itt)e Anil» Illorning post. JOHN BIGLER, EDITOR PIT fSBURGH, SATURtJAY, JANUARY 3. tar Vll PALMER. ALTC IA for country ReWspaperS is the Agent for the Pittiiburgh Daily Morning Post and Weekl: Mercury and Manuitt,tin et, to reCei , adveitisenients and Ile lint office. it Ntw Y..Kti. at The Cold Oftice, Atm street (ftd jniningtty Trilione Office.) 8 , 151.) , . No 12. Starr sirret. ti It Ani 1. retiA, Real Estate 11,1 ( , 5 roue stre,t. RACTIMoI4 r, s E rester nid , rnit iean Ll .here (tut' rver Carl be ,een. told Tom, Id . advert) ming learned. City Democratic Nominations MA TOR. WILLIAM KERR Vir.a.ll,Lß9 u► IHI Pt,ll I J. ASHBRILY;F:. ILLIAM M'CLURE JOHN J. MITCIIIII.I., vM. C. MEREDITH. JAMES SIIIDLE. The eurrespondenee between R A Campbell En and the com•nittee of the Allegheny city Demo critic Cenvenlion.appeinted to ruhlreos him, will ap pear on Monday. Tut R t :Luy rosn.—The excitement in t-eferenc , to the manner in which this fund has been of by the Couhrila,h u reached the people of the cuuotry . Rumors, we learn, are as —plenty as blackber, and that these tumors do gross injustice to some oi our most worths citizens. If the Councils do nut en, and that IA itbaut delay. we think it %%Quid be well fur that clews of the siatTer erilwho did not apply for, or receive any portion of tkc fond, on the ground that it was intended solely borate destitute, end nut fur them, to pubiiih a bi iet address to The donor,. 'this Woll ,at lease, coiner the tumqll ell 'mt. so far el they are concerned. From our Washington Correspondent .51onday. Dec. 29! h. In the Senate to Jny, n sat lety of resolutions were offered, a liich lin ci,rr. Among these %sere too by Gen Cats. one directing 01 , cotnuattee on Militety Affairs to inrptire as to the expediency cf constructing • ship canal nrountl the falls of St Katy's, us a wotl neoesear3 for the defence of the Lake ontier—the other directing the same committee to itivire 119 to the expediency of fixing n period of age. after n loch officers of the army shall not be rrg.tit,d to pertorm active service—unil to report upon the propet dispo sition of officsts not belle to be so called cut. Nlr Hannegan offered the Collie iog Resolved. "1 her the country included wis his, parallels of 42 and 51 deg§ 10 mins north lad, and extending from the Rocky ntou rains to tire Pacitio ocean, known as the ten irors of Oregon, is the For, property, and part and parcel of the United states Resolved, Thar there exists an power in this go, ernment to transfer it. soil. and the allegiance of its citizens, to the dominion, authoriry, control, and sub jection of any f o reign prince. state, or sosereignts. Rucqv , d. That Ore abandonment or surrender of any portion of the territory of Oregon, would be un abandonment of the honor. the character, and tiro best i iterests of the American people. Mr Lewis rcq,erred to be excused from serving on the committee on Roads and Canals, which request was complied with, and Mr Sturgeon was anointed in his place The bill repealing the Act of 1842, abolisido; on' of the offices of Initector Getters! of the Army aas taken up and parsed. The bill reposed 5) Mr Mentor•, last arch, tor raising a corps of sappers, miters, ar.d r•• was ordered for a tbkd rending . A bill providing for the collection of the terenue in Texas, was repotted by the committee on com merce, and after some discussion, a as, a ith the unan- imous cement of the Eenute, taken up. and passed through its several readings and sent to the Muter for concurrence. It Tree int, a collection phut ict, Galveston a port of tntrt, a..d prnv;d.e rot the appointment of a cotlrcier to he located ttwie. with a salary of hsa thousand dollary a year Lniw provider for the sproin:ment of five Surve)o , s, ro I.e Rationed at different parts of tl.e state. each ta a salary of $lOOO. Several C0MM1.11,7,11,14 arn• rfetiJelli; %Lich the Vfce Pi,kt d of a nattue to be. considered en es• c, 5 , !!1,1,1. Accoidingly the duo,. /tete closed, and whoa opened the Sena•e adjourned till to•mnrroa Iu the House of Itepresenwirrs a der.:•o,l, or rur, and jump debate took place relative to the e11...1i0n of a Superintendent of the fo!dirg Room, and various motions were made and lost, e Len it ABS finally dis posed of by a reference niche matter to a seiert com mittee. Here it will probably be suffered to rest, as it bas been asbertained from authentic daus that, !r) disconnecting the office from :hot of the Door keeper. the expenses of the house would be increased 101 l f 5 00 O. The bill from the Senate, organizing Texas into a collection District was received, considered and pas sed through its several readings It has probably since become a law, and it is said will be started to morrow morning by special government express for the new State. A message from the President announced the t-xe-• rwivesauctiun to tho bill extending jurisdiction the B. Laws over Texas. The Massachusetts resolutions relatife to the :wit. 'oration laws came up in their order. Mr Wal,ing. 11 en Hunt occupied the floor, till it was time to adjourn, w her, he gave way for a motion to postpone the con ut !cra:ion of the suhject until the second Tuesday in J,,,,uary, an hich prevailed; and the adjourned until to morrow. 