Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, January 12, 1846, Image 2

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    _ .
soc-vc. - :••
c . 1-• tlaimrook-4:1
committed. he called at my Levan informing me that I A Nr.w Dtgotirroir OF Mrxico.-The New Or- THE MYSTERY OF A NIGHT, COMMERCIAL RECORD• 1 Auction Sale.
id. office had been broken open and a coat belonging l ea n t riertynne of the 301140 h. says.-" Our inteligem 2_L. A T M'KENNA'S, this day, Monday, January
to. Jots Stewart, his clerk, was staler; and wished me
Havana correspondent, in one of his recent letters.' on, t tl_ 12th, at 10 o'clock,A. M. will be sold a large
Ito call over and see Mr Hague, who would give lame THE BLACKVEIL. Post " 1 Inc of -Dry Goods. At .2 ~'rloc, k , P. M Furniture
I ' ••
, Saturday Evening, January 10.
Office of the Pittsburgh Morning
and 9 pair Venitian Blinds, vnrious sixes', with patent
information al to who the thieves were, and wa ist mentions the previllence of divers rumors in that city,
. I Fumilturns we are • ith the wither er the remarka-
Me to catch them. Also,informing me that ht had an d singles out the following as worthy of a plate .
ln i We s cene which we are abom to introduce to the reld• There is quite a change in the wen.' her shier' yes- i fixings. At half post 6 o'clock, same evenine„ Watch
received information several dote before, that the ;notifies or tntid e , and varlet goods.
~print. lie wiys that the story ia, thnt I ssabella the 1 , ,• 0 ~,,,,,..„ „, Th . eer encounfr red 'lint ranie . tinli. t o . teula:. 1.., cc Ider, and the large- q . 1 . unio . P. hf,KEISNA,
Illitti nip would be made, Auctioneer.
I ' Inlm'-'1"."1-‘" rolled at Nlir. 'second of Spain, the girlis h queen whose eccentric ' day. We shall take. thelllonly to Inter, therefore that
Hos-aids oflice expecting to sec Mr linear; after le- 1 ..
„„i„„„.. i n 0,,, r ,,, i .,,,,.,, i i , ,„ iit will pro.e orris deep interest mothers as it has been which our street commii,..itnner allow , on the ernes- -- ..7'
wnlk. I.froven pro forth - hard, and it is some better' Clover Seed.
mainlng in ;he office about an Leas Nli fiacue t time 111 1 • la hors' been fr'rl'ln" ll Y • Ir,
u,. Fur. 0,, fun
orole,,,tuu di,
i0,„„01,,,,,,,.., „_
~ ,
I 1 59 •
TIUSIIELS just received nod for sale
~,, ~,,, ,„,-,„„),,,, ,„,,,,,,,,. j,„ I n d r „i,f \‘' B a 1,,, i .,E.e. • marl y a print , of the house 01' 'Saxe Coburg, while her I ~,,,,,,,,, ~, ~,
rier, , , ,, ,,, , ,.
to re :t ends/. that on n cold ! ''''l'i"g about I'"isly• by M. B. B.IIEY CO..
to gi,,- Mr a•teannt notice that his 011i,.e , otdd be relo ~,,,,., the pur0,,,0, it ~, ~0
~..,,,,,,,, lo the Duke
~ , , i , •-• •
1 sinter eight , n young London anigerin was seat , dile, • The river has not swollen very mach yet. 'ROI , lait i poll/. _ Water atrert.
iLed s ometirne soon lelling a1,,,,fr0c, tell'':', be It "I '''' ,m,,,,,,,•,,,p,, r ,,,,. o f I, o „ft phi,lippe's sons. A Ereoch • lii• cheertul fire, listening to the a Ind her:tine the tor'ri l ri•ep,,,reeda mostly f r om the Allegheny. Thee if:full i - COTTON YARNS,
l'lyer,./ Ise ,t nr3 " . "". i '''' k.l'. oil ito rr ant. f a. r na r' aann t tt... i t 1 I . 1 • ' ' 1 -ii n with what force-Mod ' "Vl'', the window a, and 11 '." 11 "'el ril'in"llf d" wn It ' 33 feet water in the channel this evening, and slightly!
.et and army, in colon a o
~ ut of the t enntentia, v. sten ac rou:a t e nd 'ot ears". ' ' ' •I 3 LBS "Brighten" Cotton Yarns
. i einannev, when hi, mu.ings were intern opted in• i••' . .
an ni t :mute he ihoozhi proper to do so -that he was 'and sea -th a t Spain can rei.e. hacked hy nn Engli•ia01000
Y I „. f ' a ~, „,„,,,,r , ,, , , f ., non. „ nrii, „ l in a - 1,1. ,,,,,1 foiling. The ice on the Allegheny rivet lint nearly all 1 • assorted Noe., in afore, and For
'completely under hot rhumb. I then told him about it 1 ;
hem tont is to s. that n tilting wrong ill du ns, 5 , ill 1 •I n w l a s if f or t i t , twi rp o ,o o f ennee “l r oera, an d h er i 'On out. The quantity beieg unliainilly large, we I dole by
- :11. B. RHEY & Co.,
i l the coat being Inst. He wished me to request Mr. I Water street.
a-cert the Inset co unle to Ametien, and place them.. face siirmidodbv rt thick black veil. After t prolinag-I think it ili proba bl y present b o ats from coming ter ' _i!_ n 8 • ____
Stewart to cull over the nest day with me, oral give ! ' - • e .
gmhees that
himsslice! irtion of the coat, and by that lone he olen.
, v.alens, 04 the throne o f ;Vet iro In thel d below for some days.
morn rig. Nernst-Iv nt ninth hit servires will he Ind's.' tmn I POOL PACKETS FOR LIVERPOOL.
?could the person from whom he had received I mean trine Con! inuo.i tilr . eorrespotident, the Beier) de 1 , , ~. ~, i . The steamers Columbia and Acadia left.this morn
pena,,,o on ~,•”rt., o, a patient who a ill then, ned not 1
the in:forteatian, and let us know where we would Icypr,y it to wait et Ilasonn the march ef esimis,; till tlyn, be t inder t h e charge o f h it visitor. ..1 mn y I isg, alto some flair or five coal boats, the letter wan .
rt ! (Only regular packet for the IGth of Jneurtry.)
find the coat. 1 trnmedintoly rolled epee Mr Steaa ,,, r i t
el , I ! THE new, m,emificent end celebrated fast ;ailing
, wino three French frigates are stationed there pet Imps be mad. to fork Your iti•l• air," toys the woman, we , r- . the expectnlidn or reaching C'incinnsti. It ia run-; YORKSHIRE, burrhen.
and made known to him what I had learned Irmo . favorite Packet ship
I 'are him in trininpli once more at rile head o f the ine liitterl, but eight niter night. through the long, time a great risk at this season of the year; but. it is 1150 lons, Cart D. G BAILEY, will sail positively
Hague. Mr Stewartagreed to go over with me to Ito P. - drew., hour + of wan-ling and weeping, the il ought I."
see Mt liactie on the next mornieg, but wile . 1
n I called . corps diplomatiqut in Mexico " ' h. , • e;er 1,..en present to mv mind; and' tilthough even n
road Iy.mme that they ore in th. much danger f rom on Friday the 16th of January, and will leave Liver
mien him he refused to go, saying he believed we I see hop..le.sness of human esaistance uvailieg him, ; the ice in the Monongahela as down the river. This pool en the Ist of March. Fue pateage in the Cabin,
could not cons tot them. and we had better let the mut- ! Tut: Pict; FY ARP flit Jr; on a•--A judge who was"l Cab ' d S ~ to or from Liverpool.
,in nn teerag . ... ,
the li ire thought of lasi, Lien iii his PO evo 011 limit 111 river hn. two gorges in it. one at the 116,1 dam. and' - R0f..1.1 b„ BRO.'S & Co.
Apply to
!err tea'. Very Re•peci folic, noti very c e l t hotord for his humanity, bring on Ike! mai. r. rmy blood run cold," J u st Let :re the, hour op.
