Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 15, 1845, Image 2

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    From the New York Weekly Times. The hitherto strong "resolves of the riismedissan
Eh •enetloned 4511131 tit rearm* this
A Parotid Tale Of a Trite - m r 45"Ing a d ' his tees.. They did as he desired. Mews'
Is roanosce vr. igiteeart. infi-weakeilint he_faintharkehshad `I meet reel"?'
, reystrength. Grant me a few minutes respite and you
The tale of the " Groaning Treer"(with which a'' shall .mess gee
most everybody who reads et all is perfectly familiar) 'Look to the woman,' mid Lent; 'see that she re
in not more remarkable than the one we arc about to arras.' She was then raised, and placed upon an de- I
relate. acted knollabout five rods from the tree. They chafed
her temples, yet sbo recovered not. Brovrtisoe'a eye
Near the village of White Plains, and within a mile
gle need unensi ly around. A close observer could hare
of thelaattle grows& stands a peculiar looking rem
nant of what was, at one time,averysingniar oak tree- detected the fact That the embryo hanging had not
It stood, like a gitmealone in a cleared enclosure used muchdisorderedhim. Suddenly his vision rested upon
for meteorite, and wee :pared by the axe, a. .. said. e musket which one of the men, &Itemiser upon the
A:female, had left upon the ground. Quick es Bilis', of
because of its uncouth and unmatched shape. '
branch lad, when the oak was young, been heat in the I [levelling he seized this weapon, end tette the bet felledi
form of a circle, se that Amend reeled is what "tele" I Lent to the ground. He then lan to his srife,reiseJ
gaudy but espn•anivelv termed'st crutch,' In the mate her form musky as he could that of a child, and euayed
nor it g l me, the 'crotch'' closing up a•the trunk warm- to escape .
deed and •ecurine the intruder. The other branches •Ftee!' yelled Lent. 'Firethe has broken my arm.'
grew striught and streng-feur of ihem Indicating, the! Ihe sharp repertef a dozen muskets pieiced the air
points of the enmpasa, and bearing foliage, which, on-' I and awoke the cut rounding echoes. Drown/oat stag.
usually plentiful, fn-med • beautifel 'udger. Theesek • ed. fell, rose ev e n , aci d w re n," attempte d to pure _
ring' grew, as we have ahead, inttmatere below these s ue his way. He mistook his direction, and going
smog, end cense:mewl, was completely cannpied-- roe ardi the 'tee, trochee it, and fell aids his burthen.
It wan a secure and tomfurtebla reeling place. of The woman waarbete, but the man, though shot in three
which she young people residing in the vicinity model s emi rens still lived.
goal We, Lovers tom there. Public meetings were, 'Buechel sr groaned he, 'promi.e otie thing ere I
halo( there. Mayalliafrolihritips cad oil er sports were', die.'
ce 4h ente d . 3t t his e eiet re ed spot, and to be brief the', 'What is it , '
r e s idence of the Frinire and the little frame white!: 'That we maybe buried at the foot of this tire.'
hence were objects id eficandasy consideration comps-; 'Your request shall be futillede
red with this ook. Perhaps until tithe/lay that Intel 'Lore/gill The gold you h,aos slain VS to gatikt is
would beer been •raesciated whir pleasure, heel it net i buriedhere: RCTIOCOHALLSKYKRTiii-Cllont Titi...tr
been fore rnnoinfol oCeitiTenee which shade-Merl its, C tn . e you alt! A ces , , Two nee, b e d,,.. la: ,
e1em....) with die idea of death , sod connected bethed to blood, and the elsughterere gazed uli them
with its name terrible thoughts of the nut lion.. of 5- in mute horror.
nether world. 1 hit mouinful oce.dience may be briefly 1 Brownson and his wile were hulied et the feet 011
- - • .elated. the oak tree. A• may reasonably he supposed, lib, tif
THIRD W 1 RD. I A short time preview. in the trade of White Plains• aupirnetural nppeanewes in connection iii li the tree
Put.unie to entice the Demerrac etua'n• of the ' the Biliedi soldiery erne- •ccustorned to senor the were freely circulatedemong the ignorant and co-du
nerd \5 nil, stet at the hini, of Juarph Dubai', en I country daily for whatever peel fortune might ce't in' loud, and the spot was, fors long retie', Jimmied by
Sulerdaive•euto4ll. 13th urt , for the vteelliet of del their e t . ) . They plimilerrd she hawses of ell the vat- young and old. The dreadful manner of rho Arse)
•gete• to piece in inninithst a suitable careiltdate fur I made' they comained, stripped the larder., defralated el the (wager and ilia bosom companion, and the lit
the afire el Nlayin. , The free-roue*. rhos , . off the tenni,. of th e mables. possibility of findete gild whet, ii was Said 10 be. are
l b , „ tn .,,,„ 8 ass ,„ get e se d hi tailing w e vi E r , , and left the reentry there stmeta ate bare as it mite , excuses of thee* notwensical ransom.
Gt It to the chair, and appointing iroi c 31' C a , th y bore been flmerly ra ter the defiler. in •11 thing. IlaVir!! Th e pest b se i an d bli g h te d „ eerie ., has an the Cori.
And Jufra Coyle. Set reunites Ihe nieetiug was cull Int human le•ing'• fleeter, compelled by the went at' ntei attributes dem-ult. - A at belonging to the flout ishing
ed to order, sod proceeded to mai k leg-which re food "rm'efell" withheld. *ill make any manlive•el' oak •
suited to the election of John R Hague. Maras Phil ire in -I devil...ll."'" lyre natural renel"enee of lkw No dwelling wee erected nn the site ill-the burned
lips, Petrel , Quinn. John S•yege aril Jul.,. Magee. a, foreget• was a feeling of listred, as a Ild and uogui tenement. The ordyminishment awarded Browneon's
delegoles favorable to the tu ,,,,,, tittuo O r be t es• , t erneble n+ the northern t e inpeal, agatn.d eery man! murderers was tie, agony of earocience--in time.
Atha. • el.. eere ar , ii . os , If it eete pos•ible, dud there Ise less times of ears trifiing infliction.
0.. melee,. i I ant Robeit Prat. r, rely...irniel fn '
were .niters ell., were Isate.l more Loidi. , l:n than the
.. _
met ,ot Sedated." evening nett. at earn.. place. for t ie- 11 , melt eoldier.--and theta D eerelie tot y' inleiboarts. • i i
r ,„,,,...., ~,.„,,,„,„,g ‘lr aid off.crea. many of .ludo also forrremi them...kVA ono 111111.11111./ ki .
W m M. eor, se, ele m . tug bawls, and lellevirei '
exp e nse aen el “rehhieg in --_._ - - -
....-- -
I_. the king's name,' et the eef threat ash.. were Oat* of tie Pittabaurgh 111•TDint P eat.
