VOL. I--NO, PUBLISHED AND EDITED 131 BIGLEL sanGcr:TG mze-z,z,n, N. W. corner of li , 'ore Fifi Stra.:: Ttstms.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Six dollars %flit invariably be requircd if nut paid within the year. Bingle copies Two CLVTs—for sale at the counter of the 013 Ste, and by Nev. s Boys. The Weehist friefctity ataltinnfacthrer is published at the Game office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO rioLtAas a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. llamas Or A PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: ant iniertiot, $0 50 One month, $5 00 rwo do., 075 I Two do., 600 ['twee do., 1 00 Threedo., 7 00 One werli, 1 50 .Four do., 8 00 Two do., 300 I Six do., 10 00 Three do., 400 One year, 15 00 - - YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CRANOt•IILE IT PLE/SVltt. One Square. Tro Squares. Six months, $lB 00 Six months, $2.5 00 One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 [Larger tuirertisemenu in proportion. M'CARDS of four lines Six Duttsas a year. EDMUND SNOWDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICF: in the building on the North East corn of Fourth and Smithfield streets. JAMES S. CRAFT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofice, corner of Fourth and Wood street/1 above Sibbert & June*. I.:nuance on FOUlth. no,/ 14-46 m. WM. 111 • X AMON. ... .... J. O. 1111PUR. 111011AEION & SEA2IOI2. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE in Fifth street. in Barr's new building, be. tram Wood and Smithfield streets. wen ly. WM. O'HARA ROBINSON. (LATE 11. I. ATTOANLY,) HAS removed his Office to No. 8 St. Clair street aept4 EDWIN C. WILSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Freak/in. Venange Cottaty, Penna., WILL 'wend promparo •II business entrusted to his care—cellections Riede in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson counties. DIMES J. A. SToCKTON, &. MURPHT, WIL3ON, &Co.. - Pittatitirglii JoH:llliacva, 1107LJEXEI Franklin Mi. ALEX NrCAL3I ,, NT, JA.its Steube.nville,ol.io, I.lv 23-Iv. O. ORLANDO Loonits, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourth street, above Smithfield. jut, I- It. MAGEAW & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, H A VE removed their office to the Nets Court Noise, in thermal over tha Sheriff '.office. •p 17—tf. Law Notice. ANDREW BURKE OFFICE removed to Smithfield street, between 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mr Geo Wet/nose's Tobacco Mendez cry. art 16 Removal. Al.\ HON & WASHINGTON. Attorneys at Lan; .ITI office on the north side or W.lic st., 3d dour Esse of the Court House. op 17 Li.w Notice. AMES CALLAN ha.retnoved to the chamber. 081 .ccupiad by Alderman McMasters on Fifth it. bet inkeen Wood •nd Smithfield. ap IS REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & M. ilrßride, •TTo XXXXX AT LAW. KNAVE removed their office to Grant street, KA short disuinee from Seventh street, towards the Court House- E - 4 1 "Convevancingend cther instrumentsof writing FetaTly and promptly execute4l. nr2l M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sep 10 Pittsburgh. Wm. Z. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Baltewell'sbuilding, C;rantst., rirWtt.t.tax E. Atirrtat, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him tothe patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Stealer & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uni t.d States bank, 4th street, between Market and Wood streets. m2l CHARLRISRALKR Goo. S. Belden, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield.. r4l"Conveyancing and ether instruments of wri ting legally and promptly executed. mar2l-tf J. 11.. 1111111ILSDP ILIREILTON & STERLING, •ttoraeys at Law, OFF ICE, North side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Po. N. B. Cwllections made on reasonable terms. ciee 41.1 y John W. Burrell ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS Removed in consequence of the hue fire from Third street to Ditkewell's Building., oppnsue 40 tbo Court House. Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Olflea. near the Court House, in Mellon's buildings mr7 R. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between Wend and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sop 10—tf Dr. George Watt, Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, bear Sixth, astir 2l• PITTSBURG!! 8. D. SaLLEIRS, M. D., REMOVED to Penn street, between Irwin and five docile below Hand street. a. Is HUGE ARTERS, SURGEON DENTIST. 118 Librrty street. A low doors below St Clsir et., Pittsburgh stp 28-IY. Wm. IL Ward, Dentist, Has retloTed to the place of his former residence, is Pies street, two doors below Irwin. : ----- Doctor Daniellc/noel, Olsee on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh. dee 10- CHARLES A. McANULTY, rerwarlintand Oonuniasien Merchant, PITTSBURGH, P•., Ageatfor U. S Portable Boat Line, forth." transporta tion of Marchandise to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimora Phibludetrida, New York and Boston. j3l-1, _ A. • • ••.- r• • • _ I ';* 4 • 117 . • 41111 ttor , 11 . u L., tE4t DVERTISINGF Dealers in Produce aria Pittsburgh manufactures generally, N 0.224, Liberty, cppoaite tt 'a Staret, Pitts burgh, Ca. ap 28-Iy Broanisvlllo ll:mists, Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Naffs Warehouse; Smithfield above Fourth Slreilt. utli 10—y JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper !Bakers, No. 44. Market street. cep 10 Career of Pen "rya Perin streets, Pitlibur,rk. The highest price paid in cash fur Country Rasa, Baling Rope and Cotton IVaste. Also, dealer in Chloride of Lime, Paper, Twine, &c., at cash prices. july I 4.cilv. Offiee, Setith.fietd Street, cornerof Diamond Alley. PLANS and Specifications finished in the best st)lu and at the shortest notice. Rc►►acrcc,: Loran & Kennedy, H Child, & J Woodeell, A Kramer, W B &giro and Cul Lunn & Dilworth. jen. 14. 