=:2l at ~ ~_ VOL. I-NO. 104. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE PUI3LISFIED AND EDITED BY BIQLEU, SARGENT & BIGLER, h. W. career of Wood and Fifth Streets Tsexs.—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Six dollars will invariably be required if not paid within the year. Single copies Two CLlMl—for, sale at the counter of the Office, and by News Boys. The Weekly Mercury and Manullicturer published at the same office, on a double medium eteet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin• gle copies, SIX CENTS. TURNS OF ADTERTISING. PER SQUARE or TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Dna insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two do., 0 75 Two de., 6 00 Three do., 1 00 Threedo., 7 00 One evelc. 1 50 Four do., 8 00 Two do., 300 Six do., 10 00 Thaw! , do., 400 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CHAN OLABLI AT PLEASURE. One Square. Two Squares. Six months. $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 One year, - 25 00 One year, 35 00 tar Larger advertisements in proportion. ('CARDS of, four lines Six DOLLARS a year. I=l reartemoN & SEMITOR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE in Firth street.in Barr's new building, be tween Wood and Smithfield streets. oct29 ly. WM. O'HARA ROBINSON, (LATE U. s. •TTORPIET,) HAS removed his Office to No. 8 St. Clair street. aept4 EDWIN C. WILSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Franklin. Venni go Corm, y. Penna., WILL attend prompdyto all business entrusted to his care—collections made in %Yellen, Crarion and Jefferson counties. RE/ER TO J• A. Sincyros, & Co. MURPHY, WILSoM, &Co.. PittAburgh JOB!. BIG.F.R, Flon.Jamcs KISNLAR, Franklin Hos. ALFA. M'CALxoNT. Hog. JAME/ WILION, Steubenville, (Akio. iiely 23-1 y O. ORLANDO LOOMIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourth street, above Smithfield. I.ty. MASIZAW & IMPENIGHT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE, removed their o ffi ce to tho .Neso Court Howe, in theroom over the ShnritniOffice. 17—tf. Law Notice. ANDREW BURKF. OFFICE removed to Smithfield street, between 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mr Geo We man's Tobacco %inane ory. op 16 Removal. MAHON & WASH 1 NGTON, Attorneys at Law; 1U office on the north side or Wylie et., 3d door Eastof the Court House. •P» Law Notice. JAMES CALLAN lutbrernoend to the ehembere occupied by Alderman McMaster" on Fifth It. between Wood end Smithfield. ep 18 REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & N. Rrßride, ♦TTo6ALTII ►T LAW, HAVE removed their ;Ace to Grant street. a short distance from Seventh street, towards the C i eurt House. EVP"Converaneingand other instrumentsof writing /evilly sad promptly executed. ap2l M'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Comasallors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sepio Pittsburgh. Wm. Z. Aurtim, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Balcewell'sbuilding, Grant riPWittt•u E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommeni him to the patronage of my friends. sep 10—y WALTER FORWARD. Shafer & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uni tad States bask, 4th street, between Market and Wood streets. m2l CH•RILICINHALIIit. EDWARD SIMiSON. Gee. S. Mildest, Att.orstey at Law, Office on Fourth street,between Wood and Smithfield L ... Conveyancing and other instruments of wri ting legally and promptly executed. mar2l•tf ER= HAMILTON & STERLING, Attorneys at Law, fI FFICE, North side of Fifth street, between Wood 11—. F and Smithfield streeui, Pittaburgh, Ftt. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. dee 4-ly :elm W. Burrell ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS hemmed in ennsognence of the late fire from Third street to Bakewell's Buildings, oppo+ite to tho Court Hausa. ap IG Thomas Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office, near the Court House. in Mellon's buildings my 7 Z. !Sorrow, Alderman, OiSea north side of Fifth street, between Wend and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. pep 10—tf Alderman's Office rri H E undersigned begs leave to say to his friends .L end the public generally, that he has removed his office to Penn street, near the canal Bridge, oppo aite the United Stated Hotel .ncti S Dr. George Watt, Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, nenr Sixth, SAW 'IL PITTiIIURGH a D. SELLERS, N. D., REMOVV.:I3 to Penn street, between Irwin and Handstreets, five cloche below Hand street. seas MITERS, SURGEON DENTIST. ILE Liberty street. A few doors below StChsic it., I'ittsburgh tip 28-Iy. Wm. Ward, Dentist, His remo ved to the place or his foimer residence, in Peen street, two doors below Irwin. aii 18 Doctor Daniel McNeal, OSee ste Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dee 10—y JOHN SCOTT & CO., WUWale illiocors and Commission Mer chants, xo 7, Commercial Bow, Liberty street, y ip l y Pittsburgh J. li J. IrDIRVITT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Donlon fa Poultice said Pittsburgh manufactures getimair, No. $24. Liberty, opposite 7t5 Street, Pius b P.. op 28-ly • Ira • # • et. , .• 1,4 4 41 ' 4.41 , 1 % I V 1. 1 • wte k ,e, 14.7 • t .4" -, • 0 j„.t..