111:4'WC:44:14, •.••••••••• 4 . • tiitteportatictil It A If S P - 041 T I 0 Pr. &MI 1845. United States Portable 'float Line, For tke Tranxpol Winn of Freight and Emigrant Passengers, to and from PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL• PHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON BOATS leave deity, and goods are carried through in a days, aids:and any transhirdent between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.. Rates .of Freight or Passage nlwaye as Inv, as charged by other Lines that reship three time, on the sense route. CHARLES A. NVANCLTY, Canal Bain, Pittsburgh. ROSE, MERRLLL & DODGE. 71 Smith's Wharf, Bahimore. A. L. GERHART & CO. Market it., Philadelphia. rittsburgh, Aug 19 , 1945 MitialB4s Mal Bllngliam'st Transportation Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH IND THE EAST ERN CITIES. PROPRIETORS WM. BINGRANI, JACorl Dock, TWOS. BINGHAM, WM A. Srit&lTac Con4acted on SAbbath-keepin.; principles. TProprietors of the eh! established Line tut,e th;troughl ref roped nrni renewed their st., e k, and are well prepared to forward. Produce rod cbandise pow i he opening of mougasion, The loagezperience of the Ptoprietors in the car rying lingua, with their watchful atrietion to the in terests of costonserrs, inducos them to hope that the patronage heretufore extenled to —l3inghatn's Line" will be continue , ' and increased. Deeming the ucual at ) le of adverti, ing too absurd for it-nit:nine, and that ell', former customer. ee nt.,cd no selecomtnendution ace uould. merely invite such ac havenot ticrettote patronised owe Line, to g ive u 9 a ilial. • Our rages of height 0.11 at all times be lag JO. , a , the lowest thatars charged by other rrgponiiitile Lines ['mince ant be receited anti fur warded without tiny chore Cot - adyerti.in Storace or Commie ion. of halm: prompt lc torivaniid. and every direction carefully at tended to. Apply tn, or tiddrese, WM. BINGHAM. Canallsl,On, car Liberty and Mi.ayrui DOGE:. and ST HAT f ON. ' N. 27G Market•treet. Philadelphia. .1 AM ES \SILSON, Agent. No. 122 North Ilovrard airlift, Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON. Agent. :/Y 244 C No. 10. West.wtreet. New Yntk. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE agiaMIIB4S.III2EMI FOR TR ViSPOR CA [ION OF Goons Baran Pittsburgh and all the Eastern riiies, 'IVITHOUr TRANSHIPPING. /PHIS old and long established Line hariar aeary ly rloultled their capacity sad facilities for car. tying goods, are now preparing to recri-.r produce and merchandise Loony amount for shipment East or 11'est. .Thebosts of this Line heiax all four section Porta be Boats, are transferred from Canal to Rationed , thus saving all transhipment or separation of goods; its the goods are never removed till their arrival at Phitadel phis or Pittsburgh. This Line being the Pioneer in this mode ofearrying. after a sinxess&l operation of eight pears. are enabled with confidence to refer to all nierelinnis who have heretofore patronised them. , A e-tern Merchants are respectfully requested to give this Lbw, ati nib as re. ry exertion will be used to render satisfaction. Mer eliandise and Produce always carried at as low price, on as fair •erms. and in at shot time, asbv any other Liao. Produce consigned to our house at Philadel Oda will be sold on liberal terms, Goods consixoesi to either our house at Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, forwarded promptly, and all requisite charges paid, _ JOHN NcFA DEN Sr_ Co., Peon rimer, Canal [Sabin, PittAhurgh .1 AS. M. DAVIS, & Co., 241 and 251. mr. 25. Marketer., Philadelphia FARE REDUCED TO II DOLLARS Good Intent Fast Mail for PHOLABELP':I-I]R, Of SPLEKDIO TROT BVILT OgiAcirs. AND RAIL ROAD CARS -0 i k - . Leave Pittsburgh Daily at I o'clock P M RUNNING THROUGH IN 48 HOURS, Ascending the hills with SIX HORSES AND POSTILION. Prom Chamber:burg by Rail Roo ell° Philadelphia. In splendid newly built Light Wheel Cars, there emmecting with Mail Cars