Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 31, 1845, Image 2

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    dr4e Maitu Illorning poet.
1 - 4 1 ' V Pet.mKtt, Agent for country newspapers,
is the Agent for the Pittsburgh Daily Moining Pest,
and Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer, to receive
tdvettisentents and subdctiptions. He has offices in
t - Na* YORK. at the Coal Office, 30 Ann street, (ad
`joining the Tribune Office.)
Royron, No. 1.2. State ..tteet.
PHIL 4.I”.LPRIA, Real Estate and Coal Ofhce, 119
Pine street.
BaLTlllotte , Sc. corner Baltimore and Calvert sta
where our paper can be seen, and terms of adeerti
- Ong loomed.
Tat Rats, Rohm—lntelligent men, citizens 01
states went and north-west of us, express themselves
much out prised that any portion of the people of
Pennsylvania should he opposed to glinting the Balti
more and Ohio Rail Road right of way to Pittsburgh;
esspecially are the) emceed that the people of Phila.
delphia should be so blind to their own be-t. interests.
This morning we received a business latter from a
friend at Cleveland. The subject of the Rail Road is
touched upon at the close of his letter, , and his se
marks are so just and appropriate that we take the
liberty of presenting them to our readers. He says:
"The Engineers have commenced the survey of the
Cleveland anrl„Columbu+ Rail Road. I have no douot
that this road will be made, and that iron horses will
be traveling over it is two years from this time.
I do hope that the Legislature of your State will
grant an unrestricted right of way to the Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road, so that its termination will be
in your enterprising and energetic city. It seems to
me strange, that any man who has intelligence and
common reuse, should oppose a measure which prom
ises to be of so much benefit to the whole state of
Pennsylvania. I believe that if the Baltimore road
terminates at Pittsburgh, it will add millions of
wealth to your city ada to western Pennsylvania in
ten years; and is not every dollar added to your tax
list a benefit to every taxpayer in the state, in lessen
ing the burdens on the whole property of the state,
in the payment of your state d his and state expen
If Ilse "whie men" of Philadelphia are true to the
intermit of that ancient city, they will no longer op-
pose the right of way of the Baltimore and Ohiu Rail
Roma to Piusburgh. The merchant* of that city ate
probably jealous of New York; they bad better look
out for the 'city of notions,' (Boston.) whose citizen*
are pulling their noblo enterprises into every section
of oat great western world. Her 'iron arm,' are
reaching oat to gather in the prodocts of out rich and
abundant fields, and alto to throw out among us the
product" of her looms and work shops.
Terminate the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road at
Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia and Baltimore will be
nearer the west Limn either New Ylll k or Boston.
There is no portion of our country where popula
tion is so progressire as the north-west. Ohio, Intii.
sea, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin are increasing
every year more than any other of the states or tern•
tories of our Union. In a few years. in that section,
there will be many millions of people to be supplied
with the goods, wares and merchandise of the more
eastern port ions of our land. They will want the mer
chaori ill. of the esstern cities, and the iron. and nulls.
and glass of your own city and state, and it depend,
Dow upon ycur own Legislators, whether they will se
cure to your state the rapidly increa.ing trade of the
greatoorth-west, or whether they will give thi, trade
to rival hands. If your Legislators are wise, if they
'reanimated by motives of state interest or state pride,
they will give to the Baltimore Company every in
ducement to terminate their road at Pittsburgh."
rirTbe Gazette has abandoned the controversy so
far as it had reference to the position of parties, and
theopinioas expressed by Messrs Potx and CLLT,
before the election. The truth is both of the can4i
dates expressed themselves friendly to a Tariff tha t
would raise sufficient revenue to defray the expenses
of government, and In favor of discrimitilluing duties
to protect home icdustry—they both expressed the
opinion that such a Tariff would affotd sufficient pro
tection to the manufacturers of the nation. It is,
therefore, grossly unjust to charge the Democracy
of Penosylvenia with having deceived the people.—
President Pout, in his inaugural address, declared:
"In laying duties for revenue, it is doubtless proper
to make such discriminations within the reveake
principle, 4.1 will afford incidental protection to our
iewe inkrests." Mr Clay, in his letter to Mr
Cope, from which the Gazette quoted on Tuesday
rooming, says: "I have every late re inaustarsed that
in adjusting a Tar'j for Reveaee, discriminations
ought to be made for Protection."
Dories or THL CITY Councits.—Tbe city Coun
cil. on Monday evening, passed an ordinance author.
Wag the Mayor to borrow Forty Tkonsand Dollars.
Of this sum $6,600 is to be expended for works al
ready commenced, under the direction of the Water
Committee; $18,400 to pay fur a further extension of
water pipes and Fire Plugs; $973, to be paid to R. &
D. Melly-sine, for work done on St. Clair street;
$3,800 to be paid to Anderson & Mackerel!, for work
dome and progressiog on Front and Water sueets, and
Meesegabela Wharf, between Wood and Mai km
strauts; $10,227, to be applied to the credit of the
twetingent fund, after defraying the expenses of issu
ing the certificates provided fur in the ordinance.
list the Select Council, Oct 27.—0 n motion of
Mr. King, the "Ordinarce authorizing the Mayor to
borrow forty thousand dollars" aas taken up read a
third time, and passed.
Yoso—Mean. Day, King, Laughlin, Lee, Livings
tow, Loomis; and Rowan-7
Nsp--Mwun. Algeo, Bakewell, Kincaid, IVilson
ate President-5.
La toe Coanston Council Oct 29.—A report from
the committee on Finance recommending the issue of
$40,000 of the city sc. ip--which being been read and
accepted, concurred in.
Also, an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance authori
zing the Mayor to borrow forty thousand dollars" etc
companying the above report and which had passed
the B.C. on the 27th inst. was taken up read three
times and the question being "shall the ordinance pass.
Mr. Vonilltonnhorst celled fn• the yeas and nays, and the
ordinance passed by the following vote viz:
Yeah—Messrs. Aline*, Barnhill, Martin, MeDwain
Meyer, Neeper Pennock, Reed, Robertson, and Scott
Jno. Scott, Binger, Tiodle, Whitney, Wray and Presi
Nuys—Meows. Bruce, Porter, and Von Bennhorst
that Bradford county, Pa., has become the asylum of
*portion of those concerned in the late difficulties in
Delaware county, N. Y., and who fled from the scene
of those outrage*. The Deputy Sheriff of thatcoun
ty ferretted out and succeeded in arresting one of them
in Franklin township, one day last week, when he by
bis cries gave the alarm, which was further communi
cated by blowing of bouts, firing of guns, &c., and
the whole party, sixteen in number, rallied to his de
fence, and rescued him from the officers of the law.
