• :.• ,,, titx., -- 12:f . fifIVOM:11;r:' wll/403, rcins 13 rtatiamruffs: TIVANIPORTAT/ON. Mani 1845. MOM United States Portable Boat Liao, For the Transportation of Prright ond Esnigrahl Prrsiragcrr, to and from PITTSBURGH, iiILTINIORE, PHI LA DEL• PHU, NEW VOILK, AND BOSTON. BOATS leave and goods are _ carried through n 8 days, without any transhipment between Pittoborgh and Philadelphia. Rates of Freight or resssge isiwnyit an iOW as charged by oilier Lines that reship three tires on the same route. CHARLES A. M'ANCLTY, Canal Boqin, Pittahurgli. ROSE, NI ERRILI. & DODGE 71 Smith's ‘Vharf". Baltimore. A. L. GERHART & CO. Moilset st., Philadelphia. Pittsburgh. Aug 19, 1845 k 1a1845 Ea=l Itinghasn's , Transportation Lino, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH %ND THE EAST ERN CITIES. PROPRIETORS NVAI. HINGHAM, JAC.II Dock, THOS BI S,lll/011, \Vs. A. S fRAT TON Conducted on Sabbath-keeping principles. THE Proprietors of the old estalili4wd Line have • thoroughly recruited nod renewed their s to c k, and ere well prepared to f•prward Produce and Mer chandise on the opening of nnvig - atit,n. The long experience of the Pinprietors in the tar rying businew, with their entchfut attention to the in terests of customers, induces them to hope thut the patronage heretofore extended to — Bingham's Lim' will be continue-1 and increaßM. Deeming the usual pdtglorifing advertis ing too absurd for imitation, and believing that Frith former customer. vie need no self.rommendation, see would merely incite Fitch as have nut heretohne patronised our Linn, to give us a trial. Our rates of fn•ight •hall at nil times be as low as the lowest that aro charged by other responsible Li ne; reduce and Merchandise will he received and fer . anted without any charge fur advertising, Starace D r Bilk of lading promptly torwttelt and every direction carefully attended to. Apph tn, or address, WM. 131 NGH A M. enn,l • cor Li!o-rty.od Vine BE:NIGH:IM, POCK, and SLR A rfON. No. 9.7 G Mrtrket street, Philndelphia. JAMES WILSON. Ac-ot. No. 12 North Ilnwarci Brdlimote WILLIAM TYSON. Alz•olt. Nu. 10, Writ •IreCt, Ne“ York. RELI►NCE PORTNIILE BOAT LINE AbtMllB4s. FOR TRANSPORTATION OF GooDs Between Palehurgh aril all the Eastern r'ill' IVITHUr I 'TRANSHIPPING. FINIS old !Ind long established Li e ba itiz nrnr ly dou!tled their capacity and ismiltties for rat rying goods, Ire note prepating to reCel‘C produce and mertbandize to any !111 - MUM for shipment East m %Vest. The bunts of this Line hei-ig all four seroio n Porta ole Boat*, are traneferred from Canal to Idol,ntd, thus saving all transhipment or separation of goods; ns th,. goods are never ternoved till their arrival at Philadel phia or Pittsburgh. This Line being the Pioneer in 'hie mode of (-nerving tiller a suecessful operation of eight %err.. are rnnbled with confidence to refer to all merehants who have hereta.re ratronired them. Western Merchants nine respectfully request,' to give this Lice a trial, es ry exertion %till be need to render sati.fuetion. Moe chandler and Produce ale..as can led at us Lw in ice, on as fair !ertns. and in as short time, a, by any oth e r Lino. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel phis will be sold on liberal term.. Goods consigned to either our house at Pittehurrh on Philadelphia, forwarded promptly, and all requisite charges paid: JOII:s; Nlcl'A DEN C Co.. Penn creel. Omni Bain, JAS. M. DAVIS, & Co., 241 and 251, mr. r 25. Marketst.,PLi;mielplliti FARE REDUCED TO 88 Opposition Good Intent Fast Line for Of SPLEPOIT) TOOT 3011 T COACHES, - kATt. A .74.1 Limited tc , Seven Passenger, Leave Pitt.burgh daily at t, P. M. RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 HOURS, A/mending the mountain with SIX HORSES AND POSTILLIOA ONLY ONE NIGHT OCT TO CHAXCLIISIIVGIT rnr• ft 1tr;4i111 ;;- Thence by RAIL ROAD to Philadelphia, Owing the only Line, running their own ear, on the road.) connec ting with Mail Can for New York; also at Chatriber, burg with nail lines direct. to Baltimore and iYa.,ll - City. UPOffice three duort. from Ecchange :S-ly A. HENDERSON, Agent. 4 NEW HAT AND CAI' STORE. w 4„ CHAS. H. PAULSON, (LATE OF THE FIRM uy FACISoN & GILL) H AVING opened his new more at No, 73. Wood Street, Next door to the corner of Fourth, is now manufactur lag sod receiving from the Eastern Cities airy large assortment of HATS and CAPS, of every descrip tion, arrtronted to be made in the hest manner, and of the best materials. Otter,Seul, fine and common Muskrat, Senlette, 3ait•Soal, Plushund Glazed Caps' Also, a fine assortment of Ladies' Furs. such at Lynx, Fitch. Genet and Coney MUFFS AND TIP PETti AND FUR TRIMMINGS, nll of which he otTers fur sale at EASTERN PRICES FOR CASH, both wholesale and retail. Country Merchants will please call and examine my stock before purchnaing cl,..ew here. CHAS. 11. PAULSON. N. B. Tito Fall Fashion for Hats and Cups eceiv td. p 27 Still they Come. READ TUE FOLLOWING filS is to certify dist I have fuldt, tested the tues of Thompson's Carminative. Nnv ing been troubled with a very severe puin in my sioms 11 and diarrlimn or summer complaint for several weeks end was perfectly restored h!, °King one Bottle. GEOROF. ADDISON. Dili - ens Sold by Whick,un .Agent t.t.d liber ty streets. ort Glory, Gratituda an Patriotism. The Jackson IVreath, or National Souvenir. ANational Tribute, commemorative of the greet civil victory, achieved by the people, through the Hero of New Orleans, containing a mope( the United States, a portrait of Gen. Jackson, a view of the bat tle of New Orleans and the Hermitage. Just received agd for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCK roN, julo Market street. BACK AGAIN. Cil_EO. ALB REE has removed tohis old stand. No. 71, corner of Wood and 4th streets. Burnt Dis• trict. where he is now receiving an entire new, fresh ■nd sesionable stock of Boots and Shoed, of all de scriptions. which he offers fur sale upon the most suit. f ac tory terms, and lower pikes than he has ever sold before. Country Merchants and others are respectfully in sited to call an examine his stock. sep27-3m. To Printers ! UPERIOR PRINTER'S IN/C.—DR. G. BEN- I.) JAMIN SMITH. 