Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 27, 1845, Image 2

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    4:1)c Ehii ,illoming post.
PA LS( fAt kt;ent for country new•finpers,
is the' Agent for !h. Doily Slorning Post.
and Mhuuracturer, to R•CtiVe
~dver.isr^ en s and i.nhscriplions. He hit offiree in
Nix Yrots ar t he C.nil Otti,n, 30 A nn street, (nil
joining ti.. int Tee
130.9704, No, 12. SNyte atref . t
Plan_ ruLtliza, Rrai Estata and Coal Office, 59
rine , it • t
B•tetatoma, S F corner Saltimnre and Calvet.' at•
where ,nir paper can hekmoren, and terms of ailverti
sing Innreed.
- -
City Democratic Nominations
)14 TOR,
ut 1.11.3h.GRS Or THE TOWN.'
Tut. JUDO Fllll P.—Ti will be .een by the lariat of
our Washirgiiin enrinorondent. that GIORGI. IV.
Woonw•ap. of Lt. Prne county, in this .rate, has
Gwen appiiinii.d In fill the place on the Supreme Bench
pt the United S;ate., voc.ited by the death of the flint
Hearn Baldwin.
The City Election.
The peopleaf tLis Lity bare now before them roue
randidatea for the offiro of Mayor, all of them regular
party nominees. Dr Wlt.t..iam Klett. is the camii•
data of the Dernoeract 1Y it.ti x J. Dowaap, Eaci.
of the whivi B r. C. MORGAN. E.q of the Native
Americans, and Dr. J. P. Gazatst, of the Libevy.
The contest %ill Le a spirited one. The flemoc
racy will struggle manfully for the ascendency, be-1
lieving that a thorough reform is necessary in our t
municipal exits. TX‘ election is one of much im
portance to the people. The Lei payer. should care
fully investigate the affairs of the city and freely ex- :
press their opinions es to the manner in which they
have been attended to by the .'poweis that be " Du
ring the pest year the eels, je p of som e of t h e c ity „fn.
- faittr have been tuereaed and others reduced, and
a new office, that of Clerk to the Mayor, has been
created, and a striary of thrr e hundred dollar: per
annum attached to it. The whole doings of the city
authorities, aill. of course, he freely examined, and
we feel well wiser/id, that no part of their tifficiel con
dect will be more tigidly scrutinized titan the distri
butiun of the relief fund. The distribution of this
fund which ought to have been cetrustell to a com
mittee of the sufcmeis. was solur terily assumed by
the eouncils, and they are now called upon to submit
the whole matter for the inspection of the public.—
Vt'e hope that a full report tel l at once be given to
the people. It is certeiu'y time that the donors were
informed as to the disposition which hos been made of
the money generously contributed by them for the re•
Lief of the needy.
Tat MILITIA Of THr 1:51TID ST AT C.3.—The nut-o
ber of militia enrolled and subject to draft in the eni.
Led Stntet , is, seetording to the Army Register, 1,759..
710. From the date M many of the returns, they must
necessarily be fur below the true standard, but then
may be saf..ly stated at 2,000,000 men. One tenth
of the actual militia face of the country would give an
army of 200 000 men. This is the number contempla
ted in the resolutions for organizing the militia, w hich,
it is said, Col. Benton intends to report in the Senate.
F, , PtC.PI Foe Ontoom.—This Manchester
Goardidn states that Admiral Se)mor Is very soon to be
upon or near the coast of Oregon with one ship of 80,
one of 50, one of 13, and one of 16 guns. The same
paper says that the Americans are rapidly rein
forting their squadron in t he Nair. Down to a re
cent period it consisted of two first class frigates of
60 guns, two large corvette■ and a schooner. It has
recenth i.een reinforced by another corvette, the Ports
mouth, and two more large frigates, the Raritan and
the Congress, on their way thithtr. Adding to these
their vessels in 11. e Chines Seas. says the Guanlian,
they will as•rmbie n free of six frigates (ench as
large as an Engli,l: 74 gun ship,) fine corvettes, one
brig and one schooner.
General Court of Virginia hes decided twelve judge.
to three—in the Parkersburg kidnaping case, that the
jurisdiction of the State of Virginia extends to the ac
tual water litte of the Ohio river, at the particular
time of any occurrence. This line, of course, is nut
filed, but shifts, according to the rise or fall of water
from freshets or low water. If this line be agreed
upon, the offence charged upon the Parkersburg prison.
era will come within the jurisdiction of Virginia.
THE Sstat.t. Poe.,—We regret to state, says the
Baltimore Sun of the instant, that the sinull pox
in this city is evidently on the increase, as it is also in
Philadelphia and Now York. In Philadelphia during
the past two weeks them has been forty-six death.
from it—in NSA , York twenty-three, and in Baltimore
twenty-six. As this is a disease on which the cold
weather has &contrary etLet from what it generally
has on contagious affections, there is but one course
for our citizens to pursue, hi order to suppress i:■
ravages, and that is a general vaccination. It should
be the doty of every head of a family to act promptly
in thematier, not only a to his children, but to the
older members of his household. Lot all who have
not been vaccinated for twelve or fiftemiyears, be re
vaccinated, as it is an ascertained fact that vaccination
in many persons tortes its power within th,t period.—
When persons are te•vaccinated, and it does not take,
they have the assurance that they are exempt from the
disease, and if it does take, the sam, result is secu
A BIG flt tacss.—The receipts of the lar of the
St• Charles Hotell, New Orleans, pay the expenses of
the entire establishment—being in the middle of the
day at the rate done hundred dollars an hour, and from
six to eight hundred dollars a day;—so says the Pica•
N LW. PAPLIte ENGL AND.— WC may yolgo dtlie
difficulty in establishing newspapers in London, when
Charles Dickens. (Bog.) had lamina capital of ;f: 100,
000 before be could commence. His new journal is
to appear about the list Jan. "f is said he is poor, and
this measure has been urged by his friends with the
hope agorae's.
A SCIeSTIFIC Max .—A friend of ours looks at the
thermometer to see when be is warm. at the barom
eter to gee when it storm.. at the clock to see when
he is hungry, at the almanac to see 4ow old he is, at
the moon to see u.lieu it is high tide, et the stars to
ascertain when he is in love. flu is a scientific man,
end 'does everything by rule, but his devotions which
he doesn't do at all.
