• f.„ **, • t 4 i 11. • - 16 - : 4,1 i r • t "-•,* - • MEE ~., ERRE -•• • . ' '1,1 % ! as. R A !•'‘' N. v f . i 4.6 =BE • :3 : " MIME r• . :-",i„;: r ?,-,.;.-7,:l.,... - -....,:',-:.' 4, 0;: . %. , I,x. 0. 1,.,4- .. 4 44 aei: . *., 1r " ' •V • 4 ; o 4 Ki‘x . - , -. 4 . , 1,...p: - ,,,, ,- ‘ ,,,, r , m :.,„, \ A - . 5 1t0 t y ., ,r4.;; 4 ;1.,, -4: 4? . , ,,..7, ,• 4 2 .4 ),,A 7.. ,, , ! l '• ^ -J.a.' IS'4:l.k . ' at 4 lr ik A .: -'^-, ...; , -Al,` ' - ' l* , - • -, "4' '. j '''. , ..0 " :: , -' % ....i 1 . ^ '''' 1 t. , VOL. I-NO, 143 PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY lIGLER,SARGEDIT Fc BIGLER, N. W.carner of Wood and Flfth S:recia TtßMS.—Five dollar U. 3 car, payable in advance. Six dollars will invxriaLiy be r••gnired if nut. pold within the yvar. Singferopies Two C..r.o+ TS—for sale at tlia counter of [be Office, and by Nvws Boy A. The Weekly Metcury awl Manufacturer lit published at tilt...nine OfFICC. tott a double medium ti'leet, at TWO DOLLARS a VC;11, advaace. Sio- Kle copies. SIX CENTS. " TEEMS OF iIDVEITTISING PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One inxortion, $0 50 One rnondi, $5 Iwo do., 0 75 n 0 00 Thre., do., 1 00 Thr,ean. 7 011 One wee', 1 50 Four do., 800 Two do., 300 Six do., 10 on Three do., 4 00 One yenr, 15 00 DEARLY ADVERT ISENIENTs CHANGEABLE AT I'LEASURE. - One Square. ' I Two Square-. Six months, $/ 8 00 Six mouths, V: , 00 One yea', 525 00 Oor year, $5 00 f.orger adrertisemi _ SZr'CARDS of four 1 EDMUND SNOWDEN, ATTORNEY AT GA IV, OF F . ICE in the buildint on the North corner cf Fourth and timillitield nonl 1-1 y JAMES S. CRAFT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Officar, corner of Fourth and Wn,vl •trerte, uhove Saihrtt & Donee. Euttuoce ou Futlt4. nov 14-d6m. P. C. SHANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cirrcnithurgia, practice in the Wei.tit:ertil.,(l. kit,lCiAcra.[l/1 COUrIA: d i• Is. • _ I=l MCMAIION & SELNOIL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE in Fifth str, , et. in Barr': n(,% be tween Woud and Smithli,ll At eel S. 0,1 . 29 1 y. 'IIA It A Rt./14 IN N, (LATE: e. S. nirronNi y,) II AS removed 1.114 . 0(1ice to No 3 lit. Clair tenet:l, plert 4 EDWIN C. WILSON, ATTORNEY AND 42ousr-ELLult AT LAW Frank/in. Ven npn Co 'IV h a., ILL attl ni I b,1•11/ , .4 OW tl+l , `li W ero to his 1,1(12-01,i1.,11,.... Idle i n\ ' nun, Clarion add Jolt fillll CC/U.l.4'A. REFER it; J. A. StorKros,: l : Munrwr, WILSoN, & `i l'ut.ll.lllll J„Hx Bial.r.R, KI , NEAR. Franklin HOPI. ALE.% \IC.AI.4OF.T. HOS. JAME.i Sceuber, i:k•, Ohio, illy 21-Iy. C. ORLANDO LOOMIS, AT rortNEY AT I.IW, Office, Fourth El atxne july I.ly. MAGRAW & M'IINIGIST , ATTORNEYS AT 1..\ V, NYE removed their olice th , Court LT Itnetac, in the room over the Sir itT np 17—if. t. - F . 1c1.: removed to So-60 , 11 , 1.i stri.o. O 4tll 'street and Diarn-old G.... Wert - Is:in t l. Tot-met. tit , It; Removal. ‘ HON & ASIIISGFON. kt,ent- at Litt; i!_i office girl the north Aide of Wylie .t., 3.1 a 0.., Enet of the Colin limp,. lip 17 ofAMPS CALLAN hn-totnreed to ihr el,:ttn'e., occupied by Alderman NleAld,tet , ott Filil .t. between Wood and Smitltileld. REMOVAL: G. L. Robinson & M. Vl'Driac, ATTORNETs AT LAW, 111 AVE reinvived their office to Grunt ii ni It short distuttee Crum Seventh street, to wattlb the Court House. rirConvevancing arid other instrurnentsof morningi lePally and promptly executed. np2 I Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, OtTice in the Diamond, haolc of the oid (mutt 11 ou, sell 10 Pitt,:borgh. Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Pittsburgh Pa. OiLee in 13 ll', 1.1 is; , G M . WILLIAM E. AUSTIN, Esq.. will gwe his :ttU to my unfinished business, and 1 recominenli him to the patronage of my friends. stip I.o—y W A LT ER FOR WAR D. Shaler & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupiedl , y ti. Uri tea States bank, 4th street, bell, eel. M el and Wood streets. re2l EDWARD Goo.