179 Greenwich street, (new Brick Block,) New York, keeps constantly on hand Printers Ink, of a superior quality, at the market price, viz—Extra News Ink, at 30c.; Book do. 40c., 50c., fil3., 75c., and .1 per lb. These Inks are manufac tured by steam, and of superior stock. Printers will favor Dr. G. with a call before purchasing their winter stock, as they will find it decidedly, to their advsntage t o deal with him. sep64 JUST RECEIVED • NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET. TLIE eubecriber having returned again from the ceitt ern now opening his full amt ok in ter dual of gondi, ext - eeding in variety end extent tiny thine licartof,re of in this city: Thankful to his Irirr,d, and the pnLlic fia Iho h.-lei, received, mid which 6e,. induced him 10 fair. chase more extensively. Iloin before, lie again invitee their attention to the cheapest, heat selected and maid extensive 11 , f.Orthlrlit which he has ever berme offered among a Lich are French, Engli , h, German a nd. American IfloadelothS, Black, Blue, invisible Green, Olix•e, and other Colora, Which nre all a Fuperiur quality. 11-u, a splendid of VI:STINGS OF ENTIRE NEW STYLES FRENCH PATTERNS. Al.to, a Lion lot of Ff ENCH• AND ENGLISH CASSINI Fit ES of every shad«, color, and ',town), ahidt cannotttil w pleutc Lite iutinus Instu, of his coioorners. Also. New Stylo of Beaver and Tweed Cloths, OF BLACK, BLUE. INVISIBLE GREEN. GOLD- EN MIXED AND OLIVE, 101 To2ether with n Jut of MaA-zbidoo and Blue rooting, l'ilotuml other guuJ.. guitubla for over- Their gond, vt PI be odd wady m ode, or will be male to oidoe in a soporior style. an 1.0 11.1 CUD be bitll4 . la in this rite. He has also the umal variety for gentl , men's went such as SAirto, StockiSuEpeuders, Ilanci{f rcliieft, Scarfs Boson,‘ . . Cu /a. a, 4-c. 11 gin ins citplity merit P1 • %01 - .11 Or n and ritot itoituint cutter.; in the city cLihtitlit t it gi% itit.;: 1 1.0 i-litction. mitt in trithi e•yet IA!) in, its t h e attention tit 0r0r,.: oum ititt thvii par 0,0,1, madv in a I, arid 01 {llO /Melt Illatel,ll, fil+ co.:k of Ft1.1..".(11 • LoT CA..,1511./0 i A:,11 11'hith lie iins sclect,(l wit V 1 die liirtiogi C.llr l.el partsctatar I,lupvb if 110 pleniwite in bilov,iDg Ilir.e goods 10 tiny One who S illif(011.60 with h call. fee)lo.7, Smell mat irly ul and h., 01;ide, t , 5 0 1..6•0•ki 111 1105 Cry. I'. DELANY, 49 Libor!, W K %%I'l'll E% WO DECE.AItEin :10NON(; IHEL CLOTIILNG STORE. No ?, WOOD St. Second Door from the Corner of Water Street. CULWEI S. LAIRD, I'IZOPRIETuItS, Th.• thki, tl.l. rnoilrod 1f amin,tic),lg to th. , 11 1,1.10/71,10 and the prabilk . generahy, halt lu •L receited ion the qu i d unfit ti n• 111,0,0 .1:•n,1 n larp• and ‘,.-11 •,(11.-etvd Ti.,.., t Melt( nub an d Iv deal . ! ititt.lll. burr iog 1:4.4.11 purn•lpt.ed G>r elnah In nut udsat.r.ke.ou. turn.. ilwy nre enat,ted ro CM . r a. ca. be rim the -stern Cot/nut. Tiwir h 4A, I nt 111 It r. A n NI ur. cI.oIII N i, huge. rind ha, been manufactured from tli. Lies :11:1,I in Is. and bY ,-. 11,111ril i.11.111e11. 1 1,1, have Coll,flllolV on band 1111 d will ;minalicrari• to order all ieles of CL.tlrir,n, x Lich tla.t will s‘iii• utm to be made in tire be,it wanner and 1141,i able stile. The. in‘ite Ilm public RI call and examine there .tKk 111 go.ls, MA 111 are col:lid...la tlp•N Can .I• 11 out) ARI ICI A• 111 pi ice% bielt knifalw fall to ph Remember the place. NO. 2. WI iou sTuur. sEcoNo D 001: FROM 111 E coRNI:n or IV ATER. ..ept ft if S. AtORRISON, Liberty St., between 11.1r1.et and Virgin Alley FAVING returned Iron the I:E i .d. iiic ,j!m, is IIOW ol.ci.ius LI. fad' NMI wiutrr •itM . L. ok gond,, exceviling in %minn nod event is , ”. thing hivh 11421 1,, tinkers been offered io ibis city. Thankful to his ft iet,d, and the r uhli: for the favor• he Ito. 11 . C.ViVCd, and which has induced him to pur chase snore estensively than ',mime, he again invites their attention to the cheapen, hest tuderted anti most extensive assortment which he has ever before ()tiered among which ale French, English, German and A mer ican Broadcloth!, Black, Blue, Intrisibl3 Green. and other Colors. which arc all of suptaiur qualliy. A ku, a .plemi.,l aPsurttnent of Vcstings of Entire ncw styles, FRENCH PATTERNS Also, a line lot of FRE:NCII AND ENGLISH CASSI M F:S of esery shade, color, and CM1111:10t fail to plva..o the various taste., of I,if Cintenict.. Also, a Neu- Styles of Bcarer and Tweed C&•ths, < l f Black, Blue, Inririblc Green, Golden Mired and Olive. for Sack and Frock Coat.;. Top , tber with a lot of wipe/tor 11,1 K I 111 111 )0 A\l) liI,I:EIII,ANKET COATING, Pilot and ol her got Al. su itablo for Over Coat, These goods will be sold ready made, 4 , 1 arid be made in order in a superior style as lOW as ran be bought in this city. He has also the usual sat irtty for Gentleman's wear, such as SITIRTS. STOCKS, ST:SrENDER S. HANDKERCHIEFS SCA lIFS, BOSOMS, COLLEGE, a:4 The attention of persons wanting their garments well made. aid in .uperior en le. and of tile best nne trtiala, is invited to his fine stock of Frenrh Cloth.•. Cassrm , rrs and Vcstings. hich he has selected ait h the utmost care fair this particular bittnch of business. He a plenatire in allowing Ow, goods to any ricer who Vk ill favor him wish a cull. feeling confident that the great inriet!, of his stock situl the style in which they um trade, can not be surpassed in !lain Cii r. S. MORRISON, Liberty 4t.. Oct .7-fm between 511irket et. Lind Virgin alley Thompson's Carminative, For thr rure. of Cholla Cholera Merlins, S , zmnier Complaint, ppentc ry, Dina ER ['IF IC AT f:S of person: all(' have nd.ed 'he C Carminative, are coming in thick and fast. Ihe original documents may he seen at the Agency, 04 well as die best of City Referenced given. READ THE FOLLOWING: lOWA, T., rnitT MADISON. ic,ls Sir:—When I was passing !brooch Pitt-laugh two syrekssince, on my way home from the East, I culled in ut yoar Store, and pwchased two hottlesof '''f lonp• soids Carminative," for my Children. who were sick of-the SUnititer Chalpleint, nod an I told yont boy that ~old them to me, I would write and kit you know how they operated, 1 du so now with lily:icor; they CUR d them perfectly, and Mis D. (my wife) says it's the best Medicine sbe ever used, and recontmends I very one to use it fur their Children. 