Wircrin. there wns a law which
( 11 , II
t , vs:a' dccroyed
, r •
From our 117as3Ligiest Correspondent
W AIIiINGTOM, Dec. 23, 1F43
I have not much to offer you this evening, In the
way of congressional news. Both houtrs adj urned,
slier a &Lunt setting, to meet again on Saturday .
The Senate previously elected a chaplain, in the per
son of Tustin, chaplain to the late Congress.
The I.itl providing for the extension of our lows
over the state of Texas, end making it o judicial die
trim. Sc, MBA considered and ordered to be envoi. I
.ed for 'I third rending.
Mr Benton, from the Committee on Military AT
fairs, report...l a bill providing for the raising of a
corps of sappers, miners and frtmrirrs, also a bill to',
revive the office of Inspector General.
Mr ‘Veloder pteeented a number of temonshances
against the admis•rion of 'feast into the Union as •
+lave state; which he desired to have laid on the ta
ble; as they might epply to the contemplated annexe
, don of Cuba—the object for which they were designed
being thwarted by the previous notion of Congress.
In the House of Representatises, a resolution was
passed directing the printing of a map that accom
panied the President's mrssegel and enattempt was
made to go into the election of superintendent of the
Folding Room—an office hitherto in the girt of the
/ Doorkeeper, but which was token nu , of hi. hands by
resolution of the House Il ft, day. shire. While the
proposition to go into the election sves rending, a mo
tion was made to adjourn, which %kits etieried.
balirve I hare before talc•' occasion laS Outlet to
the spirit of indu.try which iteenno to charactctime the
members of ;he present Congress. A three des ad•
journment for . Chrlotnntl.,..••,, inch has usuully been I
made, to include New Year's and sometimes the
Eighth of Junntry—is another sample of their pro. I ;
pen.ity for doing the work they were sent to do.
The lung mooted qnration as to alto oltail fill tin'.
[dace on the bench of the Supremo Pout I, ~seated by
the death of Judge Balch' in, a long time nr., is fins!
ly settled h. the appointment fieorge W Wood want
or, rather, I shot/N1 any, b) lii. nomination. It will
undoubted! ) be smt,tionrd b ) the Senate.
Your., very re.pecifollv, DUQUESNE. .;
the mrsttenger just anise) vttro
Cruz, via Ilusnna and Chntleston, ue leat n, • s .s th e
Weshingrort Union tt , ' the :I'3 I inst.. that !Ur. Jahn
Slidell arrive) al Vera Urnz on the `:.'9111 ult. having
vii cordial ieeeptinn (wm the aUttiot
lie took his !Pelt in the .take on the...vetting of LISP
Ist inst., fir the city of Mexico, attended b) an es•
ernte in the furthera• cr or tile isborn uhiveti
A few Ante beSire nor inforonnt left, lieNS h.d SZeniiiseil, That the iirocee.ling. 01 thi• miwtir , g
eer"l V I ' r'"'" • ;°` or . • f
t .. 04 i d s I : "' :u l n . ;; ' , fr • ok ' n .' et er. i" r11 1 P RI U P I' II Ii. h t "l l ' el t ' o
n in
the prun i tie! of Scent/YTS. Imd prOnfill iced goitift the the state tu gin C th• 111 afire CUIIIeCI4I,C notices in their
11.1tiloCILL01 or ow Mexican go%rrnmrnt. d0t . 14 ring the " 'o r . '"
ite p.peu.
Signrni GEO. Met : Ch ' n.
prunince 1./. the 1-t I% ulr
I. W. SNOW M.N. 6ce
Conic. c.ionty. Ehnii. 4, 1845.
cort of Mexicton
express art i red at VI'M Una .satin` that G.n.rra!
Pen dvs had pronoGtic,',l ftgai tog the prelivill gn‘ern
mer.t and wet. ab tut to march 011 the city uf
from San LUil.
The messenger that he I it Vt•ru Cfl,7 'I)
the English ntentmer Taxed, of ESSO t inn, on the t?ii
inst., and dri iseri in Ilavaoson he 11th it..s in the
kmeriena schooner F. A. Itron (I. 4 . 2 tons rrgi .trr, and
arrived off Tyliee light on the cc. 'tint of I ill,
when he ,N as ov..ttaken be u heavy gal; s,teilwesl;
lay-to 42 hours-11o: 4.41 provill her...llan excel, or
sea War, arrived in I_ harieston un ;he cm , ruing 10.
18th inst., and liri. been 13 ho nr, I if/ the rva4 to %Vaal
An eastern ituitcr mate, that • man some*. time
down on Cape Cod. hag drunk niarey one thousand
nine hundred and eigh , y.lhrer glows of turn in
the hut 36 7 - he cost • mild amount to neat
$6,000, and we senior, to way, he is not worth •
—fip," Ando (atilt w jib hard times. and wonder. ally
be cannot get along in the %orb!.
Cider or malt liquor ma) be prevented from Lrcom•
ing sour by adding three pounds tf touted bread to a
barrel. This has been tried with complete success
When stale or hard. it may be restored by putting a
a few str.l' lariat. pit aro of hard toasted Loud.
with m , :startl Made Wi:in eater upon 'horn, hoe the
La, rel.
Nlusx it is estirtinti..l that ihere ate
one million finished niti•kets in the ilift-tent attn.'s,
and art., a!, of the ro.i.n
QCITE A.:141LF411.11.F. 4./ Ilia 11 r.—John 13 , 61, t1.14,,igh
be L.lncitm Murr.ing
It a the grincr it sentiment chat the American■ wish
for wt., arid with the blessings of God upon a goal
cause, they shall have enou,;ll of it. Never sine, the
United States bus become a nation, was there in Eng.
land a desite,mure reasonable, and at ilia Lame time
more agreeable, than that of giving the Americans a
"Clic V.urno•oh (N. B.) Courier chion . clet the lot.
01 tokir. Tryo. with 80U b.iothelo putators. bound to St.
Johr:d. daring a toorat gdo off Varzzoltnit. No inv.,
ranee on eith.r I or cargo
At Gerwa every attorney taker an oath rot to un
dertake any ra.e he dues trot think j:irrt. It Wootiti
be well if this waq n rey . ri.ition in 111111 country:
would lie a rnrarot of 1 , -"oo.g :1 vait Amount of iitiga
GERM A , EMI6IIA TION —The New Of leans Pica
ynne, of a late say.: An inteligent Gorman in
forms as t h at, between this an.l spring, at ieastt.'o,ooo
em . ,gt ants niil reach this ci y from B reman and (abet
ports—a part of :hem of tbcir way w Texas, ant the
rest to to and utter nurth-we•tern Sts el.'
