Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 30, 1845, Image 2

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trig IDailp itiortting Post.
- -
PAI.neR, Agent fur country newspapers,
is Like Agent for the l'itts.urgh Daily Morning Poet.
ans 4 Weekly Mercury end Manufacturer. to receive
advertisements sad subscriptions. He lia4 offices in
Ntw YORK. at the Cea I Offi , -.e. 30 Aan street, (ad.
)oiming the Tribune Office.)
Brame, No. 12. State street.
I'HITAI”LPIRIA, Real Estate and Co a l Office, 59
B itrieoer S E emner Baltimore and enlver t st
where our paper can be seen, and ter ma of adverti
sing learned.
far The Guyette of yesterday contains a long ale
peal to the wrig,s of Pennpylvanin, in which they are
urged—implored, to have nothing to do with the Tann
Convention. As we said a few day. since, cc are
glad that the Gazette has thrown off the cloak, and,
openly taken ground against an expression of opinion
in favor of the Tariff policy, unless en,enating from a
party assemblage. The course of the Gazette ha.‘
done much to place the question and the panties fairly
before the people. The Democracy have at ull time
been the sincere friends of t he workingmen—they have
at all times, when clothed with power to do so. pro.
tested the domestic industry of the ruttion;--now, a•
ever, they are ready to speak oral in defence of great
national interests. How is it with the whig leader.?
Arc they willing to show their hands? Are they !
ling to go to Hollidaylrirgh and unite in an entertain"
of opinion in favor of Pennsylvania interests They
refuse to take part in the deliberations of the propos.:
art convention—they refuse toner, unless to gain party
advantage*. We care not whether they take part or!
not, and presume the Democracy in general are quit• !
as indifferent. as to what course they may think proper I
to pursue. But, hereafter, let 1./3 hear no more about
whig friendship for Domestic industry—let us not
again be told that the whigs are the exclusive friend,
of the Tariff policy.
The liVe.-11 need. no pith tolireak a Ini.band " .
heart. The ith•et re 01 centunt .thsnststtering of spleen,
the untidy does., and carrier.. borne, the forbidding
scowl and deserted isPorth; the.. end other notaries.
net bets-wolota n crone nmolig them-hove harrow•
* ltetutn, Kate! ' rd to the quick the heart ' s Gorr of many a men, and
'Return instant!. l' planted there hey I the much of cure the germ of
'Kole, are you seriod•-olte rout ' he might bare out. desPair• U! cony ss tiroan, before that •ad '`'K t " or.
ded, 'in .our some.,' 101 l sire interrupted him, rile 'i d . " 11 .at 'II' ret'oH , ction of }per youth, suit,
'I am soliou•- I sin not mad, Morley; Ito, nor in. cherishing the 1•Its of that tonefial time, awake and
cunt out, ton 1 ,. 1.1p,' she •ulti .. 1 ... 1, readrng the imh keep olive the 'lnertias. she Iheli or kindly gave.
fpre••inol that was I i•ieg on lorles ' s countenance.- Xod thought .h. m.ly be tha injneml. ma Ihe iejo.
that I dove, and in that hoe ton "capable to change nag oar'-ale f. c.zotteornot the forgetful a lie- alivr •
oln non. Nlpprit• pti.a:i me tit iltioliting even by a Ila Pk. PY IPhISIPM In that hour 01 Itive-a kindly welcome to
hot, 11. it ,111/ iil,e tro a.
you 'night, me )nu have a cornfoneble home-a smile of lov e to ftat.l•lt 1"r-ts I«. i
3.111 li sou do a. nli nn 1.1 honfa I mi r k, y.. 0 11 ,, %onto—a kit. , of peace to pardon all the past-and
iitke IT, i/dI - 1, ton i , lather -..• the hardest hear, that ...et locked itself euthin the ;
- I.• soor 1. 1 Itot ii es, luirtled \1011(y, UlnlaPPl Ullr Oh- breast of selft•h Man will •ofirti to her charmer. 'lnd
',toe. of e It.tt hr ll' terml, sr, a•lhill•lied war, be hot It, lire. n• she had hoped -her years in matchless
• 3 i a. iii my (alder. nil grit-he.dhtl. any &long, nal Irti,w-loil•Plfhinel ranlectihl -Ilin soother of a WI ow- 1
corthdrog Mittel: take me to him befere his honor t. ' mg hour-the sower of comfort and the •iiring of joy. t
loker. L. the child lir I'••••' I hare born w pi/1 him.''. -Bos.'wn Dotty Sr,
'i , • , ,pe,l np wilpi .0..!...•. • e...n now, les I lay in your -- -
~ .i„,,; beer,, ~,I ,„ „,, „ e ,„. e, e Lift t h e ce ,i, ege Shocirag -Sesei at of oboe, - respectable w hag;
,„,,, d .„, ,„ ~, ~,d„, , . I ~.,,,,Id „0, move-1 could, papers ' that inhalloSled I teary Clay ' s
- G., I..npe,
4, •, -la- ,t.• l 1..
Lm I ....• "he ti• I was, and whither 1' ('- ' I •I-" roll, ••I'"'"'" y o u he l nig " 0 " 6 • I.'l
aa- I, . r ~, . r. , ~,, 'I e,, I a ill, my
father. , feet gusto. are •tiockel at John Y." Ittirre ' • prefan
,,, r,,.,1 „.,,, n ~,, , „„ / !,,,,, of imi ,,„..„
.„, in m sang , 1--.1 in one of insim.len letters. ;
11,11, ho , • op, 111• .11,1114...1. ii,...0 o.,ilVd ,11,1111 [X. Aloaffly Dews '
--1 , .• t:xe.l :,
.1.1 yl . IN. me, it I mom! on we at I
~, To t ' oearostad a . I .fmiles., En'teely of Vrgeta
new„1”„1,,,,,, bh as
p, h.rtt shadfP
oetute etioll a 111, it warn grunt ali•
N1,,,i, ; 1.,,
11,,, I
,s, •
~.4 arn.
~ be
~., ••pap• ptlian Nen pphoptiele fullnnlp• of Plowmarepprteal
'PC:eI/Mt. It I. .o n ly in mopleint Lire, thug IMP Onion
p,op dr...Mr/nation lia . arson) at It" (ecru," The coat
i-11AR, Pr. •s r t .-- file K p:4111200 Telr•grepli sail I .•',.' '''''' , I''. , I'll. o' , br: oe.l-,11% ohn NAlly '•
lIV F' The • Chronicle" appro.ra of the appropt ta 0 man toward. Grand liaven brat alone kid„d ii 7 ,t, • Ii i
~. , . , , 1,..., ~,,, o „„,,, ert,,d;:‘,,,,,thi
yeao..i mono. had beer, or bang dr egged ord. motioned t., nun
tiall of $3OO, rot clerk hire, an the ground, that the •„n,n,, and m „„ ~, 1,..„ r , a.,1, k,,,...„. i i,„,,„ ~,,, '''''''' '''' Ir'''''' .out *Oll '"" " t ` i II. " / "II 10. 'l' :"„).31,,1,',".,1,,5i'1ett1.,.'„ne'1•e1ee",1.,:,7yet„..„Ldk,,C,",m,,t1"..,1","1:,t:t.d"'1„".
it , m a lot. t .and w lii. could •Irindon bet tar tte,!-. htt
Great Fire has greatly increased the duties of the 10,,, r ei,„„,,,,,t„,,,, et t hi s ,„„ e r i , , ecre ,,,,,, t ,„1 I,„ ' 1 11
pert 1 , 1 become "polar h ItIIPPUI 11, ;elltettal venom
. e , ',A , 1 ITIIIS II . 111.1 II 111 II'," tme•Paile dair
, ghter into Me.