American hemp is now exported to Scotland, where
it is mod instead of flax in the manufacture of certain
kinds of goods, and where a new process has been dis
covered for softening the article prior to its being spun.
Very 6ne and white goods are made of it, as well as
bonnets and riper.
A few eases of small po% have occurred at Washing
t a city, and the Board of Health have made provision
far vaccination all the citizens who desire it gratuito
The Grand Lodge of the Masonic Order in La.,
adopted at its lest sitting a resolution ordaining that
a solemn amend rite be celebrated in the room, of the
Grand Lodge on the fouiltt Monday of nest Norma
ber. to the memory of their very illusnioos brother
Artoucw Isceson, deceased. Special invitations
will be sent to all the Grand. Lodges in the Union, as
well as the Indies of New Orleans. '
17" The Allow 2'elegroph of last neck, says:—
The quantity of standing corn w bieh may be seen from
Mound Faun, in Jersey county under twenty miles
(torn this place, cannot amount to !ruttier
d thousand Peaks's. Nor is this all, or the best.--
From Mr. B. A. Dovidenn's residence on the bluff, on
the road itomA lion to Ewardssille, and about seven
miles from this city, there may be seen, without me,
ing (tom the seine spot, by looking in two directions,
fields of standing core, the probable yield of which is
estimated at owe minton foe Attndred thousand
At the cl..se of the New York Fait three were one
hundred and eighty silver medals diattibuird and e
huge number of diploma: and othet rrcmiuntr,
ed in all at $2,330.
ERROS 101:6.—The Washington Union ofSaiutvla
pronounces the statement we copied a few days since
from the N. Y. Journal of Commerce, relative to
theexpenses and receipt. of the Government, during
peat '.ear, a “grosa error from beginning to end."
J amcs Bums, of Mifflin, was the Democratic can
didate. Samuel D. Karns, of Dauphin, the Whig.—
Robert H Morton, of Dauphin, the Native. William
Latimer, Jr.. of Allegheny, the Abolition.
Bums. Karns. Morton. Lorimer.
1,489 2,039
3.813 4,412 818
1,043 645
1 705 1.872 23
2,676 2,312 62
4,b37 1,907 H 0
4,123 3,613 378
2 9:36 2,515
1 329 1.30 00
1.886 1,362 00
4.309 4.440 238
2.619 1,058 18
2,444 2.038 143
1.110 638 27
1.890 1 049 7
755 464 25
411 113 4
725 233 10
554 124 3
91 adroit!,
Butlet ,
1 883 1,534 1.110
.1,099 1 289 260
1,103 1,831
98 28
2,291 1.863
2,488 2,762 57
1.378 341
2,105 1,851 506
1.118 1.501 69
333 223 1
880 341 268
2.226 1.198 11
4.105 4.881 2.109
1 528 1.816 74
1.914 1697 94
lAroming. 1 813 1.237
Monegomet:,. , 3.9:16 2.211 307
Meurer, 9 '272 :2,151 00
Munroe, 1.138 123 110
1,544 753 31
170 114
Nutt/lampoon, '2 728 1.163 102
Northumbethrud, 1,049 312 138
1016 680 147
Philud. count•, 11.921 3.796 11.111
Philnd. city, 4,256 3.131 4.146
Pike, 408 17
Potter, 230
Schuylkill, 2.114 1.172 205
hlnna, 1.743 900
Somerset, 638 1,309
Tinge, 1,183 489 4
Union, 1,416 2.015 43
Venting°. 712 259 41
Washington, 3,486 2,860
Wayne, 943 516
Wyoming, 828 722
Watren, 383 291
Westmoreland, 3,261 1,527 ---
Yolk, 3187 2,470 37
Far tte,
Lancast r
Lfrbse on
119,307 39,090 22.3313 '2,797
The Sreakeralip.—Tbe greensburg Argos contains
a well written communication, urging the claims r.,1 the
Hon. H. D. Foster, for Speaker of the House of Rep.
rescntatirrs of the United States. !d o g. Foster is in
every respect eminently qualified for that or any whet
position. Peansyireaian.
Friday Morxing, Oct. 30
State of business. There is excellent stocks, goods
at fair and low prices, and agood deal doing in all de
partment of trade and buuioew. Our wholesale Mer
chants are generally well provided with good and sea
sonable supplies of Foreign and Domestic Goods.—
our Manufacturers are very busily occupied and find
constant sales. The state of trade, mid the money
market is healthy, and our Banks discounting all good
paper offered. Our rivers are low—but every ap
pearance of a rise, and no delays on the canals or
Flour—Flour has raised • little since our last.—
Sales at 4.2504,37 i, and then down again to $3,871
04. Sales are now permanent at s4,l4ie and
about 2000 bbls sold daring tke week.
Grain—W beat 78075; Rye, 45050; Corn, 3710
40; Barley, sales of the week; about 4000 bushels at
6506 G. as in quality; Oats, sales of tha week, about
3500 bushels at 33„ 35, 360371 and some higher—
but they have fell back to 28033 cents +? bush.
Seed—Cloverseed, sales of about 200 bust:els front
stores at $5 in lots, and some ask $5,50; Timothy,
sales at 2,50e5303 50 from stores, and according to
quality. Flaxseed. 90 to $1 bush.
Ashes—Scorchings plenty and doll at 3c, and Puts,
34c; Peals 4 and Salemtes, 41c. lb.
Beane—Small white $1 bush.
Brooms—Sales from waggons, about 2000 don,
Corn, at 1204 - vl5O pei doz.
Butter—Sales good, and stocks moderato, sales
of 200 kegs from store at 10 , d10 1 2; and 60 or 70
bbls, and kegs prime first hands at ma II .
in barrels is plentier, and rather dull at 1 Pan 1-2 c
Beeswax—ln demand, and ready sales at 27 , 228 c
Cheese—Cheese is in demand, and ready sales—
about 1000 boxes have sold during the week in lots
at 6 1.4 to 6 3.457 cents tY lb., is asked in some
Cotton Yarn--Demand constant and good for all
made, sales to fill orders, 5 to 10 at 12e16 cents 19v
Feathers—Sales of about 3000 lbs from stores at
25 to 30c 19 , lb. in lots..
Groceries—Stocks large and good. and sales con.
stant with little variation in prices. Coffee—Sales of
about 400 bags, almost all Rio at 71 to 8 1-2 for fair
to prime, at 834 to 9 fur fine green. N 0 Sugar—
Sales of 45 to 59 fluids in lots of fuir to prime, at 7e
74 and some inferior 6 3.4 i f Y ns. Molasses—Mat ket
steady, N. Orleans 40, and Sugar House, 15 cents ta'
Hay—Sales of good at SIG p ton.
