411)e Maiiu Slanting Posit. LiuMM SATURDAY MORNING, JANUAIY 3, 1996 CORRESPONDF - - In reference to communications which may appenr in this paper, we have one or two remarks to make.— We will insert none without the, name of the aulinvetw inc first m•tde known to us, and when inserter!, mustal. ways be taken as e xpressive of the views of the writer, and not the editor iif this paper, noless the views An ex ressed are e ditorially tentarked upon and P&ISFLL AcClDi.NT.—Yeettt nay fore,,out, Mr. C. Veit:, met with no tottimel!y death. by the wall of a I I brick building filling upon him, while passing through 2nd street. The head of theecea , rll was most shockingly mangled, no that life must have been ex• tinet in a moment. We avail ourselves of the occasion to say, that the deceased was en exemplary citizen for probity, endi in the private relations of life no man had a s tronger bold upon friends from rutity of heart. Our city authorities will haws to sestitin in their', official characters, the barning shame, the merited censure of this csommunia) for neglecting to have those remnants of buildings tMeen Zoe n. w Lich in the prey ent instance, we deplorc as the cause tf this sad bereavement. ------------------ RIVER It! LLIGI,SCE.—Tho iseeathet lox mode I rated. accompanirallsi a good deal of rain during the THE SPLENDID CANAL I'ACKEIS, Last 24 •bours. Sbould the present state of the %tsar( i Express & Telecraph, re continue two or three (lays longer, n avigrition aMI Leave Beriverilaily. (Sonilayv experteil,) at 1 0 , clock A. 1M... (on the arrival of the s teamer greedily be resumed. The steamers Laura ,n I l'irli from Pitt sburgh,) and or. is e at Will ern next morning "sway are making dai'y trips to Beaver. I a ( 7 n'clock—annttectiag at Warren .1111 ble , l, N1...r.• 1 & Co', line of Stage e . o hich leave W amen on the ar. PUBLIC MET.II.SG. i rival of the Porket, and reach Cleveland bolo% e fright Tll6 citizens of thu first Wald, oviibout diatinc•i Fore through 54 50. than of party , will meet thi , evening, at half p3 -it 6 ii' 1 Pll4/lencefipAying inriiivbergli are raftlenitochnir , sr.loalt.at the hawse. of War C 'ger , dial. in the Diti-i of hr ruts on ilro Canal Packet. and •eat..iii ho nisi own, to patio nommation a t c . .ert. as he serrented al For pasatfe ,1 (r on bo.oLSt•nunboat NI icLigan, or the emesomg elections MANY CUIZENS. to 101 N S DI( Kl:Y.Beaver. isai 6 NI I-I %II ros ..s.: t_.., Pataburgh. i CLARK &Co., Braver. For passage ra,ornint ..o r iv .. 0 t he Starr ,ff,,-,.. ~f NEIL, MOultF.S.: Co .Cieveliind. .1.0 NI B 1 11'1.011. Warren. RIMUc.NE COLLILGE• Niil Ths cla.mes iu Der v :root College, P.CO nn Monday the sth of 3 anatary. 1846. dec 30 3 i<w. ROD 111RUCE, Principal. Grand Military and Civic DalL The Infnrit ly Corp., Dapsesne Grays, will rive , Grand ;Military and Cie'c etaii, in the ••La i':,yette! Assemhly Rooms." %Venni it.. on the evening of Jan NAM, Bth, 1546. 1 ickets. $5 each. To be conducted by the forlowing gentlemen as man agent: Hon Chat! Shaler. C !pt Ellsr•l!ng. Wilson McCandless, E.q. Lient Col .S.W Black, C S Ertel., •• Ada J lier•Tf. C B Scully, Ow C1, , ,S lin) 4, R M Riddle, " Capt It B Butler. its B Murray, - Lieut Win lisy•,Ji. Isaaereanock, " 'dent Chas 1 - 1 rank,, Gentlemen desirnum of regi .tering their nnon A as sub.tetibera, ace trquedt.ti to call on the onder.igned crsorrnittee.vso will nit at Geo. 11.-nle's, No 75 Wtiori at every evening (Sam:lays excepted) until the 2.1. i lost. from S to 7 o'clock OVERSEER OF I El E The oulersigned re,pectfully lATer. him.o•lf to Ii• fellow eititros as a eenti d.tte for the otilee of I /vet , seer of the Poor at the approaching election. Should he b , e l e cted, he pledge* himself to nar all the MI, tiong iu his politer to fulfil the dunes of the ustee to thesti faction °fall. MA I HEW ADAS. decl 6th OVERSEER OF THE POOR. Graterel 6,1- the ripp , .-t heretof.re receised, the wltortrave . respeetfolly offers himarif to his fallow citizens, es • cackaiaate fur re electi..n to the strove nausea office. 1. 1. derel3. OVF.RSEF. II OF 1 HY. POOR. James A,iami (Baker on Grant 0t.2 , 1 W•r,l.) in re speed - oily prevented io the cii iteno of rot,b rt.l..nn person well cralified to clioebrirge the dwiea Over orPr of , hn Fuse. MANY FaiEsu.s. dec 1 r OVERSEER OF TUE POOR. I•orer myself as a co w-11(111ot f i r Overseer of the Poor Of t .0 city of Pitteburgh, st the enotint ale tiun, anti solicit the votes of en v fellow citizens. If elect-I. I will endeavor to discitilfge die dour, pet taining there. to with ftdelity OVERSE,IR OF IHE POOR. Mo. floitott.:ll, so good MI TO litforTTl the ci;iccn~ of Pittsburgh, that Saxett. E 3. Coon a vela be mull pot - teal for the office of Ovel seer of the Poor, mth, ensuing election. Mr COUPLii is Nell qoahti , d fn the tar., and is ceriailalv a yr, y onchy mien. If ”loe tad, be will faithfully disc h a,gethe duties of the offire. Ilk DWELLING 11U13F.. FOR VENT. A NEW an d convenient tWO story d w el n log 1 171 fur rent, enquire at thin LAC, ~1" . -.. S WE:I:NU:A . i Monongahela Navigation Company. St ( WI ..t. i l NUT ICE 'fl.) SI QC Ii.IIOLD I:IrS, ---------------1 IN put-Ai:ince Of 1 .1. • VI 0 , 1,13115 of the chlrter, the Tye and Fancy Goods for Christmas. 1 „,,,,,,i,,,..ing It ;he 8,,,,',1,1,!. , ta of the N 1,...:. I: . HAVE daftteerise.l my ato,ik fa[ t h e iii.lidayisii gtthela Navigation Con, wid he he!d Ur. Nlm.cho., direct from Getman) and Fotne,lty ilie late f/116," I The ,iti, d,,, ! , 4 1,,,,,,,,,y, ti,*,•,G. (t w i n , the f,,,, m ,n la, Rtes from Havre and Bremen, comprising a iiiriza nod' of tile month.) at. their Mii , e in linkeweli's 13m , line. splendid aasortment, a hell I offer to city and coontry Gr tnt street, m the city of Potshot-el, at 9. ototh. &teleran eastern prices, and a peat many artic!e. ii; ;P. NI.. for the pnrp it of electing the of Ito tt,o leas than they can be bought for in l'hiladolphin and; eosuing year. New Yotk, at wholesale and intuit, at my sturo, N... 1 W ILIA AI/ lIAKEW ELL. St IN Matketatretet, and at the corner of s'h and.N..ir I The Brawnntille 110r,i,..1, Washington Examine,, het eta.