~ , 1 i urn h , f i
Mayor. Ii may be that the duties of the Mayot IPUNIP , c, „, i t , a roust ,„ , h., :,pr„, 1 1 ,,, ,,, , , 1 . ,, . ~ „ 1 .1,. !
o. , N, ,,, i r,, .
,",,,, do /,ogre
f or
r,,,,,, do, mere. ton. ,e , h ,•• pp a ‘lll P•tetiOg Mat•Pr . al
"''' 'i'str" , tie lo tng e iat "see sit,-i• hn auks ~,,,,,, " 6 " 0 " ,,, , no-ro..h ? is absolutely I , rpostertms :sa
teen increawd a trifle by the file, bit we do know,
s ,
1 Mein for that Por Pose Their
that in coeserptener of that great caldmity. the Tux- .. , 11 Nil r it or Cn..t.t, MIS Cr .tO5OO - 11 e, Viu.ii• pro•etsi ••• \i :.r: e.triglil Ler incite tank at her fees.
male ••f 1.,,t0.. violent, nod !11 1 si:ldom fan
rayers uf the city hare been vein touch crippled In memo PI/e. at hic mmt.l.er of (art ~acwww. ~;,.,-; 1n,,, 0 , 7 , 1 - ; . 1 " .. ":
~7 ::::1 1 . ::: u h i '
. : I .r::: , : i r ,
~ .. .i : Ltsie of insenaiblit ,
t.. ;rate
c the
til .
....„... ,
their pecubiary resources. 3 , 1 (NI ri , on) district of Gets pa, has fesl4eed LI , teat. " r „, i „,4,,,,.11,,,t.„.. Lad ~ , ,, „.d
4 , ,,,,
,nui., i Ma/ it- :Dos Ca. i.tmer StrAlr.r...at,..l Vegetable l'o;
Lin true that the salaried of Ilk city Constables and "n • c' ou ll , of im P erb ''''' P''''' l • sl en t • P"'"""•• the a( tis it‘, when .Nlorle. called to the "to ;Gun, ' i'
flti" 1."I' Ling
r`iiiirtinini'd• not n•"'il f of " g ria
.1 ... ,,„
~,,,, h.,,.... i,..,, ,... li,.
e t .
in.,nirii . . Wel. lon PO I Iten estr•elel 2 oceir. pp, eht,,,y free from
the Monongahela 1V hat f Master have been increased? „.
ito• m• - rehants efrD.c fall have rest". ed tn duo' The .tesais •o•ert,v-.1 p, herioe peep, el tight from the ; i , is üb-r•ci'''' ' * , llirir •trun'i" ,. ° , iii is
l'''` , lnc , i. " siinit . lii".
If no, how much, and why increased? Again, is it
z her peortmte rie mtnutest Gums .11 It, m 1 ,111411 //. Imo
heir atoms at So ' clot . l• ever., eye - nine dur•og the e,,,,,. a:t.•t what tn their tr .11')/....• , nit herr pr.•••••-,InPf at a
true that the wages of the city t 1
Iha.C.lMeo dun been , i , 1 ' - - • 1,„.1 ., p
..., „,. ~” ,
~.,..,, K
~...,,,, i..• •g, apin• I 111 trCeSS, it 1-.. i tar., cease in their oft, n
rrdveed *3
per month?
if .
why was
in g winter, at sv hied hour a bell will be rUng I, WII,
~,,, I'-,, /,, i,„,
~,,, f
~ i,..
~,1.,,,,. , bun toad eSer, I nton e ; . of • •loPeand mum r I. el,pt I
' admenition Thiv arraegement weld into ,IF 'it 111/ ,•,I ,1.,1 . pont ern, s• \ 11. pl I , ..f ell•op rier rernol - rd
• •
lion made? Did thee great fire lessen the dutiv Aof °I
sind iiy 11 ill i eICN *.III. I - iii,”, ill W..,
the watchmen? Monday, the 13th of °curbs,.
J.. rti. (,titer, Mi„.... • to tnr tattle,'-can i -car. it h; '- s''''-'s '
" g''' ''''`l
‘tt'''•' fur
( llckenr''s
'As the Chronicle lies taken upon itself the guar" ~,,, i , i 1 i , ~' .... i d , tri l ii t'ti ° ogh and •o t' I' , .
MONT Beiirli.-The Boston Traveller aty •r. a
.',."':,;;;,:, t " it, J•i 6 ` , • ,°:; ‘,. :: •' N i i:i l . i .:" ( 7 . : l i t, ; • ::: it' ;: ,,, , i rn " , - ,/, : ' ; '° fl_rilewate of an iitittnrion now.. coded pro"
1 t ..
dianship of the city fathers , will it be so good as to ' ,
. ' ermrint merchant came to the city last week to se. ,
,i,,,,. m„.„,• „...,
~, 0. i,,,,1,,.„
• , . '', wed Li a Far-Coaled f • tas." pu , iNsrl , ttg iii be P•zen , ed
answer fee the "old fellows " touching the • 'matters ,
„into tits neck,
ms (all surd, of butter - arody lons' Pretty welt, for Ow Imp, ;tiled ~t..,'„ Li,' ,p,,,,, 1,,„1„,,,, and. d,,,,, , ,:,,,, " th" l . , h ... Pt" "d p , e'rn.le•i patent are "remits.
and th ings" above referred to.
mountains r"! in Plehr„,p• Peat*, call. with ill , mLft‘tenee of con. Rut
n'''''.l ; l'. 'l'" ' , i" N'-u' a Y° L ki , o . llo' I , "i
a single trader, iil a small town anaorto the
the •••1 /nut 'lf fen sm.r•, Las made his to int it.
WIPP. 101110 Cl/, upen hi, Lateen. 1 Ire rthrerealin•
ILLINOIS k MICHIGAN Canal the Chicago Joh! nal i ~ - /1,,,,,,, of ,„,,,, . Ili likes h,„thy, „,„,„ t h e i aal „4.„“. r '' . ' l l''l , l , i'l P PtII. , tn , d. , , im , • pa_l3a.
(••11, on (,oat. ERIP: - The gales on Lake Ftm
says. Returning along the line of Mu Clllll.l SVe had a feeletg• et the hoe,: and Dm,. intha ~ dd,..,1 ii,„. '
- -
Cell oppotunity of admiring that truly ma,graticietti
last week were very ...mere. The schooner Maryla n dm, - ,li „f 1i...t00-not earnw hen he ti,“ he ar d ' l ie ifs'C w
ou. Coughs. Ooasampra, elm.- R y e ag,,,it
work. At Peru seventy laborers were employed in use. SIMI. At Fait roll. She was bo o ed to 'halal° .sow hi ..1 :pot' hem baslio.pe • • •e • peele,l-Had
,m,„, ra!l the • esider " . , a t trott , oe to ttati c.d. Mated and most
excellent medtrioe 31 I 4 11111 'S
It 6,1•4% , r1 of %1 it , chor
with 7500 bushel• of elieral form 1 1 111:tuts. No or Ira tell ''''' 'l.'" l' h ''''' ' '' "IL" .
finishing the capacious Ilteadtb,tat basin at the outlet of ' • • • ..... ry lr• report., ore i• pirrentllng hnlrr and so Orr ...v.-
,wh, „ i „ h„, , 1,1„,_.„ m , ~,,„ I,„„„ -ii . 1., ry day, end all now admit it 10 tte the most e , mute rue
the Canal. From this place to Ottawa the Canal I.
