4 tt(lll9lJOrtation Lino. TRANSPORTATION ;.". • •••••• • .1 , - • - United States Portable Boat Lino, For the Transporlation of Freight and Emigrahl l'asseno,74, to and from It ALTI`,I()EK. pHIL \ DEL. Pit! t. :s1: VoltX, N riosToN. BOATS cc and good. ore cal riod through /caaout nog tranahipucat bVi ten P1:011,V01 anu Pailtdelphitt. or uicight or Pesctj,c alwayn a. low a, nhur 2 .4l I.y aiiocr Lice, thut rcehip th rer time 3 oa tho 5 , 1711...! rtY-.111, cii.knLEs A. :WAN rfI..FY. Camel 1111S.E. A/ERBIL!, & 001)(21: 71 Smith's Wharf, Bahimmo. A. L. GERHART& CO. Atm het st., rhiladolphia ritisbargh. Aug 19, 1;;,1.-,. Qa 1 845 EaM:l Dingham'■ Transportation Lino, BETWEEN riTrsnuFuni tNI) THE EAST WM. BINGHAM. JACWS DoCK. THUS. BINGHAM, WM. A. S Mitt TTOti. Conducted on SkskbUtli.keNTHlg principles. T. E Proprietors of Ohr old established Line have thoroughly recruited and renewed their stock, and are well prepared to lot ward Produce and Aler emindise on the opening of navigation. The long experience of the Proprietors . in the car rying business, with their watchful attention to the in ternists of customers, induces them to hope that the patronage heretofore extended to .43ingham's Line" will be continue , ' and increased. Deeming the 11iYa1 aelf-glorifying sts le of adi. log, too absurd for imitation, and believing that with former customers we need no self-cominendniiiin, we would merely such us have not heretofore patronised oar Line, to give ut , a trial. Our rates of freight shall at ail times be as loss ai the lowest that are charged by other rrsponsible Lines. Produce and Merchandise will be received and fur. warded without any charge fur adverthiing, Storage or CominliNion. Bille of lading promptly forwatded, and every Lilt action carefully attended to. Apt-it!, to, or alb epi, IVM. BINGHAM, Canal BAsin, cm- Liberty and Wayne sts., Plush's. BINGII AM. DOCK, and STRATTON, No. '176 Market street.. Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent. N. I'2'j North Howard street, Baltimore WIL LI A M TYSON, Agent. Ni.. 10, We+t+ireer, Kew Yurk. RELIANCE PORTAI U BOAT LINE 116021845.1915t= FOR TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS Between Pittsburgh and all the Eastern cities, WIIIIOI.I TRANSIIIPPINCI. riims ohi and long e•tabli.lted Tine ha. ing near , ly doubled their caparily and facilities for car, eying good., are now plepatins, to receive produt • and tuerchan lire to any amount for shipment Last e. West. The biteLo .1f :11, Line hei.ig ull four section Poll!, ble floats, are( ransferred frntnCu an Ito Rath oat!, the. eating all transhipment or teparatinn of gond.; n. the goods are never remoter! till their artistil at l'hiladei phia or Pittsburgh. This Lion being the Pioneer in this moilel•lca-rying after a successful I.peral ion °fright )cars, are enabler.' with COLIQUICLICI: L 0 refer to all met - el:std.' silo hair heretofore patronized them. We-tern VIeiCIILLOIIi are respectfully request-d to give this Line ati nil, as mai ry exertion will be used to tender sati , faction. Mer chandise and Produce al wes)s carried at as low price, on as fair .erms. and in at short time, at by any other Line. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel r bia will be sold on libet al tr i m.. Goods consigned to either our house et Pittsburgh ur Philadelphia, fora urded prompt!), and all requisite charges paid. JOHN .McFADEN St Co., l'enn street, Canal Bain, PitttLurgh. J .kS. M. DAVIS, & Co., 243 and 251, mr. 25. Slarketst.. Philadelphia. FARE REDUCED TO EtB Opposition Good Latent Fast Line for O► sPLENDID TROT BUILT COACHES, LimUed to Seven Passenger, Leave Pitt,,bargh daily at 1, P. M. RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 lIUCRS, A icendirlg the mountain eith SIX HORSES AND POS7'ILLIOA Tlienco by RAIL ROAD to Philadelphia, (being the golly Linn, running their own Cars on Ilse road.) cuuu'r ti,,g with Mail Curs fur New York; also at Chambers burg with Mail line. direct to Baltimore and W unit boon City. 101Ttee three ..1.) , Pr.1 - 10!TI Etc.:lll(l2C ilutel.,_lll ry A. HENDERSON. FARE REDUCED To Good Intcat Fast Mail flir 2LAD,ELP:I---13A, Or PPLEXPID 'TROY 11,:tt r CoACOF., N D RAIL ROAD CARS Leave Pittsburgh daily, at 1 o'clock, P.M :CUNNING TIIROUGII IN 48 HOURS, ASCENDING THE HILLS %Vint Sl..r HORSES AND POSTILLION ons Ohamberthurg by Railroad to Philarldelphid, In • , lendid newly built Eight Wheel Cars, there con ..r;ittg with Mail Cars fur New York; also at Chum 1,,..5tirg with Mail Lines direct fur Baltimore and tt .t.ltington City. E - 70nly Office for the above Line, next door tt the Ex-hange Hotel, St Clair street. j,tte 12 W. R. NIUORH EA d), A g't. Still they Como. READ THE FOLLOWING FIIIS Ia to certify tint I hive fully tested the Vi r- It toes of Thompron's Carminative. Having troubled with n s , •rt rrP rill in my Flomacti 4iiarrinen tr S4•nnP9 t;,...v.