VOL. I-NO. 127 PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, .SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY DIGLEI3, SAUGENT & BIGLER, N. W. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Triaiits.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Six dollars will invariably bo required if not paid within the year. S ingle copies Two CE: rs—for sale at the counter of the Office, and by NOV , / Boys. The Woekly Mercury and Manufacturer is pubtish , .d at the same office, on a double medium meet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin la copies, SIX CENTS. TERD/S OF ADVERTISING. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50\ One month, $5 00 Two do., 0 75 Two do., 600 Three do., 1 00 Threedo. 7 00 Dm weetr, 1 50\ Four do., 800 ' Two -dO., 3 00 Six. do., 10 00 riceo do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CRANGE•ELS AT PLEASURE. One Square. Two Squares. Six months, $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 Doe year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 Tar Larger advertisements in proportion. [CARDS of four lines Six DOLLARS a year. GEORGE WINSTON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 14, Main Street, RICH - NIOND, VIRGINIA. Reef at rit.t.abUrgil to Wm. Lippencott & Son, and John Grier noe 20 6 EDMOND SNOWDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE in the building on the North Eaat corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets. JAMES S. CHAFF. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, earner of Fourth and Wood streets, above Sibbett &Jonas. Euttance on Fourth. nov 14-dt o . . ... • • J O. SE,ANoR. & SEANOR. A. 7 ;TORNEYS AT LAW, riFFICEii: Fifth ol.feet.in Barr's new building, be tween Wouid and Smithfield iitreets. 00'29 ly. WM. U' ARA Rull VINSON, (LATE O. S. •TTORNEY,) HAS removed his Office to No 8 St. Clair street. .sept 4 EDWIN C. WU.SON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Franklin. Veaanrs County, Penna.. WILL ?mend protnroly to all Oto , ineAs ontruced to hie caw—collectioes inside in Warten, Clarion and Jefferson counties. J. A. Stoouran, &Co, Mußrily. WiLsos, JOHN BIOLF.P, HON.JAMr.s KI,NW.III, Franklin Hon. ALFA Nl'Cst.mwr , Hob. JANIES WILSON, Steutpenville,ol.:io. hly 23-Iy. .ORLANDO LOOMI ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Furth street, above Smithfield my 1-Iy. iti&GRAW & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their office to the New Court House, in theroom over the Sheriff %Office. lip 17-ti. taw Notice. ANDREW BURS E. 9FICE removed to Smithfield street, between 4th street and Diamond Alley, nriposite Mr Geo O Wevinan's TobaceoNtanofne orv. sp 16 Removal. IVI A FION & WASHFNGTON, Attorneys it LAP 1.11 office on tho north Aide of Wylie et, 33 door East of the Court House. or 17 Notice. JAMKS CALLAN ha.removed to the chmthers occupied by Aldermen McMaeters on Fifth .t. between Wood Rod Smithfleld. 11p 18 —__—____— REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & M. TlErßrido, •TTORST.TS AT L•W, ExAVE removed their office to Grunt street. a short distance from Seventh street. towards the Court House. I.7"Conve.ancingend ether instrumentsof writing e:rtily and promptlyexecuted. ati2l WC.k.NDLESS 4 YUCLIIRF„ Attorneys awl Counsellors at Law, Dike in the Dle.-nond, back of the old Court House see, In I'ittshurgh. Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pjusburgh Pa. Office in Bak ew,4l'sbuilding, Grantst. EVPWitttax E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his alien tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend hi to the patronage of my friends. FORWARD. Sep 10-7 FORWARD. Sep .Shafer & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uni ted States bank, 4th street, between Market and Wood streets. ml.l CHLRLL/ SHALRR. EDWARD ststrsor. Geo. S. Belden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield t".7*Conveyancing and ether instruments d wri ting legally and promptly executed, mar2l-tf ENZE:=3:I HAMILTON & STERLING, Attorneys at Law, riFFICE, North aide of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. dec 4-ly John W. Darrell ATTORNEY A T LACY, tj AS Removed in consequence of the late fire from I-1 Third street to Bakewell's Buildings, opposite to the Court Idolise. an 16 Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, office. near the Court House, in Mellon's buildings my 7 H. Morrow, Aldermui, )ffice north side of Fifth street, between Wcod and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10—sf Dr. George Watt, Office. No. 77, Smithfield street, near Sixth, 'tug 21. PITTiFIUROU 8. D. SELLERS, M. D., R 'NED to Penn sirrei, 10 , 0.er-in Irwin and Hai iitmqs. fiv. s below Ilurid street. BUGB ARTERS, SURGEON DENTIST 118 Liberty street. A few doors below Si. Clair It., Pittsburgh •p 28-Iy. Wm. A, Ward, Dentist, Has removed to the place of his former residence, is Penn street, two doors below Irwin. ap 18 Doctor Dodo' Mateo', Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfiehl streets, Pittsburgh. dec 10-y ' ~~ MI ~~ _, , ~s;; g. • ' • . 1 , V ii !, , Noifgt4 11 401 ,4 114114:410 1 %:, 4;4'e 4,4 it , r* 4 *l n mr- r • •• 1. • Zl)t but I)Morning "RICE Rrtf It TO R. D. !IT/AMINO REMOVAL. THOMAS ARNOLD, AMERICAN LOCK MANUFACTURER, has removed his store from St. Clair street, to Dia• mond Alley, between Wood street and the Diamond. nov2 ALONZO W. INO, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS. I'ffANUFACTURER and dealer in all kinds of 111_ Tobacco, Snuff and Segnrs. 