VOL. I-NO. M. PUBLISHED' DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, Friq'sßUßGH, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, N. W. conger of Wood and Fifth Streets "TERMS.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance., Six dollars will invariably ho required if not paid within the year. Single copies Two Crats—for sale at the counter of the Office, and by News Boys. The Weekly mercury and Manufacturer is published at the same office, on &double medium s'-ieet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin gle copies, SIX CENTS. TERMS OP PER SQUARE OF TW One insertion, 80 50 fwn do., 0 75 Three dn., 1 00 One wee 4, 1 50 Two do., 3 00 Three do., 4 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CIiAtIOG•BLA AT PLWURIC. One Square. Two Squares. t _ Six months, $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 yenr, 25 00 One year, 35 00 'far Larger advertisements in proportion. If7"CARDS of four lines Six DOLLARS a year. EDMUND SNOWDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, in the building on the North Eust corner of Fourth and Smithfield btlects. non It-Iv JAMES S. CHAFF. ATTORNEY AT LAIY. Office, corner of Fourth and Wood streets, above & Jones. Etutance on Fourth. non /4.titim. INcraAISON & SEANOR, `ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE in Fifth street, it, Barr's new building, be Lwitert end streets. . ii It A RoBINsuN, f:A . '7E - C. B. .1.11 URN L Y.) HAS removed his CifEce.to Na. 8 St. Clair stieet EDWIN C. WILSON, ATTORNEY AND comstmLon. AT LAW Frankha, Venango Courtly, Peana., WILL attend prompilyio all itti.itieiia entruiard to hi. care—collections trade in Waiten, Clarion and Jefferson countirii. EMI= J. A. STOCKTON, & fbluarfir, WlLsos, &Cu.. jril.l,•htligil JOHN BIGLER, lION.J•MIKS KIKN FAR, FracilOin MN. ALEX NrCALM”NT. WILSoN, SleareoViit , , Obi°. inly 23-Iy. C. ORLANDO LOOIYUS, AT FORNEY AT L,\lV. Fqurth übove jolv MAGRAW & M'ENIGBT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AVE removed their office to the Neu. Court LT Hosw, in the room over the Sheriff '.“..llrice. op 17—tf. Law Notice. ANDREW BURK E OFFICE removed to Smithfield street, het wean 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite MI Geo ‘Vesman's Tobacco Mullane ore. ap 16 Removal. k HON & WASHINGTON. Attorneys at Lax; il l office on the north side ul Wylie st., 3d door East of the Court Hou.e. up 17 Lzw Notice. JAMS CALLAN hu,removed to the rhamhets occupied by Alderman McMa.tets un Fifth et. between Wool end Smithtkid. up 18 R EM 0 V A L. G. L. Robinson & M. DTBride, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HEVE removed their office to Grant surer, abort distance from Seventh street, towards the Court House. [V"Cooveyancingati abet instrumentsof aril iur., legally and promptly executed. 111,21 NrCANDLESS & WC:LURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, bark of the old Court House, acct 10 Pittsburgh. Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Baltewe building, Grant :it , 11rWitium E. A VSTIN, E q., will give his utten tiou to my unfinished business, and I micomtnendi him to the patronage of my friends. sup 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Shalor & Simpson, Attorneys at Lam, Office at the building formerly oemipied by the Uni tea Slated bank, 4th street, between M arLet and Wood I=l Geo. S. Seidea, Attorney at Law, Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield LF'Conveyancing and other imitruments of v. ri Ling lc,s7ally and promptly executed. mar 21-tf I=l EUIRIELTON & STERLING, Attorneys at Law, OFFICE, North sideof Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 13. Cullections mode on reasonable terms. dee 4-ly John W. Burrell ATTORNEY AT LAW, AS homeved in consequence of the hoe fire from Li Third street to Bukewell's Buildings, opposite to the Court Houdo Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office, near the Court House, in Nictloit's louildings my 7 8. morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth street, between %VOOl and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 1 G--tf Dr. George Watt, Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, rear Sixth, Rug 21. PITT.BU FIGH U. D. SELLERS M. D REMOVED to Penn street, between Irwin and Handstreets. five (loots below Hand street.. ap 15 HUGH MITERS, SURGEON DENTIST. ' 118 Liberty street. A kw doors below St Cleir et., Pittsburgh tip Wm. Ai Ward, Dentist., Has riarritivtai to the place of his former residence, in Parrinacreet,iwo doors below Irwin. up 18 bettor Daniel Dlcrdeal, Office (in Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield r • streets. Pittsburgh. den 10—y CHARLES A. McANULTY, Forwardinfrisnd Commission Merchant, f'ITT6BUROH Ag.ntforti. S Pot-table Boat Line, forthe trareporta- Lion of Merrhandize to and from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and B08(013. jal-ly qT . I ~-i\s i c'e.,,,"l olP l l, ,firrywzr b } ... I , .....• : 14 1P, ‘ ' 'CliZl , N . ,`, '.. ' t , .i. • t :‘‘ 1,, ' '' { . . Zl),e jfUitlburgl) Morning VoLt, MAgF , CT s Uß fr Eß d oV g dealer in o!1 o VIIIITISING LVE LINES OR LESS: One month, $5 00 Two de., 6 00 Threedo., 7 00 Four do., 8 00 Six do., 10 00 One year, 15 00 Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, nl9-1v Pittsburgh. JOHN it'DEVITT, .1•1111i3 31CDEVITT. J. & J. WITIEVITT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No. '2'291, Liberty, opposite 7th Street, Pius burgh. rn. op 28-ly Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and .Nails Wareliou, , e, Smithfield above Fourth fill Cot. Rep 10—v JOIINSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 4 I, Market. street. sep 10 Corner of Pennand L win streets, Pittsburgh. The Itighent price paid in cd,h ler Country Ittic Ruling Rope nod Content Woite. Ake, tivalet is Chloride of Lime, Piper, Twine, &c., nt cattli price, july 14,11 v. Office, Staitkied Street, corner of Diamond Allry. P and Specifications finished in the beat styl.,, and at the sh..rteat notice. R6►CR ENCL.: Logan S. Kennedy, II Child & Co., .1 \Voods‘ell, A Kramer, 1V II Scadfo and Col tart & jan. Forwarding and Commission Dlorchants, FOR THE ALLEGHENY RIFER TRADE L. O. L. WILIN•RTH. NSW BOOK STORE, BOSW g 1 II fu S T , \'o. 43, Market rireet ,vir.rf door lo Tkird arm. A RE 5... „ new and exien.k, /1 ,1 ,1111 , 1.1 llooLl 111,1 Statntnerv, w hid) they vt •• ;I, ..1 1 01.....aM rotwil wr the 1.111:e•T privet. itp`2s lI.IV E to N. Suter etlft•t.t, tt., _ the t4rllTr of IVood. and ill•ar the . 