1 see by your pcper of Saturday, you speak of the of Judge Woodward to the bench of the sooreme court, as having been confirmed by the sen . This is on error originated with the re. I. .ter for the ••dir Mo." I believe im nombiar;iirit confirmed 10,10 y. 1., of J.rige W. I thick be; though there is some hostility io it. It is talked outd o ors, here, that he owes hi: nomi nation to an impression created that he was an advo cato for flue trade. If to, deception has been used somenhere. lam told that there is a letter in exit ,ce, written by him while he was a candidate for the U 3. Senate, in which he pledged himself to the a•liiirt of the Tariff of 18122. Verily, politics and ....icians, sometimes perform strange vagaries. systerl—There!are swindlers in the city with co , n ter'cit and Broken Bank Notes, also American hnli dollars, poorly executed. Look out fur them. We ~ ear of many complaints of losses. People should be cs.reful about the notes of tha Bank of Circleville, for is easy to be mistaken. The genuine nit • signed by JO ;KPH OLos. Those of the New P.,uk are worthless. LATER FROM CORPUS CHat,rl.--Sichniss and ti.rffering in the Army.—By the schooner Roselle, r. 8 1 4. Shipman arrived at New Orleans, on the 18th ' , .s.ent, from Corpus Christi, we Lave dates from that ,v.e up to the lath inst l'a e army statione there teat sutTerinz much from ev , e , oe cold weather kind tire want of good guar tens. tu.rl many of the• truer, a ere repotted sick. A large riumLer of Moxican traders were in at Cor pus Christi, yet mac was reported dull. ~•, DEEM DUQUESNE .-..,~~.~ I R+~ /HZ RECI.I.T ORVGOI.I RI:Mt/K.-11)e Washington Union of Monday say,q—“The •Natioual Intelligen ces' republi.hes a atatcntent from the New York Newt, teported from Washington, 'to the effect that a seta. meat of the Ulegon boundary question had been concluded in London between the British government and :gr. NlcLane, 011 the basis of the 49th degree— the 1 , 1..1,0,11M0 havit.g runic front the fotmer.' Ar We ale at me,ent ads i+r,.l. this ram fit 11 1101 corredt. litin'r tumor+ aie afloat iu the paper., taurliiitc the .ame .obj.-et, which are equally destitute of founds' f AMER to THE Wow P.— it, racll,ll, GUM ; ;t. ,nid to be the I.Lrost iu the w.tld, bur- . lna been blunt:bed at Sew Yotk. Hot !ength is 340 feet, breabith of beam 40 feet twelt,llh of t.:llard, 75 feet, depth /If bold 10 1 '2 engine 1,- 500 holie vowel, SU loch c)lindei feet strulte. A SHAM G!IT AND A REAL FIGHT. —AT the Alan] fight at Lemon, un the 2t.ith imt , eu of the •flembess of the rival companies. getting sornewhut excited, commenced genrrelling, when orm of !he sol lie re ron hi. bayonet tlitomzh the neck of the ocher. him seer, !y. l'at'h AT N Yt,FR r+ti.nute d Llo. the Stuck of flour on bond in New York. on the lot of January, Le 3'25.00 barrel,. The de ro 104 tippe t.. to be good, and 'thin) the 1.1.1 tiny or pricer hove ode ,iced P per haute!. k9 .—Cornrilele return• of the cenau, .f 304 21,1 i in f'e year! of 92,- 01:1. Duqui:,Nx Gatis, AhMoRY The r hairOodncea the decease of our tale mem ber, Aline' 1. Pentland, and appointed 1. teat. %Vac flays, Jr., Einai4n, Wm J Aoki hn and D Campleli d Committee to prepare resoluriona. The following were adop red: W tiered*, 1 , 1 rte. dispensation of Divine I'rovid•.nee. one of the member 3 of ibis Corr., his teen uudd e rrly removed from qinonggt ris—reminding U 5 — That in Mir midst of life we are in death " Therefore fie,,olve.i. That in rho dealt, of Abner L Pentland. his family hare sustained an irrepairofile Isar—that o f an aTectronate son and brolktr—hi: COMint.ionl, — a tried friend,"—arid soidely a valued member. Resolved. Tint m ttt'sell respect fir 0,0 trernor7, of the deccascri, a e wear dierrsuai badge 01 mourn. ins fill thirty day,. Reptived. That vv. e communicate to the Client-1s of the deceased. it Inlier t'f coodoletice a lib n copy of Olean rest. Ealla t from the teitooo. \% J. ANKRIM. .013. to tn? Dea,oca nth.- friend. nt the 42 I Waid, Allegheny city, lor the coati: to' the ennfi dence in noinutat ion :neon :Le Common Council tic!, et fur the etoittiog }cat, hot the natate u( my Lwiney• i s such I .In comiar; 10.1 to decline stetnitng a. candidate Gtr the ulfic.e, and teLr t 1,13 Cotnyall, My .irgliery, 3 13 I.; Fire 111 Cleveland.— A ~ look hui' !tog, owno,i by tile and •numed Hire• •t., consumed bv fire Inc 'deli!. •b.vt 9 o'clock. The basement was tern pied be tarn an tree. one a clothing eatablishment, owned by lbo! from which nothing ara• rived. The other war. a •hoe %hap. Owned by a Mr. linsmel, q n,d. pa. tinPy •ecored. The family of the later ronina nh.oe but aavrti co•nparntively (101111ra furniture. The AutTereta are Get man.. and ate am .ng our must induarri...! and worthy mechanic.. The Me•va Fir.• were inemred w the amount of I'2ooo On their goods, end Stlllo on , heir building in the.\le diny M.aunl. 'Mr hn•l Vain, I) ,t r. Dec 2 i reTl.ou,;h • m:ty be ia..terleti olt-tn not, vet 11.,w thlinkf , 3loughi we hi be that Pro.i,irnce hoot p!t, cel within our rnrt, the means for their •re , ay ' effect.tal rewio, nl. C11:141.11, CUM!, , nnJ Li , er Compla;nt, Giro Lri;lr ;ht. Inn.: known to our jail. 1 . .1 the retnovni ti,e ab.i,re disesaes. Dr. \\ i5t,11 . 4 Balsam of V, !id (71,eit is, the man) thou,i,lsw 1..41 it. the be..t reniedv in the wot hi. rice in get D r . IVEALzr . : ufll ~.1 Cherr‘—th,re ern inwtv,ul.,! ccr VC14 , 41, 8 , 1 ' 64,1 , 4 4 I I ,r,S burgh. by 1. IV I.( C , X. , car. Murnvt •t The 3 ft.,,Zed Pl7!....—Expe.tittnre t.nving i,ing ei r,c< drr.d r d , th,o tlim-aso or ii:inate4 Fri td the CIICIIII4. II V. , den! hr tia• r..rnr.l) •••np.,),1•11./.1 1, it r 1 Future Fit i 4 './ rliuto 5' ,, 1 , 2 :he Llm.l h,• nn , 11,1 11,.• Sugar coated l'urgtuive beit,t; I pnrw 314 tei-ntzfle pr;Ncii•i...•, 'to an tg,rltt tie etc the of nod t:to netull the il 3 lll 4 m 3re 0:•• 1 . 311 4 ,6 which e'srt b.