. ~__ .r s. ~::""'~Yx' .._..,.~:.~~ ::.7t', :zap.... ~.,,..:,.`gs ~_._ -. raltportation TBANSPOBT6TION lEWE24a 1845. Maga United. States Portable Boat Liao, ('or the Tta,Tottatlon of Freight and Emigrant Pawn:ors, to and from 1:11NIORE. I'IIII,ADEL• I'll( NEW YORK, ANI) BOSTON. r, r - leave a ttr,d z• od. urt• carried through it, 11 tran.thtputeitt beucrru ale: of l'lttiht ..r 114 lOW 09 r . • • f, other I.l:ic hot rtahip three torus =ZEE 1:11112.LES A. AI'ANII.TY, Caimi ROSE, AIERRILI. Sit DODGE 71 Smith's lYharf. ELi A. L. GERHART & CO. sr., t'hiladelphia ritisb , r,ol f&I"a1845 irilifMl . Bingham's Transportation Linn, r w LIEN PITTSBURGH IND THE EAST ERN CITIES. ROPRI ET 0 R Wm. 13iNo:11,1, J Aeon Doc K, TH.)S. 81N611A,1. Wm. A. STRATTON eimaticled on SAlilKoh-k'vpitl. principles. r 11111: Proprietors of the till est:o)ll4lva Line have thoton;Illv recritited and feneWrll their stock, n are well mettored to I.trward Produce and :11er ottliie on the 0: , 1•11111,1 of navization. I long rip, ieriCt• of th. P. oprietor4 in the car ing nes.. with their watchful attention to the in ',tents of Cll4olllt 14, 111,111C..3 them to 'tope that the p.ttrottnge le extended to —l.lingharn's Line" will be continued mid i..ereasetl. Ovetnit.z the ttotal it•lf•glorii".ing ,Itt of advenis too .1,-i t i,ll‘.l. I,lllllllon, and belie‘ing that with trow co.o.ner+ we need no self-commendation. we w m.sr,ly iul ile , t .-h al hove not heretofore ttronised our Lli s t•,l,l) give us nlfini. Our rttt of ft eight 41,111 tll nil times lie 34 lOW R+ the 101.4,51 that are eletr,r , l by other responsible Lines. Prwloce :MI NI, eh todiie will he received and for• warded without luny chat ge for adverti , ing. Slornee C mn mjation. Bill: of Lolls - 1g promptly tot-wattled, and every direction c.ttelolly /tended tin. Aptdh to, or addres., \VM. BING11.1:11, Comet! Bid, cur Li"terty and IV;lvne stn., Pitt sb'g. ING 11.1 NI, DOCK. and ST 11 A TTON. No. ".17ti Nlarket sitti•t. Philadelphia .1A:11ES II 1 LSON, Agent. No. 1:22 Notth Flow-rod -tiro, Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON. Agent. v 21-tf In. 10, W e ..t‘ireet. New Volk. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. 1 545. FOR 'fRINSPOR CATION OF GOODS Betcrnt Pit1,1,1 ,- ;:4 .7,1 n.': [de I:asicrn Claes, TRANSHIPPING. THIS oil :,ml ?ern,Linejtjg nen, ly doubled their capacity and fix-i-lities car. ' ising, goods, are now prepiiiinit to receive produce nail merchuldise to any u mount for shipment Goat or N%'est. Thri bout: of dd. Line tieing all boor vectinn Porth• hie Boat, are from Canal to Railroad, thus evising all transhipment of iiepatation of ;oculist as the goods are never tetnoved till their arrisul at Philudel pub or Pittsburgh. ri t i ; Line :he Pioneer it this mosloof after a succus,ful orericion of eight years, are enable 4 rich connilotice to refer to ail tnervlinnt, who have heretofore rot naiad item. n Merchants le te,p(sl . l fUlly 1,.1.1,•t , d L'iV , Lit.ra ilial. as .r,"l cy exertion „i!1 u.ed to render ..ati-faction. Met. chand lie and l'roducie alwiass carried nt at low price. on as fair ierlis. ut,J in :hurt time, natty' art' other Lioe, ciin.ii t zneil to our horse at Philuds I phiu w. he -.ld ithetni term:. Goods consii,zneil to either our lion , at Pitt.!.arch of Philadelphia, for, ;ailed promptly, and all requisit charges raid, JOIIN McF.IOIIN S._ Co.. Penn street, VS. M. I/AVIS. & Co , and 251. me .2.5. M.irlset hilatlelphin• FARE R.I'.I.ICCEI) TO $8 Opposition Good Intent Fast Line for OF sPLE., , DID TI:43Y BUILT CoACIO.S, -A" ":1'; Lim:led fu S, re, Pl,Jen;Terd Leave Pitt.burzli daily at I, V. RuNNIN,;THROUGII IN 48 HOCKS, .A 3 centli: IrDuntalu uhlt SIX HORSES AND POSTILI.10: 1 • ONLY N !GIST LAIT CIIAMLIL 1151:C411, • /4` l --.1: Tllft,nce by R IL R(IA Dto Pliiititb.lphia, (beirtg only Line, tINVIIC:irti On I Iv, road.) CIViIIPC Sing nit II Mail ( lor Nev. Fork; also al Charribers burgwish to 13aillinure and 11 . 11,,t,- Ilitott City. Oro:lice three. duo', from r.xelorize uct 25.1 y A. 111:NDERSC)N, Ag.•nt. T - F ARE RE:DL'C;ED O 88 Goodllntcnt Fast flail f,r 131.1-ADY,LPLI--I]A, !I'i.F.:iPlo IROT BUILT COACH vs, AND RAIL ROAD CARS, Leave Pittsburgh daily, at 1 o'clock, P.M. RUNNING TII ROUGH IN 48 IiOURS, ASCE,' DISH HILLS WITH SIX HORSES AND POSTILLION fezt, `.!Are: 7:aa • From Chambersborg by Railroad to Philaddelphia, In splendid newly built Eight Wheel Cars, there con necting with Mail Cars fur New lurk; also at Chem betsburg with Mail Liner (Lied. fur Baltimore and ttiashington City. rr Only Office for the above Line, next door tc the Exchange Hotel, St Clair !Erect. june 12 W. R. MOORII EA 1), A g't. Still they Come. READ THE FOLLOWING; THIS is to certify tiritl have fully tested the Vir tues of Thompson's Cnsminaiirs. Having been troubled with a very aevere pain in my stomach J and diurrlaea or summer complaint for several weeks and was perffftly tmlored u,ing one Bottle. GEORGE ADDISON, of New Oi It non Sold by W Jackson Agent corner Wood and Liher to streets. Oct Glory, Gratitude and Patriotism. The Jackson Wreath, or National Souvenir. ANational Tribute, commemorative of the great civil victory, achieved by the people, through the Hero of New Orleans, containing n mop of the United SLAWS, a portrait of Hen. Jackson, a view of the bat tle of New Orleans and the Hermitage. Just received and for sale by JOl3 NSTON & STOCK I'ON, Market street. GEO. ALB REE has removed to his old stand, No. 71, corner of Wood and 4th streets, Burnt Dis trict. where he is now receiving an entire new, fresh and seasonable stock of Boots and Shoes, of all de• scriptions, which he offers for sale upon the most satis factory terms, and loner pi ices than he has ever suld before. Country Merchants and others are respectfully in sited to cull on examine his stock. sep'27.3m. To Printers! SUPERIOR PRINTER'S INK.