4 1SIxaft , i' touw.ar attsportation,fints. TIZANSPOETA.TION. aw=li 1845. agal United States Portable Boat Line, For the Transporioqon or Freight and Entigroth Passravra, to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL "MIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. DQATS leave daily, and puid+ are carried th rough II in 8 dap, without airy transhipment between Pittsburgh and I'nita; r lelpiiiet. Rates of Freight or Pi.soge always na luw ns charged by other Linea that reship three limes on the swan sown, CHARLES A. 111 . ANULTY, Canal 1111.41, Pittiaitirgh. ROSE, AfERRILL & DODGE 71 Smith's Wharf. Baititnote. A. L. c;ERILART & co. philJde!rida Pitt4burch Xug 19 „IBC, MA*44 l lB4slitElaa Ilingttam'st Transportation Linty BETWEEN PITTSBURGH .ND Tin: LAST ERN CITIES l' II 0 P R I I: T 0 111 11 S , Wis. tsotts..a. Jscou Don K. THOI 81K,3111.111, 11m. A. Stit.ttoY. Conducted un &adit b-keeping principle.. THE rroprieturs of the old essabliJoi3 Line lime thoroughly recruited and risnewesi their tick and are well .prepared:to forward .Prodoerested Met. chandise unitheOpenning of navigation. The lotstexpertence of the Ploprieturs in - the car• rying hollow's, with their watchful attention to the in- wrests of i coistomers, induces them to hoße that the patronage heretefore extended to '•Bingham's Line" will be coutioued and ioct eased. Deeming the usual self-glorifying st y le of ridvertis ing too absurd fur imitation, and believing that with former customers we tieed nu salf•conommidatiou, we would merely imite such as • litfve not lienetofute patronised our Line, to give us a trial. Our rates of freightoball at all lintest.be the lowest that are charged by miner responsible Lines. Produce and Mertinindise be rereit ed and for. warded without any charge fur adyerti.iiig. Stionae or Commission. Bills of lading promptly tot-warded, 10,1 every direction Cul vfully totennicsi to. Apply to, or address, %V BI N AM. Canal Basin. cosy Liberty and tVasne ate., BINGH AM, HOCK, and ST It TUN, No. 276 Mar bet atteet, l'hiladeipitin JAMES ‘1 I LSON, Agent. No. 1'22 North Howatd surer, Bolt insure RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE FOR TRANSPORIATios OF Goons &trees INUNburgh and rill the Eastern Cities WITIIO - 17T TRANSHIPPISG 111-115 old and long e.taitiished Line hat log near ly doubled their capacity and fazilities fur rui ning goody, are now prepay in• to receive pr (FILICV sad meechandite to any amount fur shipment Lair 0 , 'est. Thaboati of this Line In.iAg all lour section Potts ble Boats, are transferred from Cane I to Itsitioud, tl,us saving all transhipment to separation of goody; at the goods are never ....moved till their-arri%•l at Plolatie! phis or Pittsburgh. This Line being the Pioneer in this 'node of mg after a successful operation of eight s PA rs, are en übleel with confidence to refer to as member.... whir , have heretofore patronized them. estera Merchant, are respectfully requested to give this Lice a mist, as rvi ry exertion sill be fagot to render satisfaction. Met cinnaiste and Produce alwa) a carried at DJ low price, ea as fair :arms. sod in as short time, ashy any other Lisa, Produce consigned to our house at Philadel phi& ',lithe sold on libet al terror. Goods consigned to either our house at Pittybut gh or Philadelplais, forwarded promptly, and all requisite charges paid, JOHN Mc.1.% DEN St. Co., Fran street. Canal Dann. Pittsburgh. JAS. M. DAVIS. As Co., 249 zed 251. mr, 25. Marketat., Philadelphia. FARE REDUCED TO 8 DOLLARS **oil lataat Past Mail for PNBLADELPHIA, Of lIPLY.PPAH TROT DOLT C.ACH/.1 , , AND RAIL ROAD CARS 11•0 Pittsburgh Daily at 1 o"clotk P SONNING Ta 1101368 IN 48 nouns, Ascending the hind with SIX HORSES AND POSTILION• • ..• 4,•;nr •ri.• Press Clutwibersbarg by Rail Roadio Philadelphia. In splendid nee ly built Eight Wheel Cars, there cur:wetting with Mail Celd for New - Yuck; elm el Chanibersburg with Mail Lines direct fur Baltimure and Washington City. [P Only Office for theabove Line, next Jour tit the Einlange notel,St CluirStreet. ,June 12-dam W. R. MOOFWEAD. A.4t. F. S. TUB-SETT, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, FITTH STREET, OLTWEES 111•RICET t:!: lON OTRECTS. ( barmier oa Fifa el eel.) WHERE be will attend to all business in ofr bia line: Such as cleaning and neatly repairing Warden and Jewelry. letter cutting tvglr . and mas king Silver-ware, &c. Tiitret 'Ltd other clocks made and repaired. Ilia friends and all those desiring his service*. will please Live him a call. ap 24 Gm Cancer, Scrofula, &c AMPLE experience has proved that no combina tion of medicine has ever been so effectual in removing the abuse diseases, ns JAYNE'S ALTER NATIVE, or Life Preservative. It has effected cures that have been truly astonishing, not only of Cancer and otber diseases of that class, but has removed the most stubborn diseases of the Skin, Swelling. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, &c., &c. This medicine enters into the circulation and ma cites diseases wherever located. It purities the blood and other fluids of the body, removes obstruction in she pores of the skin, end reduces enlargements of !he glands or bones. It increases the appetite, removes headache and drowsiness, invigorates the whole sys tem, and imparts animation to the diseased and debit hated constitution. There is nothing super iur to it in the whole materia medica. It is perfectly safe and extremely pleasant, and has nothing of the disgusting sausesaccompanying the idea of swallowing medi cine. Prepared and sold nt No 20 South Third Streit, Pbiiadelphia, Price $1 a bottle. For sale in Pittsburgh at the Agency Office, Third street, a few Ooora east of the Post Office, adjoining the old banking house of the 'Bank of Pittsburgh.' KrAll Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines for sale at the above place. jv '26 PRINTING OFFICE, {I. W. CORNER Of WOOD & FIFTH STE 1b proprietors oft_ h e _ _ORN INO POST and NI ER RT • S D MAN L" FACTURES( TOSpeCtfilllT ilifunn 0161 friends and the patrons of those papers, iliac they have a large and well chosen assortment of .TOB '''''‘ICJIE".IIIE 9 &MD 40.510UL11W11 @LSlVZilaZtallo Necessaryt oaJ ob Printing Office, nd that they are prepared to execute . LETTER PRESS PRINTING, , Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. Poems, Bills of Lading, I Circulars, Pamphlets, I Bill Heads,Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. 