• rP•J‘..i e 31, 43441 of 3 Variety of I,.gtettiewh efolrtly i.trn, 1,1 44 114 r 144 their r 1 4,4.13 of 4424 4 43 , 34: they ot.ter fad to teach Ow 4ii34 4 1144 4 , 01444 t• it rnny tippenr. This, if the be .rr .rd, one ingredirmt op -roe Lru tiro cart', o',rorie,tn and by cleaning it or that 5x47C4144 it if ..ttAndv ,lirchnrging int, the stomach, re,tore it 13 it 3 natural evilr, Allltthel will operate on h:443 4 1, rstlTl o,3 impurities u‘h;ch hate ahealy entered ;e. O itl cireutntio,.; v. 1,11.• a third tfrect , “tliy exp..l Dorn the •)IIeM Vitintevvr ,nnt base been 41i.3 . 4h34•g4441 into the vomncl., thirlogh the instrum,o slitt, of the other Sold by W:n Jackson, Cory., of Woo 1 and Li . .eut, streets, stt Ito is genera! Ages t for Dr Clickeoer's in Put3burgh and c ieittii v. 11:FI3eis are of nn imitation nitielo '' fnprn eel Sv, , rar-Coated Pill'," purporting to be Patented as both the pills and pretended patent are forgeries got up by a miserable quark, in New y orb, wl,O, (or the last four or five years, Las made his by conntetfeitittg. p jilt. 3. Married, On IThuroday eveninc i January by the Rey Mr ‘Villinms, Mr. THEo. F. W HIGH T, tbi. city to MI,P ELIZ %Br TH, duugb:rr of Mr I.,bn D Je,k ir. s, of Mb On Thursd.ry, ti.e 1.1 inst., in the 82.1yenr of her Jlae. CATHARINE S WILKI SI, yi idow of the late Genl. John Wilkins. The funeial will coke place at 11 o'clock, this morning, from the residence of Mrs. Murray, Federal st. Allegheny city. The friend. are invited to attend without further notice. On Teter lay, the 30th ult., At:3Tirr GLIMOR Y. 4nn a John II and Ann Dopp, aged 2 yeurs and ti moths. On tic 1.4 t inat RUSE CnKTIY, wife of Mc An dre. Curtin, aged 30 yearn. On the 27th inst., Mrs. FAINT wife of Copt Samuel Johns,u, "ItM, city. aged 47 mars and 5 mot tb3 LT? Mrs Jot; soots endort,l a reotrneted and pain ful sickness. with chi istian patience and fortitude. I n the deep afflictions which preaetled her sickness, in the loss of two beloved children, her submission to the will of God was manifest; and though a mourner, like Rachel, for the loved and the lost, yet her sorrow was witho , lt a murmur against the dispensations of Him "who turneth man to destruction, and saysest re turn ye children of met,:" IThe loss of Mrs. Johnson is felt ht a large circle of surviving friends, to whom she was endared by the ties of blood and friendship. For many years she has been a communicant in the Presbyterian Church, and a dorned a good profession by n blameless life, and the consolation of her surviving friends, is the belief that what is their loss is her gain, and that she has entered upon that eternal blessedness that remaineth for the people of God, whore the mooner's tears are dried, and the weary are at rest.—Buffalo Commercial. Dividend. 0/fICE OF THE ALI-Er:HP.S'Y BRUM!: Co., Pitst.ur,sh, January 1,1516. T H E President and Managers of "Ile Company for erecting a Bridge over the river Allegheny, opposite Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny," bare thin day declared a dividend of eight per cerrum out of the profits of the last sir months, which will he paid to Stoct.holders, or their legal representatives, on ur after the Bat instant. JOHN HARPER, j.ln 3,131 C wlidler Tieasurer •' • ' y. 2,710 '4? 4,4... i " REMAINING in the Post O ffi ce, Allegheny city, January 1,1846. Persons calling fur letters whose names are on this list will please say they are advertised Achline Andrew Alexander Samuel Anderson Jame. AuII James Andenion Samuel Allabqrn Arnst Alward Henry AlArich Albeit AllisonJhn Atherton Charles P Anon Williorn k lex a odor Georg.. C Armstrong G 31 .Alexander ittnws Ratio K. Boller David T Barton Atilllrti•O Bowman Ann S Bilaeler (iete Re Bowen Jonathan (1.,, Basekr Eau. ii 13runell Richuid Bake! Samuel HUM , J ulin 13a.ri.iy Grace Boiler Emma Byrne 11 C Bingham. Duck it. Shallun Baird E Thunilison Butler Ceorgo Barry John flue wet Chili lea Biddy ducub A Berle% Jolla Blake A A Brawn Jtee,o Briztry John Bissu Davi.l Buck Arm Becket Chri,tian fl,ingive Alfred Bell Robert Bruce Catharine Borrysford Margaret Buchanan Awitcw Berry demea Pur,seli Mary Benedict Aaron B cancer Joseph - . . . Beaty Robrit. Burwell H Blanchard Hers y Buchanan George BiWrenn Agniate Brown William Bishop Isaac Brown James S Biegit Jrnes Dminnig Grorge Bureland Jane M Might John • - . Boyd Min Brown Thomas C Compel) Briber., Coleman J S Calhoun Mary Collin• Thoma• Casley Mrs I' C o lbert Ger ret Cadman Mrs Cooper Marshall . Carothers Rebecca Collins .1,1M•1 Catman Cut ionpher Cole William Casper ‘Villiam Conley James Carpenter J J 3 Cooper Joel Calhoun William D Collier Elizsbeth Carr Mary M Cooper Hassell Cr - riben Francis Curler Mr. Campbell Henry Croasren W ("rpighey John Cohen James Cameron John Collins John Caldwell James Coyle Amos Carson James Connor Andrew Carlton William Cooper David Crimpholl Jamrs Coe David C s'llarritti ra Wriliarn S.' Coad Edward Clary Beroarnin Cowling JaMagi C1.1"IiiIII Wm A Cook Mariall (-limey Jame• `..1 Creighton B J Chiliinsim J•rim Crook Frederick Chi:man John Curthir.gharn Arilror Chesil Sarah ('ui•ningham John Ciii4e,ier Cm iiiiiiin Croft Eh zalveth M r_ Ihmtlet S.vnuv) • Cavvford J I=ll flay Mi). ealhon El:zaiarih Collins Elia.heili S (formic Creeso Jo , in Curhum Jar.. I,llaPi id J a me, A II Dn'lna S Das Jame. Davis Mr Da) Janie. E !hots Sat 111 D.,11..) I \‘'i':i sm Dawson Wiliam 11 perm 'A '.m Deni.t..l•me• Dean Mrs A B F's i• g ‘ 1 " , Jrn E-loOninn. Fredrirh Limo.] II .nt.nt, Elason 'arch F Fru., Mr. 2 Fop A Detinine. 0:: , ..r Devine idrlici Diih•ven Dickey Mary A., Dlnwed•lee J 4.111: 1)1410ey. 1).. m . 