fur Nev. ; also et Chambersburg with Mail Lines direct fur Baltimore sad Washington City. eIMPOnIy 011 ice Gtr the above Line, next door to the Exchange Ilutel,St ClnirStreet. junel2-d3m W. IL MOORII EA D. A'tt• F. S. TURBETT, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, FIFTH STREET, 'VFW!! MARKET •ND UNION STREETS ( Entrance on Fifth •ty ect.) WHERE he will attend to all business in his line: Such as cleaning and neatly repairing Watches and Jewelry, letter cutting and masking Silver-skare, &c. Turret nndother clocks made and repaired. Ills friends and all those dekiring his services. will please give him a call. ap24 6m Cancer, ScrofnLa, &c. AMPLE experience btu; proved that no combina tion of medicine bus ever been no efTeciiisl in removing the above diseases, its JA YN I:'S ALT ER• NATIVE, or Life Preservative. It has effected cures that have been truly astonishing, not only of Cancer and other diseases of that class, but has removed the most stubborn diseases of the Skin, Swelling, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, &c., &c. This medicine enters into the circulation and eradi cates diseases wherever located. It purifies Ole blood and other fluids of the body, removes obstruction- in the pores of the skin, and reduces enlargements of the glands or bones. It increases the appetite, removes headache and drowsiness, invigorates the whole sp,.. tern, and imparts animation to the diseased and dehil Stated constitution. 'I here is nothing superior to it in the whole materia medics. It is perfectly safe and extremely pleasant, and has nothing of the disgusting nausea accumpan)ing the idea of swallowing medi cine. Pteparecl and mild at Nu 20 South Third Streit, Philadelphia, Pike $1 a bottle. For sale in Pittsburgh at ibe Agency Office, Third street, a few doors east of the Post Office, adjoining the old banking bowie of the 'Bnok of Pittsburgh.' 13:7'Ail Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines for rale at the above place. jy 26 1100 E AND JOl3 PRINTING OFFICE, X. W. CORNER 07 WOOD & FIFTH 11l The proprietors of the MORNING POST and Matt- COAT AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their friends and the patrogs of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of ..TOE rAC'11111CIE•• ©DO Gill OQiIIaE3 mauatuaalo Necessary to a Job Printing Office, ansl that they are prepared to executer LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Of EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, I Circulars, Psrmplilets, Bill Heads, 1 Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. 511 flints of 131 auks, Btage,Steamboat amid Canal Boat Bilis, grid ap- p ropria te tuts. Printed on the shortest 12011C0 anal mot reasaaable We respectfully ask the patronage ototrkfricindt lin • the public in general in this branch of OW' binslumsi BIGLER, SARGENT 4 BittLZW: July 25, 1845. - • ~~R , ~? NO. 49', LIBERTY STREEV:' rpm: subscriber having returned again from the _L eastern CIIICP. is now opening Ma fall and win. terstock of goods, exceeding in variety'and extent any !hint herrinf•ire offered in this city. Thankful to his friend. and the public fen tho fawns lins received, and which has induced him to pur chase more extensively than before, ha again invites their attention to the cheapest, hest •elected and most extensive assortment which be has ever before offend among which are French, English, German and Amerigan Broadcloths, Black, Blue, invisible Green, Olive and other Colors, Which are all of a superior quality. Also, a Splendid assortment of Alen. n tine lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSINI t: rt Es of eve,}' shark, color, and potiern. which cannot buil to please tic %coioua testes of his customers. Also. a Now Stylo of Beaver and Tweed Cloths, Together with a lot of Makibidoo and Blue Blank tl L'oat,rig, Pilo! and other volt *uitublq t'ur over COlll S. The,c goods kill be sold neatly M /110, or will he made to older in a saperior style.. as