1845—d ly. DR. GEO. FELIX, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Garner of 3mill:field otreet rand Virgin Allay july '2 6 . 1845-if MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Neat door to the Fifth Prebbytorian Church. ion. 6. REYNOLDS & WILMARTII, Forwarding and Coakariasion Merchants, •ND DlL•Ltlis LURBER, GROCER/ES, PRODUCE, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIVER TRADE Corner of Penn and Irwin streets, L. 0. Reasotna, 2 ralsavitoti. L. Wt a 5-1 !YEW BOOK STORE. B OSWORTH & FORRESTER, No.43,Market street, ar.rt door to Third street, ARE just opening a new and extensive assortment or Books and Stationery, which they will sell, wholesale and retail at the lowest priers, an'2.s RENIUVA L. COOLEY & LAIRD, Mtrckaal Tailors. H AVE Removed to So . 2, Water street, near the corner of Wood. end neer the •rint from whence they were driven by the tire, sthern tiny will be happy TO wte their old CIICOMer, n 19. JUDAS Patterson, jr, Corner of Ist and Ferry streets Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bolus; tobacco, Cub ler, mill and Limber screws; bousen screws fur rolling mills. &c. seri 10—y FLINT GLASS ESTABLISH:SIKNT. P. NULY AS 1, JAXLI Z. LEDLIf lIIIILVANY & LEDLIE, xANurAcruitic MID ZISCP CoIiST•NTLY HAND. IM ALL ITS VARICTIILS, AT THEIR WARE/4011'C Corner of Market and Water Streets, r:=F Our Work,. continue in full operation. and wa are constuntly adding to our stock, which enables us to, fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respectfully solicited to call and examine prices and terms. e• s- I=l D B. WM. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST, Ito% removlll to St. Clair stret, next door to the Exchange HOVI rep I John DrOloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Libertyatzeet, betwten Sixth street and Virgin alley, Stith aide. Imp 10 Charles IL /lay, W HOLESALE and Retail Bookseller. Paper Dealer, Stationer and Bookbinder, corner of Wood end Third otreetlg. sepllB Pilithigton'strztrivalled Blacking', mANUFACTUREDand sold wholesale and retail SIXTH STREET, .HlB door below Smithfield. net 21-Iv. Pittsburgh Infirmary, F OR the reception and treatment of deformites of the human frame, such as Cub or Reeled feet, contracted joints, wry-seek and Strabism us or Squinting,and of Diseases of [Ake Eye, such as Ca• taract,etc, under the care of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dec 31—dtf Removal by Piro. THE subscriber informs his friends and the pub tic, that he has opened a new CABINET WARE ROOM, nt the corner of Liberty and St Clair stroets, over Brown and Reiter's Drug Store, where he i, prepared to at!end to all ordcrA in hin line. al" Entrance on St Clair street • F ., 15 John Cartwright, CUTLER and Surgical Insuument Manufacturer 100 140 Woodstreet, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg, Pa. N. 13.—Always on Mind as extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je 24. To Printers. W E hal, e received, and will hereafter keep con scantly nn hind, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell cheaper than it has heretofore been sold.in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cast, (IN ALL casts) will be promptly attended to. BiGLEn, SARGENT & BIGLER. 3y 26—tf Office of the Post and Manufectut er. REMOVAL. THOMAS ARNOLD, A MF-lIICAN LOCK MANUFACTURER. has removed his store from St. Clair street, to Dia- mond A Iley, betrreen Wood street and the Diamond. nov2 ALONZO W. ING, NO. 83 FOUR TH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS, ATANUFACTURER and dealer in all kind+ of T"baero. s,..fr and Sept... I. G. AI UNTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, :Vallee street, near Liberty 1•ly PITTSBURGH, PA JOHN SCOTT & Wholesale Grocery and Commission iller ohants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh J. & J. DVDEVITT, 110 L ESAL E GROCERS JOHN W BLAIR, BRUSH MANUFACTURER /IND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO 120, WOOD STREET, P ITTS Be R GM J. L. SUE E 'S CASh RAG WAREHOUSE, J. Vogdes & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, • AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES _ . Cnt, Moulded and Plain FLINT GLASSWARE, PfTTSBCRGH. Removal EINEE=m A CURE FOR coNsumPTIoN. SEVEN THOUSAND CASES Of astitsate Ptthamterry Complaints earediis ONE YEAR. WIST AR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY, tho great American Remedy for corn pleints and affyetions of the Respiratory Organs. We do not wish to traffic ea') the lives or health of the afflicted, and we sincerely pledge ourselves to make nu aesertiens as re., the virtues of this medicine, and to hold out no hopes to suffering humanity which facts will nut warrant. v Leave New Orleans eery Saturday at 10 a. to., or rice at Gaveheon every Menden by 10 n. re. We ask the attention uf the candid to the fullossing Leese Gavels:en LtVerli TileSa.tV at 10 n. en., anise considerations. rat NewOrlearis every Thursday. by 10 a. tn. Nature in every part of her works, has left indent. The proposals should specify the mode of comes.- ble marks of adaptation and theige. ance, whether by steam-ship or setiling packet, at - 331 The conotiottien of ties animals and vegetables of set forth the site, rare, and description oC tic weas el, the tun id, it such that they could not endure the cold , with sufficient particularztv to enable the decision to of the frigid xents, mei nice versa. be made, on the advice of the proper nicer* of the naval service, whether the acme is or is not cur:eel. In regard to disease and ita cure, the adaptation is On t h e removal of die fife. at their request the chest ! I tole into a ship-of-wee. .An.l special notice is hciehy more or lest striking. west opened, and greatly to the astonishment of the The Moss of Iceland. the Wild Cherry and Pines of given, that, agreeably to the proyi•iun e of an act of undersigned and the large number of causes present. all Northern latitudes, (and Ur. %Vistaed Balsam is • Congress, approved Match 3d. 1045, those proposals a Blank Book with Sundry Bank notes :within its compound and chemical eetrect from these,) have f„ l a. ; a piece a( D ry pine Woad end th.