1 ..1 1 ft.,in hence they' were at iyen by the tit e, where they will he happy tote titt• it add cutonmer.. j,19. Corner of 1,1 and lorry manufnotarm of locks, and boll,: totairro, ful ler, mill and titr.lier screw.; 6oua n .crews fur &c. 10—y FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. P. MULVANY, .;ANCR DIIILVANY & LEDLIE, MANCFACTURA AND NEAP CoNsTANTLT ON HAND Corner of Market and Water Street,, ozr Our Work. continue in in!! operation, and wv are cun.tuoily iortri:rig to our stock, V‘lllcll elLlb lce u. to: fill Ortlrr, with proinytno.s. Purclie.cn ore reqn.cdully se::cited to call ond etnmiue pricer it 11, I term, reptli M:n EDWARD SIMPSON. DR. WM. M. W RIG lIT, I) EN FIST, t in. mnov.ol to St. Clv.ir atret, next dour to the Excb.unge Hotel Ile', 1 . John fll'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier, Liben.3 street, between Sixth street. and Virgin II SJuth eirle. lei, 10 Charles a Nay, WHOLESALE and ltetoil Bookseller, Parer Denier, Stationer and Bookbinder, corner of Wood and Third streets. .1018 Pilkington'slinrivallcd Blacking, ALAN UFACTU ft E Dand sold wholesale and retail SIXTH STREET, AMC door below Smithfield. Oct 21-Iy. FOR the reception and treatment of deforrnites of the human frame, such as Club or I?reled feet, contracted joints, sc ry-nerk and Strabismus or Squintlng, and of Diseases of the Eye, such ns Ca. taract,et.c, under the care of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dee 31—dtf THE subscriber int - terns hi> friends and the pub lic, that he has opened a new CABINET ‘VARE ROOM, at the corner of Liberty and St Clair streets, over Brown and Reiter's Drug Store, where he is prepared to attend to all orders in his line. laiF' Entrance on St. Clair street. ap 15 M. KANE, in. CUTLER and Surgical Instillment Manufacturer No 140 Woodstreet, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hnnd an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je •?. 4 . WEhttrO received, and will hereafter . keep cor stnntly on hand, n full supply of l'nnting Ink in largo and small kegs, which we will be able to sel cheap.. r than it has heretoforebeen sold in thiscity. . _ Orders from Ile country accompanied by the cast its ALL u•r+) will be promptly attended to. BIGLER, SA Rfi Er"iT & BIGLER, Jy 26—tf Office of the Poston(' Manufacturer. - ""' ' REMOVAL. THOMAS ARNOLD, AMERICAN LOCK MANUFACTURER. has removed his etore from St. Clair street, to Dia mond Alley, between Wood street and the Diamond. novl2 ALONZO W. ING, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS. J. G. MIINTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Aforket street, near Liberty july I- ly P I TTSBU lIG 11, PA JOHN SCOTT & CO., JOHN W BLAIR, BRUSH MANUFAC TUBER SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO (20, WOOD STREET, oct 29 PITTSBURGH J. L. SHE E 'S CASI, RAG WkREIIOUSE J. Vogdes & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS DB. GEO. FELIX. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Corner of Srnill6,6l street avd Yirein Ails j u ly I° 15.,( MARTIN LYTLE, =SOUIEZ=3I SMITH FIELD STRLET, Nev.. door t the Fii;l l Prebllterian jolt° ti. It EY Nu LDS & W 1 k lIT I , •vD DEILEILA IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, •nn PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES Corner of Peon anti Irwin street. E EA] 0 V L. COOLEY & LAIRD, 3lrrri.ant Tailor., James Patterson, Jr., Cnt, Monldea and Plain FLINT GLASSWARE. IX ALL ITS VARIETIES, AT TIIEIR WAREIIoR,S PITTSBURGH. Bemoval Pittsburgh Infirmary, Removal by Fire John Cartwright, To Printers A CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. SEVEN TUOUSAND Of obstinate Pulmonary Complaints cured in ONE YEAR. ISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY, the great American Remedy for corn. plaints and affections of the Respirutory Organs. We du nut wish to traffic with the lives or health of the afflicted, and we sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions us to the virtues of this medicine, and to hold out no hopes to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. We ask the attention of the candid to the following considerations. Nature in every part of her works, has left indelli ble murk, of adaptation and design. The constitution of the animals and vegetables of the tort id, is such that they could nut endure the cold of the frigid zone, and vice versa. In rega rd to disease and its cure, the adaptation is more or less striking. The Muss of Iceland, the Wild Cherry and Pines of all Noi them latitudes, (and Dr. Wistar's Balsam is a compound and chemical extract from these.) have long been celebrated fur complaints prevalent only in ' cold climates. Indeed the moat distinguished medi cal men have averred that nature furnishes in every country medicines fur its peculiar diseases, Consumption in its confirmed anol incipient stages, Cough., Asthma, Croup, and Liver complaint, farm by fur the must fatal class of disease* known to our land. Yet even these finny be cured, by means of the simple yet psi edit! remedies, named above, and bleb are sealtered, by a batteficieut Providence, wherever liaise maladies prevail. WIS FAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY! Will miracles nen., rousse? Mare evidence ofits surpassing health, Restorative Virtues ! ! 