*Lift Aar MUMS VOL. I-NO. 101. PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY ;gm4xlie, SARGENT & SIGLER, N. W.canser of Wood and Fifth Streets • Ttasaa.--.Five dollars a year, payable in advance. SiK dollars will Invariably be required if not paid wiihirs die you. illogtecoples TM) Cr.xll-4 , ,r sale at tha counter of 'be Otkce, and by News Boys. l'ke 'Weekly 'Mercury and lannufactarer at the same office, on a double medium sleet, ai TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance!. Sin gle 9.2 :Oa, SIX CENTS. TEXIOIOS OP LDIMILTI3MOI. PER SQUARE OP TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Driissartion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two do., 075 Two do., 600 lihreelitl, 1 00 Threedo., 7.00 Doer - iweek, 150 I Four do., 800 ric o . do., 300 Six do., 10 00 Three do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CIUII4OEABLE •T PLEASURE. One Square. Two Squares. Six oluatha. $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 Irv-Lan g er advertisements in proportion. Is • CARDS of four lines SIX D OLLARS a year. I'3l/H0N......... J. 13. SICINUR. & SEANOU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -OFFICE in Fifth otreet, in Barr's new building, be twean %Vaud and Smithfield st reets. net 29 ly. WM. O'HARA RUBINSON, (LATE U. S. ATTORNETO VMS retnoccrl his Office to Nu. 8 St. Clair ettect ..pt 4- EDWIN C. WILSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Vemaigo Cortyy, Penna., WILL attendpromp4lylo all buAillemt enirusted to bit care--collections guide in %Vat ten, aeries mit Jeferson conntint. ALPER TO - J. A.Sroccron, SE Co. 1 • NIORPRY, WILSON, &CO.. Pita:burgh JOHN BIWA!, Host—lnca KI•INEhIt, Fra.nklin . Hun. ALEX M'CLLNONT, HoN. Janes WILSON, Steubenville, Ohio. ;tily 23-Iy. O. ORLANDO Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Fourth street, above Smithfield. jolt' 1-Iy. 111410 RAW & In'ENIGHT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HAVE removed their office to th e Neve Court MOW, in the room over the Sheriff Wilice. a p 17—if. Law Notice. ANDRF.W BURK' E. FFIPF. removed to Smithfield street, between O 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mc Geo lArnyntatea Tobacco NI snuffle ory. np 16 Removal. AS ARON & WASHINGTON. Attorneys et Lew; 17-1... office on the north aide el' Wylie st., 3.1 dour Esuitof the Court House. •p 17 Lsar Notice. "WAKES CALLAN hat.removed to the chambers 'OW ocespited by Aldermen Me..l6,oers on Fifth st. betirma Won., and Smithfield. op 18 REMOVAL. G. L. Robinson & M. ATRride, ATTORRLTS AT LAW, IMAVE removed their office to Grant street, a II bort d istaqce from Seventh street, towards the e 0 House. 17"Coavefaocingand ether iustrumentsof writ i og 7 if fatly ividArimptly executed. np2l • ' - M'CANDLESS NrciAl RE, Attitettert sad Gowasellors at Law, Office io th• Diaanood, back of the old Court liou6e, Rep 10 . Pittsburgh. • Wa. Z. Austin, Attorney at Law, .trittabargit Pa. Off:lm in Bakewell'sbuilding, Grant,t , Irjr WILLIAM E. AnsTIN,E,..q., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommentl him to the patronage of my friends. ter WALTER FORWARD. Office at the building formerly occupied by the Uoi 'ter' Statesbank,4th street, between hi arkel ilea Wood streets. er.2l CRARLEI SRALER. • EDWARD sioreAnn. Gat. B. Sabha, Attoraey at Law, Offioa on Fourth atreet,between Wood and Smithfield OPConveyancing and other instruments of wri tinglegally and promptly executed. marlttf JOHN S. HAMILTON, •ttormiey at Law, OFFICE, North site of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, I'a. N. B. Collections made on reasonable terms. dec. 4-1 y John W. Durrell, ATTORNEY AT LA W, HAS Plemcved in consequence of the late fire from Third lure-et to Dukowell's Buildings, opposite to the Court House. up 16 'Ponta* Donnelly, Attorney at Law, Office. near the Court House, in Mellun's buildings my 7 IL Morrow, Alderman, °flee north side of Filth street, between Wend and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10—tf Alderman's Office. t IIE undersigned begs leave to say to his friends and the public generally, that to. has !moved his office to Penn street, near the canal ISt idge, oppo site the United States Hotel. octl6 :AIVES BLAKELY. Dr. George Watt, Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, hear Sixth, aug 21. PITT4BURGII E. D. SELLERS, M. D., EMOVED to Penn street; between Irwin endß Handstreets. five doo,s below Hand street. an 15 11117 GE LEITERS, SURGEON DENTIST. t 1 Liberty sireel. A few doors below St Cluir st., Pittsburzh ap-28-Iy. AA Ward, Dentist, Has removed to she place of his foimer residenoe, in Peon ulna, two doors below Irwin. ap 18 Doctor Daniell:l!taffeta; 1N15c4 On Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfiell streets, Pittsburgh. dec I o—y JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, No 7, Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Joni feDEYITT, JAIIIIS J. & 7. BICDSTITT, ,WIIOLEBALE ,GROCERS, Daelarala Proaluoe aid rttiatarsh. manuraetures gagerally, e 24; Liberty; rippaai — 711 Street. bare!, Pa. ap 2811 y. • ' 7 —. 7 r'lr 4 * lle rit ' v i l ', 5 ' ~ 7 Ibvpia,A,intv', '1" 4 . .. . ?.,. to i . . .2 4 " , . • • OA , •' -• ° _ ,s• ' '' ' '' - 4 0 • •,. 4 / ' .. ~ . . -'.:_-7.:-_-_-'''''''.'"r".."....7-,,.,, :.".',':''. ..11 , t i _ . r..!•, - .:•,.."'"'•, , , - -. 7..""^....--' ,, ' ,', ..?"'" , 4, ' ...._ .: ,-..... ~--._ ," '''..""'"" - tr, - - . - - 5. , . , - . . , =• ,, - ....;. : . I 141 L ... . tir .•• li . - -0. --- . - r - - 14 0.,,... -4, .. ! C....."....