2111 altos at 361 auks, Slegs,Slesissborit and Canal Boat Bills, via ap propriate eats, Prinsedon the shortest notion and most reasonable Ic We nips tinily fly** thepetrenne ofrourfriende ILO the public. ir. imutc. IGLER of agehneitieos. ', Sit ftfitST Sr. 'BIGLER, - - July '25,1 145. , . , .- 4- -.4,...,4 1 1 7 4-- - 4 n' WILLIANI TYSON. Ageet. No. 10. IVeKt ierret, New Volk BOOK AND JOLS IRE 7 i • V S TAM' gE)PSIIF,D NO. 49, LIBERTY STREET. TIIE subscriber having returned again from the moil ern ril let , . is now opening his Nit and .win teretock of goods, exceeding in vat iety and extent any thing, haretiif irefolreced intltia city. Thankful to his friend. and the public fin the Cavan be has received, a nd which has induced him to pur• chase more extensively than before, he again invites their attention to tho cheapest, best selected and most extensive assortment which lie has ever before offered among which are • • French, English, German and American Broadcloths, Black, Blue, iovialble Green, Olive and other Colors. IL'ha..ll are WI of a skip,: y. Alru, a rillefulid 85'1.11Ilelit of vEsTINGs or ENTIRE NEW SLY LES PRESC II PA TTE . - A. n 1 e lut 01 FRENCH AND ENGLISII CASSINIERES of evcay ..11,1,, color, alpl n, whicl. cannot lull to pleaw tastes of 1%; cuittlmert. Alen. New Style of Beaver and Tweed Cloths OF BLACK. ULT.. INVISIBLE GREEN. GOLD- MIXED AND OLIVE, FOIL SAC): AND FIIOCK COAIS, ‘Nttil lot of Makibilloo , zaiii Mac blin Coating, rtZul and ocher goult euittibh , for uve coats. 1 hose gods will Le sold ready mule. or will be mm !, to otilcr in a stiperior style. an low as can be bought io titi. city. Ile ha:, also tiro usual variety for getitHilell . ll wear such as Shirts, Stocks, Suspetiders, Ilandke rrhiefs. Scarfs, Bosom!, Collars, Hash% in los employment several of the hest Isitoo 0 and most popular cutter+ in the he feels confident of gising satisfaction, and noultl especially invite the attention of perstin, Naming their garment. made in a sup , ' iur style and of the Gavot materials, to CLOTH!, CAASISkRES Asn VI!TIN6S Vliich he hat selected wish the uttnost care I this articular bt :melt 1,1 hu•ittust. He will lOW pleasure shuwittg i Ite.e goods to toyate who will In‘orltirn ith h call, feeling confident that the great far fiery ul irock and the std le to which they arc matte, car, tut be supaim.d P. DELAN 49 i.o h W K WITH MEXICO DECL HEM MoNt kfiF CLOTHE \ G STORE. No 2, WOOD St. Scroud Door from the Cornet of Water Street cuot,Ey & PROPRIETORS, Th , thi• artiet•incleg cu•tornrt, and the public gent-1101y. 11,0 ihre boy ,. 1(.01 ircrnrtl G.m lLrV•1611, std offer for .ale at 11, /those •Itintl n large end selected sts/trr Cleo Cuttiturihs, Vrt•itugit and tdest.• demeritl6tlu, htt, leg byte. tor. - Lased fot 0/ , thr more uric. ties are r1 , 11 1,1 .. 1 1•. 01. r curer a. cAll be cull In Ute W.,tern Count,. 3 -to.tfluent 1/1. RI:A t) Y M A 1.)1: CLOrIfI i; . itirge, aril ha+ been inenufacitocti born Ow HI, I be t•acelleta wtoltmen. They have constantly OA 11, d end II) ..Ml , r all uroclei of Clothing. *bleb tl'rff I rail to be made in the tre•t manner anti mo•t Irsii.tat able ..11c. They ins ite the raidic to call etr,fl stark n+ they are confident the, ,g,toD AHT ICI 5. et .I,ich count, Remember the NO AVrn )1) STREET. SECuND DUuR FRUM THE. CuRNER ov 11 . \ A . arrt ill S. MORRISON, Liberty st., betweesi Market and Virgin Al t c y. HVING return...A ftntn the Eaxt. sulAn I. now Orl,lll his foil and 111.1tItt, Cork ut g.sral•. exceeding in ‘artets and extent anx thing v. htch has heretofore been offered in this city. Thankful to his friend, aro! the public for the Casior be has ieceii.ed, and winch has induced him to pur chase more eatanstvely than tJel . l.lo, he again 1111:11r/ their attention to the chemirro , beat selected and irmat elle-rib-ive assortment which he has ever before ufieued among valid) Co French, English. German and 13 mer ican Broadcloths. Black. Ellie, een, and other Colors. which are all of aulierior qualit). Also, a arkll. 1 .1,1 100Itment of Vesting's of Entire new "styles, FRENCH PA 7' TE A till* lot of FREN( . 1i AND ENfiI.ISII CASSINI Eft ES of csery 011a4... Col.:I - , anti p•tir, ,, . witich cononot fail to plettot the ramous I aids, of kite euthonets. Also. n Neu. Stylts lit arc r a nd Trrretl Clt thy. ul Black, Blur, luririble Gr'.n, Golden 31ixed and ()lire, for Sark and Frark Coats.. Together with a lot of snpmior NI A 6 Ifil I)(O A NI) B E BLANK I.:1 COATI SG, and o' er go ' doable for Over Coats. Throe goods aill be sobl lea 4 made, et rid de made to order in a suitetior 1 , 1)1e as 101 N as Csli be Nought in this eily. lie loss also the ÜbUal y for Gentlentan . : , wear, such as SHIRTS. STOt KS. sr srl:Npr:R s. kNI,HF.R.IIII:n, SCARFS. BoSOMS, COLLEILS, EC The attention of person, wanting their garments well made. ar.d in .o.rerior sale, and of the best ma terials. 15 incited to his fine stock of French Cloths, Cassiwercs awl Vesting,s, which he has select , d u ith tie utmost care for this particular branch of business. He will bike pleasure in showing these goods to any one who will favor him with a call, feeling confident that the great variety of his stock and the style in which they ate made, cau• not be surpassed in this city. S. MORRISON, Liberty at.. oct fil—Gm between Market at. and Virgin alley. _ _ Thompion's Carminative, For the cure of Cholit Cholera Mochas, gisranter Complaint, Dysentery, Diarrhea, 4'e.