. 7 1 ANIES M. V LUKER. 1 , .. te . . • , where
the eecond and worst is at the fourthdu in above New York.
rn circuit of Englund, wonted n poir of carrinee thhice.l.l. „. scrgeon 'as at the ilerognated pl a ce, n Or to BLAKKLY & MITCHEL,
Comenble, Alleghers) city. 1 v ,,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,,,.1 „ .,, ~,,,:,,,.,.r u, ,„„„ o 0f ,1,„ 4 ,,,b„ r h.„1,4„ IV , learn the river hoe overflowed its banks to a eons .
i„.. 3
A lloghemy ,JJ.II 10.11, ICI6. thoraea, anti .en , In Exeter, ,bete a couple were found •
grew etas A: he knoelned a t rhc ,100, ,aI , w whisper snarl-able extent, doing, much damage to tilahle 1111111 E.; ' Agents, Pitteburgh.
. ,anJ taken on trial. Outing the tette of ptobatien"n", , o f so. ,Itios conver,tion in the p o unce b , rarne too Floor-We h a ysktrlthin ''''' ' l ' ' 1 ' rot Rent.
De tit of Ito N CM ARLES Nl . CLettE -With 4444;0, g to notice in tits artic.e to
of demi uefortunntely died and the judge sent for the ,I In'a. l're.;•11 1.. the .I , nor was opened It 3 it mll i11..1
0f mod , in ., mi v• 1 ' c . T WO neat end comfortable Dwellings, rear the
we announce to our tenders. the sudden death of this portance. . Lie ot.,e axcitem 111 ex
ilaalt7r to romrnuniente the disaster as well 11.1 In len, n fr.,,,•,1 111,1, 14,i'1l VIC% 14,4 , and lice pale nni hoe- , r , , Scotch 11111 market honse.-Apply to
. estimable citizen. 13iit a short time a resident in our ' ~,,,,I ~,, n 4, ,, 1 ,
~,,,, 1 ,,
~,,,,,,,, 1 ,, , 1, ,,,,, , fr „ ,n n. l enient:ln on 'llO/rainty arra F P inlay has partially died , • ~,, BLAKELY & MiTCH EL.
I lthe extent oldie pecuniary los.. Upon the horse mat., "'
~„..,,, , . . , • . -• S .
.. _
....j •
• 4 midst, lie had gutheted round him a circle of warm ll. .% inn lln time, 'the man repn. I 'Ton soon. away. Their are no arrivals I,V river to day; several ,
ter making his tllinelrltille, the i.i If.r,ti ilan,l---'' Yr ell Mr '_:.',„ Lin ;t - , ;;;; • i i ~,,,,, ;,.; beer, , ‘,,,,, , ;‘ ,,,, ; 4, 1; , ;1 „, , t ,,,,,i i
„ , „ „; , , 1. , in . • . e' r 1
uy wagons brought $4.374 ee4.JO. Sale.
Rt. stait.-It is currently repotted t h a t M a y a , flow. ' and admiring friends. Reiinquidiltie, tie sea and , i
u,,, .. ,,.,,,,,,,,,, b.,..i.„.,,, what it ~, ~,„ r. ',., ,- I ' . e . •, , •
n n. moor no!. u•ene yo.! ahe so, geon wnlks in, .
AIM, in order to appease the wrath of tome of hit s; aim of political life, in which he had L. • n for many
1I ' I ' I. 1I•I'f ' k• i I the area t • elo.ell upon him. and he i s left alone And • ta t a t n
itl m to e d t or sacred the IMO, fh.tnre• Retailers
, I
.00n Th e 4 en.re Alf i ii. , 1,4 n Ins nreanc ,n ~
political friends a iil to.day, or to-mo , lo. mining.'acorn prominent and active, he had entered upon the • . t re flaking fir choice fornily brand. $4 G2l, come I
•• VII ,1 p11.41004i.,1,1: 14.1,.V. 10 1111 •41, ' 11 I, 44010,1 1.1 .for. """ I . """ . "'''''' . ^" r ".."": -. DR. GEO. FELIX,
eel er eirMeire ,34 ~) Burkwlwat flour is se lli ng ni 61 6241/1.751
get clear of several of his police oFl e ,s ‘‘ e thine trachea „f i, } -,,,,f,i0n ~ ,Lis coo, l,l, the fill' ~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,.. " 4, ~,,, 1 ~,,,,,. ~,,,,.. 0 ,,,,,,, in4 „,,,,,,, i ,, , ,,„1d , . 1 ' ' '',' ' III !' • '''' l ' l ''',"'• " NI "'• , ' . ' ' . • T_TAS removed a short distance above his former
no confidence in the rumor for the reason that a e think p r emi.e o f t h at • ue cess oliich is awarded to nettle!' 1 ,her torn "I'": '''' ''''''• an'' .1 'able rd . 'lie " I^''' ma" - per 1110 lbs. Rye flour and corn meal remain abcut I 11l location. on Smithfiebratreet, near Second, east
, never live Ion: as ',lon u s I hnnivhl yout loid.l.lp had ri 11. A han•lfill of foe •tho. oded ha any foader, wis ,
the Mayor is not an verdant .stn expect to "humbug" lion Anil Inlent. . ' tllO rift, fi• last quoted - side. jar 7
.•em on trill 1,,, r ,i,,,.. ~; t he erste, ...loch Innelpltt tett !le. ,I imp, 1. it —
the people, with so shallow a trick on the eve of :Iry Col M'Clte eos I mm o ,i ' s hit nalise
et " 1 I se i sed no more coml . . onnhle p,ppr, ,, ..: II e 0n01,..1,..,,,,,.! Aritles--Apples boil! green and dried are becoming Produce.
election. Cum! e il a il n 01. a seal io rn!egre... Ilc stnet. , his If I:nete be a plee•ure on eat th ss Mich ang , •ltc innra moisture ....telling a nwn !be walls on lone -ling-lik• i -cancer Dried are selling at 31,6'2 i again. 10 TIBLS Roll 13uttei;
track+. Trte a i :flow w foci: ven• looker. ar..l [ niched , - I oljba 11 Kegs Butter:
r.M.'i . urr,:s aPh alnli y and r‘..4,•',0,--ho ed. re -el, e. er ) , 0. Rill 011irli i 1.. • might 10010:1 envy man th.rpret pares,l
The Allegheny Robbery. 4444 I:
; ,..d I, y 0,,. ‘ „,,. roan„y, ~.I left ,he l• a lls nI onr isess, d o of it on the power of relics log distr.Dl AIIOND M A RKET. ,10 Beah Clever Seed;
0.m.! 411010-1. O40:40,1 with hale , NOf n aelimis . 4 !'” irks Feather.;
Salm day, J a nuary .1111, 13-16 ' - - ,
W a r iip t h e [hi", i, g F rom 4 1 4 4, (3•,, ,, r, , o f 3, 044 4,1 n y s , t ;„„„1 L eg i,l arire ~ d h ~,, h 0 ,,,, a b1e a nd co,. table there hr It pnl 1 w h ic h deVol% re,glit pity mee fir nide- an del .it• to tie henra etther wit! ) in die li, 1i... in .10; , .., { '2 Rolla Rag C,arpet
i ii • noerairre ksas Ve1. ; , ,, IllfgO. ilii• morning nt all ,
mnrning. After cep) vin the letter of Mr. Stewart, th:putation. I . ieg. i. i• the :Inch 1.e.! poles:lnn that NO 1,4••• p o s. our . Tio• yen,: 50e..., .no d ~,,,,j,,, 0,„ !ice p :,,, ~, Recei. avid this day and for sale bt,
, 2.i1.1 ;lie ir•iill. in to. p r ,f, 5 ,i,,,,,,1 ~,,..i., .nrly hour. Ihe Market seemed to 131/ well filled vrith! H. I. AM P.T.RT,
the editor ca.!. : j Gov porter subs, Tient:ly relied iim to 1,1. Cabinet. testrilihe in,wer of ,I•eng gaol, bit tloit SVI.` illVe 11, , U . , I I , , , , . ~ n
. [ICU I no. r,•marreh m tool p ••••ieiti•nna nonare-, Ili u son, nod of e n tables at tin. scorn ot the year. • 1,,.,
— has, 333 &.1..):..! w.,,,i
"From The üb3Ve. which ileetc• the race cnrrectly, ' wilt relic disting.nished himself on Secretary of the ...0 a all 1 pl'lvOne,t it to O n , p,,rp,,,,, of ill. 1 V- -
when 11, liiiiiii of 1011/1, atiprea, ivng vein! !r• • •liiirl,
our teaders will see that Mr. Hawaii!) 4:4 all lie rho 1 .,,... ore about the same ns lust week: Tobacco.