' twist. Iona!! ulmonaes rom daint• met discovered -
1111ffloat completed, a very liule amount of work in ihe ' What dors tl Area , -f hr brilliant victory achiev r ril” sli''''"ii
d in thr b. ''' . " 1 P i •
, her father. lino , gratif, mg the thought that n "meth is at last
way of finishing locks, dtc., being recoiled to enable th i i , in h t e he Ki . ..idon i o i S t t rte,
,io, i , v i rg I t i es j
a st iii r,:tig% i1 f , , .. }a bra t..
.1.,,,, whom
~ 0 t
~,, .
mad, m.'
1 enquire, rh. coldly asked d''''''''''"'' , ''''''!"*• c r " . " 0 .' 4. • n •- th , t 'onrcer
hut Imrialt• .Le utid:m•ed, the maiden sister of Kate'. of Mat dire Juste -1 4 " ONSUMPTIOV. Let the de •
bolt. la Pa" through with mon" '''''' the lucks ' ar l °'. ' F - RANCia R SII M CNIK. ra It OW shows the yr:pi:x.7e'. t
~ fantnt Cheri Or •and lay huh I of ibis Iti , gis Mg nectilr
roots, Sc. oil the line. From titter to four hundred nelf of DeMIPCI hey A. time nivanres the ball grows ba'l'm' ,
i ' d - • i
...lea. a seri sena tit. _Nice $1 pel bottle
lalsoresa in athlete employed. kod we m I Said osermuk larger and larger, mad no china of Federalism are ti• I Aniti '
'" r" J„ tot .r .- .1 ' i" "I" ' I.". lam [fie
~ . t
~, ,,,..t. „ it matt
g„...0,,. tiro %hal you Mink. Brit my father -my folio,' is' ‘ Ki
many going up and dawn alor.g the line seeking out • hie ''' '""P 6 - • u u
h.. ti'lve , l• he hp ;:, (P deer ant, have pity on
rs ard! °mem&
the oontractons who pay the moat wages. Fourteen Lii„, wear i mpe ll ing ...„, l b • i-nin of fn, and
pi " . 'II Ml' lam repentant-1 am innocent ,
dopers per month with, or twenty-two without, board, ular thought rolls. Men think, Judge rind act for 'ln one
s''','.“l Kate,
r '''' "larrir ` lY.
themselves;- think,polge and act as their better tie -' " ism
. .„.
ore paid to workmen. Shantees are going up of all '
'llea•an Ete r ihm.l r ullow me-your (.tier lanai.
the ar ',nary and
' lures dictate troth em They have ha IlVntralliV with'
sixes, snipe , and materials, and, straw, shingl ,ed or
oppressive - measures of Federalio wt•li.•
boarded sheds being io great dem Int Some of the ihe wild, •pecula'ive t ' tetories of Whiggerv, and tmhe. .11,1t•li iiiiicl."..forti it is too late " And the di.
habitations, if they:can be dignifital with the title, are raw leis°. of Nails ism. They do not think as those irsirird gr.? rust,• d ono tie' room. •tni knelt at her
who sr, ould bui'd up an aristocracy of wealth-who al hr r'. side.
wretched locking tenements. One cannot wonder that
dill,. IL/ not Otert )feir Lee! Fli , ber, I 11111
would legi dole for the fe or. to the der rrtnent of d... many '
sickness should prevail amongst the people dicing it,
-who would hove "the government taker care ot the rill/r . On II Kan: I am rratored to yen as I left you!-
such apologies for dwellings
!Hp " a Pei the rich take of the l ' otir. ” No, rhea minds 11y the ).-.1 • of lose that hose N... d between u•, for
bteall„be putt arra of republicaeism, unpolluted ui‘i. tin
I'IIY-lii'' i'lT''iwe-the
I tat
M•noesevoatts in Titaness c. - There are says aby the anti - democratic siert," Federal whiegely. • I the mer'' ' ry "I my """hei-.
Tennessee paper, no less than fifty cotton factories in i [L., tet b t . re b etw i t Th eca. 'Cease, git I! collie" said the old mrn, endeavoring.
Tenseseise. They consume annually about 10,000 - . _ _ —_ acre:eh the weakness or age and infirmity, and are
barna cotton There •re many others ernplosed in
Jewish Anrrdotes.-The following anecdotes are lor
winking. of •gonized feelings. to be firm; breir
iran.laterd from an idit•resting work, pithli.hed at and answer me ttillt; is this gentlemen your hush ,n,ll '
spinning and weaving both cotton and wool. Jeans, Puri', entitled Leos Mnriine,• du Samrdi (The S t u., Kate war aleett to reply, but Motley E.,•pr,d r.o•
osnabergs, limeys, ketseys and bedticking are made at ! "tdc) Nleittings.) e riot" by G. lien -Levi, fur the use , i """i' 'I urn not,' said Motley. 'blessed with that
Lebanon, Shelbyville, Franklin and Wincheal„. At' of the
youth°l. r'aw.e" lady ' s hand ' she refuottl it, unitl it i• given with your
senctiore and without ilint sanction, dearly as I love
David its the IVaderness-A 1.. r rad -Vi hen
g her,ana l hopeless l mny he of your consent, I aid
Lobs/too, 100 hands are employed in the manufacture
King David was flying across the Desert of 7.1 , 11
of the coarser kinds of cotton and wollen negro cloth - i pursued by Saul, he grew impatient at the quantity l el", 'berm
hag. One half of these hand, are blacka - slases, of, seider ' re webs which he had to break, when he %V 30 ' ~..45 "1 pledge ,""- w""1 l" this , !'" Th r ma s t '
estate—and they are said to be expert in almost even " pricked by a worm, he cried out in his passion, - Grew i i, , b , , , i '" k 7 1 7:: d
, 7 r u h ' X' . 1 7: i ti a l
a w s il ' l t
t i . 4 ; t 1 1 7 ... t r . v. ifi, may have
God' why Why lint thou l cre: , te t d ,
i flies and
t aj . tidcr i s which are . ,
department. The goods manufactured are disposed! '1 '1,11dO•n, you lave subiltted me i " exclaimed the
of at home and in the Sonthweitera States. The' ; j ou un " ri . e ° ;: " taid n , " ensw '- ert . . d ' a rrupltetic v oice. ill
daughter is
N'isisiri ' ssii.
d the 01,1 mar '•
trend, scarcely believing the scene
Nashville Onbopolitan, from which we most of learn; Some time after wards, he deacended Mount Achild, ro
, ma„
Ipelthe L t"' 111 , 5 e rent.
these &CUP, considers that the success of the factories in i and ventured by night, into the camp of Saul to de-
I ' him , while asleep,ll i • - My faillet' ' said the weeping Kam , en her knees.
Tennessee disproves the opinion held by many, that p A r f u l e e e r basin sucererledn"tl'.: arms
"E.- The
her arms a rnond his neck, her cheek pressed to hiii..--
MtnufWetttring estabishments cannot le carried on with In retire, when his foot became 'ire"n9t:cnig.led'in'ataheule7l yood aunt ponook of the general joy, and evert
Kates,' fermi" dog seeming to thank her father sat
advantage where slaver/ prevails. The manufacture' of the faithful Abner, who slept beside Saul. Glee;
T enne „ gee I was the embarrassment of David, how he should die- ; p i h . tin t arm ettecui his daughter ' s e and, and as he
of blankets is about to be introduced into
re. et clover s Mond. he Ilfiti•
I engage his Gen from the hold of Abner without .
for the first time, at Lebanon,
. awakening this senhant servant, and to find himself' Behold in all 1111101 e goodness of GM! behold the
' -
binior. t hut follow the performance of our duties.-
stirprisrd thus alone in the camp of the enemy. I your father, young gentleman, before you sear the
ans'ielY we r e
height ' when
li fIY hI,
I I light of fleas en, bud entailed my hate upon all his off.
