ettie IDailvfiloniitT post. PITTSBURGH, PA THURSDAY MORNING. DEC EM BLit 1 Pf CTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE COYIMITT GE Fo. DEC U.lll CR N. B. Craig, Anlin Shen CORRESPONDENTS In reference to corn , nonic , ti“, which mny tipper in this paper. we tO or on remarks to make.— %Ve will insert mine wiihnet the name of the au; her he fitat.made Itn;"iwn to 11., e.rt , i when in..erte.l, must al ways be taken an expre , civeof the views of tkrtrriter, and not the editor of chi.; rap-•r, trile,i the vire., 40 expressed areeditnrially ternitiketiviinti are.! Ponce.—Only one soratry ktt , T the Alyor yesterday morning—comittitttd for A rdnisennes, - 0.1. steamer Lake Erie retorts the steamer Biel• mutt, which left Jere vesterd ty morning, aground, about thiee miles down the ricer; putt of her cargo will have to be taken from her before slip ran 1, got 011. Fancy Facts. BE it known thatJAMES CAVANAGH. has just rtmeice , i at NO. 61 MARKET STREET, hurt. t d splendid asF.OOI mei,t of Val ler y Good,, a, Jewelry, Cutlery, TOyS of all kinds, Doll,. &c &o. Also, a largo stock of oilier Fancy Guods, too numel ous to mention, cheap fur cash. Remember the numher. 61 MARK ET ST.. between Third an 4 Fourth Si.., in Simvson's Row,— CALL AND SEE. ron SELLERS' twirtrial Cough syrup and Liver Pills. D RONOUSCF.D to be the pleasantest and most clficatiotra cottzit remedy in use. Itea4 the fol lowing new certificates. F.T.CSIIC ROA D Mdy 4231, IRIS I hereby certify that I SEM afflicted for six months with a dry cough, which teamed me so that I way iinibligod to quit my work, and that by the USE of 14 boxes of Sellers Liver Pills, and two brittle* of the ImperlLi Cough Syrup, I was completely cured, Jots !loess. have need Seller's Cough Syrup in my family for two :mars or mom, and have neser known it to fail in relieving and curing a cough There popular and efficacious remedies are prepar ed and sold by the proprietor. at No 52 Wood street Sold also by H I' Schwan & I Mitchell, Alkali° dee.? Muffs ! Muffs ! UFFS! MUFFS!! MUFFS !!!—A large arrutt .ll ment of all kinds of Muff. to Le had at C H Pauloon's HAT AND CAP STORE, No. 73. %Vood rt.. next doer to the corner of Fourth stmt.!. Lynx. Fitch. Gennett and Coney, both huge and small. Also, Fur Trimmings and Lather' Fur Stocks. n0:27.1m To the Ladies. PEN I NG this day, another lot of Brodie O.AIw, on hand, a few •plenditi French Bruche I.nng Shawls, (sll wool) which will be sold a pea: bargain, at the New Volk anwe. W. D. GARRARD, 79 Market .treet. To the Gentlemen AFINE assortment of French Cloths.Cassimetes and Vest ings; also Scarf., Cravata.Stuek..Shirts. Drawer, Untler,ests and Hosiery: also a few of the ••Shaket" Flannel Drawers and Shirty, at the "New York lkw-e," 7D Musket 'teem. noelf! W. H. GARRARD. Blankets. RECEIVF.f) at No 46, a large ii,enice superior Whitney Blankets. 11 and 12-4 super fancy bound. price from $5,74 to *8; 9, 10 and 11.4, du $1,75 to $5,25, at nowls BARROWS & TURNER Bonnet Ribbons. EW Inu opening—beam iful styles; no/1 peke 121 .011 181 and 23 Cu., at No 46. nue 15. Mons. de Laines. STYLES and priterns b e autiful--price 181 end `-'5 cu., at the NEW CASH HOUSE. trey 15. Gold Pencils IUST •pene,l a lar2e assortment of Lsdies' stir] Gentlemen's Gold Pencils. of various itattettis aryl prices. from s`2 to $lB each. Alio, I dos Ileasy Soli.] Gold Penrilt of a recent Patent—the best now in use. Also, (1,n1.-men% P. Id Pendlr. with n diamond painted Gold Pen attached—neat and convenient. Silver Pencils of even• .ariety. Pencil lend. of the fins (panty by the Moen or A , rOlti %Vlioleaale and Retail at lowem m i c e, W W WILSON. corner of 4th and Nlviket sr, TO ARCH/TEC IS AND CARPENTERS THE subscriber i* noar opPoing an ase•,riment of currater's nod builder's Guides, among which are the follewinr,.:— Practical MOIOIB ry—Or a lloeot et ical and ninevative Urchin nn building; containing a ',cleat ;tic acc.tunt nl stones,elays, bricks. Mortars, cements, fireplaces. fur. naces,4-c., a description of their component puns, w ith the manner of preparing and them; and the fun damental rules in geometry, on masonry, and stone cut• tin:, with their apnliCat lee to pet...lice. Illustrated with 44 appropriate engra‘ lugs. By Ed w aid Shaw, ar chiteet; new edition. Tke Beauties of Arrkiteefure-111.1sttated by 48 ociginal Plates. By Minard Lefever, architect. Ehmentary Priuciplesof Carptutry.—A treatise an the pressure and equilibrium of tirnbrr framing the resistance of timber; and the construction of Hours, roofs, centres, bridges, &c., with practical roles and examples. By Thomas Fredgokl. civil mutineer. Il lustrated by 22 enzravings and vane wood cute; first American from the second London edition. Civil A rcAitectu re—Or a complete theoretical and practical system of building.; containing the fundamen tal principles of the art, with the five orders of nrchi sacturn. Also, a great variety of examples, selected from Vitruvius, Stuart, Chambers and Nicholson, with many useful and elegant ornaments, and roles fot pro jecting them. Illustrated with one hundred ccppar plata engravings. By Edward Shaw, architect, fourth edition, revised and enlarged. Tke .Voles Builders' Glade—By ItUnard La faver, architect. Illustrated by 87 copperplate en /graving& CHARLES IL KAY, Wholesale and Retail Book and Paper Dealer, nov24 4 - corner of 3d and Wood al.. Riusumal. A BEELEN has removed his Cnmmi•sion and • Forwarding Business from the Canal Basin to Lis new War house, on Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office. may 30. To Printers. THE subscriber bits just received on consignment , Power Press, News end Book Ink, which he will sell ut manufacturers prices GEORGE COCHRAN, No '26 Wood Ft. ALMANACS. FOH 1846 JUST received and for sale by single copies or doz• ens to merchants and retailers. An assortment of tha Franklin, Loomis's Magazine—the Cultivator and American Temperance Union Almanacs for 1896 ISAAC HARRIS,. Agent. Heard Fencing SEALED proposal. will be received at the office of the Allegheny Cemetery, or at the office of the subscriber in Allegheny City, until the first day of Jan nary, A. D. 1846. for finding all materials and con structing a board fence of about 8500 feet in length on said Cemetery. Further particular. may be known by applying to the subscriber. J. CHISLETT. Amt. Office of the Allegheny Cemetery. nov 204 m ARNOLD'S CHEMICAL WRITING FLUID and lied Ink, warranted genuine. QUART Bottles 75 cents; per dozen $8 00; N. 04. Pint " 44 '• •' •' 500; Half pint " 25 " " " 2 50; " Red 31 " " 3 00, 4 triace bottles 12$ " " " 1 25; Small cane •' 10 " " " 1 00: A full supply of the above received and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, eevl9. 122, Wood street. #_!- rt" b • " "*""*".1..,rt',.P., )4".-s*e.Of t.t gr .'" ' • SPEED AND COMFORT!! FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA THE SPLENDID rAst RUNNING STEAMERS CONSUL AND satLOUIS NVE.Atit:, ARE MAKING DALIA TRIPS. One boat will evety afternoon ut 3 o'clock precisely. Timm. Rermr... 2 , 4 , 4 ty-.2.1L-2 . SiAr;" ayier. ••=r7 FA R I:—Pttt,lturgh to Ilnhimore, $lll. Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. $l4. Passengers by these Bouts will lodge ors board in comfortable state-toorns the first night. witl pa=ts over the M "netts (on!) . 713 miles) the felltnaing PAT, in in Eastern-built Connie.; imp and lodge the second night in Ctonberland, thus avoiding rigid travel alto. get hen. Tickrta will entitle Prt: ngers to slop at Cumber. land or Ballimote, if illey with, and rename t belt seals at pleasure. Extras furnished, for a full brad, to into as Passen gers may de,ite. Fur Seals, or entire roaches fur apply et the office, two (herr, from the Exchange; atd ut the Natiunul Hotel, nbovethe Monongsh,la Bridge, oet 21 FERGUS MOORHEAD. Agent. Beaver, 'Warren and Cleveland Packets and Stage Line. . Let . • THE SPLENDID CANAL PACKETS, Express & Trirgraph, Leave rleaverd•ilY. (Sundays expected,) al I 0 . - clock A. M., (oe the arrival of the blreim,r Michigan from l'itt,burgh,)ll.l arrive et %V tree twat morning I 7 o'clock--connecnittg at Warren with Neil, Moor, & Co'a line of Stages, erhiech leave Wary en on the ar rival of the Packet, am:tread' CtevtAand before night. Fare tlrrl - mgh Sci. Pe+aratetep:wing in PittlOhnrgit are rmitimitochoice of bertha on the. Canal Packet, and Arai, in the stage. For tiamia:ze smllyon bond Steamboat Michigan,m to JOHN S DICKEY. Beaver. MHAR fON & Ca., Pittsburgh. CLARK. Beaver, Far plunge ret urninz apply at the Stage offices of NEIL, MOORE & Co., Clevelami. jr2l-y S & H fl TAYLOR. Warren. LAZE ERIE a, MICHIGAN LINE. jEfai n STEAMER LAKE ERIE, CAPT. CAstrett.t., Leaves Beaver al 8 o'clock, A. M. " Pittslturah at 3 o'clock, P. M. STEAMER MICHIGAN, Carr. Leaves Pittsburgh of 9 o'clock, A. M. " Beuver at I o'clock, P. M. In ennneri ion with daily Lines of Freight arid Pas sa,..te Coital Boats to Erie, Pa., and Cleveland, 0. Steam Boot anti Vessels to all parts un Lake Erie and Michigan. Apply to G. M. lIARTON & CO., Pittsburgh. JOHN S. DICKEY. Beaver. - jane2l-y CLARK &Co.. Beaver. 1845. MONDAY CINCINNATI PACKET. 1845. Tec were and SpienditiSteamer, 11. S. MAIL MONONGAHELA, Siva r, Master, kali commenced run ning regularly, wad will continue to tun through the mason u a Weekly Packet betimes, Pittsburgh ■nd Cincinnati, leaving Pittsberghevery Monday mot ning at 10 o'clock, and Cincinnati every Thursday morning at thesame hour. For freight or passage apply on board. GEORII6 N. Cirri NEWS FROM OREGON! 0:7-IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES!_6:O GREAT BARGAINS! NO. 58 , MARKET STREET. ai:Trirtl'a THIRD AND YoURTH. TTHEre.pectfully informs the public that he h.ts opened a store at this place, a here he is now opening an extensive aarortment of Foreign, Domestic, Staple and Fancy U;) U 2. ‘U l ' n CM. CD CD Z,Z;) EM3 Which will be gold at prices which cannot fail to give entire s atinfaclion. H/ 4 Stock consists in Pert of the follower desirable Goods. New style timbre Stripe Csshinerr •a.l Monseline de Leine. French sled Meiinne,; Alpaca and Indiana Cloths; Black and Mole Colored de Tattles, Fancy Print.: Fitirrit anti Srotrh Gingham•; Shawls. F.mliroi.lcred and Plain Tlobni, tine and low priced. IVoolen Good.; nityoritid riding nod Titiliiie•; Plaid Lioseys. Highland Plaid Citoisirnete.; Fancy Figured and Sullied do He v Plaid Shawl., Wrn gird Slin‘Oin; risid CiCkakings. Furniviting Bitrri,l, Linen Slweting SI/1/1 r L indi Linen. riiiuW Cage Lime'', I - Jun.lton Cottonadn; liu.sin and Snotch Sh e eti ng .; Iltickuback and Diaper and Bordered Ton, Is; Bodeye Diaper. 