„, i nner 'j o i n (bein„. acceptable in other respect.) will b, preferred lung been celebrated for complaint, prevalent ualy in which shall engage to carry the mail in a steam ship of the safe, which is of Weed , were found warm in cold climates. Indeed the most distinguished meth- nr ships, and shall stipulate to deliser said ship or deed, but nut in the Slightest degree charred or inju cal men time averred that nature furnishes in every red, ships to the United Stores, or t s their proper orEcer. some manuscript on the Book as legible as be• country medicines fur its peculiar diseases., on deman I made. for the purpose of being converted - fore the test. The undersigned are ut animous in the Consumption in its confirmed end incipient stages, into a vessel or vessels of wet; the United Stores bee conviction that a fire proof chest is p racticable ; and Coughs, As th ma, Croup, and Liver comp:Nita, form m . n „f,,,,,,„,. I ing bound on their pert to pay the fair full sabre there- Elise the ingenious and enterprising by far the moot fetal class Of diseases known to our who+, efforts; for e months pita. in producing this lof et the time of delivery., to be nes:Attained by four and. Yet even these may be cured, by means of the desideratum have !pruned we entirely succesaful, de • eppruietts-appointed, two by the President of the simple yet powerful remedies, names . ' 'thew., and nets the public confidence and festronage. - Uuited State', and two, by the eerier or ounces, with which are scattered, by • beneticieut Proyideace, JOHN ANDERSON, as umpire in caws of ditrigthernent, to be appoieted wherever those maladies prevail. L. R. LIVINGSTON, by the President isf the United Stetes. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY! • JOSIAH KING. The bidder may propose Jul schedule of days Will miracles never cease? Ari.re evidence of its lA' AMUCK' NIARIIN, end bows than the one als, e specified Ho may ask surpassing Acalti Restorative Virtues ! ! I . :DWABD 1-11:AZELTUN, I fur an animal sum of compensation; or in lieu thereof, .1 ASIES PARK, It. Til __ A r. I • certein proportion of the potoagea accruing or. th e inail-matter conveyed ur . erihe fume, and he may offer S'l L, the character of the above named gentlemen, the • Pu blic have a g uarantee against dereptioo. in the teat to carry t h e mut snore Later:my than once b a 71,.. From Dr. Usher, Springfield, Washington co., Ky. re Articles of contract are to he executed ytle no iofsieli was de of our Pheenix Safe s , and we the S t ateswomen; Ky., May 14.1645. fine feel the utmost confidence in recommending them cepted bidder and by his c ontract by or befree the Itt Messrs Sot:feel & Park 4 -Geats-1 take this uppers ae a reliable protectien against tire, under any oidinn• day of March next. The other thinrs, Oust the pay of the flip i• in be furfeited tnnily of Informing you of a most remarkable cure ry circumstance. %Ve would assure th ose iuterested, reef mined upon me by the use of Ur. I Vister's Balsam that there is no wood about these Safes, but what is' when the trip, is s rwt P . t.rl; : rme ' l! t and i 3 : d r UP : Pr""'i t i"" I ...11". Care.L t eee'es. of IVild Cherry. or warily connected with the shelves and drawers. I when ft [rude of sees ice IS remitter, inferior to teat I specified in the contraet; ar d that I:tree maybe impos• Q ll UST re:seised, n froth ouppiv of :::::',. Z,7z . r ro , ....., In the ye•rof 1840 [was taken with an infßamma- We make Vault Dusan in the same manlier and u e Lee tr-freuey celora and beeltiftd pAlerne.,. The ''''''" uttattlc En ta G reat 3=i t ,1 i: 1,2 .=- 1, - -, 7 : they of the hostels, which Il e l esre d under for b weeks on the error plan. One of these cat be own at Reese i' l e i • n i • d n o u n le t : m s ,ti,tft!ol'i:,,l:ini?;'etg ttorLi'';',AlL`truir,',,fa:,W,,r,lldYtdei.,t,t7ri'l!er,',cod, colors are Citren. Green. Olise and Clare: Brown, 'ellen I Kreduelly recovered. In the fill of 1331 I 1111111.1 C, TUWOSelki & CO . B new buiLdint• post office at Ote It t e f lendine, the mail heluog" I Mulhetry, Geld reienel are: 81et313. Tho,,c, goods ore P .2E2ddt-Sill°7••S'lC "' !(C ' - ' 2!rootf•- ";' ::c4-2 tI 2 l. '',:: : ' ; tt r2 . 2 : 7 j ." (r: attacked with a te et ers chill, which seated itself 1/pO n Fu the work nship of our Vaults. they can be the Ithes of Guernsey and Jeroey, can at nil [1,7'2 my lungs; are ) f, the space of 0 ,,,,,, year , I arta , c . a. et ... er the fetteerier ratte Lyon. &orb & co., I ing thereto, or any met et said mail; for su:l - ..,rinj the , ems ~,,,,, i r , 1 ,,, •;,„:,,,,,,,,, eit 4 , 4 La, inr, scat beOn in. .:__ En,ql,:m.l. heland, Scellomi, t'u'0.:3.3 . 3. et fined to my Led. 1 tried all kinds of medicines. 1121 , 1 Church & Curutherm %Vm. Larimer, King & Holmes mail, or eny part of it. to be Yeet, and need, lust, or de- period fir the - - t eilord. We eledeed our sei.,,, to 4... q. .rayed; for conveyieg it in e g lare ~r. manner that ee• ; u p a e t r e -t er c e ._•, thi s r,:u--• , ,,,,ti er the: ever." 're, drafts payabl e ut yieht, oil the Royal Bank of Leery kind of medical aid a itheut benefit, and thus I J. I). Doris, P. Nt • Cormick. mid W. M min. p.se,i it to depredation loes ur 3 J , ' ''''',"' I"r rel • "i'l7. , . 1•• • ! reset's-3d partner of our are,: le ss b eer , re N ee -, y„,; ;, • ,, DuLdio• liso on • -ttle-st s. Pre,cier G ee s, .; teem-lied Meng until the *sinter ~f 18441, until I heard IRl'Manufactery on Rd *inert, beteeen Wood and . ~f elVistat's B•lsam of Wild Cherry." ter &multi made, to convey u mail tow any elli• I tee-1-e "wade, and •e• - I r a.lst,-. - . eelte•l Le-d• tt t int, •.. 