- . .f ' i ;" . . • ex.orirsro trira, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS. fiNUFACTURER rind denier in an kinds of Tnhorrn, Snuf and Ste". nefai J. O. ntuxTz, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114, Alaska street, near Liber/y july I-Iy PITTSBURGH, PA 13rovrasorillo Juba& Iron Works, Edward theirs, Manufacturer of Iron mad Nails Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth *trout. iep I(F.-v IIIAriI:MACTURER SNIT SHOE FINDINGS STORE, NO (20, WOOD 2 1 T2LICET, PITTSBURGH JOHNSTON Si. STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers asid Paper =Akers, No. 44. Market Ptreet. eeplo J.L. SHE E'S CASH RAG WAREHOUSE Corner of Peiusa tad Irvin streets, Pittrltisrgit The highe:.t price paid in enah for Country Rata, Dating Rope and Cotton Waste. Also, dealer in Chloride of Lime, Paper, Twine, &c., at cash prices. jute 14,11 r. S. Vordes dg. Son, - ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, Office, Satitkjeld Street, co r ;ter of Diamond Alley. PLANS and Specifications finished in the best sty le 1 and at the shiirteA. n ice. aarcar.nce4 Lognn & Kenno.lv. 11 Childs & Co.. J Wooda.ell, A Kramer, AV B 'Sneak! and Cul tart& Dilworth. jaa. 14, 1845—,11y. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Corner of Smithfield street Land Virgin A Hey jibly :G. 1845.11 FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Pmsbyterian Church june6. REYNOLDS & wiLmArtril, Forwarding and Commission Elterchants, AND DD•LEKA IN LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURF-S, FOR THE ALLEGHEVY RIVER TRADE Cgrner of Penn and Irwin streets, L. O. RETROLDS, t PITTSBURGH. L. WIT.SISRTH. c ar,r- iv/ NEW BOOK STOVE. BOSWORTH & FORItESTER, No. 43, Market street,nt.rt door to Third street, AR"jost opening it rjrw and exten,ive w , ort merit of Boolis and Stationer', which they ail? whodesale and retail at the lowe.t prim, nrin CHARLES A. McANULTY Porwardingand Commission Merchant. gentfor U. S Portable Boat Line, forthe tramporta Om of Merchandizetn and from Pittsburg - I:, Baltimoro Philorlelphiß. New York sand REmovAL. COOLEY & .11Irrckant Tailors. Iternov,Nl to Nu. '2, Wilier sirert, near JL_L the corner of Wood. and near the :Tut from w he n c e !bey were driven by the foe, tthere they %ill be happy in rice their rid cusinmee.. j fig. James Patterson, Jr, Corner of Ist and Ferry sir-rein l'ittsbargli, re., manufacturer of lucks, hinges and belts; tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; tbausen ar rewe fur nulling mills. &c. sum I G—y FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. P. NCLVANT, JAMES e. LEDLIV DIIILVANY & LEDLIE, mANcrAcreite AND KEEP CoNSTANTLYoN HAND Cut, Moulded a.ud Plain FLINT GLASSWARE , IX ill ITS VARIETIES, AT TIIEIR Corner of Market nod Water atreet!,,, 113 Our 11'orks continue in in!! operation, and wr are ronataerly adding to our stock, which enables us tui, 611 orders with promptne, Purchatrn err rr.r.rrifully au:kiteal to cell urul examine to ices and germs. rrill6-1v Removal. DR. WM. M. ‘V RI Ci I T, DENT IST, Ire, rerricorl to St. Clair b vet, next dour to the Exchange Hotel Buildings. sell 1 John roTCkakey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Simi, strxxt and Visgin S gab side. sep 10 Charles U. Kay - WHOLESA LE nikl 11.01: , :eller, Paper Denlvr, Siatiuner and L u LLutdq , cuuier of W.oll and Third xt web.. 'wilt I fl Pittsburgh Infirmary, FOR the reception and treattro.tit of derotmite, of the Illiman frame, such us Cl',!, or Rr, led Fret, rantrarted joints, ecry-nerk and Strohistnnr or Si/minting, tind of Diseases of the Lye, such to Ca taract,ete, under the care of ALBERT G WALTER, M D. Liberty, near the corner of Fuurth street. rl.-e 31—dti 111111 E subscriber infui ms his friends and the pub lic, that he has opened a new CABINET WARE ROOM, nt the corner of Ltherty and St Clair streets, over Brown and Reiter's lime Store, where Its in prepared to nrend to all ortlcra in his Entrance on St Clair street. up 15 M. KANE, Ja. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Coraer of SI. Clair asid Pinn elrecte,Pillsburgh JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. THE proprietor begs Nave to return hismost grate ful thanks to his friends and the public for r m,t favor:, and hopes, by at to merit a continuation of their patronage. The house is pleasantly situated near the Exchange; it ins accommodations for travel ers, and a large room fur public meetings, dinner or supper parties. _ - Always reedy. or prepared on the shortest notice, with the choicest the market will afford. Oysters rind Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell Oysters, received eve ry day during theseason. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of wined and liquors. A varie ty of newspapers are regularly filed in the establish ment. P. S. A Hottuach served up ' , very day at 11, A. 51 ap 18. Hotel amid Boarding Rouse, FRANK LIN HOUSE. rri HE susbcriber respectfully informs his friends ./ and the public, that be has opened a Hotel and Boarding House, comer ot Siam street and Cherry alley, where travellers and others will be accommoda ted on the most reasonable terms. The house is spacious, and has been fitted up at considerable ex pense, and every arrangement is.made that will et.