Ma. 4:tit - row—At the suta of the appointment
of a Snperintendent of Motive Power on the Allegheny
Pottage Ruil Wind, is again brought before the pub-
Ilic, and from the gteit desire of injudicious friends, to
I promote the interests. t her the views of their
j respective favcrites, erinnnoits impression. are being
formed, by moor. at a distance, - of the stare of the toad
and of the conduct of those having charge of this im•
' portant section of our public improvement. In jus
tice to the able and efficient superinteudant, and for
the benefit of those who are unable from personal in
spection, to form a correct opinion on that subject,
, and in older, that the character of our public works,
muy not softer :rum unfounded or interes ed statements
i I have to request that yon will publish in your widely
circulated paper, that portion nfttte statement haring
a bearing on the subject, given by the respectable gen.
tlemen.ettgagad in the transportation of goods, over
the A. P. R. Road, with their proper signatures.
and as a further corroboration of the fact, set forth by
!these gentlemen; I will beg leave to state, that not.
withstanding marry unfavorable circumstances, that
the actual state of the road and the results of the
business for the Beason, as compared with the lasi
iyear, speak in the highest terms of the ability and
correct management of tire present superintendent.
Mr Warsoir, Surveyor on the A. I'. R. Road, 1845:
I Increase this year over last year, 1800 Tons.
Increase of tolls this year, 3000 Dolls.
Decrease of expenditures ftom lust
This should enrisfy every unprejudiced mind, as I
can ElPSill'a you, that you will find this statement in the
main to be correct, and shows what may be done, by
an adherence to a correct system of conducting our int.
portant public works, under skilful and judicious
cers, and that much may be corrected from them
From the Democratic Standard,
~..; ~.:. ~. ~;.. ,~.r
to hurt the iadividuels against whom it is evidently
levelled. Leaving Messrs W auon and Boon to notice.
•► to them may seem best, the seurilous personal at
tacks of the *tithes, we deem it alike due to them ea
publictiefficers. to the - interests of the State, and to our
own interests as Transporters, to gibe an unqualified
denial to every word of the communication which re
lates to the nast and present condition of the Alleghe
ny Portage Railroad.
We have no hesitation in se.ing that the charge
that the repairs of the road lino been neglected dor-
ng the past sea-on, is unfounded—that tire road has
been kept in good order, and is now in better order
than it has been for the lart '2 or 3 years, and there
fore cannot require any additional or extraordinary
espenditutes to prepare it for the coming seasons
business. We deem it but an act of justice to the
officers su grossly attacked by this annonymous scrib.
bier,-to say that every Incility hus been afforded by
them to Transporter., and that their energy end the
~stem introduced by them into the Management of
the road, has resulted, as out own tape Herm" aLun.
dant ly testifies, and the returns of the toad wilTprove,
an increased buslness,specd air! safety.
WM- rtuAsEt.
fill 0. BINGHAM,
T. C. 7vleDol‘ ELL,
wM. F. LEEC .
Fursuaht to public notice eivon in the respective
newspapers published in Carlisle, Cumberland roun•
iy, Penn'a a number Of the Com-nissioned MSc,. of
the Army of the United States, who served in our sec
ond IVar of Inilependance. met at the public house of
Den, W. Faulk, in Carlisle. Upon minion. Col.
George McFeely was appointed Chairman and Dr.
Isaac W. Snowden, secretary, when the following
preamble and resolutions web unanimously adopted,
\YMLRLAI, Congrea , in 1776 and at other times,
did provide. that the tifficers and soldiers of the IVor
of Independence. thou!! 'revive a lotunt, in land. ani i .
• that 'event! States ;o the milio/ did follow the tame
gen e rous impulse, and appropriated /dike for theft vet.-
ancrificev anti suff;•rittgi. We, therefute, at;trt
mature reflection and examination of tho services ut;
he offs/ and soidirra of hn:tt M art. find no teaeon,
wio, they alo.uld be treated diff.ovuoly, 'l'l.ltefore,
anirrd, That Ow forthwith ptoitiots Coogrets fan
• grant of Imod to he deeignated hereafter a may be
thought mint whisaltle.
Kewlvel, That we recommend, to evely officer of
the \V.r of 1812 to do an like, ive, and that they hold
meeting. in their respective counties or diit tict. , o o d
a cetera! meeting ( o f a ll who coot make It Vllns ,niem
to attend) at tite 11.111 of poet ottlem ilarti.turg. ou
the 20;h of January nest, it, utdo to a.•t in Cu: nett to
-ails nut tir•c vie* s
Itesuiviol. That wo rep mmend rap-wing. in
othe v oti,oeii by the officer. Of lion ift.ar of 1814, to co ol.•
F/ am !kr St Lout, Ga:rttr.,D. c 13
This morning doirt 4 o'clock. our city was .Slited •
4 ! , the Most ;lest roc , iyo tim a loch it ha. been our du
ty to recoil for months. It is soppos•.l In his • ~rigi
nured is the ,nr , lllo of the l'erpeturd In•urence Cum
p.tny. second floor, north ergo corner of Vine and
\lain streets ; and aorripirl w us the prove., of th e ,
destroying that tha whole building. running
hack in Commercial surer?, rind on the latter, Ave ant.'
s in height, was sonn envel-iped in one sheet of
tme The fit• must have been hurtling for some
time pm. inns to its di-coven a bid, cart ttn!c account
for the diffiettlt experienced in arresting its progress
The whole of the building i•cdostroyed in the basement
on I "motel-cis! street. which ens t/rcortesi a. a whole
stile grocery cure by Edward .1 Gay. The wall out
Main street, and is portion nt that on Vine V., are vet
statoltog. but in s cracked condition, Ind aill probe
hly have to be polled down.
The Messrs. Doan. King. wlin ,rc.arpied the!
!greater part of the building. lost their entire stock of
liey gocNII. which was Sery we are happy, lion
'vet, (coin it .35 sell CoNrrlni by insurance.
Mr. Gay was folly we understood, in.
twit nfficrs in this city--in one, $5OOO. Mr. Jaynes
ii•rrri•on. the won, of the building, arse insured in •
the sum of $4.0110.
