• . ' 1 • •• • • *-i . . • , ..,. ..- . 'i 'VOL. I—NO, 135. ..'.. :::. -1 ---......._ .• - , !.' -, PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY ; REMOVAL. BIGLEII,SARGENT &BIGLER,' TllO lAS' [ ARNOLD, N. W. eorner of Wood and Filth Strecii• A MERICAN LOCK MANUFACTURER, has Tiirtm.s.—Five . dollars a your. pus t, liblo in advance. fl. removed his store from St. Clair street. to Dia• , .. , , •, [ Six dollars will invetiaLly be required if net paid rnOnd Alley. between Wood street and this Diamond. ••••-•' •• 1 i within the year.! nos2l Single copies Two Cr.grs—Cor sale at the counter ; James Park, Jr. & Co. • , , 1.• of the Office, and by News Boys. ! ! WHOLESALE GROCERS, Importers of 'fin _ The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer , Plate a nd Queen.wnre, No. 112, Second st . • between Wood and Soiiihfieldsircets,oppm.ite the old is published at the same office, on a double medium .1 • • , i •. sleet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin- ! "`." ' nos• 11 Iy. Ca copietk„ SIX CF.NTS. GEORGE COCHRAN, I Forwarding and Commission Merchant, TERMS OF ADVERTISING. NO. 2 6 WOOD STREET, PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: PITTSIIURGIL Dile insertion, $0 50 One inoiali, $5 00 ~,,,27 Iwo do., 0 75 Two do., 6 00 ! • ALONZO W. ING, ri,...4,. a... 1 00 Thn.edo. 7 8 (•())(°) NO. 83 FOl - R T II S "I' RI;E T, -One week, 1 50 Four do., Two do., 300 Si x an., 10 00 ; CHRONICLE BI:ILDI N G S . Three do., 4 00 One year, 15 00: Ar ANUFACTI'IIER nod dealer in all hinds of . , • y., YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. ort4 v CHANCanritE IT PLEASTRE. I J. G. MUNTZ, OroSquare. Two l Squares. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Sit miellli.. $lO 00 Six months,s2s 00 I No, 114, .Nark,! sterre, near Libor i y •. • - `inn year, .25 00 One year, 35 001 ~ , .. pity i- ty PITTSBURGH, PA. . • a i .'_ s. ' . T.nrc-er adstirtisements in proportion. ! , JOHN SCOTT Sr, CO.. •. ' ! ' ! Y. CARDS of four lines SIX D0L1,n11.5 a Trial-. Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer -1 EDMUND -. SNOWDEN,chants, •. . :ATTORNEY AT LA W,_ I No 7 , Coalmen-int Row, Liberty street, ~ ilu-lv Pittshurch. iniFFICE in ties building on the North Ea•it corner - - lolls: Al' Iir.VITT, .I t 516.1 WiII:VITT. ` • ..- I k.. 1 of Fourth and Sine htietd stsetilii. 110 V 11- ly J. & J. M'DEVITT, . .I:v.lms S. C _ _ RAFT. W it 0 1. 1 , . S A I. E (1 Ro C 1.: 11 S. A 1' T() It N F: I' A T I. A W . Theatersin Produce nn 1 l'iiiiiliori.'h mm, iltriiii•rs enemily, No. n_''4, Liberty, opp,,ile Tt'l Street, Pitt,- *Office, corner or Fourth rind 5r',.....4 streets, abuse I ii 1„,,., [ .., i , [ l .„ np 28-ly Sibbett S.:. Jones. Ketittl,ce nn Fu,ssill. slov 11•d6m. , Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, P. C. SHANNON, Edward Iltrzhes, Monafarlerer of Iron and Nails ____ iWareluns 0, Smithfield those Fourth street. ITT 0 , .11.N.EY AT LAW, -rio-, G.ertmolant i lt, Wtistrno,elourl Cillinty, Pa.—Witt , JOHNSTON Ai. STOCKTON. .. . 1 l'""lee i. the ""'"""'ll'al• l'"i'"" and C "'" Ill ill Booksellers. Printers and Paper Makers , 1 :1,8 Iv. • : ' i Courts. -- .. ____ _ - M re se , N. 11, arkot stet. 1 0 p j ' ... 1 WM. M"MnFIoN. J G. , E4, , 11. J. I..SFIEE'S • MatIAHON & SEANOR. , r X i:. I, It X(1 t% ,k I{ 1•••, /-1 (i I'i; I' , . ATTORNEYS A • r LAW' , cr . , r ;if P•• iii r a ll let,: rire ,, ,r, Pt.'•.' ur,, I , ; eIFFICEiri Fifth elrret.inlLitr'n new building, be- [ .1.,,... t. ii i „ ,,.. ,„ I ~, r ~,‘ i .. „. „..,,,..,.„ I ..... .. kJ twieil IV aod aid Smithfi..l.l.treets. 1 it.,:i., ii, r ,.. a ,,,1 C,,,,,,,, W ; ,,,,, Sr ,I ~1 , ~, "del!" I y. --- ---- (1.1e,i.1e of Urn°, ra. , er, Twine. &c., nt ri•l.h !,,,.•••.. ! . ' , WAI • i.. 1 if ' Alt A 11 OItIX SO N, , ..,: s • 1.1.,11,.. , 41.577. r. 6. ATTOR.Nr l'i)' J. Vogdes & Son, I HAS removed his. ()trice to No 8 Si. Ci.iir siiert. ' AIICIII{I-:(:FS AND lill Un-:1;S. • . • .ept 4 ' 0,7,-r. Snitll.,./,lSfre , -1, co, ner of lhornord ,4:1,,, ; EDWIN C. WILSON, ' 0 1. 1 NS: nod Specir,-,,ii,,,, i1 , ,,•,11,1 I, the !iv, ,•:, i•• ATTORNEY AND CUENSIII.I.OI{ AT LA W 1 n , -1 iii the ihort,..,t n• , ,,re. Franklin. Fracas' i;,,,,,ry, p,,,,,,.. I It,- ~R,, ,, ,-F.., 1.0,...,1 ,' 1i,•,,, , -1 , „ II ( . 11Thl• A. . . . • W I t l ,I .l ' 1 ,3 , "71 1, P e r 7 71 ' 1 1 ::t . : st n ln il liss",ll,''''iso ruts e, n. ( '• ..I I " : •'•.:•1•;',1•II•1. Sr E''''''''' IV B S"if" U'l I "1 : Clarion and J•2lTet ,,, ,n tummies. , tun. 11.1i3V5— , 11v . ! . net - is TO Doctor Daniel McMeal, I J. A. SToCKT , iii. & C. , . -) I Cialre on F,1:11 street, le•twoun 11,',,,1 nod Sirniii.!%•!•l Menem T, W !Law:, & CO.. `il l ltl i rlitti-gll. i .i.reiit.n, l'ittklivirrh i dr,' 111-k Jolts Bums a, .1 . -- Id AItT I N I. VTI. L , 1101.JANIF.5 Kllsr AR, Fr.told in. • t Mix. ALI‘ :WC )I.st,i. S FA MII. Y (; It OC 14', 11, •- 1101. JATIEk W it.• , ,,iii, STeulien,i!le,o! , i.). S'illTlll-11-:1.1/ Sill FE - F. • sail') 2 [ 3-Iy. Nest door ro Ow Foils l'te , i, irrini Ci. i !: .' .... • C. ORLANDO LOOMIS, tore. . ~ . ' - ATTORNEY Al ' L\'•\'. .. , Office, Feurili street, alsive Smithfield. i It NIH.IIS .C.- WI f.ll \RH!. jo's 1.1 y .. . Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ' _._ nor lir AI lik• 1, l 1 i --- InAGWAW & RI'ECNIGHTt LEMIRE.R. GRocuitts:,:,praciris•csz, • .ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND I PITTSBUIGII M.I,NI;I'AI 'ITRES, I IT AVF. remo.,3 their n(ll,ir in the :Vete robrl • , 1 /lune, in the room outer the Sb •ritTl-0111.:r. r().r: THE ALLEGIIE\I' RIVER 2' R.. 1 Di:. ' ati 17-if. ('•.n,, ~I P....ft and I r . n in sltro.l , l, _ - L. 0. firriiotti.i. /, Law Notice. rriiistenn • L. 11'11.5 \ 4111. i a 5,1, • ANDREW' 0 EFTCE removed to S•eitili , •l.l -ir.iet, here een NEW BOOK STORE. -ith Street and r),,,, on , i All ,- y, flpi, , ,,ie Mt (1.,,, II OS W 0 li. TII ,s, Foli li Il.'s TE.It . tV,,sinno' s T. 4. ice.. M....tie- _ ..,... sit 16 NO. , 1 I, 3f , i,.. ~1 at rye". next door!, Tertrierreer. ' Removal. t HE 1 ,,, .! .r...,i,,, ~ , Ictl: 1 1 , d • • ,... • 3 ,,, .AA ~ ~., , • • , tioN .5.-, •.\- vim \GT( oi. thorney: at Lit"; i ,•:, o, :' ,, f ):: , i :i 4 ,.. 1 , "-I . '''' .',....'".... " h :: ), ,''',' ‘. i! AI.. T olTire On 1110 ,1,11111 ole ,F; \V ! !,e ,t.,:1 , 1 .1,01 i ' ' "" '"" i""”- , I' , i' --• ri,i , • . RAM of the Cotut I lou.e. apt? , IiENIciVA I- I • Law Notice. I COOLEY & LAIRD, lANTES CALLAN h 15ie , n ,,, e , 1 io tfr• riuirrOuire ' if, r, i,..nr T,,,i •,.. olp ereopir.l by Ableritmo Alrl‘ll,ters on I st. iil I li" F R.:c005...1 to N., 2 11., , ,, ~,,, ,„.., between Wood am! Smiti.ri,•id. •pi» ; i' , i r..•.iir7,,i Vs s. 5,1 ~ ..r It, r l io• 1.-in ___ _ ,i • R li; NI 11 V .1 L. J. G. L. Robinson & M. M'Bridc , .._ _____. l _,. ATTOIrSrTs kT I. .w. James Patterson, sr., 1 'HEAVE remise,) i!,sir Oiler t., lir int •ireei. is C-1 . • - •••r• , •I Is. us !r. r, • , ••-••,-,, 1i,, t 4,,,,,,,h ii,„ .• ' •li•,rt ,I , •:•‘ , ,ii.ii fi•i.liiiit•v,uri, Oti'el i Inv. sr], the . m.tiouneturet of loi ks, hire. , al ii roi . t.i: rolintiriO, tut- i. CoOIT f i follkn,•nili 11,1 lOW or crews . o..„ 5•0 •••,,,,k,,, Ii r 01f,,,, ' • . r:FP•C on ve, uu ri n . , :nn,l ~ tileri,triliinciii, , f 0 niter toill. , !. Air. set , 10.-v 1 *gaily and promptl, t0r. , ,0t.i. i l re i •21 . ! JVCANDLESS Attorneys and Counsellors at Laur. Office in dm D:wrn.l,l. • , 1,1 ne.pla Wm E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittahurgh l'a- thrice in It At. (;,,, t -EirlV4/.l.laat E. AL:talti.E:4 . trill give Ma atten tion to my unfinished ltusint-an, and 1 recommenti him to the patronage of my friencia. se? 10—y WALTER HIV A R D. Shafer & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, (Ace at :beldinc formerly oerunied by the i cod States bank, 4th street, /set... ern Marlitu and IL'otsd streets. Goo. S. Selden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, lomween Wood and Smithfield EV lP. oolllreVa.M . .ioll,r and other imarumentti of wri clog legally and promptly exermthd. mar 2141 HAMILTON & STERLING, A ttorne y ol at Law, riFFTCE, North .O do of Filth itroet.detu.i.co Wood and Srnitlifivld gtre•m4, rittabor;th, l'o. N. B. Collection. made on reasonable terma. dee 4-lv . John W. llarrall ATTOL EY AT T,AIV, HAS riemcred in e.n4egnence..i ihe love fire Ir., Third Atre!et to Bakc.nll'e Building+, upri , nie to the Court House. Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office. near the Ctlllll !lonia. in Melion'ii buildings nity7 • EL Morrow, Alderman, Office north thk of Fifth stied., between \Vend and Smithfield, l'ittslntrgh. scplo-tf Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, near Sixth, Rig 21. PirrsncrGH EL D. SELLERS, M. D., FIEOVF:ID to Penn street. betueen Irwin and R Handitreets. five doo.s below Hand street. ap 15 HUGH /MIMES, SURGEON DENTIST. 118 Lib'', ly strepi. A few doors below St Cluir it., Pittsburgh,. ikp 28-Iy. Wm. A, Ward, Dentist, fins removed to the place of hi' foi mer re.idenee. it Penn etreet, two doors below Irwin. sr 18 DR. GEO. FELIX, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Corner of Smithfield street and Virgin Alley july 26, 18454 ' .;,'„k ) '.‘ 4 4 r.k.)01140 ~,.r"'":7. " - „ , , 4 ,..1, 7 77-P,li. - i• - • '' .Y'L'-'s - i..‘ Ct. (4 , T .p 1 , , i, :sle e -I. 5; i-• . , :-•,,e $ *." ~,: 1 Z , % 4. —••• 1 to,;-1, k e" 10 ..4 ,;;- .l '; ' ' , : i. - • ' ' ''' ~.. ~; r.i... q. ~,,,,, 4 :^ o .4... , 4 4 ., ..•• f ..,L, 4 .- .. . ~..' ..,'• ' 0 •••• ... .-, - IP 4. - .... . .•, , 7, ~„.OP v • .- .‘ 6 ~... , ,r,,,•.: ' 4 - . N ',." L , -: •& 4 PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE NORTH i‘'EST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA I=2 Dr. George Watt, ..` . 11.1 k MIILVANY & LEDLIE, MI , PArTI . I, AND A$Pl, Cut, Moulded and Plain Fl. 1 N I' (+ I. IsS A RI IV 11 I IT., ATM (OA. AT ITlA.ffi (VAllitl,..; Corner ul Nlfirket and Water Street•, PITTSAURGII ~J Our Our Ire,rk • row u;. ,• rnii , m. 91,1 an• rnn•limii) vridipg ni ovr Removal. R. \M.M.IC R11;11'1%1)1...7'; FIST, 11 t.n•mov.,l to St. Clair stn•t, nrxt ,Irmr to the Iluddinr4. orp John llrCloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Lil,rl3lltrevt, Sixth iitriai anti Viryin S Pith *IT I Charles U. gay, W 11 1, 1 , ) , I ; ES l'n rrr ,i 1V0..fl nod "[hit ti •t rpet I Pilkingtoxestrarivalled Blacking, A NlTACTUliEl)arfil and retail, Y IX TII TILE ET, • , zle door liolow Smithfield. ort CUARLES A. McANULTY Fornrardingani Commission Merchant, A griniii.r U. S Pertnble Boat Lint... Girth.. tratiTori n iiiiniiiMerchanilize to and from Pirtxburgh, Baltitntire Phil l.dphin. New York anti Brixton. -1r Pittsburgh lafirmary, VOR the rAteption nod tierttm,nt of drformitem of the human frame, such us Club or keeled f, et, contracted joints, wry-neck at si Strabismus or Sininein ;r, and of Disease.: of the Eye, ',Lich as Ca• hirael,etc, under the care of ALBERT (3 WALTER, MD. Liberty, near the currier of Fourth street. de,! 