- sure the comfort and render satisfaction to boarders and lodgers- A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited. spF22- tf CHRISTIAN SCHAtI ERTZ JOHN W BLAIR, DR. GEO. FELIX, MARTIN LYTLE, PITTSBUItIiH, PA PITTSBURCII. nemoval by Fire REFRESIDTNTS PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15% MIS. A CORE FOR CONSUMPTION. SEVEN THOUSAND CASES Of obstinate Pulmonary Complaint, eit red is ONE YEAR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER. RY, the• great American Remedy , for corm. plaints and affections of the Respiratory Organs. We do nut wish to traffic with the lives or health of the afflicted, anti we sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions as to the virtues of this medicine, and to hold eu no hopes to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. Wit ask the attention of the candid wain following considerations. Nature in every part of her works, has left indalld tile marks of adaptation and design. The constitution of the animals and or-gembleis of the unlit!, is such that they could not endure the cold of the frigid zone, anal vice versa. In regard to disease and its cure, the adaptation is more or less striking. The Mots of Iceland. the Wild Cherry and Pines of all Northern latitudes, (and Dr. Wistat's Balsam is a compound and chemical extract from these,) have lone been celebrated fur complaints prevalent only in cold climates. Indeed the most distinguished (nea r:di men have avernal that nature furnishes in every maim ry medicines for its peculiar diseases, Consumption In its confirmed awl incipient. stages, Coughs, Asthma, Croup, and Liver complaint, form by far the moat fetal class of diseases known to our land. 'set even these may be cured, by means of the simple yet powerful remedies, nainel otiose, and which are scattereA. by a hertelicient Providence, whenr ver those maladies prevail. WISfAII'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY! !Vat an trestle. steer cease? More evidence of its stir - passing ileoltA Restorative Virtires ! -s6 Frum Dr. ILiker,Bprine,firld. %Vashington co., Ky. Srataarirt.n. Kr., May 14, 1815. Messrs SnnGnd & Ynr Is—Gents—l take this oppor tunity of informing you of a mil-t remarkable cure fu•tf wuted upon me by the use of Dr. Wistar's Belnam of Wild Cherry. In the yraruf 1310 I n, talon with an ii.filamm, lion at tlie bowel., which I under for 6 weeks e hop I glade...lir recovered. In ihe fall 111331 I was 1111E1(40.d %lb chill, which sealed itnelf upon my and fir die apa c e thwe )ears I watt ran, filled 10 171 V I tried all kind? of medicine,, and creel- Lint of medienl aid e ii6nut lo•nefit, nod 11141. wearied alung until the uluiel 01 1314, until 1 heard ••IVof ilitat's tialoarn 011V11,1 Cle•T V." 1 Nly pur,uaded to / .:tse a a iloul,;111 had given op all 10.111•11441 - 4.4.04. 0. 4 and had prepared i ru: ...If for the change of unothe, wo,l]. T hrough ; !keit . grlicii.rtion* I taaa induced to make U.O G.41111410.1V14.tme. Ilirlinte .W ild Chm". .1111, effect all. t rolla.tnninhim. After live venni of pain 41rol afferingi; and oiler la, ing spent four or tier hu 0 4 0 ,1 tu 00 rut i.use r e al the Invt and most re.fi.aanlile phy•driani hot 0,44.4• 4 1 4,1111.410111:, I w. sthal ueniord 10 entire hrnhh ly die Mr.:in.!: /.1 . (ra e d and the U. 4. 01 Dr. Wi.ont',. Itu.,rn of 1% ild Cherry. INM now of, joyin4 10,1111 and 61/.1114. my al remd uppeaintrce that I am fill l , uger 1010 an when I meet my former acquaintance,. I lav e pined rapidly in w•eiglo, and my fienh is foto a nd ? o lid. I can now cat 1.4,010,1 hill lily f 4.01/ .....1101 10 a;rt.t. a 1111 inc. 1 hair' eaten 11101 e 4140411 g the hint aia 11144111101 01..11 1114 d eu4ll rise vitt, 14..1-01-4... my Ca., I 111111•• I miracle, I deem it riere.,,!. for the good al the t, a. , duly 1 clay totl.cl , nlnietmaand nn G ;low moo ( witopintaki know wh.-re idol may be had) to utake this state /Hoot fi•iblie. Nlay the blegoing of (I,rl rek! dirw, the tdr,p• jet", d.l rd. vidudtbld• e. 1Y ianra Bal.con ul 11 ild Cht•rl3. Yuul UVPThe fulkitning firm llitelm., of Fr.toklin, • w/itt mends big It in 111.4 p t ule”itin, nod rank. among 'be bun rd the ittrit•. shall yw•ak Cur itself in roinmentlatiott ot ale •• (irourn.• B'istur . • Butfisfl, of Wild Otero." riunklin. Init., April 11, 11111. Ni^ , *r• s andfonl I'olll.-1 base but it few bot tle., el' %Vititsr's bulsurn of .iitl retnaittiutt, on Imml of tint lust La furni-lied n, 1 la no Cutest rued wail I had NMI oul tira 1,.1 übirtiortl the mime% It,, 00,1,4 brfom I ordered 'mother. lint rtteli I. the dernanta fitr the article flout Ito n o t wilt in b.• it, and Inn ilwreltire led in innitctliste it little, .1112. IllosneNr Mr tire In•t .1.11 iiiitth-tening by tit" ht. lot is tihtpreted of, whir it. loom the I ire Intriv, 1 think will be but a slttet time. The tifei t. "(the balsam tire in rti my ens ,- s benefit:mi. r — e r " i , nrrinse. ur.mn uvititititiliture more ski tuns of her f'snent Ntedicim• I Ls. r ever It tioisn.,_rl A lino.t all other• I , lll'llpm trial and not being able to bear the test of expetinre, -ink into . 1 bet. It. ever, seem. Lo be mum highly %liked by those yi .. have testeJ its virtue,, and esiwrieuee t i it. healing • mosey in their own Yikill • vt'r re ' rctGtll.. JA NIES 11rrcinn. ie 3, ;i40.-04,4-4 t Mose ullo Cuunterfra a gr.od f.)l oorpoiie of Lidding a few dollars to their puckers, nit' r.ll wur ac than the manufornnrrauf filllrlollll corn . FOr While the later only robs 11.) of our ' , runer IV. inh e propene and 11. 6 .01i1 and life Nwd y.— Dr. AI Is re TeD Balsam of MN Cherry is ad mined Ly thousands of titAireere.ied t. ure,.. e ., to have rtli•rr ed the insot lictiiiiiirdinaly rot, in cues of a polo, oiiiy and astlimutir cletractvr titer befure recorded us Ilse hi.tesy et . medicine. Tile 111111 be:111111111, the good, till Fiteak lot it 4 Noise. It is now the lavoi tie medicine in the rno-i haelligent families of out country. Such u 111,7.11411a111d in 1111bilc eit.tilriat 101 l has been 11- chie‘eil by its urn metitJ alone. Anti so lung a, disc/oiling public are careful to get {l'istur', Bo som of IVild Cherry, and refh-, with scorn euuntrl- Git+ r and every other article I'rnl•rrrd 1111i11111 114 In .1111,111 We. iollong will cures-7 , o.valve. litiel — cheer the foeside of a depaiting true and gelmion ••11•i.te t ' s 13a1< /to/ %1 . 