Hops—Sales pute store at 14a15c 11.
Lumber—A sale of 430,U00 feet of Pine at $7 and
$l4 p M feet for common and clear boards, and sales
of 500 000 of prime at $7,506515 some infetior at
$6,50 , 2413. Shingles at $1,25051,504' M.
Lard—Sales 100 kegs, No 1 et 8c p lb.
Iron and Metal—The market is in a very hardily
condition and large active sake. IMO—Mills row.
Ding full-time, mid orders to 611 kelps tlimatiMg.
Common Bar, 303 1-4 c 4fW Ib; and Juniata; 31.4 e.
-11) Ib.
Neils—No 2, 10ki, $3 7503,87 1.2 and Bd, $4O
4,12'12 fr keg. No 1,10 d, $4 sad 84, $4 1-4.
Juniata, 10d, $4 1-4 and Bd, $4,501' keg.
Pig Metal—Sales BO tons. Johnstown $2B a 4 mom.
400 Tons, Allegheny, at $29*68 El months. 30 Ms
Hot blast at $34 ca,b.
Lead-5 tons sold at 4 1.4 c. lb cash-7 kegs shot
al $13,40c !b.
The transactions in Flour and Grain have been
modems', and price► firm at $5,50 per bbl. for the
former—ca MUCn shipping brandr-.-and for Rye flour,
$3.75 at which bat little can he bought, the market
being vary bare, and a slight advance being 'Nimrod
Corn' men we quote as yesterday, at $2,1374 fo Penn
sylvania, and $ 2 . 91 for Brandywine. There is if any.
thing an improved demand (or grain, at annexed quo
tatioas, but w• bear of no vales of moment, holders
waiting with some anxiety, further advice' from a
broad, which if a character corroborating former ac
counts, will give great activity to the malice,. We
quote fair Penn's red Wheat. at 11051121 per bon;
White, 114 e; and Suthern, 103a110e. Penn's Rye,
76a71c;and 6Zic fur Southern. Corn is scarce, and'
last sales were et 63“641c, for Penn'e round; 63c for
Southern )sllow, soil 59c. for White. Fair sales of
Oats at 33r. There is no change in the Provision
market. Former prices of Whiskey are hardly sus
Cklober 28.
Flour—Market timber unsettled, but f 5 per bbl. the
prevailing rule
Clain—Vet) , little offering. Two parcels of resn'a
red, sold as $1 10,3112 cis. Corn—Very scarce; 61
cut for old white, and 60s65ct■ for yellow—new white
.50165 cts. according to condition. Rye, 63a7Oct•.
Oonts, 36.37 ct..
Ptoilainno—Mess Pork, $l3 374 , 413.50 - , Prime.
sll,`-'5.111,50; Me.. Beef, 810.50a11; No 1, $8.50,1
9, end Prime $8.75,17. Boenn—Stioulderii, 64.17ct5 ;
Rides 74,174 c.; ni,ortetl, 71 tficit; ilium, 9%11 cis :
Laid, ‘Vestern in 1:er•. 81 , 8 j.
—Pi icy. IP In 27 cis for OAF : rind 28 f,l
Len l
fL rut ,ffirontlenl of the C. S. aseette writes
from Ne, 11.1 OD ni
Flout wittl ♦erg film ye•terriny. Sults of Genestee
Ohio. Nhclaitnti. Sc., were f 1144 10 to POMO riCrrit
$ . 0.50. The n.e.•'la• for ilre lam week were 78,2045
I.4ilwrn II r , ll in fair demand et $5.25a115,
.17 n tied littlntlys‘ine is generally held
a. tit 1.:1)110 ho-Ittot %Veatern Wheqt sold at /I,-
IP A.ltex *reale at $1 Aii for Fends and
r ,,, io . ofptt H,.. A , fl oriran Flt.ece Wool .01d at
.tai et.. Wl.i•:.tty tlot; ac t..tt; , In ,:redge ca.l,
wd 1,, rots. C, fl i..rarceaui wantra. PoOt nth
1 „.„,, th. $l3 81 1 4; s d,llr,
e; I-1 0 4. .4tolo ita. N,, t h %Ve s t Cos.( ‘Vhdle-
b met •old for espott at 32 cts
Lct the l'a!ito bear is Alind, that Seal let Fever.
and.. Ler complaints incident to changes to tbs.
Mo.:10,1. Ulf reClii.lll-13 resale-tit at this r•a.on lit the
sitar. liiim,tintit of children. ait.l many persons 11l
mature age, nie dying weekly. becnii.e they ova, l oo k
the only medicine which i. intaillible in lii ut
ilia , kind. Thai madicine s. Ut, lyriaer'sSugar Coat
en Vegetable l'orfetive Pills, which have been sue•
easeful In Call,* of the greatest obritialey, and where
all ocher remedies have !mined unavailing. l'hysici
ens of the highest etninance, hare perseribrd theta in
their practi e, seal they have !wen l.ighly rrromnrend
el by a committee of the Ame 111411 Initituka eppnini
ml to uvrstigate their mains. Let those whin bare
never used them r.myetit to malt. a single t,hal, and
they will never have ranee to regret their determine
[ion. In cue of failure, if itch a thing is possible,
the money will in all caseate• returned.
Sold by Win Jtick.on. coiner at %%..wod and /.11/erl,
streets, who is general Agent for Ut IL l,ckcnec'♦
in l'lttshirrgh ■al .iron,.
r-ritewere of en imitation article relied "fiercer
red S.;ar•Coalcd Pills," purporting to be Patented
mi boll, this pills and pretended patent are forgeries.
got up by u miserable quack, in Ness York, who, for
the taut for or five year•, le, made hi. lining by
countelfriting I..pular medicines. oct3l.
Timely Warning! to Mom. predisposed to Con
suexpox.-1 he weekly records of Death mod the
vast amount that die of Consumpi ion. 'hookd convince i
all that no time should be lost in procuring something !
to arrest the 1 - I)dr.l headed monster is due season, be.
Into it takes hold of the tender mernbrances of the
Long., an.l c■uses them to disease. This timely caw
lion may be the means of sparing many ftom the shad
ows of the Grave, and placing within their reach a
Remedy that Tens of Morselled, have used before
then—many who ITV living monuments of health to
the present. Is it not then a blessing to the Coosums•
tine that there is a medicine that will remove their af.
fictions and restore sound health. This into be found
in the timely use of Dr. Duncan's expectorant Rem.
edy, a Medicine prepared impress!, fur Diereses of
the Lungs andel. premonitory symptoms of Cossump•
Lion. Those who are afflicted with a Cough. Cold,
Hoarseness, and Soreness of the Throat, Bronchitis.
Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Breast and Side, Diffi
culty of Breathing, &c. should not delay procuring
' this Medicine until it is to Too Late!
IV - For sale by W. JACKSON, corner of Wood
and Libert y sts. Pittsburgh. octal.
Asthma, Coughs, Consumption, rte.— We again
call the reader's attention to that celebrated and most
excellent medicine, Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cher
ry Its reputation is spreading wider and wider eve
ry day. and all now admit it to be the most certain cu
rative for all pulmonary complaints ever discovered--
How gratifying the thought that a remedy is at last
discovered, which has prove', itself ■ perfect master
of that dire disease—t ONSUMPTION! Let the tie..
paring cheer up and lay hold of this lifegiving nectar.
EF',See advertisement. Price #1 per bottle.
"et 27
Law Books.
STORY on Promissory Note.;
Chitty's Blackstone;
do on Contract.;
Precedents of Wills;
Thomas's Coke;
G etz 's Four's in Conveyancing;
New York Dlge.t. For sale by
43 Market street
itifFICHELL'S Ancient Geography and Atlas;
111. Do Modern do du;
Burritt's Geography of the Heavens;
Olouys Geography and Atlas;
Smith's do do;
‘Voadirridge and Willard's Geography and Atlas;
oct3l 43 Market street.
DOWNING') Cotinge Residence, tat
octal 43 Mnrket sirtiet
2 c B BLS . Suit, in mime order; just received
t/k1 and for soh. by
Nu 170 Liberty street
Chillicothe Soap.
BOXES, end for njuletbvreceived per "Ohio Moil,'
octal No 170 Liberty street.
By John D. Doris, Auctioneer, corner of Wood
and Fifth streets.
WILL be sold on Saturday evening November ht
at half put 9 o'clock a large and general as
sortment of new and second hand Books in the vari
ous departments of Literature,
New and second hand Watches.
Shot Guns, Rifles, Musical Instruements, with a
general assortment of Fancy and Variety Goods.
Lt Tier of Boxes, or Drees Circle 50 cts
~ ' 4 " 374
3d /A
Gallery fo: Colored Persona
Lastoiaht of PUTNAM. Aod Mr PRESTON,
and his Boise VULTURE. .
Fri/lay livening, Oct:elms 31st, 1845, •
Will twimesanted aGrand Spertscleicellrci
Ober 27
Pievioua to Omuta. a favorite pier...seOW
Cr For particular" iee smell bill.
13:rDoors open at. i'paq't 6 o'clock, curtain will
rise at 4 past 7 precisely. oct 31
Positive Salo of Ilariirara,. Cutlery. 11 ‘ 4 .
WILL be sold without mere,. on Monday af•
lertmoo, November 3d. at 2 o'clock, at Davis'
Commercial Auction Rtsrms.norner of Wood and 3th
streets, a large and General assortment of Hardware,
Cutlery, &c ! „ comprising in part—knob ■nd stock
locks; knob, Norfolk, ■nduktmb latches; filet.; frame
ponies; adzes; trowels; hingew, penknives; knives and
forks; table steels: waiters; corkscrews; table and tea
spoons; scissors; rivets; gimblets; compasses; needles;
thimbles; salt and mustard spoons; sugar tongs; cloak
clasps; lay watches; watch keys; spectacles; books
and' eyes; flints; violin strings: crayons; Salting reels,
&c. &c. JOHN D. DAVIS,
octal Auctioneer.
DINE Juror, aumunoned to attend at the Diatrict
Court of the County of Alleeheney, on the first
Monday of November next are hereby notified that
theh attendance will not be required untill the second
Monday of November
Sheriff. Office. Oct 30 1845-net3 1..12e I
ANS. (o.—For .ele chenp--3 Intgo v.domo. of
the inner:el of the Semite r.l l'ennxt lvtnin from 1790
to 1799. end do do of the H,18114. of Reprodemaiives
of Prnt,gylvariia from 1790 to 1799. Once belorg•
log to the Liblary of Walter Ftuoldto, F.rq. These
7 vol. wlll be .old low forra•h.
Is %AC HARRIS, Agso, and Com Mercli
ucr 31.6 t No 9 5111 •r
BY virtue of aiiridry writs of Firri Facia,. i.sued out
of he Di! , rlc !Court of Allegheny co., and to me
.01 he r ap or ed to public rwle at the Court
Mute, in i6r Coy of l'itiplairgh. un Fri.lay the 21.1
dot of Ntt•en.ber next. A. I)., 1845, at 10 o'clock,
A. il., ihe following propvity, to wit:
All the right. title, interest and claim of William
(crin..l.) of, in anti to, all that cer'ain lot o'
ground, roniired number fifte..-n, in Linton's plan nt
lots in Pitt township, Allegheny county, l'ennalva-
Ma, bounded and described ns follows, 017: Begin
ning ni the coiner tif ha No. 14 running thence along
the 'any parallel a ith the C-nal Hill road twenty.
four feet, thence along the line of lot No. 16, to Lo
cust .t reef. cne hundred let. thence along Locust
.trryt twcnndnur !eel, and thence along the line of
lot No. 14. or. , burs.lted feet to the place of begin•
36nr, on rill. hi. erected a frame tenement. Seised
and 1.11. en in exec./11011 MS the property of Vltlitettn
(constable.) at the suit of H. P. Smith, fur
usi: of 11 to. I'. Baum.
Ali the tight, title, interest and claim of John
Stark, of. in and to all ?Leone undivided half pan at
all that ceitain lined of lands idiu.oc i n L ea r
loarnship, Allegheny el:W.I\ mas ked arid numbered
inn thousand and sixt hoe. in Cunningham Dissrint,
on which said Stark W.I. resides, containing too how
died and thirty•five acres arid allowance, with all the
buildings and •Imoi.oretorntis thereon contained.—
Seized and taken in execution as the properly of the
said John Stark at the suit of Dr. Levay, Murray' s
Executors. E. TRW/ILL°. Sheriff.
S bl.l itr's Oct. 29, 12 15,xt31 s3t
By. virtue if sundry writ. of Verolitinni Exporois
•nd Las ire Feria*. homed out of not District
Court and Court of Common Pleas, of Allegheny coon
and to me directed, will he intr.:toned to public tale, at
the Court flout., i n the city of Pintburgh, on Monday
ilnv 24th day of November ner, A. I) , 1845. at 10
o'clock, A. M., the following property, to wit:
All the right. title, interest and claim, of Peter Rat
i gain, of in and tn. all that certain lot of piece of ground.