'The cooditivn
Sir Ili. wall on Vine street Then the
!engines arrived on the ground, aa• nbaerverl to he ve
ry insecure., arid this fart prevented The anion of the
companies in that dip-orlon. Atairrt half r‘f it rich
'the vrnli on Commercial street. goon carrnirtr do
•trnuinn in ins course. Part wf tine well of the Clark
building, on the !booth aide of Vino Street, was broker,
iit, and the drug estahli•hm,•nt of %lesser. Barron iSc
' Bothwell. in the ha.entent, ron•idrrably damaged.
The paper la areliorise of Mr Crittenden, next door
Imo In, on \loin wa•d it-milted by the exrr••ive
heat, brit tlor contents did nut troffer, except from
w ere,
We have heard of no li.e• twirl hot. or personal
injury sustained, thourdt from the doting Of firemen
inn the occr•iun, it would seen elmoor t mirucle that
menu were not killed. We understood that two young
!gentlemen, Messrs. Hoyt sod Bigelow, sleeping in the
third story. here}, escaped by the 4COitiP, w ithout their
clothes. The be•istends in the lodging room of theul
stole of Mr. Nash. are horned toe cinder.
Much praise i• due to nor enterprisug citizens of the
foe department for their untiring efforts to arrest the
progress of the flvmes. The fire wardens as usual
I were bu•c, aid by their vigilance &while. presented
much confusion. and secured the safely of •uch proper
ty rise• resaiicd. The entire loss a ill not vary much
from $75.000
•CTITLL 1 NC11)104 I —We coo thr following in.
cident from the Cincinnati Commercial of the Ind
inst.. concerning a noble youth of Cincinnati, oho was
on a vialt to his relutivea in this city:
As I wo• voing to the p,.at office the other d iy. I
as an fortunate a. cll fled a large pocket book full
o f money, and equally fortunate in finding the owner.
a abort time after-weld.. He offered me a reward.
whicn I refo•ed to accept. He then inked my name.
which I owe him. The next .bay I received a letter.
which 1 have copied on the next page, wish the fifty
dollar. therein mentioned.
• • • •
phAlt Slh
My graiiiiide wdl nut let me rest nntil I have rev. at
Jed Iwo noble traits in your characthe s hieh I so for.
tunerly discovered in my very short orqiinintonce
ith you esierd.ty; ilonesty in retitriiing to me that,
which if I had lost, it would have been my ruin:—
Generosity , in refusing to accept a reword for an hon
est action.
Define 3ou will have received this letter vs hit the
enclosed fifty dollars (which I must force you to ac
cept without an opportunity to refuse) I will be en my
way to England, which is my home; otherwise it would
afford megreut pleasure to cultivateyour acquaintance.
My pocket-book contained at the time, (nor thousand,
tight hundred and fifty dollars, in Bunk notes, and
papers double that amount in value.
It may be a source uf gratification to one it'as you
to know, that you have paved from poverty, the beloved
wife and children of one who will ever remember
you with feelings of gratitude
Tu C. B. Iluctino
chief ah,orbing interest in life is attend
ing to the wants of the body. This every man of ex.
periptice compelled to acknowledge, however Sod
roue be me. he to lend hi, testim on) to the filet of
higher and holier ohjecti, engaging the attention of the
The epitaph of most men might reed—
"lie was horn. He toiled and worried for food Ho
thing and equipage, he sought the phantom happinesa
He died."
1 r, then, mnnkind lt.lll Ptilt persiAi in attendinz chief.
bodily' I,llrit :hat
r ~P'C!; r.
.th 7i .1: r r.n .1.. i r
, • t• C7i!Jq: imtl .1 •
median-•.lVuttar's Balsam of Wild Cherry
_ _ .1 Alt-.
S1 • 1t rARY :MEET! Ntl
Pittsburgh, Doe. 13. 1215
V oar utollivnt son.
P.a.burgh, Dec. 13:1), 1845
Coughs mid Oolds—ln all cases of coughs and
colds, the sufferers will find a pleasant but powerful
remedy in Clickener'sSugar Coated Vegetable Pi 11...!
The fame of this medicine has already spread far end
wide. Over five hundred thousand boxes of these
pills were sold last year, having been used in all as•
certained cases with prefect success. Fur liver COM.
plaint, nfrection of the lungs, palpitation of the heart,
inflame., asthma, scarlet feter, lever and ague, drop
sy, typhus reser, and other diseases. This pill is coat•
ed with fine white sugar, so that the medicinal ingre
diente aro imperceptible to the taste. To children.
they may be illiminiatred without difficulty So well
COlll/inced is Dr Clicitener of their t Tetley in all spec i.
fled cases,. that he pledges himself tu return the money
when the promised street is not produced.
Sold by ‘Vtri Jackson, corner of Wood and Utterly
streets, oho is general . Apia fur Dr Clickuner's
in Pittsburgh and vicinity.
B:Tlieware of unimitation wide called “Impro
ved Slqear-Coated Pale," purporting to be Patented
no both the yak end pretended patent ure furger ice.
got op by a miserable track, in NeW York, whu, lot
the last four on, five year., has made his livinc by
countet feitiog popular titedi,ines. dec 27.
Ihr .Sinai Street, thila door below Kidd &
Drug Store.
For A' brnrfit of the Waillingeon rind 3fartlx
IV 7' A. S'acitties rf Psilsbargh.
The Fekl MI will commence on Chi iatmla eve, be
open •11 2 1uv on Chri•treas, and every evening during
the week, until New Tomei, Day. when it will be open
ell day. The I.adi.'e have furniAhed an ample sup
ply of •Wepl n rain anti all the delicacies of ;Ire season,
no ihat the mom tnatidinta cannot help but he pleased.
They have read t nrrangPlVEntk to have en abundant
supply or FRKSH Chsrins. ('bristmas and New
Year'a day, a sumptuous Dinner will be served up kl
1 o'clock
The Lawn moo re-pet-trolly solicit the poronaCe
of a generous aid hettevoleto rommo..ity. to advance
cauaa dear to the heart of every good than.