1./ From Dr. 13,11,er, Springfield. %V.".ltingtort co., Ky. Sritiacirtrh.n; Ky., May 19. 1310. s Put k—Gents--I take this oppor tnnity of Informing you of u tno•t rental kalif° cure 1 ), /ruled upon me by the use of Dr. %V iota is Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the year of 1810 I was taken with an iolli4mma• lion of the Issa els which I under for ti weeks w hen I ci.efintily recovered. In the fall of 1331 I an, smirker] with a se‘ere chill, w hieli seated upon my lung.; and for the •Iptlet , of three ”rarn I was Cu,.. fiord to my bed. I tried all kinds of medicines, and even kind td - toed tent aid without isenelit, and thus 1 wearied along ttntil the w inlet ,if 1314, until I heard wf "%Vistas', 11,,kam of 11'0.1 Chet iv." fliends pa rsnadeti me to give it a trial, though I had gi‘en op all hopes of recovery and had prepared myself fur the change of anothet wot IJ. .1 - hrougli their solicit,tion, I ,1 LIS inbred 10 111.11,11 U 4 C of the Genuine Winne Balsatn of Wild Cherry. The effect i wit• truly astonishing. After fit e years of affliction, pain and ing; and after having spent four or live hundred .1.,1:11, to no ].,Moue and the best and nio-t re.p.'etable pll2,sicians had prose) untivading, I was 0 , ./11 reaturr. to entire health by the blessing of God and the use of Dr. Wtstat's 11,31,1 ti of 11 ;Id (.'horn.' I am now e,..10y,r),: good health um! stall is myal tet,d once tf.at I stn no ',oet known when 1 nwel rl,y 1.":1er 1 ha 1,11,1 i.ip,l;y iu N...•1,:111. and my flrn 1. I; rte al p,l 1.41i:d. I 1,11 21,,w ca 11,4 1111/Cis a• uny pet >nti. and :i.% A• 111, 1:t. im,e eßtcn innt.• tie 13-t month, than I Lad eaten five p.7ar • I,t.Cote'. GA/1•141r111 , :j 4114 c Itte ,0011,1 , 1 II 1111 , %de. 1 d..rm ii 111..V1`5,11y 1;:r kt•,zooti ut . tin. offlictcd. at d n ditty I ota e to tite prt o!. c tor h and u» 1. • do. men (w Ito .Ittotit/ I. now where toot C ma) by hall) to ntakr at atate tachst. t.thtte. tbr of Gt.i rest 11p011 111/3 rrOp , lol3 , lro of ra valual,:e a al. -Tin 11 '.g.af . .1 Balsam 01 %11 . i1,1 City!, Tour. , rl.7.l.l•rktully. ritThe inz from Dr Illtchey, ~f I rnoklin. I .1 stands high in Ili. profesnion, and t oI,L. amon.: Ole fo.t tmln tan., of the .tate, •11.11 for r0mrn.•11.1.1:i.,11 of the "ficnutia• NVi,tat",, Bal.,ltn of 11 iI I Cheriy." 11, 1315. Nfr.•r, 53r,11..rd & l'at 1.-1 base but a few bot• tle• of IC,•rat'• lail.am of wild cherry remainint; on hand of the lust lot furnished me by v on. 1 hereto until I had ...Id out anti had obtained the mon." lot ml , 1.4 6..fotv I ordeied another. Rut sui i. the .1. nand 6.1 the article that I do not will to he wi , d,oot It. and and ileaelon• led to anticipate a little. The 1111,11ry 6,r the lnt than be forth:tailing I.) the time the lot in of, *shirk from the tali.. I have made think will In• hot a shoot time. 1 lw . of the balsam are in many strikingly h „ neitCla I. t — fr Ii improved upon aegnaintance morn 01.'11:my other Patent Irdwine l brivec‘,•r known. nj Almo.t all °the, fail upon Dial and not being able D, hear the te.l of expel ince, Moon .inti how esrr, ,1,111. to be nowt highly lahred by who Tested Ito virtue., and experienced it. I, heultoz .flicacy in their own en 404. YOLII• very re JAMES lIITCIILI. I FITTSI9I.•ft4 II . 1,5- I v COUNTERFEITS. Fir note w-ho Counterfril a g.axl medicine for ilia part.OW of adding. a low dollars to their pockets, are far 14"ItrI , C, than the maillicartiliersof spitrious cola. For while the later only nibs us of 1.1.11" protseety. ilia former take property and health and life Wts r.t of Wild Cherry is admired I.y thousands 91 - disireviested w itnesses,Lo 'NYC CieCt• ed the must extraordinary cures in cases of u pul mu. nary arid asthmatic character Etter before teem dad its the history of medicine. Tire young. and beautiful, the gotvl, a ll speuls forth its praise. It is now the favorite medicine in the moat intelligent families of our country. Such a high atund in public estimation has 'teen a• chieved by its own merits alone. And so long us a discerning public aro careful to yet {Vista.' Ba• saw Irrld Cherry, and sclhae with scorn counter. Inks, and every oilier article itroferred to them as a sub,tit ate, so long will cures—posal,re cures—cheer the fireside. of a depth rig The trite and genuine -Winter'. Balsam of Wild Cherry . ' is surd at established agencies in all parts of the United States. Sold in Cincinnati, on the corner of Fourth and Walnut street, by SANDFORD & PARK. Gen . l Agents for the Western States. Also, sold wholesale and retail, by L. %Wilcox. and B A Falitiestock, Pittsburgh, Pa. and by appointed agents in every important Borough id IVestern Perni. 6)lvmant. net 14• Iv. Soloct School for Boys and Girls. ILT tVILLIANIS has open Ms Select School or LA • Mules and Females, in the room over Mr nyei's Groceiy, and forme, ly occuried by Mr Samuel Blood, in iedural street, Allegheny, on Monday, tic !Bib inst. TE/11118:—Primo)Class, $6 per scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. Junior Class, Senior Class, Rev. D. Elliott, D. U., Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., lion. Charles Shaler, Joseph Gazzam, M. D., Charlea H. Israeli, Esq. sept Pittsburgh THI undersigned, having built machinery of the mint approved kind, will munulacture of the best quality of Iron and in thr neatest style, TACKS, BRADS, FINISH ENGNATLS, I SHOE NAILS, &c. &c. which they otTerfor sale low. The attention of Western Merchants and others is invited to their establii.hment. WOODWARD, HERSEY & CO. Fifth street, opposite the Exchange Bank. july 1-Gm. .