.ituate in the rite of Pittsburgh. on the •ouch side of
Grant sorrel, and fronting on said street 20 feet sod
extending bark 90 fret on which is erected one throe
story brick bout.: •sid lot bounded., the east by pro
perry of Barney M'Clelland, and on the west by lot of
Thomas Flood Seized and taken if, eltnrigjOn at the
property of Peter Rattig■n, at the suit of L. 0. Rey
nolds& Co-
All the right. title. interest ■nd rhino. of Ralph
Stephenson. of, in, to, or out of al t hat certain tract Of
niece of land called -Ballymena." shunted in the town
ship of Franklin, in the county of A Ileghetty, adjoining
Philip Brown on the west, and containing one hundred
acres and elk:mance, be the same more or ken. It
being the same pmperty which Alexander Stranahan,
Guardian, by his deed dated the fifth day of February,
A. G. 1836, and recorded in Allegheny county, in
Deed book 3d B. Vol 51, page 316. conveyed to the
said Ralph Steraktwas. Seised siva taken in exec*.
tion as the property of said Ralph Stephenson, at the
suit of Alexander Young'. administrator.
All the right, title, interest and claim, of John Ir
win, of, in and to, all the following described lots of
ground, situate in the town of Birmingham. marked in
the plan of said town :Number 22 and 48, and the
nort:z half of No 19, bisunded as follows, viz : The
aid lot No 22, bounded by Centre street,by lot Nu 21,
by Liberty staret,and lot No 23, containing is breadth
about 60 Wt. and is length from Centre to Liberty
street, about 127 feet. The said lot No 48. bounded
by Franklin street, by lot No 47, by Harmony street,
and by lot No 49, containing in breadth about 60feet,
and in length from Centre to Harmony Street about 130 •
feet; and the said north half of lot No 13, bounded by
Liberty street by lot Nu 12. by Union st. (or alloy,)
and by the other hullo( said lot No 13, containing to
breadth on Liberty street about 25 feet, and extending
in equal breadth to Union street, tie which lots are I
erected severe) brick dwelling houses. Also, all that
piece of land situate in the tomnsitip of St. Clair,
bounded as follows: Beginning at the corner of the
Metiewbst burying ground on the Brownsville Road,
(end the distance 111 d 9 feet from the line of Ormsby's
Heirs, thence south 271 W. (along said road) 355 feet
to a post, theme at a right angle with said road
128 feet. more or less, to the line of the Meth o dist
burying" ground aforesaid, thence north 141 E. (along
the line of said Burying ground 547 feet to the Browns.
villa Road at the place of beginning. Also, all that
certain lot or piece of ground, situate in St Clair town
ship, being bounded and described as follows: Begin-
ning at a poet at the corner of a field belonging to
Boggs . heirs. on the Brownsville Road; thence along
said Boggs' line 210 feet six inches, to the corner of
the Methodist burying ground, thence slung the line
of said burying ground 220 feet to the corner of a lot
of ground belonging to William Vet ner, thence with
said Verner's line 128 feet (more or less) to the
Brownsville Road, thence with said toad 304 feet 6
inches to the place of beginning. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of John Irwin, at the suit of
Cooper & Young
All the right, title, interest and claim of Frederick
Hello, of, in and to, the following described building
and lot of ground, to wit: all that certain two story
brick building or house, with atone foundation. situate
in St Clair township, Allegheny county. bounded and
described as follow., viz: on the east by the road
leading from the Brownsville road to Birmingham;
on the west by the Monongahela and Ccal Hill Turn
pike road; and on the north by lands of Joseph Allen,
the said lot being triangular in its form and contain
ing about one acre, the said house containing in front
forty-two feet and in depth thirty-One feet ten inches,
and the lot or piece of ground and curd lege appurte
nant to said building. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of Ftederick Ilene, at the suit of
Charles A. Beck. _ _
All the right, title, interest and claim of William
Reed, of, in and to, all that lot or, piece of ground No.
thirty-eight (38,) in the plan of the subdivision of out
lot No. 254, in Reserved Tract, opposite Pittsburgh,
made by Thomas F. Dale,aod Peter ?daitland, which
Notice to Jurors.
Sherilrs Sales.
Sheriff's Sal•
is monied in Al county, in Bouts B. 3d, vol.
5!, pegs $44. erhial , let contains in front tuteatrtwo
feet (22 ft.) on Jackass street, and extending back,
present* tbs
to wWthsone hundred and
Feet (118 ft.) o setetlier, Seised and taken i
cution as the property of the *aid William Reed at
the suit of George Smith.
All the right, title, interest and claim of F. F. Her
oin, of, in and to, or out of all that certain lot ot
piece of ground with the appurtenance!, situate in
or nearthe city of Pittsburgh, and bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: fifty feet in front on Pros
pect street, and lunrOng back by the same width one
hundred and ninety feet more or less, on which is
elected a small two story faults house now in ihe
occupanny - df tixs said F. F. Korean. The said lot
being No. in the plan of lots laid out by Hobert
\Vray and Charles Rowan. Seized and taken in ex
ecution a. the property of the said F. F. Kerman at
the suit of Lewis W. Lewis.
AR the right, title, interest and claim, of Robert
Hailed, of, in. and to all the following described lot
, t piece of ground, situate in the 'Reserve Tract, op.
posite Pittsburgh, being parts of lots Nos 148 and 149.
in the plan aloes in said Resolve Tract, bounded and
described a follows, to wit: Beginning at a point
twelve hundred and ten feet from the line of the North
Common. thence south thirteen and three quitter de
grees west four bandied and fifty five feet to the Nun
awry line, thence north seventy six degrees east five
hundred and seventy four feet oil inches to Fleming
street, thence •oath thirteen aid three fourths degrees
west five hundred and fifty feet, thence north eighty
five and one half degrees west three hundred and fifty
five feet, thence south seventy six and a q•tarter de
grees west two hundred and fifty two and one half feet
to the place of beginning. Subject to a silty feet street
at the foot of said ground running from Federni street
I eastward parallel with the Common line and the Nun
nery line, being more or less in the several lines. Sub
ject also to a twenty four feet alley, running between
M'Gee's line and the spring. Seized end taken in ex.
*ration a• the property of Robert Hezlep, at the suit
Sarah Anderson, for use of N. M. Sanford.
All the right, title, interest and claim. of Albert G.
Townsend • of, in. and to, all that certain piece of
ground, situate in Peebles township, Allegheny county,
Pennsylvania, containing seven actes and one bundled
and twelve perches, strict measure, on which is erect
ed a Fulling Mill and other buildings, together whit
the machinery and fixtures thereunto belonging, being
the same which John M. Duni* sold to the said Albeit
G. Ton mend, by Article of agreement, dated April
11th, 1842. Seized and 'Wien in execution as the
property of said Albert G. Townsend, at the suit of
John M. D.% id.