31—dif Removal by Fire /1111 E ,nhscriber informs hi, friend, and the pub lie. That lie has opened n new CABINET WARE RODM, of the corner of Liberty nn,{ St Chtir st vett, over Barn and Reiter's Drug Store. where he i. ra Oral VII to attend to all orders in his line. Entrance OH St Clair street. rip 15 M. A NE. .Tst. GEORGE WINSTON COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 14, Main Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. lielvr nt l'ittibure.tt to Wm. Lippencott & SOll, and John Grier. nay 20-6 e I/ 1,1,1 1 1 ~•]: :st-1 1,4,1 t• 01 , nri. t1:::t I n t I '••• • a.••• ••f. • • .h,• l'ff:rnt I I i 1,4 ~"••• hl% •• I'4 V tr..”`•,11",,1 I=l COUNTERFEITS. Dicue rch, , Count', fr n a. '1.1 n1,11,-1,, I. nthitnr. n Irw ttotlar. o, ilitot In t*.,, li mn the rt.Atttlitict,ilri•of Totttt. rotl ‘• Ittt, tody roh. • 'lt protool, I..tif• 11. 11 . Att• li.i.'adnr /• "i It(1..•%1•., r.. 1,IV•• 11 , 1.21 ;I/1,41 I Xll , lllldin.sry Curl, t e 01 a plj'! :1 d.ll !,1111/1. 11•C01 1 / 1 ,1 / ilf• Tier ~nnir, ortJ F m.), nil sr.•nk is n, w the 14101114. 111(4,144111e 111 OW 411'4.1 1. , 1 , 1;i; f 4• 1 ,1 (.1,1 4,1,1,11 y. S!I h n till:1)41111d in 1/111111, /. / 611111.111.1/1 1/,15 p 1 .1 4 . 1, 71 1111'1174 /////nr, Ands long 11 /1 1 I,l`ll/1//7 aro r.iri•hil .it ;let All, them tiihial mitt., ui hing will rurrs—roritirr cures— c heer or /1 ilopitiiirti; 'nit ! - IVisttit'S ‘VIld Ciii.rrC is add at ..,1,1,11.1.t.a agencies iii all 111, StotC, S„ 1.1 in l:inrinnal;, an tile corn, F. , ur!li un Walnut , tirei, by S.V.\ DVORD sk PARK. t+ludc.nl. and i,•tail, by I. “rI Ft Pt Vaht.e.tock. ort.i by Npointod ent* in every burnt-hint Itutourgh i t tVe.terrt Perin n,•t 1.1.1, IHE%VI MS' tt•open IS . Aelect Sehoel • Males and FenvJe.. in an , morn nier Mr Grneerv. and forrnorlv occur' led bv Mr Suninel 111.'0(1, in inderalsireet, Allegheny, on Slonilny, the 111 , 11 1,0. TERlb.:—PrimarsCla,, sti per schnlar per quarter of 11 wire{(!. I iinior Class, " S S-rnot 10 .RFFCRI:NCES. Rev. D. Elliot', 1). D., Rev. I). H. Riddle. D. D., R.,. A. D. Curnpbell, D. I)., Hun. Charlt•N Sh,ler, 1., , er,11 P. li,ozam, 'AI. D., (.'Lades 11. ).[sell. E.g. Pittsburgh Tack Factory. rfIEIE imdersigned, having built machinery 01 the most approved kind, will manufacture of the bent quality of Iron and in the neatest style, TACKS.BRADS. FINISHINO:s;AILS, I SHOE NAILS,&c. &c. which they offer for rile low. The attention of Western Merchants and inhers is invited to their establishment. WOODWARD, lIERSEY & CO. Fifth sheet, opposite the Exchange Bank. july 1-6 m. k, 4 =Mil PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1815. A CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. SEVEN THOUSAND CASES Of obstinate Pulmonary Complaint; cured in OSE YEAR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD Clir BY, the error American Remedy for corn• plaints and affections of the Respiratory Organ , . 11'e do not wish to traffic with the lives or health of the afflicted, and we sincerely pledge ourselves to mike no n , rertions as to the virtues of this medicine, and to bold out no hopes to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. We ask the attention of the candid to the following consideration•. Nature in every part of hi, ...one, has left indelli- Ide marks of adaptation and The constitution of the animals and vegeratoes ei the ion id, i. such tint they could not endure the cold iir the frigid zone, and vice versa. In regard to disease and its cure, the adaptation is morn or lots striking. The Moss of Ireland, the Wild Cherry rind Pim, of all Northern latitude's, (anti Dr. Wistar's Balsam is compound rind chemical extract from these.) have long been relebrat sri for complaint revnlent only in cold climates. Indeed the most distincuisinni me.li rnl roes averred that rattier fornidtes in ever) country medicines for its peculiar disen•e•, Consumption in its confirmed and incipient stages, Coughs. Asthma. Croup, and Liver ciiimilaint. form Ivy far tile most fatal class of diseases known to our Land. I'm even these may Inc cored, by rne.,ns of t he ; simple yet rouverl.ll remedies, n am ed nhne.•, and ,Ittell are e.- titorod, by a Iteorticient l'tovitlence. wherever throe maladies prevail. IVIST.IiCS BALiAM 01 , WILD C'iil:LßY II ill mirorles More eel lams surpdssing Inon111: Retries rice l'orturs ! q,"l , From Dr. kirk ,- r,Sprin:,fiel,l. co.. Ky. SPitINGFI/1.1); Rr.,3l , ty I I, ISIS. & Park—Genic-1 oil-, this oppnr ' roans of Ininrming you of a m.-4 ro,n, cu:,. ,n rnehs . Ilse /.I%e Of Dr. I%i &LW ' a Bal•am or 1 1'O , Iehoiry. Tn !Ito vearni 1010 1 tins I .1b 1 , 1 ," 0,, 1,0. oh . nldrb I 10'0,3 , 1 00.1 3 1 O•y -hon r.•rovererl. ulu• 1,5 41831 I t‘,.. 0'1. ,- Lo•O i l h ‘,!11.-h upon I,ly 'or - 1.7,--; anti for the of it:: re , tun , 1 0,4 d ru, 11,6,1 all kinds .1 - n - •di.:ln , ns, not I. rn0.1 ., aid 1 1 . ; I /. I j • 'A 1111,' ft n ro• po.• rt nI/ 00, h:.l g 1,1•11 in, and iu - •••,1 for coa• , ge- ot I I 0:•••• - ‘,.1.,i-orOlotoi I n un IF land Ol make tr.,. UI .- , 11• • • r i o•a.