0n J Dodge Doll Nlr F a \IIII,)URS I)umen J arm, Dul Dunlap EARtle) Chur!re 13 I.:yeti/411 Jarub reming IT S. Flu:krxr Fl lA,•r Corrc 1.••• Valli I kr.rT II • i 1 11,1 Fo,drr.mtil, Jt. ‘; Filler It IS.•l'.‘ ~ Gr..en %V • fir”l,ill r Grotnger Mort Alexnn fi,o,not (;rat,nen .1,c4e1• , 1 rose I. Gt. Al>crt (::sham Frencle Cirascs 6,01. Comm Mr Gq nJ S (i,lllben Cathqr.,• t;rren Gecro 11 .1,1,1 II.:k G ••th hots klchcce, Ile be,t MI, A lj ... \lo.• -i. (i••oio S II r, Idi, J" v, G , liar.} ichh trt Jac,, (;I',Lr•gt =WE IV;!ii.c.rl Gi•t (ii; 1.1:, De , .{ G] las NVI;;1'1, H in.Sli , rl D 1.% •./ i I ,id Ptiillp Haworth GI,/ E . « Htid darn.•A LI Ilarnrnottd [tact,. II.,y•I I.lolgt d Hartz Attgl Hagan Thom is Hart Mr Horner G E Etq Hart Sstu.: trr Httyl Etenor Halear Voleli::ne litxdshe Rev Ha.let Et , her t Hn~let Ilarze A Hall William Healy Jane Humphreys Thomas 2 Henry Lnnisa Hunter Nf r Hogan Hoghens Robert (lead Sr. Stout Hyatt Noah Tidings Piz , tbeth Irvine John Jones Nancy hIA 2 J 'nes Wll'iam N Johnson SI E Johnson Woshington Johnson Robert E'iz Ddsia James John Jorle• Mel) , Jrffol Mstaha i•• Johnson George Johnson M B Jordon Ki•ow•n Job', King R Kerr R II Kuhn John 13 Kohly 13 K••ye Wlllinin F. Knox John. L 1. Ki!more Wl!ham KonniiiiiiirJ.ixorli Keeihnufor John King Dixixon Knox Mrs S II Large J R Little Isabelle Large Steven Leacoek Joseph B Lenker.l Sarnu , i Long Andrew Lowery John Losing Mr Lawton Mathew Lng Jame, Lang Emilio Love ienettf, Lambings Mrs Lung Alexander Lenrirun Mary !%Lsi Long John Line Jeremiah Loving) M Lee Small Leonard D M May+ Samuel H 'Morrison Wm Nlar:in Nlary Mis. I\ lams A & Co Marshall Isanc Morgan Evan B May Charles Ii Moore Mary Medd! John Morrison Eleenot G Mendenhall Mar An Morrison Enoch Myers Thomas Moore John B Milony Henry Montgomery Archibald Mitchell A J Mophet Noah Mildson Miss Morrison Hannah Mitchell Thomas Muataugh John Morrison S R Moody James M'Caughan James M'Dermitt Jag B M'Clellann Jane :11.1 M'Brier Agnes M 'C ormick Lcwis Nl'Dermitt Ann M'Keown & Riddle. M'Millan Madame NENeal Chriszophor * - 2 WMillen James Matthews NEConn Marshal! M'Lsan Mis 3 E A M'Curdy Daniel M'Gale Charles M'Combs Thorna. M'Gown James M 'Cormig John L NEGinnis William M'Cane Joseph M'Dellin Emeline Mrs M'Coneghy James M'Ginnis Rebecca Allegheny List of Letters A ughiubaugh John mere Rachel 131 ce ity Flq• , .” U. rt I r Fri,ol.6•r Fr. r 0 Fr.,r rna I:.•ra‘th F4.rr••t Frne , r ..I`,rxr Noon Jam •s Hopkins J 2 liupley Wm L imtence 3 liteirirr Henry K,eh Eliv,both Lloyd Elean.r M'Kreith Mae Nl'Lute James M'C.urdy Samuel M'lntoski A nguis M'Coubry Thomas M'llroy Rnbert M'Coard James M'Ferren Mary A 2 M'Craekin H B M'Tberry William M'Clain Jane M'Waid E 2 MiCnigbt William M'Fadden Nancy M'Denald Grace M . Geis W H M'Guire James Newel F. W. Newel James Nevin Miss Martha Mery Nit:tiling eftlildline I' Neal Milo 2 Nixon Mr Nelson William Norton Cant A Nelson Alexander Niman Peter Nicholson Henderson E Nicholson Elizabeth Nowlan Mary Newton Joseph NightengaleHatny Oliver Henry 2 Oiteraun John Patterann I & A Pliilent) Robert Pack in Phillips Henry Piero) George Pechcr Simon Paull A1.484_4841 Fouler William l'itt , ersoo S mu - • 1 Pringle JLLITIVS I'ack mum Pnt, r 4,V 2 Putts Dund rinktiton Nlogus P4n-tut tY I'wrLer Samut•lJ Hadley IfIC111) Robinson Samuel Reese Richard Esti 3 Roams Peter , Rheem Henry Rutting J 11,1103 Rue James B Roberson Simile! Reno Thome. T 2 Robertson Jane Mid Reynolds W C Riddle James 2 Rice Nlary Inne Richard. 131411i , 1 Reno Lenin Riddle Johu B Robert Charles Rnads [dice Roll Johann Russell Helen M Rosa Wesley S Sayhoti Ahinhnin Smith William Sandersno Juhn Smith Charles H Sanhurri Freeman Smith I rnelinn Sampson John 2 Smith Da,id Savage Hugh Smith Ellen Schools Common Pt ei.'t Smiley Samuel of the Hoard for Ross tp Sumo . ) , Miss Jane Scutt William Sisal. Martha Suulemser Mrs Seism!' J thn Scrittn \recta,. Schmid Wi;inal Schimmtet Jucob 2 Stoner. J Scott A C Sprague. Nit Ceely C Sprott Jo•Pplt Schreiner Mra Mary Sterplienann W Ott Sutonl• Common Pro..'t Stuck John Fmarri of Alleghr , ) Stewan Catharine S-ott H.miltonC Faavena James W Schafer Philip SiPV1•11111311111411 Semple Al,tandrr Stine, Michael Schriwor Pht!ip II Stout Natimotel Stull Peuer Strwart D,11.1 W Sheartnan Martha Sra•,is II Sinclair Jportes Ston•rt J.tte Ann Simpinni.h.t Mts. ling M Rev Shinp lit ifig. t Stn-ot Comtro-,on,ters Shank Eli+, Stuck Alta,' l) Spick Wnliet ?tvph•nutu Ju-Lu• 511, 4% J 1171., St. wnit 2t M C Sl,lfit John Tlinfna. Sthnhle & W1.4,3;;!1inJ .110,1.11 Mn..i 51111.411 , JOY.' 5.111 , 11 J rror ••4, 1 11), it ,p)111.111 s. Wad HICIIME I irn , th Aut.° ' , milli law S. 610 . ) J h p John Then , p•..n JAI" Fl•firli It I 11,,,,p5.qt 1(•- t •11..1.1 sfrr Svh” Ater I..ruel Su-inn B lurllrr Hichat Smith M4rl.• Tolnnelr Ttiftlin Lewis 0 r•o." Jarnriii Win I) Te•h Ann Mr. I -4.1• ripnniv.o , l S• i ~trut V. g e l,' .1 .4.n V-gel I Lers Vll , lfloll Hi . 1111 4 .C1 Vet n John V ens h tn D. 1,13 J e VVittit F. ”der Wlntrrlmin Mrov 11Irts ti , lwn Ilnatt J .Inrrlet R 't i..ln ltriCt..trn• I Wilooa rhs, I W•"ki!o• V‘ I I 1'1.011. , 11 . w.,.4 11 Mroll (: tV,,rt.ii r rt • N 1..,, L. \‘' ''eh , ur i,1•6 II R. t.tte 1V1;11-Jrn tt heir .razr, • two 111•1.1 7` 4 111 i'Thtt t.., M 1\ int Turn y net G Leivirr% .1: %‘.arn., 5 •••01 11, J .m.•• ••• 11 41:,(011'mH %V.iL.r K. 6.,, llrAlirr I. lt'wliS tee .1, " Weicon A•• , :Fo. lt'd. , .nli..oiq. %Vokvne, Mewl, W ur d Hoch II H 1..1 IVis;•ll,..lsunra. 1% eitl.l.l• Sur- 4 1s Webs.H-olie 1Y .thahn" W.-b.ter Slerrln %Vickline Vt tiltam• IVritn,l F. 14. IYtiwn F: % ikon dumee 11.