-4 it t o Ac i*, --" tiiii ---- 7 - pitt'ibiit4t) : ittotiiilig ALONZO W. ING, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS. Tr{ANUFACTURER and dealer in ail kinds of IT Tiihntrn.SniiiTand SernrA. J. G. INIIINTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Markel street, near Liberty . j1)1y l.ly PITTSBURGH, PA Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth street. sec 10-v JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 44. Market street. top 10 The highest price paid in cosh for Couutry Rae*, Baling. Rope and Cotton Waste. Also, dealer in Chloride of Lime, raper, Twine, &c., at cash prices. julv J O. SC.ILNOR Office, Smiafield &eta, corner of Diamond Alley. PLANS and Specifications finished in the best st} la anti at the shortelt notice. RETCRENCEs: Logan & Kennedy, ti Childs & Co.. Woodaell, A Kramer, \V B 6eaifn and Cul tort & Dilworth. jam 1845—dly. • Forwarding and Commission Merchants, FOR THE ALLEGHEV Y RIVER TRADE Corner of Penn and Irwin street., L. 0. REYNOLD!, } L. WILMARTR. NEW DOOR STORE. BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, No. 43, Market street,wezi door to Third street, AR"just opening a new and exiensise assortment of Books and Stationery, which they will sell, wholesale and retail st the lowest prices. np2s Perwardiagauld Commission Merchant, Ageutfor U. S Portable Boat Line. fertile transporta tion of Merchandise to and from Pittsburgh., Baltimore, Philadelphio. New York and Bretton. j3l-le HAVE Removed to No. 2, Water street, near the corner of Wood, and near the spot from hence they were driven by the fire, where they will be happy to we their old CllslnmerA. Corner of Ist and Ferry streets Pittsburgh. Pn., manufacturer of lucks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; housen screws fur rolling mills. Ste. seri 10—y FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. E. 14ULY ANY, JANIEI E. I.LDLI, DIIILVANY & LEDLIE, MANUFACTURE AID KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HASA Corner of Market and Water Streets, 0:7 Our IVorics continue in full operation, and w• nre constantly adding to our mock, which enables us to:fill orders with promptness. Purchaser. are respectfully su:icited to call and examine prices and terms. sepia ly Removal. TA R. 11•\1. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST, ha" n•ntv,i Li to St. Clair strut, next door to the Exchange Hotel Building'. sett John DrOloskey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin alley Siuth side. sep 10 Charles EL nay, WHOLESALE and Retail Bookiieller, Paper Dealer. Stationer and Bookbinder, corner of Wood and Third ileets. Rept 18 Pittsburgh Infirmary, FOR the reception arid treatment of deformites of the human frame. such us Club or Reeled feet, contracted joints, wry-neck and Strabismus or Spading , and of Diseases of the Eye, such as Ca taraci,etc, under the rare of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. dee 31-dtf HE subscriber informs him friends and the pub T lic, that he hue opened a new CABINET WARE ROOM, at the corner of Liberty and St Clair streets, over Brown and Reiter'■ Drug Store, where he is prepared to at to all orders in his line. Entrance on St Clair street. ap 15 M. KANE, Ja. 'AYES BLAKET,Y Corner of St. Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, JAMES ARMSTRONG, Prnprictor. MI HE proprietor begs !save to return hismost grate ful thanks to his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes, by attention, to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; it has accommodations for travel• err, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper parties Always ready, or prepared on the shortest not ice, with the choicest the market will afrord. Oysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve ry day during the season. The greatest rare hes been taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A varie ty of newspapers are regularly filed in the establish ment. THE suslicriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho has opened a Hotel and Boarding House, coiner or Sixth sireet and Cherry alley, where travellers and ntbera will be accommoda• ted on the most reasonable terms. The house is spacious, and has been fitted up at considerable ex- pense, and every arrangement is made that will er.- rare the comfort and render satisfaction to boarders end lodgers. A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited. sr 224 CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ. JLM[[ ■'DEVITT JOIIN W BLAIR, BRUSH MANUFACTURER •ND SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO 120, WOOD STREET, oct PITTSBURGH J.L.SHEE'S CASK RAG IVAREHOUSE, Corner of Pennand Irwin streets, Pirtiburgh J. Vogcles & Son, ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS DR. GEO. rraax, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Corner of Smithfield street and Virgin Alley joly 26. 1843-if MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIF:LO STREET, Next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church iune6. REYNOLDS & WILMARTII AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES CHARLES A. McANULTY REMOVAL. COOLEY & LAIRD, Merrkant Tailors. James Patterson, Jr., Cut, moulded and Plain FLINT GLASSWARE IR ALL ITS VARIETIF.B, AT TIII.IR WARL1101.1.11: PITTS B C KG 11. Removal by Fire WASHINGTON HOTEL, REFRESHMENTS P. S. A Hot Lunch served up ever• day tall, A. NI ap 18. Hotel and Boirding Souse. FRANKLIN HOUSE. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1845. A CURE FOR CONSUMPTION SEVEN THOUSAND CASES Of obetinate Pulmonary Complaints cured in ONE WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER BY, the grunt American Remedy for corn plaints and affections of the Respiratory Organ, We do not wish to traffic with the lives or health of the afflicted, and wo sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions 111 :u the virtues of thin medicine, and to hold out no hopes to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. We 118 k the attention of the candid to the following consitreretion4. Nature in every part of her works, has left indelli ble mat ka of adaptation and design. The constitution of the animals and vegetables of the ton id, is such that they could not endure the cold of the frigid zone., oral vice versa. In regard to disease scud its cute, the adaptation is more or less striking. The Moss of Iceland, the Wild Cherry and Pines of all Northern latitudes, (and Dr. \Vistaed Balsam is a compound and chemical extract from these.) have long been celebrat,t for complaints prevalent only in cold climates. Indeed the most distinguished medi cal men have averred tint nntitre furnishes in every country medicines for its peculiar diseases. Comiump. ion in its confirmed and incipient singed. Coughs, Asthma. Croup, and Liver co m pl a i n t, f orm be far the mind fatal doss of diseases known to our land. Vet even these may he cured, by means of the dimple yet pow erbil remedied, named nliove, nod which are scnitereii, by a belteticient Providence, wherever those mu lad leg prevail. WISE. R'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY ! {Val miracles neo-e ceaAel "Afore eri , lenee of its surpassing ltraltli Restorative Virturs From Dr. Baker, Sprint - odd, W:itiliogton Ky Srrilmorirt.n; Ky., Mny I I. IEIIS. Sanfoid & Put k--Genta--I take thin oppor tunity of Informing you, of u mint w oor k i ,t,l e cure performed upon mehy the use of Dr. 1V boar's Balsam of ‘Vild Cherry. In the year of 1840 I watt taken with an infll.tmev. lion of the trowels, which I Intutted under for 6 weeks when I gradonlly recovered. In the fall 01 . 1331 Iwo., attacked with a severe chill, which seated itself upon toy lunge; and fir rlte apace if three .rues I was con fined to my bed. I tried all kind. of medicines, and every kind of trivalent aid without !emetic. and the. 1 wearied along moil the winter of 1814, until I heard of "%Vista: 11111,im of IV ild Cheri v." NI) ft imido put 4naded me to give it a trill, though hail given up all hopes tifreeovery and h id iterated m: self for the change of anothet w oi l I. Thr oug h their aoheit minims I wag induced to tusk. watt of the Genuine Wistar l o lln kurn of Wild Cherry. The effect truly a4toninliitig. After 11,e veura of afflict r u i n and autTet mg; and after having 'Tent our or five hundred dullat aV. 110 rUlpilfle and tine th,‘ and MO•I re.p , ctable pli)•iciatts 11."1 plov,ll t1f13,11 ing. 1 rv.t,yr. d en Own', by the ble..;tng 4 sod the us.' of Dr. Wittlit ' ll 1.11.1,011 Cherry. PITTSIBUR , II4. a 5. I v I am flow eojoynggood heithh and welt i. oty al tendtiprearance that I tin duo h,rtget luultUAAri when I meet in!, former I have gained rapidly in weiOi!, arid my flesh is firm and solid. I ran now eat a. 111 did: ha• arty pen.on. and my food Arldtlla to agree IA dill me. I hoar curer, more dut log the last it. months than I had eaten five tears before. ConYidcrinz my Case n!mo.t a ruirarle, I deem if nereoliary for the CirOd or the all7ictr d, and q doly I owc to the ir•111,11 and my fellovk men 0.1m, , b001d know where relic( may be bud) to make this state ment p•Adir. May the bleating of (icel rest upon the proptietor. nf an valuable u medirir.e.,a4 %%loxes I.laliiiim oC Wild Cherry. Yours, reopevaiilly. ['The fuliowing letter from Dr Bitches. of Franklin, Ina., who stands high to hi. profession, and ranks among. the first politicians of the state, sh•tll speak for itself in commendation of the "Gesiu.ne tstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry: . Franklin. Ind., April 14,134.1. Metter. Snndford & have but a 1..,V bot tles of %Virtu. 's balsam of wini cherry remaining on hand of the Inst lot fit rni•hed me by ton. I beret, hoe waited until I had sold out and had "loomed t he money for our lit liefore I ordered another. 1101 such it the demand for the Article that I do not it i.h to be wiihnut it, and em therefore led to anticipate a little. The money for she Is.t shall be forti,orning is OW ine the lot i. ilittpnsell of, which, from the sales I have made lately, I think Mill lA, hut a shot time. The rdritet. or the balsam are in 111•Iny ^ll.l ill rtt ikinely Fe It itnprnves upon tolunintar re more ihnnany oilier latent 3.le.beine I haveeter known z-z A Irno.t all other. fail upon trial, and not being able to bear the test of expetince, soon rink into di•tote. This, however, arrant to be Moat. highly valued by those tram' have tested its virtue., and experienced its healing a fficacy in their own (noon, very re . spegtfully. JAMES HITCIIEY. ~► ~Ii~~~~~;i3M~~h~-~ r,- - e Those trltu Countrrfrtl a gwt.l medicine for thu purpose of adding a few dollars to their pocket', are fur %verse than the manufacturers of 'put-ions coil, For while the later only robs 04 of our property. th e homer take property and health and life away.— Dr. W rated RO/IOPO Of Will Cherry is admitted by thousand" of disinterested witnes"e", to have effect ed the moat extraordinary cures in case" of n pulmm nary and asthmatic character ever before recut ded in the hi"tory of medicine. The young, nod beautiful, the good, nll speak forth its praise. It is now the favulite medicine in the most intelligent families of our country. Such a high stand in public estimation has been a chieved by its own merits alone. And no long an is discerning public are careful to get /Vistas's Ila. Ws of Wild Cherry, and refuse with scorn counter• ft-its, and every other article preferred to them at It substitute, so long will CUT e I — rotative cure—cheer the fireside of a depaiting family. 