•o, r Of 31P. ••• I •• rln I r %Om., .tl , l •!•11 . .3 , .til PO a , ti ! !o - t ra, int - . I •,t1 ~,,• at ,h-• -o• fla • •01 tot %% ILI I itrrr I 3, n ,••• 1 . • • 3:31:. m.r. r•-,1 Li 4, I am .oa lot z•-r I. - u.y rr d , ".• d fi•••;, .1 I -• rnt .11.1.171•1 h i 1,4 gU . ta.; as I:uti tl-gg!rtg-g n c e ' , p.,- I gg gaga,-;••• I d,.,..,, g• s tho gti ed . gLe Ar t t god 11-.1 3 .iN 1 , 0•1 000:•ni Sr% ( ;“ .i 0 t. • 0 n . ,.( :SINS ' t't• ) t. \ r. . r 1;,, I 1, n ~:,• a y• Yb By:1;AM %VI:A ' VOW y, ft . 1 , 11 . C.1411.Y IV T 1 I; F. It trlnz . I.•t!•-r 1 , 1 , r71 i)r [t .fr 1/.4 . •1.1,1. trt 1.• •)..• fir .! 1 .. Op. Irtle, of If, 01,je, I , lr n IP , d r .T• ; •I T ..•1 r.. n 'Tr 1.• 11 11. r 1r r• .1'• ! • ••••1 Irr.•lr Irrrru il.r ca . ., • rt. 1••••!,. I 11, 0 1, •‘l.l lv lic i t a iii r rlr !! •! 4,(1, r.rtrir r , r•rr rrs• r trim:..• .I'l' 7 frl, I,S J.\ hl -.•4.-;J" --- V iTN, s 0 ENN ~~, rrl , r• ;rid dr. dirti arid illy iiiair% (irn • l .Igl,l .1 61, ht- select School for Days and Girls Phcmix Safes wad, Vaults THE under.igned invite nttenti on to the follow ing certifiente: The untletsigneil having been requested by Messrs. Constable & Strickler, to be present and superintend a test, by tiro, of one of their recently invented Phre hix Fire Proof safes, and deeming the subject one of very great public importance. have carefully sea utiniced the popess of a teat, to %%bid, one of Anti' cheats wait subjected. The rltrutt was sepported at rash corner, at an elevation of 10 to 12 inches ft am the ground tire of Bitutoir.ous coal end Are watt m i d, ,i r e r and arotted rind kept actively burning enntiectuire hours. The fuel consumed was about SO bushels o f coal, and one cord of mond; the Item all the slide be ing quit• intense, and in the opinion of ood,sign. ! e‘ i muc h gry...!7 . thane saf ,• is likely to Auituitt in nor ordinary {tootle hurnt•c, On lijr. 101110,11 or the tire. n: 'heir rerpx , t be elnt , t WR+ operw.l, and greatly to the astn on l-d no t en t o r t h e undersigned and the large number at eitzents present. a Blank Book with Sundry Bank 11C11.9 within it: folnk a piece of Dry pine W mu) and th • inner lining of the Safe. which i• of %Wood, were found warm m deed, but not in the Slightest degree , :barred or red, some mono:-tint on the Book as legible as be• fare the te.t. The undersigned are to shimouq in the conviction that a fine proof chest is piataicable; and that ho itnd enterprising manufacturer:, efrorlit for come mnnilis past in prodoeing this desideratum have proved-so emit ely succe , oftil, le wive the public confinleneo and patronage, L. the ch•trnrter of the above mimed gentlemen. the public have it guarnntee against deception, in the tea which was made of our l'hcenis Safe., and we there. fare feel the utrnn•t confidence in recommending them n protection against tire, under any m dina• rirctimititrice. .odd 113911rr throe interested, :lint there i• no 1 . 1 . 110 d 111)(101 tbe•e Sllre*, lint saint i• necestarily connected will, the thrives nnd. drawers IVe male Volt Dri.prt in the VI me manner nrul op n•t the }•,rn,• !11l n. One of he.-can! In.eenat Re e ..., C. 1 , ..5vr..u.1 r.•ln th.• nt oqr Vnnit. 01 , 7 rnr. be rIl ti , I foil,. ir/.7 Shorh & , C.. ,,, t1 , er 4, \Yin Lnrirner, Kir,a J I) P. :11 ' 1:ocrOck, betVv , P , l linrl h'•••i I. ((.)N'l ABLE &T, STRICK 1.1.11 t. 1 ' 1• 1 ,..11 - ;411 t./ , ..•r L. 1143:3, JAMES 000IIRAN, CdrNer nfl.iterf.va,•ll . ,ror.4lJ , rtehs.tiff4 frar,!, r %NIT li - I . l'llEll 01 NI,/ lo•ia Fwo Prof Ili 4 In -4.. 1t.,. G1.4t44, “44,1 /111;41•(.4. , : 1)44.4• t . 411 Vat, , !•. Canal 111:44i 111111 11.4141-Iron• — NI A 11.•,. Sn•n•"•11:1,,•b. 11.1..ehio•en. I.eret,.Srerhe.: t . , n if. o,wl .1 or rp, A LEN. Conlel-Inri , ni Vt ,, e• •trld F 1 rtv .trer 14, oral Nle. (1. BE %IA:. , N., 71. -h-eet..rel.4". nr.] 1 , ..•1 • V.l - :1 \ 'All LIT Nlt Sr \I !•, ••••ler of er•i•r• 111:1.. be nciLlre.•ttl. :114e,1, R. 1315. ,1 =IT DENTAL liIIIH:ERY Pi i ..4 4 "- 1 . T, ' , IA 3 , 7 ;•••• , 14 , 11 i•nr , ,re F i Prinfrit': 471 re,:n Ch.ti'4ll. n I 11 . 1 , 1 11.. ,; 1.1,11 one 10 0•1 CO! •," !,r hq • rrt).l Nino, Ivor .1 tr.-11.. •!•-• filled T.. 30) re' nro.!, an.l 0,160 trid,i, i , n-, ,, •:1 l.v ntm.:.r , hrrir p rr.rUrr whir 1 - atren.4,-.{ Iry ••I V% !,ntrt r,la• •••I !. • ( . 1,1100(i. ,k rl tlic.:r %%I I I' , ',frac., Fnr Ter•ti (;" f,nrn $-•? to s:t ent -I.;nte nr t o 2 n s'l r'.6 In I '• `2S •v40 , 11n; '1 El rhat.c rn .I “1:11.k..t fan•laclhin t. g ;wt! 1j .1 .; :11 1.. LH •-• •. I 1 11 11 . ; herk,.! ifl• 0.• 110 111 .1 K & . ;.; . t.;• h r 11 , •11 I. 11,:frmelo. n nt,; K Ups lo n.(11.• tt" 1 , 011.'1.'1 .1h 1.1 41AN. A 1,61,1 /, Dry Goods at Cost AS K. 1,1: zn. c.n.u., %Votni Bn,l • lo,r, .1 I) I) iv,' nrtinn ho•inc dr.1,111 ma H. ;nron•fit 01,,..1 fi n %,,fi• 3 Luce a ri,th., tiniimt•rr.. uatfvvit %.• •11tig•. 111 . rr.! , rrtit,ll t` Ole •ITzt•r,l.l, l ol ‘,1•11,„ t. , r , , , 1r0.e. Lr drncrmir•r , l it, 2. /81:,.—nuc 4 ri l'FsßUßini SNUFACToIiY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastrrn Prirc, .011401ibel m.umrael tip, and keel, enn.taet ip on 11.1,1 C uml Eliptic Spring+ (war Towed.) Juniata Iron *le+, Siker and fires. glair, Frunze n, Bro., and pinu.•ti Hub Bianchi. Sham, patent Lember, Silr er and BMIPI Ltinps Throe-rold Sul., Malleable lion, Dom Handles Urld 11111g1,1. &C.. &C. ~lirit.a 1.011111111“111.