—DR. G. BEN JAMIN SMITH, 179 Greenwich street, (new Brick Block,) New York, keeps constantly on hand Printers Ink, of a superiorluality,at the market price, viz:—Extra News Ink, at :30c ; Book do. 10c., 50c., GO., 75c., and $1 per lb. These Inks are manufac tured by steam, and of superior stock. Printers will favor Dr. G. with a call before purchasing their winter stock., as they will find it decidedly to their advantage to deal with hint. septi-tf JUST RECEIVED NO, 49, LIBERTY STREET. THE subscriber having returned again from the eaglet n cilies, is now opening his tall and win ter stock of muds, exceeding iu variety uud extent any thing het etuf ire °tiered in this city. Thankful to his friend. and the public for this fronts lie has received, and %thick has induced him In pur chase more extensively than before, tin again invites their attention to the cheapest, hest selected and most extensive usnort Intent which lie has ever before offered among w hick are •.-, HACK AGAIN. French, English, Germnn and American Broridclothrt, Black, Blue, Invisible Green, Olive and other Colors, 196 cL nro till of a ruperiur q u ality. Also, a splendid useurtment uC VESTINGS OF ENTIRE NEW STYLES, FRENCH PATTERNS. fine lot of FRENCH ANU ENGLISH CASSINI ER ES of eemy shade, celor, and pattern, which cunnut pleuse the various testes of his customers. Also. a New Style of Beaver and Tweed Cloths OF BLACK. BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN, GOLD- EN MIXED AND OLIVE, FOR SACK AND FROCK COATS, Together with n Iln of Makibidoo and Blue Blank et Coaling, Pilot end other goielr ituitivbhi for aver eon's. These ;node will he sold ready made, or will be made to miler in LI e npriiur style. as low NI Carl be bought in this rily. lie bas also the usual vatic!) , for gentlemen's went such ns Shirts, Stocks, Suspender.., liandkerchirfs, Scarfs 11,,50m ,, , 4.r. !laving in los cngtloy meat several of the beat known and most popular cutters in the dry, he feels confnient ut gisisg and trould especially instil. the al trill Vonul'iier.volis wanting their garments metlc ill Silivetier style and of the filgeet mate, into, to llork ul CtoTlls, AND visrisns, %V Lich l i e 6n. arlrch d w ids this utmost care fur thin particular blanch 1,1 Imslues•. Ile will take pleasure in showing the-e gaud. 1., any ono who a ill Inc or hits with t. utll, I,4•line 11“..t the gtvat vat iety 0 1 hi, Steck 11.1 the st y le to which they am, made, 1:011 nul in Ili, WITH NIENACO DECLARED! Nt()NONGAti EL CLOTHE\ G STORE. No 2, WOOD St. Second Door from the Corner of %Vater Street. COOLEY & LAIRD, PROPRIETORS, The undersig tie.; tales this tnetbud of announcing to their custom, s and the public generally, dolt they ha‘tt just received hum the k:atit, sod offer (or sale ut the abuse •iiintl a large and well selected 1 , 10.401 - 1111ent ,if Cloth.. CaS,i Met o•s. VeAtitigs and mulct Wits of e‘ e t y deurridl ion. haying be.`ll I.lllelimstA lot cash on the intott iiihntitageous Icrin, theyare cuabled to offer as cil aft al con be sold in the %Ve-terti Country. Their U•iuLTITICIII al R 1: A D I !SI ADE C LOTIIING, is laig,e, end lrn. le.en treinuf winced from the hest matetialn, a lid by excellent win Linen. They have colintioitly iiti timid and will mlniilncture to older all nil is In, of Clothing, which tbey will Is or• rani to be mule iu the Lest mariner and tint fashion inblo n tyle. They invite der to roll and eznmine itielr -.toe: of us they ore roefelent they cnn io ,on AHTIC r re Al price , .1,101 ctnnot lii to I peso. Remember She p'f e. NO. '2. WOOD STREEI, SECOND DOOR FROM 'HIE coRNEtt. OF \V ATER. •ept 9-it s, MORRISON, Liberty St., betwren Marbet and Viig,ln Al le y. p A VING re!nrne.l item 1: Ea3t, the 2 1,3,„,:brr i 3 T 1 hi. 10;1 ,:trek eNneedn.g y and extent any Cnn ha, 1,, u•tnt , nelNeen etit tot ;a city. Thunktul to hi, friend, and. it publi, Cur the tinut• be Las rrcritrd, a,l La. nriatlic.l him pur- C 113,.• tuure Cale(tsisrly (Van bet,ne, he ng.llfl invites their Ullention to OW Cileaprs!, best sr it and moot es ensicr as, aburut .hichllo has ever 1,3.1 - ore on. ;et.l among r.i4Licii use Trench,lloglish, German and A mer ican Broadcloths, Black. Blue, Invisible Green, and other Colors. are spleo.ll.l tmet.t of Vestings of Entire new styles, I•RENCH I'ATTERNS, A!