Office of the Pittsburgh Morning Posit
Friday. bec. !:71A. 1E45
TLr• wr•n+h.•r yenerl, wnoculd nod unpb•a+nm fur
nut (loin Lu,ito.to. and we hear 01 no trun<tactlons 111
prutith - e worthy of notice. The market (Jr proviliou.
remnins rn.hiPrate fairs Crti [be city rind. being
made a 'thou' change horn former gooic
Flinn—Them is very little Conlin in by anron.—
We Tone sale. of )r•tera” from wagons at $4,874:
from store ta: extra 6raods $5 50
DISTIT'S ne IFIE RlTka.—We entrnet from the
St. Lout. Resilln of the Ifith, tho following letter
Item Cmio Gray. of the Ilteamer Ilerehl, to ft friend in
"The Hernia came into tit, Mississippi river on
Monday, lit, found some ice, and rftrne.ttt within 0111.
mite of where we ate now lying wgrinind.•t the head
of Potters lslrml, two mile, below Commerce. We
!By all milt and darted on Tuesday miming—rime
to steattitiont Olise Dnrncll ite,rooiol 'me loon
Med I-hot - tiara on botod. in w starving and In.•rzmg
condition, bear; without poivisiona or beet, the ic'
and their 'stet in • sinbing cciontoion. We
took the Innt•OntgOrtl on b html. gust. the hood Boole
wood and coal to kee p them fr.ma freezing, end Men
st•i ne,l to I tt i o g e t to Boole safe poi.: to lay op /fot
ing the roil of the ire, slid w here the panne ngri • colibi
Res sonw.hing to ear. I g in, iine lx.nt wuhiu nn• length
of ori r the bur. then storrei and cutill get no
tumbril . on • - cuuot of the ire There are now litres
hove laying in near earl; other that we lane a Con;•
war from one to the nth-'r. The Herald is the nitre,
Lost, at pres. ni perfertln stir; Olive Biondi neat tse.
low, and Ni nil rinse by. The !boleti ,
,111 r mile below, in a gond tett bor. on Power.' Isitsml.
The boats have their passengers on 'Mote, where the)
ate pro, ided with provisions.
"1 11,..t further acute th tt C.LPt• tried
on Mthwisy, so take off the sufrerels of the 01Tyr
Brnochthot em 51.6.1 not succeed. He ger.. than r ll t h e
staid he c..uhl spare to keep them rums fteesing. C.
of the Missouri Nhil, also pee ahem wool
slui provisions on ittes lay evening. We Jo a..t know
alien we still Ito able to leave ri.ir present iturornforts•
ble •te[hl, a &prods enthrly oe the nesther."
The liver a our irindinK, iS Still drclining, having
fallen Vt the
last t•PrrtriftUr bout• • “1:011t 8 inches,
leaving in the channel .ipposite this city. 8 feet water,
orol hence to Louiseille-9 feet water. Iho wraihre
i• rnoderc tog a little—and there u•• not a. much ice
running testcrda . al on Sillosrd” and Sunday. but e
noogh to render norigalim periloor.
At Wheeling, on the '20.11, tteto was L fret water
to the channel.
At Louisville, lust ?ICC( unto, There tan. 6 feet t
ch.-a, in the Portland Canal, and falling.
At Sash&le, latest date% there wa. 10 feet water
nn Its rpelli Sh.lu
The Palestine. heretofore reported 10 he aground
6 mile• above Cairo. threw ovelbosid 700 barrels
flour, branded Wive, Lea & Co Louisiana-I<e,
Luk—Quiney City Mills—and 500 pigs of !nod. after
winch robe got off and proceeded to No. Wean,
Flour—lrn.m Stole, . • #5,00 , d .5.25
Buckwheat—per 100 Ihs
Corn Meal-- (1,, Jo
Gain—Wheoc t,
4' gall.
Whiskey-19 gall. • -
Pototoes—Neshannock. h
Salt--V 1,1,1
Timothy, - -
Lard—Nu ItY lb. -
fb (nr. Mt.)
ilaron—per lb.
Chtese—per WH. •
Butler—Keg end Bull per lb
0 I end
Fat ELS crop Mulitoscs, in score
fur Buie b
Eight day Patent Lever Gold Watches.
JUST received et tine lot of eight end one day
gold Patent lever vetches suitable for both ladies
and gentlemen ut very low prices and warranted good
cor 4th and Market et.
Diamond Pointed. Gold Pens.
A LA laS and carefully selected stock of this val•
uable article of tho hest make and Cot sale at
New York prices.
BY JOH N DAVIS, Auctioneer, corner of
Wood and srh streets, at 10 o'clock on Mon
day morning. the 29th inst., a ill be sold without
serve to close consignment a large and valuable as
sortment of fie,b and .enaohnble Dry• Goods, colori
sing all the variety usually kept iu extensive retail
Dry Goods stores.
An extensive assortment of firlf, cutlery. hardware,
boots, shuts, caps, mantel clocks. looking glasses, cur.
pitting, glassware, queensware, Va. manufactured to.
bare., New Orleans molasses, loaf sugar, young ityson
tea, and other groceries, together with a quantity of
household and kit. lr n furniture, coal stoves, &e Sze.
Alit, a large assortment of superior new alid howl
blankets, comprising 9-4 to I 1-4 ROY. %V hit .CY fancy
cad, and dlk bound 61.11413; lupe' lorgreen IVlRckintiw
blankets, suitable fur over cease or horse covers, &c.
At o'clo k—no!,l and silver watches; muiinal
nrct rnp iinlier; blank
wrintlii) ul le..Jy ma;e c ott a ,g Hrtirlra
Sz.c. dvc27.
riIHE Ladies of the 2nd Presbyterian church will
.11., sell off at auction n large lot of usefol end fancy
article* remaining from their fair held on Chri.tmas
day, on chi*, Saturday evening. cornmem-i , eat 7i o'-
clock in the room on Wood et., above sth at. next door
above H. Child., ..S:C .I's shoo *tore.
They would reipectfally return the;r thanks fur the
very liher.l pairounge received on chri.erntt dey end
now invite the pAtlie generally (e=reinily the young
men.) to ernil thennselves of tArgnimt bat mny he had
tbis e‘chiog.—prorerde fur the behefit of the new
Church. dec27
/..NSU Ft ANCE STOCK —A comber of shares for
'A l a i n a joint stock cormotny. with a capital of
$lOO.OOO, and power to increase, it to $1 000.000.
which is shortly to ho into operation un the now nc.
paired [sae business or initial company, whose char
timer it will chatter (torn the mutual principle to that
of joint stork alonvl clinrter perpetual.
This stock company will thus possess the advatituee
of au income already secured, and as it purposes con
fining its mmlllooll4 to the hest description of risks.
the stock pesetas a I,volable prospect fur profitable
F.o particulals apply soon to me, lit my Milne, tor
tier of lVood and Fourth woe's, over Sibbet & Junes
entrance ou Fourth street. JAS W BUCHANAN.
) A ihurn3, in great variety of binding with und
without plan—.
The Hyacinth C.r 1815 and al. fur 1346.
