ffEEENI tjt IDailp Morning post. PITTSBURGH, PA• MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY 12. 1846 CORRESPONDENTS In reference to corn T omicatio;l , which may ap p in this paper, we hoveone or two remarks to make.— We will insert one without the name of the author be ing first made known to no, and when inserted, mustah ways be taken not expressiveof theviewa of the 4:rieer, and not the editor of this raper, unless the views qv ex • reesed are editorially remarked upon and approved. Mariam° 13t.a inns respectfully informs her scholar , that there will be no Cotillion parties at her rooms until Friday evening, the 23,l inst. janB. Dernocratia County Convention. At a meeting of the Democratic Committee of Cor recsondence forthe County of Allegheny on the 10th loot at the Wa.thingten Hotel, it was On motion of Col J A Gibson % Resolved. That the Denim-retie ritisens of the city or Pittsburgh, •nd of the several boroughs and town. ship+ of the county be requested to hold their primary meetings at the 1151.1,11 places en Saturday the 7th of February next fur the purpose of churning the Ugllfll number of Delegates to represent the several district. in County Convention. Resolved That the DAegates so elected. be, and they are hereby directed to meet in Convention at the New Court Ht,11 , .e in Pittsburgh, on ‘l,' snn Ay. the 1.1 of Feb nary next a. 12 o'ch , clt fur the put pomp of a ppoint .tg . ftoe delegatesto t tr. Convention t o he hold on the 41.41 of Marrti neat nt to numinnt.• candtdete for th , ofhe'• of Caa•rl Covisnissiover. JOHN C DAV ITT, Chairman. SJoises, Secretary. N. HOLMES & SON, BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN -Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange. CERTIFICATES, ef d•-posit Bank notes end Spat cie. Drafts and rt.tte. eel lected, and remittattces made to any part of the !jetted Stolen. jan7-le NI, 55 Nlatket Street. I F nu want to purrhitte any lieddeis,iat,les. chairs, settees, or any thing else in the furniture line, you cant do better than to toll ut the furniture ware •room of T 3 YOUNG & CO. denl3. Hand st, l'etareen Penn and Liberty. Dressing and Plain Dnreans. IF you want to get a goad article cheap do not For get to call at the Furulture W Are Ronurn o f 1' B YOUNG & Co, nnv9.l. Hand et, between Liheity and Penn._ Sofas. APAIR plain neat solos on hand and for sale at the Furniture Ware ltoom T B YOUNG Co. nov2l Hand rt. bet.seen I.ibert and Perm, BAGALEy "move.; to their new warehowie, No. 18 and 9.0 Voo street (ea.? side) where they will lie t., insiii• the ntleillton of their friends and tit.stertt ft ettetatly t n Inrce ned well selazted assortment of cir..c.erics and P.tr..ilorgl, Manufactures. w vlil 3n BAGALEY & SMITH, lIOLF.SAI.I: l; It C It S , 13 ANT) 20 Wool', STREET, PITTSIILRO SIITII, BkGALLY 5 (20., and Ur-mince denlef.r, No 222 Mal;.et street, le. tween sth and Intl, North 41de, Philadelphia. novlo-3, TRAVELS IN MEXII - .0, neer 1110 Tabl • 1,01 ,1- and CordWern4 of N1ezw0.1.161:7 the czar 1843 and 1341. including a de•rrlptoln of C.tliC,lll:l, principal cities and mining of chat and the bias:rapines or Ito, bide and Santa Anna . , In Albert M. Gilliam. Far sale by C. jan7 r- , rner nl Waorl and 31 .0.. IIIOTTEN ON MURIA RN.—E•says on Hydrno lie and Common Min tar 4, and on limo binning by J. G. Tanen For sale by jan7 BiLLF;'S I'HONoGRAI'IIIC DICTIONARY, —an explannlory pr pouncing ritoimgr.i.hir Dictinnary of the English Inaguaer, with 11 voc a bulary of Greek, Lorin, Scripture and Geographical 1/1“111,. •150, a collection of ptirdscs often used by English 0.1 i• ten. For 'talc by inn 7. RESIDENL;F: F LONDON comprising ufficial and ix-reoryd For sale by C. 11. KkY. j4n7. corn', or Wood and _l l it.. AMERICAN ALMANAC FOR 1846. The Americnn Almanac and Iteposiwy of useful knowledge fur the sear 1646. jart reeeteed and for sale by C. H. KAY, jan6 roe IVoe4i and 3d ta•. WRAXA HIS,TORICAL MEMOIRS. Hispirical Memoirs of my wAn time, by Sir N. W. Wrexa ll Fur sale by jet) 6 POITHOMOUS M .4101 Ra of hii own time, by Sir N W. Wrriart it For sale by jan 6 SEI.LF'Ats' Eft3,IIFI:(;E! The Great Worm Medicine of the day. PA RENTS teed the I..llowing, and if your chit dren are troubled with % orras, get a vial and try it Mr RF. Sellers:--I purchased of 13 FS. J H Gard enor two vials of your truly valuable Vermifuge, two of my children being sick at the time. Your Vermi fuge provbd more than I could have expected, from one child there passed nearly 330 worms, in about 40 hours; from the tither some 200, in about the same time after the Vermiloge was Ow". I heartily re commend its use to all families, and I think once tried, no family will ever be without it. Yours respectfully, Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by ft F. Sellers, Nn. 57 Wood street,end also by Kerr & Moh ler, 142 Wood st., I. IVilcox, Jr, and Wni Thorn, Market street. Frei S Cassel, sth Ward. 11 1' Sbhwartz and John Mitchell, Allegheny city. jan 10. LET ALL THE WORLD KNOW That Seller's VermiJuge is the best in vie! ! H ERE is the proof— Licking Station, Ky , Dec 17, 1345. Mr. R E Sellers: I have the pleasure to inform you that I have used in my p‘ractice rim-celebrated Vermn- 1 fuge, with the most happy results I have fsrmerly used Fahnestoeles, but being persuaded to try yours, I have found it far superior in every respect, and can say without the fear of contradiction that your Vermi 'fage possesses more virtue than any I ever used. and 'most cordially recommend it to the attention of the i 'public. I will state a case where I gave one vial of your Vermifuge, My brother's child was rising nndi wasting to a mere skeleton, in 36 h,,urs after I gavel the Verrnifugr, the enormous quantity of upwards of six hundred worms were passed. The child that was given up for lost, i■ now as well and hearty as any in the neighborhood. A NI B ROSE - ARNETT. M. D • 'Those who wiAh can see Dr. Arnett's letter. P.sparad and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood.st. Sold el.o by Kerr & Mobler. 