11 Me Russia Diaper, Col or ed Crash and Linen.; Mao seines Toiloting and Bureau Cove rs ; Fine Ticking, and Furniture Check.; Dimity and Furniture Chinize•ii Damask Table Linnena. Table Cloths; Superior and Common Damask Napkins: Blanker a of all derrriptioto; Thread LW, 4. Ili/1111r( 11/11141t1, Kid Hosiery—Silk. Command ‘Voritted of all rigidities Bleached and Blown Muslin;; Book, Mall and Swioc Muslin.; Cambric and Jactinet du Silk Cravats and Pocket. I Lindkercitiefii Linen Carol:tie do Plain and Item Si lulled du with Colored Border; non 3 dlm Alderman's Office, Fifth Ward. JOH N A PARKINSON, Alderman Fifth Ward, Penn street, between Walnut and O'Hats streets, where he may be found at all times. Those having Houses or other propevty to sell or rent, can have the same punctually attended to; debts collected, and al' the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt at• tention. act 27-d 1 y JOUR DUNLAP, NO. 17 MARKET STREET. WHOLESALE Dealer in Tin Plate, Sheet and Brazier'‘ Cooper, Block Tin, Bu.aiii Sheet Iron Sheet Zinc, Slab Spelter, Sheet Brno, Irr..n and Brit. Wire, &c. Alto, Manufacturer and Dealer in every variety of Tin and copper Ware, Foreign and American Britan nia, Bright and Planished Ware, Fancy and Plain Trays, Waiters, dr..c., Foreign cud American opened Ware, Foreign and American stamped Brass Kettle's, OrnarnaLtal Square Slide Fenders, &c. &c. which he will be happy to supply his customers with on the most reasonable Wm.. Wholesale buyers will find it to their interest t.r call and examine the above de eeribeel goods, in connection with oihers in the !lard wnre line,os all of which will be sold at a very light tidvanCe 9ainufacturet's prices. nov 19-2 m. .101 IN DUNLAP. --- Fancy Books. rri HE Lady's Book of Poetry and Flowers; I. Scenes in the Life of our Savour; The American Poets Gilt; Book of Poem; Language of Flowers; Queen of Flowers; The Task, 11:ustreied; Grey's Elegy, Pilgrims Propels, Christian Ballads, " The beauties of Flora, 12 finished drawings of Flowers for sale by BOS WORTH & FORRESTER, no. 20 43. Market at. New Books. NrACAULEY'S MISCELLANIES—threw edi 11 pone: The Poets and Poetry of England; Europe; Hiptory of Greece; Koht.,l4llll'm Hittory of Germany; Benthamimit Literary Emporium, just received by BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, • n0v 4 2.0 No 43 %Liget st. MONO NGAIITIL A ROUTE. JANIF:S DOVLF BY LAST NIGHT'S MAIL. CITY, Drc. I.i. 1843 Jots W. DAVIS, of . Indinnu, wog cliosan Speaker or the Hons.! of Representatives on the first ballot.— Ile wits the court, candidate of the democratic par ty—and received the votes of all the democrats except the exclusive friends of Mr. Calhoun, who voted for Mr. Norris, of N. ii. Tire mason given for their refusal to vote for Mr Davis, was the vote of that gentleman, at a former cession of Congress, in favor of the reception of Abolition Petitions. The party will go into to-night fur the oilier offices. The contest for Clerk, will Le between Mr. It'd/re, of Ohio. and Mr Frencit, the prevent dells. There are others nnmed, nmong whom is Mr BuKFILER. of Penna. Their chances depend upon difficulties be tween the two prominent candidates named. The Message .sill be delivered to marrow, nod our friends vs 111 leer lie it by express. It is said that Mr Adams goes all lengths in favor of the American side of the Oregon gtiestion. If trite, he may take this position because Mr Webster, for SA hom he be has no gr.-at affection, has taken the British side. You, no doubt, recollect the speech of Mr Adams in reply to Mr \'ebster's memorable sentiment on the French Indemnity question in the Senate of the United States. The tinier, will have tho printing. The Journal, here, is regarded, and properly too, as without the pale of the party. The arrogance of its conductors is understood and vx ill be properly appreciated. There are a number of Pennsylvanians hare, among horn I notice Henry Horn, collector of the Putt of Philadelpia; some say his nomination will be !ejected. If .n, the President will select a Democrat for the place who will be willing to lonic beyond the Schuyl kill river for the "bone and sinew" of the Pennsylva nia Demoet say, and acknow lade the mer its end claims of the country people. WA.llll , loTort CITT, Dec 1m 1845 Tredar, Dr .1 W D*Tit of Indiana, was elected Speaker of the Ileuse of Repreirentatives. This rr ■y lr considered an excellent selection:he is a gentle• man in every reaped, as well qualified for rt fair blob die• rho rge or the arduous dillies of tine post. Mr Davia was formerly a renn”lvanian, but now hails from In dian•. So far a. I could learn, no ulijoctisti• are made to his election—all admitting that he will perform his dillies impartially. He c iii also pre,nt a noble arid dignified appenitince. My ticipmintaxce wiih him, warrants me in saying, that he will before this seal aion closes, command even the frietsisliiii and esteem of diode who persisted to obstinately in their opposi. lion 10 him. To day more "Laski be useless. You know the man. 1V•irog?