•rul weeks rag pert - I,lly ',I .14,1 it, $1.111.2 I 2,”! Rolfjo. GEOIU r ;I-: ADDIS , 'N. ,Jr tm., dd by W Jack,un A ut corner Wtprl and Lie oc!15 PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages Al Eastern Prices. trFIE il Übieriberlll4 , lllNClnrea and lt , 'Cpi const.rra ly on hand Coach. C and Eliptic Springy ( war tansed,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Braes and plated Hub Band*, Stump J•,iute, patent Leather. Silver and Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patron ace heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEMAN. lan 4 St Clairlt., near the Allegheny Bridge. JAMES COCHRAN, i:orner of Liberty and Pactorystreett,Fifik Ward, ,IANUFACTURER of Mag le.ia Fire Proof Chests, Iron Doors. Grates and Railings; Iron Doors for Bank Vaults, Canal and Rail Road-Irons together with every description of Smith work. Sinn ra—M Allen, James May, William Holmes, Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Irwin &Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beelen. A BEELEN, Esq., Commission Merchant, corner of Front and Ferry streets, and Mr. G. BEA LE, Jr., No 74, %Vond street, are Agents for Pittsburgh; and Messrs. BRYAN and MI LTEN B ERG ER, St Louis, Mo., to either of wham orders may be addressed. Pittsburgh, March 8, 1845. dky. ••• ERN CITIES I' I; UPRI o S Pilisburgk, ..;--,-.!.:,;.:,_ JUST RECEIVED NO. 49,• LIBERTY STREIXT. THE ,obAcriber tidying returned uguin from ihe en.tern mire, In no, opening hie 1011 and win trr,tcrk of ettod, ev . erni;n..; in auiirii find eXit'fil unp I,lctuf ,to .tiered in this city. Thankful to his frirnd and (he poL is iii, receised, 111,1 sshicii 1 . 0 p'..- chute ratite extensively than [wrte, for ite, ilt"ir utter,tinn to tile lit 4011 . 0 ell and most rtirusi~e a‘sortmvi,t a Lich Lu ha., user halo, iitioied among a loch are French, Enzlish., Selman and A snerican Broads:Sot ha, Black, Blue, Invisible Green, Olive and other Colors, Wh ar , all of a ~qa Ako, FrOxi.di,l oi VES FIN(;S OF NEIV STY 1.1:S, FRENCH PATTERNS r o ,r lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSINI ER ES of csety blidtle, color, and pnuo•ro. which cannot tail to ple,,,e the curious tastes of trot cu,storner.t. Also, a New Style of Beaver and Tweed Cloths, OF BLACK, BLIT., INVISIBLE GREEN, EV .)lIXED AND OLIVE, FOR To2otll,r with lot of 3fahibi,loo and Blur 11?.NJ ei C , ati ,, Z. Pilot and othcr g:;01r bui . .tadt? for 0,1 gil!).1r1 100.nIAll'ativ ,a.., or %ill he inn.;;;ltet tor toy!tt. LIS lOW 114 ,1111 bought in ;tits rt:v. He Ins al,to the ;;5;1,11,1,1;ety Car Brut Ittniett't. weur >urb u 3 SUrts, Stor4s, Suspen , lers. Ifa 11,14 e iefs, S rfs, 8050 m ,.. Coi!” 4.e. in, ing in Ills er,pl.,ment. feral of the be•l kunw n Ind MO.I. ,t,t.u . ,,tr cutter, in the crts, he feel. confident of gi‘ing sali,faction. xnd s. ou!d I.4pet inthe the nitl•niion of pt 1.41. , V. noting their gfirmenr. fl,niie in n .uperior st)le und ui the fine,t materia:s. to Ili+ nrk of M=l \Vltich he ha, select, 11 with the nunn c,tre rot thi,4 particular !outwit of lodtiett, Ile will tithe itlelpittte in ,howing the‘e good. 1,1 any one w I,n will fai Of Ilia, with tt coll. feeling confident Holt thereat eti,r..ty ni 111,AlOrt. and the stile to woiclt they Lite mode. cuu not be sitinneted in Lb . ,: ci.y. P. DFILANY, 49 Liberty Faro WAR WITH M EXICO DECLARED! MONONGAIILI. CLOTHING STORE. No 2, WOOD St. srrood Door from the Corner of %Voter Street. COOLLY & 1.111t1). PROPRIETORS. The irmioroignetl tukes lira rnethod of anttoo;:c1114 , t o !heir ro.tomtra tin,l iii genet That the \ have jtlAl 1,,1 • 1%..(1 Gam the EA...1, 9n.1 ntl. , for .3:e .1 fhr alime •rand ag.