147 Wood etreot; L. Wilcox, Jr., and 'Nm. Thorn. Mnrket otreett Fe.; & Outsell. Fifth Watd, and H. f'. Schwarts and .1 1 . Mit chell. Allegheny city. *l7 Sundries 30 bbls Tnnners Uil; 40 bbls N C Tar; - - 50 " Chipped Logwood; 20 " Spnn Whiting; 25 No 1 rosin; 5 " "Loacring's" Crushed sugar; 30 boles Chocolate; 30 do White Clay Pipcs; 10 bbla rock candy: casks Obrnro IV odder. 3 ceroons S F ludigo; In store and for sale by H L,kmnErur, 133 and 133 Wood at . _L. 4 „- . 45 g 4 t y ,1P',,..40r.tkt.41 V 4 14 'le • '%!, 5 ,7 14 -,B EV'M a.* *13.1 f.4.:P4.4.31'ir t .414114.'"N"Vrt A• ,r 11$ 4 , vs.", , ' _ 4. •-•.". • . NOT ICI. Furniture Removal Near Works C. li. K rm per rir Wood v,d 3 1 ,t 1 C. U. KAY. r,rner of Wwwl and 3d qt. C. 11. KAY. rnr ntr o f Wood and 3d sts C. H. KAY, corner of Wood knd Licking Statinn. Ky. Dec 10, 1845 MASON COLLENSNORTII r A 4 Y' t. ti t,G ~~l~5ti.iJl~AJiJWM':=~ ~1 ==MEM2a SPEED AND COMFORT!! MONONGAHELA ROUTE FOR \ LTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA THE SPLENDID FAST RUNNING STCANCRA CONS L c at AND - LOUIS M'LANE, ARE MARING DAILY TRIPS One boat will leave every afternoon at 3 o'clock precieely. • • -",• • ^ 14v- , ma 1. Aft- FARE—l'ttteburgh to Baltimore, $lO. Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, $l2. Passengers by these Bunts will bulge on board in comfortable Atlllo-1001115 the first night. N% 1 I 1..4 over the Mountains (only 73 miles) the following DAT: in in Eastern-built Coaches; sup end lia - bze the second night in Cumberland, thu3 avoiding nigh! travel alto ember. Tickets will entitle Passengers to stop at Cumber land or Baltimore, if they w and resume theit seat• at pleasure. Extras furnished, for a full load, to run as Passen gers may desire. Fur seats, or entire coaches for apply at the office, two doors from the Exchange: and at thu National Hotel. abovethe Mononimhda oct 21 .1. I%IF:SK IM EN, Agent. Beaver, Warren and Cleveland Packets and Stago Lino. • 1 321`', . 4 1Wierlip ---- 441. r. THE SPLENDID CANA I. PACKETS, Express & Telegraph, Lenve Beaver daily. (Sundays expecierl,) at 1 o'• clock A. M., (on the arrival of the steamer Michigan from Pitr.hurgii.) end nn ive at Wurren next morning ai 7,,'clock—cm.nerting at Warren with Neil, Moore & Co's line of Stage., ostrich leave Warren on the ar• rindl of the Packet, and reach Cleveland before night. Fnrr through $4 50. Passengersprrying inPittshurgh are entitlerhochoice of herthson the Canal Packet. and seat. in the stage. For passage anplyon board Steamboat Michigan,or to IGHN S DlC6CY.Bcnver. G M H %RION & Co., Pittsburgh. CLARK &Co., Beaver. For passage returning Applv at tine Srige offices .11 NEI L,MOt S.: Co., Clevelund. -y & M B TAY 1.0 R. 11'nrren. LASE ERIE & MICHIGAN LINE STEAMER LAKE ERIE. CArr. CAMPUF I Leave", Beaver nt BA. M. " Pitt , ,burgh nt o' c l oc k, P. M. STEAMER MICHIG PT. nOlt.•. Leave,. Pittfiburgh nt 9 o'cl,e.t. A. M. Beaver at 1 o'cl,N-k, P. M In rnnnot-tinn with ilailv and Pa. Aft:Tr Canal Boat. to l'a., 3,13 Cies ,i4ml, 11. Steam Boat and Vttstteli to all parti Luke i and Michigan. Apply to G. M. H I ON ,c, , JOIIN S. DICKEY, lica,ttr. jot, t2l.v t '4, 12;3. :11()NDAY CINCIN:s;ATI l'A Ti, 'lrv- and .`:l , !:+gdid .ilrarner U. S. MAIL MONONGAIIELA, STON r, nine •.•,..r.n 1.4 Prirkot be•tween „, l'111a1)111"):1)1,017 111 11) 11 . 1 • 1" , , ev , ry freiEht nr 1 , 44 , 12.• apply on For Sale Teomrnofl u , Yi L ttle,ttletl the canal in Ilrghet.y rsty. occ,rt.t!• I.:xcetiler.cv 6.1,11f1r urfl tr',•,/t Patton. Thr to ire tr,..lrroelrl 11...n•y fly lit•-, • •1. If Hp. lit of Febroory it tili h n tto to the .11 ,- “rtilter ut 11. e Civiun CO , .1 Furt , tv. tierl7-tfrbl t 1)1% . EL 1,17 , ;(; II( )I'SE FOR. It EN r. ANEV and Convel,leta ,i,‘,l,lpc t.i ,lll7 4 .orreril, entfilre al thi• ,otlic.,, : 3 Valuable Property for Sale A CFI R 1 - . N I N of gr , ,,nd ite on h. !oIV I o tit Ftfh h Got l'enu,nnd e•xtenthr. , hack IbO Get Nlulberry ...they, on„hick it erected n v IlltDry hick ho,4r, and in lsvti Al.m. one other lot on 1,11,er,y .orret. the ‘Vesley Chapel, in ?mid ward, ror,ta,,,,re Q.J Irrr front, and extending bark 1110 feet, on w,,•/, er, r te..] a well fini,lred two atorN fr,,tne. tobJe. For. further partic , ,lr., n. to proper: , and term, of ante, appl!,, to JOHN A rArtKIN!ZON, Fibb VV d de.112 tf BOOKS FOR THE HOLI kY PRESENI S. 1,1 Albums, in great nanny 4 bintlitoj elk ant without platy.. The I Iyartnt h for 1815 and alc) 12 The Christian's Annual, n Nlbee!Joey for 18.38. Scenes in the Life of °Ur Sex tour, n ben.l-”rne volume,witb eight beautiful engr.n 1,1-1,p1,1,11. binding. The Snow Flake, by T S Arthur, S no. f.rir binding with 10 plates. engraved on steel. Sketches of Irish Character, by Mfrs Ilall, large vo., embellished with over 60 ergo anings un sloci ton wrwl. ILIkI '(he Rose cf Sharon; 141 t. 11. wt h orn Christmas Eve: Ilohd.oi Boys' nod Giritt' Little Forget-mt.-no The Annulette; Keepsake .t ~ire. The Boy's, Week aty he Young Lady'• Book, a matioat of vrg.tilt to creations, exerciser and pursuits. The Boy's Guide to rsrfolnens. Etiquette for Gentlemen. Hand Book of Fa•bion. The Chikiren's Companion. by TO, The Rollo Books, different kttitt. The Swi•. Family H.ottiromns.