(Grool. Urc I. 1845 Tlie great day which comes. Menially has arrived and gone. A new Congress has assembled—fort] three Senators. and tat. hundred •nd twelve Representa tives present. In the Senate. httle else was done bat so call the toll, and receive the credentials of, and administer the retjuited oaths to the tau member from the state of Florida. The Hon,. being called to coder by Mr French Clerk of the kat Congress, proceeded to the ekc tion of Speaker, resulted ■s follovriQ John W Davis, (D.) - - - 120 Sam'l L Vinton. (W.) - - 72 W Norria, Jr.( A .) • . S iner, (N.) • - - - 5 `catarrinr. 7 After wlminbo,ring ;be o.lh. to the memb.•n, by the ape■ker, the srpnintment of committees to wait upon tier Senate, utd tie presitieut to inform them that the Ihnu.e was reify to pureed to business, Mr. M'Dintell. r.loltin, moved tint the rnl.•r of the In•t hnn•e b. adopted Thig one ri.e to rim° •nd rnnti•m. were +urrif-i• , •lvv mode to re. rind the enie metniter. from more !Inn one boar or one Lill, noel to reinstate the one Insurance prohilut log •bolyier , Peltlm.s. The / j ti undersigned agent l for ot ti American Fire In. motion. to amend wore, hour‘rr, vetrd down, an d C,..pany of Phi 1.4.1,11,111 R. enntin.,lll to the„..1 motion A ithdta ',turn, on maim of j'oak, / "'"""" x * ••=4""" damage by fire, an I'd \lrs. c., it was ihint. the rffies let me, ill bit OH Onfiti (; EOM; COCHRAN. the In., H oo.e hr iiiitorted for the tit norto, and that n m , .fi Ni '2 Wintid rionmitire be nproinied to zonsider the ITU WI and CollUtti; CLOTHS. ,t•ittttt It It futtor dny. 1 A NEW and splea.cll.l Cloth f winter coat. we shout the sum of the fit at da)s legs•lative tY, have ever, variety of color, and will make them rrocr,l.,,g• td the 29th Contse.s. if, every ninety •.1 style to cult the, the 11.1. 1 61 This evening a ( - atoms of Democratic men , hets of ,:tua pocket of our..t'L."(l.Z')".,%.*tc(l;7l/1/z7-1:.1 see them :lie lower lanow, was held. nt Mr Fsencli. ~er2'2sl I.iheriN at clerk, mod Mr Lane, aer,g, sOl - al-rit tit*. of Oat lower b 00..., I.tooloalVil Fur tr eleflll.M. Mr C. S lkllitney, I,f for rper, nl,l nochic ri i, t, r. Th.. hot. 4 u...1..”..,1141 SOv e•rnl un•urcrn.rul I llui ink. carte• it td (or hoof -1141.1N', ;11141 et 11 Intr. II". Clll/1 . ...1 Of !JOU I In d. The Mell.age of the probably be di , Youirs.,tr. 1W QUI:SSE. livered at rp , on, I , m.a row ESSENTIAL OILS CITE BERGANIOI; Ityo.l of Citutnmon; TU.); " cell; " Sas...trier; " Lemon; " RAMC; " Ant... 44,1; " Rosemary; " Lavender, " Origanum: Just receivod and fur We by B A FA tinsTocx & co., nnt. ^4 cur 6th and Wned at SULPHATE POTASH; Long Pepper; Gum Arabic; Myr' h; Extract Jalop; Ft •• Powdered Cuturynt ft; Chamomile Eharrs; F.:2pm; Rocha Leaves; Just teceived and for oak by B A FAHNESTOCK & CO, cur 6th and Wood at FERIAE'S SUPERIOR CREAM SA PONT NE A, new compound for shaving, which surpasses all others in making a rich and permanent lather, without irritating the skin. It is also warranted to pleasu, or the money will be refunded after using it one month. Persons haring hard health and tender faces will do well to try this Cream one month, and if it does not please them it will cost them nothing for the trial. It has been used by hundreds, who recommend it in the highest terms. For sale by R, E, SfuLLERS, nov29 No 57 Wood at. A 1 A ROE lot of dhinS just arrived from the East •. the Pittsburgh Clothing Store forsale wholesale and ' , tail oct2B WM. B. SCH AFFER. Public Meetings. DUFFY, et the corner of 2d and Grant Ptreets, has to-built and re-opei.ed the South, or Second Word HAISC, and he., provided a very spacious Room extending over the whole buildings, completely fur. niched with Seats, &e for the accomodation of Pub lic Meetings, Societies, Clubs, &c. which he will be glad to let on the most reasonable terms, to those de sirous of obtaining such an accommodation. decl.d3t. (Chronicle copy.) IMM=IMMI ALmeads, Nuts, Fruit s tlite, SBALES Lisbon Almonds; I Barrel Bluer 2 Bags Filberts; 2 Casks Zoete Corms; 40 I3oxes new N R Raisins; 3 Barrels Oranges: 35 Drums Smyrna Figs; 600 Cocoa Nuts; 13 Bores Pres Citron; 8 Crt:zen jars. Received and Cur sale by H. I. A M BERT, new 4 25 10(1 Coffee. 1 A. 9 BAGS new crop Green Rio, atrictiv prime, receiving thie tiny by Glinni. and for sale by H LAMBERT. n 0025. Tobacco. ,1 9 BOXES •'Flutrliinoon &Kart's 5% , Lump Tu .., harm, now remaking, nevi fur .ule I.v Mackerel, &c. &c. ft ., )() BARRELS N., 3 South Muttio , ,el; " Nu '2 Large .1., 15 Nu I do 30 " 15 '• Gibbed Herringa; 111 host, Sealed du 8 cm.k4 Cmlft.b. Rerehing and fur rule by 11. LAMBERT. nov2s 100 Liberly er Cheese. BOX ES prim.. Gusher, by rnnnl It.-1_ and f..or mile by H LAN: BERT. 2 BOXES “Whita"just received and fur sale by MILLER & RICKETSON. n 05.24 Nu 179 Liberty st. Champaigne Wine. 158 ASK ETS Superior Cl,mpsigne P A NI umm & Co., just received and fin stile by tOB LS Nn 2 ~,d 3 Mackerel... South catch;"29 hill bids Jl.ckerti, No I; 0 rionrter do MP•2; 60 bbl* Gibbed liminc. jolt received sod fur *ale by MILLER & RIcKETSON. rola 24 No 179 Liberia. st. Wrapping Paper. IooREAMS Crut.ned . anrl Mendinm Straw Wrapping l'aper, lust received and for MILLER & RIcKE - rsoN, N 0173 Liberty at. .r le by n Iv 24 Soap. 100 BOXES Chi I iic"the Soap. juit and Our sale by Pure Malt Whiskey. 