•,7 11,•11 . 'ILIA 1M K \ UNS P. Ynrick Young Samuel j.n 3 FIRS TSALE Fu 12 1840 1 T 31 K ESN S S M %11.1.ty nest. Jan”.ry k: 1.1 A O NI will be • +II et Mii:.•or i'• A ,11:I ' l)11 Nn 61 Market Wert, I,rtmkeen 3.1 at.) 4111. (t.e,g tia first doy 'hat pl..° Oil. :Setif.) lai e, end es•ortmerit o.ery .1 G Ac.c. jnn 3 M'Ii.F.NN A. At.- tit urr r. FOR SALE, g lk NE of the lu . ist an I 11• . m velest Fars in i los Gunn II sitirate in New S e w lekly Tirwrilep. Beaver co. two miles east of Freedom, and one mile •eitth of the great Knob, bounded on the north by Janob ['curtail, on the east, by Joieph l'ow Cl on the south, by Salami' Piersol. Esq. who willshow the place containing front 100 to 130 acres be the utile more or less. There i. fr om 70 to 80 110 , 91 dillire4l and tinder good fence. with a grad hear lug orchat al and tolerably good house or large log born, and a never•failine, spring close to tl e door; it is well timbered, with the conveniences of a pohlic Road near the !louse and Beaver and Pitts• h !reit Reid. At the west end of laid Farm there is cell bank opened near the East line,supposed to run , reeler the whole Farm. Who ever wants to purchase ! ADM IN IS TR A TORS SALE OF STOCKS mast see the proprietor on the Farm, as ha haslo.lltis ! A T 7 o'clock, P. NI., on Wednesday evening the sight; there can be an undisputable title given for said IS. 7th January next, at the Commercial Auction Farm, which can be seen by searching the Records ! thrums, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold of Beaver. Said farm is within three quarters of an without reserve for ca.h, par funds, by order of A lex• hour's walk from the steam boat landing on the Ohio Rnd , r Leue.hlin. Administrator of Catharine Mc• river at Freedom. Laughlin, dec . d. jan 3. 1318. .1011 N D. CARBOY. 10 shares Mlegheny Midge Co. Stock. 3 do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh Stock. BLACK BALL OR OLD LINE OF LIVER. Also, for account whom it may concern, 20 shares POOL PACKETS FOR LIVERPOOL. Stack in in Exilhang Bank of Pittsburgh. (Only regular packet for the 16111 of January) A qoantity of new Gold and Silver Watches et fine gosh!). and au extensive assortment of staple and fancy THE new, magnificent and celebrated fast suiting goods. favorite Packet ship YORKShriRE, burthen. 1150 Tons, Capt D. G Ils H. vv. will sail positively on Friday the 16th of January. and will leave Liv er . City Lots for Sale. pool on the lit of March. Fur passage in the Cubit), riFluißrE coutiz..., into of ground on 3d st, 20 by 2i.1 Cabin and Steerage, to, or (tom Liverpool. 1 80 feet deep very eligible for building lots, a large Apt iv 1° ROCHE, BRO.'S Sr. Co. portion cf the purchase money may met at the lay New York. pleasure of the purchaser. " Apply to Or L. , BLAKELY Szt MI TC.IIEL. dec29 BLAKE LY St 511TC11 EL. Agents, Pittsburgh. - I Eight day Patent Lover Gold Watches. Potatoes. i usT vecei,ed a tine lot of eight and one day _ „ n ow Ar k Mitch Nechaunuek Potatoes fitr sale by It y gold Patent lever watches suitable for both ladie, Itl NY I'. C. MARLIN, ! and gent letnen at wry low rice, awl warranted good jan3 GO Water street. 1 W. W. WILS 0 N . car 4th and Market st. ROLL BUTTER 9 ric k LBs Roll Better, a fine article fur family Diamond Pointed Gold Pens 1,91.11.1 use for sale by A LARGE and carefully selected stock of this vnl- P. C. MARTIN /3_ Liable article of the best make and Cot sale at 60 Water street. j New York prices. VINES. Afew grcaska Port and Medeira wineoffiuc flavour just received and fur sale by P. C. MARTIN, 60 Wafer st. Fahnestodes Vermifiage. rri HIS is to certify, that my youngest boy, aged about 2 years, was taken nick with the summer !complaint. lie was attended by a Physician all sum- LIQUORS &c mer, and received little or no relief. About the mid- D RAND EV; . Wines, and Gin of all kinds, warren.. die of November, I gave him some of Fahnestock's 11 ted fine. Old rye whiskey and rectified whiskey Vermiftige, which brought away one hundred and ant. lof superior iptalilies, with a full assortment of every ty large worms, and gave him immediate relief. He thing in the grocery line, too numerous to mention. I has been perfectly healthy For sale by P. C. MARTIN, jan3 GO Water *r CITY PRICES 0171181 INT. WI. 3. CARLFULLYCORRECTKD EvIRT AFTERSooN. Flour—From Store, • $5,00e 5,25 Wagon, • - 4 7sea 4,87 i Buckwkeot—per 100 lbs - 1,50 01,624 Corn Meal— do do 50 rd 62 Grain—Wheat bush. - • 0,00 ra 80 Corn, 36 e 42 Outs, • 36 44 Hay—Loose, pion, • - 16,00 'am° Oil—Linseed, g all. - - 68 e 70 147tiskey-4' gall. • - Potatoes—, •lj Salt—p bbl. - - - - 100 ra11.06 Seeds—Flax, • • • - 1.00 fal,l2i Timothy. • - • • 2,371Z2,50 Clover, • - . 5,00 e 5,50 Lard—Na l t.3' lb. - • - • 7i'let) B Hoge—p lb (ay. wt ) 4 e , 5 • tiacon—per lb. - - 8 cet 9 Cheese—per lb WR. - - - 7 ' 8 Butter—Keg and Roll per lb. - - 104 , a 13 FOR NASHVILLE. The splendid steamboat ri,hott oy Mellow:1d, Master will leave I. , rthe above and intermediate pints 01) Mrol day the sth inst.. ire prmit[ing. For Freight or Posttg" apply on ho r 3 • GE_QRGE BAILEY. nutantit, AND MANUFACTURER OF Pumps and Hydrants. Which are superior to and cheaper than any in the city. Please to call and examine for youselves. FOV RT II &TREE r. BP:TWCY.ti SNITIMIELD !CHERRY ALLFT. (CP flpirants and Pumps repaired. U'6sl .a .711.1RKET STREET, Between Fourth st., and the Diamond. RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, The Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, A In Igo and extensive assortment of Shn wit. viz: Soper. all wool Broalit.; Printed To,keti and Cita', mere, 111 k embnolerk•d Turkety, Blk and Mode coler• rd silk fringed f hilibet. Super. erribroi.iered Darna•k and silk worated. black and ctdored Merino, and a large moot mom of Plaid and %V Sha w All of which will be sold at a small ativanma above Ertatern cost. A BSOLOM MORRIS. s ign I NO. 65. APPLES 40 "WSW:LS Gieen Apples in rime Oriel put up expisissl fur family •tise, f r sale by P. C. NI AWI IN, jiint r, 0 Water AI . 