• CERTIFICATES of persoter aho have used the Carminative, are coming in thick and fast. The miginal document+ may be seen at the Agency, as well as the best of City 'References given. READ TILE FOLLOWING: iew•, T., FORT MADISON. Aug 3, 1815. Sir:—When I was passing through Pittsburgh two weeks since, on my way home from the East, I called in at your Store, and put chased two bottlesof ••T hemp doh's Carminative," for my Children, who were sick ul the Summer Chmpluint, and an I told yout boy that sold them to Mo. I Would write and let you know how they operated, I do so now with pleasure; they curia them pc, fectly, and Mrs D. (my wife) says it's the best Medicine she ever used, and recommends I very one to use it fur their Children. j I remain, yours, very respectfully, J. W. D. Vti M. J ACKSON, Wholesale & Retail Agent, cur. of \Vnod& Liberty sts , Pittsburgh. N. R. All orders addressed as above, post paid. Angltiof DR. A. J. TDONIRSON'S Anti-Dyspeptic, Tonic and Cathartic Pills. THESE PILLS, while they cleanse the stomach they restore its original tone without creating de bility. They likewise produce all the invigorating ¢nd strengthening effects of a most approved Tonic; thus accomplishing a desiderammof a Cathartic Alterative and the best ever known Tonic medicine, whose use. fulness can be relied upon in all those diseases origina ting from the derangement of the Alimentary Canal directly, or Bihar). Secretions indirectly; such as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Hemethoids or Piles, Chronic Diarrhtra, Sick Stomach, Hattburn, Vertigo. Depra ved Appetite and Foul Stomach, Surfeit from intem perate Eating or Drinking, &.c., Warranted Purely Vegetable. IV PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Prepared by the proprietor, A. 3. THOMPSON, M. D., And fiord wholesale and retail by my Agent, W. Jat aria at his Patent Medicine Wareholm, earner of Wood's:AL Liberty ; au., Pitubitrgh •augl64t FME;ME IdAttUr4ffgatti, LP' FALL r:*.-'• u Za; _ aa cub Ixt 3 WAR EROUSE -R EMOV ED. THE. subt.cribens have the pleuente of informing their friends end the public generally, dint Aley have removed their paper store t o Wood Street, above Fourth, nearly opp!i.iits the stand they occupied before the.fire, where they hove on hand and ate opening a complete a,surtnientment Of ...PA.1.47..1t II NGINGS. _ _ _ UOILDER9I, FIRE L10.9.11P PRINTS, k C., the greater pnri of which hit‘ Itetin mannfuctured and imported >inve the or and which contaiuslarg e number of potterons 'hut urr altogether new and suit.- f or. fa .ry d. scriptiun of entries and Jotnns. They Otto keep on bund crick t 4. Printing, writing and Nirrapring Prr per hum the Clint nn Mill. SICII• benville, 0., to % shirhulung with their" other goods, tiev .uuld respect fully cull the nt t e talon of purchasers, Rug+ uncl Trowel H, OLDSII sent p ri ll 'arfi& "MOWN. nsed in exchunge. • • 87 Wood street. Linen dB:-,x3m [ . 1 , 4 -..'7" 7 7 V 77 . ''-' ..," ' • F 1 .f:,..1: Tyre.; .. ~.... : ,-.,,.;,,,•.:,,,,... . :. • ~_.....-...47,..„...,...,,,,,,,__, ..s. FURNITURE 11 ARE ROOMS. N I . 12. RYAN, TAVING col:timed his niorhirrry Gtr the MAN. 11 PFACTURF. OF CABINET FUIINITURE, is 11,1 W prepated tot to the public all a - rticles in his lila.. tit wholesale or 1,10, vet y low for CASII; he war rums te,tny niticht mule nt his estahlishment to gise satisfaction: tt. none but the best workmen are employed; Mid mery care taken in the selection of materiul. Turning and Sawing done in - the heat manner. Also, an te .sitment of termed material kept on hand. such ns lthirgon Howe Columns, Sewel's and Balusters, Bench Srews, Bed posts, Shovel and Fork Tuttle Legs, S.e. Handler. The dllt,Cl OA, 1.4 in addition to his large Entab lialgrilen!, nine Britt. houses, atilt shall. running through them, which he will Rant for ...3/.18, with Steam Power s ufficient to propel nosh machinery' an may be put into them, n t much lower rates than steam power earl he produced (tom small engines. Posse•sion gisen at nap time. Citizen's Uotel Url! 17. .141,-ct titer lats opened the C1ii7,11.11 111i1.' I 011 Prim rl•et. tt• a 11 , 1114 , 01 putt:it' eittettatamt•rit In that I.tt get 1%11 r ite*. the rtirtir t•, i tta 1,, ttlEo. tot Iti rl.. i• tt‘ldeti t . itr the 0C igkt:1111“.! pt,h;te. tittti Itt Le OA al all —tn. it lA, VENITI.%N 1.1 N S A. WESTERVELT, LTI tI I In W,1.1 InriTl , l .•1 tt. , 01,1 rl,/ 1 tro4l In I:l6.rrn • r„. Iv!. of fArl 1: 4 ,••.n0w In Cul li. it t, .is AO. ihol 10 :i.I•N TTIL,NC,{ nnln 14 . •ar o la L : dr • oit,r at lv,n) ,c Cl.ll ,ems,.. .1 Is. • ____. 1 N 9 , tr t 7-1 v I -. . Allposp.:: 7,-,. r. 4. :17'...-'7. ;1' - • ....1 .-, ..44 simm■ -,.-...`-f - - - 1 44' -4 ,. .!.• ...--.‘," - Ilk ~- _ - - Wholesale &Retail Cash House, "00 N T 0 W N," N: !lam• ,- . r Barrows ik. Turner. t.l •:: p..r iOlorg a It. u ' \ t vs•er.•lve • .• lab .!.• I.II,iLS loRIS`; yr);,S • (li (!! (•••!•• •r•• ; o." ti ~trlrf; to ~• 0 111. tocl.sg.-4, iii • •111%., f I ui i rut.. ui •••rir nn uftr t , nlynre., I.iorotts on.l !•, r .rn. Li'011,1•I ro.rooop %of hroc.ll. Logii•'h and n'.•l Mi., in, ail ahldr•; /C /1 SIIA IF/ S of rol.rfo-tr.;: befooy toKi tt j 1 1, 1,,,t1, ar..l low C 0.1; 41ik , .1 okot 151:1, 41, ; all milli, ki,lcl•,, th, i Atc. &C. (~.,fir. i; USN !:7.' .f 3 /t RD./BUSS. It:. ”.i pr ..7 . 4 - 1. 4 ,e it; Luar., now 1111 is parirro.. for 135 cis *. tetHr llri deirly utlmn,er, 1+144:1, .11. tr:1•; b•- orkge•, c. ifoUsE KEEI'ING GOLU , S. Gus l,nnrsuc dcpatinoro is foil; porores•ing a‘lviet• nr,e• w the ro;r , surely to be (amid— boles brown .Itr•enues. 4 , 4. 9 3.:r 4 utel 6 4. ull giede• and price, (porn raw, I.4corlted phertirgs, nll price (rim CU., ;t • bri,n trr.bleuchert aria co!or. , 5110e14 in all odors; Lent. the tic: , irep.otrii irr•lolhkieg;--Linen goods ul curs y tinine oe3 description, at Ibe lowest 10 -4-rc—T - km:. fi.r 10 00,11)e best artidlo in u.r. 161 re liuyela will Scotch &la Venn; blitukets, cuunter chorko, 11,:rip•, C. C. ItKU,4U CLO liii• been given to this braurli, a nd ~Ir r h 1,1. 1, no parallel in the Nest. Frenell suit WY. , 4 , f England cloths in all shades: Ger- ! man black...ere,. olives acid rube, shades for Indies' c l ou t s .; go ld 'To:so d ; s erhyr cloths for gouda' near: cassinlerell, rictr siriple and fancy. in all styles; rich vets els: furry 10, l plain satins; fancy vestings; satin semi, era, ats. Ace &c. ; SOVelni canes bi:nch 111111 bill , brk. mixed 11.1 all .h^dr•.; 1 case drub do, for inn [lnge It inonings, sillirts made up; hosiery; suspru• der &c. Sz.c. D r y (ii.als put, 6.e.rrs mill find 11 decidedly to their Varian purchu.ing, elsen here,) to drop in at our niontier, and examine goods and prices. 