1 1 PUNCHEON It kb Wlaisktia, uu ilritnalit in store • 1.1 for sale by J &J Nit-DEVITT. nor 17 221 Isibrri) Ft. Ye TONS Juniaiu Iron, aasortril •izre; CIP 150 liceo '• Neilo, 20 " " Spikes, ir Just received and for eale hy J. & J. M'DF:VITT non 19 2 - d4 Liberty or COPPERAS. ALUM AND LOG WOOD 10 13 B LS Copperas; 5 Ahem; I U CI iI J (good. In 'Lure anJ fur sale by J &J. WM.:VITT, new 19 224 Liberty IR Loaf Sugar. VU •re receiving a furtheraortply of No 6, 788 V Loaf Stiaar,.whieh will be sold at low mica BURBIIIDGE, %%1 I.SUN &CO. ort 30 Vt . liter a t. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. 40 fln L. S U Molisses. 30 hilt do For sate low To Consivrownr. BURBRIDGE.I4ILSON &CO, Wait, at. MArkHHfIR. Prime N. U St'Ear, for Falle bY gr /3URBitII)(iF:, IVILSON S.: C 0. .• lVntrr at 'Pet Copper. EE rs Iltazirra Copper, (Baitimorr) ;in" CMle ,orl tor mile bv IJCItBItIDGE, WILSON t CO.. Water SI rert. Its r rect.ived nn invoice of French Clmhs, suit n tr;e , for Cloaks. Also a few rzwerns beautiful Cashmeres, for lonings for the same, for which we will tn- glad to recede orders. MIXED BEAVER CI,ol HS AND FANCY LININGS. SOMETHING new In thia line to be had at the Fashionable Head (Thi.trlt•ta ni ALG EL.), McG R & Co. 2.51 Labetty at. 0rt2.5 El E BLANKET CdATS. These roinfortslilr coals sn inellsprvl•ible in the travelling communi ty can be had in superior style at our rwtabliAment• A LGEO, McGt.IIRE & Co. 251 Liberty et. ORLEANS CLOTHS. FASHIONABLE inistures for business coats, low priced, for sole in order' be A WE°, ISteGUI RE &C o oer2s 251 Liberty rt. 5n TUNS PIG METAL of good quality and 1.1 &tillable fur fuundry purp^res, just received and fur s4le by JOHN D. DAVIS. novl3. cur IVood and Sth sta JUST received at the "New York Store," s splendid assortment of Tucked, Csshmere, French Broche, Thibet (ailk fringe) and E.nh.oidered ClorhShawla. Now Opening, BAUTTFU L Rob Roy and Gala plei,k; Waverly and Cashmere do. for cloaks and dreasfs. at Jtra Arrived at the "Sew York Store," 10(4 DOZ. Ladies' and Gentlemen'. Kid, Cash / mere, end silk Gloves, of the best qualities. N. B. None but the but Kid Gloves kept ■t 79 Market etreet. noel 2 W. H. GARRARD. ALARGE and splendid assortment of new im proved grand action Piano FOlllOll, OA hand and for sale by F. BLUME, Cor. i'enn and St. Clair nen, opposna Ea. Hotel. novl7. N. B. The above instruments are warranted to stand any climate, and keep in order as long as any manufactured. They will be sold low (or cash. F. BLUME. Vinegar. 0 BB LS Cider Vinegar, received per steamer Josephene, and for sale by M. B. RHEY &CO. nor 29 No 157 Water at. TO LE TS VOA SALE AT THIS OirICE. novls '+'Rtk:if:'.+cD.:lH.e~,...d'-SR'Y..+la::~~S' ( "'-`" 7 ..:: u.`,^~'Y'~,+: x.,. _.,. r,:~w.~aßz> .. _~.., . .„ 11. LAMBERT, 100 Likwrly Wax Candles. ]TILLER & RIC}4:TSON. Nn 179 Liberty sr MILLER & RICKETSOS, N., 179 Lib. rte Iron and Nails. N. 0. Sugar t LOA KS, C. LOA KS A L 6 KO, Mt-4;171U S Co. 251 1.11-,,r,v *t FihavrlN! Bhowll4 W. H. GARRARD, 79 Market street H. GARRARD'S, 79 Market stien Piano ?ortss LOCK AND VAULT DOOR MANUFACTORY, ..,„ .„---,--_...:.:.:( „,•,. coo--, T ~- . 4 -,:--_,------t i ..\ ---.„.„- .-.4 t., „ „ 1 , 41 ' , ,,- '--:-..-,.----- *1 V 4 '' '`...i . -, --' . • F Nt.IL „ _ ti. F 1 .:; _77:.: . E . —TT --- -1 - 1 fir. ci'Ll:C-L‘ '! :1".. _ 0 •__, (Th- ,--, F --- :::: . ::,;-3,'''. . ' '±, l 1 ' li----_ • - 1 :_.: I rev' 'i 'l .._::.:_,,=_ ; :,r__. . - . -- _ -= =! bi _l...s,'. 'l_ 77 = - .z• ler•-. -/ lA/ THOMAS ARNOLD, ESPECTFULLV itifornl-, hi, friend, Bud t ho public, that the l u to ing article, can be hod at Mantifactor3, nnS.tndosky itreet, Allegheny city, at hi. Silt , Room, Digs t,,1 Alley, between the Diamond and W,rrei gtieet. Pittgborzh, to wit: ENOS LOCKS AND LATCHES, VAULT DOOR LOCKS, STORE DO DO, MORTICE LOCKS AND LATCHES, KNOB LATCHES, :MUTER [tours .1.7 FA`TENIN3S, SLIDING DOOR FURNITURE, STORE DOOR BOLTS, VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING. IRON CASTINGS, ouch ng WAGON BOX• ES, SASH WEIGHTS. &c. Wholesale Dealers, Steamboat Bad HOIISP sus s ill find it to their advanta g e to deal with him, as he is determined to sell his articles at such price as cannot fail to please. Kr Job Work inn my lion promptly attended to, or; the shortest notice, decl. Barrows & Turner's WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NEW DRY GOODS CASH HOUSE, 6 f 3 lazwr uzw,.11,0 NO, 46, MARKET STREET, THREE DOORS ABOVE THIRD ST. Let it be proclaimed, !far and nea,,' Mat the.dovn lawn' Cask House,UrNo. 46, is Ike plate! I Nir tri -41111111Mei.N ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS NO. 46..&1 LADIES' DRESS GOODS Of still litter styles. •nd the most rare and beautiful patterns. RICH SHAWLS in theh great and splendid variety, both high and low cost. Best Pririx Kid (burs, in all ohncins. every number; Cases Linneu Cambric Haudkerchief.,from 12 1-2 to $2,50. Boxes New Bonnet Ribons, beautiful, from 12 1 2 to IS 3.4. HOUSE-FURNISHING ARTICLES! New addition• have been made to our Domestic De partment, and the whole stock will be disposed ofat unusually low rates. Blankets and Counterpanes. BROADCLOTHS. To this breach of our trade in particular, we have given great attention, and are now prrpanrri with our additional stuck, to furnish any who may wish—with Intrgain. French. %Vogt of England and German Clo.hs— great variety of shades—in all qualities, Fashions able, Brow n's Gold Mixed, &r. CASSIMERES, Ftaple and Faarv. SATINETTS, Se% eral ccues just receised in bulb high •nd luw colt. One CP...Blue [Buck and Sheers Gray, !Ica4e °tab for Caninee Ti imining , FANCY VESTINGS B.utiful variety—Plain and Faniiy Rich Satin, and Velvets. Gentirniaan% Satin SC•lffi and C'ravat•; lie,t Patin Kid Gilintii; Mode -11. Shirt.; So•pruclet '.