The Chri,oh,e',, A neon,. a ~Ikeelleny fur 184 G.
Scenes in the Lire rlf our SllVllltit n handsornu octavo
volume, with eight beautiful engravings, and splendid
The Snow Flalse, by T S Arthur, El vu. fair binding.
with I 0 plates. engraved no steel.
Sketch... of Iri•lt Cleirticier, by Mrs Hall, large 8
vo., embellished with ovi r 60 engraving• on steel and
Friendship'. Offering, for 18.16, a beautiful boot.
nIERo,c cf
Christmaa five; ilobtlav Tafel.
IS.,ys' and rill-h.' Lillie Forger-me-nor.
The Antkulette; Kt.ll,:fkr Alm irs.
1 c Weo.l),ky Boo:.;
1 he Young Lady's Book, u manual of elegant te
rry:l6on., eaerri,mi and two tuna.
II; 134/Y• U ui d e to Useluiness.
;ri quo for Gentlemen.
tdnr,J Bo of Vushion.
The Children'. Companion, by Beignin.
The Rollo 1.30,1", &tit-rent kind..
The Swiss Funnily Rohin.ons.
RObin , r)ll. Crowe, complete with many plate..
Together woh n great •ariety of ..natter juvenile
hunks, on bond aid for ante by
1.1.:KE: LOOMS. Agent,
No 89 Wood street.
Books for the liolydays.
SCENES in Ow Life dilly Saslow by ibe Poeta mid
I'm - inlets; edited by Rufus W. Griimuld. I vul.
This Eloudnir Annnal fur 1846—a christmas, new
year. and hirth.dny Presenr for 1816.
Lenfl-ts of Memory fot 1816; I christmas, new 'ear
and Lirlh•day ini'ivenir, bound in the molt splendid
st)le.•nd embellished with I'2 splendid illitatrai ions,
cot...icing of nlinninalion• and fine steel engravings by
the first artist —ssibeil by 11.rvi.ell Cowes, D.
The Snow Flake for 1846; • gift for Innocence and
editcd tv Arihvg
Op,l f,r I g 16; a present for edi
ted .1 111/
The Met flower tor 1846; a eh , ice Annusl; edited h}
Rohl. Hanoto,.n.
Fitrinlth pas I qr. ring-11 end nets
present 1.. r 1346: 1 Sol. I'2 trio., MiorOCCII gilt.
1 he Ltid) . • 110..1: of Flowers end rotors, edited h
Linty Hooper; 1 tot. nso and colored Moot-whin,
Velset; o beuiltlful Look, by Bethaid
Bart tm.
1 he Hvacttlt Gar 1846. or niTection', rhrie•
),11 . end 1,11 Pit-sent.
Grey'ti Elegy, illm.trated.
Isom the Pitet , , n fare lui dieet,ion for the
Jrn.ine room, by ronne Gilrono.
Imagination ud F..nr.), Or selections float the En•
gliah Poeti; by Lei:tit Flom.
Mrs. I:ema,a: l'urm•: 'Hummed.
1 he Amulet; a brew iltiebristmasand new-year pre'.
eat. with steel engraving,.
.1 he Porte and Poetry of Europe by Looefellow.
The Poesy and Poetry of Amer ire. by Gti•woid.
Fur sale by JOHNSTON & STOCK cos.
rirc 44 .basket
Dre. 23
THE goallfteti citizens ;,1 the City t.f Pittsburgh,
are hereby nott6ed that an election a ill be held
at the usu a l places and time for hoiding city elections,
on Tuesday the Gait day of January neat, fur the elee
iion tao persons qualified to serve a. Overseer, of
t lie for one year from April 1, 1846. and for
three •tersotts for Aodit..ra
H autiseriliel would respectfully Announce to
his numerous fi lend, And patrons, that he hits
hm• lA.t few ti opt, a choice ',stunting:li
of French and English
Beaver Cloths,
Mark, (I'M M ,xed awl other fu,hionublecolnr•.
!adopted to the season. Also, every description of
Both plum end fancy, together with e choke assort,
Vestingsof Entirely New Patterns.
%Vhich together with hi, umnlsopply, comprises the
most eXtellSiVP and best stock at present in thi,
city. Also, a complete essottmeot
1,50 111,6'24
50 ce
0,00 na 80
Fot Gentlemen's s, ear. Cloaks, Over Coats, Dress and
Frock Coat., Vows and Punts.
t N. B. PARTICULAR attention paid at all timed
Ito mst.iag up work to order, in a style o hiett will give
sotirfactiou to all, having in his employ. dome of the
mart popular and cumrtent cutter. in the city.
49 Liberty at.
36 e 42
36 'a 44
16.00 elB,o
68 e 70
- 26' 28
31 41' 44
00 e 1,06
LOU 'alit-11
:5,00 e 5,50
Tana 8
e, 5
8 41 , 9
1916) 13
TMulical Annua: 1846,
1 Snow Fluke, "Cu l key Morocco,
" Muslin gilt
Kriss Kinglet Christmas Tune. "
The maiden end wife, by T S Arthur
With a vutr?ly of Bibles, Brts!,er Books, &c. &c
dec24 122 aloud street.
PM) splendid Piano Fur ten, made by A H Gale
& Cu. (successors, to the New York manufac
to, ing Company,) with metallic plute and frame, and
French grant:ruction, jut teceived and for sale by
12? Wood xt seer.
50 1313 LS Seorehings, on hand and for sale, by
Water sire,L.
Pig Metal.
5000 N S "Hanging Rock" Metal, un hand and
fur sale by
Water at.
eor 4th and Market t
N 0.75, Market at.. N. W Corner of the Diamov.l,
LT AVE now ripen a large assortment of Shaw la, a
raonq which maybe found.
Splendid Brocha and Cashmere Long Shawls,
All wool do do Square Shawls,
Very superior French Terkeri do
Scotch and English do do
Damask Silk and Wool do
BLick and !node embroidereel Terkeri do
Super English and French Plain do
Plaid Woolen Shawls 3.4, 4-4, G• 4, 0 4 and 10 4.
Upwards of four hundred of the above Shawls have
been received from Boston, New York and Philadel
phia, within the last month, which enables us to offer
the most splendid assort.nent in the city, and as many
of them hese been purchased vetyloto, at Auction,
we are prepared to sell them wholesale and retail at
a great reduction from the opening prices of the bea-
Tho attention of purchasars is larked.
l'Ir; L g,,,7,1
~t .i,lo to' I...Jildrs rer:rived
ttn , l t.kr ,ulu by
The w thorn
OveroPere of the PI.,
•r", t^
For the Holidays.