9:7 - Three doors above 3d at. No. 46. on BARROWS & l URN ER B GRAFI A NI. Boot maker, formerly of Smith Geld -t, has temoved to Fourthst,nextdoort Mr Kolox'a Costrectionaty, where be will be hippy to receive the csllll of his friends, no d es p ec ioly those whonro indebted to the establishment. at 16. A THREE story brick building, with back buildingm,on the corner ,f Grant and Sixth st.i. or l on e of the subscribers, or at 1111 A P. CUNNIN:3IIAM. P. RATIGAN. Glory, Gratitude and Patriotism. The Jackson Wreath, or National Souvenir. A National Tribute, commemorative of the great A civil victor V, achieved be the people, through the !dela of New Orleans, containing a mopof the United Stirter‘, a portrait of Gen. Jackiou, n view of the bat tle of New Orleans; and the Hermitage. Just received and for sole by JOHNSTON & STOCK roN, Market street. ALBREE has removed to his old stand, No. G 71, corner of Wood and 4th streets, Burnt Dis• trirt. where he is now receiving an entire new, fresh and seasonable stock of Boots and Shoes, of all de scriptions, which he offers for sale upon the most satis factory terms, and levier prices than he has titer sold before. Country Merchants and others arc respectfully in shed to call an examine his stock. ser.l-3ro. 1;1•V.I \MIN F 1:1\1; Clair .t , net, \ pir.t 11 , t ! ..rA er: re .1: •!,re: „ .1 a. our To.: to :1.4 of 0.1 rs. Removal by Fire House and Lot for Sale BACK AGAIN. =IM.P!? THREE BIG DOORS! No. 151, LIBERTY STBEET P1TT5331711.68. Honorable dealing insures honorable surges: THE immerpte nutronar that has been bestowed upon the subscriber's establishment fur many Fears ptud, by ail elnutet of the community, is llll(ll., , lti ,, nittga evidence that hia articles have given tali •fac Lion to all hia en , ttoment. and thnt Ma enels to plelteki thd — rubri - c taste LEL. been ILICC.CS4OI. His god , of . _ Pall and Winter Clothing 4 now prepared for the inspection of his friends and he public generally, laud final the variety of hi= stock, lie s uperior quality of his Cloths, and the style and ante in which all his articles are made, he feels con fident pleasing, ail who may fawn him with It would be impossible to enumerate all his articles in a single nil i.e., iisement, but the follov ing a ill suffice t o = haw t he public the nut iety horn which to clioase VERY SUPERIOR CLOTHS. Of d ery quality and price. CASSIMERES AND CASSINETTS TWEED, SATTINETS, VELVETS, &C Of French. Engl;4l and American Manufacture llii Anck READY MADE CLOTHING, CUII3ISt in part of DRESS COATS, Of every ivinlity aFA In ice. AIL NV r3IIE. -1 Of every quality tkodyri,r. and made in the moss .t) It Gentlemen's Fashionable Cloaks, In great ‘urirty, and sal.) at unprecedetaly low itricee. Overcoats of every Description, 4 new and splendid assortment of F 1: NC II VEST ING PAT TERNS Al.o. a fro. I t of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSI M IIES of eery tolor, and pal tom. New Style of Beaver arid Tweed CLotba, OF BLACK. ISLUE. INVISIBLF. Gurr.N. GOLD- :NIIXED AND oLivr, FOG SArK AND FROCK COATS Tor , hrt %kith et lot 4.1/aitheda ael t d fileec /Thijokt Coaling. PCni lint other D.ul. othc bk f,•r• user cnalli. ii k,•1111/60 11. e I.IAUaI %11l let, ft,' Viltit.1111:11 . near. vich at Shirt, Stooji. Siv.r - rlders 11.1n,14 , rch el . , SC, ft MR, evtlarl. end till it' her •rt :flea 1H th.• he .4., • hit- ud , I:.e rr titnn 0,40 y roll lte purcLafrd at ens n~ I'l V•!tilt h , . . 1I it \ cur t 6ir r•er‘ arim.t• meet n. c! ,, h.^:, torl et they me an •do , tp the m - XV. I . SII I I. EIlO I: S I.S. In thr CO/1 , 1 1..• rilion. that Till - . ANI) NIAKE UC .11 at i I Arrn Li. r.t.,lll.ll•nrg will IK in tL 1 . 1 'O7 m.. 1.111 etvlo COUNT RN :TIER('Q.\'\T S WM= 11,411!cr 011 thr ~•11 1,111 t.l r.• Att . rrt , • 11%41 41 1., rn .-,rn•tfr• ts I ra f 01,0, .mil • r.l , v •••!•,..,^ •••• I I to, t", T th. tot, C•r .• , • lyre tt. la •r• , mt e• 4 5..• d I i• • • I y i•I r•. I 0.111,111 . . I rmi, pr. i 11, •r 1•4 tl.r• • I, it.. h,t •• r 4 f ~, .. s , , ~,. F, , .«~. ~. 4.1 k *if u 1.1 4,!,•„ 7,1 i Ihr •,,n,lwr ... 151. L 11,tte tre; . ft a• 014 11,1 , ./ I Ili, " it)11!.. McC.: LUSK FIN. NEW GOODS: NEW ROODS; FRESII ARMY AL Al 71-1 I NATIONAL CLOTHING STORE, N 0.169, Ss.,fh H 111..1‘..1U trx j•l:tt tvtart Purn the hut.- hr to IF.c !ago. at:_i astartm:: t it•V,ig WI* IT' r at:tl tati tatty: CI,. at es liob;t•:,,,,t 11,. atocit.. cututatt In the entiot Ift at, ico Brood, Henyer, Pilot and T ared Wool Dyed l'Ioth•. tortvd. tinrred 1. '234 and ram, rorrirn and irorne.tic ('n•ftionerr.; A LLEN KRAMER Ezehange Broker, 'fez/ CLOTIIs AS!) o.l.•;SlVErtrs rtvt , :nr:P, door to the Exchange Bank. betscee• Wood EX 1'1:.4 SIT t: r t: oad Ma / irt a:recta, Pittsburgh, Po. Gold, Silset, CVLoRs. and Solscot Bank note., bought and .old. Sight Plain and Fancy Sattinetts, all Colors and • chruke on the Ealtern cities, fur stale. Drafts, notes Qualities; ' amt bills,collected. EW EILI ES CASSINITRES. I A NEW. HEAVY AND ISENIIII-I'l.. Altll- C LE, FIRST LOT IN THE ( !El I; Vnlrnein, Wooden end fillk Velvety, Celanese/ea. rice. for Yuatlsig. Th e o lo g e, her w oh a huge variety of Sticks, v3ts. Sonil., roe 't.et llandkrrcbiett. Suspenders, Slort4,lt.wurr•, tither oftde Dryer• taireng le( ietelettleO'S weer. The tllKlCT•ignett is prr- No el 10 VII No redn , t, irt of "Vet ten pc, cent. tinder last :grist's prices He is also prepared to manufac ture Cl o tl,i ir g of a ll kinds to order, after the moor. proved Eastern and Paris fusliinons, (which he re• ceives monthly) at the shortest notice, and on the !That reftiOnoble win* The subscriber woolil say, that though Inc never has rris,k eil e log on .hr I, board, he ran get op a better fitlq i g, and n b. , tier in.ole gni • merit, than same of the..o N her, after spending the great• Cr part of 11.'11 !Steil C.lO. legged, are so ignorant of th e situ; department as to be obliged, when they want a coat for themselves, to call in u crook to cut it for them, hir want of ability to do it themselves. fie would caution the public against being la.mbitgccil by t h o se w h o t 4 ll, s o largely about competition front those who !icier noticed them, mill within a few days his attention NB, 11110(14 , 1 to nn Ut iVettlsolllOlt In OttO the pi.pers. written ha some conceited person a hose appearance might he improv ed by using some of the soap be talks so much about. The subscriber has made an arrangement in New Yolk by ailielt he ,slll receive. in the course of few w e eks, a large supply of Shirts, sit rites varying from 50 cent, to $3,00. Country merchants and others wishing to purchase by the case or down, will have their orders, if accompanied by the rash, attended to 'Shit prompt lieSS and delizitch. Thankful for the very liberal pa: Menge extended me during the short limo I lonic been iu telSitleSe, I am determined to sell new arid g ood ClOthitig at such prices (IS will render it to the advantage of purchaser , to call at the NATION AL cLoTtilmi STORE before going elsewhere. JAMES B. MITCHELL. 