* 34, •_14.3. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1845. WM. H. HIKER I =3 ack Factory phainix Satbw awl THE undersigned invite attention to the follow ing certificate: CERTIFICATE The undersigned having been requested by Messrs. Constable & Strickler, to be present and superintend a tent, by fire, of one of their recently invented Phca nix. Fire Proof safes, and deeming the subject one of very great publieimportance, have carefully set utin the progress of. atest, to which one of said chests was subjected. The chest was supported at each corner, at en elevation of 10 to 12 inches from the ground a fire of Bituminous total end fire was made over and around and kept actively burning consecutive bears. The fuel consumed was about 80 bushels of coal, and one.cord of wood; the heat all the while be ing quite intense, and in the opinion of the undersign. ! ed much greater thane safe is likely to sustain in any ordinary home burning, On the removal of the fire. at their regnant the chest was opened, and greatly to the ustnnishment,of the undersigned and the large number of citsees present, a Blank Book with Sundry Bank nctes within ,its folds; u piece of Dry pine Wood and th.-. inner lining of the safe, which is of Wood, were found warm in deed, but not in the Slightest degree charred ur inju red, come manusctipt on the Book as legible es be fore the test. The undersigned are ut anirrsous in the conviction that a file proof chest is pteeticable; and that the ingenious and enterprising manufacturers, whose efforts for some mouths past in producing this desideratum have proved so enthely successful, de serve the public confidence end patronage. JOHN ANDERSON, L. R. LIVINGSTON, JOSIAH KING. WARRICK NIARTIN, EDWARD HEAZELTON, JAMES PARK, J. the character of the ahove named gentlemen, the public hare a guarantee against deception, in the test which wan made of our MU! rliK Safes, and we there lane feel the utmost confidence in recommending them as u reliable protection against lire, under any urdina• ry eireurnotance. We would assure thrust interested, that there is nu wood shout these Safes, but what is necessarily connected with the shelves and drawers. W 0 make Vault Doors in the same manner and up on the sante plan. One of these can be seen ut (Leese C. Town.rtal 4: Co's new Fc,r the workinuintlity of uur Vaults. they ran be •ren Mt the fullow log Lyon, Sborb & Co., Cluncti & Cutothets, NV in. Lorimer, King .Sr. Holmes, .1. 11. I),yht, Y. M'Cormick, and W. Martin. 17-7 r I.lilufisctocy on 2d street, between IVood and smillifield. CONSTABLE & STRICK LER. l'itt.l.tirgb,October 15,1845 5m JAMES COCIIU&N, Corner of LiGerlyand Fodor ystreele,Fifth Ward, Nr A NI:PAC - 11711ER of Mag. te4in Fire Proof _LIT Cheats. Iron Douro, Grates and Rai lingo; Iron Door. for Bunk, Vuulto, Canal and Rail It , ,ad-lrons together w ith every drr.C.lirtico of SMitli Work. lIErEn ru—M A Ilen, Jame" William Holmes, Samuel Chureln, Leal. Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John I ra in &Son, AP. 0.1 & Jones, A Beelen. A BEE LEN, Cumtni..iun NferellailLeorner of Front and lorry bbeets, and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr.. No 74, Wood .neat. nre .Azent • fur l'itt.hurph; and Nlessr, BRYAN and LT 12N ISE f:R. St Louis, . to oiler of on loon olvt, nm) hu oddresaed. Morrlt 8,17315. of Iv DENTAL SURGERY sulp:icd on improved Principle. at reduced Charges ARTIFICIAL Mineral Tee; ti from one to en entire r.•t, u.-rnr•d L.. an,o I, the put po-en of 31.tica Iwo and art icti lot ion. equal to 'tutu, al teeth; end r/cur- I, them, th.“ tire c1,0.t obbet‘er cannot jetect thew ;n .m sound. natural teeth. Ten!, ilecti)eil Teeth filled with Tooth pa•ite, and pain solid utal useful fur inastica t ton. obvi.itim; lie ucei,sity of extracting Tevtli In,rtiul by atmospheric pressure without eq,111144 Is in rhildrvu's teeth iistiended to in time, presented, and adult• ready remedied. Tte othsct tires itas one ti lode s et end a !Id jt as set u( hi. urttlicisi tr.eitt 6nttLrd, %%hid! Le 'HO. ill, 1.1)01.2 ti lts, •rand in netd of - such to roll land clam:lie. (II UGKS Fur Teeth on Gitkl Plait-, Gout $2 to $3 each " Silver Platt, or Pivot 1 to 2 " For Plugging 50 its to 1 " For vv., tic] int; eta Om-miens given over by other Denli•te, •olicite•d Itl.d rilurize rwltit• IA ith , JUt entire YMII•tjCtIUn IY giv en. Ad.., srpt tJ d 3 rn L. J. CH ANI MAMA IN. Sur geton Dentist, St (.I.,ir st Diuoltttion. TH Iner,Mi. heleinfore existing between Jam., K. Lo;41.1. and (iurlrge Connell, under the firm of J K Logan & Co i• this clay ditselved by mutual. urneent. All persons having elalms against the fun., will rimy.: present them for se:llemeni, and nil indebtrd %11l please make rtnyment to J K Logan. who i. duly anther/red ILI b unk the hnsinebs or the concern. J K lA/GAN. Pitisburol, A opist 1, 1845 Dry Goods at Cost. AS. 6. Locen, corner pt . Wood anal Filoli streets, OP user JI) Davis' Auction Rooms, bring desirous of ch.itiging Lis prevent bu.inraa, °Gib lot sole hi. , JOWL of DI) Gursls IIIIW on hand, at cost, comprising a large a...0f-uncut of cloths, cassimeres, Intlinetts, veiling.. pi int., muslins, ikc., and would respectfully invite the attention of those wishing to purchase as he is determined to close up his present business. Angtist 1845.—nug 4. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Azios for Carriages At Eastern Prices. E subvcriberm.tnufactures and keeps constant ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war runted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash VIIIIIICI4, 1111514 and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three-fold Steps, lislleuble Iron, Dour Handles and Ilingea, &c.. &r. He respectfully solieita a continuance of the patron age lieretocoie beMONed upon the eatahliAliment. WILLIAM COLF:NIAN, Yen 4 St Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of sl. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietot. _ _ TH proprietor bees leave to return hismost grate ful t hanks to his friends and the public fur past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; It has accommodations for travel ers, and u large room for public meetings, dinner or supper parties. REFRESHMENTS Always ready, or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the market will afford. Oysters and Oyster Soup, alto Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve ry day during the season. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wine. and liquors. A varie ty of newspapers. are regulut ly filed in the establish ment. I'. S. A I lot Ltneli served up .very day at 1.1 , A. M ar IR. European Agency. R ENn • rrANcEs of money on moderate terms, can be made dating my absence in Europe, to evety port of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales or the continent of Luiope. Legacies, debts, property or claims recovered; searches for wills, titles and documents effected, and other European business trans acted by applying to James May, Water street, Litt.- burgh. H KEENAN, octl2 Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh. PROPOSALS to carry the mails of the United States, from the Ist.of March. 1846, to the 28th of February, 185111, stith right to the department to extend to the 30th of June, 1850, from Neu , Orleans, in Louisiana, to Gavelston. in Texas, 450 miles and back, will be reCelyed at the Contract Office of the Post Office Department, until the 25th day of Janua ry, 1846, to be decided by the 31st day of said Janu ary. .Leave New Orleans every Saturday at 10 a. m., ar rive at Gavelston every Monday by 10 a. m. Gavelston every Tuesday at 10 a. m., arrive at New Orleans every Thursday by 10 a. m. The proposals should specify the mode of convey ance, whether by steam-ship or sailing-packet, and set forth the size, rate, and description of the vessel, with sufficient particularity to enable the decision to be made, on the advice of the proper officers of the naval service, 'whether the same is or is not converti ble into a ship-of--war. And special notice is hereby given, that, agreeably to the provisions of an act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1845, those proposals (being acceptable in other respects) will be preferred which shall engage to carry the mail in a steam ship or ships, and shall stipulate to deliver said ship or ships to the United States, or t, their proper officer, on demani made, for the purpose of being converted into a vessel or vessels of wart, the United States be. ing bound on their part to pay the fair full value there of at the trine of delivery, to be ascertained by four appraisers—appointed, two by the President of the United States, and two, by the owner or ooners, with nn umpire in cane of disagreement, to be appointed by the President of the United States. The bidder may propose a different schedule of days ' and hours than the one above specified He may ask fur ao annual sum of compensation; or in lieu thereof, a certain proportion of the postage., accruing or, the 'nail-matter conveyed over the route, and he may offer to curry the mail inure frequently than once u week. Articles of contract are to be executed by the ac cepted bidder and by his sureties, by or before the lst day of Mauch next. The contract in to provide among other thint s, that the pay of the trip i. to be forfeiter) when the trip is not performed, and a due promotion when a grade of service is rendered inferior to that specified in the contract; and that fines maybe impos ed, toilets the delinquency be satisfactorily explained in due time, for failing to thee from or to deliver into, the post office at the port of landing, the mail belong ing thereto, or any part of said mail; lbr suffering the mail, or any part of it, to be wet, injured, loaf, or de. strayed; for convey-ink in • place or manner that ex polies it to depredation, loos or injury, for refusing, af ter demand made, to convey a mail by any uddi tiouid steamship or vessel run by tine contractor on the route, over arid above the specified nurcher of trips in the contract . Buil for not arming at the time set; aLso for transmitting intelligence, or furnishing the means of transmittiog intelligence In advance of the mail.— The Postmaster General may annul the contract for re ; prated failures; for violating the post office law.; for disobeying the instructions of the ileparitnent; fur re• fusing to discharge a carrier when required by the de. purtment; for assiving the contract without the con- I sen• of ars Postmaster General; ur fur setting up or running an express as aforesaid. ' The Postmaster General may alter the -contract,' and alter the schedule, he allowing a pro rata in- I crease of compensation. within the restrictions impo sed by law, for the additional service required, or fur , the increased sper.i, if the err p!