• 2d s t o ry. n h,.,,;, 3 IV & , I'. Govt.'s People's) ,g. and Waynshll Mesacii4cr, copy till election Intel Cheep Dry Goods Store. C. ICE AG I', It , send a copy IA the paper V,I . It the abcrlismder inn. in eleC2o 118 Morkot at. l I th e 5e,,,,,,," 2 . y.o - - -------7. -------- More Near and Spleurild Works. ALI COOKS 85 Fourth ie rert. I IF %li want to putchAse any I r edale.la.tublea.clotira , ! • Carlyale'v Miscellaneoua Essay', uniform wit settee., or tiny thine rlae in the I'm 'lite, e line, Allmon.'Macautr, &c. 1 vt,l. i . tto cant tdr better thou to call at the furnit•tre %ate Vince Wyllyre, or the Young Falk of Lourtibridge, I room of 1 3 YOUNG & CO, a tale by Amabel Penfeether. Edited by J. F e l-mi.! de:l3. I lend at, be, w,, , n Peon end Liberty , owns Cooper, author of Pilot, &rt. Ascanio: or the Sculptor's A ppn-ntice, an hist mien! romance of the 16th century, translated from the French of Alex. Dumas. Fleming Field; or the Young Artisan, a tale by J. H. Ingraham, Esq. londm Illustrated Papers. Ladies' National 'Magazine fur J.tnuery. The Busk of Christmss descriptive ce the covtents .ceremonies, Lc. By Thome' It Harvey. (Libtaly of (Anion ReartingVo 58 ) Hensoorar.ciLeviesv, containing a poitrsit of lion. C. Cushing, taut minister to Chine. Joan the Heroic Maiden, by Alex. Dome. , The Heiress, by Nliss Pickering. Just published Fremont's Exploring Expedition t u the Itt.hckt. Mountains. The F.lectro Magnetic Telegraph, with the Reports of Congress anti • description ot all the Telegraph , known. By Alfred Vail, Add. Sup. of the Electra Eel...graph for the U. S. theillultrated History of Palestine, from the Pa triarchssi ate to the present time. Cheap edition. dec 29 UST recri , e4 at the Three Rig Doors, the Ist - g ig" est and best assoltnient of Shirts, ever offered in the Pittsborgh market, will be sold whole sale or retail DO rett.tonsbli„ terms. NI'CLOS oct2s. JOHN KEY. 50 TONS METAL good . quaitty 1111 sattable fur found r y purpose pot !cc:rived and far bale by JOHN U. DAVIS, novl3. cu Wand and sth ',lit. BEELEN has remised Ids Commission and A• Forwarding Business from the Canal Basin to his new Warehouse, on Third street, nearly ,ppoite Post Office. may 30. or Johnson's Superior Tall and Winter PIIANTING RECEIVED THIS DAY, At the Office of the Pittsburgh Morning Po'st. BIGLER, SARGENT BIGLER. cepEr-d&r.-tf SPEED AND COMFORTH VIONONGAUSLA ROVTIII. FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA THIC SPLENDID ?LnT RUNS/NO STEAMER/ m at , CONSUL t at AND LOUIS M'LANE, ARE MAR ING DAILY TRIPS. One boat will leave every nfterntron ut 3 o'clock. precisely. 1 • l'err Meg •••• l' R E-Ptti.l)ur g h to Baltimore. $lO. Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. $l2- Passengers Iv these Boos soil, lodge on lot 1 in cofnriable ste-11111M• Ille first night. %silt pass over the m Mountains al (onl. 73 miles) the ine DAT. in in Enstern-built Conches; sup era lodge the second nicht in Cumberland, thus asniding nigh travel alto gether. Tkliets will entitle Pass , nrs to stop at Cumber land or Baltimore, they mis ce h, an 6 resume then seat , at plea.ure. Extras farnishod, for a full load, to run as Pussen• 1 gets may desire. For seats, or entire (notches for apply at the office, two doors from the Exchange; stud et the Na:tunal lintel. ahosethe MonongshAa Bridge. octal .1. NWSKINIER, Agent Beaver, Warren and Cleveland Packets and Stago Line. CEORGE BEkl.l:Jr J ANfiRINI, t) CANINIELL, WM. McC L It F. TUT: rE(Wt,t. Removal A. FRESH SUPPLY wow LAZE ERIE & MICHIGAN LINE STEAMER LAKE ERIE. Cart. C•ttrar.l.l., Leaves Beaver 31 8 r'clock, A. M. Pitt,hurch ar 3 "' r 1.,r1., M. STEAMER MICHIGAN, Carr. Lea.e. Vntabmr.h at 9 13 01e1,c14. A. M. Pa,er at I n'et . U, I'. M. In remnee.len with daily Lin., of F r.•irl.t and Tar ga;ze. Canal Beau to Erie, and Cleseland. U Strain Bost and Ve.rele to al; wilt., un La: , : Elie and Michigan. Apply to U. M. !JAR lON .4 CO . jot 7.: S. DICKEY. lira ..•r Cl. A BR & Co.. tivaver jun • y • 1,845. MI lN DAY CINCINNATI PACKET Ist' , The new and Spiendiciti'eant•r , 11. S. MAIL SIONONGAIXELA , STOS r, MII , O C r, ilti• rommencro ion ning regul., - 1,, rn.l will continue 1.. tun tli,,,r IT Ole :e....•erl as 4 ‘N f••••L I Packet between Pitt-bur; it al , rl Lineinytiti, 6,1,10:: l'lt,shurgh eve, v M•ln INy mot To,: at 10 o 'c!...ck:', end Ciorinnqti ... , er T hur..1.., m.a.,,i ,, g at the svne h , , , F. , ficiebt nr 1.111.;_, Rork o•I n I,,nt. ; ---__ ____--_. 1G ILrs 5..\11• L.) ‘‘ n relion..e, Nni An•l IVood ) tc lrrr 0:e-y (.1' I:i.nels and s1e.!(1-11 fr 111,10,7 .ell tele:tea abavrtnicl.t of GrocLiies anti Plt..'l I:nlr4 .If. annfActurc.. r:::v10 DAGALEY & SMITH, WHOLESALE GROCERS, IS API) .20 11'nnn ST KILT. PITTiDl`q Oll SNI IT H. RAGA LEY Sr. CO,, cr,„„„ amt Prodw-r dr,!, o, N. 1121 Market stte , t, bt t wren sth and Ch, 41,1 r, n..v 11l 3n PHILADELPHIA 3.1.9'1 1 9 41`.11 Umbrella & Parasol Manufactory. IP4 rA NEXT DOOR lIAS't OF "ME OLD STAND • WM. li. lIICIIARDSON a itlotrown from ihr 'll°l' W II rt.), and COMM., red I),Awr.s or. Ito. own 0 ,,e/nt At So 104 Nlorket t brt,ern Thil .1 tin.i Funith. h•re bn• for Alit a id; VI, linen , of Crti',.. l lA• 1'..11.4016, PHI n•Weti• Ur Sherie•, of the nevre• , Ah!, lr and b,..( Moinrifoctootv, at the heve,t mnikrt pt ices. Coon Umbred,, rpu'l y, 35 caroa• silk do. du. $1,50 • 011.er Gtri•ii in rr,.rmitien. You aro rrrpet inv); , l catl aod tdrm. Phitak•lpkta. Der. 1911a'4 7, 4m. Sofas. A PAIR plainrl , 9l sofna nn hand and for we AL at tt,e Wt,re 11,,nm T 13 YOUNG St Co. H 4,1,1 •r.h.