15725 or 30 good hands will receive good wages and constant entplOyMelit, by calling soon at the Na- Clonal Clothing Store. None need apply but thong who can come well recommended us being able to di the best work. JAMES. IS. NIIICIIELL, Sept I lOt&W Dr. D. Meritt, Dentist, (O( tie Burnt District.) Rl' ECTFU LLY informs his friends and all three who wish his services that he lin4 taken an office in Smithfield elect. thl door from Vii gin alley, where he will nos attend all opetations of the Teeth in the Lent manner and ut the tihortest notice. Office hours frum 9 till 12, and Crum; till 5. may 2—d&wLf. WEhave received ,und will hereafter keep cor• stuntly on hand, a full supply of Printing Ink, in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell cheaper than it husheretoforebeen sold in this city. Orders from the country accompanied by the cash stn ♦LL casts) will he promptly attended to. BIGLER, SA RG ENT & BIGLER, Office n the Post and NI annfactu er. Jv 26-if A FRESH SUPPLY Johnson's Superior Wall and Winter PRINTING IRS. RECEIVED THIS DAY, At the Office of the PittsburgA Morning Post BIGLER, BARGENI c BIGLER. Imp 17•d&wt MO= s " 111 molt' N o w' Spoilas,Laiji Write OiXtamp Store' THE subscribers having opened a store, No 8. St Clair street, (west side) for the sale of Lamps respectfully invite the attention of the in habitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surround ing country generally, to their stock of Lamps, before purchasing elsewhere. Our arrangements with the manufacturs ate such that we can safely say, we are prepared to light in the moat brilliant and economi cal manner, Steamboats, Hotels, Public Halls, Churches, Stores, Shops, Parlors, Bridges and Streets, us well us the mare "dart: and benighted arr. I nee, or any plur.e where brilliancy, neatness and strict actmemy is de.ired,. Among our meuus fordetting ttur sktar." truly he found the folk wing Lamps fur boning Lard, Lard Oil uga.a.r6iiiiVil. v ix: /bin 2ing Eatups and ClamielitriAg 10,1 hettnell) Fur lighting Stereo, P‘blic Halls, Churches, lie els and steambunts• Stand and Centre Table Lamps, (various patterns and prices,) forrarlurs. Reading and Work Lampe. Side and Well Lamps, Cita:sand Tin Hand Lomps &A: &c. The above are mostly Dyott's Patent Lamps. with double shelled fountain, and otherwise an improve. meta upon ens lump new in use, which can be per ceived at once by examination. Also,glassTrimmings at lamps, such us Globes, Chimneys. Wicks, &c LAST, THOUGH NOT LEAST tarn'''. and Chandeliers, (2 no 6 branch - ) Stand and Centre Table Lampe, (Miss* Fran:, with or without drops,) Street lamps fur lighting streets and bridges. As we .ciinnat do.icrihe the various pattern., we Car. dially invite the public to examine them. We affirm that in brilliarty, cleanliness and economy, no light now in use will bear comparison wish these lumps and Pine Oil. Th. y are us safe to use as sperm or Lard Oil. A Itliongh some are endeavoring to iderfify this article with the old rumphine and spirit gas, (hy the use of i• l L i r h a ccident a have occurred.) we t osett this to be entitherand differen snide. and that no accident• have occurred during the extensive use of this article in Philadelphia for four year,. These Lamps will produce as much light, with as much neatness and more heti lianetr, and .25 per cent. leas than any other light how in use, not excepting (ins. If am one doubts statements we have, or may here slier make, we would soy. we have commenced our business in Pitt-hutch, anti knowing the merits of the at ticks we offer to the public, we are willing to hold oursekra n ecootm,ble at all time, for our statements, and a re unite; t o pat to test nor L u mp—dollar. and e .,.,,,..—testing e c onomy—and the publi : decided un the mettle,. and brilltaricy of the light. We h ive mussy te•timon inls It an residents or Phiht -1 deh , hig .1.4.1 i I•cv. here, but the r u lloveing may suflit c ' to: hi L r re•ent. 'this is to certify that I have purrhased .if M. FT Dvmt a “iffp•ient tomlher of his Putant Pine Oil Lump* 1..„ to light the a ' n , Vrlll,. 11 Church Or Phil a d e l p hi a, and 1,,,,, ~....1 them in stml Church shout two years. I I 1,,,, , found them to give perfect strisfaction. The , l h„ hr pr.al,ersl h. them is the most brilliant that I Ilit , 0 e‘nr seen. They are so economical that the c.rst ..i the Lamp, has been saved several times OVrr: the I;, 1 1 0 in: op o f the Chinch not costing half as much its 1 it it'd before we procure stun,,. iteffreCtiklP.V. JOHN DF.SSALFT, Scree:new of the abort &mined Church 1 rthladelphia. J air 3, 1%;15. :.•.r puld:ie To Printers. - • • [hon . ., Paten! l'ine Oil LRIllp?, 6uril as Hanging The o-,l••r•irried lo 3 vingu•nd rof two yeirst/yovit'il l.ii•nt Pine Oil homy. in hi. Hotel. the Hi.herr ree .,onend them so ihe most rconornirn I n• 1 ! tight Ow can be produced by a fly rine , in ran. Hr-tore I commenced 1161 ing 171 i oust, as r h the Pine 0:1, I ris using the (ins; but if .r n tr,,t! of übovu Lump.. I was at m a ch plea. .4! VI 'ht i nhet,.an d r0,,,,C..11 of their economy, bat 1 had 14,1 Gal rrlrlw.r . ti and hum the Pine (Jilin ta plat,". WM. CA !ILES, Pror tir,ur `..!(/3 Chesnut at. Jul} 8. 