*S.Selden, Jittoractr at Law, Office on Fourth s treet,lietweiin Winrl and Smithfield [P Conveyancing and other in.truirints of wri Ling legally and promptly rxerutiirl. mar2l-tf El= HAMILTON & STERLING, Attorneys at Law, OFFICE, Nor! h side of Fifth e treet,betwreo Wood and Smithfield streets, l'ittslifircli, l'a. N, B. Collections made un reasumible terms. Aisc 4.1 y. SoLa W. Burrell ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS ftenicred in cnn,,irinnie Of tlie 'au , fire Crum Third .trees to Bake...yen Buildings, opr , • lte to the Court House._ up 16 ___—___ Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office. near the Cuurt kfouie. ill MeUtah builtling4 my 7 U. Morrow, Alderman., Office north side of Fifth ,tt,m, botwe,n Wood and Smithfield, I'itcll , ,lrgli. sei.lo—tf ' 1.,j Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, r,otr Sixth, 'tug 21. PITT:BURGH H. D. SELLERS, M. D., EMOVED to Penn St rrVt , between Irwin and R Handstreeti. five doo a below Hand street. V_ 15 r HUGH ARTERS, SURGEON DENTIST. 118 Liberty street. A few doors below St Clair st., Pittsbur:h. lip 28-Iy. Wm. A. Ward, Dentist, Has removed to the ploct, t,f hi 3 for met lesideore, it Penn street, two doors below• Irwin. up 13 Dn. CEO. rEzax, PRACTICING PHYSIC I AN, Corner oiStnitlifftl,l A:ley July 26. 18,13-ti r , 7; P . 'IVO, 0 , • 4 ' . '7l - 7 - 3 ;r1 7 .4 .11ir . PUBLISHED DAILY criLA in proportion. lines Six DoLI.Ans a y,IT In= Law Notice. AND F. NV i TJRKI Lz.w Notice NUCANDLEss M'CLUI(I Ml= Dr. George Watt, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & 11101JAP, AT THE w EST CORNER oF W AND. 11l fIl ,S - PREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, A „ _ Alderman's Ofricc. THE Untlerql,mc,i hogs altve •oty to Ia- crit.l:ll , and 11,, public getteruily, tLut Ie la:s icm.ni hip office to ••tre,•t• ;War bl Opin, rite III" United St mei ilotel art It; James Park, Jr. & Co. Itylpiol,Esll,l.: Glid)(711115, Importottt of Ti:, V , l'itttc and Quo , toAtite, No, 11•2., 5t,01,1 ...t . botovett Wood nod Sit:Al:old 6. ell S, opp,i , llic ,;t1 r.:t.l. GEORGE docurzerr, Faiwarding and Commi,siou m, f ehant, NU . 26 WOOD STR 1; T, PIFFSBURC ALONZO G. ING, ). g 3 POI" Tll sTRI; I: '1 Ri) NIC Bt . HA ACis. f NU!' U Stniltf 111,11 I • J. G. DIUNTZ, I)EA LER. IN DitY (001)S, /V ,, . 11 I, .tint - Le . .1( vret, 14ear Jr' ? ihe ji,ly 1•1 y PITTSPA: lif ;11. \ Jou:: scorr & co WholOsale Grocers and Commission Iner- chants, 's:l 7, CommerciA: Row, Lib•rtc l'i!, shur,ll J. & J. lITDEVITT, Fl 01. ES.S I. Glt UC I.: It , fireilor- in 71'1 Stn ••?. Pitt up I Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward n,...1 Nails Wltehttu.e, Sul! ttitit , hl : 1 1tovo Fourth ,t tttt.t. .e r 10-v sTk)(:tcri. , N. Booksellers, Printers and Pr.p.4 , r ISakers, Nn. 41. Nl:,,:sot J. L. SUE E'S CASK t; AV4REIIOr Pe,n ti 7 f• rein al re , , s.Pg'ls',l, - .7 1 1 . n"• ,„„„i .„ ra-h lOr rk.r. 1141i0: \V.L.:.1.. A Chlot %.1‘• "f lc., lit yTh, 11 •11v. 3. Vogacs & Son, 11C111 . 1 Ec AND S mi1h . ,,c1,1 SI re , t, co, 'lir of el,ta y. Pl. ro: dSrecillt,tion.till...ll‘ . ..i toOm Mild at the ..!I , .tte..t Itt...tttact•: Lnzati ti 1.;. , ,t1 , 1y, II ( & Cu., J ISrvocKi a en,V5 8 ti,gl Cot I I. 1315—.11v. Doctor Daniel raclnoaL, Oaleo ”1 - 1 1 . •:: 11 t, ;11 Alt T 1 7.1 WC!' I. I:, FAMILY (i It OC R, smlllll-Ir.l.l)sritEr.r, ,Ivor to ilis Fif.b ItLYN4)I.I)S S IVII.II lit' II Forward:ng and Commission Merchant. F H. LI: 3111Elt, ROCLIC I PROM A 7. PiTTS111:1U01 MANUFALITKI S POE. TIIE ALLEGIIEN,'Y l't•Nn awl Irwin .61re L. 0. it/I.Ntl: L. NV,' en - I ti NEW ECIOIE STORE. BuSWo 1: 11 S. V(i I: li. N 0.43, ,!oor to Third If 11;11111111Z .• N I I, -I •..,• 11.-or , (1,•1) V (if 11k/r11,./ ;111.1 5111111.2,,y, COOLEY & L AIIID, Il~rrhnnt relaor ITIAV E ;11.• Cllll ll , 1 1 1 WO,/ 11111 111,1 . 11 , .' .1, , . II I't ,I.cstro. hi•V Sl . r•I•• 1111,1, 11c thi• th.• br i,a;'llV 11, ••••• OW . " 14.1 C . Ol , •If . 