11 , 1 Cherry" is sold at establislit d zigelleies in all purls of the Unites{ StateJ. Soh! in Cincinnati, on the rortwy of Fourth and Walnut street, by SA INDFOR D&l'Alt K. Gen . ' Agents for the IVe,tetn States. Aloi, sold wholvoalo and retail. by L. Wilc“ and B A Fnlrtrestock, Pittsburgh, Pa. and by appointed agent:, in eve: y important Butouzli i.t Western Penn sy Iva Ma Select School for Boys and Girls. ILLI ANIS has upon hIS Select. Se.honl for s Males mai Females, in the room over Mr Dr... 1 'a Grocery, and formerly occupied by Mr Samuel Blood, in iecloral street., Allegheny, on :Muddy, the 18th inst. T LitSlC — riimaryClass, ref scholar per quarter of 11 weeks. Junior Class, Sktnior Clll6l, Rev. D. Elliott, D. 1)., Rev. D. 11. Riddle, D. D., Rev. A. D. Campbell, D. D., Hoe. Charles Sheler, Joseph P. Gi12.111111, M. D., Charles H. Idteell, Esq. wept I—dly. Pittsburgh Tack Factory. PTIHE undersigned, having built machinery of th . e Jll., most approed kind, will manufacture of the best quality of holland in the neatest style, TACKS,BRADS, FINISH I INGNAILS, SHOE NAILS, &c. &c. which they offer fur sale low. . . The attention or Western Merchants and others is invited to their establivinnoric. WOODWARD, HERSEY & CO. Fifth street, opposite the Exchange BAIA. july 1-6 m. ... • underthigmaii- invite attention to the follow ing certificates The undetst4 ned tiaying been requested by Messrs. Constable & Stricklar, to be present and superintend a test, by firs, of on* of their recently invented Phrc nit Fire Proof safas.and deeming the subject ono of very great publie impuissance, hive carefully scrutinized the progress of a testiliv hick one of said c h ests was subjected. The cheat.vrtot supponed at each corner, at an e l evat i on of inches from the ground a fire of Bitumicou• COW and fire writ made over and around and kept acitivgly burning 5i consecutive hours. The furl conapmed was about 80 bushels of coal, and one cord of paha; the beat all the while be ing quite intense, sadilli the opinion of the untie' sign ed much greater dons itofe it likely to sustain in any ordinary balsa bunting. On the removal of the fire. tit their request the cheat was opened, anti gmutly I,t the astonishment of the undersi•ned and the large number of citu,nit present. a Blink Book with &ad' v Bank titles within its fold.; a piece of Dry pins Worst rind th, inner lining of the safe, which is of Wood, were found warm in deed, but not in the Slightest de t ztee charred or inju red, some rasnumsipt on the Book as legible as be• fore the teat. 'The undin.s igned are tr animint+ in the conviction that a fire prottf chest is pt actiruble; and that the ingenious and toterptising manufacturers, whose efforts fix same snamits past to producing this desider.stum hove primed so entirely' succes:tful, de serve the public confidence and [MI f 1,11,1;.:e• in. the character att the alinve named Gentlemen, tine public have a rattrainee agaitest deception. in tine teal which was traded our Plueitix Safes. anti We there line feel the utmost confidence in recommending them :IS a reliable protectlkm lire. under any Old init..- I y eirrututtuncie. We rrnAl a.*nrn these interesh,l, that there is nu rapt aliuut their Safet, lint what i. twee.aarily cmmecimt w4ll the „helves anti drawers. Wu make Vault Duties in ilia nianiter and n i t. .i n thn unme plan. (Jae of the.. can be erru ut Iteaae C. Towte.erui & ecita new the w.ekma,.bire 01 Ilur V au l t. they ran be ta the contorting , Lyon. Shnrb Si. Cu., cimrelt 6c C.srothel . d, Wm Lome,. 6n.g &11olines, J. 11. 0,1, P. M'Curibiek, 1.1.1 W. 51 irt.th. 'Alttatufactory opo-21 Athel. between 111 rod nnJ Sineht.el.l. CONSTABLE & SI R ICKLER. 04-I.owr 15. 13.1.', Cor ner of Libel - I:land Parlorysfrergs, Fifth {Van!, . . rai.hh,,h, Ai \ NUFACTLIER. .1 M..z , r•-il Fir.' rr , of Ili. (11(..1,. Iron Dour'o, (;i Av. and IIitillog4: In,, I)tror. tor batik VuultA, Curnl and 1i3.1 Rood-I rons 1(o with e , el-) dest-Or.i ot Soliob ,011... Itor. it TO—M A lien, Jame. 11 Mdy. Will,,irn I i °lmes, 50 , ,,,,,1 Church, 1..-wi. H10cki.,... . I..,rynx,Sterliti; S.:. C0...10hn Irvi in A: Son, X 0.,,,,1 S. .1..ne., A lievien. 1 BF:ELF:N. E. 9.. Comuli...; , s, Mewir.o.c.,rnet of Fr.ott and Fe, ry *lrret.4. rind Mr. (i. III: A I.E. Jr., N. 74, 1V,...1 .f r yeL, •gl• At!. , ot- 6,1. l'itt.horgh; and 1e....t... BRYAN m.(l Mill EN 1.11:1:GEII. St Loui., i r MO., I. e ither of r, rn o hordet Ft oluy bend yrimi. 'rift II. "'turd/ 3.18 If,. .i. DENTAL s I; LIGEICY. Ttrill iupplioi on improred Peincip!es at reduced Char Fes. A lt TI Hen T.lllllirieti frometnr to n n r•ntkr iooorte4l to ittl.l,t rt . tin' pm pottett of Nitt.fied 11,311 and 4n leithiliMl.l4l , l•.l 1 , 11.1,111 teed.; and bone.r ly them, that the clow.t ot o m t ,e r c a nn ot letret them Vol. H. BAKER, Teeth filled with TOl)th pn+tr, and pain Made ..111.1 and ii.efsi for m3stira tion. I , I) ,, i4lirig il,e wee,so) of estsucting infested by assiste.isisesie pret—ture fl shunt piing, r 411,1. ill•rio if attended In iu rte,e•iortl, and .41,/li g1e.311 leinedied. Ant.-, lb., 11..4 1 011 . .11111” I••• 1 and n rirt e,ll l "vi ul hi. urtiticill teeth hni,Lrd, whwh he ~,%ttus Liam wh, ,turid In !Atli of 1.1.111111. C. Fot Teeth on Gold l'lttt e , bum t 2 to $3 trench Silver PLAte of Pivot to 2 50 (14 to 1 " ':i chi Ficr Plugging Fin excise' in ; xiven nver by oilier ibniiiccts. stAieneii iei charge mole 'salient entice sati,fact inn is go. • A.l. , ce zrntia, %) LI 3 in T Ll Enl•+re:exi-ting between Jame, K. Logan awl Guurg.. Cututell, antler lbs. 111111 1.1 J R Lot.. . C.. is Oils (lay nununl wn.e•nt• All pets.... lilts ing r.lnim• egiOloo the limn, v 4 ill 'Oen..e prrseto them Ito het ileme l o. o. < l ill in. 1,1,1 , 11 rill l•leape moil, rot) muto i J K .110 i- duly tu ert•l Ile the of the coric.