1815. Ar teCIII'SY Clrr. Jalr 111, 1845. Thi. my, reat,tr this, we. the under.ier,rl, haring 01011 10, tai I'49i:A Pine. 011 Lamps. the torcitCf. re:tiftlrfliote.l • hem, prod sirs the must brilhant and ee.wwwelleal light we pot trrr seen, They are simzile in their structure. •n.I erari , ! , tallen eare more bvileve them es sari. itel t as can he orttnlttecti from any other Lt 1171 1 ,, and cltrato, teen me of lire lor,cl ..1 JOII!li AWORTD, Druggist. MERCER & ROBINSON. \let, hulls. ‘S, Ct IW LING, Clotting Store. JOHN HOPEWELL, Cl"thtng Stole. Anv mu- 441,01,t in! reenninnnelt• Or the f.tregning ee , tifteatr•, have the Liodneas In rnti at N‘i. B. 1\ el., suit , "(St Clair street, here they tray examine Ow original. itlt tt.any more, much mope to the point, ton reserved f.te their proper place. S . I UN E •117 CI I. N, , . 8. St Clair totert. N. It. Lod Uri ati,l fresh Vine Oil for val.., lILFERLNCES Wm. R. 41 & Co., John D. Davis, F. Lorenzo, J. rummer & Co., I Joseph Woixlvtull, Jame.. May, Alox.llronson LCO. John f 1 Hrown&Co. Juno., SlTeuolle.s. Cincinn:o J. It. Nl'Donula. St. Louis, Mo AV 11. rope, Esq., Preet Bonk Ky. y Louisville jAmEs COCUUAN, Corner of Libertyand Fac.orystreelt,Fifek Ward. Pe tilb tlr r ANUFACTUR Eli of Nlag, wsin Firn Prool 11'1 Chests, iron Doors. Grates and Railings; Iron Doors for Sauk Vaults, Canal and Rail Rond•lrons together with every description of Smith work. REFFR To— %l Allen, James Mae, William Holmes, Samuel Chnreh, Lewis Hutchinson, Lorenz, Sterling & Co., John Icon& Son, Atwood & Jones, A Beelen. A BEELEN, Fsq., Commission Merehant, corner of Front and Ferry streets. and Mr. G. BEALE. Jr , Nn 74, Wood street, are Arent. for Pittsburgh; and Nlearm BRYAN and JIILTENBERGER.St Louis, Mo., to either of whom orders may be addressed. Pittsburgh, Marche 8.1815. d lv DENTAL SURGERY. Teeth supplied on improved Principles al reduced Charges. • ARTIFICIAL Mineral Teeth from one to an entire set, inserted to answer the purposes of Mastica Lion and articulation, equal to natural teeth; and so near ly resembling them, that the closest observer cannot letect them from sound, natural teeth. Tender avd decayed Teeth filled with Tooth paste, and without ;ruin mode solid and useful for mastica tion, obviating the necessity of extracting Teeth inserted by attnospberic pressure without springs or clasps. Irregularities in children's teeth if attended to in time, prevented, and adults greatly remedied. The subscriber bag one whole act and a part of a set of his artificial teeth finished, which he invites those who stand in need of such to call and examine. CHARGES. For Teeth on Gold !Note, horn $2 to $3 each; Silver Plate or Pivot I to 2 " For Plugging 50 cis to 1 " For extracting 25 cts Operations given over by other Dentists. solicited and no charge made without entire satisfaction is gin en, Advice gratis. wept 19 d 3 M L. J. CHAMBERLAIN. Surgeon Denti.=t, St Cluir it WM. DOUGLAS, Fashionable Hat and Cap Manufacturer. !co. 78 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH, 4 WOULD respectfully announce to his a b, friends and citizens generally, that he has opened at No 78 Wood Street, East aide, Burnt district, nearly opposite his old stand, where will be found Hats and Caps, of the latest style and Fashion; prices very low. N. B. Coisntry Merchants are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing else• where, which will be offered et prices that cannot fail to please at No 78' Wood street. atigll-3m The Praisilin Fire Insuraza Company of I Philadelphia. BARTER PERPETUAL. $400,000 paid in, C office 163 i, Chestnut sty nortla_side, near Fifi b. Take Insurance, either permayent -or limited. against loss or damage by ,firo, on Property and Ef• fects of every description, is Tmvn or Country, on the must reasonable terms. Applications, made either personally or by letter, will be pronipily attended to. C. N, BANCEER, Ptest. C. G. BANcxEn, Sec'y. DIFLE.C;TORS Chorteo N. 13ancli.er,_ Jaoub Richardu Th omas • • ai l cig, Moidtci .Lewi,, Vngher," Adoiphi Bork., Samuel Gnent, -- • David S Brywn. PITTSBURGH AGENCY. WARTUCK "MARTIN; Agent, at the F.xchanze Of fire of Warrick. 'Martin .1.; Co., corher of Third and arkit *Meets.. Finn tiaks taken on buildings and their con*rnta in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the murrounding country'. No marine or inland navigation rittlis taken. aue4•l%. INDEMNITY _IOOSB .OR DAN AGE BY FIRE. THE MUTUAL PRIIsiCIPLE. COMBINED With the additional security of a' STOGIL CAPITAL The Reliance Mutual lusuranee Co. of Phila.-.Charier Perpetual. DIRECToII3 : Georrr,W. Tolnod, John M. Atwood, Thomas C. Itockhill, Lewis R. A.hhorst, Wm. K. ThornrAon, George N. Baker, George M. Stroud, John J. Vunderkemp, George \V. Carpenter. WILL make insurance against tons or Damage by Fire. in Pittsburgh and vicinity, nn Houses, Stores and other buildings, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise. limited or perpetual, is town ur country, on the most favorable term-. The Mutual Principle, combined with a Stock Capi tal, and the other provisions of the Charter of this Company, holdout unusual inducements.both of profit and safety, to those desirous r,f etTecting insurance, to which the Company ask the attention and examination of 'hoar. interested. The Capital Stock of the Company is invested in good and sufficient securities. After providing fur the losses accruing to theCompany.in the course of its business, the stockholders are entitled to receive out ~f its income and profits an interest not exceeding s i x per rent. per annum on the Capitol Stock actually paid in—the amount of which interest. it is expected. will ho supplied In, funds invested—and thereafter, all the remaining profits are to accumulate and be held, in like manner with the Capital Stork, fur the better se curity of the assured. But certificates bearing inter. est, payable annually. transferable on the books of the Company, and convertible at any time into Capital Stock , w ill be issued therefor- to the Stockholders and insured member*, in proportion to t beams - wood Steck held, or premium paid by them respectively, agreeably to the prottittions of the Charter. Those effecting insurance with this company have, besides the usual protection against loss, by the ordi• nary method or insurance. , he additional advantage of a direct participation in the profits of the Company. without any liability. GEO. W. TOLAND, President. D. M. lit:t.cmatax, Secretary. The subscriber, who is the duly authorised Agen