•andl•ll a: .orrowilt of Clouh.. CtlAstrnel•-•, Ve.trrlg. rind filter ry .10,1- rid, ion. La.ing twen purcha.ed fin ea.h most ad, nerta4ron• term. 11,. , ? I a , C.lil be 1111!ki in OW n Their atiort men( of It I: A D Y 11 k I) I: I kit.! If I N r; , is largr, and I:a: 1.14.1-11 Inanufactrire.l from the bc, , l mat, iui.. nun rx.rellenr %orlow-1,. [he, have rortvairtl]. run rend strut .111 rnattuf ,ct Ire to ord , r all nt iclr. (I,,thitT, which tt,r) 111 o. r. rant rut he matte in the Le., marine, and rno, , t able. T Le; illSiZe iLr tUI , Ur toea . ti and exlrnine .tack ; , ,Itml•, xt+ t h emt. confide,, 0141 .k HT ICI it pi ice* , Ahicli Rr member Mr :,;(). %vim() sTiti:E I. SECOND DOOR FROM ME CORNER OF WA I-ER. sept t S. MORRISON, Liberty St., between Marbet and Virgin Alley. HAVING returned lon the• Esi.,t, is now oi.ening Lis full and winter •inrt, ul w.od.. excel-dine in vutiet!, unit extent any thir k 7 which tin, Ixretofore been offered in Ihi. city. Tlwnkful to hi, fliends and the public (or the Inc ore he has received, end which Liao induced him to 1.,- chose more extensively than helm r, Le actin incites their attention to the chenla'S., best selected and r^ Olt entrails,. esuartment which fi e fi g s ear l before offered among which eta Trench, English, German and Amer ican Broadcloths . , Black. Blue. Invisible Green. and other Colors t+Lirkr tiro all c,f sup. ii a .1 'et 44.02 tmera of Vestings of Entire new klyles, RENC 11 P T7' s: n G,e ha ot Eft EN , II Ni)A EN(;1.1S11 CASSINI i:1: ‘,I C‘f•ly cui t. d rpeite,e. t, ,t 1 to the sill e,L, last. a ,.j eusterner-. lyric Styl• r and Thy, Mark. Blue, Inririble 38.r0l awl Olire.[, , r Sad: awl Frock Coats. , a lot IL' ,up,11.;1 :111E11;1Di\\I BLUE 111. NE ET CO ITINIL told 0,01 TLrsr gor.l. rna i, , cr V. 151 L. 0,1 , 1 in u olrs ie ae 10. I.e h01)Ellt In 11,i4 1131 ulsu tic G• 11.11 yIII . ti fur (;I.ntluiLar.*:, ill 01, surf, as Sitrll2 ti - r()( SrsrENur.r.s. !TA:: r•i-. S( knrs, cut.r.Eizs, Iheat!cotion of p4,,,,01:4 v..sn;in t . , , the, ar/111;1`10 urli Tnn,lo. nf.d in ,perior it‘ le. and el the best nu irrial, is - linked to hi. fi•ie *lock e Frf.llCli Clolhs, Cussinter••s am.l i r csfings. which he 105 ...let-ICJ .rich the tartin.a cure Lrt thin particular tuataii of burine... lie is a:l t•tke in m{awing there good. to zln) tate 'Alio r. iii favor with n coil, feeling rotaidant that the error milieu ofa hi s qto c k an d the .t) le in n hie!, Ow}. ore tnade, Cur, not h e r•uritareed in 11,i, city. S. MORRISON. Liberty pt.. oct 11-Cm I. , tween Jlurkrr .t. and Virl'..n”llry Thompson's Carminative, For the cure of Cholic Cholera Morbus, .Fummer Complaint, Dysentery, Diarr CERTIFICATES of persons who have uteri the Cnrminative, are corning in thick and fad!. The original documents mny he deen at the Agency, at well as the best of City Referenced given. READ THE FOLLOWING lOWA, T., FORT MADHUN, Au.; 3, IC r, Sir:--When I was passing through Pittsburgh [sr, worl:s6ince, on m y way borne from the East, I called in nit your Store, and purchased twn bottle9Uf "Thump .m,'4 Carminative," for my Children, who wore sick oft he Summer Chmplaint, and us I told your boy that sold them to me, I would write and let you !snow how they operated, I du AU now with pleasure; they cured diem perfectly, and Mrs D. (my wife) says it's th e best Medicine she ever used, amid recommends very one to use it for their Children. I remain, yours, very re,pert fully. J. W. 1). 1V M. JACKSON, Wholesale & Roar] Agent, enr.of Wood 4. Liberty sts , Pittsburgh N. B. All orders addressed us above, post paid. Auglti-tf DR. A.. 1. TIIONIPSON'S Ant[-Dyspeptic, Tonic and Cathartic Pith. THESE PILLS, whilo they cleanse the stomach they restore its original tone without creating de bility. Theylikewise produce all the invigorating and strengthening effects of a most approved Tonic; thus accomplishing a desideratom of a Cathartic A iterative and the best ever known Tonic medicine, whose use fulnesscan be relied upon in all those diseases origina ting from the derangement of the Alimentary Canal directly. or Bilinry Secretions indirectly; each as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Hemerhoids or Piles, Chronic Diarrhcen, Sick Stomach, Hartburn, Vertigo, Depra ved Appetite and Foul Stomach, Surfeit from intem perate Eating or Drinking, &c., V7arricated Purely Vegetable. rar PRICE 25 CENTS PER 80X.,_1 Prepared by the proprietor, A. J. THOMPSON, M. D., And sold wholesale and retail by my Agent, W. J soma at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, corner of Wood and Liberty Sts., Pittsburgh. tsugl&-tt rug3o4l. 0;a5210= Dr. E. Illoritt, Dentist, (Of the Burnt District.) RESPECTFULLY informs hiu frieuduand all those who wish hiu services that he has taken an office in Smithfield street. 2d door l'rem Virgin alley,where be will nevi attend till operutiuna of the Teeth in the Lest manner and at the rdiorierrt notice. Office hours from 9 till 12, and from till 5. may 9.