1 remain, yours, very respectfully, J. w. D. M.JACKSON, Wholesale & Retail Agent, cer. of \Vood& Liberty sts., Pittsburgh N. B. All orders addressed us above, po.vi paid. Aogl6-if DR. A. J. TEIONIPSON's it till-Dyspeptic, Tonic and Cathartic Pills. THESE PILLS, while they cleanse the stomach they restore its originaltone without creating de bility. They likewise produce all the invigorating and strengthening effects of a most approved Tonic; thus necomplinhing a desideraiiim of a Cathartic Alterative and the bent ever known Tonic medicine, whose use folnenscan be relied upon in all those diseases origina ting from the detungement of the Alimentary Canal directly, or Biliary Secretions indirectly; sock as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Hemerhoids or Piles, Chronic Diarthrea, Sick Stomach. Hattburn, Vertigo. Depra ved Appetite and Foul Stomach, Surfeit from intem perate Eating or Drinking, &c., Warranted Purely Vegetable. W' PRICE 115 CENTS PER. BOX. Prepared by the proprietor, A. .1. tHOMPSON, M. D.. And sold wholesale and retail by my Agent, W. J•cicsnic at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, corner of Wood and Liberty ste., Pittsburgh. augl6-tf my3o-tf. WALL PAPER 111.kNUFACTORI WAItEIIOUSE REMOVED. THE subscribers have the pleasure of informing their friends and the public generally, that they have removed their paper store to No. 87 Wood Street, above Fourth, nearly opposite tire stand they occupied before the fire, where they hate on hand and ate opening a complete laaortmertment of PAPER HANGEV;S. BORDER!, FIRE 110.ARD ?FLINTS, &C., the greater parr of which ha, been manufuctured and imported sieve the tire, and which contains a large number of pallet ons that ure altogether new sod suit able for every tl-sci ipt ion of entries and 100M+. They also keel] on hand a stock o`:Prititing. writing and \'rultiting Patter (tom the Clinton Mill. Stem Itenville, olong with their °alter goods, they would respectfully cull the attention of Rag-and Tint/leis serno., purchased in exchange. HOLDSHIP & BROWN. 0z39.d& -m 3m 87 Wood street. Dr. E. Moritt, Dentist, (Of the Burnt Dia(rid.) - D ESP ECI LI.Y informt , Id. friend. and all tliniie 1.1., who •ervieen that he nun taken an inflict in SIMI {Meld buret. 211 door from iigio iilley, tc hcic he t ill 1,1)i, aiteml ill oriel w Moo of t h e Teeill 1111110 1;1•1.1 mantle! and at the thing-104. notice. Office honri. from 9 till 12, and from 9. till 5. way 2—tltin if. ICURINI1U111: WARE ROOMS. 11. U. RYAN, T 1 ( 1 ) 1. .. i t o \ 14,; ,r ): : \ i, \ „. .. his I IN , . 11,!....d.• 01 "Anil ly low lot. CA all; he t'.lrlllll V", .11i e vo ills estrildird.ment to ii.iii-foction. a n, ur but the him, ate employed. anti till ) erne taken iti thin ecirc;luu rd millet 1.1. lnrning fo.iS.l.ing done in the hilt manner. All, ol turned rnalminl ht•io on Muni. ,t/.. - 11 us• 11",:,..ci4 1 I ribs. CO(' I( ',ins, 11.1 BellCil 511,14. 111.11 Table Leg, &1 . . ILA:a C.. sub-crib, itt ttlti 1 0 ht. Esllo.o nint• Itote o. •, /•1101 - ts runljug littttg.l. i 6, tn. it 1.1, It he will rent for Shnri, with I', • , ,ilurit•To to propel go, h rn , r i o ,, ery 1,, be 1100 1 .11 0 0 1 .nt Mitteh loiter rats, than steam Ito, t ran he 10.0Ittee , 111 0 M small e11en."... I 5 . e, •.••••-1 ett tt mtv I tune. etteti-thic et' Citizen's hotel I L it ir I. (Mr., 1101.1011 Prim 41 r.•••I, hoUni. or In fin run, ly n:lir iii-re lie i• f n 1,01110.1 her the CIM,n1.1•1111. (It hr and ill be glad at all 1,11, •••.• It 1t.1..1 hp - 2 I %, I BENJ F. K1N(; ‘N I. lir \ I I III: .11.‘‘S AND (.LNTILP , GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING STOHE:: p OW ENS. 1.11 1; ,dd ~,,tome,...and 0•0.. I. h pO-1 111,111. Hl'n t.. 1./. • [,11P11 1. , 11.11.: 1, !P. pit, 00 , 0 110,11 ,01mr 011.11,- 1.•!100.01 ‘,o.t 01 the rt 11011111•1116; and {seer. cotimar.t• Iv ''Ti 1 0 1g0 .1..0rt0,0t , ;E:VI LEM F.N . S Ci.t )1 N(I. t n. Ovur Coat, frorr. $.3,:,0 to CIO. $4; tin,- 0,4.4 n,, l'an, $3 1,.$11; Satin V , ',T for *1.75: fir 6.17 in, do 1 . .. r 43; :mkt ot INTI:It ti I,S IS. oilllt•fS, DR.; %% LES, STOCKS... aNd all Sri id, iu hi. Thu, uhu i-11 to i•to, hatir, 1. it: du urn to gise I.i•fl Ili ta if preratod to fgrmi.ll , -I..olling on the vf-r-• chea p ., tr-n, G. e.h. nn g rt the 'Ono,. GREAT ‘vEsTERN (•LoTHING sToRE. LIBERTY S riuul.i. 11,-v, A Pry. na.,2lN. P. UNVENS. CLOTHIAG STORE!! Water Sired. Three Doors Gems tro...t. THE subsrriber veperifolly informs mere and the lithe geocrally. tho he in: Oren ed a :mirth of ...nronable choil.inc, nt the Amy stand, which he offers co cheap as can be bought in the The store is in clinrr,e of Mr R PEW, nnentihn beot cutters and moit experienced workmen in the city. octaitf. P. OW ENS. New Dry Goode Bowe, Y!' NC). 42, MARKET STREET coR.Nr.R or THIRD First Door above the Burnt District. THE •üb•eriber .onl•I teluurewtfullly inform lie public cut arid victclify, the be lIUMI es hitni•elf ut the utedve mentioned place us cc deulei in FORE la .v A A'/) DOM ES Tlr DRY GOODS• Ilis Vtixk, to which hr amid rail ihn ntterwion td ptorlowers. i exten.iye, iwid emhi tires good% adopted in the pte-ant nid orprolehinc Se. erntl) ..•I, rte Inn 1111,111,n% to New I'otk and (tom Ilie manuftctun•s in England. Avuol.EN coon, consiodiz pilot and Braver cloth, keraey•; eiissiinsres; satinets; ;le and sesiings; plain nod plaid and xsliitnev blankets; red, f ellow and s bite flannel.; Rub Ito:, and Gdlu Plaids; Buckittp; print. il DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS, cnniprising Thibet cloth.; Alpines; plaid and fienrrd silk and cotton warp alpacas; C'llouns, Coburg and In• diuna cloth, rcpt. cashmeres; ca.limere de cosle; cashmere do laine and muslin du !nine. A large assnriment of licit, medium and low priced Pi iota, Cipperplutes, Chintz and Patches. I. 4-4, 9 II and 5 4 blown and blenched 'hit rin and ..beering cot tons; brown and blmielted drillings and jean..., striped chin i rig npric• cheek.; brown, bleached and C 1.1101,1 COltoll II 1111 , .:1.; in bite nod brown linen; %oldie and brown flnina-k ial le VOircis and napkino; cold cotion tulle co. ei.; mull, honk, jneutiet and cambric rnp !aeon, Ince efhing.: linen arbor lo,ndlsetelorf., fancy creivakk. rich rik.limere. hi "elm; Eihnlinio net. woeleti, Rob Ituy mad Highland plaid, with snit's of fancy shawl.. A large H.4.liirnent of (ientlemen'n, Mi n u e , rind Chi_ dren's gloves and limliery; budse)o and Synth dinpris. crash; linen sheetingp, woolen yarn of vitriol], colon.: rientleinen'..hio.ka and drawers, &c. &c., with all the small ‘. a, l, I,ualk for:ntlr at tuck prices. Hu: u I l.rtmnnenily rstuhliehvd him,rll, and hi. romnexion wrth it jobbing house nt the East, i. ing him fu lluncs fo r pidchnsina nt low Nice., and 111,10 enab ling him to I a in weekly receipt of riming the -d-a‘on, the sub-crih r fl lasts biro.ell he call offer it,- (111i , MellIS to mindri.ier6, inpinl, if not superior to tiny is the 1 be public are respec fully in. lied to call, examine and judge fur themsel,e.i. oct27dl A. A. MASON. White Swan nonce TOE subscriber, having, taken the above named house, near hi; old 0011(1 oil Market street, Lar• tween Front end Second—is now prepared to enter tain all his old friends, and the public generally, in the hest style. His hill of fare will conetantly be found to contain the best the: market affords. (Oysters always on hand.) octi 4-3 m H. LANDWIIER Fifth Ward Livery Stable. THE subscriber. having bought out the well known Livery Stable kept by C B Doty, in the Filth Ward, respectfully informs his fliends and the public generally, that he will keept at all times. a stock of the best description ofliiiling Horses, Bug gies, Carriages orall kinds, and in short, every thing regiiired in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he is confident that no stock in the city will be superior to his. HIS TERMS WILL BE MODERATE. His Stable is on Liberty st., a few dores above the Canal Bridge, where he respectfully solmita a share of public patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. r7RP He it also provided with an elegant Hearse, which will be furnished when required. 0c0.2.5t1 Removal A BEELEN ho• removed his Commission and . Forwarding Business from the Canal Begin to his new Warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite the l'oat Office. may 30. PALL AND•II/1/111TER C:Baa®9UE'I33L3S3 TFIREE BIG DOORS No. 151, LIBERTY STREET, PITTILBI7aOII. "Honorable dealing insures honorable success." THE itnmen,e patronage that has been bestowed upon the subscriber's establishment for many years past, by all thirties of the community, is umpiestiiinahle evidence that his atticles have given satisfaction to all his customers. and that his efforts to please the public t a st e huts been successful. His stitch of Tall and Winter Clothing la now prepared for the inspection of his friends Hod the public generally, and fom the variety of his stock, the superior quality of his Cloths, mai the style and taste in which all his articles are mode, he feels ci;n lident pleasing all alto may favor him is all a call. It would he impossible to enumerate all his articles in n single wiser tisemem, but the follies, ing will suffice to shoe the ruble the variety from which to clio Ise VERY SUPERIOR CLOTHS. of every quality and price. ossEsnillEti AND CASSINETTX, TWEED. SATTINETS, VELVETS. &C. Ot [rend., Eleglish and Americus Nlanufertilre. •toc!. nf READY MADE CLOTHING, Consist in part of DRESS COATS, or every r i ,al;ty and pu rr. - 11P * IEI ACC 7E' Aid or every ynrlity and price. and nod, la the novel 13-6Lavible eta It'. Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks, Iti gle,t vlitiety, and sold at unpr,..detitly pt Overcoats of every Description, A nt•w and as,rtever•t Fit ENCII Esr• iNG P.l AL.. a lot of FIIENCII AND i:NGLISII CASSIII.:1; esery shade, c.dor,and ' , nit, a. New Sty Ic of Beaver and Tweed Cloth; (4' ni„ieN. GUT. INVISIBLE (IBEEN, : , 11XF.1) AND (11,1vE. n Blue Pi a' ,/,' r • Una nlru 4,014 ."...,:- ,•1131, Ile 1.1 1.+,1111 V11111,11( . 11 ' 7+ went, 111:dt at Shi r rs, SloeS,, ',spend" rs Basely", ays, ate. The nbecr and rill oil,rr oriiriti• Vn the Chithi ng liar he oil:, • fur Minn they can lin 1.111,110,4,1 w any whet f•-t:0,1..1.11101414 city. Ile lin• S ERA TE CrT•rEns fir milli in clothing, and ti. ;lie nil IA oil,mein who hri.,• eini•liip..cl in E A SIII(JNA II L' s. In the amnia. lie eau svarram his putroii4 hit THE CET AN!) MAKI: Vi nil tit, le, Inrm Li. rftublia6mrnt will in lie rno.t mmirro sts COUNTIIV MERCHANTS ro twit tEI cAtt, Et. the proitotoht t . tcoh- c0nt1515155 th.:t he nil thorn Gtostls .to tool) 1 , 111" otoLo It to di . , MIN lo '11.1••• 11:g. Dttttro. In r.ott-ot-Yto. I o.ottiti not' to the r t itho. sttl t t, t t t t t t• 111 it my VOW toll 1145 ,. 0111 V tour •uit t, 1 0•1•;1 1 . 4.1 1,4/ lolly, Nly groxitt nm ittitchlsoti tputtottiott Imnfl) the imp/toot.. pltt turlot , g ;it low, pi.than dent. ht• Ner• 4 . llMrlelir . l to ikre horn the Tll,l. from tle• gte tomeint tt, am enabled in null nt a !e•A rtt•r t•tt,t - ice. S4.rwe rlittltottt. nlmo' thit.k it i• .as,r; a z . 00.1 lied! nhen I t, I fill I ran and will null 0. Inc - no they rein hiny Own . , (tur. hot all 1 ssis the f,Jrn i. Ihr pittat.tile id ' it c4ll. Brat in min.] the reirttle'r.--'t, 151, I . il.rlt y street. bet , f Lt) , •s. tt Ui OW '• 7 NKE r Bin Disofto. " .1101 N i.()SK EY. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ARRIVAL AT TIII: NATIONAL CLOTHING STORE, Nu. I GO, Liberty Street, 2,1 door below SLIM. Tit F. a uhsrriher hnvinc iota teturne,l finrn the El•ft ril Univ... would invite the attention n 1 the lad.- lic the bilge and d u..or: Mg tit of (u•hiunaLle gI,,NIS now nitrvfnp, arid rends fur invvrtlon nt his e•- tablislirnent. Hie truck consi.is in the most fa.shion al:le sides and CU:OF S. Broad, Beaver, Pilot and Tweed Wool Dyed Cloths, Plain, Striped. Barred and Font.) , Foreign and Dolnevtic Cassisueres; CLOTHS AND CASSIMER ES FINISHED EXTRA SUPERFINE SA TTINETTS, ALL COLORS. Flair' and Fancy Sattinetts, all Colors and Qualities; A FEW PIECES BERKSHIRE CASSINIFUES A NEW, HEAVY AND BEAUTIFUL ARTI CLE, FIRST 1.0 IN Till'. CITY: satin, Valencia, Woollen and Silk Velvets, Cashmeres, &c. for Vesting Theme together with a large vtl,iety of Stock., Cut. Tata, Scull., l'oeket Ilindkerrltieftt, Suspenders, Shiii., ILeattr., Colhos, and every other irttell. appet • taltlittg . The undersigned in pre pel ed in sell at 3 rrdnrt i , mo fever ten pe, ceoL mat, hint tan ' s prices. Ile in alit, prepared to munufac• tore Clothing of ull Lind. to order, •Itt, the I:todern and l ' uris fashittone, hielt lie ceives monthly) at the Ottirtest nonce, and on the most reasonable terms The suloscriber would Nay. that Unmet] be never has crooked a leg on shoirboal he can get up a better Fitting, and a better made gor nuero, than some of these vt6n, lifter spending the great• , tort of (heir lives cros. legged. are sn ignorant of the fitting department u, to he obliged, when they Waal t) cent for themselves, to roll urn crook to cot it for them, fur want of ability/ to do it themselves. Ile ninth etturion the public against being litonloigned by those who talk 30 largely about COITIpetitIiIIIFIIMIIIIO, who never noticed them, ur til within a few days hi. LICIII lot/ was directed to an tolvettisement in one „f the purl,. w intim by angle ennnoited person whose 1,11011 • ittimoyed by using !Mlle of the coop 11n . 