~,eluo, • •
, oeighbren.and hail lieen friends. Ihe chief header of Illonday, D ec- 15th, 1845
the 'nee bands "e• a '..4 man' "I''''''vb talentl and rin,r- li" Floor market is very dell at present' .l
being De re
*refs*, War &al other Natters. corning the project into i frect. I til ill II kk %KB. Wait Oellauw •I t9onrlly , Hinted I.lrowa sori. x t
du , euk 1.,.‘„,. the taro, „ us ., u sus.ss h ~,,,, who raven
and a neat there receipts by river the transactions era
Thaeorresponulent ufthehurnaleeConenirce ....$ ' Ter Mt erre/eta or i'.111.1AE17..- Ile gime., e x A ,li , meeting le lien W•ed,rnou• Horeb on S a l er woe , h ., * a e,„,,, e t - ii , e ,„„3,,i,„,,,,,,, It. i„ regi ne s h e 'mall. Some trilling you are coming in by wagon .-
.he lith ;eq. The f al". tag pereme somosed .n a few weeks • large sum rd money, a nd ell, enter sales of Saturday, from wagon, at $4,6246
'it ill believed beette-shelee"r ens!. be 'he °I""Io n '° eitement prevails at Manchester, N H., in eons,- 11• • 5 ''''''lrl; 4
Now York,-that Great B. Britain has recce , a it,. best 0 ,,,,, e „ t - t e,..„,,,,„„„,.„1,b,„„,, ~, the m „ r d,_ .r "'" dol t 'let''' i ''' the 143°1 "in . 4 .e1• I the feet became a. nt, loos as the :scriptures He 4 70; . uies ,r e , ssu du , s4.7o , z i s 00.
oo di h e ireollecteti, ens inhumanity •" I Poe Ilelreoste to lke City Coaersetion.- James II hed a young and eerily wife, %hose ahnuehille and
too , from a ., ea .. Buttes-Sales or 15 bids 801 l Butter at 124,ce good
offer for the adjestment °fads dispute that the est r will Pa, h er. w e, , km r J tones lendaay. Jac rls Lawman, I lent; Kennel), ' p ilin•liem shielded him fer • here
metre. That offer, ehich was so 10.6111P•l;T -not to but. leered In that teen zeal) Lear -1,, e. I, i. Weer, SiurrNe,t Jeerer, terms , demonstrate*. of haired; bet thes ravages his , flesh prim Butter will commend 15 to 18e
sayrudely,-rejected by the British illd (deter, eat urged 'it to turn out that seseril were engaged in that our Stletf enact!.- ) n ' , cll.- ,l , rareet Been:, bend made at leneth acre ranted to seek ms monies. Ashen, Pots-Sales of several casko at 82.87 i.
tired • n . lem .. ing
hiss t., -errgeri and r
.... the accepta nce ° I th e B n tich c' ernment. " I der, and that the inch...l.llls implicitert bate sins, , il f , ••••• . r .
5t . u : 1 1`.', 4 ,7",',.. - u rh es. ' I)• o s ' s ', l 2.. 1 ' 1 T.:11‘..i_1•47 raid
.P'lenb, Peelle-Veer is as• small trinilaction on Saturday
va in 9tloo9.l.t.lb9driler, by Mr. Mel toe. and urged in e ree re .ta,„ B i n t h e m id, o f Th. Comm , and :
... i. Ibe "g" J "• preyed 'et at ••t .. to con ler ~
melee , * for the prenentnin id flintier i rriposiiinsn- '' •" tau' tot i t i3•A
vain. Mr. Packenharn did ti it thereFoie, et teed les Oust Mme of tt... are Mathes of Vu key, die m.: r. seh•iol Pi ',lee -Sanniel ;11.0_,Ioikaa. J oin es t he prompt pnio-htnent of the leaders id the Wiles Bilekaibest Fleur has rake cud • trifle. 11e quote
iistructioesi to that bast) neect.on 1 A blacksmith named Lent headed the meeting. No at $1 . 75,,E1 r ,.., 100 lb.,
tiered men It is tholight that some cf theta Tan C" -Ter. John Andetarin
' feer•- e -or 4 F e-ttaß. -S 4 ml .),,,... a Isocatecl renrnrdill(l9 110.11.1, and 119(10'd foe the sp. cote m et e_ ee 1 e u ee e
Mr. McLane's letter to his son -a member of the turn e w e, esteem,. 1 Jndge n ,. EiPelnlli.-J ,si-pl, if Beet.. preintrl 0 l •rf •• Crtelifilittree lel select ra,b j ert• 6,1- pen•
Maryland Logislature,--nhich was t•lked of herr. re . --
, 4,...-1. -1 (• it,,bsowni• ishment Up l to or.g...ste the met bud id its y. 1117.11,141. tiati sit getting acute ag''''i sa l ts c. Sowed', al.
1 tee AT Si at , T •••••o , lSeter.lay night a 1.1.nr. Ce: ' ' • •
tbe time, &taxless alluded to the reretien orthia ar,-,, .4 0 . 'La,/ Am.,. 99 -Ste 1 , 19 Corn James 1.) rice- 'canon.
47e per bush.
buildine• in Neel] Lensing street, A than:. , owned bs
~, r . r .
aqd, therefore. Mr. '3leLitors bad come to the conshe . n , The COrriTelf , erpneed shut Bre,' 'Orem idtralird he rgg•, me milling 10 181•110 c pee sheen.
J llis W eine. were e'lli, her destroyed or .na t ty :re c,,,,,a,;( --Jul -n !1e.." ,
'ion that ' War u. enevitable,..eiless the United States first teken in heed. I-',• of,. Or s to he .pared -toe A rr k.., gr ,,,--N,,,,,,. i ,, by waggon , .elboi b : ,
peed. Ihe tennant a principa”: , teefeeng were Da JO° Pli W 5 F 1 (.u..irrov , 4:,.... rieceleel the. , . he •taaild Ise seippee of .11 h..
risco& from their penitton,"Hucksters at leo. le te eoc a peck.
1 . els Tallman, ,grocer:
S Nes silly
grocery met deed I • '' 11 "i' '' so l • I s„ i . t . t ., ,e., earth's poraiesranns, a... 1 that Ids deellire .thauld be
Those vrhothiok that Great Britain .111 send annth- i x ., ti a r a , 5 peen ei the flver• 1 wentv vi Ong men irninediate Oriel Apples ate svluce. •o'l ere adtencmgi elw•c°-
hog; P Welch. merchant tailor mad dwellin g : Dr A - - -------
er minister and humbly apologire fur rejecting our o f ' in armed beri.e.veS and hem the •eeps the errs law, ate buy it•g up all the) can find at the pre,uent
Lsons. drug store and de Ching; ISk en Illorei ; C . Is , I; sr SRI, 11l :L-!! ~•s ; } s 1 ; 11 ,,,,,
fer, todeelicit • chance to accept it. are as much Jr - • I ..•• , . . .t. • . Brae nter, ..i . tiou, lee) bated lienestit the Usk ph fees.
t% honey sadlery and twerps. TS' S c S erre tai:oi.- ,
Cleirad as are those who believe that the Se-nate or ' I•'les ,tit re notiee th e Denewre .. d the :rah 1\ - are F.. -- •"• 1 - 0- , •"•••• , ed Ilia niiinber ~f wagons in market OD Sal•wday
Mi Winne was periled, insured. • met •t di.- Puts!), e, feed 11...,,, ~,i IMr -trees, to, N"' "'I I''' " h" "'I Zle o t " 1 ." "i'• 1 • , •• a
was large, and supplere more eel fed and abundant
the administration, or the people of the le Stairs, eII ' s.e:rd.) eramir ; the Lith met., to eism ,ielog twit to 'lt' J'''ll'"C an .1 ot•l'.. l ed .".-di t ra , »round. 'ad
ever accede IQ atilt British afer of c.nee, nrlllfe which 3J,,,,,, , 5 . Fp, wr e,es: th e ei,erel.- A lad . , in Metier, I.'s.. cry c u „,,,,„ t i , a ,„ b e h e m ~,,, t e e te t e. -The I einKe. , *'ooll.l Mal% 1 iv" , s• tram. there me Drew. a• than the two prettier:line seek., bet fat fleas bring
es. Itini . .per. Yee iiill7 . -111111:111702 Cid demand his sufficient to 'imply the actual daily demand for 114
MrCalhoun "very properly rejected the same day Celt count) has given birth to eight children, four pair u(! in-v.lllg en. rognhite l 1," anpoo , inc Jews, Beset
51 was offered." tem. the eldest of which ere net yeti (Jur years el Mgr IT.I 9 , Chs.rnrin, and It J 4.Lr t ssi e nd Jk. '''""rs 45‘ .