Commonweal' h 1.3 his bland arid Ct./Oriel:MP d..pv rt meld. t, s ear. it Ildiipr.l. die s lreel .1,,,,, •• A ., iiri . ii ,•.l., 2
r mild do under the circumstances. lie could not ar- I.! olst. a ;LIRE or K cart CET.- rhe Legi•lnture ! , 1! 1,,,„ t „i t ,,. n. , ..„..,„,.,/,,I . er .,..„„ ~,,,i e4 „,, 4 , ~ ~,
,i 11 .,,,, alents- e ße-t etnt• or f 11.141 lICCI veal allil n11,11<•04 Of ; 9111130XES "Beeswing" Chewing Tobacco. in
rest the rotors on the oath of the cons sit as as it oersted a nd as Superintendent of the Public St huols by a
rn,.., ,
.. ,
1., ... „,,
~,..,.. ...1.- , 15 lb. hones. imitable for Hotel.. Also. 5
gr. of the spa. A rj:i ihe *erne Gr., P.al, Sr, Metton 1 , -, Sausage Meat Bc,l
-not be legally taken. All he could do was to info,, o masterly supers i.ior a nd regulatiOn of din, I t o porlaht , - . 31 ~ , . i''', -
. 1 ' ,„• , . . _ I 1,,,,, , , •' 15
Stagy" very Anperior, for tale w hole
-1..,,1etw0, •I ea, ele red S i e•uke, of the lino, Ibe " ''''' ' r ii"' ^ "''" ‘''''''' ' 'rrO' g ""'a" nea.Y 1".") Vilma Cheese a e.
the Trenaurer of Allegheny of tine facts he had learn- b. tool, of the nobl e sere. L.,. ; .ale n retail, by STEREIT ..Ir.. CO..
t" Ito-non - I shove. '11,.• ,-,...t, , , , ~f tin' stairs aI, 0 ,
ed. sod leave him Co take such v.:ion as prudence . ~„ i , . fn....age of the 0.,. erno: was t ree sed on the same
~, , 0,, ,,
f 5 „ ,, ,, ,,,,. .,
, b ,
~,,,,,,,,., :.,,,,,•taiiier—l'otntesss Illc. pr pl., Turnips 13c. par- i s . 9 No 18 altirket sr., I door above Front
I his I' • nn bon •,orner ,,, ! rends __.
woukl dictate. lie advised him to lentos e hie valol- ”" c "'"'''' ''''''" ' ' `."' 3 .' ', n , .1.,._ _ _
Loci 4 ,7 , e onp!,•red the f t 4041:, 4,1011, or if V 41. Were ' ;
' •14i l•a1.1 ealihages 5 carrots te. oellery 5 e n bunch. FOR SALE,
les and guard his offige. The valuable. were rem, . dit.ughrl'it the Ci•c"."' 0 ny• "I'li. ''l '.." ''''" .'"'''''"e • --- leas iee Ile n ens.. 'h n,• then .. rt• ne tin aineenl, and fa ted iii•ples 50 , per pk, green apples I6c pr pk, horn- SMALL supply of Economy dark mixed and
. but the re vs •a not gearded. Had this been he:east-mem. 1.... " . -III " "'". '""1 'i ,m I'iIII " I. l i' l '" to N ''' the 1u tn. r •,1.-„ei.,l wan. re-onre , l '
the case, of had Mr. Sic , • (CT informed :lit pnlice of , ens 13,• or qt. CI at.twerie., !Kole in market, /11 and !nary fi-sh colored hmadcleth end rassinets.
Ye k. tie ie.g i de. Deinware no 111 traan canal, ,1,, • g ..‘,,,,1,,, f,.. • rn .,„,,.. r 1„,,, d . ar d i m. ~,,,,,, h.„; •
A ll
of the projected robbery, the s Wane mig,hr From our Washington Correspondent.
~,,, _ , . . , .
_,. . ' k loroe snorts' of vellow anti purple carpet davit].
base been arreated." i W asitta..Tos, J in. 7ill. ' rb . " ‘• ~ - It.t. ol , i'4 , •.r. .• i t .....1` , ..+ • , . . 31, •• •T.
40 41 t0 4401.,441 1 , 4 I,o' 00 li, I 00-4. 4s .00 •4-1 4t •• 44 CITY PRICES CURRENT. JAN. 12.
~,,, , r : h .1
~, sizes of window a sa•- an. glare to snit: matches
, urn!). tuna 'is tti , • rrnlto.a 5 , t0 1 , 0. -making the h• al '" ' 1 - ' '" , f '•• inicic -nose la. eirarel li t n. a ben (11111,FeLlY coßlit.o TED 1.,' /RYA CI r.R2002. by lb, gro . • 4,S,c ; LOllisVille lime by the hbl. nr retail;
This is certainly a very weak effort to justify the 11l rho Il..nre of Ilepresentertn.c.. to dny. Nll 1141 M . ,
4 1,h11) 11l U „O the •-0 .00.1., r otemed awl I. s '....t eiglit • s sie.er, dr , •(• „„ -p m , 5,,,,,, . . • 31,:iCh& 4,621 ,• h I
.., ,ve,,,., spades; done and tarty folks, &c• &c., for sale
coriduct of the Pittsburgh police in the matter. The tin, from the Committee on e 'er-tin... tnn le I upon. • ' roul In ex-ti as tit •• ne e T7115,r. ~, h the siel lea eted • ” W igoe. - - 4 37.irii) 4,50 low for cash t...r trade to .nit c o n signee,.
Gazette says that Mr. Howard 'could not arrest the 'n favor of the rhtlit of Mr. Brocketan i n rol g in t 1 ihe
Fong' .• re lit ~ tI. -Tii.• Nlmertj, Cs': S mt •l, 05 t. ' i "7 . r " r "'" rrsri l ' rr " '' r a hsa ' r.r. ' T 1 ". ''''''''''' Th. , : =I eill-le.r 100 ha . • 1,50 471,824, ISA. AC HARRIS. Agent
- ie , lhi oi h• r 1..1,n. r.eiple I . II 'lie r ,ll^l.t nrwe ~1 . , , i 1
robbers on the oath of the convict: . The oath of the -est now nrcopled by Mr Cabell, of r / "" 1. 1 l '' r ''''' . '""•" " I ' ' I " 'hll'. I''''''''''' I 'l,.' they III" 1 1" ... . lier , v , arnl,tag, enow I ,b. , ~I, , ~, ~.., , -,-. - ' -"
1 ' '" - ' ' ' ' - . so ,& 6 . 2 1 tnt.7
_and Com. Merchant, ['in 9 511 i st.
i • (,• ~,„._ vi I „ ~i p!, ~.,„ • - 0 1111 qt, I/O
convict IProtild not have been recestara', if the Mayor muto,ify o r the c o nron tre n:ao mn le a {. i ,, ..'; 11,) %, 0 ,, :.,.t oIT .o r a ., I (... 10,1 can tied do.. n 1,. . in , non • , nn on-tana thrtt a mitt he n rn an are , - ni •rt kN 1 I'D immedintelv. two or titre* sober
45 € 50 W • ~. ,
of Allegheny and his officers had been informed of the . Melt were ordered to be pin-net! sI, t le I 0 ,-,,, ~!,,, tiny 1,,, , ,e Q,, 1,..,.. f;,. 4 .,, I , , -,,,,.. c-- ,-.- I h-- ie,..r.rli, .11. l on -tea . ,J, P",
nuns, .-.gent•-ynung men re craved thrmigh
tr„.. - .
. 3 ' l r d' tine erenntry and get ..e.eribers, &e. for a l'ittslitirgh
intended whitely!, for the reason. that in all probability, NI r Itheit asked leave to exi itsm ios ions ••-is fo ss- 3, , ,i, i , , •,..., i
•„, on , i ,,,,. ~, 4 „,..„ „, 14 , „ ~,. J. , ~,,,,,, ' ,'”:',• . • • • 1• , -1, „,..,. p•, „ . .