‘farket Strut tkr pfitc r, 46 the n•cmkrr. Barrows di. Turner, C. FOSTER & CO TO PRIIITENS TORollolloeT m e Us into STA TEI. OH A R LES FOSTER, late Foreman of the nazi Tyre Fomndry. and inventor and builder of the Press called Foster's Pow er Press. now used by the Cincinnati Atlas. the Ermoirer. Kendal & Barnard ' a 1.., the Franktort Common...lllth, the Indiana StaLe Journal, Cutler iIPOI Chamber lin. former State Printers, Indiana, St.c. &c also 'hit prea• lately nand In print Carotins NI. Clads parer, Lexington. Kentncky,—i would std tin Printers In the IVcstere States anti else where, that after an experience ta . 11 years, he has, in connection with Bevan, Scott & Co., in the city of Cincinnati, established the in initfactory of Power' I'maar , , (being; the only one IV. at ni the Mountoins,)l Hand Presses, the Washington, Smith, and Franklin' Presses of all -.ire,. Also, Clixtes,ComposingSticks,, Brans Rile, Type Galleys, Card, Job and Em-I Printer.' and Bookbinders' 'Materiels' of all kinds. We will farnish Printers' Ink, Cuts.l Rules, Fancy Job Type; also Types for Newspapers.' Book and Job Types, from Wm hinger's Type Found rv, New York; and also Wetitern Type. manufactured! at Cincinnati. All orders directed to C. Foster& C 0..; corner 7th and Smith streets, Cincinnati, or to the' pubicribeta, Agents for the above Foundry, 44 Market' street. Pittsburgh, will receive prompt attention. JOHNSTON & STOCWI'ON. A, DIIINCILNG ACIADEDIT. ADAME BLAQUE respectfelly informs her AIL Breads and the public geaerally, that she has arrived from the East, and will immediately enter upon the discharge of he duties of her Dancing School.— The latest and moat fashionable Dances, including the Minuet de Is Cour, es danced at the Courts of England and France; the BOHEMIA` POLKA. an danced by Martain; the MAZURKA. LA CACHUCA. THE FOLKA, COTILLIONS, &c., &c., will be taught. Madame B.'s Rooms Cr, now completed, and will be open for the receptions of those ladies and gentle. men who are desirous of being instructed in the above dances. on Wednesday evening the lath inst.. at 7 o'- clock, for the gentlemen, and on Friday, 21st, at 3 o'• clock t. st. for the ladies. The days of tuition for the gentlemen, are as follows every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings.— For the Indies; every Friday from 3 to 5 o'clock, r. Ni mud Saturday (sons 10 to 1:1 o'clock ♦. M. and from 3 to 5 o'clock, a M. LA FAYETTE ASSEMBLY ROOMS are situ• to on Fourth street, two duns from the Hay Seeley.— Madame B. will rent the above named rooms for pub lie and Inivate supper parties, Concerts, Soirees drc.. The above roans are finished and fitted up in the most novel: elegant and approved style, with siresairsg rooms. and every convenience for the accommodation of visitors, and arm now open for inspection. Madame B. will commence • aeries of Cotillion Par ties on Friday, the 211th of November, to continue through the winter. The ladies will be ticketed. Those gentlemen who are desirous ef subscribing wi II favor Madame B. by calling at her rooms. The Rooms can be had on reasonable terms. nov 18•t1. To Let, TWO ROOM?, on Fourth street, between Ferry and Liberty streets, suitable for an office sod sit. time room. EDT, ire of Geo. &epitome's/ cortwir 0(1 4th and Ferry Streets, or JOHN 13. 31'FADREN, opt 1 Market street. Awkwg.. l Bank Notts anb tExtliatifit. CORRECTED DAILY BY A. URABLER, EZCUANGE 13E/OBER, tnR - N3ll of THIRD AND IVOoD STREET., SPECIE STANDARD. 3ferchants andManufacturers'Scrip.. Ezehange Bank Scrip • Currcley • - . Berk s County Scrip EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT On P. , ..ilad..7pLirz • • New York Boston Baltimore SPECIE Gold Silver PENNSYLV.ANIA.—PITTSBURGII Bank of Pittsbur,Th liferehants and Maff.rifacturers' bank Exchange .. • ." ...... . Do. If ollidaysburgh . PLULADKLPIII.A. Bank o f North America Do Northern Liberties Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Partners' and Mechanics' bank Kensington hank . Afanu facturersand Mechanics' .4fechanics Moya . Philadelphia bank Schuylkill .. . South n•ark ..... " -•- liresfern ...... - Bank of Penn Tomnskip Girard bank --- • ------- IL S bank and branehe.s ••• • - COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown par " Chester county -....... pat " Delaware c0un1y...,. v ., " Montgomery county.— • . ....par Norchumberland ....... par Farmers' bank of Bucks c0unty............ par Eastanhank .. per Doylestown bank par Franklin bank of Itraskinglon par Bank of Chamber5burgi................ ..... Gettysburgh ..... ..... 1 " Lewistown ..... 