•twern and re," Dressing and Plain ntlrealli. IF you want to got ft ! wick. cheep nut tot get to call at the Frotot.ll, Ro,,n T B YOUNG & Co, n 0 ,21 Hand it. ton,. cen Lilwtty nwt Penn. Allegheny Cemetery. PERSONS deirrotft of porelorsing lots In tide Cern• orrery are referred for inforrnotion to the Super intendent on the grounds, or to E Thorn, Druggist, cur ne of Penn end Hood rafters, Pad..trurgh. By order of the Boat .1. J dee It Stirrer A hill was reported from the committee of the Ju. diciary. providing her tho appointment of (Jitters in several departments at Washington, and f tr their mm• For Rent or Sale. \ equal dist, ibution among ate several states, tei titorit FIE pubscriber to rent or sell iris Tavern and district of Columbia. Stand in the borough of Beaver : sign of the Pennsylvania House. ilin stand is to good one. and tiny per roil wishinp, to purzlnise or tont will find it de. Terrnw easy. JOHN LIGHT. !leaver Dec. 3, 1345. dec. 3. tf. N. B. FM' further icl rmnt i,m eiltVilre al orn,t, For Sale. tI ATerimmodiuns and delightfully situated residence, on the elevated gr and fronting the canal in Allegheny city, recently occupied by it.s Excellency Gus enter Skunk, and at present by Judge Patton. The price will be moderate and the terms of payment es easy as mny be desired. If not sold by the lit of February, it will then be for rent. Apply to the subscriber at the Union Cotton Factory. decl7-tfebl B. COP ELAND. ----- SKATES, Cutlery, I,oty, Ebony, &C. fur gale by JOHN W. BLAIR. 120, Wood at. A J ARGE lot of abuts just arrived from the East latthe Pittsburgh Clothing Store fortesle u holesale and r•ttil oct2g WM. 13. SCH AFTER. To Business Bonzes ACITIZEN leaivng for the South and Ilavanha will attend to any husinesA entrusted to him.— Address A through the Pmt Office. dec 13 0" 44 tia..- • ~. •-• _ _ From our Washington Correspondent. TUE‘DA v, Dre 301 b, 1845. The House, contrary to my anticipations. resumed thu discus,ion this m o using on the proposed refer ence of Ow naturalization subject to a select commit •u; Messrs Douglass, .1 R Ingersoll, Bedinger, lurn, Sims, and Hamlin, raking part in the dahate, and finally nude the reference to the committee on the judiciary. No ocher subject of importance Wing eg- bated. the) adjourn. d over until tomorrow In the Senate another exciting debate hes taken place. The Resolutions submitted 3esterclay by Mr Hennepin, were token up and a motion made hy him I to make them the special order of the day for the first Nlunila, in January, MA which, at the suggestion of Mr Archer, he extended to the third Motley. Mr Ce'houo desired 'het the motion might be with drawn, to enable him to Make some retrial ks e s to their props set), which was acceded to by Mr Hai - negun, and he proceeded to explain his views at b cu.n•mary ebility. Ile said that the resolulioi denim ri to the goser Merit tie pria fir to mkt, a tree r) Si hien shall constitute the 49th parallel of latitude a boundary line—arid cns. quently de ,nod that it e government ever pos.e.a.d the ridaer or right to du that • hicli it has air ail) dune, thus u mum•tit g to • censure open the I'rc•ode't. II the Semite s un i lia • t be, re.otui , ons, nu settlement of Ow y'te•tm'n Colt d excert by • 14,0 f t to fort, --flo lri rn, ‘ , l f red. bui at die mouth. lid wn. in favor 13" ptictii,t tnenaurett for A tectotctlt , imet t ~f ttzi•ttir g di 9..•..ticbt , y nego tt.ti, n, ?Intl b , ha I i 7le v ertta re..!n• ;trvu;;;,...t to thnar nile d tty the gen'kman tron 1 11,i lane. Ile d• 0-at the rir.rtng r ect. +14 , 1.1i3 I t 11,1,011111b1y 1.1....E5ra by flu gotieti,t ; if it could nut, tin , l tf wer m 1,41 ett-wt, hn Ae.it,d 1 1,4 0). wan i. Friendship's (Thing for 131fi a lieorriiini book i The Rose of Sharon; Ihe Hawthorn. Christmas Eve: Holiday Tales. Tobacco. 1 Boys' and Girl.' Lillie Forget.mc-nor. conETC,. -A G McCri".." 0 tsvi•ll toJacco on ' 1 The Annulettet Keepsake stories. APCJI , notistr.riterni nod tor sal, by 1 The Roy'. Week D I Boo , •.; VA L1.1:11 Si: It I , ' KV. FSON, 1 '1 he Youn; Lady's Book, n manual of &e art re. 179 Li`ierly at. ! e motion's. exerci.es and pursuits. The 802,'. Guide to Usefulnes, Etiquette for Gentlemen. Hunt Book of Fashion. The Chit Iren's Cornnenion, by Berquin. The Rollo Books, different kinds. The Swiss Family Robinsons. Aft". some forth, ri marks, Mr (','.bean, stahrtil••cd in 'an •n• rintlerot 1 1,16 r....'n,i •n. all•..ri were actin:tic, upruled 1,, c:„•,. ~,,,, I Piano Tortes. 1 , Together with a greet variety of Aniolier juvenile of Mt 11 knnt•e,, , , /AM zug that ti.o Fre ideas and m.o. 07s. di. ! a LAI:GE arid . 1 .1 mini ass., trocnt of arty im _._ ... - - ! /IL ',lst:l grand setiou Piano Forte.. rn ham' •ridi I books, on hand and fur s ale by LUKE LOOMIS. Agent, t 'r d .. , 11, S ••.: , .( •1 . T•r• • !•' ',"''',. 1"'""•) 1 d, OA Plait. , C.-ill's si I k [land k e rchiefs .; f , , , rd. . " F. 111.01 E, clec2s No 89 .s',-,.,.i .:reei. ~!,, 1 . co Aci:tealc• at ,D.l, 16 g and 1 . 11.,/ , :uoutoin.i. a BARROWS AND 11:1INV II 1 Cor flan and St Ciair seat, opposite Ex. Hotel. --_- INSI2 RANCF.. t ' ',... oty •.. Cu'e t 1 Co. 111 10 g C 11.; , n. , not. 011,er t.. I HAVE DOM Irl ~ti r e. in , 7, ,,,,.. and I.e , : , :f l l 110 , U. i . e•*•, of Gerii einarr."• So . , Gs ri 1 •• r•. l , N B - V. , . above instniments are as errentrid WI American Tire Insurance Company ili— !I tit 1i41 4 pow cr Inol lini et , fore been iiii•pe•ly - 'i. , , ' . 1 ~ - ,i .. -,,. 1 ~..1 ..,• a .... aotil roust (trio! , ' .anc: 1 any' ea•nme nn 1 keeii in uraer ea long at any ua pH ILADELrI.A., e ar ',... ontle•ii• nn„ in ..•v-- 1 multi:fact ul , t.l They N. 1,1 ha sold 1:. f..r rash. F. BLLINI E. I i CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL 900,000 e J hive 114; cals•eil Isis... , elni no to ilie etc,: n 1 1 .caerna D.