-0. n floe lot of Fla:N(11 ..NVO ENGLISH CASSINILIIES ui too-ty shade, vol:r, a nd put!too. w!,lch c/nonot fall to i1...114c the varitn.ts tt.tes It , rnel... Also. it Nett'Styles of Bearer and Tweed Cloths of Black, Blur, Inririlde Green, Golden Mixed and Olire,for Sack and Froel Coats. Together wirh a lot r.f superior NIA MIDI /0 AND BLUE; lid. A diil COATING, and other goods suitable lot Over Coats. These good• will he Rol,l ready made•, VT will Irr made to order in a superiur Sisk, a+ ow a' can be h or pzht in this city. Fla Las also the usual ons icry for Gentlertrou's wear, such as SHIRTS. SToCIis,SUSIT-NDF.RS, HANDKERCHIEFS SCARFS, BOSONS, COLLLRS, iC The attention of persons wanting their garment. - ell made. at.d in ,tietior st le. and of the best ma t-I-MI:, is lllVit.' to his fine stuck of French Cloths, Casszmeres and Vestings, which he has selected with the utmost care for this particular branch of business. lie will take pleasure in showing these goods to any one who will furor hint with a cull, feeling confident that the great variety of his stock and the style in which they are made, can not be surpassed in this city. S. MORRISON, Liberty st.. oct s—Gm between Market at. end Virgin alley. Thompson's Carminative, For the cure of Cholie Cholera Morin's, 'glimmer Complaint. Dysentery,Diarrhaa,.S•c. rl ER fIFICATES of persons who hove used the Carminative, are coming in thick and fast. The original documents may be seen at the Agency, as well as the best of City References given. READ THE FOLLOWING: lows, T., FoIIT MADISoN, Aug 3. 1845. Sir:—When I was passing through Pittsburgh two weeks since, on my way home from the East, I called in nt your Store, and purchased two botticsof “Thomp son's Carminative," for my Children, who were sick of the Summer Chmplaint, and as I told your boy that sold them to me, I would write and let you know how they operated, I do so now with pleasure; they cured them perfectly, and Mrs D. (my wife) says it's the best Medicine she over used, and recommends very one to use it fur their Children. I remain, yours, very respectfully, J. W. D. W M. JACKSON, Wholesale & Retail Agent, cor. of Wood & Liberty sts., Pittsburgh. N. B. All orders addressed as above, post paid. Augl6-lf DR. A. J. THOMPSON'S Anti -Dyspeptic, Tonic and Cathartic. TFIESE PILLS, while they cleanse the stomach they restore its originaltone without creating de bility. They likewise produce all the invigorating and strengthening effects of a most approved Tonic; thus accompli.hing a desideratum of a Cathartic Alterative and the bent ever known Tonic medicine, whose use fulness can be relied upon in all those diseases origina ting from the detangement of the Alimentary Cunal directly, or Binary Secretions indirectly; such as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, HemerhoidA or Piles, Chronic Diarrhtca, Sick Stomach, Harthurn, Vertigo. Depra ved Appetite and Foul Stomach, Surfeit from intem perate Fatting or Drinking, &c., Warranted Purely Vegetable. CENTS PER BOX. ,Z3l Prepared by the proprietor. A. J. THOMPSON, M. D And sold wholesale and retail by my Agent, W. JACKSON at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, corner of Wood and Liberty et!, Pittsburgh aug I 6-tf - - ....1...v:4 1)7 E=2l=Ml WALL PAPER MANUFACTORY *AREUOUSE REMOVED. THE subscribers have the pleasure of informing their friend. and tire public generally, that they have removed their paper strati to No. 87 Wood Street, above Fourth, nearly opposite the stand they Occupied before the fire, where they have on hand and are opening a complete itssortmentatent of PAPER HANGINGS. BO RD Efts, t t R C BOARD PRINT'S, Ate-, tho greater part of which has beers manufactured and imported since the fire, and which CUllLailla a large number of panel-tins that ar e altogether new arid suit able for every description of entries and wrens. They also keep on hand a 4toct, o:Printing, writing and Wrappiug Paper from the Clinton hill. Stem benville, 0., to so. hieh along with their other goods, hey would respectfully cull t he attention of purchaser, Rugs and Tanner* scraps purchroord in exchange. tiOLDSUIP & BRONI N. 87 Wood street. nue29-a&-e3m • S FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. I 11. U. RYAN, I_IAVING his machinery for 1111` ss• IiFACTURE OF CABINET FURNITURE. is now prepared to offer to the public all articles in his line, at wholesale or retail, very low for A.H; he mut rants every article made at his establishment to I give satisfaction. as none but the best workmen are employed, and every cure taken in tire selection ul material. Turning and Sassing thine in the best manner. Also, an assortment of turned material kept of hand, such us Wo goo Hubs. !louse Columns Newel's and Balusters, Bench Srest 1101.1 Shovel tind Folk Table Legs, &c. flatallcs. The s ubscribe , has in addition to his large Est al, lishment, nine Brick houses, with shafts rutiviire, through them, which Inc a iil Rent for Shops, 'aid Steam Power sufficient to propel nut h machinery it may be put into them, at much hover rates than steam power can he produced from small engines. Possession gisen at any time. nitellolkw •_ Dr. E. Merit t,Dontist, (Of at Burnt District.) I Es!' EcTI , L Mformshi,frieud.and 41111,0,e v Ito wish his services that he Mte taken an office in Smithfield bieVel, 241 door from Vit gin olley.wldne lie will nien attend n il opetationo of the 'Fred) in the hest imoinel and nt the etintlert notice. Office bout A from 9 61112. and from_ till 5. mnv 2—ditv If._ P. DELANY, 49 Lib,.lty .Iwot IV E BEA r IDE JEWS AND GENTILES!! GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING STORE!: RETUR SS thanks to 6i. old customers and It lend. fur past Insult. lie is now pr.-paled to anti 1101b111: tuner, Icy ten per ceni , than any tidier estab lishment vieiit of the mountaint; obit keeps eonsiant• le on band a Loge 11,4,Kit - tient of G EN'S CLIITHINC, 301( . 