())nter.t of additional stock or carriers is rendered necessary; but the con tractor may, in such ease, relinquish the contract, on ' timely notice, if he prefers ti to the change. Tbe Postmaster General may also discontinue rr eyrt.i: the service, he allowing otne month's extra pay ow tile - nmount dlspemed with; and the contract -may at any time be termiuuted lty„Mint resolution of the two hour ea of Congress." - The finite, the servi7r, the yearly pay, the bidder's name and residence, and the name of each member tx the firm yt here a company offers, should be distinctiy stated in the proposals. The following is the form of the guarantee, which should be filled the first blank vi Oh the name of the guarantor; the second with that of tire biddi r; and dire third and fourth with the beginning and termienting point. of the runt'; and, after being dated, sinnund be signed by the guarantor, who must be shown, by the ',mitten certificate of a postmaster, or other (veiny satisfactory testimonial, to be it roan of property, and able to make good his guarantee. This guarantee, so certified, should arcompany each bid: " The undersigned —, guarantees that —, if his bid for car ming the mail from - to - be ac cepted by the FLOM...IeI General, shall enter into an obligation prior to the Ist day of March next, with good and sufficient secutities, to perform the sere fee promised "Dated ' The bid should be sent under Peal to the First As sistant Postmaster General, and the words ".bloil pro posals—Galveston mall," written on the face of the letter, and should be despatched in time to be received by or before the 25th doy ofJanuar) next, which will be the last day fur receiving prop.soba ender this advertisement POST OTTICC Di P•RTRENT oct 20 Waabingtoo, Cktobcr 11, 10.13 lawn' P. S. If the bidder shall not cen.ider himself able or prepared to commence service as early as the of March neat, be will specify in his prupc.als, the day on which he will rut the service in operation. C. J. it NEW HAT AND CAI' STORE. 011, Glio. cworLL CIIAS. 11. PAULSON, (LATE 01 THE 71101 01 rauLsos GILL) H AVING "peurd bi• new store et No. 73. Wood Street, Next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufactur ing and receiving from the• En4tern Cities a very large assortment of HATS and CAPS, of evesy descrils- Lion, svrtrunted to be mode in the beat manner, and of the best materials. Diter,Seul, fine nnd common Muskrat, Sealette, dait-Seal, Midland Glazed Caps Also, a fine assortment of Ludies' Fors, ouch as Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Conev MUFFS A ND TIP PETS AND FUR TRIMMINGS. all of which he offers fur sale at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, both wholesale and retail. Country Merchants will please call and examine my stock before purcha.ing elsewhere. . _ _ CHAS. H. PAULSON. N. B. The Full Fashion for Hats and Cups rec'iv ad. .rp27 la THE subsriber would respectfully an- OIL oeviounce to his numerous customers and the public that ho is prepared to supply them with his beautiful style of hat. He would say to all who wish to get the worth of their money, that this is the place to come and buy. it is well known that quite an inferior at tide of Hats have been sold at exorbitant prices, and the purchaser getting but truck, for his mono ) and earnings. The order system is but slight ly touched, and he does not manafacture an inferior article to palm off on the working man. .1113 his - mess is conducted on the CASH SYSTEM, and he is de termined to sell cheaper than the cheapest e( the cheapest. , His stock of FALL AND WINTER CAPS are of the most fashionable style. Customers' Hats made at shortest notice. Also, Ladies' Riding Caps and In fant!' Caps of every pattern to suit the taste. . N. N. Dont forget i the place, as I want a small por tion of your small change, and you may rely ors get ting value for the same stills sign of the Big White Hat. third door from John D. Davis ' Auction Rooms. Recollect the "Yellow front." Corner of O'Hara and Etna streets, Fifa Ward. ,DISSOLUTION. TH E firm of Freeman, Knap & Totten. is this day dissolved, by the sale of the entire interest of John Freeman in the concern, to Charles Keep, Jr. and William J Tottenovho will continue, the business under the name of Knap &Totten, and will settle all claims against the said firm, and receive all debts and demands owing to the same. l'ittah'gh, Aug. 18,1845-aug2B EMBileMl Mails fq Galveston. C. JOHNSON, Poetmaster General FALL FASIIIONB G. W. GLASGOW. No 109, Wood st., Pittsburgh Fort Pitt Works, .4 44 4:,-tt,'Fi:4ZiktiCtti”. 444 Printers! Look Bore! , MACHINERY CUT WOOD TYPES! T HE undersigned are prepared to furnish to order, any style, size or pattern of Wood Types, equal, in every respect, to any manufactured in the United States, atvery low prices! Our Types ore accurately cut, and cleanly and neat ly finished, and warranted nut to become injured by any usage to which types are ordinaty subjected. The woods we use are mahogany, boxwood. Sec., end-grain, and so prepared as to defy the action of water or the atmosphere. Having just completed new and improved machine ry, we ate prepared, to fill orders at the shortest no tice; and , being practical printers, and one of us having nineyeare experience as a job printer alone, we flat ter ourselves as to our ability to give satisfaction in every case. I.lj'Papers that publish the advertisement of Palmer & Co., can have their orders filled by us. And pa pers pnblishing this advertisement to the amount of $5, will receive their pay in type when three times the amount of their bill is taken out. Editcrs will please send papers containing the advertisement, that we may know where to send specimen sheets. oct I MARTIN & JONES. S. W. cor. of Sycamore and Third its., Chi. Fall Coatings JUST received, afresh supply of veto ST IthS CLOTH—fancy calms and butrOful ;tali:to.. The color. are Citren, Green, Olive and Churn Brown, Mulberry, Gold mixed and Black. These oral- are new even in the Eastern cities; ha‘ing jtut been im ported for the Tailors. We pledged out seives to get up a superior cunt this toll—•better than ever." The practical partner of our firm has been to New Tut purchase good., and to secure the latest imrovement. in his deporttnent, all of which will be introduced on our wink. with a dismirnitottirg regard to true ele gance and correct ta.te. We are prepared to fun all promises made through this medium or otherwise; and as we Inv claims to he THE FASHIONABLE: HEAT QUAATERS of this city, we will pledge our selves furthermore, to compete with any Eastern house that sends work to Pittsburgh, made to order. In proof of our ability to do so, we mention with pride. that the names of many gentleman who formerly re ceived their garments from the East, are now to Le (Lend ua our register of customer., who are now con vinced that they CIO, be •nitrd as er.d at more reasonable rates. ALGEO M'GUIRE, &:. Co. ocig ZOOK £ND J 01.; PRINTING OFFICE. 