'i • r. ,, . , - , srl:ll,htirl.l. CO3STABLE & STRICKLER. I. , ', ,•- , 1 - t--- .3 t° -°-.'". et - vonterettente Cu.,' ~ • • ,•,' 3"-e"":“ Lich I Il• ''. r- eo Ms fait d . -• persuaded, me to give it a trial, though Pitt.lnirgleOcthistT 15,1845 5.3 imnst steamship Or vessel lan o, toe contractor on the in I,j, jr „ pertmeet, 331! of e Melt el!' he heresies:id en •- ' 1 t:rt ' ■ •3 ' !t •' !° • - " : ,"'"' , nr• t "'''.,, a , e ";• (•I ''''. l ''' "!!,' . ~. I route, over mud above the Bpi.ciiied number oftript ie j 0'..11- ..-rr:l. , wit'd a Ellie: iinitecdriz re,7,r.1 to terry. °lc- ''N. 'Pose:- '''''''''''''' •"'"'""' Ili': 1 had given up all hopes of rerovety and had prepared myself Cor the change of another world. Th reogh :IMES COCIULAN, ; the contract. and f o r net orris ittg rat the tir'.. , yet; ekes ; gee , am t C „,,,, e , ta ,,,,,„ let, ate m,,,,,,,,,J, to : . ,,n a:OTL 15 U, WA LES, LI rE. ECNSEY (%1 jL inthlligentce, or iltriti"lllirtUl the to ell prurrtiLsr, made :11r.211:',II 11:i; Irli..li urn or others, l,iii; 1 l ''' r .."''' "'"-''' 'D ' l .;''' nisi,):„ tO ''''' dreir soli ne 1 wa s - induced to mak e use of the' Corner of Libertyand Foetorystrects,f}fiA Ward,' fi'r tr "'"'"" ntin g Genuine Whiter's Balsam Id %V ild Cherry. Ihe effect ! Pirtsbarek, of trensmittingintelligence In advance uf the motile-j ; ,,,,1 „, s „, 1 ,, , 1 ,,,,, 1, t,' 1 , , , THE 1 ,-.. ‘sH I - roN,,BL [2 , r t,1,C,. in-J , : , 0 , 0 Poend and upsverde a pstrt'en ' ._ _e _'et tmaster Generid May nnnuf the contract tor t se , ft r.: . 1 , [ -- QU A e TERs w .- tt , i ,, (,;:,., ~.„, ~,,:, 1 , 1„34, , , our: , si ay i - ,irriddig :none) to their ft is. nd u, are; it: UM, truly asaneithing. After five years of affliceiem I it,TANUFACTURER of 51ageesia Fire Proof rh 1 j prefer Thu: their friends stheuld selent their os resin and suffering; and after having spent fear or fire I „LTJL Chests, 1 Doors, Grates and Railings; Iron P" . trd failun 't I "' • yt " l ' ttin t t tin ' . t ' n ' t ott'cn lass; for' fl-r d'''''''"rot t . '"mir''''" ' 'i'h any Ezt.".;!•-tr' l l house disobeying th e instructions of th e 313 partmcr3t; for ro. I th e t :e,,,1, our;; ;„ p„,..., 1. .„ „ h , ~,,,..d e „ t ~i , ,r . Lt . ~.f cumin,: out, seal also ao;t:ct tL.ir. o'.:: zsn).. 2 , bemired dollar. to no put pose and the best and most ! Doors for sank Vaults, Canal and Had Rosathlrons respectable physicians had priived unavailing, 1 was ' together with 1, , ,,r1.. description Of Smilli work. !fusing to discharge a center e Leo requited by, tho de• pruid of cur :deity to du yo, ,co mention eith pride, , mit nemey by the subscribe:3;l'er 'Me es:re:e s t. 6 .• restored Isr entire health by the blessing (if G e d ; li ma? M All en, J ar ., Thar. William mi me . ; ! partment: for enig . 'i"g 'llo manner 'iL I.'" rho C" . . 111 M. ti.:'. names Of many genticedoe • e t, f ereeer t y ,_ t •Altil!) to (or adds cm by ie tier, D..,,..! F .,,i , I.) I wee of the PestmasterGemeol; er for *wires up sr . ceised their gilralent, from the Es;, nth Lee to Sc ROCHE. BRO.'S Cr; C and thous° of [ J r. Wisest'. %Isom of 11 ill Cherry. ; Samuel Church, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling running an express as afereserd. : fiend un our register 4.1 et:stun:ere ,lio nre now sari- No 22 l'ulters se, :S'ese 1 r am now eb.,yio g pied health and such ismy al t & Ce., John Ire in & Son, Ashr 0,1 & lone., A Bedlam . The Postmaster Gt.llettal tnny alter the COntract, , s ieced thet they con Le R1T11!..41 ere t• 11, aril tit more nt• BLAKELY dt...... 511TCHt. - 1, trrril appraialie r that lamno I anger I,,DOW n a Iwn 1 I A BEE LEN, Fax C • •ss M i Corner! 1., °remiss' n . err ism. sorild I,C• is , meet my (meter acquainterole s . I . 1 of Front and Fetr• streets. and Mr. G. BF.. LE, Jr , : •"d It it.° schedule, Le "I:t.'" 1 ",; " P't? rt.'"t•': ie• ' reeiretable rates. ALGEO 51 • OCHIE 1 Cu. Perste:rot,. _ . ___ _ ; crease of compensation, within the teetthetemi tem..: rar e I have gained vapidly in w.,1011, end my dash is ' Ni, 74, Word svelte sice Aeries for Pitt•burgle and JUST RECEIVE') AT 11'11K firm and third. I can new eat as MUC4I as any pet... Nlesors. BRYAN and AI LT EN BERG ER. St LOUiI, '"d by la., for the adult; ieLal sereme ierptired.or fur: ----- tuon ..ciat ja. , the increased speed, if the eFI-121,1 . meet of additiured; IRON CITY CLO Ell i' , .!i; - 4 S'f WI and my food sums to agree a ith me. I bean eaten 510.. to either of 16160 T gird..., mayhe addressee'. T r 1 -rii more durieg the lest six month , than I Led eaten fire Ihit.he, e l,. March 8.18 15. di , ; stock or earners i. ~.. . TING- OrFICE ,5 ' 0. 122 LiderZy sr tee -2.,;ari fr, - ,:.2 S.f. a L.,...ir - ' 5 ;ears before. —.-- -- tt acter may. in such case, reliteeeth tiro cu: teat[. en ' rt. w. cuneten or WOOD a 71Flii 51.2. 4 SPIA.NDID assa:::::a,! n! 1..,: ,and ; Considering my Cage 1114110•1 a miracle, I dem o ii DENTAL SURGERY. 1 timely notice. if be prefers it ro the chan g e , Tie ; 2Li C• -'• T • ss-,... Le ertere-ter,.l this it ll:y faVo neeeesary 1,31 the good of the 'tamed. atel • duty 1 I Pustataater Generel may. also discontinue er tenni!: The ro r'etnr• of rho %feee au Pos. , -..1 Slaw- t t• 1 -•• - ' 7 e - settereweewese n- t - '"-•'''' 'e s. 3 the settler, he allevutug onemonift's extra pay un the l PP ' - - ter. • a.- teeessiment artnetnlcs sto riett pm e m , ; h er f, , On• to the erupt ictor s , 'Led my fellew man ( who'd/G - Idd know when relief may be l i ed) l e m a k e L a. get , (...„ ..... " ..„. ~., ,„... 1 amount d,,,,,,„,,,,1 with ; fe e l the CO:leant ••truay at any . ••• ‘; • " 7 A" MA•huFACTUi:.:',:' ro s PectefellViererni their red to make to ord er s e; re ... He ., ,„ le. 11 ,,, , - - :set e t. ~.