0e14.y J. G. MIINTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Market street, near Liberty july 1-ly PITTSBURGH, PA JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale san d Groce Commission Mer chts, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, I'l9-1 y Pittsburgh JOHN JAMES ten/VITT. J. & J. DTDEITITT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, Igo. 224, Liberty, oppotite 715 Street. Pitts burgh. r.. ap 284 y Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth street. sep 10—y JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44, Market street. sep 10 J. L. 581111 1 S CASh RAG WAREHOUSE, Corner of Penaand Irwin streets, Pittsburgh. The highest price paid in cash for Country Rays, Baling Rope and Cotton Waste. Also, dealer in Chloride of Lime, Paper, Twine, 6r.c., at cash prices. julv J. Vogdoo & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office.Lvield Street, corner of Diamond Alley. PLANS and Specifications finished in the best style and at the shortest notioe. RS, ERFNCEs: Logan & Kennedy, FT Childs & Co.. J Wondwell, A Kramer, V 13 Sc•ifa and Col tart & Dilworth. 4. 180—d ly. Da. GEO. FELIX, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Corner of Smithfield street and Virgin Alley July 26. 1845 -if MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET. Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. pale 6. REYNOLDS & WILMARTH Forwarding awl Commission Merchant■, ♦NC lIKALCKII LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, ♦VD PITI t SBURGIi MANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE Csnon of Penn and Irwin strnots. L. O. REYNOLDS, t rirtsnunno L. W ILM4RTFI. a 5-1% NEW BOOR STORE. noswoßTH & FoßaEsTr.a. re. 13, Market strett.mext door to Tiird street, A"just orening a new and extensive assurtment of Books ishd Stationery, which they sell, vi'holesele arta retail et the lovve.t p r ice.. ,T 45 REMOVAL. COOLEY & LAIRD, Merchant Tailors. HAVE Removed to No. 2, Water street, near the corner of Wood and near the flint from whence they were driven by the fire, where they will be happy to ~ e ia their old customer.. 19. James PatteTsoa, Jr, Corner of lit and Ferry strer,s Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturrr of locks, hinges and belts; t,,bacro, ful• ler, mill and timber screws: housen screw, for rolling mills. &e. $O, If-) FLINT GLASS ESTABLISIIMI:NT. P. MCLVASY, JAltlis P. LEDLIV DIIILVANY & LEDLIE, MANCTACTURL Ann VEEP COASTAKTLT OS lIASD Cut, Moulded and Plain FLINT GLASSWARE, IN AT,L ITS VARILTIE3, AT TII[IR AVARLMat;,/ Corner of Market and Water street, PITTSBURGH. ocr Our Works continue in Intl operation, and vi• ore constantly ndiling in oitr stock, shich enables us tit; fill orders with peimptness. l'urchaaers are 1" ,, p soiciird rail and examine prices and Removal. DR. WM. M. IV RIGHT, DENTIST. h is riimov , tel to St. Clair stret, neat door to Lilo Earhaogo Hotel Buildings. seri 1 John M'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, betxt.3en Sixth street and Virgin alley, S zit!, side. sap ltt Charles U. Say WHOLESALE and Retail Bnokseller, Paper Dealer, Stationer and Bookbinder, corner of Wond and Third streets. nero I fl Pilkington'strnrivalled Blacking, mA l: Cy tE d rec all oldwsolaod SIXTH oct2l—ly CHARLES A. McANIJLTY Forwarding and Commission Merchant, PITTSBURGH, P•., A gent for U. S Portable Boat Line. forthe trammorut ti on of Merchandize to and from Pittsborrgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Boston. ,131-1 y Pittsburgh Infirmary, FOR the reception and treatment of deformites of the human frame, such as Club or Reeled feet, contracted joints, wry-neck anti Strabismus or Squintiag,and of Diseases of [be Eye, such as Ca. taraet,ete, ender the care of ALBERT O WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dec 31—dtf Removal by Tiro r EiHE subscriber informs his frionds and the pub IL lie, that he has orwileii a new CABINET WARE ROOM. at the corner of Liberty and St Clair streets. over Brown and Reiter'a Drug Store, where he is prepared to at•end to all ordcrs in his line. Entrance un St Clair street. ap 15 M. KANE, JR. John Cartwright, CUTLER and Surgical Instrument. Manufacturer Nn 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley , Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment .1 Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, 61c. je 24. To Printers WE have received , and will hereafter keep cor - stantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell cheaper than It lies heretofore been sold in thiseity. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash (us ALL CA SLAa will be promptly attended to. BI LER, SARGENT & BIGLER, Jy26—tf Office of the Post and Manufacturer. - - Of obstinate Pulmonary Complaints cured in ONE YEAR. WISTAR'S BALSAM CF WILD CHER RY, the great American Remedy for com plaints end affections of the Respiratory Orgritis. We do not wish to traffic with the lives or health of the afflicted, and we sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions as to the virtues of this medicine, and to hold out no hopes to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. We ask the attention of the candid to the following considerations. Nature in every part of lee 1.111.4, has left indelli ble mat Its of adaptation and desiga. The constitution of the animals and vegetatues of the ton id, Is such that they could not endure the cold of the frigid tone, and vice versa. In regard to disease , and its cure, the adaptation is more or less striking. The Moss of Iceland, the Wild Cheer? , and Pines of all Northern latitudes, (and Dr. Wistar s Balsam is a compound and chemical extract from these,) have long been celebrated for complaints prevalent only in cold climates. Indeed the most distinguished medi , cal men have averred that nature furnishes in avert' country medicines for its peculiar diseases, Consumption in its confirmed ana incipient stages, Coughs, Asthma, Croup, end Liver complaint, form by far the most fatal class of diseases known to our land. Yet even these may be cured, by means of the simple yet powerful remedies, named 'Move, and which are scattered, by a betteficient Providence, wherever those maladies prevail. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY ! Will miracles never erase? More evidence of its surpassing health Reaoralice Virtues •' -4c 9 From Dr. Baker. Springfield. Washington co., Ky. Senuteristn; Ky., May 14, 1845. Messrs Sanford & Park—Gems—l ta k e this opporni tnnity of informing you of a most remarkable cure perf irmed upon mc by the use of Ur. sVistar's Balsami of Wild Cherry. In the yearof 1840 1 war taken with an infilimma• 'ion of the bowels which I labored tinder fnro Incweeks when I gradually recovered. In the full 011831 1 was attacked with a severe chill, which seated itself upon my lungs; and for the arum of trite.. )ears I was con• fined to my bent: I tried all kinds of medicines, and every hind of medicol aid without benefit. cod thus I weoried along until the winter of 1844. until I heard "M'isuse's Balsnm of Wild Cherry." My friends pursuaded me in give it a trial, though I hod given up nil hopes ofreeov, y end hod prepared m)anntf for the change of nnoll.er wood I Through their solienntioos I ion. induced to make use of the Genuine Wi,tar's Balsam of %VIM Cherry. lite air ct was truly avonislting. After fine tear, of pain and suffering; and oiler having .rent ii or or bun:ire:l dollars to no purpose and the best and mist respeemble physicians hart proved unnvid inc, I was won testond to entire health by the blessing of GL.d and the use of Dr. IVist•r's Balsam of 'u rid Cherry. I am now ojoying good harsh an.l rich in my SI weed appean•nee that I am no I ng.r known when I meet my former acquaintat.e.es. I love gained rap...fly in weight. aid my flesh is firm nod solid. lon now eat as mast as idly person. and my Good seems to agree ei.h me. 1 Lase ewe:, mote doting the last sit months than 1 bud eaten five ,eur• le fore. • Con•bleting my ease almo•t a miracle, I deem it neretoony fit the peel of the afflicted. mot • duty I' owe to tie prop' ietors end my fellow mei) (a ho rholllll know where rettef may be bad) to make thin state ment p .blic. Nifty the blessing of rioi rest noon the proprietor* vain Able a medicine an ‘Vio ar l a B u l aa m o f Wild Cherry. Yuma, respeetfuliv. XV Nl. II 13ANr.n. EV'The following letter from Dr Ritchey. of Franklin. led hit st , M , IS hitth in bi• prole•.inn, and rank* among the fir•t polotrian• of the state. •hilt speak fir iffielf in c ommendation of the -Genutne %Vision's Balsam of Wild Cher , y..' Franklin. Ind., Sipril 14,18 15. Mes•rt Sandford & Park—l have but a flew bot• ilea of Wi•tar's beknm t)( wi d cherry rent•iffing on hand of the last furnished me by you I hereto fore waited until I had said out and had obtained the money for One let before I ce-iereii another. fiat each i• the demand for the art fele ill It I do not ts isti to be withoot it, and am .hrrelree MI 1i un - ieoette it little. The money for the 1... t shill hr for li-fonine by I h•• tune the lot is ril4roted if, w Lieh from the sah•s hove mode lately, 1 think will he but n short t im e. The efFents of the balsam are in filmy -ar a 1. L 111.1,10,4 beneficial. Gr It intionves "non iirrtmittetit cc more thin any other Parent Nieri vim - hlve es er Imosvn A lmn•t all whet...fill urnn tri,tl and not being ahl.• to hear the teat of expelince, soon •ink into di•n.e. This. however, seem• to b , • most highly by those who hove tested ha VirlUna, aol experienced its healing efficacy in their own efts,. Tool* yen, re spectfully. JAMES RITCHEY. 11: 4 i • ", PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1845 A CURE FOR CONSUMPTION SEVEN THOUSAND CASES COUNTERFEITS. EVP" Those ohs I...int.sterf , it n g std nieutcine for the i dir pose of adding a few drillers ur their pockets, are far v. - fit-se then the manufacturers of spurious coin. For while the law only rob, us of our property, the former take property ■nd health and life nwery.