Abner on the leg, and the pain which the warrior felt,
spring. I had nourished this bitter feeling even .
mode him make a movement of whirl. David a , ail- 11
Bon n e
you, whti never ffed me, and who every
cut himself, to withdiaw his foot; Ito ;lieu lid quickly,
one e.t
else loved. o 1
lii. very o day en th d e cherished hostility
thanking God fot hoeing flies. I
my desire to s
of years hoe given way before. secure my
Saul, howe.er. pursued him into the Desert; and to
tun happiness. It
that agn weir creeping'
escape him, David had al irpva into 0 cavern, v. ben God I
sent a spider which wove irs well liCton the entrance of
I. nod but the morning of this blessed day 1 had
reso m lse:l overfill. Mils book to prove my enfant ion for
this rock. Soul and Abner were quickly on the foot
„he in 1 rny sinful harhating of hatred towards my fellow rcete
otters of the fugitive, and Abner ha.ine said,
, tines by oohing you. my children, in marriage. 1 lir
doubtless concealed in the hollow of this rock,
us go and seek him there. ” l tidings of my daughter ' s elopement scattered to the
wintls all my Letter thoughts, and rr vire,' my worst in
"It is useless, " answerd Saul, "do you net bee that •
the entrance of this cavern is covered with u spider ' s I te t i i li sl f ru'lglll• , It
felt, at
iit"gitt u° ,. ,' ' , lie ari
web and that no one could have entered ; without brew- I Pr°-rd of
ma.") to
a leg'ori where it i'''''''' prove
king this delicate tissue? "
I fatal. No time was lo be lost. my will was hastily
drawn out, betrothing my beggar
"You are right," answered Abner, and they retired • ed daughter, but the
to continue their search in another part of the desert i father.'
It would have been signed this night,
Then David cast himself on the ground and cried,' for this hook I had taken an oath nes er to forgive her
Lord portion me for having doubted thy wisdom; who (mold abandon her hillier.
henceforth my feeble understanding shall not cease to Oh my father!' interrupted Note, to whom the hoe
your filial
itself before the sublime harmonies of th
Itul obedieobedience boa prolonged your father's eXi.l.
riblo images of her Intl/CC returned, 'in pity, my deur
creations. Lord, the arnallest of thy creatures is o y f
use to man; the opideis and the dies themselves, have „h ßless you r foreser hies you my ever eXCf. tient Kate,
a port to perform in nature. Lord, what thou sayersl
is well; what thou doest i•jest. "- Noah's Mesienfer. I tilicei,
Before clawing this article we feel called upon one,-
more to point out the gross inconsistency of the editor
of the Gazette. He has asserted that "they (whigs)'
cannot be expected to exert any injlntnte upon the
powers that be, upon the Locoforo members of Con
geese, or At Lotaft to mrrnbers of At Legin!attire."
int is really true, n• alleged by the Gazette, that whi t .'
can have no influence, why semi Whig. to Harrisburg lr
to secure the passvge of the Railroad bill? Belot.-
the election it is well known that he cooltrotdrd
stoutly that whips could do 53 much at liarrisburgh,'
as Democrats; now that the election is river, and
whigs have been chosen, he declares, in explanation
of his singulvr conduct in reference to the Tariff C-n
vention, that obi:. cannot be expected to exert "any
infirtace" upon the Democratic members of Congress
UT the Legislature. Then, we say, rail upon Nicssis.
Bighorn. Hilands, Brackenridge and Sl'Curriy, to re
sign? Why send men to Hart isburgh, v. ho can be of
no service to us.? Why sacrifice to party, an ohject
ad so much, importance to Pittsburgh us the Rwill
EXCrtt.rxr.—lVillia, in one of his leitars Flom
Paris, says; "Those who care to see hare lips and
chins, had better be making the most of their time,
for this portion of humanity is fast being lost to sight.
presume that a short residence in China would
make oae feel es disAabille with hair on his skull,
and Oa few days that one passes in Paris make his
chin feel uncomfottably smooth. Amid this univer
sality of Moustache, one fears that his shaven face
may iosailuti people of Buffou's remark, that 'the
Americans are a race of men without beside.' It
has been quoted inquiringly to me."
LTFCH Law.—Lynch Lew had it origin in 1700.
A number of citizens of l'i , tsylvania county, Virginia,
entered into a combination fur the purpode orsuppies•
sing the depredations of a trained bend of bolse
thieves sal counterfeiters, whose well executed
schemes bad long bidden &Aimee to the ordinary lawn
of the land, and whose success encouraged and em
bektesued these in their outrages upon the community.
The constitution adopted for their government bears
date, Sept. 22, 1784 it provides forvisiting the guilty
offenders with "summary justice." The constitutionl
Arvin been drawn up by Col WIC Liner', has given
tie mule of "Lynek Law" to the summary infliction
of punishment by private and unauthorised individuals.
Titenr.sairtsa —The Mayor of Charleston, S. C.,
lull designated the Gth of Noveolbet as thank/re% iog
day in that city.
R-• .
N '44 13:1A1{ Ne411 1 14:414--;-,
S•ve. rue I'tairtas.-7The people along the way,
from Medford to Camden, N. J., says the 134111101^
Sim, were, a few days since, struck by a singular phe
nomenon in the road. For miles together there was a
regular deposite of teats, and as there were no dal
meats, the people who "lived by the way" turned oat
to gather up the drippings, and a pretty colleiltion was
taken up. For miles there were receivers. The toed
and tuts were trodden clusc, and even the charcoal
men. is hu invariably sleep on their coal in the progress
downward, were wide awake. It appears that a bag j
containing ten Monsand cents, had been put on the
top of a stage, and after sane shaking, either the aid ing
Woke or a hula wa s worn. One of the pennies, not ;
having any particular attachment to the sack, popped
out, and then another went, and so each followed Its j
file leader, until the bag was empty and the road well
N Etc LE AT I it.—We heard a good story related n
few days since saya an Enatcrn purer. It ran thus:—
A young man who had not seen much of the solid,
and was ralAer uninphitticated, took a notion to to
fur the heart and hand of a girl of hit actionintance.
Thinking bia suit would he more succettfol, he came
to town and purchased u pair of bran new boot•;
These he put on one Sunday evening. and lia.tened
to the abed: of hit ^l.rly Lir." She, u - 111/ uthea of
the family, did not illy, much converceti•.n rith the
young builor—and, morruvet, did not ll•. 1 WO hi, tiers
Il i and by, alter he had !dared hi, boot. in ev-
en ihe prospect that ihet
"mild he mule u topic of converse, and with a limg
iintan sigh, needn't Mink strahge
if you smell now !taller!"