-, ~..._„,,u „ .. I farad:and the patrent 01 CLor,e papers, thut :liveliness o..:Orlez: 111.,fiCtr, and ie the mica: mint piblic. Iris:vise terminuted by debit resolution sof the te . a large end. well chosen aysortreent of May th e blowing of Coed rest tepee the r-,,,i.,,,,tre - les of Congress.” , , FASifI 0 :V A 81. F S T 3' L F i rip•dot> , ..-. 7 -,-. r---. . ---,------- -_-_-----s D a .„ ..k.bi e a m e d,,,,,,,, a. %Voter's 1111.arn of I t The relit!, the servi"r, d i e yearly rev , the luideer • 1 . H. 1 ., ir; acct red the service s el one cdthe BEST Wild CilrEr\. Yowl., rusperifullv. Tart,} A APPhed" imp coed Principles at reduced name and retidence, and the name itif each member of t all s-„ Q ~ , 2 , ,a,,,, , y,1 2F T,1 . :a m a ,- 2 , :i ,,,,- 1 , zia 11...0s in tts:city, he will in all cayes au: t ent a %V 51. H. BAKER. Charges. ers should be 3liethictls ; • j the firm vshere • cumpany off , „ fit. Franklin, ns eceestuyt is a Job Printine Office, and th at the,y ere ' A R1141(71.11, ! Mineral Teeth from one to on entire ' stated in the proposals. I prepared to er.i.cute He LA a spie r: rVs•The following letter from Dr Hitches., o f . /IL set, lessened to answer the purpo•es of alestica The following is the form of the guarantee, which I -,.. . did assortme nt Franklin, lola, who stands high in Lis professio n . . and thin er d erticuletien.eettel te natural teeth; and .0 near. I should be filled the first blank; "titbits." name uf the ; LETTER oPrSc' ir9'lrlllG or csatirs .1,1 PLAIN ranks among the first politicians of the state, . hell non t:w 1.11 8 a! Ai lv iewndiling them, that the closest assets er cannot guarantor; thesecend with that of the bidder; and the , 3 B EAV E ft CI.O T H S speak for itoelf in a t of the "theme& Weear's Balsam of 11',131 Chesty." detect ihrlO :twin sound. natural teeth. third and !berth with the tot rani end terminating I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: Atari ouperfine Blue. 131.yek, lirme n Tender and decays,' Teeth filled with Tooth paste, , points of the route; and, after being dated, should be . BOOK& 13:11.3 of L•exiing, Cit culees, arid Invisible Greet: Cherie of all /pd. Franklio dud., April I -", e 4, 1.1. • and without pain made solid and useful for mastica• I ttigned by the emirate..., who mu m. h e .a,,,,,,, , by the i Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Carde, Ries erid verious pries., t,3 suit ties putchaser Messrs Sandfo r d & 1.,,,A-1 have but • ..1(%1, OW II lOW but. tem (ist tin lb ••'I• r .1 cti L• 1 ~,itten cenificate of a postmaster, or other equally ; Haudbills, Blar-k Chocks, Hat Tips. 11r has a .piond4not or ~ to,g4, -ii • Ile. of %Vister's tailsam of *Mid cherry re • • ' • e . ' a g ' ne ' e "' )' e . ra n 'A A te patter y melee, oil forth insetted by atmospheric pressure without ' eatisfactery testimonial, to be a man of property, and i . Saeinetts In peat v•• • • '-',.. Stacks hand of the last lot furnished me be you. I h -term- 1 XII It fobs of 3.3lautts, or t, IN . ..,,,ITIA. sprier% er cysps. I able to mike good hie •ueraittee. This guaruutee, so I noiorns, Cusllni tt, Handletethiefe, Su, fore waited until I had mild out and haul obtained the Irriteulareie• in el,ildree's teeth if attended to • Icertified , should " rah bid: ~ ; . t in - pcndirs, nrii v,...ry 141,0 r utticies tnoney forum he befum I ordered another. But ioirli ti:„ , pacified, and *dolts greatly tem.-died. 11 e ' '• The undersigned ----, gementee• that —, if propriate cuts, in the CLOTHING Ll• Nit-. is the demand for the mticle that I do not . iota to be ' subscriber has one whole set an d a "p e n offset of hi s•' his bid for rain in the ma tt from_ to- - _h e ac- I Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable which ho v. ill sell LOW s,ilhoot it, and OM theretbre led in anti • ate Isitt , , ' 1•-- . a , ---,°' •rrificial teeth finished, which he incite. those %sir.' e r up te d by th e P os g tm e ste t General, shall enter' ternim F 0 II C s"3. S fi . The rrnmeY roe the last 'ben be ~o n.lnz r , y t art stand in teed of ouch to call Stra VX.41111OC• into an obligation friar tothe I st d a y o f al ere h next, iWe respeetrully ere thePatroneee °lout - friers/dame' The proprietor retie nt his since r e thael s s to le time the lot is disposed of, whirl,. from the sides I CHARGES. good and sufficient securities, to Pet form the the public is general in this branch or our business. Cuotemert and the Public • e 1 r 1 in ~ererli,, oit the Ver Lave made lately, I think will be but a choir time. For Teeth on Geld Platee with gout ) end sARGE.NT ..t. BIGLER, eral manner in wh i c h they hey° po • • . Gum 11. to #3 each- service proposed , patronised his e The effeets of the balsam are in rm.)). ems, strikeiglyy. July 20.1 843. " Silver Plate or Pivot It o 2 '' ' "Dated —." lishment. and hopes by st; L iet attenti u n tsslst • ' beneficial. re' It improves upon acquaintsteer more F, Pr • I li , :i.ctia F • , , . tugging 50 eta to 1 " I The hid should be sent under seal to the First Aes t EXTENSION OF PITTsBuRGH. ceiling (leers Checi.: Gbod s, to mane li eonlinu thri ri any tither Parsee Niedirine I have ar t known . 1.•,,,x„.,cri,„. '25 its j distant Pestmester General. anti the words "Mail pis.; ef the .amt, ne e 20 6 m . C. Ma; IrIS'E it: Almost ell ethers fail upon trial. mid not being able to , . c B. I Rare Chance for good Investments : Operatien s rises, over by other De ' • ' ' • ousts. onlicited.! posals-Gnlyestnn math written nn the stet. uf t • bear the test of expel time soon sink into disuse TO PreIreTTIBES. t • and tue charge made without entire satisfaction i• giv- I letter, and ttlesulel he deem:stetted in time to be reeked , THE subscriber hue laid one and now [ ,Eden fur Th., however, seem., to be mast hied ) . soloed hy en. Advice er , ii i. , Type 1 , 1 , 1.: , ,,1.,..; , , a%.: Printer's 1'z..r. , ; -'" . Iby or before the 25th cloy of January next, which will : 1 tale dt reateriable pricers and on acconiniodeting these oho Garr tested ito virtues, and experienced its ms, One hundred arid ten building Lots, on that Illsr clese se iPpt I) d 3 m 1.. J. CHAMBERLAIN. Ihe the last day fur receiving renewal, ender this 3 ter heeling t tficacy its their own metes. yoo,. -,,- ,• C. JOHNSON. 