„ Robinson. Crusne. Complete will) mane Together with n great vnrru in of arroll:er ovonti books, on hand and for •ttle br LUKE LOOMIS. Agent, No lip IVoo,l sore,. More New and Splendid Works COOK'S 85 Foul th street. Carl), MiscAnneous Essays, uniform wit Marnuley, Cr. I vr.l. %Vyllyn; or the Young Falk of Loorilibridge, a tale by Amahel Penfeather. Edited by .IfFetitli• more Cooper, aulhor of I'i lot, &e. • A scanio; or [hr Sculpt , . n A pprentice. an hiwo, ion) romance of the lfith century, translated from the French of Alex. Dumas. Fleming Field; or the Young Artisan, a tale by J 11. Ingraham, Earl. London Illustrated Papers. Ladies' National Magazine for Jannary. The Book of Chric mos.descr;ptie” ni the customs. ceremonies, &c. By Thomas R. Harvey, (Library of Choice Reading P;0 58.) Democratic Review, containing a portrait Of Han. C. Cushing, late minister to China. Joan the Heroic Maiden, by Alex. Dumas. . . . The Heiress, by Mis , i Frerhont's EzplorinG Expedition to the, Rocky Niotintoins. The Electra Magnetic Telegraph. with ti te Report, of CongreAd end a deern Olen el ell the "I pleerepl, known. By Alfred Veil, An, Slip. of the Ule,tro Telegraph for the U. S. The IlluAtruted History cif Paleatin•. from the Pe triarchttl uge to the present time. Chimp rumors. dec f 29 Fahncstock'■ Vermifugo Fr HIS is to certify, that my youngest boy , need JL about 2 years, was taken sick with the summer complaint. He was attended by n Physician all sum mer, and received little or no relief. About the mid dle of November. T gnye him some of Fahnestock's Vermifage, which brought away one hundred and thir ty large worms, and gave hint immediate relief. He has been perfectly healthy. der'? 4 & w To Business Muses. A CITIZEN lenivng for the South and liavatinn will nttend to any husines. entru,tcd to hiin.— Address A through the Fost ntr.e. rice 13 LIFE DISIMANCE.—CapituI $2,500,000. HE insured entitled to participate of profits on both European nod American policies. National Loan Fnnd Life Assurance So ciety. London. rnited States Board of Local Directors. (Office 74, Wall street.) JACOB HARVEY, F.N., Chaitman. John J Palmer, E-9., Jonathan Cioocniur, E 49., James Boarman, E=q , Sew George Barclay. . Sluice! thin land, Erl., Gorham A Worth, , Samuel M Fox. Fol., Clement C Biddle. Seers C Walker. Esc' . t Louis A Godey, Erg., ( r "" ki r his. Gnu Rex Graham. Esti., .) J LEANDER STARR. Manager nnu Genera Agent fur the United States and British N. A. Col on ins. BANKERS. The Merchants Bank of New York SOLICITOR. William Van Hook, Fag., 3J. WRII ntreot The followidg are among the advantages held ont by this institution. which will he found most advanto• 4,011 G to the assured, nod which ore seldom offered 'iv Life Insurance Companies, viz: The pectilior orbantogris secured to the assured by the principle of she Loon Deportment. thus bleeding the utility of a Saving.: Back re. A Inrge to he permanently invested in Ihe United Stoles in the names of three of the Local Di• an Treasure! n. available always to the 'assured as n gunny mitre fund. The payment of premiums annually, h,. ifsetir!y, rinnrtetly or monthly. No charge fur stamp ditty. Thirty days allowed after each payment of premium becomes due, without fat leit .11 e of potir ) . Traveling leant, extensive and liberal, and exult prentiums on the most moderate acid... Conditions in the policy less onerous to the nitioired titan usual in cairn of lire assurance. (See pomphler.) The actual and declared profits (published in 11U,C1.1.• s i ne li e purr 41) u frordinc lure data fur caletilatiims of the value of the ..bonus" in this institution. These proofs will lit mich diction be paid in Can h if Being uor.oniectiid with Matineor Fire Insurance. The rotes 'for life w itb pnelitn ore 11,tor those of nny other foreig company ed . ...lin t ; Life limit:ince in New York. Thep rrqtl,,toil I ri ..X.lnline the di.ti,,gl4,-Lire 4.1 I hil ui , tiuu inn, !heir Mid., of ratt, their tli.tr ul 111, lit, tind Ole flou tie, xtThrded klepallment. 'tire deci if.g to 11,11, el,•wht•re. LI:.kNDi.AI STA II ft, Cienernl 11TT , 11111 . 11 A:2,11 for it.. !tom,' In.titujon • will givo ury toquifed,no,lroe-ei,onpp r,t The r 01111; owl. .I..nr•t n!r., .troot. I%M. I' JUN I.S. nov S .1 I, EI) l' 0I'() S T,S NA , I PARTM“T. , rt.•; , 6T • t; \ lAA) pit( • on . I:e .I , is , n'nt! nt f.•41• , •,1 , r• ).0,1% ri . "s- rr)..., 11 r r , . 1 „r„.i . 1. .•I .4.r c , m I. •e, 11 , n \ V o•••', See vi I 1 , . • i'6l " " t 1. 6 •6 66-- lIIIME=MII Vi • rI • g , 1•11 ht.,n 1 - 2 ;:p IS clq rr r ”,1 tlr.tl I. .1 , 1 „„ k 4:1, Ln,o2. ..;,1•. ; 1. , . I, S V/1:17 ' 0 , 1:17 St "111 6•1% r.i h 14 , 1;1 , men' t L....(1. II,I• IT Ch 4,1 rhrf•e feel, Mt ,1 it,. 1,,;( 111ii• J 1.1,1 to. ever, 1.. 1),:r n,„l it, Air al f :ht “s • r•'l , l, 1; rui ,q , ;11 01,04:1 let g.h. R 43 tt•et gltt. flg • 4 1...-t—ot , tr•thott to .t i . ttr t. I.; tt „,,,. t o ~ ,t o rn, Itt ittclto. ntttl 111,1 in ',in . }, II it,/ T,l tvrt.ght nr N"ey, rtrt , l hut,. •,tttl 1 , t111311,11‘e the ail, Ant rl .(eXCI•edIII . 4 I Sap, ire o if... For rerivrot (tom h o oloir t , foor earn •ol the 0h,,.r Lootarl I and , I. 1••••• !Ini , e•r at ion, got Fl o e o ss-‘agoloo koated. Hood ...Tont., lin.; root ole:iverrol um goo befcee rf gloo:o helot Y., (hi of Jai, ritai tiw Foot of Orogolocr nog! %14t got Doorrito her. 1n41.. l'ervirtog ~l ring SViil aI.o agate the g i og a g tiry got touch 1,6,4 and r.an, they wi.l contract to de g oogoo god Ilse more. per cu'ar I.ua n•Logri foo tow ile:io era. to For roolola in rich of (hope per: /a. at stoah of is: navvovatoloo los dory may reefer. hogoor who moos la .11.1•,•1,1 loo, free nre reque.4.l3 innke ..epntnts o ffer4 her arvernly•itgigo arod o wr ogodoo partoroolarlythr ToomitPi , .