for the ■how named Company. is pi epa red to male in surame. at the Office of the Agency, o. 97. Wei wide of Wood .tree[, 24 door abose Diamond alley ■tad will giro all (tattier information desired. THOS. .1. CAMPBELL. Pittshuigh, May 30, 1843. ( jes-Iy.) INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE. The Citizen's Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, No. 152, Walnut Street. PAiladelplia, WILL insure houses, stores and other buildingn; nl.O merchandise, forartuns and property gen erally, in Pitt burgh and the sutrounding country, ucainst has or damage by fire, fur any period of time. (telier pet petual. manor, river nor inland transportation riaksere ielsen I,y this Company. It makes no di;idersils among Aloti.twhiers. After paying the necessary ea nenses of the office. the whole accruing premium and interest urn appropriated exclusively to meet losses. It is this enelded to insure on terms nut surpassed by I soy other Company. JAMES TODD, President. D s tgs. B. rOCLTNEII, Seereinty. eney at l'ittstuirch, in Bottie's building en 4th street, at the office of Et ster & Buchanan. JAS W. 131.1CHANAN. The Columbia Insurance Company of Philadelphia, A COMDri A TiOS STUCK •ST) !MUTUAL SECU RITY, ripitKr.s Fire, Marine and Inland Transportation inks, at the usual rates of other Offices in this city; but these who are or become Stockholders, may insure Fire Risks on the mutual Apltetll, which in to pay half the premium in carh, and in lieu of the other half to give an obligation for five times the amount paid in cash, liable to rateable contribution during the term of the policy, in case it should be required. Stockholders have thus a chance to save one-balf of the premium, and are besides entitled to a full share of dividend. Charter perpetual. The mutual risk lessens in proportion to the amount of Insure n res. If ten men inStiere @nye - leen sum, each one incurs a risk of 10 per cent.; but 500 men would only incur the risk of ole.fifth of one percent. The Company has been in operation since 1840. Capital subscribed, $100,000; oe which 20 per cent. have been paid is. which amount, with about 20 per rent, more, is safely invested in mortgages and other Pitto..l4 Rh, r. Philadr;pnia securities. There is a considerable amount of bonds on hand., to be resorted to in eau of losses, before any capitol subscribed can be used. This is the great security, d this principle of iuutualiatlirdOCC4 has given great suti.fartion. Marine and Aland Transportaiiou. Risk& taken no mum] terms, a. by other offices, and 10 per cent. of the premium returned if the risk end without loss. Josiah Ripka, Daniel Lammot, John A. Barclay, Win. M. Young, John Rosencrantz. Fot ruither particulars ripply to the subscribers, duly enthorized ueoel of the Company, et the agency, in Bakerrell's Law Buildings. Grant street. THOMAS BAKEWELL, WILLIAM BAKEWELL. mm 10.6 m =El= Agents at Pittsburgh, for the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance company of Phila. FIRE RISKS upcn buildings and Merchandise of evety description and MARINE RISKS upon Hulls or cargoes of vessel, taken upon the most favor able terms. 17 - Office in Philo [late Duquesne] Hall, immedi ately ever therost Office. N. 13. King & Finney invite the confidence and pat ronnge oftheir friends and the community at lar;e is the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as an in stitution among the most flourishing in Philadelphia —as having a large paid in capitol, which by the operation of its cnrter is constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his doe share of the profits of the Company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him, and therefore as possessing the .11 utual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and in its most attractive form. my9-tf. American Fire Insurance Company o► PHILADELPIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL-CAPITAL PAID IN Q./Wet an Philadelphia, No. 72, TVal.ut at.; Office of Agency in Pittsburgh, No 2, Ferry at. %V m. Dsvrosara, President, FRED. FRALEY, Sec'y. THIS old and well established Company continues to make Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Furnitute and property, not of an extra hazardous character, against loss or damage by Fire. Posseess mg an ample paid up Capital in addition to its trade te rrained premiums, it offers one of the best indem nities against loss by Fite, Applications for Insithinces in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be received and risks taken, either perpetually, or for limited periods, on favorable cerise by . COCHRAN, Agent. rosy '2, 11345. - C N. BUCK, President E=l Charles J. Du Pont, Francis G. Smith, Bcnj. W. Richards, J. FINNET,.III. RING & FINNEY, ::.-..~ra~- f .-7- 18c114INNA'S - . 4%.1/StrigilfjPll,, g - • NO 84 MR-Rltn STREET, Between Third end Fourth stn., Simpson's Row,toes the New Post-Office, Pittigurrt: THE undersigned aunt - moue) he has founds most commodious Mercon'tile Houie, et the above to• cation, where he willbe bum tci wills friends, end all those anxious to avail thenaselves of every dexerip . - DRY . GOODS.,GROCERIES, HARDWARE, FANCI ARTICLZSi and all other varieties of the best condto- led Auction Stores. Tito undersigned will be supplied from tileititst. ern cities skitl.) a steN of • • Foreign•and Domestic Giociaic wnich country merchenta wiii be induced tits , }Nichol no ascertaining the prices. Arrangements are in progress by which scheme will be made on consignments, and every exertion made to advance the interest of those Who confide b a sine's to the establishment. Prompt and speedy sales made and closed. To friends at a distance, the undersigned would sity that although he is a member of -the Pittsburgh ' burnt family," yet his teal, industry and busimesslasbe its are unimpured, and faithfully will they be devoted to the interests of those w h o emp l o y him. IW'S:ALES OF REA L ESTATE will command us heretofore, the be,,t exe r tions o f the undersigned Property disposed of by him, from time to time hour always brought the highest prices_ond much exceed.