—dawrf. ruuNlTunE WARE Rooms.g i H. U. RYAN, j" A VINLi rrincliiii , ty Cur NIA N. I.FACT ÜBE OF CABINET EI'IINITt'IZE, now to 10 On. nil truthisi in ;in.', al WatltilltS 0,1.'1'1 111601 0 made at 1114 ..sllo.ll4llllci/l to give suliofnetion. a. none but the beet wur k nn n, an • emplaced, and ever). care token in the solo:lion of 1111/Wlitli• Turning and Sll ing done in tie nest in:inner Also, an ass", tmrnt of Rimed tuatorial ket , i on hand, such us Wagon lints. Ilou,e Columns, Newcl•n nod Balusters, 11011 pea SilinVel rind Fork Table •te.Rocile4. sub•ci Wel In, in addiiion 10 hip lurge li-bluetit, nine Brit.l: houses, Sidi i bufi: running through tht in, Rcnt for Shop, Wi!ii Sit um Power sufficient to pt. , pel •‘n , h nntrinnely u . moo be put into them, ut ru n I, lower 11111, uhau 1,01.% et can be rroduced fioni ;;ices al :sny RE-BUILT AND AT WORK! PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE. WILLIAM 13. SIIAFFEB, t ran.. It, D ESr i t : :( . l F . 1.1.1 tkfarnti Li- friend., and IL Itablic getett atty. that lie Ilas taken the Ni STORE At 11‘ , 0,11 , of Wood 11,1 (be iii. occupied 1,2, Mr S. Sc)oyrr pre, io.l.ktu the Grent Fire. Lehi hr i. propuled to lurnieli i o l.llricl, ill the 11.., F. N T I.: ' S 1.0 1 . 111 !fli(; (hale rraoisoote terms and at the 'honest nm ii in ntOch of Good. 14 E 7' L' E Y It' , \ selected 5,1111111,t•t1 cat t' : , 0 • , 111 Ow 51111 het. lie ling in fits ertyl.tymeta e•lrne of the Ite,l ,orton e e ih e rite. [opt Guru lo,g iet:c e ImAtne.... lie iltle•• lc 10 Om. , ee he nifty fucot him vs 11.1 their , uvtom. .1 letbe u•- solovero of Clothing suited to the Season. tlf Frowls nwl Dr , •••Cutit•,,t ,1.1:11ille, It, .4 , 1".. to 11.1` ritillhe n. (2w)l) B \121; %INS \ • 11 , ,t I i 11..., I Ve-14, Shit In, cn,to n nn.l -nk 11.0,16,•,•1.1.1 , ...11e in.•i/n,...1 G. ea•li. Hid OWN. I Itl,lllL , nn exc1.21,11 1 1,,• •• opar.•.l nntnnlncinri• ,Z:11'111.10. ~ f t mil, ulnlin, ,t. t.. 1,11,1,a the pri " USBI . " ll ( • / 0 1111 N S/ .1 Ilt , 1 t. ra 1 I 'ld es trlwit• hr!7l-1.1%,•, t A. I- )N BELL ND DR ASS FOUND ER. Li .1S ref,,,CA ,Lll i 1 SIANL ) . N 70. I , c, , Aeet, ~s heir he.. II: be tt, •ve 11,1 , 1 Church. of ev en 4110, Crow. 10 to 10 0110 ct, fr , c, 11 n. tn ,, deb , WIT It, be :be mt 11111 Wa'er 11 . 1117.,,k rOZt.ll,t wrh es , r, -% .1 B 11•, I :1•'1,;;•, it re n,Li!'..100.,i I:7'.\. F. 14 OW x :•N pr /1,61.;:ri 1,,1n 21.14 .•1' y 1.. r of I'l rTlic I 1 .• ( • ••ril [....11, 1 •11,0 1,. hAlt 01 11,11 PI '1 F ~• 11 I. LOCK AND VIL LT DOUR 11:\ NVF WTI )IZI o f --...... r 1 , r.,..,_ ._ ,-•. n 4,1 ---, & --,,,,,--- 3 ---- 6,..v, &a :••,....,....i,,, • . 1 l , i, l :-,----r.:E i -:-. , -,.-- 4 ,;, -_- ~,,:_i_,...._, _ ~, ;,_.,... z -:. g .,..--.4 ..,-, (Y. ~ & i i',- . Ct ---'-- - -: -• • ,-i: iz -,-% < E - _ - 1 --- 1.-_: . - . j o i l '' - 1 . ---!; L• 4 = -- - - : - ( - -- : j L ef i -----,--,.. , --.:„,„:./ ;.;,-. --/ THOMAS ARNOLD, `)F:TIT ! !• !• ;ti••!.ti. h.. Melt s 1.'6., of 6a SJI. , 11,1,1, 1)1111 ! !! !I 11! • !!' I ii!, D:arrlofl/I•'.IW !!41 Plf 1,7; NNW', LUCKS ND I. kTuilLs, I)(')1( i.t)( sma(E 1.)() m4)ttrlCE Lu('Ks A.NI) I, VI CH LS, KNOB L\ Tr siirrrEit is(q.rs x -TENIV;S, SLIDING DIA HAIN LICH I:, STI ill I.: IWO/It 111 /I, FS, •k1'1..1 . t)(4)iis, IRON \iLt\G. TuuN ksTINGs. 'Olll 11•1 IV .1 GUN BOX ES, SASH ‘vt:imiTs.s,-. Wholesale Dealer., Strartil.oat nud Iluu.e 11011. ers ts ill find it to their ndrnntnpc to hir,j, RR he is deterrnii•rd to sell bib urticles ht such LI price Us crinnot rail to plen.w. icr.,„bw,,,k in my line promptly a trentle.l to on the Ono tettt notice. tire I. .• Burnt District note!. "ESA AC NICHDOCK, furtne* of the nn %Vat, 4tieet.h,ing been burnt ow, h‘s built a new and handsome 11,,ua,• expt es.dy f, the Heron, modati"n of TIII,IITR, nt tho cortil, Of SCCONd and Smithfield PIICCIS, aLic6 a ill be LriwAn at the fluent District Hotel. lie is 110 W plrpured to offer every accommodation. and every itunitiot to the havele r ut y o , v noi d oraia charges. !le is ptosided itth ample and contenient Stabling. decl" Fit th Ward Livery Stable. 10 1% THE so l u te, fiber. hay ing bought out the well knowrrldvery Stable kept by C B Doty, in the tint' Wald, respect fulh itihums his friends and the public gsnerally, that lie will keeps at a ll tine's, stuck of the best dour flu ion of Hiding Horses, Bug gies, Curiitiges of till kinds, and in allot t, every thing required in bis line of busine•ts. A c.onshlerable portion of Isis Mock is new. ntul be is confident that no stock in the city will be superior to bit. HN TERMS WILL BE MODERATE' His Stable is on Liberty st., n low dun., above the Canal 13rldge, where he respectfully Rol riti a slinre of public. patronage. CHARLES COL KNI AN . relle iv also provided with no elegant Heurse, which will be furnished when required. rici2stf ALLEN KBANI ER Exchange Broker.egrner. of Wood and Third streets. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bunk note., bought and sold. Sight chestke on tho Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, note and bills,collected. Rk/ERTSCLI Win. B. U & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter &Co., Joseph Wourlwwil, James May, Alex..Brongon& Co. John H Brown&Co. James M'Candless. J. R. M'Donald. W. H . Pope, Esq..Preet Bank. 11=1 FALL AND WINTER ' <321 2.-Ta CID RU' ULI 71Z5 THREE BIG DOORS! IVo. 151. LIBERTY STREET PITTSBURGE. '.llonnt ab?. dealing intnres honora%,ln P THE immense patronage that has been 11 1 1 M1 the Zi.bgeriber'i es:abliAllincra for many ptt4t,',y all c:esses of tile community, ie evidence that hie articles have given sal i •factimi or .Ji his , 711,tutnerA. and that etTOrt, to 1,10/l:C ilte tuuu leas been successful. His of Fall and Winter Clothing It niilv prepared for die inspection of hi: frinnils and the puinie generally, mid Gum the S 1111,1!. of Lis Mech. the superior guiltily of hi= Cloths, ar , tl 111, style anil [ R AP in sillich all his articles ire made, be feels ;Witt of pleasing all w hu may favor him si ith a call. Il would be impoionble io enumerate ull ins :midi, n single uslvetiiserrient, but the fallowing v. ill stave io show the public the variety from which u, elm He VERY SUPERIOR CLOTHS. I' \V EED, S.II"I'INETS, ,szr Fier,cll, 1::),g11,11 .1 mei icalt Nlanufdctutc. READY MADE CLOTHING, in inirt DRESS COATS, ot ~. d 1 4 . ‘,. )t . e I tin.l Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks, 10 and uL tllll4,Ci•delltly pilre Overcoats of every Description, A 1,,,v and eplrudi l nA.oFtn.vt.t or Vit ENCII v' ES r ING PATTERNS. Cow lor of FRENCII AND ENGLISH CASSTNIERES cc cry .Lode, clor, nut] paTtetn. New Style of Beaver slad Twccd Cloths, CLUE, INVD , IBLE GREEN, GOLD in, a lihdr• I: 7 ,rit4et IY 01 anti ),lt uit.,Lly r.,, 110 'LDS iris,, Elie 11,1!, for W•11111111i . D . , !Mr!) ni SAit t,.. S!, AA. Sutprn sJi•ll/ f r !Iris,-tux, Cui;a..., ..11 , c‘e 31,1411 ll' in 11, ( . 1,1C,;:. !Inn Lr nic,. low, than they cant, rutclunwa 41, , t her thi• t On. 11, ha. 1 . 11,; (....I"TfERS ~t• merit iu chelvinrz, gni! :I,ev n, ,•,,1 I,nn ernrlo:,,l iu t I,e to ,t F A S li I N A I. I: II a I! S '4. , h•• ht' 5 , .1 , 1 - anl hi. p.titutt, Chit ill. t f 1 1\I) \l.\1:1; 01 . 411 .11lit ' W.. 11 , ),11 1114 1 , ,,,HH1,11 , 11! V 1,1! , 11 ,• COl'llllll . 7ICItCIII.INTS I•I t.JI I ••• t 101 l 111• • if ~ 111:1- 1 .. ';i4 $l. I 01,, •••;! • kt r C'l,rl i•l4,iot f. ( - 1.1111.• I,lrn I hf. ii ,nn !I , I l'g ,• 4/n.IW .1, • 1ir...1 ut a l, .. por t Sll,l C r .l . f • / 71.,r n 1 .'1)1/ C 1 4 11'• • i %%1.1 1"11 ',inn. 1..V1 1.11 OP, r, n hi :lwrn no a f. 1 ., :f of rho 11,, I 4 "! nt•rll',l t!w I rr I. no.. n R. 019 1 44 P. Y. I• 1 ." ••••., 'I .1()IIN NI, t;i,i),,K!.:Y NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS Sll 1111111 11. 11 1111 NATIONAL CLOTHING STORE ' f y .' r f. I r .r‘l.l . 't 11 . 1 IN :.sr .1\ Broad. Itoa vet - , l'ilot and T wrea NVool Dyed l'loth., Ilaritat and Flint y Foreign and Ducat...tic ANI) rIVISH E TR A S ("PE I:FIN 1: SiTTI.V.'.:TTS. Al.l. Plain and Fancy Sattinetts, all Colors and Qualities; Fl:'. \' (•\.;,:ivi .1 NI 111.11 \\lt Iti:11• I I. 11(11. ( LI., F IltSI 1,()I lIIF. ,11; rain. Valencia, IV. , nllen and Silk Velvrt,., ('a+hmcrc•. Vt•ling. m. h 11...• it S ( 1 , 1•, H S 51,4,14, 14.,0fr•. 1:01.:”.. TANI, iatt, Art,. ~ p; ~•r lIIMME a••:! !It I rrJnr i t.§r I.•” 1 •0, !R.! to I Ill' 11 :11,1 1,1•1 , 11,1 io coop,- tine Clothing of In hind* ter OlkIP r. dm mord i pryed Ea-learn told n,,,' (a well irere. rnonihl,) 111. 1140 -bop repo ;0: I ma ..l rer,ornalrle tern, I he 01,1.1 slur though he never leg or p Ip e can ;.'t op a brawl lot and a 1,1,01' 1.1.1 e . 4 71,. [ela, 0111,1 .r, rile of rbo.r' a at:• , r 0.0 gr .-po rt . er par, ar , •,, Citliflg irtmo•r;•. i p. ,,i„„ p i r „, weld a call them•eke•, n e, 2 r, Lto err , Pr tlii for svaid of ant sn' to do it Otern4el,.•.. Ile the puLuc agninrd being butillitigged bs till. largely about competttroinitont :hoc, who nrrrt anii,-ed thew, ur ti! itihin a 1 - ew doss hi , . nt , ention 5,111 directed to nn ~f tiro 1 , 1 ,4,4. t ritieri try some cansmiteri nppruranrr 04j210 he porprosed lr optin g ;urnsthe g0,) 7 , rrii notch about. I he yedioiliber fro. TT111.410 an arringement in \..