1/11.1E1 ) FRUIT, tSc. ,- . ZAN r Cll, - 1(1?4, 111, 11,1 L. Almond* Crl'; tow', 5r .t “r Wl{ .1 ITING 1'.% PE It. &e. ,s ; f , c.llda, lot s4le Couri of Common Pleas of Allegheny eon , y. in ihe Cam m.,nn•ra,''A of Pennsylvanta at De ceo.b,r Term, le 37, u 219. 3ttrr ”1" the vo1:11.tar!. Is. itign,ent If Sarrood D.trlipgton. At..t now, or w It, Dt, 43A1, 1847). surrletnentatv nrrnoo t of A.•i....nre•, exhilnttnt tool fi!otl, ntot on m , .' tf II NNerniv. Fol A Inrrley I,r A •-lrnee.i. ih- t a;.r. ,ints ti,i.rrhy th- 2I In dnv of Feh. A 11.1 , 316,1%er healing tind cohfirmi;h.n of • roam unle*4 ivr n lay 'hes to, •in.hi oot i s • nl;envrod nod th, l'r,thqnotsry is dirrEtrd C. Toe n..: ICY of:hr OISITIO fur thirty-d.s by I/J Iw•+ Ch.lray, 1 0 retilh , l n nod 01 ht . ' .111cre•It'd rt dh) AO, of 1;••••.n.,!y. hicE&IG & MAGI:III2E, 1:1)[( W A RUING ANN) CONI MISSION C.ItCII ANTS. th.• 11,1 Cu NI& I - I i (II4FR r i.f•N•ky Lnn I 'intrindart !tie Ipiti.ititifD,ci.n, & Co Combralentl, them ••• ...` ter !WE: t!g• 4>l .g nrr, in the F , lvr g lnd lin.iniis• in !wt., coniiicninerits, and iinniinc,nJ with • he unn Liesp,lch. Aid limy hope br • !le f nod ma.emhlor them U/ 11 0 l:f St. G; Chuirh S C..r..thrt , . Wm. NlcCuhy II W3•••r-nnr ; k 3.1 Th‘w ; A'Pzeoldet Lvvci i•r; \V Ite rrn,m !'altr.r, Si , trklytt S G i>dr. ,i•L'.‘• RecUfied Whiskey rr H Es ih•cri'er•rhsvii.g I key I,liirei the lalc ailsisrce in ',tire.. inform Their 5. and .len!ers rifler .11y. that LH, Sel!ing Ow, be, it ,ti6i-ii(4 ‘ere f2sz. per by ha: rel. They have as osusi n R.A 21, SOrtrlWOl Of GI Winets. Liquors end \V & NI. NllTe I F:LT It EE. No 160 Libel ty sr. OEM FOR SALE CHEM'. 40(1 ,ChUirnS good Yellow a ct,rre„ 250 doz. eau - Hied window gash and gdoss to suit. 200 all iiir.ea good wooden bowls. A small supply of Economy brad cloth!, achuo lit - inkstand ataiinnary, and qiiiie a large assortment of the American Temperance Union Publication, and Almanacs for 1846. Cheap and useful Family Med ' iclne.. All of w hich will be sold low. for cash or ~.umry p r oduce Sze... In Suit curt. , mers and roruign ISAAC It ARIUS, AO :Ind Com Merchant. Nu 9. Fiiih girret Ire Wnructl to boy, nig% for riper rout:el-4 and cat pet weavers. nut country carpets. dec MCA JOHN D. DAVIS. Auctioneer 1 tierr27 d ec2 7 dec2l-dSzw T . DE undersigned have entered into partnership. under the firm of STERETT & Co., as Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign Wines and Liquors, at No 18 Market street, one door horn the corner of Front. BENJ. F. STERETT, dec29 J ACOBEAVF.B. 14101rsale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic . Wine: and Liptors. No. 18 Market street, one door shove From, PITTSBUROH Pl. 26 'a 28 31'a 44 RrVERINCES: Wm. Holmeq & Co. Wm. Eichbaum Henry F. Srhwt•ppc, E. Weaver. Their stork hos been selected with great clue, and consists of the choicest dualities, suitable for this market, to which they would respectfully call atten tion and solicit a shore of public pat r oms,ge. It com prises the following, in cooks and bottle:: 11'irss—Msdeliatt, Sh, tries, Lisbon., Teneriff, Ports, Nl o !ogns,Colabrio. L QUURS Brandie 4, Gins, Rums nod Whiskies. dec29 PIN' CP Dl Z. Duff, Gordon & Co's., Pale Stet Sherry 1 Wine. 10 don. Iloff. Gordon & Co's, Brown Sherry 15' inn. Biocktnitn's .Mudeiret 10 " Sloe 10 " Old Pale Maglory Brandy. It) " " " Nrctur " 10 " Peach '• The above fine Willed and LifrOT, in store anti for Salle by sr ERE:T t &Co., No 18, Market street. one door above Front. -1- 1 QUARTER Casks, clad( and pole Maglury Bran dies on draught. I do do fine cbampagne nrandies on draught 3 }loll l'ipod pure French Branches " Together with. gormand assortment of Foreign & American, DT - 111131es, in more and fur sale by STERETT & Co. No 1 - 3. Mut ket strict, nut door ahoy.. Fr,,rt. JOAN M. TOWNSKND, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY . No. 45 Markel st. 3 doors above Third at. PITTSBURGH. vu 1. have constantly on hand, a well selected V assortment of the best and freshest meal) unes, which hit will 4-11 on the most reasonable terms Phricians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon es ! ermine. sichins . proscriptions will he Recur a I ely and nvadv prepared from the best materials at any hour ot the dtry nr night. Also, far sale, a Loge stock of fresh and good pod - , rnerV. der3o ‘ATE are authorized to . offer for rile, 98 acres f I V fiat-rate upland, Situate on the Main Road. lending to Jackson and Chillicothe, end about one, mile and a half from Millen:port. La wrtence Counit..; Ohio. The land to well ihnheieti. and Into the known: ite•lthinetts of the neighborhood, fertility of the stol.l and proximity to Millersport, (the pt incipal landing place in that unction 01 county.) is considered a elt gable location for a farm. If application be made! soon , it wi.i be sold at a crest I.nrgnin. BLAKELY tir. MITCHELL. corer of Fourth and Smithfield: and Venn meet, Pittsltruh. I'. C. MARTIN, 60 11 Jlel etrevl P. C. 3,1 no Wnier 4trl et 1 ento igloos has of pound on Penn st. and Si: vete • t: sc.'. Alley earl. 24 feet ay 100. 2 bonding lots on l'ike at. near Reptlard% stean.