* the calculation; of those who employed him. P NIcKENINA, The Old Auctioneer. N. B. Having passed the fiery ordeal with thou mi aof neighbors, theold establishment, revived at the new !oration will in future be designated "THE PHCENIX AUCTION MART," By P. rilatenna,64 Market St- PITTSBURGH. PA. P. NI,K: ml,, 21r John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AN D COMMISSION MERCH'i Cotner of Wood and sthsts., Pittabwrgt; IS ready toleccive merchandize of every deserifteiir an consignment, far public or private sale, ant. from lung experience in the above business, flatter him self that he will be able to give entire satisfactier to 8.11 who may favor him with eir patronage. Regular ;ales on MONDAYSand THURSDAYS, of Dr; Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburghmanufacturcd articlasanse and secondhand furniture, S c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening.at catty gas light. aug 12 y IMPORTANT TO BANKERS! NEWELL'S Patent Parautoptic Permutation Bank Lock, To rrevent Robbery. THE subscriber has accepted the agency-, fur the above celebrated and well known Lock,wbicb is W• R $ A NTED to day the most consummate skill of the burglar. or even the Inventor himself. This assurance nuly be deemed extravn ga nt but n critical examination of .he principles on which this Lock is constructed, ain satisfy any one having even u limited knowledge lit mechanism that it is well-founded—and the actual inspection of the Lock for n few minutes will remove every doubt that may arise in any mind. he has numetouys certificates, from Blink officers, Briers nod {several in !hie city) who have used the Roos. Luck, which he will be happy to exhibit, and give every explanation to those who may lie pleased to cull. JAS. COCHRAN, Fire Proof Clie4 and Vuolt doet Manufieturer, Corner Liberty and Factory sts., .sth War. je24-tf. Y VERY LOW FOR CASH. : ri IHE subscriber offers for sale' a # 1 large and splendid assortment of PI AISO FORTES of differentpatterns, warranted to be of superior wolkmansiiip, and of thebest materials; the tone not to be exceeded by any intheeoantry. F. BLUME, Cerner of Penn and St.Clairatreeta, • oprmaire the Exchange. Piano Fortes. Tlf E subscriber , ' , ff.,' for sale a large and splendid assortment of Piano Folic* from $2OO to $450 each The above instruments ere of superior work manship. and made of the best materiels; the tone le .not to be excelled by any in this country. 'F. BLUME, Corner of Penn and St Clair streets, opposite Ex change Hotel. sp7 For Conchs! Colds!! Constnaptions!!! THORN'S PULMONARY CANDY. h a , THIS pleasant and certain cure fnt coughs and colds goes ahead of ail the preparations now or ever offered to the public. The use of it is so great that the proprie tor has acme difficulty in keeping a supply for the in creasing demand. Medical agencies, groceries ,drrrg gists,roffee-houses, and even bars on steamboats keep a supply en hand. It is milled for every wlterearad will sell in any place. The mason is this: stymy ois whp has a rough or cold by eating u few sticks Mti - . themselves cured, as it were, by magic. Persona at' a distance, by remitting the money, poet paid, to the subscriber, will be attended to. For sale by the *tick, 6.} cents; 5 sticks for 25 cts; and at wholesale hz WM: THORN, Druggist, 53 Market st, where . a genera! assortment of Drugs and medicines may alnataribe found. nov 28 . Improved !Matter Fasteners. THE subttcriber has invented and mnnurattnres • a superior SHUTTER FASTENER, mode et malleable iron;.and superior to anything of the Vatafil no fn use in this city, and, he believes in theAlifiie States. To be bask at any of the Hardware stores in the city. aed at the aanx.ufnotor,y, Smithfield st...ter oer of Diamond alley. J. OG DES. peel Uotel and Sesrdm Souse. FRANKLIN MOUSE.. THE susbcriber respertFally informs his friends and the public, that he has opsnedit Hose) and Boarding House, COMP/ cft Sit ti ollfert , and . Cherry alley. where travellers and others will lie accommoda-: ted on the most reasonable ternas. The Louse it spacious, and has been fitted up or considerable ex pense, and every arrangement is made that will cc sure the comfort and render i-atisfactica to Issenciers and lodgers. A share of public patronage is memoa fully solicited, up 22-tf Cutlery, Surgical Instruments sad Edges Tools. JOHN W. BLAIR, having made an arrangement' with Thomas M'Cartby, Cutler, he is now pre pared to furnish all articles used by Dentists, Strr. genus, Saddlers, Tinners, Tailors, and Shoe makers, at. the shortest notice on the most reasonable terms. Any orders left with John W. Blair, No 12a , Wood-I street, will have immediate attention. ap GEORGE C 0 C BRAN, OFFERS for sale at reduced cash prices—Axes Hoes, Mattocks, Manure and Hoy Forks,-Spadea and Shovels, Cool and Grain Shovels, Sickles - anal Scythes, Window Glass, Spinning Wheel Irons; ant various other articles of Pittsburgh end AmeriCan . Manufacture, which he is constantly receiving f r om. the Manufactories. Also, Cotton Yarn and Checks, Cssainetto and! leo 9. Public Notice. TH E President, Dig cetera and Company, known as the —Farmers' Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh," will, at the next meeting of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, make application for the ptivilege of issuing notes payable on. dia mond. THOMPSON BELL. Cashier. Pittsburgh July Ist, 1.4345-jy3o.dtJann. PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages At Eastern Prices. TrIHE subscribermanufactures and keeps constant. -L ly on band Coach, C and Eliptic Spring* (*r; runted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Orator's/ea! Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Banis, •aumP- Joints, patent Leatber, Silver and Bile's Lamps.. Threesfold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and: . Hinges, &c., &c. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patrcur. age heretofore bestowed upon the establishment. WILLIAM COLEM AN,. jaa 4 St Clair at., near the Allegheny Bridge. Daesured Cutlery. PERSONS pawing fjprdwanr or Cutlery in a dams. aged aukte , c o have it ground, poliawdodt paired in 11 neat aiur substantial manner, by akii. Lu ba acsiber. Aug cvnierelell with J91:14 W. Blais,oo., Wood f loat, will meet withprusywelleg! Y:irt . ap'26-t1 TIMMIS Vet' MITH " CHRISTIAN SCHMHRTZL