1' HI. JaZICS Patterson, 3r., Corn.o- of . Ict on,l 1-%•rry mArlaa,oo , l of lockl., tolan, 0. (.. lur, mill and timber sem , e 0 10:r..ssn fir mils, lc. st.r, 10-y rLiNr t>l.A i:LISIIMEN • MIIL VANY & LED L IE, ANn roNSIANTI.Y fly II iND Cut, Moulded and Plain FLisT GLASSt% A I{l 1.4 A F L AT TIIV:11: AVARCIIOU. 1. Corner of :Ittrl,et and %Valet - Street., I=l :01,1 ure ef,tHritiv toldinl: to our .1.1. h to: fd I 01,1 , 1 i %VII pt . . 50:i.:.11,:d to r:,11 an. exa 'nine ti Iv Removal. DR. WM. NI. NyttiGHT.DENTlT,}l,.ll•rnov , iiii tii Si. Clair iitrit, •iiri 1 John NrCloskcy, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty icreet, bet, , ten Sixth et't 111,1 Vir:. in u'der S Jut].) 'IMO. rep II) Charlos 11. Hay, „,01 V 1),;,r, Sttiti,r,r “”d 1;0,1.1,1;1.1er, COI [WI . Id lVorbl ;Ind Irtird stroot Pilking - ton'EUnrivallcd Blacking, ATAN FACTU El)and ana rct SIXTH STP.EET, ol4t,lOhT lwlow oct 21-1!, CHARLES A. Mr.ANELTY Forwarel!ngand Commission Merchant, =lll , Agent for U.S rorta . Pout ,tAttc, (wrt.ltt , t rtut,t , ttrtrt tionnf Nlerrhetnrlize to and Btlititnor. NeW York awl limtvtrt. Pittsburgh Infirmary, FUR the reception and tt ear al, tit “frlefurmite , of the Intrilittl frame, such us Ch:b or eet. rontraeled joints, terya)crk nud .`itrafaeda4l Stiaifilteg,tiiti of [heroics of the E . , as Ca taract,etc, under the rare of ALBERT G WALTER, 1). Liberty, near the reciter of Fourth 5 trect. dee 31—,iif Removal by Fire rip H Egubseriber infot rn , hi. friend A and the in,i, lie, that he hua opened a new CABINET WARE ROOM, at the corner of Liberty and St Clair siieets, aver Brawn and Reiter 'K Drug Store, where he is prepared to !wend t 9 all eiders in his line. Eiltrance On St Clair sti eel. up 15 M. KANE. Jrt. GEORGE WINSTON COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 14, Main Strcct, RICEIMOND, • R.tfcrat I'ltt,lonc.:ll Wm. Lippel:cutt 6; Sun, and Ciller. nov •'U Of (,ifrai t iNate Pulmonary Cdn: plaints cure.: iu ONI P: t R.. W S l :lAll. l ' , s I.S \ A F1,1V,1 dv f C I I ur cu:m clines of 11,e fto .• do 11•+t to ttaffic a ith the row.; or Itortilli "'" I id h.,ht cut n.,h.ipe, 19 N.l eking • (dr, v.iil Air WI. \Vo :“Joittion 110.41{, fiAjt.".4 .11:\11,-; i:1, I:YEY v.it,re in4,i•l y twit of I, 1,1 , k , 1/1 :1•1Ni 5 1.0 WTI 1111 drsigt, ~1 vezt•reinteA t „,. ; h could 11,1 (lulus! it:i• (ice cart. In r.• 71 1 ,1 0.,•. Lind its cuff., tie i eyet• oe -111,s111:• 1110 Nln. ,f Icol the \Vl.ti v nod P 1111 N11,111,1,11J1111:ri , ,, Olid 01. 11 13.11,yre ~,eienef I and from these.) has is c oi o t ou t eerepla lee peel alent only 1 .11.1 clieroe, I n0.,e0,1 the ..A cle•toe2e,hed COll,ll l't pe•CUilqr In it. confilmt,i '''S ;MA Livvr (.m1,1,11611.1 'IT he far Ow kik. , sv t.• ot , 111:n • to care.i,us .11 0, ~r; r 07.11,11,, 1tN711.•.1 kl. I VI wi6 WILD CHERRY ! , I,tice of t cure li Vire, !! •--, "li (~ 1 Vron‘ Sp( Ky :" . 4 . 1 • 1 ,, ,,Fti I I , ', EV., 11 13 ti.i • .ri•por lor , 71 - 111, 11l a rno•I 1 ii •,•.! t use In tilo1C:() m•,.!:,'..en ;1:1 1166, sv l,6-1, I ; d 606..1 6;.0. for 6 ••••' ..11,1 t' reit. IT, ; IL', j :::1 n ••••N •-• roe ;.6.:•; 01.• .16;66• ti, ~I ! , .•.t lit .1 6'.; ;sit!. .4 16- cuot:. L. A 6...16-• ' 1 i 1t..10 , 11.. 06 , 1 tit ;.• Hots: it :1 .• ,A1.1 . 01!,1[ t,-. ;t t ~f .!•1171 Id NV II I Si . tre: i....; 'l.' '7 1..41 , • ~r • „•. •• ..,:.•1 •••:, ,:••• a• {l,l' t.t . Dr. 1% • t 11 ' ,..• 1 : 1 ,1 . 11 . d1 . 1“1. ,1N I .1 ll,' C 11.1•11 1.1 Li. .{ t • I Ent tIL N ~.1.,w H • 1 - It :1 , 111. , . 1 , 1.• t., , t 1,1 Ir \l, II 1,, 1.. Ipt,, 1 ;. )1c•-r- , t.•, ii:.•Sll.l 1,1,!, V1.10( , •,1 Jolli I iiPtl II; d 1,11 i.. 1.• ti: !, 11 4 1 , 41.: 0 1 , 4 :•! I=l Thos.. irk, CUT, litr , f , II a ..al 1, 11rpo,• 411 11 , / .1 41t1::“1 - • 11,11' I ~.n, t•, 1)//• f.1,,,c11, 1 1 . 11111111 )1111., ,1 11,1, 111,t•rs id . . 11k11 1 .,J1 /1 ,) C.ll. Ft! , 111 , no;], IS tall 111411 1 1 1 11 . ) ) ota,a•llN and /11 1 / 1 1i1 )111d 11i) . 11 , ‘ , 1 -- 1 1 1. I.TAIC. 1112 Li" 114•1 I Elitt•fi iia. /110.) I scitaoclii,a; Clllt, 111,1, .1 11 11 1 1:11 1 / . 