1 .- The true and genuine ''‘Vistet's Balsam of Wild Cherry" is sold at established agencies in all parts of the United State, Sold in Cincinnati, on the corner of Fourth and Walnut street, by SANDFORD & PARR. Gen' Agents for the Western States. Alt a , gold wholesale and retail, by L. lVileoz, and B A Falinestock, l'ittsburgh, Pa. and by appointed agents in every important Borough it Western Penn nylvanin. oct 14-Iy. Select School for Boys and Girls. w I LLIA MS has open his Select School for 11.1.• 11Iales and Females, in the room over Mr Dyet'd Grocery, and formerly occupied by Mr Samuel Blood, in iederul street, Allegheny, on Monday, the 18th inst. Tr.use s ,:—PrimaryClass, $6 per scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. Junior Class, " 8 Senior Class, 10 Rev. D. Elliott, D. D., Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., Hon. Charles Shuler, Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., Chattel' H. Israeli, Esq. sept I—dly. Pittsburgh THE undersigned, having built machinery of the most approved kind, will manufacture of the best quality of Iron and in the neatest style, TACKS, BRADS, FINISHINGNAILS, I SHOE NAILS, &c. &c. which they offer for sale low. The attention of Western Merchants and others is invited to their establishment. WOODWARD, HERSEY & Fifth street. opposite the Exchange Bank. july 1-6 m. n.....L.+:~ei.:: _'t+::..tiec: ,~,4_._.._~ =MEI L'N%&.. Yv• q .... ',.‘4 WM. H. BAKER I=l ack Factory Phonin Safes and Vaults THEE undersigned Invite attention to the follow ing certificate: CERTItICATE. The undersigned havi4,been requested by Messrs. Censtable & Strickler, present and superintend test, by fire, of one of their recently invented Phre nis Fire Proof safes, and deeming the subject one of very great public importance, Irtve carefully scrutinized the progress of a test, to which one of said chests was subjected. The chest was supported at each corner, at an elevation of 10 to 12 inches from the ground a fire of Bituminous coal and fire was made over and around and kept actively burning 54 consecutive hours. The fuel consumed was about SO bushels of cool, and one cord of wood; the heat all the while be ing quite intense, and in the opinion of the undersign ed much greater then a safe is likely to sustain in any ordinary house burning. . . . . u n the, r emoval of the fire. nt their requect the chest was opened, and greatly to the tnnoniAltment of the undersigned and the large number of citzens present. a Blank Beek with Sundry Bank octet within its fold.; a piece of Dry pine Wand rind the inner lining of the safe, which is of Wood, were found warm in deed, but nut in the Slightest degree charred or inju• red, ROMe MMILI.CIiPt err this Book ns legible 111 be• fore the test. The undersigned are or animuus in the conviction that it fi.e proof chest is practicable; rind that the ingenious and en4arprirring nitorrifactuters, wi t ., effort, Cur some mouths past in producing this deaider own Lave proved se entirely successful, de rorme the public confidence end patronage. ik JWIN NDERSON, 1.. It. IV INGSTON, JOSI A KING. W AMUCK M Art ris. EDWARD HEAzEuroN, JAMES DARK, Ir. the character of the ithove named gentlemen, the public have a guarantee against deception, is; the 11 , 6 l whirl, was made iir our Phrenix Safes. and we there fore, feel the utmost confidence in recommending them MP n reliable protection against tire, under any of dine• y rircunistanre. We would *Amur interested, thut there is no wood al.out these Salvo, but what is tiece44arilv connected with the shelye• •+nd diuwera. Wu make Vault Doors in OM same manner and up• lin the same plan. lbw of these can be Well at Reese C. Townsend & CO . ! new building. F.:r the win-I.:mm.4M'. nI nurhi , they ran be ,men nt the following; t ilimm: Lyon. shod, & Co., Church & Citrothe, F. Win Latimer, King & J. It. DIV.A. P. M'Curiniek. sad IV. M rem.,nufacnors• on 2a .cart, betw ern W 0,1 tint] Smnldi.•ll. CUVSTARLF & sT tticK Pit t ,burzll. CMotk•r 15. 1844 :um JAMES COWMAN, Corner of Liberlyand PaeLrystrerts,Fifih Ward, l'ittsburgA, I‘ITT A ( N: h I:F , ..A (. 1 7T1..: n 1 1 1 ) E I r t ‘. i G il r M tc og a - i , e; i .;? F l. i ; P i rirol ruu 1).,r, for Runk Vault., Canal and Rail Road-lronA l o giohrr with poor,' dreu ipti,n of Smith work. lit yell ro—M Allen,.laroes ILA Snortrui Chrirr•ll, Lea, r. Loren', Simhriz & Cm. John II a in k Som.ASzvol ,S; Jour, A Ifirmlim. A ULF:LE:N.IImi, Con - mirk:ion Merolrint.rorner of Front and Ferry biretts, and Mr. G. BEALE, Jr., N. 74, %%Med .meet. ore Aveirt4 for l'irt.torq;b; and Messrs. BRYAN and :111 LT Es BERGER, St Loui,i, Mm. I. either of a.lorrn onions may he addressr•il. Pitt.hurch. March 3, 1815. d 1 y DENTAL SURGERY Teeth esrpied nN imp-roved rikaciptee at retraced Charges. ARTIFICIAL Mineral Teeth from one man entire so t. ito,toql to answer the por t al., of Maatica Lion .1.,1 a r thonhoioo,,, i tt dton , t .inn! tend: and so near ly temetnblir.g them, that the r Itto,t ohiet‘er e it nn o t fetect them rro.rit urnl teeth. Tnto aid tit-cored Tovth fitlyd wish Tonth ragte o it t.t nintot pain tnadtt udid nil u.terul for mastica• tion, obviating the ni•reintily of ritlfaCting • lerth inseited by utiniiliheric