-_-_ which Oaf foreign imports may be Lept in stole by the sachusetts,and southwerd nearly v, the dtviding line \ gm ernmete unelthey are required for re exportation of Maryland and Virginia, on ther'Chesspeake. TWO abroad or consumetton at home-in which latter con new centres of °relations base been opened, ix Noah 07 lite napery and at the time wben for that purpose they Caroline, and on the Gulf of .12lexico, from ehich tho SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY are taken out of these stores for consumption, die die works may be spread until the parts unite. impel . . -.sae i . DECEMBER ON THE FINANCES. ties are pied.stsa if re-exported, they payee duty, but tent positions for forts, nay y yard.., harbors, and light _- _ _-- - --- -- only the espense of stomp , Under tbe present sesteM \ houses, present themselves along this interesting por eM• Vll pa t.st taAse nt for country newspapers, TRICASURT Der aßTeretT. 1 the merchantintroduces fertile imports of the vt:t , m or lion of the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alm is the \ gent for tlw Patsburgb Daily INlorrong Post. December 3, 1345. $ $lOO,OOO. He must now, besides the advance for the • barna, and the island gttarding the interior channel se i W ....sly ?aerate and ,N 1 out. tura, to receise t Cronducirri ) goods, mal.e a (either advance in cash in man) cases, ; bet.een Mobtle and New Orleans. Great economy eivertioco ears ail subacr-panito Ilr ha. "awes 1.1 It opposed the 'Loll-Velem lir aty; a ne i t i s f ear ed of 1,50,00,21 -or -die dut les. Under ouch a system,but , exi sts in the admirostration of the fund appropriated Nee YoliF nt tile Coal 011 e, 30 Nutt street, (0a• , tho no ~,h, ~e,,,, ill llti icing a re...minket redueliOn a small aMOIIIII Of goods e ill be impotted for draw.' f or t he coast sum y; and eveiy effort is made by the petered', 1 Own , Otf re 1 lot our mall 81111 Miele. tat ifis e ill rertise Ito soppori, backs-niai the 102,11er the duty is. the larger must superintendent to pass the eel k ores ard to a comple Restos , :so 12 Stair. street , ~.,. It that intereßt pre'en ell a tectonic - al .xr 1 1 0„ge o f nu , I be the advance, at d the steelier the imports fut re•ex- i to n. 1 twee diners resulthig (tom the ser , ey huse I ottani 1 1 itiii, b. ,,,, I..tate moi C uai u t. , c, , ,', 1 o, si tor lorei co tali irs at r esenue ditto s, it .001.1 um pot I anuo been published etthin the past year, and five more are Tn, R .r. et I loot , desired a tat of opetating. eel-tont excepiein Ihe import, In fore p r .ment o f &ARS und , r the n eatly rear'y for publication. Greta attention has Bs crriott t s 1 i-0 ner Rano. i e aril Careerist., neatest rel odium. that a lopted loss , as w ,ll a i, I,, c h, 'aloe regulations now undo dto oui 'introits to %tonsil toren g iarn to the r. ery importer,- subject or our li,,lit arnrra m ir papor c•ii he St I n and tet nis of ad , ertl-; tariff"; tint ssoold it have opposed avers iimeednietit Ito C_lii ails may he taken (tom v, arehuoure to woreltonsc house s, rtem, .1 he rate us improserneirta suggested se g martiod. lloopositig, when the ust - 01 of 1840 was mai. r consul -float The east to the hikes atul to