15 ' W) ' 4l ' '''' n Naos T aper.. &a, and one or TWO 10 14,11 Pnlowr . ,,t
the villains, would then have been arrested whilst engn- , seining in Int• march on Moedny, that ‘1! k•lar. e-, .die 0,.., SI J, , 1n,... 1 It. . tin , a 70 ~,,,, ~,,,,.,,1 , ,„_5 ,-,, 6 g 4 , 441 •• bile cooks, ant Hniely
gad in the act. Again, the Gazette says all Mayor ' oppowed to the list %Var. He i poted as pm : , f, is let
~ i
~ . _ • '-'2 ‹ri 25
n nil respectable privntc familieslces for a number
1r w
..../ .!area.-7 , - •ha at' , i 1., .1,)! u• 11. - - 31 'ld 41
• - itssunad' 4l s oaf! Jo was to inform
an of Al. ter written hy
,Mea, A,(ssuzi St Petemburgh. to Mr l' ' ''' hl.k • eflesokkeepere. salesmen ,warehrene men, mechanics,
. e n .or Satnr.i, r , ..,:ht 'n..t in a !elute on Wel., ••t•eio o h, .i, se , ,si o r ti, .1 aen n, .11 l i.n ') ~ li r,W 'il ~, ~ ..,;,,,,,,,,,
..._ I. , 1 , n " , ',.., ai ,, Li ,!'„ laborers, apprenticee and boys in stores, Cr.. Also,
laigheny of the feet be had learned, and leave Lim trs ' Maitre...the Seri mnry of Si rite. 4 I Lis telter it w , •
...`' - - - - ~.i ' ,". . ..,..,',•'. ' 2 wanted, plat-es for colored rnachmen, o niters, host lers
ot -wli.h a 1 S •••••mars. GU 4114 , 11'13• , 14 11.,, , r. xl•v i 't; ' . '" I - ''` I "': "' ''''' `Z' ' ; '""' '`' ' - Tonteds, • •
take such action as piaiderire w"it l ti dieltee: . Tiiiis 'he r ernenderrri by those who took pelt in the pool, • , - - -- ' 7 '''''' ''' f4) conks and hot s and gee's for all work, in town end
1 t o , d rot ," „ nm , aJ ~ V a nd e n!. fnom •I e , 11.... 1 ., ,. , , ,
~,.. (- love,. . 5,00 Zi,ril) ~,,.,,,,, 5, • i'lente npplv at ISA AC 1 - 1 AII Rla . ,
is certainly a very singular posh ion. Now we am, tic.' enmprognes of 18 - 21 to :525 1 /- r'd -N `" l I" , b- • - • - 7 i ?ee 8 itener;•l Agency end Intelliience Office, No 9 Filth si
that to inform the Tret,-trer of Allegheny. nits not . Mr Adair,. , ep! ed. a rifle long A.:in-meta ,oi t.
1 4 ,p, 5 i „,. /
nin e .-.. n .•, .. . , ! n r, 1 r '1,1,111 Ole I .., rill ot ii , orl
;,.- er ,
”ALL" Mnynr I luward entrli hare done: he could political Cour‘e, nn I a cquitted iccnself . f tar n a ntge. %,
ro, , ,
„,,,, .
~,,.,,,., , , , „
~ , , - - - 7 'it 8 -'---
- ''' I '''' 1 i•!"•• '%'. .1 1 '' 4 , WI lie, n I .1.•, •1 ,- i t lir•I ir• did r... 1 n. fost perem•t. the - ' r • .
also have -info, mud the police of Allegheny of the
. tl4llllpimr , :y. %V1..1c, he wnr s t eal. Nl' 1 n'''ci• I n e'd a t •n in, .ao ~t t, a I 'on,: I I nm m a n I ':,.,., ~ ,h, ~., „., „1 .1 , h 1. ,., , ~„ ~ „ „ h. „ 1 .,, , ,,, , h „ „.,,,,,,
~,,,,,. t 1,,-1 , , lb %R. - - • 7 'Ze 8
Ptcre•-lave nr d Rea per Ilt. - . 10 1 /Ze 13
jeered ro Ll s e n ,••,,,,nd 1. 1,,„-,,,,,,,,,,,,, au „ T o g li i j,„,,.. Leer e r il e d h en to or d. r. a.. I ~,.i, r,c.l lo LI, „• seeder I,n• ne n 4 . •-••••• • 4 h' •• OMO I I.in Clint,. Nll ...I ~ .-1 .1 • ..i., I. -t 1...1 ,IiI•lg 1e•....•.1i:• in i.••r .sor, •
zeated• - Again, tine Gavel to itsl4' 1,,,,a \lr. ST IV, - Will.rolt. :e4lll`. !it lo 11 , el) rang thocist l .-at • lir
~i 11, ..: , 1 ', '• "'
ART informed the police of Allegheny of the pi.jecleil Ili,t,ae, ' heat ii-ii - ---1 heat Mr It anam. - ; are; tire ~ A ..-
robbery, the s Mains might hose been arrested " We tun I.enn,g pot e betto r 1, .houna lace leave O 4 4 4 44,11. f ; .
liege Mr. Stewareto defend himself against the (i u- the noes 4rre fonrly iien , eoine. Al r, pr we, li ie n Fp , ~-, na, , .
aelle'il effort to saddle him with the blame, with the fee, ft:111111M 10' W. onerropted 1.:, "dr I lo: tn.,. o. tot .741I1 , 1; a o -tam. •••••. • •.. n•., . I ' • ....• e ee. .7 •
single remark, that if Mayer HOWREd or Li: offieer. desired to offer a r es.:lnnen, but the speaker de,. ai•• g
51...0 , ,
~ ,
~, . ,
~ o
had 'informed the police or Ailegle no of the I- ieo . e . that M' .h 4.114 the onun..nnt, r , ,, , n0t of 11, ho Ise I .., I •, , , n ,.. „ 1 ,.!. ~, ..,, s! „
, n , , , ~ I. ,
~, . ,
~ ,
~...1 , , , ,
~ ,
,1,1, 1 „
~,,1 , ,,,,,,
e, i i
~,,. ,
led rial,bers• the sillains might hove been urie. , s,i.' lie prneci Jrd. NI r Inlet; lii rfoted :1,1 a ~. 1., Cl .n 1 Ito,. \la. , ..• I' .n • ein , , in.. ~. . !
and we believe icetad hose been arrested. r, monitions and I thillTiflolloll4 [4o4.rd !teleran !,I ern e
all an rei
, e ed ..• .
",71 ,• , .1 I 1., ~.',
The editor of the Gazette will not, we presume. he In ,Lich Nit Adams came nil 'AIM Ore a icr,.-:, A"• 1 ),,,.„.,,,..,. 41 , ~ 1 ., 4 ,, i .h.
ny that the robbery was attempted. that in endeavor when he had dhne. Mr Holmes introduced a t 0 5 ,..:. , ~, 1„,„„ I•I , „ ,•,,,
lag to accomplish their purpose, the rublers destroyed tion appropriating , ,
a lut or enema it: tde co!, 1., a 11, n Clot:, • M . , .r.• . • ”
the gaffs in the Treasurer's office. and finally decamped situ for a M0 11111T1,411. to the m emo, : of (ten W a • „.
,e„,,i, •
~ e „ ,
with nu other reward for their well demised schemes.• ton, which was passed. wawa..
but an overcoat, which was nfter.ord, r ecovered l a ,h e Ino Homo then rm olved trad a canarni tee 111 ;I' . .• 4•4 44 4, 44 j.,,• 1 l• o 110 .. p if, ;'..h14 ;4, Nd.iit,
Owner. Although the ri,bisera did net gain the bunts'. Whole no the 'lneston or pso-z no ice to Ebgl , bd lot .. 1. Ir. • ".".••-•-•• - " 1 i• - '''' ,'• o '.• - I - ; , ••‘• 1 •P "t",.• t. ‘„, ,
„,t w!.:, .I 1.4 1•0 0 ~ to 41 prnri re ne ila• enon-iro ,
they played for, yet it is well known that they made a do' dice il.'iiiu.":" tit- Il 1 "./" 1 " (wcupaccf '' l ' lir"Vir l . s
, 1 ,,,,,,,, , , . ,.
.., ,
~,, ,
„,,,,. , ,
.., ~,„
~.0 I, i
Laid strike for it. They not only bloke into the office , Mr C 4 1 "4" 1 . 11 Pr'f''''''' to wri'''" lll :' '''' ''"''''' I 'n 11,,,,i r ,,/, Th o t we t h..., , s y unr n d ri,.. i t o ;
but they also, siiiih powder, blew up the i r on sa f e , r . ii..
sir _,ng nut 1110 Wolfd "1414141W1111. U 1441 ins,: mg '!unit,, „„ u , ~,,,,, ,„: a I tad a, ` s a e s :y . , , ,,1 a. ,
Which it was supposed the Treasurer kept the feed.