• gond fora,. Igo glcilveg irs t. rrorh of the perologis, nod igor worio .good. row syloich :be ggfrar g nil the wrierotgotalig Z that nor gofir, fer curd nnh w ill Ie /.In,fing nn them, but upon In 60b ncreem•nl if,ie.itrd Fo, dor rirpoortmrta It 1. to hr rlt.oitirily aritie,ottoti Lc win may 111ryltt . Ittrttra. that the dernrm..lo re.tt'rit , it, rig ht of accepting inch tint, ryi, at 1110 of receiving them it may deem rapt diem io meet In own stews of the 'NOWA of Ilse errs ice at the r Fpctive 1110 v-yryntot, . . A:though the nil. cc made by per• ma will be rnirrid. -red es binding for inn art! eithrrirt o„b,r rl rer•t neree ment, Ihrc can make separate ofTrrrstrr more than one void to s. rare r rent, eller.o s bit- arcertance; lit nn :oTers arc desired winch cannot crrioody he folk com pleted within rhr nmca named m the offer, and with rho understanding 'bat tea per rent, will be rra.•reed Irorn all bulls in nib nddu ion 111 bonds, and b e poaitircla forfolted to the Carved Sates in Cage or any failure tif 111411 contracts in due lime. The abide most be of the hest t ipi,iliy . sound, f r ee from heart shake*, rents. bad knot., and defects, sub ierf. 10 inspection and measurement by persons to hr appointed by the commandant tit the yards when de• liveries may be made; and he in all respects to his entire sati•fiiriirin, or it will not be received ()tiers will also be reeerved fr 4 fornishing at the navy•yurds, during The re.rPCillle h e ll an d Copper, and round fiat, and vpsare iron—all to lie of the best rpi slay, and subject 111 in . pre ; jon and approval, and under the same condirk,rsi us herein specified for timber. The prices asked to be for the pound, tor each yard. and period of delive ry; and the offers mostistate distinctly whether it is Fr, American or of what other malla.retirre. VICToft SCRID/.. 61;ArAVUS SCHEIBLEFI SCRIM & SCREIBLER, BOOKSE I. 1. ERS, STATIONE AND BINDERS, No. 115, wool" ST.. Trinvr. Donn.; BFT.oIV FIFTH PT Keep conitnntly on linnd n general asiortment of G..rmen and English School Book ,; Letter. l‘' r itio g , !`'rapping and 11'nII Pnper. Their it lel, of German work, in the ditTerent brindle,. of Science is one Of the Ifirgest in tile rnitert Sottei, and having node nr. ranf2rencnts with POW' of the most enu•n.ne no o k e..tnhltihments in Germany. tier are fully prepared to 611 till orders in the e horteet time and on the mout ~,, o ninble terms. !laving connected with their Bookstore a Bindery, undiemployel the belt ban& that could be procured, they tro..t to be able to do nil bookbinding, ent ruttied to them, with nentneti, and not inferior to any landing in the cc stern ritiee. Blankbook4 of every descrip tion made to order in the shorteit time, and . at the Inw'r•t prier, tun 7. RICLIARD COWAN, Attorney at Law, Are in Bud.e's Buildings, 4111 street, near Market pine I 9-a.-,wly JOHN 13 11111). Slup‘hurg SKATES, Cutlery, Ivory. Ei.oev, Cr. for ,ale by SOHN . W. BLAIR. 320, Wood it. IBETEMEII MEI MEM • 1 ir; 1, to • PIT rssURGII, PA., GEORGE BAILEY, I'LLINBER, AND" MANUFACHTRER OF Pumps and Hydrants. Which are superior to and cheaper than any in the city. Please to tall and examine for yonselves. FOURTH STREET. et:Tv/I.:Fs SMITHVILLD h curimi rind [ ' UMW , rerwirefl. In the Court of Common rras of Allegheny coun ty, in 11, Com.noorceallh of Pennsylvania of De cernber Term, iP37, No 249. s%! jln the matter of the voluntary as 1) , - • ignorent of Samuel I' Darlington. - T A r,rl now, to wit, Dec 28th, 1845. 1 . supplementary acconnt of Assignees, exhibited and filed, and on motion of H r S nigraw.Esq Attorne!.for Assignees, the Court appoint Saturday. the 21st dny of Fob. A D,1848, for hearing allowance and confirmation of said account unless reason be given why the Aarne should not be allowed, and the Prothonotary is directed to give notice of the same for thirty-days by publiration in two newspapers published in Allegheny county, to creditors and others interested us required by Act of Assembly. From tho Record. GEO R. RIDDLE, jar) Idim. .11011% M. TOW NiSF:ND., DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. No. 45 Market st. 3 doors above Third at. PITTSBURGH. Wll.l.linstet constantly on hand. 1. Well ,•lected essnrtment of the best end freshest medicines, which he will sell on the m 'et reasonable terms Phy•iciens sending ill he promptly attended to, end supplied with arttetes they may rely upon as genuine. ( - --•?'1' i no' presetipiionswill be accurately and neatly prepared from rho beat matet;als at Roy hour of the don nr night. Al.°, fur Aale, a large atock of fresh and good perfu mery. dec3o Tavern Stand for sale. p E undernigned de•iroon of rem,A , ing Gam this roont%, offer, fu/ sale, the hallance of ihin lenge, (having 4 yearn from !he firm! day of arril next )of that well known Tavern lioune, mien of ihe Canal Boat; on Penn nt near the Packet landing. innihe neighorhond of the Canal Comm i,.inn Howe., Szr•, rezet her with the ...Welt of Leiner, &e, &c. on band. liar fix torn. St.. lloonehold fornitore. grly one oi.hing to go the the Ire•iner, henry oprorteniry reek! net offer. The 1,7,4 en excellent run et - cott out. end hex been :t hcerced hen, ler the la.at 3 yearn. Flie terms apply tot he .ret,rentree on the premises. der3 lii Er'6s! .11.1RKET STREET, Behrren Furth st.. aad the Diamond. RECEIVED BY I',XPRESS, The Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, ‘l , ' O l To( ka•ri nn ( . ”41.