Pat...burgle( incite ,by expeoence at home or a broad ate all being fulls . _ ___ _ ,--„s„ -- - leralion. a retie...limn of our doors upon d ie ex p,,,i, „i natl. and Loutosille-hom New Oilcans to Natchez, i u m! eon full!, inseotigatrd, arid a repert, it I...believed , . a \such na tiolta as ssould ieceise, free of ditty, our flour i Vicesbieg, ISlemplo., and St Loirs-attd wArt-hun-ed will be lead) dining the present oession of Congress . r7ln order to psi- our rya lora, tto• morning, th flm steamship Camleta arils ed at Datum on Eel Red tither agile. Iturn l produets• If that -Interest de. •in these awl other Inlet inr po r ts, the duties ' cottoning I. w in the Chesapeake tu the Capes of Florida. and day morning, bringing advices horn Lost !pool to the aces te the steam ship Cenditia• " 0 ate eomPelled 'lairiel r ecipiocal fiee trade eel, i ther names , it e „„esl un paid until the goods me mkt n out of the .arehouse,' thence weritssaid. our coast is badly betted. no well ao omit un article .11101 wir haa pier:trod, in reply to lie , e dearer' a \ els dart ert twin - f r om t h at u f 1 312 an d o ut uf the original paskage, itt such pieta, fiir' as t he peat 'skis of the north snd west; and numewus 101.1150 d London to the 18th of November. It eould have suttees. to confine the itigh dimes to eon-morn me; 'lois marrying o ur f or eign co mmerce toter l a , tee ke,, ofit n nectar panted %sill> loss uf life and pro- The political news it of very little impottence. the Comma riot Join-nal. Owls.- rases .heie the rotor.. tmOolterirtild aell 1,1 . the intetior, .101 all the ads ' i mage of augmented 1.. I rerty. ',cern to tequila the interpooitton of Congtese , Cotton females aliwit Ihn same a• at our presious _---------. Impoits lor en,li o trly; a nd admitted d ese ba, k ori • sines. and cheaper s upplies througliout the e mitter). Such portion Of the awl. of the eePhitiug exPedi- adviCell, and the Grain Mat ket hus been well sustain CM' Dc.t.t.ckits ELleTtut.s.-The Deinue. ats of 1 oia half the duty .late Ami ries , ' cartons %mild be , It vt ill imaelitce in to e i a i n ree pm • on or nenr the 1 lion as %ere placed undet the t herge of this &Tar , ' i d but we dn not gulliet that flour ur g,r•in have actu this coy, it .111 be sewn by the notice of the Corn- ', take n a broad In exi hange-nor an Retool baiter of ; seaboeld, assorted cargraui o f go, ds, to he re exeetted meet a er. distributed for ihe benefit of Mir who', &hips ally ads anced mane nf Cnaerenedenee• am r"l""trd to meet ot llfport,:tignctiterlte %r o an evoiablaiamounti o f value o f our , .1 1 1 1 1 1 ° 1 7 ""`ll.l°''Prll t h e mar l "' 0f 111 " ""11!1. 11 1 These 'eat:able chantembrate thesuive.y of „ m rylo . lll- fit! rate of interest fixed by the Batik of Englund, pen pro es to die censure 1, by deducting the t erto almost unexplored regions and tailandsol the l'a- Was 31 per cent. the usual places, in their reopectice Pants, on Bettie. 