titre t
.s e „, eut5 . u5 ,„ 1 ,,,,,,,,
A • &weal.- . tits 'WO sets O a er. rellfilril •
The N. T Globe correspondent tryst "The Whig to eit : twins
L,,,,, _
r,,,,, ,, ,i
~ ,
~leg aimed ( corn I' la , hlif, ',IC ../retrn lan 1"r hese and
Editors of your coy, (New York.) "he are (feinnine. boys-till 11,11. and in a per fe casisate a s atabri.l. ,
, ffr ,,,, A th , ~,,t , t ta ~.4 it , ~,b t, „,,,, ~,, , „ „ ere unuits „ 'I I. a r red, 11E1 , 1, in • laud iota-. coraniended Brut. , n• CITY PRICES CERRIEST. DSO. 15.
le son to rneme i • ertli cIRETCIAT CoßltYCtlin treat & WON.
bithesaid of tin dleecirey, ui place Mr Calhoun se
(bar-From Store, . - se .o oe-, 3ee
Toe.ORIAKWA 11G..TIA T to , -T , Iii. , 1:1110t1. , : f . S.:“:. ' ' D ' R " , 4 „0 t Y ,1 11 ,...' 1 : 1 1 ' 1 . r " i t . 0 :?, 1 t5 1i u e 5 5 b , '" 4,7;: t ' 5 , 1t :',...,,,, , ,1 ter 0 ... ee ., •e he call. v 41/.7i-trader:l Biosenson.
Ilegoolatie to the President on the subject of Oregon ,
ouv.cordiedicia the al•lettietit i r 4110 .Nlll,Ollll, 401. ~•• I al, he anal .4e) al, here: n ,i,d , r,, ied to i.e e tur :he
. -1 . : l'r:'' bmi• • %Vaguer, • - 4.7.504 874
*eke el:gees, will very p robable find themsels es nes- ' , il re , not f 10(1.1*--.91119 fan trent. ro t, .•1.11••• o 1 , 11 '
fencer respecting Ito. remova l to Loudon of IL-I.).egon "'.....1". "f ' 5 ""l." \ 1.1 :••'" e • .`" the "d"'" '" , i 5,,,,,,,. uo rfen,,.....• ~,,,...,d it,„,„,,,„..... he Bete a-leaf-per 100 fits - • 140 *1,624
takes. Mr McDufbe will back the President to tier e 1 511 , Or and let 1.1. , bill T WI T , .- (feeds lil 7 .CW. leis 9;erres Afeoi- de do - - 50 rli) 15t.
Math on that rrieetton, and sea grand majority of the ,aeg.itiation.
--- urriTicatona 1,, Il'in c re Con, melon, 0., Tileelry next 1 .1.. 14 ' 1 Il''' 'hew .
i le , t i„,,e I tot L. , ~...,„,. „, t , ~, ~,,o . f ,,,,,.,,,,, 0 , • %1. , . ~, ut ICS., tiu. 1 .,,,,,..... ear-lomed Lem. es t, Geete ,.....e, b eet p b ud , „ . 0,00 rd 80
American people are in fa , or of that measure as well Vent LATS. rtn oX CALII , IIAis -llAt Neer A ~.. is W OO"' the pre ..: lure aretorrlderd .nee, y. tee the
'he name of 51r 51 I a sone fir the . teel Marts Coin . . 36 042
N a stopper on ruture European colontzing in I SUA :laii pr , rate advic.. , ire' , MoritereY, (Upper C .1.• ;toe, „:„,,, ~,,y, ~., ~,,,,,, , h
~ ~.. „ ~ , cf . .,,,,.., ‘,., ai I IL . lit
e we hive l.'arn 3.,...r. geld an d buret your „
0..1., - 35 ere 44
er•l Irea wt. blend ...Ur ears
the New World it is hardly to he supposed that 31r Genes.) to the rn-ddle of O. tole' , lact• retried m , hem a i sndidule et.. s.• 11,leri ger. , r, ewers of Hi Ir. '- ' l , ,
P.., Le i, i at,,,W11 )101, an d keoet every 11:141. / 14 1 - L''''.... ill '..• - • 15,00 elB.o
Cahoot w.ll follow tardi y, the (demos of P r ogression Monday The tote::' rota is imp titan!. A Kt' ii l , tit Irr fora errr 9 iril 0 ,1 it i iin i ii,iii w i, , i i,... ii , i ~ ~,1„ i • Cll ea 70
and Liberty' fieet destined tor Oregon was prats.ng up rise west "L n '''''''''• ' ' - • "
r a t •al . fi , cl t, d eilitee , he eeeeitse t d e s ire v: 1 . , ' ., ; .., :71.: .„ 10 , , , „ : 1 ,., • iy ev i I t ete ,,! es
A c , e7;
5 te ,,,,i 7 i, :::
. 1
0 r . ;... (..: 1 11 4 - ;, - . l. l .;_ ti n.re.l .
n of that h,eht...: • • -22 f& 24
31 0 44
coast, of 0 bell the correspondent of the Sun at Mo e. e'it weal,'" (.4 'C . alinuleal Lent, •• Ire pushed
There is atror.ey concentrating and cc,ncu I i g Iles Used. Th.( eh ler wee re6/100 uttr9e'..... In ~ ~,,,k.r d at Potalers-Neshanieek, fr 1 u.h. . .
1.111141 [alongside wed i seed use Ite h u.s•
spirit of union on this subject, fur mighty it :4, ace '''') sae': p.. th e 110eDinCO of sly. c ) 11.111 Vral le eneeet.:t..e 1 Soft-ta 6k,i. • • • .i 00 4,1,06
the great American Republic or the Nm t h having feu-. The pioneer of .1... tleet. the British glee ~f war a e eraitot es tato eon) exen-raine our oilem . oi Int r-11 l'''' s v • "en." m"'
1.9101.101," torlCbc-i bide seine erne • a n • ••d t he •...I heel', ao,e•Ting het the flOrnirtartcrer rtl ArldriP•r • 4 ," 7 ". 1 " n°'' h" 'h" •1 1- '• a .0 " !eche , ' ,111, :mpg. , - Stria Fhvs, - - - - 1.00 , w 1.1241
ly opened it, eyes to its rights, capacities and avenues
motements of her commander, Capt. G•rtilon,•roused NI lierati * e e ill gyre moos gen -nil ...weer; r ", ea ll,, a , ed de , n to .R. , . .... 6-...«. tweet 914 a et... rereeettrir tel • Tun-miler, - - - - e,371 , a2,30
1 ' h
of greatness, will not close them again until Foreign am , au .,,,,„,, at tie wit ,. Il e r, ILA. ti t . g.,• any Mr. een hei sill; ini:ippt, awaken , brae,' veers , . cd ,e arth. '
~„ t a , Clever, . . 5,00 0550
domination is banished foreser loom our shores.- new,., 'eyrie, "men of we, do out retry n-5. , " Ile the pert. •nlin•pire greater cme le. re ••f soar... r'"' ' " 2 . 5 . ee' 11 4 1 " , tee mots n. but Your
eue.eand le •MA e're'rl min, 11.1 ,nun he imerdoel - 1.0 , d-Na l ft lb. • • - - 780 8
Ise refused to carry a circu , letter 10 the Urrrierd bran 19 l'i tlia. X titled er the other respeetoble ;en
Tie spirit of Nionarchy and Democracy 19 entirely at ° ' • 11• /lila be, Led Aliil 10`14,4.1 our lulu., - ser• _id now je urs -fr re (~,e , at s
States Indian Arent id Ortgor , C, y. reread .:::/ that t•em , ts named for :lie the . • - 4oe 5
variance, and there can he nu ming li ng of the 1.. 0 -
he w•• net rare iif vette tub embus Itlver. I have Ite•olsed. 'l - 11 , 11 Inilrlfreliiti nt .4 hi. unquestioned M , h e. "` """*" v''"n• 4 ' tiefeme..per lb.
. , he. •, , e,ke ete .1 11r. .filftrart I , te
, 19Irri Ir-ea prup2l,- i cli
per ib 5 , v , R. . . .