‘v Vol by 5511.01 he will ree..ise, in the COlll,O Of II less. we.-ko, a large sappiy of Shirt,, 112 r tiCen V:11 11,111 50 Cent. 10 Clollllni merchant+ and of Et, • 1-hiLIX to I,lll,hn*e 11 . e the ca.,e or dozen, will bail• iheir ordei if accompanied by the risk, attended to ,itti prnmrtnemA find llsartkhil for the seep 10111,01nrt , 0 , 1101011,i ore dunnz the short time I haael.. , en in Ini.girie3q. I ant 414001111100 d 10 new arid gond clothing ut such !nice, 11, will render it In the fi.ivltrlt.qe of pUrChti.el s to call nt the NATION AL. 1:1,0 111 STffitE below coin!: ekewhoie. JAMES H. MITCHELL. ("7 3', Or 30 q. 30,1 hand. wi;l recede go ai wages and c:,noant employmel.t, by culling so o n nt the Nn• tiontil Clothing Store. None 110,1 apply hut those who Carl come well I ecnmmended un boing able to d o the he.“ work. JAMES. 11. 11 ELI, kiept I 1-dA,:w VENITI AN BUN DS. As WESTERVELT, MEW and well known V. titian Blind Muktir, forme', v ‘,l Second and Fourth sts. ekes this me:hod to inform ny luieink of rho !'art bat bin Factory now in full ipoiation on St Clair near ho old Allegheny Bridge, where a rotoitant twill -fly of Blinds of various colors and pialities, is constantly kept in hand and at all prices, rom twenty-cents up to suit ..ntorne requi. , rids will be put up so, that in case of alarm by fire, or otherwise, they may he re moved without the aid of a screw-driver, and with the attune facility that any other piece of furniture can be removed, and without any extra expense. g ,re rprir. Sllbsctiber hasopened the Citizen's Hotel on 1 Penn street, as a house of public entertainment, in that large hi irk house, formerly the Penn House, near the canal bridge, where he is provided for the no commodutiosi of the public, and will be glad at all times nonce his friends. arCll.d&wrf BENJAMIN F. KING. Philadelphia Cincinnat St. Louis, Mn y. } Louisville OEM Of every quality end prier• CASSIMMIES AND CA!,SINETTS, 01 ~•Iy :old I.! it,. a. ..eli ?IV ...hi 4, st , . l!MIE1111111 MEMEE Citizen's Hotel ExTENsioN OF PITTSBURGH Rare Chance for good Investments ! r I! uthscriher has laid cot, and now titters for tale at rcasonabiti prices and on accommodating terms, One Itnr:dred and len building Lots. on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Nlonortgahela river. They are about one-third of a toile from the city line, amt are situated id that part of the first city district which wi!l probably soon be annexed to Ilk, city as the Seventh Ward. No plus r• twin the suburbs possessessuperior a d vantanges. ner h . ,: any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an til l...Amore of wide streets; Braddock is from one hilit .lred and twenty to idiom o n e h u ndred a n d ninety [bet wide, and Berrien. Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets. all wide avenues. of thy hits have (r:.O .. ,flonts, and as they are of various si.tes, and will one lot, with the prkiliige of four ni tive; early curl be accommodated to snit their own views 0 1 improvement. Persons who desire to build c.r to make secure investments in property that is sure to advance in value, and particularly those who intend to erect manufactories, would do well to view throne Lots, and examine the draft, before purchasing else ,4 Imre. The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the lad road outcry by the Stare of Penn sylvania were boll made alongside of this property, and it is generally considered that Braddcels street, or the ground immedimidy alongside of it, atibids the only eligible Tome for a Roil Road from Pit tsburgli to the East. Coal Can lie delivered on this properly at much less cost !ban on the Ai/egi,, , ,iy Liver, and [lime is always deep wale,' at thio plot of ihe river. E. I). GA /7/ L A Nl, Onlve Mit Let lwrwven 4;h ;“.; C. FOSTEO. & CO To PCISTEIt:i tin RoUGII.UT TFIE UNITED STATES. CI 1.1 R LES FUSTI:II, hoe Putman ni the Cincin nriir Type Foundry. rued if 11,11,1,1" and builder xf die -alb ti Ft/ilt•I PI 1•54. now used by the Cincinnati Ada+, I lie Enquirer. Kendal & Rai fiord Frardoort Cl,lllll - 101)Wt till h. the Indi rtcn Stine Journal, Cutler nr.d Charnhei lin. Cornier Stale PI litlet In hhana, &c. &e ; al-n the lately used to pr int (2;,•itis 11. Clny'..l paper, Lexington. Kentucky,— t1(01,11 in the 'West ern SILle: and else w here, that after an experience of 11 yearn, he has, in connection With Bevan, Scott & Co., in the city of ('iuriuuu ti, eatable-bed the rrvirodart,ry in Power l're•ise‘, fibeing the only one West. ni the Ifirintairt+,) Hand l'rci,es, the IVa , hin2ton Smith, and Franklin r.:l ;tees. Al-u. Corn po.,ing S.drks .1 i Role,'r,pr Ca.eg. Ball. ys, Curd, Job arid Ern ho,one, Pre..e-, iwei nod Bookbinders' Nlatarinl. of ;dl kinds. IVe w ill (midst, Printets' Ink, Cut,. R u les, Frlncy Job Tn..; ad.