0 1!, taa..11,-aa• t it , It 1 , I,mv t tht fau,tlied Sit , ll a 1,1:.th a thr t•:01 , 11•. , h , n has h. , ll' 1•1110,..1 earn 11,111 , And long, u, u urn car, fit. to gt•t 11 . /.4,1/ ' A 80. J.; nicf 11 - il,l ry. and te:11, -corn cwitel ;.,,;l4, anti cs,ry uiLoi urtyle I , ,ft•it• ti turn . 111 ft, r,—.l , ft::l'e of n derihii,g tow :old nuioc •• lVi.tel ' i 11,t1,tm l\ iid C114 . 1r) " ie ~(0,4 at e•tattitb6t,l :t: till put ettit,•..l 5,t1,1 in (.2incittnati, on the rs"ne , ,t.t•et, I.y SANDri OW& K. ,V' , L, :01 111.• AA,'.irrn 5I1,01•4. Al , O. ,vhole.ll,• ittol r.•rt,ii. by I. ‘Citrus amt 13 A VAlAllenlock 1111.1 by ,111‘1;1111,,/ ~L ., ( 11 , etel y iwpuriala 1;otutl,11 l'onit ort 1.1-1 c. Select. School for Doys and Girls. ET 1 lAA A NIS hits St i ierit iI.AL • \luh•s uod reniiilei, in tht• room met :\ It Giiively, and forrnel ly occur led Ii Mr tiatnitiii Brood, in Federal street, Allegheny, an , thr• 11;111 in•l. Rev 1). Elliott, 1.). D.. Rev. I). 11. I). D., Rev. I . ).(!,tmithell, I). D., /lon. ( tilt•tt lo , vitlt Chalk, H. :.rift 1--.1 Iy. rytHE unticr,ignti, hat Mg totilt machinery 01 the mmt approved kiwi, wilt muntinictuie of the hest quality rit' holland in the newest style, TAcKs. BRADS, FINISHiNGNAILS, I SHOE NAILS, &c. &c. which they offer for stile low. The attention of Western Merchants and 011i , rs+ to their m o tt liin.hmsm. WOODWARD. lIEEISEY s'it CO. Filth sumo, opposite the FAdialsZt. 1 Gni. PiTTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1846 A C 1Z I: I: )IL CoNSUM I'l SEVEN TitouSA NI) CASES I 1 , 1 •1 i• • •. 1 0 C.l ;T. 1•41.1 .-. ~~ ~; kd ine s,tr. iI II 1` r 1., r t, •or I •r• . r : , ,•nilrsy II r. h.. sk.,; 1.. 1...1 NIT 4 , wiNt COUNTERFEITS. lit; d itnurChi-6 , , $6 :•,-,c1.41ar per I I,,atur of 11 wcui.s. tll.l o r Cla•e, S.l - 1101 (_:LISS I=l Pittsburgh Tack Factory rhaluiz Safes and Vaults. tit,l•:gtled nt:,..,E:.Jrl to tht. follow - t Tby , 11,1,b , i , if nod iitt‘b:: brim by S'lit.l.lor, to I, ! rnd of , of 0,1, 1N‘1'1 , 11 . 111111 ,- 111, Fire io-.1.,•i50,•. of a tr.:, tot 11110 4kl . roci;or, ;;1 art' id I. 1:2 in I, , 6,11 thl . U,r , PU:III coal 1111 i.;;;.;m.,til . t'st•r t; onr~lon•I 6•; , t ively consoini,l ..•;1 ,; , ;c• cool of woo I; the Lea! 111, WllllO ,111.1 tn ”‘ a 11, ' , tes , 01,11 a J.,:10. i, liLe*: L'.l Sll,lll.iii inunv ilou.o , uurrlre. r - - ott to O t t, r,to.:tt rotrroo ‘vo- I e.roo l mt• n -t oti-tto.olit tlo• " I .1i tiit, "f Ik, it hi • inner •• 1• , -; 't it Joh N I)1:!:SuN. It LI V 1 \ (iSTON .14/SI \ II Fatt HD Z I:I.TON J \M:-, !.. thn r}, n - :r^r`r d thy:: +•:r ii ~rtu•d ;tip .. ~'n, l 6 • 4 ;111 Li .tatoe .1,-.T:11.o. in 11 ; •• te,l !, crur SdCt•rt, and Hr thire -1..t.• "'wt.... coat I hunt .1- :A i1•11.t/ie ••. \VC iwork•st,l, Nt ft•il P,. • •;) ti,c• liJi! [1=E=1:11111 !~.r t 6 •,..•it VI .:1 I. l • • r, Et . 11,:tm• \V. `.l '4;l. ri IN I WA:ELI:It. r I, .i 1' 71, (.. - N! 1 I •••• 3%, V1 . , 1. if •. T. , . lir . .. I II \ ;.1';• 4 Sr i. . _L L.:\. ... r rt I , • 11,1. 1•1:' Irri I i r. • I Th.. K I i•• ‘4,1, I, Id A. - ;. N. tul.l 3 I) c;1 Iln Clo 1,1•4 at rut, lot ,:.•• Lc i. urirrrrru:..l I. FTS1311:(111 NI A NUFACTW:\ Springs and Axles for Carriages Al Ec2st: It Prior. 1:.l ly ii. 11,1 .11111 Ellrt IC Spl . ll1 , 4s (‘‘ll- ~,ct•,l.),lLl:•iico LIM. A Nl.-1, 11.1 It..tte ? tl 0.!, Frnn 11r,. , a n d rt.!, ti I,llcla SI:S Cr and 111,,t,hi I DUOI w g,4, SLc.. 11, re,tpeetfttily ~elicit, Colllllllrillee age Itetetufote lest, tAutl upon tile e...taLti-I.tpeut. WI LI AM (111,1::11 j , lll 1 St Clair-t., our the Allegkent, Corns r Clair n,..1 l'eun JAM ES .11t :\ IS r RoNG, l'rnrvielot rrniaelOr I;;;;44 1;;;;,.; to ;;;;;;rn hiP most r,rikto• (01 'l.mi,, to :trld I I, public p. 1.1 and 11 , 11,,, by “itotili.”l, To F;: rit •1 ()I tht.ff pntrollac. plc,,lntly ;Mal; d ilea; the I:Xf112;1;;;; it;ta.nrranmod.;tio , liFrtralri- I • tx.anti 131.4 e lUOllll ,l l' public 41)111, liENll.ll.:\ I S :Ikwuv. roNly,.ll prop,ikii tin t