Great Britain and France can very safely mate thee - aan e rta teed t h a t I,cird Alifi r d,,iiii. 1 1- i ," fi riiii ,h e,e..„.,,,. peer I (IC al ron• and pol 1 taint 'h el.'s, the nomination ,7 0 8
inroads among the Islands of the Ocean, or the cium- ry for Form e Afrera, Feel a broiled on trow e l 'e •' Andre. 51 . 11 s•ee . • a tot ,n the necking deers , li r l'"' •"'''''' A. ' t "'"""'„,7 " 1 "*" "O A o' 51. ' 1 „ ef"-- ,. , .
e ir, tuns,- I no tee, tit- O iiillilll • • Or, ir I liil fort tsar incite 1 Ditalf -wog aim /9
"ell per lb. - • 10kiii 13
blies merernments of Aftira and Asia, where the pee- -1 merit. n, e one of titr It.,` , ert Peel'. i ons w e t, a te, ' has f e l e r; ot to lemand. a• e ut el t l ir. be ir .- , ,, h 7 , e r, 0f
i t , he t, t , r ni psi
men, far ... my,
,L.. 0
id..... 1,
peeimieer. IV e urn all gad tint
13 '. ~6 t ye 'n"" , i 1 / 4 ' ".
to than a i e tt , e of 11..1 , e el b e e.a. ;toted toe •ret in i
Plc are shrouded in ignorance end superstitton, tout on "" frer " r a
these llisonguielled raiders ha I reedy f,ilit. extend a re.. lie' , " -- e'' ~ ., • ""nus a.." ' .v 1 ''"' "4 ''''''.• '
the coil of Columbia, where knowledge has bighted ed to them t e m coheetteg (situ io this
~,enot,, lien • I, OD 1, lilli-lit llir r illittritlOl Miiiill,
[lt -s li•INI Thad •1 f isord'fle• il f iriill-11,01,, It now of - end u re '' ' • a I
up each valley, forest, and mountain top. the progness can else their t llUsti out relatises an co, ac . i f rued tin Dein.. roc, ot l' esheeell of 1.1 AetlCally d• '": 1 ` n ' t t h " ..e " tern " s "" $ '"'" i'''"' " ta i ") tan
k, r ,
~,. a ,
~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,i iden , 10 ,,,, 4 cled ii•ery ewe. and creel., When o n Led dore,
of despotism mutt aed will cease. Even the Cana. i coact of C l ete . .. nee At San Francisco, they • feund 'u9 , "l'ng.' 'I r ` • ' ~,,e ' and still Wile entree, hand. ti, lie smeed coreempiu.
Y an kees. •• 0 - ri fer the \A erk roe CL1....., I.• ric,71.11.1111( f or st ye .v. •s •
alid, catching the spirit of Ltberty, cannot long remain , e i t7" r• ra v ill 'l o i r.e ‘l ,,f h t r it ' ; ' o n ffi ". ee n r ' s l b • ' . : ls ' there nrellriti but ore'in. id' e of tie tr reonlee ••..I of ref ear ale. site' 1 """ ""r• " 1 -• 41, d •••-
imetbraned, but Will burst the 'Mickel' w Inch now con- i Y an k ee , h er o" Th, haul t h e san ,,f,,, en ,, a a f h e g ,,,, a , nom r . l,n• ef our WI i; oprmeres, that their prate, ‘ V•ll ' 11 "" il '"'"' 5 '" i ' l ' l "' ' ln !' l '" 5 " 1° c '' °s " s.
shim ,
end enter the grand confederacy. The I,dirert ftom seierel user the mountain tieselleer, nt I stuns were but ee.e • eITV:I rounds, VulAuf put melte and only what • poor man should pa•si sit Are you sae
the many hundred waves on the road Ise Oiecon and ism'erov /
contiguity of Democracy, with the evident superiore ' , • N.." .poke °meat the niamher-•No you here gs
Califorma ,as W 1•11 as to the excellent Gdynia. C u , i Resolved Then these eerier aline. be raereei be h e ,' ' , . , : . s-, ";
writyof its principles and policy , and its healthy pro- . tiavelltrg between the States and th is eerie." ~fr.cer, of 0 „. „neetul ant p ,, thahe ,l in the e s„e ntog ,itis • pity that IL er.leuted tete nisei,' tense lIHITtr• WOW II
a , an. tell us
k the, l''
passion which alone develops the prime attributes of . The Governor Lad the militia called out to rood. ' least and Cirrr""c''' and . copy `f Ill'. '. I'd bet "" ' *I:: c "" um. "" 4 " ' 11"..•• Si "
where you have horded it.'
man, will affect this eveutuclly, al sure as the sun rolls' an exp. cud IIiVOSIOD Gum due tl Staler. erg•Artrou, err d tit. Cons ention oil Tireralay neat.
, the t „, ,, ,,, to
~,, thi n tore , ee e e d to mot h lee de e, g ,, e .1 has. spoke.' said Elio. ram' 'and It. II you a
ils heaven the sehilers, t
r endy in rut. at ere first shot eel'. graii• ' , , . I have .
fled with the frolic Futeigr.ers rat ail mittens are roll- I *lurch remelted to lee centre " 1 A" hew Se." , Joh° 4 " n e , ,
"Enlarge the boendaries of Freedom" was one of , , , ' , Nlh i, e if 1 p J u b a Ap i t ' • iiibie ii MI to the tree oral hung him, ii he does 1,1
1 F...C1e0. omei Ica, • ate pouting Imo the country . a, n, oin - 'Mt tnn, .6,1. ai Maori, ,
see rallying phrases daring the lust Presidential can- from Oregon and the Stales The British mershatit ' 11-q one .I.enes Kens,. tell. ue..-.1 ere.; and it In is oh•tt •ite. Ice lout swiss
Or lie aril '''
veas,-.4 was Inscribed on our banners, and floated in schooner "Star ot the 11 ed.." lions Liserpied, with a l It era e thee re•olsed that the delegates remain on , . .
valued at .Q 30 ,000 nailing , ens lost near the me. need, es to Useriere. id the 1',..... , viral thst the • 53! lathe tree' ttlairotar , l the others
every bteeze all over the land. The Whig party affec- c e a . r i
g ra o n y c l e to the harbor of Nlonterei on th e 27th, Joi, m eeting. a e t eurn to Saturday eseiong neat, then to Deplete the teresiMe of Ms wife, he was et-egged to
led to be horrified by each an aggrandizing disposition;
The goods saved and sold fetched only 43.000 )i.st. nominate candidates for the Select. and Common 1 the use, and piepmeitena were at once made ler Into
sad joined issue with LIB. Well, ae drubbed them to auction. The tax of $3O on whale s hips h iss b eee Cxunctl., and ether 11'rad officers to he voted f o r sr I tine the threatexecouou. A rep' was thiown
%heir heart's content, we practiced what we professed, taken off by the 'radium , . of Caleorrea. the opproacleng electieris over a tooth, nod one mei placed an the hands of two
JASBe e KELT, Clin. stout men-the other ecel. fe•ltioned Into a alip-knut
we have thrown the Reis of protection over Texao, .
tt'ii J A !Mete, ...CC. noose, Was 1,1•14,(1 about the doomed WOW'S neck.-
sad raw the leaders of this farogressare (arty al- Julie TA Tf.. , 11 5 3 ' ' . ! tint a muscle nerviel as lie passively slitters, his cap
ways In the back ground,admit that they were behind- / tors to make these prepositions. Neither del th e
the spirit of the age, and we with it. Will they go l.o l ls of his 'worming wife appear to snake any virable
J A Irwin Alex Cupples, M Kelley, Dr Alexander , impression. His face was Menthe& his eyes were
with os now on the Oregon criterion, and (bare with Black and Mr Tindle. glary, nod his lips were blorellese; but his ernes
as the popularity and glory of that measure, or after were firm, and his heart undannterl. He haul led •
we have consummated it, will hey again by their da. Tug life, and he Will deutimincil to meet a bold and
confession show, how little they regarded the rights remnrselew end
Noe, said Lent, SAM., eismpanions formed a circle
privileges and immunities of the masses?" around the tree, 'open your stubborn mouth, and die
the hiding•place you have selected Inc the money
of which every honest man here can claim • portion.