° Types for Newspripeis. Book and Job T‘res.l . ron Ilag,er's Typo Folio& iv, New York; nut{ al, , IVer.tern Type, manuhirtuied nt Cr.( ,tdß•rsdircc:i.d S;. , cot nee 7th and •ti•-era, nr in the •OtP,llls . ,,.‘gents fin the above Foundry. 14 .Nlittkrt -trees. i,bor;li, will reeeive ptumpt nos r s'rockTuN. European Agency pF'NII . I - I.INCF:S of money 03 rn.,lerate tern,, Li 11 , ,10 tihsence ui 1:01011,, to ,I•1v p,11( ul 11,1..3 I, Ene.113.1, Sr.ollllld, %V tilt, 01 ,!It• C ,111:,31 01 . LUlopl`. 1,4`4.1q•it,, dirk 4, 1,1-0p.•11y He..l t•!1 , i “t", Actt• 1 h., Fr , 1* ,, ,,, H 1 0 4 . 751. NN. Sohn Cartwright, G 1 T I.llli , L.rn.•;ll ;‘,„ I lu from Ir;4111:11- , N. Irtn,l an vxtvrioti.en—wrtTr.oni and ISanker'A,T3.3l..in 11. or 811.1 Si:e2rp je Ikv ilAr AND cAP STORE. CHAS. H. PAULSON, Art.: or TUE fL,IOI or rkuL3 , ts S i. 11.1..) I 1 kV ING •Terw,l No. 73. Wood Street, 1. N r0,,111,14 rww Inatallatltlr 11,41 • velv 141:t fa of II \. Ts and LAPS. eve: ,1rc1r.,.1 to ho mid, in ti, an d m:oeltak. and common l'in,h,o.l cl a , d CkpA '4•l. f 1,1.• For s..uch r ( /I I C1.11.•‘ NNt) .kNI) }Alt TRIAINTINfiS, r1;1 .11 . ,11Lr r. tTh nt F: ISTEIZN rliftEs curt C. 1.511, t.ot. sd,oft•,!emni Nkrrivlnt, v. ill ' , lea, ruH and examire m. puvchi,ing c.rre here. (II \S. 11. PA rI.SON. N. R. 7h.• F.,!1 Va•looN for Ilutea 'l7 It)11(0'. WILLIAM T. ALBREE & CO. 11.1-IRS in 1111 kind, .Irl.l Plus / and licettort mallulaclured •, and Shprer, Alto, t , new I'l ft.! I 1, • !!_ht 11,1 article of miner- Shova and Ovel Sri 7 t fi I: I . SI It ELT, bet wevn Furth DI.lf11”:1 I. N. It u....runer•l of 110 y... Youth,' or a l of tirw and coat!, mistii'y, IVA% !II ~•, Glory, Gratitude and Patriotism. Th.. .I:ckson , or .Vatitmai Souvrntr. ok_ "Fltbute, rommemorativr of Zreht I Cl.,ci , i.F y itolio , ved I, Ihe people, I hrollgh the 11.• 1 0 of New Ut It., 4. maim( 'he Uoited •, n p.O tr.: (iOll. i•Lel"."1. a cir.. of the but t!, ,t ), he llormitage. Ju.t :;h.l for. hv nIIINSTUN ti STOCK roN. 11 I;I:A I I IIE JEWS AND GLNIILES GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING SiORE!! p. PImPRIE 1:T1'IINS thanl, !obi: 0;,1 c:,¢0,rner,,,,,,i IL 1., (01 , pn.t inTora. Ile is now prnpnted to .ell dot Fong hmre. Lc ten per cent, thon any other e.t.tb- It•lanen; vet id . the Inountli . lll%; and keeps con c a ,t. IN on hat.,l n large asqortment or GENT LEIE7s;'S such ;.ot (../ver Conic from $3,30 to $3O, Cas,mett Panty from $2 $4; tine Cn , nimme P3r u t. Ittan $:1 .311 to $!;; line Satin Vo,.t, for $1.73; fir,e11, , ,, hazino t'or $3; an,i nll Lind. of WINTER V ESTS. SHIRTS. DR.11% . REIS, STOCKS, SUSPENDERS. and nli uni,le , in la: hoe. Tito, %slat, -jri to putchotte. oil do well to give hi m i e an 1, 11 1,1111, 1 11 10 furnish clothing on the very rl4,lrVil I Cil-11. Don't forget the piney: GREAT %%Ts rEits cLuTiliNc; STORE, NO. 143. LIRE lay S MEET, oitpot‘tto Brewery Alley. 0t0'23 , 1. I'. °IVENS. CLOTHING STORE!! Watrr Street, Three Doors below Wood. rfillr. subsc riber respectfully inform■ his custo mers and the public generally. dirt he has open ioty of seasonable clothing. at the above viand, which he ofkrs as cheap 1.16 run be bought in thr, City. The =tote i in clinige of Mr R PEAS', one ofihe best cuttetc and most experienced workmen in lint city. oe t" 3ti. P. ()Wl.:Ns. Take particular Notice T11.3T the Franklin Flio,e, foot of Irwin street. Pittsbinh, by It 13 DIMOND, is the most eligble e.ollili,liment for transient travellers or tho,-e who MI!, will u longet residence in the city, his 'ice o oaut ionq are eyeellent. We know from expo ienre uml heartily recommend his homio a' worthy of patronage. 11 ug It Kirkland. Freeport. Wm Connelly, Franklin. Benßamin J Niblock, Butler. 11 Fl Webb, Cochranton. J no Hamilton, Ohio. John Reiley, New York. 