1311, 4.1 notch almot• The ,th-e, titer urn mottle inn arrangement in New v„. kby ,bin-b be will receive, in the nurse of n few eek, n large siipply of Shirts, nt pricea vitr)ing mime 50 rents to $3,00. Country mercliants and others wt-bin; to pint Ilaie by the vane ur dozen, will hour their nt dela. if necomptinted by the cosh, mtended to with ',eminent., nod der , ptitch. Thankful for the v,!, it,ortintige extended Me during the short tiny,. I lisie liven in busine,s, 1 urn determined to sell new and good at :turdh prices as will render IL the 11 , 1% Maar:o 4111 , 11i01111,e1q la call an the NATION AL CLO I 111 NO STUB F. before going el-ewhete. JAMES H. MITCHELL. 17 5 ..!7, or 30 good hand. will receive god wage. and constant employment. by culling soon nt the Nu• tional Clothing More. None need apply but those who can come well recommended as being tilde to do the beet work. JAMES. B. MITCILELL. sept I.chtzw VEN ITI AN BLINDS. A. WESTER ELT, lEold and well known Ve dun Blind Maker, former of Second and Fourth ste., 'Nis this method to inform many n iendm of the fart at his Factory in now in full teration on St Clair at., near old Allegheny Bridge, tern a constant *ripply of inde of various colors and Kittle., is constuntly kept hand and at all price,, tm twenty -cents up to suit Atomers. N. B If required, Blinds will be put up no, that in case of alarm by fire, or otherwise, they may be re moved without the aid of u screw-driver, and with the same facility that any other piece of furniture can be removed, and without any extra expense. je24-d&wly. GEORGE COCHRAN TAFAVING rebuilt and removed to his old stand, lAN° :26 Wood street, next to the corner of Se• cond, continues to trutauctU general commission business. He will be contently supplied wiib American manufactures at the lowest wholesale rash se r i 17 - maw ps - conit - I Now Sperm,Lard aliciPirio Oil Lamp Store THE subscribers-baving spend a store, No 8, St Cluir street, (west eide) for the sale of Lamps Oils, &c.. respectfully invite' atlontitin of the in. luibitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny • and he rwrowsul ing country generally, to their stock of Lamps, heroin purchasing elsewhere. Our . .112Tnaiemetwi: with the mutrufacturs are such that we can inifely any, we are prepared to light in the most brilliant and economi cal manner. Steamboats, Hotels, Publie Churches, Stores. Shops, Parlors, Bridges and Streets, as well as the more "dark and benighted cor ners, or any place where brilliancy, neatness and strict eronerny is desired. Among our means for letting our •' tight shine," may be found the following Lamps for burning Lord. Lard Oil and Sperm Oil. sin: Han_g Lamps and Chandeliers, (2 to 4 brunch) For lighting Stores, Public Hulls, Churches, Flo:els and steamboats. Stand and Centre Table Lamps, (various patterns Lind prices,) for Purlors. Reading and Wok Lamps. Side and Nall Lamps, Glans and Tin Hnnd Lumps &r. &C. The above ore mostly Dyott's Potent Lamps. with double shelled ittintain, nod otberwitio an improve ment upon any lamp now in use, v. bich con be per ceived of once by exiimination. Aloo,glessTiimmings for lumps, ouch no Globes, Chimney., Wicks, &c. LAST', THOUGH NOT LEAST. Pairtit Pine (61 Limp:, such ab [lunging lamps and Clemtlelierg, (:2 6; 6 brunch ) Stit6,l uud Centie 'ruble Lumps, (Gla•a Fron:4 with ur viithout dt tips,) Street lamp for lighting streets and bridge,. As we cannot dauribe the variotht pattern•, we cm -41.111) invite the public to examine theta. ‘Ve affirm that in brilliancy, cleattlineqs and reallial/y, no light now in.(' will hear comparison ,ii It these latnps and Pine 1 hey are its safe to ztse us sperm or Lard (hi, Although some are endeavoring to tilt,' ify this at , icle wish the catophine unnl spirit gas, (by the as , of o hick have occurred,) we tit I c un,ullerund differen article. and that nn accidents ha,. occurred ilitrint: the extensive use of this article 111 Philach 11, is for four years. Thus,. Lamps trill prodsre as much light, with as much neatness and more and per rend. than any other tight 71011 C in life, /401 ['XL rpting (7as. If non tine ‘l,3tilmt flatPMCllls we hare, or mny here order muke, .e would any. we bus, commenced our hit-inns. in Pitt-burgh, and knowing the metito of the AC he public., WC lire Willi nr to hold oorrolvei nrentmlable ut all times for our sdnietnents, and are willing to put to teat onr Lamp—donut, and ruts,—n'sti„g econntny—and the publi; decided ma the neatoe, tinl htilliat,cy of the liOtt. %Vv. have many tmnimnn (loin r.•sidents of Phila delphia and rhea fn•tr, but the following may suffice lot the present. "I his is to ceitify that I have purchased of NI. B. Dyott a sufficient nurnherof hi• Potent Pine Oil Lamps to light the Univeusulist Church of Philadelphia, and bane 13.1 , 1 them in said Church about two )4 . 