low as coo be bought in this city. lie has also the usual variety fur geutlemea's wear such as Shirt:, Stocks, Suspenders, liandkerchir cc Scarfs, Bosom,. Collars, 4-c. ilevirg in }ill; employment severil of the brit known and moat popular cutters in the city, he feel. confidew of Ruing aatisfartioo, and would eapeci•Jh 'mite the attention of 11(4'6011g wanting their garments made in a supeiior atyle and of the fluent materiak, to hi. atocli. of Which he has selected with the utmost care h,r this part icttlar hranch of lathiair... Ile will u,k, pl easure in showing these goods to ony one who *HI factor him with I. call. feeling confident that thermal Coo lety of hie stock and the style to which they ore made. can not be suptwoed in this city. So 2, WOOD St. Second Door from the - Center of Water Slreet. COOLEY -& LAIRD, PRAPRIETORS, undersigne I tithes this method of a111111•1111 . 1:14 to the* r9stomers and site in übiic grillers iy, thin il u hove jual receited from the East, and oiler lot nu;.• tI the 20)0 , 01414W a large and well selected assonment of Clytln. Cassitneree„ Vesting' and mnteritils of eye• y tifsnritition, haying been purchaser} for rash on Ifni room ativaatageaus terms, they are enabled to offrr to CH ear es esn be sold in the Western Country. Their eirsortment of READY SI A I) CLOT HING , ie I.l:gr, and has been ninnufnetnye , ti from thy bra mnterinlx,nn.l by excellent wmkmen. Iltoy bare constmdlr on hand and "sill manufartuir to toder ad xttiele• ofClothing, which the o.u rentbr be made in the best manner end most fashion able sti,ie. They invite ihn public to cell and examine their ,lark of goteiv, as they are confident they can veil (.000 A RTIC E• at prices which cannot fail rn please. Reinrmber iilre place. No. 2. WOOD STUFF F. SECOND DOUR FROM TtiE CORNER (ip. wAi ER. arta o Liberty Bt., between Market and Virgin Alley. • WING returned from the East. the subs, iticr H is now opening his fall and 'winter stork of goods. exceeding in variety and extent any thing hich has heretofore been offered in this city. Thankful to his friends and the public for the favor• he Lao received, and which has induced him to pur chase more extensively than before, he •gain invites their attention to the cheapest, best selected and moot extensive aumrtrnent which hu has ever before offered among which aro Trench, English, German and as mer icon Broadcloths, Black, Blue, Invisible Green, and other Colors• which are all of superior quality. Also, a splendid assortment of .~~ ~ custvmers. Also, a Sir:—When I was passing through Pittsburgh two weeks since, on my way home from the East, I culled in at your Store, and put chased twol>ottlesof "Thomp• any ' , Carminative." for my Children. who were sick of the Summer Chmplsint, and as I told your boy that sold them to to.. I would write and let you know how they operated, I do on now with pleasure; they cured them perfectly, and Mrs D. (mv wife) says it's the best Medicine she ever used, and recommends t very one to use it for their Children. I remain, yours, very respectfully, J. W. 1). Anti-Dyspeptics Tonic and Cathartic Pills. TH ESE PILLS, while they cleanse the stomach they restore its original tone without creating de. bility. They likewise produce all the invigorating and strengthening effects of a most approved Tonic; thus accomplishing a desideratum of a Cathartic Alterative and the best ever known Tonto medicine, whose use fulness can be relied upon in all those diseases origin sing from the derangement of the Alimentary Canal directly, or Siliary Secretions indirectly: arch as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia,•Hemerhoids or Piles, Chronic Diarrhcea, Sick Stomach, Hartburn, Vertigo, Depra ved Appetite. and Foul Stomach; Surfeit from intem perate Eating or Drinking, &c. ' Warrititrtad Purely Veritable. Eir PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. 4:01 And sold wholesale aad retail by my A..geot, W. J,egiurie at hie P)pint. Medicine Werthoope..4:ocapt. of Wood IlDd . Liberty' sts., Pittsburgh. - apgl64 , • • • . 