pet-Attire without spring* or dill,. liregu:arilie4 in children'• teeth ifutieiniled to in time. pre‘rnted, arid aibilto verily remedied. Ti e I.o.i:fiber ham rile whole sr-t and a part . .,fa artificial teeth finished, which be invitee thorn who awn," in need el such Ti call ar.d examine. CII A IiGES. For Teeth on Child Plate, horn V: to *3 each Silver Plate or Pivot 1 to 2 " For Plugging 5(1 ets to 1 " For exacting 2:i Ct. Operations giviin over hr other Donii.t A. solicited and no charge made without entire satiiifection is giv en. Ailyire gratis sect 17 d 3 in L. J. CHAMBERLAIN. Surgron Deriti.t., St Clair st Dissolution. THE partnership hetetoforn existing between Jame. K. Loran and George Connell, under the firm of .1 K Loran & C 0 is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All person. having claims against the fit Yll, will please prevent them (or settlement, and all indebted will please make payment to.) K Loran, who in duly authorized to settle the loudness of the concern. J K 1.0(1A N. Atigumt I, 11345 Dry Goods at Cost. AS. K. Lognit. curuer of Wood and Fifth stteets, • over J D Dmvis' Auction Rooms, being desirous of changing Lis present businest. O'ers for solo his site: of Dry Goods now on hand, at cost, committing is large ansoritnent of cloth s , eassim e res, sattinetts, vestingd, p, imp., nmsliDs, &e., and would respectfully invite the attentian of those wishing to purchase as he is determined to close up his present business. August 2. 1345.—aug 4. Public Notice Fr II E President, Directors and Company, known 1 es the "Farmers' Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh," will, at the next meeting of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, make application for the privilege of issuing notes payable on de mand. THOMPSON BELL. Cashier. Pittsburgh July 15t.,1845-jy3o-altianl3. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. 'll H E subscriliermanufact ere. •nd keeps constant -L ly on hand Cuucb, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Thm..roid Steps, Malleable Iron, Dour Handles and Hinges, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits a contmuunce of the patron age hetetufwe bestowed upon the establishment. IVILLIAM COLEMA N, jan 4 St Clair it., near the Allegheny Bridge. Take particular Notice THAT the Franklin House, foot of Irwin street, Pitutburh, by R B Dimonn, is the most eligble establishment for transient travellers or throe who ma/ wish a longer residence in the city, his accomodations are excellent. We know from experience and heertils recommend his house as worthy of patronage. Hugh Kirkland. Freeport. Wm Connelly, Franklin. Bancamin J Niblock, Butler. H H Webb, Cochranton. .Ino Hamilton. (bin. John Iteiley, New York. ['Borders accommodated by the day or week. month or yearly. oct 15 John Cartvrright, CUTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer No 140 Wood wen, two doors from Virgin al ley , Pittsborg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &c. je 24. r., - •. The advantage and right of Sugar Coating belong exclusively to Dr. Smith, U 3 will be seen by tho fullowiag: Received this 17th day of June, 1844, from Dr. G. Benjamin Smith, the fee of /30, paid on his applico. Lion for a Patent for n "Pill coaled with Sugar." H. L. ELLSWORTH, Commissioner of Patents. The following Certificate is from the first Drug gists and others in New York, given in 1844, making it more than two years ago. We, the undersigned, never taw or heard of "Su. gar Coated Pills," until Dr. G. Benjamin Smith manufactured and exhibited them to us about a year since. Unless a Pill is a good medicine, what is the Sugar good for? Sii-ne 10 or 15 ignorant adventurers have an idea, from thegreat soccer's of Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's Pills, that if they only put a renting of sugar on any thing it will sell as rapidly as these celebra ted Fills do. Some of them find their mistake and even offer their trash at 61 per hoc. To avoid all imptssition, let the public examine every box, and if G. Benj. Smith is written with a pen on the bottom, the Pills are good. Office, 179 Greenwich street. A VOICE FROM SENECA FALLS. Your Pills are a superior article, as I can well as sure you from my own experience. When I am at• tacked with my old compiAint; the pleurisy, uoually preceded by the bilious fewer, I always find them a sovereign remedy a stlie preventive. Your Pills should be kept in curry &tinily, and if seasonably taken they will prevent much sickness and save much ex pense. Truly yours, ALVORD. To G. Benjamin Smith. M. 8.. New York. For sale iu Pittsbureh, by B. A. Fabitstock, rot . . ner of Wood and Sixth streets, and L. Wilcox, Jr., the I)ilmnn,l Prospectus of the New Library of Law and Equity, UNDER the direction of FRANCIS .1. TROUrIAT, E• 111. Philadelphia, thin ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster, and IV it.sos Jl'Cat 1,15.55, of Pitts "[his nOnL contain. the hest productions of English law uuthors, Witham regnid 11/ priority of claim oil the pair of any American pohlisher. Such books are now notoriously too dear. The reason is, that 114 Nat as they appear they become monopolies in the hands of boo kselleis in the Atlantic cities. Under the ple:a of right acquit ed by the addition of notes of Ameri can decisions, the latter claim an undivided title to those woi lso, and seta burthensome price on them.