All the right. title, interest •nd claim, of William
Jovre.of. in. and to, a tract of land, unte in Peebles
t.i•nahir, Allegheny county, bounded by a road lead
ing from East Laxity to the Allegheny River, by land
of Rufus ::ole, by lands of the heirs ofJacoh Negley,
by lend of Daniel tiegley containing about 55 agree.
„f which 44 are cleared, haring thereon erected a two
.tory flame dwelling house, a barn, and other im
nrnvemeats. Seised and taken in execution a. the
nropery of the said William Joyce, at the Wit of
John Mecankey
A!I the tight, title, interest and claim of Hannah
W Anion, owner or reputed owner, and John Birming
ham, contractor, of. in and to, the following described
building and lot of ground. to wit: all that certain
three story brick house in the city of Pittsburgh on
the bunk of the Monorigabel• river. 60 feet 1 incites in
front on Water street, and extending back to Front
street 160 feet, bounded en Water street on the one
•ide by property of Messrs L 3 On, Shorb & Co , on
the other by property of Capt James Wood; on Front
street by property of Black & M'Kee on the one aide
and property of C•pt .111111 PI WOOd on the other
Seised and taken in execution as the property of the
;aid Hannah Watson, owner or reputed owner, and
bourn Birmingham, contractor.
All the right. title. intercst and claim of Robert
M. Meant and St. Clair Chrssinger, of, in and to all
that lot of ground situate in the Borough of Elizabeth,'
beginning at a post on Fifth street and !running with'
Fifth attert sixty t 6O) feet to a post at the corner of
lot No. 21/5. thence with said lot one hundred and
twenty (129) feet to Sixth street, thence with Sixth
*met sixty (60) feet to this corner of lut No. 2117.
thence with said lot one hundred and taenty (120)
feet to the place of beginning; containing seven thou.-
and two Ituraltcti square feet (7200.) and being the
name lot which Samorl Walker and wife, by Deed
'duly patterned. and dated the 27th day of January,
:1836, did convey to Stephen Kerr, and which Stephen
Kerr and wife conveyed to said Robert Means and
St. Clair Chessinger. Serted and taken in execution
as the property of said Robert M. Means and St.
I Clair Cheminger.
All the right. title, interest and claim. ofJuhn Junes,
of, in. and to, all that certain lot or piece of grouml,
and the buildings thereon erected, situate in Pitt town- I
ship. Allegheny county, being part and parcel of a large
lot of land. narked and designated aa lot No 3, in the
plan aaarand to the partition of all the piece of land,
situate partly in Pitt toweship and partly in the city
of Pittsburgh, being that potties of the northernmost
of tan Lots numbered eine in the plan annexed to the
last Will and testament of Andrew Watson. Eat .
ceased, bounded and described as foliose, ♦ix: Begin -1
ning on Farmer• and Mechanics Turnpike Road. at
the distance of twenty one feet six inches, westwardly
Goon the corner of Onion Alley, and the Farmers And
Mechanics Turnpike Road, and running thence west
wardly along said Turnpike Road, twenty one feet
six inches. thence nortbwardly parallel with said
Union Alley ninety seven feet eleven inches to an alley
sin feet wide, thence at right angles eastwardly nine
teen feet, thence "outburst dly one hundred and seven
feet eleven and a half inches, to the place of begin
ning on the Farmers and Mechanics 'Turnpike Rood
aforesaid. (Fain( the same premises which Patrick
Owen and Isabella his wife, by Indenture bearing date
the 29th day of April, A. D. 1842. !treaded in the
Aire fur recording, in and fur the county of Allegheny,
in Deed book Vol 64, page 89, &c., granted and con
veyed to the said John Jones, in fee, subject to • year.
ly rent or sum of sixty three dollars. Seized and tak
en in execution as the property of the said John Jones,
at the suit of Robert Jones.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Henry
Barker, of, in and to, a certain lot or piece of grosnd,
situate in Pitt Township, county and state afotriaid,
with the buildings erected thereon; Beginning at the
Greensburgh and Pittsburgh Turnpike Road, at the
intersection of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Turnpike,
thence by said Grrensburgh and l'ittsburgh Turnpike
Road, to • lut of Thum; O'Neal's, thence by said
lot to John Leinlees land, by said land of John Lela-
ler's to the Farmers' and Mechanics' Turnpike Road,
thence eastwardly by said mad, io the place of begin
ning, containing three sem, be the same more or less
Seized end taken in execution 11l rho property of Hen
ry Barker, at the suit of Thomas 111.Kown.
All the glee., title, interest and claim, of William
Dummitt. with notice to Robert Heslep of, in and
to all that certain piece of ground,situnte in the city
of Allegheny, consisting of the whole of lot No. forty
right (48) and of the southerly half part of lot Forty
seven (47) in George Ledlit's plan of out lots No
175 and 174 in the Reserve Tract, and bounded and
described as follows, to wit: beginning on the westerly
side of Federal street. et the corner of a street, thence
extending in front on Federal street,northwardly thir
ty feet to Jacob Bat's ground, and in depth westerly,
preserving the same width, between the said street
and Jacob Bar's ground. one hundred feet to an alley
twelve feet wide. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of William Dummitt, with notice to Rob
ert flezlep, at the suit of George Ledlio fur use of
James Adams Ex ecutora.
Al! the right, title , interest and claim of James H.
Goodwin and Ruth his wire, with notice to Ruth
Negley term tenant, or, in and to all that east half,
a tract of land that Felix Negley, dec'd, divided to
his daughter, the said Ruth Goodwin, supposed to
contain one hunched and twenty acres, more or less,
bounded east by Robert Hare and James Humes,
north by Hugh Leslie ; west by Elizabeth Negley,
and south by the Peterson tract. The said piece of
lend being the same which the said James H Good
win and wire, by deed bearing date the 12th day of
April,lB42, recorded in Book 3d I', vol 64, page 128.
conveyed to the said Ruth Negley. Seized and ta
ken in execution as the property QC James H Good
win end Ruth his wife, with notice to Ruth Negley,
terra tenant, at the suit or Samuel Bryson.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Ebenezer
Kerr, of, in, and to a certain lot or piece of ground
forty-three feet in front on Miltenberger's Alley, in the
city of Pittsburgh. by 60 feet in depth, bounded by
the African Church, on the one side and by property
o f Joseph Wiatire on the other, situate on the Alley
a foresaid, between Sixth and Seventh streets, Rea on
which is erected two *De dwelling house+. • Seised
and taken istisee.ution as the property of Ebeiler.er
Kerr, at the snit of Daniel Jameson.