't 0 the vslue of their e ipc - itts :a r s " u‘se7l.lena fisuu'rirth'sri7ell,,:iterest•oa roan that ate tuts , charged upon the ad. vile, as %sell as a part a the coast of Oregon , and It is undetst,,nd that ilie rs,iii.a,c,,,binat has elt ter day evening, to elect Delegates to the City Comet , \ bete unequal a mount i n yaw., „r Rn y „f our loorluct,' vance of duly -building op the ninny of ot-r own com- I m oot be e neriently tee feller many purPoseebel este - mined not to open tkr ports of thal country for the tea. ebich a to meet at the lVallonctiot Hotel on and the t hipment mode abroad of these prod tete upoi, m erce, and et, ine 'enfeeble empleytnent to our Own cony to our seamen and merchants etigera in the , free admission of Grain at present. the fellnaine, Turarlas. I t is important that 0 , 2 11 1 e *stile lamellae under which the t i t a , s L A O, o f a t om, \ cornrnerClal annt 'rte. It a 11l es-stall) inelease our rev-, w het, fieiery. 1 Among the passengers an the Cambria we :attire lis o uw allowed un the re exportatton of foreign im- enue• by augmenting. our imports, together eeh our I sevetal reports. eatibraeb g one art a'atiiilean and ' Rufus Prime as bearer of dearatches from the U 5 Ward meetings aliened be v. ell nticorlaxl, and that OW • ports• Ties is ould he less s imple, Ro d is n et ieri en , earlier; and 14 tenpeClfllll. lentimniended tdCongtese I on e ri ii banks arid the currency, Indere , ' by Congress, Legation In Parte. to the Department of State. Alan Delegates t hest n tLbu'd bc Pori eel elle Dr mociatsle e did lit l i re o f Ili i t absolute redoctio„„f 2 1, d uties . • s o a n important pert ef the elude system nue preposed are teamed as In preestatton, and to he Presented as Sidney E Morse EIS bearer of despatches from the el ehu is ill Weenie is present the eel of tht tt eel, ' 1 a hite wtll uCcuoViteh theism - 1m o' ject of tht utirestite ; fen their nettsidei at tit" Irate, no pincticiaile in the artesian; after which die i.S Legations in Pruasia, Bel:turn und England. It to • ..eil cechte ge. 1 Lin order to close the rt.ltlit OM. of Ille frr.rl ~, ptettent report trot chide% thost-- Root that Mr Mame has in chap the ratified irraty, s e .ent.. Bin such a Pr,,,i.,(111 a 011111 Ila a •1•1e,,,CUt,,,n. r,... , 1111• paia-r, a e lose Intide a 'l,llolllOn of sit nee li of ii le pratertinig lii• fininlal ri port, 111 obedience to the le -tepee Bavaria and the United States. trans wetted . , rum or rty. low, an 1 should be desired by thoso h o l m , at relate. ii, the establodonciliora C on4tllotion&l I ref , lue, the Secteinia of the 1 reesury submit* hie ietie• l by Henry Wheaton, Urea d States Minister at Berlin: Front our Watskarlesso CortasPotarnt. 1 , eig in cormteiani'ing tariffs sputa.' for. Igo nations, ..illi%. &C 3 1 w iili undiaseitibleri.diffidence-conuiled by the refire- , and also the proposed comerroermal treaty between M ssoiserov CtrY, Dec. 801.1615 lon in re ciptoral fire I mar eel) till, lbw' enalthog ion i The dfarorohleoeffr.ecit t i r i i r tlie b i t i ll i, u c l::: , i , n , .l l iahtl„rb.:ll,botcul; I t i in. ott that ale his error. of iudement +all be correctea by ' B e isium and the rutted States . also despatches for i the-Demon meat of ' Sus e, riti 'for die Pia tMa fiiairr,rners and planter* te sell their iii alerts for cheaper iof our ut , ies oin a xre. ._ , ' r etai l , wiissinmef Jive two Houses of Cunene.; Mn Entzont-Botli Houses hese n.ljourned user