— Tile publishers of the, work now tapered to the profes sion througout the Union. will not respect .11C11 but will re-print the standard British law hooks se fist as theyen.inate horn the London market. Should new editions of the works of such writers as Sim kui, this Chittys, Stephen and .Archbold, appear, t hey shall also be include di and Digests of Equity and Low de• eisions—works which have been at odiously kept out of the Law Library published at Philadelphia—shrill have a placcin the proposed new one, together with every new valuable English treaties on Chancery or Common Luw. work will be kilted monthly in numbers of 160 pages, primed on fine white paper and good new lung primer type, at. seven dollars per annum, payable ball yearly. ISA AI! M'K IN I. ET.% J. M G. L ESC RA E. Haaatsaunor+, Pii., July 1.1843.—ju1y 4 NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. ft CHAS. H. PAULSON, (LATE or THE FIRM OF P•VI-SON GILL,) H AVING opened his new store et No. 73. Wood Street., Next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufactur log and receiving from the P . A. , !ern Cirie" a very large assonment of HATS and CAPS, of every dcacrip tion, %summed to be made in the limit mariner, and of the be material'. Oiter,Scul, fine and common Muskrat, Sealette, end Glazed Cap' Also, a fine assortment of Ladies' Furs, suc h as Lynx. Fdch, Genet and Coney MUFFS AND TIP PETS AND FUR TRIMMINGS, all of which offers for 'ale at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, horli wholemle arid retail. Cossntry Merchant. will please call and examine my stock before purchasing else% here. CHAS. H. PAULSON. N. 13. The Fall Fashion tar Huts and Caps receiv ed. sep27 Fashionable Hat and Cap Manufacturer. No. 78 IVOOD ST., PITTSBURGH, WOULD mrpectfully announce to his friends and citizens generally, that he has opened at No 78 Wood Street, East aide, Burnt district, nearly opposite his old stand. where will be found Hats and Caps, of tho latest style and Fashion; prices very low. N. B. Country Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock berme purchasing else• where, which will be offered at prices that cannot fail to please at No 78 Wood street. aug2l-3m GEO. CONSELI Ise THE sub•riber woul respectfully an- Ilk CR i nounce to his numerous customers and the public that ho is prepared to supply them with bus beautiful style of hat. He would say to all who wish to get the worth of their money, that this is the place to come and buy. It is well known that quite en inferior at ticle of Hats have been sold at exorbitant prices, and the purchaser getting but truck for his money and earnings. The order system is but slight ly touched, and he does not manufacture tin inferior article to palm off on the working man. His busyness is conducted on the GASH SYSTEM, and ha is de termined to sell cheaper than the cheapest of the cheapest. Ilia stock of FALL AND WINTF.R CAPS area the most fashionable style. Customers' Hats made at shortest notice. Also. Ladies' Riding Caps and In. fat's Cnps of every pattern to suit the taste. N. B. Dont forget the place, hs I want a email por tion of your small change, and you may rely on get ting value for the same at the sign of the Big White Hat. third door from John D. Davis' Auction Rooms. Recollect the '•Yellow Front." G. W. GLASGOW. sep`27 No I Wood at., l'ittsburgh. E the pleasure to announce to their friends H that they again occupy their old stand at No. 83, Wood street, %%here they have opened an eaten. sire WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, And will have constantly on hand an extensive assort ment of Satin-glazed and plain PAPER HANG 119S, Velvet and Imitation Borderx,of the latrststyle; and most handsome patterns for papering halls, par lors and chambers. They manufacture, and have on hand at all tines, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boards—all of which they offer fot sale on the most accommodating terms, and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the beat qual ity, School Dooks, &c. alw o ays n hand and for sale as above. aog 25. Published by Horace Greeley, Es?. and for sale at COOK'S 85 Fourth et. CONTENTS: Calculations for the year 1846;Gov ernmcnt of the 11 Slete4, The Tariff Question, The Ponege Reform; The Necessity for Protection; American Railroads; Maps cf Oregon; What Con stitutes Texas; Popular Vote for President for 1844; Time of Holding Elections, &e, &e. novlo. . M'M9, Cantion 'PATENT OPTCE Rushton 4. Co. 110 Broadway, and 10 Astor House Israel Randolph. M. D., 86 Liberty street Horace Everett, 96 H udson street. John Castree. 97 Hudson street. D. Sands, 79 Fulton street. Thu Sugnr Couted Indian Vegetable Pp. AUGUST 2nd, 1845 WM. DOUGLAS, FALL FASHIONS JATRES HOWARD & CO. ==== MACHINERY CUT WOOD TYPES! THE undersigned are prepared to furnish to order, any style, size or pattern of Wood Types, equal, in every respect, to any manufactured in the Uuited States, at very low prices! Our Types are accurately cut, and cleanly and neat ly finished, and warranted not to become injured by any usage to which types are ordinaty subjected. The woods we use are mahogany, boxwood. &c, end-grain, and so prepared as to defy the action of water or the atmosphere. }laving jest completed new and improved machine ry, we are prepared to fill orders at the shortest no tice; and being practical printers, and one of us having nine years' experience as a job printer alone, we flat ter ourselves as to our ability to give satisfaction in every ease. aa"Papors that publish the tuivertisament of Palmer & Co., can have their orders filled by