• u•n•k Ewa, rira : • 1 —___------ ' PAID IN. ieriitoiy 1 ) our g,, , h0n ,,,, 1, svd Ilint •f Ft g iainl i i 1., in IT .1.1 , -1 ' nni, t, il, 1 : hentai ~.; i it ollan Attachment 1 0,5 cc i n Phi:a delphia. No. 72, Trabitrf at I , 1,•, -- , I,nv•• been !or,: a rm , ., of ra go. iaiion; ic.,111.. , . "I''''' '''''. t i ... e ' ,w. -I r , , , , , , ~.r ti :41. 1 fit - Iwo new Incyrne•••• l Grnoil action Piano Fort,. , WM. DAV IDSUN, Pre.i't. Ilia Pres:l- ::1, by fa , -w rag lI.E. il• .7•ru0 , 1 T 1 ,I r.,1. i h ' • 11 inlyn/.1 nic I l'r col a 1'....a•••• In pe3t e cc, ly:, fit i st ith (1.!i• mat'' ' . 4•Edlinti At•act.m• , :t ju•i 8,1.11, 1 , FREDEpicx FRALET.Seey. t'le 19 li [ 'stolid of 1•t io le, a• the l own Lay be, eel. i I ~,, , ho, eco 0 ,c.' ilui iat —1 I r.l and for ante il F BLUME, ' TI HIS old and well emablisbed Companyenminue• ‘ Cot ~ 1 Penn and St Clair assn opposite Ex. kloael. .:, Undid, canon and , L.. &duo; it c,:f1e...• :Ix i. 0.. ; G.-.'1.-:::,:•'• It., I: S,•::: ",,. •.t• .11 .1 Cra , al•, 1 ..L. 10 insure 11111,1inge, Aferellandise, Furniture - Fs,. w• .t i . i.l -ill, Cr.'"'' i ' v i z, ••r. 111 e .I.ds I.CIUr, awl the Int,. a a of Ilia Ain, ir •• 1 . and property, not of an extra hazarduus character, Al• fal ill , ~ter , fr••• • •i ,1 I I ..•,,,,i.n.r.. low r 1 83 .YlAitiol...l S 1 tia.E.:l. 83 1 i against lots or damage tiy Fire. [....,i• ` ~..._^l Ev EN I y.FIYE licoclie, Tarl.erti and Cashmeres Applica: ions fm:r Insornnces in Pitt,burgh and its N 1: H a :,negan defined ite, inteca•on of unt••n: er r a, 19 It \ 1111" 'S "' S4.I URN" ' : i 0 cinnis is, new . ree•osed by f 11.1 Yk ' neighborhood w ill be received. and risks taken claw, •••Xprea. rOrn ,•eer Or , •.1. , upon Li e I ' l• •ifi• - r.l, and .u•tlil• ad ills, i osl to. 1.0 B. VCI /NST A lILE. rerpetually or fur limited periods, on favorubSe terms , i E :lv. (::: ,.. ..`2) NO W I s 1 - 11 E.' 0 ..... t. 1' TI . • by : a! ariaiinirrl in a r .„, , ,r,l a. tech, c..nt: as.i..g :I e i --- GEO. COCH It AN, Agent. . _ 83 m \lt KEI S 1 BEET 83 der9.4 IN:i Of, Won at. coat.... IMr C.:h:.‘,.:, on the Traa• aNI °rex,. qi.•• A sorlirr, GRAS!) RI'S!! FOR i 1 k LOT a Gerillemen'• floe Shiits sit:d Drawers t, .r, an:i invited op .n our light t r rite *bolo stir. cs of. D P I', NCI E. S t: 1 newel midge; also, Gent, Merino under Shirts INSUItAINC.F. S TOCK —A number of stnres for sale m a t stock corn ! why, with a capital of to yI i !".. I dog. 40 non. ATBAItItOIVSS.IC it ' F. P. • S . 1 amid Drawers, joist reerivad acd now •mened. $lOO.OOO, and power to increase it to $1 000.060, M. A !Act' Ind M.r JM C ',.., ,, e uric in ftsor a /111 II F. :as? 1, , re-risel a,i ..•:;1,4 "if t..clo•e the! "''s2.! B F. C, , ,N.:•TABLE. which is shortly to p,o into operation un the now ac Mr C•lhoun's •mendrn•. t. and l'ilr Alec t.eik r a:, .1.,-;.: T -,,.... I.,r—ors . h!. •re not sullied will i m or o n Merino Shirts and Drawers. quired tarp bneiness of a mo,al company ,v, hose char uri hMr Hennepin. lie was no' to be fr:xh , evetfr :rn now rnftt Wl'llll , B taut ,•! , r ,, ,t1.101 1 . !,, —.. , " , we d',..'"' at p u lull AsEt S will find at Sl ea St Prtmork'i a ,Gaels will change from the mutual principle ti: that ter.cllo rOr•li..Cleii.ll,el.•••,le, ilieretiire lone,. I not at ' nr , 9. l lcrlion of our 1./o,r, t••ur : wn *nil I y the 0.7 h.,v , , , fail a•socruent of men ' . Merino drawers, en "u( of iiint stook alone; charter perpetual. wit, , ...a1.p ,,, ed a earl rlO , 11 ,, fe !Terkel. a. uhln and sii.gls breasted Merino shirt,. Also, Cot ThiA stock Company will thus possess the advantage ~f. our, Ile alluded to the Cao'insi b. it, (M r . r line g0...1 .1 1 , 1 ,1 i. fi , t rote' nia,le tip of rim differ. „,, , . ed ,Jo do blase nod unb.ercti . feu income already secured, and as it purposes rim iagara %about apoliiry. rid tan slate I (Mr I v ... 111 t'7 1, 1 •1 , 1 1. 11. Ow 1,, , ,, i ..1 every pe1•10f1 sr.d. in 1) , , ,.. 6 lining its operations to the hest description of ri.k., e... ear l•en :lismern ,, etrd afire :he Senive had noon m ,.,. 1 cl"^ "Y ''' """", ' l '''t , 'ci''": i"""r•Y '" ''.'"• the stock prsen a fivurable prom - het fur profitald , 1t,,,, 4, 0 1 t !, ,1;/• • !To, ,1 , V,.1' 1111•Irl meet witi, if LA.AfiCTS. investment. ) .1, elated our rich t tri i iws s. luje tsrri.ory. "Mr Il” ,• b „.,,,i , ‘, „„, , i .,.. r'io siiiee will br d l ol - in CA CASES No 3 (luw p: iced) Economy Blanket , Fur parliculen a apply soon to me. at my office, cur wool w ail eppne..l to rt,rher ,' s ...i-n. I h ,, ni• favor 'oll , ii) •I.ll ' 1',14 CUS ,, TIO , , al.l SI r, ice, ke. than! AIII Just received and fur *ale by tier of \Vaud and Fourth &trams, over Silibet & Junes. 'Mr Cich 'no. tire .Jl,l li.. upon ii.e cubic our 10 1 i Ilrel.a•e ,l ••••Ce heft.. I d..c6 SHEA & PENNOCR. entrance an Fourth street. JAS W BUCHANAN. Call and eslmire, - trance. n ; !,,,mion •11,141,1 be a., cucducted and trtminnted as is tbr. A. Ow o•Ats p• n Eng'sr.a. lie f JEL •he COUIIe tuhrn by the gaserr.rhent in <•(lrrirg u 0 4D pas a Uci!,l-:1 - 1(at.<1 es• and brir •cr It at the c.,vernmerit, eirrise:l . , des6ed peare •u hi he, if we nrn 1 , / e War, be sh,u,.i r i.e nizirin•t The b;:i Inr•i•P end f,rg , rt Cnrr• o f••rrf,.. el d -; frSis I. IL. • 15, I,rwrlnt GYI,VIII, 1,141 I. Is v, se to P 0! "VSf a regimr..t fn 0 3 i f.l 11 f , MC" T• cr,i•ectf,., DUQUE:NE:. afta• the yr. 10 nrarir r it run b.r rf ti hr. mt Sr,the Sear ‘tt rrd to the 41 • 10,1 ,•I h Tre•i,rn.ly bee pir•rr.a. arr.l 145 e ,I Tore r urr.ber. Amor g Chi WA/ the friletatig,t fret. d ) ettlet ht. ! itthrotte Thut The Ccmtn;tfee on Mllitn7. .off o, ' lae irlaalatleTrtl 10 it Torr. r v.; la 11 VlaaNai lia ala•renre of the ffoltala i• pf dint. by .uhsr , iption to it, I,llana a ice, MA •11(1 . , le , MS 01.1 Cola• di etc talal. braligaef•fl th • thot..i Stades .trad lio. Baltimore aaaaal ()la, Rui'oosa Comrnny, i. lai the COMplrlllara 1 , 1,1 of tlaa . .an. I Caaoir r.ny from 114 prn . 