Plano Fortcs.
car %Vaud and sth sit
American Piro Instrranco Company
Office. Phuadc7phia, No. 72. iVaTititt sr
%V NI. DAVIDSON P re,' t
FREDEPICK Fp*tey. Sec'y.
- PHIS old and well established Company continua:
To insure BoiWines, Merchandiac, Furnitute
and property, not of an extra hazardous character,
igainst logs or damage by Fire.
Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its
neighborhood will be received, and risks taken Millet
,‘• petually or fur limited periods, on favorable terms
by GEO. COCHRAN, Agent.
dec24 No 26 Wood et.
111 HE undersigned agent for the American Fire In.
surance Company of Philndelphin, continues to
make ItHurance against loss or damage by fire, on fa
vorable terms, at his old stand
No 26 Wood st.
TOR Christmas and Nrw Veer Presents, at Cook's!
Literary Depot, 85 Fourth street
Heath's Book of Beauty, f•r 1846.
Leaflets of Memory, "
Boudoir Annual, •'
Drawinc Room Annual, "
Chine Views, &c.,
The Diadem,
The Snow Flake, t.
Nature's Gems,
Tim Musical Annual,
The Gift,
The Moss Rose,
The OpAl,
The Rose of Sh Iron, "
Lelia Rookh,
Longfellow's Poems.
Friendship'. Offer-tog, "
The Bose,
Furget•Me-Net, ••
The Taken.
Rtligtous Souvenir.
Missionary Memorial. "
A melin's Poem.,
The Rosette, '.
The Jew, I,
The abuse, with numerous others, and a splendid
Assortment of Juvenile Works, for sale at COOK'S
Literary Depot. 85 Fourth street. rlrc23.
Books for the Season.
•4141.7.4 L, roe 1E146.
L The Musical,
Leaflets Memory,
The Snow Flake.
Friendships Olfcring,
Rose of She' on,
The Christians Annual,
The Hyacinth,
•• Keepsake,
•• Rosette,
'• The Juvenile Jem.
toll THE “!`THE T.ttt.
TM-Pastime-12 drawings of Flowers,
•The La4v.' Book of P,Aory and Floors.,
Poetry of Flowers and Flower• of Poetry,
Oracle. from the Vows,
1, tegoage of Flowers,
Flora'• Interpreter,
The Task,
Ihe ‘Vrooporwill,
lisay's E 6 6y,
Herfuth's Poem.,
Eliza Cool.'■ ••
Poets end Poetry of England,
Book of Common Prayer,
Pilgrim's Progress,
S..:et.es in the Life of onr Saviour
A select 11410Ilinent ul beautiful boas for cbtl.lren,
ion tunny to ell
A very choke collection.
A*gorted sitrs and richly hound.
Also. a select list of liternry and teligious works
.uitable fur Gifts. For sale by
43 Market et.
fur 1846.—a splendid Christ mu and New Venn
Pro-arms by 1816.
Heath's Book of Beau, y for 18.4 G. with lieami
fully fint.herl rngraviiigii from dew hip by the first A r
Eabed by the ermnivas or Blessiegton.
The Keepsake for 1846, with beautifully finished
engravings from drawings by the first Artists. En
craved under the snperintendauce of Mr. Charier,
Heath. Edited by the Connie., of Blessington.
Decylets of Memory for 1846—A Christmas, New
Year, and Birthday Souvenir, bound in the most ale.
cant style. and embellished with I`.! splendid ilbts
nations. consisting of illumination. and line steel en
graving., by the firAt nrtists. Edited by Reynell
IContes, M. D. Fur sale by C. H. KAY,
splendid A gnu als for 1846.
THE BOUDOIR for 1846—A spgendidChri.tmas
New Year and Birth Dny Present.' for 1846.
The Dtadem for 184 G—A beautiful Present suitable
for all 11,11501.11,
The Snow Flake fur 1316—A Gift for Innocence and
Beauty, edited by T. S. Arthur.
The Opal fur 1846—A pure Gift for the Holy Days,
edited by John Keene.
Tue May Flower for 1346—A choice Annual, edited
by Robert Hamilton.
"f he Amulet for 18411—A, beautiful Christmas and
New Years Present wi h steel illustrations.
The Lady's Album for 184 G; a magnificent present
for all NCILSOII C.
The Forget•me not for 1846, an illuminated Gift;
edi ed by A A Phillips.
The Christian's Annual for 1846,a Miscellany with
beautiful Illustrations.
Scenes in the Life I.f nur Saviour; n beautiful prey
ent by the Poets and Painters, edited by R. W. Grie
!'rice $4 00
4 Ou
'• 3 50
Household VeraeA; a beatviful Book, by Bernard
The Hyacinth fur 1846, or Affection's Gift; a Christ
man, New Years and Birth Day Frrgent.
For sale very low by CHAS. H. KAY.
dvc22 corner of Wood and ad ate.
Toys and Fancy Goods for Chris as.
HAVE just received my stock for the Holidays,
direct from Germ tny and France, by the late pack•
ets from Havre and Bremen, comprising a large and
splendid assortment, which I offer to city and country
dealers at eastern prices, and a glee many articles at
Icon than they can be bought for in Philadelphia and
New Yotk, at wholesale and retail, at my store, No.
108 Marketatreet, and at the corner or sth and 'kar
ket eta., 2d story. above IV. & P. Hugus's People's
Cheap Dry Goods Stare. C. YEAGF:R,
dec2o 108 Market at.
Doz Raisins.
50 BOXES fresh M. R. Raisins, just received
and for sale by
WHITE Havana Sugar in Duxes;
White Brazil ditto in bbla,
In store and fur isle by
dee 20. 224 Liberty it.
Pittsburgh Manufactured Tobacco.
20 KEGS Plug Tobacco;
5 .• Lades Twist, do;
10 " Va. " do;
10 " Cav'd, la Lump, do;
In store and fur sale by
2'14 Liberty st.
Ground Spices.
1 fi CANS Ground Pepre•rt
1J 10 Can. Ground Cinnamon
:1 Cans Ground Alsriet;
5 do do Cloves;
In store and for sale by
N NV and convenient eft° sulky dwelling think
ZS. fu
r rent, enquire at this Ace, or
St Clair st.
cor of Wood end 31 sip
No 170 Liberty street
224 Liberty at
For Christina and New Year.