he•li , vtent the ,110',,,t th- 111,111,01 t 1:I uml 31,0 rect•ivt•,l tlaydurillg tho,e.l-on. cate (.410.'1 1 N 1.11,11011 of ~‘"lnt•-.. A s ty ul lIOWSILIJICI. au • in the IlleIII• P. S. A limLunch -vr,ctitti , . , . rcdncat 11. M Kr 13. EMI . FT A NCES in,,ney rnolurate ierm s, IL can be muck Illy Ul/-011,,1, 111 I;u11pc, to c‘ely part nl hel.m.l, Engl.lll , l, Scotland, \Vales or continent of Lulope. property ur ee,,,,,r,d; for wills, tiller 1111,1 due 1.1111,11., t•ii,cled, and oilier Ilnwlieso lau-inc., trolls arced Iry ai rtrls ink to .11111. A 1106 \V;1101* II KEENAN, 011'2 AUDI ¢ud .1110111Q' 11 I.IIV. 1.111t1,11111 ~~_ _ _ ~~, CrItTIFICATI. drvrt .1.1, •it an! Ocr r I iaralls .tt..i =MT DIINT It ,:•: N I ti:OV. • :11, if I \ 1,1 I 1%1 i,IN, , Disgolution r•t . tIP:. lot - I N.. 4 . , .1 is \ (,;.() Dry Goods at Cost 111.3 ,ort:1,1 ro.pt•rtlt,l WASHINGTON HOTEL, European Agency U 61' RECEIVED AT THF inoN CITY CLOTHING STORE, so. Liber, x,, ~,o doorsfrorn St. Clair streel, A si , LKNutl) fo.rurtm - rrt 411 . F , ,fl and Winler it Good), The proprietor -11l - il,u truly Cuv , trol arnonnces to the that be is preprt• rt.d to nth to urd,•r ull tlll 14 , lin 1111 line, at the shortest nrqire, and in the tnr,-t ASIIIO .1V 13 I, S YI. . ,fun, Dui theBEST CUT- ItS th,..city, he trill in till ta,r, trurtnnta good IL. It., a ‘i.ln dp.l a scnrtin , t 11:11'.I/ Rl , l N.SIN 811 A V II LOT iis . and CileCll of ill grittl and v,irif. to tiro 11, , R la of ‘,.ititig, ~t- all puttrrne; : Shins. StoClill, 130 , ,rnm, pe1.16 is, am; ,•v,ry oihr-r ID CLO THING I, I NE, hich ha still<.•ll LO r 0 It (2 SII . Ti..• cr,pri,inr tetus thai.l.: to Li. , 1 1,1 l ' i.: l o;ic in Ore rery rr:11 I.lllnt'r in ai ich then h,cr i.:irrt•ni7.•••l 11-Jar:Wilt. nil I,Ort`l attl,tiflti bilsine, , ,nmi th , rn Chrap Rlterif n continuniion • I Qi/i;rl C. VC I,F)SK EV. . - - a: ,„_._ „. LsT c t F .-1Y! F :.• , I le - 1 1 1 .311, 1113 1 1,1, ' nil, CO . J.. 31, 1.•,), i..• nr..! I Thy. , ill !! a th-• 11. , ,, a' 1 otn t. IIL \I ~.. ~,,...c i,~,. 111111=1MillEtilM11111111= I • 1 7L.11 1... I ';.11 tf: 173 re Chance fcr cool Incestzzents! r 1 t` ri I l': - t , u .'n lIMEeII=EI i•1`•••,•01 I• 1 ,I•• • V.l s••. I,llr.trul I th-so wh,intcnd EMI 1 ' , l SIVA Of P1..1 I • 41A .1: .1' itt I , "i "f r. 11. fi \ZZ AM. • \" N AV (iOODS 211' Nv. 156 11 A 1: lc ;Yr T R E T Siircr Spcona and Zutter I:cLivas (. 0 1. 1) k 1 S , rtl -ort,L t art Vels 1 unit: il ,:L. t• /nlll% un4/ NI:\V liA AND t'.%l' siord:. Ca CIIAS. 13. PAI/LSON, (I AT,. OF SI. 'ON ki LL,) IIV EN t d I No. 73. Wood Street, 11 , ? , }: ie.; a ‘,ly larce .—el-1,1.0.m a Il ATS I's, ‘.l - even' r ormocd to Lc In.nir• ill th.• te.st trmner. and mate! r,Seai, flee and Swolcue, Sel.l. 1'11,11,1 Gluzvd Car., Ake, a tine as-, invent Fuln, such a: , I.‘ux. Fitch. Cen., NIEFFS AND Tlt'• PLIS AND FUR ;di ,hich 1 , 0 E is I EltN FOI: CASH, I,olh and ',wit. Country Nlelchattte , ill 1 .!,,,0 c;,1! a:..1 examine 111 . , btrfJ I C pu t ("HAS. fl. P.IrLSON. N. B. The rail WA, Cap, r,Ceiv Corner tICII1 , 1,1,1, , i e!s, Irard I)ISSUI.0 T ON. 11I1E firm • futt.n. is tills by the stile ut the en , lie iuo•te>t iif Ont'dF 10,1%1'i:10m J 11, %I, 114) CLllo,lli.m under the flame 01 - Knnp S Tt.11.2H, r.n.l svill settle uli clitiinsqguittst tire said litm,unJ iticei%c ua dsbte and dennuds wising Aug. 13, If; lletcland Boardir.g 'louse Fit K LIN HOUSE. rpitE inhmirs Lis friend.. un.l the public, that he ban opened a Hotel and coin, and Cherry o6crctrarellers:aid ot ;iris will be accommoda ted on the mo=t entson,,ble terrn.s. The bonne is spacious, and been fat, dup at considerable ex 'use and I'VCI y an anzyinent is !hada that will tics nnre the con:fort and reralei .orinfactien to bnaideis and s. A .hare of public patrat,,,e in ienpect• fells cl Fall Coatings e I ..• to ." 1.) tr.a, It' pr 1 - 113:C./ to :.• SN 1111 il ll y 1 . ..1 , 1,C1/ 1101/, 11,11, :1•11! 