41 ,1 v n b trwt.t, 44.n.e snila point on lire 0140 nn , ' , A Recolutirm of 11r 04. relative to the ec.ib 11.4r00:it 01 e were h, and ibe erred n b , 111 , 11/ g 4 for Ihe ate f .go of imported gtn..l4 The 1.,1 1 w continue Ihe artec of Cornrni•ftinner of Pen Gimes, 001 LBIKell Lp. pal. , CI, and neat to 'he INAl,titz•GTor,,D,c 31 at. iBIS In the Noose of Represematicr oh the bill providing f r the coi,ttuction of a -hip canal around 0 e Sault do St. % into 1,1/1 5 Sol error. Wlil , nken up a ndto. ferred io thu romtnineo of iha whole HOUFe. The bill making Chicago n collection di,tlict woo ttikeit up and passed. Mr McClelland, ( r em ihr cr.mrnittee on Commis. ce• r; ported a bill making a pprofriarions for the improt,e„ owed f harbors. rites, dirc, wnich ores refem dtor he committee nf the Whole. It epirr , Trriates $1,:352,. 4io, and includes the Norrh River, northern aid we,, tern lnkes, s' veer( rn rivers, and embraces a large variety of oljects The importance of this Lillis very apparent to any one conversant a hh affairs here. There is not a arc tion, or hardly a neighbothood in the Union. in which the public, or individuals have not interests which they sash to have represented here, aside from those which members of Con -teas ate usually expected to take charge of. Nor is there such a section, from which, and respecting which, some pottions of the administration du not ut ammo titno need information. The offices here are sullicierely nomernui to give three to each congt‘Asionol district in the Union; and the pay is, or might with little addition, be made sof ficient enducement to secure teen of talent, experi ence and business capacity in all of these--men whom the heads of departments need nut be ashamed to consult—and who would take pride iu representing correctly the interests of their constituents, and ad vancing those of the govetnment- A few CHACS in point, have come under my notioa in which cletki i f even a low grade, have exerted a salutary influence. A bill to regulate trade and intercourse and pee s .rye friendly relations a ith the Indiana in the Ore gon tettitor)i and one providing for the establish• meat of a tine of stockade forts from the frontiers o Miuouti to the Columbia river, were ordered to be printed, and also referred to the committee of t h e whole on the seat of the Union. The bills from the Senate to organize a corps of sappers, miners and pontoniers; to revive the office of Inspector Genereband to continue the office of Com missioner of Pcnsio • were severAlyteken up andlrefer• ind toappropriate committees. A resolution to print 5000 r.d.litional conies of Fre. Viola/ J Gummi. I.ring before the House, a motion was made to lay it on the table. on which the ayes and nays were called, and the motion w ZIA loot. The House then adjourned to Friday 1 he Senate stands adjourned to Satuiday• Yours, DUQUESNE. You _ APPOIN lAI ENT BY THE GOVERNOR. I..PHKIIIIIIBANIKS, Esti, to he President Judgeof il a Judicial DlBil ki, C.‘xnpros.d of the counties of Centre. °outfield and Clinton, in the place of Goo Vit . Wood. ward, Esq. i It gives tot great pleusuro. s 1: a hn lintri.ht rt;dl Or' • ocrutic Union, to emit um, the nb• v • appoimment. — I Th i Govei o could not have nor,fot r, di! a a ppnintini t p.n a oentlemun more comp( t,irt, or more word - 1y . Jodge Bsuus is a sound lawyer, a staunch r opublica , , a n 1 will he en horror tothe Bench . . _ 46 CLEARI \G kLE 46 AT Ttl "DOWN TOWN" CASH HOUSE. N° ' • 17- Alipp.,... .... '- --1 ;Z:i. 2. i. , -' s ' :- /,', 0- . , --, , - / 4 , • 7, _ _ Barrows & Turner t RE now clo.log "tint groat:y it tito:rd pi ice. ;twit 1,"11/11,1"g •11 ,1 • "f Loio•s* 0,1•-•(;,o, ko.p. nori CiAhmcle•; • Or A1.6"-A+ r arcdea , „re Lorto,tam, Cn.e. lit: , r,•*. iih z ri,o, .11 ydrircy ..2,0.1...;0 4 03r14 No• 46 Nl , o Fel al. riecl9 Li W. and Pnitirm. \\T 46.4 n• 4 1:K"f,•1 +.104 III• t3•l HAIJ nod 3:l•l>ea S-Ar I.• rr...:1-4-C,” I 1.10:, - ,•. N:•,,. . Marrows & TUrller. EV'Ai 46, NlKokel St. rtii()N% TURNER LATER FROM OREGON! IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES, CHEAPEIt STILL. Nu. 5B Market st, between Third and Fourth. rilllF. Sultiet ilJer loot p.l r Yetti.tetl nserylnrgeandl . 111.1enti , 1 ussortntent of DRY GOODS; tote „t j the Itttgt,t totd ino-t bt autitul a-soitinent ever collltt.d to the l'itt-horg't Pent I tt, which ho ben opened. tied i now rends for increction. THE LADIES aro let.p.tc.t. fulls invite.' to gisea cull. tin r.n pains hits been spared in tlleetelecti ion of ihnt portion of the stock gni-1...ma11) deteited end .t t ltzltt he th. Ledtre. firs stook cunnists i n pert o f the fol;owing tionirultle good,: Se. , style Ootbre L.nst.mete and Mouseline de Leine; French and English Nleritto.; Alpaca and Indian Cloths; Black a nd Mole Colored do L tines; F HI I t'y Pt int.; Vrenrb and Scotch Gingham , t, Emhtnideied and Plain "fhtbert, fine and low priced. Woolen Gond.; Ke n tucky Jean, assorted culers and crudities; Plaid Linsey., Hithisnd Plaid Cassimerest Fancy tit:tired and Striped Heavy Plaid Shnwla; Wolllll'll Sh'INVI.; Cloakings, Foraishing goods; Barnsley Linen Sheetingst Super Irish Linen; Pillow Case Linens. Hamilton Cottonado; Russia and Scotch Shreting.:: Iluckaback and Diaper a nti Bordered Towel.: Bit tiote Diopet; lie Russia Diaper; Chard StnirCrash and Linens; Marseilles lodating and Bureau Cotters; Fine Ticking, and Fiirnitme Checks; Dimity and Furni:me Chintzes; Damask Table Linens; Table Cloths; Superior and Common Damask Napkins: Blankets of all degcriptions; Thread Laces. Bonnet Ribbons; Kid Glove:" Ilosier: Silk, Cattail and Worsted of all qualities; Blenched and Brow t Muslins, Book, Mull and Swims do Cambric and Jaconet (1,. Silk Cravats and Pocket liandkerchinfs Linen Cambric Plain and HemS:itelted do Colored Borders ilecl2.lm Now is the time for Bargains "NEW YORK STORE." CASHMRLS, Park Reps. M. de Ltlilll3ll and E Alpacas, direct Crum Nom Yolk. W. H. GARRARD, 79, Market itrert, rpurTER-16 bbis hard Roll Butter, receive , etc Cleveland and fur sale by M. REIEY do Co., Tobacco. KEGS No. I Siz Tsvist, Breß ed per str North Queen • . HEY CO., ter end 108 Front its. and for sale by M dee 2e.)