•lll. J K WI; AN. CUNNEL L. Pitt sbutgl., August 1, I 3d•',. • lAS. K. Log:ill. rotto.l or 1 1 01,11 OJP o. t, .1 I) U.,,,„' A uction bro)4desiroul Of Chang Ina TIIPACM fur Salo Nlork of Dry 1iu0.14 uoa nn latitd, It co,i, comt.ri,ing a Inv ge 1 11 8011111eflt of cru 1.. ca..imere,, oity, pi too.lins. I,llid reTeCiftllly invi , e the utientiAn !Pot' wi.Ling to purchase us Lc i- deit•rmilled I. clot:1.1y hin l nuernl lothiness. A“so., 9_. 1345.—nug 4. --- Public Notice. I'rr•,i.lrm, p1:1111A and Co , ormtly, kuown itA the •.Par mein' I).•po„rt Blvd: of Pitt.burgli," will, ut lie next mcetitlx of the I,•gi.lature of the Gromonw,•ulitt of I' , •nnxlcuniu, mulct application lire the pi ietie,e of i.,ninr' ernes put nide on de- Till)N11'S()N HELL. Cabliier. Jul!, 1:t,1845..1):30•,11.1no13. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages Al Eastern l'rires. rtill sult4eriltertnanufactu re . and Iteep4 conttant ly o n band Caael., C uud Elll,li, SpriaTA (war tattled,) .11111iIIIII I run Axle,. Silver and liras. plated Dash Frantea. Bid, and plated flab Hand, Stator dttitt, patent Leafier, Sii% e l and Three-fold Steps, 111alleabl e Irun, D a e t 1 lundkp Ilineee. &C.. &C. Hc reventfully ,tulieitA a continuance of the patron age lietettalutu beatto‘ed upon the e. , taltliAtrne nt . WILLIAM COLEII.IN, Jon 'I St Clair at., near tie Allegheny Bridee. net 111% Take particular Notice THAT the Fianklin House, lull( of Irwi n street, Pittsbuth, by R B DimoND, ii the mo t eligble establishment for trunsient travellers or those who may wish u longer residence in the city, his nceornodat ions are excellent. We know from expel lent:e and heartily recommend his house as wonhy of patronage. Hugh Kirkland. Freeport. Wm Connelly, Franklin. Bengamin J Niblock, Butler. H Fl Webb, Cochranton. Jno Hamilton. Ohio. John beiley, New York. Borders accommodated by the day or week, month or yearly. John Cartwright [ C UTLFAI and Surgical Instt ument Manufacturer No 190 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Alwain on hand an extensive a. , sortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shear* Saddler'a Tools, Trusses, &c. je 24. Phisiii4 Safes and Vaults CERTIFICATE JOHN ANDERSOS, L. M. LI ViNGsTuN, JOSIAH KING, WAIIIIIcK MAR PIN, EDWARD HEAZELTON, JAMES PARK, It. IMMM!I JAMES COCUfIAN, itGEs J (AI ‘NinEur.‘iN. Siirzeon 11.•ro i •t. tit I An, St Diuolntion Dry Goods at Cost Mails to Gslvosion - • DROPOSALS to carry the mail.; of the United JL Staten, front the Lit of March. 1.846, to the tlBth o f February, 1850, with richt to the department to estend to the 30th of June, 1850. from New Orleans, in Louisiana, to Gavelston, in Texas, 950 miles and back, will be received at the Contract Office of the Poet Office Department, until the :15th dny of litila ry, 1846, to be decided by the 31st day of said Janu ary.* Leave NOW Orleans every Saturday at 10 a. m., ar rive at Gavelston every neat l y by 10 s. M. Leave Gavelston every Tuesday at 10 a, m., arrive at New Orleans every Thursday by 10 a. m. The proposals should specify the mode of convey ance, whether by steam-ship or sailing packet, and set forth the size, rate, and description of the vessel, with sufficient patticulurie y to enable the decision tee be made, on the advice of the proper officers of the naval service, whether the same is or is not converti ble into a shipof-war. And special notice is hereby given, time, agreeably to dm provisions of an act Congress, approved March 3d, 1343, those proposals (being acceptable in other respects) will tee preferred which shall engage to carry are mail in a steam ship or ships, and shall stipulate to deliver said chip ur ships to the United States, or t - r their proper officer, on demean' made, fur the purpose of beill; converted into a vessel or vessels of war; the United Staten be ing bound on their [fait to pay the fair full value throe. of at the time of delivery, to be lesc , rmined by four appraisers—appointed, two by 'the President of the United States, nod two. by Ihe 11W11.•r l/rdnnt..., witb an umpire in case of disa4r,etrir.nr, to be appointed by the President of the United Stales. The bidder may prupose a different schedule of days and lieu's than the oar above sta•cified lie may ask for au annelid sum of compensation; or in lieu thereof, a certain proportion of the 1/o..l a gr a are, Uillg Olt the mull-mutter coriveyekl over elle 11.1,0, and he en ty offer LC/ Cal ry Ihe Mail more frequently than once u week. Ar . rick,r, of cum raet etc to lw 1.)..1•CU1t,1 by the ac cepted bidder and by his haretiec, by or k.-foe the 1,1 day of March 11,1.1.. The coot act is to provide among other thitr s, that the pay of the nip is to lte feerfe'oed when the trip is nor leerfiee mei!, :end a elm- rropotrion alien a grade of service is reralerisl inlet der to tliut specified in the conttaet; tspd that tioes maybe itorna, ar t less Lire delinquency be S , lllPfllCl.Olily ozpluir.ed in due time, fur failing to tot, filen ot to deliver into. the post office at the port of laneling„ the mail belong ing thereto, ur any part nt void snail; fur suffering' the road. or tiny part of it, to be wet, mimed, bet , , or de" ruyed; fur conveying it in a place Cr moor that cx• poses it to depredation loss eir frr, refusing, af ter demand made, to convey a rn eil by any addi tional steamship or ves.el ,tin by the contractor on the route, over and above the specified rieurber of trips in thecontract. and for not utriaing at t h e time set; 1.1110 for trat”mittitig illtelligallCO, Or furnishing the means nl trart.mitiin;; intelligence lit Av.., the nrirr.