1 " Susguehannaeounty 2 Berksrounty bank ..... ...... no sale Columbia Bank and Bridge Company-- .....par Carlisle bank Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bank " Rank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank .. Honesdale ".... Lancaster " Lancaster co." .. Lebanon " Miner s' bank of Pottsville .... Manoneahelabank of Brownsville .. par New Hope and Delaware Bridge company 2 Northampton hank . sale Towanda bank no sale Wyoming bank ....... rest Brand bank York bank • Lehigh county bank OHIO. Belmont bank of SI. Clairsville Clintonbank of Columbiana bank of New Lisbon.. Cirrlerille ( Lawrence, raspier)., " ( Warren, cashier)._ Cinrinnetibanks.... Chillicothe bank. ........ Commercial bank of Lake Erie... Dayton bank............ Franklin bank of Columbus._ .., Farmers' arid Mechanic's' bank of Steubenville-1 Farmers' bank of Canton Germ o sr G ra n rifle Hamilton Lancaster Marietta .. ...... Massillon . . Merit attics' and Traders'. Cincinnati_ Mount Pleasant.... Norwalk . Putnam Sandusky......... Scioto Urbana Wooster Xenia Zanesrills Bank of Cleveland INDIANA Ctate broPsk and branches Stale Scrip MEWED All banks.. ILLINOIS Stale bank ... Flank of Illinois, Shawneelonit... VIRGINIA, Rank of the callry of Virginia Rank of Virginia Erehangc bank of Virginia 1 Farmers' bankof Virginia „ 1 North- Weiternbank of Virt:inia - - Merrhants'and Mechanics' bank of Virginia.... 4 Bank al Morgantown. MARYLAND Ititnore City hanks Ail other solvent Noßlll CAROLINA it so:renl ba SOUTH CAROLINA All solnentbanks G&ORGIA Aliso:vent banks ALA6AMA ,llobilc banks.. _Country banks LOUISIANA .'ea Orleans banks ( goad ).. TENNESSEE Allianks NIICIITG AN. Bank of 31. Clair St. Clair, 75 Bank of 'he River Raisin, Monroe..." 10 Parm,r's' and Mechanics' Bank, Detroit Miekigan Insurance, Co. Detroit 5 Oakland County Bank, Pontiac, 10 Fos Salo, TWO Lots of Ground in Flemming's plan of Lou, on Sandusky at, in Allegheny Citt these lots are in a desirable situation for building on, as they belong to a widow lady whose object is to have the interest annually, a very small sum on the put• chase money will be required, and the balance ma; remain for a number of years, secured on the property Title good and without an; incu:nbrance. Apply to BLAKELY & M ITC EL. FOR SALE. FIVE Forms of various sizes and prices in Western 1 . Pennsylvania and Ohio. Fifteen Intsof ground, 40 feet by 200, neat the sil age of Spring Garden, (Vingtle's Run.) Two neat dwellings near the Canal, Liberty at. One lot and dwelling house on Penn st. Two lots of pound on Pike at. Four lots of ground on Libery at. A number of Lots to lease in the sth ward for 15 years. Apply to nov 14 BLAKELY & MITCHEL- SILVER WARE. riN hand and constantly Manufacturing, Silver V Spoons of ell kinds: Table Spoons: Tea do Desert do Soup Ladlud Sugar Tongs, ibc., Asc. Also. Silver Forks, of all patterns and irises, furnish. ad promptly to order, as cheep u they can be procu• red at from the East. WANTED. 500 oz old_Silvet and smooth coin for which the highest price will be given in cash or trade. W W WILSON, nov 20 corner of 4th and Market at. Ann. 102 double D?Z Holm: east , steel a t t:a t i a warranted f or sale by nov2l GEO. COCHRAN, Patronized by Eirerybodg. The Wonderful Vegelablc FOR THE CERE Headache, Giildirte, Fllleurnnti,rn, Pile Scurvy. Small PoN. Jaundice, Vain, in the Bann, In ward Weillinc, the Hear!, id.ddr7, n the Throat, Drerry, .Aathrna, o f all kinds, Fe male Complaints, Salt liliguin, Heartburn, Worrn,.Cludera 31orbo=, Coughs, Quinpey, Whborin:, Cough. Consomptioo, Fits. I),afuess, liebiog, of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gray NetvoL , compluints, and a 7arlety oil diaeaseA, from of the blood, and obatiuctions in the Organ, of digealion. [F r om the Agent at Quebec, L. C.] par par par par pm,' pat pa, par pi, DISEASE OF THE LIVER. DEAR Si R:—A ~ 1-oelible to your desire, I write to keep you apprised of the prdspects of the Clickener Sugur Coated Puts:like Pill, in this city. Volt may recollect, when I first commenced selling your medi eine, whir:. was in nry, 13:4, we little dreamed of the success th.o would crown the undertaking. Our premises lord been sn completely flooded by the one thousand nod one un=rileahle remedy for every possi ble compbrint runlet the son, that i set ionsly contem• plated hriaing nothing More In do whit any liming of this kind. However, ut time most urgent .wrlicitriticin, we consented to make a trdol of roars. At first we found cunsiderabledillicuiry in 111!Ineting priblie attention to ward= them. People had been on often deceived by the vile compounds which have flooded the country for the last 15 'ears or mere, that they determined, if possible, lies er to be "taken in" spin; and the conse quence was, they could hardly be persuaded to ucrapt of Ilia Pills, as the saying is, for l•loye nor mommy." 