111 - 4. II ill' found them to give perfect sa'isfaction. The light produced le, them is the tntrut brilliant that I Irtne ever They are so economical dint the cost of the Lamps hit. been 'rived several times on. r; the up of the Church not costing half as much as it di.l before we prii , tire Olen, Iteltectfully, JOHN DESS.II.I:T. Secretnry of the abo‘e named Church Philadelphia, July 8, 1345. The nr.Jer•izne , l having used for two yelr.Dyn t Potent Pine Oil Larniet in hin ISrnel, the IS,,liver I 1.1.1 . . no recommend them an the mo•t economical and brilliant light that con be prof aced by o ny arti ele rms.; in 1,0. li, , fore I commenced lichling rn hoo., rich the Ptne Oil, I nun nsing the (;:in; hut at'• ter a trial .1 the uhosc Lamp, T iron so MUCII plea• art with the light, anti culkyttred of their VCCII(MIy, that I hod the liar removed and horn the Pine Oi t. place. W NI. CA It LES, PrOr 1 ietor of 13,,1ker No 203 Ch,!bnut Philo klphia, July 8, 1843. ALL...6III:NY r,..1 , 0 2 . I'2, 1315 This May certify that on, the tindernigned, Luting hoz' atlftle Mont I)yon's Patent Pine Oil Lampt, ran v ith the ro 11,c confidence re.tintrelia them, an tnioring the matt In illiant and econtaniral light we Lute est, tern, They are nimitle iit their ntructurr, and I . lorily when ',rent', and we believe them an light ISA fall be platform] from any totter T a t t y, and non ell cheaper than tiny odor kiwi of Oil. JOHN HAWORTH. Proggist. MERCER & ROBINSON, Merchant,. JAS. COW LING, Clothing Starr. .1011 N 110I'MN'E1.L, Clathing Stole. Any one dooliting the genuineness or the foregoing ceinticities, will lame the Lisidness to cal at No. 8, Rest side of St Clair street, where they rimy examine the original. together with ninny more, much mine to the paint, but reserved ror their in-firer place. STONE & CO. No. 8, St Clair sheet. N. 11. Laid Oil and fresh l'ineOil forsule .3) ALLEN KRAMER Exchange Broker, corner of 11'od end Third streets. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for snit.. Dtaft , , note and bilk,cullected. - REFF.RENCEA. Wm. Bell & Co., 1 John D. Davis, F. Lorenze, J. Painter 5: Co.. JOAtTII WOO4.IWCII, James May, Aley..Hronson&Co. John li Brown&Co. Philadeipnia Jurnes M'Condless. Cincinnati,r). J. R. Nl' Donald. St. Louis, M. W. H. I'ope, Eng., Pren't Bunk Ky. ) Louisville, REBUILT AND REMOVED Furniture Cheap and Good. AS. W. IVOODW ELL respectfully informs his ty friends and ti c public aim he lets inntured to obi .rand, No. 85 Third street, where he hits on baud n splendid aiimrtmere of Furniture of all descriptions, many for their inspection. Persons wishing to furnish St e3mbolos, hiente Dwellings, &c. ii 111 fini it to their interest to cull and examine his stuck before put chasing elsewhere. FURNITURE which (:annta surrealed in the western country comp! i4ing the following articles: 5414, Divans and Ottoman(; Tepo2,k, Tete-a.Tetes, ‘Valdrubes: Secretary and Book-Cases; Card, l'ier, Sofa and Centre Table, , , Sideboards; Dressing BUREAU, ' ‘lll . loUti StyICS; Hat and Towel Backs; French and High-Taw Bed s teads; End, Dinin7 and Breakfast Tables: Mahn,gany CHAIRS of ell descri l ainns; A general aAsortrnent of Fancy Chairs; M.o. a general assortment of COMMON liHRNI srp4.3m. PERVEIT L MUTTON! WILLIAM T. ALBIZEIE & CO, DEALERS in all kitids and qualities of Pins. burgh. Philadelphia and Berton manufactured Boots, Bootees, Shoes and Slippers. Also, a new nod splendid, neat, light and durable article of miner. alized spring,-tempered Gum Elastie Shoes and User Shoes, at 73 MARKET STREET, between Fourth street and the Diamond. N. B. A fine assortment of Boys', Youths' and Childrens' Long Boots, of fine and coarse quality, now in store. octf23-3mltw. Re-opened and at Work JADAMS, Baker. respectfully informs the 01 public that he has rebuilt nt the old stand, foot of Grant street, from whence he was driven by the Great Fire, and is prepared to serve his customers in superior style. His materials are of the best that can be bought, and his workmen are the best that can he employed. lie solicits custom, being confident that he can give entire satisfaction. N. B.—Wedding and other parties promptly attend. ed to, oct 15.3 m MISS A. C. SAUGENT EGS leave to inform herfriends and the pubic gee. crally that her Select School for Young Ladies, and MI4OI. Will commence the Winter Session on Monday the Bth of September, at her school room in St. Clair at., nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel.— She refers to the following gentlemen: Hon John Breden, Rev W. A Pussavant. Rev J Niblock, Wilson McCandless, Esq, Rev S Young, Allen Kratner, Esq., Jacob Mechlin, Esq., Wm. Jack, Esq. John Bigler. Butler. Pa. Any information as to terms &c.,enn be obtainedby. cullina,oc Allen Kramer, Ebg. ' • aug lIMEIMEMMIi==I Jri*ttrOtic Atolitplitttes. JoSLAH XIS 3. J. FIVNET,JR ZING & PINNEY, Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of Phila. FIRE RISKS upon buildings and Merchanditeof eve!) , description and MARINE RISKS upon Hulls of cargoes of vessel, tuken upon the most favor able terms. Office at the warehouse of King &Holmes, on Water street, near Atari:et Street, Piitsbugh. N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage of their frietids and the community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insorance Company, as en in stitution among the Most flourishing in Philadelphia —as having a large paid in capital, which by the nperution ;of its charter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his doe share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever; beyond the premium actually paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. novi-tf. Agency of the Franklin Fire Insurance Company of ehiladelphia. N. E. corner of Third and Wood sus., Pittsburgh. TIIF, °girtx of the company on the fiat of January, 1815, as published in conlormity with an act of the l'enosi.ivuota Legislature, were Ronde nor! Mortgages. /600.615 93 Ron! E4tate. of co , t. 100,967 77 Tempt aty Loans Stocks and Cash, 207,499 72 Making a total of $909683 42 .AfFording certain assurance that all lus.ies will bo rnct.and giving entire security to all alio ob lain policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low niti:s as me consistent with security. nets WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. Fire and Marine Insurance. TH E Insurance Company of North Ainerici, Philadelphia, through its duly authorized AF.Prit, the aul,miiber, «Gra to make permanent and limited IntiUrraice in priiperty, in this city unit 48 ViCibily, and un shipments by the Canal and Rivets. Arthur G. Coffin, Prea . c. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, S Hm 'i. W. Junes, Stool. W. Smith. Edward Smith, Ambrose John A Brown, Jacob N. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff. 'Dimon* P. Cope, Richard U. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, Seey This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, having be•-n chartered in 1794 Its charter is perpetual, foul from its high standing, long experience • ample means. and avoiding all risk• of an extra ha zardous charactisr, it may be convidered as offering ample security to the public. MOSES AT WOOD, t Counting 11,orn of Atwood, Jones & Co.. Water and Front streets, Pittsburgh. 