— be Postmastet Genial ntay annul the contract for re peated failures; for violating the post of ate lass.; fo r disobeying the hist, actions of the tl.partmem; for re• fusing to dilehat ge a carrier when nviiied by the fir mament; for assig ling the corett.ect a iihutit the Coll. ,11'11. of this Postai:islet G,•neralt or for setting up Cr mooing an psi.' C.Ol as aforesaid. The Posimacier General rosy cd•cr lie ronteart, an/ alter the schedule, be allowing a pro rah: he mease of comp.-n..6.'1, a ;thin the le,lliilil/114 impo sed by law, for the additional service triplin.d. or fur iarrearll.l.l s pud, if the err ['lee meta of additional stock of cahriees is ICINICI,,/ IleCI,C11%; but the con tractor may, in •rtell case, relibuileyle tile contract. on timely notice if lie prefera tt to the change. The Peistmastrr (ietiet al may also di-continue or curtail the ner , ire, he allowing 011emnifill'a rat, a pay on the amount adept-tee-el a Tie; and ihe cont tart "reioN at any time Ise terminated by joint ruselut ion oldie two !loos es of Congress." The rune, the 3erVi••a, tine ye a ' r ly pay, the bidde r ', name and ru•idence, nod the name of earl: member of the fret alien, a company offers, sleeted be distinctly shoed in the proposal, The• following is the form of the guarantee, whielt should be filled the first blank with the name of the guarentot; the ..et: tnd with that or the biddrt; nod Oa &hitt! and hoirth with the liegimiing and terminating of Ike route; anti, after being dated; should signed by the g4411(4.4 . , WIIO must be shown, by the WI then oci tifirute of u re.ltTe, IT, or other erioilly sni i.fect:.ry testimonial, to be n man of rooperty, and able to male plaid his gusraiitee. This goat ,ititee, so Cell ified, should uccomr•any cu to '• —, cworumee■ that —. if 1.1, hid for car in;; the mail loom— to -- Le Ile- veptud I,v the l'o.tm.lAce G.l4crttl, —.ball voter into en ~~blig - ntimr prior to the 141 dity of March next, r,4,./iti nisti nufficictit to pet ft.rtn the Si!' icr propo.td. ••Datt,l —." The Lid •liould In• writ under f.eal in tiw Fintt si,tont Gem, n I, nod rro potinl.—Galveston %%flu., on tlw f.tne of the letter, and slmultl dettrnorlmtl in time to tot rreeit ed by or below the 95t doy ofJanuar) nett, which will te the lint flay for rt•cuki .g roopo.uk onder this C. JOHNSON, Puezind,tei Geoetal. Pori' Osstc v. Dr rsIITMLN oct 20 Washington, October 11, 1315.11m12t. I'. S. If th.• bidder shall not catt•itlet himself tilde rr roetart'd to commence sen ice as varly az the 1-t of March next, lie will sticrify in hi. pnipu-ul~, tin day tot which he will put the service in (Tv Lion. WM. DOIIGLLIS, Fashionable Hat ucd tap Manufacturer. No. 78 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH, WOU L D reAlsectfullyuntootnee to hi. OIL friends nod citizen, general?', glint he hos opeto,l ut Nu 78 Wood Stuevt, Fast side, Burnt &Target, nearly opposi, hi. old biond, win,- will he found Hats and Cups, of the latest style and FashiutJ; pricem very low. N. B. COMM MorelitirtA me resnecifull to cull and examine Ilk stock pultel.usint; where, which will to offered nt prices OMt cannot fail to ideal.° at No 78 11'0041 ste.•rt. ung2l..3in FALL FASHIONS THE substiber wicul resper.tfully ens lit ....efitalllce 10 his numetous cumtemers and the public that hn is prepioed to supply them with his beautiful io)ie of hat. He would say to all win: wi,h to it the worth of their money, that this is the place to come and but,•. It is well known that quite an inlet for ut ticle of Hat• have been sold at exorbitant prices and the mtichuser betting but truck for nis mane) and earnings. The is, 4.l,l,v:item is but slight ly touched • and he dues not manafact are an i niet los article to palm offllll the working man. His business is conducted on the CASH SYSTEM. and he is de termined to sell cheaper than the cht•npcst uf the cheapest. mock nr FA LL ANTI W INTER C.II'S ate of the illoA fa:1111011,dd, , C11:10Illel, ' I lots mode Ut N 11 1 ,11 1 ,1 notice. Ako, Riding Caps end lu hun's (7iips ur every potter ii to snit the in,te. N. 11. Dont t the plane, I want n romill por tion of per !Midi 4 . 1.111;<`, 111141 you tiuly rely On get ting noise roc the some ;it fin , sign lir the BialVhite I lot. hi, .1 ckor Flom John D. 0,5:0' Auction Room,. Recollect tho'•l'elluw Front." G. W. GLASGOW. No IQ•', Wood Ft., l'lt.t..Luigh. JANES HOWARD & Co. HAVE the pleasure to announce to their friend., thin they again occupy their old stood ut No. 83, Wood t ce , %%here they have opened an exten sive WALL PAPER_ WAREHOUSE, And will have constantly on hand an extensive assort ment of Satin-glared and plain PAPER HANG. I NGS, Velvet and Imitation Bordera,of the latest:style; and most handsome pattmea for papering halls, par lors and chambers. They manufacture, and have on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Bonnet and Fuller's Boardsall of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms, and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Books of all kinds and the best qual ity, School Book•, &c. always on hand and for sate as above. aug 25. RE-BUILT AND AT WORK! PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE. WILLIAM D. SILIFFEII, PRVIICHANT TAILOR, D ESPECTFUL LY informs his friend* and the public,genenally, that he has taken the NEW STORE At the corner of wood and Water streel+, on the Site occupied by Air S. Scheyer previous to the Great Fire, where he is prepared to furnish all articled is the line of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, On the moat moderate terms, and ut the shortest no tice. His stuck of Goods in ENTIRE!, Y NEW, And has been selected with much care to suit the mar ket. lie has in his employment some of the best wot kmen iu the city, and from long experience in the Imeiness, he Elopes to give general sat isfaci ion to I hose whn may favor him with their custom. A large as sortment of Clothing suited to the Season. consisting of Cloth, Frock and Dress Collis, of all colors curious qualities, froms6 to $l3; various lanterns Tweed, Linen, Gingham and Cassirnere Coats, vary ing in price from $1,25 to 6; together with a large stock of Cloths Cessimere.Sattinett, Tweed, Jean and Som mer Punts—all of whim!, have been recently manufac tured, and of the best material., purchased at the lute reduced prices. He offers to the public as GOOD BARGAINS As any esittillishment in the city. Ile Inv also a large stork of Vests, Shirts, cotton and silk Cravats. Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, %%Lich in is prepared to sell luw• Cut ra.h, and ra-h only. fluvin2 ,ecor t nl the son, ices of an excellent Cutter, he is pi epared to ma nufart tire carments of all kinds Lu order, in such a manner as to render I ho PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE worthy of public pationage. The public are in. iicJ cull awl eiiiriniue, for tin BOOK AND Jou PRINTING OFFICE, N. W• CORNER OF WOOD & FIFTH STS The proprietors of the• MORNING POST and Ms it et.:KY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform OM' I t tends and the porous of those paper,, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of .:mversou ,- Ar. • cam3F Necc.,sarytu a Job Printing Office. and that they are prtspa,d to Execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Or EVERY 'DESCRIPTION Iltsogs, I Bilk of Lading, I Ciinulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Ilandbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. Sill ktntis of 131aults, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, trial ap. propriale ru/s, Printed on the shortest maim, and most reasonable W.. respectfullyaskthepatronageofourfriendsand tho public it ceneral in thi, branch of our business. BIGLER, SARGENT Sc BIGLER. July 25,1. 845 EXTENSION OF PITTSBURGH Bare Chance for good Investments ! THF: subscriber has laid out, and now arms for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms. One hundred and ten building Lols, on that handsome level ground bet raven btrect and the Monongahela Jiver. They are about one-diiid of a mile from 'be city line, And ate ii touted in that part of the first city district which will probably soot, be annexed to the city us the Seventh ‘Vutd. No pro piny in thesuburbs possessessuperior advantanges, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an al lowance of wide streets; Braddock is front one bon , dred and twenty to about one Minified and ninety feet wide, and Beelen, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and I miter stieetspll wide avenues. Mmt of the loislinse two fronts, and as they are of varinon sizes, And will be sold, one lot, with the pri,ilege of lour of five; emit, applicants can be accommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons who denim to build or to make secure investments in property that is dun to advance in value, and part teulaily those who intend to erect manufactories, would do well to view these Lion, arid examine the draft, before purchasing else- The. sursey for the BalthAole mod Ohio Rail HMI and the tail road sill vey by the State of I'cnrt- S,hnnia wet c bmit made alongside of this properly, and it in generally considered that Braddock street, or the ground immediately alongnide at it, dim ds the only eligible route for a Rail Road (ruin Pittsbuigh to the East. Coal can be delivered on this propvt ty at a much less cost than on the Allegheny liver, and dame is always deep water at tbis part of the river. E. D. GAZZA tteg2s-ti. Office Market between 3.1& 4ill sts. To Printcrs E lupin creels oil, and a ill horcan or Loop col - istantly on hand, a full eupply of Priming Ink, in large andsmall Loge, which sve will be able to soi cheaper than it Liastierotoiiirebt-en told in th is city. Orders from the country accompanied by thu each ita ♦LL c•seo)a iiibepromptly attended to. BIGLER, SARGENT & BIG LER, Jy Office o the Poscand M.anufactui or. R. PERRY, - FASHIONABLE BOOT INIAKER (Formerly of the Monongahela House and late of street.) HAVING removed buck again to the Burnt Dis trict, one door from the corner of Third and Wood streets, the undersigned is again prepared to accommodate his old friends and the public generally, with BOOTS and SHOES, of the best material, and of the finest and most fashionable style. - B. PERRY. . Remember the place! one door above Key's Book store, %%rood ac. fx-13-3m. PRICE, TWO CCNTS: . t . ••• e•gp •_ _ REGULAR WEEKLY AND SFMI - 3IONTHLY LINE OF New York and Liverpool Packets, BLAKELY & murcti EL. AGENTS, Office, Canal Basin, Ptnn st. and Smithfield, near GM s!rert, PilLrbargh, Pa. ROCHE, BRO.'S & CU., in asking the auention of their friends and the public to their urranFe menta for 1845, beg leave to ti sure them that nothing 'hall be wanting on their part, to render thouu who may /Meet their line, both snit and comfortable, Par ticular attention vi ill be paid to nged persons, and Youths ulat may be sent for by their parents. Among the vessels composing the "Black Ball of Old Line of Liverpool Parkes, wilt be found the CA BBIDG E. told COLUMBUS. Person: , desirous of sending f r th e i r rri o „d, now residing in any part of the "01:1 Country," can make the necessary arramgements with the subscribers, and have them brought out. by the shove well known fa vorite “LINE OF PACKETS," which sail from Liv erpool punctually on the 15th and I Grh of every month; also, by first class AMERICAN Ships, sailing from there every SIX DAYS during IEIS. Should the persons decline coming out, the money will be return ed to the parties here, without any deduction on pro ducing the passage certificate and the receipt. With