31.1,,,.'1 c s oir•,!. Fle, •
of the city. These acts. we should il.r.•k. a ere tan• Mr Yaney then beik the f1..0r arid ,I ,n. ere .
~,•,,r.,,.. I
r„r„...„,, „
~,,.,,, ,
cteLoy audacious, and illegal to war r ant t m., r a ~,,,t .
tut "nil ot Oregon .. -lie woeld go w Lill Inct fa.iliest
1 -„,,, k „ 1 " ,I, .k.,..0 2 .,..1. ni, 11 i 2 Idrelis Id 1,4 . ./1 n 1.,
I Gen lloe :in
but still their names base not been gii.en to the indite 'lma erel"n" th e "" ? '"" Ts " f l '" fr ' es ' • ter annonldr , to the attar.", h .1., ..aensain O 1 , 4 Co 4 1111. .61,1,01. ,', lin n; -
of Allegheny city, and our neighbor of the Gazzete from Munsouri- - all of Oregon or none-now or nes Reon!re-l. Ilia
.. lATAN I 1;11-l'Inee. for Aoter,,l g o na hool.kerpers,
.nea t n t near 1/[40 , 1 11141. minutes the .e . o-ced•m•
seems to thinks it wrong in the p..blic to demand in ..,1- but tlii. nom, lard not been gi.en by any prv•ce• '1 , r ,i,,,,
„„,,,,,,. i r ,
~.,, ~ .1.,.. ~,,,, • on riirn-15e.' •14 1 the •• o'l4lo 1 V •ni••rliell rie.tilem mei w.ir.•lion, men nnii fin
,i... 1,, tr. , : 1 el•ell helot , Lim .:•• he ro. • 10 440.1ra A rt. ~ e .., d 1 t je t ., far ire, tot trim:113,1.0 ,, "(the dragoon
formation that would enable police officers to keep a d,r•i; administration.end le . I . lf"ln'i OW 1,0 g,,,," _ -Ul:' sir, hove pay on me ' I i can he , t . t.n .I.e. and 1,,,,,,,e5s k e , a ll of ,hom Cell eflllle iyo!i re.-eornmend
proper watch on the bold burglars. necessity tll•leil new than IlefotUfore. •Ile •111•1 WO I'l t 1•414:110/1, Jall'.1!• 9, 3 i I ' , he 4 ion , 41,11,1. 410 400; A/ flint e/p0•O dint 4' 44 pso 40 ,4,1 \ hao •• 401,41 places for a 11 , 1 , 11 1 /er of laboring nett
We care but little about the personal slang milidged weir, „ l , l that ,t, c oonoreslt penre I 11111,0; thnt be Cr
,f. , , ,,,,„ ,
_ Thrior. .. 0 „.,„. r d nn „,.,,,. i „ it , th „ ..11,e• oNe• than mow' and boy. Ind apprentict•P In trnd,•••
in by the editor of the Gazette, and we can assure ' 2 - 0 ,,1d p i ovr. dint it was • war maker;-that Mr Pi-Ik Poldieigh l'o.t. el tlos 41,01,41114 114c104 111 . ei - , .0. fll I n *. , s nn. 41. • 4 -
c; v • 4
1; .•• 1V a - .Ti . nn dial 0 ell,. 14, e 40. th. 11 ' 4 .1 the W noted "Inc, is for a number of Colored Men amd
i n suggest i ng the s trengthening of our defences, nett- all is' that I war n lat,lci , ro , ent iii the Itch-IF a nd. rt: goo n. ' 1 ninal re the lealy' , .4 ad wi t h n room'; ‘‘ •irnert Boy. and . vials. 1 antt•d. severßl ...r nt ,
bim that it will not enable him to evade the real rnor• ask sea to soste a 1..111..1 I its either eh r eeily or , 0 'as' sudd,n that the woman har,ty knew th a h e boil d nth fie•li liteosi• et milk, having lost their einlaren
, • c'n ed that the ciyine the notice would p i nnate a s • I
ill of the question If he hal either been appolote“, l 'i °'= - • • di r e-ens an applicant for, Cr recipient of, any p ort , 3 , s lipped from he.. lc bet be to re open the rot ;Inn, n il. 4, i•1I 10 I'll,. children to suckle ond nut•e. &e• &e.
1 into a war. He eulogized 'llar Csillieun highly,
or volunteered to be the champion of Mr Howard, in and ' itf said (end; also please to state whether Mr. lA i n united th e fall light of day, and noun tied t o th e bed. Also. places wanted for severnlsewing gels. \Vented,
'.Ref reviewing the defenceless state of the couidry• Eichh . aum, my partner in business vs •s an applocant or i mile. sastral good cooks for Hotel, and private families in
this Matter, we want him to give some satiaGsetory
'predicted that the law of necessity and population:,
v,,,, respectfully, i '1 here 1,34 hove violent, here: . he stria, pointing lawn and cou n try.
explanalion of that officer's neglect to inform Mavor lon,. obedient. Smear, ,owned the hotly, and gating intently on the face, t u m , Piense apply at II A ftELIS' Agency and IntelliEMlC.e
would settle our di ffi culties with Great Britain, on '
Nuns of !ha contemplated robbery, when lie heard ; S. F. VON BON HORST winch the black aril was 110V1 for the first time remo- oliee, Ni 9, sth street• _)in 12 Ht
this question, in less than five years. In that time
that it was to take place. After it had been at., Ti Messis 1 lenms• Itekewell. Morgan Robertton. ' s'ed• in d''''''` e ' leme " t " f ° minute b " fi. "'• the female, _
temp,ed-aftei. the office hail b een broken into, and 100.000 men would line the banks of the Pacific. 1 Rohert l'orte, , arid Warrnek Martin, had an•heil off the bonnet end veil, and now stood . In Chancery.
Mr Caleb B SMilll of Indiums followed Mr Yam . . I Dzstribu , iag Commater. with her eyes fixed upr n him. Her (return were /a the Distract , Coart for the County of All, gheny,
the safe destroyed, why be did not inform the author; -1 ' , ' ' •
ties of Allegheny city. who wire the paean,, reported li e woe "T`P°"'” to giving notice, but in fnvor of ex- I - ~,,,, of a „.„,,,,,,, fr,„ , ~,,,,),„,, „,- 2 „, been hand (;tanntonrerrtah <,- Pennsylvania, at July Term,
some. SOr4OW sod V4eCrin had telt trnres upon them .4. ji, 131 . 2, NO- axe.
tending the imitdiction of the Ended States over the , PlTT•Rertnii. 9 Jan 181 C
to him as intending to attempt the nd,licry. in order that e loch not time itself would ever have I I
pro..iirer.,. Simon Tracy,
t ' f., the protest on of our citizena. , Afr Sl' 1, ,, , 11 , nh orst-In reply' to tour mite of this ~.,0 1 ,,,,i t t he, aid; her f nee was dendly pale, nnd there. ' 's.
they, if guilty.might be brought to the punishment their ' rett '` . • o'l
Mr smith concluded his remarks, on matron of Mr ' t i , • , , i se .inie that neither yourself indoenloll l y. not ~.n . a ~e , ,,,,...cant..ruen of the lip. ti, dno unnatural. i ' William O'Neill
bold crime merit sal If the Gazette can renames tl.e ' ' ' ' v at i c n ..owinte IT rn. Eirttletatll, 1.',.(1 , nor any parr,,' f.,.„ in I „.. ~.,,., which showed t ,„...,l, s i r d s i h a , 1., 11, '
i: , A
, N r i N ow , ro will; 4nti'V, 25, 1345'
public that fur thieves to break i ts' o an office aiel des- C 1 Ingersoll. tine Committee ro.e, end the House en
~,,,, n „,, ~,. or 0 „ ht. . , " • reee,e,l nay
0,,,,,,4 1 ..,,t,
ru‘. ,
I immediate l y mijoorned Su Mr Ingersoll has the the rend lona' nod further that the name of .our fi rn ,„ ~I„,,,„„ „ I 5r ,,,,,,
troy so iron safe in their efforts obtain the plunder ' ... • c n . 1 t Decree of </mid Cnmputit bled This
reuse came on to be heard at this term
, Rot, to moriew. i n ,„„ , h,... i ii ,..., t... 1 le the register by ,ho tunse••ontit, , r!,,,,,n i n n . been v iolence l ir r, e seal the surgeon,': (Nov. 1614.) ant ,„,,,, r d • , •
they are in search of, is not a crime that deserves pun. Rue by Connell, anii there
, I wa, nt your it . 1 neint with d rawn pro, hrtm to Ow d a d a ' p. e •ers ill • his .cilicho.• glance.
ishnsent, we will abandon the controversy; and, if it ' i " the Se ' ll ' e • the I'll en'''amor tht. Cutatblr '''''' itonan a f t i ny dist !noel by the rommittee. • - I ' II ' I fore, upon consideration thereof, i t was orr k re d.
