and C i atinirrel; we il.einfoie invite attrittion In this eiivel tisemetit, 1)13301.11110,1 OF Partxx El(9111F.-..-1 . 111.re IS Y strong deaire existing with OnP of the parties to tho Oregon co-paitnerihip, to effict a d want than thereof. SOCOr ding to tho original articles of aaaociation. Dem ocintic press the Union. desires the dia.,lutien . of the , ftliseet pos.ilwe twriwad' arwl the Phila delphia Krysto4e 1 , 101 , 01191 the following tithe wiliier tiwroani: et ,2, ZIP=I COMMERCIAL RECORD. PREPARED AND CORRECTED EVERY AFTERNOON. PORT OP PITTSBURG/8 5 FLIT MLTL6 IN Mr. CHANVEL ARRIVED. Cleveland, Calhoun, Wellsville; Belmont, Lake, Steubenville; Wilmington, Abrems, Great Western; Miner, Gordon, Beever. DEPARTED. Belmont, Lake, Cincinnati; Miner, Gordon, Beaver. n 7• Those marked thus • are provided with Evans' Safety Guam!, a prevention for the explosion of boilers. IMPORTS BY RIVER. Pr sterner Cleaveland, Wellsville; 2 bbl. butter, D T Morgan & Co; 1 bbls lard, 3 kegs do, 5 bbls crack• erg, Robinson & Reppert; 8 bbls butter, 8 keg. do, A Hunter; 35 Ws apples, owner aboard; 3 bbls butter, 2 do flour, 14 bbl. lard, 12 built flaxseed; I sack wool, 1 lot metal, owner aboard. Pr str Belmont, Steubenville; 50 Ws flour, 11 A I Samson; 41 sacks oats, J Graham, 326 doz brooms, J Dalxell; 26 bble copperss,ownei aboard; 28 bbls flour, Robinson 4. Co.; 43 do J Jordan & Son; 2 bbl. flax seed, 4 kegs, 15 bbl. clover semi. W Bingham; I bbl apples John Porter; 1 sack Autthers, Carson & Nl'. Knight; 78 bbls flour, J NPCully; 13 sacks clover need, lot lumber, owner aboard; 14 don brooms, Wm 11 Wallace; 17 sacks corn, 67 keg, lard, 6 do butter, owners aboard. SUMMARY OF MAIIKETS River—The river still continues rising ■t this point *lib ewer for the largest chits of boats. Htigs—on Yesterday 115. averaging 2501b5, sold at $3,871 per bundled, and 48 at $3.50 and $3,75, dividing nu 200 lbs. Flour—On Yesterday, from wagon, sold ■t *4,30 clear. Wlii.koy—S4B Lib's sold in six different lots at 20c Hams-800 from block toll at 11-7,,!0 ver hundred 16a. Molasses—On the levee 100 bbls sold at 251 Cu per and 20 bbl at 26 eta do; from store 75 bbls sold at 25i cc* du, 20 bbls at 2Gc do, and 10 bbls at 27c CITY PRICES CIIICHENT. JAN. 17, C%tti:FULLT,C.RXECILD J./71[1000N. 14 , 1,50 e 4.624 4 374 e 4,50 1,50 ea 1,624 50 ' 62 0,00 80 95 ' 50 34'36 13,00 e 16.0 68 e 70 • 22 ( 25 81 44 , 1 00 eivl,l6 1,00 ric1,12.4 2,674e3,00 5,00 e 5,50 71e 8 4 s 5 7 8 .7 ea 8 laka 13 ¢7ou r—Froin Store, w Wagon, - Buckwheat—per 100 lb' • Corn Meal— do du - I• Grain—Wheat .19 bush. - -Coin, Oat. l,flay— , nme . on - Oil— Idogerd, 4 6xll. - ftliskey—iFY gall. • • Poteegone—Neshannoek, rto Ltami soit—t) bid. - Seeds—Flux, - Timothy, Clover, • - Lard—,N« I .1.) lb. • - - fings—r fb (ay. wt Bacon—pe t lb. Cheese—pee lb %V R. - - Butter—Keg and Roll per lb. - Congressional Globe .and lippendig• P ERSONS wishing to iniLsesi be for the above rai uable work, will please call at rhe,Booksiore of WM II McCONLOUGE. sth street Pittsburgh. P. S. Persona at a distance may enclose $3 to the subscriber and their order shall be attended to with astany thanks. W. ,B. McC. jitra7dlw Classical Teacher AGERMAN Gentleman just arrived-from England where he was three .years Professor of tke Latin, i Greek and German languages', ■t a university ciallege, I would lie happy to re•engnge in a public institution or with a few private families in Pittsburgh, or its vicinity. He is highly qualified to teach German, French, Italian, Latin, Greek, fiebrew,and any other branch ofmodern accomplishments. Being a nail re of Rhenish Prussia, lifter having finished hi• studies (philological arid ori ental,eseecially.) at the beat colleges and universities of Prussia, he applied himself three years more to the oriental arid modern languagre in the onivesity of Pa ris, and travelled.four years in Switzerland anti Italy. His method of teaching, selected .Cram the best Eu• ropean systems, and found an a long experieece is easy for the student., and attended with astonishing suc cess. He teaches any of the above !engorges thrtmgh the medium of German, French, English, Italian and Latin, all of which he speaks fluently and cat-reedy. Terms for private lessons in town: €ll2O pupil, 11,1.3 a quarter, in advance. Two " 10 " each " Three " .8 " each •• —and so on, in proportion to the number of scholars. Highest reference will be given, fur ettich tpply to Anthony De Beaten, McMeal marl 1 , Kahl, Esq, at W Martin & Co's. 