Yon have fifteen minutee . te decide. Remembellelis
closure or death"
At this moment flames burst from the nied of the
house. It was, accureing to the decision of the com
nt.tiee, fired! .
'See,' murmured the fainting female, 'you have de
prived us of borne-spare, at least, oW wretched lives.
That which you asked, my husband has not. On
my sone as fat I know, I speak no falsehood.'
'Perham, we aria wrong, suggested oats of the
•Wrongo said another, 'nueranse! Do you suppose
he would tell her what he had done. with the plots.
'Once more, and for the last time,' said Lent, ad
dressing Brownie°, 'I ask you to disclose where you
have secreted your money?'
'For the last time, 1 reply. I will tell nothing.'
'Then mark ma You see that rafter crackling in
the flames? In a moment it will full. An that falls
you will be suimended b
te etween heaven and earth.-
Your fa us just, and may Orel have mercy on your
iEi)c Daily ,Horning post.
30111 ,
nr V 3 PALKIR. Agent for country newppepers,
tabo-A4porit. for the Pittah.trgh Daily ,NSorniog Pon
and Vieei..l.!, end Manuts , wer, tn rctei
advertia,,,en.s o.lbocripdons• He lA*
NEW Yong. (4d
7ei,:egthe T ot,ne
DOSTOS. a 12. Std , rre , t.
PHIL•DELPRIA. Reel Fatale and t_ osl I)(Tre, 51
:11P It rect.
b/VrrSIOR C. S E en•-neo j 1•11 re e 1,4 ert
wisely our foli -, •r can be area an
tern. Of privrrti.
sing lerrnexl
- -
TUE rair.Sinti:er's NlA:93ii.it—lliii% STE:AHEM.-- , An
rnme 1
tie meet Ing. In devise means for the re-
The message of the President strongly
recommends ; lief of Ireland, wns held at tho Odeon, Boston, on
that lasers' approptidtions be m•ole for the consttuc. 1
I the evening of the Stli inst. The house. cep , the
Oast of
It war steamers. in the interior of the coon-
I Post. N - 84 crowded to the galleries. Thomas Money,
try. The President says: I the historian, was appointed chairman, and Stephen
"The use of trim as a material, especially in the ,•
tonstructior of suwmers which can enter with ealtity .1 Rogers secretary. Addresses were delivered by the
awry of the harbstrt °long our coast now iIIFICCOttPit . I Rev Messrs 01 , 11illerty anti O'ltiely and Isaac It
bleu, weseels of greatet dr,,ught, ilnd the praeticebil- 1 Wright. Fq• Mt 011aherly laid on•the table $7O
Pyof eonttricefine them in the inlet iori rir°"/ .I Y re " I collected in his congregation at Salem. Mr Wright
commends that liberalappropriations be made for'
proposed a acne , of revolutions caplandtety of the
IA4I object. '' causes °I; T°.* Foram distressing distressing condition of the Iri•li
11,6, we believe. is ;he only point in the interior of
have been con
lilli-estruotry. at ...hid , bon steamers r e " * ""Y . 'n'l ti''' were •d , pted. The collection.
acre then commenced. and ate hundtctl a... 1 tlitity
structed for the govt•rnment, and we therefore, pre•
paid rloa u before the audience. A few
aurae, 'het the President refers to Pittsburgh ..Orris! dun ''' . acre
!minutes after the warder's had ?plead throughout
ly, wheel be speals• of the “practicabilitt, of that l'
' ' l
atrucring them in the interior. Congress, a c think, a. boil '' , a O rn ' i ' ffia " of th at ci t y r'"I"'"ell
might he annuuticrl that if /500 Should lie raised
Will, in accordance is ithtlie recoinitientiniiiin of tie
_ liberal
arp,erriatiens,, for the N iiititi a fuilnightt he would cutiliihute ti*.:, -, to tiro
_we • ha,e
ahe.adv ' food. 111 lest Lustto boll on hour artist dos ant, fluter.
bean much benefilted it . uirr the COttilitiCttaa ot . goyentt """
"'ante ranee "" 1.5" had h"" 1":'J “:','"
the '" l ' / " .
esentkinseelt , and ii the raCOTninendatinna of 'lie Pres, '
OW are enrried mit by Coupes , . it opiat add great- A t . it ,,... t .,,„ or C ~,, Any i„ fin :U.sl7, i t St A t , ,
ly t• the amount of business done in this city. We —Annexations being all 11. e rage, since the a M t .,:
now build and 1 6 . ,1,01 ..6..1•11y a teat number of 'of I east. to this Union. se are called upon 1J add
. summers Of •Very Bilp; tt - to t h is I. a dd e d the rot, ' ann'tier in the list. By ttot lost TOIVOIo I it:chili , .
Kroeti.m of iron war steamer,, Fit'shurgh. though I cc leaf n :hat a prijert 11 'W. on foot to n0t . .., I sea
hundreds of miles (tom the ocean, will present touch ' it. to Iho Unita,' &BIC. 1, 'nest , . stl a s ospen•oot
ewe ate epreerainee of • great corninerc , td port on the bridge across the Niagara It is eatintstroi [lst Inc
seaboard, than an interior city. t :113f1 wt:: be about .120.001. and large o coring. hft, r
---- ; hero held on both sides of lite line, fur the I'phitose of
110/ID,--Tha train of cars which left the city at 21
o'clock on Saturday afternoon. for Portland, says the
Boston Traveler, came In collision with a sleigh, at
shoot half-pest 5 o'lock, at the crossing of what is
called the old meeting-house road in Newmarket.—
The sleigh contained four persons, Mr John Hayden
. 1111 Newfield, his wife, child and sister. The engine
struck the sleigh with great force, disengaged the
bores from it and shattered it to pieces. The bag.
gage car was thrown off the track by the collision.
Mr H. jumped out of the sleigh and escaped unin•
:japed. His wife and child were both run over by the
lan end killed instantly, the child's head being actu
ally severed from ks body.. The sister was also some
, what, but not materially, injured. We we have not
vottertalood the circumsutocespinder which the sleigh
was craning the track, nor whether any biellTO is st
acked to the engineer. The bell of the engine, it is
said was duly rung, and the whistle sounded.
A Lies CLAIM.—The correspondent of the Phil• '
etielphia North American states that the heirs of the
late Joseph Richswdson of that city, are about to insti
tute suit to recover some twenty acres of land, among
the mosevaluable in Philadelphia. lying in the very
been of tile city. It is said the Shoemakers, of Phil
sdelphie, and the heirs of Mr Rishardeon,ane of Mr
Aubrey and .Toshus Jones of Baltimore, are the di•
rent descendants of Mr. Joseph Richardson, and
that it is in their name this suit is about to be institu
'TT"" l "" l "' 4, ""*..o:;:mic."4s(...4,, l ryti.r.wizovr - v4ft"
GRACIp LoD4111:07 annual
alumina of de" Grand Lodge of renntyleasitt took
Owe at the Meseta Hall. tomb Third st.,ein Mon
day evening• The following gentlemen *err elected
officers for the ensuing, 'Masonic year, commencing un
St John the Evangelises clay, Dec 27th.
Grami Master—Jas rage, in rill.C4l of m Berge:,
who declined ■ re election.
Dept , ritisrA Master—Feter
Warden—Wm Wiwney.
.laoinr" '• Anthony Bourv.envllle, Mr)
Grand Thomp.nn.
Grand Secretary—Wm 1! Adam'.
musters nn the Girard Seri int—Bay , Nct.,..rnh.
Samucl Samurl fl Aloz niatnona
E..os S C a hay.