Road through the states 01 °too, Indiana, land Illitioirl, .1144440 4,1 rt•in on the *neon. ! , ‘ ,1„,,,!,.,-I ~pd d arrer d, i t s followa, to wit: That the
can show that it is right and proper, on the part of, 1 ours respretfully. 1 I'las urrn he+ been murdered.'
, cos taken tip, but after a brief discussion postponed , THOMAS 11Alelieerat.. , , r ,, ,, , I
...,,,, 1 , , , ,1 ~,
~,,,,,,,, hi , 1ia... •
~,,,i the
‘,.. p a:nerd - op set foal! !!) the , I . ,lendingli l n .) this 011ie, RA
those who have been informed to neglect to let the
, 1,„4.,,,, , ,,, ini,,,,,,,,d,, _ ,
~,, , ext.\ me het, een the C • ornynninntnt run , efentinnt did
proper officers know the names and intentions of these l '" "' l ' lanrk '' ' WARRICK NIA hirlN, "'' ' ''' exi.O. as set f irth in said Complainnnt a Bill.-and he•
The bill providing tin the rai•ing of a regiment of ed:
midnight depredators, we will admit that the conduct . ROBERT PORTER. . ' clime rind cat i ii.icolreil by eilloxion of time on the
I mounted linemen Wei ordered to be engrossed. 11 ' " I "‘" °. ' ° '' l ' l ' '''' - ;" • `' n. ' min g tile "' min iI Y first day „f April, 131 1 i iiyil it is Beecher oedema and
of the Pittsburgh officers has been entirely blameless ; ' . • the ur tn.
I The hill to smile the claim. of New Hampshire I deereed, that it be relarted to JAMES S. CRAFT,
We callfor the Gazette's jostification of this extraordi- 1 , , Cai n e, , ,• , • Look at 010 hUICII , I if ma rks and then ask me! . she 1 ...., e
1 one of the masters o thin Court, to take an
against tee L, - Stoles Won oiSCU , eii i n I,ln EMT, replied. s
nary neglect. I 'sitar on necomit of the pat tnership dealings between
miner of the abide and postponed till Monday neat. The •iii gems turned towards the bed, nod bent Ayer ,
P. S. Since the above was put in type we received m ' Plaintiff and Defendant. arid for the better discovery
the body. w In, I; lisp full to the light of the window; the '
The bill establishing certain mail routes from New of the matter n foresaid, the parties ore to produce be.
the following statement of Mr JANES IcVtgltatti throat woe swollen. and a blue. livid mark encircled it.
Orleans to Texas, was recommitted to the committee fore the paid Master, upon oath, all hooks, papers and
one of the Allegheny police. The facts stated by Mr Th e troth llo•ined suddenly upon him. writinE• in their monody or power relating thereto, as '
fer the purpose of being amended. ''r hi. to one of the men who were hung this mor.
11rVicker, are certninly of a very ,larding character, the said master shall direct, and are to he examined ,
'Mr Nile* reported nn amen d ment to die j•iint melte nine!' lie exclaimed, turning awny with a shutider.
upon interrogatories nr otherwise BA the said master,
and the public, we tidal.. will demand an explenation•
'lt id: replied the woman with a cold, unmeaning
Mr M'Vicker soya 0 ,,,,. nifiner }inner . , in
fl. , nkfna
of lotion relative to the ,
public printing; so as to include
stare. shall direct-and all further direetions are reserved '
until the coming in of said report. And now, lan'y, i
the [etre ''(printing from the commencement of the
the man from whom Le }wad received information .Lunt 'Who was lit ?' inquitt•d the surgeon. ! sth, 1846; on motion, the decree made in this case,
adopted and the resolution order. My son!' rejoined the woman; and fell senseless at',
the intended robbery in Allegheny city, stated that s"'i'n. which was , nn the 25th of January, 1845, amended by adding )
his feet.
"he was a person just out of the Penitentiary, and ed to be engrossed. !thereto the following words, viz: "and that the said
s, After a report from the committee on Military nf. And her son it Was. A rom anion, e nallv filly
P q •g' • master have authority to take the testimony of w it
tkat ke could send him back any minute he thought wilh h i mself, hod been acquitted for lack or ~,
proper to do so-that he was completely under fairs, which I did not hear, the Senate went into the den :e, while he had been left tor (lentil, and ero•ctited. nes.es, on proper notice by him to hedesignated. upon
interrueatoties or otherwise as the said master shall
ronaideration of executive business, rind confirmed The nether, n widow, without friends or money, hod, { direct;
lisle thumb." IF it is true that this man is known to ' and in case any of the witnesses, whose testi..
the nomination of Gen F. Lehman, us 'Post Mester denied herself the neceasaries of life, to bestow therr. n "
be guilty of a crime }hat would at "any moment monv shall he required either by the Complainont or
a Phl 1 I 1 ilia, and some 1 •
t :wept , .at pomtmt nts to land ofTh u p., h er oiplimi Iloy, who, unmindful of her prnyers the Defendant, shall reticle out of the said County of
seta him back to the Penilentigry," why is he per. ''`" ll- " ree11..21 ill Ille I `" . "' unt null* " Of 'njwi and " I- Alleghcnv.and at a akton, in the state of Pennrylva
mitted to go at large? Where is he now? That bis des in the west. Yours, reality Clnrvat ion of botly which she nail endured for!
DUQUESNE. Mu , or elsewhere in the United States of Am e ric a ,
whereabouts was known, we are bound to infer from him, hed plunged Into a cistern ofdbisipation nod crime
-- - - ; the said muster may. on the instance of either party,
oleeh had resulted in his own iientliby the huneman's '
what passed between officers Hague and M'Vicker, in on paper notice by him to be designated, 111141. upon
hands, on I his mother's shame und incurable insani•
reference to the stolen coat, and to this part of the inter...eateries ~r otherwise as the said master shall
I direct,designate and appoint a Commissioner or Com•
statement of Mr M'Vicker, we earnestly invite the ' missioners, to take the testimony of mud absent wit.
ness east v. itnesles.
attention of the public. If we can understand the,
statement, it is clear that the person who gave the in•
formation as to the intended robbery was also expect
ed to give information that would lead to the recovery
of the cost. s% . ithoot further comment, we annex the
cit)c Dailv lor»i~tg opt.
PITTSBUBJ3H, MONDAY, .11N - I. 7 ARY 12, 1846
OrC 3 FA t Me.R..keent for country res.:Tapers,
lathe gent for the Pittsburgh Deily Morning Pust.
and end Manufacturer, to receive
adtrettirentents end subscription , . He ha. ,iffinnii in
NlPti YiITIR. ne ihr Coal (it - Ili-v.:30 .tun street. (..1.
joining the Tribune Olfice.)
Enstos, No 12. Stair street.
PEILAD? LFIIII, Real Estate and oal
Pine street.
BII.TIMna t , Sr: carncr Baltitnore rir , l Calvert st•
vOiert nor parr can be sect., and terms of ad verti
sing learned.
City Democratic Nominations.
Democratic Nomination.
corrsmitoiccion of •An Es-Slembve will
eirropr to-morrow
To t7te Editor of the Morning Post:
Dear Sir —ln ybur paper of the 10th, I find a let.
ter from Mr Stewart, the Treasurer of our city.giving
as he gays, a statement of the facts concerning the
robbing of his office. You will do me a favor, by putt
lishing the f.llowing statement, in order that the pub
lic may see what agency the police of Allegheny had
in the transaction.