ice manufacture.. Om g roof e for nl.at :10 , sell, I port. t ot a nada t* she. n and an extension ot the syoe Ei n, ed a n, i irected oy an overriding Providenee General, fnen Louis M i 'Lane a , United States ' Mtn: e a r l until Motelos 'lle , otgoeiretten oh the IL - num of , . ro l l ora tr ,g les, f,, r a b ra t t b,... a ru , e l, n c e 2 , 2 2.22,12.22,,,,,2 tern reCuniMentletl. no a• to permit the exportation of -.loch boo tilesoesi the unexampled Progress of th s to Selland. Represetoatt•es us complete, an d t hat o f t he s en a, I li seron• strange that .htle the profit ~r ” g r,, o t tu rf 2Canada goods tit P anel! 111011.16 Mir 0,111 purls to foes great and happy Unita,. RJ W AL . KER, The steamer Hibernia, which Mai ma iiiteSt John's gradUati ,rt ul flite Secretary of the I cesaury• tor repair. arrived as Liverpoul the day before the \till tic node su to dCe The Dernocrutic :Senators sat ie4 fruM Ito 8 pet cent th it of m itinfartoret i s f i len coontries. A teduetton and more than double. Ihe waiton is,tliat wlttisillw logli i plea of public lands unaaleable at present rates, in fa- lion. Joust W. Ditels, sailing of the Comdata. I ~Id a CauCua on Ft alay at il nomitiati cl Rivellie & t , „ eerie , ••ii se __ wee a s aloinopiily or the home mai ker stir uf settlers and rti'livalois, 1i recitaitsendsti. Ito one Speaker of the House of Representativra• Ibe seamer G teat Bream *stitch left New Yore Heusi L.-tunanowily tot hinters. Judge Sturgis , of to the Manufacturer. the f ewer •nd planter ate detail lof the mean , ot increasing the i ~nue. It Is ..tI I. n __- -- -- - ,on the 2801 of October, reached Ltverpool un the 17th Georgia. toi Sem ei ars. Mr Beal, the p r esent D o er- Yea to a great extent of the foreign m oiLet by t he,. that such teilocti .ot lbe 'oleo in Casio of tle- v 01 . ,. ~i yihNela:::,..n,le.7s,7sl,:he,rleneirtee,:,es.t,,,,itriliii,:,..e, t , " „ t i er:d . I se iv emier. threes. 'etre Attire, and wanatr , am to a trial eaten, i .tllltd 111C11.1..< Ille Nog, of lal or I e 1 l eiy• 1 t 1 the faihne of the pototno crop in Ireland con keeper, fur Setgeunt at Arms, and Dr Seth Saha 1 ' w arier ile•I i torbulden vs buy in a hoeign market. and eiti heed 1,, I I Ile te-lelary 11 Conime rids the es-ablidiment of ti fa- , tem' , is err0r... 11,- d to an 10... , e' gP. iinitell IO Ciente • sensation among atateonten a 4 .01 bury. of hod Smithfield, Btadford county ,in i i I -" I ' Lie. otecatie. sotkleserthanced in pare Ist, the .lurreß, curl.% i wood:0 trt a- ui y. ao, aloe of i oorr to make rot , . he teat be toleml bot tesitmoity to the lot ..1 I ss ihe r ,". state, fur Door Iseeper. There appears to be sortie The tariff is thus n d e ities biateet to ile mitheinsiteet loans ot dlo outits... l to t'site au: 4 iterer•l°. to be co 't h`gl'" and ladter"hretaieng"etne tl' e etle"11°""I'l'a ' The Rules,. Specolations lied very genarially %ob i, i• Ulla in ron ma'•• doubt lib tie ttie election of the nomnece. 