— Dr. WlsT•lt's Balsam of SS•ild Cherry is admitted by thousands ,frii.interested niitlea.s.ell, to have effect ed the most extraordinary cures in cases of a puimri. nary and asthmatic character over before recorded in the history of medicine. The young. and beautiful, the gond, ■ll speak forth its praise. It is now the favorite medicine in tile most intelligent families of our country. Such a high stand in public estimation has dean a chieved by its own merits alone. And so long as a discerning public are careful to get Wister's Da sow of Wild Cherry, and refuse with scorn counter• feits, and every t aller article proferred to them as n sutratilute, oolong will cares—positive cares—cheer the fireside of a depairing family. lE'The true and genuine "Wistet's Balsam of Wild Cherry" is sold at established agencies in all parts of the United States. Sold in Cincinnati. on the corner of Fourth and Walnut street, by SA NDFORD & PARK. Gen . ' Agents for the Western States. Also, gold wholesale and retail, by L. Wilroa and B A Fahnestock, Pittsburgh, Pu. and by appointed agents in every important Borough i t Western Penn iN I vnnin net 14•ly- Select School for Boys and Girls. HW I LLI AMS has open his Select School Int a Males and. Femnles. in the room over Mr Dtt•t's Grocery. rod former ly occuried by Mr Samuel tilintd.in Federal street. Allegheny. en Monday. the 18th inst. T 11RMS:—Prirnar) Class. $G per scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. unior Class, " 8 Senior Class, 10 ee►caceetrs. Rev. D. Elliott, D D.. Rev. D. H. Riddle. D. D. Re, A. D. Campbell, D. D.. Hon. Charles Shaler Joseph 1' G intim, M. D., Charles H. Israeli, Esq. pert Pittsburgh Tack Factory. Fri HE undersigned, having built machinery of the 1. most approved kind, will manufacture of the beat quality of Ironand in the neatest style, TACKS, BRADS, FINISIFUNGNATLS, I SHOE NAILS, etc. etc. which they offerfor sale low. The attention of Western Merchants Ind others is invited to their astabliehment. WOODWARD, HERSEY & Fifth street, opposite the Exchange Bank. july OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, Mania Safes and Vaults THE undersigned itreite attention to the follow ing certificate: - - - CERTIFICATE The undersigned having been requested by Messrs. Constable'St Strickler, to be present and superintend a test, by fir. of one of their recently invented Phoe nix Fire Proo f: safes, and deeming the subject one of ' very great public importance, hare carefully act utinized theproper; of a test, to which one of said chests was subjected. The chest was supported at each corner, at an elevation of 10 to 10 inches from the ground a fire of Bituminous coal and fire was made over and around and kept actively burning 54 consecutive hours. The fuel consumed was about 80 bushels of coal, and one cord of wood; the heat all the while he leg quite intense, and in the opinion of the undersign. ed much greater thane safe is likely to sustain in any ordinary house ourntrer. On the removal of die tire. at their request the chest was opened, and greatly to the astonishment of the undersigned and the large number of citzens present. a Blank Book with Sundry Bank notes within its fold.; a piece of Dry pine Wood and the inner lining of the safe, which is of Wood, were found warm tn deed, but not in the Slightest degree charred or inju red, some manuscript ott the Book as legible as be• fore the test. The undersigned are unanimous in the conviction that a fi,e proof chest is pi acticablet and that the ingenious sad enterpriAiog manufacturers, whose efforts fur sornesusmths past in producing this desideratum have prOvedt so entirely successful, de. serve the public confide end patronage. JO ANDERSON, L. I LIVINGSTON, confide end H KING. NV ICK MARTIN. ED \ ..ARD HEAZELTON, IiMIEMM L. the ammeter of the above narnool gentlemen. the public have a guarantee against deception, in the test which was mode of our Vhcenix Salw, end we there fore feel the utmost confidence in recommending them as a reliable protection against fire, under any mdina• ry circumstance. We would assure those interested, that there is no wood about these Safes, but what is necessarily connected with the shelves end drawers. We mal.o Vault Doors In the same manner and up. nn the some plan. One of these can be seen at Reese C. Townsend & Co's new building. Fur tho w,,rlomanship of our Vaults. they can be seen et the following plncni: Lyon, Shorb & Co., Church & Carml,ers, Wm Lorimer, King & Holmes, J 1) ),vi.. and \V. M ontin. 1-I . 7"Nlailufsctory .in s Bll stre , t, between NVrood and sem hfivl I. COSS TABLE & STRICKLER. Pittslaorrh, October 15.1845 5m _ 'AMR S COCHRAN, Corner o f Liberty n d Factory street:, Fifth Ward, Pabibker gh, Ii,ANUFACTURER ui Maq .eaia Fire Proof Clr•rts. Iron D,rora. Gnat's and lindinrc Iron 1 , 0 ,,ra far 'dark Vaulto, Canal and Rail Road-Iron• !ugerther with every descripticn rriSmirli work. LirrEß TO—M Allen, Jame+ lay,lVilliarn Holmes. Strict Church, Lessio Hutchinson, Lorenz, StrarlOrg & Joh» Tie tr. &SONAIPor trod & Jones, A 13 i:ELF.N. Conrinin:ion 'Marnbont, corner , rlEr,r.t. n»d Ferry atrects. and Mr. G BEALE. Jr . No 74 . ,„ d .treet. cr A E r. n ra I.e pit.b , ..o:; and :singer, BRYAN and MILT E:sIBERGYR, St Lord., 11 . t ei;Lor nr whom orders may be addrearrod. rittrdrurell, March 8. 1815. d I y IENTAI4 SC tWER Teeth suht:ted on improved Prtuciples at reduced Clew. ARTIFICIAL Nlinerivi Teeth from one to an entire pet. i2,4orted to answer the littrooirs of Mast tea tl”n and ar. iculdt:on,ectitql tonal n a! tertL; and inn•er lc rert , n , ,,ing them. that the chtse.tt ohirliser canner feted then, fr,,nl sout.d. Tender asd dece!,eitl Teeth filled with Tooth ratio, p a i n mule s ot 1 and u-erol for mastiza• ti..n, th.isilting the 11C1 . 1,51,11y of corseting Perth inserted by atminspheric Treasure without ,prince C'll/r,. I reguini ies rhi!dren's trP. if &trended to in provenled, and adtAit• von ly remedied. Ti e subs, iner has one whole sot and a pert of n net of his qrlt.chil teeth finished, which 1:e those -toed to ne..d .