911r4f• VESTINGS OF ENTIRE NEW STYLES FRENCH PATTERNS. OF BLACW, BLtE, INVISIBLE GREEN, GOLD EN MIXED AND OLIVE, FOR SACK AND FROCK COATS. ==l WAR. vIT l MEXICO DECLARED: MONONGA lIF.LA CLOTHING STORE. S. MORRISON, Vestings of Entire new styles, FRENCH PATTERNS, Also. • fine lot of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSINIERES of every shade, eolar, •nd pat n, esnanot foil to please the various tastes of his New Styles of Bearer and Tweed Cloths of Black, Blue, Inviriblc Green, Golden Mixed and Olive, for Sack and Frock Coats. Toretlier with Blot of superior MAKIBInCO AND BLUE BLANKET COATING, I'ilot and other goods suitable for Over Coats. These goads will be meld ready made, or will he made to order in a ritserior style as low as ran be bought in this city. He has also the thus' v at icty for Gentlemen's wear, such as SHIRTS. STOCKS, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS SCARFS, BOSOMS, COLLERS, &C. The attention of persons wanting their garments well made. ar.d in superior sole. and of the best ma let Ws, is invited to his fine stock of Frcnch Cloths, Caasznwres and Vestings, which he has selected with the utmost core for thin particular btancti of business. He oill take pleasure in showing these goods to any one who will favor him with a call, feeling confident that the great variety of his stock and the style in which they are made, can not be surpassed in this city. S. MORRISON, Liberty st.. Oct 2-6 m between Market st. and Virgin alley. Thompson's Carminative, For the cure of Cholic Cholera Morhus, Summer Complaint. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, 4.c. CERTIFICATES of persons who have used the Carminative, are coming in thick and fast.. The original documents may be seen at the Agency, as well as the best of City References given. HEAD THE FOLLOWING: lOWA, T., FORT M•mson. Aug 3, 1845 WM. JACKSON, Wholesale & Retail Agent, cor. of Wood& Liberty its., Pittsburgh N. B. All orders addressed as above, post paid. Autl6.lf OR. A. J. THOMPSON'S Prepared by the preprint:le, • A. J. TROSOSON, M. D., '6VAI:LIrA~ ` , NU~~;A :WARMOUSE REMOVED. THE subecribera have the pleasure of informing Lbeic friends aid-the pubk-,genprz4 dosil.heY Moe remdved Their piper storeto ".` ' No. 87 - Wood Street, above Fourth, . nearly oppesite the titand they octupied before the fire, where they huve on hand and ate opening a complete andertmeta.reent of PAPER HANGINGS. BORDERS. TIRE BOARD PRINTS. the greater part or which lion been manufactured nod imported AlOOO the fire, and which contains a loge number of pat terms that are altogether new and suit aLde fur every description of entries and rooms. They also keep on hands stack of Printing.. writing and Wrapping Poper from the Clinton Mill. Steu benville, U., to w hal, along with their other goods, they would respectfully call the all ent ion of purchasers, " ms s Rugs and Tanners scrap, pr.rcbaned in exchange. HOLDSNIP & BROWN. 87 Wood street. F I F s r.fj__slllt ET i t FURNITURE WARE. ROOMS. 11 RYAN, HAVING cornplvted machinery for the MAN. lA:At:TUBE OF CABINET FURNITURE, is now ptviutirti to offer ro ihe public till article* in his line, at 1101.,:11•• or retail, very low for C•sa; be warrants y ntricle made, at hia ebtabli.lotnent to give suti.faction. as noire but the beet workmen are ( - Ur(' taken in the selection of Truing and San ing done in the beet manner Alm, nn tl , ,, , rid.`llt of t arced mate, ioi Loot o hand, such a. Wogon Hubs. House Cohunna Newer, and With-loom [t ench Srewn. Red Shovel and Fmk Table Lev. &c. Handles. The sni”ctitter ha. in addition to his large FAtal, li4iirneet, nine lirtrit. hou.es, with shafts running throu,Th them. aim+ he viii Rent for Shop:, with Steam Power vstrsetent In propel such machinery an may be put jinn them, at much tower rates than steam power cnn be produced item smelt engines. Itummef.inn riven as any time. ane2C-