such unequalled and seperior larangernents. the sub scribers confidently look forward, for a continuance of that support which has been extended to them, so matry )cats. Apply to (or addmos by ktier. pnot paid.) RUCH B aHmis & co. No 35 Fulton or. New link Or BLAKELY & MITCIIEL, Penn and Smillifield or. 1'41ot:41r:01. Pa Agent ni Liverpool, J ANI ES D. ROCHE, ENT. N. .21) Writer Bt. Remittances to Great Britain and Ireland, aad the Wes of Guernsey and Jersey: P ERSONS desirous to remit to thew relativeatin England, lielana, Scotland, Wales, or to the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, can at all ihnes obtain drafts payable at sight, on the Roynl Broth of Ireland, Dublin. Also on Messrs. Prescott, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers. London; uhich will be paid on demand at any sf the Banks, or their Branch , .., in all the N.M. rips' Toes. throughont ENGLAND. IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, GUERNSEY to JERSEY. This mode offers to those wit.hing to make remit tances, from One Puund and upwards, a perfectly sore way of scnding money to their friend, and 111US e Who prefer that their friends should stlect their own . time of coming out, and titter select their nu n slpa, can re. Mil money by the subscriber-4o that. ririot.e. Arpi . , to (01 addles , by letter, pc,d paid.) ROCHE. BRO.'S & CO. No ‘.20 Fldron • New York. BLAKELY & MITCHEL, Pittsbotgh. Pa. Or •np 131 A w llf • : • j . I 4 . .. Jir. 44A • .r• • : . 'V V ilk r ir, Si Arl 011 , . 4! -T New York and Liverpool Commercial Lino of Packets. • • !JOHN lIERDI AN, No., CI Noun, et., Nese York. IV HE subscriber, in calling the attention of the pet.. _L lic to his ones - palled arrangement far bringing out passengers from all !tarts of Cheat Britain b.. the above line of splendid ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, would respectfully make known that in midis tun to his tegular agents, he has appointed yl r Thottis as 11 Dickey, who will remain at Liverpool during the •enson to olperinted the embarkation of all Nese,- gers engaged here. Personas - tripling muy, thereto, e, 1..1y on their friends. and all who may accompany them, being promptly sent fore aid. He is, as ustd, prepared to remit money by draft, payable et sight through the United Kingdom, in amounts in suit tip alul ut the lowest tate:. Fo r bother patticu Im - sor e ly tuadchess JOHN HERDIIAN, 'Co GI Stout. at., New York. JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK, At James Dalze.ll's Water st , Pittsburgh. ,jab• Iff 3m. JL'sT RECEIVED AT THE -----. IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No. 1.'2 Liberty st , two doors from St. Clair it feel , A SPLENDID ai=ortmeot of Fall owl Winter Goods. The ist , ffietor of ibis ttulc favureLres• souutioev s is the Public, ih, L Le is prsTa• ed to make to urdcr all intik:ll.s iti his hiss, ut. this shorlesl police, sod hi the 11-w.f. FASHIONABLE STYLE. Il,tving st.tu tvti Ihe vices it ota of the BEST CGT- J EllS in theeity, he will in all cues %vanilla& good fit. Ile has a spiel). did assort meat nl VARILD and PLAIN 113 F. A VE I{ CLOTHS , Also supertinel3lue, Brown and Invisible Green Cloths of all tiodl- hies and various prices to suit the purchaser.. He h rs u splendid lot of vestings of all f , ulleirrs; Sattinetts iu great vaiiety t Shute. Slinks, B.sums, CulLit a, Ilatolketthiefe, Sus• uod every ether aside in the CLOTHING LINE, whichhe will sell I.OIV FOR CASH. • 1103 proprietor returns his sincere bis•uld Customers and the Public in general, for the very lib, rral mariner in "inch they Lave patroniz.ed estab lishment. and hopes by' en, let attention to bu , .ineis,und selling them Cheap Good:, to merit a continuation „r tlw same. 110 2 211-6io. C. !11'( . 1. 1 ): , •ii EY. TO PRINTERS. Type Foundry, and Inruishing Warchou.se. TLIE subscribe!, have opened a new Tye Foundry in the city of New Yolk, where they are ready to sapply orders to any extent, fa any any hind o f y o b or fancy Type, Inc, Paper, Citeti, Galleys, Bros. Rules, ;Steel, Column do, Coluptada g sticks, Chaffer, and every article necessaly for Printing Office. The tyle are ca•t in new Tllol.llll=, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with deep counters, are warrant ed to be uasui passed by any, and will be a„Lltoauit the times. ]'tinting PI esSOS fur ni•ht•ll, rind also &cum Enene* of the Most approved patterns. N. li.—A ruavbioim cousiataly io atteoximme to tc• pair l ' res.rs ood do light wo, Composition Hullers cunt for Printers. Editors of NeWNitititi's Who will buy duce tittle: , Rd much type a.. their s bills amount to, prey givetio, abovo six - numbs ' insertion and send their poperA coutaiiiiDg it to the sub.cribers.. European Agency. EMITT ANC Es money co moderato terms, .1%., can be !nude dulinc ll ulp.ene e 1n Enters', 113 every part of ireldni, England, Scotland, Wales or the continent of L.lope. Legneie3, debts, property or claim s tecuvered; grim:lles fur titles and documenis effected, and other European bUslllte , • acted by applying, to Jame:l May, Water .treeil Pitts burgh. Ii KEENAN, - (N 412 Attest And Attorney at doivr. Pith.bureh. ort Pitt Works, Corner of O'Hara mid Etna street', Fifa Ward. DISSOLUTION. THE, firm of Freeman, Knap Sc. 'rotten, in this day diqsolvod, by the sale ut Ibe entire intete.t of John Freeman in the concern, to Charles Knap, Jr. and William J Totten, wh o will continue the business under the name of Knap &Totten, and will settle nil claims against the said firm, and receive all debts and demands owing to the name. l'ittet'sb, Aug. 18, 1644-inr,(2B .• •••Ir. ' • fm, • , - - I 't P - - 15 4 5 ROCLE, BROTII ERS CO.'S NEW Oft IR E, OXFORD, MONTEZUMA, 184 5 . CROCKFORT & OVEREND Ge Ann .tree[