• of Ow pat r o n z t • to, t o •pon thr ...itithliAhme•nt. tVILI,IINI COLENI.IN, y t o 4 St (lair .1., nenr the AsHINGTON HOTEL, Cot rirrrf Clair and Prnn srrels, PLltabrdrgh, .1 ANI ES A ILMS [RUNG. Prviictor. r I E proprietor hew. liinve ,trlrrn birmoo ;rat, fill thank. to hi. Irienila nml the public for past Ins or-, and hopes, by tittentiov, to merit ii continuation of their patronage. The house is pleemnt ly.intend nem the Extqlnri,:t• ; it hai flerOlTlMO(lntion, for tritvd. and n large room for public meeting., dinner or supper parties. RT:FRF.STIMENTS Alwnvs rently,nt prepared no the shortest net ire, oith the choicest the market will ntlitrd. tlysters and Oyster Soup, 1117,1) Fretth Shell Ussters, received eve ry day during theseliition. Thegrentest care has been taken in the selectinn of wine., and liquors. A varie ty of newspapers are regulat ly tiled in the establish tnent. P. S. A lint ‘rtl tip ~ v ery day at I I, A. M tip European Agency RENIITTA NC ES uf looney on moderate terms, 0411 be made during my absence in Europe, to every part of Ireland, England, Scotland. Wales or the continent of Lutope. Legacies, debts. proper!) or claims reeorered; searches for wills. titles and documents etlected,and other European business trans acted by applying to James bins, Water street. Pitts burgh. H KEENAN, ue(l2 Agent .I.,tort2Q at Law, Pita!buri;h ig= CERTIFICATE JoUN ANDERSoN, L k, LIVINGsTON, JusTAH KING, WAItRiCK MARTIN. EDWARD HEAZELTuN, JAMES PARK, Ir. Pr "a', ,t , h i. dr•rripiU T ~1 jrnr;l blrt I),w • .r.l;.•ir. Dissolution * MIN on hn n,l. at (04?, corni,rion Enii:IME!111111:111i JUST RECEIVED AT THE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No. 122 Liberty it , two doors from St. Clair street, ASPLENDID aittortment of Fall and Winter Goods. The proprietor-of thia ttuly favored es• tabliahment announce., to the Public, that he is prepa red to make to order all articles in hi, line, at the shortest notice, and in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE. Having meowed ;he serviceg of °rani the BEST CUT- Tr.Rs in thecity, he will in all caste warmth good lit. Ile has a +P m+ did s + nr IMOnt of rARIED find- nstv BEAVER CLOTHS. Al+o superfine Blue. Black. Bro. n and invi-ible Green Cloth+ of ail it IPS and variousprices to suit the purchaser. lie has a splendid lot of vesting+ of all patterns; S,Itir M U S in great. vatiety: Shirts. Storks, Bo+nrns. Callurs , Ilandkr i chiers, Sip t . enders, Den essiry tither article in the Cl.O NIT LINE, which he will tell LOW F 0 It CA S proprietor moons hie Fincerelliallkg lo his old Cloitione m nod die l'iddir in got - il:11,1'M the veeylib rral minor in whirl, they have pat roni/NI his estab lishment. anti hopes by in attention to btiainePs. and than Cheap Gonde.lo merit a continuation !h.. anm,, no t2O-Gm. C. .I'CLOSKEY. Fall Coatings 3 UST receive!. n w stir tl,Olll-I,ncy v,,lorp nn,i b 1.11r , ,11.3. The ure Gceen, ()live rind Clara Brown, (; 2.1 11;1,14. The., gorkl. ore 11:1% to.; ! i v i n : i l' ', Inc Ta, NVe .011Yeite• :n CP( ljp colt Won ever. - The or 11111 tb to loi4 b.•pri so New York, to ruchllle 111..1 ttf,t improvements in Wei) be inirodoccd on ch a 11,,ii•l.iwttirg rogrird true c..a . r , cl Id le. %Vr• urn prepared to fu:fil fll , drd•d• Ilifed::411 , li.erlVise; ri 1. , 1, , Till: EISIIIONABLE I t:I:VIITERSei (111:ei,... we will pledge ow-- ftlltherrrioro, to r.r.r i poleU it It ene t.:t.lern k e.. Pitt,i•st , nraiii , or old,. In r.rl/011,f ioir irtiriil3 to ILI 441. f! p r id e . ,i% ttirof manic goon firm, rly re fel," llo t ir (riint do t Kaiit, are to he find s, . nor regirler rozoitoneiT-, wiio Ore now CM " .Trii ran tliry ran hr ~1 11. and at mire rio.•oriiitio t [Wes. ALGEO Co. ncR EX. lENSIo \ OF I'l CISBCP.C.II Rare Chance for good Inrestments! dier lal• luid nut. ntLd now suer, iit 111.11. - at r,t-oortit', prim. not! (111 ing ;o•rri.., Chit- It dr!' 1 , // Lcift, on I Intl I.niel . idly44 . l,v , wren 146114.,e., .ttv.t.t and :11:obolpihrth rivrr• I fire filling O , IA-11111.1 nr from he rit. Ilne. Anti urr •1111.1li• I in that part ~ f tl,r firat raliably .itan be coy R. the %VP Id. Net pro-' i,y< I:errtr.foor an oh ari nl of u,„o 1;rodc10.-1, l• fro, enc. lin ,lrl-1 3,1 t and niootr fret nod 1 . !•. (2.3.77-,.erre. Br 0h.% Co!urnho, and ‘r,ocrr:,<-4 n:i :31,t thu Ng and 'oh Zlo• .r fiv.; c m !, • Per.m. Nth, ti”...iro to build in, Cr.., I..ft pr , Terty that 1, V I: :•', 11 , 1 : 'A •• •,•1,1.; t , r,•••t, .1 • v.e.! the.e I,nt•. .11,. to•fott• ‘ , 1 , • ,, • :I , 1 , , thet: 19 , 115.• I. ft, i .1.. i • tdH s . hy• Srn'r t‘t Perri st.• , t rroiner,y, is . ”•? it 20.f.rt ,111 •r , ti 1!• 0 1 11, !I ~ vre , or Ili, • f atT,ii r i e rnkl , l( •‘ l'ot , ihtirth in Le tlr;..oi•••1•.n thi..r:cirri!y Mt M , •1 , 7 ~11 on ti.o tnele I. dam M N crr .t E. i). G 117.1N1, (1T,•” 3,1 A: NEW GOODS kT No. S 6 MARKET STREET tall 1 , 1 3.1 y recoiv , if los Fall and j.Sheik ett ;•tte it , part of I=l Silver Spoons and Butter Enives, (,(11.1) PENCILS, %al,,,,c7nery ei lry. lye! It Silk 'Paige,. Had Par. , Tnia,almg•, Ft , ,e Carprt Bag., %%nth a large a, raebt el laiwyntl.el.•4 witxhie La vt, avata. fhr turaler•ieolell i. r•-r.nred good•at whole rrshe it the .11,e-I 11 tl, u.e tha; nre hoeing l• iWin to call and zEixi.os KINSEY. it NI:1V 11A f AND CAP SiORE. 