(such yr, cnl d examine. CHARGES. Fur Teeth on Geld (turn $2 to $3 pitch " Silver Flute or Pivot 1 to 2 " F•ir P:ugging 5l) cis to 1 " Fm r OreraTi , .lls;:.iven nrer by other Denri.ti. solicited d n , ,rl.erge made ‘sediet,l. ez.tire satiaaction is (iv rn. Adstrr erntid. L. J CIIANIBERLAIN. Smf,tttoft Dent tttt. St Ciatir at •rpt 19 d 3 tn Dissolution THE pnrtnersbip hetetofhre existing between lime.. K. Logan and Chorea Connell, under the firm of J K I,lsgan SZ CO is alit clay dissolved by rnittusi ennsent. All pr rsnn• chirps against the him. will Wense present them for se. dement, std indebted will please make nnyment tod K Logan, iswhn duty auth,racrl to settle the business of the cdrici•rn. J K LOGAN. Fiztiburgb, August 1, 1845 Dry Goods at Cost T AS. K. ',rm. corner of Wood and Fifth stteets, •IP over J D Davis' Auction Rooms, being desirous or changing Iris present business, offers for sale his stork of Dry Goods now on hand, at coo, comnrising a large aa.mr,ment of cloths, cessirnares, statinetts. ,ektings, prints, muslins, Ste., and would respectfully noire the attention of those wishing to purchase as he is determined to close up his present business. August 2. 1845.—aug 4. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Asks for Carriages At Eastern Prices. frIHE sub.ertbrrmlnufacturrA and keeps constant / ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war. ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles. Silver and BM/II plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver anti Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &.c., &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patron age heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEMAN, jan 4 St Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of SI. Clair and Penn streets, Pittabiergh, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. T"Eproprietor begs leave to oeturn mostgrate ful thanks to his friends and the public Tot past favor-, and hopes, by attentioe, to merit • continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; it has accommodations for travel ers, and it large room for public meeting*, dinner or supper parties. _ REFRESHMENTS Always reedy, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the market will afford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve ry day during thesenson. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A varie• ty of newspapers are regularly filed in 1110 establish. moot. P. S. A Hot Lunch served ur •very day at 11, A. M lip 18. European Agenep. REMITTANCES of money on moderate terms, can be made during my absence in Europe, to every pert of Ireland, Englazd, Scotland, Wales or the continent of Europe. Legacies, debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills, titles and documents efected,and other European business trans acted by applying to James May, Water street, Pius burgh. H KEENAN, uctl2 Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, P PROPOSALS to carry the mails of the United States, from the lit of March. 1846, to the 28th of February, 1850, with right to the department to extend .to the 30th of June, 1850, from Now Orleans, in Louisiana, to Gavelston, in Texas, 450 miles and back, will be received at the Crintmet,Office of the Poet Office Department. until the 25th day of Janua ry, 1846, to be decided by the 31st day of said Janu ary. Leave New Orleans every Saturday at 10 a. rn,, ar rive at.Gavelston every Monday by 10 s. m. Leave Gavelston every Tuesday at 10 a. m., arrive at New Orleans every Thursday by 10 a. m. The proposals should specify the mode of convey ance, whether by steam-ship or sailing packet, and ego forth the size, rate, and description of the vessel, with sufficient particularity to enable the decision to be made, on the advice of the proper officers of the naval service, whether the same is or is not converti ble into a ship-of-war. And special notice is hereby given, that, agreeably to the provisions of an act of Congress, approved Match 3d, 1845, those proposals (being acceptable in other respects) will be preferred which shall engage to carry the mull in a steam slip or ships, and shall stipulate to deliver said chip or ships to the United States, or to their proper officer. on demand made. for the purpose of being converted into a vessel or vessels of war; the United States be• ing bound on their part to pay the fair full value there• of at the time of delivery, to be ascertained by four appraisers—appointed, two by the President of the United States, and two. by the owner or owners, with an umpire in case of disagreement, to be appointed by the President of the United States. The bidder may propose a different schedule of days and how'e than the one above specified. lie may ask fir an anneal sum of cemperisatiiiii; or in lieu thereof, a certain proportion of the postage, accruing on the mail-matter convoyed over the roue, and he mty offer to carry the mail more frequently than once a week. Amides of contract aro to be executed by the ac cepted bidder and by his sureties, by or before the Ist day of March next The contract is to provide among other thinrs, that the pay of the trip is to be forfeited when the trip is not performed, end a due proportion when a grade of service is rendered inferior to that specified in the contract; and that fines maybe impos ed, unless the delinvency be satisfactorily explained in due time, for t'ailing to torte from or to deliver into. the post office al the port of landing, the mail belong ing thereto, or any part of said mail; for suffering the mail, or any part of it. tribe wet. injured, lost, or de strayed; for conveying it in a place or manner that el. poses it to depredation. lo•s or irjery, for refusing, af• ter demand made, to convey a mail by any addi tional steamship or vessel tun by the contractor on tie'' route, over and above the specified number of trips in the contract. nod fur not arrising at the time Set; also for tr inamitting intelligence. or furnishing the means I of transtrAtting intelligence In advance of the mail.