PAR 4...411A T.— Tl,c Nit:hood Irtoodi
e. envy t contains n lento horn J C Pickett. I:sq., C. S
Chu Lte iu Vein, ile.iviiptive of die T.,1 of l'iotopitii
The ion or shrill, pow* it 111 in the notnh; ills
leaves and small to igs me dt ied by fire, on a hind of
kiln,then pulverized, packed firmly and rammed is Mr
a wooden maul into a row hide bag. containing two
bundled or two Moulted and fifty pounds, and sent
to mniket. The ls•vernge is made by infusion, as
we make ten, arid then sucked gentle from the pot
or enver ed cups by • reed or straw. It is said to b.
an excellent cure fur dropsy.
snitrists td Fus.—Ticis is ts, IK
tholighlt n Flangrroul BITIll•CI111,11. A cok.r hos pat oc
cnrred in Srar.u.se N. V.,u. 144 leatnTrton the Sim
churl, nuFht to her VI arll.llg to c‘rn body. A rem
punk of Smog ref 1 ,,, ;11g I egul bei. two t•I iLrn
number lacre •' mttnirJ an fun." The )uung 1111111
vxm re.lited ilm •w Gii ii•AMiet of Li. oilumnon, und
M A.:A ur "u•rlt." The pwng 1.11, mlmfr•ted much
reng IS 1111 .I , A 'raid :0r.... ..when thin g .
t. i.letnn, treat 'urn
An American boy, so)r as exchange, 0,10 pmti
Gen Ampulla. after Om battle of JL , r, n,r. onk to rr
earn oi,l, art be tirrca Mexican.
nn•l comp:4ittrd Ihat hia pow , ll, ras e WI
pal ahcu he 4.4 , Uid 11.0 t. 1.11;Pd at One •A,.1
Jone's Last —Jones SIVA that the other day he
was in a steamboat above St. Louis, and there was a
raw Hoosier on boaid. At night when the folks went
to bed, bir Hoosier lay down in his berth, with his
boots on. The steward seeing this walks up and pa
litely lays,
''Sir, you-have leis down with your boots on."
Mr Hoosier calmly raises his head, and looking
down at the boots, innocently replies.
"It won't hurt 'em; they arc not the best pair."'
"Futer, Usual! your horses creep like simile drive
for your life!" cried the impatient Morley. u the no
ble animal he so slandered clashed alone the pebbly
turnpike road, while the sparkles flew from their iron
shod hoofs like, flight of fires. The postilion, with
voice and whip, but them to the top of their speed;
and the these, in its 'lipid course, left behind it
t resit of light, us though the wheels had been igni
A high and steep hill in front, at length, enforced
inure nualetate gait, when Morley, as if struck by
sudden recollection, turned his head towards his cum.
pardon, a lovely young female, who Vide and motion
less, reclined on his shoulders.
'•Kste, my love," said Morley, tenderly, "1 fear
this will prove too touch fin your delicate frame."
There at us 13 , 1 reoh. Meth y leaved bit face to
wards Len, and liv the muuoLrams, saw iliac
tuns were. fixed, her open ryes goring on vacancy,
%bile the tears. ishich Lad rescently streamed ft em
, bem, seemed concealed upon her bloodless cheeks.--
•God of heaven!' exclaimed Morley, 'whlt means this
Kate, beloved, adorvvi! do you ?mar me? will you nut
speak to me—to Mot ley,your Morley!"
The name he uttered, like a charm, dissolved the
spell that bound her. A long drawn sigh, so if st.ru,4-;
ling from a breaking heart, escaped bar cold quivei
ing lips, a fresh fountain of tears burst forth: and with
an hysteric sob, alarmed, but enraptured Morley fold
ed her in hi• arm., and hero to ki•it a wily her teats
—u hen, w ith u ..13.1.1e„ Marl, .he ili.athgaged he, sell
firm lint rrnbtace, and dot, ing tuck. looked
HA eagerly in his lure.
'Nlnrh•p, ' faid la a VilIC.O It thrilling t 9111.,
)IM lu‘c
•Deave.r, bra be replied, 'du rent can pi"
doubt it.'
•Uo lon love rne. vrpenird a iii in
Helloed VIII ftegillWes.
tth— , levotedly—madly!" clied Nlorley • on hi
knee.. “BN thr heaven. I lea 14 ohining over 11%
• Nomore ouch—ennt/0 1 prmesintion. Ale yIIII
willing. ..... tins sm.roent, iv [nose that I
lifll I rUI, 11t•ar to you, :11orle‘
'1 ion ilimigh it cnriy with it my deistructi,u.'
'I u•l, m t your de•tiliciiiin-1 imphnc yuu tu pre
vent :11 of ley, retu, ,
M. gazed utdwtb.lugl l i* !tense o(!,
Use of a Basue•—A few drays situ; one of very
capacious dimensions was seen !lusting in the Prince's
dock. On drawing or rather hauling it to land it
wee found to be very tightly stuffed and, on opening
the seam it was ascertained that the stulßng consist
ed of several pounds of tea. It is supposed to have
dropped from some female while is the act of crossing
from a Chinese vessel to the trey. It has since been
conveyed to the central police office, where it lies for
the inspection of the curious in menereof the kind.—
Liverpool Paper.
White Waz.
411 CASES Wlote rrcrtyrd nncl (r irk
ort3J 6:11 rnd W0...1 •im.
Slack Lead.
c Asr.s Lead. j,l4t roc. jyrd and r o ,
I 1 ,ale Ly 11. A. FAHNE6 I OCK &CI I
4.a• 130 cot •nd sit.
illpts. Turpentine.
10 n ia BL eby SSI" B
T AFPZi " N ". E f
.'" U t C "eK
oct3o cur GO. 0 off VI, n. d El •
Loaf 3111Sar.
v v
F. ft rr f
s re i c ir e t i v r i
I which will ba 71'11 1). s o t f lo r' : ' , " :1: 4 83
Wute l st.
4/1 13131, S 11 Nlolasses.
30 half do
For tale tow to dom. consignmo t o,
Niter it
30 II H OS. Mime N. 0 Surer. 64 side 1.
250 .
I:..7opper, (Baltimore)
Water airect.
At COOK'S Literary Depot. 85, FOLrt4 street.
qunr Taipei; I vol. chemp
An hi+ r's ll.Logazine Fo Novrinber.
Selections from Ta) lot, !inflow. South,
by Basel 111.unager. (Liblvry of Choice Reading, Nu
26 )
Cyclopedia of Practical Receipts, by James Cooley,
No 6, lira] lava.
Robert IV'ltton, the Deitroyrr, or Pride without
Minstrel Love. a Romance. by Berms De Le Moue
Fonque, nutbor of Violence, Undine,
P.uatern Popers for the week, ands great varier)
or Neu and Cheep Public4tions. ord3o
fur rendering the harshest skin delicately smooth,
white and soft; removing sallowness, cukaneous erup
tions, pimples, tan, freckles, or redness. Its soothing
influence immediately allays the irritation of musquito
bites, &c., while its dilating properties prevent. the
formh don of wrinkle., and banishes them, if already
farmed—eliciting, on the cheek of age, the clearness
and smoothness of youth.
Prepared by F. F, floutt•un. New York, Price 50
cents. For sale by R F SELLERS,
oct3o No 57 Wood st,
Stray Cow.
CAME to the sub scriber living, in Baldwin Town.
ship, on the 7th of this month. s small red and
white Cow, crumpley borne and a small bell tied on
her neck with. a rope, supposed to be roar years old.
The owner of said cow is requested to call, prone
property, pay charges and take her nwny.
oct34l3tw JOHN HAT.
There is a man of prouder Wert.
And noble' far I wren,
Then sceptered king, or laurel'd chief
Or warrior in his sheen!
Who would not give to prince or peer,
The splendor of his name.
Though hosts ran shouting a his heels,
The heralds of his fame!
See! yonder in his palace high,
His kingdom firm and wide;
His throne the cut, his sword ihe plough
his realm the valley side!