111mA/rime let el ground between Braddock street and T 11E tr-th•eribet t has o oeened a nee- TN e 1.•';ill Silt geoti Dent Ist, St llnit se ad verthemant. spectfully. JAMES RITCHEY. le„ t ee t .t er Ge tes aul. the Monocle:theist ricer. They are about one-thitul of le this city ef Now Yo r ie e here they J-c. rc,-, Dissolution. POST Dune DEPARTMENT, l a mile from the city line, end are a l ttlatevi in that part "PP I Y ' -t aders '. , +r: , ' r , -to:l I , r u•ov orty Lied e; act 20 Washington , October 11, 1845 la w ni. ;of the first city district which .ill prelsobly scan be er I ."'Y 'Type, Ick, f'-To r , C-1-o -, ,, GJNE-,, I_ annexed to the city as the, Sey . enth Weed. No pre. ; , allle3, ;...:,..'l, CulUrnrl , 10, e."1.11.....iit ;titer., Cil P. S. If the bidder shall sat consider himself able as the 1,4; I pertyin theattherlie pe en la i d tee , • reil . u.: ,!! 's ere urth_le neceseery i'm ts I.": - 1,:io t z, CliT:ce , or prepared to commence se rvice as early , has guy heretofere been laid oat etch . BO liberal an el- T ,, l • type 11C0C70..1. in new ineuld s, term en cot of March nett, he will specify ill his propoeels, the leaance of aide sweets ; Braddock is from one hum tt "'• "t ,) f r " , tr , : ,,, . , iih , i , i-p cimm-i. one's ne, day un which he will put the service in uperatien, , , . . C. J. !dred and twenty to about One hundred and ninety feet ed t'' " u ""'l'a." , d car:l' eel ;vill be -.. j wide, and Beelen, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and , tertittt"'•'• acid to Wate r streets all wide avenues. Most of the louthave ; rrilltilii; Preotearerni-Itei, argil else Steam (too fronts, end as they are of various sizes, and will I urtho 'gust a PPr. , -d 1,4ft,”5. n Eng be stsld, one lot. with the pris liege of four et five; early ! N• B•-.. 1 newhinist centiar ;le 3,3 ettehdene e ti applicants can lee accommodated to snit their 0,, 1 , Pair Pro.'-'a''s end de liele ate:.. views uf improvement. Persons who desire to 'mid ! C""ollt"litee Built:re - cast fit Printer s . er to m•kes secure investments in property that he aura I Editor; of Newspaper s „its eie bus three IlJne to advance in value, end particularly those who intend ! much tYP" 'l^ 'del" bid , ar'neO: , l to, renv cis e !b.. :,I to erect manufactories, would do well to \ 1.... A. these ! ''''• •• "'' nh!..t `' lt ,H on a!".1 soul I L"ja polo r eon tai: Lots, stud examine the draft, before purct ,, ; , i ,„, 0 1, 2. t 3'.10 t:It: :‘..l:JeCriLleas where, The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail - CROCIi:Foar,L. ov EriF.Nir Road and the tail amid survey by the State of Perm- ! _ "P• 3. 63 Aon :_tire __ ___ _ s'y beanie were Leah made alonesido of this property, ..7 Li VI LI S 2 0 W tia D {:' r and it is generally considered that Br - ed.'s:ski street, -", TAT' . ti •el UAL!, to meets:Lc or the ground immediately elon c euide of it, artery.* the . 1 1-- '" 11;,t they •`' • only eligible route for a Rail Road from P3trehureb to 0 3 , - I r ee ,„, cg i y t ncc • n r • - •• '' the East. Coal cat be delivered on Ilia property at u ~j ‘b '''''' easier, i ' •ru ' • much lees cost than on the Allegarne ricer, and there is always deep water at this part of rhe rare. E. D. GAZZAM A rel e"' , aug'2s-th Office Market betweeo 3d S- 4th, srs. m JAMILS IeDETITT COUNTERFEITS. Irio - Those who Counter-felt a g loti medicine for 1 the purpose of adding a few dollars to their liocket•, ant far worse than the manufacturers of spurious coin. For while the later only rubs us of our property. , the former take property arid health and life svesy.— 1 Dr. ‘Vtar•it's Balsam of Wild Cherry is admitted by thousands of disinterested witnesses, to have effect ed the most extraordinary cures in rases of a pulmo nary and asthmatic character ever before recordtd in the history of medicine. Tile young, sort beautiful, the good; all speak forth ' its praise. It is now the favorite medicine in the most intelligent families of our country. Such a high stand in public estimation has been a. cliielied by its own merits alone. And so long as a iliscerninc public. are careful to get IVistar's Ba touiof Wild Cherry, and refuse with scorn counter feits, and every other article proterred to thrm as a substitute, so long will cures—perzlivc curet—cheer the fireside of a depairing family. IRPThe true and genuine .- Wister'• Balsam of Wild Cherry" is sold at established agencies in all pans of the United States. Sold in Cincinnati, on the corner of Fourth and Walnut atreet, by SANDFORD & PA R K. Gen'l Agents for the Western States. A 1.., sold wholesale and retail, by L. Wilcox and U A Fahnestock, Pittsburgh, Pa. and by appointed agents in every important Borough i Western Penn •Vlvania. Select School for Boys and fikirla Ey WILLIAMS has open his Select School 1,, (..1• Males and Females, in the room over Mr D)ea Grocery, and formerly occuriled by Mr Samuel Blood,in Foderul street, Allegheny, on Monday, the 18th inst. TE RYE — Primar)Clusi, $6 per scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. Thinior Clabs, •• 8 " ~ ~Swiiur Class, 10 KANE, .In RMILENCES. Rev. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. D. FL Riddle, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., lion. Charles Shaler, Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., Charles H. Israeli, Esq. slept I—dly. Pittsburgh Tack Factory. T HF: undersigned, having built machinery of the most approved Lind, will manufacture of the best quality of Iron and in the neatest style, TACKS, I BRADS, FINISH rNGNA ILS, SHOE NAILS, &c. &c. which they offer for sale low. The attention of Western !Merchants end others is invited to their eetablhhment. WOODWARD, HERSEt & CO. Fifth 'street, opposite the Exchange Hank. July PITTSITUP'Gr : WED ESD A iDECIEaqi - BEg - , - 23)6'15 - - Phamix Safeirand Vaults TIII• undor/igneal invite attcs,tiun to the follow inc certificate,: CERTIFICATI The undersigned haviiir , been reque•ted by Messrs. Cunstable & Si rickler, tobo present and superintend ■ test, by firs, of unto uf their recently invented Nice nix Fire Proof safes, and deeming the subject one of very great public importance, have carefully AN lninized the progress of a test, to which one of said chests yes sui.jected. The chest ores supported at each corner, at an elevation of JO to 12 inches hum the ground a fire of Bituminous coal end firs was nude over and around and kept actively burning 5.1 consecutive hours. The fuel consumed was about 80 bushels of coal, and one cord of wood; the hest iill the while be ing quite intense, and in the opinion of the undersign. ed much greater await oafs is likely to sustain in any ot /finery house burning. T ILK parinership hetentfore egi•ting het ween James K. Logun and Ciaorgo Connell, tinder the firm of .1 K Logan & Co is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AN person• hating claims against the film, will please present them for settlement, end all indebted will please make payment to ..11r Luean. 1 / 4 . hi) i. dale authorized to settle the business of the concern. I K LOGAN. (11:0. CONNELL. Pittsburgh, August 1, 1895. Dry Goods at Cost. AS. K. Lo gan . eueer r of Wood and Firth somas, • uverJD 1)1“111' Al/C/1011 Rooms, beipg desirous of chaogin g bis mesent business. offers fur null, hi• stock of Dry Guards Dow o n band, at cost, cumprising a large assortment of cloth., cassitneres, sattinetts, neArings. minis. &c., end would respectfully inn ii, the attention of those u ishing to purchase as 1/e is determined to closely hispresent business. August 2, 1845.—aug 4. , PITTSBURGH 'MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Priers. fpII E oulmcribrrmanufticturco and keeps constant ly on Land Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints. patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patron age heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEMAN. Jan 4 St Clair at., near the Allegheny Bridge WASHINGTON HOTEL., Corner of St. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. HE proprietor begs leave to return hismost veto ful thanks to his friends and the public for past favor., and hopes, by attention, to merit *continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; it has accommodations fur travel ers, and u large room fur public meetings, dinner or supper partium. REFRESH MENTS Always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the market will afford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh shell Oysters, received eve ry day during theseason. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A varie ty of newspapers are regularly tiled in the establish ment. I'. S. A liotLuar.h served up .very day'''. 11, A. M ap 18. European Agency. D EMI TTANC ES of money on moderate terms, can be made during my absence in Europe, to every part of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales or the continent of Lutope. Legacies, debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills. titles and documents ettected,and other European business trans acted by applying ta iglnOt :they Water street. Pitts. burgh. Fl XEE:NAN, octl2 Agent and Attorney at Law, Piturbursh. raail,'J to Ga lvostom, ROi'OSALS to carry tho tho United States, from tho lit of March. 1840, to the ilCtil of February, 1850, with richt to tho department to attend to the 30th of June, 1850, from Noe Orlca,c, in Louisiana, to Gavelotort, is Tezat, 450 miles and back, will be received at the Contract OLsce of tho Post OffiCO nepartment. until the '2sth day of Januo• ry,1840, to ho decidyd by tho 31st day of acid Jaau- NEW GOODS AT NO. SO MARKET STREET. r lIIE untleisiineni has jll.t rec.iived his nil: sad .11L 11 finer stuck of Goods, consisting iii part of GOLD AND SILVER LAVIN, W•TCHEI Silver Spoons and Butter Knives, GOLD PENCILS, And • general assortment of lewelre, Cord, Cues, Steel Beads, A'elect and Silk Bags, Silk Pulses, and Purse timmings, flee Carpet Bags, with a large as sortment of fancy artichus suitable fur presents. The undersigned is prepared to sell goodsat whole sale, to make it the interest of those that are buying by the Inantity to call and essmine his stock. novs-dtbn ZEBULON KINSEY. NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. eL, CHAS. H. PAULSON, (LAT( 0? FIKX OF ?action 0iL1.,) H AVING opened his new store at No. 73, Wood Strait, Next door to the corner of Foorib, 14 now manufactur ing and receiving from the Eastern Cities a very large assortment of HATS and CAPS, of every descrip tion, wrttented to be made in the best manner, and of the best materials. tnter,Seel, fine and common Muskrat, Sealette, liair•Soal, Plushand Glazed Caps Also, a fine ettsortn"rent of Lathes' Fur., ouch as Lynx. Fitch, Genet arid Coney MUFFS AND TIP PETS AND FUR TRIMMINGS. all of which lie offers fur sale at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, both W 1101041416 and retail. Country Merchantd will please ctillend examine my stock btforo purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. H. PAULSON. N. B. The Fall Fishion for Hats Ina Caps reeniv ed. eOP27 Fort Pitt - Works, Corner of O'Hara and Etna street, Fifch Ward DISSOLUTION THE firm of Freeman, Knap & Totten. is this I_ day dissolved, by the sale of the entire interest of John Freeman iu the concern, to Charles Knap„Jr. and William J Totten, who will continuo the business under the name of Keep &Totten, and