111. C.:l-I_l Z. 2 a 7 7.7 7 :.?. f 7 I •ti "rite - -ss 7 1 . 17 T. 21Z.' 3-12. 3tt :_ubw a 12---r.f. MME. .4.11a5 &Z i a NeCeiFirr. 4.1 a ()4ot, and that the:: are r,,,r,..ure,a to earct4e LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bnoas.Bills af Lading, I Circulars, Pamphlets, I Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. XII tints of Blauks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, risk ap- propriale cufs, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of , utr friends and the public is general in this branch of our business. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. July 25.1 845. EXTENSION OF PITTSBURGH. Rare Chalice for good Investments ! 11 HE subscriber has laid out, and now offersfor sale at reasonable prices end on accommodating terms, One kanderd and lea building VOts, nn that handsome level ground between Braddock street and al. Monongahela river. They are about one-thud of a mile From the city line, and are situated in that part of the first city district which a ill probably soon be annexed to timidly us the Seventh ‘lfatd. No pro perty in the suburbs posseasessuperior advaetanges, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an al lowance of wide streets; Braddock is from one hun dred and twenty to about one hundred and ninety feet wide, and Berlen, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets all wide avenues. Most of the lots have Iwo fronts, and as they are of various sizes, and will be sold, one lot, with the privilege of four m five; early applicants can be accommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons who desire to build or to make secure investments in property that is sure to advance in value, and particularly those who intend to erect manufactories, Would do well to view these Lots, and examine the chaff., before purchasing else where. The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road arid the tail road survey by the State of Penn sylvania were both made alongside of this ,property, and it is generally considered (Ina Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route fur a Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the East. Coal can be delivered on thispropetty at a much less cast than on the AllegArny river, and there is always deep water at this part of the river. E. D. GAZANT, aue`2s-ti. Office Market between 3d & 4th su. Prospectus of the Near Library of Lam and Equity, TINDER the direction of FRANC/5 J. TROURAT , U E.q. of Philadelphia, Hon ELT.IS Lawts, of Lancaster, and liittsoN WCatinLass, Esq. of Pitk. burgh. This work contains the best productions of English law authors, without regard to priority of claim on the part of any American publisher. Such books are now. notoriously too dear. The reason is, that as fast as they appear they become monopolies in the hands of bouksellors in the Atlantic cities. Under the plea of right acquired by the addition of notes of A meri ce n. aegisions, the latter claim an undivided title to those works, and set a burthensume price on them.— The publishers of the work pow offered to the profes sion througout the Union. will not respect such titles, reprint the standard British ,law, books se fast as theyeminate Item the London market. Should now editions of the works of such writers as Starkai, the Chitty's, Stephen and Archbold, appear; they shall also bp included; and Digests of Equityand Law de• cisions—works which have been studiously kept out of the Law Library published at Philadelphia—shall haven place in the proposed new one, together with every new valuable English treaties on Chancery or Common Law.. . . M'Thiaworlf. will.bc issued monthly in numbets of 160 pages, printed on fine white paper and good new long primer type, at seven dollars per annum, payable half yearly. ISAAC G. M'KIN LEY, •- •J. M. G.-LESCURE. H•nRISBIIRON, Pa., July 1,1845.—ju1y Public Notice, THE President, Dilectors and Company, known as the "Farmers' Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh," will, at the DIM meeting of the Legislature of the Commouwealth of Pennsylvania, make application for the privilege of issuing notes payable on de mand. THOMPSON BELt, Cashier. Pittsburgh July 15t,1845jy30-dtJanl3. PRICE, TWO CEIVI'S, ROCHE, BROTHERS S CO.'S REGULAR WEEKLY AND SFMI - MoNTHLY LINE OF SPLYNDII, New York and Livcrpcol Packets, BLAKELY Sc. MrrcliEL, AGENTS, Office, Canal Basin, Penn st. and Smilitfield,llcar GM street, Pidisbursh, Pa. ROCHE, BRO.'S & CO., in asking the attention of their friends and the public to their arrange menu for 13.15, beg leave to a.i.ure them that nothing shall to wanting on their part, to render thalit, mho may select their line, both rare and cumfdrtable, Par• ticillar attention will be paid to aged person,, and Youths oho may be sent far by their parents. Among the vessels composing the ••Blued: Ball or Old Line cf Liverpool ;Packets, wilt be found the NEW YORK, CAMBRIDGE - - Persona desirous of sending for theft flieuda now residing in nny part of the "Old Country," run make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, arid have them brought out, by the above well knot& ti fa vorite "LINE OF PACKETS," v.hi e h sail from Liv• erpuol punctually on the Ihth and 16th of every month; also, by first slam AMERICAN Ships, sailing front there every SIX DAYS during 1°.:5. Should don persona decline coming