— The p,,,,mnst,l Gnneral may annul the contract for re pented failures; for violating the post Lace laws; for ilkobe!,ing the inAtructitins of the department; for re fusing to discharge a cartirr w hem requited by the de pert own, for slag tiog the connect without the con- I •n. of the Postmaster General; or fur setting up or tunning an express na aforesaid. The rust master Genet al may Fiber the re:avant, sad slier the schedule, tar allowing a pro rata in• crease of c oinneloatine, witnio the [es:lit-lions imp ,- ..•d by lax. for the additional service iequired. or fur. the iiirreaiied speed, if lira en t•li. meld of additional i i, ck nr envies is rendered iteresiony; but the con tmetr• may, in r.:.-1. :1... timely notice. if he prefers it to the c'oillge. Tie Post in a sler Gel:arai may also diecinitti,Le ur tunoii. the .c,h - a, Ile ■l;owt hg extra pay On the • motif di.; wi.h; the emittant i'reir!, at any Time lie tertriamod by J oint reselutiun of the two rs of Congress." The mute, 1110 xn i yearly per. the bid.?er's nane and residence, and the name of each merlins, of the firm a here a company offer*, shoald be distinctly stated in the rrnpoeals. 1 he following is the form of the guarantee, which should be filled the first blank with the name of the guarantor, the sec ind with that of the bidder, and the third and fourth with the beginning and terminating die r. id , : and. after brit g dared, should he sicced by the eoarantor, who milet be shown, by the itien Cat iir/C.,t1 1 of a postinester, or othm rtplidly sstisfactnrit tesilmot hi!, in lie n man t.f ptoherty, and able tc ina,:e good his gthiratitee. This guarantee, so certified. should at-company rash bid: •• The undrr.iG nr,l --, g uarantees that --, if his hid for cm ',Mg the mail from to be ac cepted by the Pe-imager General, shall enter into an tildigalion prior to the let day of Nlarch next, with grind and sufficient securities, to perform the Per. ie.. propoidid. "Dated The hint should be sent under seal to the Fled As ,iisrant roaltnilftar General, mid the words "Mail pre p,isals—Galveston mail," xi:riven on the Ince of the letter, nod should be despatched in time to be received he or lief ire the 35th doy of January next, which will be the last day fur receis jog lindar this atherti,ement• C. JOHNSON, Portmaster General. Post OtYICC DfrAirrnvir. ea 20 Wa•kliingion, October 11, 1345 ten 121. P. S. 11 the bidder shall not con.ider him , elf able or preenreri to commence service as early 55 the I,t of March next, he will .perify in hi* propre.tils, the day on which he will put the service in operatC J. ion. • NEW GOODS AT NO. ti G MARKET STREET. rraie undetsisned ha. ,jolt received hie Fall and inter stock of Good., consisting in port of GF.O. CONNELL 0nf..11 •ND SILVLR crviot w•Tctits Silver Spoons awl Butter ILnives, GOLD PENCILS, And a general assortment Or lewelry, Cord, Cases, Steel Breda, Velvet and Silk Bags, Silk Pulses, and Purse Trimmings, fine Carpet Bags, with a large as srirt ment of fancy articles suitable for presents. The undersigned is prepared In gnOfitlit WhOl[• sale, to make it the interest of those that are buying by dm quantity to call and egnmine hip sinek novb-d2m ZEBULON KiNSEY. 4 NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. ilik b OISAS• U. PAULSON, (LATK or THE 711 IX TAOLION GILL,) HAVlNGopened Hs new store et No. 73, Wood Street, Next dnor to the corner of Fourth, is now manufactur ing and receiving from the Eastern Cities a very large assortment of HATS and CAPS, of every descrip tion, wrrranted to be made in the best manner, and of the best materials. Otter,Seal, fine end common Muskrat, Settlette, lair-Seal, Plush and Glared Caps Also. a fine assortment of Ladies' Furs, such as Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Coney MUFFS AND TIP- PETS AND FUR TRIMMINGS. all of which he offers for sale at EASTERN rIIICES FOR CASH, both wholesale and retail. Country Merchants will please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsee-here. CHAS. H. rauLsoN. 1 N. B. The Fall Fashion tor Hats and Caps receiv bep27 Corner of O'Hara and Etna streets, lifth, Ward DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Freeman, Keep & Totten. is t h is day dissolved, by the sale of the entire interest of John Freeman in the concern, to ChaeleaKnap.Jr. and William .1 Totten, who will continue the business under the name of Knap & Totten, and will settle all claims against the uid firm, and receive all debts and demands owing to the same. Pittsb'eb. Aug. 18, 1845-eug2B Sohnson's Superior Fall and Winter Al the Office of the Pitts Strut B I G Post. BIGLER, SARGENT &GLER. nepl7-LlSovtf ~- < <. Mails to Galveston Fort Pitt Works, A FRESH SUPPLY PRINTING , INE, RECEIVED THIS DAY. Printers! Look Here! MACHINERY CUT WOOD TYPES THE undersigned are prepared to furnish to order, any style, &item pattern of lVood Types, equal, in every respect, to any manufactured in the