GRIr.4T VTI?“3 Volt Tllt 1.1
Tate MORMONS aND Mai. Sethi.—The widow of
the Mormon prophet, in • letter to the New York
Sun, denies that she it going to California, or any o li•
er place with the Mormons. She says she is very t
well satisfied with the United States and means to re- ;
main in Neuvoo to take care of her property and if
she cannot educate her children there she will send
them to New York; she Is favorable to having• misted
society at Nauvoo, and to the abolition of all exclusive
religious distinction. She adds:
"I must now say, that I never fur a moment be
lieved in what my husband celled his apparitions and
revelations, as I thought him laboring under a diseas
ed mind; yet they may all be true, u a prophet as sel
dom without credence or honor, excepting in his own
family er countly, but as my conviction is to the con•
trary, I shall educate my children in a different faith
and teach them to obey •nd reverence the laws and
institutions of their country.
I am left here, sir, with &family of children to at-
tend ta, without any means of giving them an educa
tion, for tiereis wog a school in the city, nor is it in
tended That there shall be any here, or at any other
place, where the men who now govern this infatunted,
simple-minded people, have sway. I have not the least
objection that these petty tyrants remove to California,
°tarty other remote place,out of the world, if they
wish, for they will never hoof any service to the Mor
mons, or to the human family, wherever they go.—
Their object is to keep the people over whom they
rule in the greatest ignorance and most abject religious
bondage, and if these poor, confiding creatures re
move with them they will die in the wilderness."
The Erie Observer, Venango Democratic Arch,
Clarion Democrat, Jefferionian at Brookville, and
Democratic Banner—are all out in favor of General
Levi G. Clover, of Jefferecto Co., as the candidate
of the great Democratic party of the Northwestern
Territory, fur Canal Cornmissioser. The Banner
says," We go- for the General with right good will
—and certainly the claims of this portion of the
Sue, all notbe disregarded—it is the first time they
have brought forward one of their own men."
We say, "Glee us your hand"—the General is a
clever &lbw, and if elected, from his long experience
u a public officer, would make a. moat excellent
Commi uioner.
l er INtlejer Entirsav A. ficseotms. Of CiasyfeSii
Swell is strongly ieeceieeatiNi bj a evOriporsteet is
t its Crewcord Desese*, es geodernan wall. qua*
for the offset of Cartel Coaminkmer.
At a large and respectable meeting of the demo
cratic ciuzens of rho lit Ward of the ci , y of Pitts
burgh. held NI the house of Jae Little. on Saturdny
evening. the 13:h ht.% (or the purpose of electing
dclegete• to meet in convrniien tin Tuesday next, the
I tith, to nominees a suitable person for Mayor of -die
cal of Pittsburgh.
On motion. its Pattetion, jr, etas raked to tiu•
and Wan C Mat il/I . th net, Michael Knee, iip
The following gentlemen were then elected dela
C Vrri.ietb, John Tag;Art, Michael Kane,
Francis Nirlodroo, S G Robln•on.
Resolved, That ihorielegatei be instructed to sup
port Dr ‘V ro Kerr for Mayor.
R.-solved, That thi. meeting pledge themselves to
411 p port Dr Wm K Col Mayor at 11. e eneuing
M NA F , jr,
\t. C M sato alp. Sec.).
GA 11.6111 baron] ient le men *eta appointed
del, atc• w the Cutotentiun, to be held up Tue,iday
John Anderson, John Smith, Thomus Nl'Kewm
and and .1 W B• 111. Ma 11.
1.1 . H. 1.
01 L.:,
WNlan's diet Moot ing interest in life it attend•
ing to the wants of the hotly. This every man of ex
peri,nco I. rompellt•d tonci..mowlegge, however desi.
tool he may be to lend his testim to)) to the fact of
higher and holier objects, engaging the attention of the
The epitaph of most men might read—
"He was born. He toiled and worried for food clo
thing and equipage, besought the• phantom happiness.
He died."
If, then, mankind %villain persist in attending chief•
ly bodily wants, all must admit that health should
claim their first attention.
To all true enquirers, therefore, of the way to re
gain, to preserve health, we would say with candle',
read the advertisement on the outside of this day's pa.
per, concerning that celebrated and truly valuable
medicine. Dr. Wiscar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Coughs and rads—ln all cases of coughs and
colds, the sufferers will find a pleasant but powerful
remedy in Clickerter'sStigar Coated Vegetable Pill.—
The fame of this medicine has already spread far and
wide. Over five hundred"' thousand boles of these
pills were sold last year, having been used in all as
certained cases with perfect success. For liver com
plaint, affection of the lungs, palpitation of the heart,
influenza, asthma, scarlet fever, fever and are, drop
sy, typhus fever, and other diseases. This pill is coat
ed with fine white sugar. so that the medicinal ingre
dients are imperceptible to the taste. To children,
they may be administered without difficulty. So well
convinced is Dr Clickener of their efficacy in all speci
fied cases,. that be pledges himself to return the money
when the promised erect is not produced.
Sold by ‘Vm Jackson. corner of Wood and Liberty
streets. who is general Arto.6x Dr Clickener's Pills
in Pittsburgh and vicinity.
113• Beware of an imitation ankle ealkd "repro
ved Sugar-Coated Nils," purporting to bePatented
as both the pills and pretended patent are forgeries,
got up by a miserable quack, in New York, who, for
the last four or five yearn, has made his living by
counterfeiting popular medicines. dec 15.
soul.' ,
Each man uncovered, and bowed revereutiallY, as
they all ejaculated the prayer.
'Husband!' shrieked the wife—'Husband!' tell whet
they require; - in the name of Heaven!'
'Never! I have no gold! If they kill me they
will be murderers. and my death will Dot go uneven
A crash announced thatthe burning rafter had lab
len. Lent lifted bis hand. and in a moment Brown-
Well body swung clear of the ground The wife fell
Insensibls. Lent raised hi* fend again, and grown.
see was immediately lowered. tie was soon sufficient
ly recovered to speak and limn.
'Brownlee!' saki Lent 'you see we are determined.
Save yourself, if possible, for the sake of your
Cnlc!NM•Tt, tk-c 1016
Flour—This article tees firm on Tuesday. in c..nse
q•tesw-e of the receipt of news from the 1:4111.
C4llO in IL. I t•t F . ...tern mail, of • slisht edwaoce,
Oho e, on preltuu. q..ot•tian•. The steamer Cambria
war haw!) expeved, and price. bad taken an op
e rd Mt. ralrltt spin. We train of • sale ..1135 bbls
from .a s -oe here. on Tufrwimy, at $5,00. One lot •t
Rlvrf,lA Set b.tat,was held at $3,00e-fur vrhlch •
jde•h r .4ered $1 675* -1d1.1014. A sale was mad.
from more it 100 1614., at $5...-cleer, l'itreigation is
lemporerilyen•pended and we have to report no •rri
of Flom or Whiskey.
biskey .......11•10811111 as at lost qmstatiens. Small
sal , . ftr• meat at 91144022} f , /Atom
flogs —I.V• cootinue to ileum 41lugs at $4 ,95 to
4,37 a 4 30—io proportion to quality.
Cattle—A sale is sent us of a small lot, Tuesday, at
113,65 47 100 lb.
Burrito. Dee.mber 10.1345
There is but little to note in the markets for thin
ark. %n hare had snug wittier weather, with
good sleighing, • hich hes made hurioess lively in our
streets. The country market remains without ma
tetiel change with a good supply.
The foreign news received h ) the last dates, have
rained wh , at and flour to decline to $5. There is.
however, b-tt little doing—dealers not being disposed
to enter very largely into O t er•11011.1, upon the uncer
tain state of the Eastern and European markets.
We have not yet seen an account of the intelligence
upon the Now 'folk market, as 'be news had not
reached there pi lot to our lam dates, except those
which will be found under our postscript bead.
The va'uu of flour and wheat reaching tidewater
this seamt, is estimated at $22,050,030. against $l2.