out, the money will be return ed to the parties here, without any deduction on pro ducing the passeg,e certificate and the receipt. AVith such unequalled and superior arrangements, the sub- scribers confidently look for‘suld, for a cordinuance of that snpport I,v high has Leen extended to them, vu many year S, Apply to (ur addresa by letter, pn..t paid.) ROCH E, BROTHERS & CO. No 35 Fillinn sr. New Yutk. Or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Pentland Smithfield Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent at Liverpool, JAM ES 1). ROCHE, E 5,1. aepl3-d&w No 21) Water st. Remittances to Great Britain and Ireland; and the Isles of Guernsey and Sersey. PERSONS desirous to remit to their r el a tives in Englund, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Lir to the kelcs of Guernsey and Jersey, can ut all times obtain drafts payable at sight, un the Ito:,a1 Bank of Ireland, Dublin. Also on !Messrs. Prescott, Get , te, Ames; Co., Bunkers. London; which saki he paid on demand at any at the Batiks, or t h eir Branches, in all the prin cipal Towns throughout ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, GUERNSEY or JERSEY, This mode offers to 'Mare wishing to make remit tances, from One Pound and upwards, a perfectly safe way of sending mane? to.their friends, arid those who prefer that their friends nhould select their own times ofcoming anti, and also select their own ships, can re mit money by the sutHcriber.sfut that parpti,,e. Apply to (or address by letter, post paid.) ROCHI-:. BRO.'S & CO., No '2O Fulton at., New York, BLAKELY & MiTCHEL, Piitsbutgli, Pa. Or 46.n13.13, wr RECEIVED AT TflE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE , • L.:.3erty st , tco doors fez: Sl. Clair street, A SPLENDID asscrrirnew of Fall and Ai:inter Goads. Tbe proprietor ut ti.is ti ulv Itivored cm. ssrsour.ces 11:at he is prepa red to ra.sie to order id: arr;c2es iu his line , nt tho Jizrrerrd rso!ire. and the most IMMEIEI FASILIOYABLE STYLE- Haviagaecurad the services Of WIC of the BEST CUT. IERS in tiitcity, ail: is al; Ca.ll:, V.A./ILL:LA a good St. He has a splen did assortment Of VLRItD and P t.../ 1 BEAVER CLOTHS, Also superfine Blue. Bkch, Drown and Invisible Green Cloths of all poll :ties and various prices to suit the puichascr. He has a vpleudid lot of vesting 4 of all patterns; Saisinetts in great VZO . IOI . Z Shit 13. Stools, BOEUM3, Cuilais, ilarnikeieldefir, Sur pendia., and (~.ry othe r o r rid u in the CLOTHING LINE, which he wiilseil LOW FOR CASH. - . . The prhprieror returns h;s •ir,cere thenhs (0 his "Id Customers and the Public in gentle], fur the very lib eral manner in whiell they be.- patronised Lis estab lishment. and .hopes by st. ict att.; Lien to business, and selling them Cheap Goods, to merit a cetnieutstiun of the wAtlle. ally 2ir•CM. C. WC IA EV. TO PRLINTTEES. Type F'undrj, and Furaising IVarehous,. THE subscribe's have opened n new T e Pontally in the tiny of New York, where they 11/e ready to supply orders to any extent, for any any kind of job or fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cai.es, Galleys, Bras. Bolen, Steel, Column do, Coropi,ing nicks, Chases, and every article necessary for a Printing OfEce. The type aiecast in new moulds, irem an entirely new set of matrixes, with deep counters, ore uart ant ed to tJe unsuipaxsed by any, and will be so:tile:nit the times. Printing Presses furnivherl, and alsn Steam Engines uf the must approved patterns. N. 13.—A machinist constantly in attendance to le pair Presses and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. Editors of Newspaper who will buy three tunes as much type as theirs bills amount to, may give ths above six month? insertion and send their papers containing it to the subvcribers. JAMES POWAHD & 00 ILT AVE: the pleasure to unnous,ce to their Cr LI that they again occupy their old stund ut No. 83, Wood street, u here they base opened au exten sive WALL PA Pr.:ll. WAREHOUSE, And will have constantly on hand an extensive a... e t. went of. Satin.glazed and plain PAPER HANG INGS, Velvet and Imitation B.: ders,uf the latest. 10; and most handsome patterns fur papering balls, par. lora and chambers. They manufacture, and have on hand at ail times, Printing, Writing. Letter, Wrapping and Tea Palv Bonnet anal Fuller's Boards ail of which they offer Car sale on the most accommodating terms,. and to which they invite the attention of tnerchants and others. ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the best quills ity, School Books, Szsc always un lsh(' and for solo as above. nue 25. B. PERRY, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER (Formerly of the Monongalir-la House and lute of Wood' street.) HAWING removed back again to the Burnt Dig, trict, one dooc ftum the corner of Third and Wood streets, the undersigned ig 0 4 010 prepared to accommorlete his uid friends and the public generally, with BOOTS and.SHOtiS, of t h e bent material, and of the finest and Moat. fuslii•inuble style. B. PERRY. . , Rememberthe place! ono door above Hay's Book store, Wood st. nct3.3m. Hotel and Boarding House FRANKLIN 1101:SF:. HE suabcriber respectfully inlertos Lis itienda T and the public, that he has opened a Hotel and Boarding House, comar of Soul, Anent. and Cherry alley, where travellers and others will accommoda ted on tho most rrasouable term]. The house is spacious, and has been fitted up at cdosiderable ex pense, and every arrangement is mudu thut-will en sure the comfort and render .aliscactien to boarders and lodgers. A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited ap22-tf SPANISH BROWN—Q-1291h.. receivod aycl for sale by It. E. SELLERS, Nu. 27, Wood it / s,:.' 5 OX FOI2 D, NI ON T EZ CM A, unl C3LUNI BUS CROCKFORT S OVEREND GB Ann stn•et CHRISTIANSCHMERTZ