., No 57 Wat STARCH. 9 BOXES Cincinnati Starch. recd per atr North Queen, and for sale by WRAPPING PAPER—] 00 ROOTS Medium Crown and Tea W,Npping, rer.eicvd and for Bale by M. B. RHEY & Co., dee2‘2.. Water 1.U...et. MACKEREL -20 bbls N 0.3 Mackerel, in store and for sale by M B BREY & Co., Water street. PLAID CLOAKINGS• 2,t, PS. Plaid Cloalsitatta, new and l seell 6 rul NV pattern*, j•ist recived at No 42 Market st.col nett or Third, by A A MASON. dec 12 FLA n 2NELS! FLANNELS! 0 S. Red. Fellow end White Flannels of 10 improved make. at Wl3ole.taln and Re• tail, at vet), low prices,by A A MASON. No 42 Market BIiOCHA SUM'S, LS. SSUPERIOR Brocha Shawls. jest received ulna will be sold very low, by A A MASON. dcc 1.2 N 0.12 Markel pt. 1 ------ CASE FliRNIlUad: intri FS Selline si 61e. per yard at. A. A. MASON'S, d, 12 42 Market At. - - De Laines. 20Dark awl Light plaidde lainfor ckil aten JurrlO ne 1 , 1% lilt 20c. per yeti, For sale ot N ., . 42 Market at. by tit, 12 A. A. NIASON, Dried Apples and Flour. 13U:•01. 1111.. d Appka. !!././ 15 Botrt , ls S. F. Family Flo , lr. Itec , i.td and fur H. LA:MI:FAIT 18. Fresh Fruit. 10 ri P.o.XES M. \s; bqif do, 30 lb. earl,: 5 r4,k. Z,nt.'ruin'; Now revrivitl 4 , 11 1.4 he II I..iNiliE fir det oB' ES V:11# ; :a B.incli ju.,t - d •t iN NI I L LEH. & RICK N.. 17J Lilwrtv qt. 11 COATS. 1 I.L BLA :` , 11.F.T C T1,0.e cnrnfortable con's sn ind.spen•ibl , to tht , I cornmnni .y can be lima iu superin ,. •tyl, ”ur e.tabli,hment. A LGEO, NicGel & Ca. 251 Librriy at. ORLEANS CLOTHS 17 , ASIIIONARLF. utisnurs for business coats. 100 iced, f•Ji sole to or.t, r' by A LGEO, McGUIRF. &Co. 251 Liborty CUBL; tcG CLQTIIS. NEW end srls..al , l Cloth lot winter ennts wt rt. A have, ever!, vuriery of color, a nd wilt make then I to e , , ,, ry v..rinty of style to snit the taste, the hal , ii 1,04 the rw.},et of not . c,...,..ener•. Call and see then, a A 1..GE0, McGC llt E& Co's. 251 Litwin) et. CLOAKS, CLOAKS. I CST d nu in‘vice oP French Clutha, suitn J i.n;s for Cho,la. Alsn u few pet oems b, twat,' Cushtneres, Cot 11/1:141 for the same, for is hich we V. 0 , 03glad to tervi , t. ALOE°, NI:GLYIRE St Co. 251 Liberly st. MIXED BLAVEII CEO FIIS AND FANCY LININGS. OME - MING in this to be bad at thi SFuslutinalAit Heud Ifirl LGEO, \iuGUIRE & Co. '231 Liberty Just Arrived at the , ‘New fur. .ore, 1I 0 mere. I Ic l silk• 5t.;..110 vrs, of tmheonb' qualities N. B N.,ne out the beat KM Gloves kept et 79 Market atreet. •, rinv ARRIVAL EXTRA. 11 H E sulrict ibet would espes.t folly announce to his nuineroirs ftieniii and patrons, that he has received whhin the hist (v,% d iyo, a choice assortment of French and English Beaver Cloths, Plain Black. Gold Mixed and other , f ro .hionalilecolor , adapted to the season. Also, every description of CrtiSS It -I..I[IIAM, i 57.91 Both plain and fancy, together with a choice assort- I mem of Vestings of Entirely Sete Pattern*. together with his trnrslsiipply, comprises the most extensive and best stock at present in this city. Also, a complete assortment of READY MADE GARMENTS , For Gentlemen's wear. Cloaks, Over Coats, Dress and Frock Coals, Vests and Pants. N. B. PARTILULAR attention paid at all times to aking p work to orer. in a st,sle which will give sat m isfaction u to all, having d in his employ, some of the most popular and comps tent cutiers in the P. DELAN ty Y, dec '24 49. Liberty sr. For Salo, and a gond n. chance for a Bar gai A nous': and Lot on Sixth street. near Cherry LI Alley, Pittsburgh. The Lot is 96 feet 6 inches front by 90 feet in depth, a very desirable location for a private residence. Tenni liberal and title indispri. table. Inquire of NV. O. LESLIE, deel:l Smithfield or. near Fifth. JAMES DOY LE White Swan Haase, riHE subscriber, having taken the above named house, near his old stand oa Market street, be-1 tween Front and Second—is now prepared to enter tain all his old ft fends, and the public generally, in the best style. His bill of fare will constantly be found to contain the best the market affords. (Oysters always on hand.) octl4-3tn Reeks f b r the Season. MINLIALs FOR 1846. THE ROURDOUR ANNUAL, The Musical, Leaflets of Memory, The Snow Flake, Friendships Offering, Rose of Sharon, The Christians Annual, The Hyacinth, " Keepsake, " Rosette, The Juvenile Jem. FOR TIIK CSNIng TOILT. TbePastime--12 drawings of Flowers The Ladys' Rook of Petry and Flowers. Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of !'retry Oracles from the i'O43:S Longings of Flowers, Flora's loterffeter. Campbell's Poems, The Task, The Whipporwill, Gray's El. gy, Nemo . ' Poems. Eliza Cook's " Poets and Poetry of England 1 Bolt of Common Prayer, • Pilgrim's Progress, t Scenes in the Life of oar Saviour JUVEMLS 1 A select assortment ot beautiful buolss for children, LOU Many to enurnero:o M. B. RHF.Y CO., Water street Raisins W. D. GABBARD LANDWHER TO LETS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE A very cbuico collection, 11,1131.711. Assorted sizes and richly bound. Also. a select list of literary and religious works tuitattle for Gil'la. For salchy Bossvormi & FORRESTF.R, decr.23 43 Nlarket _ 1.100K 6 FOR THE HOLIDAY PRESEN IS.