• I . sl , :e lA+ Pi• 11.1 'MI NVIIOIOII \ 'i•l A ItS1)1 . ()N1 N11)1( IZ IS NO. 65. GREAT EXCITEMENT !! TARIFF REPEALEI)!!! 4 tzt it 1,1+1141,1 nt No. 92 Market Street u,,•et; I,•ce•t,ue, 1,111,e tl_ r . ?•• , 1:11 , 1. 1,1 oRy (i()(InS, I. • ft: p,ter, nn,! Ilt AL.l•lll,f, 01.• PON r• ,. ,1 , •••• 1110 on exp0r,,,,,,i l.! in It,' ef. t tto and New k for ...me !or et i rt; ejt I, ;rotes. here 1111111,11'... , b''.•-r Ike lelt . .to•• to selcodtd stock ..1Good• welt almost n,i ernirereelerbte Tro,iir. Our stock Cu, .;.u• In port or fir feleowing st oo ks Is—:, rrrnt s e reu . s: Frrnri. Tettkrri Shaw I-; de; I and Croshmere I) .rroo•k rd.; 111,, no d F n .t.r.ide,rd Totrkerr det Surer Risk 11.01 w. Solt. Frp.ge de; CnslenereScroll.; Ptt ed oniten Si.tow ter or ev,ry wnri.es; A.., to ere 1! Carldnerr Erosse; Pl oin de 1,,'". and hatred rind ftgorrrd de I.net: Itt.ctist, nod Nlet oe•; Alp... en. and We...ea:nes; eine, and Inney dress l.i-li Le...coo—Lotion Alii.rern mei Croslirn. flwar-. ("ASS' NI 1112 ES. Cl,flrlis, ',rod vF.:•;*l I NriS. At..., Fin nisswri mem ,ii dwnsec (wed. All in wtech eft,. .11.11..441e or rernol. nt .1.1111 pii ns we !Weds en..not roil t.. plrnse. Cull and f.ir ,011(I11..0.,10—nt No, 9' Nl n okrt street. NiOSEF. Cr. /II kV. Books Or tho Holydays ES in 11,0 Ltfe Ilic.S.lvinor.l,lhr Pnmict R., edged by !torus W. Gn•ould. 1 Nol. 110.1.1“ir Annuli for 1846—n chritmas, nra year, and Link-day l're.enif., 1816. 1,..a11,da 01 :11rIvolry hot 113113; a clinstmn.. new ye,,, end birth (la. hound in the moat ai d er ,,l,dl enNI, and ernl,,lltalled ayilh 13 aplendhl illootrailrm. I no; a end fiilr.irelengravlnE, by tine f„,,.rtl'n.h. Keynell Contra. M. D. 1 hn Sn , ...Fial , e6, 1846: a gift for Innocency and ; 11. - en•%; edq,d by Artlior. The t)o,1 I." I /146, a preqnnt for thn e,ll. ted by John Keep.r. The Alla,ll,Aol for 1313; a choice Annual; ed qua by Tioln. 1 knolion. Fttendsh p Off, rtnr—n ehri.tma. end nes...ear present for 18.1 fit 1 vol. 12 mn., morocco Or The Lady's Ronk of Flowers and Posur,„ ...lord by Lotev 1100r.c.1 vol. 12 inn. and co:nred Ifon.elild Vetoes, a iseautsful book, by Bet paid Baru, The Ilywintli for 18411, or affection's gift—a cluist. l ma•, new poll- and blab-day Present. Gray's Elegy, illustrator'. Oracle. Flom the Poet.; a In nciful diversion for the! drauing room, by Carolina Gilman. Irnazinaii.m end Fancy, or selections front the En- glistt roots: h Y Leigh llnnt• Mts. Item:lns' Poems: illustrated. 1 bn Amulet; a Itenuttfolcbrtstrnesand newlenr pre. ent, steel engrnt•ingot. The Poets end Poetry of Europe by Lnngfellnw. Ibe Poeta and Poetry of A rnori,a, h.; Gri+svold. For 4nlo by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON rice 2.i 44 Mail:et •1 Choice Ohio Land AV E are authorized to offer for sale, rig acres of brat-rate upland, situate on the Main Road, leading to Jacknon and Chillicothe, end about one mile and a half from Millersport. Lawrence County. t The land i. well 11r1111Creti. eked from the known healfhine, of the neighborhood. fertility of the coil, and proximity to l)fliller.port, (the principal landtog place in thud nection of country.) if eoniidered a eh. gable location for a form. If •pplicauun be made noun, it mill be sold at a gre It bargain. BLAKELY & MITCHELL. corner of Fourth an. Smithfiald: and Penn street. Pitt burgh. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 4 tcntigio, of grind on Penn et. and Steven son's Alley ench Y 4 Get by 100. a It'iilding lots on Pike et. near Rerpard'e steam• mill, 24 by 100. 3 buddinti lot; on the corner of Pine and Penn st.t ward) :10 by 67. 3 lots of ground in the rear of the above fronting on PPM et. 20 by 60. 7 building, I o's on tho Turnpike road in (Tiara's vine 24 by 100. A large number of hog in the immedinte vicinity of the city suitable for building lots And large enough for! gardens for sale or lease Some for a term of years and others perpetual. Apply to dec'29 BLAKELY & MITCHEL. City Lots for Sale. THHEE contiguous lots of ground on ad .!, 2.0 be 1 80 fret deep very eligible for building lot., n large portion cf the purchase money may lay over at the pleasure of th a purchaser. Apply to det29 BLAKELY & MITCHEL, E=Si=M= Potatoes 50 Buhels Nechaunock Potatoes for sale by P. C. MARTIN, jan3 6 1 1 Wittpr urrrt ROLL BUTTER 300 LBS Roll Butter, a fine article for family use for sale by P. C. MARTIN jan3 GO IYater street. WINES. Af.•wgrcaalts Port and Medetra wino of fine avour just received and for sale by LIQUORS Az P RA NDEYS, Wines, and Gin Of all kinds, warren -Li fed fine. Old ryo whiskey and rectified whiskey of superior qualities, with a full assortment of every thing in the grocery line, too numerous to mention. For sale by I'. C. MARTIN, jan3 ro Water at. APPLES. 40 BUSHELS Green Apr'lei In prime Order, put up expremtly fur ftitnily uie, for Rule by P. C. MARTIN, jan I 60 Water 4t. DRIED FRUIT, &c. ZNT Curranta. box and kit Reislei, Almonds Cream Nuts, LCII!Ona, Ironer. Stet ,forrtir by WRAPPING PAPER, &c. 50REAMS Crown and Medium Wrapping pa per; 10 Reams foolscap and Letter; 50 doz playing curds, for sale by P. C. MARTIN, Jan! GO Water Orem. Sugars. WHITE Havana Sugar in fluxes; White Brasil ditto in bbls, In .tore and for sale by J. & J. :11 . 1) TT," dee 20. 