4E16 CLIAS. U. PAULSON, (LATV. of THE lI.X 01 , FA C LSoN II" V I M; No. 73, Wood Strcet, 1,11 . 11,1' Fwooh, ig now nninufactur 1.1•1,1VUIL: fr,nn the F::,-rein CitioA a very large .-rorunent of NTS and CA I'S, of eve!). tie,clir. !inn, iy r !ruffled in be 10:1,30 in the b e , rt rn,,,ne, nail .1 tho tO a materials. Otter,Seul, tine and common Mn. 1.111. Seelytte,:lair Soul, Plug!' and Glazed Cap.% A 1.0. a tine ~ ,Intmetit, Furs, such as Lynx, Fiteli. Groot “thl MUFF ' S AND P rEins AND FUR TRIM MI N6S. all of which 'e offer. ler .41e at F. AS FERN RILES FOR CASH, heleaHle and remail. Nli-('el.m will examine rri) btfOrl . NI:CI...III; (.1,1 6 ,s h<•rc. CHAS. H. PAULSON. B. The Full reshiolk Im Ht/13 end Cups reeds, ed. Fort Pitt Works, Corner rf O'Hara and Etna strre/g, DISSOLUTION. f fII. firm of 1. - i ceman, Env Sz. Totten. is this dissolved. by the .ale at the entire interest o r J o h n F 114,111411 in the concern, It Charles Khap.Jr. an d William .1 Totten, who will continue the business under the risme of linstp & Totten, and will settle all clairns ugaitod the ..nid firm, and [-reel% e all debts and d eman ds owing In the Vitt •L'eh. Aug. 18. 16.15-aug23 Hotel and Boarding Rouse. FRANKLIN HOUSE. s,,,,,eriher respectfully informs his frieird, ani the public, that he has opened a Hotel and Rom.ding House, Corner 01 Sixth siteet and Cherry alley, where travellers and others will be nccommoda• ted on the MOss reasonable terms. The house in spacious, and bar been fitted tip ut considerable ex pettier, and Piety arrangement i• made that will cc sure the comfort and render I.:flit:lactic:a to boarder, and lodgers. A share of public patronage is respect. fully solieited a r.:2-11. umsruNSCIIMERIZ _.~ - _ AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE I=l OGDEN & SNOWDErsi, SUCCESSORS TO AVERY, OGDEN C. CO., W HOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS ND Monufnedurer4 of White , Lend, Red Lend, 1. - R. and Lvtharge, corner of Wded and Serend nts, Pittsbureh,Pa. nov 13-Iv. Alderman'. Office, Fifth Ward. JA PARKINSON. Alderman Pints Ward, Penn street, between Walnut and O'Hara street 3. where he may be found at all times. Those having Houses or other property to sell nr rem, can have the •a r r i r ponctual:y anemia to; debts collectvd, and nil the duties of an Alderman atilt receive prompt al • terdion. Oct 27. d I y JAMES 110 WAR D & CO. LTAVE the pleasure to announce to their friends LI that they again occupy their otd 411nd at No. 83, Wood street, where they have opened an exten sive WALL PAPER WARE‘.IOI2SE, And will have cononatly an hand an e‘ten‘i ye assort must of Satimglazed and plain P PEI: 11.1 N(; I NI N, Velvet ❑nd Imitation 13 , ,rderi,uf the l a trc sty's• and mast hand same Tallinn, fur VII prriug hallo , Tar dare and chambers. The}• manufacture, and nine on ion,' at till time;, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fa lion rd;—all of whieh they ofli n Gn •ale on the ino.t acentrunotinting term,. arid to thou invite it,. attention of tnerclinni, and of her,. A I,Sn—rilar,k !look; of all kin 1. the School on hand and Gar vale a, above. B. PERRY, FASHIONABLE BoOT MAKER ( Fox merly of the Monongalwla e and Ilile of ‘Vuud street.) ITAVING removed bark again to Ole florid Di:- 11. !Het, one door from Ilie corner of Third and Wood streets. the undersigned is a , 4l:lin prepared to eccommtehtte his old friends and :he collie Gone - oily. will: BOOTS and SHOES", of the I,oa m•eterinl, and of the finest and most cusitt,ttalde B. PERRY. RerriPnaPerthe place! one dour above Kay'A Book :tore. Wood at, ort3-3m. John Cartwright, CUTIER mud Surgical lieitiumeni Manufacturer Nii 110 Wood tre'et, two iluor3 from Virgin al ley. Piit+burr. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive a,..irtment Surgical and Dented instryiments, Banker'‘. Tailor's Hatter's. Hair DroAAer's and Tanner's Patent Shear, Saddler's Mids. Trusses, Se. j , i A DANC,I;I7C+ ACADEMY; AfADIME LAQVI: resoectfelly informs 1.9- flieed s nor' the public ornen,h y. that .ahe has ortivpd from the Ens!. and a immediately enter upon the discharge of :lie drit it, o f her Dancing Sclotol.— The 18/05t and loshinn title Dances, in.tlnding the Minuet dc la Co.,', as tiorred at the Cu, of England end France; the BOIL EMI A N POLK \ n• danced ha Mut-loin; the Z A, 1..1. CACHI2CA: THE POLKA, COTI I. LIONS ; will he ;IpOn., Madame B.', Room , Ore rotA• be orin fer the receptions of !edit.t and gordlO, men Villo I'M desirous of betrz ;r.slrCcird abosits C. FOSTER & CO. loaves, nn ‘Vedriesdny ever.in7 the lief ] inst.. al 7 TO PRINTERS TRIAOUGHoRT THE UNITED STATES'. C!OCk, for the contletnt.n, ar.d F. 21st, at o'- ' rIII.IIiLES FOSTER, late Forema n tit- m for the la Tr.:. mini Tyre Foundry. and inventor anti builde r r.t. Th e d, iniyon for the E,ent:emen; me 0.4 CiiluwY li r e Pre... .511.41 Footer's Po, et Press, naa nst.4l by ! evert. NlCllfht..., NVt. ‘ i n r,e, ny arid seo trt hy rveni ngc -, , !be Cincinnoti At'as, the Ertottirer. Kettdal & Barnard rnr tire Lriii, every Friday finin 3to 5 O'CIOC1C : P: C 1,,, the Frsn'srot Cont , n , tna allb, the :i.diarin Stale m and Srttordrsy ft urn 10 to 12 O'Cl.rek A. rt. and truin Jou rna l, Cotter and Chombet:in.forinei State inters, 3to 5 O'clock. P 1 .' 