— LI Albums, in great variety of binding with and without plates. The Hyacinth for 1815 and also for 1846. The Christian's Annual.a Miscellany for 1846. Scenes in the Life of our Saviour, 11 handsome i.e.' tool volume, with eight beautiful engravings, arid splendid binding. The Snow Flake, by T S Arthur, 8 vu. fair v.ith 10 plate.. engt as ed on steel. Sketches of Irish Character, by Mrs 11:,11, large 2 L vn , embellished with over 60 engia‘inga on steel and 11 , a.'1 , iri , fißd , r. ,,, , Pb , alt-01,,r1 P.;,,,Dotorpsia„ Scurvy, Small Po,- d a n01...... l'..ii: a ;:, the hack, In ward \Veal lles, p„1 f 0 0 ,,,,,, o f t he E , • ,n, li,ing n the Throat, Dropsy, . 5 .11. , fr . :a if. , ...r ..I .i:1 kit,3l, e. limale Complaint., 'Olea,le.. Salt illoom, Henrtburn, Worm.! Cholera Morbu , , Genet..,Quinsey , Whooping Cou Con, . • . . , oli,onsumoti Fos, 1.0-et-Complaint, Erysipei I la 9. Ditufnest,lichings of Cie Skirt. Colds. Gout, Gras -1 el. Smoot., complaints, and o vio i. t... el oil., diseasees arising from Irrouritho of lhr i.:....,.i, aid ~.iintiuctious la the organs of digestion. (From the Agee . a. Wm.', e L ( - .1 1 DISEASE or TUE LIVER. DEitt Sis:— A,zr , ,,Li , to ) our du-ois, I write to keep you appriooi of al" pr,-l a oc!.. of the Clickeurr .Suorir Coated Pm o ati..e I'd!, in this city. V o u may il ecullecr, when I List co:no:erred e. it:le:y . 010 medi-. , eine, whiel, won in May, IC .4. we little dreamed of the success that would croon the ,n.ii.it.iiiing. Our premises hod been so complctrly flooded ty the one: thousand and ono un,de:iblc e. Tilt ily fa every possi ble, complaint under the sum:hat I 5,1i0,,1y COnteltl.- . 1, pinied having nothing more to do i...itl any thing of the , kind. However, at the nl.l,llogPnt ,nlicitalion, we consented to make a trial of yours. At first we found 'vonsiderabledirticu::y in uttza,!linf pubic attention to- I wards them. People Lad bet, in oaten deceived by •he vile compounds oldcl, hare Ii oil d tho country for i the last 15 years or rnoce, that they determined, if 1 possible, never to be -taken in" u;.ain; and the come. q i i rriCei 5105, dirty could lout lly lie per,eaded to accept of the Pills, as the roying, is, for '''..oe nor money." IThus maiterrs ;Tor, t dui! for a orel. or too, when, ail • got:al :nob weuld have it. '•NI vs . N. a 1 oily olf I our city, who hod ineg sidiered front an arfrction or ! tht Liver, aCerillpara , lt.) indizioli. n of the moat ab -I,tinat, cho [ - octet , was per uutted toucci pt of a box, on condition i hat nothing was to he raid for it, if they Sid not afford I,er the accessed rrli.-f. I must C 1311411.11. we ourselves had very little luith in the matter, knows log as we did, dim her complaint oos ox of long !standing, and had berm un.ttecessfully, treated by the I most eminent Physician.. of this nod several neighbor• ling town.. But we bud deo, mined to gin the medi cine a fair trial, and if it muted to he ootthleas, it ...__ , would be a source or satis'action to ken,: it, both to you and to us. Nu lest to our ,i. y tloin sorprise,howi ever, only a few days had c laps, ‘l, when the ;idly again presented herself at our codoter and oroptired for-mouth er box. '•I really think. 'Olr. Vu itourn.," slaw she. ' that your Pills ate hvginniog to wurt o great change i n m y health. and altogether far the 'Letter. When I took the second done, I reps: to feel much better than I did at flint; the pal. in my side one coioidorablv re. . lsited; my appetite begun to i:nprusr'; icel the blood. .. • I seemed to circulate through toy Sitio, no it did in my youthful days. Siert' OW", I lia't'lii iiiii , q,C,e remainder 811 AWLS: SII.INVLS! the Pills, and tr.) imotroconcro hn, been sensibly progressing at roery I2rali , ,ari C.i ~I: • dose. I have ALEXANDER & DAy, I Ino doubt diet ll kw moo hoNes ti, ilt , ff. et ual iy CUT* No. 75, Market at., N. ;V Corner ajar Diamond, I me . ,, Ths result was a , s he plialiCLOti. Her health PITTSBURGH, jis completely restored. The ideal, of you'h alai heav ilyAVE now open a large assortment of Shawls, a- ity bus returned to her cheek*, and the p l o.*ect u f a moue which maybe found. !long and a happy life i, beioi, her. I ate satisfied Splendid Bruclm amid Cashmere Long Shawls, ,l i iwill never forget t he Eli t l o o,e, s ogur .c„,,,,i pok.,, All wool do du Square Sheol., IA, might naturally be ,Ilppol-E'i, !I.e tees of this er• Ver.) superior French Torkeri du 1 totorilinary cure was rapidly rld-,emii atod throughthe Scotch and English do do city and adjacent c ounoy; aid! searct.ly aw. ek bail Damask Silk and Wool do ,elap..ted, before enc l .:tries he , ;no to he node for Clict. Block and mode em broidered Terkeri do lener's Sugar-Couted Porgiok it Pillo, and the dente; Super English and French Plain do i has already incteased to such an ectent, tat we L i , Plaid Woolen Shawls 3 4,4-4.6 4,8 4 and 10 4. Ithe greatrat difficult in supplyii.p. it. In fact, if it did Upwards of four hundred of the above Shawls have , not seem like exu;tgerati..n, I might altered say that sfe been received from Boston, New York and Philadel- I are literally besieged by l, , Tilea tir.l eloitirett, lab, ... \ phis, within the last month, which enables us to offer fug under evert possible ail: ;t fit or Lich "human Le .. 1 the most splendid assort Tient in the city, and as many is heir to." The hilt, iho lame, and 11. e blind; t' o f them have been purchased tor y loto, at Auction, astl.tr,atie, c,nsutmeive. and iiy, pdio nrr throngi we are prepared to sail them wholesale and retail at !our doors in piirsuit of the li ever•faliing Panacea.- n great reduction fro . n the opening prices of the sea !Tostirrioniols of its saludtry eff-tcts nre volunteri son. The attention of purchasers is incited. ,1 flowing in upon us from etiery meoter. One pers. dee 22 ALEXANDER & DAY. ! reform us he bus boon rrUe.“. , l of a remit obstios I Dyspepsia. Another has just rectiveted from a at. Scorching'. lona ottack of Apoplexy. A third has succeeded : ~.