0.50.030 fur 1844. The increase arises from the huger
amount, and the higher pric 6.
Provisions rem tin without change, with but little
Dee Bth.
Our 8 tar market presents no new feature to-day. The
foreign news does not appear to have effected it at all,
and holders are fit mat former quotations. But little
will be done here before it is known how the New York
market stands. A sale of Genesee was made yeast
day afternoon at $6,75 'which is about the only transac
tion we have to report. We notice a sale of ordinary
two-rowed barley at 61c. Hops are held it 30 god 35c
but without sales.
Ashes —The market is dull, but without change
in prices price. Pots are held at $3,814, and pearls
at $4.31i.
Cotton.—The market on Saturday was quiet, and
without change in piles.
Flour and Grain.—We cannot give acorrect quota.
Lion for dour, es we do not bear of any transactions
since the reception of the steamer's news. As yet all
are waiting to *es the extent of the English orders,
and at whet price they will buy. That flour will de
cline, there seems no doubt.
There are several cargoes of corn afloat, but the
market for that is in the same state as for flour.
SCHOOL BOOKS—A varied atortrosn! at
11111 HE Miscellaneous Writings of Juessfory, %YH-
A_ son, Sidney Smith and Milner. Forsitleby
' Now &mks.
111010111TrU MINTS to Gen. Jiarninfaat4BnOS
ILL Esiogiaannsi Sermons as hii4lol. • .
a maxim
BErITS-Bel-keep i tog;
declS BOSW Olap.,,ic FORREST ER
TITOGRA PHIA, or the Printer's Instructor;
brief sketch of the origin. rise end progress of
ii,eTYPogrspiiirul. Art; with pray cal directions for
e.iiniiiieting every d e portment in en offira.: hints to au
tism's and potAiortera. dto., sfec.*tbOa. F. Adams.
FRINTI‘G ISK.—A large supply of P l inter's
Winter News lola on hand sod for aale,by
corner of Wienel end 3d et,
IF nu want to preheat. any bedatecla,tables.ehaira ,
se tt.es, or any thing else in the furniture line,
cou eantiu,beuer than to mill at the ft:tritium ware
room of T B YOUNG & CO,
dectl3. (It-least. between Penn end Liberty.
42,n, PS. Plaid Cl.ntkinv, new and besinifiri
Ur pattern., just recived at No 4T... NlArkei ...cm
ner of Third, by A A MASON.
1 dee IS' __-_____
PS. Red. Yellow end White Flannels of
improved mates at Wholesale and Re.
tall. very low priceo,by A A MASON.
0 No 42. Markrt it.
12111 SUPERIOR Broclia Shawls. just rticeived
(..= which will be sold very A
low, lAy
(reo 12 No 43 Marl,' sr.
1 CASE FURN I 11311 E. PRINTS Sellin= at6le. per
yarti et A. A. MASOi`i'S.
tbe 12 42 Market
De Wanes.
20Dark •rul Light plaid do lains for cliff.
ren yam. as low to 20c- per yard, Fur sale
N 042 sYlarket at. by
A CITIZEN leeirog for the &nub. and Havanna
will ■onot to aa! busieess entrusted to him.—
Addles. A through thiPust Office.
dec 13
Pos. Salo, and a gold dom.' fox Bar-.
CIHOUSE and Lot en Sixth stmt. near Cherry
A Aav, Pitobargh. The Lie is 26 feet 6 inches
front by HO km in depth, a very desirable location for
• private residence. Terms liberal and title indispu
table. fnquire of W. O. LESUE,
decl3 Smithfield at. near filth.
Ribbons. 'Velvets and Satins. -
NOW open (by express) another lot of Fast:done
able Ribbons, llsonet Velvets and Satins, tube
New York store, 79 Market greet.
MN 49, Zing Square:
LUST received an assortment of Gold and
it Silver Patent Lever Watches. of the above
eurarow make, which for fi ne workmanship .
sod complete accuracy. are stti passed by nose, and
spoiled Ind I, one other maker.
Also, A large stock of fine Gold and Silver Wafch.l
es; made by M J Tobias & Co, T F Cooper, E Si
I 1 area & Co, Joseph J .besot, Church st., Liverpool
and oilier genuine make, • i
AZ..'. A fine assortment of Ladrea' Gold Lever
W etches, and IVatch Keys, &C.
All at the lowest cm& prices.
cornerof 4tb and Marketst.
I . '"Watch repairing in every variety continued an
.ual in the best manner, and all work WlLlllollled
iv.* sat iafact ion. • W.
der. 13 •
fly J.ku D. Darts. Auctioneer, cornier of Wood
and FiftA Streets
(IN Monday marnin; the 15th inst., at 10 o'clock.
11 1' wilt he sold an extensive assortment of season.
tittle Dty Goods, among which ere broad cloths; cesai•
•a iiinets; flannels; caliceee; gingham.; checks;
ickiege Kentucky jeans; shawls: handkerchiefs: bosie
cloves; patent thread; woolen comforts; silk Cra
vat.; flan sturt4,
At "1 o'clock, I'. M.—A quantity of damaged mails;
New Orleans molasses; loaf *urn Virginia m anlifae. l
owed tobacco; N. Y. tanned sole leather; candles: '
tea; carpet Ong-, mantle clockg coal *togas and a great
variery of new and second band household fortanrei
hair rantravaes,
At 61 o'clock, P. M.—An extensive assortment of
new and second hand gold and silver watches; hoots:
shoe.; hats; caps; gong picolt: musical instruments::
, mathematical i ns t r ume n ts and s undry staple and foa
-1 r articles. decl3.
Retail Grocery Store,
AT 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon the 161 h inst.,
will be sold without reserve at No9o Fifth street
neer SmithriAd stteet, the entire stock of Groceries,
Flow , chold and Kitchen Furniture, of a gentlemen de
elinins bovines*, among which lire stignr„euffee, tea,
starch, mn.t s,d, tee o ,finktera„ glaAiwamo, confectione
ry, mackerel, herruls., soap. bhls . potatoes
molsa.er, vinegar, tobacco, ecrn btlonws, queen/ware.
ciockervwsre. tinnere. knives and ftwks, spoons, bed
And holding. bureau, tables, choirs, bedstesds,looktng
classes, mantel clock, scales and weights, patent bal.
once, I chest. I stove and piy, lire irons, pmts, ket
tles. pans and a quantity of coal in cellar, &c.
dee 13 3 D DAV S. Auct'r.
Burnt District
ISA AC muaDocx, formerly or the Union hotel
on Water alien, baying been burnt ost, bus built
a pew and handiness Howe expressly foe the stoma
mod lion of Travelers. of the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt
District Hotel
He is now papered to offer every accommodation,
end every comfort to the traveler at very moderate
charps. He is provided with ample and convenient
l i Stabling. decl2-I.y.
Valuable PrOpCrtir far Sale.
ACFA rAINII4 of ground shunts on Penn. b.
low Walnut street. Fifth Ward. containing 17
feet front on Pena, and extendicg bark 100 feet to
Mulberry alley, on which is erected a viluahle three
Autry 1410 k house, sod in rear • two story frame.
Also, one other lot on Liberty street, opposite
the Wesley Chapel. Magid ward, containing 25 feet
front, and extending back 100 feet, on weich is erec.
ted $ well finished two story frame. Titles indispu
table. For further particulars, as to property and
terms of sale, apply to
decl2 if (Chronicle copy.) Fifth Ward.
N. Cheap Mute.
ROSE ATHERTON. by Jeffreys, 4 pages, 121 e.