224 Libikty st. Pittsburgh Manufactured Tobacco 20 KEGS Plug Tobucen: 5 •• Ladies Twist. du; - 10 " Va. " do; 10 " Cav'd, 1, Limp, du; In stole and 111110 by J. & J. 224 Liberty .t Ground Spices fi CAN3 Ground Perrier; 10 Cam (3r,,onci Cinnamon; 5 C a n s Ground A Si do 110 Clov e.; 111 stuff' and fur siiC Lc J S J MrDEVITT. 221 Ibibert‘ At PLAID CLOAKING; 20 PS. Cloaking., new nod heautiiu prim ern:, pint let.i‘ed at No 12 MArketll.C.ol 11., 01 Fier 12 FL NELS! 1 OM" Rod. VoHow arld IVhit. Fh on ola” VI 111,pro,•••1 ITIA,VS at Who!erode trod Re at sr, loin tcr's, by A A NIASON. No 4 . 2 MorkeT ,at litti/CH A SHAWLS. 1 1 0 ;1 SUPERIOR Br‘..-liq Shaw)... joßt received (—7 SNII,II \\lli SOill \lvry In.r,hy 1 t• -, 11 4 [RNLI 4 . II I. lit IN l'r• por , M ‘S , LN'S, 49. Market .tt. De Laines l°01)L rtrld Li zhl hin• for C 1,4 n+ :ow US '2oc. prr For 15:11e N.• 4'2 kt•t Mc Ity 13ox Raisins ✓ 11()X1:,; NI 11.. wons, j•lst Nceive.l 513.11,11. 1.10.• 11V MILLER & RICKETSON. Nu 170 I.)beriv mr,t, Tobacco. ' 61) NF.C. ";l i; Nlrl:oy's" 6 twi,t tobacco on Art/ ,nle by M LLE Et & R I(2K ETSON, 179 v Raisins. mni„, fiqi•inA, just re NJ cel,,d, anti for cll.. I.y :\IILI.I.It &11.1CKF.I . SON, No. 179 Libertv I Per. 4 Scorchings ..;11 MILS Sr,rching+. biold rtn,i f,r wile, by • 1 BURBRI DGE, W I LSON Az. CO., , L , 24 WHter Pig MetaL °w o.n ,Ns "Flan g in g Ruck" Metal, on hand and IBOItBRIDGC, WILSON RCO, Water 4t Plano Tortes ALLA R(; F: anti -pitman' as.ortment of new im proved grand :triton Piano Fortes, on hand and F. MAIN] E. Cor I'vnn told St. Clair els., opposite Ex. Hotel no 17. I a. .nlc bi, N. B. The above ingtroments are warranted to Qt a rid any climate. and keqp in order as long as any manillocdttred The) will be Bold low fill- rrih. F. BLUME. 2C oli an Attachment. TWO new Imiwnvad Grind action Piano Fortes with Coleman's jEu6un Atiachmeot, just finish rd end for role by F. BLP ME. Cor of Penn and St Clair MO, opposite Ex. Hotel enyl7. 83 mARKEt srar:Er 83 F.VE).11 . -FIVE Broche, Turkerri and Cashmere 1..17 Shawl., new, received by eyrie,. from New York, novQ2) B. E.CONSTAI3LE. 83 NT.\ IiKE r sIREET 83 A n r of Gle ent:11(.11% fine Shirts, s and Drawe r ewrAt make; also, Gent.. Merino under Sniff, and Drawers, just received and now opened. rinv42 B. E. CONSTABLE. Men's Morino Shirts and Drawers. PC It CHASERS will find stt Shea & Pennock's a r,ll os4ortrnent of tnen'A Merino drawertt, and double and sing!, breasted Merino shirt.. Also. Cut !on, do do blexclitut and unbleached. Dec. 6. BLANK E TS. 2 C A sns N 3 (low• priced) Economy Plunkett. 311•1 received and or All.. by deer, sit EA ,c.;.PENNO:::K. Just Arrived at the "New York Store,'‘ 1 DOZ. and Gentlemen's Kid, Cash -11,1U mern. and .ilk Gloves. of the bon /panties,. None but the brit Kid Gloves kept at 79 NI art... t street 110 1•2 Tor Salo, and a go ,, d chance for a Bar gain. ilOt'` , F. and Let on Sixth s•reet, near (Their) Alley, Pittsburgh. The Lot i. 26 feet 6 i oche. front by 00 feet in depth, a very desirable location for u private retidenre. Term. liberal and title indispo• InTTire of VV. 0. LESLIE, decl3 Smith6eld et. near Fifth. lir UST received at the Three Big Doors, the larg 1/ est and best asnnitment of Shirts, ever offered in the l'itt,throgh market, which wtll be sold whole sale or retail on reasonable terms. nein, JOHN INFCLOSNEY. 50 TUNE PIO METAL of good quality and suitable for foundry purposeA, jug retrived and for •alo by novl3. Diamond Pointed Gold Pens VTOODW A RD'S Diamond Pointed Gold Pen» V manufactured by Woodward& Bro . +, N. York pot up inn neat and convenient Silver Pencil Case. The l'ens will be sold with or without cases. These Pons are second to none in the United Staten end will be wart anted to purchasers. Pt ices the same !tore as in New York city, The above with every variety of Steel Pell!. and Stetionaty generally, kept conotantly on bend, an for eale by JOHN 11 MELLOR, Bank Notto an 4 text4angc. A. I:CRAMER, EXCTIANGE BIZOILEIC A k OMIR OF THIRD ASD WooD STREET!. SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants andlifewtfacturfra'Scrip ...par Exchange Bank Scrip i Currency Berks County Scrip i EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. On Philadelphia 4 ',rem Nero York 4 pre n. Boston ....4 prem. Baltimore .4 prem. SPECIE. I'. C. MARTIN, 60 Water et P EN NSY LVANIA.—PITTSBURG H. Bank of Pittsburgh par Merchants and Manufacturers' bank ...par Exchann'e ....par Do. ' Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North America Do Northern Liberties par Do Pennsylvania ....... ....par . Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Afcchanics' bank Kensington hank par Manufacturersand Mechanics: par Mechanics yar Moyamensing par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill par Southwark " .. par Western- 2 ,4,n' ...... ....par Bank of P..ol7ownship par Girard bank •--••---•••--• par U. S. bank and branches COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown " Chester county " Delaware county. " Montgomery county._ _ " Northumberland Farmers' bank of Bucks county.--- Fastonbanh ................ Doylestown bank ........... ....... Franklin hank of Washington Bank of Chambersbn " Middfrtown " G ciihisb a rich ... " LeAtown . i. .. " Sn.sguehannacounty Perks( aunt y bank Columbia Bank and Bridge- Company.. Carlisle bank Fri. bank Farmers and Drovers' bank.-- Bank of Lancaster.— Bank of Reading Ilarrishurg bank Honesdale " Lancaster " Lancaster co." Lebanon " Miners'bank o P0tt5ri11e........„ M'anon aaketat;ank of ktrarnsville.... New Hope and Delaware Bridge companyys Narthamplon hank.. 7'owanda bank Wyr-rin .7 bank..... West Branch bank Lehigh Col,ll' 3r bank P. C. MARTIN. 60 lVater street A A MASON A AkS:• . IIN. No 4 . 