„..* ii BBLS Scorrhings, on hand and for sale, by e VA./ BURBRIDGE, WILSON & CO., ',xpelling from his s stem the symptoms of Jeundic ! And a fourth has just recmered loom an attack of Ps rleen4 ______._.--..------------Wme"' r ''' q i ' r.ionnry Consumption, whh-h hod confined Lim to h' Pig MetaL bed fur many months.—Sotto go But do not fail t 8. - - , ,ides our Retail Lade. . 50 TO'S "Hanging hock" Metal, on hand and i k h ee j e i 'l l ' Em s i l ,i r f:;' lied. , t co nens From the croon vto a larg for sale by amount. Send 30 Gloss at your genies! convenience BURBRIDGE, WILSON 3r CO, Touts, &e. R. Hi WILLIANIS. dec.`24 Water it. 1 Quebec, L. C., April 14, 1845. .:__-------------------- Bolt Raisins. 1 ow_ Ark BOXES fresh M. It. Raisins, just reccivrd f REMEMBER, DR. C. V. C LICKEN ER. is tba f original inventor of the Segni Cnefed Pills: and that *PM,. and fur sale by MILLER & RICKETSON, nothing . of het sort woo ever heard of moil Ie intro. dee 23 Nu 170 Liberty street. aced them In June, 1313, as f.vil! los teen by doe fol. ---------------_ flowing: Valuable Property for Salo. I PREMIUM. i t CERTAIN lot of ground situate on Penn, be i This Diploma ,114 [0 , 14,i ,. I bs fife AMERICAN /A. !ow Walnut street, Fifth Ward. containing 17 ' INSTITUTE, at tile Annual Fair, held in the city of feet front on Penis, and eatending back 100 feet to l New York, October, 1313. to C. V. CL IC KENER, Nlulberry alley, oil which is erected a valuable three's for the roYerttion of AM ES T A SUGAR L : COA •lATDGEED PlLesidLS. story brick house, and in rent a two story frame. i J I. , Prent. Also, one other lot or. Liberty street, opposite ) T. 13. W•gEM.S.N,C,w,rfondiez Secretary. Ora Wesley Chapel, in said ward, containing 25 feet) Guattos J. 1..F.F.r . ;, Recortilifa Secretary. front. and extending bask 100 feet, on width is erec• I n' To Avon) Cot' 7i7Frtell TS --1 . 1 , 7 , 11 , .efil must' red a well finish,' two story frame. Titles indispu- I alwa‘s nsk for Clielsener's Sogur Cooled Vegetabla table. Fur further particulars, as to property and j Pill. and see that each box Lits upon it his signature; terms of sale, apply to iull others are counterfoil. JOHN A PArtRINSON, Ald., I VI2 M. JACKSON, cornet of Wood and Libertu Fifth Ward. ' streets, is Dr. Clicker:et', to : ent for Pittsburgh au.' vicirris • octB -- Lafayette Refectory, , ____________ NOB. 61 dr. 63, WOOD STREET, I Fancy Facts. Under Lynd's ~ l uction Store. Tiltl 1: it krlown that JA NI ',....S CAVANAGH, has ju: THE subrihers have filted up the shove place. in ! -1.-/ received at NO. 61 MARKET SIREET, suprior style. and they feel assured will give lure and splendid assortment of Variety Goods, tut comfort and eatisfaction to all who may Vii them. i as Je'selrY• Cutlery. Toys of all kinds, D o lls, &r. c . & r . Arrangements have been made to have a con. Also, a largo stock of other Fancy Goods, too name: slant supply of FRESH OYSTERS. ,i,i c h out to mention, cheap for ca.!-. will be served up to visitors and families on the short. I Remember the nurnl,er, 61 MARKET ST. between Third and Fourth r t . , i:1 Simpon's Row.-- est notice. Other luxuries, candies, fruits and pas ; CALL AND SEE. 1 tries of the choicest. kinds always on hand. Their! Bur is filled with the beat brand. the markets can af. 1 itlbbons, Velvets and Sating. ford; and Regalia, Castello, Principe and Havana ' ItTOW open (I.v ev.ore.. \ nit Elie '''•, lot of Fashion. visitors. Their motto is, Every luxury in its season. I . . " D " r ' . ' 7 -: ' t Yel"t' , ond Satins, at the I New irk store, 79 Market sttert. Prices moderate. ' de-13. OGDEN R. GIBSON: ' - NV II GARRARD. nnslo.ly Oh Yes! Oh Yes! YOU CAN always find at G. Schneck's on the cnr. ner of Fifth and Smithfield streets, Fiedh o)s- LetS served up in every st)le on the nhortust notice.— Also, Candies, Fruits and Pastry's of the choicest kinds. Call and see. nnvlCt-tf To Lot, TWO .00MS, on Fouith street, between Ferry 1 and Liberty ereet3, suitable for an office and sii t ting room. Enquire of Geo. Stephenson, corner of 14th and Ferry streets, or JOHN B. M'FADDEN. .'.l mixt street• 1 pert 1 ARRANGEMENT FOR 1846. • '1 & • Ai, /Bin E splendid and fast Painnfr packet NEW YOR K. will 10,1V(‘ LIVERY 101. Cn tba lit of February, and the C O L C S 1 B UScc the IGtit of the same month. Thew p are of the ler,e;e9t !class, and command.til by the mnst tetperienced Cap• tains. Persons iltteirees that their fri,t.ils shall crime out in thes^ cesscls, BLARLI , Y & MITCHEL, Avints !cliche. New York. Offi ce .,,,n,er end Stn,; Ulna Canal Basin, near tee I.:inti•ti Sates 11 6L e1.1 . ,LLA,n,gh. dec 18 aranivraNcr.s TO ENGLAND. UI...LAN:), SCO.ll:ltiP AND WALES. ERSONS sei.hint", to remit tqn..l l auras to F.I.MSI- PLAND, I RELAND,SCOTLAND an.IWALES. can have it scut by the undersicn , d. ot mods. rate rates. Inconsequence of tbe Mime. et ;be crops in those conntries and F it:l;m , , no doubt to many. a small sum Um.; to time. wt.u:.l be of incalculable benefit. The um ictslgDr..l,;,ll.t.; of this, have determined to put tbc ;ate.: 60 low,tintt no one need be Jett:red ;torn au.ti;inc this op purtunity. BLAKELY & ;I'll 1 CIIEL, declB. :\ gents for Rtelie, Btu's. & Co. — Patronized by Everybody. Elul' rated The Wonderful YE getable Pur6ative, FOR THE C I:11E So the Ladies. OPENING this day, siiiuther 10111113m-lin Shawls. Also, on hand, a fi.w a kodid Frs.ncli Brocha hang Shawls, (ail wool) which will bu sold n glee' bargain, at the tiew &tore. W. H. GARRARD, Nlarl,i t street. To the Gentlemen A FINE assortment of French Cl.th . i.Casslmes and Vesting': also Scarfs. Crasmts,Str,cks,Slii Drawers. UnderYests and Hosiery; also a few of t "Shake:" Flannel Drawers and Shirts, at the "N York StOIP," Matket Etreet . novl2 ‘N, . 11 . riARTIAIID