• mill, 24 by lOU. 3 jlllbiing 1011 on the corner of Pine and Porn it. 5 le wata) 20by 07. 3 lat•of 1;f otina in the rear at the above fronting 1' ne 5t.5201: 00. 7 tm.idini. , lo•ti on the Turnpike road in o . ll..ira'f. • a m 24 by 100. A lar ge nwnhor of lot• in the immediate vicinity of tht• city anitalfle fear Loilding lots •nd large fa c al dens for •.de of lease sonic for a term of years and Oltiels Pr! petual. Aitifly rn aft. 29 BLAKELY S MITrI-11F:L. (;!'.4) R Tavern Stand for sale. p E uniler•igneii desirous of removing ft em this C”. 11.1!.. offers for .41e, the halience of this louse, I,haning 4 yowl, from the first day of aril snit, nf Clint well known Tavern House, e'en of the Canal Bnsi; on it. near the Pocket landing. in the neighui hood iiiiheCnnal Ba•in.Commissinn tieu•es. Ste, together with the snick of Liquors &c. &c. on hand. Bor fix tore. St. Household furniture. To any one wishing to to t, t h e hoiiiiefS 1113 , u or opportunity COUIIi not utTer. the house bas en ezrellent run of custom, and hos been home for the I not 8 years. For terms eppl) to the •oh•eriber UN the 'premises. d.,31 if. R. DOSSET I. WHERE ARE YOU BOUND FOR? CAl_l;.=ii9 PYRAMID AND STEAMSHIP. HUNKER Sc DIXON have Cakes. Ste...eaten/. and G'-Indies of all Lind* prepared for cosh., mars, which they will sell cheap. That BIG C IKE weighs one hundred and fipy po,sis: the PYRAMID on the rake, is ntiar'y three tee , high, and on the top of which there is a full rig ged STEAM SHIP. The public ate reepretrully incited to give them a dee 2:1 all AN DSONIE :tor' Room, fild.lind with shelve, and compera,suitahle for Di), Goods, and with gas fittings all in good order—theotore is situated on Mat ket at between 3d and 41h ats. Pos•mttaion given on the lAt April. E D GAZZANI, Office, Market st beiwren 3d and 4th ,t der3o. Pursuant t., an order of the Orphans Court of Alle 4fieny County, the undersigned will expose to public sale, at tho Mansion !loose, on the premises; on the sth day of January, 1346, at L o'clock, P. M., the fol lowing described piece or parcel °nand, part of the real estate of Arthur Meegan. dec'd., situated in Pine Township, in the County of Allegheny. viz: All that certain tract. piece or parcel of land, con taining about one hundred and fifty seven acres, more o r less, adjoining lands of George Grubbs, Philip Sar ver, Joseph Moon, William Alston, and others, and situated in the township el Pine. in the County of Al legheny aforesaid. There are two dwelling houses on the farm, and about 80 acres of cleated land, the rest i. covered with a gruel growth of oak and cher, ut. The Butler State Road runs through the centre afire pact, which is well supplied with water from a nom twr of never failing springs, and is bounded on the North East side by the main branch of Pine Creek. On application to the subscribers, the prone' ty will be shown, and all information given. The title is indisputable. Terms nt snle. RICHARD NIEEGAN, CATHARINE ISIEEGAN. A.lministratnrs. Sugars. ?.• WHITE: Havana Sopa in Mae , : White Brazil ditto in Wahl, in store and for sale by J. S.J. WDEVITT, 224 Liberty st. Pittsburgh ISSautifiactured Tobacco 20 KEGS Plug Tobacco; 5 '• Ladies Twist, du; 10 " " do; 10 " Cav'd, IA Lump, du; Li ...kiure and for sale by W. IN. IV I LSON. cor 4th and Market st Ground Spices 10 CANS er.und Pepin•r; 10 Can Ground Cinnamon; 5 Cana Ground Alapice; 5 do d. Cloves; In store and tur sale by Butter. BARRELS PRIME ROLL BUTTER: VII 10 keg, in lump, received and for sale by dec29 H. LAMBERT' JUAN BAIRD. Sharpsburg ..o,Lt,,,e.st4A Cc-Partnership. STERETT & CO., ROTI LED WINES AND LIQUORS BRANDIES Choice Ohio Land (Ify PROPER I Y FOR SALE Tv the Conf ., etionary Estatrishmen: of Hum ker 4- a.ron, k;f2k Strcel, I=l TO LET Orphans' Court Sale of Beal Estate 4-1.4.10,14,5.-w2t J. & J. M'DEVITT. •224 Liberty .t J & J MeDEVI IT, 224 Libi•rt) LONDON ANNUALS FOR 1846 FISHER'S DRAWING ROOM SCRAP BOOK for 1846... n Liisl rno. and New Years PresentA Cor 11346. Heath's Book of Brno y for 194 G, with bealiti• fully fini•hed etigt . a,lDcs fr,,m avi leg- by the first Ar- Edited h‘ the Cottnie , i ,f Blensinßton. The Kr,rsakefor 1816. w it h bestitiruily finished engraNing, fitim drdwiitg , by the first Artimrs. En graved u.d , r the ntiperinlendance of 'Mr. Charles he Ciiiiittemsof Blessingtoe. DenflPl3 of Mcinory IS:G—A Christmas, New Year, and Birthday enir, bn,,nd in alt mosYale gent stile. and ern'ool.'ahe 1 w,di 12 apiewlid iib ttationa. consisting tit - illumination. and fine 511 , e1 en• graving.. by 'ho fir,t artists. Edited by Ebeynell Coates, st. D. For sale by C. H. KAY, cur of Wood and 34 vs. splendid Annuals for 1946. THE BOUDOIR for 181 G—A splendid Chrionarts, New Year and Birth Dny Presents for 1846. The Died'•m for I 54G— A beautiful Present suitable for all Ie1101.'?”1. The Snow Flitlie for 154 G—A Gift for Innocence end Benny, edited by T. S. At thur. 'fie Opal i346—A pure Gift for the Holy Days, by John Kee,e. Tae Mu Plower for 1.8.16—A choice Annual, edited by Robert linmillon. . _ The Amulet for IBl6—A bemniful• Cbristmas end New Years Present wi h steel ifiumretions. 