'rims mat terra proceeded for a seek or tn-o, when, na 'good luck would have it, "Mrs. c. !ndy of our city, who had lung sbtreted from rim affactiort of the Liver, accompanied by indigestion of ationt, character, Tons persuaded to neaept Din hem, ea condition that nothing was tube paid for it, if f'd2y::ii not Elfrocti her the necevar) relief. I weaurielves had very little f.i(ti in the matter, ...par --par - - - y ar ...par - -p a r ...par --.par —.par ...pat ing as we did, dint I:er complaint naa one cf standing, and had been onsurces,sfolly trratad to 3 most eminent .T t hyaiciar•.s of thin and arveral ncirc:-.,:- ing towns. But tie had tiottotnirad m;,i•:: tine a fair trial, and if it proved to ha wottblnco, it would be a novice of autinfaction to ;:now it, t ....par you and to 114. NCI Iris to our joy Thor: surprise, hue: ever, volt n few drys bad elapacd, n hen the lady presenter' homelier our counter and enquired for ataeith er box. "I coolly think, Mr. Wllliamn," cat: elte, I "that vour Pilln are beginning to reotis a great claansa in my heuliii. and altntmitheti far the better. when : rook the second dose. I begun iu feel much bettorthan 11 did at first; the pain in my side was coniiirierablv lievedi my appetite began to improve; and the bloa t ] I seemed to circulate through my vein, on it did in my ' youthful ‘lays. Since then, I have taken the remain:les ; o f the Pills, ~,,,d my impro‘ernent Inn, been oensibly progressing at every repetition of The dose. I have no doubt that a few more hoar., mill effertoilly cure me." The result woo an she predicted. /ler health is completely rentored. The 'lush of vouth nod beau. ty has returned to her cheekn, and the pro:prat cf , long and a happy life in before her. I era I .he will never forger the Clieliener Sugar•Ccated A. might naturally be "opposed, the new: , cf ea t raot dinar, cure wan rapidly riiimerninated theca:lithe city and adjacent country; arid scarcely a ret had elapsed, before empiric, began to bo made for Click ener's Sognr.Coated Purgatirc :ad the de-;ac:] has already increased to ouch an eaten;, that we - .:ed the greatest ditilcult , , in supplying it. In fact, if ' did not seem like exaggeration, I night almcnit ray tke.1...70 are literally berieged by :.omen and children, labor. ing under every pousible ailment ia blab "human limb is heir to." The halt, the lame, and ihe blind; t:a.) asthmatic, censuroptise, and dyspeptic, are thrnti3in 3 our doors in pursuit of the nrver.failir; re.timunials of irs altoory f c.c,a aro milutitanill2 flowing in upon on from every cprnmer. One persan informs us he has been rrlioserf of a watt o . .;aliaala Dyspepsia. Another has just reronered from a Geri sus attack of .1111 , 1e:itJ. A third boo nurretteled In expelling from his s y stem the nymptorn, of Jaundice. And a fourth has just reentered ft am on attack cf Pal monnrt Consumption, e rich had confined him to his bed for many months.-8" we go But do not fail to keep us supplied. Besides nor Retail Trade, too have standing orders firm tbe co u nt r y to n l argo amount. Send 30 Grass at your earliest convenience. Yours. Sc. . It. li. WILLIAMS, Q , thec, L. C., April I I ..,, ..5 RDIENIBER. 1)R. C. V. CtiCKr.SER. is the ewer of ilie Sunni Coated i 111 and thet nothing of the POI t was ever heard or until he intro duced them in June, 1E43, us Is ill he seen b, the lot- ..,.....75 This pirtlnma tvos ee:tried by the AMEnICAN INSTITUTE, or the Annual Fein, held in Ihr cite of New )(oil:, October, 1843, to C. V. CLICNENLR, for the invetttion of SU t; A rt COATED PtLLs. 3 A NIES TALLJIADGE, Pre.ident. T. B. NV.+l;,,Ceireiipenitingi, Secretory. Gee D s J. JAI. tts, Secretary. To A VOIDIt? F PUrChn,erfl must l goys Male for Clicliener', Segar Coated Vegetable fills. end neu that each boo has upon it his signature; rill milers are counterfeit. W.M. JACKSON, e”rner of It'sr,j and Liberty sii - rets, is Dr. Clicherxr's meat fur Pitt.zburgh and virinitt. c.:t SELLERS' VERMIEUGE rffiHE t embet 2 ar Worms eripelleil by the tine or iliia Vermifuse is trill; weederful. Read the fbllo,. ing Greenville, Augusta Co. to., Nov. 15, 1845 Mr. R E. Scllgri:—l gove to o servant girl of mint one and a half teasporriful of your Verrnifcge, and it broueht nom her. in Cho course of 36 hours , . NINE HUNDRED Worms. some oithem of a large eize. I have no hesitation in recommending it to the public as one of the best remedies for worms now in Use. Yours respectfully. GEORGE W. Btu:ND Glanville. Va. Nov. 15, Dear Brrt—The above Was given voluntarily by Mr Brand, , Abo is a rikrettable tamer b our nett. borhuad, B F GRAHAM, ?n:t •Asztnr. GP:Yfr. Brand'e letter can be CEV3 57 eny who may doubt the ahoy°. This ufe and efficacious lWorro i 3 r d and surd by "es. SF.,,,L.SPZ. Nc Vicz,d Sold also by Kerr & Mobby. 145 eteral; Wilecrx, Jr and Wm Thorn, Mzirbel Ceuel, Fifth Ward, etld H FSchwervz,zr.l j ell, Allegheny eity. ' r.v2i WE ere authorized to receipt Ctir to Bnltiznoze, and York, eLs Browns, ilk and ut the rates, Viz : Aidieti' Bacon, Better, Cheese. Lard, talttilow 1 4 21 m, Polk, Tobacco, Tenor., and Whishey, to Baltimore, to Philadelphia, 01 CU; to N. York, 31 OG per 100 pouildo. Hemp, I , llax. &c., to B;tittrnoi-b, 00c.; to thilatretzi $1 00; to N. York, S I 15 per 100 lbs. Dried fhait, Leather. Oil.nine and Wont. to Baltimore, 0i 00; to `Philadelphia, 31 251 to N.teik, $1 25 per 100 lb. do Four :7; Biseswax, Feathers, Fur:, tits 151 Nterchandizo arid to Ilizltialorc, el ta Philadelphia, 31 37; 1 ; to I:tstv f):1 jet 9 7.C3 lhs. :1:3:? ne,2B No 5? Watzr ztrc:t. • A LOT of ;7i-con:I Lnirrty it::: tl , r.C2:l7taz Church, 21. •Lhot i - ront fact clorp,tl.,•in too* that portion of Liberty tit, lately 'itatrea. attd would be a desirable Ict far a privata dwelling. It will ho said law. Title indisputable and terms easy. Apply to novl4 BLAKELY & MITCHEL. Plt M M To Sltipperz. On rirz! On Gteorzd Ca;; On Third Clc.:3