I lls only host, his flocks and herds,
And fields of nodding grain,
The subjects of his rnnnl 'Ole,
The I.,rds of his durniiii,!
Ile wants no ',elms, or iron hand•,
Not porn o of r toting plomrs.
Nor vassal knew, 'tor courtier trend,
Nor Indio'• soft perfume!
I le hold. his rein, hr chives his 'mud,
And burrs his
And herd. are thinned and tirlds ore strewn
not is Oh ruin laid!
‘Vhst, to court sod e tt .:tle hall;
%Viten+ kings in revel show,
Aro not the tsortf• hi. royal lira,
ltsght really ring out!
I 3 uI on the bre. 7..•, the 1714,11111N1M hr een,
shokra the giant r t slk.,
Ile ilinr.o adiutsre to the foes.
That threats his fields and fluchr!
There 14 ~o iPI the a "rt. Ith or line
Nor aul.lllil Of 11 - 1.11111, or horn,
But hr would trample to doer,
1)r hunl them htel With ncul
Ili..only Larne.t un lionem lieu
Hi, freedom, and u rued.
Tut battle ton hi.. Lin rad home,
Ills unui and I i• God!
N. 0. Sugar
IVnier turret
lit Tier of Boxes, or Dress Circle 543 cts
2a 374 "
3d " '• 20 "
Gallery for Colored Perpona 40 "
Three Pieces! Increased Attraction!
R, in which
Mr Piestun's Horse VULTTRE will appear.
Thursday Evening, October 30th, 1845,
Will bvpre.ented a Grand Spectacle, called
To be t.11,,,0rrd by dm
PROM 155.417 Y NOTE
Irish Sung
F'rcriom• Drunsa. u fuvutite pi..ce culled
For particulars see small Lill
rrDiwnit open at pn+t G u'cloat, cumin will
riAe at pint 7 preciwely. tiet JO
Administrator's Notice,
NTOTH.:E is hereby given, that the sobs,'" iber has
1.1 token out kite's of ildniinisttat ion upon the eirtate
of Dr Thom a s But cell, deceusrd, and Into gisen horati
us the Isis direct.. All pi-irons indebted to the estate.
are Iteralhy notified to mu he pa) meal to the under
4igmed forthwith, moil all persons alio have claims
ucain•t the estate ate retpte.terl to preNe u t il k . same
lilt adjustment Ut my'Wle at the foot of. at ket sit ccl.
Watches, Clocks, Rifts
And fancy, articles; V,7 Goods, Boots and Shoes
l'es ends', e. T...bacco. Cooking Since and
many oficor articles at Auction.
AT Mlietina'• Vior:snix Aocticn Start, Nn. 64
Mai Ler •nerl, Sin - 1(.100's Row, betwesm3.l and
4 , 11 street., this tom nine. 1 liorsday. October ;10 01 10
o'clock, w ill be sold a lot of Dry Gusalis. among n Lich
our ca•sin..9l.; brood cloth.: mints do 111u5..; shawls:
lih,ttkots; Il oinel siiiqooiders; bio.tis and PlilArri inble
dolt's; fancy Itilkfs: silk and worsted hinge; is otsted
tassels; Hying cold: stocks; velvets, &r.
At 2 o'clock. P. M.. a lot of Tobocco. new and
second hand folnitoto. 1 cooking stove. Steam Boat Adelaide.
At It ilf,pas• 1 o'clock, same evening, I seennil• WE are authorized to sell hof
hand .iber patent laser watch:2 now silver patent Ise
the Swam Boat Adelaide, rev low,
~•r,.•r 55., 0 1,,.. ; 1 ...rood hand ‘ithl le.er watch; I new if applied for 'nen. y
gold Icier witch: 1 pe.'on,i hand rifle; 3 bras, clock., HAMPTON & SMITH,
rogrilier nib a general assortment of Dry Hir a i, ;H A Z.' , 98 'd 3, No I N W , ...1 -t.
floc, noticle•• P. NI'YENN.I, Copperas.
oct3o. Auctionerr. ll_ (
) BA RR ELS fur stile low by
. _ ... . .. _
()ft re ..f the Allegheny Cit. Mutual Inc Co. 4
October 27th 184.5. i oft 28 60 Water as,
AT ft mewing of the Board of Directors of this in Sweet Potatecs.
"B'o'son, it was, i"thedi That a disi'l'''d of la 111 till I irli BU ill ELS of fine sweet potatoes, in
pe r c•ril on I‘ll ailjostid rilsims for lostrs by fire or. th e
. 1 „wily barrels and far ~,,le b y
• -o
in, h ~I A i nitt, st be psid on nr after the 391 h instant.
Ettirort from the minuti.s. J. B. ROBINSON. ,„., 011
Go Warr...
..r , :2`. , 2r Serrenrry.
Cheap Vlaslc.
TT ENI3 l' R I:SSI.:I.'S Songs--6 sone fur 25 et •
11 Songs i.l . Fancy. 8 do :LS
151o"re's Melodu-4, 8 d., 2.5
Melodies of Ireland, 8 soils and .5 pieces 2.5
Seven VtlClli Dlletl4, - . . 25
Ethiopy.in Sfleimil-r., 9 tontr.. - - 25
LONr note, wish so c:rg.nt tide page, • fit
12 1•., ;,, dm' frock .tip s , - - -
14 celclit ttrd Msrldtes, - - - '25
A test I',.il.rrt and Msrl'lllll4l, Glover. - 25
Q tadrillet !.:.. John Straus, - - 121
MI-1..11, 14 5.,-"tland. - - - tn
[Au, Nlusir .20 sirs from IL.llrmlsn I i rt. 12{
1). II do Fr. Driavolo, 1.24
1- . 2.•••••rt ttl . Lo.rt . • Song., - - • 25
13 P. , pultsr ‘Vslixes, - . . Or
A lib.-; a l tii,outo nu the .I"ne to Merchants and
Trachei I, who [to) (0..11 ocuitt. For tide I,c
12'2 Wood Street.
r CON() NIY 8R0.% DCLtil HS AND CASq
:N.LIS—A small deton ment of cheep and
able dty c. , mfurtablra, carpet chain.
1.3 r sale luw lur Cllll by
.nd Coin. )le•echum, N09.5 ( 1 1 airt,t
Books and Stationary, &c.
ONhand. r dnud supply of School Books. Wri
ting, Letter .n.l Wiappibg repel; Ink 11,,,1
Q,lll*, S•ti, pa lent r01t,6 and Wafers. An a•ar.rt.
owni of •111,e v0t,,,,..a:i0ns of the Amertcan Ten,
p.rawee 1.:111011 and • variety' of Kelrgious nntl NHA•
celiunCtm• mnd elms!) onlo.nfill Fa mil y Afrd
stiars, Sr.e. fur •1:e low for cos , ,h,kr rAChalige to sun
~nyletkyrs. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent mod Commis•
sum, 51,•relosni, N.. 9.5,e mt. n<-129 61.
Wotoi,i in rya hnntte, Isersyvax, count!) carpet.,
end Into fit Ca, jirt stol raper maker+, &c.
Places Wanted,
17, - 1 OR a number of white and colored Moire Wait
err: llorflers: Laboreic Mechanics. and Buns.
Also. for • number of Seamstresses. Warmed, good
Cooks ell I go Is for all tusk, it home and in neigh
luring town*: for Private Families, Hotels, Boarding
llouttes, Nurses, Sic.l .. „ - "P" Wanted to borrow on the
very best security, •nd 1,,r several persons. arsenal
sum. of money, from Eifi to $3OO. $5OO, $2OOO, .tr.