us. And pa pers pnblishing this advertisement to the amount of $5, will receive their pay in type when three times the amount of their bill is taken out. Editcrs will please send papers containing the advertisement, that we may know where to send specimen sheets. oct I MARTIN & JONES, S. W. car, of Sycamore and Third sts., Cin. SELLER'S V ERMIFUGE. There is not, neith• er can there be a better. Clay tp., Gallia c0.,0.. Oct. 15th, 1845. Mr Sellers:—l purchased of Dr Wilson, in Galli polis. one vial of your Vermifuge, and administered 3 tea..poonsful of it to one of my children, and in the space of a few hours he passed the enormous amount of 248 large worms. The child is six years old. WM. CLARK. Prepated and sold by R. E. SELLERS, No. 57, Wod st. Sold also by J Mitchell and 1-1 1' Scllwar o ts, Alle gheny city. By Dr Cassel, sth Ward. nova. arpt 17-3tnw I UST received, a fresh supply of NEW 5111E9 J cr.nrit—fancy colors and bautiful !querns. The colors are Cit.-en. Green, Olive and Claret Brown, Mulberry, Gold mixed and Black. These goods are new even in the Eastern cities; honing just been im ported for the Tailors. We pledged ourselves to get up a superior coat this full--betrerthsn ever." The practical partner of our firm has been to New York, to purchase goods, and to secure the latest improvements in his department, all of which will be introduced on our work, with a discriminating regard to true ele gance and correct taste. We are prepared to fulfil all promises made through this medium or otherwise; and us we lay claims to he THE FASHIONABLE HEAL QUARTERS of this city, we will pledge our selves furthermore, to compete with any Eastern house that sends work to Pittsburgh, made to order. In proof of our ability to do so, we mention with pride, that the names of many gentleman who formerly re ceived their garments from the East, are now to be found On our register of customer., who are now con vinced that Ibey can be suited as well, nod at more reasonable rates. ALGEO M'GUIRE & Cu. octi3 PRINTING OFFICE, N• W. CORNER OF WOOD k YIFTR STI The proprietors of the MORNING POST and MAK CURT AND MANCIACTURER respectfallyinform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of air NO. MB '3IIC" INV 311Ea• ...11EC & G 1110 4 12341 atau3maza Neccssaryt o a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BOOKA. Bills of Lading,l Chenlars, Pamphlets, Bill Beads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hut Tips. XII Minis of 33Iauks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, rith ap• Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. NV e respectfully ask thepatronageofourfriends and the public in Kenrral in this brunch of our business. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. July 85,l 845. EXTENSION OF PITTSBURGH Rare Chance for good Investments ! THE subscriber bus laid out, and now offers for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms, One hundred and len building Lola, on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Monongahela river. They are about one-third of a mile from the city line, and are situated in that part of the first city district which will probably soon be annexed to the city as the Seventh Ward. No pro perty i n the suburbs possesses superior advantanges, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an al lowance of wide streets; Braddock is from one hun dred and twenty to about one hundred and ninety feet wide, and Beelen, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and Water streets all wide avenues. Most of the lots have two fronts, and as they are of various sizes, and will be geld, one lot, with the privilege of four or five; early applicants can be accommodated to snit their own views of improvement. Persons who desire to build or to make secure investments in property that is sure to advance in value, and particularly those who intend to erect manufactories, would do well to view these Lots, and examine the theft, before purchasing else where. The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the rail road survey by the State of Penn sylvania were both mode alongside of this property, and it is generally considered that Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongside of it, affords the only eligible route for a Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the East. Coal can be delivered on this property ut a much less cost than on the Allegheny river, and there is always deep water at this part of the river. E. D. GAZZA M, ang2.s-tf. Office Marketbetween 3d & 4th sta. WE have received , and will hereafter keep cor - stantly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell theaper than it has heretofore been sold in thiscity. Orders from the country accompanied by the each tiN ALL cAszs) will be promptly attended to. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, Jy 26—tf Office ofthe Post and :Manufacturer B. PERRY, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER (Formerly of the Monongahela House and late of Wood street.) HAVING removed back again to the Burnt Dis trict, one door from the corner of Third and Wood streets, the undersigned is again rrepored to secommculute his old friends and the public generally, with BOOTS and SHOES, of the best muterial, and of the finest and most fashionable style. B. PERRY. Rememb.