will settle all clairosagainst the said firm, and receive all debts and demands owing to the same. Pittsb'eh. Aug. IR. 11345.aug28 A FRESH StFTLY o r Johnson's Stip6rior Fall and Winter ritiNTINCI INZI RECEItrED THIS DAY, At bit dice of the i'`ipsbir rgA Morning Port. BIGLER, &ARGENT & HIGL ER. npl7•d&wtf Prospect - as of the NewLibrar Yofl aw azd Equity, UNDER the direction of FCASCIO J. Tot r. ILI Esq. of l'hilitdelphin, Hun ELLII LL. uf Lancaster,and Wat..sutt ItI'CANDLLss, E. burgh. This work contains the best prodoations of Eng:lab law authors, without regard to priority of cluirn on the part of any Ametican plthiishet. Such hooi.orrre stow notoriously too dear. Tho onion 10, that u:t Lot as they appear they become monopoliee in the heads of booksellers in the Atlantic citieri. Uuder the plea of right acquired by the addition of noire of A mori can decisions, the latter claim on undivided title to those works, and set u burthentrome price on thern.— The publishets of the :runt one. , viler .d trYt.int profes sion thiougout the Union, will not rmpect acct titre;, but will re-print the standard British low hooka re fast as theyeminate trait the London r-nor!..ot. Should now edition" of the worhe of such v :item co Starkai, the Chittys,Stephen and Arohbo!d, cppc cr , they thou] also be included; and Drcegu of Equity and Lan - i do• cizionit—w orbs which have be etudioualy inept out of the Law Library published at l'irilorr'elphid—ch a ll have a placoin the pmpcued new ono, to.getirer with every new valuable Engli.h treatico oa Chancery or Common Law. t7 - Thia wurh will be issued monthly In nnmbers of 160 pages, printed on fins white, paper and good new long primer typo, ut stoyen dollars per annum, payable halt yearly. ISAAC G. LEY', S. M. G. LESCIML,". 11..aerinceou, Pa. , July 1, 1845e—'ulv Pnblic Blo'thtta. E President, Directors and Com pa ny, known al the "Farmers' Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh," will, at the next meeting of tho Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, make application for the raviluge of issuing notes payable ea de. mand. THOMPSON BELL, Cashier. Pittsburgh July Ist, 1843-jy3o-ddenl3. 11E= ...c.f.iLirsA.i*,,tltA'.',4.:TM ;A:A-.-4'.l.'''-`-`l**"` Printers! Lee!: tare! ALI C HIS ER 'I CUT` WOOD "I'YPE:S! rri HE undersigned are prepa . red to furnish to order, ! any style, ciao or pattern of 11'ood. Typf S, equal. • 4.1 in every respect, to any manufactured in the Baited States, at very 10, price.;! • Our Types are accurately cut. and cleanly erol „ '3 ly :Michell, and warranted not to bedtime injured by 1 RL " .I-31: IJ any ucage to which types era ordivat ) auldeuted. The. r,' 31'1. IrrerDooi I'2'. DID I v..e.ds we Use are rnahuaar her :wood. hewood. end-bruin od, , and no prepared as to defy CUJ ucioa of cr or the 1 13 L A I): E L C F-1 L. atri.oaphere. oJ:ce, Canal Barid, Pent .7.!. and S7:th !!! 1100in3 Jost enmplcted new cod improved machine- :!rest, ry, V•C are prepared to fill ordora at the shot test no- OCHE, BRO.'S & CO, tire; and being practical printers, and one, of us having _LI of then' friends at,d the public to the :sine years' cocperieoce or a job printer alone, we Set. mints for I 8 15, beg Icete to a..urellic . .7l ter ourcelYes a to old- Lbl!ty to dice Guti>ruccioa in shall Co wantinz on ;heir part, to ran der every carte. may auleet Etch- lioe, both tic and comical n"Rapers :tnt publish the advertisement of Palmer ticular attention w tll be paid to aged pe Co., can have their orders filled by us. And pa- Youths who may be ;en, for by their parent pets pnblisiting this ad.sertkemont to the amount or the setasela composing 31.0 — libel; Ball of (;"5, will receive their pay in type when three times the • of Else, pool PnArt,, wih be round the amount of their bill is taken out. Editors will please NEW I"URg, OXFORI send papers containing the advertisement, that rso 'YORKSHIRE., may know where send sserf pecimen sheets. CAM BIBIOBIE, nod COLU:•11 MARTIN St: JONES, reciuns deziroua :oho; tier their r,i S. w. rnr. o i Syearncie nod 'Fliird St 3., eiflt r , "iiiLii,4l.7 la any part ;tithe '•ol.1 Count ry . " the nYeeisary arrea7,ements ..oitit the sub , ur have :Lem biutiefit out. I.y w ell scsite "LIN Li OF PACE ETS," v. hien nail CrpU, , ! un Ow I:11h ar..! 16th of es f also, by fit s : 'dais ANIERICAN Ships, cdi there every SIX DA I'S &Hug. 1315. SI persona deciitiss corras.g t , to the putt iP3 .tny detiute:ic. • dublOg the passage such I.,L.Kluan e d nfid tfilperior arrdrigemerde., scribers confidently loult 1”r..., az , for that support which Let Lcen I nary year s. Apply to (or atidre•F RUCHE, "BROTHERS No 35 FUllOrl 14. New BT.AriELY 5.:.1Ti2 1 :112.1., .1a ) t . 1.1 .I' Lr i: t I N, 30 t. 11-, , '7<> n: - .) rf ) 7 r i rri l 7 :1 17 ‘ I.? In CE .L!..0-11 t ROC:I3Z, .74.1.7117,3 20 Waa D CO, TTAVE ' p.t . :llUre to a:,r.c.t,ce to !Weir Ct that tht.y ca g;%nd 83, .'ood au - ect, o: here thep huve opui.ed 8.% sib IV ALL PAPER WA E And ,:.11 hasp C01151[1:Illy on hand nr, emenda, on ra..nt of Satin gl,:ed oad 'flail, PAPER. HA: is GS, Velvot lrr.: [, ti , rll3otdor l , o f the :air,: st nod rnnet hand,, aa c I,g:et na fur ruprring lora and chanah er , m.,ntlf, c p lro , and hove on hand at all tint Printing, tVriTih,r, Wrappi ng and Tt..a Pal I;unset and Ful:er's liuurcL— u ll of svidch they 0 fai sale on tho most tiegorrarrodatiug. terms, and hk..fi thuy ia,ite the attention oftzei.chunta I.SCi—lllank 13.,,;,a of all lain& and iho beat q itv, School Buoka, &c allaa a) a un I;und and fur a; B. P E 1113 FASIIIONABLE BOUT (Formerly of the Monnntabelalictzse and late c; P. etreet.) ITAVING retrinved heck Born; tract, one door (rum the corner of Thrrti NVued Eh:Trete, the undersirrted et,;oitt rt:n - ani rn cotomec Mnr.. CVno,-1 .G. nnzt , I.3cardin,:; Hours e, :ed. on 112r3 c:Lero acs : z. ,. .onab!t) :pacic.uz. z.nd. rr ilrt,