2 Markel M./mon t hank or S. Clairscille Clinton lank of Coloolins Colnmbiana bank of New Lisbon.. Circicrille ( Lawrence, cashier)._ ( Warren, cashier).— Chillicothe bank._ ...... . Commercial bank of Lake Erie... Prank/in brink of Columbus Parmers'and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville Farmers' bank of Canton 20 Groner, Gcanrille 45 Na millon \ SON La n ett!? er Marirtta .......... 3117 'Winn 3ferhanir* . and Traders', Cincinnati-- Yount Plenannt No 7-ma/A- Putnam.. Sandusky I ?Lana Il onerr Xenia .......... Zanesrilli _........... Bank of C1eve1and.. ........ IN or ANA State bank and branches State Serif - _ All bnnks Sigh. ban/- Bank of .11::nois, Shatonertoton._ tI RGIN lA. Bank ofth r Val:ey of Virginia. Bank Wl' Virciniri Exchanrc bank of Vtrginia Farme rs' hank of Virginia .............. Nor/ h. WesternbAk of Virginia............ Aferrhants'and Mecha nits' bank of Virginia.. Branches-- ...... ..... . Bank al Morgantown MARYLAND. Balrisnnre City b nk5...... All other solvent bank5.. ........._ NORTH CAROLINA All solvent ....... SOUTH CAROLINA. Al! solvenlbanks Allio:vent banks.. . ALABAMA Mobile elnks . Country banks LOUISIANA ,Ver Orleans banks (g00d).... TENNESSEE Ail',a ks MICHIGAN. Rank of P. Clair St. Clair, B.,nk of the River Raisin, Monroe,— raemer's' and 3fechanirs' Bank, Detroit, Michigan Insuranee, Co. D..troit Oakland County Bank, Fmiliar, . Public Notice. THE Tret.i,lent, Director! , and Company, known as the -Farmer.' Depose Bank of Pittsburgh," will, at the next meeting of the Legidlature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, make application for the privilege of issuing note,, payable on de mama. THOMPSON BELL. Cashier. Pitt 41,orgh ,Tolv lat, 1/345-jv3o-d tJanl3. 111111 F, subscriber wishes to rent or sell his Tavern al Stand in the bor. - tot:II of Hoover: sign of Ihe P!nnsylranin House. The stand is o good one. and any pet son Nvishing to purchase or rent will find it de sirable. Term:. easy. W. GARRAIM A FIRST rate farm of Loma, situnte on the county and from Derry to Youngstown, within 3 miles of Yot.ngstown, in Deny Township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Said farm Coll9ilit, of two hun dred end eight acres, one hendred and fifty of which ore cleared, and tinder good fence, principally post and rail. The land is limestone, and is well watered with abundant springs and Loyalnanna Creek, which runs near it. There in a house, barn and an orchard on the farm. The surrounding country is the richest and most benutilul region in Western Pennsylvania. Several thiwring mills are in the immediate vicinity, within three quarters of a mile of the farm. The Catholic Church near Youngstown is in sight, and it is expected, that in the course of the coming aprine, the new Female Seminary, at Mount St Vincent 4, will be in complete operation. This farm would be an ex cellent locution for a store. Should purchasers desire, it will admit of being divided into farms of about seventy acres each, Applyto declo BLAKELY & MITCHEL. JOHN D. DAVIS, cor Wood and 5111,0, A LARGE and carefully selected stock of this eel. A cable article of the bead make and rol sale at New York prices 125.! Wood street 1;2 I=3 KENTUCKY ILLINOIS GEORGIA For Dent or Sale Joiirq rielver Dec. 3, 1345. der. 5, tr. N. H. For forther informntion enritore rtt tid. WRIT FOR SALE Diamond Pointed Gold Pont W. W. WILSON. cor 4th and Market it ARRANGEMENT FOR 1846 VVHF:sp;endid , nnd fast nailing pe•-1.-! Yolt K. will leave LIVERPO:f lb- lit February, and the C 0 L U5l B U S 16th of the same month. These packet. are ‘ , l :l rceat class, and commanded by the molt experi.nnn-t cap. : mini. Pet-lone deiirons that their frien,l4 of ii c 0,,• out in three veisels. will please make cud, :i! , E,l;ca- BLAKELY Sr. MITUIIEL.. Agent. for Roche, Bre's. & Co...Nrw Yor;:. Office, corner or and Smithfield qt.t.. Basin, near the United States Hotel, Pitts Loire!, ...a prem. par TO ENGLAND, AND WALES. PERSONS tivi-hine to remit 'Mall CMS to T LAND, I RE L AN b,SCOTLAND and W Al can have it sent by the undersigned, at vety rate rater,. inconsequence of the failure of the in those countries and the approach of Fatoin , doubt to many, a small sum sent in time, would incalculable benefit. The undersigned, aware of have determined to put the rates so low, that n need be detered frOm nvailine themselves of t hi. portunity. BLAKELY 6: MITCHEI declB. Agents for Roche, ro's. Patronized by Everybody. par pa, Pay .par par The Wonderful Vegetable Purgative. FOR TM.: CURE OF Headache, Giddiness, Rltrumnti9m, Pile., Dispepsi Scurvy. Small Pox. Jaundice, Pains in the Bed. W a rd W ea koe s ., Palpitation of the Heart. Rini, the Throat, Dropsy, t sauna, Fever of all kind.. I e male Complaints, Meanie.. Salt Rheum, Hentihtu Worrni,Cholera Mortls. Coughs, Quin.ey.lVlaa,p,•..: Cough, Consumption, Fit., Liver-Complaint, Er, -1 . . las, Deafness, Itching. oftheSkin, Colds, Gout (;.., el, Nei youScomplaititi,and a variety of other . alining from Impurities of the blood, and obstiuctiot, inthe organ. of digestion. [From the Agent at Quebec-, L. C.] DISEASE 0F THE LIVEP. MAR SlR:—Agreeable to your clUsire, I writ. keep you apprized of the prospects of the Clicketo , i Sugar Coated Purgative Pill, in this city. Ton recollect, when I Grst commenced selling your Medi eine, which was in May, 18 .4, we little dreamed , the success that would crown the undertaking. 