•rtho Once! ono door above store. %Vona st. oet3-3m. SPANISH BROWN °9 lbs. rezeived and for sale by R. E. SELLERS, ncralY. No. 27, Wood it Printers! Look Here! Fall Coatings BOOK AND JOB propriate cuts, To Printers PRICE, TWO CENTS. ROCH E, BROTHERS & CO.'S REGULAR WEEKLY AND SEMI-MONTHLY LINE OF Now York and Liverpool Packets, BLAKELY 8c NIITCHEL, AGENTS, Office, Canal Basin, Fenn st. and Smithfield, near Gth street, Pillibursh, Pa. ROCEI F., BRO.'S & CO., in asking the attention of their friends and the public to their art ange ments for 1845, beg leave to assure them that nothing shall be wanting on their part, to render those who may select their line, both safe and comfortable. Par ticular attention will be paid to aged persons, and Youths who may be sent for by their parents. Among the vessels composing the "Black Ball at Old Liae of Liverpool Packets, wilt be found the NEW YORK, OXFORD, YORKSHIRE, MONTEZUMA, CAMBRIDGE, and COLUMBUS. Persons desirous of sending for theft friends now residing in any part of the "Old Country," ran make the necessary arrangements with the subscribers, and have them brought out. by the above we 4 known fa vorite "LINE Of , PACKETS," which sail from Liv• erpool punctually on the 15th and 16th clever). month; also, by first class AMERICAN Ships, sailing front there every SIX DAYS during 1815. Should the. persons decline coming out, the money will be return ed to the parties here, without any deduction on pro ducing the passage certificate and the receipt. With such unequalled and superior arrangement•, the sub scribe's confidently look forward, for a continuance of that support which has been extended to them, many years. Apply to (or addre,t by letter. post. paid.) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO. No 35 Fulton st. New York Or BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Penn and Smithfield st. Pittsbur;ll. Pa Agent tit Liverpool, JAMES D. ROCHE, Esq. sepl3-d&w No 20 Water st Remittances to Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey. PERSONS desirous to remit to their relatives in Englund, lielens!, Scotland, Wales, or to the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, can at all times obtain drafts payable at sight, on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin. Also on Messrs. Prescott, Grate, Ames & Co., Bunkers, London; u blob will be paid on demand at any of the Banks, or their Branches, in rill the prin. cipal Toms throughout ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, \VALES, GUERNSEY or JERSEY. This mode offers to those wishing to make remit tances, from One Pound and upwards, a perfectly safe. way of sending money to their friends, and those who prefer that their friends should select their own time of coming vat, and also select their own ships, can re mit money by the subscriber sfur that purpose. Apply to (or address by letter, po:t paid.) ROCHE. BRO.'S & CO, No 20 Fulton st.. New York, BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1845. Now York and Liverpool Commercia/ Lino of Packets. JOHN HEADMAN, No., 61 South at., New York, rfl E subscriber, In calling the attention of the pub lie_l_ to his unequalled arrangement far bringing' out passengets from all parts of Great Britain by the above line of splendid ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, would respectfully make known that in addi tion to his regular agents, he has appointed Mr Thom as H Dickey, who will remain at Liverpool during the season to superinted the embarkation of all pasu n. gets engaged here. Personsengni- ' ing may, therefore, rely on their friends, and all who may accompany them, being promptly sent forward. He is, as usual, prepared to remit money by draft, payable at sight through the United Kingdom, in amounts to suit ap plicants and at the lowest rates. For further portico mats apply to address JOHN HEADMAN, No G l South st., New York. JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK, At James Dalzell's Water at., Pittsburgh. july 16-3 m. JUST RECEIVED AT THE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No. 122 Liberty 51., two doors f rom St. Glair slred„ ASPLENDID assortment of Fall and Winker Goods. The proprietor of this ti uly favored es tablishment announces to the Public, that he is prepa red to make to order all articles in his line, at the shortest notice, and in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE : flaying secured the services of one of the BEST CUT TERS in tbecity, be will in all cases wet tent a good fit. He has a splen did assortment 01 VARIED and rt. Alt BEAVER CLOTHS, Also superfine Blue, Black, Brown and Invisible Green Cloths of all qual:. hies and variousprices to suit the purchaser. lie has a splendid lot of vestings of all ileums; Sattinetts In great variety: Shirts. Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sus penders, and every other article in the CLOTHING LINE, which he will sell LOW FOR CASH The proprietor returns his sincere thanks to his old Customers and the Public in general, for the very lib eral manner in which they hove patronized his bomb lishment. and hopes by strict attention to business, and selling them Cheap Goods, to msrit a continuation of rho !ATP. WIZ 20-6 m. C. M'C LOSK EY. TO PRINTERS. Type Fottndry, and Printer's Furnishing Warehouse. rrl HE subscribers haveopened a new Tye Foundry in the city of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, fur any any kind of job or fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rules, Steel, Column do, Composing sticks, Chases, and every ankle necessary for a Printing Office. The type arecast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with