THE subscriber 11,4 4 r brgoit.
ment of Jew,lry and Fnecy nrticie., suitable for
gifts for the Holiday., to which locresrpec , tVl . s ,- Invites
the attention of hia coewrnor., arol the public.,
Aniong his aseortrnent rnnv hr folnd
Gold Pencils, n 1 irze stock and s .grentmtriety of
Cord Cases. a general as:ortment.
Ladies Work boxes, ut various descriptions.
Silk and Velvet Bags.
Also, a general assuiemetit of Jewelry, itch Si
Gold Lockets, •
" Bracelet., • .-.. •
" Finger Bingo,
" Breast Pins,
•• Studs, &c., dre. •
Also a large assortment of cliildrena Toys, smi•Fesar
cy articles ton numerous to mention. All of whicls
he offers at e iiher w holesale or retail, open the most
accommodative terms.
Nu 86 Msrltet street
1 UST RECEIVED a t No SS Market. street, •
lalge ass,. iment. .f bead otauhienta, suitable
for balls and (gym ice, ard I Ir .nit by
No - SG Niiitl;ef atreet.
L•c23 , 1 I
For Sale or Roof
HUAIS and f ,ni, aitnate
on !tots sheet, ni ar Ihe corner of nu street.
The House is an excellent and commodious tWo itt:ry
Mick, with finished basement, all built of the heat
materiel and of the very best finish—et - tontine rims
rooms with a finished garret. The Lot is 2'lY feet front
on ROSS street, by 70 feet in &ph. The itinininii
bring rear the New oil: I I loons, makes it a deiG-:
able residence for the pinfeisional man, or man of
businras. Irma told before the first of April, it Wilt
be for rent. Terms easy and iitle indisputable.
fIX Enquire of Mrs SAVAGE, on the premises, or
at this office. der2t2 2,c1
To the rolifeelier:nry Estahlishment of Hun
ker 4- Dixon, Fsph, Strect,
HUNKF.R & DIXON have Cakes. Sweetmeats
and Candies of nil Mod, prepared fur moate
t eem, which they e ill Ad! chenp.
Thnt BIG C AKE weigh, one hundred and
powNds.: the.PY RA MID on Ihnenkn, i. nenr!y three
feel high. and on the top of which there i; a full rig.
The public Pre reopurtfury invited to give them
dec 23
7 .:"E -;1`
Barrows & Turner
ARE now clo.ir.a ~tr nt greatly 'educed pricey. their
rrmaining -lock of
pre -s Goods;
Colored Rer s and Twilled Cashmere;
Web styles, .Moos Jr Lain,
Aliateeol, blur, black and utiirr culoi atlecided
Rourre;ia.. Luneotat! ,
C.- es New style prints. benwirol pattern
Wit hgenerui variety and eta unable good. e t No.
46 Market sr, dec-19
Ltalb , and rattles
NVE hare at 4t3, few patterns 6.4 plain and
figured Swiss rntislins; 6•1 pluid and sttiped
Swiss Muslins, patterns.
Alsn, Bnizatines sal II trag,s. mignificent pntierna
Sari., Book and Mull Wslirt. iti great
thwis Barrows &Turner.
100 Pieces Gent's silk Handkerchiefs.
vuw in store, an exteasive and beautiful
varit.ty of Gentletotitt'll Silk Handkerchiefs,
compriling the different new styles, nod most desira
ble petterns now in U 44.—
Bwdered Damattk—Extra rich;
Extra Ceralitt—P lain ground, benutilul;
Twilled Spitalfield—very large;
Siechews of sopetior (pant);
Bentltiona end Printed roncves in great voider);
Together with a lull rupply of
Gentlemen; Rich Satin Scarfs and Cravats;
Fancy sod plaid silk Cravats
All a which are off , •red at extraordinary low pri
Cet at Ihe new casts home of
rill HE last lot received end selling off odese the
a totk. These persons v. h., are not supplied will
now meet veith the lost t.pp , mien —as wed,' nut ins
tend to contiene in the trade, therefore these that we
hunt will hr dia r o.ed and no more received.
The ounrlmenT In firat rule' made lip of the differ
ent siZes. suite l t the Watilll e.f every person and. in
coa!ity we warrant them 'gaol to any in use.
Buyers it wholesale, cony never again meet with
the like udportuniv. the stock will be dispoeed of in
luta to suit the customers, and at prices less than
cau be purclaued elsewhere.
Cull anti examine,
[At No. 46, Market St.
Lafayette Refectory,
NOS. 61 dr. 63, WOOD STR3ET,
Under Lynd'■ Auction Store.
TFIE subribera have Elted up the above place, in
superiur style, and hey fed assured will give
comfort and satisfutniun to ull who may visit them.
Arrangements have been made to have a coo.
slant supply of FRESH OYS TERS, which
will be served op to visitors and families on the short
est notice. Other luxuties, candies, fruits and pas
tries of the choicest kindi always on hand. Their
Bar is filled with the best brands the markets can af
ford; and Regalin, Castello, Principe and Havana
Cigars of a.tperior quality. Every attention paid to
visitors. Their motto is, Every luxury in its season.
Prices moderate.
AGA LEY & SMITH have removed to their new
warehouse, Nos 18 and 20 Wood street. (east
side) where they will be pleased to invite the attention
of their ft lends and dealers Ferbeially to a large and
well selezted assortment of Groceries and Pittsburgh
Manufactures. novlo-3m
DAGELLEIY & srarru,
SMITH, IIAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Grocer*
and Produce dealers, No 223 Market street, be
tween sth and oth, North aide, Philadelphia.
White Swan House
riiHE subscriber, haring taken the above named`
J- house, near his old stand on Market street, be
tween Front end Second—is now prepared to enter- -
tain all his old friends, and the public generally, in the'
best style. His bill of fare will constantly be found to
contain the best the market affords. (Oysters always
on hand.)
octl4-3m LANDWHER•
For Sale, and a goad chance for a Bar-
AHOUSE and Lot un Sixth street. near Cherry
Alley, Pittsburgh. The Lot is 26 feet G inches
front by 90 feet in depth, a very deatrablu location fur
a private residence. Terms !thetal and title indispu•
table. Inquire of W. 0. LESLIE.
decl3 Smithfield at. near Fifth.
To Business Houses.
ACITI !cairn for the Suuth and Havanna
will attend to any business entrusted to him.—
Address A through the Post Office. dec. 13
SKATES, Cutlery, Ivory, Ebony, Sc. for sale by
120, Wood st.