'Borders accommodated by the day or week, month or yearly.. act 15 A Farm For Sale, CONSISTING of about 150 acres, fifty of which is cleared and under fence, situated about three miles from the city of Allegheny, between the Frank lin and Beaver roads, well watered, and adjoining lands of Arthur Gallagher, James Kerr. the late David Chess, Hugh Davis, Esq, Rohm Davis and Samuel Davis. This tract of land from its proximity to market ade, are inducements to Gardner's Farm ers, Butchers or Manufacturers. Price low and con ditions easy. For particularsanquire of SARAH B FETTERMAN, or JAMES C CUMMINS, nor 6 Pittsburgh Pa JitEcurance kEomp allies. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS OR DAM AGE BY FIRE. TILE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COMBINED With the addhionyl security of a STOCK CAPITAL. The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. of Phila.—Charter Perpetual. George W. Tolnnri, John M. Atwood, 'finenes C. RochhiN, Lewis R. A. , hhurst, 11'm. R. IhrnTl3on, George S. Baker, George M. 5' rood, John J. Vunderkemp Cieurge W. Carpenter. WI LT. make insuoince against Lois or Damage be Fire, in Pittsburgh and vicinity, on House*, Stores and idler building?, nod on Furniture, Goode, Wares and Nlerchandize. limited or perpetual, in town iir colon rv, on ilre most insurable tern,. The Nrottin I Principle, combined whin Stock Capi tal, and the other provisioni of the Charter of tide Corn po ny, , hold out onuituul ind uctiment s, both of profit and imfety: to those desirous of titTectinz insurance, to hich the Company ask the attention andexamination of those interest, d. The Capital Stock of the Company is invested in good and sufficient securities. After providing for the losses accruing to the Company, in the course of its loisiness, the stockholders are entitled to teceive out of its income and profits an interest not exceeding six per relit. perannum on the Capital Stock actually paid in—the amount of w hich interest, it is expected. will be sopplied by funds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining profits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner With the Capital Stork, for the better se rarity 4 the assured. But certificates begivar inter est, payable anenally, tran , ferable un the books of the Company. and conserlibie at any time into Capital Sisri., sill be issued therefor to the Stockholders and meinliers.,in proportion to the amount of Stock held, ur premium paid bv them respectively., agreeably n, the isions of the Charter. Those 'IL - cming insurance with this company have. besides the usual protection against loss, by the nidi• inly method of insurance, , headditional advantage of hint participation in the profits of the Company, ithoot any liability. GEO. W. TOLA ND, President. B. M. lltscastss, Secretary. The quh4otiler, who is the duly aulliori4vd Azent ror 010111,0Ve 1,31111,1 Company, I. plepareil in rnakein ..uraitec, at the °like of the A gericy. No. 2. Si Charles iin Thir.i vireo, a liew divot, above IVouti street, and will give ell liiither inciermat ion desired. THOS. J. CAMPBELL. Pirt.bm h, May 30, 1845. (jes-Iy.) (1,c3 =MEM KING & FINNEY, .47, , nts nl Piti3burgh, for the Delaware Alutval Safrty 1,1,5 ,r Company of Phila. VIRE RISKS upon building% and Mr•rcluindi VS y tle:cuir NIARINE RISKS upon I I tills of cargoes of seswl, tukt n upon thu most favor utd” t,•rm4. nt the ty,t-elmo-c. of King X: Holmes, oo NV u tei vet, iwur st,ect. P.tt-Lmr,ll. N. B. King S.: Fitiney in. ite tic v,Atla , •ece end p m ,, n A g e t,t !twit. thy c,nlTvinity at iiir!,o to the Delaware :11. 5. I morn ore Company, as an in iNtiot, thorj. mint flout ibirig in Phil:l...lt-111in ft tug u lar,r paid in capital, which by the operati,,n of it, clrwer in constantly inerea,ing—tin yir!d int; to each rcrson insured his doe 'tiara of the profit.. of the Company. w ithout involving, him in any re.pondlaiity whatever; beyond the premium actually paid in by hint, amt therefore a= pa-yenning the Muta ti l principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in as moat attriimivc form. non 1-tf. Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of ehilsodelphia. .V. E corner (f Tkird and {rood es., Pats.surrh. rrHE 117,t9 I.f ti,ecr,mpHny on the firesJunuury. 1..-3,15, us p.l,:ishtl in co,,ft.rrnity with an act of he Pe,,, N 1ym, 1 ,, Bowls $600.615 93 Kral Est:,te. u;co=t. 100,967 77 frrnlwraty Lonna Stocks and Cash, 207,490 70 Making a vital of $909633 4 tr.), din; rennin woad-niter that al losses Mill be iiriirnpilv MI t and aisiniz entire se c urity to all whoub ~nin iiiiiieies from this , :oinpany. Risks taken at sis ratss as are consistent will, ger-wily. oil Li %VA li RICK 11I.11IT I N.. 1 gent. Fire and Marino Insurance V II F; In