United States, at very prices! Our Types are accurately cut. and cleanly and neat ly finished, and warranted not to become injured by any usage to Which types are ordinety subjected. The woods we use are mahogany, boxwood. Au., end-grain, and so prepared at to defy the action of water or the atmosphere.. Having just completed new and improved machine ry, we are prepared to fill orders at the shortest no tice; and being practical printers, and one of us having nine years' experience as a job printer alone, we flut ter ourselves as to our ability to give sati...fac; ion in every ease. - - - - 81'Papers that publish the advertisnment or Palmer & Co., can have their orders filled by us. And pa pets pnblifilring this advertisement to the amount of $5, will receive their pay in type when three times the amount of their bill is taken out. Editors will plea.e send papers containing the advertisement, that we may know where to send specimen sheets. oct .MART IN & JONES, S. W. cur. of Sycamore. and Third fits.. Cir. Fall Cgatings JUST received, a fresh supply of s¢n sours cr.oxit—fanry colors and hauti(ol no r e ,, e . Th e colors are Citren, Green. 01ive nod Claret Brown, Mulberry, Gold mixed arld Black. These good- are new even in the Eastern citic.st, }wring just been im nor led for the Tailors. IVe pledged outaervoa to get up a auperior coat rhis fall-- - betrer than ever." The prarrical partner of ourfirm has been to Neu Irr t k, purchase goods, and to coC”re the latest improvements in his department, all of which be introduced on our work, with a disci iminatirg, regard irr tore ele gance aid correct to-re. We arc prepared to furtil all promises made through this medium or wierns and as we 111 v claims to be THE FASHIONABLE II EAC QUAIITERS of this city, we will pledge our selves furthermore, to compete w ith any Eastern house that sends work to Pittsburgh, made to ord. r. In proof of our ability to do so, tee ITlVllliun with pride, that the names of many gentleman who formerly re ceived their garments frarcn the Fair, are now to be found on our register of costrin-ers, who are now con vinced 'hut tiro, : car, be •rriordra we!: and at more reasoonhie A LGEO NE(011 II I. S.: Cu. r•orti DOOR AND SOD PRINTING OFFICE, fi. w. c,,r,!•1:11 or WO"P 3r. rIrTH 41Tt The proprint , rs t.t . the Molt! , N ro+l Rha mETc• oval' AND MANur•crurtla respectful) inform theit friend, and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well choßen a.Rortrnert of aranswie '3lEmliZilE"" Tif 9 alab 3 - ztaa Neces,urt 0 a J,,t, Pruitieg Otter, and that the) are priared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Pill, ~f Lading.'2i eidirs Pitmt hlet., Bill 'load', Cards, Mani; t_ heel( s, Hat figs Xll of iitauks, Stage,Steamboat and rahal 17 0 , 1 4 Bill s , w ith af prepriate cats, Printedon the sharteit notice and most reasonable terms. We re.petfully ,tsli the patronage ofourfriends and the public is general in this branch of our businei, BIGLER, SARGENT S. BIGLER. July '25.1. 845. EXTENSION OF rirrsßuße H. Flare Chance for good Investments! Milt , : subscriber has laid Out, and now cffers for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms, One hundred sad ten brilding Lets, nn that i handsome level ground bet wren Braddock street and I the Monongahela river. boy are about ore-third of a mile from the city line, and are .ituate 1 in that raft of the first city dtitrict which will probably seen he annexed to the city as the Seventh \Yard. Pro pro pertyin the suburbs possessessorcrior advantanges, nor, has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an rib ieu:once of wide streets; Braddock is from 0r1 , 3 tom , Bred and meaty ad about one hundred and ninety fort I wide, and Beeler, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets all wide avenues. Nina or the lots have I Iwo fronts, and as they are of Yariorre sizes, and will I be sold, one lot, with the I,lisilege of four of live; early apnlicants can be accommodated to suit their own ' views of inrprovument. Persons who desire to build or to make secure investments in property that is surer to advance in valor!, and particularly those who i n tend 1 to erect manufactories. would der well to view these Lots, and examine the draft, before purchasing else where. The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the tail road survey by the State of Penn ' rilvania were both trivia alongside of this property, and it is generally con-idered that Brarldceli street. or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route fur a Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the F.ast. Coal can he delivered on this propel ty at a much less cost than on the Allegheny river, and there is always deep water at this part of the river. E. D. GAZZ AM, aug.2.5-if. Office Marlirt between 3,i & 4th sts. Prospectus of the New Library of Law and Equity, TINDER the direction of Fes scis J. Taocrwr, Esq. of Philadelphia, Hon F.T.LIS Lewis, of Lancaster, and Wit.sos M'Cstalt..ass, Esq. of Pitts. burgh. This work contains the best productions of English law authors, without regard to priority of claim on the part of any American publisher. Such books are now notoriously too dear. The reason is, that as feat as they appear they become monopolies in the hands of booksellers in the Atlantic cities. Under the plea of right acquired by the addition of notes of A meri can decisions, the latter claim an undivided title to those works, and set a burthonsome price on them.