11 EIS (IvrCtats I - limit-1.50 to *3O, CusAittctt fan's from $4; t i nt Ca..imeoe r a ni; born / - 1:i0 to it;; Gar Slt;ti V... 1% fin sl.7:i; ‘l,l cm *3. ar).l all kind. of IA INTER vI:STS, sii i it - us, till AV% F: RS. STOCKS, susi.LNDLlts, and till articlea in hi.. lit.u•. IA 1,0 M imh to purt.b..ar, i‘ ill W. writ to 411, him Coll, 01 h.. is prvratt•tl to furt.,..li tio very ciaetopcst trrn.dl.,r I).m . t turret the plore GREAT %V ESI I:R.N Cl.Ol lIING SIuRE. NO 143. LIBERIT r, opro,itv Bre, t.t v P. OWENS. CLOTHING STORE:: It'aerr Str ere, 7'hree Le!nir rpm: i,5.,r,,,, 1 in ,- r.:Ma iLc rulp:;,• :rat. cyca 4 . .1 a a-t•itAlde ‘N Lich ay t• , ..vap a, Can b.• bouzla in It, clzy. 1.,,gc 4.o>i r R ° L c I lat., 114 M 0.., n I . 1:1;!: :New Dry Goods House, \~_►. lit, MARKET' STREFI CuRNEL: OF First Door abovc the Burnt District THE •6‘....r.hrt the I ti. 4. I,n,r.- itibi,l.ed at the ~Line , I , , :ure US 1.1 • dealt r in FOR IO NAND Dom F7S TICP Y GOO PS I lie .took, to • would call Ow f i• sers enten•ivc, and embraces 113 pti d the tae -rot .t.l approwiting Petl.fttlltt. re. Ceeth ..etecteti ti-rn awaion. o• New Y4,11,1.11..1 11,,(11 . - the 11,..11.Liel'tttlet, it. Etli2, Voti LEN GOODS'. rn•i•ling of iiroaih.lotti•; pilot aril Ile riser dodo , . kersey.: ciotsirreres; .i.nrlt.:pent. , and •c• , 1 , ,;•*. !daln rind plan! lindsess; both and whiter, blankets; red, sallow and • bite rt„t, Ittij and Gala Plaids; Bookings; printed flannels. DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS, • compriving Tuition cloth.; Alpines'. braid and figured •iik and cotton warp alptwas; Orleans, Coburg and In diana cloths; rept. cashmeres; cashmere do curve; cashmere do lanai and T111,!113 de !nine. A torte t 1.11 1 ,1 trnet.t 0 . 1101, medium and low priced into, Copperplates, Clint. rind lurches. 1. j. 44, 9 3 no d 5 4 b l own and ',leached •Itirting and skeet we cottons; brown and blenched Join nes and n•; SIT iped ripro:s cheek.; brown, I,icaelzed and colored cotton filmic's; white and brown linen; w line and brown damask table resell and napkins; cord cotion table cOveriT, mull, lood.,jsconet and cambric Inusling bishop lawns; cap laces. Ince edgings; linen cambric handkerchiefs, fancy cravats, rich cashmere; broths: Edinboro. net, woolen. Rub Roy and Highland plaid, with rations styles of fancy shawls. A large assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, .414. tee and Chi dren's gloves and hosier); hit dre,e and Scoth diapers; crash; linen sheetings, woolen yarn of various colors; Gentlemen's hocks and dvawers,&c, with all the small wares usiailly fugsalu at cacti prices. Having permanently established himself, and his connexion with u jobbing house at the East, giving him facilities for purchasing at low pikes, and also rtints ling him to be iu weekly icceiiit of (Swats Silting the season, the subscriber Hatters himself lie can olive in ducements to purchasers, equal, if not superior to any house in the city. I public are respec fully invited to call, examine and judge for themselves. oct‘27-ti A. A. MASON. +' +'~;' P. OW Ess, ritorlutron, White Swan 'tense rp HE subscriber, basing taken the above named 1 house, near his old stand on Market street, be tween Front and Second—is now prepared to enter• tain all his old friends, and the public generally, in the best style. His bill of fore will constantly be found to contain the best the market affords. (Oysters always on hand.) octl4-3m LANDWHER. Fifth Ward Livery Stable. the THE subscriber. having bought out the well known Livery Stable kept by C B Doty, in the ith Ward, respectfully informs his friends end the public generally, that he will keeps at all times, a stock of the beet description of Riding Horses, Bug-' gies, Chrriages of all kinds, and in short, every thing required in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is new, anti he is confident that no stock in th . city will be superior to his. HIS TERMS WILL BE MODERATE. His Stable is on Liberty st., a few dotes above the Canal Bridge, where he respectfully solicits a share of public patipage. CHARLES COLEMAN. _E - PHe a also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. oct2stf GEORGE COCHR AN AVING rebuilt and removed to his old R rand, 26 Wood street, next to the corner or Se cond, continues to transact a general commission business. Ile will be constantly supplied with American m anufactures at the lowest wholesale cash ?rice,. sept 17 Removal AA BEELEN has removed his Commission an 4 . Forwarding Business from the Canal Basin to his now Warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite tho Post Office. may 30- ~ r .~ WINTER CM '222 CID Rllc , 1:11 II IiZI M. THREE BIG DOORS! No. 151, LIBERTY STREET PrrTsztritan. "Honorable dealing insures kCIIO7 able success ." THE immense onto-matte that has been bestowed upon the subscriber's establishment for many years pu,t, by all classes of the community, is Unquestionable evidence that hie at ticks have given satisfaction to all his customers. and that his efforts to please the public taste has been successful. His stock of ran and Winter Clothing N now prepared for the inspection of his friends oral the public generally, and horn the variety of his stock, the su perior quality of his Clotho, and the style and taste in which all his articles are made, he feels con fident of pleasing all who may favor him with u call. It would he impossible to enumerate all his articles in a single nave' tisemeut, but the follow ing will suffice to show the public the variety from which to choose VERY SUPERIOR CLOTHS. Of every quality and price. CASSIMERES AND CASSINETTS, TWEED, SITTINE'PS, VELVETS, &C. Of French, English and American Manufacture. Ili. stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, Cnnsiens in part or DRESS COATS, Of every q uality and price. - 11 P. _Elk. MT 'II every i t uAlny and price, and made in the MO GrvLionaLlo st)le. Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks, In great variety, nail sul•I ut unprru•dently low prim. Overcoats of every Description, A new and viendirl mwortment nr FRENCH VEST, KIIIE= AL.. a fine ha of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASS! M ERES of every afmde, color, Rini potet n. New Style of Beaver and Tweed Cloths or BLACK. BLUE, INVISIBLE GREEN, GOLD- EN MIXED AND OLIVE, FOR SACK AND FROCK COATS Tegeiher with n lot of Makibitlo and Blur Wrlnkel Co,ling. Pilot and other g.nhl. suitable (,r over• CUil 14. Ile liii also the.usunl reriety fur gentlemen's weur, such 114 Shirts, Sturis, Prspender Ilandkrrekirfs.Scerfs, Bostans, Collars, Il4r The allow , and all other article- in the Clothing line he tabos for aalr lower than they ranter purchased at nV other e•o a llli•liment4 in thi• rify. Ile 11;16 SEVERA'rE CUTTERS fir every depart• rnent iu clothing, and US they ate all wurhinets wilt; have been 2.tni , lotr4l iii die too.t. FA S I N A L. F: 11 () S 1: S. In the cou ntly. be enn woad°. Lis Ull3 lb di. THE CUT AND MARI:, Of till widt . from his est.,bs.lnnent. o it be in the 010,1 modern 1 , • COUNTRY YIERCIIANTt4 ,are invited to roll, u, the proprietor keit , eontiAtott 'lint he rm. •I`ii them (IttOti, On such mule it mu tb . ir advantage 10 ItalthalY al OW Thr.V Ilig 1)00t, In ronri..i. - 1, I ..1111,1 ,ty mottle rtl,tir, when Small call at as:. Siete t,ni Lase old, sail! "all 'lilt to 1.4 y for 1 II r ot Vikttoo o .l ale plat Ita,ll 10 ilaatalia , Goer ' the allpettel, and of r.Jur•e I rail ott t at ,•wet Ja ...tit mm tho 1.. , 11 - 11 , , Who Sit• Collivrilo• Ito 1):1 Pies from • Inge utnottot ot ie., I nryl cnuhled In twit at a le, pt-r Saare elethiel 111,ty l• •as Inr, hen I t,,t!. that I ean nal a , 11 Iten Stel gtehl• us lei, they e.lll tat) theta let. lit an I as a pr. , CI the CACI pla-ore c.i Beal iu Mall ti. ,t;tl,!..:r -- * let 151, 1.;1,,, ) {,a,,v n n, " 1 alit.l, r.t., se,pl NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! rizrsn otitivAL t THE NATIONAL CLOTHING STORE, S, 16'1, Sinet, 2,2 .four &clew - SiJfA TH Ad! , ..l i ocr 1. 0rt.,1 fr. , n) /!,1 Ireo.non ~ It , 1.0:J . and ,a; n4l ii.•ort of at now; 0p...11i.,..11 /// 1.11 - ra lo “ititl•bri:l4:. I C 0 , 1. , /, /0 U 0112,0.1 14 , tilor , tiH, At) a.o.lco;o: Drond, Denver, Pilot And Tweed Wool Dyed Plniu. stiiped. Burred nod y Foreign ned Domestic Caq.llFlVre•.; CLOTHS AND PASsLvEj; Fs . rThlsil Ep EXTRA St:Pl . :kr!. vE SA TT INE T ALL cuLHRs. Plain and Fancy Sattinotts, all Colors and Qualities; F 1:%5; PIECES DIIRKSIIIRE ('.\~SI\IF:IIF:S, NI: \V. 111:kV`i AND 111:NUI1Ft:1, Ril l:LE. FIRST 1.01 IN riii:c.rv; "Win, Wanilen and Silk Velvets, Cnshmeres. &c. for Vesting. These togruhet with a large variety of Stocks, CI a nat., Scuffs, rocket Ilandkoichief•, 80-cars, Collars, nail every other article a1,i4.1"- ta , a ,lg, to ticutlcawn's wear. The andel Eqc peiril 11 sell at it icilucti.in of over ten per rent. owlet lito son's mires Ile is also prepared to manuid, t,„„(•lathingirujo. 11, order. niter the most up• proved Ta•tein and Paris Pa-I,inons, (.1 !licit he 1 ,, ) at the sliorre•t moire, and on the most reasonable tams 'The Autism itair would MIN'. that though Ire rinser 113. , rr.oked a leg on shop board, he can get up a better fitting, and a better mode pr awn!, than some of these who, after spending the great er port of their lives cross legged. are no igiiiirant of the titling department a. to lio obliged, when they want s coat for themselves, to call in a crook to cut it for them, for WWII of ability to do it ihemselvea. Ile would caution the public against being humbugged by thou , who talk so largely about competitionfr tan those who never noticed them, ur tit within a few days his attention was directed u , nn advertisement in one of the par.,. written by some conceited prruan Wholle a rprolouce 1111 alt he improsetl by using some attic , soap he talk. sit notch about. 'l . he suipicriber has made an arrangement in New y„,k b y w h ic h b e will receive, in the course of n few weeks, a large supply of Shirts, at pt ices varying from 50 cents to VIA. Country merchants nod others wishing to purchase by the ease or dozen, w ill have their ',Mori:, if accompanied by the cash, attended to with promptness and despatch. Thankful for the very liberal patronage- extended me during the short time I linve been In business, I am determined to sell new and gtiod clothing at such prices as will render it to the advantage of purchasers to call at the NATION AL CLOTHING STORE before going elsewhere. JAMES B. MITCIIELL. r-R-25 or 30 good hands will receive good wages and constant employment, by culling soon at the Na• tional Clothing Store. None need apply hut those who can come well recommended as being able to do the best work. JAMES. B. MITCHELL, sept I I•d&w VENITIAN BLINDS. A: WESTERVELT, ohl and well known Ve mn Blind tinker, farmer f Second and Fourth sta., res this method to inform s many friends of the fact at his Factory is now in full norm