0ct23.1y, The Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia• CHARTER PERPETUAL. $400,000 paid in, office 163 A, Chem out St., north side, near Fin!, Inks Insuiance, either permanent or limited, against lone or damage by Ire, on Property and EG recta nf every descript ion, in Town nr Country, onthe most reasonable terms. Applications, made either peisunally ur by letter, will he promptly attended to. C. N, BACKER, Piest. C. G. BANCRER, Sec ' y. DEFECTORS: Charles N. Ban....ker, Jacob R. Smith, Thomos Hart, George W. It icharik, 'lhnninaJ Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewin, Wiigner, Adoliihi E Borie, Sanaa I Grant, Dutid S Brown. WARRICK NIARTIN, Agent, at the Exchange Of fice of IVarrick Martin & Co., corner of 1 hird and Blanket sticking. Fire I i..ka taken on buildings and their cotoenta in Pittsburgh. Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks taken. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS OR DAM AGE BY FIRE. THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE COSIRINED With the udditionul security of a STOCK CAPITAL. The Reliance MUlnal InNumnce CO. of Phila..-Charter Perpetual. DIRECTORS: George W. To!sod, John M Atwood, "litornns C. Roukhill, Lewis R. A.hhurst, Wm. R. Thompson, George N. Baker, George M. Stroud, John J. Vanderkemp, George W. Carpenter. WILL make insurance against Loss or Damage by Fire, in Pittsburgh and vicinity, nn HOUM,A, Stares and other buildings, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares ■nd Merchandise. limited or perpetual, in town or country, on the most fal.ot able term-. The !Y usual Principle, combined , s•ith a Stock Cupi id, and the other proviAinns of the Charter of this Company, hold out unusual inducements,botb of profit and safety, to those desirous of efrectine insurance, to which the Company ask the attention and examination of those interested. The Capitol Stock of the Company is invested in gaud and sufficient securities. After providing for the losses accruing to the Company. in the course ufits business, the stockholders arc entitled to receive out of its income and profits an interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum on the Capital Stuck actually paid in—the amount of Which interest, it is expected. will be supplied funds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining profits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stock, fur the betterse curity of the assured. But certificates bearing inter ea, ',flyable annually, transferable on the books of the Company. and convertible at any time into Capital Stock, w ill be issued therefor to the Stockholder+ and minced members, in proportion to the amourdof Stock held, or premium paid by them respectively, agreeably to the provisions of the Charter. Those effecting inrucance with this company have, besides the usual protection against lost, by the otdi nary method of insurance, the additional advantage of a direct participation in the profits of the Company. without any liability. GEO. w. TOLAND, President. B. M. HINCHMAN, Secretary. Pittstmt g I , The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agent for the above named Company, i 4 prepared to make in surance, at the Office of the Agency, No. 97, West side of Wood street, 2d door above Diamond alley, and will give 611 further information desired. THOS. .1. CAMPBELL Pitt.bltrgh, Miis 30, 1845. (jes-Iy.) INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Tho Citizen's Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, No. 152, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, WILL insure houses, stores and otlrer buildings; also merchandise, furniture and property gen. erully, in Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, against lons or damage by fire, for any period of time. Charter perpetual. No marine, river nor inland transportation risks are taken by this Company. It makes no dividends among stockholders. After paying the necessary ex penses of the office, the whole accruing premium and interest are appropriated exclusively- to meet losses. It is thus enabled to insure on terms nut surpassed-by any other Company. JAMES TODD, President. DANIEL B. POULTNEY, Secretory. A ency at Pittsburgh, in Bucke's building on 4th street. ut the dike of Eysrer & Buchanan. je3. JAS. W. BUCHANAN. American Fire Insurance Company OF PHILADELPIA, CHARTER PERPETUAL-CAPITAL PAID IN 300,000. Offic e gn Philadelphia, No. 7E'., IVahnot at.; Wet of Agency in Pittsburgh, Not, Ferry st Wm. DAVIDSON, President, FRED. FR•LET, Sec'y. THIS old and well established Companycontioues to make Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture and property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. • Posseess ins an ample paid up Capital in addition to its ands ten/tined premiums, it offers one of the best indem nities against loss by.Fite. Applications 'for insurances in - Pittsburgh and its neighborhood %, 111 be received and risks taken, either perpetually, or for limited periods, oofavorable terms by GEO. COCHRAN, tigeat. may 2 , 1845. . DI RECTORS PITTSBURGH AGENCY 41Tinaluram - 411:ralrUlt WIICT I NO 64 MARKET STRZEL Between Third and Fourth 7t8., the New PosbOffice, Pittsburgh. TH E undersigned announces he has Found a trioat commodious Mercantile House, at the above cation, where he will be hoppv to see his friends, and all those anxious to avail themselves of every desellp Um of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, FANCY ARTICLES ) and all other varieties of-the best condue. ted Auction Stores. The underAigned `yin be sal;plici from the East ern cities with a stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods. wnich country merchants will be induced to purchase on ascertaining the prices. Arrangements ore in progress by which advana s will ho made on consignments, and every exertirn made to advuncetha interest of those who confide 62 siness to the establishment. Prompt and speedy sales made and closed. To friends at a distance, the undersigned would say that althouali he i 3 a member of "the Pittsburgh burnt family," yet his seal, industry and businesshab• its are unlmpared, and faithfully will they be devoted to the interests of three who employ him. [SALES OF REAL ESTATE will command as heretofore, the best exertions of the undersigned Property disposed of by him, from