1 he Lady's Album for 1846; a magnificent present for all seasona The Forget-rno not 1 , ,r 1g46, an Illuminated edi ed Ity A A Phillip, ThoLbriAtian'4 Am.ual for I S4li, a Miscellany with beautiful Ilboovations. Scenes in the Lire of our Saviour; s beautiful pre,- ent by the ?oetn and Paiute, a, edited by a. W. Griir- Wll,d. flow.ehuld Verie4; a be-autiful Buck, by Barnard Tile Hyacinth for 1816, or Affection's Gift; a Chri,s man, New Years and MI th Day Present. For %al," very low by CHAS. H. KAY, der.22 corner of Wood and 3d ata. GREAT EXCEYIEENT!I TARIFF REPEALED !! THE, sliding made p r inciple alzaridurred and th. minitnton Ira ntlaid adopted at No. 92 Market Street. IVe have been receiving for the last week or two. a fresh supply of seasonable DRY GOODS, boughs from the Manufacturer.. Importers, and at Auction, at the lowest ca-h prices fleeing had an experienced Agent in Philadelphia and New York for some months peat picki g op bargain., here and there, ena bles us to offer to the public a splendid stock of Grads with almost an irnrerceptible Tariff . . Our stock con ilata in part of the following Goods:— Sha wla—a great variety; F-ench Terkeri Shawl•; it:nglish do do; Splendid Brusha and Cashmere Shawls; Damask do; Black and Emlirnitlereri Terkeri dn; Super Black Thibet, Silk Fringe do; Ladies' Super Cashmere Scarfs; Plaid Woollen Shawls of every variety, Alan n great variety of Cashmere EY Enosse; Plain de Lain, and harred and figured de Lain; English and French Merinner; Alpecres and Coborg Cloths; Bombazine•; plain and fancy dress Silks; Irish laineno--Cotten Alpacca and Cashmere Dose: CASSIMEISES. CLOTHS, and VESTINGS. Alan, an exrcllelt atestirtment of domestic Goods. All of whir, see eller, wholesale or retail, at sueb pri ce. a. we hick cannot fail to please. Call and ex amine for yourselves—al No. 9t?. Market street. duc29 tf. MOSES COREY• Hypochondriacs and Hystezicsi Ct.. 444 of pernto. ',object to hpochondri• Or low e.htt-e bowels are often torpid and cortfi ned fur dart s together; IA httse rush rings are often ex• treme will derive re:nnrktible and relief from the frequent re te of Cite Liver Fella ; such persona .)1.,u111 he rilcour4ged t:. ase them. They sit down very niter. is del rtir of twine her, fited by any medi cine, when, in nrct , they are in many cases easily re. Females subject to hysterics and other nervora di•resen wh,.•e dice•tinn i. bad and bowels torpid, will tind benefit trots the siendy, csulanus use of these [till*. once of twi,e a level., in doses sufficient to ape• Asir briskly I':rltarud nod sold by Sold al.o by Kerr &• \L filer. 147 Wood tiert; L. Wilcox.. Jr., and Wm. Thorn. Market sirsei; Fairs & Cori.. .11. Fifth N•ard, and H. l'. Schwartz and J. \ Ilegh , nv riiv. dcc2.9 ELECTION THE qualified citizens uf the City of Pittsburgh. are hereby notified tl•nt an election will be held at the maul places and time fur holding city elections, on Tuesday dui Gtit day of January next, for the elec• lion of two persons qualified to serv e as Overseers of Elie Puur, fur .ine year from Apt it 1, 124. and for three ,ersuns fat .ludit,ra Piano Porte's rp WO splendid Piano F,,ies, made by A H Gala J. & Cu. (Aoccers.,r. to the New Turk manufac rut C.:mpsny,) wirh meznl:ic plate and frame. and French grand action, jut rer,ived end for sale by JOHN Id MELLOR, 122 IV,,r,A street. For the Holidays ry HE Mu.icnl Annun', for 1846, Snow I , hike, Tut Morocco, :quilin et KriillKinee's Christmas Tune The maiden and wif , , by T S Arthur With a variety of Bibles. Prover Books, &c, for sale by JOHN H 11ELLOR, der24 122 Wood street. Books for the liolydays. SCEN ES in the Life of the Saviour. by the Poets II nd Painters; edited by Rufus W. Griswold. 1 so). The Boudoir Annul' for 1846-3 christmas, now year, and birth-day Pie,wnt for 1 a Is. Leaflets or Memory for 1846; a christmas, new year and birth-day souvenir, bound in the most splendid style, and embellished with 12 splendid illustrations, consisting of illuminations and fine steel engravings by the first artists.—edhed by Reynell Coates, M. D. The Snow-Flake for 1846; a gift for Innocence and Beau.y; edited by Artlr,r. The Opal for 1346; a present fur the holydays; edi ted by John Keese. The Ma) flower for 1846; a choice Annual; edited by Robt. Hamilton. Friendsh;p's O'T-ring—a christmas and new-year present for 1646: 1 vol. 19, mo., 'morocco gilt. The Lady's Book of Flowers and Poetry, edited by Lucy Hooper; 1 vol. 12 :no, and colored illustrations. Household Voss; a beautiful book, by Bernard Barton. The Hyacinth for 1846. or affection's gift—a christ mar, new year and Present. Gray's Elegy, illustrated. Oracles from the Poets: a Far ciful diversion for the drawing room, by Caroline Gilman. Imagination and Fanny, or selections from the En glish Poets; by Leigh Hunt. Mrs. lletnans Poem< illustrated. The Amulet; a beautiful ehribtrnas and new-year pre,. eta, with steel engravings. The Poets and Poetry of Europe by Longfellow. The Poets and Poetry of America, by Griswold. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. 44 Market at. For Sale or Rent AVALUABLE Dwelling, House and Lot, situato on Ross street, near the corner of Fifth street. The House hi an excellent and commodious two story Brick, with finished basement, all built of the best material and (lithe very best finish—contains nine rooms with n finished garret. The Lot is 20 feet front un Ross street, by 70 feet in depth. The location being near the New Court House, makes it a desir able residence fl.r the profei.innal man, or man of business. If wit sold before the first of April, it will be for rent. Terms easy and title indisputable. _ [Cr Enquire of Mrs SAVAGE, 0❑ tho premises, or ar thii office. riec`22-2,vd insurance THE unaerbigned agent for the American Fire In surance Company of Philadelphia, continues to make. Insurance neoinst loss or damage by are, on Is rumble terms. at his old nand GORGE COCHRAN, No 26 Wood it. R. E. SELLEREt% 57 Wood it E F. PRATT. ASHBRIDGE, Over,wets or the Poor Price $4 00 " " 4 00 " " 3 50