ion on St Clair st., near o old Allegheny Bridge, tern a constant simply of inds of various colors and mlities, is constantly kept hand and at all prices, on twenty-cents up to suit N. B if requitvd, Blinds will be put up nn, that in case of alarm by fire, or otherwise, they may be re moved without the aid of a screw-driver, and with the name facility that any other piece of furniture can be removed. and without any extra expense. je24-d&wly. Citizon's Llotel rp sulisri iber has oriened the Cili7ell'A lintel on 1 Penn street, as a house of public entertainment, in thatlatge brick house, formerly the Penn House. near the canal bridge, viiherehe is provided for the nes commodatioft of the public, and will be glad at all times to see bi friends. ap 21-d&wtf BENJAMIN F. KING. na,Z: 4.7 2.4 Z I.IGUT IS CORE! New Sperm, Lard and Pine Oil Lamp Store THE subscribers having opened a store, No 8, St Clair street, ( westside) fur the sale of Lamps Oils,&c., respectfully invite the attention of the in habitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surround ing country generally, to their stock of Lamps, before purchasing elsewhere. Our arrangements won the munufucturs ate such that we can raely say, we arc prepared to light in the most britliant and econani cal wanner, Steamboats, Hotels, Public Halls. Churches, Stores. Shops, Parlors. Bridges and Streets, as well as the more "dal k and benighted r,r nets, or airy place whese brilliancy, neatness and strict economy is desired. Among Our menus for lotting our •'iighz shine." may be found the following Lamps for burning Lard, Lard Oil and Sperm Oil. vin: Hanging . Lamps and Chandeliers, (2 to 4 branch) For lighting Stores. Public Halls, Churches, Holds and steamboats. Stand and Centre Table Lamps, (various patterns and prices,) for Parlors. Reading and Work Lamps. Side and Wall Lamps, Glass and Tin Hand Lamps &c. &e. The above are mostly Dyott's Patent Lamps. with double shelled fountain, and otherwise an improve ment upon any lump now in use, which can be _per ceived at once by examination. Also, glass"f rimming)) for lamps, such as Globes,Chimneys, Wicks, &c. I.AST, THOUGH NOT LEAST. Dyott's Patent Pine Oil Lamps, such us Hanging lamps and Chandeliers, (2 to 6 branch.) Stand and Centre Table Lamps, (Glass Fronts with or without drops,) Street lamps for lighting streets and bridges. As we cannot doscribe the various patterns, we car &ally ire:nettle public to examine them. We affirm that in brilliancy, cleanliness and economy, no light now Muse will bear comparison with these lamps and Pine Oil. They are as safe to use as sperm or Lard Oil. Although some are endeavoring to iderrify this article with the aid eamphine and spirit gas, (by the use of which accidents have occurred,) we assert this to be ame her and ditTeren article. and that no accidents have occurred during The extensive use of this article in Philadelphia for four years. These Lamps will produce as much light, with as much nratness arid more brilliancy, and 25 per ern[. less than any other light note in use, not excepting G/111. If any one doubts statements we have, or may here )tfier make, we wrath! say. we have commenced our business in Pittsburgh, and knowing the merits of the articles we offer to the public, we are willing to hold ourselves accountable at all times for our statements, gad are willing to put to rest our Lamp—dollars anti cents,—testing economy—and the puha: decided on the treatness and brilliancy of the light. We have many testimonials ham residents of Phila delphia and elsewhere, but the following may suffice for the present. This is to certify that I have purchased M. B. ()you a sufficient number °finis Patera Pine Oil Lamps to light, the Universalist Church of Philudelphiu, slid have used thee) in said Church about two years. I have found them to give perfect. satisfaction. The light prodeced lei them is the most brilliant that I Ira.e ever seen. They are so economical Ilea the cell of the Lamps Ims been saved several times over: the lighline 1)1) of the Clench nut costing half as much as it did before we procure them. Respectfully, JOHN DESSALET, Serrettry atilt) above trained Chinch Philadelphia, July 8, 1845. The endersi,tned having used for two yearsl)pot's Patent Pine Oil Lomp' in hit Hotel, the. Bolivei ran let,ollllrlMrld them as the mast econnmical riLl brilliant 1.411111 , 0 can be produced by a ny art . de now in Before I commenced lichi mg m\ lit,t1••• wiltthe Pine Chi, l was te.ing. the Can; but of to 11 trial of tine above Lamp., I was no much plea ..ed with dm light, and convinced of their economy Burt I lied the Gas removed and burn the Pine Oil it itt place. :11. CA liL i'mr victor of lloliver I uu,e, No '203 Chesnut at. 5 Iplja, July 8, 18 Li. CITT.3III , 12, 1915 lutvin Tlj trelV rectify that we, the un d , o,,igno , l, ao- , 1 mmolo, t)noit'e Potent rin, 0,1 Lamp_ „tin hhe Ittite.t comidence r.-_tontattonl 'hint, a ot odocing It,o mtot hi ihiant and economical light w hase YS, ,een, They are NIM;Die in their structur ,n-1 ra , al4 taken rare of, and we believe them n.: light a. can he moduccd horn any oilier Lamp, an :ouch Cia,irer than any other Linal nt . Oil. June Druggi.t. MERCER & ROBINSO:s:, Merchants. JAS. COW LING, Clothing Store. JOHN lIOPEWELL, Clothing Stoic. Any one doubting the genoinene,ts of the foregoing v..