1 ;0". &a, S. tnl the used to Prim LA FAYETTE ASSEMBLY /ZOO.OIS RIC 51::- . M• P' "i to on Fourth s: reel, two 1100 from the riny Sentra.... in P r i n te r .. i n the Ir e . oerr , sp, e , an d elae- Madame B. will rent the above named rooms for peh . • where, that after an es.p..rierre of 14 yenta, he I.aib lie and private cupper pantie., Conceits, Soireei connection with 110,11 R, Scott & ('a., in tin, city of rinc;ima.r. ih" to'""r''''"? - ': of Power i The above robots are Fnished and fitted Op in nit! Pre,,,, (bei n g the only one W. a: nl the Motintoin.,) I nov e l; elegant and approved le, with dreasitA Hand Pres•i••, tbe Witahingto n Smith. and rronklin rooms. and every convenience fir the accommodation Ptev•e• of all -ion... Also, Sti , ka tnf and ore now open for inspectien, .• 11,,„11„li., Tclre C,-es Gall. ~ Co r d, Job and Ern.. :11, o ttvr, li. will commence a seri., of Cuttllinr. Pa; . • bos•ing Presses. Prime , : and Ilookkirltlers . Mot.riols ties on Friday, The t'.2tth of Noveinher, to CUI/Lifthe , t 1 all kind+. We will furni-11 Printers' Ink, Cuts, tit nu h the wimrr. Fancy J..h Intel " I, ^ TYPe' for Ne"Pltr'ig• , The Indies will he tieketrd. Bn.rl• nn 1 drib Type., flaw ICm Ekcor's l's p•• Thou garctnu. of auliscrit New York: • ,,, d W• . `tern Tare, rrlm..fllcin.t'd will riiviir ti Mud.ime B. 1,, ra :lin: et her rnarnA., at Cincinnati. All orbors directed lOC. Foster &Cr,. The Rooms can he it...td en reasonable terms. ciaer 7111 and Smirit Cita-inn rti, or i n I 13 , f . for the above Fienuiry.ll AI a rkct I not' Public Notice THE Pro.ider.t, I)i,ctora and Comp -Inv, known . n.: the - Far rri,ra' nonnai{ Ban% of l'ittsborgli." , wilt, nt the next monling: of the loiziilaturr of t h e; ; Commotlvienitli of Pennalviini:i, make application for the In ivilege of i , oliio: nwen p,,y.,1i1t• or, de.. ' mnrui. Tiu,:sipsox BELL ct,i,ier. ' Ei,,,!.,. ; ,.L.Tu1, '4,1/145 k3O-cii.lanl3. . . tyCli n`coive r , rompt arenlitin. JOH NSTON & STOCKTON. 83. MARKET ST. 83; WASHINGTON HALL. B. E. CONSTABLE 4 licr I 4rf ,!reef, Sfrubenrill!, Ohio. ! Ti- AS thh , tin.: recei7cd Fr,mi tile Eavern , rnarket.. 1011 N IRONS, ."1101'011 . :TOR. ! 1-1 a la,gelltidltion orrew an!! des:rabic gond,. for ! rlin wintry trade at c::r 0, i , :"!!.! 1.,, p t it e', to which r I InIS , ' ' . ." I ' I L, -Ln : ffi ha` hero taken ii2',. the 2 . B 1: C ,• 1. -, invi:e., Tile a: rent ton of mireflaiiers. - '''''''''''''''' a "'" m a ` i i '' ' g' '4". ; A Im of I. , ;;lCei' l':aid Cloaking, entirely nelq , , i,,(,,,, H. friend., and the I.r [lie ,generally 110 ' , it , c a -,, e D'i.:1,,,,r . c, all wool, beet Ftt . !.le+, and very is.. been :t•S! , erl and hoar lied in iii ..t) I, riot ,i.ri B‘sieti , cheAp. hi 80, bnit,e in tidal:lace, and, at len , tec t ual to 1(ii) to ;hr Wt•, I Another freth lot of T":ln.Crii, Thibvt. Cetlimere. — • and Firec . Broche Shawls. .. ". '“ l ' in " . 7„ 11 ," iii in locate,{ in The h'i n i'es n p,', ini i'i • Unshrinkable Fla„nel,.. Hem Siiicl.Cami.ric, 1 - I.llaii. .1.0. low°. •it ..iark et ,tre•-t, near l y nt.pns t t a toe Cou r t ; . mocmicc de Le , ,,,, , end (2,,, , , , ,,e,„„, r i,,,, 23 cu. Fdoit.., and rtiblic iiiiii.iirizit, and within a few ,tepa . , to - ...0 eeets; 13 ivad . ere nod miter late iit leg. of the M.trket. The .iituniiim i , " the moat eli , ixted m 1 A l arge 4 G,,, ' , new of IV hinn..y.Bioni . cets. • a"' pile 11 , 1,.. 'ii Town, ro nlm -, n'ii"g a view of the 1 Darc,di Table Lioen , ; • It i-h 4 4 Shirts te r tio. 121,,, f!, , v0t,.1 mile., uli.•ve tand below. ,' i A t - re.. 11 ‘opvir or colorr,i and [dock Kid Gi..vei. A " O '"' ;1 "' '''' l ""3 ' '' '' will ,","1:' time` b e ""' hi c k ,n lout' i.t hite lild and ctlk nit lilovest rear n,-,,,, t • c.,,nvoy ri........errzr5 aoa their oagglge to i thick dn. aril from tb• stenrilholt lindiec,... . 1 Fmnitnle Print+, from IS }no 131 ma per yard. Every accommodation which 1110 I..ihiir. have B Lin , ss; „ bee " ; Bed Edilin,d... „ah, Plaids and right to expert mnr nary he had ill the !mall, •on terms . "roe ii:aotic , il style.; of Bre.< Sirka, deel2 it. renimttable di offered by any other cowl in,,c in . - Sietti,eririllr. An the lut prietor w ill .parr nn paimi or expen.e to render grocer! +Ai inrl2olloll. till., with lii` long experietwe in !he Liiiinesit, will make in the imerert of those aim rome thi. Way, to "giro hint a call." deca tr. JNO. IRONS BOON AND JOSS PRINTING OFFICE, S. W. 6.ritri ER Of WOOD t FIFTH STS. The propririnrn of the MORN !NG l' , "* T and k It T M A N i• exc run Ell reßrertiolliyinforrn their friends and the pat ronn t intAt• paper.. that they have a large and vvt•ll chornn a , sortment of AIPAC. 7111.7 . 31E 2 ' ME' 5 - aaN) Necessar3t o a Jab Printing U:fiee, and that the:. are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. oo,:g. Bilk of Lading. Cin enlarg Parophletg, Rill Heads, Canis, Blank Checks. Hat Tip XII faiths of 131 auks, Stoge, Steamboat and Caneit That ap prnpriate enfs, Printed nn the 4hortest notice and most reasonAM rms. We t iesrte th c rat ronn °four friend g and .e rubric iC izoneral in this branch of mu- business. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. h t k 251 51.5. FOR SALE. AFIRST rote farm of Land, situate on the count• toad from Derry to Youngstown, within 3 milt, ol Youngstown, in Deily Township. 