— The publiabersof the work now ofrered to the profes. lion througout the Union, will not respect such titles, but will re-print the standard British law honks se fast as theyernintte from the London market. Should new editions of the works of such writers as Starkal, the Chittys,Stephen and Archbold, appear, they shall also be included; and Digests of Equity and Law de cisions—works which have been studiously kept out of the Law Library published at Philadelphia—shall haven placcin the proposed new one, together with every new valuable English treaties on Chancery or Common Law. M'This work will be issued monthly in numbers of 160 pages, printed on flne white paper end good new long primer type, at seven dollars per annum, payable half yearly. IS M. A ACG. G. M'KLESCUIN LEY, 3. RE. 114IIRTS137RDIS. Pa., Ju ly 1,1845.—ju1y 22-tf. Public Notice TIE FresiJent, Directors and Company, known as the "Farmers' Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh," will, at the next meeting of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, make application for the ptivilege of issuing notes payable on de. mend. THOMPSON BELL, Cashier. Pittsburgh July 15t,1845-jy3o-dtJanl3. TVi 4 ;' I'RI AYABLE IN ADVANCE • , , 1,,•:7#"\.:4* ~,,zza.... ROCII E, I H a: CO.'S RE:GCLA a IVVEI:I.T AVD 9 rMI.7IONTIII_I Now York and Liverpool 7.'aekots, BLAKELY 11ITCUE.L, AGENTF, Office, Cana" Ra Si P, 71`: r:1 Smi!hrieid, r: cc P:..'!burc.:, CO., attathi of their friend to i!:°1, ttrlc.nr , ments for 1515. hog bilivo to acre !hem that shall to watitinz tin their part, to render those v.' may salect their live. lioth sat': huh comfortab:e. Ocular attention will be paid to aged persons, et. Youths who may be sem fur by their parr tr,t. AMC: • the vessels composing the —ltlitclt Bail of 0 1 of Liverpool Pachets, wilt he ford the NEW yortiz, OXIOTZ1). YORKSHIRE, CA MBRI DG and COLLMI BUS degirolly of soi.dirie ler their de resiilicir in nor port Tif the ..01.1 Conn: rv," the necessary trrangements tviM !he subarTihers, have them bruoght out. by Tho airmte ir net, c •e -vorite. "LINE OF }'ACRE?." ail from L erpnel, punetnally on t}e. 15:1 , neii 16th of every TTIC , :• n!sn, by first einss AMERICAN Ships, sai:ing fro... enory SIX DDAYS during 18 IL. Shoed tho persons arciiniT coming net, the ILIoLry T ett:T.7- , J to tie ponies here, e ney cr. p.. dnti the 1.a3,17,0 certificate arid the• , TN T• • anti 1,.‘1 supvilor II .• r •cribet% Lo:I% lot f..r nenritirii.arms that support which Lai Lrcn rs:eroleti to :Let", 14 mom.; vent s. Irl~lc(or o'irirrr.- . r—r-r r 1:( 'CHF, UR Tli LES & Nr. 35 nrirrrn York BLAKELY & NIITCHF.I. I Or Penn and Smithfield ,“. I'ittAhnro, Pa I Agent lit Liverpool. JA NI ES D. ROIIIE, 1-isr... f ' gnpl3-dSza.. \n , 24) Wryer a, REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND. IRELAND, sroTI.A.I: , AID WALES. PERSONS v.i-bin? To remit small name 1..`; LAND,IIZELAM),SCUTI. IND and IVA can have it era by the under-icueci, bt Very rm•cr rate rates. In CODseglienGt . Id the of tle cr,,s in those countries a,d vpmr,a.M oC Farni!,, doubt to many. a small sdm sem in rime, is eidd be inealc-ulobla benefit. The undet signed , aware of hove determined to pot the rates so tow., thnt ro need be detered fro, n‘ui!ine themssives ai his rip• porturdiy. BLAKELY & :\tIICHEL, der?, .Attents tdir Bro's 5 : Cr. Par - table Window Blinds T HE subscriber. having rue,petent rr 11 , 4 1 0 ,g0 V,,,.einn sell love. His 1' at e Entltntr," dot r.rjy cre .71 the Unite.iStates, is the la,. and m• - •_3l..can,entert psau ever used fur private or pult!ic Call and examine sample.; at J. 'N. G. Sanger's. Old put up s ih ti.c Fastener at a small charge. J. F. 141:N9E1.1SON, cnd Hand 't Bridge. j RECEIVED kT THE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No. 1:32 Liberty at , fro doors ft. ,.. 7..5! C.'air !tree!, spLENDID nt . F,dl :17 Goo*. The proptic.ltir of ! th ttu!y toe: red v.:- tablistiment announces to tl.e that 1:1- is preps red to make to order rill ettielt, in hia Di it, shortest ;Wier, and in the n,e, t FA51110N.161.17 STYLE.. Haviac secured theretrices - er the FiESTC7T TERS in the city, lie et iu all ctse , . wart unt fit. Ile lon. n •plen did u••ortrne.^.t of rar.tr^ and Ptn'S BEAVER CLOTIIS, Also superfine Bice. Bine!, Brown •nd 1, ni.ible Green C:otles of nil rp., d ines and variousprire..n .•ril the purchaser He has splendid lot of veSting• of all pato, - :.•: Sattinetts in great vatiety: Shirts. Storks, Bosoms, Collins, Ilundkro Sus• genders, and every - utter nttirlo in the CLOTHING LINE, wtOch he will •ell LOW FOR CASH. The proprietor fettli no his sincere thanks to . • Customers and thei'ublicin generel,fol ills v, • ernl manner in • Lich they have patronized hi- ••• lishment, and lopes by st. ir.t rateotion to htfi,ihe selling them Cheap Goods, to instil a cnmi. of the •nme. mug 20•Grri. C. NBC I oSE. TO PRINTERS. Type Foundry, and Print,'s HE aubleribeis haveiipened 1 7 new Tye .s.. :• Tin the ch./ of New York, when• tin are rrn supply orders to any extent, for uny nny or fancy Type. Ink, raper, Ca-es, Role', Eteel, Column do, Composing stiL,-, Cr. and every article necessary for a Printing Uff, r. The type are cant in new troulda, from ur —.• new set of matrixes, with deep counters, are ed to be untuipuaaed by any, at. , 1 will be s the times. Printing Presarsrornitheri,nnti alon Steam Eo or the mot approved pattcry,. B.—A ittavitini