~tifirnie•, will hate the V.indnet , s to call at No. 3. Nett .wle of St Clair Ikt met, se he re they may examine tlet original. together with many more, much mme to the point, ion re.er,e'd for their proper place. S n /NE Se. (NI. No. St Clair etteet. N. B. Lltsl Oil and fresh Pine Oil for sale is •23.1 f KRAMER Exchange Broker, corner of Wood and Third strcets. Gold, Silver, and So:seat 11.rak notes, bought and sold. Sight on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, not tnd trd. IttVERVICE.S• Wm. Deli S.: J , 4M D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, Plitelou g 1., r.. J. fainter & Co., c Jo.eph Jame, May, Alez•Bron..ion&Co.. - • Plitladcipmn. John!! Brown Co. Jame. M . Candless. Cincinnati, , J J. R. M'Elonald. . St. Louie, M. %' N. Pope, Eeq., Pro3't Bank Ky. ) REBUILT AND REMOVED. Furniture Cheap and Good. 11 - 4 S. w. WOODWEI.L respectfully informs his re, friends and the public that he has removed to his old stand, No. 85 Third street, where he has on hand a splendid assortmem of Furniture of all descriptions, reurly for their inspection. Persons wishing to f irnisb I I ore Is, Steamboats, Private Dwellings, &c. will fins it to their interest to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. FURNITURE which cannot be surpassed in the western country, Compri+ing the following articles: Sofas, Divans and Ottomans; Tepoys, Tete•a.Tetes, Wardrobes: Secretary and Bools.Cases; Card, Pier. Sofa and Centre Tables, Sideboards: Dressing Buttg•us, various styles; Hut and Towel Racks; French and Digit-post Bedsteads; End, Dining and Brealsfust Tables: Mahogany CHALKS of all descriptions; A general assortment of Fancy Chairs; Also, a general assortmentof COMMON FURNI serel.3m. PERPETUAL MOTION! WILLIAM T. ALBREE & CO. DEA LERS in nil kinds and qualities of Pitts. burgh. Philadelphia and Boston manufactured Boots, Bootees, Shoes and Slippers. Also, a new and splendid, neat, light and durable article of miner alized spring-tempered Gum Elastic. Shoes and Over Shoes, at 73 MARKET STREET, between Fourth ztreet and the Diamond. N. B. A fine assortment of Boys', Youths' and Childrens' Long Boots, of fine and coarse quality, now in store. 0ct2.5-3mltw. Re opened and at Work. AMES ADAMS, Baker. respectfully informs the 0 public that he has rebuilt at the old stand, foot of Grunt street, from whence he was driven by the Great Fire, and is prepared to serve his customers in superior style. His materials are of the best that can be bought, and his workmen are the bent that can be employed. lie solicits custom, being confident that he can give entire satisfaction. N. B.—Wedding and other parties promptly attend. ed to, uct 15.3 m TRUSS A. C. SARGENT. BEGS leave to inform herfriends and the pubic gen erally that her Select School for Young Ladies, and Misses. Will commence the Winter Session on Monday the sth of September, at her school room in St. Clalr st., nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel.— She refers to the following gentlemen lion John BredCll, Rev W A Passavant. Rev J Wilson McCandless, Es , Rev S Young, Allen Kramer, Esq., Jacob Mechlmg, Esq., Win. J ack, ling John Bigler Butler. Pa. Pittsburgh. Any information as to terms &c., can be nbtainedby calling or. Allen Kramer, nig. aug 22 3nsurautc (EompaniC9 MIME= SING & FINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delawcre Mutual Safety Insurance. Company of Phila. FIRE RISKS upon buildings and Merchandi•eof every description and MARINE RISKS open Hulls 01 cargoes of vessel, taken upon the most favor able terms. Office at the warehouse of King \. Holmes, on Watet sit eel, near Market stteet, Pittsbogh. N. 11. King & Finney invite the confidence and potronnge of their friends and the community at lar;te to the Oelatsare M. S. Insurance Company, as on in stitution among the most flourishing in Philastelphia —as having a large paid in capital, which by the operation of its charter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insomnia due share of the profits of the Company. without involving him in any responsibility whatever; beyond the premium 'ICI unity paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive lot m. novl-tf. • A gencC om pan F o a f n e k h li i n l F d i el e p ihniau.rance N. E. corner of TAird and Wood sta., Pittsbu rlzh. THE assets of the company on the first of January. 1815, as published in conformity ty ith an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, v ere Bonds and Mortgages, $1100,f315 93 Real Estate. at cost, 100,967 77 Temporary Loana Stocks and Cash, 207,499 72 --- :Making a total of $3091,83 4 . 2 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met.and giving entire security to all who ob tain policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates as are consistent with security. octE, WARRICK MAR TIN, Agent. Viroandrilarineinsurance. THE Insurance Company of North A , IlClicl, of Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in thin city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the Canal and Rivers. D I RECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Preit. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Saml. W. Jones, Sain'l. W. Smith. Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A Brown, Jacob M. T h omas, John Whine, John R. Neff. Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood. Wm. IVelsh, Henry D.Sherrard,Sec'y This is Ille oldest Insurance Company in the United States, hiving bean chartered in 1794 ha charter is perpetual. and from it* lli4h far/riding, long experience, ample means. and avoiding all risks of an extra ha zardous elittractur, it may be considered as otiering ample seem Or to dr public. AIOSES Al WOOD. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones & C. W O.ater and Front streets, Pittsburgh. oct23-Iy, ------ -- Tho Franlain Fire Insurancc Company of Philadelphia• • CHA RTEIt PERPETUAL. $40.0.000 paid in, °flier) Chestnut st., north side, near Frith. 'rake Inmounce, either perrnarreat or limite3, eg..tinst Ices or dolour:Li by fire, oil Property and RI facts of every deecription, iu Town or Country, undo_ mast rea.rurrable tertnr. Applicetiona, made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to C. N, I3ANCKER, nest. C. G. Sec'y. DIRECTORS: (Mark , N. Bar:lier, Jacob it Smith, Thomai Hort, George W. Itichor.l4, ThomaoJ NVltarton, Mordecai D. Lewitt, Totting Wogner, Adulphi E florin, Santos I Gram, Dash] S Brown. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WARRICK NlAftits, Agent, of lite Eschan2e 0 tire of Warrick Go., corner of 1 hital ua Nlm Let .tieeti. Foe li.ks taken nn buildings and !heir consent. , i Pitt:duo-4k Alle ; l t taty and the s urrounding cuuntr No marine ur inland navigation riks token. INDEMNITY . AGAINST LOSS OR DAM AGE BY PIKE. II E MUTUAL PRI:\'CIPLE COMBINED With the additional security of a STOCK CAPITAL The Reliance Mutual Insurquee Co. of Phila..—,Charter Perpetual. DIRECTORS: George W. Tolunii. John M Atwood, Thomas C. Rix i.hill, Lewin R. A.hhurst, m. R. Thompson, Geroge N. Bilker. George M. Stroud, John .1. Vanderkemp, George W. Carpenter. LT. make insurance against 1,055 or Damage V he Fire, in Pit isburgh nod riri oily, on HOUSCS. Stares and other building., and on Furniture, Goode. ‘V urea and Nlerchandize, limited or perpetual, in town or country, on the most fa, ot able term . The !Si w nal Principle, combined an it it a Stock Capi• ill. and the other provi,,tioni of the Charter of this Company, hold out unusual inducements,both of profit and safety, to those desirous of effecting insurance, t o which the Company ask the attention and examination of thane interested. The Capitol Stock of the Company is invented in good and sufficient securities. After providing for the losses accruing to the Company. in the course of Ito business, the stockholders arc entitled to receive out of its income and profits an interest nut exceeding six per rent. per annum on the Capital Stock actually paid in—the ntnount of which interest, it is expected, will be supplied by funds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining pr•.ofits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stock, for the better nes curity of the assured. But certificates bearing inter est, payable annually, transfenible on the books of the Company, end convertible at any limo into Capital Stock ill be issued therefor to the Stockholders and insured members, in proportion to the omountof Stock held, or premium paid by them respectively, agreeably to tl.e provisions of the Charter. Those effecting, insurance with this company have, besides the usual protection against loss, by the such . nary method of insurance, ,by additional advantage of ' a direct participation in the profits of the Company, without any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President. B. M. HISCHMAN, Secretary. The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent for the above named Company, is prepared to makein surance, at the Office of the Agency,. No. 97, Went side of Wood street, 9.41 door above Diamond alley, and will give all further information desired. THOS.J. CAMPBELL. Pittsburgh, May 30, 1945. (jes-ly.) INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE The Citizen's Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, No. 152, Wahtut Street, Philadelphia, 'V ILL insure houses, stores and other buildings: V also merchandise, furniture and property gen erally, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, against loss or damage by fire, for any period of time. Charter perpetual. No marine, river nor inland transportation risks are taken by this Company. It makes no dividends among stockholders. After paying the necessary ex penses of the office, the whole accruing premium and interest are appropriated exclusively to meet losses. It is thus enabled to insure on tarsus nut surpassed by any other Company JAMES TODD, President. DAstF.t. B. POULTNICI, Secretary. Agency at Pittsburgh, in Burkes building on 4th street, at the office of Es' ter & Buchanan. JAS. W. BUCHANAN. American Fire Initirance Company of PRILADELPIA, CHARTER PERPETUAL-CAPITAL PAID IN Officern Philadelphia,No. 72, Walnut st.; Offict.of Agency in Pittsburgh, Not, Ferry el. Wm. DAv inset:, President, FRED. FRALEY, Sec t y. THIS old and well established Companycontinues to make Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Furnituto and property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Posseess mg an ample paid up Capital in addition to its unde tcrmiucd premiums, it eifeis one of the best indent. nities against loss by Fite. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received and risks taken, &fillet perpetually, or for limited periods, on favorable terms by G EO. COCHRAN, Agent. may 2, 1895. ':Y Sr 4 '~' '~FiS'R`4ii'lr:~rk~:. ...... :~L+,~: {~ 4'..p-.,