15'e,tmorrinnd county. Pennsvlvania. S'aid farm consists of two hun dred and eight acres. one Wandred and fluty of which are cleared, and under goed fence, principally post and rail. The land is limestone. and is well worried with abundant springs and Loyaloanna Creek, which tuns near it. There in a house, barn and an orchard on the farm. Ihe surrounding country is the richest and most beautiful region in Western Pennsylvania. Several flowring mills are in the immediate sicinitv, within three quarters of a mile of the farm. The Catholic Church near Youngstown is in sight, and it is expected, that in the course of the coming spring. the new Female Seminaty, or Mount St Vincents, will be in complete operation. This form would be an ex cellent location for a stole. Should purchasers it will admit of being divided into farms of about seventy acres each. Apply to rlec 10 BLAKELY & MI FCIILLL, PRICE, 11% () ( TS. WALL PAPER STORE, Srnig,fi,!,l 'tree!, one dear above Fourilr. street, PITTSBURGH, Pe. J. SUIDLE A r ANUFAC MAIER ~ i roper ilangi,,p and Bur. 111 drrs of every diwriptinn. Merchants (Old uthrra wishing to rorchnite are irr v:teri to calland r.ximine hie large and vlendid alsnrt merit of GLAZED c. UNGLAZED IVALL PAPEI?•C'r of all the various patterns now in use, end at such pri ces a•csnnor fail to please. f; I. A '7, GREEN PAPER, colored ,an one or both side; expressly for IVindow blinds. in; the doren or sinftbs piece. Fs — F'ff:l7.4 and Tanner Ser'aps taken in exchanz". orry2l-Gm. OTTO iIIINZ. S tiI:FkCTL.:Ft).7I or Is C , Smithfield S ' ire,l.2 doors Le ow Filith street. g)1 . Pa.. Al.\Y as ' 3 html n f“Il Plat.• Pi , ot leech. et " a vti.•,,!y of , 11,1,.; Phite. Molar 3 and 13;.-,l.pija tlnni-lef-ih, Sr-, I'll,l and n 4 ,1.•. to. , !11l in the . pr. 111 urdeis Guns a,aun,lh,.,:locomptenird the ev:h. °T . / 7 1 ' 1,1;11:1 3 . ,%1:, on TIVV 15-ly Canal Boat lionec. I.RDINe; nnl thr. any or LI the rn, retiAonehle sirane , r4 firs! it o ! h e i r mivnntnge to rkoron::, him. Pereonatrnv. es.: or welt : rill find lid+ hi iiime n convenient rare hundred yard, rf the Celial and can . ..l - Ilion! to the Foricerdintt Eve, inf , o - nnuion given to Iron Manurat.; 1 all of . . 711orre B,e,ved Al.• c.: ! ” nr all time; be hid I ilr bar. toivi 0 , Iv Portable Window Blinds T HE has it g rotuf,etent workmen, tu n huge stock of Vettointi Window Blind*, r iJI ,nll low. 11;4 . 'l'n , fnilie F,Atoner," the only one in the Ilr.itetl Stat , ,, is the hest tutA moat renvenient plan ever used for private or rWidie Call nittl I.xlimine snmples nt ‘l,:ottdsvell's nr 14. Singer's. Ohl •Biii.ds pot op with the Pcrtabli Fuslener ;0 a small cleirgn. naulc's Eau Divine, 4c Venus and P If SOAP. CotlrO. El) M . an I.....vtern Brit_ tnical Di.envtary ut vilionnv bit rendering the Skin soft and fair. N. well as imparting a di-lb-etc c..scate hUe To the complexion. As a Criottor rind cum , ervator of ilmit linnet di.tizignithed female, loveliness. 11. tionsparent fair ,kin, Juice Hanel', Soap, or Eau Di vine de Venus. may be 'air', to ritert an almost magi. e.ll power. C ,, mpu,e,l Gar ibe print of Oriental Bakamic Plant:, to the utter excliniion of all rni;.z.rul admixtore, it is dt.oilignit.lied mi• , iinintill3 fur its ex tromely Mind, ratifying and , intLinz notion on the thin, and b , netin.c nn the rmrennd min u t e secretory ve..1,0,4, expels oil impuritiev fn m the al:Vlore, rilinve every tendenry to inriarrnmition. and, by thin method alone, r fre,:liony dinsirm:es nil inilnnga, ton, pimple,. Irenclivn. nor burn ap.l other iin-ight iv cu , nnenue viii- Ictriabi lo,idincse. Ti. eon s:ant tire will rilange the moot biiLnts complexion into one of radiant. us s.; bile no the neck. hands : n ud arms it bocci , . a ni dolineny and fairnne, ouch its cuntinned v.ill liepp:'.y pr , tec:, uvi.'t every appear. NM, of youthful charm. to .i:e ud periods !I 15 1/150,,1iie retir-ivatit i7 and refreshing St . alb% during I rovo•linr, nt firhersh wind. and alter rile gree of heat felt in crowded aieerwhiirs. • To gentlemen arllirted v. irk, tonderersa of tFe skir in ahayin;, the tire of Nymph Soap vrili be found to el• lay ail citticul.ar irritatirin neraainned by commons pi or cream, or the climate,filch like that on thelJoi ted 5181r4 inhere the rariai ran of the weat'i!p:iets R eid," all chanes ofeglealatinoa, and u hen, eihtiTatiorati and damp, trizether with roue h lad, exiat throughtiut a Brent pro tion of the :ear, the l'.;ymph Soap or Em Urine de 7enos baa proved in, alitable pre-ervative of thu akin, and from its extraordinary eflicory, de. v•rvei a place itinc.ig the household trya•ures of every family. The ab o ‘ e valuable :ruler a riclo i. prepare-4 by .role ! llavcl 45 South - Third at. Philarlylphia,ond for ;rile by B. A. FA H NESTOCK Co. wholeaale& re • tail A - gent, for Pio,buigh and the West, eorner of 6th and Wood streela. Ec•opencd and at Work •jI AMES A HAMS, Baker, re:per I fully informs the public that be has rebuilt et the old stand. foot of Gloat street, from whence I,e sttnt drive(' by the Great Fire. and is prepared to sere his customer, in sure, for style. Urn matertala are or rite best that can be bought. and his aorkriten are clot hest that can he employed. He solicits castam, being confident that he can etre entire sati.tinciinn. N. 13.—IVedJing r ' , Tartly attend J. K. fIENDERS9N, went end Kind at. Bridge