time to time has always brought the highest pi ices, and much excevdet the calculations of those who employed him. P McKENNA, The Old Auctioneer. N. B. Flaying passed the fiery ordeal with thou annilsof neighbors, the old establishment, revived at the new location will in future be designated "THE PHcENIX AUCTION MART,' By P. McEenna, 64 Market St- PITTSBURGH. PA. I'. MA maN 2 if John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCIii Cot ner of Wood and 5111 as., Pittsburgh., Is ready to eceive merchandite of every descriptio. ancon.ignment, for public or private sale, nee from long experience in the above business, flattet himself that he will be able to give entire satisfactidt tall who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on Mosne s and THURSDATS, of Drs Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghmanufacturcd articics.neil and Aecond hand furniture, S:c.. at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sale. every evening,atearlygas light. our IM PO RTA NT TO BANK ERS ! NEWELL'S Patent Parautopiic Permutation batik Lock, To Prevent Bobber* THE subscriber has accepted the a4eacy, for the above celebrated and well known Lock, which is W•RHANTY.T to defy the most consummate skill of the lturglar.or even the inventor himself. This assurance r h -,y be deemed extravagant; but a critical examination of he principles on which this Lock is consttucted, wilt satisfy any one having even a limited knowledge of mechanism that it is well-fouoded—and the actual inspection of the Lock for a few minutes will remove every doubt that may arise in any mind. He tins numerous certificates, from Bank officers, Brosters and (several in this city) who have u s e d th e *burs Lock, which he will be happy to exhibit, and give every explanation to those who may be pleased to call. JAS. COCHRAN, Fire Proof Chest and V a tilt doer Manufacturer, elrner Liberty and Factory sts., sth War .t 1. VERY LOW FOR CASH. !RIM 9 }IE subscriber offers for sale a JL large and splendid assortment of PIANO FORTES of different putterni, warranted to be of superior wotkmansilip, and of the best materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any in the country. F. BLUME, Cerner of Penn and St.Clairstreets, npressite the Exchangr. Piano Fortes. TH F.:subscriber offers for sak et large end splendid as*ortment of Piano Fortes, from $2OO to e 450 each The above instruments are of superior work menship. and made of the best materials; the tone is not to be excelled by n ny in this country. 'F. BLUME, Corner of Penn end St Clair streets, opposite Ex change Hotel. np7 or Conzhs! Colds!! Constimptions!!! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. THIS pleasant and certain cure fur coughs and colds goes ahead of all the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has some difficulty in keeping n supply for the in creasing demand. Medical ag,encies, groceries, drug gists,coffet , houses, and oven bars on steamboats keep a supply on hand. It is called for every where, and will sell in any place. The reason is this: every on• who has a cough or crqd by eating a few sticks find themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persons at • diatance,by remitting the money, post paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. Fur sale by the stick, cents; 5 sticks for 25 cts: and at wholesale by IVSI THORN, Druggist, 53 Market st, where a general assortment of Drugs and medicines may always be found. - nov 28 Improved Shatter Fastenerg. HE subscriber has invented and manufactures • T a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, made of malleable iron, and superior to anything of the hind now in use in this city, and, he believes in the United States. To be had at any of the Hardware stores in the city. and at the manufactory, Smithfield at.. cor ner of Diamond alley. .1. VOG DES. jan 14,11 y. GEORGE C 0 CUBAN, FFERS for sale at reduced cnsh prices—Axes O Hues, Mattocks,.Manure and Hoy Forks, Spades and Shovels, Coal and Grain Shovels, Sickles and Scythes, IVindow Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons, and variaus other atticles of Pittsburgh and American Manufacture, which he is constantly receiving from the Manufactories, Also, Cotton Yarn and Cheeks, Cassine.tts and Broad Cloths. jan 9. FRESH LEECHES! Leeches! Leeches!! Leeches!!! BYthe dozen. huudred, or thousand; flesh and will b,tt quick, for sale, and will be applied at retiu eed rates. Operations of Cupping performed an usual without pain. L. J. CHAMBERLAIN, Pa. Dental Surgeon, No E; &Clair strret, Pittsburgh, sepl9 3m Cancer, Scrofula, &c AMPLE, experience has proved that no combine lion of medicine has ever been so effectual in removing the above diseases, as JAYNE'S ALTER NATIVE, or Life Preservative. It has effected cows that have been truly astonishing, not only of Cancer and other diseases of that class, hut has removed thee moat stubborn diseases of the Skin, Swelling, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, &c., &c. This medicine enters into the circulation dri,3 eradi cares diseases wherever located. It pr..,ifie i ih e bl on d: and other fluids of the body, 01„4,,,,cti0n itn the pores of the skin, and rerieces enlargements of the. glands or bones. It increases the appetite, removes headache and drorivriiness, invigoratoa the whole sys tem, and imparts 'animation to tha diseased and debil itated constitution. There is nothing superior to it in the whole tnateria medics.- It is perfectly safe and extremely pleasant, and has nothing of the disgusting nausea accompanying the idea of swallow ing medi-- Prepared and sold at No 20 South Third Street,. Philadelphia, Price $1 a bottle, For sale in Pittsburgh at the Agency Office, Third; street, a few doers east of the Post Office, adjoirdOg the old banking hoe.° of the 'Bank of Pittsburgh.' 13:7All Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines fur sale at the above place. ly 26 A FRESH SUPPLY OY Johnson's Superior Pall and Winter PRINTING INR, RECEIVED THIS DAY, At the Office trf the Pittsburgh liforzing Post BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER. sepl7-d&wtf House and Lot for Sale. gm.A THREE story brick building, with ,back bnildings,on the corner of Grant and Sixth sta. Inquire of the subscribers, or at ibis office. • P. CUNNIN3HAM. . P. RATIGAN, - Z . ''' . •