01 the caucus. aaa 11 doulile MSS to the farmer anti planter -a bone- bur d exclortircilyn tr; „. .. , e , of g , 4-I,itt,entil,:,,,„,n, of . brn,,, I, I sided, and as the fritua. and machouoy of the opera .] be epitaph of twest n mtgla reed- 1 tors in ficliiniti4 2,t2ak• ate motif fitlly developed, it -lie waster.. Ile toiled mid worried fitr food t In. t opve .,,, thot th imi .,,,, t of money 1 l ' n°a. no. wh) th " ' l ' null be * lhe lueluubenl* " e t t ‘ r ii ,a ‘ ri ' l. eltheanTumn'ernl'i!-:nrcerai" I p Y ri n ces m :rh p e ", s r f ‘ ..l f a l , t c 'e s I ti:: ' ,7 1 1: i l :i ' l lc i l 1 1‘ . ' e n :I ' l l ' t ' t a i t ' Se. I .. ;. ,rl•. ' , i ns u place ta safe heel Mg act oath di•erted .higa, anti their sole claim upon the Demnt_tato f i . 0 , oss to lite latter, In the pat Tent Of those logh orn rs., for the se' , beg" ete"" ta "t n„,,,,„„„ii, res t t h, thing finill,ripapage, he sOright Ilit phantom happier.... r ' ioni Ihe tool II channels.. uf trade Is eat remelt street clean it can be calls a )it the fact that they have ladd and in total or partial exclusion from a e fo re ies ni e . • It eoule else •eare to ii ntense Ilte i twinge by die res Ile dliel; I his cis rumaani e lies, to some ext. ni, tended tu Toot ket The true question in, %heater the born, and .ointi gof log4.1;11 T old rind silsra, law q mutates of 11, then, manlind willatlllpersißt to a tienditie chief , i 1 toe money market offa-e for a gtr at length of time. I lie Camhtla on Wednesday last boarded and eX planter Rl.Bll, to a great retiree simply our two de . oh' w 111. 11 ore la ..stitt "1 1 ' thm "ti. li , trotztun" tind 11 h' l 'h '''''ll- al l m oat " md 1114 11 " 11I1 " 1 "" I ' l I Sauna little debate spiung up In the Senate On c . ; leap mantifect tures, putchasetinb;ead e a'is th, ii es . oilier, Ise, ai a .a.o , paid fot duties and constituting a ciao. tient fie-a attentme. I eltatiged piltWil a Itli the *teamster Briernme frem Thur'dnY "0" 5 pr"pfl•lit'n I" g 1". ih"rf'"in'thent t tcultioal pioduel•,Or whether this exchange 41.11 ts, , Corooao.,tae ra ,a a ~c lite eaettire The for. ten 1 ° 'i ll " ''' '"l''''''' ‘ 1 " - ' 1 `" e • " 1 i l'' 0 " I" r'' 13.10 , 111, (2J last ) for Ltsorpool The American ['revision trade does not present ofthe ComMilttes to the Vice President. Mr Mangum I Milethien I y bigh emir , on such obinufactoies, am i roma d,,, t ea , atruhie in 11, , oiN id 1,1141,11144, hut 0 en , . 111111,4erve 10,1111, we would 41iy with coed.. , , n 0 ,27 .202111. nl in, i•J Opralsed the i eSalulion; Mr Allen o f Ohio fevered 0 , • thee steed,/ throe.. ao a monotioly ,at large prir,,,,11110. pesael through the nom. ti ey .001,1 go 10 s w e ll read kbe ad,r,....mt•ot ,o, ,l! , oot ‘ 0.1.• :,ttio,, d... 1 '. It o. I reoe h ee , tvos. ba high tat rffa, into the Mande "I our "" ti menufai tie I lie arniiiitil i f fed. al sion, or constitution ,1 curre ,„ , per coin t r lung ' 1 .. 1 '' . l .'""'''' "'"'" l ' d ''' ua "" ' American \Void appears to command Mai alien- Ibe vote 5110 wed II 1111001-113 in favor a belluteng fur' - --- , relit. in t irrul At ion, mot iedime rim antetitti of lettere e medwitte. Dr. 11 - ssi sr s Bola° ot o f Wad Cherry ' tom I . e 12 0 nat - the Comethesen• Man; of the It legs vier,. delighted i I iie number o brinnitfactm tug capon hat auho dr i lar , ran- nii obit. a mount of fioricti T old ruin hes, dui me th v 3 I Mush ,I Swat reeneh 111,11i4fer of War