All the tight, title, interest amil claim of Samuel
Robinson, of, in and to and out of all that certain lot
or piece of ground situate in the city of Pittsburgh,
hounded and described as follows: Beginning on
Grant street, at the distance of sixty feet southwardly
from Third street, and running along Grant street,
southwardly from Third street twenty feet, thence
westwardly. parallel with Third street, about sixty feet
to the line of lot, N 0299, thence by the same north
wildly, eighteen feet and nix indicts. and :hence east.
weirdly by a line parallel with Third street about :wen
ty feet to the end of-a three feet wide alley, extend
ing thither.from-Grant street, thence' along the end of
said alley, one foot and six inches, and thence ptiFaT.- -
lel line with Third street, thirty-four feet to the place
of beginning, which said alley, is to be kept open for
ever, subject to the widow's third charged on the same
in favour of Jane Gray, widow, and the other represen
tative of John R. Gray, dec'd, which said third a
amounts to $408.33 1-3. Seised and token in execu
tion as the property of Samuel Robinson at the suit
of William Eichhanm and Jane Gray administrators of
John B G Gray, dec'd- • I
Seesaw'. Orrice, 1 E. TROVILLO, Stiff. 30.1845.
At COOK'S Literary Depot.B.s. Fovea street.
11110 ROYERBIAL PHILOSPPHY. by Martin Far 7•
guar Tupper; 1 vol. cheap edition.
Arthur's Magazine fur November.
Selections from Taylor, Barrow, South, Filler, &c.,
by Basel Montager. (Libgary of Choice Beading, No
26 )
Cyr.lopedia of Practical Receipts, by James Cooley,
No 6. and last.
Robert Wilson, the Destroyer, or Pride without
Minstrel Love. • Romance, by Baron De Le Moue
Fouque, author of Violence, (lodine,
Eastern Papers for the week, and a great variety
of New and Cheap Publications. oct3o
White Wax.
2CASES White Wax, jn.t received end fur sale
ort3O our 6th and Wood sin.
Black Lead.
1 0 CASES sup. Black Leadjust received and rut
sale by B. A. FAHNF.STOCK & CO..
ort3o cur 6th and Wood sta.
Spts. Turpentine.
1 OABCS. 0 ABCS. Sins. Turpentine, jnat reci.ived and fur
axle by B. AFA HNESTOCK & Co.,
oci3o cur 6th and Wood atP.
Loaf Sugar.
WE ■re receiving a further supply of No 6, 788
Loaf Sugar, which will be sold at low rates
Water it
4 .0 BBL* S H Molasses.
Form Jaime to CIOAC consignment.
net 30 Water st
N. 0. Sagas
30 11H DS. hime N. U Sugar, for sale by
Water street
25()SHEETS . Br asiers Copper, (Baltimore)
arnytne and tor sale by
Water street.
WM. ■ ' xlßotl. J 6. LIU ?I OR.
OFFICE in Fifih atnPl.in Barr's new buikling, be
twenn Wood and Smithfield streets.
0... t '29 Iv.
619 LBS. Boautone, rice . i E rrd .
s p u f ,F or ß a s ale by
oct29. 57 Wood at.
LRS.ub by R.
Cayeire . i r . e s 7i L vV i l s od , for
oct29. 57 Wood it.
13g, LBS. EPSOM SALTS reed and for
1 'ale by R. E. SELLERS,
57 Wood it.
BBLS. Cut Logaroud. received ■nd for sale
ti by R. E. SELLERS,
oct29. 57 Wood at.
200 GROSS Vial Cu; ks, received and for sale
oci29. 57 Wood sr.
Geogi aphy, a large tupply just received and for
tale km by C. H. KAY,
Wholesale Book and Paper Warehouse,
oct29 cornet of Third and Wald it..
A supply of Phrenoogical busts and charts. Also
• large supply of Books oo Phrenology, byCombe sod
Foarkr, (or sale by C. H. KAY,
holesale Book and Paper Warehouse.
oct29 corner of Third and Wood sta.
A FRESH supply of large twilled blankets just
received from tbemanufactory, for sale by
oct29 No 26 Wood et.
10 BARRELS for wk low by
oot 28 60 Water tI.
Street Potatoes.
120 BUSHELS of fine sweet potatoes, in
banal, and foe sale by
oer 28 60 Witter et.
Pea Nuts.
50 SACKS pea nuts for sale for
Oct 28 60 Water at
Tanners Oil.
10 4 BARRELS for sale low by
oci 23 60 Water at
20 BCXES for sale low by ,.c.
oet 28 60 Water at
Cheap Male.
HENRY RUSSEL'S Songs-6 songs for 25 cu.
Songs of Fancy, 8 do 25
Moore's Melodies, 8 do 2.5
Melodies of irelsnd, 8 sorgs and 5 pieces 25
Seven Vocal Duette, - - 25
Ethiopean Serenaders, 9 songs, - - 25
Love note, with an elegant title page, 61
12 popular quick steps, 25
14 celebrated Marches, 25
A sett Polkas and Marturkas by Glover, - 25
Quadrilles by John Btraus, - 121
Melodies of Scotland, - 25
Flute Music, 20 airs from Bohemian girl. I2i
Do 11 do Fra Driavolo, 121
Eleven of Lover's Song., 25
13 Popular Waltzes, - - - 25
A liberal discount on the above to Merchants and
Teachers, who buy to sell again. For sale by
oct 29 122 Wood street.
Alderman's Office, Fifth Was&
JOH N A PARKINSON, Alderman Fifth Ward,
Penn street, between Walnut and O'Hara streets,
where tie may be found nt all times. Those having
Houses or other property fusell or rent can have the
same punctually attended to; debts collected, and all
the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt IL•
tention. oct 27-dly
Extra /Pine Black Beaver Bats,
Ai NEW style and superior in quality and beau
wvin ty, to be foundat
oct 73 Wood et., East side.
New Books.
POEMS by Amelia;
Mn Child's Letters from New York:
Oracles from the Poets;
Poetry of flowers sod flowers of Poetry;
octet 43 Mullet st
.IliewlOry Goods. liasse,
?but Doer abase the Bassi District.
THE subscriber trould respectfully inform the
public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that be h ues .
tablished himself at the above mentioned place as
a dealer in
His stock, to which he would call the attention of
purchasers, is very extensive, and embraces goods
adapted to the present and approaching seasons, re .
candy selected from enetions in New York sad hum
the manufactures in England.
consi4ting of broadcloth.; pilot and Ifetteh clotlist
kerseys; criasimeres; satinets; jeans and vestings; plain
and plaid lindseys; bath and whitney blimkeun red,
yellow and white flannels; Rub Roy and Gala Plaids;
Bockings; printed flannels.
comprising Thtbet cloth.; Alpines; plaid and figured
silk and cotton warp alpacas; Orleans, Coburg and in•
diann cloths; rept. cashmeres; cashmere de cartel
cashmere de laine and muslin do Irvine.