1 ni t premises had been so completely flooded by the ;,. thousand and one un.ulealde remedy fur every pre., ble complaint under the sun, that I setiously plated having nothing more to do with any thing of • kind. However, at the most urgent solieitation, u• consented to make a trial of yours. At first we foie f considerabledifficulty in attracting public attention 1.• ward. them. People had been no oftendeceived the vile compounds which have doodad the country far the lent 15 )enrs or more, ;list they determined, 11 possible, never robe "taken il l ' again; and the cons;. quence sees, they could hardly be persuaded to aecepi 1 of the Pills, as the saving in, for "lose nor money." Thus matterra proceeded Ihr a ivCrk or twO,When,e4 . "good luck Would have it, "Mrs. a lady nt our city, who bad lon g suffered from an affection id the Liver, accompanied by indigestion Of the intuit ;Ai: stinate character, mai persuaded toncrePt Of a bbi, ptl [condition that nothing eas to be paid for it, if they airi not afford her the nek..esiary relief. I cit': gonfeari we ourselves had very little "faith in the matter, know• ing as we did, that her complaint was emit of loni, ntanding, end had keen unsuccessfully treated by thh moat eminent PhysiCians of this and several neighbor. I ing towns: But we had determined to give the midi• eine a fair trial, and if it proved to be worthless, it would be a source of satisfaction to know it, bbth tb you and to ha. No less to our joy than surprise, how. ever, only a few days had elapsed, when the lady tigaid presented herself at our counter and enquired fur tinoth • er box. -I really thick, Mr. Williams," sayi in; that your Pills are beginning to work a greit cztriaiers •• in my health, and altogether fur the bettee. !nail took the second clone,l began to feel much 'neri4thars I I did at first; the pain in my side was Considerably re lieved; my appetite began to improve; and the blood seemed to circulate through my veins as it did in nair youthful days. Since then, I hare taken the remainder of the Pills, and my improvement has been sensibly progressing at every repetition of the dose. I have no doubt that a few mote boxes will effectually cure me." The.result was as she predicted. Ider health is completely restored. The duff) of youth and beau ty has returned to her cheeks, and the prospect of e I long and a happy life is before her. I atir satisfied she will never forget the Clickener Sugai , Conted As might naturally be supponed, the new Of this ei trnordinery cure was rapidly diss:LMittated thrOughth. city and adjacent country; and scarcely a week had elapsed, before enquiries began to be made Tor Clial. ener's Sugar-Coated Purgative Pills; and the dernet..l has already increased to such an silent, that we ft, ,1 the greatest diffictilty in supplying it. In filet, lilt rrd not seem like exaggeration, I might almoSt say thai are literally besieged by women and children, lab,- ing under every possilofe ailMent which "human is heir to." The halt, the laine, end the blind; tc;:t asthmatic, conatimptive, and dyspeptic, are threne,g our doors in pursuit of the never-failing PrinaCea.— Testimonials of its salutary effects are volunteri:y Rowing in upon ui from every quarter. One informs us ha has been relieved of a most obstinate Dyspepsia.: A.nott.er btu jnit recovered from a err, ous attack of Apoplexy. A third has succeeded M expelling from hie system the symptoms of ..fatiodir;•. And a fourth has just recovered if/f, an atieek of Prd tnonaryConsurnption, which had confined him to Ida bed for many months.—fie we go. But do not fail keep us supplied. Besides our Retail Trade. have standing orders from thecountry to n art -1:• amount. Send 30 Gross at your earliest convent, net. Tours, Rtc. , R. H. wn..LIANI, , . Quebec, L. C., April 14, 1845. par MIMNMM ....par par ...75 ...10 ...10 -10 REMEMBER, DR. C. V. CLICKENER. i. original inventor ol.the Sugar Coaled Pilrpt; end dm! nothing of the sort was ever heard of unit, b. 4oti, duced them in June, 1843, as will ha iteeit b 3 the fol lowing: _ _ This Diploma arts awarded by the A MEPIC`.N INSTITUTE, at the Annual Fair.held in I hi. New York, October, 1843, to C. V. CLICI:EN for the invention of SUGAR COATED l'11.1.,;. JAMES TA UNIX DGE, T. 13. WAKEMAN, Corresponding GURJ3ON J. LE Eri, Recumding . . To AVOIn COUNTEarTIT3.."—PIIieb,I , 1 always ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated V. getnt,'„. Pills, and sea that earh box has upon it his signatew: all others are enunterleit. WM. JACKSON, carne:' of Wood, and streets, is Dr. Clickener's agent for nittsbuigt, do t; Ribbons, ITelioti Satin . - Si ‘:1 e o rb n hn, ( o by t e ßn xl , re r s o s t ) Y'e n lc ot t 'e a r tn l o a t ;e l. New York store, 79 Market street. de:l3. N H GARRARD. CIPENING this day, another lot of 13 roelir Slier 1 .. Also, on hand, a few splendid Freneli Long Shawls, (all wool) wbieh will be sold a give. bargain, at the New York store.. W. H. GARRA TiD, 79 Market k FINE assortment of French Cloths,Cnssimer• and Vastings; also Scares, Cravata.Stock..Sliot Drawers. llnderrests and Hosiery; also n few tit 1 1 "Shaker" Flannel Drawers and Shirts, at the "N. t 4 York Store," 79 IVlarket street novl2 PERSONS desirous of purchasing lota in ibis C. 7!` etery are referred for information to the Superii, ternient on the g rou r it, or to E Thorn, Druggist, co: ner of Penn and Hand streets, Pirisbargh. By order of the Board, J. CHSLETT. dec 11 Soperiatmiett. A .I.Attlsk.: lot of shirts just arrived irons darn!: ['Let the Pittsburgh Clothing Store forsale and retail occ2ll Mid. B. SCHAFF h. ECEffiI'TAI4 OEIS IRELAND, SCOTLA PREMIUM 10 the Ladies. To the Gentlemen GARFIAIIf% Allegheny Cemetery