ba. re. .... -------- at this result, and arrlbuted the oppetition of Bentnn, I the ben , ht liora the bees. tam a es ...wird to, t he i .,,. , lb , niew 111 vc , o, 1111 1 1 1 he dee' t""'' °I 111 " a'rort- ,- I Signed General St. lam hos been appointed los lo' a !lions o f . p e opte d u es n ot es - ceed • ten me., h. , r ~.tt,4 11/ st 1.1. tn. I teen:old row. lon 0 e ' '''''lenrr'.. •Seee' neetnd Vs/este/de Pa , gear , sus „ se Saga:, and the other tuts Demm raiic 8"1"`"1"1 !'itiii.,,C.u"sunroild'."l-11'emaisi,'e nuntbc; (ineltido g the n'olt.. 1,100• S .011 a 1., non!, moe ', t oil if aided 10. 11, IU• P" - 2 1.:‘II"I'I''' ll ' s ",. 1 I '" 1 ''''' 'le,e'd,'l:,`l''',` i . 4.4.• * in tlin N1,,01-,1,.,,,,g 0.1,,,.. repre.sent soled ugtanat the r eardatton to a factious spite. Such ,„ g ci..,,,. erg,,g,od ~, our roon„im„,,,) rie,„,„. g ain, u ntil of the consototion.o tresoiry, nral the es er:(::,l42,ls,e,•noitienifiatnien• , 1 1 1 , , , o:, , imporo .•• 11l I L : e ., oto il .a i, e4i .. e, „. 1 , ~,,,,,yely 100.,,,ated. ens not tee rest. 51, Benton full) s indicated lem- I nt ; benefit fiom the tatiff, des not exceed 400,• tablishrtient of n broach J u lia: n em , \ t ‘. .l ,h the l great caro l ,h,t l 0., ..g , - ,, : m " „1„ etc,p1.,,,i% J 1 .:" 6,..tc,4l7,:c.it,tatn,tuer.,- ii . F...1,1114n -In refferenco to tlte ere it question of self from steel an impidat on b e fore the NOM. Was a:teen 000, of alums not mete thin 40 000 bis e bee n irie,rlrrterili ceimjnoij,itt,ims,o,li,t.lte.,t,o‘t,r„... 0,,1.,,mti -ri,mrit‘ir,itLr,o‘, t ~ 0. •1 c .1. ulti - ed tu teams.. those oho , iiettons, to r 3 opening the p ilia. 1% fierier alarl SlTliili l i flMeli, MINS: by ree meg to las course on t ies saw preposition h.rni7rilirt,,:m'ely,.° tih,r7l.l,'"oue'ciu I :i u t u l L a 1 , 8 1. : 1 1 1 it,aar,leir'l,..epuo,l„llt'i::' t in e ' e , ban e, „ t „ t her l" , ' , , ctriar I R of public morreaZ atort" the blood to tia named state. Ihe CM:Lento in lire state ot Eng,l Ind since we last o.l.llessed oor leaders ti is linen vers peculiar. and rain amly exotlng. teem!. years ego. He had a l..as been fas °table to ic„e„trs• ce„stieteig our agiteultuetil p,„i,,,,; ,„d ,„ •is hello r of lands oi c‘.,,,,,,,,.,.,,u1a twit.Cnnis.d, rattle, S I ug ar et'''',l I'''a''''se I''11:, ''...'"g,,,e,.',',',1-a:nn,lme'll,"'rusr.: the election of the Committees, and he had seen no the attempt to secure them as turchasels.so small in tool the goacrionent co. Id he readily protected from Y u ""r e'ennePimetl"" tn '. " lee feeling then wes, that. proosed on all Minds hs a by aili q rote bonds, and the 1 •""t"n`e,'"li 111 .1 "rIV" of di.-..-, alal the actual !the cries of the country •nd the repenter of the rase :even for chungteg Ida judgment. It aas hut another ""whe r • "n a ra' t he'ei"rn`ng "n e t ha t 11 the 'lf l'l‘ 4. d of !..ttles•lne'r l ' • ' s l'itivrtetl;e7nTl I ;rird putii•lt as Criminal all "WIC IIIIII "I I h e 1 "' n '"" 'e 4 ' m are the "'Yr mined) Ministers ...old have Opened the port Cie an erdel in ' es i dence of tbe consistency of that distinemahed Sen . I I ',';',:c‘'lc•e"l'l,emm"l:ll,‘cet of i ti m ot e . r l ' it ' i7d Pc:nutineirtii:orif itil'reeiri-eitao :la , er ' iee 711 e the r.bln m o,leN 4. 