The first intim:Wee we had of the robbery, was
ro•n Mr thwart on the mottling arer it hod been
.; ,
THE GREAT RAlLROAD.—Whitnr ' d Railroad is
making a stir in Europe. A correspondent of the
Washington Union, writing from Bremen, Rays he lin;
sent a copy of the gigantic scheme to a member of the
German Diet, suggesting that it should be forwarded
to the Emperor or Russia. through the Count Nosed.
rode, with the view of inducing him to extend a rail
road from Moscow to the confines of China. A rail
road belting Europe and Asia, and another this conti.
nent, would be as good as a Congress of Nations for
the preservation of peace and the promotion of com•
merce in the great human family. Corn Laws and all
other restrictions on trade and international intercourse
would be trodden under foot by the world's great Dims
Among the last inventions in London are “gnlvanic
:hat.," so that galvanism is g,r)ing a 1, cad.
C. , II •- •
11,1 • 04 , , do•rt'll ~..•
r in Cor 1 ,
ry , .1 r
(11 I 1'r4 . 1 f , l th/. •,•.•"'n
ClicArner • s ticar-coated Vegetable Par zalire
Pills —Experience having lung ',lore decided, that
every 11110`h6e mi t :Mates rum impurities of the Mood„
or derangement of the digestive o r gans, i t i s ev id ent
that the remedy employed mist be of such a nature as;
is best calculated to remove those obstructions. or rd
at ore t h e blood to its natural state. The Clickener,
Sugar-coated Purgative Pills, being compounded pure•l
Iv on scientific principles. and based on an intimate ttc.l
pinintance with the origin of disease, and the actual
Istructure of the human system are the only remedy
which can be positively relied on. Being composed
of ts variety of ingredients entirely different from, and,
independent of each other in their mode of operation;
they never fail to reach the seat of disease, in whet•
ever shape it may appear. Thus, if the liver be effect.'
off, one ingredient will operate on that pritsieular of gun
land by cleansing it of that excess of bile, it is con
Istantly discharging into the stomach, restore it to it.l
ineturel state. Another will operate on the blood, end
remove those impurities which have already en t er ed
into i ts c i r culation; while a third will effectually expel:
from the ,IVALCITI V. Weyer impurities may have hero
discharged into tire stomach, through the lost rurnen•
,ility of the other ingredients.
Sold by ‘Vm J reboot,, corner of IVoncl and Liberty
.treert, who i• ceneral Agent for Dr Cliekenei's I'lll.
in Pittsburgh arid vicinity.
I 11 Beware of an imitation article called "'siren
eed Sirizar.Cnatrii purporting to be Patented
nn both the pills end pretended patent are forgeries,
got tip by a miserable quack, in New York. who, for
the last four or five years, has trade his living by
1 counterfeiting popular medicines. jnn.
'•Thc Whole of Oregon or Nont."—Th(, Phila
delphin North American learns by private advices
from Washington, that eeveral distingaisheel Whig
Senators will sustain the view. advanced by Mr Ad•
urns, upon the Oregon (locution.
Not Tr ue.— A letter frorn'-narrisburgli slates that
the tumor that Judge IVoodwrit4 had resigned his seat
upon the bench in antielpition of the new sent is not
0FF1...F. OF THE ALLEGOENT 13 flirted , . CO.,
--.: I l'itshorgh, J a nuary 3.1346.
Died, • T Hr. Pmsident and Managers of "tbs. Company
'' '''''' U., S ,t0r.1.0. reer.ing, 11,1 CilAntAa W_Ci.eRE, lot erecting a Briilge rivet the river Allegheny.
l'' " 1 ""T"'" I ''',' • , i:.., r ,,„,,, „„., • i n c„,-,,.. i .,..,. f r ....i n the Coo,her .lpposite Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny,
"....• " I ...I ' ""`" ied 1I;-:'i ii: o• +l S. r,lory of Co.n.non..eulth. arid have this day declared a dividend of eight per cen eon
.... f, ..... i. :, ...,. (II 2.'. ,. ,
.1 ,!,,,,,,, , s „,i 1 ,4„,1,,,,mi„ ~1 t he j',tty. no, of the profits of the last six months, which will be
, Ai .. , n i w •I. r 1 Ir. 11: 1. 1 !,, '
, • I r 11. pail! to Siorlsholders , or their legal repreeentatives.
I 1. , I . ..,,.gal e 11l m'se place :his ill% (M,mihr.,) 0 1 '1 on or after the 4th instant.
l. .I' M. li.iiii lit e resi.l,•,.• ~t 11, tine l i e r lVm B i
Lire, 1... q. Pei, slier I, t o ',sine. ii to din Gene '
.• , .
I. t 1, .• t tri t t .t.t t t.t .
tt ...11, ot, I
•\1 I
I .
CA. If on tr, EcttTivot.EN T.—A COIIIIIII , editor tells,
hi. sub., Me, that he ling been compelled to adopt
the caste ate a, but will continue to teceivo potatoes
at ear.
Thiiugbdiseuces mny be Ind/quid upon WI, Oct
how thenkful ought we In be that Providence has pin.
ced within nur reach the means for their speedy rind
effectual removal. Coughs, Colds, Consumptions and
; Liver Complaints form by fur the most fatal clean of;
i diseases known in our land. For the removal of the!
nbuye di4enses. Dr. Wistar'o Balsam of Wild Cherry'
is pronounced by the many thousands who have used it,
the hest remedy in the world.
ta'Be sure In get Dr. ll'iptar•B Balsam of Wild
Cherry—there are imitntion , !
genuine Win Ines Balsam in sold in Pitts.
burgh, by \ V LCOX. Jr., cur. Man Let st and the,
Diamond. lap
he.l 1 i ,
t CO, Of ti C.,111111J,1.
Salc of Ecal Est.atc•
Vi th, ..f n1 , 13!,1.• z
(Thrrim., cIII
. .•; ‘V. h
ro 7 rlu r .11:m y
No. 31. io r•in 1,0t4 (Rid mgt
It wen in Sixth Wnrd riin,
^ _l feet ylie R•reet and ex~rndin~
o.ln .Alec 26 i r e.l witlo Tormgui
.1011 N 11 1/AVIS, Aort'r
r. 1 7i,
I+r) I 2
From the Reenrd,
And WM', to Wit, January 8. 1846: The parties
to the 011'.'13 13ill. &c. are hereby notified that the
eleventh day of February next,at three o'clock, P. M„
and my office. at the corner of Wood and Fourth eta.,
[Pittsburgh,] are assigned as the time and place for
proceedings to the above reference, when and where
they will attend
jam 1'2•31w
arrive and For sale by
M B RIIEY & Co.,
%Vetter street.
4 ~'
r” , l'edgue,
Muter in Chancery
:!.,.;; :»i':;1:.,•,-`;,:.:..;',.',.:-::•„-.;-:?;..;:'..'....zi;-:.-1...i,;,,S.,;.'-7•;t;,.'',;,:,4..,t,.,'.. -:.i.Vts.i.:4•.';
AVE removed to Fifurth et., opposite R & R H
Patterson's Livery finanee. jen7-3m
to :1.1346 ,11,11.,
AlIT( HELL'S .cries ofOutline \kr., for School.
and Arldemie.. coroLd , oing 0124 dddincr :Slops
no a la, air. and prepnral no eariva.s, with n Key
of explttoni der•cription.t,lessono,&c. &c., fur the
tt.e of Tearhecs And pupil..
The nbove cot ir. of maps are now in low in nearly
every l e-rnctable SChool in New York, and the F.aat-
•tt-licr , arc reircrtf.Aly invited to cull and ex
amine them.
For •nli• by
On 7
122 Wood wee,
Ea LAMBERT lel. s'emoverl to the were-
V 1,111.. no. 133 and 115 W real street betweon
Fitih end Sixth •tract.. where he reirectfully noliritx
a shot e of public pntronege• jauS
Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures
Noe 1 33 and 133 Wohd street
175 bbl. No 3 -soolh" MacLore];
30 " 1 and 2
5 half bbl large No 1:
6 barrels No 1 salmon:
30 Alewives (Herrings;)
15. " Gibbed
12 casks Primo Codfish:
120 boxes Scald llei rings:
In store and for sale by
30 BAGS Pepper;
15 '• A !spier;
120 " MatsCasAin
5 " Bbls Ground Gulger,
5 Pepper;
2') boxes
bbl nutmegs;
25 cans Giuund Cassin in store and for sale
133 and 135 Wood at.