Gents of English Songs, 12 " 25
Seven favorite Snags for Guitar. 25
Opera of Masanielies, 6 songs, 25
.I.a Craeovienee, arranged by Boehm, 121
Outevrti Bound, by Mrs Norton, 6
Fine Old English Gentleman, 8
We Have been friends Together, 6
Love Not Quieltmep, 6
Tit better to Luugh than to Sigh, 6 4
Thou art Lovely, rung by Met 1/ Mott, 124
Weep not, companion to The Old Arm Chair, 6 4
Light of other Days, 64
Music from Cinchona, 4 songs, 25
Receited and for sale by
122 Wood street.
Nsw Yonic Dec. Bth
BAGALEY & SMITH have removed to their new
w ar e house, Nos 18 and 20 Wood street, (east
side) where they will be pleasant so invite the etteetion
of their friends and dealers generally to a large and
well selected assortment of Groceries and Pittsburgh
Manufactures. Deal° 3m
t 8 awn 20 WOOD STRUM?, PITTSSUR•H •
BAGALIY & bolesslefireeers
S and Fraser defiers, No CO.,
843 Mutat street, be.
mean sth and 6th, North wide, Philadelphia.
novt 0.3 m
To Business
titter teatived by ettpnam. ;be latgoat
jMt sialirtment of Shand* god nesporthilly M
yna thnk littanitlho of the Ladies, among thew ace
yeti hand:WWl arkorri , super cashmere, rich bconba,
heany.iiintire„ and other styles of fashionable Winer
Shawls, all of which we are selling much lower thaw
we have ever offered the same quality. and many of
them greatly below the original cost of importion.—
Ladies tviiitlnz a good shawl, very cheap should ilk'
fail to Cali at Na. i 5 Market street.
cler9 1 w
AN ORGANIST, who hal bad several 'ears ea
perienee, and is gcqulinted with every variety
of der-vire, and t, ho can give a ny desirable ant Infant,
ry reference, will accept or a situation, and sive ai
erporienity of being licurd.
Address R. W. through the Post office. ,
deslo, 6t.
Grernaburgh, Wevtmoreland County, Pa.; Will
practice in the Wedmoreland, Indiana end Catnbrla
decB Iy.
Market strert, Sicubetville, Olio
fr HIS establishment has been taken by the
undersigned, who reapectfully begticatro
to inform his friends. and the public generally that it
has been refitted and futniabed in a style not surpassed
by any house in thisplace, each at least equal to any to
t h e West.
Washington Hall is located in the business part of
a:return, on Market street, nearly opposite the Court
House and public buildings, and within a few steps
of the Market.. The situation is the most elevated of
any public bonne in Town, commending a view of the
River for several miles above and below.
An Omnibus, and servants, is ill at all - times he in
mediums to convey psssengrs and their baggage to
aid from the steamboat landings.
Every accommodation which the public have a
right to expect may now be had at the Hall, on terms
as reasonable as offered by any other good Noose in'
Steubenville. As the proprietor will spare no pains'
or eepensa.tn sender general satisfaction, this, with'
his long experience in ibe busineas, will make.it the'
interest of those. who come this way. to "give kim is
derghtf. J NO. IRONS.
Ladies Hosiery
REC El V D at No. 46, Market it.. a large anti
rplendid_ variety Winter Hosiery, Black and.
Blue Black Lamb's Wool, pica (tom 31 to 75 cts.—.
Grey Mixed do.'do., (light and dark shaded,) 26 to.
75 owns. Ribbed nod plain Worsted Black and alit
colorw--very low prices. 30 dor.. Children's Wool
Hosiery, all colors—nod prices from 12 1.2 to 37 1.2
Ilec 4.
NELYBlankets: fresh supply opening tuis day,and
1. 1 11 selling at reduced prices.
CLOAK GOODS—Tbibet Cloths (in all shades.)
new kR opened at extraordinary low prices.
Baciaacr.orns.--Black, Blue Blacks. Invisible
Gran. Brown end other shades. Gala Plaids, Rob
Roy'a &c &c., at No 46.
BEAUTIFITh calicoes, new siyles. selling for 12..
lurs per yard at BARILOW'S &SUR:s:Ea'S
No 46: '2 cases received.
.I".buice patterns det4
. Attorney at Law,
•Site in Burke's Buildings, 4th street, near Market.
june 19-41&-wly
SEv ENI Y-FIYE Brocbe, Tutkerri and Cr/Amery
Shawls, new, received by empress Cram New York,
this day. ( nov22 ) B. E CONSTABLE.
A LOT at Gentlemen's fine Shirts and Drawent,
nene.t make; also. Gents. Merino under Skirts
and Drawers, jaw. received and now
nov2 B. E. ONSTABLE.
Alderman's Office.
ITE undersigned begs leave to say to his friends
1 and the public generally, that be has removed
his office to Penn street, near the canal Midge, tripo•
site the United Stater Hotel
RUST received at the Three Biz Doors, the
eat and beat •61501 mem of Shirrs, ever offered
in the Pittaborgh market, which will be sold whole•
sale or retail on reasonable terms.
For Rent or Sale.
1, HE subscriber wishes to rent or sell his Torero
I. Stand in the boroogb of Beaver : sign of dos
Penury/semi , ' Hesse. The stand is e good one, aryl
any petson wishing to purchase or rent will frroi it shs
sirable. Terms easy,
Hen.er. Dee. 3. 1E45. dee. 5. tf.
N. B. For further iniormation enquire nt ttlis arcs
htea's Merino Sbirta and Drawers.
DURCHASERS will find it Shea & Pm:moat's as
1. full ao.ortment of men's Merino dnmers, and
double and sines brrested Merino shirts. Also. Cut
ton, do du bleached and unbleached.
Dec. 6.
2CASES No 3 (low priced) Economy Blasi:eta
Just received and for s ate by
4 BAGS of wool, received sod for sale by
No 26 Wood st.
December 6, 1115.
PROPOSA IS will be received at this Department
until '2 o'clock (noon) of the S 1 day of January
next. 1846. for trailing the following alterations on
board the U. S. Revenue steamer -Bibb," now lay
ing at Cincinnati. Ohio, and at a hich place the work
will be executed. Proposals to be addressed team
Secretary of the Treasury, and endorsed "Proposal*
for altering the U. S. Revenue steamer "Bibb."
T., receive the vessel in the water at the port of
Cincinnati, Ohio, and remove the present machinery,.
•making such disposition of the present boilers as may
be required—furnishing the materials and: construct
ing a low pressure marine engine, with side wheels,.
and all thenecessary appendages thersto..ageseable to.
plans which will be exhibited upon application to Cape
Howard. at Cincinnati, or in his absence, to the Chiefs
Engineer of the vessel. The work to be execrated'
in the best manner and to the full setisfaction of the
officer or officers who may be appointed by the Gov
ernment to superintend It, and the hull and machinery .
delivered to the said officers, fully completed in every
particular, end in perfect working order. A general
plan of the alterations will be furnished by the Gov
ernment, and the working drawings by the persons ta
king the contract.
Should it be decided to apply a "cut.eff," to the
machinery, the right to use it will be paid for by the
Government, when practicable, the material used in
the construction of the Wheels, Paddles, Bears,
Guards, dice to be of iron and of such sizes and di
mensions as shall be directed by the Superiatendeot.
The present boilers are to bo retained, and placed le
such position a may be required.
Bidders will be required to specify (or what grow
sum they will undertake to execute the work, they tee
eeteing the present machinery, and it is to be distinct
ly understood that no extra allowances of any manes'
whatever will be admitted or allowed The work to
be executed and the vessel delivered to the prewar
officers on or before the Ist day of July next. 11146.
Bonds in the sum of twenty thousand dollars. with
three sufficient sureties for the faithful execution of
the work will be required. and the contractor will
cause a general elevation of the machinery to be deo
posited with this Department upon the delivery of
the vessel. 8. J. WALKER,
Secretary of the Treasury.
James Park, Jr. & Co
Plate and Qneensware, No. 112, Second at.,
between Wood and Smithfield tureeta, opposite the old
stand. novl4 ly.
ABEELEN her removed his Commiuion and
. Forwarding Business from the C Oat I Bash to
his new Warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite
the Poet may 30.