11 i• belrev«,l, o n. obnch "tit he P"`"t vel y ' °I'M ""• Being e"mt""ed \ Council fur the free admission of evry . rte.' ipt tun of atm. AII speculations about ha fidelity to Democrat- tion of eight handled nolhotis, disabled lane purcl,n-tae' soch ri ay simit, Ilia no di faults ...1 , 1 take place. 1 u " fle 'Y of "'grade' ""“ r ' Y 'I'll."'" fr.m attd erein. Every thing in fact, indicated such a result fhe Catenet had prtnracted, and, it was said, angry to proictelts are idle. They hese dictated I,is con. hong out sreducts by out Ingli duties on a d a wl ~,„1,1 an Ith 0 the pohlic m,oni,yii ...1.1 be safely kept an d , Hate Pendent iti each other in lA. tr mode of °legation; they never lea to teach ilie oral of dilease, to what- salutes; the fears of the public were becomes serious; ilie account& of the petatoe crop from all parts tit' the ace In whittle. Tim Farmer and planter . mild , dir.bur`ert tir R.‘) , l ttno teener. duct from busheed to the patent time, and tre assured r ver shape it mos appear. Thus, tithe liver be ati;rl. base the Mime mareet eltheut a t a riff, a nd they a ,„,m , [he secon 0y t iwn proc,eeds thlls . This government that ncitber the seductive 11 'citify of Wins or the rude , i r ‘ eti, one i ngredient V. ill operate 011 that parte Ularorgen ease tee off , en market nein to mech v ests, es ', • In n ail.- irs the co:l'4lllmm,, tire gineiltan or a Special -Wintry-we had almost said, from all parts of tbe and illiberal mania mese( lila enemies will cause bins but fer die total or meal pi-titillation of the l a st t „,,,r 1 cur ,-,a , ,„ That cuirency can oloy he c omet, an d is ii.,mlll:ldurlcele‘gitinetof ttlii,,,,,tattlsn's:h,oref a h l i , l i e ru , iratsioc7, Carld._•,,,ipew a lly 110, Ireland, enre really aiarmu , g. to farther in dm sepport ol the true petit& (lath I We haye more ferttle lanai tban ans other teatime 7 1/at ' a i's,,m''''' praer,7,e,n;,,,e eltyll'a7tle.:ifetnhterefl7 natural otate. g Another eel °perste on the blood, nod til:rev p th l a ic t e th o e f g C r o al i a n . •La it n w n I s cwhoeculkdedbeb ysutlsiepepiwsilt:g. nferema. enfeted Img daily. All this, combined with the n panic in the I have been it aimed to say this much about -Old , can woe a greater vnriets of piodects, end, it may be ' _ u s lr,", t'.•:::,',1',1;1- r5:'„.,.,‘„,,„ e a- e a. s e,„„ ec . t „,„ ,„ si n . ,,' remose those Impuentrs v, ittch Wise alicady Bullion," as he is familtarly callsia, es a stmple act of Said, coola fere and clothe the P" Ple ' 1 n. "" ±-. " II ' h..' " 8 , " ,i ' l ' it ) :tiempt ir "pei form that due., if vi heti coin is "" " I "I'°""I'I "' l ' ll. ' ° I 6" a . 1 " eff".."1.11.Y "11""11Sliare-market. and the utter prostration of the Woven -1 coal The home metect, of itself, is obtolly wade- . i fi um the aystem Whatever I Mpurities tnay have been 3ustiCit to a good man. o- ref I iii n value Ilii- ens - ert mmt ali t e ee cy and speculation whmh existed only a short time m ;Trate for such product," They must have the fore] :4o ' 'w l "' `• e u I "' ' • i . • i ' ' . 2 1! : disehsatl into the slomarh• through the Ins/rumen ;WWI, to rempant impetuosity ci,u;ed the ope ' P v. oli ita iee nod exp. Is a rem