A lame assortment of rich, medium and low priced
Prints, Copperplates, Chintz and Patches. 4-4,
9 8 and 5 4 blown and bleached 'bluing and sheeting
cottons; brown and bleached drillings and jeans; striped
shirtings; apron checks; brown, bleached and colored
cotton flannel..' white and brown linen; white and
brown damask iable covers and napkins; cord cousin
table covert; Swiss, mull, book, jaconet and cambric
muslin.; bishop lawns; cap laces, lace edging.; linen
cambric handkerchiefs, fancy cravats, rich calitmerei
broths; Edinboro, net, woolen, Rob Roy and Highland
plaid, with various styles of farm , shawls. A large
assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen 's, Misses and CM.
dress's gloves and hosiery; bitdseye and Scoth diapers;
crash: linen sheeting*, woolen yarn of various colors;
Gentlemen's frocks and drawers, &c. &c., with all the
small wares usually I,r sale at such priers.
Having petmanemly established himself, and his
connexion with a jobbing house at the East, giving him
facilities for purchasing at low price , , and also enab
ling him to be in weekly receipt of Goods dining the
mason, the subscribe' flattefir himself he can afar in
ducements to purchasers, equal.. if not superior to any
house in - the city. The public are respectfully invited
to cull. examine and judge for themselves.
oct27•tf A. MASON.
Great Bargains in Clothing!
THE Proprietors of the Boston Clothing Store,
having sold part of their stock and leased their
.tore in consequence of having business at the East
which demand their immediate attention, will close
the remaining latt of their stork at a very small ad
vance from cost and mmny articles at the cost of man
ufacture. This sole offers the greatest inducement
to those wishing to purchase, as every article will be
.old almost at the customer's own prices; and next
Saturday trill positively be the last opportunity.
Their stock consists of every article usually found in
the best clothing stores, vie: Drees and Frock coats.
all colors and prices, from 7 to $11; Tweed coats,
2 25 to $9 00; Over coats of Pilot evil Blown cloth•,
from 4 to $l3; Black and Blue Cassimere pants, with
a variety made from beautiful patterns of Buckskin
and Doeskin Casa. from 3 to $9 50; Caesimeres and
Satinets, from 1 50 to $3 50; a beautiful assortment
of Vests, just manufactured, from 90 cents to $4 50;
Black and Figured Satin Scarfs. rich patterns; two •
yards long, coat from 1 25 to $1 62; Silk Handker
chiefs, 42 to 50 cents; Flag [Julian Silk Cravats, best
quitlity, from $1 to $1 23; Suspenders from 15 to 92
The sale will clo.o. on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock.
as the store is to heoccupied thr Dry Gessls on Mon
day. Those who make their selections in the early
part of the week, will get better suited.
Merchants and dealert, from the country, who may
be visiting the city, this week, will find it fur their adi.
sentare. to call as sieve.
RETURNS thanks obis old customers and friends
for past favors. He is now prepared to sell
clothing lower, by ten per cent, than any other' estab
lishment west of the mountains; and keeps constant
ly on hand a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S
CLOTHING. such as Over Coats from $3,50 to $3O;
Cassir•ett Pants from $2. to $4; fine Cassimere Pants
from $3.50 to $6; fine Satin Vests for $1,75; fine Rom.
basin do for $3; and all kinds of WINTER VESTS,
and all articles in his line.
Those who wish to purchnse, will do well to give
him a mill, as he is prepated to furnish clothing on the
very cheapest teems for rash. Don't forget the place;
-1,13, LIBERTY STREET, opposite Brewery Alley.
oct2Ettf. P. OWENS,.
Wader Street, Three Doora below Wood.
THE subscriber respectfully informs big costa
men and the public generally, that he boa open•
ed a variety of seasonable clothing. at the above
stand, which he offers eacheap as can be bought in the
thestnre is in charge of Mr R PEW, one or the best
cutters and most experienced wurkmen in the city.
oet2Stf. P. OWENS.
White Swan House
HE subscriber, having taken the above mama
house, wear his old stand on Market street, be
tweee Front and Second—it now prepared to enter.
tain all his old friends, and the public generally, in the
best style. His bill of fare will constantly be found to
contain the best the market affords. (Oysters always
on hand.)
octl4-3m H. LANDWHER.
DEALERS in all kinds and qualities of Pius
burgh. Philadelphia and Boston manufactured
Boots, Bootees, Shoes and Slippers. Also, a new
and splendid, neat, light and durable article of miner
alized spring-tempered Gum Elastic Shoes and Ores
Shoes, at 73 MARKET STREET, between Fourth
street and the Diamond.
N. B. A fine assortment of Boys', Youths' aid
Childrens' Long Boots, of fine and coarse quality, now
in store. oct2s-3mltw.
Paper Mill For Sale.
r WILL sell the undivided half pert of the Friend
shipp Paper Mill, situated on the Monongahela Riv
er, in Brownsville, Pa. This property is nearly new.
and desirable. The other half is owned by Mr Z. Coe
ter, a practical paper maker. I will sell my interest
exceedingly low. Apply to the subscriber. residing iss
Brownsville, Pa., or to Gen. J. K. Moorhead, of the.
city of Pittsburgh. A general warranty title will be
given to the purchaser. JNO. L. DAWSON.
Re-opened and at Work.
JAMES ADAMS, Baker, respectfully informs the
puhlic that he has rebuilt at the old stand, foot.
of Grunt street, from whence he was driven by tbs
Great Fire, and is prepared to serve his customers in
superior style. His materials ale of the best that can
be bought, and his workmen are the best that can he
employed. He solicits custom, being confident. that
he can give entire satisfaction.
N. B.—Wedding andotber parties promptly attend
ed to. uct 1.5.3ne
ALARGE lot of shirts 113 t tilt ri VOL' from the, EOM,
at the Pittsburgh Clothing Store forsale wholesale
and retail WM. B.SCEIAFFER.
Attorney at Law,
office in Burke's Buildings, 4th street, near Market.
European agency
REMITTANCES of money on moderate terms,
can be made during my absence in Europe, a
every part of Ireland, Elllenti, Scotland, Wales
the continent of Europe. Legacies, debts, propery
or claim. r ecovered; searches for wills, titles and
documents effected, and other European busimae trim
acted by applying to Jame/ WV, WNW won, rim.
burgh. 14 KEENAPi f
octl2 Agent and Mures at Lew,-Pittehergii: