.1 , 4 n eht - .1.640 . rs T_s , r , If. 17.11g3 tyr lip t. . I-NO PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY *IN ivr & slGLita, N. W. conger of Wood and Fifth Streets Ticesic--Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Slit debit' will Invariably be required if notpaid within The year. &Rena:pies Two Cerra—for sale at the counter ;111rthietece, and by News Boys. Tito Weekly Mercury and lklawaketarer hi polished at the same office, on • double medium Obeso., at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin shi copies, SIX CENTS. THIZIOS OP 4DVXIRIIIIOI6 PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LU'iEs OR LESS: Nei/meet:Ws, $0 501 One month, $5 00 Two do., 0 75 :.Two de., 6 00 Threedo., 1 08 Threedo., 7 00 One woe's, 1 501 Four do., 800 Two do., 300 Six do., 10 00 Throe do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CiLASIGIAELE AT ?LEASURE. One Square. - Two Squires. olio oweas. $lB 00 Six months, $25 00 eawywar, . 25 00 One year, 35 00 raol"Lorgor advertisements in proportion. ['CARDS of four lines Stz Dozz•sts a year. WM. OqIAR-A-RODINSON, (L/LTE 11. I. ArtoßsLy,) HAS removed his Office to No. 8 St. Clair street vePt4 EDWIN C. WILSON, -- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Fraoirdist, Vrnango County, Pctuta., WILL attend protniulyto nll business entrusted to his care—collections made in Watten, Clarke and Jefferson counties. J. A. SToCRTOK, & Co. M intrirf, WitsoN, & Co.. } Pitiftburgh Join! Btot.F.R. lIION.JAXES KiKKR•R, Franklin MIN. ALICI WC•laftiaT. Ho!. JAlarri WILSON, Steubenville, Ohio. July 23-Iy. 0. ORLANDO LOOMIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Office, Fourth street, above Smithfield. jaly I.ly. ESAGRAW & M'ENIGEET, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, fAvE removed their office to th e New Carr[ House, is theroom over the Sheriff %Office. lip 17-4 f. Law Notice. ANDREW BURK E OFFICE removed tp Smithfield gtrect, between 4th street and Diamond Alley, opposite Mr Geo MN/ua:ea Tobacco Manuilic ory. Imp 16 Removal. MAHON & WASHINGTON, Attorneys et Low; *rice on the north Aide o;" Wylie st., 3d door East or the Court House. ■p 17 Lzur Notice. JAMES CALLAN ha.remnred t he eh arn b e ,,, occupied by Alderman NleMn.ters on Fifth tit. between Weal end Smithbeld. ep 18 REMOVAL. d. L. Robiasotk & WVBrido, I=l IarAVE removed their Lace to Grant street, short distance from Seventh street, towards the Court House. MCotietniancingend other instruments° f writing legally and promptly executed. ar2 I M'CANDLESS & M'CLERE, Attorneys and Comm Dora at Lam, (Moe in the Diamond, beck ef the old Court House, eels 10 Pittsburgh. Wm. N. Austin, Attorney at Lam, Pittsburgh Pa. Office iu liakeweird building, Grunt st , 13 11 •Witmax E. A CST'S, Esq., will give his atten tion ic my unfinished business, and I recornmenal him Lathe patronage of my friends. oap . lo—y WALTER FORWARD. shaler & Simpson, Attorneys at Law, Qillap nobs Wilding forint/1y occepied by the Uni led"Statei bank, 4t% street, 'between A/rift-fond Woetd otreeis•m•2l.3rn noi•oLtsi •LIR Goo. S. Seldea, Attorney at Law, Office oe Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield M'Conveyancing end ether instrument, of wri ling legally and promptly executed. mar 21.tf jOl3ll S. HILDIIIL TON, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, North sidle of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. D. Collections made on reasonable terms. dee 4.1 y John W. Burrell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LTAS Retttovedinconeequenteofiltrlutefirefrom 1.1. Third street to Bakeitell's Buildings, opposite to the Court House. up 16 Thomas Donnelly, litterney at Law, Office. near the Court house, in Mellon's buildiage my 7 R. Morrow, Alderman, Office north side of Fifth Street, between Weod end • Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 1 Cl—tf James Blakely, Alderman,. Office on Penn et., near ttlo 51arlet House, s th Ward Feb 25. Dr. George Watt, Office, No. 77, Smithfield street, near Sixth, Aug 21. PITToDURGH --- ----- 11. D. SELLERS, M. D., VP MOVED to Penn street, between Irwin and ALL Haodstreets, Lye doo.a below Hand street. ap 15 auaa AIMEE!, SURGEON DENTIST. 115 Liberty street. 'A few cloaca below St Clair dl., Pittiburet ,cp 28.1 y, Wm. it, Ward, Dentist, tits ranttaccai to the place of his Romer tesidenre, in Penn street, two doors below Irwin. ap 18 Doster Daniel McNeal, 0/Ede on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. 'lee 10-v JOHN SCOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, to 7, Commercial }tow, Liberty street, Rianty . JON! jeDEVITT, JAUK3 M'DCTITT7 Ja Of; I. aVITT, W L.E A L GROCERS, Drakes is Proclaim and Pittsburgh munuisclures generally, ND. 224, Liberty, oppn.ite 703 Street, Pitts bargh, Pa. ep 28-1 JOHN W MATH, natria IMIANDPAOTIMEIZ ♦ Mo. SHOE FINDINGS STORE, X 0 /SO, WOOD STREET, cret29 PITTSBURGH Pindagtoestriirivalled Diaddeir, MAN Up ACT UR E D and sold whalepala and retail, J.VJL • •MA 3 TTTTT , one 4001" below Smithfield. oVtgl-17, . , _ . • . . • _ : Ill• . .. ...., - . ~ . , • . . .• • Ak: - • . . • • • i . .. -. . . . • • ' IL - ' t • • . • . „.., 4.. --.-7. - ----- go • . Ze .' 1. 1 :.. . •. . . • _ . , . All • • . itt___fr lir ! ) . AI , . .• , ............ _. . ... „...• . blitsf ‘ " . 1111 D L ..v. .., _ .. . ....._ ...._ 88. . PITT PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BIGLER, SARGENT & BIGLER, EMILIZE T.DIN A RD 9 I w rsmi. .73' Our Works continue in fu!l operrition, and wa are constantly adding to our siock, which enables us.; to; fill orders with promptness. John DTCloakey, Tailor and Clothier, Libertybtreet, between Sixth street and Virgin alley Syn.!' side. pep 10 Charles Et Has, WHOLESALE find Retail Book.teller, Paper Dealer, Stationer end Bookbinder, earner of Wood and Third streets. 'tern IR an THE subsriber we ul i respectfully an- ilk 414nounce to his numerous customers and the public that he is prepared to supply them with his beautiful style of hut. lie would say to all whc wish to gel the worth of their money, that this is the place to come and buy. It is well known that quite an inferior article of Hats have been sold at exorbitant prices, and the pdrchaser getting but truck for ithn mona) and earnings. The order syst•m is but slight ly touched. And he does not manufacture on inferior article to palmotTon the working man. His business is conducted on the CASII SYSTEM. and he is de termined to sell cheaper than the cheapest of the chenpest. His cock of FA LL AND WINTER CAI'S are of the most fashionahle style. Cii.immers' Hats made at shortest notice. Aldo, Ladies' Riding Caps and In fant's Caps of every pattern to suit the taste. N. R. Dont forget the place, as I want a small por tion of your small change, and you may rely on get. ting value for the same at the sign of the Big White Hat. third door from John D. Davis' Auction Rooms. Recollect the "Yellow Front." B. Pt3RBY, FASHIONA BLE BOOT MAKER. (Formerly of the Monongahela House and Imre of Wood street.) "[SAVING removed back again to the Burnt Dis trict, one door from the corner of Third and Wood street!, the undersigned is again vowed to aecommodnte his old friend' and the public generally, with BOOTS and SHOES, of the best muintial, and of the finest said most fashionable style. 11. PERRY, Remember the piece! one door above Key's Book more, Wood et. ort3-3m. ALONZO W. INS, NO. 83 FOURTH STREET, CHRONICLE " BUILDINGS, MANUFACTURER end dealer in all kinds of Tobacco, Snufruind Segnn. oet4i J. G. ISIIINTZ, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, No, 114,. Markel street, near Liberty July 1-ly PITTSBURGH, PA Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Huches, Manufacturer of Iron and Naiis Warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth street. sap 10-y JOHNS ON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper !Rakers, No. 44, Marketstreet. seplo DAV[D LLOTD D. & Q. W. Way* W HOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION ANT) FORW•RDING MERCHANTS, AND DIELLER3 IN PRODIICE t PITTISUROM MANU IMEEM r p. Liberal edvances in cash nr good. made on consignments of produce, &c., at No. 112, Liberty start. ml 5 J.L. SEE L 'S CASh RAG tVARF:HOUSE, Corner of Pennand Irwin streets, Pittsburgh. The hiath.,t price paid in rash for Country fine•, Baling Rope and Cotton Wiiste. Also , dealer in Chloride of Lime, Paper, Twine, at caah priers. July 14-di v. GEORGE COCHRAN, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING No. 2, Fcrry street, Pittsburgh, J. Vogaes & Son, ARCHITECTS AND Buir,t)Ens Office. Smieffield Street, corner of Diamond Alley. LANS and Specifications finished in Lhe brit at ) lv P and at the sF:of - telt notice. • Rzrgnrxcr.: Lozan & Kennedy. 11 ChM]. & Co.. J IVoodwell, A Kramer, W B Searle and Col tort & Dikevrth. jtm 1-1, 18.15—d ly. DR. GEO. FELIX. PRACTICING PEI Y SIC IA N Corne r nlSmitltficld street aid Virgin Alley iitly ^G , 1845-tf MARTIN LYTLE, FAMILY GROCER, SMITHFIELD STREET, Next door to the Fifth Prinhyterittri Church juric fr . REYNOLDS Sc H Perwarding and Contmisidon Merchants, ANC DEALER* Ir. LUMBER, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, All!) PITTSBNIGH NIANUFACTURES, FOR THE ALLEGHEVY RIVER TRADI C•rner of Penn end Irwin Inreel. L. 0. REYNOLD/I, L. Wicid•trFf. - _ - Dissolution. T HE parrnerehip heretofore! ex;roing her eon IoiDW DOOR STORE. --- Jame* K. Ln . q.An end Gee, 4r Connell Ilndel Co in I the firm of J K Locum at llill (13V dissr.lved lt% BOSWORTH & FORRESTER, N l coneent. All persnn• haring ume ag. No. 43, Man( re erect, nr.rt door to Titter/et-err, ' t mutua hr firm, 1,11 ple AR".« prewnt them for . a fl et dement no ain d ' all indebted will r th . P male t• a)mrat tn .1 K Loan, i hlAt. opening n new and ex ... eon moot of Barks and ScStationery, antch they nil! Sen, ' 46" " th'i! .1 BULI i C , IiLV- il, settle the Iniainee s of the , wholesale and retail at the Ins, eat prier.. ap2.5 coon ro. J K LOO AN, GEO. CONNELL CHARLES A. :11e.ANI:LTY, Forwarding and Commission Atterchant, P177'5041[011, Ps., I Dry Goods at Cost A gent for C. S Portable Bout Lin, b„„rriii. tranaportro ' I AS. K. Lorin. con:Per of Wood and } - Iflil •Itel.fa, tion of Nlerchandire to and from l'ittYlotraL, Bultirriora, • n, er JI) th,g ' Auction !loofas. being de.irrois Philadelphia. New York and flo.ton. • 131-1 v .of chacgicg hit present burini•.,, offi•is for .ale hi. RENIGVA L. r .to,l. r d 1)r Goods now on band, at CoO, corn , rj.,in; 000iLEY & LAIRD, 1 A IA rg, ..t•flrl ITl..nt Of dnlll6, (.11 ‘. 1 11)ere• s liallinAtt, ' SP t! Int, 1 , 11104. trilldirl•, &C., /1(1.1 wood re. per I fully 21frrerlant Tailor r. inv I, rice atlenThnif those wishing to poieloore as 1.1 A t I h ' , E co ß r, e „ na r o o Y f e ri lv r o4 o ~IN .. , , ,,, ;:, ,,, I ,, N; r i i r:• t r „ street, iot from hr h e A i 4 , 1 i ~ It , . P o rni l n B e 4 , - 1 5 t o close ~,,, binp,e,em bus in,. s i. ,i,l ienee th e y were driven by the fire, ar here they will ._ . . pus 4 he 'nappy to oee their old customers- jyiV. i Removal by Piro. Pittsburgh Infirmary, ! grill': Airbseriber informs hi. fr iends and the, pub. r i , oll, the reception nod trentount of dernrmitee 1 A ii, char t.• ht. opened a new 1 o f the !Amon frame, much ua Glob or flerlect • CABINET WARE It 0 ONT, feet, contracted joints, wry-neck and Strabismus or' Al t h e corner of Liberty nod St Clair Streets, icier Stiniutiaa.,and of Diseases of Ike Eye, ouch Li_. Co. : Brown nod Reiter'. (frog Store, where he is prepared lto !Wend to nP order. in his bory tarot!, etc, cinder the care of ALBERT G WA LT ER, 41 0. ! I'"F Lotrance on St Clair street. Liberty, near the corner of Fourth street. 1 11 1' 15 N. KANE, Ja. doe 31—dtf :sales Patterson, Jr., Corner of Ist and Ferry streets Pittsburrh. Ps., manufactu rer of locks, hinges and belts: tobacco, ful ler, mill and timber screws; bousen screws for rolling xen I 0-y FLINT ULAB k:srAbListimrs-r. G=l MIILVANY & LEDLIZ, MANUFACTURE AND XF.CP CUNITANTLT HAND Cut, Moulded mad Plain FLINT GLASSWARE, AI.L ITS VARIETILS, AT THEIR IVARYFIOLISC Corner of Market and Water Streets, PITTSBURGH Purr:hexer+ are re•rectfuily awdeited to call and Online pric.•a and terms. rcpl6-Iv FALL FASHIONti G. W. GLASGOW. No 10?, Wood ft.. Pitt4h.n,h T THE NORTH WEST CORNER Drugs, Medicines, Dye Woods, Paints, Hatters' and pullerev articles Unsurpassed in quality and at prices that shall give general satisfaction. For sale by R. E. SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist, NO. 57 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, T H'present stock, to which the attention of Drug gists, Physicians and Country Merchants is re spectfully invited, is composed in part of the following articles:- 400 lbs Gum Camphor; 150 lbs Cal b. Magnesia; 200 do Ground Turmeric; 300 do. Sal. Nitre; 220 do Bath Brick; 365 do Cream Tartar 100 do Af.Cayenne Pepper; 155 do Grd. Ginger; 566 do Venet. Red; 1500 do Sp. , Brown; 225 galls. Copal Varnish; 325 do Gum Shellac; 200 gross Vial Corks; 336 do Reid. Borax; 400 lb. Flour Sulphur; 150 do Pink Bout; 325 do l'aris Green; 1144 do Ch. Lime; 619 do Brimstone. 1000 do Yellow Ochre; 150 do Ginger Root; 1387 do Epsom Salts; 394 galls. Sp. Turpentine; 3500 do Cut Logwood. Together with a full assortment of English and French Chemical Paints, Oils, Varnish, Dye Stuff*, and a very fine selection of Imported Perfumery, all of which will be sold on the principle, that "a nisside sz.rpenee ts Letter than a slow shilling." oct3.lf CIEIZEIII Selcii - lishool for Boys and Girls. HWILLIAMS — has Oa — his - Select School for . Males and Females, in the room over Mr nr!1 ' 111 Grocery, and formerly occupied by Mr Samuel Blood, in Federal street, Allegheny, on .Slonday, the 181 h inst. TER'S: — PrimaryClass. $6 per echelar per quarter of I I weeks. lapin[ Class, Senior Class, 1 161ERK!VCCS. Rev. D. Elliott. D. D.. Rev. D. 11. Riddle, D. D., Re, A. D. Campbell, D. D.. Hon. Chnrles Shnler, Joseph P. Gazzarn, M. D., Charles 11. Israeli, EN. sem I—dly. John Cartwright, C i - TLER and Surgical Initiument nuitifacturer N., 140 IVood itrert, two doors from Virgin al ley, Pittaburg Pa. ! N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assortment .if Surgical anti Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanner's Patent Shears Saddler's Tools, 'Frusses, &r. le a.l. ; - WASHINGTON HOTEL, I Corner of St. Clair and Penn streets, l'atabreet, I JAMES ARMSTRONG, l'rnprietor. T HE proprietor begs 1./ZIVP to return hif mo•t grale- fill thanks to his friends and the public for past 1 favor, and hopes, 1 / 2 attention, to merit a rontinuatism of their patronage. The boos. is pleasant iv- situated 1 has nen, the Exchange; it OCCUTIT.IiIt:ii,),I-4, Ifit•el. el,, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper parties. REFREtifIMENTS Alseas, reatly.nt prepn red on ihe hortest notice, with t h e c i ttt i eeat th e marke t will afford. Osooera and Oyyter Soup, 711.0 Fresh Shell 1 ./iterd, received es, ry tins doring theseuson. The grenlest rare has peen When 111 the wlretoln of wine, and Itquor.. A vorio ty or newsparera are regular is 61,1 to the e , tabhole. Melt!. S A Mit I.,tlLrll.,,etsca (la} at 11, A. N 1 at , IR. PITTSBURGH. us•]V l'ltisburgh, August 1, 1845 T HE: Sin of I gnoranre is eerily forgiven. Many of the"aoslrem , "uftbepresentdaya re p ut out by persons who have no knowledge oft he science of medi ciue in theory or prartice, and in eider to hide theirig• norance cry out loudlyagitinst the"froorant Pretend ers," arid bribe others to boast for them, which oft times has gulled the unsuspecting, and for want of a proper knowledge of the diseases they pretend to ewe, no doubt thick they cure when they do not, thereto!, they arc to be pitied, but not half so much enthuse who take their " msserable compounds," but they not only lose ibeir money. but miss the advantage of I bait ne. rei.sary !visite ahirls the real practical physiiian. i. always able to give. We look to this tailor for in im provement in the mode ofdress; to the medical man for an improvement in the science of medicine—and this necounts for the great superiority of Dr Snayne's Compound Syrup of IVild Cherry over all other medicines ever offered to the public for the ( - urea( all diseases of the Lungs and Breast, CrIt101•, COMA, Consumption, Asthma , Spirting Blood, Liver Com plaint, Pain in the Side and Breast, Broken Constitu tion, &e. liememberelwhy, to inquire for the name of Dr Strayne. es all preparations which have the name of Wild Cherry attached were stolen from tile great original preparation. The genuine i• only prepared by Dr Strains% corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia For sale WAI. THORN, Agent. Pittsburgh, ap 5-tna. I ExTENsioN rirrsnumil. Rare Chance for good Investments rpflE subscriber hue laid out, and now offers for sale at reasonable prices and on accommodating terms, One hundred and ten Guilding Lots, on that handsome level ground between Braddock street and the Monongahela river. They are about one-third of a mile from the city line, and are situated in that part of the first city district which will probably soon be annexed to the city as the Seventh Watd. No pro pertyin thesuhurbs possessessuperinr advantanges, nor has any heretofore been laid out with so liberal an ni• lowance of wide streets; Braddock is frc,m one lion rirr,l and twenty to about one hundred and ninety feet wile, ra id Berle n, Commerce, Brady, Columbus and %Voter streets all wide avenues. Mort of the lots have two fronts, and on they are of various sizes, and w ill be sold, one lot, with the privilege of four or five; early apnlicanis ran he necommodated to suit their own views of improvement. Persons who desire to build or to make secure investments in property that is sure to advance in value, and particularly those who intend I to erect manufactories, would do well to view these Lots, and examine the draft, before purchasing else where. The survey for the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road and the tail road survey by the State of Penn sylvania were both made alongside of this property, and it in generally considered that Braddock 'street. or the ground immediately alongside (Tit, affords the only eligible route for a Rail Road from Pittsburgh to the East. Coal can be delivered on this propel ty nt u much less cost than on the Allegheny t iver, and there is always deep water at this matt of the river. E. D. GAZZ A aug2s-tf. Office Market bctween ad Jr. 41 M • AI3F.ELF.N hes remoter! his Commission and • Forwarding Business from the Coma Basin to his new Warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite the Foot Office. nun , 30. ESBURGH, FRID . Removal OF WOOD AN A CURE FO:':'CONSLINIV.TION SEVEN TUC:SAND CASES Of ,olleinale Piantenttel eomplaints cured 'ln ONE AR. WISTAR'S BALb AM OF WILD CIIER• RY, the greatiAmerican Remedy for com plaints and affections of4ut Respiratory Organs. We do not wish to troMc with the lives or health of the afflicted, and we sincerely pledge ourselves to make ntimoerticirts as fillhe virtues of this medicine, a n d to hold out no bopeento suffering humanity which facts will not warreot. We ask the attention Of the (media to the following consideration,. r • Nature in every part of' her works, has left indelli ble marks of adaptation - kind design. The conmitntion of tie animals and vegetables of the tort id, is such that tboy could not endure the cold of the frigid tone, and vice versa. In regard to dieease_and its cure, the adaptation is more or less striking. • - . The Moss of Iceland, the . Wild Cherry and Pines of all Northern latitudes, (end f)r. Wistar's Balsam is compound and chemical extract from these,) have long been celebrnt-ml for complaints prevalent only in cold climltes. Indeed' he most distinguished medi- cal men have averred that nature furnishes in every country medicines for its peculiar diseases, Consumption in its confirmed and incipient. stages. Conchs, Asthma, Croup, and Liver complaint, form by far the most fatal class of diseases known.to our land. Yet even these may be cured, by means of the simple vet powerful remedies, named above, and a inch are scattered, by a beneficient Providence, wherever those maladies prevail. WISTAR'S BALSAS! OF WILD CHERRY ! Ws/1 miracles never erase? More evidence of its surpassing lecalas Restorative Virtues !.! ;71 7 1 11 From Dr. Baker, Springfield, Wairtg 4 lon co.. Ky. Sraiao/41L1,11; Ky.,l4lay 14, 1845. Mean, Sanford & Park—Gents-1 take thin oppor tunity of Informing you of a moat remarkable cure per( trrned upon me by the use of Dr. Whittles Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the yenrof 1340 I wan taken with an infflamma !ion of 'he howels, whirl, I labored under for 6 weeks when I grad rally recovered. In the 6,110(1831 Iw a• attn.-L e d with a severe chill, which seated itself upon my lung.; and fnr the spare of three years I was con fined 111 MV 1,41. 1 tried all kinds of medicines, and every kind of medical aid a ithout benefit, end thus I wearied along Instil the winter of 1344, until I heard o f “Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry." 114 y friends purriaded me to give it a trial, though I hail given op ad hopes of recovery and had prepared myself for the change of nnotlier word!. Through 'heir solicitations 1 wo o indured to make use of the Genuine ‘Vistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The effoct was rtulyasroniahing. After fire years of affliction, pain and ntiffering; and after having spent four or five ; bandied dollars to no purpose, and the bent and most re•periabl e physicians had proud Ilnavai!ing, I was •,,011 moorrd rotor healib bribe blasting of God I nod the o, of D r . %Vista en Balsa mof Cherry. I nrn now enjoying good health nod such is my al !Pinot app.-man ce that I am no longer known when I meet my former acquaintances. I hare gained ',pithy in weigh!, and my flesh is I fi t , an d solid. I can now eat en much an any person.' and my food seems to agree w ith me. I base eaten more durin g the last six month, thuh I had eaten five years lo•fore, Cored.lering my ease almmt n mirncle, I deem ii rheres•nr, for the ened of the nfilicted, and a dmy owe ht the prop; iet,iss nod my fellow men (is lin shoo Id know where te:of may In had) Lo make this state ment p•iblie. Mitt the idessin g of God rest noon the r-rmr intros of . 0 val., nble a medicine as %Yistar's Balsam of lt ;hi Chet, Yours, restiOCl fully. WM. H. RAKER. r i pi-i„. Coro. ing letter from Dr Ritchey, of Ftrink lin, Ind., alio 'Lands high in his profession, and l ;rink arTitif.tt the 6,1 fro:oh:tans of the state, shall ! spenk for r•si•lf in commendation o f she ..Genuine s Ivistai . s Bulsran of Wild Cherry." Franklin. Ind., April 14. 1345. ! Mes,ro Slndford & Park—l base but a few but- 1 ties of lAisiur's balsam of wird cherry remaining on j ' hand of the last hrt furnished me by you. I hereto- tore w , ott-d until I had so:d tint and had obtained the 1 rboooy Ir e one lot before I ordered another. Rut sorb is tiro demand i'or the article flint I do not Wish to be , a reboot it, null lint Iherefore let to arniclrtite n little. ! I ... ihe money for the hut shall be forth:iming by the time the lot is disposed of, a hich, front the aides I have mol e lair's . . I think still he but a short time, The etrt.,-{. •11 - th, balsam are in many ^as. a strikingly I beneficial. [7'll improve, upon acquaintance morel th,o ony miler PN , lrtnt Medicine I have ever known. I I Almost all others fail upon trial, and not being able to bear the test it( expetinee, soon sink into disuse. This, howerer, seems to be 11103 l highly valued by tlio, oho have Lusted its virtues, and experienced its i healing, r tficacy in their own case,. Yom• very re- wectiull). JAMES IIITCIIE:Y. Those who Coneterfeif a good medicine for the timpore of adding, a few dollar. to their pockets, are fur worse than the manufacturers of spurious coin. For while the later only robs us of nur property. the former tiske property and health and life away.— Dr. R'ter*tt's Ilalsom of iVild Cherry is admitted by thousands of disinterested witnesses, to bone effect ed the most extraordinary cures in cares of a pulrno nary and asthmatic character ever before recorded in the history of medicine. The yojmg, and beautiful, the good, all speak forth its prattle. It is now the favorite medicine in the moat intellir,ent families of our country. Such a high stand in public estimation has been a cids red by its own merits alone. And so long as a discerning public aro careful to get Wistar's ;rad Cherry, and reale with acorn counter feits, a n d every other article pruferred to them as substitute, an lung will cures—poraire cures—cheer the fireside of a tlepairing family. t -- l The true and genuine "Wistet'a Balsam of Wild Cherry" it sold at established agencies in all parts of the United States. Sold in Cincinnati, on the rornet of Fourth and %Valnu t str e e t , by SANDFORD & PARK. Geril Agents for the IVastern Stairs. Mn. sold wholesale and retail, by L. Wilcox and A Falinesinck, Pittsburgh. Pa. and by appointed agent s in every important Borough i t Western Penn. ”Ivanin. net I 4-Iy. Pittsburgh Tack Factory. T 111.: undersigned, having built machinery of th most approved kind, will manufacture of th best quality of Iran and in the neatest style, TACKS, I BRADS, FINISHINGNAILS, SHOE NAILS, &c. &e. which they offer for sale low. The attention of Western Merchants and others i. invited to their establii.hment. WOODWARD, HERSEY & CO. Fifth street. opposite the Exchange Bank. ,itily 1-6 m. FRESH LEECHES! Leeches! Leeches!! Leeches!!! .he dozen, hundred, or ihomand; fleshand win n;te quick, for sale. and will be applied at redo cod rates. Operations of Cupping performed es n•lual without poin. L. J. CHAMBERLAIN, Pa. Dental Surgeon, No B St Clair street, sepl9-3m Pittaburgh, Removal nR. WM. M. WRIGHT, DENTIST, has rumored Ll to St. Clair Stret, next door to the Exchange Hotel Buildings. sep I , OCTOBER 3L 1845 FIFTH STREETS, Proposals for Indian Goods, S EA LED proposals be received at the of fi ce of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington City, D. C.. until Saturday the 15th day of November next, at 1 o'clock, fur furnishing the following goods, in the quantities annexed, or thereabouts, for the use of the Indians; and deliverable at the following places, viz: At Nero York. 1,050 pain 3 point white Mackinac blankets '22 24 do do .do do 700 ' 2 do do do do 700 " /4 do do do do 400 " I do do do do 104 " 3 du scarlet do do 98 " 24 do do do do 26 " 3 do reen do do 98 " 3 du ge ntinolle blue do 1,000 yards blue, fancy, and gray list cloth. 350 yards scarlet do do do 125 " grass green do do 2,400 " blue saved list cloth 750 " scarlet do 100 " green du 50 lbs. worsted yarn. 3 fold 68 dot. cotton flag handkerchief, 11 dot. black silk do 374 doz. 8-4 cotton shawls, assorted 19.350 yards domestic calico 1,100 " bleached cotton shining 3,670 " unbleached do do 3.200 " unbleached cotton sheeting 3.050 " domestic checks, stripes and plaids 7,000 " plaid honeys 1.600 " flannel shirt, 87 lbs. linen thread 250 " cotton die 4,000 yards satinet 850 " bed ticking 2,500 lbs. Holland lain. 830 " sturgeon twine 1,000 cod lines 500 trout do 1.000 bend do .340 Ibi brass kettles 783 tin kettles 40 nests japanned kettles (8 in a nest) • 76 doz: butcher knives 14,000 gun flints Al St. Louis, Aliisouri. 950 pairs 3-point white Mackin= blankets 767 " 24 do do 417 " 2 do do 374 " 14 do do 430 " 1 do do 124 " 3 do scarlet do 104 " 24 do do 143 " 3 do green do 91 '• 3 gentinella blue do 1500 aids blue strotids 1.000 " scarlet do 1,500 '• bine, floc), and gray list cloth 217 " gmen do do 372 " scarlet do du ,360 bone saved list cloth 350 " do do 430 •' scarlet do do 485 pound. worsted yarn 68 dozen cotton flag handerchiets 40 '• Madras do 66 " black silk do 40 " 8.4 cotton shawls, assorted 7.500 yards domestic calico 1.930 " English and French calico 2.230 " bleached toiLlql shining 6.000 " unbleached do do 4.400 " do do sheeting 5.300 domestic checks, stripes and plaids 126 dozen woollen socks 1.880 yards plaid linsey 3.400 .• flannel assorted 446 fisnnel shirts 500 calico shirts 85 pounds linnen thread 75 " cotton do 36 " sewing•silk 20 grail., worsted gartering 310 pieces ribands, assorted 100 gross fancy smi clay pipes 50 pounds vermillion, Chinese 500 '• heads, assorted 1,200 ' brass {settles 465 tin kettles 46 li,..l•jnpanned kettles (eight in a nest) 36 dozen frying -pans 666 tin pans 600 tin Cops 36 dozen fire-steel, assorted 75 " Britannia and p..per looking-glasses 12 gross bottoms, assotted 66 000 brass nails 10,000 fish-honks 100 dozen fishing-lines 455.00 needles 2 4 0 dozen combs 40 " scissors 13 " iron spoon* - 5t '• pewter and tin plates (one-halter each) 10 packs pins 7 gross thimbles 67 augers • 24 dozen gimblets 213 dozen butcher knives 32 gross straw awls 14.000 gun flints 20 dozen strong hoes 10 gross gun worms 910 northwest guns; two thirds of which must men*ure 36 inches in the barrel, and one third 42 inches; 100 deliverable in the city of New Yolk, and the residue at thu place where manufactured. Also-- . doxen axes, to weigh from 5 to 54 pounds. 71 dozen half axes do. 3} do, 4'7 dozen squaw axes de. 3 do. 45 dozen hatchets do. do. To be delivered at the place where manufactured. A schedule of the articles, with samples, may be seen at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, in Washington exhibiting the amount of money to bti expended fur each article; but the department reserves the right to inctease or diminish, the quan tity or any of the articles named, or substitute other, in lieu thereof. The whole amount in money to be applied to the purchase of goods, wil, he abort $ 8 5,000; of which some $4O 000 will be wanted on the seaboard, and the residue in the west. Goosis of American manufacture all other things being equal, will he preferred. The party proposing to supply the article* will make an invoice of ull the items embraced in the above list, and affix the price*, in dollars and cents, at which lie or they wil furnish them, deliverable in New York and St. Louis respectively, on or before the fifteenth day of May next, assuming the quantity cf each arti cle as specified in this advertisement, and extending cost, making an aggregate of the whole invoice before sending it on. The goods will be inspected at New York or St. Louis by an agem of the United States, who will be appointed by the department for the pur pose, anti to ascertain the conformity of the articles purchased with the sumples exhibited, when the con tract shall be mad,', and with the terms of the contract itself, which shall contain a clause, that if the articles are not furnished within the time prescribed, or if they are of in.afficieat quality , in the lipinicn of the agent aforesaid, and if within 'five after notice of such insufficiency the party shall not furnish others ill lieu dieted, of the required quality. the United States shall he authorized to purchase them of others, and to charge any increase of price they may be compelled to pay therefor to the contractor, who shall pay thesaid diffesencie to the United Statea. • As these goods will not be ready for delivery before the middle of May, seperate proposals will be teceived for their transportation from New York or St. Louis. to their destination in the Indian country, up to first of March next. fonds will be required, in the amount of the bids, with two good suriries, the sufficiency of whom to be certified by a United States judge or district atter. ney, fur the faithful performance of the contracts.— Payment will be made afterthe contract is completed, and the delivery of the goods at New York and St. Louis respectively, to an agent of the department, up or a duplicate invoice certified by him. Communications to be marked, •Proposals fur Inch. an goods." The bids will be submitted *ith the following head. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, A FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, ing. and none will be received that aro nut made in the form and terms here prescribed: (or we) propose to furnish, for the service or the Italian Department, the following goods, at the prices affmed to them respectively, vie: (Here insert the list of goods.) "Deliverable in the city of New York, or St Louis, on or before the----day of ----next; and in case of the acceptance of his proposal, the quantity being prescribed by the department. I (or we) will exe cutes contract according to this agreeament, and give satisfactory s. corny to the department, within eight days after the acceptance of this bid; nod case of failure to enter into such contract, and R ive such secu rity, I (or we) will pay to the United States the dif• ference between the sums bidden by me, (or us) and the sum which the United States may be obliged to pay for the same articles." OFFICE Rotate AT7AIRS, September 30, 1845. • T. HARTLEY CRAWFORD. Commiasioncr of Indian Affairs. oct7-3tawlls Nov. RE-BUILT AND AT WORK! PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE. WILLIAM 8. SBAFFEB, mr ERC HAN T TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the NEW STORE At the corner of Wood and Water streets, on the site occupied by Mr S. Scheyer pi evious to the Great Fire, where he is prepared to furnish all articles in the line of GENTLENIEN'S CLOTHING, OEI the most moderate terms, and ut the shortest no tice. His stock of Good* is ENTIRELY And has been selected with much care to suit the mar ket. He has in his employment some of the best workmen in the city, and from long experience in the business, he hopes to give general satisfaction to those I who may favor him with their custom. A large as sottment of Clothing suited to the Season. 1 consisting of Cloth, Frock and - Dress Coats, of all ciders various qualities, from $6 to $18; various patterns Tweed, Linen, Gingham and Cassimere Coats, vary ing in price from $t,25 to 6; together with a large stock of Cloth, Cassimere, Sauineti, Tweed, Jean and Sum mer rants—all of whiz!) have been recently manufac tured, and of the best materials, purchased ec the lute reduced prices. He offers to the public as GOOD BFI GAINS As any establishment in A the city. e has also a stock of Vests. Shirts, cotton and s ilk Cravats Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, which he is prepared to sell low for cash, and cash only. Having secured the services of en excellent Cutter, he is prepared to manufacture garments of all kinds to order, in such a manner as to render the PITTSBURGH CLOTHING STORE worthy of public patronage. The public are invited tocsin and examine for themselves. .1)244 ________ Pall Coatings. J CST received, a fresh supply of new stnr ta CLOrlf—fancy colors and handful paterns. The colors are Cirren, Green, Olive and Claret Brown, Mulberry, Gold mixed and Black. These goods are I new even in the Eastern cities; having just been im ported for thl Tailors. IVe pledged ourseives to get up a superioFeoat this fall-- - 'better than ever." The practical partner of our firm has been to New York, to purchase goods, and to secure the latest improvements in his department, all of which will be introduced on our work, with a disci iminnting regard to true ele gance and correct taste. We are prepared to fulfil all promises made through this medium or otherwise; and no we lay claims to be THE FASHIONABLE HEM" QUARTERS of this city, we will pledge our:, selves furthermore, to compete with any Eastern boos that sends work to Pittsburgh, made to order. In proof of our ability to do so, we mention with pride that the names of many gentleman who formerly re ceived their garments from the East, are now to be found on our register of ctistomert, who are now con. winced that they can be suited as welt, and at more teasonable rates. ALGEO AFGUIRE & Co. I octB Phenix Safes and Vaults. TEIE under+igned invite attention to the follow 1 ing certificate: CERTIFICATE - - The andetsigned having been requested by Messrs. Constable & Strickler, to be present and superintend a test, by fire; of one of their recently invented Nue nix Fire Proof sales, and deeming the subject one of very great public importance, havecerefully scrutinized the progress of a test, to which one of said chests was subjected. The cheat was supported at each corner, at an elevation of 10 to 12 inches from the ground a fire of Bituminous coal and fire was made over and around and kept actively burning 54 consecutive hours. The fuel consumed was about 80 bushels of coal, and one cord of wood; the heat all the while be ing quite intense, and in the opinion of the undersign ed much greater thane safe is likely to sustain in any ordinary house burning. On the removal of the fire. at their request the chest was Opened, and greatly to the astonishment of the undersigned and the large nu her of citzens present. a Blank Book with Sundry Bank nctes within its fold-; a piece of Dry pine Wood end the inner lining of the safe, which is of Wood, were found warm in deed, but not in the Slightest degree charred or inju red, some manusctipt on the Book an legible es be• fore the test. The undersigned are uranimuus in the conviction that a fire proof chest is practicable; and that the ingenious and enterprising manufacturers, whose efforts for some months past in producing this desideratum have proved so entirely successful, de serve the public confidence rind patronaee. JOHN ANDERSON, L. R. LIVINGSTON, JOSIAH KING, WA KRICK MARTIN, EDWARD H F:A Z ELTON, JAMES PARK, h. Ir. the character of the above named gentlemen, the public have a guarantee against deception. in the test which was made of our Phcenis Safes, and we there fore feel the utmost confidence in recommending them as a reliable protection against fire, under any et dine• ry circumstance. We would assure those interested, that there is no wood about these Safes, but what is necessarily connected with the shelve. and drawers. We make Vault Doors in the same manner and up on the some plan. One of these can be seen at Reese C. Townsend & Co's new building. Fcr the workmanship of our Vaults. they ran be seen nt the following pikes: Lyon. Short & Co., Church & Carothers, Wm. Latimer, King & Holmes, J. D. Davis, P. M'Cormick, and W. Martin. ri7 P Alanufactory on 2d street, between Wood find Smithfield. CONSTABLE & STRICKLER. Pittsburgh, October 15, 1845 5m Fire Brick, Extra Large. 20,000 A prime article, for sale by D. & G. W. LT.OYI) D ULV. RHUBARB-2 bzs just recid for sale by R E SELLERS, octifi N 057 Wood st. PRICE, TWO CENTS. AYABLE IN _ADVANCE i 'AA 1." a.117.V.' k mi ..1111 • ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO.,;11 'REGULAR WEEKLY AND SEMI-MONTHLY L - 451 - 4 - 01 Now• York and Liverpool Packets, BLAKELY 3, MITCHEL, AGENTS Office, Canal Basin, Penn at. and Smithfield, nee 6.!h. tercet, Pittsbnrgh, Pa. R OCHE, BRO.'S & CO., in asking the attenti o of their friends and the public to their arrang.. menti for 1845, beg leave to a,siire them that notbiw shall be wanting on t heir purr, to render thoi.ie wli, may select their line, both safe nod comfortable. Pi, ticular attention will be paid to aged persons. i Youths who may be sent for be their parents. Amor the vessel.; compo s ing the Ball or Old Liu, of Liverpool Packets, a be found the NEW YORK, ox Fon r), YORKSHIRE, MONTEZUMA, CAMBRIDGE. and COLUMBUS. Persons desirous of 6 0 1!dill,:Z for their fliunde now residing in nny part of the "Old Country," can make the necessary errting,einents with the subscribers, and have them brought out. by the above well known fa vorite "LINE OF PACKETS," which sail from Lie. erpool punctually on the 151 h and 16th of every morthi also, by first class AMER,j,CAN Ships, sailing from there every SIX DAYS during 1845. Should the persona decline coming out, the money will be return ed to the parties here, without any deduction on pia dicing the paitsage certificate and the receipt. With such unequalled arid superior arrangements, the sub scribers confidently look fora aid, fur a continuance of that support which has been extended to them, so many yeats. Apply to (or address by letter. post paid,) ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO. No 35 Fulton at. New Yoric. Or BLAKELY & 'MITCHEL, Pnn and Smithfield s. Pittsbh, c Agent at Liv e erpool, JAMES D. t ROCHE, Esq P . sepl3-d& w No 20 Water et. ' Remittances to Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey. P ERSONS desirous to remit to their relatives in England, Ireland. Scotland, Wales, or to The Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, can at all times obtain drafts payable at sight, on the Royal Brink of Ireland, Dublin. Also on Messrs. Prescoft, Grote, Ames & Co:, Bankers. London; which will be paid on demand at any of the Batiks, or tbcir Brawhes, in all the prim rind Towns throughout ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, GUERNSEY or JERSEY. This mode offers to those wishing to make remit. , tonnes, from One Pound and upwards, a perfectly said way of sending money to their frirnds, and those who prefer that their friends should select their own tired of coming out, and also select their own ships, can re• mit money by the subscriber afar that purpose, Apply to (or addles, by letter, post paid.) ROCHE. BRO.'S & CO. No 20 Fulion st., New York, BLAKELY & MITCHEL; PiitAharefl. Pa. or ,%rlliScw 3. 8 4 3 . • ' , • • - - New York and Liverpool Commercial Line of Packets. JOHN IIEBDMAN, GI South. st., New York, T H E subscriber, In Ballin g the attention of the pub , lie to his unequalled arrangement far bringfng out pss.engrus froth all parts of Great Britain by the above line of splendid ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, would respectfully make known that in addl.. Lion to his rigular agents, he has appointed Mt Thcinv as 11 Dickey, who will remain at Liverpool during the eaz.nn to etiperitited the embarkation of all passystst gers engaged here. Persons engaging may, therefore, rely on their friends, and ull who may accompany them, being promptly sent font aid. He is, as usual, prepared to remit money by draft, payable at sight through the United Kingdom, in amounts to suit lip. plicant, and at the lowest rates. Far further pet titer lars apply to address JOHN FIERDMAN, No (13 I Son, h at., New York. JOSEPH KiIiKPATRICK, At James DalzelPs Water st., Pittsburgh. July 16-3 m. JUST RECEIVED AT THE --- IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No. 1 22 Liberty at , two door: from St. Clair street, A SPLENDID as.ortment of Fall and Winter Goods. The proprietor of this ti aly favored es, tahlishment announces to the Public, that he is preps •d to make to ord-r all articles in his line, at the shortest notice, and in the most FASHIONABLE STYLE, Having secured the service s of One of the BEsrcer- Tc . rts in thecity, he oil in all cases %%item: good fit. He has a splen did assortment of VARItA and PLAIT BEAVER CLOTHS, Also superfine Blue. Black, Brown and Invisible Green Cloths of all quab • hies and various pricer to suit the purchasar.,- , He hes a splendid lot of vestings of all patt.446 Saitinetts In great satiety: Shirts, Stocks; Bosoms, Collars, Hantlketchiefs, Sus penders, and every other article in the CLOTHING LINE, which he will sell LOW Fre OR CASH. The proprietor turns hid sincere thanks to his old Customers and the Public in general, fur the .very lib eral manner in a loch they have patronized his matt• lishment, and hopes by st,im attention to businesif, and selling them Cheap Goods, to merit a continuation of the same. C. APCLOSKE.X. nog 20-6 m. To Iron Mantfacturers, T FIE subscribers will di.pose of their Patent for manufacturing Patent Wrought Iron Butt Hinges, west of the Alleghenies, and furnish and pat in opera- tion in Pittsburgh, one sot of Machinely capable of making 400 doz. per day. For par•iculars. cost of manufacturing, cost per dozen, selling prices, and terms of sale, address ROY Sc Aug 26.-2nirl West Tiny, New York. TO PRINTERS, Type Foundry, and Printer's Furnishing. irarehouse. T HE sUbstribers haveopened a new Tse Foundry in the city of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any any kind of job or fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brass Rule., Steel, Column do, Composing Chases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The type areeast in new moulds, finrn un endr e ly new set of matrixzs, with deep counters, are warrant , ed to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold ter suit, the times. l'rinting Presse. furnidlerl, and also Steam -Engine-II of the most approved patterns. N. B.—A machinist crmxtantly in attendance to re' pair Presses and do light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. Editors of Newspapers who will buy three times much type An theirs bills amount to, may give the above, six - nooths' insertion and send their papers containing it to the subscribers. CROCKFORr& OVT N b 68 Ann street Port Pitt Works. Corner of O'Hara and Etna etreeire, Pita Ward. DIS SOLUTION. HF: firm of Freeman Koup & Tmten, is this d.ty dittsolred, by the sale of the ehtire interest of John Freem an in the concern, to Charles Knop. Jr. an d William J Totten, who will continue thetbusinese under the [tame of Knnp & Totten, anti *ill settle all claims against the said firm, and receive all debts *nit demands owing to the same. Pittsb'gh, Aug. 18, 1845-iug2B ---.. 1 8 4 5. ELEMEM