'Further particular* may be had from..? J Fonder, at Mrs Southitea-boarding- house, Fourth st, third house on the left above Smith- i field. from 'lO to 12, and from 2 to 4 o'clock, jan 17 2w. EMS!!. D ERSONS sending to the 'Old Country" for their Friends, can make the necessary arrangement■ with the subscribers, and have them brought out in any of the Eight Ships comprising the Bleck Ball, or Old Line of Liverpool Packet., (sailing from Liv- erpool un the lit and 16th of every month,) also by First Clasp Ships, sailing from thnt port weekly, which our Agents, Messrs. James D. Ruche & Co. there sill send out. without delay. ihould these seat lot not borne °lathe Money will be refunded without any deduction. CINCIXNATTI, Jan 13th The . *BLACK BALL, OR OLD LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS,"comprise the follow. hog magnificent ships, and will sail from Liveipool on their regular appointed day, a., follows: Fidelia, On lit Jan. Ist May. lit Sept. Europe. 16th " 16th " 161 h " New York, lit Feb. Ist June. lit Oet. American, lath " 1.6 , h " 16th " Yorkshire, Ist Mar. lit July. lit Nov. Cambridge, 16th " 16th " 16th Dec. Oxford, lit April. lot Aug. lit " Montezuma, lath " IsSth " Lath " Notiee—lt is well known, that die Black Ball is the very bent conveyance fur persons to get out their friends, and as other passenger Agents advertise to bring out passengers by that Lint, the public are re spectfully notified by the owners that no Passenger Agents but Roche, Brothers & Co., sad Blakely & Mitchel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out Pessengers by that Line. We have a all times (or sale Drafts at Sight fur any amount. direct on tho Royal Bank of Ireland. Dub lin. Alto on Me . Presoott. Game, Amen SC CO, Bankers, London, which ore paid free of discount, or eny charge lttever, in all the principal 10W1211 through out England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Or ;lin 17 AUCTION SALE. HtS evenincSaturday,January 17. •t 7 n'cl , o'clock precisely will be sold part of the furniture of • family declining housekeeping, consisting of 1 mahog any Bureau; 4 pair .venitian blinds: 1 brass.clock; fan. cy stands; chairs and tables; oil paintings; beadateads; carpeting; featherbeds and matraues; I rifle, an excel. lent article; 1 gold patent lever watch, a few musical instruments, Scc, 'A T it o'clock on Monday morning the 19th inst will be sold without reserve at Danis' Auction !Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth street+, a large lot of seasonable dry goals. At 2 o'clock, P M, a quantity of hardware, fine entle.y, queensware, glassware, cordage, carpeting, lockinz, glasses, minted clocks pine oil lamps, kli( matrasses. And an extensive assortment of new and second hand, household furniture &c. Also 3 bbls N 0 Molasses; 5 do do Loaf Sugar; 3 half chests Young HysonTea;3 boxes Candles; 4 boxes Virginia Manufactured Tobacco. At 6 1 2 o'clock, gold and silver watches, ready made clothing, fancy and staple goods, generally. JOHN D DAVIS, Auct'r. janl7 (American copy.) 2AIBOXES 4e and 6,1 New Bedford Sperm; %, 30 " best Cincinnati star Candles; IA " Adam/mine f.r sale by MILLER &RICKETSON, 144) Liberty et Principe Cigars. 40 THOUSAND Yrincipe Cigau, !Eteamboat Bi ands,' fur sale by IS-11.LS "South" ,Mackerel; 10 half bbls Vu 1 10 1r bbls Medd 40 bbls gibbed Herring in store and for dale MILLER & RICKEFSON, 140 Liberty dt. , kVitITER SPERM 01E. — 1 00 0 (GALLONSuli:ea:ticet::ctinterdSopermiti iu store and for 'tie by AIUALER & RICKEISON, No. 179 Liberty it. WINTER WAALE OIL COOGALLS Winter Whale OA .in store and for tele luw,by MILLER & RICK ETSON, 179 Liberty st• PALM oifL. 1541 0 GALLS. Palm Gil, on.hismil anti for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON, No 1.79 Liberty street. N. 0. SUGAR. 32 EMUS old crop N. 0. Sugar, for .ale by B RHEY, No 17 Water Straw.. - James Cavanaugh, IMPORTER AN. WHOLESALE DEALER, IN fine Jew elry, Cutlery. silver and German silver Spectacles, gold and silver Pencils, silver Thimbles Scissors, Tweeters, silk and gum Suspenders, silk and brad Purses, carpet Bags,flosiery,children's Cloaks, Brats 011. Beef Mtrsosr, camtile, cream and palm Soaps, &c, &c. lsW'Dott't mistake the place, NO. al, MARKET STREET, East .side, between Third and Fouttb.sts, Simpson's Row. jan 16 11- 4 & 12.4 twilled & double Whitney Blan kets; Red Flannels, twilled and plain; yel low. do.; best at)le of Calicoes, et b 4, 7, .9 & 123 as, worth• 9, 123 and 183 cents. A few piecesofcolord Alepacks, plain, figured, and plaid. These, at prick's lower than. can be had at any other place west of the mew:utile. janlr4 B. E . CONSTABLE. 83 MARKET STREET AS Q HA Ar LS, Turkerri,Brocho tnd Thibet; ),D Real Welahrlannele Domestic do: Cashmere DlEcosse, Mouslin Delaines; Black Alpaca, , Lostres, and Orleans , Cloth 'Black and mule colored French Mosinoos: B E Consul:bloaters the above at prices very desi rable to those who have not completed their white purchases, in fact at far below the value. These good r ere of the latest purchases and best style'. janl4 rp H F, subscriber is renting out several laript rooms is hie establishment with steam power. at low ranee to pod tenants.- H H RYAN. jan 17 Literary Celebration. TF. Anniversary of the birth of Franklin , will be celebrated by the Franklin Literaty Society of alit city, on Tureday averting, the29th init. List of Performers for the evening. ADDRICIPS--Jonathan Longer: DLCLAM•TION—Robert Baird. ORATION—J R Johnson. 1:3111—A NI Brown. DCBATL—J C Graham, affirmative; A W log, Negative. The ladies and gentlemen of the Pittsburgh, and the public in general, are respeetfuily invit'd toattend.— Rooms, North east corner Wood and Third sta. A fine band in attendance. Performance to commence at 7 o'clock. J C GRAHAM D C HF:RBST Committee G EO STEVENSON :lit 0 C E, 11 ROTUERS 4 CO'S AHRANOEFIY.KTS FOR 1 1- /- 7 4 ,MitTIA 1846. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, AGENTS Remittances to, and Passage to and from GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, BY THE Black Ball, or old Line Liverpool Packets, Jailing from New York and Liverpool on the lit and 16th of every month. And by First Class American Ships [Sailing Week/y.) Apply to, or address, if by Letter. (post paid.) ROCHE, BRO.'S & Co. Nu. 35, Fulton street, New York. (Nest duar to the Fulton Bank, JAM ER D. ROCHE & CressOlfice, No 40, Water street, Liverpool. Or to BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn street, near the Canal Bridge, turner and Smithfied sts„(2si story.) Pittsburgh. AeCricnv SALES, MILL - ER ec RIQKETSON, 110 Liberty IT alackerel sad Barring 83 MARKET STREET 53 rr HE subscriber, at the corner of Market and Third stream, still continues the sale of Dry Goods, at reduced prices, and is now offering greater induce ments to purchasers. The remainder of our Cloak ings,Alpaccas, Merinoes, Muslin de /nines, Calicoes, Flannels, Linsey., Jeans, Cassinetts, Blankets and Shawls, together with many other goods. We hare concluded to close off at cost for a few days, in or• der to reduce our stock previous to Spring. Purcha sers will find this a rare opportunity of obtaining Goods at exceedingly low prices. Call early and se cure a good bargain. jan 14 Stray Rog., CAME to the subscriber living on Peon street, corner of Cecil's alley, three large Hogs, each one marked on the ear. The owner of said hogs are hereby requested to call, prove property and take them away, or they will be disposed of according to law. janls 3t H. JONES. Books Q TORY of the Constitution; Pyeruit's Course Reeding; Brewster's Optics; Nichol on the Solar System; Herschers Astronomy; Vegitable Physiology; Combo's Pybsiolog3; Constitution of Man; Combo's Phrenology; Newham's Animal Magnetism, For sale by BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, T ITERARY EMPORIUM; 14 Religion in America, by Dr Baird; Protestantism in Italy, " " Moffat's South Africa; at BOSWORTH & FORRESTER. 43 Market .t Books for Sale. r 701.5. of the the Journals of the Senate and / House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, from 1790 to 1800. 1 vol of Sergeant's Constitutional Lee; 20 setts or 40 volumes of the American Pioneer; 50 of Harris's Pittsburgh Directories, &c. several erlidoos. And a large asscoanigat at the Books and Publics• tion of the Auttricaa Temperance Union, N. Y.; and a small salorment of School Books and Station . ary. roc sale /ow. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent sad Commission Mer chant, N 0.9, sth street. jenl4•Gr. American Journal of Science and Arts, Conducted by PROF. SILLIMAN, R. SILLIMAN, JR., AND JAS. D. DANA, NEW HAVEN, HASjust commenced and will be published in 6 Nos. annually, viz: January, March, May, July, September. std Nov tuber. Each number will con tain from 140 to 15A pages, making annually Two Valuates, of about 900 pages, fully illustrated by Engraving*. The price rill be Five Dollars a year in advance. This Journal will be a faithful record of American and Foreign Science. The aid of the most able co laborers has been secured, and no effort will be wanting to make this Journal as popular and valuable as possible. The Ist Series commenced in July, nap, and is just completed with the 50th volume, embracing a period of 27 years coeval with nearly a generation of men, covering a very important period in the ry of Science and the Arts of this country and the world, and must ever remain an important work of reference. The first number of the new Series is just issued, and may now be had by subscribers and ex amined by others at my store. It is hoped that many new subscriptions will be banded in by the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Subscriptions received and Nos. distributed by W. W. WiLSON, Corner of 4th and Market its., Pittsburgh. trr An entire sett (59 vol.) of the ist Series, on hand and for sale by W. W. W. jan 14 - • W HOLESALE Grocers. importers of Tin Plate and Queensware, and dealers in Copper and Pittsburgh manufactured amides, Nllf, 112 and 114 Second st., between Wood and Smithfield streets. join' 4-nos/ 4 Iy. P kicIiENNA, uctioneer PIG LEAD 1200 P j l a G n S l 4 LEAD, for MAN' . . 1300 POUNDS beat quality, Cincinnati man ufacture, received per seams, "Hiber nia" and for ale by M. B. RHEY Sr. Co., Water sareet. Candle* and Soap, 1 0 BOXES stearin° Monld Candles, Cincinnati manufactum; 10 boxes No 1 Soap, Cincinnati manufacture, re ceived per steamer Hibernia end for sale by Sl B RHEY & Co., janl3 Water street. AFEW bblss of pure OM Rye ‘Vhiskey from Bto 11 years old on tap and by the banel for sale by P. C. MARTIN, janl3 60 Water street. BRANDI; GIN, Sac., FEW half pipes of pure Cogniac and pale Bran dy of different breads, warranted pure; 2 half pipes Holland 'Gin, fine flavor; 3 barrels rectified Whiskey, a pure article; also Scotch Whiskey, &c, &c, on draught and for sale in 4paantities to For sale by I'. C. MARTIN, janl3 60 Water at. PORT AND MEDICINE WINES. Ile qr . casks of port and med icine wines of supe. *JP nor flavor, part of which is on draught, fur sale in any quantity to suit by STOUGHTON BITTERS and peppermint cigars and Tobacco alwayrar. bane anti for sale by I', ...C. MARTIN, jan.l3 60 iVater street. CRUSHED SUGAR. A LWAYS on hand and for sale by P. C. MARTIN janl3 60 Water street PLAYING CARDS. 58 DOZ packs playirw.cards.for sale by P. C. MARTIN. 60 Water it, .10 .BOXES Bunch diaisins; 1 keg Sun do; 1 do Zoete Currants; 400 lbs Almond., soft shell; 200 do Cream nuts; A Bat rola Tanner's Oil; 5 do chipped Logwood; 2 do Butter; 50 Boxes Pipes; 15 do star Candles; 20 do Soap; 20 do Starch; 100 Reams Wrapping Paper; 50 sacks Pea nuts, 12 dozen Shovels; With a full assortment of Sugar, T.*, Cot Tee, Rice Buckets, Brooms, Spices, auti every thing in the Gra cery line, too numerous to mention. janl3 P. C. MARTIN„6O Waterit. VICTOR IICRIB•. OCITAVUS SCHEIRLLA SCIUSA A SojEtERVIAR, BOOKSELLERS, STAXI,ON,ERS, AND BINDERS, NO. 1.15, WOOD.IT., TAREi Docoas,act.ow .71/Tli ST Keep constantly on hand a mend-assortment of Garman and English School Boeks; Letter. Writing, Wrapping and Waal Paper. / Their suck of German works in the different branches of Science is one of the largest in the United States, and having made ar rangements with some of the most extensive Book establishments in Germany, they are fully prepared to 511 all orders in the shortest time and on the moat reasonable terms. Hating connected with their Bookstore a Bindery, and it employei .the best hands that could be procured, the .trust to be able to do all bookbinding, entrusted to them, with neatness, and not inferior to any binding in the eastern cities. Blankbooks of every descrip. tion made to order in the shortest time, and at the lowest price. jan J. AT COST, AT COST. A. A. MASON 43 Market street THE SECOND SERIES IMEIM James Park, Jr. & Co OLD WHISKEY P.. C. MARTIN, DD Water st Sandriew PITTSB V RaIll• PA., FARE REDUCED!! Good Intent Fast Mall for PEIOLAIDELPHOAg Or SPLENDID NEW TROY BUILT COACHES, AND RAIL ROAD CARS, Leave Pittsburgh daily, at 1 o'clock, p. RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 HOURS, . ASCENDING ill , : BILLS WITH SIX HORSES AND POSTILLION. . ..0 .7; From Ohantbersburg by Railroad to Philaddelpkia, In splendid newly built Eight Wheel Cars, there con, flexing with Mail Cars for New Yolk; also at Charo beisburg with Mail Lines direct for Baltimore end Washington City. IKW - Only Office for the above Line, next door tc 'ha Exchange Hotel, St Cluir street. June 12 W. Ft, :MOORHEAD, A. 't. ZAEX EQ. Zla UP 9 EM------ SILVER PLATIIG MANUFACTORY, Corner of Market street and the Diamond, THE subscriber has located permanently in Pitts,. burgh, for the manufacture and sale of all kinds of Saddlery, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, silver plated, brass, japanned or tinned, in setts, or separate, to order, of any pattern, and to keep a complete as sortment. Also, buys and sells on commission. The articles made and on hand are the following: Bridle Bits and Stirrups, Backlights, Tenetu and Hooks, I Moulding & Whip Socks Buckles and Rings, els, Iron and Wood Hems, I House Trimming s, Stanhope Trees Sr. Pads, Door Plates, Pad Frames, Door Locks, Saddletrees, Bell Pulls. Bands fur Wheels, Number Plates. Body and Dash Handles Trunk Plates, Silver, Dash Irons, part Gamed. Brass or composition, Coach Door Handles, Those persona having Doors can have them take crate charge for plate only. WANTED ININIEDIATELY- • 4 Apprentices; 1 good Silverplater on house work, to act as fors man; 1 good Blacksmith, to make Irom Hems and Han dles; 1 Wood Hem-maker, or a person to contract for a quantity of various kinds; 1 Brass Finisher and Founder, 1 Filer; 1 good Lathe; 1 Coach Lamp-maker; 1 Bridle Bitt and Stirrup Plater; 1 Drop Stamp and Screw Press; 6 or 8 second hand Vices, weight not to exceed 30 pounds- Merchants or others having broken setts or odd er tidies, can sell out or procure deficient pieces to fil/ np dieir assortments. I wish ,to purchase a few setts of Harlem, differ , ent kinds. Also—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddles, Collars, &c. Those desirous of selling will please drop a line, and leave it at my store and dwelling, Diamond alley, in rear of Wm l'atter son's stable, Merchants, 'Saddles, Carriage-makers or others wishing to be 'applied with the above articles of Pla ting, will be waited on by leaving their address.-,. Those who are in favor of having our work shops tc borne, rather than send abroad their favors, will be at. tended to; and to accommodate those who pay in +p, metalic currency. I will receive in payment Iron, Copper, ES ma, Tin, Pewter, Lead and Coal. GEORGE THARP, Silr Plater. N. B. Messrs Flays & Getty, Market ve st., between 4th st. and the Diamond, will show samples of my manufacture and givg ftutherinformation when calleil on. T. jan 5-3 m. Post Office Stationery. TN compliance with law and the Orders of the 1 Postmaster General, Sealed Proposals will be received by me until 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday the 2d day of February next, for supplying the Stationery required far the use of this Post Office doting the two years commencing January tat, 1896, and ending De csmber 31, 1847. The estimate, for each year, is as follows: SO Reams Enveloping paper.—Sixe2oX27 inch es—weight 26i lbs per ream; 50 Pounds Cotton packing twine; ZS Pounds beet scarlet Sealing Wax. Contractors are required by law to give bond in a sum equal to double the veal° of the articles to ho furnished. Pay.nent will be made on delivery of the Stationery. Bidders required to furnish samples. CHAMBERS M'KIBBIN, Postmaster of Pittsburgh. Pa. Tobacco. 20 BOXES "Beeswing" Chewing Tobacco, in 15 lb. boxes. suitable for Hotels. Also, 5 bores "Branch's Stag," very superior, for sale w hok sale o retail, by STERETT & CO., jan 9 No 18 Market st., 1 door above Front. To Glass Manufacturers. 100)000 E F: u E ff E . L P ex in c o oil L en u t mbe art r i . c lut e !f a : L i a n . bletfur glassware boxes, Fur 94 le low -by STERETT &CO., jan6 iY Market street, one door above Front. To Capatalisto. A JUDGEMENT for $572 on a good man in a neighboring councy for.sele. Enquire of STERETT &CO., 18 Market it. Stoughton Bitters. 15 DOZ very choice, for sale by the dozen, or sin gle bottle, by Sat. Peppermint. 241 D O,Z (Pint) Eat Pepperraipt.fur till by the dozen or single kotrle..by STERETT & CO., 18 Market at. iiraadir ur cask .Vieux Cognac, 1825, suitable for families .fur medicinal purposes for sale in any quantity, by, STERETT &Co., No 18, Market street, one door above Front. Post Wine. Avery superior article, pure juico of grepe,44r medicinal purposes STEAETT & Co. No 18. Market street, rze door above Front. Por Boat. THE Two Stacy Brick-Dwelling House and back buildings, tio,S9, Smithfield street, at present oc. copied by Mr. Jahn Stevenson. Possession given on let April nags. Apply to jans FOR . RENT A -ROOM in the first story of the new brick house on corner of sth and Union its. Also, The second end third stories of same building. jan6 Apply to JAMES MAY. For Rent or Sale. IR HE subscriber wishes to rent or sell his Tayacn Stand in the borough of Beaver : sign of the Pennsylvania House. The stand is agood one. and any person wishing to purchase or rent Will find it de sirable. Terms easy. Deaver. Dec. 3, 1895. decJOHN LIGHT. N. B. For further informetion enquire 4t,thise,ptrice TO joillT. AA HANDSOME Stonißopm,.fini e bed shelves and conntere,,s4tabin for Dry 4ioods, mid with gas fittings all in good iarder store is situated on Market it between ad and 4th ate. Possession given on the lstApril. £ D GAZZAM, Office, Market it between ? 341 and 4tb Wanted. AGOOD GIRL who cap coon well reotemeaded will hew of a situation to do house work, an 4 receive extra wagee, by applying at thin office. jan 13-43tikw fiilA Trimming' on their n Oland put on, and mod, STERETT & CO., 18 Market at JOHN D. DAVIS