250 PACKAGES Y.ll. Imperial G. P and
Pouchong Tea in chests half-ehesss. catty
boxes and cannister■ in store and for ARIP by
133 and 135 Wood st.
450 BAGS Rio. part prime green;
_ 5 Java in storo and for sale by
133 and 135 Wood et
200 BOXES 1s Ss 12s 16s and 325, Ricbmond
Tobacco in store and for sate by
133 and 135 Wood Ist.
Dried Fruit
2Pr. BUSH Dried Apples;
IPJP 10 " Peaches;
received this day and for sal ;H.
132 and 135 Wood st
1 1 0 LET.
A 11 A N DSONIE Store Room, finished with shelves
and connters,suitahle fur Dry Goods, and with
gas fittings all in good order--the store is situated on
Market st between 3d and 4th sta. Pooession given
on the lot Ap. E D GAZZAM,
Office ril,
Market st between 3d and 4th eta.
Oh Yes! Oh Yes!
YOU CAN always bad at G. Sehnecies on the cor.
ner of Fifth and Smithfield streets, Fresh oys
ters served up in every style on the shortest notice.—
Also, Cundies, Fruits and Pantry's of the choicest
kinds. Call and see. novlo-tf
Eight day Patent Lever Gold Watches.
JUST received a fine Int of eight and one day
gold Patent lever watches suitable for both ladies
and gentlemen at very low prices aud warranted good
cor 4th and Market at.
ii *W*Nt.italk.s
Cornrr of jitarkct sired and the Diamond
THE sul . n.criber ha• located permanently in Pitts
burgh, for the mannfartme and sale of all kinds
of Scidirry, Car age and Harness Trimmings, silver
plated. Mae+, japanned or tinned, in setts, or separate,
to order, of any pattern, rind to keep a complete as
sortment. Moo, buys and se;ls on commission. The
articles made and on hand are the following:
Bridle Bite and Stirrups, Backlights,
Tenetts and Hooks, Moulding & Whip Sock-
Buckles and Rings, eta,
Iron and Wood Hems, Huuse Trimmings,
Stanhope Trees & Pads,
Pad Frames,
Bands for Wheel•, Number Plates.
Body and Dash liandl,s Trunk Plates, Silver,
Dash Irons, port (tamed. I Brass or composition.
Coach Door Hand
Those persons belying Brass Trimmings on their
Doors can have them taken off and put. on. and mod
erate charge for Hale only.
4 Apprentices;
1 god Silverplater on Louse vrortc l to net as fore
I good Blacksmith. to make Irvin Hems and Han
1 Wood Ham-maker, or a person to contract for
a quantity of various Lind.;
I Brass Finisher and Founder,
1 Filer, 1 good Lathe;
1 Coach Lamp-maker;
I Bridle Bitt and Stirrup Plater.
I Drop Stamp and Screw Press;
II or 8 second hand Vices, weight not to exceed 30
Merchants or others having broken sett. or odd ar
ticks, can sell out or procure deficient pieces to fill
op their assortments.
I wish to purchase a few setts of Harness, differ
era. kinds. Also—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags,•
Valises Saddle., Collars, &c. Those desirous of
selling will please drop a line, and leave it at my store
and dwelling, Diamond alley, in rear of Wm Putter
ilin'S stable.
Merchants, Saddles. Carriage-makers or others
wishing to be supplied with the above articles of Pla
ting. will he waited on by leaving their address.—
Those who are in favor of having our work shops at
home, rather than send abroad their favors, will be at
tended to; and to accommodate those who pay in a
metalic cm lency. I will receive in payment Iron,
Copper, Brass, Tin, Pewter, Lend and Coal.
Silver Plater.
N. B. Messrs Hays & Getty, Market st.,between
4th st. and the Diamond, will show samples of my
manufacture and give fat ther information when called
on. G. T.
jan 5.3 m.
City of Pitisburgli, ss.
IN conformity with the provisions of an Art of the
General Assembly of thecommonwealth of Fennsyl•
yards, providing for the incorporation of the city of
Pittsburgh, and of the several supplements thereto: I,
WILLIAM J. HOW AR D. Mayor of the said city,
Do issue this, my proclamation, declaring. !hot on the
Second Tuesday of January. A D 1816 being the 13th
day of that month, the Freemen of each ward of said
city qualified to vote fir members of the house of rep
resentatives of this commonwealth. will meet together
at the usual places of bottling elections, in their res
pective wards, and elect, bybillot, one person in each
and every wait!, qualified to 1..r1 . 0 nt a member of the
Senate otaltis commonwealth, to serve as a member of
thn Select Council, and five persons in each and every
ward, qualified to serve as Members of the House of
Representatives of this Commonwealth, to serve as
Members of the Common Council.
And that on the same any, the Citizens of said City
qualified as aforesaid will at the usual places in their
respective wards, ns aforesaid. elect by ballot a citizen
of the said City, qualified to be elected a Member of
the House of Represcreatiye,s of this Commonwealth,
to be Mayor of said city.
Also, in conformity with the Provi.iions cf aßesolo
tion of :be Select Council, passed December 28. 1845
the. Citizens of the first and second wards of said city,
qualified a. aforesaid, will. at the same time and plas
Ct . !. elect by ballot on. pet •on in each or said wards,
qualified as aforesaid to serve as members of the Select
Council, for two years, in the place of William Eich
haum. Esq.. of the first and Josiah King. Esq., of the
second ward, resigned.
Given trader my hand and the Corporate Seal of
(he City of Pittsburgh, ihisfirAt day of January,
A. D., 1846. 11'M. J. HOWA RD,
' e n 5 Mayor.
compliance with law anti the Orders of the
Postmaster General. Sraled Proposals will be
received by me until 18 o'clock, noon, on Monday the.,
`..'d day of February next, for supplying the Stationery
required for the use of this Post Office during the two
years commencing January Ist, 1846, and ending D.
c.mber 31, 1847.
es—weight `26A lbs per ream;
50 Pounds Cotton pecking twine;
25 Pounds beet scarlet Sealing Wex.
Contractors ore required by law to give bond in a
turn equal to double the value of the articles to be
lin nished. Pay.nent will be made on delivery of the
Stationery. Bidders required to furnish samples.
Postmaster of Pittsburgh, Pa.
New Books
GiLLIANI'S Travels in Mexico;
Canary Bird;
Willie l'oeiric
Wandering Jew, just received by
93 Market pt
11. I,INII3F.RT,
133 and 135 Wood pt
Finden'■ Beauties of the Poets;
Smith's key to the drawing of the human figure;
Hand Book of Oil Pointing;
Drawingsard Measurements ofrelebrated statues;
Drawing Bonk of Flowers and Fruit,
43 Market at.
To Glass manufacturers.
1001000 st uff . f.E T. n
l e ' x i r e e e bcr
article, hlf u t i b ta i n
ble for glassware boxes, For sale low by
'an6 18 Market street, one door above Front.
To Capatalists.
A JUDGF,NIENT for $572 on a good mnn in •
ne;ghboriug county for gni". Enquire of
18 Market mt.
Door Plates,
Door Locks,
Bell Pulls,
Number Ply
Post Office Stationery
The emimste, fcr each year, is as follows:
80 ftrama
Enveloping paper.—Sise2oX27 inch-
Stoughton Bittern.
DOZ vrry choice, for sale by am dosen, or sin
gle bottle, by
18 Market at
Zee. Peppermint.
211 DOZ (rints E.. Peppermint for gale by the
1.1 dozen or single bottle. by
18 Market at.
1 qr cask Vieux Cognac, 1825. suitable for families
for medicinal purposes for sale in any quantity. by
No 18, Market street,
one door above Front.
" Port Wine.
A very superinr article, pure juice of grape, for
mediciuel purpoacs
No 18. Market street,
one door above Front.
For Rent.
THE Two Story Brick Dwelling House and back
buildings, No. 89, Smithfield street, at present oc
cupied by Mr. Juhn Stevenson. Possession given on
Ist April next. Apply to
A ROOM in the first story of the new brick imk
house on corner of sth and Union vs.
Also. The second and third stories of sanebuilding.
janG Apply to J AMES MAY.
Y ,~•
vc,: -T EA:, '~..' ~ , _`~~~~-'"~' t "~~'t'~"~:;~~