141 1,111-. C. 11 .1 V.. .It. No put =MN tt '.' U tII: ..I •,..! .t•“i t lin t::+,S, k ~, II .1; .tw ..?ock 'N k iNSITY u nv m:um Girb~r fort rat 'Yorks, W11:1(17. FIVE DOLLARS PER. ANNUM, PAYABLE ADVANCI OGDEN & SNOWDEN, SUCCESSORS Ti) AVERY, OGDEN A:. Co., W HOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS ik ND NlunufactureN of INI.io! Load, RA .f..7:1d• 111 and .r...Tharge, come,' u: WuA and Second eta, Piirslwigh, Pa. nor 13-Iv. Alderman's Office, Fifth Ward. OHN A PARKINSON, Alderman Filth Ward. ido Penn meet, Isedureeo Walnut and O'Hara streets, %%here ly2 may be faun! nt all times. Those buying Ilirosers or other proreny to sell or rent, car. have the tame ruhctually attended to; deb; s collected, and all Ow dunes of no Alderman 'sill rereiye prompt ni - ;radian. uct:27-dly JAMES LIO VITAE D & CO. AVE the pleasure to an non nce to their ft tends H that they again occupy their old stood at No. Wveid street, cOiere they have opened an exten sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, And mill have constantly on hand an esterv-ive womrt inent of Satin.glnzed and plain PAPER HANG INGS, Velvet and Imitation Bordens,tif the latest style; and most Initickome patterns for papering balls, par -10,, and chamber:. They mr.talfacturn, and hn•:a on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Faller, Bonnet and Fu Bourds—uli of sshieh they oiler Co, sale on , he most accommodating terms, .and to which ihey iavite the attention of merchants and other, A I,SO—Plonk llooka of all kindn and he he-t quay icy, School akvay a on hand and for an above. and :25. B. PERRY, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER ( Put met ly of the Monongahela House and lute of Wood street.) rr WING removed buck again to the Burnt Di, tract, utat dour ficim tint :turner uml Wood street, the undersign..d is n ;tt itt r oe p o oto; to nectutotn...h.to hit t.!..1 friend, end the pablic generally. BOOTS and SHOES, of the best rnatori.d, and the. Ituettt and most 'IS. PERRY. Ilemembor the pluox! one duor übuve Kay's Book .torn. 51'0,1d et. oct 3-3 m. John Cartwright, 1.7 T LEE Surgica.! ittovnt Nl:tivicactilror C No 1 16,1,1,tcr,t, two ,luori Crum Virgin :417 I .y.Pia:bnr~, ['a N. 11.—A1A on intnd can eN!en‘ive n,ortlno.nt S.d...;d•al and ll,ntal indd - unn•nt:, ll.vn•r' , . ir Jral TO”I, je 3d. Public Notice Till I.; lent, Dnectors and Company, known 11. 4 t6c —l-nernerb . Dept,it Bank of Bitt.burgl:," %%id, at the next meeting of the Legislature of the Coimmotiweullh of l'enns2,lvania, male application ler The inivilege ntec4 phy.tb:e on de- THOM I'SON BELL. Castlier -burghl'inJulclst, 1345-j)3O-d(Junl3. C. FOSTER & CO T. rItINTEICI V.fr , UGII.JUT THE 1:?ITED STATE?. CLI IRLES FOSTER, lute Forernan of the Cincin uati Foundrv. a!1 , 1 of the Prrs, caUl'.l F05t , 21 . 11 rum lincti by Athli„ the Enquirer, Remhil the FrirC,slotr CtlMrlloll%s L4'.:11, the :odi.rcra State .1(.11 hitter and 121111Mbl•dill, Cor.s..r State Printers, Sze ; nl.o the tr:ra krte'ry to.ed to pint M. Clay's riper, 1,1,1 F 17,1071. Kl•ra I,C ky,— ir r'orrn l'r outer s in the NYevterrir Suits and o hot e. th.t, after an experience 0114 more, he its., in corror chorr Ikvan. Scrat C Co., in the cite n( d.1...herl the marrula,tory uC l'etr..o. (Irving the rrol.. ice of the Mtrunt.,ir,,) [Lrd tl.e Snrirh. C,! Cira.,ei. Cr mpr.,irrg.r , ri.•::3 r, 1t 0 r,,•,"1 - %; e ).r. sod E.:l- r, . r,i,rer.' and [ioo',l:intlers.. of NV o aiii frarri-h i'rintera' i( ~ Form .1"1, 'I) r,•; 6.r Nt.i.% pnlrcr J,!) r t-.liuln in 11,14eCtr, Tyr- F N. \V yo, We,tern Ipc, Inrwk.litlet,led ai I. ii, 4 1,111. tklec:ed tit C. Foit,t . Sz 7,1„ s ; „i etc 1., the -,d•-ol Owl Agcnt, I'm the iibove Foundry, .1/ Mtilket rt.!, %%iii n•e.•it Tkrompt oven bin. n.,12-t .1 , 111•L)TON & StO KTO WASUINGTON Mar4,l street, ,9ehbenrille, JOHN IRONS, !'fIOPRIETOR 1 Is I,iLen I.y llv nt lio n••lrreVu~ls la:;. lease lii= li t. rd.. n:1 the 11”hi:c g!'nerully ihnt it h hi L . ll tti . .•. 1 tl tli,)a . li in a '1)1 , not surpa,,,,,t ! 1,0,e iii tua,l cquul to any to : r•,!. ilnil in rirt of ilii• town, on Mut het ,tr.'l, Opp..i(f! a fery in ii, M Ti !tint o . I,vateti of /WV hose in Tow„, a ~ ioe; of the r and An ().nniinis. will nt times b, in 11,t11.11,4 1 , 1 routre pg..Cr.g.3 :11,d Weil t . .l..:;:ige to - - .ti oto the g 4. I.,ery nocionlinoclation ti Lich Ow public hav e ii ti: ht to expect mar its tie hod tit the 11,111. en tettni t ov.on ti lile nikteil by 14ny other good hint,ci in the to iv-icier mill epos no point exponsi• to ienit ,itisfartien, (hi.. with lo ,g or: in :he tie hill muke it the i 11.. ., our of I.llllze 111 "give him a .INO. HIONS. BOOK LIND JOIT PRINTING OFFICE , The propriet. ,, rs of the Monstvo POIT and ME tt rt Un xsn MA s CFACTU ntit their sad the rat.rtqls or thosg papers. that th,y - ln:vc a large still chosen ~ o rt Inctit of 4111C210 MEC r3IL" - 31114.7 Nt.,,.„.-vt. a .1,,b Print i Oilier. and that they are raalnircd to t'Xrcltte LETTER PRESS PRINTING, or EvERY DEscßivrios. I Bilk of Lading, Cii cddurs r,ier , hicts, Bill Heads, I Cards, Ildniihillii, Blank Checks, flat Tips au tfnbs of 331autts, Shz g Slcarnhoat and Canal Boat Bilii, sift of propriate cats. Printedon the shortest notice and most reasnnaid, IV rm.. We respectfull. the patronage of friend!, rina the public is G - encral iu I hi, b r anch of BIGLER, SARGENT S. 13IGLE1I. b 43. FOR SALE rate farm of Land, situate on the county A toad from Deny In Youngstown, within 3 mile. of Youngs-town, in Deny . r ownship, Westmoreland county, l'enn”isania. Said farm consists ef wit hun• died and right ucres, one hundred nod fifty ot which are cleared, and under godd fence. prior itsel!y port and rail. The land is limestone, stud is well vectored with abundant ism ings anti Losainanna Creed:. which runs nem It. There if. a house, barn :old an orchard on the farm. The surrounding country iv the richest and most beautiful region in Western Pennsylvania. Several flow ring mills are in the immediate vicinity, within three quartets Id' a mile of the farm. The Catholic Church near Younesstow , _n its in sight, and it is expected, that in the course ot the coming spring, the new Female Seminary, nt Mount St Vincent, : will be in complete operation. This faun: would be an ex celierst iss•ation for a stare. Slinaisiprank..-err' sle:sisst, it s.iil admit of lain.; di , . isivsl into fat ass of about seventy Irene.. eas - h, Apply in declo '11; ELY St 3111 CH Els, PRICE, TWO CENTS. WALL PAPER STORE, i2V 4treet, one door aioove Fourth ifree, riTTsB LTG If , PA. J. SEI I D i AT •A NUFAC CURER of Paper Ildnlingi and Bor 11.1. der% of every description. :liliitchents arid utherir wishing to mitchnse a rc in vited to callund examine his large and splendid assort- GLAZED UNGLAZED :PALL PAPERS. of all the various Tertterni now to we, !mil at such pd. ce3 ascAnnut foil to pierl4l`. GLAZED GREEN PAPER, colotetl on or, or both rtitlti3 expre3rty for Winch)* blind by the dozen niter. [ 7 .P , 164, anti Tanner's Setups takca in exchange. not. 2 I -rim; OT TO LEUNZ. flkS1:1 - 4CFCI:Ell OF IN7 4 IItfIUrrISLI.:.ICt;TH. Smi,Vtld Sfreet,•.! doors Maio .! reel, PULE 1. AI'S ,"1 Pa., 4 1,111 ~ C MPIIL of PletP.stai Pi , of tooth : of a variety of th:t,11.,; simple P 1 Mot:or, att:l t;otn•tt-oth. :Sere* Pivot ICC:h. A.7 ,- ..Tl,llltotd I ok. mule to order.— Dertti , t..orti.ko , l :Lb nll articles Itiod to the profetti s:On. Al: 01 . ,:et , from I.:L rott,l mu_theaecompaniedby the en :h. rl'L;u uhv Canal Boat Irons?. I'l,m afrrrt, Piftsburgh, Pvites; Bum:DING and Lod.4ing by che day or week on the moat reasocub:o tern:+. S t umzers will fi n d it to their al,•o, r)f being in the above dances, On ‘Vedl),,illy cc ening the IPth inst.. at 7 dock, for bcgcotEmen, und ca !Friday, 21st, at 5 u': 51 l'of tL;. ladies. The thys of tuition (or t gout (men. nre as Cullom rv,•ry I:titithty, We,inc!,:tiv nod Sn•.nrday evenings.--: Fut tix evet2. , c'll.laN film to 5 o'clock l et n1;,1 Saturday hum 10 to 122 u'durk and flu= :3 (I) 5 o'clocli. si LA FAYETTE ASSEMBLY ROOMS to on Fourth ar reel, two duo s from , the Hay Scaltl•-r: M.t.l:tute 13. , ill tett._ ntvnt.,.l rooms for.p . :X2 Isc and rt ate ,t1ITI:r panics, I.2rmeitu, S.:l - teo . TLelll l O VC IT). k:71.1 r.i,h‘..ti and fitted up in the rtio-t clegura and approved style, with clre'ssitiq e, Cry coriven'.enc. ftcritirtmuilutiod !,., op , •n for in+j,reti,m commt•nco .;coirn :2.C[ 1 .1 to continuo rt•.,n k, VOICO dai ,113 rIF -tubsrribing; 1.1„ ber I owns. • Tin• H.Pems can be 1:..1,1 ur llUsor!ablc terms la tr. 83, IYIARKET ST, 83, B. E. CONSTABLE, ar.tb od Cot the winter trade et to which 1.1.?•:C “--rt•rtiolly imilra tit attention of illitchlisers. A lot of Ladie,' Plaid Cleuhil.g4 entirely new; Ca-trine re all cl,Ol, bet b . ..) le 4, aid very Aiveller fle,l) lot of Terlserti, Thi;net. Cashmere, acid cinch Brodie Shay, Is. 17aill!ir,kable Fl:tenels; I Tern S; Ito!: (111 , 1 , 2a-hlncre+, horn : 5 cti. to 50 cans; Li.p.adere and miter laie A large aisolia),nt. 1\ Icntaep Blankets. Dl:ll,t,k Ta!iTt• 1..1a in-; Inch 1-4 Shirtiags, dn. A fresh ,d - culered :rid black Kid Gloves, .jot,‘'. lui:_r; 111:0 I.n.d sod ciik Lett Gloves; block do. rurn!tote Fin croni G. :o 1:1:i cf.,' per yard. Lin , e,‘; G,:!, ['laid', and some b••na[iFFl D're, , , dcr2 Haute's Eau Divine de Venus and, Y.ll Plf SOAP. ONi PrS, Eli of an Eastern rtatanicil Discovery ‘._./ of sm poising eftleacY for rendering the skin sort un.l Cu.r, ttli cceil us imparting a dellimie ruicate hue 1.) Ow complerdiel. As a (eater and cooly, valor of that most distinguished chum of female loveliness. xi tifirtildirratt fair shorn, J ulos llatch3 Soap, nr Eau Di• de Venus, may he said to exert an almost magi= c pm.ve7. Cm - mooted for the 1110.5: part of Oriental Ptaltotnitc Planta, to the tttter excledon ..f all mineral atltnimitio, it is distingnishcd no. ilichirolly for it; ex; I.ltml, pmityin4 and soothing action on the skin, and arling on the pores and minute secretory Ve•Stt:,,,Yitii - 13 till imptirities croon the cur fdre, evely tent:cid - ) to inflammation, and, Ly this metlud alohe, etfectually &isrates all tedaras, tan, pimplea, sunburn Other cutaneous %Lid. tatitms, so il.llo . cul to loveliness. Its COD. static use Wltlittiat,Ztt the inort biPona romplexion inte mot ttt radi li tti ',Men( r snu bC cti the neck, hands and arms it hitsiovi ft a delicacy and fitirneil, %bid, its continued ..130 Vtill happily protect. iiith every appear , onee of youthful cinat . m, to die rfi.st t advanced period( of h is invaluable as a rencvatinz and refreshing crash dering traveling or exposure to thesun, dutd. or trarsil wi ed. and after the injurious d••;rce of hest felt irl crowded n-rembhea. ,trentlentan alliirted with tondrrno,ss of the skid the ao.o or Nympli Sonia wilibe found to al lay ail caticulat it ritati an occasioned by comrnonsnapf nr ereurn, , ,t the chtnate, v hid, like [hot on the Uai tcd tittrs t here Ihn of the weathersets side nll chancre of etleitlatiotat, and where exhalation. and 4 0 , 0 , 0 ,10;90,er with r:tur;h wind, rain! throughout it treat portion or the year, the Nymph Soup or Eau Venus has revcri inval , )Dble pre-eivatiM of the sl.:n, end iruni it.em!a , ndinary efficacy, de rs u FlaCe among houachol:l it:ensures . of avail The libove valuable tiiilet ariirle in prepared by lirtiiel .:(.; Smith Third rh:ladelphie, and for F Ali:: EST OC & Co, wholeAale & re tail .17,enis liiit”bui . eh anti the Vii i ebt, corner of Ihh and ood slrcet3. declB rte-opencd and at Work. .1 - AMES ADAMS, Baker. resperifulliloCciiiiiisths oublic chat he has rebuilt nt the efd nand, foot of Grant street, fern arhenre he win, driven by Am Great Fire, and is prepurudto vitro his cestonterisirs superior reaterie,',3 are of the beet that can be hia.:ht, and hi: %yolk:nen are tin, het that can he A. 11, custom, I.eiii ; ; routideet that N. \V...l,li:ig and other proriaritts'Arlenri ocil6lrn• non 15-1 v be had a J. TI".. lIENDERSON, went end Iland st. Brie