Sec. All kinds of Agencies attended io, confidential.
ly, end for model era chaiges, at
RMS . Agency end
0ct2.9-6t Intelligence Office, Nu 2,5111 sore,.
Alderman's °Mee, Fifth Ward.
JOtIN A PARKINSON. Alderman Fifth Ward,
Penn street, between W•ltitu and O'Hat• street.,
where be may be found at all times. Those having
11ousea or whet propmly to sell or rem, can hare the
*erne punctually attended to; debts co:let-m.l, and all
he dunes of an Alderman will receive prompt at
tention. 27.i11y
Ezra Fine Black Boavcr Hats,
NE W . 0 ylo end riperior in quality and lx.au
W I %
ly, to tin found at
Oct 27 1m
ohA F.... 11 soipply of rentlemen's and youth's
esp. of iy iI . 4C lir' inn ui
78 Wood rarer,
o- 27.111
European Agency
REMITTANCES of money nn moderate terms,
can be made doting my absence in Europe, to
eve!) , port of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales to
the continent of Luinfle. Legacies, debts, property
or Claim. trc,lvemi: et-niches for wills, titles and
docomenis effected. and other European business trona
',e'ed by appl)ing in James May, Water Ntrecit, Pitts
burgh. H KEENAN.
0:112 Agent Anil Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh.
Dammed Alley, beliceen Wood and SmilAfir/d its,
ETAS j e st received from New York and Philadel-
Om, t h e latest siyles fur Dresses, Cloaks,
Mantillas, ctn. oratql&wlm
Still they Come.
THIS is t rertlCl tint I have fully tested the Vit..
turn of Thompson's Cr:mutative. Having
been troubled with a very severe puin In my ItOMllail
and diarrhosu or slimmer complaint for several weeks
and was perfectly restored by tiding one Bottle.
GEORGE ADDISON, of New Oilcans
Sold by W Jackson Agent corner Wood and Liber
ty streets. oct 1.5
Re.i)poned and at Work.
AMES ADAMS, Baker, mpectfully informs the
riall public that he has rebuilt et the old stand, foot
or Grant street, from whence be was driven by the.
Great Fire, and is prepare ei to serve his customers in
superior style. His materials are of the beat that can
be bought, and his workmen are the heat that can be
employed. He solicits custom, being eanfldent that
he can give entire satishation.
N. s.—Wcdtting cadet ter parties promptly attend
cd to, uct I i.aut
fill HE hoprietors of the Boston Clothing Store,
Laing sold part of their •tock and leased their
store in consequence of basing business at the East
which demand their immediate attention, will close
the remaining [Alt of their stock at a very small
vance from cost and many articles at the east armor
i °facture. This sale offets the greatest inducement
t o those wishing to purchase. us every article will be
Id almost nt the customer's own prim , : and next
Saturday kill rositirely be the lost opportunity.
lb. it cock consists of esely article usually found in
he beat clothing stores, viz. Dress and Frock coats.
all color. and prices. from 7 to $11; Tweed ecets,
"5 to 5-4 OthiOver coats of Pilot and Brown cloths,
1 1
from 4 to .1,k13; Black and Blue Caarsimere pant*, with
saiiety mWe from beautiful pattern, of Buckskin
nail Doeskin Cass. from 3 to 54 50; Cassimeres and
Salines, from 1 50 to $3 50; a beautiful assortment
of Vests, just manufactured, from 90 cents to $4 50;
Black and Figured Satin Scarfs. rico patterns; too
yards long, cost from 1 23 to $1 62; Silk Handker
chiefs, 42 to 50 crms; Flag Italian Silk Cravats, best
gustily, from $1 to $1 25; Suspenders (tom 13 to 42
The Lill. wilt close un Saturday evening ■t 7 o'clock.
es the *tote is to be occupied for Dry Gvoda on Mon.
day. Thom who make their selections in the early
part of the week, will get better soiled.
Merchants and dealers trim the country, who may
be ebbing the city, this week, will find it fur their ad
vantage, weal! as 21,,,vr.
New Dry Goods House,
THE subscriber world tea !folly inform the
public of Pittsburgh and victiiiy, that he has es
t sbli.lied himself at thu above mentioned place as •
a dealer in
73 Wool .0., E•a Attie
His stock, to which he would call the attention of
purchasers, i. very enten.ive, and embraces good.
adopted lo the present and approaching seasons, re•
cently selected from auctions in New Yet L and Isom
the manufactures in England.
cnnsisting of broadcloth.; pilot and Beaver cloths;
kerseys; catmints/rest mitinets; jean' and vestings; plain
■nd plaid lindseys; bath and whitney blankets; red,
velkw and white flannels; Rub Roy and Gala Plaids;
Backings; printed flannels.
comprising Thibet cloth , .; Alpines; plaid and 6gnrrd
silk and cotton warp alpacas; Orleans, Coburg and In-
diana cloths; rept. cashmeres; cashmere de coast.;
cashmere de laine and muslin de !eine.
A large assortment of rich, medium and low priced
P,ints, Copperplates, Chintz and Patches. I, 4.4,
9 8 and 5 4 brown and bleached •bitting and sheeting
cottony; brown and bleached drillings and jeam.; striped
shirtings; aron checks; brown, bleached and colored
cotton flannel.; white and brown linen; white and
brown damask table coven and napkins; col'd cotton
table covers; Swiss, mail, hook, jaconet and cambric
mulling; bishop lawns; tap laces, lace edgings; linen
cambric handkerchiefs, fancy cravats. rich cashmere;
brocha; Edinboro, net, woolen, Rob Roy and Highland
plaid, with various styles of fancy shawls. A large
assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses and Chi•
dren's gloves and hosiery; bit dseye and Scoth diapers;
crash; linen sheeting*, woolen yarn of various colors;
Gentlemen's frocks and drawers, &c. &c., with all the
small wares usually for sale at such prices.
Having permanently established himself, and his
connexion with a jobbing housnat the East, giving him
facilities for purchasing at low prices, and also enab-
ling him to be in weekly receipt of Goods during the
season, the subscriber flatters himself ha can offer in
ducarnenui to purchasers, eqnal, if not superior to any
hose* in the city. The public are respeetfally invited
to call, examine and judge for themselves.
octt?•tf A. A. MASON.
MRS. ROWE begs leave in the moat respectfal
manner to inform her friends, and the public fn gen
eral, that her benefit will take place on Thsraday
Evening. October 301., when will be produced for
the first time this sessnn the Drams of
- •
P, tit having Madly voluateerecl, wil! sing the
• SEA.
To :wed by the Petit Comell ni the
Thew hole to conchal, with tho Grand Eastern Ito
mantic Equestrian Drama of
In. which Pleston's Horse VULTURE will aprk-er.
igP Particulars in Bills.
OFFIOE in Firth rtreet,in Barr's new building, be
to een Wood and Smithfield streets.
n 129 Is.
619 LBS. Brimdtune, recrivrd and for safe by
I(4)Lns. African Cayenne, recrivrd and for
.ale by R. }:. SELLERS,
oct29. 57 Woo
.....d pt.
. .. ..,..... . ._ _
1387 LBS. EPSCMI .._
SALTS rec'd and for
aalc by R. E. SELLERS,
57 Wood at.
BULB. Cut Logwuud, received and fur sale
✓✓ by R. E. SELLERS,
oct29. 57 11'0.al .t.
200 (;ituss co. lit, received and for agile
57 Wood •t.
r 0 (ISE'S N W GEM; it AP H Y.—Mairset'a oew
aphy, a large •upply just reeeive.l and fur
rule low hY C. 11. KAY,
Wholesale Book and Paper IVarehoom
rornrr of Third and Wis , sl sta.
CL A supply of Pl.renoogical bolas awl charts. Also
large supply of Books on Phrenology, byCianbe and
Fowler. for sole by C. H. KAY.
holesale Boot: nod Paper Warehouse.
corner of Third and t‘'olati ets.
A RES!! .apply t.f lame twilled blanket■ juAt
rrc.lvrd from the muloirstetory, for sale by
No 26 Wood Id.
Pea Pints.
50 SACKS pea n LILO for gab. low by
Tanners Oil.
102 BARRELS fursatle lowb y
oeT 23 GO Water it
2 0 BCXF:b for sale low by
Stray Dog
I AME to the advertiwr on the 26th i2Lg ,
e bleb the ow net can have by caning
of this ...trice. describing the same, and paying, for this
t. twAR
Great Bargains in Clothing;
Oct f2B
First Door above the Burnt District.
RETURNS thanks folds old customers and frienJt
for past favors. H, ;, :ornpated to sell
elothing lower, by ten per rt•rit,t,:n an., ether este,-
lishment west of the mountains; constant
ly on hand n large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S
CLOTH I NG. such as Over Coate from s3,so't, $3O,
Cassinett Pants lam $2 lc $4; fine Cassimere Par,ta
from $3 50 to $6; fine Satin Vests for $1.75; fine Bom
bazine do for $3; and all kincin of WINTER VESTS,
and all articles in his line.
Those who wimit to purchase, %rill do well to give
him st c dl , es ho is proposed to furnish clothing on the
Very cheeriest terms for gash. Don't forget the Ogee;
143, LIBERTY STREET, opposite Brewery Alley.
oci2otf. P, OWENS.
[Voter Street, Three Doors beloia Wood.
HE subccriber respectfully inform, his cnstc.
1 meta and the public generally. that he has open•
ed a variety of sru•on.rhle elothirg, ut the above
sisnd, o hick he offer. lift cheap at can he bought in the
57 Wood gt
The store is in charge of Mr 11. PEW, one of the best
cutu.rs and mu.t experienced w.iiiinen in The city.
‘.4:123if. I'. OW P.C4S.
Fifth Ward Livery Stable.
lop‘ THE Anbieriber. hnving him& nut the well
known Livery Stable kept by C B buts, in
the F ilth Ward, respectfully informs bin friend; and
the public generally, that he will keept at all time., a
..rock ~ f the best description of Riding Horses, Bug
gies. Chrrinees °fall kind*, and in shall, every thing
required in his line of bunnies..
A considerable portion of leis stock is new, awl he
confident thus nu stuck in thu city will be superior
to his.
His Stable is on Liberty st., n few dores above the
Cann! Bridge, where he respectfully solicits e sham of
public pntrotdme. CHARLES COLEMAN.
. .
IW"Lie is ■lso provided with an elegant Heorve
which will be furnished a lien required. oes2.Srf
- n EA LERS in all kinds and qualities of Pim--
burgh. Philadelphia and Boston manufactured
Boots, Bootees, Shoes and Slippers. Also, • newt ,
and splendid, neat, light and durable article of mime. ,
slized spring•irmpered Gem Elastic Silluetand. they •
Shoes, at 73 MARKET STREET, between Fourth
street and the Diamond.
Ni. B. A fine aasoruneni of Boys', Ifootlie' anti
Childrens' Log Booia, of fine and cootie quality, now
in eon, 0c125-3mltw.
IWILL sell the undivided half port of the Friend
-1 ship Paper Mill. situnted on the Monongahela
er, in Brownsville, Pa. This property is - nearlv new,
rind desirable. The other half is owned by Mr Z. Car
ter, a preetieal paper maker. I will sell my interest
exceedingly low. Apply to the subscriber, residing in
Brownsville, Pa., or to Gen. J. K. Moorhead, of the
city of Pittsburgh. A general warranty title will ha
given to the purchaser. J NO. L. DA ‘VSON.
ocr23 d2w•
Dye Stuffs.
400 T 1 BLS Chipped Log waxtf
51.1 Ground Camwood;
60 %Vier ■t
fie . IVater sr
Fur sale Ly
Pittsburgh, October, 18t.h, 1845.
A N electi..n for thirteen Directoos of this Bank, 10
nerve for the coming year. will ba held tit the
Banking home, on Mcodsy, the 17th dav of November
next. IY. H. DENNY, •
oet2o site
Excusant 11•1114 or PITTSBURGH.
Oc:ober I3rh, 1845.
AN election far thirteen Directors of this Bank. tn.
serve for the en.uing year. will be held at the
Banking House., on Monday, the 17th day of Nw.em
bar, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M.
October 17th, 1844.
AN election for thirteen Directors of tEißink, for
the ensuing year, wilt be held at the Banking
House, on Muaday, the 17th day or November next.
oct 111 the
Opposition Good Intent Past Line for
211 X La ;. - E2t IP X tel
or ankulDiti MO! BUILT CoAlCiirl,
4":"=-1-: '1" t=7.1..•.. 'C r 7
; ,
Limited Co Seven Passengers
Leave Pittsburgh daily at 1, P. M.
Ascendingibe mountain with
ONLY ONIt. SIGHT OUT TO cnixaresnimi,
' 4 . if:4
Thence by RAIL ROAD to Philadelphia, (being the
only Line, running their own cars on the rund,)connec
ling with Mail Curs fur New York; daunt Chambers
burg with Maillines direct to 13altimore nod Wash
inton City.
rrOlice three doors from Exchange Hotel.
oct 25.1 v A. HENDERSON, Arent.
- pASHIONABLE mixtures fur business coats, low
J.: prim!, fur sale to order' by
251 Liberty st.
[DST re ceived an invoice of French Cloths, suita—
ble fur Cloaks. Also a few paverns beautiful
Cashmeres, for linings forthe same, for which we wilt
be glad to receive orders.
251 Liberty it.
BLUE BLANKET COATS. These comfortable
coats so indispensible to the travelling communi.
ty can be had in superior style at our establishment.
251 Liberty at.
QONSETHING new in this line to be had at the
Fashionable Head Quarters of
251 Liberty at...
A NEW and splendid Cloth for winter coats we have every variety of color, and will make them
in every variety of style to suit the taste, the habit
end the pocket of our etritamers. Call and see them.
White swan Urine.
THE subscriber, having taken the above named ,
house, near his old stand on Market street, be
tween Front and Second—is now prepared to enter
tain all his old friends, and the public generally, in the
beat style. His bill oF fare will constantly be found to
contain the best the market affurds. (Oysters always
on hand.)
0ct14.3m H. LANDWHER.
MatLARGE lot or shirts just arrived from the East ,
the Pittsburgh Clothin' Stows Corsets whoh t p li NZ.
sad.retsit W.M. B. SC MET Int,
r , 4 Ilta.l-fry i.l
Paper d ill rut sate.
1400 lb, Indigo;
2500 •• Blue Vitfol;
5000 " bladder;
40 bbli Alum;
50 " Fuatic;
10 " Copparoe:
7 '• Nicaragua;
4 •• Rr•d Sanders;
4 " Blasi! \Yowl:
3 Peorb Wood;
4 • Lae Dye
-112 Colors Esc L.::eznood:
1200 lb, Sumac;
500 •' fointgolln.
ear 611) and Wood an,
4 251 Libel., st